#No one talk to me about Shibuya I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT IT
milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
• Nanami Kento, that will come home from a long day of work into your waiting arms. •Nanami Kento, who will give you light kisses over your face while you hold him. •Nanami Kento, who dotes on you even though you want him to rest after working so hard. •Nanami Kento, that whispers against your skin how grateful he is to have you in his life. •Nanami Kento, who will cherish you until the ends of the Earth. •Nanami Kento, who will call you his spouse even though you're not married and it's completely illogical but he doesn't care because one day you will be. •Nanami Kento ♡♡♡♡♡♡
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fushiglow · 1 year
Gojō Satoru's rude awakening
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I'm refusing to let myself seriously entertain the possibility that Gojō can come back after chapter 236. However, that's because I'm trying to protect my future self from disappointment, not because I think it's implausible — and I really want to talk about this image!
A couple of days ago, @runabout-river shared an interesting theory about what might happen next for Gojō. The post itself is well worth a read, but it was the choice of the above image that really set my mind alight. This scene is fresh in our minds after the anime adaptation of Hidden Inventory, and timing is clearly never an accident with Gege Akutami. So, why is it relevant now?
We see Gojō giving himself over to his past, lost in his happy dreams of his youth, only for Megumi — Gojō's first student and a symbol of the future that he envisions — to bring him back to the present by telling Gojō, "You're the one who called us here, please don't go dozing off."
In other words, "You're the one who dragged us into all of this, don't go pretending this isn't reality just because it's nicer in the past."
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In my immediate reaction to 236, I said:
Gojō's dying bloody smile shows he's at least happy in his final moments. [...] Although, if Gojō actually is at peace in death, maybe that's the reason Gege will bring him back. He'll *never* let that man be happy, I swear.
It was just a joke, but seeing @runabout-river's post made me realise that Akutami has already set a precedent for 'punishing' Gojō for looking backwards. When he's dreaming about his past, Megumi scolds him and brings him back to the present. When he 'lets his mind wander' to his blue spring in Shibuya, he literally gets locked in a box where time doesn't pass, only to immediately find himself at the bottom of Japan's deepest ocean trench when his students bust him out to fix the problem he created.
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As a side note, in both of these moments, the anime adaptation played a melancholy version of Gojō's Limitless theme — the audio representation of Gojō's youth. I'll eat my hat if it doesn't play again when chapter 236 is eventually adapted (I shared some more insights into some of the easter eggs hidden in the season 2 score in my mini review of the Hidden Inventory soundtrack if you wanna read).
If Gojō dies here, looking backwards to his youth, then he's taking the easy way out and that's what I find hardest to swallow about 236. Gojō leaves what is potentially the most difficult conversation he'll ever have — telling Megumi the truth about his father — to Shōko. He leaves his students to deal with the fallout of his failure to cremate Getō's body. He's saddling the people he loves with the responsibilities he leaves behind, and that's not fair.
However, we won't know if that's what's happened for sure until the whole story is told. Gojō doesn't mention his students in this chapter, and lots of people were bewildered that he seems unconcerned about their safety in a world without him. While that could simply be explained by his faith that they've "got it from here", there's a chance that he genuinely didn't think about it and he's about to get a rude awakening as his punishment — hence, "I pray that this isn't just a delusion".
I would *adore* it if Shōko dragged him back to life kicking and screaming, hauling him away from his pleasant fantasy of youth to tell him, 'No, you and Getō don't get to leave me behind to pick up the pieces again'. Because isn't that Shōko as a character? The one who's left to pick up the pieces in their wake? The one to heal the wounds and lay the bodies to rest while everyone forgets she's even there?
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It would be the most character development she ever receives, and I'd love to see how Gojō and Shōko's dynamic changes when he's not the 'Strongest' anymore. So, in Shōko's own words:
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
Until You Come Back Home (gojo x you)
summary: you call his name enough times that he does, indeed, come back home.
wc: 1.76k
cw/tags: angst/comfort, happy ending !!!, lovesick reader and lovesick satoru, mentions of suguru and riko so anime spoilers, pet names (sweetheart, angel, babe)
note: RAHHHH HERE IT IS HE'S BACK last part of "I Don't Wanna Live Forever" !!! this is my coping mechanism before, during, and after shibuya cuz i plan ahead, yk? anyways hope you like it :D
likes, reblogs, and feedback is always appreciated !
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It’s quiet in your room, too unsettling for it to be considered peaceful. You toss around in your covers and count sheep until you’re well past 200 to no avail. It just felt like something was missing and you couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. The room felt humongous and claustrophobic at the same time, too hot to wear blankets but too cold to have your skin exposed. Every single one of your senses was irritated to its limit and you settled for taking a walk to get water. However, you’re surprised to find that you’re not the only one feeling restless. 
You see him tilt his head to look at you in the darkness of the teachers’ common area. His legs are crossed over each other and he rests his chin in the heel of his hand. Rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his half-unzipped jacket, he gives you a tired smile as you sit on the coffee table in front of him. The bags under his eyes are deep enough to bury a treasure chest. You don’t ask if he wants to talk, instead reaching out to take his hand and running your thumb over his knuckles. It’s just something friends do, you reason. No feelings involved with this kind of physical touch, right? After a moment, he shrugs a lean shoulder with a ragged breath, once-vibrant eyes now dulled. 
“Bad dream woke me up. Thought it’d be better to have a change of scenery.” His voice has none of its melodic lilt that you’d grown to love since you both were students, and it makes your face fall. You had very limited knowledge of his nightmares, but to find him staring off into space at the earliest hours of the morning was especially concerning. It was frightening, sometimes, to be Satoru’s closest remaining friend. Witnessing the strongest sorcerer at his weakest was a frequent occurrence for you, however much he tried to appear unbreakable to the rest of society. It was even more frightening to walk this line with him between friends and lovers, to gamble your feelings on a human with the powers of a god. “Do you remember Riko?” 
“Of course I do. As vividly as I remember him, too.” You don’t speak the name of his best friend turned murderer, for your sake and for Satoru’s. It was a stab to the heart you weren’t ready for. “The dream was about them?”
“Mhmm. Just reliving it all again.”
“You’re sort of doing that now, sitting here like a guard at his post.” 
“That’s the point, babe.”
“The point is hurting you, Satoru.” His hair seems almost iridescent in the moonlight when he shakes his head. 
“What are you doing awake, anyway? Missed me so much you couldn’t sleep?” He was baiting you to change the subject and, to your dismay, you bite. 
“Bold of you to assume I miss you at all,” you state flatly, dropping his hand dramatically. He exhales a quiet laugh, leaning his head on his hand to stare at you with those stupidly pretty blue eyes. 
“Liar. You’re the first one I see after every mission, even when I’m not looking for you.” Your mouth quirks at his slip. 
“You search for me after missions?” It makes your heart a little lighter to see some of the twinkle come back into his eyes when he smiles softly. “You’re lying now. Look at your smirk,” you say, flicking his knee lightly. It’s purposeful, you think, when you feel the fabric of his sweatpants brush your hand. He never turned on Infinity if it was you. 
“Believe whatever you want to believe; but, fact is, we’re really good at running into each other.” He leans back in the armchair, raising both hands in surrender. He sighs, looking out at the moonlit courtyard below. “Even right now.” The corner of his mouth quirks teasingly and his eyes flick back to you. “Guess you always know when to find me when I need you, huh?” What is usually a heated face and a rapid heartbeat is replaced by a comforting warmth enveloping your entire body as you nod in agreement. Your mouth opens into a large yawn and you’re reminded how early it is. “I'm fine. Go back to sleep.”
“Why won’t you listen to me?”
“Would you listen if I told you to go back to sleep?” He frowns, staring out the window again in reluctance. Before you speak again, he gives the tiniest shake of his head, imperceptible if you weren’t already staring at him. I can’t. He’s scared to fall asleep again, you figure, like when Megumi was younger and would crawl into your bed in the middle of the night. You huff, running your tongue over your top lip thoughtfully before plopping onto the couch perpendicular to his armchair. He glances at you, puzzled, and you settle into the cushions determinedly. “If you’re anxious of what can happen while you’re asleep, I’ll keep watch and wake you if something happens.” His face contorts to protest but you’re quick to cut him off. “Please, rest. I’ll be right here if you need anything.” 
You don’t really remember much after that. In the morning, you find yourself in Satoru’s bed with his arms curled around you. His face is buried in your shoulder, the blankets are twisted around your legs and his, and you have to blow a few white hairs from your face, but it doesn’t matter. It’s peaceful, and he’s asleep with his forehead against your neck. When you absentmindedly run your fingers through his hair and rub his back with the other hand, he sighs and melts more into your body. It’s a position you became much more familiar with when you officially started dating. It was natural to hold him, to wait for him, to love him. Sometimes, when he returned from a mission and you were already asleep, your body would move on its own to embrace him as he slipped into the sheets. Over time, his name fell from your lips as easily as breathing. 
You would whisper it sleepily, in a hazy trance between sleeping and waking. “Hi, gorgeous,” he replies against your temple, pressing feather-light kisses to your skin. “Miss me?” 
You called it over and over, slightly out of breath after you sprint from one end of the school to the other, Shoko texting you that he was returning after a months-long mission. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you,” he murmurs in your ear, picking you up and spinning you around like a romcom movie. 
You’ve screamed it, occasionally, on the days when being in love with a fallen god became too much to bear and he told you to leave, if you couldn’t stand him that much. The romcom side of your relationship certainly appeared during those days, as it seemed to rain the hardest when he was standing outside your door and begging you to come back to his room. It wasn’t perfect, being with Satoru, but neither was he. That alone kept you coming back and calling his name like a mantra.
It’s the only thing you’re able to say when you see him for the first time since his unsealing.
You see him with Yuuji and Yuta in the courtyard, the same courtyard he looked at all those nights ago. Your breath catches in your throat when you finally register the afternoon sun glinting off of his hair. Though your brain was firing off a million signals in a span of seconds, it feels physically impossible to form words, to breathe, to run. Your body and mind push against each other for control, one completely frozen while the other is running so many trains of thought they’re all crashing disastrously. You swallow and take a few cautious steps down the stairs. His head snaps in your direction. 
Before you can blink, he’s in front of you, alive and breathing despite the newly healed scars. You cup his face in your hands ever so gently, as if he’d shatter if you weren’t careful. The warm feeling of his skin beneath the pads of your fingers told you that he was real, that he was here. He’s there to catch you when your legs give out and you sink to the ground with him, inhaling him for the first time in weeks that felt like centuries. His arms were just as strong as you willed yourself to remember and just as firm as if you were the one who came back from a lethal assignment. 
“My angel,” he murmurs into your skin. Devotion drips from his words like honey. “How did you know where to find me?” You choke out a half-laugh, half-cry and smile against his chest, more at ease than you’ve felt in your entire life. 
“We’re just really good at running into each other.” He laughs, genuinely laughs and it feels like a thirty pound weight is instantly lifted from your shoulders. 
“We are, aren’t we?”
“Can we have that rager wedding now?” You were beaming at him, basking in his light and slowly tracing your fingers over his scars. It was just another part of him for you to memorize. 
“I thought you denied me my rager wedding.” His accusation is whispered right into your ear and the hair on the back of your neck stands up from the close proximity. “I was heartbroken, truly.”
“If it means keeping you forever, I’ll have a hundred rager weddings,” you promise. In true Satoru fashion, however, he still likes to push your buttons whenever he has a chance. 
“What if it’s two hundred?” He smirks and you roll your eyes, unable to stop smiling nonetheless. 
“That’s pushing it.”
“Fine,” he concedes, pressing one more kiss to your cheek. “One will do. We don’t even have to buy a house.”
“Why not?”
“Because wherever I’m with you, I’m–” 
“Already home. I get it.” He draws his mouth into a frustrated grimace. 
“You didn’t let me finish my sappy line.”
“You’ll have to come up with better than that if you want to truly have that rager wedding.”
“It’s good that I like a challenge, then,” he states before picking you up clear off the ground, one arm slung under your legs and the other supporting your back. He calls out something to his students behind you that you can’t hear, escorting you back to his bed and resting, truly resting, for the first time in ages. 
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milaisreading · 1 year
Good day! I wanna ask you please for scenario about manager spends free day with boys after u-20 match. This chapter when they go to the bowling, meet u-20 etc.
Author: Hope u like this and thank u for the request! Tried to incorporate the idea here as much as possible 🩷
Warnings ⚠️: none in particular. Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Shibuya Ward (Tokyo)...
Looking at herself one last time in the mirror, (Y/n) nodded her head and took her bag and ran out of her room to the main entrance of thr house. Today was the first day in months where she could relax for a bit and use up all the luxury the oilitside world provided. While she herself wasn't as restricted as the players were, she had certain rules to abide by as well. Some of them were only using the phone Blue Lock provided her, no internet unless she was told by Ego or Anri, no sweets or unhealthy food and similar things. In the past few days she indulged herself in them, as they will soon return to Blue Lock for a special announcement. (Y/n) already had some suspensions on what it was about, since Anri phoned her last night and gave some small details away.
'But for now... I will just relax.' (Y/n) sighed as she put on her shoes, just in time as her father walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh? Going already? Did you take everything?"
"Yes! Phone, wallet, disinfectant gel, wipes, the keys... everything is with me. Don't worry." (Y/n) said as her father nodded his head.
"Good, and keep your guard up. You never know how boys could be."
"Don't worry, dad. It's just Rin we are talking about, you worry too much sometimes." (Y/n) laughed in amusement as her father sighed, nodding his head.
"Yeah... a little bit, but you can't blame me. Just don't stay out for too long and call me in case you need something." Nodding her head, (Y/n) said her goodbyes and ran out of the apartment, hoping Rin's train didn't arrive yet.
'It's 8.15 right now... I need to hurry up since the train from Kamakura arrives at 8.45.' She thought, running down the street to the Shibuya station.
'Thank God it's close to my place.'
By the time (Y/n) had arrived it was 8.35 and the girl was sitting on a bench, looking through her phone. For the past few days every major news station was talking about the Blue Lock vs U-20 match, about the players, Ego and there were even articles that showed her and Anri, even talking about their roles for a bit. While (Y/n) herself was flattered by some of the words used and while the team never made her feel less important, she didn't think she did much. She was just there for her friends-
"Mom, it is her!"
"Rika, it's rude to point."
Looking up from her phone, (Y/n) saw a little girl grinning and pointing at her as the woman kept telling her to stop it.
"I am so sorry, but my daughter saw you at the Blue Lock game. You are their manager, (L/n)-san?" The woman asked nervously and (Y/n) nodded her head, getting up from her seat and walking over to them.
"Y-yes, I am. Did you enjoy the game? Both teams did a great job on the field." (Y/n) said.
'But my friends did a better one!' She thought to herself as the woman nodded her head.
"We did, your number 11 and 10 were quite something else. I never saw such strikers on our filed. My daughter here seems to be more fixated on you though." The woman admitted as the child hugged (Y/n)'s leg.
"Me? I really didn't do anything, but I am flattered." (Y/n) blushed a little and patted the girl's head.
"Not true, I really liked how you kept your cool and were on the call when needed. A lot of the girls in my class are looking forward to join some teams as managers." Rika admitted, fluttering the girl even more now.
"Really? I am happy in that case..."
'Weird... I expected this kind of attention on Rin and Isagi... not on me.'
They talked for a little bit and then the mother took Rika's hand, saying they have to be somewhere. Waving goodbye, (Y/n) sighed to herself, feeling some sort of joy that she had someone look up to her, even a little bit.
"There you are. Did you wait for too long?" Turning around, she saw Rin stopping in front of her and fixing his jacket.
"Not at all! How was the ride from Kamakura?" (Y/n) wondered as they started walking to the exit of the station.
"Crowded and loud at some points, but it's over now."
"I can only imagine, so what do you want to do now? Did you have breakfast? I know a good cafe just around the corner."
Rin nodded his head, as he indeed didn't eat anything out of nervousness, this was basically the first time he was alone like this with (Y/n). While she may just see it as a get together with him, to him it was more like a date.
"Sounds good, I am quite hungry... man it feels nice to eat the food I want and not to stick to Ego-san's food regime." Rin sighed as (Y/n) nodded along, already excited for the (f/f) at the cafe.
"I know! I still can't get over the fact how much chocolate I ate these days... I will miss it once we return~"
"So you are not resigning?" Rin suddenly asked,his heartbeat picking up a pace. (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at the question and shook her head.
"No, I really want to stay in Blue Lock as long as possible. It's weird actually... what a lot of people would view as a prison, really feels like a 2nd home... really couldn't imagine living without you guys now."
Rin felt his face turn a bright red and he coughed, the feeling of happiness bursting in his chest from those last words.
'I basically became irreplaceable to her. I am happy to get to spend the day with her alone... nobody to interrupt me or-'
"Hey! Rin! (Y/n)!" The boy groaned as he heard Chigiri's familiar voice and they both turned to look at the speedster and Bachira.
"Chigiri, Bachira you guys are here too?" (Y/n) grinned as the two stopped in front of them, taking a few deep breaths before speaking.
"We are on our way to meet up with Isagi. And you two? Wanna join us?" Rin was about to protest Bachira's idea but (Y/n) spoke up.
"We were on our way to eat something and... we had nothing planned. Maybe we can join and think of something to do together, the more the better, right?" (Y/n) said, looking at the younger Itoshi. Rin really wanted to say no, to refuse the idea as he wanted this day to be all about him and (Y/n). But as he looked between the two teammates and back at (Y/n), reluctantly nodding his head.
"Sure... sounds fun."
As if just waiting for the opportunity, Chigiri bolted and took (Y/n)'s hand to lead her to the cafe they would meet up with Isagi.
"I know you tried to spend the day alone with (Y/n)."
"What's it to you even?" Rin asked as he glared at Bachira, who just sent him a wicked grin.
"I am just warning you now... don't do that again. (Y/n) is too precious to be with a guy with brother issues." That struck a nerve, which was quite visible to Bachira and he laughed while walking in front of him.
"(Y/n) will pick me in the end anyways, you better get used to the idea." Bachira snickered, knowing he pissed the younger Itoshi off.
'That little bastard... like hell he will.'
"Man, and Teieri-san didn't say what this phase is even about?" Bachira pouted as he leaned his head against (Y/n)'s shoulder. Chigiri ignored the slight irritation he felt at that and spoke up too.
"Whatever it is, at least we will be in this together."
"True! It would be so weird with one of you guys missing, by the way when did Isagi say he will arrive?"
"He texted me saying he was on the way... that was like 30 minutes ago."
As the trio were chatting, Rin kept sending them cold stares from time to time. Well, they were more directed at Bachira and Chigiri, who stole the two spots next to (Y/n), so he was now forced to sit at the other side.
'Lucky bastards.'
"Huh? (Y/n) and Rin, you two are here too?" The group of 4 turned to look at Isagi, who had a mixture of confusion and delight on his face.
"Finally decided to show up, Lukewarm." Rin noted as the boy sat next to him, giving him a glare.
"Shut up, the traffic was bad. Anyways, how have you guys been? Feels nice to be outside."
Isagi's voice turned softer once he turned to look at (Y/n).
'Bachira get your head away from there!' The boy thought with a tight smile.
"Will anyone else join us?"
"I texted Nagi and told him where we will be. Hiori lives too far away so he couldn't meet up with us. Niko couldn't come and Kunigami had something to do today." Isagi explained to Chigiri as the group hear some loud noises nearby.
"Huh? Hey, the rest of the team is here too." (Y/n) said as she got up, making Bachira groan as he sat up straight.
"And they didn't call us? Rude." The yellow-eyed boy snickered as he ran to where the group was.
"It's not like we did either."
"At least we are together now." (Y/n) whispered to Chigiri as they followed Bachira, leaving Isagi and Rin alone.
"This is so annoying. I planned this day out for (Y/n) and I... not you lukewarms."
Isagi snapped his head to Rin and sent him a nasty look.
"Well I am happy it didn't work out for you... Poor (Y/n) would have suffered from the boredom. Also don't try to hard, (Y/n) might not show it too much, but it's clear that I am her favorite."
"What do you want to say with that, Isagi?" Rin challenged the smug boy.
'Damn this team.' Rin thought as he followed after Isagi. His cold look softening a little when he saw (Y/n) laugh at some joke Aryu said.
'At least she is happy... I think this won't be that bad.'
Later during the day the group went to an arcade where Nagi was waiting for them. While they were playing, (Y/n) and Aryu sneaked out to look at some of the stores nearby. But that moment was short lived, as 10 minutes later Otoya, Reo and Karasu joined them, having noticed the duo missing. And while Reo was trying to let him to buy her something, Aryu was getting scolded for 'stealing their time with the manager.'
"Not my fault you all have the fashion sense of a rat and (Y/n) rather does these things with me." Which earned him a wave of protests from Otoya and Karasu, saying they dressed rather well.
"The pizza here is very nice~ Why aren't you playing?" (Y/n) asked she took a bite from her slice, looking at Yukimiya in confusion.
"No reason, I like bowling more when watching. The pizza is good?" The boy asked, looking over her shoulder a few times.
"It is! It's good such a bowling alley has good food. I am still confused how you got the U-20 team into playing with you."
"Beats me. Isagi and Bachira sure find trouble sometimes." Yukimiya said, both watching as Rin scored a point for them.
"Go Rin!" The group cheered.
"Here! You can have my piece too." Yukimiya said, handing it to the reluctant girl.
"This is your thought. I can't-"
"Yes you can. I ate too much there past few days anyways." Yukimiya laughed nervously as he watched Baro scare one of the U-20 players away.
'Thank God she isn't paying attention to them." The brown-haired boy thought, smiling fondly at the girl.
"Did you get any rest since the game? It was quite stressful on everyone." (Y/n) asked, looking at the brown-haired boy.
"Sure, I slept a lot these past few days. I am all ready for whatever Ego-san has prepared now. And you?"
"Yeah, I can't wait till we are back at the headquarters. I missed the chaos a little."
(Y/n) said as Otoya and Karasu joined them.
'Whatever Ego-san had planned will sure be a mess... but a good one.' (Y/n) thought as the four started talking about their break while the rest were enjoying the small competition with the U-20 team.
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Ranking JJK Characters I Don't Like
Ranging from mild dislike (14) to LOATHE WITH EVERY INCH OF MY BEING (1).
14. Mai: I don't hate her. I sympathize with her. I just wish she wasn't the way she is.
13. Junpei: I do have compassion for him, but ... school shooter vibes. Not a fan.
12. Noritoshi: Bad vibes.
11. Toji: Bad dad. And he's so nosy, too. Why does he always insert himself into situations with his fists swinging? Actually, now that I think about it, that's kind of iconic behavior. But all it ever really did was create more problems. If he had never inserted himself into the plot, Geto would have probably never turned mass-murderer-cult-leader--WE COULD HAVE HAD EVERYTHING. So it's a pass for me. Also, his haircut is off-putting for reasons I cannot articulate. It's like one day in middle school he got a haircut and just never changed up the style ever again.
10. Jogo: Ugly.
9. Uraume: Character design: slay. Helping Sukuna: not slay.
8. Like every adult from the Zenin clan: BECAUSE THEY SUCK.
7. Tengen: Old and entitled.
6. Kenjaku: Old and entitled part two. What gives him the right?
5. Sukuna: Horrid, nasty man. I feel like I shouldn't have to elaborate.
4. Ui Ui: Annoying. Literally, why are you even here?
3. Mei Mei: First of all, how am I supposed to take you seriously with that stupid braid hanging in front of your face? From the very instant her character was introduced, I did not like her, but I thought maybe I was being a woman hater for no reason, so I really did try to tolerate her. But when we finally saw that scene in season two. PRISON!!! I was right. She's the worst. We are not gonna ignore that. Check her files.
2. That thing with the blond side ponytail: I hate him so much I don't even know his name. I don't care to know it. I would say why do you as a man look like that, but honestly why do you as a HUMAN BEING look like that? Why do you act like that? Why are you skipping around wearing a poorly made DIY toga? Whole nip is hanging out, and no one asked to see that. Why are you HOLDING HANDS with your blade? Freak. There is something so intrinsically, inherently, ONTOLOGICALLY wrong with him, you can't even blame it on childhood trauma or a personality disorder. The only time I ever supported Sukuna was when he bullied this emaciated Jo Jo Siwa lookin' thing in Shibuya.
Mahito: I hate him so much. I hate him more than I've ever hated any character. I actually lose the ability to speak coherently when I think about him because I hate him so much. I think it's so cringe when try-hard dudes say, "When I'm angry all I see is red." But when I think about Mahito it really is like blood and pure rage cloud my vision. He is literally the embodiment of if you gave an edge lord psychopathic eleven year old the power to kill people. "Wee, I'm so powerful and killing people is just SoooOoOoOoOOOo much fun!!" SHUT UP!!!!!!!! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOT FUNNY. YOU ARE NOT CUTE. YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL IN ANY WAY. He is genuinely the most irritating character I have ever come across. And as the story progresses, he just gets worse. What do you mean he can duplicate himself? Now we have to deal with TWO of this wretched creature? What do you mean he can be decapitated AND HIS HEAD WILL SPROUT LIMBS AND SPRINT AWAY? STOOOOOOOOOP. AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON WHAT HAPPENED TO NANAMI--I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT. Mahito is such a nasty, slithy, bothersome, despicable, nauseating little cockroach. "Yuji, you and I are the same." Huh? You thought you did something there, didn't you? You thought you ate and came up with some kind of deep, revolutionary concept? It's giving pretentious philosophy dude who thinks he's superior for being a little contrarian, nihilistic Nietzsche butt licker. When Yuji finally humbled him, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed seeing the fear in his eyes. For one brief, fleeting moment, I could finally understand what sadists must feel like. Honestly, we deserved to watch him suffer, and I wish he would have suffered far more for far longer. Rot in anguish, Mahito. You will not be missed nor forgiven.
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teeswrites · 4 months
LN- All roads lead to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
The end is close and I have a mind full of ideas...
Also, it's not on the sneak peak but this one will have smut ;)
Chapter 7: Suzuka (sneak peak)
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
"So. Heard it's your birthday soon" he started. She smirked, then looked at him "I wonder how you know so much about me. Cause I don't tell you about myself unless you ask, and you don't ask much" he gulped "I don't…" "You always say Charles told you, but I don't think he actually does it" he looked at her "Don't you trust me?" "Well..." she moved her gaze forward "Trust more on him than on you. That's for sure" he chuckled looking forward as well "So how it's to almost be 25?" she locked her gaze on his and crossed her arms, then made a long pause before she started to talk again, like she was looking for clues in his eyes "Are you googling me?" he laughed "You're googling me!" She accused him while he continued to laugh "He is googling me, everybody!" she said to a group of people passing by them on the street "How did you get to this conclusion?" "No one knows I'm actually 24. When people ask me how old I am I always ask them 'how old do you think I am?' and when they guess, I say 'something in this range' but never really tell the truth. I think not even Lewis knows my real age. Plus I haven't ever told you about it" "Fine. It's a valid hypothesis" "Not a hypothesis, a conclusion" "Hypothesis, cause I'm not admitting anything" "Of course you're not". She kept silent for a few seconds before saying "Coward" "Hey!" she smiled "Yeah, my birthday is next week by the way" "What are you planning?" "Probably going out to dinner with a few friends" "That sounds good" "Yeah, don't want anything too big" "You and your friends only?" she raised an eyebrow "Are you inviting yourself to my birthday dinner?" "I said nothing" she laughed "If you want to be invited be a man and ask, bro" "I'm not going to ask if I can go to your birthday dinner!" "Okay" "Okay, then" silence again "But can I?" she smirked "I'll think about it, Landoboy" "Don't call me Landoboy" "Fine" she looked at her right and saw an ice cream shop "Look!" she pointed "What's it?" "Ice cream" "Wanna have it?" "Yes! But wouldn't that be bad for your diet?" "It can be our secret" she giggled "Alright".
"What flavor do you want?" she hummed "Passion fruit! In the cone, please" she said like a child. He smiled "Passion fruit in the cone it's, then" "What about you?" he thought a bit "Same as yours" she smiled, reminiscing at the night they met when he asked her what she was drinking and picked the same as hers. "There you go, lady" "Thanks". She moaned at the taste of the passion fruit on her tongue "Do you like it" she nodded affirmatively "I really like it" he giggled "Why is it called passion fruit?" she asked "I don't know" "Do you feel passionate when you eat it?" he swallowed the ice cream and hesitantly answered "I... do feel passionate right now" she smiled "Me too" she stepped closer to him and touched his hand "Hey, Lando" "Yes?" "Can you kiss me right now?" he smiled "Yes, I can" then with one hand, held her jaw and approached his lips to hers till they touched. It was a soft kiss, to remind their lips how it was, that small peck in London at her front door wasn't enough. While his lips were busy being happy, his mind wished he could blame a yellow, sour, calming fruit for his feelings.
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mania-sama · 7 months
Call Your Mom by Noah Kahan is so ItaFushi I can't get over it like actually. And the new chapter?? Made it fit so much more?? And it hurts so good and I have to talk about it in depth before I EXPLODE.
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"But, don't you cancel any plans / 'Cause I won't let you get the chance to never make them / Stayed on the line with you the entire night / 'Til you let it out and let it in." -> Because they can't ever leave each other to suffer alone if they can help it. Because they are always there for each other. Because Megumi called Itadori stupid for trying to enter and fight in the Culling Games alone. Because Itadori will not give up until he finishes what he started: saving Megumi.
"Don't let this darkness fool you / All lights turned off can be turned on." -> LITERALLY what's going on in chapter 251. Practically all of these lines can be either what Megumi said to Itadori post-Shibuya, or what Itadori will have to say to wake Megumi up.
"I'll drive, I'll drive all night / I'll call your mom." -> They would go to any lengths to protect and save each other. They would drive all night, fight all day, if it meant getting the other to live another day. The second line is a little harder to explain, but I think if Gojo were still alive, Itadori would make him talk to Megumi. He would call Gojo and tell him about how Megumi's falling apart. He would get Gojo to drive all night to save Megumi. And I can imagine how Gojo would feel in this situation, watching his ward fall apart like his best friend did all those years ago. I think, now, he would find the right words to say.
"Oh, dear, don't be discouraged / I've been exactly where you are." -> Itadori has been exactly where Megumi is now. In Shibuya, he had Todo to fix him back up again. He knows what it's like. He has to be there for Megumi now, just as everyone was there for him back then, just as everyone encouraged him to keep going. Itadori is the only one that can pull Megumi back up, because Megumi will only listen to him. Because Itadori understands.
"Waiting room, no place to stand / His greatest fears and wringing hands and the loudest silence." -> It's in my personal theory (that will likely never come true but I digress) that after they defeat Sukuna, Megumi will fall into a coma. He shouldered several of Gojo's domain expansions. He's suicidal. It makes sense to me. And I can imagine Itadori coming to his hospital room every day, unsure of what to say but unwilling to sit in the silence that is only broken by automated breaths and a beeping monitor. I wrote a one-shot about this, actually. I might write another.
"If you could see yourself like this, you'd have never tried it." -> This can be interpreted in several ways. I think one fun interpretation is that Itadori holds a little resentment for Megumi's choice to not let him walk alone. Because of that decision, Sukuna successfully possessed Megumi and threw him into the near catatonic state he is in now.
"Medicate, meditate, save your soul for Jesus / Throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason / Don't wanna drive another mile without knowin' you're breathing / So won't you stay, won't you stay, won't you stay with me?" -> Basically what Itadori will be doing for Megumi; begging him to find reasons to live. Convincing him that there are still parts of life that are worth bearing the pain for. That Megumi should stay alive because he hasn't lost everyone, that Itadori is still there for him. I can imagine it now, Itadori screaming these words at Megumi, and Megumi staring wide-eyed back at him.
I just recently posted an entire mental health analysis on a few Jujutsu Kaisen characters, and I talked at length about what I think of Itadori's passive suicidal ideation and Megumi's active suicidality. Obviously, a song about suicide is going to fit this ship like a warm glove. It doesn't even have to be about the romantic ship, necessarily. It works just fine platonically.
When I pass out in my mental world for the duration of this song, I also imagine that Gojo fits in there as well. I can see him driving all night to save Megumi once Itadori calls, and I can hear him telling Itadori that he's been in the same position. Because he has, hasn't he? When he failed to save Geto? I can see him telling Megumi to find reasons to keep going, when he couldn't give Geto the reasons when they were Itadori & Megumi's ages.
Anyway. Go stream Call Your Mom. Will probably do another song analysis at some point because I just can't help myself.
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drea-ms · 9 months
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ふしぐるめぐみ Love always lasts forever. Why didn't it last for you and him? what did he do wrong this time?
warnings. heavy angst. hurt no comfort. major character death. misunderstandings. implied hispanic/spanish speaking reader. am mexican guys i know what i'm doing. megumi crying ☹️. canon? i think, it does take place during the shibuya arc. wrote this at 12 am with no sleep. not proofread and grammar mistakes
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You didn't think it would hurt this much, the pain in your heart was way worse than the pain you're feeling right now. Maybe it was the adrenaline that main you forget the pain of being stabbed, you're greatful for that, you have more time to focus on your heavy heart at the moment. You hated that this was the way you were dying, killed by curse (probably higher level) and with no one by your side. It....It was difficult to stay focused on not dying, even when you see his spiky dark hair. His voice going deaf in your ears.
"...n't d...e on... u.... n!" was all you heard, his muffled voice trying to keep you awake, it wasn't working. His voice that brought you comfort before this incident wasn't comforting you like old times, no, none of him was comforting right now, you were on death's door. Something Megumi was least expecting. He regrets everything that has happened in the past two weeks, he was an idiot to not realize his feelings. An idiot to reject you, and an idiot to have fought with you hours before this incident.
What was the that sentence you said in spanish again? He couldn't remember. Fuck. he can't remember anything, why can't he remember? why does he always fuck things up? Megumi looks at your state, you look like shit, cuts on your face, that stupid scar that was in your stomach from that spear the stupid curse landed on you. But nonetheless, you always looked beautiful. At least to him, even in your dying breath you looked like a angel. He doesn't realize he's zoning out until you call his name weakly, hands shaking as you hold his cheeks with both of your hands, smiling at him like nothing ever happened, tears streaming down your face.
"Hi Megs." you say, in the most normal you can, that sweet voice he missed hearing,
"Hi, let's—let's get you out of here yea?" he says, the lump in his throat getting thicker the more he sees you suffer.
"I don't—don't think ill last enough to get to Ieiri-san, Megumi." you stated, he hated how you were right. You wouldn't make it by the time you got the long haired smoker.
"I—I know, just stay awake, please? don't wanna lose you. not after our fight. please" the shaking in his voice making it hard to understand him,
"Do you remember that sentence in spanish I taught you?" you asked, smiling softly as you remembered what you tought him.
"The one from that one song? of course." you laugh at how much he was trying to avoid the topic of you dying in his arms.
"Yes, that one, Do you finally remember what it means and do you know how to say it correctly?" the smirk in your face never leaving as you see him think about it,
"Not really, I think I'm not good enough yet." he says trying to keep you awake as he called for more back up. he can't lose you, not after he lost everyone else.
"You wanna here the part that goes with yours? it comes right after yours." you saying giggling as you started closing your eyes, who knew death would be this peaceful?
"Yes, just keep talking to me okay?" "Of course, anything for you megs." a smile came on both of your faces
"Como quisiera, Que tú vivieras Que tus ojitos jamás se hubieran cerrado nunca Y estar mirándolos" he begins, tears pooling out of his eyes, no longer holding them back.
"Amor eterno E inolvidable Tarde o temprano estaré contigo para seguir Amándonos" you say, and with that you close your eyes. your breathing stopped and finally at peace.
"please. come back to me. I'm so sorry."
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VAL SPEAKS !!!! i love angst 🤭🤭🤭 i have so many angst prompts in works rn!!! i'm going to have so much fun:3333 rlly hope u liked this fic :p was crying while i wrote it cus it was late :///
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minquiec · 3 months
Why GiftedEyes is kinda special to me
Oh my goddd it's been a while since I yapped 😭 I've just been busy I promise I never stop the yap but this is uhmmm smth new that I haven't really posted about cause I literally came up w it 3-5 weeks ago but it's a oc PLUS canon not oc X canon cause it's a platonic pairing between an oc and.....GOJO SATORU OUT OF ALL PPL but yea enjoy I think
This is but a temporary diversion from jipunk hshahaha cause thinking abt moving on makes me wanna throw up cause I don't like change 😍😍 but I realise it's okay to like multiple things at the same time and it doesn't define me 🤺 so anyways
(I still love all my ocs and characters and ships and what not I never move on I just can't multitask and fixate on two things at once [me trying to self affirm LOL])
So how the fuck did I get here
How did I join the masses and suddenly become a gojo satoru enjoyer? Tbh idrk cause I've been into jjk for a while and it kinda appears in phases where I'd be pretty into it for a week and then ease out and then repeat for the next couple of months but this time round it's especially bad for some reason bc???? Hello??? I suddenly grew heart eyes for gojo satoru?? Scratches head fr but LAWD ITA SO FUN cause fanart wise jjk is a way more popular series than spiderverse and i can literally feel my starving body being replenished
But besides him being obviously a pretty boy I've actually grown to like his character a lot
So you see ☝️🤓 the problem w me is whenever I like a character I always gotta really REALLY like them to the point when I start analysing their personality to see if I actually fr like them and that's how it lasts longer than an average "he fine I want him"
And w gojo I think I realized I rlly like characters who have compassion for other ppl? 😭 but it's gotta have layers idk I have a range of types so maybe I'm just talking bs
Cause it's not rlly obvious w gojo but he's really kind in terms of his compassion for humanity which makes me ssooo 🙂‍↕️☝️😭🙏🙆‍♀️🤺🫶💔💔🧍‍♂️🗣️📈📈🔥🔥‼️🆙🆙 and it shows in the way he treats his students (ignoring the fact bro stepped on peoples faces in shibuya but you sort of get what i mean not really) and in that one line where he said smth like "no one should take the youth away from young people" and im going to leap because of his own youth that was taken from literally his birth cause of his groundbreaking, historic birth with his six eyes AND limitless
So very obviously he didn't have a normal childhood, probably put on a pedestal and worshipped which meant he grew up! Kinda weirdly! And when he met suguru he could probably experience his youth for the first time (geto!! Suguru!!! Was his first and last blue spring!!!! Blue spring is a poetic way of saying youth!!!! I'm gonna LEAP) and that youth was prematurely taken away at FIFTEEN and SSEECONNDD YEAR when riko was killed which could basically be a metaphor of the death of their youth with their morals and principles being thrown into a clothes dryer and tumbled around
And I'm not gonna. Get into how much stsg make me wanna tear my hair out cause tbh I Will Cry cause I've cried atleast 4 times about them before and I'm trying to keep my peace and they actually make me so sad bc the depth of their connection Makes Me Want to dddiiieeeee 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ they're so much more than just ahaha silly ship tgt and it drives me crazy but I'm not gonna get into it bc once again; I'm Gonna Cry
Anyways back to sat or oo gojo, he can do very easily be that cold typical guy that doesn't care but instead he chooses to hold the responsibility of the jujutsu world on his shoulders alone bc unlike the higher ups who are fucking useless!!!! He doesn't want the youth to suffer for the mistakes (they inevitably do anyways though 💔) cause I saw this tweet where he literally, could've solved the whole shibuya incident in a split second if he wanted (hollow purple the whole place and easy as that) but because of the innocent people involved he chose to literally risk vulnerability by over exerting to the max like wtf did you see that he's insane he's crazy he's gojo satoru (which in the end cost him his temporary freedom 💔💔💔 but I digress)
But uhmmm that concludes why I like him so much rn 🙏🙏 I saw this rlly good tweet where it mentions from who I believe is a jjk screen writer?? And mentions that gojos attractiveness stems from his ability to show weakness and that he isn't all invincible in terms of character and im like uuueEEEEEE but I appreciate him a lot
So ofc as any normal person would deal with loving a character, obviously my crazy ass decided "wow!! What a tragic character who's so, so lonely!!! I can't stand this and my heart cries for you so I'm gonna give you a companion because the canonical media treats you too painfully!!!!!"
Like a normal person does
So now we enter mins crazy bitch domain, my mind palace, my noggin if you will and all this takes a sharp detour to Cringeville but when have I ever gaf
A key aspect of Ruri's character is that she revolves around the failure of authorities in her life, starting from young where she is exploited for monetary means because of her jujutsu talent. I kinda made it on purpose that she parallels w satoru in a way where both were deprived of a normal childhood due to their talent? She is then failed again by the higher ups in the incident where she loses an eye due to their mistake and it's important to note that during this time (around ~2006 to ~2007) the star vessel plasma stuff happened and haibara dying due to higher ups so it really just solidifies that theme of children being exploited and burdened for the mistakes cause by the generation before them.
So because of this, there's already a different kind of connection between all of the surviving students of this time (mmm sort of minus suguru cause he went off and uhm,, started his cult and became public enemy #1)
On top of this initial connection of trauma, prior to it ruri and satoru had a more whimsical thing going on where they both have special eyes kind of (hence why I named it GiftedEyes cause they're technically both gifted in their own sense and they got fucked up eyes hahahaha) and during this time period, he's just very cheeky and cocky and she barely tolerates him bc ehhh he's just like that but he's nice in his own fucked up way
For shoko and suguru it's more of a normal friendly close relationship cause ruri's canonically likeable HaHaHa she's just very nice to be around so the 4 are in this close friend group tgt but I won't get tm into their dynamic or whtevr the fuck they have going on
So after the star ves incident and ruri's accident, she disappears for like ATLEAST A DECADE I THINK,,, TO HEAL?? (I'm still working on this but all ik is the higher ups took her away for healing) so none of the three see her again till 2018 (WHAT REALLY FUCKS ME UP IS THAT SHE NEVER GOT TO SEE SUGURU AGAIN,,,,, there's one situation where she actually sort of walks past mimiko and nanako in a public setting and she recognises a bit of his CE [this shit ain't canon, making this up cause it's part of her CT ajjajaj] but she brushes it off)
But anyways the dynamic changed when they meet again as adults in 2018 where instead of barely tolerating his shenanigans, ruri grew to be one of very few people who actually indulge his personality (as masked as it might be bc cmon now) because seeing familiar faces after all they've been through makes her sad 😞😞 it doesn't help she's older AJAJA only by a little but she's biologically inclined (ruri: oct 20 shoko: nov 7 satoru: dec 7 suguru: feb 3)
And while I say indulge, I don't mean she's actively encouraging it LOL she still has that stoic calm personality from adolescence but it's more like she turns the other way whenever he's being goofy (she buys him sweets and souvenirs whenever she comes back from missions)
And its cause like, the idea of someone who's on the top of the chain, the world even, finding comfort in an old friend makes me soooooo sssssssooooooo aAAAUYYEEUUGGHHHHHH it's what he deserves after so long so this is my coping okay and it kills me cause i think he (bear with me here lemme be cringe) would find a lot of comfort in her presence again cause sometimes it's like she's a time capsule from the distant past where he was actually happy and can't help but almost revert to the silly cheeky version 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he may be suffering from his breakup for the past decade BUT atleast he got his girl SPACEBAR friends to support him (shoko and ruri)
Platonic love also really makes me sob cause like ,,, it's the way you've formed such a connection and affection (non romantically) strung by the mishaps and tragedies you've suffered together,,,ueueue but yea that's it i think i need to honk shoo mimimi they r special to me
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stellamancer · 6 months
Hi!!! I just read ‘beyond the unending night’ and I thought it was really cool!!
I loved your take on the time-travelling technique!! Groundhog Day in Shibuya — a true nightmare.
I loved how even though it was the same day repeated, it didn’t feel repetitive! In fact, it flowed really easily!!
I loved the ending too!! I thought it was pretty neat that Satoru wanted to unlock the prison realm. But also — what would happen then? What’re the consequences of his actions?
The banter with Satoru was super fun. I thought this fic especially came to life in those moments — in my opinion.
hello!!! first off thanks so much for reading the fic!! i'm glad to know that you liked it!! and that you didn't feel like it felt repetitive!! it was definitely one of my big concerns when writing the fic so i tried hard to make sure that each loop felt fresh.
before i answer your questions about gojo opening the box, i also wanna say that i'm glad you had fun reading the banter with gojo. if there is anything i love writing it's dialogue. and so, and i think i said this to someone else, probably ari, the fact that this fic goes ON SO LONG without any absolutely killed me. LMAO. so some of my excitement about finally getting to write dialogue probably really bled through when reader and gojo started talking.
I actually don't want to go too in depth about what happens because I do want to.. actually write it one day, but the short of it is that it does release reader from the box because they are still alive in there. What follows... well, hopefully we will find out one day! Idk when. There are some other wips I want to get to plus I want to ruminate a little on how that story is gonna go.
I do want to say that Gojo did consult with the higher ups concerning releasing reader's seal; it's not entirely him doing whatever he wants, though... it's not really like they could stop him if that were the case... which is probably why they agreed in the first place.
Thank you so much for asking! And also for dropping me an ask! I said it before, and I'll say it again, I really... I'm floored by all the feedback I've gotten for this fic and how much people have seemed to like it. I'm being completely honest when I say I didn't really think anyone outside my friends would care to read it because you don't get to kiss Gojo in the end. I hope you have a wonderful weekend anon!!
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possiblylando · 1 year
The Cycle of 'Success' in Jujutsu Kaisen. [Leaks & Spoilers up to 225]
There's an interesting phenomenon that I've only really seen in Jujutsu Kaisen. If you're apart of the JJK community you've probably seen some variation of this image:
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Incase images don't load I'll describe it for you. The Cycle of JJK >Chapter where an ability is explained for half the chapter >Fans say "Gege has been running on fumes since Shibuya this is trash" >Cool thing happens because of the set up >Fans say "Gaygay my goat, I kneel!" It's interesting right? I can't say I've seen another manga that's had a reception like this. The only thing I can really say is similar is One Piece but even then it doesn't compare to the cycle. It's hard to analyze because there's not really another series that has or had a similar sort of thing going on with it. I feel like I'll write this whole thing out and have absolutely nothing to say. I think the main thing to blame are the Leaks. JJK has a rather unique leak situation. For those of you unaware there is a person on twitter who goes by Myamura who every week (that there is a chapter) will go through and post raw scans of each page on their twitter. There's a window of about 1-2 hours where these scans are up before they're deleted and Myamura goes private again. Each Page is posted one by one and accompanied by a caption that describes the text and events in the scan. It gives people far more time to linger on singular pages. It makes a chapter that would otherwise last 10 minutes last 6-12x that. So a singular page lasts as long as the chapter itself would take to read. Not only that but the scans descriptions aren't really- Accurate. This isn't to rail against Myamura at all of course. Leaks are going to happen at any rate so there's no point in getting mad at someone who circulates leaks. But still this goes without saying that this leads to many flawed perceptions of chapters which haven't even released yet. The most recent example I can think of is chapter 222.
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This page alone was able to entirely shift the view of chapter 222 from being one of the most garbage rushed chapters into one with immense intrigue. All because this page wasn't properly translated and described within the initial leaks. Of course the leaker later cleared this up and the view of this chapter instantly flipped. And this happens for every chapter. THIS IS WHERE I TALK ABOUT 225 AND MAJOR SPOILERS WITHIN IT IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END OF 225 STOP READING HERE AND COME BACK ONCE THE CHAPTER IS OFFICAL RELEASED IM SERIOUS HERE IT'S BIG YOU PROBABLY WANNA EXPERIENCE IT BLIND IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY
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Alright then. Lets continue. The reason I want to talk about 225 is because it encapsules the entire cycle in a single chapter. We got like 6-8 pages of people just talking about the Gojo Vs. Sukuna fight while not seeing any of it during it. It was essentially just a recap of the last chapter. (One of my boys finally showed up in a chapter hi Kashimo)
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this is very much the "Gege is running on fumes" portion of the chapter. Beat to beat honestly. While unlikely I feel like Gege has begun to structure some of these chapters knowing about the leaks. Of course this is just- Not True.
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Then the 'mediocre' first half is followed directly after by the SECOND domain clash in the series. That's right this is only the SECOND actual domain clash in the entire fucking series. It's ridiculous. It's interesting to follow what people are thinking page to page. Me and my friends will discuss the leaks as they happen. I also tend to look at the leak hashtag as it happens. It basically goes like this. >"SNOREEEEEEEEE This chapter is boring as fuck what is gege doing" >"Finally back to the action" >"KICK HIS ASS GOJO KILL HIMMMMMMM BEAT HIS ASS" >"Oh shit." >"well Gojo's dead" or "he'll get up gojo's fine [Copium]" I believe the main thing this can be attributed to is the fact JJK is a near unholy mixture of building blocks. Like throwing Hunter X Hunter into a usual Shonen Series. Seen no where better than Hakari's Domain Expansion.
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This fucking monster of an ability has an entire double page spread dedicated to explaining how it works. Most of my friends who where also reading weekly had no fucking CLUE what the hell it did until the end of the Kashimo fight. Even then there was still confusion on what it actually did aside. Odds are a decent amount of people reading this don't fully understand it (Which is fair). So then why doesn't HxH have a similar cycle of 'hype'? The main thing is expectations. When you read HxH you expect a cerebral combat system based around very intricate rules lawyering details which need to be stepped around. Fights in HxH also don't command such an enormous part of the story as they do in JJK. The biggest fight in HxH is Chrollo Vs. Hisoka. It can be debated it's actually Meruem Vs. Netero however I'll stick to the former for this example. The Fight between Chrollo and Hisoka lasts from Chapter 351 to 356. Only 5 chapters. This is one of the longest stretches where there's actual brutal to the death fighting. The only other times there are even comparable to this is the ENTIRE Chimera ant palace invasion arc (where the fights are all one sided and based on stalling) or the dodge ball game. Now compare this to JJK. Shibuya was almost ENTIRELY a bloodbath. Shibuya is nearly 60 chapters long. In fact it surpasses that if you include the evening festival arc which is preparing for Shibuya. Most fans of JJK only started reading after Shibuya ended. (Myself included I started reading during the month long hiatus after the Zenin massacre.) So the expectations are there- Readers want to feel a similar high to Shibuya. But that just isn't possible while you're reading weekly. You have time to process events and question what comes next when you only have 1 chapter a week to read. This is an 'issue' all weekly manga face. But especially with JJK because it has a similar thing going on with HxH where it has these advanced abilities with complex usages. But JJK is a much more balanced verse with the exclusion of a few stinkers (Gojo, Sukuna, Kenjaku). So these fights can't so easily be predicted like they can in HxH.
All of this is to say, Expectations matter. Both to the author writing a piece of ongoing fiction, And to the audience who consumes it. There's a reason Binge "culture" is as prominent as it is. Stories like these are meant to be consumed close together. It would be like watching a movie but you can only watch it 10 minutes at a time once a week. When people don't see that progression chapter to chapter (One Piece is really good at this) they become disappointed. Even if a chapter is important in the long run if it doesn't pay off something when it's released it'll often be seen as boring or useless. To use an example from One Piece. Look at Skypiea. Uh- Spoilers for one piece btw I'll be brief because this isn't a One Piece post. Skypiea is an arc that takes place right between Alabasta and Water 7. Both of these are INCREDIBLY impactful and majorly important arcs. So Skypiea being in-between them of course bring a lot of expectations that it will immediately be another very impactful arc. However- It isn't. Atleast it wasn't- Not until recently. Due to events near the end of Wano Saga Skypiea saw a resurgence of fans due to events that happened in it turning out to be incredibly important foreshadowing. To summarize; JJK has a unique mix of story building blocks, Action and Leaks. All of this serves to create a sort of perfect storm around the perception of the series. So remember- GEGE IS A FRAUD HE'S RUNNING ON FUMES SINCE SHIBUYA CHAPTER [Insert Chapter Number] IS TRASHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
hi!!!! :3 here are "some songs" ive been "listening to" that "i" think "you" should too!
spotify || youtube
notes on each below ^w^
Big Dipper - Death Grips: this song has such a good bounce to it, it makes me move no matter what, i cant help it. especially the chorus cuz ill start singing along and, well, then theres no stopping me. ill wiggle in my seat or like put some bounce in my step. which is all fun when im listening to music at home, but at work, where i mostly listen to music, i cant i have to skip the song. plus i love u songs that end with a good few minutes of noise just because, i never skip u i swear 🥺
classic j dies and goes to hell - glass beach: im fiiiinally getting around to glass beach and why didn't ANYONE say it was good? don't think ive heard the opinion that the first glass beach album is good yet. i wanted to listen to more bc of the hazel "Twinkle Park" version of the self titled song which is also very good but i put this one on this list bc it builds energy and emotion soooo well. it starts so somber but builds and builds till we're screaming about supporting each other and making a home for yourself despite despite despite.
DOGTOOTH - Tyler, The Creator: he creates once more! i always forget i had a kinda big tyler thing in high school until he releases new music. out of all his recent releases post-Flower Boy, Call Me didnt connect with me as much, but this single from the Call Me If You Get Lost "estate sale" of stuff that didnt make the album surprisingly did! it feels a little flowerboy-ish in the production but has the call me vibes of like "i can afford all these cars, buy my neighbors house, and ill still take my private plane to Switzerland for the day just cuz i was craving some nice chocolate" very braggadocio, very tyler, very good :)
Dumbass!! - Machine Girl: this song both sounds like and has similar effects as brainworms. it fuckin. got in there and made me quantifiably more insane than i was before. said brainworms make me wanna scream the lyrics and scuffle my feet and just like run into traffic and dance around the cars bc this song makes me believe i could and id be fine. i hope to fucking god they play this at the mg/100 gecs show. this song is also one of the few times ive looked up the lyrics for a machine girl song, usually content to just let the beats jar my head, and as soon as i did i couldnt get them out :) like some sort of... thought... eating... something or other idk theres probably a word for it (<-the worms are finally getting to her)
Fantastic Cat - Takako Minekawa: this song is sooooo cute, there is so much synth and whimsy to be had! unfortunately i don't know much about the artist bc this was one of the first songs i found after using Radiooooo (which u should be basically required to use if u like music and finding new music) set to Japan in the 90s, but she's part of the 'shibuya-kei' genre/subculture that was popular during that time, which sounds like an interesting topic to dive into :3 the whimsy contained in this song is almost too much tho. the melody is so sweet, that wind instrument is so silly, and the moog breakdown in the middle too is. well, its all quite fantastic.
HI 5 - Frost Children: i took too long making this post that this entry went from originally a cheeky indirect plug for their upcoming album bc i just really liked this single to just,, oh the album came out... but either way i wanted to talk about the song bc 2 me its just more proof of how exciting of a voice in hyperpop the frost children are. the bass on it is as crazy and slick as the one on the cover. this whole song just explodes with eccentricity i think ull really like it :) also check out the epic music video! its ai generated for those who'd like to know beforehand, but they use it to like. rotoscope real footage its preddy neat!
Introduce me to your family - Otoboke Beaver: i made a little post recently about Otoboke Beaver's influence on six impala's WFLYTD, and after revisiting their album, Itekoma Hits, after making that post i got this one stuck in my head for a while. the hook hooks (the main reason i had it in my head for so long), the bass is groovy, the guitars are sharp, the rage is channeled, its all here! they keep all the energy going and growing the whole time until you cant help but scream along.
こんがらがった! (Kongaragatta!/Tangled up!)- Necry Talkie: started reading the bocchi manga recently (im just past where the show ends as of now :3) and they have art at the beginning of each chapter with the kessoku band members that references visuals from like irl japanese bands and music videos which i thought was really cool! of course i had to find a collection of all the referenced songs, and what do ya know... this cute little number was in there! (if ur wondering it's the art for chapter 18 that references this song's music video :3) its such a dinky beat at first (said so so lovingly) but it evolves into a precise, energetic little jam.
One Million Dollars - 100 gecs: this fucking sonnng.. not everyones fav off 10k i know but it is for me :3 it just rattles me in such a specific way. it originated and is the only way to sate the need in my brain to hear what it was like for nic cage in that "not the bees!!!!" scene. i love it sm, but im absolutely biased from my hearing this at a gec show and falling for it right then and there. the live version and the album version are a bit different and i think the changes they made for the album make it a fuller song i just. loved the feeling of hearing this live so much. i would just search up the epic live version at terminal 5 where Laura fucking SHREDS on the guitar at the end over and over while i was waiting for the album. again, makes me very excitied to see them and machine girl soon :3
o (__*) - Hakushi Hasegawa: i dont know much about this artist but goddamn the few songs i have heard from them have made such an impression. u know a song is good when its not even dnb but uses the "yeah.. woo!" sample to keep everything going. and yeah with how crazy fucking banana bonkers jazzy and technical the drums and piano get at times it needs that tiny bit of stability at least. this song feels like the epitome of controlled chaos in the absolute best way possible.
PARTY GIRL - Angel Electronics: after rook's latest solo album came out i decided to go back and visit this collab project of hers with ash nerve i had missed at first and.... weeeeeeh ;w; this song makes me wanna cry every time. rook can obviously write some bangers but i love her more tender songs too. so many parts come together to make it just the sweetest thing. the part that stuck with me the most was the chorus, like it's sooo cute id just sing it to myself on loop bc it leads into itself so well. i wanna just keep talking about how fucking cute this song is but like George Costanza voice the love story between the party girl and the weird shy girl got to me okay?
Prime - Marnie Stern: kinda the reason im making this list hehe :3 this song was on char 'igottawin' mp3's most recent WILT (what im listening to) poast (hi char :3) and it was What Im was Listening To... too... (both of us bc of this epic animation) so here it is on MY knockoff WILT post too mwahaha hahaha! haha but seriously guys this song is quite good. it does so much with all the variations on just that one verse and i get sucked into the lyrics and the guitars. and by the fourth time im chanting this same unending verse the song is surprisingly over and i just wanna listen to it again. this one deserves a 10 hr extended version frfr
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot & 青春コンプレックス(Seishun Complex) - Kessoku Band: whats this? a double entry? ahaha yes! 😈 i would've put these songs here separately bc ive been getting into both slipknot (thank u char :3) and the actual kessoku band album, both of which are quite good on their own. but i only combine their entries here bc of this epic mashup of these two songs by the aforementioned rook blackdresses which makes me unable to sing either without thinking of the other song. like the first three chords of the bocchi theme start playing and my brain wants to scream the GOODBYEEEEEE from Wait and Bleed. the slipknot chorus melds with the kessoku band guitars soooo well. to me they are pieces from different puzzles entirely but they still fit together <3
wants mom to know she looks cool and doesn't plan on changing - leroy: i finally listened to the dariacore and accompanying berdlycore serieseses and ive loved diving into this little subculture of silly hyperpop meme mashups that fuck immensely. takes the silly to earnest and very good pipeline to a new level. plus having been a fan of dltzk and jane's other stuff its the one thing i never really got into but there are. so many dariacore related things i need to listen to now. i feel like theres lore i have to catch up on but im excitied :3 this is one of my faves off dariacore 2: electaria corebaloo (not what its called)
This has been... Post! thanks for your time. if u read this far i love u so much please never forget that. 'til summer music-heads! *curtsies and shows myself off-stage*
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kuraikyu · 1 year
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Anonymous: What happens if Kenjaku's upper part of head is entirely removed? And do you think his stitches are ordinary?
As long as the brain stays /in/ and not /out/ of the body, he's fine. Kenjaku even demonstrated that to Gojo during Shibuya Incident by opening the upper part and revealing his purple-plump real form. But here we have this father / son sorting issues, which repetitively proves that even if his entire skull-lid blasts off ... it changes nothing except for the discomfort of fixing himself. He still maintains control over the body because the brain remains intact and neatly stored in his newest fancy suit to promenade in.
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The mystery of Kenjaku's stitches is such a morbid deep thrill for me I literally wanna cry about because of overall lack of content around it!! But I would like to think they are not ordinary. At first, I thought it could be any absorbable monofilament suture ( Catgut ) that is often used in plastic surgery but as I re-checked a few panels over and over again, that idea gradually lost its grip on me, and I eventually pressed pedals for something more interesting such as: 'thread' as a part of his technique acting as a last piece of puzzle / a seal to complete the procession of body switching. OH, by the way, while I'm at it we know stitches remain on the forehead of the person Kenjaku hijacked, plus I discovered Gege mentioned somewhere that those stitches act as Binding Vow = thus why they never heal. I suppose it could have something to do ( or maybe not but either way I would like to use this for headcanon ) with Kenjaku being forced to spend a certain amount of time in a body to obtain its technique and use it in a different body ... *coughs* Kaori *coughs* anti-gravity ... Here goes cardinal connection to how his stitches look like. But I would like to add another spice here, and that is how Sorcerers & non-Sorcerers can see them.
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Thread headcanon: there is one single thread created purely from cursed energy which is a part of his innate technique. While other Jujutsu users can see it only the curse users can touch and remove it. The longer he stays in a specific body the less actual stitches are visible to the naked eye and could even blend in visual confusion posing just as some weird scars. Stitches run horizontally along the forehead; never entire head.
-> If thread is partly destroyed by another technique and at least one small fragment remains in the skin, it automatically restores itself to the previous length. -> If it is destroyed entirely he has to go through a long and exhausting process of re-casting the backup replacement WHICH DISABLES HIM TO PARTICIPATE IN COMBAT & TEMPORARILY USE THE TECHNIQUE OF THE BODY HE'S USING until the thread is restored. I purposely counted how many stitches he has ( pic below contains 6 where 6th is under the bangs ) but I can't use much esoterical symbolism here because Akutami draws them differently and mostly they don't match in number; yes, I also counted the body of Noritoshi and Kaori too, and -- *shrugs* unfortunately. BUT is what I came with so far.~
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Hijutsu-shi are likely to see this:
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( Chapter-143 ; Kaori talks to Jin and her father-in-law - likely both non-Jujutsu users and second. ) ( Chapter-167 ; Kenjaku in China talking to the government & confirmed non-Jujutsu users. )
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And here I go back to what I mentioned before - the 'spice'. The stitches look the way they do because he spends long enough time there to obtain other's technique and are not really visible to non-Sorcerers. While Jutsu-shi can see this:
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Juso-shi (only) can remove the stitches.
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Stitches are visible because he possesses a body for a short period than his vow / technique requires.
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noodleodoodleo · 2 years
The use of town in project SEKAI
Ok so this has been bugging me forever but what does "town" in project sekai actually mean. At first, I just laughed it off like 'haha they say town even though they live in Tokyo one of the biggest cities in the world' but the more I think about it the more it bugs me, is this a translation error? is there some weird nuance in the kanji they use? or does this have something to do with how Japanese cities work? So I went digging and from what I found it's all of the above, kinda.
First of all, I am not a Japanese native and I do not speak Japanese, so I am still not 100% sure about this matter but I'll just recount what I found from my research.
Now onto the first thing I researched could it have something to do with the way Japanese cities are structured? I don't know about cities in general but Tokyo is kinda weird, internationally, Tokyo is seen as a singular entity one big city but the thing is, it's not. Tokyo is more akin to a prefecture with many cities, towns and villages within it. Officially Tokyo isn't even called "Tokyo", it's "Tokyo-to" also translated as "Tokyo metropolis" (at least that's what the official government translates it as), but what difference does that make? Maybe that's just me as a non-native English speaker but I always thought that a metropolis only ever refers to a single big city but one Wikipedia search later reveals that it is not always a singular city but sometimes refers to a "conurbation", after clicking the link on that I found out that means multiple towns, cities, etc that have grown so much they merged into one continuous urban area (oh so that's where the word came from con-tinuous and urban so con-urban). So Tokyo is kinda like that many different cities, towns and villages that sorta merged. So problem solved right the usage of town is just literally one town in the Tokyo metropolis. Wrong, because we know for a fact that they are situated in Shibuya and that's a bit of a problem because Shibuya is a special ward, basically a municipality, which in turn is a small region with it's own local government see cities, towns and villages. Anyway special ward it's special because it's within the borders of where the ancient city of Tokyo was before it was abolished (I know right Tokyo was abolished?!) and well Shibuya is right in the middle of that area completely surrounded by other special wards so no way is there space for another separate town in there.
For an in-game reason as to why the town the people in the vbs story (oh yeah they only ever talk about the town in the vbs story) talk about couldn't be a separate town is the main story: Kohane goes to the cd store, which we know from the map is right by scramble crossing which, if you didn't know about Japanese landmarks, is right in the middle of Shibuya. And the store clerk redirected her to a different store that Kohane could walk to so, clearly, it wasn't far away and Shibuya is not a small area. And well she got lost and ended up on vivid street. That places vivid street and the "town" people talk about close to scramble crossing in the middle of Shibuya. Also, I forgot to mention the "town" people talk about refers to vivid street.
So that's a dead end, maybe it has something to do with the kanji? I know that Japanese is like super ambiguous and contextual while at the same time being hyperspecific so it being a Japanese thing might be a possibility. So I looked up the word for town and immediately there was a problem, Japanese has two words for town and you wanna know the best part? Both can be pronounced "machi" (you know like the song). So what's the difference... and well for one their Kanji one is "町" and the other is "街". So which one does project sekai use? It uses the second one. And apparently the difference is that the first one refers to smaller towns something bigger than a village and the second one refers to something even bigger but still smaller than a city like a village is smaller than 町 and that is smaller 街 and then the city. But can't be it right? If that is really all there is to it then why do they call vivid street that? So I dug deeper and thank god there's more to it than just one is bigger than the other. It turns out that 街, our machi, can also refer to a street or something like a downtown area. Think a few street that are pretty densely populated and referred to as one area, whereas 町 is used for like actual towns that have their own government and stuff. The reason why 町 is seen as smaller is probably because it would be less dense/more rural while 街 is literally just an area in a city see more people more densely populated and more urban. And in that context, the word makes so much sense when referring to vivid street.
The translation is a bit confusing but now that I've delved into this rabbit hole I can see that there really isn't a better translation (at least I couldn't think of one) but it's a bit confusing, especially to an audience that is made to believe that Tokyo is one single city, technically you could say that the special wards of Tokyo could probably just count as the city of Tokyo but that isn't true now is it. I still can't get over that fact like holy shit Tokyo isn't actually a thing.
But this changes literally nothing it might be some interesting trivia but yea have fun with this knowledge.
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sasudou · 2 years
right so, i don't have that many strong opinions on side characters tbh, but i really do agree with what the op on reddit said regarding people getting too attached to quirky characters and expecting them to be something big later in the story even though they were never intended that way. i think personally for utahime (i'll get to shoko in a sec) is that majority of her fans want to see more of her simply because they ship her with gojo, even though that pairing has no basis whatsoever nor any proper foundation to make sense in the entirety of the jjk plot. i don't think utahime was created to be gojo's extra or whatever, i think gege created her with the purpose solely to show how gojo is being treated and percieved by those around him, he is annoying, plenty characters react differently to his antics. shippers ofc will treat this differently because tsundere is such a major thing in anime, needless to say i think it's wrong because utahime is an adult who has had to put up with gojo's bs for over 10 years, and regardless what some may say, i don't think they are close friends, or friends even, nothing in the show says this, i think they work together and trust each other simply because they have same positions in the school, same as kusakabe. now i think utahime could do anything in the story, if gege wants her to, but i dont think she's gonna be doing anything big because as the op on reddit said, if she did bare minimum then she'll continue to do so, her and anyone else. perhaps her role was to root out the mole and be done with it, perhaps later in the story she will suffer the consequences if the mole is revealed and for being in cahoots with gojou. other than that, gege just brought yuji and megumi back after almost a year i think? nobara still nowhere to be found, status unknown or know (dead?) manga is fast paced. shoko is supposed to be important because her skill is very valued as she's a rare technique healer, however she's also nowhere to be seen, there are theories that she could be the second traitor but im not sure? she's not in the higher rank nor is she a higher up so? she used to be trio with gojo and geto, they shared some experiences together but all that is just sidelined and exists/ sashisu fanarts are great i love them but i think they are deluding people in how close these three may have been if they even were.
the only female character that i like is maki, she has had the most development but a part of me still does feel like gege doesn't treat her that well either. idk, i wish i could know why but maybe again it's simply because it's shonen. jjk has a very limited cast and mostly what i see some people talk about is which ship is gonna be canon and which characters have most chemistry, i dont think this matters people will always ship no matter what. i just find it hilarious how on twitter people come up with 50 pages of essay trying to convince people why two characters that had the barest minimum of interaction need to become a thing at the end, especially when said characters hadn't gotten along for a decade. gege literally said that he cannot imagine gojo being sincere to any woman/ that alone is enough to confirm that his main character will not have a romantic subplot, at least no more than the one he "had" with Geto i imagine? dunno, the subtext is there. lastly i just don't care, if people wanna ship this or that, the main issue here is character utilization or better yet are they even supposed to be utilized more than what they already did. i think there's also a pretty good chance that many of them will end up dying, gege literally said no one can return to their normal daily lives after shibuya. needless, i think wanting to see a character more in the story simply because of the ship is a petty reason and just somebody having a wishful thinking that desires a wish fullfilment because characters serve as a projection.
idk, i hope this gives u some insight on what i had in mind but well, if u have more to share please do so! i enjoyed reading ur thoughts :)
yeah i don’t think utahime and gojo are that close lol. i don’t think gojo is that close with anyone—at least, not anymore (rip to my man geto). (this also ties back to a post i made previously about the interview you mentioned)
people in fandom will always ship (hell, i ship characters), but i think people need to learn how to enjoy a piece of media without constantly involving them. it’s totally ok for you to like a ship and want more content for it, but it sometimes gets to the point where they completely misunderstand/misrepresent the two characters and stop viewing the manga as a manga. writing is a form of art that has purpose, themes, symbols, metaphors, etc. it’s meant to be analyzed. you can have fun with it as well (shipping is often harmless) but that’s ultimately not what the manga is about. have fun with fandom, have fun with shipping, but remember to take off your shipping or fanon lenses when reading/analyzing the actual material.
i also don’t think utahime is meant to have a big role. her fans wishing they had more content is perfectly fine, but sometimes side characters are just side characters. like i said before, not everyone has a big role to play, and that’s completely normal. the best part about fandom is that you can produce content. write fanfics, creat art, think of headcanons, etc. if you like a character that doesn’t have much content, then make some yourself (which is what majority of utahime stans do, at least from what i’ve seen).
i don’t have an opinion on utahime. if i had to, then yeah i can imagine a situation where she might become relevant again, but i don’t particularly care one way or the other.
oh!! i also don’t think a majority of the characters will be alive at the end of the manga. gege loves his angst, he loves his character deaths, which is an aspect of his writing i love so much. i feel like a lot of manga authors (especially after gaining popularity) are scared of killing off characters or get stopped by their editors. there’s also an interview that states “among gojo and the first years, either one person will die or everyone will die except one person” and i can’t wait to see which one it is.
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senseisyfr · 1 year
The Submissive Dog Always Loyal To Her Mistress
Dance : "Mmh... I feel so tired... why..? I hear someone walking... Raah what is this dream seriously..?! Damn why I feel like my body is hurting..??!! I'm too tired, too much tired...!!!"
Shibuya : Open your eyes, Dance !!
Dance : "Sounds like I'm not dreaming... should I speak maybe ?"
Shibuya : Ho wake up you damn bitch !!!!! (throwing a bucket of water on her) You goddamn shit !!!!!! (Throwing the empty bucket on her face)
Dance : WAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!! S..Shibuya-san ???!!! Why..EH ????!!!! (looking at herself, noticing she was totally naked, tied up against a wall in Shibuya's living room) W-WHAT IS THIS ?????
Shibuya was all in black, wearing a bra, sexy thong, a harness and thigh high boots. All of this with her fuckin sexiest makeup and her nails perfectly done. Godness.
Shibuya : (smiling) I can play fully with you.... (getting close to her face, whispering) slave.
Dance : (blushing, heart racing, thinking) "OMGGG she called me, I'm so weeet !!!!! Shibuya-saaaan..!!!!!" P-Play with me, r-really ???
Shibuya : Shut up idiot !!! (whispering) I'm the one who's talking here, you're my little shitty slave so know your position... got it....? (Biting Dance's lip)
Dance : Y..Yes, Shibuya-san !!!! AHH..!!!
Shibuya : (who covered Dance's mouth, smiling) That's my girl.... You're a good slave.... (still covering her mouth, pinching her nipples)
Dance : AIIE..!!!!
Shibuya : (slapping her butt) You like it huh...? (Spat on her face) Bitch !!
Dance : (jumping) OHH..!!!! P..Please..!!! Shibuya-san..!!
Shibuya : MISTRESS !!!!!
Dance : S-SORRY..!!! Mistress, please !!!!
Shibuya : You gonna cum for me bitch ???!!! (Putting brutally 2 fingers inside Dance's vagina)
Dance : (panting) Y..YES MISTRESS..!!!! I wanna cum..!!!!
Shibuya : (thrusting her fastly) Louder !!!!!! Lazy shit !!!!!
Dance : (hardly holding back, eyes closed) I... I..!!! AAHHH..!!!!
Shibuya : (smiling) Your pussy is so wet you little bitch !!! (Slapping her while thrusting her) You're about to cum huh ???!!!
Dance : Sh..Shibuya-saan..!!!
Shibuya : (thrusting her faster) Who's the Queen ????!!!! WHO'S THE QUEEN HERE GODDAMMIT ????!!!!
Dance : It's... AAHHH..!!!! It's... you...
Shibuya : I can't hear you !!!! Repeat !!!!! HURRY !!!!!!
Dance : It's you... Shibuya-san..!!!!! AAAAHHHHH !!!!! You're the Queen..!!! (Feeling Shibuya's fingers giving more sttuterings) You're... the... Queen... OOOOOOOHHHHHHH !!!!!!!! YES..!!!!!! OOHHH YES !!!!!!!! (Jumping all along) YES..!!!!!! AAHHH !!!!! AAHHH !!!!!! AAAHHHH !!!!!!! MISTRESS !!!!!!!!! (Giving a powerful orgasm) SHIBUYA-SAAAAAAN..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (putting 2 fingers into Dance's mouth with the other hand) Suck bitch !!!!!!!!! (Sticking her fingers deeper)
Dance : (agonizing of pleasure, cumming a lot) MMMMM..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (smiled) That's my dog !!! Go on !!!! Cum for your Mistress !!!!!!
Dance tried to give it all, drained, but stopped. Which made Shibuya furious, not feeling satisfied enough as it was too short.
Shibuya : Ho that's all you got ????!!!! Keep going you piece of shit !!!!!!!!! You hear ??????!!!!!! (Slapping hard her butt) Don't stop dammit !!!!!!!!!!
Dance : AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : Good shit, you're a good shit huh ????!!!!
Dance was shaking, out of breath. Shibuya kissed her before untiying her. She put a leash on her collar.
Shibuya : Get on all fours !!! Obey, dog !!!!
Dance : (playing the dog, as Shibuya was walking her) WOF !!!! WOF WOF !!!!!
Shibuya : That's good. (Holding a sex toy, showing it to her) Lick it !!
Dance executed, while looking at Shibuya full of desire.
Shibuya : (throwing the sextoy away) Go get it.
Dance quickly ran, rushing to the toy and bringing it back to her master, happy, barking.
Dance : WOF !!!!
Shibuya : Too slow. Again ! (Throwing far away the toy)
Dance : (bringing fastly the toy to her Mistress again, excited) WOF WOF !!!!!
Shibuya : More, more in heat like a good damn bitch !!!!!!! (Throwing the toy again)
She did it 3 times more, Dance sweating hard, drooling like a sexual beast, moaning. The girl was exhausted with everything Shibuya did to her earlier, that her heart couldn't take it, but she was cumming a lot. So in heat !
Dance : (breathing hard, too much exhausted, looking at Shibuya with a sad but cute puppy face, trying to make her understand that she was almost at the end of her life with all the sexual session) Woooof..!! (Barking sadly) Woooooof !!!! Woowwooooooof !!!!!!!!! (She fell, poor girl)
Shibuya : (taking her ball crop) That's a good dog. Be on all fours, turn around !!! Ass up !!!!
Dance obeyed. She felt Shibuya hitting hard her ass 3 times with the sextoy before feeling it inside, Shibuya thrusting her with it.
Dance : AAAHHHH..AAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : Shut up !!!!!!!!!! Shake your ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Faster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dance went back and forth, as fast as she could, panting, her ass getting wet, keeping her chins up while Shibuya was pulling on her leash. She moaned louder. Her nipples shot up, giving a whole erotic scene as Dance was hitting climax all along the smacks.
Shibuya : That's it, good girl ! I fuck you how I want you dog !! (Smacking hard Dance's ass with her ball crop, pulling hard on her leash) You hear ???!!!
Dance : (eyes closed) YESS..!!!!! OOOHHHH !!!!!!!!
Shibuya : I rape you where I want and when I want, bitch !!!!!!!!
Dance : YEEESS !!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : You must be prepared everytime while you're begging for help !!!!!!!!!
Dance : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : You're prisoner slave !!!!!!!!!!
Dance : YEEEEESSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dance continuously screamed to the 100 hard strokes Shibuya gave her, her screams of pain and pleasure resonating to the outside.
Shibuya : (kicking her ass !) Piece of shit !!!!!!!!!!!
Dance : (crying, in pain) Shibuya-saan..!!!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (kicking her relentlessly) You damn fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dance : Pleeeaaaaase !!!!!!!!!!!!! (She enjoyed it though it was extremely painful as she was bleeding a bit, her ass was so sore and so red)
Shibuya : Look at all those good bruises all over your body.... isn't it beautiful ?
Dance : Yes Mistress, I like it..!!!!! (Shibuya grabbed her ass, spitting in it) AAHHH !!!!!!
Shibuya : What ????!!!! What's the fuck you like exactly !!!!!!!!
Dance : (tears running down her cheeks) I like when you're torturing me..!!! I like when you beat me up so bad..!!!! I... I...
Shibuya : (masturbating) Damn bitch stop arousing me here.... I'm gonna fuck you in the streets in front of everybody !!!
Dance : NO..!!!!
Shibuya pushed her down, Dance falling at the Rappappa girl feet, having a nice view of Shibuya's pussy, as this one had her hand holding her crop and the other hand on her hip. The Dom Queen's pose with her fetish boots, getting Dance so turned on ! The sub girl was dying of desire and excitement as the Queen was staring at her sexually with domina eyes and hair loose. So sex ! Dance was begging silently in her head to get hurt so bad. "Hurt mee Shibuya-san, hurt me pleaaaase !!!" She was dying for it, the more violence the better !
She was used to that sexual abuse, she had no choice but to accept Shibuya's violence towards her. That's how it's always been, a relationship full of violence, torture. Getting beaten up all the time in and out of sexual context, it was hard to bear as she cried and bled many times, leaving scars on her body. But she loved her so much and knew that it was Shibuya's love, and that the Queen would never leave her neither kill her. She was her sub, Shibuya was the dom and that was it. So as long as their intense Mistress/Slave relationship made her happy, satisfying Shibuya, it was enough for her.
Shibuya suddenly pulled down her thong a bit, pissing on her slave's face.
Dance : (surprised, closing her eyes) AAAAAAHHHHHHH..!!!!!!!!!! (Swallowing the drops of piss on her face)
Shibuya : Clean your mistress !
Dance : (breathing hard, pulling down completely Shibuya's thong, using her tongue on her pussy) Mmm..!!!
Shibuya : (closing brieftly her eyes) Aaahhhh !!! (pulling hard Dance's head against her pussy) Lick well...! Oooohhhhh, aaahhhh yess..!!! Like that, like that...!!
Dance was struggling to breathe but kept going !
Shibuya : (smiling) Such a perfect slave.... Time to eat my breakfast... stand up !!!
Dance : (hesitating a bit) Y..Yes !!
Shibuya : HURRY DAMMIT !!!!!!!!!! Spread your fuckin legs, hands behind your back, and don't fuckin move !!!!
Dance : (executing) Yes, Shibuya-san !!!
Shibuya grabbed a milk bottle, pouring milk on her.
Dance : AAH..!!!! IT'S COLD !!!!!!
Dance : NO NO NO !!!!! I'M SORRY !!!!
Shibuya : (licking up the milk on Dance's neck) Mmm.... love it.... (then going for her shoulders, ears)
Dance : (in extase) Oohhh Shibuya-saan..!!
Shibuya : (going back to her neck, gropping her boobs) Even them, they're wet (smiling, licking her boobs).... They need to be fed.... (sucking her nipples) mmm.... (licking) like this....
Dance : (blushed, panting) Shibuya-san, pleaseee..!!! Aaahhhh !!!!!
Shibuya : But what interests me is down there.... (going down, sucking hard Dance's pussy)
Dance : (enjoying the moment, sweating, face so red) Shiiibuyaa-saaaaaaannn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : OY DON'T LOOK AT ME IDIOT !!!!!!!!!
Dance : I'm sorry..!! (a bit disappointed) I just want our eyes meet each other for a bit..!
Shibuya : NO !!!!!!!!!!!!! GODDAMMIT YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF !!!!!!!! Who decides here ????!!!! You're a slave, you just do what I'm telling you piece of shit !!!!!!! What are you ????!!!!
Dance : Your loyal dog !!!!!
Shibuya : (smiling) Better. (eating her out, torturing her clit)
Dance : Oooooohhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My goooddd !!!!!!!!!
But Shibuya stopped, Dance feeling frustrated.
Shibuya : Remember I don't give you privileges. Let's take a bath ! (Pulling on her leash) If you're nice maybe I'll give you more later !
Dance : (happy) YES !!!!! Thank you Mistress !!!! (Following her to the bathroom walking like a dog) WOF !!!!!!
Shibuya : (getting the bath ready) Get in.
Dance : Yes ! (Executing)
Shibuya : (getting in too) Turn around. (Suddenly grabbing her from behind)
Dance : AAAAHH !!!!!!!
Shibuya : (giving a quick slap on her butt, smiling) Nothing more arousing than a slave who's agitating.... (kissing her vigorously)
Dance : (surprised but returning the kiss passionately) Shibuya-san....
Shibuya : (whispering) You're having a good time...? (Kissing, caressing her)
Dance : (smiling) Yes...! I love you Shibuya-san !!
Shibuya : (too much pride for saying I love you of course, no way ! Not the style) Yeah... (a bit embarrassed)
Dance smiled, knowing very well the Rappappa Queen's personality. Still, she was decided to make her say it somehow.
Dance : Shibuya-san... should we go to karaoke ???
Shibuya : Karaoke ??!! To do what, singing shit no thanks !!
Dance : (laughing) We can sing love songs !!!
What a perfect plan to make her Mistress confess her feelings, Dance was smiling inside her head, hoping to trick Shibuya.
Shibuya : (embarrassed, playing nervously with water without looking at Dance) L..Love songs..! The fuck is that... Girl you wanna get into AKB48 or what ??!!
Dance : (teasing her) Are you ashamed to tell me about your feelings...?
Shibuya : (throwing water on her) N..No at all idiot !!!
She didn't want Dance trying to make fun of her as a Queen, again : she got pride you know !
Shibuya : (sighed) Fine... let's go there. (She absolutely didn't want Dance taking over the situation, it was important to get things under control)
Dance : (so happy !) Thank you Shibuya-san !!!!!! (Embracing her hard)
Shibuya : Hey..!!!! You're choking me..!!!!! Well, finally let's not !!!
Dance : (disappointed) WHAT ???? But Shibuya-san !!!!
Shibuya : We can do karaoke here, why do we need to go in a public place with jerks all around ?!
The truth was that she didn't want anyone she knows seeing her and Dance together, holding hands and such. The Rappappas would make fun of her ! Not mentionning her exes... Being seen dating a baby, how shameful it'd be !
Dance : Because it'd be fun !!!! (Big smile) Maybe we could meet VIPs there !!! (jumping around, dancing)
Shibuya : Girl what the fuck you gonna turn into a fucking idol or what ???!!! Stop that shit !!!!
Dance : (definitely not getting it) Why you don't wanna go ??
Shibuya : Next time, next time we'll go okay ?! If you start shaking your body like that in front of everyone they'll all start devouring you !! We're not playing at a fucking circus, I have a reputation to maintain !!!
Dance : (laughing) Shibuya-san, you're jealous right ??
Shibuya : I just care about you, that's all. I've got pride !!
Dance : (smiled) You're so sweeeet !!! (kissing her)
Shibuya-san : (blushing a bit) Hey move !!! (Pushing her back) Okay, let's do karaoke comfortably here... dry off (kissing her, removed her leash). (both got out of the bath)
Dance : Shibuya-san, you're the best Mistress in the whole planet !!
Shibuya : Yeah, love ya... AH..!!!
Dance : Did you just say that you love me ????
Shibuya : (so embarrassed !) No... I-I didn't say anything goddammit ho !!!!! Leave me the fuck alone !!!!!! Look away !!!!!!
Dance : EEEEHH ????? Why ???? There's nothing to be ashamed of !! I'm so happy !!!!! (Jumping around like crazy) You finally said it !!!!!! (singing like a kid) You-love-meee !!! You-love-meee !!! Youuuu looooove meeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!
Shibuya : SHUT UP IDIOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hitting her brutally)
Dance : (fell on the floor, her nose bleeding) KYAAAAAAAAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shibuya : Keep it down dammit !!!!!! I don't want people hearing us !!!!!
Dance : (so happy to have a bloody nose, been waiting for that moment, arousing her so much !) I'm soo happyyyyy..!!!! I'm so weeeeeett !!!!!!!!
Shibuya : (laughed) You love violence... anything makes you wet. That's why you're my fav sub !
Dance : (laughing like an idiot) Because I like my Mistress !! You're having such an effect on me Shibuya-san !!!
Shibuya : (smiled) Yeah, you're my loyal dog. Anyway, get up let's sing some fuckin songs now ! Get the mics !
Dance : (so happy !) YES, SHIBUYA-SAN !!!!!!
Few secs later, the 2 were singing (not love songs) happily, dancing doing chorégraphies, on all types of music, having so much fun together. As they were laughing, Dance was so happy to see Shibuya letting herself go like that with her, this giving a rare portrait of the Queen. Shibuya cracked such a smile that Dance instantaneously threw herself into the Queen's arms, surprising this one who just pat her head, smiling proudly.
Dance suddenly fell asleep. Shibuya sighed, deciding to carry her to the sofa in her room. The girl was so light, that she could easily throw her anywhere. Once she put Dance in (this one sleeping soundly), she just spread a little bit the girl's legs, admiring her pussy that was still full of juices. Shibuya smiled, put her hand on Dance's pussy for 4 secs, feeling that the girl's vagina was still hot, and left the room, satisfied.
You better sleep well bitch.
Hey guys ! Nice to be back few years later with a new story for you. This is a little promised gift for all the Shibuya and Dance's fans. This work finally came alive ! I hope you'll all enjoy it. Thank you so much for reading guys and mostly thank you for your love ! Love you !
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