#Noelle Carter
floorman3 · 1 year
The Hill Review- An Inspirational Baseball Film That Doesn't Tread Any New Ground
At the risk of seeming obvious, I am a huge sports fan and a massive baseball fan. My favorite team is the Boston Red Sox. Which in turn makes me love sports movies and baseball films inarticulate quite a bit. There have been a lot of great baseball films such as Pride of the Yankees, The Natural, Bull Durham, Major League, and Field of Dreams just to name a handful. Sometimes filmmakers do…
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linterteatime · 4 months
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Doodles and stuff and noelle's 🌈
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wendailycarter · 2 months
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Day 4
from now on, ill bring on a "special guest" of sorts onto here from other fandoms, this day's special guest is Noelle Holiday!
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crocodile-carousel · 1 year
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Falling in Fall
Summary; Steve Rogers x Fe!OC (Noelle Harlow) - Steve never thought he would find someone who he could spend his life with, outside of the Avengers of course. But what happens when that someone turns out to work inside his home?
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Ever since coming out of the ice, Love had been the last thing on Steve’s mind. Without Peggy, he didn’t really know where to look. Sure, he’d managed to fall in love with her within a matter of days and it took another few months before either of them would make a move. But she had been a constant in his life. One of the very few people in Steve’s life who he could always count on. 
And, over the years, that number had gotten so low he could count the amount of people he trusted - mostly with his personal life - on one hand. 
Steve trusted his teammates. They would have his back the same as he would have theirs. But a personal life? They all kept their own to their own. 
It was safer that way. 
And out of everyone, Steve’s was the safest. 
He didn’t have anyone. 
Romantically, anyhow. 
That was until late one night when he couldn’t sleep and decided to take a walk. 
In all honesty, Steve didn’t know why he couldn’t sleep. He was tired; he knew that much, but something was still keeping him awake. So, he took a walk. Going from his floor and down the staircase and towards a random level. 
It was so peaceful, how quiet it was. All day Tony had scientists and PhD doctors running in and out of every lab and office doing god-knows-what. Steve never really paid attention when Tony would explain what was going on. Not for the lack of trying, however. Lord, he tried but he was a 40s guy. He could barely understand how to work Stark’s brand new tablet. 
But, he was slowly getting the hang of it. He understood the basics but when Tony began using tech-lingo, it flew right over his head. 
All the lights were out in the halls. The darkness, usually something that would place Steve on edge, was calming. The only people awake in this building right now was himself and Norm, the security guard, and maybe a few other security details about the place. 
However, as Steve - dressed in a grey t-shirt, blue joggers and black socks - made his way a little further down the hall the peaceful silence was inturrupted by a woman’s voice. 
“Stupid. Stupid damn machine and your springs and your metal- Stupid.”
Slowly as Steve turned the corner, he was met with the light from the lab where he saw a woman stood in a white lab coat, her hair a little messy and her glasses slightly down her nose before she pushed them back up. 
Steve didn’t realise his inital thoughts at first. She intruiged him. No-one else was here and yet, here she was, working away, yelling at pieces of metal.
“Need a little help?”
The woman quickly spun around in search of the voice when she spotted him at the door. 
“Can you use a screw driver?”
“I can.”
She seemed to visably relax. “Please.”
Steve walked inside, picking up the screwdriver from the side before asking where and what he needed to do. She intructed him and he followed her orders whilst she tinkered with something else. 
“If you don’t mind me asking-”
“What am I doing up at 2 in the morning? Working late.” She answered. “I --” she fixed something else. “I had a breakthrough at lunch and I’ve been in here ever since. Only, the metal scraps don’t seem to want to working with me today.”
Steve gave a smile as she spoke and even began to talk to the items in front of her. 
“Now, will you work for me? Just this once? Please, because then we can both go home and go to bed and not have Tony come in with a gallon of coffee for me to drink.”
“Do you always talk to your tools?”
“Only when they don’t work.” She smiled. “Oh, my god. You must think I’m rude. I haven’t introduced myself. God, you come down here at 2 in the morning and find a mad woman talking to inanimate objects. I’m Noelle. Noelle Harlow.”
Steve shook her hand. “Steve Rogers.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“Likewise.” Steve smiled. “So, how long have you worked for Tony?”
“A few- wait. Is this some kind of test? Is Tony listening right now? Jarvis!”
Steve chuckled. “No, no. No test. Just curious.”
“Oh, well...a few years.” Noelle answered. “He took me on when I was doing my PhD.”
“You’re a Doctor?”
Noelle smiled. “I am.”
“But this is the 4th floor.”
Steve had a point. 4th floor was reserved for trainee and grad-students only. Not fully qualified Doctors. 
Noelle smiled. “Tony offered me a bigger lab, but I like it down here. And this way, I’m closer to my team who I supervise.”
“How come I’ve never seen you before? Around the labs, I mean?”
“I’m usually either here or at home asleep.” Noelle told him. 
“Is it a habit of yours to work late or is Tony trying to create a mass army of mini-hims?”
Noelle chuckled at this as she turned back around to look at him. “Do you usually ask this many questions when you meet stangers at 2 in the morning?”
Steve lowered his head sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m bothering you-” Steve began to move from his seat realising he’s probably been distracting her from her work this whole time, asking her questions. 
Noelle was quick to shake her head. “No. No, you’re not bothtering me. It’s actually nice to have some company for a change. Usually it’s just me and my tools. The conversations can lack some times, especially since they can’t actually talk back to me. Please, stay. But, only if you want to. I don’t wanna keep you from...Avenger stuff...”
Truthfully, Noelle didn’t fully know what the Avenger’s did. She knew they saved the world, but what did they do when they weren’t doing that? Play twister? 
Steve decided to stay and try and find out more about Noelle. She intruiged him. She...she made him feel something. Something he’d only felt when he first saw Peggy. That...attraction. He wanted to know more. He needed to know more. 
So, by the time it came to Noelle finishing up Steve decided to take the jump. 
“I know I’ve just met you but...would you wanna get a cup of coffee some time?”
Noelle turned back to look and him and smiled. “I’d love to.”
“I’m free tomorrow, if you’re not doing anything...” Noelle told him. 
Inside her head, she was scolding herself for seeming desperate. They’ve just met and their going for coffee. Isn’t this thing usually a ‘i’ll see you in a week’ thing? Not a ‘I hope I’ll see you tomorrow thing’?
But, rather than looking put off, Steve smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
By the time tomorrow came, neither the Avenger or the Doctor could wait. 
It was odd, really. Noelle had gone most of her life expecting to spend it in a lab. She wouldn’t be surprised if she was born in one at this point. And then, just by simple chance, she had met a man. She had found conversation with someone, let alone it be Captain America of all people. Noelle had found someone who made her think of something else than going back to her lab to continue work - that made her remember she had another life outside of work. 
Their small coffee date took them from a coffee cart and into the park, walking amongst the falling leaves. Both were wrapped up warm, a cup of coffee in their hands. Steve in jeans, sweater, boots and coat whilst Noelle had dressed herself in something similar. Both looked like they’d just been picked out of a Hallmark movie. 
“So, tell me. How does a ‘skinny kid’ from Brooklyn find himself leading a team of Avengers?”
Steve couldn’t stop smiling as he talked to her. He hadn’t realised how much he had missed this. Just...talking to someone. Talking to someone who didn’t treat him like Captain America or ‘Cap’. Talking to someone who treated him as just...Steve. 
“Well,” Steve began, “I was trying to get into the army and after making a few adjustments to my application.”
“Wait- You lied? You lied on your enlistment form?”
Steve shrugged. “Adjusted.”
But, Noelle just laughed as they continued walking. “Steve Rogers. America’s Golden Boy, lying on his enlistment forms. What a scandle!”
Steve smiled with a laugh. “Okay, fine. I might have lied.”
“What did you change?”
“Where I lived.” Steve told her. “Anytime Bucky found my rejected forms he’d get so pissed at me. One, for still trying to serve but second for whereever I said I came from. I said I came from New Jersey once - he went on for 30 minutes about how I could have chosen anywhere else.”
“You’re really close, aren’t you?”
“Ever since we were kids.” Steve smiled. “So, what about you? How does Stark find himself with a Doctor who refuses to leave the 4th floor?”
“Well, I got my BA in Engineering at Oxford. I came back to the states to go to MIT for a year before flying back to England and living there for the rest of my time. And then, after I graduated, I got a call. The Dean wanted me to come and study my PhD at MIT - full ride. So, I accepted but it wasn’t until I landed that I found out I had a couple of strings attached. Not that I minded them so much. I would have to teach a couple of classes at a local school before I would then spend what time I had left working for Tony. By the time I finished, Tony wanted me working full time and years later...here I am.”
Their conversation continued from family life all the way to people-watching, wondering what people were talking about and thinking about as they walked through the park. 
Before they knew it, they had - unspokenly - extended their date into dinner. Steve knew the best place to get some food so after 10 more minutes of walking, Noelle and Steve found themselves inside a small diner/cafe place where the staff seemed to know Steve by first name basis. 
“I’m guessing you come here a lot?”
Steve nodded but before he could give a verbal reply a woman who looked to be in her mid-sixties came over and answered for him. 
“Every week before closing. Usually he’s trying to hide from his work in here with a decent meal and a good cup of coffee. Hi, I’m Tilly.”
“Steven, she’s beautiful.” Tilly whispered not so silently to Steve. “You’re a lucky man.”
Steve smiled, and even gave a small blush. “That she is, Tilly.”
“How’s your date been, Honey? He been treatin’ you right?”
“It’s been wonderful,” Noelle said. “Thank you.”
“How about...2 of the house specials?”
“That sounds great.”
“Coming right up.”
Once again, they talked. They talked about everything and anything, but, like everything it came to an end and landed them outside her apartment. 
“This was...nice.” 
Although he was once again nervous, Steve found the words falling quicker out of his mouth than he had wished to. 
“Would you want to, maybe, do this again some time? If you just wanna leave it be, I’ll understand-”
However, Steve was cut off when Noelle reached up and kissed his cheek. “I’d love to do it again. I’m busy tomorrow but maybe we could work something out?”
“I’d like that.”
Smiling, Noelle kissed his cheek again before backing into front door. “Goodnight, Steve.”
“Goodnight, Noelle.”
The next day, Noelle was stuck once again under another contraption of her own design. It was at times like this that made her question her choices when she was growing up. 
With every spring she put in, another one popped out. It was like whac-a-mole in an arcade. 
“You son of a-”
“Down here?”
“Where?” Steve moved around the lab a bit before he saw her lower legs and fett sticking out from underneath what looked like the base of Dum-E but about 10x bigger. “Oh, there.”
“Hey, sorry. I’ll be done in a moment. Stupid - Stay. Good spring. No!”
Steve tried his best to surpress his chuckle. “You okay?”
Sighing, Noelle rolled back out so she could finally see Steve. “No. Not unless you know anything about a power steering pump and whatever else the engineers upstairs decided to add to this...thing.” Noelle accidently hit the side of the contracption before it began to release some form of smoke. 
“Oh, crap.”
It took a few moments but the smoke stopped and Noelle managed to tighten whatever had gotten loose. 
“I know I’m not an engineer but I do know how to get a car working again.”
“Please, be my guest.” Noelle said, gesturing to the machine. 
“I -- I brought you some lunch by the way. I didn’t know what you’d like but the guy at the counter said that’s what you usually order.”
Noelle looked to the wrapped sandwich and orange juice on the counter behind her and smiled. Thankfully Steve was underneath the machine so he couldn’t see her major blush. 
“Thank you.”
“I thought we could have lunch together. I would have taken you somewhere nice but you said you don’t usually get much time off work so I thought maybe this could be our second date?”
“I prefer this.” 
From under the machine, Steve smiled. Somehow, for both of them, this felt more intimate - and romantic and sweet. He had brought her lunch and now he was helping her fix a project.
It took another half hour but, by tag-teaming, they managed to fix the bottom of the machine and ate the rest of lunch together. 
But, since the world is...the world, Steve was called away for training at Shield HQ. However, as more hours passed in silence, it was reaching towards 9pm when Noelle made her way back into the lab and found a hot cup of coffee at her desk with a note on top. 
I really enjoyed today (and yesterday)
And on the other side...
Would you like to get dinner with me on Friday night? 
Smiling, Noelle pulled her phone from her pocket and typed a response to Steve. 
Thanks for the coffee x 
I’d love to get dinner x
Except, as Friday came around, as much as the date had been on her mind, Steve saying he’d pick her up at 7, it seemed to slip her mind. 
“Hold on, I’m coming!” Noelle quickly opened the door, an apron covering her clothes and scattered in brownie, cupcake and cookie batter. “Steve?” 
Standing in front of her door, very confused, with a boque of flowers in his hands, Steve began to talk. 
“Hey, are you- Is everything okay?”
“Oh, crap. Our date. I --” she looked to her apron. “am so sorry. I - I should have called.”
“It’s okay. Do you...do you need any help?”
“No, I should be-” A bell rang. “Just...give me a minute.” 
Running through her hallway and into the kitchen, Steve looked around before entering and closing the door behind him. 
“I have a goddaughter. Her mom should have been helping her bake for tomorrow’s bake sale at school. They’re doing it at the weekend for the town fair. But - ow - her husband landed himself in hospital so now, Charlotte - that’s my goddaughter - she’s at her grandparents and I’m handling the baking.” Noelle explained however, when she looked up she found Steve removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves of sweater. 
“What are you doing?”
“No, Steve. You don’t have-”
“I don’t. But I want to.”
Noelle smiled after a split second. “Okay, but...hold on.”
Reaching into a closet, Noelle pulled out a second apron and, standing on her tiptoes, she placed the apron over Steve’s head, allowing him to tie the strings around his back. 
“Thank you,”
She kissed his cheek. “You’re welcome.”
“Okay, so what do you need me to do?” Steve asked as he looked to the kitchen island that was covered in cupcake trays, cookies and brownies. 
Noelle looked around herself before holding out a spatula. “Icing.”
“Icing.” Steve nodded, taking the spatula from her. 
After an hour, Noelle looked to Steve who was icing the third batch of cupcakes. 
“I’m sorry about tonight. I was really looking forward to it.”
“It’s okay.” Steve said with a light smile. 
The lights around them had dimmed a little so the setting seemed a little bit more romantic than your average kitchen light. 
“Sure.” Steve smiled. 
If he was being completely honest, he prefered this. It was easier - for both of them. Out in a resturant, it wouldn’t be long until the whole world was watching them. Like this...they could be themselves and not be out of breath when running away from the paps. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah...just cramping.” 
“Let me.”
Steve stepped away from his station and towards hers, helping stir the thicker mixture around the bowl. 
“Why did you decide to stay tonight? I know you’re America’s number 1 when it comes to helping, but...I forgot about our date.”
“I don’t care about that.” Steve told her. “I care that I get to see you, and talk to you. Whether it be at a resturant or...here. I’m just happy to be with you.”
Their voices were in a whisper now, standing so close to one another that there wasn’t an inch between either of them. It was like they were in their own little world, not a care for anyone other than them, here, in this moment. 
As Steve leaned down, Noelle leaning up, they met in the middle with a kiss that felt like nothing every before. And, as cheesy as that sounds, it was true. 
With a hand on his cheek, she pulled him closer as he did with her, wrapping his arms around her to hold her just that little bit closer. 
However, as they left the kiss the bell from the oven rang. 
“I’m starting to think the world hates me.”
Steve smiled, slowly letting her go from his hold so she could get the last of the cookies out of the oven. 
“20 more minutes and we should be done.”
It was forty minutes, but neither seemed to mind. Steve removed his apron as did Noelle before they placed on their coats and, stacked with tubs of cakes, cookies and brownies, they made their way to her car before dropping them off at Charlotte’s grandparent’s home. 
“Hey, honey!” 
Charlotte came charging at Noelle, wrapping her arms around her waist as Amelia and Derek came around the corner helping carry in some of the baked goods. 
“Oh, my god.”
Noelle turned around and found Charlotte stood looking up to Steve. 
“Oh, yeah. Erm...Lottie, this is Steve.”
“Nice to meet you.” Charlotte shook his hand, her mouth wide open and eyes wide before she moved over to Noelle and whispered; “Is Captain America your boyfriend?”
Noelle blushed very visably, and Steve smiled as she did so, however Noelle was quick to change the subject. 
“Uh...shouldn’t you be fast asleep in bed?”
“Yes, she should.” Amelia answered as she came around the corner. “But her mom called and said you were helping and so-”
Charlotte jumped up and down holding onto Noelle’s hand. “Can you read me a bedtime story? Pleaseeeee.”
Noelle looked towards Steve who just gave her a smile. “Will you be okay for 10 minutes?”
“Of course. Go ahead.”
“I’ll be back soon.”
Charlotte pulled Noelle up the stairs, rambling on about another book she had gotten from school. 
However, after finishing up Lottie’s bedtime story Noelle came downstairs to find Steve stood helping Derek set up a shelf above the TV. 
“Don’t worry, I offered.”
Noelle smiled. “Of course you did.”
“Why didn’t you tell any of us you were dating, honey?” Amelia asked. 
Noelle freezed up for a short moment. Was she meant to tell people? She spent so much time in the lab, most of them thought she’d have a psychotic break one day and marry her tools. 
“Oh, well...erm...” Noelle tried to think of an explanation but so much had happened in the last three days that she hadn’t had time to take a phone call. 
“Oh, doll, leave the poor girl be.” Derek told his wife. “She can have secrets from us. God knows Hattie prys so much into her life she deserves to keep something to herself.”
Steve just looked back to Noelle with a soft grin on his face. If she wasn’t careful she might just fall in love right then and there. 
And Derek did have a point. Hattie - her best friend since highschool - always tried to stick her nose into Noelle’s life. It wasn’t that it wasn’t unwanted, but...Derek was right. She deserved to keep something to herself for a while. 
“But I warn you, son. Don’t you hurt our Noelle. She’s a smart girl and anyone would be lucky to have her.”
Steve just gave a knowing smile. “I don’t plan on it, Sir.”
A few moments later they had the shelf up and Noelle and Steve left the house, heading back for the car. 
“I’m sorry about them. It’s just...they’re like family to me and they can get a little...involved? sometimes.”
Steve, tucking his hands into his coat, just smiled. He couldn’t remember the last time he smiled this much. 
“It’s okay.” Steve told her. “I’d be the same if it was my daughter. They want the best for you.”
“Yeah.” Noelle nodded. “Thank you, for staying tonight. You didn’t have to. Especially after I forgot about-”
“I meant what I said, Noelle.” Steve reassured her. “I’m just happy to be with you...wherever that may be.”
Noelle looked up and met Steve’s eyes. God, he was perfect. 
Neither said a word, just leaned in and shared another kiss. At first, it was a simple kiss until there was an unspoken agreement that they wouldn’t break it just yet. 
Noelle’s arms locked around his neck and shoulders whilst his arms pulled her in closer by the waist. 
Maybe she was falling in love...maybe they both were.
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daily-coloring · 2 years
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weirdgirlshowdown · 2 years
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our last 16 competitors have appeared! matchups announced below the cut:
Webby Vanderquack [Ducktales 2017] vs. Dot Warner [Animaniacs]
Coraline Jones [Coraline] vs. Maya Fey [Ace Attorney]
Noelle Holiday [Deltarune] vs. Tulip Olsen [Infinity Train]
Radical Edward [Cowboy Bebop] vs. Toph Beifong [Avatar: The Last Airbender]
Norma Khan [Dead End: Paranormal Park] vs. Sunita [Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Wendy Carter [Don't Starve] vs. Six [Little Nightmares]
Giulia Marcovaldo [Luca] vs. Ghoulia Yelps [Monster High]
Putunia Mollar [Smile for Me] vs. Sam Boole [Psychonauts]
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cher-rei · 2 days
love song ♬— chapter 3 [ J.M ]
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pairing: jamal musiala x fem!oc
summary [please read]
genre(s): strangers to lovers, fluff, angst and football romance [love song playlist]
[w.c: 2.8k] masterlist
notes: heyyyyy, I managed to finish the chapter today!! surprise!! I hope you guys are enjoying it xxx
previous chapter | next chapter
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the following day, as promised, the group of friends were headed on a little outing to congratulate the boys on their win. they burst into the bustling mall, laughter and chatter filling the air.
it started off well, conversation flowing easily between them just like it used to.
“spain is playing in berlin tonight,” noelle said in recollection and fixed the position of the the bag strap on her shoulder.
florian turned to look at her with his eyes widened, then hitting kai on the arm. “that lamine yamal kid? an absolute class player. we need to go and watch them play.”
from beside him aaliyah let out a scoff. “we actually have an england match to watch,” she let out a dazed sigh, “I need a picture with jude.”
florian’s smile immediately dropped, causing jamal to stifle a laugh from beside noelle. “we'll end up going anyway, let's just pray that they play each other at some stage to kill two birds with one stone.”
jamal looked to aaliyah with a quirked eyebrow. “you could've just asked me, I have connections with mr superstar.”
“no way,” noelle said in surprise. “I have connections with mr superstar's best friend.”
“you know trent?” he asked again, but she shook her head with a smile.
“close, I know his girlfriend. we went to high-school together.”
sophia perked up at your mention, knowing exactly who you were talking about. “I keep on forgetting that you went to high-school with jamie. what a small world we live in.”
“you know jamie?” jamal spat, disbelief spread all over his face and it made noelle furrow her brows, not sure what was so shocking. who didn't know her? “jamie carter? that jamie?”
when noelle nodded he couldn't help but chuckle in shock— the girl he had a thing for was friends with his childhood friend. “small world might be an understatement. we were in the chelsea academy together. major older sister energy, I'm still traumatised.”
the shared connection led to a comfortable conversation between the two strangers, their footsteps trailing behind the two couples ahead who were lost in their own world. noelle shared fond memories of the older girl to jamal, about how she took noelle under her wing for what ever reason.
it was one of those silly situations where the protectiveness of someone would ultimately end in a friendship between someone in year 11 and 9. so for those two years that jamie had left, she made sure to care for noelle as if she were her own.
“oh, she's so small!” jamie cooed at the newcomer, noelle immediately stopping in her tracks to see that she was the only year 9 who signed up for school newspaper.
“what's your name, angel?” jamie questioned and ushered her into the room, everyone lounging around the meeting table with her at the head.
noelle hesitated for a moment, her eyes scanning the faces of her seniors— jamie’s boisterous personality standing out. “noelle braun.”
“no way! kelly, remember when I said that I wanted to name my baby girl noelle?? i have it in my notes app.”
from that day onward, noelle couldn't recall a day where she wasn't sat with jamie at school studying in the library, asking for advice or watching the older girl join in on the football matches that took place at recess.
jamal listened intently as she spoke fondly of her, a warm hearted laugh leaving his lips. “yeah, that sounds exactly like her. toned down a bit, I reckon since she's older now.”
from ahead of them sophia couldn't help but look over her shoulder every so often to see the two wandering slowly, conversation being made despite noelle's timid personality. and that was the shocking part. she didn't like sharing too much about herself unless she was comfortable with someone.
her answers were always kept short and brief, a tight lipped smile following after to mimick her stiff behaviour. jamal was similar, but he knew how to carry a conversation with a bashful smile— which was exactly what he was doing now, his clammed hands stuffed into the pocket of his jeans.
this might be a lot easier than she thought.
as they stopped at a clothing store, sophia and kai drifted off somewhere, with aaliyah and florian heading in the opposite direction. the girls held on to thein boyfriend's for dear life, exchanging smitten looks and kisses every so often.
noelle and jamal exchanged a knowing glance.
“I think we're cramping their love fest,” he whispered and she nodded, her nose scrunching at the sight of kai tickling sophia.
she looked up to jamal. “coffee break?”
jamal couldn't stop the smile that drew to his lips, his heart fluttering for some reason as he stepped to the side and gestured for noelle to walk ahead. “it's like you're a genuis.”
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without drawing attention, they slipped away from the group, leaving the affectionate couples to their shopping spree. eventually they settled into a cozy café, jamal taking the liberty to order their drinks as promised.
when their order got called up, he handed the latte to noelle with a playful smile. “my sincerest apologies once again, you'll be able to taste it in the coffee, I swear.”
a giggle left her lips as she took her seat at the back of the café, further away from everyone and he took a seat in front of her. “oh, really? what was the coffee made with exactly?” she asked jokingly, a playful smile on her lips.
“immense guilt and embarrassment,” he desdpanned, causing noelle to force down the laugh itching at her throat before they fell back into a peaceful atmosphere.
the conversation drifted from topic to topic, shared laughter floating in the air. “so what do you think they're going to do next?” jamal asked grinning, hinting at their friends that they left behind.
noelle pretended to think for a moment. “probably plan a joint wedding.”
his eyes widened in mock horror, the footballers reaction being her to laughter once more. “don't even joke about that.”
everything was going great to his surprise, and in no time his sweaty palms were the last thing on his mind. he was curious. curious about how noelle was, what she enjoyed and why she drank 4 mugs of coffee a day? he'd barely scraped the surface.
it came up naturally, his job and her life at university. and the fact that she was a psychology major made so much sense to him. “you fit the stereotype perfectly.”
noelle smiled, “and what’s that?”
the footballer leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he scanned noelle’s features and stature. not to be weird but he'd been observing her for quite some time, seeing as he didn't have the courage to actually talk to her. all those days in the coffee shop, ordering coffee only to give it to one of his teammates because he wasn't a huge indulger due to his diet.
“you like to keep to yourself, a natural observer.” noelle gasped, ready to plead her case but he cut her off. “yeah, don't act like I don't see the way that you look at people, you're psychoanalysing everyone you creep.”
“creep is a bit much,” she interjected, her hand covering her mouth in shock. accusations— correct accusations. nevertheless she gestured for him to carry on.
he hummed in thought. “your colour palette is very neutral, very cosy. autumn is definitely your favourite season,” he said that was so much certainty and noelle nodded along, a hum of confirmation leaving her lips.
“and you're an older sibling.” her lips parted slightly, shock evident. “I know that from experience, definitely a younger sister— teenager.”
noelle threw her head back with a groan, the mention of her younger sister giving her a splitting headache. “I hate 15 year olds. she's like a demon, sucking the life out of me.”
she didn't have the best relationship with her sister carmen. blame it on puberty, and the fact that carmen hated everything and everyone, meaning that noelle was privileged with the ‘evil older sister’ title for trying to help her— or doing anything really.
“ugh, can you just leave me alone?” carmen would yell, marching out of the living room with her blood boiling. “do you have nothing better to do than make my life difficult?”
the door slammed. all this just because noelle offered to help her with an assignment since she was struggling.
“so, what's your assignment about?” jamal asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. “sophia said you weren't too happy about it.”
with a bitter smile noelle took another sip of her latte, the warm liquid spreading through her chest. “I'm exploring the phenomenology of romantic love— how people experience and understand love.”
the genuine glint shimmered in jamal's eyes, his interest piquing although he could see that she was anything but pleased or excited about it. “that sounds interesting, and fun. how's it going so far?”
“well,” she sighed, her eyes drifting out the café window for a moment. “it's not going at all. I didn't start yet, but I'm getting there.” she smiled. “I hope…”
she went on to tell him about using sophia, kai, aaliyah and florian as he guinea pigs to which he was very pleased about. he let out an amused hum, nodding fondly at the idea. “you're about to get a phd with that thesis, they're your one way ticket to success.”
as they delved deeper into conversation, jamal discovered noelle's infectious laugh, her eagerness and passion for understanding human emotions, and her very subtle sense of humour. in turn, noelle, found jamal's kind heart, his genuine interest in her thoughts and his captivating smile.
the café’s background hum faded into the distance as they lost themselves until they finished their drinks, jamal's phone buzzed in his pocket, a stifled laugh leaving his lips at the message. “looks like the lovebirds are done shopping.”
noelle smiled, stretching her arms with a content sigh. “time to rejoin the flock. thanks for the coffee break by the way, I felt like I was having withdrawal symptoms.”
with a chuckle he held the door open for the smaller girl. “you seriously need to watch your caffeine intake.”
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as the evening drew to close, the girls decided to head back to noelle’s apartment since it's where they'd be staying during their time in munich. watching her friends separate from their boyfriend's was a sight for sore eyes, her face displaying her distaste while simply giving jamala a polite wave.
the trio settled into noelle's cozy living room, surrounded by plush cushions and soft lighting. sophia poured wine into their glasses with a satisfied smile before plopping down next to her friends on the couch.
they went over the events of the day and how nice it was to be out with their partners again before they'd be pressed with the task of immense stress to soothe due to the tournament. with that, noelle naturally faded into the background as a listener, trying her best to understand their situations.
it was a task and a half to be there for their partners emotionally during times like this, and it was tough to imagine. but once again, it took a toll on each partner emotionally and mentally. [add to thesis outline]
“where did you sneak off to by the way?” aaliyah's voice snapped her out of her daze, a distant hum leaving her lips as she recollected her thoughts.
sophia and aaliyah eyed noelle with knowing looks. “you left us hanging, to hang out with jamal.”
noelle couldn't help the scoff that she let out, the accusation rather amusing. “first of all, you left me hanging.” she pointed to herself with a pointed expression, then shrugged. “and jamal owed me anyway. I got apology coffee.”
a gasp left sophia's lips and she straightened her posture. “your favourite.”
aaliyah shook her head and set her glass down on the coffee table then snuggled futher into the couch. “sorry that we left you like that. we know you aren't much of a talker, it was probably really awkward.”
“it actually wasn't,” noelle said softly, not thinking much of her answer yet the unfamiliar feeling in her stomach said otherwise.
with confused looks, her friends looked at her with intrigue and mild confusion because they knew that if noelle was put in a situation where she had to be with someone she didn't know, silence was her go to. they'd seen it first hand at parties and gatherings, she would literally sit or stand silently, her mind drifting elsewhere instead of engaging in small talk.
“yeah, it wasn't awkward. he’s actually really easy to talk to.”
sophia nodded slowly, a sly grin settling on her lips. “oh, really?” she turned to aaliyah who was more confused, not quite catching onto her friend's initial thought. “you know, he's not much of a talker either.”
it was aaliyah's turn to chime in. “he's got that whole charming thing down though. I seriously don't underatand how he doesn't have a girlfriend yet.” her tone was laced with something that only sophia caught onto, her smile deepening while noelle simply took in the information.
she shot her friends a quizzical look, surprised by the newfound information. initially she thought that he'd be tied down with someone, you know footballers and their antics. all that stereotypical stuff.
noelle''s expression read “noted”, earning proud glances from the two girls in front, silently scheming. it wasn't the first time that they'd be playing matchmaker with her. they tried whenever they encounter someone who seemed the slightest bit fit for their best friend. even if it were just for the experience.
but when sophia was sitting at home back in london a while ago, jamal had come back to visit for a few days with florian for kai. the two footballers were in her living room one day, waiting for kai to come back from pracrice when she overheard a conversation.
she didn't get the details but all she knew is that jamal had his eyes set on someone that he's never spoken to. it sounded funny at first until the person started sounding oddly familiar, but she pushed it to the side until later that evening again. once again they were on the topic of relationships, and kai was telling jamal to let loose a little.
he was reluctant of course. “you guys got lucky, okay. I can't do that, girlfriend’s don't sure show up out of nowhere.”
“unless…” florian trailed off, hinting at an idea that jamal immediately cut off. “you're too picky.”
sophia hit him on the arm for that comment, feeling sorry for the younger boy. “don't listen to him, he's stupid.” she took a seat on the armrest of the couch beside kai. “start off simple. what do you look for in a partner? maybe I know someone.” that was supposed to be a joke.
he was put on the spot, not having much of a criteria because he wasn't picky. “I don't know,” he sighed. “I just need someone to talk to I guess, someone gentle— I've had my fair share of brutal women in my life. this is going to sound weird but someone warm–”
“dude what does that even mean? you're asking for a pillow,” kai said with a judgemental look thay florian mimicked. of course that earned him another slap on the shoulder.
jamal rolled his eyes. “your girlfriends hate you in secret just so by the way.”
“as if,” florian scoffed and sunk deeper into the couch cushion while kai turned to look up at sophia with pleading eyes although she avoided his gaze, an awkward laugh leaving her lips.
“someone smarter than me,” jamal spoke up and sophia stopped for a moment. “that would be fun. ugh, I don't know,” he groaned in frustration and ran his palms over his face, flushed in embarrassment. “I just need somebody to love without worrying about them trying to steal my money!”
florian choked on his laughter. “okay, justin bieber calm down now.”
sophia on the other hand was on the verge of leaping up and smacking herself for being so damn blind. because she did in fact, know someone.
the only issue was that she was dealing with two very stubborn individuals, one of which hated the idea of romantic relationships as a whole. but there was a plan, there always had to be a plan, and it started with planting the idea into noelle's mind, a single seed of possibility that would eventually plague her mind if it was watered enough.
jamal was easy, he liked her but sophia wasn't sure how much that silent infatuation and intrigue would get her. of course it all needed to happen naturally, but she was more than happy to be the catalyst.
“he has a really cute smile by the way, not to be weird or anything,” noelle stated out of the blue, her friends nodding in agreement at the sudden proclamation, their silent exchange of high fives beneath the blanket giving them hope.
and the seed was planted.
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cobalt-axolotl · 11 months
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I plan on doing art RQS (request not the remnant queue system)
I would love if you submitted your head cannons and ask me my own.
About me
I am a pansexual cis male
I fictionkin Cassidy
Cassidy is my main blorbo
My prounouns he/him
My name is Austin but I also go by cobalt, charlie (my middle name is charles), and that mother fucker
My favorite fandoms are the following: homestuck, COTL, scp, fnaf, dsaf, Dhmis. Danny phantom, megaman, creepypasta, glitch productions, Minecraft, Ben 10, omori, undertale, sonic, gravity falls, Pokémon, bendy, TcoA&L, analog horror as a whole (especially Mandela catalog, angel hare, and Midwest Angelica), gr3gory88, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, TF2, moral orel, half life, half life VR but the AI is self aware, bioshock, 5YL, Spooky’s Jump-scare Mansion, The owl house, epithet erased, amphibia, Steven universe, Henry stickmin, disc world, AO ONI, pizza tower, and various tokusatsu
My favorite animal is the axolotl
I mainly post incorrect quotes and art but I do run an ask blog for my AU’s
I am a simp for papyrus undertale
Minecraft is my favorite video game
I run an 14+ blog
By the time I am making this edit I am 18 years old.
My OTPs are Evan x Cassidy and marlie
DNI (do not interact)
Stupid people (people who refuse to learn)
List of my AUs and they’re connected cannons
Golden children (fnaf)
Shattered souls (fnaf)
Malefactor malfunction (fnaf and Ben 10)
Glam it (fnaf)
Triple M (scp)
Xanthophobia (fnaf)
GMTC (fnaf and undertale)
B&P (fnaf and dnd)
NUCN (fnaf)
SBR (fnaf)
Under void (undertale)
Fazrune (fnaf and deltarune combo)
Like it never even happened (fnaf)
List of oc’s and ther connected AUs
Nick (my fnaf AUs)
Virgil (under void)
List of my AU’s with songs that describe them
Golden children: just gold by Mandi pony (I don’t like the guy I just like his music)
Shattered souls: creepin towards the dirt by griffinila
Malefactor malfunction: the ben 10 theme song (just replace the words Ben 10 with Cassidy)
Glam it: this comes from inside by the living tombstone
Triple M: secure container protect by madame macabre
Xanthophobia: look what you made me do by taylor swift
GMTC (give me the child): collared by vane
Bears and pizzerias: your the key by Kyle Allen music
Nicks ultimate custom night: replay your nightmare by hard ninja
Stuck in the back room (my alive AU): I’m still standing by Elton John
Under void: gasters theme by Toby fox
Characters in my AU’s
Cassidy Noelle Carter (died at 14 in golden child au) (in the golden children AU she becomes Fredbear and in the shattered souls, glam it, xanthophobia ,and malefactor malfunction AU she doesn’t die) (can speak German) (learned German so she can figure out what’s bothering Nick and calm him down) (in xanthophobia nicks death drives her to the point of insanity and causes here to become a serial killer “super edgy I know”) (in shattered souls she marries Evan but doesn’t change her last name due to her hatred for William) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent it)
Evan afton (crying child) (died at 12 in golden children au but not dead in malefactor malfunction, glam it, xanthophobia, or shattered souls Au) (loses all sense of empathy after the bite of 83 in xanthophobia “a head injury can do that to you right?”) (marry’s cassidy in shattered souls)
Benny afton (Cassidy’s and Evan son biological son in shattered souls) (an analog to golden children Cassie)
Goldie (he’s here he’s there he’s everywhere who you gonna call psychic friend fred-bear)
Gregory afton (Vanessa’s brother in the golden children au) (trans gender FTM)
Cassie Maxie Carter (nick and Elizabeth’s adopted daughter in the golden children AU) (named after her aunt)
Kasey Roxanna Carter (Cassidy’s twin sister) (nicks older sister) (lesbian) (cares for Nick as much as Cassidy but is unable to understand him at times) (neli’s ex girlfriend) (posses Roxanne wolf) (currently dating Susie) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent in it)
Gaberiel grim (died at 10) (died in 1985) (possesses Freddy)
Jeremy grim (died at 11) (died in 1985) (posses Bonnie)
Fritz smith(died at 3) (died in 1985) (posses foxy)
Susie McCarthy (died at 14) (died in 1985) (posses chica) (Kasey’s current girlfriend)
Adrian smith(died at 5) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (posses mangle)
Millie fitzsimmons (died at 18) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Bonnie)
Markus Murphy (died at 17) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Freddy)
Nelli Twain ( died at 16) (died in 1987) $part of the second mci) (possesses toy chica) (Kasey’s ex girlfriend)
Jake McCarthy (died at 6) (died in 2016) (used to posses stitch wraith along with Andrew)
Andrew Montgomery Emily (died at 16) (died in 1987) (part of the second MCI) (posses Monty in the golden children au) (used to possess stitch wraith along with Jake) (was besties with Cassidy and Evan)
Charlie Emily / Charlie afton (not dead in the golden children or Xanthophobia au) (is dead in shattered souls) (marries Mike in the golden children au)
Mike afton
Vanessa afton (Mike and Charlie’s daughter in golden children au)
Elizabeth Clair Afton / Elizbeth Clair Carter (doesn’t die or posses baby in the golden children au) (died at 8 in the shattered souls & malefactor malfunction AU’s) (is nicks best friend) (dies to circus baby in shattered souls au) (takes Evan’s place in shattered souls au) (born in 1979 in the main 2 AU’s) (married to Nick as an adult in the golden children au) (going to college to become a psychologist in the golden children au)
Malary Emily ( Henry’s wife) (Charlie and Sammy’s mom)
Henry emily (dies at 63) (championed for better treatment of autism in the golden children AU)(mentored Nick in robotics after Edd’s death)
Clair afton (died at 20 due to suicide) (Williams ex)
Loralai afton (Williams current life) (survives in every AU I made) (her name is also a pun on Ballora) (Evan and Elizabeth’s mom)
William Afton (Dies at 36)
Dave miller (nicks therapist) (named after book and DSAF Dave)
Nikki Carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s mom) (Korean immigrant) (left while Nick was too young to remember) (may or may not have indirectly been the cause of David’s abuse to towards Nick)
Malcom faraday zanaflex (main protagonist of my scp au)
Dr Elias Munro (died at 79 on the year 1981) (original owner of fredbear’s sing’n show) (was a father figure to Henry and William) (was their boss before he retired in 1955)
Zachary Munro/nightmarionne (not dead) (became a mutant after a remnant injection) (immortal) (grandson of Elias)
Garret schmit (basically Garret from the movie combined with Mike from the movie)
Abby schmit (just Abby from the movie)
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Sammy Lewis emily (is younger than Charlie in these AU’s) (like around nicks age) (non verbal until his twelfth birthday) (good with Rubik’s cubes) (dies in xanthophobia and takes charlottes place as the puppet)
Billy (AI created by William afton to watch after evan while he worked on his projects)
Jack Kennedy (named after the one from DSAF just nota corpse) (Bonnie mask Bully) (gave Nick the spring Bonnie mask) (was much less willing than mikes other friends during the bite of 83) (mikes right hand man)
Maddison Simmons (jacks girlfriend) (chica mask Bully) (was much more willing than her boyfriend)
Jerry Mann (Freddy mask bully) (just as willing as Mike & Emilia)
Vinny (literally just exist to be Sammy’s boyfriend because I don’t like Sammy being forever alone)
Nickolas Alastair Carter (Kasey and Cassidy’s younger brother) (has a red Bonnie plushi named mr Marvo) (is a paranoid schizophrenic) (was raised by his sisters due to them having bad parents) (takes Cassidy’s place in shattered souls au) (works at the pizzaplex in the glam it au) (born in 1983 in the main 2 AU’s) (has a slightly un healthy obsession with Bonnie the bunny) (was hired on by Henry during the events of fnaf 1 in golden children AU) (often wore a Red Bonnie halloeeen mask as a child) (can speak German but only does it when he’s extremely angry or when he finds a certain word to be extremely funny) (autistic “like me”) (he’s also really defensive about his intellect) (died in a ball pit in shattered souls au) (acespec panromantic) (post ffps his soul transfers into eclipse in the SS Au)
Edwin Alastair Carter (Aka. Grandpa eddy) (Nick and Cassidy’s grand father) (their only parrental figure that isn’t abusive to Nick) (was hired by Henry and William to design the springlock suits) (built the mimic as a friend for Nick) (also made the old man consequences AI)
David mobi carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s father) (abusive towards Nick in specific) (Cassidy is his favorite) (ignores Kasey) (is manipulative towards Nick)
Old man consequences (an AI that acts as a sorta therapist to Nick in my AU’s)
Nightmare (before being possessed by half of nicks soul it was the first working springlock suit known as proto lefty) (not one of the nightmare animatronics) (half of nicks soul)
Marvo Marvelous (half of nicks soul in the shattered souls au) (a red magician hare)
Glitchtrap (separate from mimic) (had his consciousness put into a roomba)
Captain poncho (nicks imaginary friend) (scares Gagleon)
Stitch wraith (possessed by Andrew and Jake)
Fredbear (possessed by Cassidy and Evan in golden children au)
Plush trap (in the golden child au he is a little drone sent out by null trap)
Null (second spring Bonnie suit that William place Evans body in after he died) (possessed by Evan in the both AU’s)
Mxes the hare (in the au he is named after mr mxes) (the au version of him looks more human in the AUs) (in golden children au he was first an animatronic for the fnaf 1 location that filled the same role as the then defunct security puppet) (created my nick)
RWQFSFASXC (all of nicks insecurities in physical form) (main antagonist of the GMTC AU) (shadow Bonnie)
Shadow Freddy
Mr mxes (has half of Cassidy’s soul inside of it in golden child au) (is choc full of agony from Nick)
Mimic (nick and Cassidy pretend he’s their older brother as in all three AU’s he just lives with the two)
Nickolai (animatronic human built by Henry as a third entertainer at fredbear’s family diner) (starts wearing a Fredbear Halloween mask after the mci for… “reasons”)
Void Bonnie (shattered souls spring Bonnie) (has a shadow variant name dark trap) (this Springbonnie is possessed by Nick not William afton as he simply feeds off of William’s agony) (heroic counterpart to Springtrap) (takes golden Freddy’s place in shattered souls AU) (born from Nick’s corpse being put into a certain ball pit) (name after the void between the physical and spiritual plains)
Miketrap (the pit creature before metamorphosing into pit Bonnie) (a Monroe experiment)
Salvage (an old springlock suit given life through mysterious means) (a Monroe experiment)
Nightmarionne (a nightmare version of the puppet) (a Monroe experiment)
Remnant Queue System (the shadow’s child)
Night-watch (machine built by Mike to hunt down what’s left of Fazbear entertainment and destroy William once and for all) (-the rebuilt endo of Fredbear)
The classics
The toy animatronics
The withered animatronic
Springtrap (not darktrap) (in shattered souls darktrap used the spring locks to curve his violent tendencies and forget about him being a killer) (in shatttered souls his charge goes from being a humanized billcipher as William to a dsaf Dave miller and gruncle stan combo as Springtrap)
The nightmares (evil versions of the twisted ones in the golden children au)
The fun times
Ennard the clown (the in between of the fun times and glamrocks with his blood lust being replaced by a humanoid level of sapience) (has a shape sifting gimmick which he uses to entertain kids)
The Glamrocks
The twisted ones (in the my AU’s they’re good guys and built by Mike along with night-watch)
The hellfire animatronics (upgraded versions of the twisted ones)
The night terror animatronics (scrap’s, night terror Freddy, night terror Bonnie, night terror foxy, and night terror chica,)
The salvage animatronics (salvage Monty, salvage freddy, salvage ennard, and darktrap) (constructed from broken animatronics) (end is are exposed) (partially inspired by the ignited animatronics)
And the omori charecters are cannon to the malefactor malfunction au cuz why the fuck not
The springlock animatronics (fredbear, spring Bonnie, and Alastair)
Villains for malefactor malfunction can be found here
How the AU’s work
Each au has four version (book style in which it falls into silver eye’s continuity, game style in which it falls into game continuity, movie style in which it falls into movie continuity, and amalgam style in which it combines all three continuity’s into one)
In xanthophobia Cassidy is the villain (William afton die’s extremely soon in the AU and for once in his life never comes back)
So in my most of my AU’s the souls are able to grow old despit not being alive which explains any shipping you might see. Most of it isn’t my doing though
Elizabeth x Nick is only cannon in golden children
Unless its Evan x Cassidy or Mike x Charlie
TF2 is cannon in the golden children au (i mostly just wanted to make fnaf 2 Jeremy TF2 Jeremy)
The golden children au takes place in the late 80s to early 90s with flash forwards towards the pizzaplex era while the shattered souls au takes place in 1991 and the malefactor malfunction shifts the entire time line to start in 2000 GMTC takes place around 1999 to 2018 xanthophobia takes place in in the 2000s and 2010s
In shattered souls Springtrap is much nicer due to him losing his murdeous tendencies after getting spring locked
malefactor malfunction is a Ben 10 fnaf crossover with Cassidy having a version of the omnitrix called kaizotrix
The blog itself is cannon in all AU’s
This is a link to the malefactor malfunction aliens list for all of Cassidy’s kaizotrix transformations
As well as facts about the malefactors
Also a timeline for my main AU
Some times I can be very cringe
Check these people out too
@ramunehana (if you 18+)
Also check my alts
I also put Nick official design down here
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Here is my creepypasta and uncharacteristically ask blog
An here at my character designs so far https://www.tumblr.com/random-world-64/735868089007259648/all-my-major-chararacters-so-far
And here’s some fanfics I’m working on
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her is my sona AXOL
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Lore alarm
The blog itself is also a cross over point for my AU’s and in multiverse it’s ran by the characters
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cartermagazine · 4 months
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Today In History
MC, Singer-songwriter, producer and actress Lauryn Noelle Hill was born in East Orange, New Jersey, on May 26, 1975.
Lauryn soared onto the music scene as part of the hip-hop trio The Fugees before launching her solo career with the Grammy-winning album ‘The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.’
She is regarded as one of music’s artistic geniuses. The Score (1996) featuring the hit single “Killing Me Softly,” which highlighted Hill’s bold and soulful vocals, the album sold 17 million copies, making the Fugees the highest-selling rap group of all time — and garnered two Grammy awards for best rap album and best R&B performance by a duo or group.
Hill’s first solo effort, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill (1998), established her as a headline talent in her own right. The album, recorded in Jamaica, has sold more than 19 million copies worldwide since 2009 and earned the singer-songwriter five Grammys, three American Music Awards, a Billboard Award, a Soul Train Award and an MTV Music Award. It combined soul with hip hop and splashes of reggae, showing a musical lightness of touch that belied some of the deeper, personal issues the lyrics delved into.
“Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me… There for me, there for me, said you’d be there for me… Cry for me, cry for me, said you’d die for me… Give to me, give to me, why won’t you live for me…” Lauryn Hill, ‘Ex-Factor’
CARTER™️ Magazine
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yandere-paramour · 2 months
I know Ata is ambivalent to animals, and I'm pretty sure Vivien is a fan of them, but how do Noelle, Asteria and Jamie feel about them?
I think one of the most fun ways to take advantage of Ata's money would be getting cuddle time with opossums from sanctuaries lol. It'd be fun to force Ata to cuddle skunks, vultures, raccoons, and opossums with me^^
also, fun fact of the day: vultures don't have feathers on their head to avoid getting rotting meat stuck to their head, they also differ from other birds of prey because they have a really good sense of smell!
I love possums!! @yanderedollhouse actually crocheted me an adorable stuffed possum that I named MustardSeed like the fairy in Midsummer Night's Dream.
Noelle doesn't like animals. She grew up in a trailer park, and all the animals she was exposed to as a child were mean and filthy. She's been bitten, scratched, and pecked tons of times, and these days, she will not hesitate to defend herself if anything, even a housepet runs at her. The only animal she tolerates is her cat, Sasha, but that is because she doesn't really see Sasha as a cat, but more as an extension of her.
Asteria is actually more tolerant of animals than her daughter. She still thinks they are dirty, but she will give a passing dog or cat a pet or two. There might be a series of cats roaming outside the Montclair manor that she mandates the staff care for. They can't come into the house, but they can get food, water, and shelter in the shed.
Jamie loves animals. He finds petting them soothing, it helps him relax. When he's having an okay day, he and Carter take their walk in the garden and the cats always run up to him and fawn over him, and he could sit and pet them and talk to them for hours. When they get old, he brings them to his volunteer job at the library to spend their final days being spoiled and petted by old ladies and small children.
And thank you for the fun fact!
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linterteatime · 1 year
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Some little doodlez I have made recently ˖ ࣪⊹
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blueindigo17 · 1 month
WIP intro: The Together List
An introduction to my second WIP!!
Pinterest board -> The Together List
Spotify playlist -> The Together List
Summary: Audrey is in her first month of college. Within three weeks, she’s moved out of her childhood bedroom and into a room with a window that seems to open on its own and a door that creaks loud enough to wake up the whole floor, she’s stumbled into a friend group that seemed to pull itself together like drawstrings, and she’s gotten a job at an adorable independent milkshake shop with her roommate and one of her new friends. What more could she possibly ask for?
The world, it seems.
Audrey has a list ten miles long of all the little things she wants college to be. One night, she starts listing them out loud. Her friends—Logan, Lennon, McKinley, Aspen, and Levi—chime in with their own after a moment, and before anyone knows it it’s been three hours and they haven’t stopped. They aren’t even sure whose idea it is, but they start writing it down. Every box on this ridiculously decorated list will be checked off by the end of the year, they swear.
Someone makes an Instagram account as a joke, but by the first post it’s become as serious an endeavor as they’ve ever had. They wouldn’t call themselves local celebrities, but they certainly wouldn’t correct you if you did. The thing about fame at this age, even at small amounts, is that it's bound to go to someone's head...
Genres: realistic fiction, young adult fiction, new adult fiction, coming of age, LGBTQ+ fiction
Themes: LGBTQ+, friendships, fame, college, becoming an adult, relationships
Character Introductions
(all photos found on Pinterest)
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Audrey Abigail Marshall 💙
"So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. You've got no reason to be afraid." - You're On Your Own Kid, Taylor Swift
Age: 19
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Birthday: May 16th
Star sign: Taurus
Friends: Logan, Lennon, McKinley, Aspen, Levi
Family: Julia (mom), Adam (dad), Trevor (younger brother, 16)
Occupation: barista at a milkshake shop, college freshman (studying education and sociology)
Fun facts: she was named after Audrey Hepburn
Audrey spent the past year trying to learn more about herself. "Did it work?" you ask. Nope! Now she's moving into her college dorm a year later than her high school classmates, and she can feel the desire to catch up burning in her veins. She claws at every opportunity to prove that she wasn't wasting her time this past year. She would probably do well to realize who she's trying to prove herself to...
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Logan Olivia Levine 🧡
"I don't want the world, but I'll take this city. Who can blame a girl? Call me hot, not pretty." - HOT TO GO!, Chappell Roan
Nicknames: Lo, Halo
Age: 19
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: lesbian, asexual spectrum
Birthday: July 25th
Star sign: Leo
Friends: Audrey, Lennon, McKinley, Aspen, Levi
Family: Katherine (mom), Richard (dad), Carter (older brother, 21), Danny (older brother, 24), Jordan (older brother, 26), Noelle (sister in law, 26)
Occupation: barista at a milkshake shop, college freshman (studying psychology and sociology), part time middle/high school tutor
Fun facts: she asked Disneyland Rapunzel to marry her when she was seven years old
Logan knows what she's good at, including but not limited to: decorating her lecture notes, pulling off outlandishly oversaturated outfits, and making things fun. The Together List is such a Logan idea she's appalled that she didn't think of it first, but once it takes off, she's thriving. This is the most fun she's ever had. Until the real world catches up, people lash out at each other, and she has no clue where she stands. She has a lot of love in her body, but figuring out what to do with it is way harder than she expected...
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Lennon Lillienne Adler 💛
"Quick pause in conversation, she plays songs I've never heard." - Canyon Moon, Harry Styles
Nicknames: Lemon, Lemons
Age: 19
Gender: female(ish) (her words)
Pronouns: she/her/they/them
Sexuality: asexual, heteromantic
Birthday: November 19th
Star sign: Scorpio
Friends: Audrey, Logan, McKinley, Aspen, Levi
Family: Ariana (mom), Jonathan (dad)
Occupation: college freshman (studying photography and cinematography), campus library assistant
Fun facts: she’s Australian, they have a cat named Spritz
Lennon is about as far from home as she can get. They’ve been to the states before, but that was only ever for a few weeks to visit her dad while he worked. Now she lives here, and their plan is pretty much just go to class, go to work, go to sleep, repeat for four years, and graduate. It’s probably a good thing that plan is going straight down the drain with this new group of friends…
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McKinley Savannah March 💜
"It's not a perfect narrative, there's beauty in mistakes." - Best Friends, 5 Seconds of Summer
Nicknames: Kinley
Age: 19
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: who fricken knows (her words)
Birthday: April 29
Star sign: Taurus
Friends: Audrey, Logan, Lennon, Aspen, Levi
Partner: Aspen
Family: Amber (mom), Nathaniel (dad), Cecelia (younger sister, 16)
Occupation: college freshman (studying history and anthropology)
Fun facts: she has ADHD
McKinley knows she talks too much, too fast, about things people don’t usually care about. That’s fine. It just means she should only surround herself with people who don’t mind her the way she is. The problem is… there aren’t many of those people around. Her parents, her sister, Logan, and Aspen, and that’s about it. Oh, and her cool Australian roommate. And Logan’s roommate, Audrey. And Audrey’s friend Levi. Well, actually, now that she thinks about it, there are actually a lot of people who really like her. She’ll have to get used to that…
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Aspen Noel Brady ❤️
"I don't know much about love. Come find my in the crowd of all the boys and girls." - Boys & Girls, Conan Gray
Age: 19
Gender: gremlin (their words)
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: bisexual
Birthday: August 2nd
Star sign: Leo
Friends: Audrey, Logan, Lennon, McKinley, Levi
Partner: McKinley
Family: Andrea (mom), Matthew (dad)
Occupation: barista at a milkshake shop, college freshman (studying English and film)
Fun facts: they sleepwalk and sleep talk
Aspen sort of loves being weird. They embrace it. They’re strongly considering getting it tattooed somewhere. But in high school, “weird” is a gateway drug to “bullied”, which is harder to embrace. It was bad; months went by where they were hesitant to leave the house, and they accidentally got very good at self-isolating when life went sour. It’s been a long time since then, and once they settle into regularity with their new group of friends, they look forward to never resorting to that again. No matter how badly circumstances want them to…
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Levi Declan Avery Jackson 💚
"And it ain't so pretty when you're playing cute when your body's up against some fool." - 1983, Neon Trees
Age: 20
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: gay
Birthday: September 20th
Star sign: Virgo
Friends: Audrey, Logan, Lennon, McKinley, Aspen
Family: Phoebe (mom), Chris (dad), Lena (little sister, 7)
Occupation: college sophomore (studying journalism and creative writing/composition)
Fun facts: he has citizenship in the US (where he was born), Canada (where his dad was born) and the Philippines (where his mom was born)
Levi doesn't care one way or the other about the idea of love languages, but don't even think for one second that his isn't gift giving. He grew up with money, so anything his friends want, his friends get. The problem is that he's gotten quite used to people who would rather be friends with his bank account than him, and his only real friend since… well, ever has been Audrey. Shockingly, the people Audrey introduces him to don’t seem at all interested in his credit card. Weird…
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kiarakarlisse · 8 months
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Nick Invited me on an impromptu trip to Granite Falls. I was excited and nervous at the same time because it’s the weekend before the family Mt.Komerebi Trip as well as my wedding. I want to tell Nick this will be the last time we can be together before I get married. I would be lying to him and myself.
On our first night we had some dinner Nick prepared and much needed us time. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to see each other with all the wedding planning going on and Pop’s Funeral.
Nick: How are you feeling Elle?
Noelle: About?
Nick: Pops Funeral, your Wedding?
Noelle: I don’t really want to talk about it. Either of them. I just want to be here with you.
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Nick: Okay Elle. I’m always here if you need me.
Noelle: you can’t always be here. You can’t be my person for- (Nick cuts her off)
Nick: Noelle Avery Bergman!!! I SAID ALWAYS DAMN IT!! Do you understand??
Noelle: Yes
Nick: Yes what?
Noelle: Yes, sir.
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Nick: I’ve missed you.
Noelle: I’ve missed you too. What are we going to do when get married next week? We can’t keep sneaking around.
Nick: You getting married next week has nothing to do with us!! You are forever for me even if it’s behind the scenes. I love you and if Carter can make you happy so be it but I won’t give up on us!!!
I couldn’t really say anything to that but okay. What do you do when the love of your life puts everything out there and tells you they love you and want you know matter what?? I love them both but…
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Nick scheduled us a couples massage at the Ten leaves Spa in Granite Falls. I haven’t felt this relaxed and pampered in a long time. I’ve been working non stop. Hopefully once I get married I can slow down and focus on me and maybe a little family.
The massage got us in a bit of a flirty, touchy mood. So we headed to one of the private rooms here at the spa. Our little bubble burst when I got a call from Carter…
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Noelle: Hey babe, what’s up? (breathlessly)
Nick: Elle babe if you want to keep having this conversation you’re going to need to be quiet. ( chuckles)
Carter: what’s going on why do you sound like that?
Noelle: Mom and I are working out. Did you need something? (Struggles to hold back a moan)
Nick: Get off the phone Elle!! (Growls in her ear)
Carter: No it’s okay I’ll call you later
Noelle: Oh. Okay bye. (Squeals with laughter)
Back at the Cabin we end up going another round. Nick just couldn’t help himself. He had me in all different positions. But what can I say we’ve always had this sexual appetite for one another. At this point I think he was trying to prove a point. He thinks I’d never have anything better. I’m sad to say he’s right. I won’t be this satisfied ever once I end things officially.
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Build- Modern Christmas Cabin by @bbygyal123
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copyconok · 1 year
Peta Jensen August Ames Brooklyn Chase  Romi Rain Victoria June
Violet Myers
Armani Black
Katie morgan
Josephine jackson
Tru kait
Charly Summer
Simon kitty
Vanna Bardot
Scarlett Alexis
Victoria voxxx
Victoria june
Melody Marks
Dylan ryder
Ester Ana
Yanet garcia
Leah Gotti best
Anissa Kate
Ella knox
Scarlett Alexis
samantha saint ASHELY ADAMS
Jojo kiss vivian taylor
Madison ivy
Anya ivy
Jessa rohodes
Jessa rhodes
Kelsi monroe
Foxi di
London keyes
Horny Ana, anna rose
Viktória beatizen
Ella reese
Ariana marine
Keisha Grey
Jamie Michelin
Vanna bardot Lexi Stone
Rissa may
Britney Amber
krissy lynn
Maddy may
Jasmine wilde
Nikole nash
Sisi rose
Rae lil black
Mia Melano
Kylie page
Jean van jean
Jaye summer
Rissa may
Abigail Mack
Kaylani lei
Patty michova
Agatha Vega
Jessa Rhodes
Riley evens
Dillion carter
Lucette nice
Aubree valentine
Blake blossom Beeest
Anissa kate
NF Busty
Alexis Brill
Peneloppe Ferre
Angelica Heart
Baby Jewel
Ashlyn Rae KECY HILL
Bailey Brooke
Pristine Edge
Noelle Easton
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ask-nick-and-cass · 10 months
Nick: Hi there. The names Nickolas Alastair carter this blog is being run by me and my sisters
Cassidy: Hi
Kasey: Sup
Nick: this is where we answer your ask I document funny conversation my we have with eachother!
(Ooc: also check out the sister blogs @ask-gc & @ask-ss)
(Ask-able character’s under the cut)
Phillip {he’s our uncle on dads side and I guess he’s also our new step dad.}
Jun {he’s our uncle on moms side}
Nikki {she’s our mom}
David {you can only send him hate}
Nick (pan romantic Demisexual)
Cassidy (bi and poly)
Kasey (lesbian)
Dae (gay) {our cousin and uncle Jun’s son)
Benjamin {he’s a lil baby right now so he can’t be sent ask}
Evan (bi)
Lizz (pansexual and poly)
Mike (bi)
Vanessa (panromantic asexual)
Sammy (intersex nonbinary) (suffers from entomophoboa)
Charlie (bi)
Andrew (bi and poly)
Susie (lesbian) (Kasey’s current girlfriend) (much better girlfriend to her than Nellie was)
Jeremy grim
Adrian (bi sexual polyamorous)
Nellie (lesbian) (Kasey’s ex)
Jeremy Fitzgerald (Bonnie mask bully)
Madison (chica mask bully)
Jerry (Freddy mask bully)
Zachariah/Nightmarionne (aromantic bisexual)
Clay Burke
Carlton burke
Sylvie Petrov
Andrea Fitzgerald (pan romantic demisexual) {Jeremy’s niece}
Pit Bonnie
Aftons are in red
Emilys are in green
carters (and Cho) are in blue
And misc human charecters are in orange
Misc animatronic characters in purple
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