#No Dusk in this one
vodika-vibes · 1 year
Post Order 66 - part 6
The Starsinger travels to Tatooine, and Kanna has to brave the desert and the twin suns with only Beesix at her side.
Full disclosure, I’m not super happy with the middle part of this story. Tatooine is hard and I hate it. But it was important to write, so there you have it. Next installment will have Rex and Wolffe. Maybe. I write what wants to be written, after all.
tagging: @starrrgazingbunny and @thestarwarslesbian
“I don’t like this,” Fox was scowling. Not at her, but in her general direction. Kanna wasn’t too bothered by it. She’d been scowled at by a Fox who was legitimately angry at her before, he was just mad at the situation in general. “I could come with you?”
Aww. He’s adorable. Kanna very carefully made sure that her thoughts did not show up on her face. She didn’t want grumpy Fox, she much preferred happy Fox.
“You’re sweet, but if Master Kenobi sees you he’ll probably run away, that’s why it’s just me.” Kanna reminded, “Besides, you’re going to have plenty of company. I’ll just get in the way.”
“...you could never.” Fox sounded offended on her behalf which, yay! Emotional progress! Suck it Palpatine! But also, he was going to make it hard for her to actually leave, the bastard.
“I know Fox, I was kidding.” She grinned at him over her shoulder, as she finished shoving water and ration bars into her bag, since she wasn’t sure how long this was going to take. “But you can use this to spend some time with your brothers. Maybe get to know the kids?”
Fox’s fingers tapped out a silent rhythm on his arm, “Miralukans are being hunted by the empire-” He tried.
“Which is why I’m switching out my mask for dark sunglasses, and a cane. And why Beesix is coming with me.” Kanna pointed out, “So far as Tatooine is concerned, I’m just a blind merchant.”
Fox scowled even more, “The Hutts-”
“Fox.” Kanna said his name as a sigh, and she was pleased to see that he didn’t bother continuing that line of thought. And she was amused at the slight embarrassment he was radiating.
“Just...want you to be safe, is all.” He admitted quietly.
“And I appreciate it. But I will be fine.” Kanna promised.
She waited. Fox wasn’t done yet, she could feel his anxiety rolling off of him. “You promise you’ll come back?” He asked, his voice even quieter.
“As soon as I finish beating some sense into Master Kenobi.” Kanna replied, “Can you imagine me living on this hell planet? They have two suns, Fox. It’s ungodly.”
He shook his head, “Do you have enough water?”
“Yep. And Bee is packing even more, just in case. It’s going to be fine, Fox.” 
He sighed, “Fine. I suppose I can spend some time with my brothers until you return.”
“It’ll be very difficult for you, I’m sure.” Kanna teased, and was relieved to note that his scowl had been replaced with a small smile. “Alright, I have to head out before Bee starts whining about us falling behind schedule. Be patient with your brothers, please?”
“Yeah, yeah. I know. We’re all broken pieces and sharp edges, gotta be careful not to cut each other.” Fox replied, quoting something that Kanna had told him during the beginning of his recovery.
“You’re all getting better day by day, Fox. I see it, even if you don’t.” Kanna paused, “Now I really do have to go. Later, Fox!”
Kanna noticed that Fox followed her to the ramp, though she quickly put him out of her mind as she hurried over to Bee, and took the white cane that he had been holding for her. She also pulled her eye mask off and replaced it with the sunglasses that kept her safe on Coruscant for two years. “There, how do I look?” She asked Bee.
Beesix tilted his head, “Like you’re blind.” 
“Awesome, let’s go!” Kanna carefully hooked her arm with Beesix’s, her cane would be largely useless on Tatooine, but it was an important part of her cover as being blind.
Kanna and Bee took their time meandering through the markets, claiming that they were looking for something specific whenever the merchants directed their questions towards them. Well, they directed their questions towards Kanna, in any case.
Eventually, though, the crowds died down, and Kanna and Bee were able to move around a little easier. “Miss, how are we supposed to get into the wastes?” Bee asked curiously.
“Well, hopefully we won’t have to steal a speeder.” Kanna replied as she stepped under an awning and leaned against a building. The suns were awful, and she was a redhead. She should have packed sunblock.
“That’s illegal,” Beesix said in his blunt voice.
“Well, yeah. That’s why I said I don’t want to steal a speeder,” Kanna pointed out. She frowned thoughtfully, there must be something they could do. Maybe see if there are any moisture farmers in the area who would agree to letting them look at their farm?
Kanna was ripped from her musings when she felt something warm and bright against her senses. Startled, and more than a little curious, she reached out though the force and brushed light fingers against the presence. It flared in surprise, and then twined itself around her tightly.
“Well now, that’s interesting,” She murmured as she turned her head in the direction that the little light was coming from, “I think I just found what Master Kenobi’s mission is. Come on, Bee.” Kanna waited until Bee took her arm again, and she guided them through the streets once more.
Three streets over, Kanna paused and she reached out and touched the little presence once more. It wiggled under her attention, and she was pulled from her thoughts at the sound of a man shouting a name, “LUKE STOP!”
“Miss, there’s a child-” Beesix started, but Kanna already swept down and scooped the little boy into her arms, and settled him on her hip.
“Hello little one,” She said lightly, as she gently tapped his nose with her finger. He giggled madly and pressed his small hands against her cheeks.
“Warm.” He whispered, “Like me!”
Kanna grinned and lowered her voice, “Or maybe you’re warm like me,” She said in a conspiratorial whisper. The little boy, Luke, giggled even more madly.
“I’m so sorry,” A rather frazzled sounding man said as he ran over, “I wasn’t expecting him to run off like that.”
“It’s not a problem,” Kanna promised, as she handed the little boy back to his father, though Luke seemed rather unwilling to leave her arms, “He didn’t hurt anyone, after all.”
“He still knows better,” The man ran his fingers through his hair, though he didn’t seem all that concerned with comforting the child, who was wiggling and reaching for Kanna still. “Honestly, I normally leave him with my wife, but-” He shook his head, “Sorry. I don’t mean to dump on you.”
“It’s fine. I find that I’m a good listener.” Kanna offered. Yes, Obi-Wan was her mission, but there was something here that she needed to look into. “I know from a family friend that having children is a massive change,” She added.
The man scowled, “We never wanted kids.” He shook his head, “I mean. Luke is a good kid, but we never intended-” He sighed, “But my step-brother died and there was no one else to take care of the kid, so we’re stuck.”
Kanna made a sympathetic noise. “There’s no other family? Grandparents?”
“No. My father died from illness before Luke was born, and my step-mother died even earlier than that. And I don’t know anything about the mother’s family.” He made an aggrieved noise, “He’s a good kid. Smart, kind. But my wife and I never wanted him. It’s a struggle to remember to care for him most days.”
That was concerning. Luke wasn’t being abused, or else this conversation wouldn’t be happening. She could tell that he was healthy, and generally happy. His aunt and uncle didn’t love him, but Luke didn’t seem to know that. Which was important. “It speaks to your character that you’re doing it anyway.” Kanna said, trying to offer some comfort to the clearly overwhelmed man, “You could have just given him away, but you didn’t.”
The man was quiet, “Yeah. Maybe.” He paused, “Oh. The suns must have fried my brain. I’m Owen Lars, and this is my nephew, Luke.”
“Kanna, and my personal droid, Beesix.”
“Hello.” Beesix said, “You appear to be in an undue amount of stress, I recommend taking some time to yourself.”
“Beesix is a medical droid,” Kanna explained.
“Huh. What brings you both to Tatooine?” Owen asked, shifting his grip on Luke as the little boy continued reaching for Kanna, “I’m sorry, he really wants you to hold him-”
Kanna took the little boy back, and he settled almost immediately. “I’ve been told I have that effect on people.” She joked. “As for why we’re here...I have a cousin who apparently decided to run off and play space hermit here. I’m looking for him so I can yell at him. Beesix is here to help me.”
Owen looked between Kanna and Luke, a speculative expression crossing his face, “He chose a good place to disappear. But, I’ve lived here my whole life, and I know most people in the area. What’s his name?”
Kanna tilted her head slightly, carefully reading Owen’s intentions. He didn’t have any bad will towards her, and he seemed, genuinely, to want to help. “I was told by a mutual friend that he goes by Ben now.”
“...Ben Kenobi?” Owen asked, frowning slightly. “I know him. I don’t like him.” He paused, “Are you, uh, like him?”
“Would it be a problem if I was?” Kanna asked.
“No. You’re far less irritating than Ben is.” Owen said. He folded his arms, and thought hard, “I’m finished with my shopping for the day. Why don’t you and Beesix come with me to my farm. And I’ll see what I can do.”
He wanted something. Kanna knew that just as surely as she knew that the sun would rise in the morning. What, exactly, she still wasn’t sure, but she had a feeling that it was going to be massive. “...alright. Come on Bee.”
The ride to the Lars farm was less than 30 minutes, and Beru Lars was happy to receive them. Beru made Kanna some tea, and prepared some milk for Luke, before she was ushered into another room by her husband, leaving Kanna and Beesix alone with the two year old.
Beesix entertained himself by talking to Luke, while Kanna just watched and listened to the little boy excitedly talk about his favorite holo, which was apparently about a talking tooka kitten. They were only alone with Luke for several minutes, before Owen and Beru returned.
Kanna regarded the married couple through the force. They weren’t bad people. There was nothing wrong with knowing that you didn’t want children. And it spoke well to their characters that Luke was happy and healthy, and that he was unaware that his aunt and uncle didn’t love him. Though, it wouldn’t take long for him to figure it out. All jedi were empaths of some sort, after all.
“Bee, why don’t you let Luke show you his room?” Kanna suggested.
“Yes, Miss.” Beesix picked up Luke and allowed the toddler to direct him out of the kitchen and into a separate building.
Beru and Owen sat at the table, and they were silent until the high pitched voice of Luke faded away. The married couple was nervous, and Kanna knew, immediately, what they were going to ask.
“You want me to take him.” She said slowly. It was the only logical conclusion she could come to.
“Yes,” Beru sounded so guilty, “Please, we’re not bad people. We’re just not made to be parents! We’re doing our best, but it doesn’t come naturally to us, an-”
“You don’t have to justify yourselves to me,” Kanna interrupted gently, “Not everyone wants to be a parent, and that’s fine. My only concern is that you don’t know me.”
“You’re a Jedi.” Owen said, “And, if times were different, we would have given him to the Jedi immediately. You can teach him, and protect him, in ways that we can’t.”
Kanna sighed, “You’re not...wrong.” This was not what she had planned. She needed to work out what, exactly, she was going to say to the others when she returned to the ship. “Are you absolutely sure?”
She sighed again, “Okay. I assume there’s paperwork-?”
Beru laughed, “This is Tatooine. There’s nothing like that.” She paused and then she reached out and took Kanna’s hands in her own, “Thank you. I can’t even...just...thank you.” She got to her feet, “I’m going to pack Luke’s toys and some clothes. Owen will bring you to Ben’s hut once everything is packed.”
“Of course.” Kanna replied, settling back in the seat as Owen and Beru hurried off to do their own things.
Less than 10 minutes later, Owen, Kanna, Beesix, and Luke were on their way to Obi-Wan’s hut. It was less than 15 minutes away. And it was less a hut and more of a cave. 
“Bee, stay here with Luke and Owen.” Kanna instructed the droid. She didn’t even wait for him to respond before she was walking up to the hut, and she stepped into the home.
“Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi looked...well...bad. He felt like a wound in the force. 
“Have you ever heard of bathing?” Kanna snarked right back, examining him fully in the force, “Stars above, have you just been not eating? You should know better!”
He scowled at her, “Normally my starvation hallucinations are nice to me than this.”
“...oh. I’m sorry.” Kanna snapped, “Let me try again. Hi Master Kenobi. It’s nice to see you. You look like shit, why haven’t you been eating?”
He scowled at her even more, “Aren’t healers supposed to be nicer?”
“Would you rather I channel my Master? Cause she’d be swearing at you right now.” Kanna snapped.
...ohhh. This was what her Master meant when she said that Kanna was going to have a pediatric specialization. Adult Jedi just pissed her off. Good to know.
Obi-Wan looked miserable, “You can’t be here. You died in the Purge. Just like everyone else.”
“Wow. There’s a lot to unpack there, and also, if you think that Vader and Palpatine managed to kill every jedi you’re stupid, and also wrong.” Kanna said, before she grimaced. She needed to be nicer. He had trauma. Like Fox. Like Cody. Like Dusk. Nice Kanna. Be nice.
“I’m sorry. That was cruel of me.” Kanna said after she took a deep breath, “I survived, because my Master threw herself over me to shield me. Obi-Wan, Bail told me where to find you.”
“He shouldn’t have. I have a duty-”
“Yes, Luke.”
Obi-Wan stilled, “You-”
“He’s outside, his Aunt and Uncle gave custody of him to me.” Kanna continued, “I’ll be leaving Tatooine with Luke soon.”
“You can’t! It’s not safe.” Obi-Wan said hoarsely.
“There are three other Jedi children on board the ship I live on. One is the same age as Luke.” Kanna said kindly, “Not to mention the other people on the ship.”
“More Jedi?”
“Uh...not exactly.” Kanna admitted, “It was agreed that I would come and speak with you because we didn’t want to spook you.” She hesitated, “There’s something you need to know, Obi-Wan. It’s important.”
The older man just looked so, so tired. “Go ahead.”
“The Clones had control chips in their heads,” Kanna explained, gently, kindly. “That’s why they shot at you. It’s why they turned on the jedi.” Obi-Wan was staring at her, wide eyed, “Commander Cody has been rescued, and his chip removed. He’s on the ship.”
“He’s...Cody? He’s here? On Tatooine?” Obi-Wan sounded stunned, and then something like hope bloomed across his face. “I thought...it would have made sense, for Cody and his brothers to try and kill me. I didn’t do enough to help them-”
Kanna waited. She kind of expected this, now that she thought about it. After the Purge, Kanna had the same thought process. That the Jedi must have done something for the Clones to turn on them, because it was the only thing that made sense. Learning about the chips had been both the most relieving and most heart-breaking thing she’d ever heard.
Obi-Wan turned his gaze on Kanna, “What’s your plan?”
“Grab you, leave Tatooine, and then travel across the Galaxy to a specific cell of the Rebellion. The one that accepts clones. And then find a way to free all of our men from Palpatine.” Kanna listed, “And then get them all therapy.”
Obi-Wan nodded, “I’ll come with you. But,” Here he hesitated, “I can’t be a teacher again. I can help, but I can’t-”
“We’ll talk about that a bit later,” Kanna said, “For now, grab whatever stuff you think you need, and we’ll get out of here.”
He nodded, walked across his cave/hut, and grabbed his lightsaber, and then he walked over to her, “I’m ready.”
“If you say so.”
She led him out of cave and over to the speeder. Owen shot Obi-Wan the dirtiest look, and told him he could sit in the back, next to the baby and the droid, while Kanna had the front seat. Even so, the trip back to the ship was very, very quiet.
Owen only remained stopped long enough for everyone to get out of his speeder, and then he was gone again, without waiting for anyone to say anything to him. “He really doesn’t like me,” Obi-Wan admitted, slightly awkwardly.
“Well,” Kanna said as she shifted Luke’s weight, “You did drop a child on him without permission. Bee, help Ben with the stuff, please. I’m going to get Luke inside.”
“Yes miss,” Bee replied, as he promptly started picking up Luke’s bags.
Kanna shook her head, and climbed the ramp, and finally released a sigh of relief as the oppressive heat faded into something much more tolerable.
“Kanna, you’re bac-” Fox walked over to her, and then stopped, midsentence, when he saw the child, “...that is not General Kenobi.”
“Nope. I managed to get sole custody of a force sensitive child.” Kanna explained, “his name is Luke.” Luke let out a delighted noise when she said his name, and he beamed at Fox.
“He’s Anakin’s son,” Obi-Wan said tiredly as he stepped on the ship, “Commander Fox, correct?”
“Yes sir,”
“No need for that. I’m not a General anymore.” Obi-Wan reassured, “Kanna, where should we put Luke’s stuff,”
“Luke will be rooming with Rhawl for now,” Beesix said as he walked into the ship as well. He plucked the few bags from Obi-Wan’s hands, and vanished into the living section of the ship.
Kanna opened her mouth to say something to Obi-Wan, when another door opened and Cody stepped into the room they were gathered in. He saw Obi-Wan, and he froze.
“General, I-”
Kanna lightly took Fox’s arm, and tugged him out of the room. Cody and Obi-Wan deserved some privacy. 
Cody never doubted that Kanna would succeed. According to Fox, and Dusk, she never failed at anything she put her mind to. Still, for some reason, he wasn’t actually expecting to see Obi-Wan, His General, standing there.
He looked older. Greyer. More tired.
But, to be honest, the same could be said about him. About all of them.
Cody had had an entire list of things that he planned to say if he saw his General again, but now that he was right there, he found himself unable to say anything. 
“General, I-” He was vaguely aware of Kanna ushering Fox and Skywalker’s toddler out of the room, but he shoved it away as unimportant. He would buy Kanna something nice later. 
“Cody,” Obi-Wan still said his name like it was something beautiful. Like he was supposed to be cherished. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.”
Cody couldn’t help but gape at him. He had shot him! Off a cliff! And he still said bullshit like that?!
“I’m so sorry, General.” He finally managed to rasp out, “I-There’s nothing that I-”
Obi-Wan moved. One of his hands reached out and lightly touched his face, while the other took one of his hands. “No. No, I’m sorry. I believed that you shot me because I failed you in some way. I’m sorry that I believed so poorly of you.”
Cody let out a laugh that sounded more like a sob, “You’re such an idiot. I shot you! What were you supposed to think?”
“I was supposed to trust you.” Obi-Wan replied, leaning forward and lightly bumping his forehead against Cody’s. “That’s what I promised, isn’t it?” And, for a moment, they were back on the Negotiator. Before the Purge. Before Utapau. And it was just Obi-Wan and Cody, rather than the General and his Commander.
Cody’s mouth was dry, but it wasn’t from the heat of Tatooine, “I never stopped loving you.” He mumbled, “If you can forgive me for...for shooting you, then-”
Obi-Wan smiled, “I never stopped loving you either,” He admitted quietly, “If you’re willing to give me a chance, we can start again. As we are now, rather than as we were then.”
“I can’t think of anything that would make me happier,” Cody murmured. He closed his eyes, and then slowly pulled away. “We should probably get you settled somewhere. You can share my room, unless you want your own?”
“Sharing is more than fine.” Obi-Wan hesitated, “No one will make any comments?”
“Kanna and Fox have been sharing a room for weeks,” Cody said flatly, “No one’s going to say shit, because if they do then they’ll answer to me.” He added with a raised voice towards the back of the ship.
“Ooh, busted.” Kanna’s muffled voice came from behind the closed door, and Cody smiled. His new family was a lot smaller than his original family, but he loved them with the same intensity. 
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pocket-dragon · 9 months
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POV you ate shit during the family drama hour and your adopted peepaw needed your dogs help finding the Temple
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gummi-ships · 4 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Nobodies
1K notes · View notes
that-sunny-pup · 8 months
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922 notes · View notes
danwhobrowses · 1 month
Ashton "I serve the weak, I serve the forgotten, I serve the dirt beneath our feet" Me "Saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
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starrywangxian · 10 months
i headcanon that lan wangji is left handed and wei wuxian is ambidextrous so when they mark the juniors' notes together, they can hold hands at the same time
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phier · 5 months
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You are not a ghost haunting yourself
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otaku553 · 10 months
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More doodles for the one piece spy x family crossover
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eggcromancer · 6 months
Last Line Challenge
In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like).
Tagged by @starriegalaxy Thanks jestie!! It's my first time doing a challenge, I'm excited! ✨
Last Line: "It was an accident" <- from the @daycarefriendpickup magma sesh! Sun may or may not have lost control and y/n may or may not be bleeding out as a result (oops...)
Last Art: I've roughly 20+ sketches ongoing and 0 motivation to complete any of them so take all these wips! HYAHHHH!! 💫💥
Agent Dusk from @lavenoon's amazing Accidentally Undercover AU 💕:
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Colour studies on Agent Dawn (same AU as Dusk) and the most mentally sound™ Sun:
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More scribbles....
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And ..... this.... (why did I draw this)
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This is an open invite for anyone to do the challenge! (because I'm have crippling social anxiety and I don't want to be imposing ajdhska) If you are looking for a sign to do the challenge, this is it!! Time to get to it!!! 👉👉 (Or don't! I'm not the boss of you!)
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sukirichi · 3 months
queen if u would indulge me what are the dtd princes like in bed 🙏🏻
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atsumu is a virgin killer. i can’t say he has a specific type or kink, since he enjoys sex and all forms of it. he sleeps around the most but he would only do so with people he already knows. he doesn’t have one night stands with strangers out of fear they might babytrap him or worse, brag that a prince fucked them. he hates it when people use him for clout. next to being a menace would be osamu, but he’s more like that because he’s competitive. he and tsumu has this weird challenge on who can have a higher body count (tsumu does), but osamu upped the game on who the ladies like better (osamu wins this one.) osamu takes his time and is a king at foreplay, so he’s the preferred partner, but atsumu is your bet if you want to be fucked hard and fast + atsumu is the most open minded to trying out different things. osamu is a lil vanilla
tooru, surprisingly enough, is very awkward in bed. he doesn’t do well with intimacy, or vulnerability in general. he covers up his emotions with jokes and humor, but he can’t do that in bed so his anxiety and clumsiness shows. tooru is more on sloppy kisses, and constant questions of “is this okay? am i doing it right?” def fumbles a lot but would ensure you come first + once he becomes more confident in his skills, he’s insatiable <3 rintaro, on the other hand, he’s more of a switch. he loves it when you dominate him and make him feel powerless, because a part of him thinks he’s just making you believe you can actually overpower him (you can, lol) he’ll never say it out loud, but he prefers when you take the lead. it makes him feel like he’s wanted, and to see you lose control with your need for him is very validating + he’s kinda lazy, so he appreciates just having to lay back and let you do the work
kiyoomi is a passionate lover. he likes to fuck you hard and deep, with tantalizing slow strokes. he wants you to feel every inch of him, the way he pulses inside your heat, and watch the way your eyes roll back when he drags himself in and out, inch by delicious inch. he also has the fattest cock, so he preps you for what seems like forever. you’ve come on his tongue and fingers for like three times now and you’re in tears, but omi just shushes you with a soft kiss + praise king !! he loves telling you how beautiful you are, and he even picked up painting because he thought the face you make when cumming is erotic, and maybe the most stunning you’d ever been. so he tries and paints that but doesn’t finish it after getting hard in his breeches each time he recalls your heated moments. also has a massive breeding kink!
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dusketo · 4 months
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kaz birthday scraps
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velkyr · 4 months
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I got this comm back from @britishmuffin today and aaaaaaa I cannot get over it those are my little guys. the permanent residents of my mental microwave. both being Held Tenderly by each other, like they deserve 😭💜🖤
(edit: idk if anyone will see this original post anymore but please do not refer to these two as women! they're both non-binary; transmasc and genderfluid respectively. tyvm <3)
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homriette · 6 months
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I am once again posting more dungeon crawler yuri
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Aventurine really is the Tragedy to Sampo's classic Comedy and that's why I'm so obsessed with both of them
Please I want my faves to meet and bankrupt a casino together. It would be such a great bonding activity
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the-toybox-general · 7 months
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AHHHH I've been playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth on and off again and I FINALLY digivolved my starting digimon ( Palmon ) all the way up to Rosemon !!! I wanted to sketch them for that reason... it took way longer than expected...!! But for that reason it feels like a big achievement!
This is specifically supposed to be my Rosemon ( His name is Squire ) but I think I could design him to have more of his own cool unique details as an actual Digimon oc !! So this is Squire... for now !!!
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coatl-cuddles · 2 months
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Hopeful Steward study in drawpile, because they are my child and I love them
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