#Nnoitra meets an Aqua
adelha-mathilde · 2 years
Continuation of this chance Christmas visit with @despairforme​ here:
Adelha leans down to pick Wesson up and give him ear rubs. The puppy giving her gloved hands kisses as thanks for Adelha to walk with Nnoitra into the flower shop. Which is not decorated in Christmas decorations.
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The interior of the flower shop is one of comfy simplicity. Soft brown bricks and polished wood floors to have just a few scuffs and claw marks. Probably from Wesson wandering about. Piano music wafting through the shop for it to feel calm and peaceful. Adelha walking towards the counter with Wesson in her arms to be wagging his tail and enjoying the snuggles. Nnoitra spotting a very fluffy grey kitten dozing on the counter to be purring in sleep.
Adelha sets Wesson down into a comfy basket with a few chew bones for the puppy to begin munching on a bone. The kitten giving a much too big yawn for such a little creature to stretch out and then mew at Adelha. Who gives the kitten gentle pets and chin rubs for the creature to purr. “Nnoitra. This little waif of a fluff ball is Aqua. My current owner and the princess of this domain. My mum used to say that we do not own our cats, but that they chose to own us instead.”
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The kitten soon looks up at Nnoitra for him to see a pair of vibrant blue eyes. Ones that put the blue sky to shame as the kitten mews at Nnoitra in greeting. The kitten swishing her tail to watch Nnoitra with a curious gaze as Adelha gets out a container of what looks like melting chocolate. Her smile one of warm delight as she takes out a pot to also fetch a portable heater to begin making real hot chocolate with cream in it. “Feel free to relax and come around the counter to get closer to the space heater under the counter. Since it is close to holiday time, and has no caffeine in it, we should enjoy some hot chocolate. But beware the fluffs. Aqua tends to steal attention as well as snuggles.”
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despairforme · 8 months
Imagine Nnoitra finally visiting Adelha's flower shop. Only to meet her entire Paw Posse. Wesson. Aqua. And her four Tibetan Mastiff puppies. Nnoitra is coaxed into sitting on her living room floor as the puppies just sniff him and give hand kisses while Aqua watches from the couch. Wesson all but clings to Nnoi's shirt to bombard his chin with puppy kisses. Nnoitra is very much loved.
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A flower shop was not the sort of place you'd picture Nnoitra visiting. He wasn't that kinda guy ( in his opinion, no guy should be THAT sort of guy ). However, he was strangely drawn to the scent of flowers, and he also very much enjoyed being surrounded by greenery. Plants brought his mood up. Made him feel calm, and not in the depressive sense that he usually felt when he was calm.
Adelha had invited him to her flower shop, and he'd accepted the invitation. She always had some sort of treat for him, so in addition to having an excuse to go into a flower shop, he'd probably get something to eat.
He hadn't expected that the flower shop was secretly a zoo. Somehow, he didn't find himself surrounded by plants - but by animals. He was sitting on the floor in Adelha's living room ( her living arrangements were connected to the shop? ). He was more or less covered in dogs. Four puppies he had never seen before, and Wesson. They were eagerly sniffing him and licking his hands, which he was awkwardly holding out. Wesson, as always, seemed overjoyed to see him.
Nnoitra wasn't an animal person. Never had been. Even from when he'd been a kid, animals had disliked him. Dogs would bark at him for no reason. Cats would hiss at him. He didn't know why, but he was guessing it was the threatening aura he gave off. These puppies clearly hadn't developed enough to recognise that aura. That wasn't the only reason why Nnoitra didn't like animals though. It wasn't like he disliked them, he just... Didn't see the point. He'd lived with two cats when he had dated Grimmjow, and it always annoyed him how much attention they got. Attention that should've been his. So, did he like being covered in puppies? Not particularly. The affection they were showing him might've been nice, if it hadn't been for the fact that he knew they'd do the same to anyone.
Still though, he was letting them lick his fingers.
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adelha-mathilde · 2 years
Continuation of Aqua catching a fairy Nnoitra with @despairforme​ here:
The kitten gives a growl when she gets smacked on the nose. The fairy creature earning a rather soft tap on the head from a front paw for the kitten to then decide to lay on top of the fairy creature. The kitten beginning to purr as she openly rubs her face on the fairy creature. Nope, fairy is trapped.
The noise of the playful kitten has something move from the corner of the vast garden to have Nnoitra openly notice the feel of magic. Very potent magic as a voice calls out in lilted Gaelic. Grass swishing as footsteps approach for that feeling of magic to mellow out. The form of a woman with silver white hair to appear as her long green dress trails behind her. Striking azure blue eyes soon finding the kitten for the woman to visibly pause. A long sigh of air escaping the woman for her to walk over and kneel down so as to very carefully pry the fairy away from the kitten. The woman giving the kitten a ball to play with for her to lift the fairy up in both hands. Nnoitra realizing that this woman is where the feeling of magic came from. The scents of sea salt and lavender wafting off this woman for her to speak to him with lilted words. “It has been a long while since an unknown Fae came visiting my haven. Hopefully, Aqua did not damage your wings or injure you with her cuddling. She is a very cuddly feline.”
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The woman gives the fairy a bow of her head before she speaks further. Her words warm and inviting as she speaks to the fairy visitor. “I bid you welcome to my home and haven, fellow Fae. You may call me Adelha. This home is currently my established sanctuary for any and all to visit. Both mortal and magical creature alike. Know that you are safe here. As a fellow magical creature, it is good to meet a fairy here in my garden. By what name should I call you, sir?”
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adelha-mathilde · 8 months
Continuation of this fluffy cuddle session with @despairforme here:
The flower shop was actually a building with three floors. The first floor held the flower shop. The second floor held the living spaces. While the third floor was a greenhouse for Adelha to grow her various herbs and flowers as well as some vegetables and fruits. A cozy and welcoming feeling in every room. But the activity would be in the living room on the second floor. Since that was where the Paw Posse were giving Nnoitra hello woofs and happy licks.
Five minutes are spent with Nnoitra being adored by the puppies. Which leaves Adelha time to set out the ingredients for making them a meal. The only one of the Paw Posse not interested in joining the cuddle huddle being Aqua. The feline more interested in slinking from the couch and to the kitchen to try and distract Adelha from her meal prep. Which just has Adelha chuckle to move her foot up and down as Aqua plays with her toes.
But there would be a ring of the doorbell for the Tibetan Mastiffs to pause and then wander to the stairway to see who came to visit. But Wesson stays right in Nnoitra's lap to just keep giving his hands kisses. Adelha not looking concerned as she smiles. "Aha. It would seem my cousins are here for the daily walk to the park we have set up. Do not worry, Nnoi. They are aware that I scheduled a visit with you and will just herd the pups out the back door. You don't have to meet with them if you do not feel like it."
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Wesson gives a happy yip to then stand on his hind legs and give Nnoi's chin more kisses. Which has Adelha pause to actually look and grin. "It would seem that Wesson would rather play with his best friend. Why am I not surprised. He never does that with anyone else, mind you. Now. Nnoitra. Would you like for me to make grilled steaks, grilled chicken, or both to go with the pasta salad and the fried rice I am making? Or. Would you like for me to teach you how to make these side dishes to have at home?"
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