#Non-GMO seeds
iridescentalchemyst · 1 month
Survival Non-GMO Seed Vault
*this post may contain affiliate links Very affordable non-GMO seed varieties from My Patriot Supply! Click the link below to be redirected to their website to check out their selection! SEED SHOPPING TIME!! Support my work by sharing this blog post! Thank you in advance for your help spreading the word about this important…
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gardengrowngreen · 5 months
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Organic in-GMO seeds at gardengrowngreen.etsy.com
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chappythegardener · 1 year
Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed
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Introducing the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed ! Are you a passionate organic gardener seeking the perfect addition to your vegetable garden? Exceptional Flavor and Quality The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is renowned for its rich, smoky flavor and succulent texture. By growing these seeds, you can enjoy the unparalleled taste of vine-ripened tomatoes bursting with robust flavor. Say goodbye to bland, store-bought tomatoes and elevate your culinary experience with this remarkable variety. Organic and Sustainable Gardening As an organic gardener, you value sustainability and environmental responsibility. The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato seeds are non-GMO, ensuring that your garden remains free from genetically modified organisms. By choosing these heirloom seeds, you contribute to preserving genetic diversity and supporting organic farming practices. Abundant Harvests and Versatility With the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato, you can expect bountiful yields of medium-sized, dark-colored fruits. These tomatoes are perfect for fresh salads, sandwiches, sauces, and even canning. Their versatility makes them a must-have for any culinary enthusiast, allowing you to enjoy their exceptional taste in various dishes. How do I germinate Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato seeds? To germinate these seeds, start by filling a seed tray or small pots with a well-draining seed starting mix. Sow the seeds at a depth of 1/4 inch and keep the soil consistently moist. Place the tray or pots in a warm location with temperatures around 70-80°F (21-27°C). The seeds will typically germinate within 7-14 days. Can I save the seeds from Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomatoes for future use? Absolutely! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is an open-pollinated variety, allowing you to save the seeds from mature fruits for future plantings. Simply scoop out the seeds, rinse off the gel surrounding them, and dry them thoroughly before storing them in a cool, dry place. Why should I choose the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato over other varieties? The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato offers a unique combination of exceptional flavor, organic integrity, and versatility. Its distinctive smoky taste sets it apart from other tomato varieties, while its heirloom status ensures genetic purity and authenticity. By choosing these seeds, you're embracing the rich heritage of heirloom gardening and adding a touch of uniqueness to your garden.  "I'm not sure if I can grow tomatoes successfully." Don't worry! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is a relatively easy variety to grow, making it suitable for both novice and experienced gardeners. With proper care, you'll be rewarded with an abundant harvest of flavorful tomatoes. "I'm concerned about pests and diseases damaging my plants." While pests and diseases can pose challenges, the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is known for its excellent disease resistance. By practicing organic gardening methods, such as proper soil preparation, companion planting, and regular inspection, you can minimize the risk of pests and diseases. "I don't have a lot of space in my garden." Not to worry! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato can be successfully grown in containers or smaller gardens. Choose a suitable-sized pot or utilize vertical gardening techniques to maximize your space. These compact plants will thrive and provide you with an abundant harvest. Now it's time to take action and elevate your organic gardening experience with the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed Packet. Experience the incredible flavor, sustainability, and versatility of this remarkable variety. Don't miss out! Click to buy the product and start growing your own delicious tomatoes today! Read the full article
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fox-bright · 9 months
Requisite Yearly We Do Not Buy from Baker Creek post
It's seed catalog time! One of my favorite times of year, honestly. While my garden mostly sleeps, full of dry leaves and fluffed-up birds and cold breezes, I'm indoors contemplating tomato varieties and telling myself that *this* will at last be the year I get the peas in on time.
As it is that appointed time, my usual yearly reminder: don't buy from Baker Creek!
Baker Creek are racist, fascist assholes! They intended to platform Cliven Bundy at their yearly conference, and Native seedkeepers have said that Baker Creek stole from them (and sell the product of that theft). They did a For Ukraine fundraiser that actually went to a far-right Ukrainian organization invested in obliterating LGBT rights.
Baker Creek might have some fun varieties of seed, but I can very nearly guarantee that if you see something there you want, I can find it or an analogue for you somewhere else.
Here's a selection of seed companies I personally have bought from, or people I trust have recommended; there will be a secondary and possibly tertiary reblog, since Tumblr only allows me to do ten links at once. If there's a company you've bought from and liked, please leave a review for them in the comments! What did you get, what did you like, how was the germination? Native Seed Companies: (please, please feel free to add more in comments to this post)
Companies Specializing in Native Pollinator Plants and Seed:
New to me last year, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED seed preservation company (they have an incredible selection! My 2023 germination of their seed was like 98%! But they only accept paper order forms):
Cool weird nightshades, I got a bunch of dwarf tomato seeds from them last year and THEY didn't suffer from peppergate because they're a small company that does a lot of their own seed:
A list of ten more companies or so, which I buy from every year, will follow in a reblog in about two minutes; please share that one instead of this one.
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allsadnshit · 2 months
hi! i’m wondering what foods you eat/don’t eat to help with endo? :) i really appreciate the resources u share :) thank you
It's different for everyone so it takes time and I don't really recommend following someone else's diet cause I am of the belief what you stomach well has to do with where your ancestors are from and also physical constitution in Chinese medicine varies more than just like having endo or not! I personally eat a lot of small farm non gmo meat from what's local which is a lot of stuff in PA, local seasonal vegetables (most squash, potato, and leafy greens), bone broth, spices and herbs, drink matcha everyday, and cook strictly in high quality grass fed butter, ghee, or beef tallow! it is expensive and daunting at times but overall I think I save money now that I cook a lot and have a really organized fridge/pantry over just shopping on a whim and trying to make random meals from it. It's a big commitment to make but if you've ever gotten so sick that you lose your mobility and ability to do basic functions, I think it becomes clear it's worth the money in a very health is wealth way.
I personally can't stomach gluten, onion, or garlic (I use scallion instead) but I am not of the opinion any of those things are bad for you! And I'd like to eventually be able to eat them again when my stomach and nervous system has healed. I also do not eat seed oils, which although controversial and really political now - I think comes down to it being a super cheaply made product and has more to do with how its made than what the main ingredients are! That's probably the hardest one to avoid but I do feel different when I am strict about it but it def eliminates most eating out options realistically which I know for most people just doesn't work.
It might be worth it imo to find some quizzes online for what your chinese medicine physical constitution says you need vs looking up "endo diet" and learning more about eating and lifestyle habits that come along with it because I think even if you eat super organic whole foods all the time if you aren't sleeping and resting and working out I think it can only do so much on it's own!
Americanized health sciences do not understand the root cause of endo (and they admit that fully) so I think there's very little information or help to be harvested from people who consider themselves experts on the topic unless they themselves have endo and have found things that have made a huge difference for them - but otherwise I think western perspective on endo and the body is very small and rigid and worth exploring outside of as a good place to start if what's been given as resources to you so far hasn't changed things in a meaningful way for you!
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solarpunkbusiness · 3 months
Many fruits and vegetables come equipped with a natural waxy layer, the cuticle, on their skin. This layer acts as a protective barrier, regulating moisture loss and preventing spoilage.
Apeel’s scientists have taken this ingenious design concept and mimicked it. They’ve developed a coating derived from plant-based materials like fats and oils found in peels, seeds, and leaves. This “second skin” is applied to the produce after harvest, creating a microscopic barrier that influences the exchange of moisture and oxygen.
By creating a slight barrier, Apeel helps fruits and vegetables retain their natural moisture, extending their shelf life and reducing waste throughout the supply chain.
Apeel’s plant-derived coating offers several advantages. It is non-GMO, free from animal-derived inputs, and does not contain regulated allergens like milk. The coating itself is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, ensuring it does not alter the natural appearance, aroma, or flavor of the produce. Importantly, the coating has been deemed safe for consumption and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
“Our mission is to work with nature to reduce food waste and create abundance for all,” Apeel’s team states on their website.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Biopunk is super interesting
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You know what? I will now do a "rambling about punk genre stuff other than Solarpunk" Saturday think. Because I feel like it and because the punk genre are super interesting as a concept. So I want to explore this a bit further.
I kinda grew up with the entire punk-genre thing. Literally. As a kid I got into Cyberpunk when I was like... 12. So, I always had an interest in the genre. That I ended up playing Shadowrun hence was not a bis surprise. (Maybe I will talk about that a bit more one day...) And it was through Shadowrun, that I got interested in one of the subsubgenre of Cyberpunk: Biopunk.
Fun fact: Outside of fanfiction this is the one bit of Cyberpunk that I have actually written quite a bit about. And I just think it is interesting.
Now, to catch everyone up to speed: Biopunk usually (though not necessarily) is set in a Cyberpunk world, but instead or additionally to cyberware, there is gen-modifications happening. And this of course brings new and interesting avenues to explore with it.
See. One idea in this regard that gets played with a lot in Shadowrun, but also other Cyberpunk media, is the entire idea of "cyber psychopathy". Basically, a "ship of theseus" thing. If you replace too much of the human, the human looses their humanity and might do bad things. In comes bioware and goes like: "Sure this, we do not replace the human body, we just alter it." Basically, GMO for the human body.
Now, a while ago I talked about how gene tech is nobody's enemy as it is. BUT... gen tech currently suffers from the issue of people copyrighting gene sequences. Going so far as "you cannot use you non-genemodified harvest as seeds next year, because it has been pollinated with pollen from other gene modified stuff".
What would that mean for a human?
The possibilities for gene tech in medicine would be endless. Cure cancer. Cure all sorts of genetic diseases. Cure stuff that would kill you in real life. And do not even give up parts of your body.
But what if you cannot pay? With Cyberware you can still say: "Fuck it, have your stupid cyber arm back." And give up your arm. But with gene tech... Well, looks like you belong to the company now!
And of course, even more than normal Cyberpunk, this genre is also ripe to explore for the human relation to disabilities. Because, yeah, imagine gene tech could fix all disabilities. What would it do to the way humanity treats disabled people? Are your forced to be cured? And if so... Does your cured body then belong to the company?
So many interesting questions to explore.
The Biopunk stuff I wrote basically featured the set up of "the company" (that also was the state) offering parents of children, that would probably not be born alive or if born alive would die within the first two years of their life, to cure them. For free. And while they were on it, they gave the embryos all sorts of gene treatments, turning them into basically a different species alltogether. But when the revolution came... Welp, the company sat down: "Looks like we own you. Time to be our soldiers."
So... Yeah. Interesting concepts to explore here.
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briarpatch-kids · 9 months
For people trying to grow tabletop gardens: seeds n such has a series called "kitchen minis" that are micro tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers that are all tiny plants that grow in small pots!! I'm not being paid to say this, I'm just always on the lookout for accessible gardening stuff for people.
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sethshead · 11 months
From the Kivunim Institute: Good and Evil: A True Story You likely don’t know the name Dr. Shoshan Haran. I met Shoshan, a world-renowned plant seed developer, while doing research for what became Let There Be Water: Israel's Solution for a Water-Starved World. Shoshan helped me to understand how Israeli non-GMO plant breeders had developed drought-resistant crops and plants that thrive on otherwise unusable brackish water. But at the top of her career, Shoshan had an epiphany: Instead of using her extraordinary abilities to help farmers in rich countries get ever-better seeds, she would devote the rest of her life to helping poor farmers in Africa. “No one,” she told me, “was developing specific seeds for places like Ethiopia.” Farmers there had to make do with generic seeds for their crops. An urbanite like me didn't know this, but seeds can be developed for particular places, with changes made for local climate, water sources, soil type and pests. Shoshan started a not-for-profit called Fair Planet with the intention of developing seeds for those poor African farmers as precise as the ones she had been helping to create for American and European farmers. The project succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations. In the first season using Shoshan’s tomato seeds created for central Ethiopia, farmers there saw a 500 percent increase in yield. Not only did this help to address issues of hunger and nutrition for those farmers and their families, but household income rose helping to lift communities out of abject poverty. In the ten or so years since, approximately one million farmers in several African countries have been using seeds developed by Fair Planet. In other words, Shoshan Haran is a hero, a person who has made the world so much better for her having lived. Now for the hard part. On October 7, Shoshan and her family were together in her home on Kibbutz Be’eri, a successful communal farm established by her father and the place where she was born. In all, there were ten family members gathered – Shoshan, her husband, her sister and brother-in-law, her daughter and son-in-law and their two children, her husband’s sister and the sister’s husband. They were all taken captive by the Hamas terrorists who invaded the kibbutz. In recent days, the remains of Shoshan’s husband and brother-in-law have been identified. As best as is known, Shoshan and the other seven family members – three generations – are hostages in Gaza, but no one knows for sure. It is easy to recognize this as evil harming far more than Shoshan and her family. Those many African farmers, and many others, are also harmed by the Hamas assault. It would also be reasonable to say that there are two competing ideologies at work here: One by incrementally helping others in peaceful ways and the second using horrifying and indiscriminate violence to achieve its goals. For me, I have been depressed, enraged, struggling to make sense of the terror attack, but now that I have learned one of the captives is someone I know and have hosted in my home, it is also personal. I hope the governments of Africa will join in with others to try to get Shoshan and her family freed from captivity, assuming they are still alive. Perhaps you, too, can try to publicize this story, sharing it with others. Every one of those being held deserves to be released, but showing how terrible it is to have a person like Shoshan in captivity perhaps helps to transform a general act of criminality and evil into something concrete and harder to ignore. Over time, many more stories of October 7 victims will be learned. Just knowing Shoshan’s story offers clarity that so much more than the lives of the victims and the captives are affected. Seth Siegel
h/t Shoshana Hantman
None of this matters to the left. They'll accuse Shoshan of promoting genocide by replacing traditional crops with higher-yield GMOs. There is nothing we can do anymore to convince the left that we are anything other than ogres poisoning the global well and using the blood of children for our bread.
We must keep our own ethics to heal the world, but not expect to win any hearts or minds. We must do what we must to protect ourselves, and let the public opinion of those who would destroy us be damned.
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positivexcellence · 4 months
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towwn: if you’ve been wearing the same lip gloss since high school, chances are you’re due for an eco-upgrade. boost hydration + replace harmful chemicals with these clean, green glossy formulas from our favorite sustainably-minded brands.
@elfcosmetics clean, green + accessible (only $8!), we love this minty-scented hydrating wash of color with a wide cushion applicator for even coverage.
@byamicole this black-owned brand is made in harlem, ny + inspired by senegal. the non-sticky, oil-to-gloss treatment made from baobab, camellia + passion fruit seed softens + nourishes.
@ogee the naturally tinted lip oil from this nsf-certified, organic + refillable skincare brand is made with cold-pressed jojoba oil + butters, peppermint oil, and vegetable-based volumizers. try camellia classic pink.
@hourglasscosmetics this nourishing avocado oil + shea butter gloss contains no gmos, nonoparticles, or sulfates + comes in 18 hues. the brand uses recycled materials + refillable packaging, plus 1% goes to @nonhuman.rights.project.
@tower28beauty try a “milky jelly.” the hydrating + moisturizing formula shines with all-natural ingredients like apricot kernel oil, castor seed oil, avocado oil, + raspberry seed oil, ensuring softly nourished lips.
@iliabeauty gliding on smooth, this plumping gloss is hyaluronic acid-based and owes its deepest hydration to salicornia (sea succulent). packed with nourishing botanicals like meadowfoam, vanilla, clementine + sunflower, the formula is cruelty-free, gluten-free + paraben-free.
@summerfridays this ethical brand avoids controversial additives in favor of natural vitamin e + 8 more vegan oils. nourishing, high-shine, and uber moisturizing, the hydrating formula combats dryness with buildable sheer color.
@goodlight.world Ok, this isn’t technically a gloss, but the taste of space milk is like serum for your lips + helps hold moisture. apply it pre-gloss for a smooth pucker.
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chokrihizem · 2 months
Rue - Ruta graveolens - Seeds for Planting 🌱
🌱 Grow Your Own Rue! 🌱 Ready to elevate your garden game? 🌼 Check out our premium Rue seeds from Seed Needs! These heirloom seeds are perfect for adding a touch of beauty and versatility to your space. ✨ Why Choose Our Rue Seeds? Quality You Can Trust: Packaged for the current and upcoming growing seasons, our seeds are stored in a temperature-controlled facility to ensure maximum freshness. Generous Quantities: With 200 seeds per packet, you can share with friends or save some for next season! Artful Packaging: Each packet features stunning illustrations and detailed sowing instructions, making gardening a breeze. Non-GMO Promise: We’re committed to providing only non-GMO seeds, with a focus on open-pollinated and heirloom varieties. 🌿 Join us as we explore the beauty and benefits of growing Rue! Whether for culinary use or as a stunning garden addition, you won't want to miss this! 👉 Grab your packet today and start your gardening journey! https://amzn.to/3SzOL2s
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chappythegardener · 1 year
Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed
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Introducing the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed ! Are you a passionate organic gardener seeking the perfect addition to your vegetable garden? Exceptional Flavor and Quality The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is renowned for its rich, smoky flavor and succulent texture. By growing these seeds, you can enjoy the unparalleled taste of vine-ripened tomatoes bursting with robust flavor. Say goodbye to bland, store-bought tomatoes and elevate your culinary experience with this remarkable variety. Organic and Sustainable Gardening As an organic gardener, you value sustainability and environmental responsibility. The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato seeds are non-GMO, ensuring that your garden remains free from genetically modified organisms. By choosing these heirloom seeds, you contribute to preserving genetic diversity and supporting organic farming practices. Abundant Harvests and Versatility With the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato, you can expect bountiful yields of medium-sized, dark-colored fruits. These tomatoes are perfect for fresh salads, sandwiches, sauces, and even canning. Their versatility makes them a must-have for any culinary enthusiast, allowing you to enjoy their exceptional taste in various dishes. How do I germinate Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato seeds? To germinate these seeds, start by filling a seed tray or small pots with a well-draining seed starting mix. Sow the seeds at a depth of 1/4 inch and keep the soil consistently moist. Place the tray or pots in a warm location with temperatures around 70-80°F (21-27°C). The seeds will typically germinate within 7-14 days. Can I save the seeds from Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomatoes for future use? Absolutely! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is an open-pollinated variety, allowing you to save the seeds from mature fruits for future plantings. Simply scoop out the seeds, rinse off the gel surrounding them, and dry them thoroughly before storing them in a cool, dry place. Why should I choose the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato over other varieties? The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato offers a unique combination of exceptional flavor, organic integrity, and versatility. Its distinctive smoky taste sets it apart from other tomato varieties, while its heirloom status ensures genetic purity and authenticity. By choosing these seeds, you're embracing the rich heritage of heirloom gardening and adding a touch of uniqueness to your garden.  "I'm not sure if I can grow tomatoes successfully." Don't worry! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is a relatively easy variety to grow, making it suitable for both novice and experienced gardeners. With proper care, you'll be rewarded with an abundant harvest of flavorful tomatoes. "I'm concerned about pests and diseases damaging my plants." While pests and diseases can pose challenges, the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato is known for its excellent disease resistance. By practicing organic gardening methods, such as proper soil preparation, companion planting, and regular inspection, you can minimize the risk of pests and diseases. "I don't have a lot of space in my garden." Not to worry! The Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato can be successfully grown in containers or smaller gardens. Choose a suitable-sized pot or utilize vertical gardening techniques to maximize your space. These compact plants will thrive and provide you with an abundant harvest. Now it's time to take action and elevate your organic gardening experience with the Black Sea Man Heirloom Tomato Premium Seed Packet. Experience the incredible flavor, sustainability, and versatility of this remarkable variety. Don't miss out! Click to buy the product and start growing your own delicious tomatoes today! Read the full article
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rosen-dovecote · 13 days
High Mowing Organic Seeds
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vibinwiththefrogs · 10 months
What's the Deal with Cotton?
For @rangerofthesouth , I don't work with cotton but we just went over all this in my field crop class and how we grow cotton feels very bizarre? Keep reading below for stuff on GMOs and cotton farming.
As far as I can tell cotton is probably one of the most technology-intensive crops we grow in the US. Not necessarily physical technology as in equipment, but gene technology (GMOs), breeding, and chemical use. It has all the standard things used on it that other industrial row crops have, such as herbicides, fertilizers, and pesticides. But it also has GMO traits and needs to be treated with plant growth regulators (PGRs), and defoliant before harvest.
So it turns out, cotton is a perennial plant. So if the weather is right it will just keep growing into something of a bush/tree sort of thing. But when grown as a crop they get treated with PGRs to slow/stop vegetative growth and to trigger reproductive growth (aka, the flowers that form into cotton bolls). Link to a picture of a guy with cotton not treated with PGRs on time below.
There's multiple kinds of GMOs. The big ones are traits added for herbicide/chemical resistance in the plant (such as Roundup Ready), and then there's pest resistance which usually is the Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) trait. Bt is a bacteria that will infect insects if they feed on the plant, killing them off or deterring them. As far as I'm aware the big GMO crops in the US are soybeans, corn, and cotton; As well please note cotton production is very different across the world, I'm strictly speaking about the US.
What kind of crazy about pest resistant GMOs though, is it was touted around as an end to pesticides for a while. There was a quote I heard somewhere though that goes something like "if you're in a war and you have weaponry but the other side has evolution, the other side is going to win". Basically, insects started developing a resistance to Bt. And so different types of Bt traits keep getting stacked on one another to keep it effective, and currently we're up to 3 stacked Bt traits (see chart below, its from my class lol). Only the upper most trait on this chart is still effective, the others aren't.
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What's nuts about this, is that cotton farmers are paying for every stacked gene even if they're ineffective. According to my prof a bag of conventional untreated cotton seed is ~$100, while GMO cotton is ~$600 a bag. The price of cotton off the field is really bad too, as far as I last heard its $0.70/1 lb. There's more numbers than this but as you can imagine with chemical applications, gas for equipment, and fertilizer, its looking not profitable. And so the US cotton industry is hella subsidized and there's so many government programs to keep it alive because many farmers cannot survive growing cotton without the subsidies.
I don't know a whole lot other than this because I've only just begun looking at cotton, but here's some questions and things I'm thinking about. First, clearly we need a whole system change because everything conventional ag brings out to stop the pests and weeds causes resistance development; chemicals and genes are helpful technologies, but only when used carefully within other non-chemical pest management strategies. We're currently deepening a major environmental and agricultural crisis with ag chemical usage. Second, I really want to look more into the legal side of things with government crop subsidies and insurance because it really seems to be the core things propping up all this for multiple crops (corn and soybeans included). And then, what would cotton look like in an alternative agricultural system? Personally I've only ever seen it as a conventional row crop.
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beautiful-story · 4 months
BREAKING: SLOVAKIA LEADER SHOT! - Is This The LEADUP To WW3? - Leaked German Documents Exposed!
🔥 " You are going to hear of wars and reports of wars." ( Mathew 24:6 ).
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healthtodys · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to the Salt Water Trick for Weight Loss
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Introduction to the Salt Water Trick
The Salt Water Trick is a natural and straightforward method that can help boost your weight loss efforts. It involves drinking a specific mixture of salt water on an empty stomach to cleanse your system and kickstart your metabolism. This technique has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its simplicity and effectiveness.
How Does it Work?
The Salt Water Trick at Renew is a revolutionary method incorporated into the Renew supplement. It's all about weight loss and anti-aging, working while you sleep. This unique approach uses natural processes to dissolve fat cells and improve deep sleep. Renew combines ingredients to target both weight loss and anti-aging, providing a comprehensive solution.
Ingredients of Salt Water Trick at Renew
Withania Somnifera: Commonly known as Ashwagandha, the extracts of this plant are rich in antioxidants that are critical for healthy weight loss. It also boosts metabolism. Ashwagandha also has stress-relieving properties, which will help with lowering cortisol levels which in turn helps with weight loss.
Griffonia Simplicifolia: Extracted from the seeds of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia, 5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and appetite. Serotonin has a reputation for making you feel happy and full, which can reduce cravings and help control overeating. Consistent use of 5-HTP could lead to a more balanced appetite and lessen impulsive eating habits.
Arginine: Arginine, a semi-essential amino acid, is integral to numerous physiological functions, including sleep regulation, blood pressure control, erectile function, metabolism, healthy blood flow, and nightly regeneration. Its influence on sleep quality is attributed to its involvement in nitric oxide (NO) synthesis, a vasodilator crucial for deep sleep phases. By enhancing blood circulation and potentially affecting brain temperature regulation, arginine aids in transitioning into deeper sleep stages.
L Theanine:  Theanine supplements can elevate your levels of dopamine, serotonin, and GABA, which promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Several studies have found that theanine helps participants fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Theanine can also combat the effects of caffeine, the most widely used stimulant in the world.
Advantages Of Renew Supplement
Renew is a supplement that helps consumers sleep better at night while promoting weight loss.
The added ingredients are purely sourced from nature’s extract.
It can reduce the lipid content of abdominal fat deposits and aid in weight loss.
Almost every ingredient in this supplement supports better quality sleep.
It helps in providing you with deep restorative sleep which will not distract you in any way.
The supplement also helps to improve digestive health and boost energy levels.
​Each ingredient is 100% plant-based and non-GMO.
This product comes with an ironclad 60-day money back guarantee.
PROS Of Renew Salt Water Trick
Driven by the elements
Plant-Based Ingredients
Not genetically modified
Dairy Free & Soy
Simple to Consume
Not Habit Forming
Visite Now : Renew Salt Water Trick Official Website
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