#Ninja academy Rock Lee
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animanga-bonanza · 8 months
sakura vs the sound ninja
Sakura Haruno is one of my favorite characters from the Naruto series, and like many Sakura fans, I have my criticisms of how she is written. However, I also recognize that much of the hate directed at her is based on misunderstandings/misrepresentations of the canon text.
In this post I will re-examine a moment from the Chunin Exams arc in Naruto: The Dosu squad vs Team 7 (and allies). Many claim that Sakura was outshone in this battle by Rock Lee and Team 10 and looked pathetic in comparison to the other Leaf genin. However, upon closer inspection, an interesting fact emerges: Sakura inflicted more damage upon the Dosu squad than Rock Lee and Team 10 combined. She was the first to draw blood from the enemy, and she did it by using basic Academy-level ninjutsu and a simple yet effective strategy. Narrative-wise, this was a big moment for Sakura, and the details back it up.
Before the Battle
Sakura is quick-witted, and early in the Land of Waves arc, she was more quick-witted than Naruto. This is demonstrated here: when the Demon Brothers attacked Tazuna, both Sakura and Sasuke jumped into action while Naruto froze in fear.
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Another example of Sakura’s quick thinking in this arc is when, in the next chapter, Zabuza appears. He throws his sword in an arc, making it spin like a helicopter blade, and the Leaf shinobi and Tazuna must get down on the ground to avoid getting decapitated. You can clearly see that Sakura had to push Naruto down (in the background, Sasuke pushes Tazuna out of the way). Sakura literally saved Naruto’s life in this moment.
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Later, during the Chunin Exams arc, Sakura’s quick thinking once again saves Naruto’s life. After Orochimaru knocks Naruto unconscious, he starts falling from a height that would have killed or at least seriously injured him. Sakura somehow pins Naruto to a nearby tree trunk by throwing a kunai with perfect precision and force.
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These are small moments, but they demonstrate that Sakura has real talent as a shinobi and has protected her teammates in the past. However, like Naruto and Sasuke, she had to reach her limits to surpass them. Naruto is the first on their team to learn the meaning of courage, during the Land of Waves arc. Then, in his fight against Orochimaru in the Forest of Death, Sasuke must overcome his fear of death, which had literally paralyzed him. Finally, it was Sakura’s turn to discover her inner strength and resolve to fight even in a hopeless situation.
Another thing I’d like people to recognize is that Sakura is not the only member of Team 7 to be outmatched by the enemies they had to face. Remember, Team 7 wasn’t supposed to be on that mission in the Land of Waves arc, it was above their pay grade and their skill level. Although Naruto and Sasuke got the spotlight, they were still no real match against Haku – they only survived that battle because Haku was too compassionate to kill them (although it's likely that the Kyuubi would have saved Naruto from a lethal attack). Plus, Sasuke’s Sharingan was a great aid to him, and Naruto could only break out of the Crystal Ice Mirrors jutsu with the power of the Kyuubi. Sakura, who lacks a kekkei genkai and a tailed beast, was an ordinary genin, so it makes sense that she couldn’t do that much.
That said, I think there could have been a way for Sakura to contribute more during that arc, but that’s a topic for another time.
Furthermore, during the Forest of Death, both Sasuke and Naruto got taken out by Orochimaru, because Orochimaru is a literal Sannin. And then, there’s the Sound Ninja…
The Sound Ninja
The Dosu Squad is strong, let’s be clear about that. And they were not normal participants in the exams. They were assassins targeting Sasuke. Once again, Sakura is put in a situation that she had no reasonable way to expect or prepare for. But she still rose to the occasion, despite being completely exhausted due to a whole night of no sleep and no food or water.
First, let’s compare her to Rock Lee. Now, I love Rock Lee, and in fairness to him, it’s stated by Tenten that if he hadn’t been distracted by protecting Sakura, he could have beaten the Dosu Squad. However, it’s also a fact that despite using advanced taijutsu moves – which Dosu acknowledged were quite lethal – Lee couldn’t really injure the Sound Ninja. Instead, they were able to block or neutralize all his attacks, then knocked him out flat.
Here, Lee makes a dynamic entrance, landing a hit on all three members of the Dosu Squad, but you can see that all they got was some bruises:
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Then he uses the Primary Lotus against Dosu, but thanks to Zaku, Dosu takes little to no damage:
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So, despite Lee’s best efforts and the fact that he was using specialized taijutsu, the Dosu Squad emerged from that fight relatively unscathed.
Now, Lee was outnumbered. Surely a three-on-three battle would have been more even, right? Well, that didn’t work out for Team 10.
Choji couldn’t hit Zaku, who was able to just jump out of harm’s way. Shikamaru could only temporarily paralyze Dosu. And although Ino possessed Kin’s body, it was Zaku who made Kin bleed when he attacked her.
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So, neither Rock Lee nor Team 10 could really injure any of the Dosu Squad. But Sakura? She stabbed Zaku. She made him bleed. And she targeted his arms because she was smart enough to realize that they were his most dangerous weapons. Again, just by using basic ninjutsu and simple tactics, Sakura inflicted more damage on Zaku than Rock Lee and Team 10 combined.
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Character Growth
People often mock Sakura for cutting her hair as if it was no big deal. But the reality is that it was a big deal, hence why the manga emphasizes it so much. Sakura’s vanity was literally holding her back, as represented when Kin grabbed her hair to immobilize her. Kin even openly states that vanity is Sakura’s weakness, she cares too much about her looks and doesn’t push herself hard enough. Then, as Sakura takes a beating from Zaku, Ino remembers how Sakura used to be so insecure in her appearance and put effort into making herself prettier. Sakura allowing her face to be battered shows that she no longer cares about her looks. Literally, Zaku strikes Sakura in her forehead, which was the part of her that she was most insecure about.
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Later, Ino even states that they all would have been dead if it weren’t for both Sakura and Sasuke.
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Sakura’s actions in the Forest of Death should not be downplayed. Although her skill set was not as impressive as that of her teammates or the rest of her peers, her intelligence and resolve showed that she could stand her ground even against formidable opponents like the Dosu Squad. Indeed, I think that Sakura’s peers during this encounter are held back by their specialized skills, relying on their special abilities instead of creative tactics. This battle demonstrates that it’s not the tool that determines the outcome, but the ninja that uses it.
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chrimson-oc-central · 6 months
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Name - Kaori Yumeno
Birthdate - December 21
Age - 13-14 Years (Part 1), 17-18 Years (Shippuden), 20-21 Years (The Last), 21-27 Years (Blank Period), 33-34 Years (Boruto)
Birthplace - Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)
Pronouns - She/Her
Nationality - Hinokoku (Land of Fire)
Hair Color - Pinkish Wine Red
Eye Color - Pink
Height - 4'10" (~147.32 cm)
Best Traits - Determined, Clever, Hardworking, Caring.
Worst Traits - Hot-Headed, Rude, Bottles up thoughts.
Mannerisms - Left-Handed, Crosses arms often.
What they hate the most - Failure, Snobby people.
What's most important to her - Her friends, becoming the best genjutsu user in the world.
Secrets - Cries often. She is constantly questioning herself and feels like a failure. Bottles up these feelings, and sometimes her emotions explode and she takes it out on the people and things around her.
Do they get along with or avoid other people - Avoids, even though she craves friends and attention. Will never admit this, but will always appreciate being included.
Parents/Guardians - None (She might get a parent later but I haven't decided yet)
Siblings - None
Significant Other - Rock Lee (Boyfriend in The Last, Husband in Blank Period and onward)
Children - Metal Lee (Son), Jewel Lee (Daughter)
Pets/Animal Companions/Summons - Unnamed Snake Summon (They're a work in progress lmao sorry)
Teacher(s)/Sensei(s) - Suzume (academy sensei [kunoichi instructor]), Iruka Umino (academy sensei), Anko Mitarashi (Genin sensei)
Friends - Tenten, Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuga, Akua Koizumi, Chihiro Osaka
Best Friend(s) - Tenten, Akua Koizumi, Chihiro Osaka
Enemies - Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru, Madara Uchiha, Kabuto Yakushi
Acquaintances - Kiba Inuzuka, Akamaru, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Sai Yamanaka, Hanabi Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga
Occupation - Leaf Shinobi (Ninja, Kunoichi)
Rank - Genin (Part 1), Chunin (Shippuden), Jonin (The Last, Blank Period)
Chakra Nature - Wind
Kekkei Genkai - None
Affiliations - Hinokoku (Land of Fire), Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves), Allied Shinobi Forces (5th Division), Team Anko
Other Names/Nicknames/Aliases - Kaori Lee, Kaori Yumeno-Lee
Blood Type - AB-
Favorite Food - Ice Cream
Least Favorite Food - Unagi
Hobbies - Flower arranging, rock collecting
Brief Description:
Kaori has reddish-pink hair and pink eyes.
Her academy grades were nothing to look at, with Lee being the only one who scored worse than her during their graduation exam. She has very low stamina, and has little strength. She tries to push herself though, which causes her to pass out often. What she lacks in physical strength, though, she more than makes up in her ability to use Genjutsu. Poisons and Senbon are also incorporated in her abilities, to make her jutsu that more deadly.
Kaori is short-tempered, but it mainly stems from a lack of self esteem in herself. Hates talking about it, so if she's opening up to you, you're special no doubt about it. Really admires Rock Lee and his constant determination and positive outlook on life. Strives to also be like that, but it's hard to change her ways. Will mellow out a bit as she gets older.
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madara-fate · 10 months
The civillians treatment toward naruto who's jinchurikki, uchiha people, sakumo hatake, rock lee who doesn't master ninjutsu or genjutsu anyone who don't benefit the village is consider outcast
I can understand Naruto's and Sakumo's example, but the Uchiha were not mistreated by the civilians (at least not generally and overtly speaking as was the case with Naruto), and neither was Rock Lee.
Regarding the Uchiha, Tenma expressed his resentment for them due to their supposed involvement with the Nine Tails attack, and claimed that many of the adults believed the same thing, but the clan didn't experience this kind of treatment or behaviour from the general population. There were rumours spread, but no actual general civilian mistreatment.
Regarding Rock Lee, he experienced teasing and bullying from his peers during his time in the academy due to his inability to use ninjutsu and genjutsu, but this doesn't equate to general mistreatment from the civilians.
Lastly, to say that anyone who didn't benefit the village was considered an outcast isn't really true either, especially when considering how the term "benefit" has a wide range of examples that are not limited to the ninja lifestyle.
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sugutoad · 2 years
Naruto Oc Template
Japenese Voice:
Eng. Voice:
Personal Status
Sexual Orientation:
Blood Type:
Home Village:
Current Village:
Team Members: 
Kekkei Genkai:
Chakra Type:
Favourite Food:
Favourite Places to Eat:
Least Favourite Food:
Favourite Drink:
Least Favourite Drink:
Favourite Colour: (can include different shades of blue, red etc)
Least Favourite Colour: (can include different shades of blue, red etc)
Favourite Scent: 
Favourite Sound: 
Favourite Sight: 
Favourite Subjuct:
Favourite Time of Year: 
Favourite Time of Day: 
Favourite Animal:
Favourite Song: 
Favorite Movie / Film Franchise:
Love Interest :
Clan Abilities:
Clan History:
Clan Village :
Clan leader(s):
Clan Colours:
Clan Looks: 
Financial Status:
Power Structure:
Physical strength and Chakra:
Nature Transformation:
Medical Jutsu:
Part 1:
Land of Waves:
Chunin Exam:
Konoha Crushed:
Search of Tsunade:
Sasuke Recovery:
Save The Hot Spring's Water Mission:
Academy Student Lead Mission:
Land Of Rice Fields Investigation Mission :
Mizuki Tracking Mission :
Bikochu Search Mission :
Kurosuki Family Removal Mission :
Gosunkugi Capture Mission :
Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission :
Kaima Capture Mission :
Buried Gold Excavation Mission :
Star Guard Mission :
Peddlers Escort Mission :
Third Great Beast Arc :
Konoha Plans Recapture Mission:
Yakumo Kurama Rescue Mission :
Gantetsu Escort Mission :
Menma Memory Search Mission :
Sunagakure Support Mission:
In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths:
Part 2:
Tenchi Bridge:
Twelve Guardian Ninja: 
Akatsuki Suppression Mission:
Three Tails Appearance: 
Itachi Pursuit Arc:
Tales of Jiraiya:
Fated Battles Against Brothers:
Six - Tails Unleashed:
Pain's Assault:
The Locus of Konoha:
Five Kage Summit:
Genjutsu on the past : Twisted World:
Paradise life on a boat:
Fourth Shinobi War: Countdown
Fourth Shinobi War: Confrontation 
Fourth Shinobi War: Climax
Birth of the ten-tails:
Jiraiya Shinobi Handbook: The Tale Of Naruto The Hero: 
Kaguya Strikes:
Blank Era
Kakashi Hiden:
Sasuke Shiden:
Shikamaru Hiden:
The Last:
Perfect Day for a Wedding :
Sakura Hiden:
The Day Naruto Becomes Kage:
Academy Interest:
The Lost Ring:
Sarada Uchiha :
Parent and Child day:
School Trip:
Graduation Exam:
Genin Mission:
Byakuya Gang:
Beyond the Edges:
Verses Momoshiki:
Chocho arc:
Mitsuki disappearance: 
Konohomaru’s Love:
Time Slip Arc:
The Teacher’s star pupil:
Kara actuation:
Ao Arc:
Kawaki Arc:
Code Arc:
The Unheard voices of truth:
Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow :
Legend Of The Stone Of Gelel :
Guardians Of The Crescent Moon Kingdom:
Naruto Shippuden the Movie :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Will of Fire :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Bonds :
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: The Lost Tower :
Naruto the Movie: Blood Prison :
Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie :
Boruto: Naruto the Movie :
Naruto Uzamaki:
Sasuke Uchiha:
Sakura Haruno:
Kakashi Hatake:
Ino Yamanaka :
Shikamaru Nara:
Choji Akimichi:
Asuma Sarutobi:
Hinata Hyuga:
Kiba Inuzuka:
Shino Aburame:
Kurenai Yuhi:
Rock lee:
Neji Hyuga:
Might Gai:
Teammate 1:
Teammate 2:
Parent 1:
Parent 2:
Sibling ( delete if none ):
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silentwolfkills · 4 months
Naruto Timeline and Birthdays: Part 4:
Year 71:
(Land of Fire)
Himawari Uzumaki 1st of Aug,
Note: Himawari is 2 years younger than Boruto.
Himawari said to be 3 in Naruto Last Epilogue in Sketch.
Year 72:
Year 73:
Year 74:
Note: Naruto Last Epilogue Sketch says Boruto is 5 and Himawari is 3.
Year 75: (Naruto becomes Hokage)
Note: Zai-No-Sho: The Day Naruto Became Hokage One Shot Manga, Naruto becomes Hokage at 26 turning 27 that year Himawari is 4 and Boruto is 6. Himawari at 4 actives Byakugan.
Kakashi at 40 turning 41 retires from being Hokage.
The Day Naruto becomes the Hokage and Kakashi retires from being Hokage.
Boruto is 122 cm and Himawari is 102 cm and in the last Epilogue, Boruto was 110 cm at 5 and Himawari was 93 cm at 3.
So Boruto is probably 6-7 and Himawari 4-5, Boruto's birthday in March and Himawari's birthday in Aug, 2 years age difference, Naruto had Boruto at 20 turning 21 that year and had Himawari at 22 turning 23 that year.
Year 76:
Note: Iwabee states the 4th Ninja war was 10 years ago in Boruto Novel 1 which could be 11 years ago since they started academy in April like real Japan schools and would be 11 years in October. So Boruto would be 7 and Naruto's Hokage when Boruto starts Academy.
Year 77:
Year 78:
Year 79:
Year 80:
Note: Shino Aburame is now a teacher at the Academy, who is disrespected by his students, particularly Boruto Uzumaki. Hinata is accompanied by her daughter, Himawari, while visiting Neji's grave, Rock Lee is training his son while Tenten is maintaining her own weapons shop, in Chapter 700.
Year 81:
Note: Boruto Chapter 1 - 10 and Boruto: Naruto the Movie: Boruto Ep 53 - 66, Chunin Exams.
Note: Boruto Takes Chunin Exam's at 12 in August and Momoshiki attacks and Implants Karma on him.
Note: Naruto: Shinden: Parent and Child Day Prologue, Chapter 1-4, Epilogue.
Note: Sasuke Shinden: Teacher's star Pupil
Prologue, Chapter 1-5, Epilogue.
Note: Shikamaru Shinden: A Cloud Dancing in Forlorn Falling Petals Chapter 1-4.
Note: Boruto Chapter 11-15, Majina Gang.
Note: Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy Prologue, Chapter 1-5, Epilogue.
Note: Sasuke Retsuden: The Uchiha Descendants and the Heavenly Stardust Chapter 1-10.
Note: Naruto Retsuden: Naruto Uzumaki and the Spiral Destiny Prologue, Chapter 1-5, Epilogue.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 1: Shinobi Society, in Boruto Chapter 32.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 2: Shinobi and Their Missions, Boruto Chapter 33.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 3: Shinobi and How They are Organised, in Boruto Chapter 34.
Note: The Complexification of Organisational Structure, in Boruto Chapter 35.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 4: Shinobi and Their Bureaucratic Institution, in Boruto Chapter 35.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 5: Daimyo and Shinobi, in Boruto Chapter 36.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 6: Shinobi and Crime, in Boruto Chapter 37.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 7: Science, in Boruto Chapter 38.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 8: Science and Ninja Tools, 1. Capacitor Types, 2. Bionic Types, 3. Amplified Types, in Boruto Chapter 40.
Note: Shinobi Hiden Column 8: Science and Ninja Tools, 4. Advanced Technology Types, in Boruto Chapter 42.
Note: Kara Secret Manoeuvrings, in Boruto Chapter 42.
Year 82: (Shikamaru becomes Hokage)
Note: Boruto Chapter 16 - 28, Ao Arc, Kawaki Arc.
Note: Kawaki’s Dark Side in Boruto Chapter 29.
Note: Boruto Chapter 29 - 67, Kawaki Arc, Code Arc.
Note: Boruto Chapter 47 Boru-Fans No. 5 Rule of Otsusuki and Karma says Momoshiki attack the Chunin Exam Tournament Several Months ago and Implanted Boruto with Karma.
Note: Boruto Chapter 68-80, Omnipotence Arc.
Boruto said to be 12 in Chapter 80.
Note: Chapter 47 states No. 5 Rule of Otsusuki and Karma says Momoshiki attack the chunin exam tournament serveral months ago and implanted Boruto with Karma.
Chapter 80 states Boruto is still 12.
Which means he's 12 turning 13 that year Chunin exams and Momoshiki attack was in August, several months can mean 5 to 7 or 8 months, which Boruto is still 12 so it would be Jan-Feb time meaning it's been 5-6 months.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Koji has a Flashback of Nearly dying to Isshiki and because of that a Ability Called Prescience emerged which he got from Shibai Cells, the Ability allows him to see all Possible Future’s.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Koji has a Flashback using Prescience and seeing Glimpses of the Future, he saw Kawaki trick Isshiki and Isshiki dying, he saw Code Split the 10 Tails with his Claw Marks Creating the Claw Grime’s, and he Saw Eida with Kawaki and used Omnipotence, and Switched Position’s.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Koji has a Flashback using Prescience and seeing a Possible Future of Isshiki had killed Naruto the 7th Hokage and Resurrected in Kawaki’s body and Planted a Divine Tree, The Planet would’ve Perished, but they have escaped this possible future.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Koji has a Flashback using Prescience and seeing a Possible Future of When Kawaki made Naruto the 7th Hokage and his Wife Hinata disappear and when him and Boruto Quarrelled, Kawaki managed to kill Boruto and Sarada, him and Kawaki would had never switch Positions and Kawaki would go on to lose a to a tremendously Strong Code and be devoured by 10 Tails and then a Divine Tree would Destroy the Planet.
Note: Shikamaru became's Hokage at 33 turning 34 that year.
Year 83:
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 1, Code States he's been looking for Boruto and been chasing after him for almost 2 years now and he's tired.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 5, Sasuke states to Boruto that this past year he suppose he's taught him almost all the moves and methods he knows, then they encounter Code, Sasuke gives Code the scar on his left eye and tells Boruto to run and fights off the Claw Grimes and Code and Boruto returns finding Sasuke turned into a tree and takes his Sword since his broke.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Flashback of Boruto being chased by Sand Shinobi and Touche’s koji Toad to Escape and it gets Summoned to Koji, in Orochiamru’s abandoned Base, Near Land of Wind, and Koji Verifies that Boruto was born as Boruto Uzuamki and not Boruto Isshiki’s Vessel who Fled Kara, and says he Knew the Possibility of Boruto and Kawaki, Switching Position’s ahead of time due to His Ability Prescience, which he awakened Nearly dying to Isshiki, he explains he got it from Shiabi Cells just like How the other Kara Members who were given enhanced Modification’s by Amado Received transplants of Shibai Cells, like Code can make Claw Marks, Deamon can Reflect all Attack’s, and Eida has Her Godlike Abilities but Neither Boro, Delta Nor him, Demonstrated any Shinjutsu, but when he was Cornered by Isshiki, Upon facing almost Certain Death, he Awakened Prescience a Shinjutsu Ability.
Koji says the Biggest advantage of this Shinjutsu Ability is it’s Intel, for example Boruto’s Life on the Run, Could Prevent him from ending up Cornered like earlier, and he could teach Present him, Move’s and Jutsu Future Him has Mastered, and would Accelerate Learning and Optimise Training, he can do this Because there’s no Timeline Paradox, Since he’s only Replaying what he saw, and it’s totally Standard Procedure for Prescience, and also tell Boruto how to Rescue Sasuke from his Tree, and Tells Boruto about the very Worst Future that’s Possible Right now, 10 Tails will Break Free of Code’s Control, and Evolve in a New Way, and they will show up before them as Multiple Divine Tree People, Who possess individual Minds, and to prevent it is low, in all Future’s he sees them, and the Leader Jura is the Most Dangerous, he is going to kill Boruto, it’s not absolute but many Future’s show it happening, then what follow’s is similar Kawaki gets devoured and Their Planet dies, they can’t let this happen and their are infinite Possible future’s and through him Learning about this now, there Future has already started to Change One tick at a Time.
Year 84:
Year 85: (Boruto Time Skip)
(Kara Dimension)
Note: Jura is a Piece of 10 Tails that was Split by Code and he Evolved in a New way and Became Jura in Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 4.
Note: Hidari is a Piece of 10 Tails that was Split by Code and he Evolved in a New way and Became Hiadri and is a Clone of Sasuke, in Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 4.
Note: Matsuri is a Piece of 10 Tails that was Split by Code and he Evolved in a New way and Became Matsuri and is a Clone of Moegi, in Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 4.
Note: Mamushi is a Piece of 10 Tails that was Split by Code and he Evolved in a New way and Became Mamushi and is a Clone of Bug, in Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 4.
Note: Ryu is a Piece of 10 Tails that was Split by Code and he Evolved in a New way and Became Ryu and is a Clone of Shinki, in Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 14.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 1 - 14.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Flashback of Koji saying he Saw a future using Prescience and saw the Worst Future were 10 tails Breaks Free of Code’s Control and Evolve’s in a New Way and they show up as Divine Tree People, who Possess Individual Minds, and that the likely hood they succeed in preventing it is low, Nearly all Future’s he see, there are Divine Tree People, and the Leader Jura is the most Dangerous he kills Boruto, it’s not absolute but many Future’s show it happening and what follows is Kawaki gets Devoured, and their Planet Dies.
Note: Boruto Two Blue Vortex Chapter 13, Koji has a Flashback using Prescience and seeing a Possible Future of the 5 Shinju Jura, Hidari, Matsuri, Mamushi and Ryu.
Note: Flashforward of Boruto vs Kawaki in Boruto
Chapter 1.
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paraderain · 1 year
Naruto Mixed Teams AU
So the teams in Naruto are broke as fuck and seem to have no reasoning outside of Asuma with InoShikaCho which they partially threw away in Boruto anyways so… I’m changing the teams and lots of other stuff but most notably is probably the teams.
In this AU Iruka as there home room or main instructor in the academy chooses team composition and their team leaders. Iruka is given a dossier of the available team leaders and chooses the teams each one will have.
First is Team 7: Sasuke Uchiha, Neji Hyuga, Shino Aburame, and Kakashi Hatake as sensei. I think Iruka’s reasoning here is grouping all the prodigies together to challenge each other and to try and survive Kakashi’s no pass rate (and his shitty teaching, sorry not sorry). Shino is counted as a prodigy because he’s never lost a fight and I refuse to believe that kinda skill wasn’t noticed.
Next is Team 8: Ino Yamanaka, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga, and Kurenai Yuhi as sensei. These guys are not as well balanced but I couldn’t take Hinata from Kurenai. The reasoning here is that Ino and Hinata need the companionship and Kiba needs to learn some tact and a bit more empathy. Ino needs a non competitive gal pal again to chill out and learn teamwork. Hinata needs the confidence from both teamates and her sensei to rub off on her. Ino’s temper and Hinata’s soft spoken personality will force Kiba to learn some tact and respect in trial by fire basically.
*I know none of the kids can get much from a genjutsu specialist except Sasuke or Sakura but it was the same in the show. Also I wanted to keep all the sensei with their favorite students and I had plans for Sakura.
Next we have Team 10: Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Tenten, and Asuma Sarutobi as their sensei. I think Shikamaru and Naruto work well to counter each other well. Levelheadedness and well thought out plans are all well and good but sometimes energy and spontaneity is what a situation needs. Also Naruto and Tenten can account for the human element of planning since Shika is a logic boy. Plus (although we see very little of her) Tenten seems like a good middle ground, excitable but mission focused. Plus Shika and Tenten seemed not to have their minds made up and predujiced against Naruto like some of their classmates so it’d make sense for Iruka to take that into account when deciding team dynamics. Also Asuma uses chakra infused weapons which could aid Tenten and help teach Naruto better control.
Lastly we have Team Guy: Choji Akimichi, Rock Lee, Sakura Haruno, and Might Guy as sensei. I think Iruka would see the spirit displayed when not pandering to her crush on Sasuke and throw her to Guy right away. She has the same energy without the “youth” obsession. And throw Choji in with those 3 to try and motivate him a bit more too and also give him some hype men. Guy and Lee would never call him fatso and might even indulge in eating competition with him after training since they see the “spirit of youth” in everything. Also all the guys, after getting to know each other, would definitely call Sakura out on her less than stellar motivations to be a ninja and her attitude towards Naruto and to a lesser degree everyone not Sasuke.
In this AU the original Team Guy members are still all a year older than the others but were in the academy at the same time. Lee and Tenten took the extra year to train ‘cause of there limited skill set and Neji wasn’t allowed to attend ahead of Hinata.
Also in this Naruto still has the moniker of “Knucklehead Ninja” but he’s not an idiot. It never made sense that Naruto as much as he said he wanted respect and acknowledgment couldn’t do anything at the beginning from what we could see. So my thoughts are he already learn Shadow clone and some other probably a bit common big chakra ninjutsu but things that require finer control are hard cause of just how much chakra he has to deal with. I think in this AU the moniker was mostly unjustly assigned due to prejudice and quick judgements.
Also he and Sasuke have a silent respect for each other already. I think right after the massacre Sasuke would be tired of the pitying looks or even praise over his genius so he wanders looking for a place to be alone and finds Naruto. From then on they have companionable silence together every now and then. Naruto just glad someone’s willing to be around him and Sasuke likes that at least one person just doesn’t care to worship him or walk on egg shells. Also Naruto doesn’t like Sakura here. He’s just not in a good enough headspace yet for romance when platonic love isn’t even in view yet. Sakura still likes Sasuke but mostly cause that was most of her character before so I’m using that crush for character growth on her end.
Lastly, episodes 1 and 2 basically don’t happen. I always thought 1 was like an original pilot pitch that never got adjusted in terms of how it actually fit in the show and 2 just seemed fully unnecessary. Basically everything before the Chunin Exam is getting gone or condensed and lots of training and team bonding is getting added since the exam supposedly starts 6 months from the beginning of the show.
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shunshinstan · 2 years
1. Rock Lee is officially adopted by Gai while he’s still in the Academy. 2. Lee cannot get the special graduation recommendation from his father, fails a year at the Academy, or since Gai cannot take him into his genin team (again, parent cannot be a jounin-sensei), he stays in the Academy for another year. 3. Kakashi is of course Gai’s eternal rival and boyfriend, so he’s known Lee for years, but isn’t his legal guardian. Therefore, Kakashi can give the special recommendation to Lee and take him into his genin team. This can’t be done the previous year, since Kakashi is essentially “booked” for Sasuke and Naruto’s team.
A. Sakura skips a grade at the Academy (she’s top kunoichi when it comes to grades, c’mon!). B. Sakura is assigned to team Gai. C. Thanks to Gai’s influence, Sakura has her hair-cutting moment waaay earlier. Soon after, she ditches her pretty dresses (so impractical, so civillian, so non-ninja) for. The most practical, best ever, clothing option - the green jumpsuit.
Lee and Sakura grow up together ever since she became Gai’s student - they are, of course, eternal rivals. 
Team Gai knows of these shenanigans, but the rest of team 7 does NOT.
Cue Sakura and Lee meeting in front of both of their teams for once before the chuunin exams. They proceed to either beat the shit out of each other, or their rival’s prodigy teammate (Lee vs Neji; Sakura vs Sasuke). This is normal for Neji and Tenten. Sasuke is baffled. Naruto thinks he might have died.
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sabaku-no-rozu · 2 years
TLDR timeline for Rozu
Age 6: dad dies, mom turns into an obsessive shut in and drags Rozu down with her
Age 11: Rozu leaves a long note and runs away, runs into Gaara while he's unguarded, keeps going and makes it to konoha
Age 12: starts ninja academy, is weaker than peers. befriends naruto and rock lee who help her train and come out of her shell
Age 13: participates in chunin exams, runs into gaara while hes unguarded, recognizes him but moves on anyway. runs into him again after horrifying Lee fight but dominates him in a staring contest
Ages 14-16: tsunade sends Rozu to Amegakure to train and learn more about her kekkei genkai, and also gives her a free pass to travel between suna and konoha because Dad Was A Powerful Ninja (also tsunade knows more than she lets on)
Age 17: Rozu trains her ass off and learns how to be a lightning god for 5 seconds then decides to go back home to Suna to show off. bumps into team Gai on the way and finds out the kazekages been kidnapped.
offers to help but neji tells her to fuck off to suna where she pulls her Strong Dad privilege card and becomes Gaara's personal bodyguard. old friends finally meet up after Gaara literally dies on the cross then comes back three days later like some kind of desert jesus and catch up like nothing happened
time skip to gaara's panty dropper speech, rozu fucks off to fight her dead dad who teaches her a Cool Trick then gives her the secret password to release the Mommy Issues no Jutsu Rozu's been trapped in her entire life, crying happens
cut to the Big Madara Fight. Fourth Div gets their asses handed to them by a silver space plate. Rozu uses her Avatar No Jutsu to try and Save the Day but she gets smacked down like john cena on fight night
Oh No Here Comes Ten Tails but Rozu isnt fighting that thing she's helping everyone else because im too lazy to write that part
Big Mommy Moon comes out of Madara's ass and puts everyone down for a nice nap. Rozu dreams about having a normal family and graduating college like she thought she would in the 90s
Naruto is a Big Hero and saves everyone by waking them up with a proverbial air horn, everyone's grateful that the war is over and they go party/mourn their dead friends/watch kakashi get promoted to Hokage Temp
Skip to blank period
Rozu releases Reina from Mommy Issues no Jutsu and they make up
Rozu is fully commenced as Gaara's 24/7 personal waifu body guard
Gaara and Rozu are now an Idiots to Lovers trope and everyone around them knows it except them
Oop, Gaara's surprise engagement! except its an assassination attempt! (what a twist) rozu knew the whole time duh she wasnt jealous what are you talking about
Kankuro calls Gaara an idiot to his face
Shijima calls Rozu an idiot to her face
Temari explains Being Whipped to Gaara post-breakup
something happens to Rozu and Gaara in the middle and they finally kiss or whatever
fast forward to a Big Happy Family with a Gremlin Child and A Stoic Boy
thats it thats the timeline
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kyriolex · 2 years
Wanna know something I just found interesting yet also odd?
Sasuke was a heartthrob in the Ninja Academy and EVERY SINGLE GIRL (except Hinata) commented on his attractiveness
And Sakura had Naruto, Rock Lee, a Random Love Letter Ninja and eventually Sasuke falling for her
By that logic, you'd expect Sarada to be extremely popular among boys right?
So how come no one seems to have a crush on her? 🤔
In fact I don't recall anyone in universe commenting on Sarada's appearance despite the fact that the Manga even went out of it's way to put her in a more revealing outfit. It's strange
It feels like the next generation in general is a lot less girl- and boy-crazy than the last. If Boruto's generation was as flooded with hormones as their parents' generation had been, I'm pretty sure Sarada would be fighting off admirers with a stick.
Plus, almost everyone in her close social circle has romantic inclinations that exclude Sarada by default:
Chocho is heterosexual
Mitsuki is Boruto-sexual
Kawaki thinks a crush is a kind of special attack move
Boruto is the protagonist and thus contractually obligated not to return anyone’s feelings until the end of the story
Eida is only attracted to people who are part alien
Metal is still mourning his goth waifu from the last Land of Waves arc
See what I mean?
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rengokugutspill · 3 months
First; Rengoku's sweet potato taisho era secret was actually already featured in a TV special for the spider kids arc. I thought if they were going to include Rengoku on the hashira taisho era secrets this season they would use his taisho era secret about wanting a pet growing up ?? But I guess they couldn't animate that ? Even if it were just seen as a memory ?? Second; idk if I got a weird translation but my version seemed to imply Rengoku wasn't really dead though obviously we know in series continuity he is, I been speculating for a while now that when Demon Slayer closes its likely another series with the characters will be picked up. My theory is either an anime adaptation of Kimetsu Academy or Demon Slayer hashira prequel. I've been more leaning towards Kimetsu Academy, & I was kind of spurred into thinking that due to the Naruto Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals spin off having a similar aura. But for a while I was thinking the prequel had good odds because I felt like people were interested in seeing pre Tanjiro era hashira interactions, like Short arcs based around the different hashira or hashira pairs. Especially because Rengoku & Tomioka have backstory comics that aren't featured in the original series. Then Shinazugawa & Shinobu received backstories in the light novels. I was also thinking about how interesting it would be to see Kanae before she died & Mitsuri as Rengoku's tsuguko. Though I thought such an idea couldn't really come into fruition until after Kimetsu Academy runs as an anime for a couple years. I was more curious after the digital board game released, there was a ton of care put into character's personal interactions, which I felt plants a seed for people to start wanting to see the hashira interact more, & I did notice after release more people did start to show interest & beg for a hashira prequel series. I felt Ufotable was capable considering the first episode of Mugen Train was entirely written by Ufotable. But then you can correct me if I'm wrong, I thought the whole Hashira Training opening with Obanai & Shinazugawa was not in the comic & was again entirely written by Ufotable ? I felt like this could be an example of testing the waters to write an animation only material for Demon Slayer that does show hashira interactions. Coinciding with this, I guess Aniplex is actually doing something similar with Mascots at Aeon Mall, though admittedly, I'm not following that too closely. What I mean to say is, I think it's even more likely a hashira prequel series would get made. I was even more curious that Mugen Train ended up being the highest grossing movie of all time, Rengoku's merchandise is the most coveted out of all the characters in the entire series. Despite dying early, he's made it into every single light novel & he's got a feature in roughly every five chapters of Kimetsu Academy, which results in him being featured in every book release. I speculated, though I haven't seen any statistics to say one way or another, that collaborations & events featuring Rengoku might have a higher turn out rate & higher profitability than if he doesn't get included. Like, making sure he features in every book means every Rengoku fan is going to buy those books just for his stories. I doubt a prequel series would make him the main character because I do think all the characters are compelling & beloved, but when thinking statistically about profitability, Rengoku already proved himself as consistently the most profitable character in the series. I think it makes sense to make a prequel series because there's more profit to be had on a timeline where Rengoku didn't die. At the same time, it is wishful thinking on my end, because that is what I personally want to see. I'm just curious because he is the money boy & now people are asking more consistently for a prequel series… 🤔
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avengernomore · 1 year
That's such an interesting idea and I really wish we got to see more examples of it... Kabuto and Yamato are the only ones we've seen Bloodline Limits get transferred to, and even with that, I'm not sure if the blood solution was modified beforehand or not!
It would've been so cool to see ninja like Orochimaru go more in-depth with why they couldn't replicate Kekkei Genkai through blood fusions alone-- especially when his own underling Kabuto managed to do it... seemingly using that exact method.
Like, does your chakra network have it's own specialized immune system in addition to your ol' run-of-the-mill lymphatic system? Does it attack and reject anything that doesn't fit your natural chakra affinity? When you learn new natures, are you forcefully changing the very genes in your chakra pathway system through epigenetics? Is the compatibility of your chakra network in particular what leads to it developing at all? If yes, can't you grow the cells able to accommodate the Limit using stem cells, and implant them in the chakra system? How would that work if the pathway doesn't work properly...
People like Rock Lee can barely use chakra at all, but is that because their pathway cells don't have the receptors capable of turning that energy into something tangible, like say, fire?
Or are the cells in the tenketsu points just not sensitive enough to the chemicals that produce the chakra to begin with, like in Type 2 Diabetes-- keeping most of it locked in the pathway system, unable to leave because the cells are too desensitized?
This so long, and it kinda goes off topic a bit, I hope you don't mind! I also think this concept is super interesting, and I couldn't help yammering about it lol :b
Well, of all of my rambling, I didn’t expect this one to get such a long ask. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, not at all! Just unexpected. Let’s see if I can provide some answers.
I don’t recall Kabuto having a Kekkei Genkai at all, but with Yamato, I think it was being implanted with Hashirama Senju's cells rather than blood. There were a lot of cases of that, it’d be a wonder if any of his corpse is actually left, really. But some did it to try and get Wood Style, some did it to extend their life… somehow… But it would also be a question of whether or not the body would attack those foreign cells and kill them off, or if they have some sort of medical ninjutsu or drugs to suppress their immune system, like a transplant patient.
Again, I do not remember Kabuto having a bloodline limit. He did have a sage mode, which might be what you’re thinking of, especially since Orochimaru does not seem to have a sage mode himself.
There is the way Orochimaru takes over his vessels, which definitely seems to have something to do with chakra, considering Sasuke managed to seal him in his curse mark, and Orochimaru managed to take over Kabuto to an extent through the remains Kabuto implanted into himself. I don’t know if learning new chakra natures is necessarily a huge change, but I am basing that off of Sasuke having learnt a jutsu that didn’t match his natural chakra nature when he was an academy student. In fact, most, if not all, the Jonin in Naruto tend to be able to use two or three chakra natures. So I doubt it's anything as drastic as changing their own genes.
Rock Lee is actually explained, in that he has an underdeveloped chakra circulatory system, which is why he cannot use ninjutsu or genjutsu. He does have SOME chakra usage though, he can walk up walls and on water, after all.
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(▶︎ Sun Songs | Rahillから)
Sun Songs by Rahill
Iranian-American singer-songwriter Rahill announces a deeply personal and nostalgic solo project ‘Sun Songs’ on Ninja Tune imprint Big Dada, her new label home in which she sits comfortably alongside labelmates Yaya Bey and LYZZA. ‘Sun Songs’ constitutes a natural progression of—and departure from—Rahills work with the seminal NYC psych-rock outfit, Habibi, which she co-founded in early twenty-teens. On ‘Sun Songs’ Rahill provides her own intimate take on a selection of treasured songs that remind her of childhood, serving as a map of some of Rahill’s most abiding influences, artists whose singular voices and visions have withstood the test of time. "These songs encompass this feeling of wonder and curiosity that connects me back to my childhood. We grow so incurious with age, I intentionally chose these songs because they evoke that honesty and playfulness that feels infinite, feels timeless, feels familiar” she comments. The EP consists of lead single “Aht Uh Mi Hed”, originally by Shuggie Otis, alongside b-side “Haenim” by South Korean, Psych Folk artist Kim Jung Mi, in which Rahill’s cover translates the Korean lyrics into Farsi (previewed at the Iranian American designer Maryam Nassir Zadeh's SS23 show for New York Fashion Week). Also on the EP is “I Do Wonder” by American singer-songwriter Arthur Lee and lastly “Growing Pain” originally by Japanese multimedia artist, singer, songwriter, and peace activist Yoko Ono. “The artists of these songs are pioneers in creating worlds of their own music, worlds where people like myself have the pleasure of stepping into when listening to their records” Rahill comments. “I wish to create a similar world honouring these songs but through my own lens, the same lens that I made my album through. In recreating something that touches me so personally, I seek to inspire that same inner joy and connection by tapping into a place of vulnerability and honesty. Songs have the ability to free us from what troubles occupy our minds, I want the listener to undress those troubles through listening to these songs." The four-song EP not only demonstrates Rahill’s immense skill as a talented vocalist but also her impeccable music taste and curation. With an extensive background in DJing jazz, soul, folk, and international records, Rahill has spent lots of time working at record stores such as Academy Records in NYC which in fact influenced her connection with the songs on ‘Sun Songs’. Also working as a visual artist, she creates amazing drawings and paintings that have featured in galleries internationally. Rahill’s work as a visual artist has seen her venture into fashion, another one of her passions, collaborating with the likes of Marc Jacobs, Vans, Coach Runway, Stella McCartney, Topshop and Adidas in the past. The announcement see’s Rahill join Big Dada, the Ninja Tune sub label which relaunched last year as a label run by Black, POC & Minority Ethnic people for Black, POC & Minority Ethnic artists. ‘Sun Songs’ EP is out 4th November, with more music coming soon. クレジット2022年10月5日リリース
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chrimson-oc-central · 6 months
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Name - Chihiro Osaka
Birthdate - November 1st
Age - 13-14 Years (Part 1), 17-18 Years (Shippuden), 20-21 Years (The Last), 21-27 Years (Blank Period), 33-34 Years (Boruto)
Birthplace - Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves)
Pronouns - She/Her
Nationality - Hinokoku (Land of Fire)
Hair Color - Black
Eye Color - Blue
Height - 4'11" (~149.86 cm) (Part 1), 5’3” (~160.02 cm) (Shippuden and older)
Best Traits - Loyal, intelligent, hardworking, protective
Worst Traits - Distrusting, stubborn, proud, secretive
Mannerisms - Left-handed, tilts head when confused, speaks formally to strangers (overly so when she does not trust them.)
What they hate the most - Betrayal/disloyalty, liars, the elders when they start ordering her around.
What’s most important to them - Her friends, family, and clan, as well as growing into a stronger person.
Secrets - Feels displaced at times. Feels like she doesn’t belong with humans due to her clan’s Kekkei Genkai, but is also not a beast due to the same reason. Keeps the ultimate Osaka jutsu (which is sealed in a scroll) a secret from everyone, including Neji.
Do they get along with or avoid other people - Tends to avoid strangers, but warm and friendly to friends
Parents/Guardians - Makoto Osaka (Mother)
Siblings - None
Significant Other - Neji Hyuga (Boyfriend in The Last, Husband in Blank Period and onward)
Children - Shoto Hyuga (Son), Aiko Osaka (Daughter)
Other Notable Family Members - Boruto Uzumaki (Nephew), Himawari Uzumaki (Niece), Naruto Uzumaki (Brother-in-Law), Hinata Uzumaki (Sister-in-Law), Hanabi Hyuga (Sister-in-Law), Hiashi Hyuga (Uncle/Father-in-Law)
Pets/Animal Companions/Summons - Kazemaru (wolf, guard), The wolf pack from Mitsumine Mountain
Teacher(s)/Sensei(s) - Suzume (academy sensei [kunoichi instructor]), Iruka Umino (academy sensei), Anko Mitarashi (Genin sensei)
Friends - Tenten, Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuga, Akua Koizumi, Kaori Yumeno
Best Friend(s) - Tenten, Neji Hyuga (becomes her significant other in Shippuden and onwards), Akua Koizumi, Kaori Yumeno
Enemies - Akatsuki Organization, Orochimaru, Hyuga Elder(s) (to an extent), Osaka Elder(s) (to an extent), Kabuto Yakushi
Acquaintances - Kiba Inuzuka, Akamaru, Shino Aburame, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akamichi, Kakashi Hatake, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Asuma Sarutobi, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Sai Yamanaka, Hanabi Hyuga, Sasuke Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga
Occupation - Leaf Shinobi (Ninja, Kunoichi)
Rank - Genin (Part 1), Jonin (Shippuden, The Last, Blank Period)
Chakra Nature - Fire
Kekkei Genkai - Osaka Shapeshifting
Affiliations - Hinokoku (Land of Fire), Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaves), Allied Shinobi Forces (2nd Division), Team Anko, Osaka Clan
Other Names/Nicknames/Aliases - Chihiro Hyuga, She-Wolf of the Leaf
Blood Type - A+
Favorite Food - Katsudon Curry, red bean paste, barbecue meat
Least Favorite Food - Dark greens, super spicy food
Hobbies - Taking walks, origami
Brief Description:
Chihiro has black hair, and she keeps it long and fluffy as per tradition in her clan. She has pale skin and blue eyes.
She comes from an ancient shinobi clan, whose Kekkei Genkai allows them to fully transform into animals as well as call upon local wildlife for assistance (usually for recon and spying; combat not too often). According to clan legend, their founder was a wolf god, so the wolf is often used as a symbol of the clan; they also have close relations to a wolf pack in the mountains who say that their founder was the same god. Women are traditionally the leaders of the clan (it’s not a requirement but that’s kinda just how the chips fall in most generations).
Chihiro has Fire Chakra nature, which is common in her clan. Will definitely fight and win. Does not take failure lightly. Her bite is way worse than her bark for sure. Doesn’t like strangers (she’ll default to high formalities with them), but loves her friends dearly. Met Neji during their academy days, and became best friends with Tenten after meeting her when they became genin.
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Boruto Uzumaki: The story that hasn't been told! by Narutofying
Anime » Naruto Rated: K+, English, Humor & Adventure, Boruto U., Sarada U., Words: 1k+, Favs: 2, Follows: 2, Published: Jun 22, 2015
A.N: This is my first story ever okay. 4give me 4 mistakes.
Disclaimer: no i dont own naruto ok i wish i did but guess what i dont oops.
There is most likely going to be 5-10 chapters per volume. Depends on how you guys react :)
Vol.1 Chp.1
*Brring Brring* Boruto's alarm in the morning was ringing. Boruto, weary eyed, smashed it. "Oops."
"Come on Big brother, get up. It's graduation exams, you don't want to miss those do you?" "Hima, I hate when you call me that, you know that. Call me Boruto please. BUT I AM READY FOR THESE EXAMS!" "WOOHOO!"
"He's up." Hinata gave a slight smile. "I just wish Naruto was able to come to the graduation.." The door slid open and in came, the Seventh Hokage, Naruto Uzumaki. "Hey, Hinata, I took today off to see the children graduate. These students are from the 9 rookies of our generation, so I'm sure they're some of the most powerful" "Y- Youre right it has been 12 years hasn't it. Hm."
Boruto came running down the stairs. "MOM! D-dad? YOURE HERE TO SEE ME GRADUATE? I mean, er. You're coming to watch me graduate huh." "Yeah, I took today off to see you and Hima graduate." "Oh, that's um, cool." Boruto was happy, but a little sad. He never gets to see his dad, because of his stupid job. Hokages. He hated them. "You're going to be late, Boruto. Himiwari already left." "W-WHAT!?" Boruto took off to the academy, running as fast as he could.
Shino Sensei, was sitting at his desk. "Alright. Today is the final exam to graduate. After today, IF you pass, you will all be ninja. Are you ready for that?" "YEAHH WOOOHOO!" shouted pretty much the whole class. "Okay, the test's jutsu is going to be... CLONES!" The class all groaned, that is for except, Boruto. His dad taught him this jutsu before he came Hokage. This jutsu was his specialty. He was ready.
The jutsu was easy. But for Rock Lee Jr, it wasn't. He had almost no ninjutsu at all, which is why his specialty was taijutsu. "Transform!" and 3 clumsy but identical clones were created. "You pass." said Shino Sensei. "Barely." he mumbled to himself. "Alright, next up, Boruto Uzumaki." Boruto stepped up. "Alright, here I go! SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!"
Boruto's clones filled the room. "No need to showoff Boruto. This isn't a contest." "Yeah, whatever." He released the jutsu. "Congratulations, everyone passes." The class was filled with, "YEAH WOO!" and "IM A NINJA NOW!" "Now, settle down, you will get your teams assigned tomorrow. Be back here by 8:00 a.m. Now time for the graduation exam.
Naruto, had to give a speech to the new genin. But after that, he would step off to see his two children graduate.
"Good afternoon, genin, and their beloved parents." Everyone giggled. "Today, your children, my children, are graduating from the academy. I would like to congratulate all of our new ninja, for making it this far and trying their hardest. As you may know, these are the most strongest students we've had in the history of the Leaf Village. I'm putting you guys to the test. I believe in every single one of you, believe it!"
Naruto had a flashback of when he was younger. Iruka Sensei and him, laying in the forest, beat up. "C-Congratulations, Naruto. You pass."
Naruto has tears going down his face. "I want to thank you, for the opportunity of becoming Hokage. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am now."
"So if you please, LET THE GRADUATION BEGIN!" Everyone cheered, tears in their eyes. Even Boruto's eyes were getting a bit watery. "I love you, dattebayo."
"I love you too, Boruto." Naruto smiled. He and Boruto hugged. "I promise, I will be here for you. No matter what. That, is a promise. A promise I will not break. I swear that on my life, Boruto."
The new 9 rookies were stronger than the last. Which is saying a lot, considering the 9 rookie came out to be the most powerful ninja of all time. But now, Boruto, and Himiwari were now ninja. That was all that mattered at the time.
In the corner of his eye, he saw Sarada. She was with her mom Sakura, also Boruto's godmother. "Hey sakura-kun!" "B-Boruto! You've gotten so big!" (A.N: That's what she said :). KIDDING KIDDING GEEZ)
"Haha, yeah I guess so huh. Hey Sarada." Sarada looked at Boruto. "Hm."
Before he got frustrated with her, he walked off. He didn't have time to deal with that. He was a ninja! He just hoped he doesn't have to be in the same squad as her. She was a complete jerk to him.
The graduation was over, and everyone was heading back home. Himiwari's eyes started to hurt. "Mother, is there something in my eyes? They hurt like crazy." Hinata looked at Himiwari's eyes. "H-How is this possible? You're not full Hyuuga. There's no way.." "What is it mother? Is there something wrong?" "N-no. You've just awakened your Byakugan."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HOW DID HIMIWARI AWAKEN HER BYAKUGAN FIRST? IS SHE STRONGER THAN ME?" Boruto was outraged. There's no way she was stronger than him. He was only a few minutes older than her but still. There is no possible way that she was stronger. "Actually, no. Just the opposite. The more children I have, the weaker they get. No, neither of you are weak, but Himiwari is not as strong as you will be. Therefore she will get her Byakugan first, but you will have a stronger dojutsu. It's a complicated process that Sakura told me about during the Great Ninja War."
Boruto and Himiwari finally got home after a long day. They took showers, ate dinner, and finally, went to bed. Tomorrow, they will be assigned teams and meet their sensei.
Thanks for reading! Leave a review and a favorite! Most likely going to post a new chapter every week!
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golfnahas · 2 years
Naruto broken bond rom
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Hell twins: Sakon unlocked (20 points): Defeat the Sound Four as Sasuke. Lone Shark: Kisame unlocked (20 points): Survive the Kisame fight. Brothers: Itachi unlocked (20 points): Complete the Itachi fight. Mad Scientist: Kabuto unlocked (20 points): Defeat Kabuto. New Hokage: Tsunade unlocked (20 points): Tsunade is the new Hokage. Rock and Roll: Jirobo unlocked (20 points): Complete the fight against Jirobo. Deadly web: Kidomaru unlocked (20 points): Defeat Kidomaru. Twisted music: Tayuya unlocked (20 points): Complete the fight against Sakon. Pervy Sage (30 points): Arrive at the Hot Springs Resort with Jiraiya. Guy's Fan: Green Suit unlocked (25 points): Complete Guy Sensei's quest. Special someone: Temari unlocked (20 points): Complete the fight against Tayuya. Broken Bones: Kimimaro unlocked (20 points): Complete the Naruto vs. Red Sand: Gaara unlocked (20 points): Defeat Gaara. Green beast: Rock Lee unlocked (20 points): Defeat Kimimaro as Rock Lee. The Last Stand (30 points): Keep Orochimaru from destroying the Leaf Village. Tsukuyomi: ANBU Itachi unlocked (30 points): Complete Sasuke's Labyrinth. Save The Trees (15 points): Win an online match without performing a substitution.Īdditionally, there are 20 secret achievements: Academy Graduate (15 points): Reach the Graduate rank online Chunin (20 points): Reach the Chunin rank online Don't Be Shy (5 points): Play a match online Genin (15 points): Reach the Genin rank online Hokage (0 points): Reach Hokage rank online Jonin (30 points): Reach the Jonin rank online. Way Of The Tree (20 points): Win a gold medal in a Tree Action Sequence. Top Dog (20 points): Complete all races with Kiba. The Last Chip Is The Best (20 points): Complete all gathering missions with Choji. Pervy Nation (20 points): Make all of the Lovelorn Villagers happy by performing the sexy jutsu. Naruto Raving Ninja (25 points): Win all of the gold medals in the Tanzaku festival games. My Taijutsu Coach (20 points): Learn all of the combos in the Dojo. Legendary Fisherman (25 points): Win all of the fishing gold medals. Gold Collector (35 points): Collect 50% of the gold coins Gold Digger (50 points): Collect all of the gold coins. Gifted Eye (15 points): Complete all hide and seek missions with Neji. Fisherman (15 points): Win a gold medal in any fishing game. World's Fastest Ninja (15 points): Win all of the gold medals in the Tree Action Sequences. Delivery Boy (10 points): Complete all delivery missions with Shikamaru. Card Collector (40 points): Find all of the ninja cards. Naruto's Creed (25 points): Complete all of the bounty hunter missions. Untouchable (20 points): Win a fight without losing any health. Team Champion (25 points): win a tournament in tag fighting. Solo Champion (25 points): Win a tournament in solo mode. King Of The Iron Fist (5 points): Win a fight using a killer combo. Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
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