thunderclaw100 · 4 months
(This is Zim if he was left to babysit Eva and Red’s energetic kids. He hates his job.)
“EVA! Come back and get these hybrid smeets of yours! Zim will not stand another moment with these monsters! They’re too out of control. I don’t care if your on a date with the tallest. Come save Zim!”
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godteri-takk · 8 months
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Nøkken ☆ It's true form is a brilliant white horse according to some of the lore!
Please click image for better quality
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astridhoff03 · 3 months
Nostalgia Bait in Mermaid Form
Which show did you like more as a kid? Mako or H2o?
I liked both. H2o gives me always these beachy mermaid vibes with the iconic song no ordinary girl, Mako shows me instead more of the mystical vibe that comes with the mermaid stuff like the pod, the trident, the history between Merman and Mermaids, the water dragon, the different pods around the world and so on. It explores and opens up the world of H2o in some way. Not to forget Rikki’s Cameo in the third season.
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casualcannibalisms · 1 month
Re: the ask game u posted yesterday
after a conversation! we are now aware tht the colours are <i>supposed</i> to be red/purple/pinkx4/blue!!!!
all of those right back at you!!!! <3
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nixiecat · 2 months
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@puppyplease got a muzzle on me yesterday...
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enchantedbook · 8 months
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A Nixie in the Well frightens an old woman' by R. M. Euchler, (1872-1947)
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nixieie · 3 months
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celebrating pride with rinku kiss
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nordsea-horizons · 2 months
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small item moodboard and path codes for my new island Nixie🧚🏻🌳✨🍀🌱🐚
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nixxxiecat · 18 days
it's always Tuesday somewhere............
(check reblogs)
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thunderclaw100 · 9 months
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Bio: Nixy is the daughter of tallest Red and Eva and the third born of her siblings. Unlike her older brother, Jovian, she doesn’t take ring a halfbreed to heart. Nixy knows she’ll be treated differently, and is aware of the discrimination she and her siblings face. Nixy is a smart girl and has proven this in many way, including ring very calculating. When she was little, her mother found her toying with one of her inventions. As it turns out, Nixy actually improved it. Eva has her studying with her older sister, Bellatrix. Learning the culture of planet Vort. She’s very interested in learning more about her mother’s background. Once can believe it or not but Nixy is a genius in her own right. Given a tablet of her own from her mother, she was able to use it to her own advantage. Hacking, converting, designing, encoding. She’s using her vortian side they most and it’s leaving her with good results as she grows. Nixy’s interested in science and genetic research ever since she and her siblings learned that their father was made in a smeetery back on planet irk. Her mother sees this as a sign to get her involved with the nautralian’s lab training so that she can explore this passion of hers. Out of her siblings, Nixy has doesn’t have the best of eyesight.
That being part of her vortian side. Eva told her that some of her people have that same issue and there is reason why most wear goggles now. Her mother did offered her glasses but instead, Nixy made her own. Using the material sand soil for the lenses as well as adding other things to make it notes useful to her. Like night vision, zooming, sensing heat signatures, and she might add a laser beam for it. Nixy could be a pilot navigator but is still thinking about what she want to be when she grows up. Her mother gave her a few ideas to think over. Some that seems fitting for a vortian. Nixy wants to be accepted the way she is instead of being judged because of who her father is.
Likes: Her family, stargazing, snacks, studying, working on her tablet, her parents, vegetables, camping, video games, backing cupcakes, her crush.
Dislikes: filthy things, rude insults, fake people, being told she’s not good enough for anything, stupidity.
Personality:Lovable, benevolent, cheerful, talkative,diligent,devoted, generous, impatient.
Eva: Her mother helped her out a lot when she was little. From moving Nixy past her own insecurities to improving her poor vision. Her mother walked her though the knowledge of her vortian side, and telling her all the good contribution her people made for themselves and other aliens they’ve allied themselves with. Accept for the irken race. During times when her mother was going to be exposed for harboring a fugitive, tallest Red. Nixy helped her out by messing with the wanted poster images and putting cryptic locks on their home security. Eva is the one person she would never cross.
Tallest Red: Meeting her father for the first time was a shock to her. Nixy was the first out of her siblings to make him feel welcome. Even going so far as to jump into his arms to hug him. Red was unsure about this whole family thing, and Nixy learned that her father is a clone made in a smeetery factory back on irk, so his father skills need work on. This cloud on improving his other lack of emotions that are not implanted into his pak system. Even after being told about who tallest Red really is and all the horrible things he’s done to others. Nixy still wants to bond with her father. Just like the rest of her siblings.
Bellatrix: She admires her older sister. Not because she resembles their mother a lot! One would say, Bella keeps the peace among her siblings with gentle or firm words of knowledge . A trait she’s got from Eva. During their earlier years, Nixy and her sister snuck out of their mother’s nest to explore a little. Bella found a rare neutralien crystal gem and kept it. It’s been used for her her own inventions and experiments. Nixy learns a lot when she’s with her sister. Bella can handle tough situations than she can. During a pak malfunction, Nixy was in a state of panic. It was her older sister who came and fix the problem. Adding a new function to the pak’s system that’ll prevent internal bugging. Bella takes care of her whenever she’s feeling down or upset. It’s hard not to call her mom when she does this.
jovian: It can’t be helped to say that he’s a thorn in her side sometimes. Like the rest of their siblings, Jovian’s reckless antics is an eyesore to the family.l and needs to be scolded. Nixy isn’t in favor of her older brother fighting himself to be better at everything. Jovian would often show up after a hard self disciplined training session with blood and bruises all over his body. Nixy can’t even count the times she had to restitch his outfits. She only covered for him him once when their mother demand what happened to him the first time he started this. Never again. She regrets it every time a new scratch our black eye shows up on her brother’s face. Other than this, Nixy and Jovian get along just fine. They are the dynamic duo. Teaming up to concur anything. This sort of happened when they were young little smeets, playing round in their mother’s nest with. They would team up against Bellatrix and Orieon to climb to the top of their mother’s head as a sort of “king of the mountain game.” She was also involved with him getting custom made pak from their mother. She thought of having different colors would be nice for a change. Seeing she learn that the majority of irken have everything match the same. Nixy’s most recent argument with Jovian was about him wanting to leave planet Neutra and explore the universe. What frightened her more was that he thought of visiting planet irk. It only took a few insults and a stream of tears to get him to stay.
Orieon: Her younger brother. He used to be the quiet one in their litter and was the last to leave the nest. It was Nixy and Bellatrix that got him to be more talkative and outgoing. Nixy noticed that her brother seems to be growing a lot faster than the rest of them. With their mother, began to keep tabs on his growth. Eva noticed his behavior patterns are almost at a match with tallest Red, and that was something to be concerned about later in the years. After having installed their custom paks, Nixy helped her brother get the hang of using his pak legs. She even saved him once, after one of them went haywire and was about to stab him in the chest. In fact she’s the one monitoring all of their paks with her tablet. Orieon appreciates Nixy and thanked her for tolerating him.
Dib: Nixy has grown interested in the human. Partly because she wants to examine him or ask a lot of questions about space, or his relationship with an Irken. Zim’s voot cruiser also caught her eye at the time. Nixy, like her older brother, wants to learn more about their Irken heritage, so they asked Zim. The human boy shared some info about what’s going on in space. Letting Nixy know that there is a brave vortian out there, risking his life as well as his team to make sure planets like theirs are safe from an invasion. At first Nixy thought that humans were uneducated and so far back behind from the res of the universe, that they’d wouldn’t bother to explore outside their own solar system. Or not even to make trading partner ls with other, more advanced planets. For a moment, Nixy was thinking like an Irken. Believing that other inferior races should just give in to the stronger ones. Dib made it clear to her and the other kids that being stronger doesn’t make you better than others because there will always be someone out there better than you. Before Dib and Zim depart from planet Neutra, she gave them a gem. Both something to remember her by and for great use in forging into something powerful.
Zim: When he and Dib landed on the outskirts of the neutralien’s refugee camp, they were following a distress signal which lead them to Eva and her children. Jovian found and brought them home with him. Nixy and her other siblings were amazed to see another Irken, other than the other two that are part of the camp. Zim proudfully told the kids about Irken culture, the empire, the function of the paks, and the ranked jobs of the Irken military. Nixy took notes of everything being said to her from him. Asked her own questions, including one that kinda caught him off gourd. She wanted to know if he’s a defective. This didn’t trigger much, other than a slight bias and a displeasing look from Zim. The young hybrid wonders if the reason for the defectivness is the park, she suggested that Zim just fix it himself or Chang ethe encoding while cutting off links to the possible downgrade that will automatically change his functional character. Zim never met anyone THIS young being able to speak this logical and smart. Nixy sees a friend in Zim and possibly a god father.
•She made an Irken uniform in inspiration of Zim.
•Nixy likes to analyze people and her work.
• Just like her brother, she’s a brainiac.
• Her mother surgically enhanced her poor vision.
• She likes to make silk fabrics for her family.
• She’s partially colorblind to some colors. That’s another reason why she got the surgery from Eva.
•Nixy gotten used to wearing neutralien
• Is afraid of horror movies but likes sci-fi films.
•Just like her mother, Nixy grooms her horns.
• Nixie and Bellatrix are the ones with four fingers.
•Nixy and Orieon both have a crush on an neutralien.
“I never liked being called a know it all. I am smarter than most kids my age but I don’t see myself as anyone too intelligent to be important.”
“I didn’t tell my littermates about this but….I have poor eyesight. Mom said that it’s normal for some vortian’s to have this problem due to having smaller eyes. I had to wear ugly glasses for a while. In secret, mom got to do surgery on my eyes to improve them.”
“The Neutraliens we’re pretty decent with me and my family. I only hope the other aliens who took residence here would be more accepting. Some of them are think that me and siblings are a curse.”
“You are so hard-headed, Jovian! You’re not going to succeed our father. Get a fucking clue!”
“These schismatics are amazing! It’s exactly what I need to improve our custom paks.”
“HEY! I may be an nuisance to you but I’m still a kid!”
“When in doubt, try a different approach!”
“Are they going to send us away? Why did that tall man get us in trouble, momma?”
“Doesn’t it shock you that our father is the leader of the most threatening race in the galaxy? The tallest of the Irken empire. Just try and Top that!”
“I want to make a difference in this place once I’m older. We’ll have to contribute to it one day. I hope that our father’s reputation doesn’t ruin it for us.”
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godteri-takk · 2 years
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Me pulling up w some basic colour theory 😎
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missmarsilea · 7 months
@kyriathanatos installed a voice changer during the earthbound streams and has been making it my problem
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nixiecat · 4 months
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the "shave your pits" guy is back in my notes and this time is being transphobic to my followers so it's pit posting time again!!!
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acommonanomaly · 2 months
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I drew Moryo as a late birthday present for @nixiegenesis! I hope you like him, best elf remains best what can I say.
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nixieie · 29 days
they're rambling about badly written mysteries and online gossip
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nordsea-horizons · 2 months
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☘️enchanted hedge maze wip🌱🍃
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