#Not gonna put this in the tag to shatter the hopes and dreams of most of them BUT
revenantghost · 1 year
I love the first-timers in bookclub thinking they're prepared because they know spoilers. That's cute and all, but you ain't. HAVE FUN.
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what do you like doing in your free time?
why is your name clenched buttocks (I wanna know the reason, pls its so funny lol)
what are things you're good at? (own it babe) (and i don't mean 'babe' in a weird way - just gotta clear that lol)
do you have a best friend?
do you write OG stories and/or fanfics?
one thing you hate about yourself
one thing you love about yourself
do you want a pet? if so, what pet and why
(pls at this rate, its sounding like an interview, so sorry 😂 i'm just...i have a lot of time in my hands and i decided to do this for no particular reason)
fave type of music?
what made you like bsd? and did you always like it? (cause for me, i didnt like it too much at first but it grew on me the second time around)
have you read the bsd light novels and what's your fave light novel if yes?
any pet peeves?
what's your 'ideal' partner (do you have a type like Kunikida or are you fine with anything as long as you're having fun)
Would you rather be single and rich or taken and with a normal salary?
are you happy with where you work/study?
what's your dream career?
what's the app you use the most?
would you rather draw or write?
*** (P.S just pick the ones you want to answer) **
i think im going to look like a weirdo asking so much questions but whatever. at least we dont know each other HAHA i hope you have a good day. <3 and also i love your analyses. just keep posting what you like. i find some of your posts funny lol
good day.
(# you asked and i delivered) (# just me looking for an excuse to use this line) (# cause you said you wanted more questions in your other post TT) (# also ik this isn't a real tag but i wanna be ✨creative) (# fan behavior? idk anymore lmao) okay bye mwa <3
i have no free time. I either overwork myself or sleep. however, assuming that i've got a sliver of time to do something, I swap from one obsession to the next <3 rn it's going for insanely long bike rides and turn down every road I feel like until I'm lost,, and going to the gym like an absolute maniac bc i want my arms to be the size of a regular adult's legs
my username is what i desire in life. it is was I strive to be worthy of. it is beauty and life itself, it is the culmination of the universe's most wonderous accomplishments all squished into two raging enormous, gargantuan muscular earth shattering sea trembling ass cheeks 😩😩 (BUT in all seriousness I chose this bc I felt like having tecchousthiccthighs wasn't quite as pleasant??? eheheh buttocks is a funny word)
MY TALENT IS SAYING ANYTHING THAT CROSSES MY MIND TO STRANGERS i've been on this spree lately where I just straight up call anyone pretty when I run into them and HOLY MOLY PPL ARE SO CUTE ABT IT this is your sign to compliment someone today ✨✨ but nah baby i'm good at everything it's a curse ngl (U CAN CALL ME WTV HUN IT'S OK KJKDJFKJS UR SO ADORABLE WHAT)
no best friend bc i can't do commitment and bully friends that get too close to me 😍😍 BUT i'm gonna tag @bellyjellyfish for being my one and only and somehow not hating me thru my unironic "uwu" phase <33
I wrote a 700 page story when I was 12 and it remains unfinished bc I kept rambling and there was no plot 🕴️I love writing but abandon a whole lot of works bc I dream up the rest of the plot and go "oh well why write it now i've been there done that" I DO WRITE FANFICS 👁️👁️ I have a wp account where i wrote a bunch of awful stories and it still stands to this day! (no i will not disclose it don't even try me grr)
I hate how sexy I am 😭😭😭😩😩😩🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
I love how sexy I am 😳😳😳😳🥶🥶🥶🥶😜😜😜😜
I WANT A TARANTULA I WANT A TARANTULA I WAS A CHILEAN RED KNEE TARANTULA AND I WANT ONE SO BADLY OMFG I've always liked spiders but the ppl I live with would absolutely kick me out if I got one??? once i live on my own i'm def buying two cages so that whenever I have guests, I just put out the empty cage, hide the real one, and be like "oh no what happened to billy my tarantula, he escaped again :(" just to wreak havoc
fav type of music is classical bc i'm edgy and not like other girls 🤩🤩🤩 something about la campanella just hit so hard when I was like 10 that I have taken it and ran, but I do listen to rnb a lot, never in just one language tho bc sometimes english sucks my d
I liked bsd as soon as I saw ranpo's silhouette in the first episode, I was like "him. I want him 🏃‍♀️" but it was solidified in my head as soon as I saw natsume bc 1) he's hot AF IT'S NOT FAIR I WANT HIM 2) I had been reading his irl works and fell in love, so I started exploring other bsd authors and it introduced me to gogol (i'm so in love with his writing style it's not ok) soooo yeah :)) I started reading bc someone (you know who you are) liked chuuya and I haven't looked back since, tbh it's one of my favs just bc of the characters and their depth
I've read all the light novels I could get my hands on, and I have to say stormbringer FOR THE ONLY, SOLE REASON THAT I AM IN ABSOLUTE LOVE WITH ADAM
pet peeve hmmmm idk??? i'm chill with everything except pickles I hate those mfs, but if I had to chose smth it would be when someone shoves a ship down my throat (it's me i'm bitches go stan satosugu rn)
no ideal partner! I'm aro fyi, but also I feel like I'd be chill with just abt anything?? if u match my energy, we can be partners in chaos and i'll feel understood, and if you don't, I get to learn abt a different kind of lifestyle and get to have someone sane to hold me down (or to corrupt), so either way it's a win. I find culture to be incredibly attractive, speak a language I don't or tell me about a tradition of yours with a wholesome smile and I'd move mountains for you 💖💖 teach me abt something that you're emotionally invested in and an expert, and I'm literally yours <3
haha i don't ever wanna be in a relationship so i'll take being rich,, but honestly it ain't about the money, i'd want to have a normal salary and be taken, but it just ain't my vibe ?? dunno how to explain erm-
app i use most is my local library app bc i'm constantly trying to renew my books that are incredibly close to being overdue 🫡 but nahh i don't use my phone that often it still irks me i'm actually a 60 year old gilf who hates technology and complains abt kids these days
I CAN'T DRAW BUT I ALSO CAN'T WRITE YOU'VE GOT ME AT A DEADLOCK BRO??? if it's which I would rather be GOOD at, i'd say drawing bc imagine thinking abt something and just printing it out on paper??? yall fr got some magical talent omg
WHAT IF WE DO KNOW EACH OTHER THO??? WHAT IF WE'RE ACTUALLY NEIGHBORS??? CHILDHOOD FRIENDS??? YOU NEVER KNOW AND YOU PROBABLY NEVER WILL MUAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna stop now but ty for all your questions and have a wonderful day, darling <33
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dboliklover · 3 years
Breathless Whispers - Shu
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My new series. Will take a while to complete (don’t mind the fact I am STILL working on the Easter Smut series). It’s based off an ask I got and is very sinful and I implore everyone who is triggered by the following to NOT INTERACT WITH THIS SERIES. The tags will vary from each entry but “Breathless Whispers” is a SAKAMAKI BROTHERS X STEPMOTHER! READER Smut series. As such Cheating/Adultery and pseudo-incest/stepcest are always going to be included in the chapters. 
Tags for this chapter: Stepcest/pseudo-incest, cheating, NTR (Netorare) ((Karlheinz gets cucked)), dub-con (the reader believes she has feelings for Shu), dubiously-consensual implied impregnation, mentions of pregnancy, blood, and my out-of-practice smut writing skills that border on cringe, Happy sex (?) 
This is as vanilla as it’s gonna get for this series, methinks. Next chapter it’s Reiji’s turn. ;) Happy sinning ❤
WORD COUNT: 5.8K (11 pages)
In his life, Shu learnt to try to ignore meaningless things around him and to feel as precious little as possible - he didn’t need to feel, it added no enhancement to his life. To love was to have weakness and those he loved and cared for often ended tragically.
It was only natural that he chose to stick to himself and become a solitary creature after all that he’s been through, was it not? Solitude meant safety. Slowly but surely Shu cut as many emotions away with a metaphorical knife as he could, opting instead to be careless regarding all matters. He didn’t need anyone else, just himself. Only himself.
But there was one emotion that refused to leave, one emotion he would never allow the chance to withdraw from his heart - hatred. Pure, unadulterated loathing towards the man who caused his, his brothers’ and their mothers’ tragedies - Karlheinz. The hatred he felt was coated by a layer of would-be indifference - he knew better than to challenge the man, at least for the meanwhile - memories from the North Pole haunted him still. His father was a cruel, demanding man and Shu felt abhorrence, perhaps it did not reach the hatred felt by some other brothers but it was there and undying.
Karlheinz’s largest sin of all was the pain he caused his mother - the burdens he put onto him were a close second, however. But Beatrix’s suffering still wounded Shu to think about even after so many years had passed. The guilt instilled in him from that time flowed through his veins, unrelenting. His mother had her streaks of emotionally tormenting him but after all she merely wanted to prepare him for a difficult life ahead and Shu missed her presence as demanding as it was. And that was why when his father chose to re-marry yet again, Shu felt nothing but slight pity for the bride but regardless, he felt towards her as he did with most things; wholly indifferent. That was, of course, until he got to know the woman - he recalled the wedding day, it was a boring event and the fact his appearance had to be publicly seen bothered him for he’d much rather be doing anything but - still, he did as told and attended, albeit with minimal effort.
You made for a blushing bride, he couldn’t deny that. Glamorous appearance was hardly something he heeded though, and his father was known for choosing beautiful women as his wives - you knew nothing of the terrible fate that was bound to befall you in the coming months or years. At least all the other wives were long dead, namely Cordelia (whose torments only fed into the neglect his father served his mother, furthering her agonies) so you’d have no other competitors for Karlheinz’s horrid affections. He felt nothing for you, then. But unbeknownst to him, that detachment would not last forever and soon thereafter Karlheinz sent his bride away to live with his sons: what drove his father to such a foolish decision baffled Shu and he felt it somewhat of a ploy, another experiment to conduct. Maybe it was, but then again it only wasted time and energy to speculate on what went through Karlheinz’s mind. But you were their new stepmother, not one of their sacrificial brides; that was made clear, if unspoken. You were not their shared property but the property of the vampire king and it was to be respected, even if you had a puppet authority or no true power over them.
He avoided you at first, in his mind getting to know anyone was worthless;  and yet you persisted under the guise of ‘getting to know’ him and the others, wanting a relationship with your new stepsons. None of them really wanted a relationship with you, except for perhaps Reiji who hoped that you’d speak well of him to his father, ever-the-suckup.
You were a vampire of course, although it was surprising to learn that you were not a pureblood as they were. Karlheinz always made his decisions for a reason and he knew the reason for marrying you wasn’t love: therefore must’ve been something else entirely.
Karlheinz was incapable of love.
Gradually he found himself enjoying your attempted affections and voice - you figured out his disposition and chose to talk to him without expecting anything more than grunts and hums in return, knowing he preferred to listen to his music. Even he wasn’t sure at what point in your relationship he started to favour the sound of your melodious voice to his earphones, but it happened and he soon found himself turning down the volume as you spoke about your day if only to listen to your sweet voice far more vividly. He started to seek you out, something...unusual growing in his soul at the sight of you - he began appearing in places you were around the mansion, silently guarding you against the likes of the others (such as Laito). He liked being around you - a feeling he’d lost long ago ever since the “death” of Edgar - true companionship. But it couldn’t last perpetually, as nothing ever could, and those amicable feelings grew until they bloomed into something far darker than protectiveness towards his new stepmother and prospective friend - his heart yearned for you in the most unusual ways. It was troublesome for an overwhelming variety of reasons, primarily because he couldn’t have you. His romantic intentions soon turned to a subtle obsession. He needed to be close to you, always there - watching.
You’d always smile and greet him pleasantly, innocently - how on earth you could be so innocent after centuries’ worth of living on this earth, much less so after marrying Karlheinz, he had no clue. Your naivety and sweet nature brought him to you, made him fall into insanity because of you. It wasn’t instantaneous, things rarely were. Months went by but eventually he could no longer cope, his dreams were haunted by your form and always the exact same: you laid nude, breasts perfect and demure for him to corrupt, moaning out his name like the most delightful song from an ephemeral musical meant only for him. But when he awoke he was alone.
You tempted him without even knowing it but it was only a matter of time before it would come back to haunt you, he couldn’t be expected to have control over his instincts and needs forever and the time came when he finally snapped.
Stepmother or not, he was going to have you. In a way, it served as the most exquisite form of perceived vengeance towards that man - to steal his wife. He was hesitant about how to approach his desire to seduce you, such things were really more of Laito’s expertise, but he’d be damned if he failed to achieve his goals. You were too good for Karlheinz - a kindly thing to the point of intoxication and frustration, too pure for a vampire. He wanted to be the one to fully spoil your spirit, he wouldn’t permit his father to shatter your psyche as he did with all his previous wives. Shu was going to protect you, but in order to do that he first had to take you; claim you for himself. And that’s when he came across the most intriguing sight: your hushed moans of pleasure as your [slender/chubby/elegant] fingers stroked your glistening cunt in your private chambers - the same chambers which were supposed to be blessed in sacred matrimony if only his father hadn’t left you here all alone at the mercy of his ravenous sons. He must’ve assumed such a thing would happen sooner or later, hadn’t he? If not, then...well, Shu couldn’t help but think it his father’s loss from his own folly. “Shu.” Your angelic voice uttered his name - not his father’s, not your husband’s - but his. In your moment of unholy ecstasy, it was him on your mind; thoughts of him that edged you to your bliss. His obsessive passions were returned to him in kind, it seemed, and he couldn’t be more glad.
“Shu?” You questioned the following evening at dusk, that blossom-pink blush dusting your cheeks like an undead Aphrodite, tempting him further into his hidden lustful hunger, “Is...is everything okay? You’ve been staring at me all evening and I just wanted to ask if there’s something wrong-” He sighed, eyes half-lidded as if tired but it was his internal frustration revealed. “There is.” “Oh?” You pouted and fuck, he wanted to bruise your plump lips right there and then until they held his mark. “You really are more trouble than you’re worth,” It was a lie, of course, but he was a guarded man and his words reflected that. “Shu…? What do you mean?” The sadistic aspect of him was fuelled by the subtle distress in your eyes, however, you tried to remain calm, he’d said harsher things and you knew he scarcely ever meant them but something...something seemed so offbeat tonight. No, not just tonight - as of recently, but you couldn’t place a finger on the exact date when things began to change between you.
Your hands were down, pressed together as your thumbs nervously rubbed the other. You just wanted answers. “Heh,” He smirked, “You have no idea how alluring you are, do you?” His tired eyes stared earnestly into your soul and you felt stripped of your integrity. An innocent blush flooded your visage with lecherous embarrassment at such a sensual suggestion, sputtering out various syllables as you rushed to find your footing and speak out in protest of such an inappropriate topic between mother and son - that was what you were, related or not...you were his mother, even if merely by marriage. Guilt clogged your throat up as you thought of your own lust for your stepson, he was only slightly younger than you were and handsome beyond compare (as much as you loathed to admit it, your carnal self preferred Shu’s indescribable silent grace and steely blue eyes to the snowy tresses of his father) and disgust for yourself stung you deeper than a knife dipped in holy water - had he...witnessed your acts of depravity in your chambers? Did he know? “S-Shu, I...I don’t know what you mean,” You were drowning, unable to form proper words, “Don’t.” He cut you off before you could deny what you both knew at that moment. You weren’t as innocent and proper as you made yourself out to be. As you wished to be. No, you were a creature of tainted prurience and Shu was more than happy to play into your fantasies. You paled and nodded, if you were human your heart would’ve surely been palpitating by now. Fear wholly consumed you - would he be disgusted by you - no, he would’ve made that clear by now. Shu hid his thoughts and feelings from others but if he’d felt abhorrent disgust he wouldn’t have chosen to speak to you or indeed even be around you, you trusted that truth if nothing else. But then there was only one explanation for his demeanour, one that made you clench your thighs tight as you stood before him, a woman. He stood from his seat, no longer laying on the windowsill. “You’ve been a terrible wife,” Tears of crimson welled in your eyes while your knees felt weak but you nodded, ashamed. “Yes.” “And a filthy mother,” His harsh breath on your ear and neck made you whimper, “Y...yes,” You stuttered out with another whimpering moan, “Shu please don’t toy with me, I’m sorry I-” Without another sound escaping your painted lips you felt the amorous pressure of your stepson’s kiss, disclosing the intense emotions he returned for you. Your mind screamed at you for your sins and yet you were both inhuman creatures; Perpetuity of faithfulness was boresome and your husband had done little but ignore you and your hopes for a good life. Shu, however, had been there since the beginning of your marriage - even if you’d started out as nothing more than his father’s wife - now you were so much more, immensely more. Your knees buckled as you gave into the kiss, unable to avoid your feelings for him a second longer - you needed him just like this and he needed you too.
Human or not, the inherent wrongness burned your flesh and chest. You’d tried to be a good wife but your husband had practically abandoned you here with his sons bred for him by other women, he’d left you here and did little to even write to you. Loneliness was an obvious side-effect and it was only a matter of time before you would’ve fallen into another’s arms. But your debauchery brought you right into his son’s embrace. A terrible wife indeed.
Shu devoured your moans, swallowing your lust and increasing his own as his ample size grew in the confinements of his pants. “Fuck,” He huffed out as you pulled away from him, blinking. Your thighs burned with a need only he could satisfy. A shy hand wandered down his body towards his growing erection, stroking it from the fabric of his pants. Your efforts were rewarded by the sound of his deep groans. How long had it been since anyone touched you like this? Since you’d been able to make someone feel unutterable pleasure - since anyone made you feel wanted? You had slept with Karlheinz only a couple of times and he failed to sate your inner hunger as Shu was doing with only kisses and loving groans. “You’re playing with fire,” He breathed out, staring at you and sealing you in place. “I...know,” You swallowed thickly, “P-please, I...I need-” “What do you need, whore?” His teasing words of degradation made you feel alive, you were the object of his uttermost attention. His lips traced your neck, licking and gnawing but never piercing, fangs flying over the tender flesh. “You.” The certainty in your otherwise meek voice nearly made him burst right there. He was done restraining himself, pearly fangs sharper than needles pierced your neck as Shu drank the sweet nectar beneath. Your pleasured moans filled the hallways of the Sakamaki manor and he prayed his brothers could hear you wherever they were knowing that he won you. And he was going to keep you. You were going to no longer be just his stepmother - you would be his woman.
The blood, thick and plentiful, dripped down your neck. The droplets were not wasted as his tongue gathered them before they could drip onto the marble flooring. Shu was going to get addicted to this taste - your taste - he was sure of it. This was what you were made for; to belong to him. As he did this you toyed with his pants, unzipping them and releasing his erect cock from its prison, letting it spring free, wet with precum. “Oh fuck,” You whimpered at the sensation, pumping up and down his length. You wanted this, you wanted him so badly. You could feel yourself slowly dripping with clenched thighs. This was wrong - it was revolting - but you couldn’t stop the heat inside you, your inner desires. On your quest to befriend your sons you inadvertently ended up falling in love with one of them and never before had you longed to be held by someone as you did when you were with him.  
You wanted to be his, no one else’s. But you couldn’t be, for you already were a taken woman; despite the truth, you wanted to succumb to your immorality; to pretend that, for tonight alone, you were his.
Once he pulled away from your neck Shu chuckled lowly, “You’re such a lewd slut, mother.” You cringed at the name, reminding yourself of the positions between you two and, for a short-lived second, you attempted to pull away except the moment you did he caged in on you, back shoved against the wall with burning eyes glaring at you. “But you’re going to be my slut from now on.” his breath hitched as your hand movements sped up, blushing crimson from your wicked sensuality. You were loving this, in all its sinfulness. “Y-Yes,” You choked out submissively as you brought him to his edge, creamy cum coating your hand and sinking into the fabric of your dress, physically tainting you. It drove you wild.
The sight of you in front of him, dress dripping with his cum made him hard almost instantly as he ordered you to strip for him after he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the empty music room - he didn’t want to be interrupted by any of his bothersome brothers.
“Strip for me.”
You nodded and bit down harshly on your lip, droplets of blood still flowing from your neck at the open puncture wound, staining the white semen-soaked fabric as you unzipped the back and slowly released your hold on it as it fell down your form until you were exposed in only your undergarments, intimate and raw. This was incredibly embarrassing and yet, for him...you didn’t mind humiliating yourself. You were convinced of it, now: you were in love with him. Soft hands twirled around to unclip your bra, feeling as though it wasn’t merely your body which you were exposing to him but your very being as your breasts bounced free from the cups’ confinements, bra forgotten as you threw it down onto the floor, not caring about anything else but him. ‘Don’t do this’, your sanity pleaded but whatever morality may have existed in the cage of your heart was extinguished with a single gaze into his yearning eyes. If you didn’t do this the lack of his touch on your skin would surely drive you insane. You just wanted to be loved, cherished and used.
You were married - and although that sentiment alone should have been enough to snap you out of this sexual haze you were trapped in, it did little to sway your lust-filled judgement. Swallowing nervously your fingers dipped below the strips of your panties, sliding down your silky thighs, pride consumed you as you watched his subtle but intense reactions, the way his thick member twitched in anticipation made you feel powerful for the first time in your life. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside you. “Come here,” He growled, making you squeal as you nodded like a good little whore and fell onto your knees, crawling over to him - you felt like putting on a show for him, filled with risque concupiscence. If your husband was to ever find out you feared the consequences and despite the dangers, it drove you further into the arms of his eldest son to consider how taboo, how wrong such a union was. There was something unspokenly intimate about this. An intimacy from which you never wished to awaken. As soon as you were at his feet you admired his cock, glistening from residue cum in the moonlight. “Oh God,” You were about to cross a border from which you could never return and it turned you on profoundly to think about how your relationship would develop from here. Opening your mouth, you took his length inside your warmth, (e/c) eyes staring up at him like a sweet gazelle, pumping your head up and down and twisting your tongue around him as you sucked his member with a fierce determination to please. He believed this was the closest to heaven he would ever be; you, his personal fallen angel at his feet, his cock in your mouth.
Shu thought you were perfect just like this; doing all the work as you fucked your mouth on his cock, giving him your all as he sat back, eyes fluttering shut to focus on the pleasure you were providing. You were so good for him, such a pretty girl. Such an ideal woman, his woman. Further lewd commentary fell from his lips as he prompted you on. He wanted you on your knees for him each night, and you would be. He would make sure that things would stay this way forever now he was so close to having you all to himself. Even if it meant having to fight against his father, even if it meant the most intensive of efforts and having to use all the energy he had stored in his muscles - though he’d never utter it aloud, for you he would do anything.
Even if the only way to keep you would be to commit patricide. You were worth it. Just before his release, he pulled your head back by gripping your hair forcefully causing a pained yell to escape from you, your voice full of physical anguish that set off a primal need within his chest. “That’s enough.” He then lifted your chin to look him in the eyes, “Ride me.” You gulped back the juices in your mouth and shakily stood as your thighs were flooded with slick. “Y-Yes I…” You blushed vehemently as you aligned yourself with his cock, sucking in a sharp hiss as you felt the heat of it against your burning cunt. “I want you to make me yours.” Instantly you sat down, thighs clenched as your walls adjusted to the intrusion, making you cry out in ecstasy. Did you seriously almost orgasm simply from having his length inside of you? You couldn’t be blamed - not when your husband had neglected you. But it was going to be all better now that Shu was here to help you. Just as a good stepson should. “Fuck,” He gasped out quietly, breath falling from his chest. You were so fucking tight he could’ve potentially fooled himself into believing you were still virginal. That was, of course, until he reminded himself that his father stole that honour for himself and elicited underlying rage in Shu. With the buck of his hips he drove himself inside you as you cried out his name, holding tightly onto him, arms tied around his neck as you rode him, clumsily moving your hips and revealing your sexual inexperience to him; the knowledge that his father didn’t seem to take any time cherishing your body like this, lewd and sinful, eased him somewhat because it meant he could be the one to make you completely lose your mind and become his perfect little whore.
Maybe he’d even make you his wife, along the way.
His arms held your waist and he lazily guided the movement of your hips. You were insatiable, rapid. He could tell you wanted to go faster but his strong hands consistently ceased your attempts - he was going to force you to take your time, to truly feel the way his cock filled your insides, to ensure your walls would take the shape of his dick.
He wanted you to know that he was superior to his father, that no one could ever please you better. He never felt so attached to anyone prior to you, you did something to him. Something dark. Enchanting. And he was never going to let you go after this. By giving your body to him, you have given yourself in your totality.
Even if you didn’t know it quite yet, or didn’t fully apprehend the consequences sex with him would bring.
Your whines became far more desperate with each blunt thrust. Slow, steady but forceful; Shu’s cock reached into the deepest parts of you, lovingly rubbing your cunt. It was indisputable that he was focused on your enjoyment as much as he was on his - it wasn’t anything like what sex with Karlheinz was like, he was self-gratifying and solely cared about his own high, Shu (much to your surprise) paid attention to your smallest reactions to ensure this was as great for you as it was for him. His fingers delved below and started to mercilessly torment your clit, electricity flying through your spine and cunt clenching as more love juices were produced, soaking his cock and helping to lubricate the thrusts.
He wanted to show you how mindblowing sex with him could be, to show you he could love you in ways no one else ever could. In the eyes of his brothers, especially in Reiji and Ayato’s point-of-view, he was the one who got everything; the golden, careless heir. But they did not and would never understand that he had everything he didn’t want. His entire life the things he truly yearned for were stolen from him, his happiness, his innocence, his friends and beloved companions of human and animal kind; destroyed, ruined, killed. It reared his indifference to the material goods he possessed for they held absolutely no value of their own. And now there was you. You, you, you. Sakamaki Shu knew that, without a single shred of disbelief, he would happily give up all of this if it meant he got to keep you. All the wealth and grandeur and power that his position brought was worthless in comparison to his beloved whore whimpering above him as she impaled herself on his cock.
“S-Shu,” You moaned out into his ear, “Fa...faster, please,” You choked back spit as you made feeble attempts to catch your breath, the intense friction between your joined bodies making it difficult to think. It wasn’t as rough or primal as you initially thought it would be like, it was...better than that, intimate. Was this what they mean when they say sex can be ‘making love’? This closeness between bodies as they become one, the heat and passion in the air and bouncing breasts and thighs clasped around one’s lover? It wasn’t fucking - it was so much more. A proclamation of love, even, though you could never dare and utter that belief out loud. His self-satisfied comments, “Hm,” He playfully paused completely, making your eyes widen as you stared at him with desperation for him to continue, to let you reach your climax. Your nails scratched his back like a needy brat as you cried out pleas, “Please - please Shu, I need you to keep going I-” You swallowed thickly, blinking wildly as your core ached without movement and he kept your hips down, unable to fuck yourself on his dick regardless of how hard you tried. “Say you love me.” “W-What?” You gasped out, sweaty and needy but with enough common sense to know that saying something like that to him - even if it was true - would seal a secret deal between lovers, it would open all the nightmares of your very own Pandora’s Box.
But you loved him - you did, somewhere along the way you became enamoured by your stepson and now he was inside of you, fucking you with a tenderness that made you sure that he must love you, too. “I…” You smiled weakly, genuinely. You pulled back ever-so-slightly, (e/c) eyes sinking into his. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that he was finally permitting you to see; he trusted you with his heart, you could see that now. Your hand stroked his cheek, his hard dick still throbbing inside of you (you knew he wanted to keep going but held himself back, resolved to get what he wanted out of you). He melted into the caress, your hands were soft as angel feathers. “I am in love with you, Sakamaki Shu.” Despite the arousal that filled your mind you earnestly tried to convey the true depth of your affections for him and it seemed to awaken the beast of passion as he soon started to bounce you up and down his thick, throbbing member at a speed only vampires could achieve, determined to claim your womb for his own.
It wasn’t hard to notice your maternal longings, your desire to baby the boys despite their inherent aggression towards you all but proved it. And if was a baby you wanted, well...who was he to deny you of that right? His hushed grunts only sent you further into ecstasy - You had the power of feminine sexuality over him and it gave you somewhat of a power rush. It was paradise - not worthless fucking like animals - but true divinity here in his arms, where you felt appreciated and loved and as though you finally had a raison d’etre - You wanted to be his so badly it caused you physical anguish but you were his if only for the moment, connected to him so snugly. “I love you,” You sobbed out as tears welled in your eyes from the intense satisfaction and your own emotions coming to the surface, “I love you, I love you,” Each word sent Shu into a brand new dimension of rapture. You loved him, you loved him - more than anyone else in this world. If binding your bodies together didn’t officially make you his your whimpering confessions just did. The urge to impregnate you with his seed only grew with every passing moment as you mechanically moved in perfect timing to his thrusts, nails once again clawing at his flesh. “That’s a-” He inhaled sharply, stopping mid-moan, “That’s a good girl,” He breathed heavily, you felt so perfect on his dick, his personal cockslut, the love of his life, stepmother and soon; the mother of his children. “F-Fuck you’re going to look...fucking amazing,” He sighed out as he felt your fluttering walls try their hardest to milk him, “When you’re swollen with my troublesome brats, heh…” He could only smugly smile at your immediate reaction to the statement being to clunch down on him, tightening as if your womb was begging him to cum inside, to fertilise your pussy and breed you over and over. “Pregnant?” You exhaled out, teary-eyed as you locked your eyes with him, fucked out to the high heavens with sweat causing your hair to stick to your reddened forehead and lipstick smudged with perky, puffed lips. “Yo-You want to get me pregnant…?” The timidity of your voice betrayed your excitement. Logically you wanted to escape, to push him away and scold him for even suggesting such a thing - you couldn’t become pregnant with his child! It was atrocious enough that you were currently having this affair with him, your stepson, but to be bred by him was in a category all of its own - truly disgusting.
No matter how much your husband neglected you he didn’t deserve to for his wife to not only cheat on him with his own son but to be inseminated by him - but the inner beast within you was wanton, a silent whisper in your mind that tried to persuade you to surrender fully to your hopes for motherhood, to allow this man in front of you, this beautiful vampiric prince, to fill you with his seed and claim you as his bitch, his bride; to be stolen from the man you originally wed and live your eternity as Shu’s whore. “I-...we can’t, Shu! We-” Morals renewed, you tried to get through to him, “Please-” “Shut up.” He ordered and you instantly did as told, being the good girl that you were. “Don’t lie to me. You’re loving the-” He moaned, “-idea of...of my children growing inside of you. I felt you tighten up at the notion, you’re such a fucking lewd woman. My lewd slut.” You hated yourself because you knew he was right; it was true. You wanted this so badly, to give birth to his kin, to feel your uterus painted white with his cum. Primal needs craved relief. “No, we...we can’t, I...don’t…” You choked on your words as he kissed you roughly, his thumb on your clit twirling and pulling until you were unable to form anything more coherent than mindless stutters. “S-Shu! Fuck, fuck, fuck I...I...I love you! I do! I do, please I just...I want-” “What do you want, pretty whore?” “...I want, I w….want your cum! I need it, I need you to fill me up and get me pregnant!” The last remainder of your will crumbled under the pressure of your sudden orgasm. ‘I’m so sorry, Karl…’ you thought bitterly as amazement overtook you, making you screech in the midst of the night in the moonlight, squeezing the lifeforce out of your stepson’s dick. Shu groaned and laughed in dark victory as you came undone around him, biting into his neck instinctively mid-orgasm. The sharp sensation was enough to push him completely over the edge.
Your tongue lapped over his neck, sipping the blood that flowed with delicious fervour as the heat of his semen poured into your deepest depths, coating your womb with his lust. Once you pulled away you felt almost faint from the intensity of your love-making, concupiscence fading as the realisation of what you just did hit you in full force, causing your eyes to open. “Shu..oh fuck, I...we...just--” You squealed and tried to hop off but he kept your hips forced down, still inside your leaking cunt despite slowly growing soft. “No.” Shu was serious, now, eyes grave. “You’re not running away. You,” He exhaled, bringing your lips closer to his, “Are mine.” “Shu-” The distance between your lips was closed as he fought with your tongue. Your heart yearned to return his kiss and despite the inner war ongoing within your soul you did, tongues dancing in the warmth of your mouth. When he pulled away he smiled.
And you felt yourself smile too, hand travelling to the spot below your stomach but above your cunt. “You’re mine now, troublesome woman.” You laughed, nodding and kissed him again. The conflict within you wouldn’t fade, and you were terrified of what might happen now to yourself and to Shu. But maybe it won’t be that bad. It was only one time - you can surely find some form of birth control to ingest before the next time, and he’d never have to know. It was...one time, so you shouldn’t get pregnant this time...right?
Somehow you felt proud - proud to have his cum flowing from your core, to know it’s his seed that potentially is currently fertilising you and not your husband’s. You did feel authentically guilty but the guilt made you more aroused. Karlheinz didn’t deserve...this and despite that here you were, and the worst part was you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop anytime soon, there was no point in vowing to yourself that this would be the ‘last time’ because you knew that the moment he came inside you you were already addicted to him. The child of your lover...realistically it was an awful, unspeakable idea but a sense within you wanted to go through with it, to allow yourself fertility, to fully become his.
Little did you know you would have no choice in the matter.
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Incubus: Coming of Age (Part 2)
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Pairing: Incubus!Baekhyun x You
Genre: fantasy, smut 🖤
Tags: plot (typical me), demon boy (incubus), monstrous cock (like ya ain't ready), breeding kink, oral (f & m), overstimulation, breath play, dirrrty talk and more~
Raiting: 18+ (21+ it's even steamier than the 1st one 🙈)
Word count: 5.7k (the bock got me inspired haha)
Summary: Baekhyun left an indelible mark on you that one night. But the thing is it was a year ago! and that damn demon never came back... Maybe you should just forget about him... Well only maybe of course ;)
Part 1
General Masterlist
Hey guys this is the final part of this very steamy two shot ^^ I hope you guys will also like it. Please tell me what you think ^^
Tag list @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @baekklove @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove
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...To a Man
How am I supposed to go back to a normal life after that?
Well in fact... you didn't. It was over a year later and Baekhyun never came back. Every night you were hoping that somehow, he would come visit you again. But every night you laid in your bed disappointed, actually, even worse: frustrated.
Because after that fateful night you never touched yourself to your handsome boss Doctor Park Chanyeol again. Actually, you completely lost interest in him. Sure, he was still very handsome and gentlemanly but you just... didn't care anymore.
To be completely exact you didn't touch yourself to Chanyeol, but you still did have intimate sessions with yourself... Well, you tried at least. Because nothing, NOTHING... came close to what you felt when Baekhyun took care of you that night. Actually, you knew no human being, no simple mortal could possibly fuck you that way. It's not something a being of flesh and blood can do... It's something only an unholy creature could do, something only a demon could make you feel.
So, every time you succumbed to the urge of relieving yourself by letting your fingers play with your folds it ended in either, a complete failure where you couldn't even drive yourself to your peak or a lukewarm, disappointing and frustrating orgasm...
A whole year...
A whole year spent fantasizing about a teenage demon that only used you to pass a stupid exam then vanished from your reality without failing to completely shatter your whole world...
So yeah... it sucked...
You sighed to yourself, staring at the same old ceiling of your room. It was one of those nights where the tension was just too much, but you didn't feel like going through the hassle of actually pleasuring yourself knowing damn well it was going to be temporary and frankly dissatisfying.
You turned to your side, determined to chase off the frustration by getting some good sleep. Exhausted you drifted pretty quickly into a deep slumber.
But the sleep was anything but good... You found yourself covered in sweat, wrestling in your sheets, engrossed in a fever dream. Not much of it made sense but you felt like hands were roaming your body, like an usually warm embrace was enveloping your form, you felt like rugged flesh was lapping at your ear. You heard like jerky breaths, lowly grunts, like an unnaturally deep voice talking to you...
Missed me... Kitten?
"Baekhyun?!" you shouted as you sat up in your bed, eyes snapping open.
You looked around in a slight panic, your night gown clamped to your sweaty skin and your chest heaving up and down.
"Fuck" you cursed yourself under your breath, disappointed when you realized your mind played tricks on you again... You're just here alone in your room, soaked in frustration... and arousal.
"God damn it" your curse again as you slip your night gown over your head and kick the covers off your heated skin. You are left naked on top of your bed. Immediately the cold air sends goosebumps on your humid skin, hardening your nipples.
You let you fingers slip to the crux of the problem. You know there's only one way to finally be able to chase away the memory of Baekhyun, even if it's only for tonight.
The cold fingers on your drenched heat draw a sharp breath off your lips. You're so excited about this stupid fever dream, so excited about him that only a few rubs already have you with your toes curled up in pleasure. You fist your sheets tightly.
"Aaaah... Baekhyun" you softly moan his name. With eyes closed shut, you try to recall the way he felt inside you, the way his eyes glowed red, the way his low voice sent shivers down your spine...
Oh... Kittennn~...
It was like you could hear him... you gave no rest to your sensitive and throbbing nub...
"Baekhyun I'm gonna cum" you whisper to yourself. Pleasure slowly taking over your entire body. You slip a finger inside your drenched heat to aid yourself to your peak a little quicker. Then another one. You aim directly for your sensitive spot and you feel yourself tightly clenching around your fingers. You're so close... so soclose.
"Aren't you going to wait for me?"
This time...There's no doubt.
Your eyes snap open again as you stop what you were doing and you are met with Baekhyun staring you down at the foot of the bed, licking his lips, eyes already wavering with a tint of red.
But for a second you doubt. Is it really him? You can't help but to ask yourself. He looks so different. Sure, the spare shaped black tail still loosely dangles behind him but other than that his whole aura changed. The boyish features are completely gone. Instead, he looks broader, like more muscular. His plain black tee is tightly hugging his fit and toned body, making it easy for you to see abs peaking from underneath the constrictive fabric, abs you can't recall from the previous visit. His matching jeans let you see through their rips his smooth silky skin and generous thighs... But the most noticeable change is definitely his horns. The cute 10 cm (4in) tall skin-colored horns were replaced by huge 30cm (1ft) long ones. They were directly sprouting in a spiral from his forehead and stood proud on top of his head. Their base was black but as they went up it faded to a dark and deep blood red.
Overall, he looks so much more mature...
He isn't a boy anymore... he's a man.
"Baekhyun?" you start hesitantly as the demon already slips beside you in bed. "Is that really you?" you can't help but to ask.
"Yes... Kitten... It's me" he whispers in the low voice you missed so much. Bringing his lips close to your ear and you feel his rough tongue lap at your sweet spot, the familiar sensation draws a shaky breath out of you. For a minute you don't say anything you're just there, under his spell as he plays with you. In the midst of all this you didn't even notice you were stark naked, or maybe you just didn't care. You don't want to protest quite frankly, you let him do, you let him gently nibble at your bare collarbones and plant gentle kisses on your neck. You let him because... that's what you've been waiting for... For a whole fuckingyear.
But then you shake your head, snapping out of it... You leave his side taking the sheets to wrap around your naked body and get up, knowing that his soft kisses keep you from thinking rationally.
"Baekhyun..." you turned your eyes back to him "you changed so much". He chuckled and the red glow faded to slowly disappear as he gets up.
"Yes... I know, a lot can change in 12 years..." he casually says while stepping closer to you.
Wait... What?!?!
"What 12 years? No, it was just last year" you correct him, and he takes your hands in his slender black stained fingers.
"Maybe to you... but not to me" You suddenly recall the demonic blood moon years... Maybe that's what he meant... "I'll be turning 30 this May."
Your jaw drops... how was that even possible?! But then again, here you are questioning the passing of time for an.... Incubus... so what's crazier really?
"You remember what I told you about breeding?" Baekhyun's voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"Yes... that it is an incubus sole purpose, right?" you say absent mindedly, still dazed at the situation. But you're brought back to the present moment when Baekhyun squeezes your hands tightly and dives in your gaze with his piercing dark brown orbs.
"Yes, I came back for that..." he leans in and you instinctively lean your head back giving him unconditional access to your neck. Baekhyun's voice goes down an octave again, lips only millimeters away from your ear. "I came back for you..." he whispers before he licks around your sweet spot, making your heart loudly thump in your chest and your toes curls on the cold wooden floor of your bedroom. You bite your lip trying to restrain your voice.
"I'm going to breed you" his voice is hypnotizing, "You will bare my children and bring them into the world" You can't even wrap your mind around what he's saying, "I chose you, y/n. I only want you" His voice his putting a spell on you. "I can fuck any women I want but..." his hand is now wrapped around your nape, and the other one gently pulls on the sheets that you let fall to the ground without resistance.
"Baekhyun what do you mean?" you ask in a jerky whisper, only focusing on his hot breath on your ear. He ignores your question.
"I need your approval to breed you, y/n..." His blunt nails grazed against the naked skin of your lower back, you start to softly moan, you're completely wrapped around his fingers. "So, say yes, y/n... Say yes Kitten" he says before his large palms grope your butt cheeks closing in the last centimeters that were left between his clothed body and your naked one, sending radiating heat from your core to your entire body.
What are you supposed to reply? Are you supposed to say no? How could you do such a thing after waiting for him for a whole year, everyday growing a little more desperate, a little more frustrated... How could you possibly say no, when his hands were roam your body like they have always known you. When he whispers with that voice in your ear. When minutes ago, you would have given anything to have another night with him...
You... just...
"Okay..." you whispered ever so quietly, barely audible even for your own ears.
You feel Baekhyun's cheek lift against yours as he smiles. When he pulls back, you can see his pointy teeth glistening under the full moon, like they did a year ago, he's wearing the same evil smirk that you know so well, or maybe this time he's even more devious...
Right there something snaps, something changes. When Baekhyun looks back the red glow in his eyes is more intense than ever, his expression is wicked. Lust dancing in his dark orbs as he licks his lips with appetite.
You don't even notice the red glow around your naked form before you feel your feet being lifted from the ground. Baekhyun smirks at the confusion plastered on your face. His magic makes you levitate and harshly throws you on the bed, almost smashing your heard on the headboard. You should be stunned but the scene taking place right before your eyes keeps you conscious and focused.
The red glow now circles Baekhyun and in a fraction of second his clothes are gone. Not dropped to the floor, just gone. They completely vanished. And he stands right before you in all his glory. You can't help but to let your eyes trail his body.
His sharp jawline, long narrow neck, his collarbones. The muscles of his pecs and arms moving and mesmerizing you. The dangling black tail. The toned abs already lightly sparkling with sweat.
Then your eyes finally go below the waist band.
You do remember the enormous… thingBaekhyun fucked you with last time. How could you forget? You could never. That's why you know for a fact that this thing right there in front of you, rock hard, lightly twitching and oozing precum at the slit, is actually bigger.
Your jaw drops to the floor. The veiny and pulsing monstrous cock is as lengthy as your thigh and as thick as a soda can. When you look closely it seems like the sides are beaded. Your heart jumps in your chest. Because you know that huge ass cock is made for pleasure. Tingles start to bubble in the pit of your stomach, and you unconsciously press your thighs together.
Baekhyun can't help but to smirk when he notices fear and anticipation swim in your confused eyes.
He steps closer to you.
"Oh Kitten" he starts as he crawls in bed to you. The wicked smirk still dancing on his lips, red glowing eyes fixed on you. "We're going to have so much fun."
Then with the familiar flick of his wrist your legs fly open at his will. You gasp in surprise. And Baekhyun's smirk goes wider when he notices how your folds glisten with juices.
"Kitten look at you..." He says gesturing his chin towards your most private part. "You're always so wet for me" his low voice send shivers down your spine as embarrassment rush to your cheeks. But the spell maintains your legs nice and spread out for him.
Baekhyun leans in closer to your drenched heat teeth and tongue out.
You gasp loudly arching your back when you feel his rugged tongue aiming directly for your clit. Still very sensitive from almost cumming a few minutes ago.
"Mmmmh... Kitten you taste even better than last time" he purrs, lips pressed to your core, the vibrations sending electricity in your body.
Baekhyun takes his sweet time gently lapping at and around your nub to tease you, while cascades of juices flow out of your impatient center. You can't endure the teasing anymore, not after all this time, not after a whole year. You unconsciously buck your hips up, grinding your pussy on his tongue while a tiny pleading whimper escapes your lips.
Baekhyun stops in his track. You're taken aback when glowing red eyes look back up at you and he shakes his head fainting disappointment. But the smirk is quick to comeback.
"Baby" his warm breath fans your delicate parts. "Don't be so fucking greedy" he says before sinking his pointy white teeth in the sensitive little bud. The sting pulls a scream out of you while you grip the sheets. Immediately after Baekhyun's tongue plunges inside your hungry little hole, reaching the deepest part right away. At an alluring speed, his long tongue comes in and out of you, each time poking your sweet spot. Your loud moans echo through the empty night, the familiar knot, quick to tighten again after this much teasing.
"Baekhyun don't stop" you plead, feeling your release coming. Baekhyun's red orbs sill fixed in yours while his tail lazily dangles behind him.
The incessant stimulation of your g-spot got you clenching around his long and rugged tongue while you finally cum, letting go of the knot. You scream in absolute bliss.
That's it... this feeling... The sensation you've been craving.
"Fuckkkk" You cry out.
Baekhyun parts himself from your throbbing center for a moment, allowing you to ride out your high at your own pace. Your chest is heaving up and down, sweat is pearling between your breasts.
"Baby, don't think it's over just yet" he says smirking again. "I have so much more in store for you..."
Right then, you still haven't fully recovered and Baekhyun dives down to your soaked folds again, but this time his hot and wet tongue only focusses on you swollen nub. You scream out in surprise and pleasure. Immediately your back arches again.
His tongue somehow feels like vibrations, the feeling is intense and suffocating, and you know you won't be slow be thrown into another strong orgasm again. Your hand instinctively flies to Baekhyun's hair, resting in between his two horns, fingers harshly pulling at his luscious raven black locks.
"Is Kitten cumming again?" he says with a mouthful.
You can't even process an answer as the crushing orgasm washes over you again, excessive amounts of your arousal coating your tights and linking your center to the sheets. You moan out with no restrain, making no effort whatsoever to keep your voice down.
When he's done Baekhyun sits back up on the bed. You don't even notice how he strokes his huge monstrous pole in his fist.
"Kitten, I hope you're not tired yet..." you jumped when you felt is unnaturally hot tip glide against your folds. "Because it’s my turn now"
He shimmied his way to your parted thighs. Like last time he rested his cock on your stomach to measure it up to you. Now there's no doubt the thing is much much bigger than last time. A year ago, it reached to your midriff, now the red tip is comfortably placed between your boobs. In a sort of trance, you wrap your hands around it, the both of them can barely circle the girth of his dick. It's huge... Abnormally long and terrifyingly thick... but you can't wait to feel the thing inside you.
Baekhyun smirks when he notices you eyeing his member with burning desire. He pulls his hips back and aligns himself at your entrance. His tip teases you as you bite your lip, gathering your wetness for a smooth crossing.
"Look at me Kitten" your eyes shoot back to Baekhyun's glowing orbs. "Look at me while I make you take my cock" You let a tiny whimper out when you feel him pushing himself inside you. The tip gently and slowly parting you. Baekhyun grunts in your ear.
"Fuck Kitten, you're so tight for me baby" he breaths out in his low voice.
With every centimeter it gets better and better, you feel no pain at all only divine pleasure. You feel each one of the beads along his shaft, each one more pleasing than the last. Last time just that one slow stroke made you cum. And you know, history won't fail to repeat itself.
"I'm gonna cum" you whisper in a strangled breath, your eyes still locked with Baekhyun's. His smirk goes wider at your frowned brows and trembling lip. But he keeps on steadily pushing his cock inside you, spreading you further and further.
"I know" he whispers before violently pushing the last few centimeters in. The unexpected and overwhelming pleasure washes over you as you sink your head back in the pillows, a long string of moan falling of your lips while your cunt twitches uncontrollably around Baekhyun, a satisfied grin playing on his lips.
"Kitten" he says while pulling back slowly as you are still high from your climax. "I don't think you're ready for me" You difficulty open one eye to look at him and nod to contradict him. Baekhyun chuckles. "You think?" he asks popping his dick out of you while your walls desperately clench around nothing.
"Yes" you whisper, squirming, craving for him to fill you up again. "Yes, I missed you so much" the words roll of your tongue before you even realize it. Baekhyun lifts an eyebrow.
"Really Kitten? You missed me?" you nod again. "Well... you only waited for a year" you gasp as his hot tip circles your aching little nub before going back to your entrance. "I waited for 12 years" he says in an unnaturally low grunt.
He slams his hips into yours in one powerful and shattering thrust which sends you right back to screaming again. His movements are fast and precise each time he sends his big cock smashing against your g-spot. The pleasurable feeling is unbearable.
"Baekhyun... Aaaahh..." you moan his name, as you get dangerously close to the edge again.
"Yes, moan for me Kitten" he says through greeted teeth. "Aren't I a lot better than last time?" he pants out.
You can't believe it but it's true. You didn't think it was possible but yes. He got incredibly better at fucking you to the point that you're ready to pledge your pussy to him for eternity. For him only. You'd do anything to be fucked like this every day until your body eventually gives out from exhaustion.
"Yesss.... Aaaaah... fuck" You shout closing your eyes under the pleasure. Your loud and unrestrained moans make Baekhyun smirk.
"You're mine" he growls continuing to fuck you deep and hard. "Fucking look at me I told you" He plants his nails at the side of your face, making you wince and also open your eyes. The red glow is brighter than ever. "Say that you're mine" he commands.
"I'm yours" you whine locking eyes with him as the clenching of your cunt warns Baekhyun of how close you are.
"Kitten, are you gonna cum again?" he chuckles eyes locked into yours, furiously pumping his abnormally large cock inside your now shapeless hole.
"I'm gonna make you mine Kitten. I'm gonna pump you full of cum. Do you want that Kitten?"
"Yes please" You beg in a short breath, your release getting dangerously close.
"Good girl" He grunts getting close to your ear, his rugged tongued licking the shell of it. "Now cum. Cum around my big cock while I fill you up to the brink with hot cum."
The low whispers are enough to rocket you over the edge. You scream in absolute bliss, twitching around his huge cock as you feel the hot sticky liquid rushing into you and overflowing out. Just like last time the quantity is insane, testifying of Baekhyun’s demonic nature.
When Baekhyun finally slips out of you, you feel your heat meekly clench around nothing, already missing Baekhyun's monstrous cock.
You are left completely dazed, lying on the bed, eyes still rolled back in your head, focusing on the fading sensation of your peak.
You don't even notice when Baekhyun stands by the bed and you also don't notice how, contrary to last time, cumming has not calm him down. The "thing" is still alive and lively. In other words... he's far from done with you.
"Kitten I'm gonna fuck your face now"
You don't have time to process the meaning of those words that you are pulled by your arm. Your body is lying across the bed while your head is resting upside down on the edge of the mattress.
"Open wide Kitten" Baekhyun's hot and wet tip brushes against your lips. Almost out of instinct you open your mouth.
Baekhyun presses himself inside your narrow mouth. The stretch is excruciating, the thing is too big. Way too big for your tiny mouth and you barely manage to take the head of his dick inside your crowded mouth. Baekhyun grunts loudly, indulging in the feeling of stretching your cute little mouth to his convenience.
"Fuckkkk... y/n"
When he reaches the back of your throat he starts to slowly pull out, taking his cock completely out. You cease the opportunity to take a deep breath. Good call! Because the next second, Baekhyun goes back inside you but with much less care. He places both of his hands on your cheeks gripping your face tightly to facilitate the penetration.
He has no mercy for your poor sore throat, his powerful thrust silencing you except for the wet and sloppy sounds that your mouth makes.
"How does your cum and mine taste Kitten?" he grunts again.
His voice sends shivers across your skin, your eyes roll back as your pained pried open jaw gradually goes numb. You want to scream yes but you can't. You want more, more of this intoxicating taste taking over your mouth and clouding your mind.
"Fuckkkk... Kitten... You're gonna make me cum" He whispers, his voice conveys the feeling of his high getting closer. "I'm gonna cum in your mouth baby. You want that Kitten?" You only produce a gargled moan but Baekhyun knows how eager you are to taste more of him.
He fucks your face a little more before whispering
"Such a good girl for me"
Only instants after you feel the stream shoot to the back of your throat, instantly filling your mouth. So many squirts crash on the inside of your cheeks and on your tongue, some even go through your nose. The bitter taste invades you and your entire body, making your head dizzy.
When Baekhyun pulls out you hurriedly swallow a big mouthful of thick and hot cum before drawing a sharp -and much needed- breath.
Baekhyun gently strokes your cheeks.
"You're such a good girl for me Kitten" he says before laying back on the bed. His back is settled against the headboard. And your eyes go wide with stupor when you notice that...Still... The monster has not... calmed down.
You feel exhausted and drained out by all the orgasms you failed to count. You can't even move a muscle... even if you tried.
But you don't have to because once again your body is enveloped by a red glowing light. With that you are lifted in the air. Baekhyun's magic spread your legs into an impressive split, suspended above him while he patiently waits for you with his hands behind his head.
Beads of sweat formed on his chest and rolled down his toned abs. Sweat also sticking his bangs to his forehead and his horns. He's absolutely gorgeous, he has the kind of looks that nobody would ever be able to turn down... and especially not you.
But he looks everything but tired.
Slowly his magic lowers you down. You gasp when his hot tip brushes against your drenched folds.
"I just need more of you Kitten. Can you handle me?"
You want to respond but already the steady descent as you stretched out around his girthy cock. Making you whimper as a response. Slowly but surely Baekhyun makes you go down, cunt perfectly angled with his huge dick. Each centimeter, each bead going inside you, feeling like agonizing pleasure.
When you are halfway through the red light around your body goes off and he drops you to take the rest of him in one go. And it’s too much for you. The way his cock smashes into your sensitive sweet spot while Baekhyun has his glowing red orbs fixed on the place your bodies meet sends you into the abyss again. This time the pleasure is so intense that not only your needy cunt absolutely crushes Baekhyun's cock with uncontrollable spams but also gushes of your juices come out of you in powerful streams, drenching Baekhyun's muscular torso. Baekhyun smirks as he clicks his tongue and shake his head.
"Kitten... You came again with the very first stroke" he says fainting disappointment, taking pleasure in seeing you struggling, shaking uncontrollably, eyes rolled back, jaw hanging open and toes curled up.
Then you feel yourself getting lifted again the red glow comes back around your figure. You whimper as you feel Baekhyun slide out of you. But right before the tip pops out, he smashes you back onto him. You arch your back as a delighted long string of moans escape your lips.
"Damn Kitten you're so tight" Baekhyun says through greeted teeth.
You can't even reply anything as he's already lifting you up with his magic. Each time he increases the pace until he has you jumping up and down his girthy length. The familiar knot tightens again.
"How good does my cock feel baby?" Baekhyun asks his red eyes fixed on you as he makes your boobs bounce.
"It's the best.... Baekhyun it's the best thing ever. I wanna be fucked like this every day" you answer in a delighted scream. It's visibly what Baekhyun wanted to hear as the evil twinkle in his eye intensifies.
"Yeah Kitten? You want that?" he grunts in the low voice you love so much, sending swarms of butterflies fly in your stomach. He goes faster again. The wet sounds of skin clashing bounce off the walls punctually interrupted by Baekhyun's grunts and your moans.
"I'm gonna c-" You want to announce but Baekhyun interrupts you.
"Not yet Kitten, this time you'll cum with me and when I tell you to" He makes you hover over his dick. Still, just above him. You squirm only wanting to be filled again.
"Say what you want Kitten"
"I want your cock Baekhyun" he raises in eyebrow. "Please" your pleads make Baekhyun smirk again.
"Yeah baby? Is that what you want?" he says as he slips the tip inside, the beaded shaft make you scream in bliss as Baekhyun slowly lowers you on his cock, legs spread wide, offering him the best view on your swollen and twitching cunt.
"Yes!!!" you scream while tears well up in the corner of your eyes.
But then Baekhyun's spade shaped tail swiftly wraps around your neck, the slick scales gliding on your skin send goosebumps in the nape of your neck. When the tail has made a full circle around your neck, Baekhyun suddenly tightens the grip.
"Then fucking take it" he smashes you onto his huge cock.
You open your mouth to scream but not a sound comes out. You are completely silenced. Only the wet and lewd sounds of your pussy can be heard as Baekhyun's tip touches the deepest part of you, forming a visible bulge inside your stomach. Tears of pure joy roll down your heated cheeks.
Baekhyun then goes back to his insane rhythm. Every time angling you just right to smash your sensitive spot. Gradually your mind goes blank as he fucks you furiously, your jaw hangs open and your eyes rolls back into their orbit.
"Look at me" Baekhyun whispers in his demonic low voice. Your eyes snap to him. "I'm gonna cum inside you" he continuous to whisper. You nod vigorously, cause you know it means he'll finally let you cum too. "With this one I'll make you mine. I'll impregnate you. I'll make your belly swell with my children" You nod again, streams of tears wetting your cheeks. The restriction of blood to your brain makes you see stars as the pleasure rises again to an unbearable level.
"Now cum. Cum for me Kitten" Baekhyun grunts.
You feel his cum flow into you, this last thing sends you over the edge into the most intense orgasm you ever felt, that's including the ones Baekhyun gave you in the past. This one is different. This one is too much. His big fat cock smashing into you, his drenched chest glistening, the dirty talk, the pet name, the commanding tone, the demonic voice, the tail around your neck, the thick and hot cum filling you up.
Your spread-out legs shake uncontrollably as Baekhyun leads you to completion. Just as you are on the verge of losing consciousness due to the air restriction but also the heavenly stimulation of your orgasm, Baekhyun loosens his tail around your narrow neck. A strangled scream escapes free of your sore throat as you are finally able to vocally express the immense pleasure you feel.
"Yes, that's it baby" Baekhyun purrs as he keeps you going up and down his length.
You cry out a long moan as your head is thrown back and your tongue hangs lose out of your mouth. Baekhyun slowly decreases the pace until it comes to a stop. He lifts you out one last time, as soon as his big member pops out of you, gallons of his cum flow out of you. Baekhyun lays you down gently next to him. Before linking his lips with yours and shoving his long and rugged tongue inside your mouth and you don't even notice the red glow marking you in the lower stomach region.
You lay there for you don't know how long, trying to gather your thoughts. You are completely drained, fucked beyond repair...
After a while Baekhyun stands back up.
"In three weeks, the children will be born" you difficulty open your eyes back to look at him. "I'll be back to take them... and you."
"Wait... me? Also babies??? Plural?" so many questions shoot through your mind.
"Yes" Baekhyun says as he wipes himself with a piece of cloth he found. "I marked you as mine" It's only now that you notice the small drawing Baekhyun tattooed on you with his demonic magic. It's a language you can't comprehend.
"What is this?" you asked pointing to the tattoo.
"It means you are to be my wife". Your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets.
"WHAT?" You yell, flabbergasted.
"Yes, you know what a succubus is right, female incubus? " you nod unable to speak one more word.
"Well, no succubus are born. Succubus are only made. They are human women chosen by incubus to become their wife and bring their heirs to the world."
You want to say something, but you only stutter nonsense.
"Over the next three weeks you will kiss your humanity goodbye. Horns will sprout out your forehead and you will grow a tail. Your magic energy will increase, and you will slowly be able to use different magic spells. In three weeks, I'll bring you to the magic realm where you will live with me. And serve me with your body..." Baekhyun marks a silence "and heart."
"But... you... I-" Baekhyun sits next to you on the bed and cups your cheeks to make your troubled eyes meet his.
"Wasn't that what you asked for?" He asked in the most honey toned voice, his darks orbs fixed into your unsure gaze. He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip "Right Kitten?"
"Yes..." you whisper, hypnotized by his intense stare.
"Over the past year, your feelings for me bloomed, didn't they?" You felt blood rushing to your cheeks as Baekhyun's eyes were unwavering.
You didn't answer anything, but you didn't have to... Baekhyun knew exactly how to read you. Maybe because he felt the same way...
He got back up and with magic popped his clothes back on. Red smoke started to appear at his feet, gradually growing around him.
"I'll be back in three weeks... Wait for me Kitten, okay?" He said with that adorable boyish smile you haven't seen in a year, he winked at you before disappearing in the red smoke.
You rubbed your belly, where life had taken its domain. This time, you wouldn't have to try to go back to a normal life.
It was impossible anyway... and frankly you didn't want to.
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rpd-rookie · 3 years
The One Who Runs Away, The One Who Runs Back (Leon S. Kennedy x Reader)
Author’s note: This is a sequel to “A PAST WITH HER, A FUTURE WITH YOU” and the end of my three-parts fan fiction "I TRUSTED YOU WITH MY HEART" I decided to write after so many of you asked for it. Sorry it took so long but I was navigating from one fandom to another. (BTW, if there are any Devil May Cry fans up here, you can read my DMC fan fictions here) PS: Even if I said it before, I have no hate whatsoever towards Ada or Aeon.
Tagged: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Post-Break up, Sexual Content 
Part 1 / Part 2
Do you remember? We started this story by quoting some sitcom character that was clueless about love. Well, here’s a suggestion. Why not ending it by quoting someone who knew a little more on such matter.
William Shakespeare - you know that English dude expert on tragic ‘drink this poison, stab yourself’ kind of love - apparently once said ‘Love runs away from those chasing her, and those who run away, she throws herself on his neck’. I say ‘apparently’ cause, even though I have a master in English lit, this quote is from the internet, and also … who knows what the guy truly said?
But it’s the quote that’s important. Not the author. The quote it’s important because it sums up perfectly how this story is gonna end. However, before starting, let me tell you this quote is going to be the only Shakespeare-worthy sentence in this final chapter. You’ve been warned.
Love runs away from those chasing her.          Well, this part was definitely written for someone like Ada Wong. Owner of countless gold medals and possibly a world record at this point, that woman is basically the Usain Bolt of the ‘Running from Leon S. Kennedy’ competition. Unchallenged winner since the creation of this sultry version of cat and mouse game, it’s better not to think about the number of times she successfully ran away from her favourite agent.  But this year, this formidable titleholder in a gorgeous red dress will have to face her Nemesis in the championship. You. Though the comparison to the hideous bio-organic killing machine might not be very complimentary to you but you get the idea.  This year you enter the Kennedy Olympics. And this year you run like Sonic the Hedgehog and you win the damn competition (screw you Usain Bold!). And you do this with your head high and without an ounce of regret. Ignore all the texts and flowers Leon might send on your track Mario Kart style. His gifts are not as slippery as banana peels and they can easily be dodged, I promise. Well, most of the time, when you’re not lying on your bed in the middle of the night crying and sobbing while reading his messages or playing his voice in your voicemail again and again until you’re nothing more but a giant mess with puffy red eyes drowning in a puddle of your own tears.        Screw those messages too! And screw his broken yet terribly sexy voice as well!
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Being a man of word, Leon kept his promise. And for months you kept on running peacefully, marathoning away from this past relationship that had destroyed you like no other before while tranquilly fixing your broken heart on the way. That run was a good cardio.
But sometimes, cardio is not enough, and even just the small sight of an overpriced whisky bottle or the smell of Leon’s perfume on some guy’s clothes is enough to reopen your wounds.           And when it happens, you always do the same thing, you break the damn bottle - and run cause damn! it’s expensive! -  or you tell the guy his perfume smells like cheap cologne and that he should definitely change it, which is an improvement on your past destructive behaviour, since there was a time shortly after the break up when you would have simply dragged the guy to your place to let him fuck you senseless while imagining he was Leon. All that just for the illusion to feel him again and for the sake to kick him out the next morning, screaming like a hysterical psycho.
So imagine, for a small second, the wave of intense feelings surging out of your healing heart when, in the middle of a cafe, you hear some dude sitting behind you ordering Leon’s favourite whisky while wearing the same bloody perfume. “It’s got to be relentless persecution at that point!” You sigh, already annoyed, closing your book more violently than intended. Hope you’re ready, stranger! Because you’re not in the mood to deal with this right now.            You turn around with a fake smile that reflects perfectly your irritation, ready to give him hell, your sharpest riposte already burning your tongue. After all, he deserves it and you can’t help it.         But when you meet familiar – and freaking gorgeous - baby blue eyes you freeze and stare, suddenly confused and lost and refusing to believe that in spite of the intense running, love just jumped at your neck after all and it was sitting there, taking the shape of Leon S(tupid) Kennedy.
You should have stood up and left, run for your life, run for your heart. And yet, you didn’t.    You stayed there staring at him looking at you, allowing all your memories, the good ones and the bad ones, all your buried feelings to come back from the dead, embracing them as if you had missed them, which, let’s be honest, you probably had.            You tried to scream to yourself “Come on, Y/N! Shake a leg!” but it seemed that what you brain understood was something like “Cum on him! Open your legs!” as a couple of blurry hours later, you were on Leon’s bed, legs wide open, screaming his name and begging him not to stop his amazing thrusts.
Six months, you ran for six months … Well, looks like the run ends here and now. After a minute-long deep stare, an afternoon of amazing sex and two hours long of something blurry in between.
“I missed you.” And there you were! The moment all couples that broke up have after one of them (in this case Leon with the infamous ‘I missed you line’) starts to believe they miraculously rekindled their love. The fatal post-coital cuddling session that you don’t know how to react to, as you think of all the possibilities before you.      Possibility Number 1) You tell Leon you missed him too and cuddle, enjoying that embrace you secretly yearned for months. But that includes forgetting what he has done or pretending that nothing happened.     Possibility Number 2) You push him away, get dressed, leave again and act as if this afternoon never happened. But if Leon doesn’t remind you of it, the ache between your legs will, that’s for sure!   Possibility Number 3) You jump him again until you sore even more and hope that you’ll be able to leave afterwards.         Frankly, all possibilities suck because, in all cases, it seems like you lose. Since,       with Possibility Number 1) you lose the run forever, with Possibility Number 2) you lose him again and with Possibility Number 3) well it’s result 1 or 2 + your body aching like crazy for days. I suck at math but no need to be Einstein to know the result of this calculation looks unpleasant.    So what do you choose?
You see a triangular dice rolling in your head, showing a never-ending succession of 1, 2 and 3 that doesn’t make any sense and that confuse you even more than you already are. 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2 ! Oh for fuck’s sake!
You grimace, angry and pissed at Leon and probably even more at yourself, and finally leaves his bed and his strong warm arms, feeling the tears furiously forming in your eyes. “I can’t” You can’t look at him in the eyes. You don’t want to see his confusion, don’t want to see his pain as he witnesses all his hopes shatter to pieces.         “ What do you mean?” You can hear the sheets crease behind you, alerting you of Leon’s agitation, so you hurry and pick up all your clothes scattered in his room. You must leave, now. 2! 2 it is!  “This! All This! This afternoon never happened.” You tell him, putting on your clothes with sudden clumsy and trembling hands, not caring if your bra is correctly hooked or if you put your shirt on back to front. Your heart. You have to think of your poor heart first.          “Hey, hey, hey.” You feel Leon’s hand softly grabbing your arms and you let go of whatever you were holding right now. His voice is sweet and trying to be comforting. Don’t look at him Y/N! Don’t look at him! “Look at me.” You do. Damn it! And you see his gorgeous blue eyes staring at you, studying your flustered face and the tears slowly drowning your (colour) look. You missed those eyes. You missed them so.damn.much ! As much as you missed his hands cupping your face and his thumbs wiping up your tears. God! How many tears those thumbs have missed recently. “It’s alright.”
You want to believe him. You really do. But there is this voice screaming in your head and very clearly this time. A voice shouting, forcing you to remember that night, that awful nightmarish night, the one when you felt your heart break and your dreams turn to ashes. All that because of him and his obsession for her.
“No, it’s not alright, Leon.” You shake your head and miraculously manage to take a small step back. You never thought you could. But you had to. You can’t stay close to him. You can’t let him touch you, feel you. Not if you want to run away. And you have to run away. Like her! Like Ada. Ada! “I told you. For as long as you have feelings for Ada, I can’t … we can’t…”     “Please don’t talk about her.” He begs and rubs his hand over his face. Is he trying to chase her away from his mind? Is she still in here? Please, let her not be in here.    “But she’s the reason we’re in this situation now. She’s the reason why we’re in this mess.” You insist only for the sake to see his reaction when you mention Ada, to see if she’s still under his skin, somewhere. “Ada is not the reason. I am!” Leon corrects you, a finger directed at his heavy chest as he is putting the full blame on himself for the first time since that night. “I am the one who went after Ada when I shouldn’t have! I am the reason why we broke up! I am the reason why we are so miserable!”         “But I was fine!” You shouted back in an attempt to show him he was wrong refusing to listen to that part of you who knew he was completely right. You were miserable without him. “I was doing fine until you came back and fucked everything up! I was healing goddamnit!”             You felt new tears rolling along your red cheeks and quickly wipe them off with the back of your hand that felt so callous and rough in comparison to Leon’s gentle touch. “You can’t just jump back into my life like this and expect me to forget!”
Leon nods, agreeing with you in a certain way. But the truth is, he doesn’t want you to forget. He doesn’t expect you to erase his mistake. He just wants you to forgive him … No, he just wants you to come back to him. Period. And that’s got to be what you want to. It has to!   “So why did you have sex with me, huh?” He finally asks even though he already knows your answer. “Tell me!” You’re not the kind of person who has meaningless sex, not the kind of person who worships one’s body with divine kisses and devoted caresses if they mean nothing. “Why did you have sex with me?” And yet the answer he wishes to hear doesn’t come out. “For fuck’s sake Y/N! Answer me! Why?” He shouts making you shiver and cry even more.    “Because I LOVE YOU!” You finally scream. And it hurts. It hurts but it feels good too. Like a weight lifted off your chest. “Because I missed you too! Because those months without you have been terrible! Because I don’t know how to handle even just the thought of you or the sound of your voice in my voicemail. Because each time I see something that makes me think of you, I’m a mess and I do things that normal me would never do! You fucked me up, Leon! You fucked me up but I love you! And I hate to love you!” You grunt in pain and relief, enraged but happy that you finally let everything out. And Leon listens in silence, frozen by your powerful honest confession. But he doesn’t know how to react. He doesn’t know what to say. Part of him is overjoyed, ecstatic that you still love him but there is another part that just feels terrible, sorry for the pain your love for him caused you even in his absence.   “But you see—“ You continue “That’s the problem in our relationship, Leon! I love you in ways that are so intense, that go beyond sanity. And you love me by half.”    You see him crumple, his horrified face looking suddenly very pale as if he had just heard some dreadful news. Is that really how you feel? Is that how you see his love for you? Is that what he has made you believe?         “Goodbye Leon.”
With the full intention to leave Leon’s place for good and never come back, you grab you bag on your way out of the bedroom while carelessly shoving your underwear inside of it since you forgot to put them on in the midst of panic and precipitation. Get out of here, Y/N! Now! A reasonable voice encourages you. Listen to me!    But this not what Leon wants.
“I never loved you by half.” He declares and you abruptly stop, asking God if he’s some kind of sadist that loves seeing you in pain from the comfort of his divine sofa somewhere in heaven. “Never.” But it’s not God and his sadism that makes you turn around. It’s you, and your masochist love for that blue-eyed man before you.     “I don’t believe you” Your voice almost doesn’t leave your throat as you try not to sob.           “But it’s the truth.” He says with a calm soothing voice as he slowly approaches you. “I never imagined my future with Ada. I never wished to grow old with her or build a home with her.” You want to tell Leon to stop talking, to stay where he is but your body doesn’t seem to respond. And when you feel him grabbing your hands in his and the comforting warmth that goes with that simple touch, you know that leaving is now an almost impossible task. “Yes. I admit it. My feelings for her were real.” Even when his honesty hurts you, you don’t know how to leave anymore. “But they were nothing in comparison to what I feel for you.”     You try to let go, pulling your hands away from his loving grip but he holds you back. And you’re not strong enough. Or maybe, you just don’t want to be strong. Everything is so confusing. Everything is tearing you apart.     “But they’re still here, aren’t they?” You question, hoping his answer might give you a clue, might give you the strength to make the correct decision. Do you leave? Or do you stay? “And they’ll keep coming back each she goes back into your life. You can’t let go of her.”    “You’re maybe right.” His words hurt you more than you thought they would. They hurt like hell because you realise there are not the ones you wanted to hear. You wanted to hear him say that he would let go of Ada, for good, for you. You wanted to hear that because deep down … YOU WANTED TO FUCKING STAY! “But can you let go of your past?” He continues and you shake your head refusing to hear any other word coming out of Leon’s mouth.       “Don’t!” You beg, weary.           “No! Listen to me this time. Ada is my past, Y/N. She’s my past. And you … you’re my future. You’re my life, damn it!” He doesn’t cry but you don’t need his tears to sense how emotional and how honest he is. And suddenly, you just want to listen to him. “And I was a fool not to see it sooner. When you left me, I felt a void I had never felt in my entire life. I felt like a part of me was missing. And then, the bombing in Washington happened, and it was like I had nothing left. I needed you. I wanted you. You. Not Ada.”      “Leon” You whisper and he cups your face again, blue eyes staring deep into yours, allowing you to see everything in him, his strong love for you and all the weaknesses he hated to admit. “It was you in my mind. Only you. And it will always be you. Because I love you. Now. Today. And I will always love you.”
You cry even more, uncertain if those tears are tears of sorrow, tears of joy or a mix of both. God, how can your emotions be such a mess right now? How can you be wishing to shout at him with all the anger you’ve accumulated and, at the same time, willing to kiss him with all love you’ve got?
“If you got to believe something. Believe that. And if that’s not enough and you think you can be happy with someone else. Then go. I won’t hold you back.” You frown. He is fucking lying. You’re sure of it. “You can’t stop running after me and you know it.” He smiles and scoffs, sensing that hint of sudden defiance in your tone he enjoys a lot.  “True. I can’t sop running after you. But I’ll do my best not to catch you if that’s what you want. But you got to tell me. Is that what you truly want?” You don’t reply. Truth is, you’re not sure what to say not because you’re not sure that’s what you want but because you’re not sure you can trust him if you let him in again.                        “No.” You whisper. “No, that’s not what I want. I want you. All of you.” You can see Leon struggle to contain his growing joy as it starts to glimmer brighter and brighter in his irises. He doesn’t want to cry victory just yet. He is cautious and rightfully so. “But can I?”        “Want me?” He smiles. “ Have you completely?” You correct, searching for a promise in his eyes, one you hope, you wish he would not break this time.     “Trust me with your heart again and find out.”
This better not hurt this time…
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soft--dragon · 4 years
This is it guys! The fic I've been working on for the past few days! Hope you guys enjoy cause I sure did love writing this one ^^
Also, if tag this as a ship fic I will fight you 💙
Word Count: 2,748
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Sam entered his house, sighing to himself so heavily his shoulders sagged. It had been a long day at Pandora's Vault. Dream was getting on his nerves again, testing his patience. He was sorely tempted to cut down Dream's food quantity in punishment but it was still early days. Dream was probably just lashing out due to not being in power.
Sam prayed he would settle down the longer he stayed in the prison. Otherwise he was going to start dreading every day being the Warden.
Sam slung his bag off his shoulder, hooking it around a chair and started removing the weapons from his belt. Some needed cleaning and a few were close to breaking. He pulled out his diamond sword and frowned at it's integrity. Chips and blood spots were scattered across the blade, definitely needed some work.
Sam's instincts made him swing the sword around to point at the source of the voice. Tommy froze in place, staring at the blade with wide eyes. Sam blinked then realized who was standing in front of him.
"Tommy I-" he quickly shifted the weapon from the boy's chest. "Sorry, I didn't expect you to be here."
Tommy's shoulders sagged noticeably when the sword was taken away and he rubbed his arm. "I um... I'm sorry, I can leave?"
Sam took in Tommy's stance. He was shifting his weight, gripping his arm so tightly it looked close to bleeding. His eyes kept flicking from Sam's face, to the door and the walls then returned back to Sam.
"No," Sam said, "no it's alright, are you okay?"
Tommy swallowed and gave a shrug. "I just didn't want to go home" he said quietly, "is it okay if I stay here for a bit?"
Sam softened immediately. "Of course."
He made sure Tommy could see his hand before he gently placed it on the boy's shoulder comfortingly. "I told you before you could stay here whenever you wanted, what's mine is yours and all."
Tommy blinked and to Sam's alarm, tears started to gather in the edges of his blue eyes. He suddenly wrapped himself around Sam, his hands scrabbling to hold the back of his shirt, and once they had, it was with a shaking grip.
It was one of the most intense hugs Sam had ever had in his life.
The creeper hybrid instantly reciprocated the embrace, holding the back of Tommy's head and rubbing soothing circles into his back.
"Hey, Tommy, hey just breathe yeah? Copy me" Sam kept his voice gentle, like he was soothing a frightened animal. He had no idea why Tommy was suddenly freaking out, but he would hold him for as long as the boy needed.
Tommy's breath shook as he inhaled slowly, still holding onto Sam in a vice like grip. "I'm- I'm sorry..."
Sam squeezed him reassuringly. "No, please don't apologize for this, it's alright" he murmured. "It's alright."
Tommy whimpered, pressing his face into Sam's chest to hide himself. "He's not gonna get out is he?"
Sam froze. "What?"
Tommy shivered, hands tightening on the back of Sam's shirt. "You're not going to let him out of the prison...a-are you?"
Sam understood. "No" he instantly said, "Dream isn't leaving Pandora."
Tommy visibly flinched at the name and held Sam tighter. "T-Thank you."
Anger flooded the creeper hybrid. He knew what Dream had done to this boy, the hell he'd put him through. Tommy had been broken in exile, rebuilt with Sam's help, then shattered in prison. Dream orchestrating the one sided fight with twisted enjoyment.
"Psychopath" Sam hissed quietly making Tommy glance up.
"W-What?" He blinked.
Sam shook his head, squeezing Tommy to him again. "Nothing" he said quietly, "just hate that green asshole."
Tommy smiled a little, "me too."
Sam eventually got them both to the couch, Tommy not leaving his arms the entire time. They held each other in silence, only broken by Tommy releasing a shaky breath every once and awhile.
"You gonna be alright?" Sam murmured after a while.
Tommy hesitated. "I think so, after...after some time."
Sam appreciated the boy's honesty. "Of course" he nodded. "Would you like to stay here for a few nights?"
Tommy blinked up at him. "I don't want to be a burden Sam-"
"You're not" Sam gently ruffled the boy's hair. "I'm offering, and I'd appreciate the company, I sometimes get lonely up here. Fran's companionship is good but having someone around would be nice for a change."
Tommy opened and closed his mouth a few times then buried his face into Sam's collar bone. "I'd like to stay" he whispered. "I-If you're sure."
Sam smiled softly, dropping his head atop the boy's blonde hair. "Absolutely sure" he reassured him.
A slow exhale of breath then a shaky, "Thank you Sam."
Sam heard the relief in Tommy's voice and held the boy a little closer. Damn Dream and his manipulation. Damn the people of L'manberg who did nothing to help this boy. And damn himself for taking so long to realize how bad it had gotten.
Sam dropped a small fatherly kiss to the side of Tommy's temple and pulled back. "Have you eaten?" He asked softly.
Tommy blinked a few times, then shook his head. "I haven't eaten all day" he admitted.
"How come?"
Tommy shrugged awkwardly.
Sam's eyebrows dipped in concern and stood. "Better get you something to eat then, yeah?"
Tommy shrugged again.
"You want something specific?"
"No, anything is good."
Sam nodded and gently carded a hand over Tommy's head, lightly messing up the golden locks. "I'll be back in a second."
Tommy leaned into his hand and watched Sam leave to the kitchen. The creeper hybrid glanced over his shoulder to give him a smile before disappearing round the doorway.
Tommy curled into a ball on the couch, gripping his knees tightly and counting the seconds Sam had been gone.
It had been almost three minutes when the man returned, two plates in hand and a wolf at his side. Tommy's eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the canine and the dog's seemed to do the same at the sight of Tommy.
"Be gentle Fran" Sam said, placing the plates down on the coffee table and sitting back down on the couch.
Fran gave a soft woof of greeting and instantly licked Tommy's hand when he hesitantly stretched it out. It didn't take long for Tommy to be petting the dog with a soft smile on his face, Fran's tail a blur with how much she was wagging it.
"She's such a goofball" Sam laughed a little. "You're meant to be a wild predator Fran."
Fran didn't seem to care about her status as she lay down and rolled over. A wide smile on her face and tongue lolling out her mouth. Tommy grinned and immediately started giving Fran a belly rub, giggling quietly when the dog's back leg started kicking.
Sam relaxed at the sound of Tommy's soft laughter. He had a brief idea of why Tommy had turned up out of the blue, so he was going to do everything in his power to make sure Tommy could keep smiling freely.
Tommy eventually stopped and sat back, eyeing the food Sam had set out.
"Go for it Tommy" Sam nodded towards the plate. "I made it to be eaten."
Tommy smiled a little in gratitude and picked up some of the food, nibbling at the edges.
Fran whined, obviously upset from the lack of attention and rolled back, pawing at Tommy's foot.
"Oh come on Fran" Sam rolled his eyes. "Let Tommy be, he needs to eat."
Fran glared at Sam and woofed, but this time it held a judgmental tone. (How the animal managed to do that was beyond Sam.)
Tommy laughed but immediately stifled it behind his hand, smiling shyly. "I don't think she's impressed."
"She never is" Sam shook his head, "she's constantly judging me."
"Maybe she has good reason to, who would ever want belly rubs to stop?"
Sam snorted. "Stop taking her side Tommy" he gently poked Tommy's ribs.
Tommy gave a muffled squeak, flinching from Sam's finger with wide eyes. Sam also paused, blinking.
"Tommy?" Sam began to smile. "You wouldn't happen to be ticklish would you?"
Tommy flushed a little. "Of course not! I-I'm a Big Man after all" he tried to brush off but Sam wasn't having any of it.
He carefully pushed the plates away, a smirk starting to pull at his lips. "Oh really?"
"Then you won't mind if I do this?"
Sam was fast to scuttle his fingers across Tommy's stomach making the boy yelp, giggles spilling from his mouth instantly.
"Sahaham!" He covered his face to hide his blush but made no move to get away.
Sam internally awed. Could this boy get any cuter?
"I think you're a bit ticklish Tommy" Sam tutted gently brushing over his sides, "did you lie to me?"
"Nohoho, nohot t-ticklish" Tommy pressed out between giggles.
"Not ticklish? Hmm, no, gonna have to disagree with you on that one, bud" Sam teased, moving his hands up to gently squeeze the boy's lower ribs.
"Sahahaham!" Tommy whined, twisting slightly.
Sam took his hands back, gently resting one on Tommy's knee making the boy jump slightly at the change of spots. When nothing happened, Tommy slowly lowered his hands to look at Sam.
"You okay?" Sam asked, a kind smile on his face.
Tommy nodded, shyly looking away. "C-Could...could you- um..."
Sam took one of Tommy's hands, squeezing gently. "Do you want me to keep going?"
Tommy averted all eye contact but his timid nod was unmistakable. Sam let out an audible coo making Tommy bury his red face in his hands.
"Aw Toms, come on, don't hide" Sam took the boy's hands from his face. "I want to see your smile."
Tommy seemed to be struggling on whether to speak or whether to try and hide himself again. He eventually settled on doing nothing, staring at Fran on the floor who was watching curiously. Sam chuckled and gently pushed Tommy to lie down, giving him better access to the boy's torso. He tapped his fingers against Tommy's ribs making the boy flinch and look back at Sam, nervous giggles already building up.
"S-Sahaham" Tommy pressed out, his hands lifting to his face again.
"No hiding Tommy" Sam said again, pausing his fingers in their gentle prods, waiting for the boy to lower his hands.
Tommy screwed his hands into fists pressing them to his eyes as he giggled hysterically. "Yohohou're beheheing mehehean!"
"How am I being mean?" Sam chuckled, "I just want to see your cute smile Toms, and hear that adorable laughter of yours."
Tommy shook his head, cheeks flushing even more. "Nohohohot cuhuhute" he protested through his soft laughter.
"Mmm, no, you're wrong there" Sam smiled and lightly pinched up and down Tommy's sides.
Tommy gave a short squeal, gripping the couch cushions tightly to stop himself from hiding again. Sam's fingers slowly started to climb up Tommy's ribcage, lightly fluttering around each bone on the front and back, leaving Tommy nowhere to squirm.
"Shihihihit!" Tommy kicked out, giggling up a storm.
"Good or bad?" Sam asked, gently squeezing Tommy's upper ribs.
"G-Good" Tommy managed to stutter out, then fell into another fit of giggles.
Sam smiled down at Tommy, warmth blooming in his chest. He decided to try one more spot then let the kid rest. "Mind if I test your tummy?"
Tommy squeaked, and his ears burned but he nodded, words being difficult to use.
Sam's hands dropped to Tommy's belly, he felt it quivering and chuckled.
"Something tells me you're a bit ticklish here Toms" he cooed.
Tommy crossed his arms over his chest, trying not to give in to the need to hide himself, his giggles never ceasing.
"I dohohon't knohohow" he admitted through his gentle laughter.
Sam smiled. "Well then, let's find out Gigglyinnit."
Tommy didn't have a chance to reply when Sam used one hand to spider along his belly and pinch at his sides with the other. The sensations caused Tommy to toss his head back, giggly hiccups peppering between the adorable laughter.
"Awwww! Toms! That is so cute!" Sam cooed, nimble fingers scratching at Tommy's lower belly making the boy squeal loudly and kick his feet.
"Sahahaham! Ihihit tihihickles!"
Sam snorted. "Oh really? I hadn't noticed! Does this tickle too? How about this? Don't just laugh Tommy, I need you to tell me!"
Tommy's eyes were starting to glisten with tears as Sam vibrated his fingers on either side of his stomach, wiggling them around his navel, prodded at his sides then repeated the cycle.
Sam then gently rubbed at his belly, relaxing the muscles but still making Tommy giggle hysterically.
"Okay Toms, do you want me to do one last thing or would you prefer me to stop now?" Sam asked kindly.
Tommy placed his hand over Sam's, pausing his movements on his stomach. He blinked up at the man and then with a giggle laced voice said, "O-One lahahast thihihing."
Sam cocked an eyebrow, letting a mischievous smirk lift his lips. "You sure you can take it?"
Tommy nodded, a nervous but excited look in his eyes.
"Alright then, you asked for this" Sam shrugged.
When he started to slowly lift Tommy's shirt, the boy's eyes widened and he started to giggle louder.
"S-Sahaham" he stuttered.
"Yeah, that's my name Tomathy," Sam grinned.
Tommy shook his head and gripped his arms, watching with giggly anticipation. Sam softened.
"I'll stop the second you tell me to, okay?" He promised.
Tommy nodded and relaxed a bit, although his stomach was starting to quiver again. Sam chuckled and then without warning, blew a quick raspberry on Tommy's side.
Tommy squealed, body twisting into the couch. "SAHAHahaham!"
Sam then started squeezing at Tommy's hips bones, blowing mini raspberries across the teen's lower belly.
"SAHAHAM! SHIHIHIHIT!" Tommy started kicking the couch cushions, trying to curl into a ball.
"Nuh uh" Sam tutted, "none of that Tommy."
He gently got the boy to uncurl, massaging circles into his hips all the way. "The tickle monster wants to give you more raspberries! Don't hide his favorite tickle spot from him!"
"Nohoho! Sahaham!" Tommy blushed, "dohohon't tahahalk lihihike thahahat!"
"Why not? Does it embarrass you Toms?" Sam grinned, "well too bad! The tickle monster is hungry so laugh for him!"
He dropped his head again to blow a raspberry directly over Tommy's bellybutton. Tommy threw his head back with a shriek, bubbly laughter tumbling from his lips seconds later.
"Om nom nom!" Sam made over exaggerated eating sounds, blowing short raspberries all over Tommy's stomach and pinching at his lower ribs.
Tommy shook his head in his hysteria. The sensations felt amazing but it also overwhelming, his exhaustion finally catching up to him.
"SAHAHAM! STOHOHOP!" Tommy squealed out, pressing his hands to Sam's shoulders.
Sam immediately lifted his head, running a hand over Tommy's stomach to help ease the ghost tickles. Tommy lay giggling on the couch, eyes closed and a wide smile on his face.
"You alright?" Sam asked, pulling Tommy's shirt back over his stomach.
"Y-Yehehahah" Tommy squeaked out, "I'm good."
Sam smiled and scooped the boy into his arms, Tommy practically going limp the second he was settled against Sam's chest.
"You did so well" Sam smiled, "took that like an absolute champ."
"Pogchamp" Tommy muttered with a giggle making Sam laugh too.
"Pogchamp" he agreed.
Fran leapt up onto the couch, not wanted to be left out of some cuddles. Usually Sam would protest the dog being on the couch but when Tommy immediately buried his hands in the wolf's soft fur, he couldn't find it in him to get Fran off.
Instead he ruffled his dog's ears and held Tommy securely.
"Thanks Sam" Tommy mumbled after a moment of silence, "for everything."
Sam squeezed the boy to him. "Course Toms, wasn't about to let my favorite kid down."
Tommy looked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes. "I'm your favorite?"
"You're the tickle monsters favorite" Sam lightly wiggled his fingers at Tommy's neck making the boy flinch and giggle softly. "And you're also mine."
Tommy grinned. "Don't tell Tubbo and Ranboo, they'd throw a fit."
"Wouldn't dream of it" Sam chuckled.
They sat in comfortable silence until sleep over took them both, Fran watching over them protectively.
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irondadfics · 4 years
I’m looking for fanfics where Peter is Tony’s biological child and he goes missing/gets kidnapped as a young child. He is raised by someone else and doesn’t know he’s Tony’s son. I’ve already read Lost Boy and Things I Almost Remember on archive of our own and I wanted to find stories with a similar plot.
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WHEW! It’s kind of a long list, but we did our best finding several fics that feature both BioDad!Tony and Peter being kidnapped at a very young age. ENJOY!!
Lost Boy by winterda
Isaac Stark disappeared from a crowded park a few months shy of his third birthday. There were never any signs of him, and no arrest were ever made in connection to the case. It was as if the toddler had simply vanished off the face of the earth. Twelve years later, Peter Parker has a really bad day, which only get worse when his prints are put through the system.
Things I Almost Remember by IcedAquarius @icedaquarius31​
Peter's past is not as it appears. It all starts one day with a genetics project and slowly spirals into something Peter never could have imagined.
hydra's not a home by tempestaurora @tempestaurora​
At 6 years old, the son of Tony and Pepper Stark, Peter, is kidnapped, never to be seen again. Or, so they thought. Ten years later, while raiding a HYDRA base, the Avengers come across a new, enhanced individual, working for the enemy: in black spandex, with a tendency to stick to walls and shoot webs from his wrists, the Black Spider is a pain in the ass in more ways than one.
If They Knew All About You by MsHermia
Tony Stark had lost his son when he was only 2 years old, stolen away in broad daylight with nobody the wiser of what exactly happened. Years later, Tony has just made it through the disaster with Ultron. He is trying to keep himself and the team together but relationships are strained and tempers are running high. Then a random turn of events leads to his path crossing with that of a particular vigilante. They are strangers to each other, or so they think.
Peter Parker is on top of the world. After a few shitty years, losing his parents and then losing his Uncle, things are finally looking up. Sure he lives in a crappy little apartment with his Aunt but he might have just found his mission in life.
This is an AU story obvious by some of the tags. I'm starting out a few weeks after Age of Ultron took place. Civil War will be a thing. Other than that I'm not too concerned about sticking to every canon detail and storyline.
Finding Their Way Home by ElliahRose
Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark went missing on a Tuesday. For months the entirety of the New York police department, as well as anyone else the Starks could convince to join, searched for the tot. He was only three when he was taken and for four months, two weeks, and four days, Tony Stark and Pepper Stark (nee Potts) worried and fretted over their beloved child.
Peter Benjamin-Edward Stark was murdered on a Friday. A ransom call gone wrong spelt the end of the child’s life. The world grieved as the kidnappers gleefully told the devastated parents they’d find his body in the morning.
They never did.
Twelve years passed and the family was still grieving, and Tony Stark worked tirelessly to find his only child’s killer and gain justice for his son.
Meanwhile Peter Parker was having literally the worst day ever. He just wanted to help make the world a better place, but instead he got stabbed. That's just his luck, isn't it?
missing, presumed dead by hailingstars @hailing-stars
They hadn’t had a funeral for Peter.
There hadn’t been a casket or a service inside a church.
There had been, before Tony decided in his heart that Peter was gone, candlelight vigils and pleas on the media for whoever had taken him to bring him home. Neither of those did any good. Neither of those brought Peter home.
Tony Stark's son gets kidnapped when he's two. Twelve years later he comes back.
I told you to be better (and you became the best) by HaruK
Tony was blessed with a healthy baby boy, and for once in his life, was actually happy. Until everything derailed and he had to send his son away to keep him safe, because those related to the Stark family, one of the worlds biggest and most targeted families in the black market, always end up hurt. With a new name and identity that Tony himself doesn't know, the young baby was wiped off the map, his existence erased, never to be heard of again. . Years later, Anti-hero Iron Man meets a local superhero vigilante and Tony becomes surprisingly close with young Peter Parker.
The Curly-Haired Boy In The Paper by Svn_f1ower @svn-f1ower​
When Tony sees the blurry, grey scale photograph of someone he thought he had lost years ago, he follows the trail to a newspaper company, to a hospital, to an adoption agency, to the police station and finally to May Parker's house.
hold him tight & don’t let go by jessicagoddamnjones @farremoved
Peter Stark went missing when he was four years old.
Eleven years later, he’s found.
Only now he’s Peter Parker by day, Spider-Man by night, and he doesn’t like the idea that his entire life is a lie.
Rise from the Ashes; Just to See You Again by Mintstream @iwritedumbshit​
Tony Stark didn't expect Mary Fitzpatrick, or the news she delivered. He didn't expect that he would become a father, or that he would actually enjoy it. He didn't expect Penny to love him just as fiercely as he did her.
He didn't expect to lose her so soon.
In the wake of the loss of his daughter he tried--tried to do right by her. He became Iron Man, he was an Avenger, he protected his world because he couldn't protect his daughter, but through it all, he hoped to be reunited with his daughter.
He didn't expect to be alive when he was.
AKA the biological daughter kidnapping AU no one asked for. Hope you read, and hope you enjoy.
Updates on Saturdays.
Coming Home by inkinmyheartandonthepage
AU – Peter Stark was kidnapped when he was just three years old. Tony and Pepper never stopped looking for their boy. Years later, Peter finds his way back home.
A Change In What We Knew by Imissyoutoo @imissyoutoo
Tony scoured the floor behind Steve as though his one-year-old son had somehow crawled to him, before finally, he looked up. The realisation dawned on him like an eclipse; the decaying darkness hiding the sun. Hiding his son. Because his boy wasn't there.
”Where is he? Steve? Where's my son Rogers?!” At only a year old, Tony Stark’s son is taken, leaving him shattered. Little does he know, his journey to find what is lost only begins twelve years later. In the most unlikely of places, and all because of two words.
”Hey kid.”
I Found You by honestchick
Tony had a son; he raised him for two years until someone kidnapped him. Tony was devastated and heartbroken. And who would have thought in Starks Expo, he’d be able to see his son once again?
move back home forever by chasingflower @evahmohns
The results say he’s not actually Peter Parker.
They say he’s Peter Stark. You know, the one who’s been missing for 10 years.
Yeah. He knows.
Soon You'll Get Better by lostinmorewaysthan1
Peter Stark was kidnapped. That was all anyone knew. He vanished into thin air, no traces left behind, when he was eight years old.
Six years later, on one of the final raids on the HYDRA bases, they find an enhanced assassin, with super strength and the ability to climb walls. No one imagined that it would be Peter. Least of all Tony.
With no memory and brainwashed by HYDRA, Peter Stark goes home and tries to recover.
Let This Road Be Mine by CommunicationFlail
Ten years ago, five year old Peter Stark disappeared. When the trail went cold, the case was closed. Now new evidence has been brought to light and Tony will stop at nothing to get his son back. No matter how many fakes he has to meet. His son is out there, and he will find him.
Return to me, the one I love so endlessly by SuperHeroTiger @superherotiger
James Edwin Stark was born on the 10th of August 2001, and for the first time in his life, Tony Stark cried tears of joy.
All the fears, all the dread that had once consumed his soul washed away with a single look at the baby’s gentle features, so familiar and yet so distinctly unique at the same time. Tony made many promises that day. Promises to love his son, to protect him, to always be there for him.
On the 10th of August 2002, James Edwin Stark was stolen in the middle of the night, and his father’s world came crashing down. Shattered and alone, Tony whispered the same promise he’d made to his son the day that he was born.
‘…My love for you is endless…’
Fourteen years later, hidden away from the world in a forest of pine, Peter Beck would dream of a day he might get to see the towering city of New York. And when a wounded stranger stumbles onto their property a week out from his birthday claiming to be a famous billionaire from New York, his dream might just come true.
Once Lost Now Found by FreckledAvenger11
Peter Parker was just trying to get used to life without his uncle. He wasn't expecting to find a familiar face in an article about Tony Stark's missing son. Follow Peter on his journey to discover just who he is. Is he Peter Parker? Is he Spider-Man? Or is he someone else entirely? Just who is he and what secrets died along with his parents in that plane crash?
So He Walks The World Alone by Miola014
This is a story 'bout a broken boy With his headphones in just to block out the noise Of everyone around him telling him the way to go So he walks the world alone Wondering if it gets better Or if he's always gonna feel empty forever So he gets lost tryna find another way back home As he walks the world alone
The Kidnapped Peter Stark AU that I promised y'all!
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leggomylino · 4 years
Sunrise | Hwang Hyunjin
 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama, Comedy
AU: Beauty and the Beast au
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x fem!reader
Word Count: ~26k
Warning(s): Minorly dark themes, vague mentions of suicide, sparse censored language
A/N: It’s finally done! <3 | For Kumi, my dear friend. <3
Lighthouse → Hope
forever rain → RM
Tag List: @hanniiesuckle17​ @distrikt9​ @hanstagrams​ @hyunsunq​ @smolboiseavey​ (let me know if you want to be added!)
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ 
  .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
| Zero ❧
It was no lie that Hwang Hyunjin was what he was. A monster. A crook. A fiend. 
But had that been his fault? No. Had it been his intention to piss off the old hag who showed up at his doorstep looking for shelter, who also happened to be a witch?
...Well, yes, technically. But in his defense, he hadn’t known she’d been a witch. He just assumed she was another ex-royal his father’s company had put out of business, bankrupt and seeking reconciliation. Another pawn knocked off the chess board. 
So then was any of this really his fault? 
Not in the slightest.
Late November was when colorful bouts of leaves piled in the corners and around the front doors of Everain Palace, when icy winds took hold from north arctic fronts and chilled all those who inhabited it to the bone, or at least, those unfortunate enough to end up imprisoned in the steely corridors below. Dank, gray shadows fell over the surrounding dark atmosphere of the cold stone walls, seeping in elongated coverage that fell over the once festering city of New Amber, now reduced to nothing but a sickly small town until the return of the harvest season. If anyone even bothered coming back.
It was no secret why no one ever wanted to come back. Everyone knew about the curse. Rumors spread fast, and as the head of his father’s company Hyunjin couldn’t hide his scarred face forever. Afraid of becoming infected, afraid it would spread, half of the town vanished within the first few days. Another half of what was left disappeared over the course of the following two weeks, and the number of residents continued to dwindle even after that, until Hyunjin couldn’t even tell you how many remained as of today, six years later. Ten, maybe twelve royals, some small groups of peasants temporarily settling in until they too were told about the curse, and the dark secrets of the young man who lived beyond its walls.
He was once beautiful until he ticked off the wrong old lady. Now he lives out his days staring at a reflection of who he once was.
The part he hated the most was that he couldn’t deny it was the truth.
“Mirror!” he called, clapping his hands once, twice, three times. “Where is my mirror?! Where the hell did you put it this time?!?”
Begrudgingly with a sigh a shadow cascaded down along the stone wall, manifesting into something three-dimensional only a moment later. Blue hair fluttered softly around smooth, rounded features, a lone earring sparkling faintly in the pale moonlight, accentuating ripped jeans and the confines of a pitch-black hoodie. 
The whole ensemble was tacky and incredibly outdated. “Here…” His shadow said, holding out the small ornate mirror. His contractor grabbed it with anxious greedy hands, claws already beginning to form far too early thanks to the autumn equinox.
He paced away eagerly, collapsing to his corner of comforting feather downs and soft silk sheets, as he stared at a reflection of who he once was, who he used to be. How he would look today had he just pretended not to be home that ill-fated night.
“Jisung!” He barked, glaring angrily over his shoulder. “Come here.”
The boy-shadow sighed once more, nodding slowly as he had no right to refuse the man who had complete control over him. So he slowly sulked over toward the bed, shimmering at the seams as he passed through the inanimate threshold like a waking dream. Carefully his edges began to dissolve, bit by bit, until nothing but a faint air of smoke remained, settling dispersedly around the dim-lit bedroom.
Hyunjin never took his eyes off his past-in-the-present self, who only stared back at him with vacant, mournful eyes. “Show her to me.” he demanded, gently leaning a few inches forward. “Where is she?”
With careful swirls like a rippling tide the mirror faltered, spiraling and transforming the glass picture until the prince’s face was gone, the image of a girl taking his place.
Then another one. Then another one…
The mirror suddenly cracked. His hands tightened around the steel handle, a low growl resonating from behind parted lips curled up in a snarl.
“I’m sorry…” the mirror muttered, Jisung suddenly appearing out of the cracks to stand before him. “She’s still not here. I don’t know what you want me to do abo--”
“I don’t want you to do anything!” Hyunjin snapped, throwing down the mirror and shattering it into a million more pieces. “I just want her here! What’s taking her so long? Where is she?!”
“I--” Jisung winced as a few stray shards transpired through him, the feeling still foreign even after all these years and past mirrors similarly broken. “...I think these things just take time--”
“Time?! TIME?!?” Hyunjin was beyond livid. The moment he stood his servant shrunk back, nearly folding himself into the safe confinements of the old chiseled walls. “Time is something I don’t have. You know this, Jisung. If this goes on any longer I’ll…” His voice trailed off and he gulped, snatching a fistful of hair in his sharp dark claws. “...Why isn’t she here yet? What are you not telling me?”
“Telling you? Wha--”
“Shut up and answer me!” He demanded, slamming the boy against the wall. The poor guy would have sunken through had he, again, not been under such a binding spell. Instead the only thing he could do was resentfully comply, doing all he could to spitefully avoid eye contact. 
“I’m sorry, Hyunjin. I don’t know--”
“You’re working with her, aren’t you?” Hyunjin continued with narrowed eyes. He began to shake him, tightening his chokehold around the boy’s throat. 
Jisung gasped a bit, nails gritting against the echoing stone walls. “I-I really don’...” He tried to choke out. “...I really don’t know. I swear. Honest.”
The tightening intensified. Jisung felt like he was nearly going to burst.
That’s when he’d gotten the idea.
“Y-You’re right! I lied! I know where she is!”
The moment he was let go Jisung gasped for breath, grateful as the heavy sinking feeling of doom left his vacant bones. Hyunjin blinked once, twice before narrowing his eyes again, taking a careful step back. 
“...I knew you were lying to me. Where is she?”
After holding up his hand for breath, his shadow slowly looked up from his knees, straightening and readjusting his strange, stretchy cufflinks of the hooded cloak he wore. “She’s lying dormant somewhere. I can get her for you.”
“Under...erm,” He awkwardly coughed. “...O-Over that way...out yonder.” 
Hyunjin didn’t seem very keen on the way his servant waved his hand dismissively in the random direction of “out yonder”; but it was a risk he was willing to take. He was desperate. Three more days and...and…
“Fine,” he answered at last, lavishly turning his cape away from him to pace towards the half-opened window. “You have until sunrise to bring her to me. I won’t wait a moment longer.”
“Wha?! But she--”
“Fine! Twenty-four hours. And you better return with the right one, or else.”
He gave a precise gaze over the slender curve of his princely shoulders, and that was all it took for his shadow to sink out of sight into the folds of stone-pressed cement below, the clouds blotting out the last rays of moonlight around them.
| One ❧
“Y/n~ Y/n, hurry up!! C’mon, we’re gonna be late!!”
“Yes, yes, I’m coming…”
Your friend Rei ran another ten yards ahead, impatiently stopping for the umpteenth time for your slow-leisurely pace to match up. “Uuuugh, c’mon already!”
“I said I’m coming…!”
Autumn season. It was the time when the leaves changed their colors, one final requiem of individuality before fluttering away in the cool breeze, carried off somewhere to decompose and fall victim to the circle of life. It was also the time you and your friend Reiya, who you casually referred to as just Rei, spent all hours of the short-lived days travelling from village to town, in order to sell the wares of your fathers’ goods. They were both merchants, you see; it’s how the two of you had met, many years ago. But they were old now, the circle of life creeping up on them as well, and since all the men in your town were either taken or losers not worth your time, each of you vowed to take over the family business, carrying it wherever the wind decided.
...And anyway, neither of you were interested in the prospects of marriage; being tied down? And taking orders from some mustached buffoon? ...No thanks. It’s not that you hated the idea of settling down, just...not in your town. Not at your age. Not yet.
This way, things worked out well-- you and Rei got to travel the continent, avoiding arranged marriage and spending time in each other’s company selling your fathers’ wares and in turn, helping them out. They were free to enjoy a peaceful retirement while you added memories of wondrous places and escaped the evil clutches of a life tied down to a broomstick and a kitchen stove. It was perfect.
...Except for days like now, when you’d both woken up late and were at risk of losing a good place to set up shop. Your bad this time.
“Hurry up!!” Rei whined, doing her famous one-tap-two-step-hurry-up dance. The balls of her slippered feet hardly touched the stone pavement of the path leading to the city, her arms flapping like a chicken as she readjusted the triple-stacked backpack of goods from falling off her bony shoulders. “Let’s go let’s go let’s go!!”
“I told you, I’m coming!” You groaned, having been stuck with cart duty. It may have been nearly empty, but it sure didn’t feel like it. Normally it took two people to steer, in addition to horsepower by your trusted steed, Carrots, but unfortunately…
Carrots had too many carrots last night. And she wasn’t doing so well. 
It wasn’t serious, but it would be at least another few hours before she got it out of her system, so this blissfully unfortunate morning it was you and Rei having to wing it...with you having pulled the short end of the stick.
“Nnnneiiigh,” Carrots groaned from behind you. You gave her a gentle pat while trying your best to nudge the cart over the last hill. 
“It’s alright, girl. We’re almost there. Just a little farther.”
She let out a whine, almost seeming to nod in understanding.
“Ahh, hurry!” Rei called again, making haste for the city gate’s checkpoint line. All merchants and traveling businessmen (or women) were required to have their items evaluated and checked by city officials before being licensed a temporary warrant to sell.
When you made it to the top of the hill, already out of breath, you deflated-- then just about fell over when you saw how long the line was.
Oh man. This is all my fault. We shouldn’t have stayed up so late…
“You look like you could use a hand.”
You turned around to find a tall...ish, slender boy, with hair the color of chocolate and big, round eyes to match. A single silver earring hung from his right ear. “Oh, uh, that’s okay…”
“...Han,” he clarified, gripping one side of the cart. “Han Jisung. Just let me handle this. You should probably go help your friend; she looks like she’s about to fall over.”
You peered around the other side of the small wagon to see that, indeed, Rei was playing a game of balance, swaying a bit too far this way and that as she wobbled on flat calloused feet toward the back of the long line. But you? Leaving your father’s shop in a stranger’s hands? Even if it was in a populated area, and he did seem genuine…
“That’s okay.” You told him, grabbing tighter onto your side. “I can take it myself, I’m used to it. Thank you for the offer, though.”
“...” He blinked at you a moment, doing nothing at all but staring. Just when you were considering calling for Rei to come back, though, he laid off, tossing smooth hands in the air before shoving them in the front pocket of the strange cloak he wore. “Alright, alright. Didn’t mean to scare you or anything. If you insist, I’ll be on my way.”
He let go, and you felt the full weight of the cart pull your body downward, gravity affecting you in the worst way. ...Maybe…
“Um, hold on!” You shouted, and he stopped a quarter of the way down the hill, glancing up at you expectantly from over his left shoulder. Curse him. “Yeah?”
“...” You set your pride and suspicions aside. “...It would actually...well, I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to help. Just to the base of the hill.”
His eyes did the smiling for him, and was back at your side in seconds, taking the right flank while you managed Carrots and the left.
“Mind if I ask you something?” He pipped just steps later, eyes peering at you from over the cart as he jumped like a small puppy trying to see over a counter space. You groaned.
“I suppose I have no choice, so, sure. What is it?”
“Well…” He was beginning to mumble. “I know this may seem kind of sudden but, I have this...friend…”
The cart stopped rolling, delaying your schedule that much farther. “If this is headed where I think it is, I’m sorry but, I’m not interested. I’m very busy and I don’t have time for...love. Or a relationship. Other than the one I share with my customers.”
“Oh! No, no! Hahah…” Han had let go of the cart as well, scratching his cheek. “I-It’s not that! Nothing like that...I…”
His explanation was cut off by your sudden gasp, lunging forward to grab the cart as it started to descend down the steep slope. But it was too late; it slipped out of your grip like butter in a frying pan. “Oh no!”
The cart raced down the hill, gaining momentum and speed the farther it went. Crowds of people gasped as well, jumping and throwing themselves out of the speeding wagon’s path, until…
It reached the bottom, but it kept going. And it was headed right for Rei. 
Horror-stricken, you jolted, racing down whilst cupping your lips to scream out a warning call. “Rei! Look out!!”
Rei turned around. Her eyes widened.
But she remained unscathed. In the blink of an eye something dark and ink-like had raced over the pavement and grass fields; it manifested beneath the wheels, and the cart just...stopped.
“Rei!!” You cried, letting go of Carrots to plunder to her side. She’d fainted, but Han was there to catch her.
You stared him down nervously from the other side. “...How did you get here so fast?”
He carried your friend to the shade of the forest surrounding the city walls, others whispering and already beginning to spread gossip. You tried to block it out and ignore the intense stares and glaring from eighty-or-so business-competitors, following Rei’s limp body and coming to rest beside it, pulling her head into your lap. 
Though you were out of earshot, the whispering and curious eyes still followed you; so not good for business.
“Hey. I asked you something,” you said again, making sure to keep one eye on him, and one on the cart. “How did you get down there before I did? I didn’t even see you move.”
The strange boy didn’t say anything, save for laughing a bit. He then proceeded to ask you the oddest thing: “A man, or a beast...do you think we have a choice? On what we want to be?”
“What?” Your brow furrowed to form one solid unibrow. “Don’t ignore me. I asked you first. How did you get down there so quickly?”
Still, he refused to answer. “Technically, I asked you first. So you have to answer me.”
“I don’t have to do anything,” you replied, “but I will call for help if you don’t answer me right now.”
Seeing the anger on your face, the boy calling himself Han looked out into the near-distance, at the line steadily encouching forward and now forming a beeline around your abandoned shop. “Well, given that we are out of earshot...it’s not much of a threat, but...still,” he shrugged, almost to himself. “I suppose we wouldn’t want that.”
He set himself down criss cross applesauce, next to Rei’s spaghetti legs. You huffed, attempting to protectively heave her a smidge closer to you. “Alright, well, go on.”
He gave you the goofiest grin. “Well, it’s quite simple, really! I just swooped under the wagon, and jimmied the breaks! Worked like a charm!”
You frowned, not at all appeased with that answer. “You...jimmied the brakes?”
“And it just...stopped.”
“That’s right.”
“...You dove beneath a speeding wagon and managed to attach yourself underneath?”
“That’s what it sounds like~”
“That’s what it sounds like?!”
“Look, we can point fingers all day at who-did-what, but if you don’t hurry and get back in line, you’re not gonna have any place at all to set up your little shop of knick knacks or...whatever it is that you sell. Is that a snow globe?” He asked, reaching for Rei’s bag. You swatted his hand away.
“...Fine, whatever. Thanks for saving her, I guess…”
You pressed a kerchief from your pocket to Rei’s forehead, smoothing ebony locks from her face. “And?”
Han smiled. Again. “You gotta pay me back somehow, right?”
“For doing a good deed? Do I?” You scoffed. “And here I thought you were doing it just to be kind…”
“Well now you know~ ...I mean—“ He swallowed at the glare you gave him. “...What I mean is, I did do it. To be kind. But I’d love if it you could still pay me back by coming with me to—“
“I’m not going anywhere with you or your dumb friend, if that’s what you’re asking. Just save it for the birds.”
Rei was starting to stir, twitching slightly, her eyes squinting in and out of consciousness. You began patting her cheeks and calling her name, but unfortunately, she still wasn’t fully there yet. That, and the annoying man at the other side of her wasn’t finished. “I have a proposal for you,” he stated.
“A proposal?” You didn’t like the sound of that. “...I’m not interested. Look, I’ll just, give you something from my shop, and you can be on your merry way, okay? Here, what about that snow globe you were eyeing before?” You reached over Rei’s body, fishing it out and handing him the novelty. “Take it. It’s yours.”
The glass globe held the contents of a small gray castle, surrounded in a sea of red roses. Han took the globe from your hand, examining the structure and looking almost nostalgically somber as he watched the fake snow fall. “...Thank you, but it’s not what I want.”
“Then what do you want?” You groaned. “Look, just take whatever. I don’t care, it doesn’t matter. I have more important things to worry about right now.”
“...What I want,” Han said, ignoring that last part of your statement, “is for you to answer my question.”
“What? What quest— aah, I told you already, I’m not—!”
“A man, or a beast? As individuals, do we have a choice?”
The way he’d cut you off and stated his query so seriously made your head spin; it certainly caught you off guard, that was for sure. “...I’m sorry...I don’t understand the question.”
“Hmm…” Han thought. “...Imagine you were put under a...spell. A spell that turned you into a hideous monster, with fangs and claws and fur in places you’d never imagined...but it comes and goes, this curse of yours.” He tilted his head. “Are you still human? Or are you now a beast?”
Thoughts slowly circled your mind, not knowing what to think. You had no idea where any of this had come from, the only responses coming to mind countering questions: who is Han, what is he up to, why did he want to know what you thought of such a peculiar idea…
“Well?” He egged, leaning backwards.
“...I...I don’t know,” you confessed, listing your gaze aside. “I really have no idea where you got such a crazy idea from.”
“Okay...then let me ask you this. I’ll help you out.”
What? Help you out?
He leaned forward this time. “Do you think we have a choice? Is it possible to define ourselves as one or the other?”
“Well...yes, I would think so.” Your eyes met his, hoping that if you gave him an honest answer, perhaps he would leave. “We all have a choice— to be monsters, or men. It is not a matter of blood, or a spell, but a condition of the heart.”
You didn’t know it, as you’d turned away; but the moment those words left your parted lips, his eyes shone with the hope of a thousand suns, dawning the horizon after the longest winter storm. 
You’d turned away to shuffle for a bucket and some more handkerchiefs in Rei’s Bag of Wonders, holding out the bucket without turning your eyes away. “I changed my mind. Make yourself useful and get me some water from the nearby stream, or in town, whatever. Just—“
But when you cast your eyes back to where Han was sitting, he was gone.
| Two ❧
“You must have been having one hell of a dream to stay passed out for so long.”
“Ahaha…” Rei buried her fingers in her hair, entangling them in the sea of ebony that flowed behind her and came to a steady delta tied near the ends. “Sorry about that. It was like I wanted to wake up, but I just couldn’t. Like something...some kind of invisible wall was preventing me from doing so.”
The two of you had made it into town safely, with little trouble other than what you’d previously gone through with that strange boy, Han. After getting checked in and circling the shopping district three times, your luck finally began turning around when one of the vendors apparently felt ill and decided to turn in early; bad for him, but great for the two of you. The spot couldn’t have been more perfect, either: positioned right in the center of all the hustle and bustle, it attracted plenty of attention, and the moment you set up shop, customers came lining up at the window.
The two of you worked for hours to make up lost time, grinding your fingers to the bone, shuffling around each other to count coins, search for wares, and sign receipts of official purchase. By the time the lunch bell rang, you and Rei were about ready to fall over.
“I’m tired,” Rei moaned, collapsing to her knees and digging under the counter for your grocery supply. Woefully, her hand came back...empty. “Ah, we’re all out of bread! And apples…”
“What about that bag of trail mix you bought two days ago?” You asked while organizing receipts. Someone had to do it, and you knew Rei sure as heck wasn’t going to.
She sighed, shaking her head. “Carrots and I polished it off yesterday. ...Oh, carrots.” Her stomach growled right on cue, a forlorn sigh escaping dry lips. “...I’m so hungry...”
Something about that previous statement made you pause, inclining your head to the right in thought. …Carrots…Carrots…?
...Oh no. Oh hell’s bells, you’d completely forgotten about Carrots!
Without a moment to lose you dropped the stack of receipts you’d been tidying up onto the counter, hopping out of the wagon and running as fast as your boot-clad feet could take you. Your knees were still stiff and exhaustion weighed you down, but you couldn’t allow that to stop you. Not when that poor (dumb) horse was wandering and hopefully still waiting for you.
“Hey!” Rei yelled, her head leaning out the window. “Where are you going?! You forgot your coin purse!” She waved said object in the air, as if asking for a thief to come and swipe it. “I want lemons and some gum drops! I saw a candy shop about a block down!!”
“You can’t have candy for lunch!” You hollered back. “And I can’t right now, you’ll have to get lunch yourself today. There’s something I forgot.”
Her confused expression said everything else for her, but you didn’t have time to chat about lunch plans. You had to get that horse.
You ran with all your might (what little you had left) out of the shopping district, down three blocks, and past the city gate...that is, until a guard stopped you.
“Woooah there, little miss.” The man grabbed your arm, effectively pulling you backward; and he had quite the grip to boot. “I’m afraid you can’t just go hauling eighty out here like that. I’ll need to see some I.D.”
You cast anxiety-riddled eyes to the man, making sure each gesture showcased your anger. “What? To leave the city? ...But I’m leaving, not entering!” Your anxious gaze sought out into the trees, the pastures of bitter decay and spooky autumn silence where Carrots was last seen. “Please, I need to get out there. My horse is missing, I’m afraid I forgot about her after a...mishap...and ended up abandoning her. She’s sick, so I don’t have time to play games!”
“That’s all fine and dandy, ma’am, but rules are rules. Show me your I.D., please.”
“I…! …”
Reluctantly, you yanked your arm away, digging for…
...Nothing, because you’d forgotten your coin purse. The image of Rei waving it with pride and worry left a bitter taste in your mouth. And your vendor verification permit was left in the shop, as well. “...I don’t have any. My permit is with my co-partner, back in the shopping district.”
“Hm. Well, you’ll just have to go back and get it, then.”
“What?! I don’t have time for that!” You turned pleading eyes to the officer, prayerfully searching for understanding alongside a missing horse. “Please sir, she couldn’t have wandered very far. I’ll be right back! I’m only going--”
He shook his head. “Sorry miss, like I said, rules are rules. Because of the recent string of kidnappings, all residents and visitors alike are required to provide valid identification before coming in or leaving city walls. Mayor’s orders.”
You’d been thinking about making a run for it or finding another guard to reason with until the word kidnappings made its way into the conversation. Normally you would have been curious and not too concerned...however… 
...That’s considering you heard it from a local paper floating in the breeze, or along the gossiping grapevine from one vendor to another, one chatty socialite to the next whispering to each other among the lively bustle of city life. Why were you just now hearing about it here? From an officer? How long had this been going on?
In all the questioning silence, you basically forgot about...what was it you were looking for again? “Um, forgive me for prying, but...kidnappings?”
“...E-Er...that’s...” The officer flinched, taking a half step back. “...Um...well...dammit all…” He removed his thick uniform hat, scratching his head a moment before readjusting it to fit tall and proud. He cleared his throat. “...Please forget I said anything. If you wish to leave the city, I’ll need to see some valid I.D.”
He simply stood there, pretending as if nothing had happened. The only proof you had was the sweat swimming along his forehead, but surely he’d blame that on the nonexistent autumn heat and the fullness of his uniform.
You had no choice but to reenter the masses.
- ❧ -
When you return to the gates, the same officer approved of your vending license (still sweating from that “autumn heat,”) signalling for the men in the tower to let you through. It was late afternoon now, the skyline growing dangerously close to dusk; when you’d returned to shop a while earlier, you couldn’t admit to Rei that you’d lost her best friend next to you (though some friend she was having no idea about the whole thing...), so you were left with little choice but to play along and have lunch until it was time to work again. The late-day crowds were always far less stressful than morning shifts, so confident she would be fine on her own you took back off for the South entrance the moment the work bell rang.
“Carrots...Carrots...looking for a food-poisoned horse…”
Sigh. The words were a groan from your lips as you trudged about a floor of dead leaves and twisted bare tree branches. The skyline was starting to wear thin, every step you took noisy and either resulting in startling a field mouse or alerting a wandering bear out of hibernation of your whereabouts. Not an ideal situation to be in.
I’ve been wandering these woods for three hours now. Dang it, where is she?! ...Normally, Carrots was a good horse; she followed you around, did as told, and when you did lose her (...as this wasn’t the first time…) she stayed put and waited for you to return; like that time in Cresentmoon Harbor (for it was literally shaped like a crescent), when you and Rei had been so distracted by some dashingly handsome fisherman named Minhee and wanted to hear his tales of the rough blue sea that you’d, yes, left your horse astray, where a group of thugs almost snatched her. 
That had actually been a fun day, watching Rei throw apples and trinkets and club the ringleader with his own beatstick. This time, however, you’d known exactly where you left her. You were sure there were no gangs or thugs near a place like this; not a clean-cut, safeguarded place like Westwind...any yet, Carrots hadn’t been there. Not at the top of the hill where you left her, or beneath it, beside it, or anywhere nearby.
...Although...didn’t that cityguard mention something about kidnappings?!
That stupid horse. I knew I should have overruled Rei and named her Dumdum. She went and got herself kidnapped! URGH, I had to go pulling the short end of the stick today--
A sharp wind blew by without warning, causing you to shiver. Mournfully, you wondered if maybe you should turn back and enlist Rei’s help after all...have her summon back that courageous, beatstick-smacking frenzy… 
Oh, but how heartbroken she’d be to hear of Carrot's disappearance! ...It was all for naught, though... 
Carefully, you turned around and began walking the way you came, one step, then two...then stopped. Looking out into the moors, the forest beyond, the stretch of trees and forest decay that went on for miles and miles seemed...different, somehow. It went on for miles and miles and...miles and miles and miles. It didn’t seem to have an end.
I know I didn’t walk that far… Now now, Y/n. Can’t see the forest for the trees, hm? It’s no big deal, I just wandered a bit farther than I thought. I’ll start heading back now.
Because Rei was the fun-loving, clueless bubbly-type, you had to be the strong one (not including Wild, Pissed-Off Rei). You were the confident, analytical, and ambitious of the two. You prefered logic and data, and relied almost whole-heartedly on common sense, with few exceptions. And as any rational person of your nature would, you’d made sure to mark the entire way you’d come; so it was no big deal, wandering out a bit farther than you had intended. 
...The first marker never came. Not after five minutes, not after ten. You walked in the opposite direction for precisely 1,000 steps and counting, and all that greeted you were the same exact scene of bare trees and dead leaves. In the same order. In the same tones and volumes and shapes.
It was going to start getting dark in the next two hours. You stopped, thinking. Running numbers. Fishing for data…...fishing…...fish…...Minhee...heheh…
No, no! Staying on track was crucial at a time like this…! 
But you ended up standing there, for another ten, twenty minutes maybe, not sure what to do. There was a strange vibe in the air, you could feel it. The way it wafted through the air and settled on your skin. Rattling your bones. It almost felt like it was bribing you in another direction. 
So you did an illogical thing unlike your nature: you kept walking straight ahead, ignoring it for as long as you could. But dammit, the scenery never changed! Not after an hour, not after two… 
You were tired at this point, collapsing hopelessly by the same tree you passed a hundred times...and then you got an idea, like a fog lifting from your brain (Why hadn’t you thought of this sooner?!). Grabbing a twig, you made a small notch in the tree. Then you took off running, jogging at a brisk pace. Never making a single right or left turn, not even in the slightest. Headed only one direction, following alongside the setting sun.
That same notch bid you a pleasant hello eight and a half minutes later. To make sure it wasn’t just a coincidence, you walked another eight and a half minutes; same notch, same place, same twig resting lifelessly to the right. Same tree.
It was getting dark now. Soon the sun would be completely gone over the horizon, tucked away for twelve hours of sleep before returning to shine light on a new day. And you had no horse to show for it; more importantly, you were lost. Trapped in some kind of...weird bermuda triangle of decaying forest with no sign of life anywhere. 
Great, just great. I hate my luck… wait… 
...Ah, yes. Conveniently, just when you’d thought to possibly scream out your frustrations into your work apron, rattling on about how much luck despises you, and how you despise her back, maybe shed a few tears since no one was around, a tower of billowing smoke caught your attention, a sign of life that hadn’t been there before. 
. . . 
You should have been more cautious. Normally, you would have been. But given recent events…
“Hello…?” You called softly, pushing the door open; though, let’s be honest, the door really seemed to just...open itself. “Is anybody here?”
The house was old and worn. A small cottage just big enough for one, it must have been at some point; now, it was practically all but decayed along with the surrounding forest. Another heap of dead wood and rotted roots among many. A faintly ripe and sickeningly sweet scent wafted about the torn chamber, wrapping around sagging furniture, torn drapes, and a half-caved roof that gave clear sight to the full moon, bulging and cackling in a clouded manner.
It was a stark contrast to the decrepit old woman beckoning you from within. 
“Yes, yes… Come in, my child.”
| Three ❧
A few hours earlier, Han Jisung had just been minding his own business, a faceless shadow of a dark hood browsing Westwind goods, humming a fiery tune, all while coming up with a plan for smuggling an innocent human girl into the cursed city of New Amber. He was pleasantly aware of the time; he had exactly ten hours left before he was due back at the palace, girl in tow, in order to keep his handsome blue-haired head and devilishly charming eyes.
He had time. The two cities may have been four hours apart on horseback, a diagonal stretch of twisted forest and steep valleys between them, but being a shadow he could just-- ...zip...and zig...and...zag...right beneath the… … … 
...He wouldn’t be returning alone. He was transporting a human girl. That had no magical curse or powers to speak. The only way to return was the old-fashioned way...which meant…
He only had half the time he thought he did. Balls.
Making his way through the afternoon crowds, he followed three winding back alleyways before making sure the coast was clear of wandering eyes, seeping into the broken cobblestone and dashing through history below, long forgotten structures and fossils of stories past: a mineshaft, a tavern sign, a snuffed-out bonfire. At just a block away he set out a brisk pace for where he last placed a tracking mark upon the one known as Rei.
It had been a simple plan; since Y/n was impossible to get near, he merely embedded a small tadpole of his shadowy spirit into the other. Since they traveled together, where one was found, the other wouldn’t be far behind. Find Rei, find Y/n.
But beside that fact, it was starting to itch; being without a part of him for too long caused an empty, nagging feeling to rise and fall through his bones like a waxing, waning tide, going back and forth, back and forth. It got downright maddening after a while, almost like an addiction, to the point where eventually, he couldn’t stand to be without himself any longer. If he wasn’t whole, what was he?
...For a shadow...being whole meant everything.
“I see you’re feeling better,” he greeted her, the girl whose life he very well saved. Rei turned around from her stockpile of cash, where she placed many bags of coins in the Candy For Me! ♫ pile and few in the Dumb Taxes :( pile.
“Oh, hey, I know you!” Her face lit up tenfold; an oddity given the fact she should have been unconscious for ninety-percent of their previous encounter... “You’re the guy that saved me before! I thought you looked familiar!”
She threw a tarp over the stacks of cash she’d been organizing before, as if that was going to...protect it, or something. She rested her chin in palm, elbows propped upon the counter space. Smiled.
“So what brings you by? What can I help you with? Oh,” she smirked, wagging a single brow. “Could I interest you in this love potion?” 
A bottle of perfume made its way between them from out of nowhere, dangling like mistletoe. It...Han couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of it. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be looking for Y/n by chance, would you~?” Rei asked.
The proposed bottle had the painted label scratched off, where the replaced paint job read Love Potion No.9, along with a price tag of thirty-five coins. Han chuckled, doing his best to play off the awkward gesture. He had to tear his eyes away from it.
“Thank you, but no,” he stated, gently lowering her arm to the table. The sliver of his missing portion swam back into him, through his fingertips and up his arm, and this didn’t seem to go unnoticed by Rei, though he distracted her into shrugging it off. “I actually am looking for Y/n, if you happen to know where she is? I suppose you’re right about that part, actually.”
“Oh? Really?!” Rei’s face lit tenfold...again. She squealed. “Eeeeek, I knew it! Oh, I just love when this happens!”
Her face thrust straight into his, nearly close enough to kiss. It startled him into backing distance. 
“What is it?!?” She cried excitedly. “What do you need to see her for?! Oh, please tell me it’s to exchange letters! Or trinkets!” She looked like the shadiest business woman ever in the next second. “Y/n may have said she was organizing paperwork, but I knew what was really going on. Tee-hee!”
“...Ahh…” ...Shoot, what the hell was he supposed to say?! This girl didn’t seem like the type to appreciate being let down... “...There’s something I…” He gulped. “There’s something I wish to show her. Before setting out, that is.”
“Oh…” Her frown encased her disappointment. “I see...well, actually…” She twirled a strand of sleek black hair away from her tan complexion. “Y/n left about an hour ago...no, it has to have been longer than that…” Her frown deepened, looking off into the distance. “She took off as soon as lunch ended, and she hasn’t come back yet. I think she said she was looking for something…? But…” 
Now she was looking down vacantly into the counterspace. There was a dull sheen in her eyes.
“...I’m starting to worry. Y/n never just runs off for hours on end like this. It’s not like her at all. ...What if something…”
Han put a stop to that thought: one, because he hated seeing girls cry, and two, because he could tell she was the messy-crier that would get snot and tissues everywhere, including his hair and earring; also there was three: his ass on a silver platter, courtesy of His Angry-Cursed-Forever Highness. If he failed to secure Y/n…
He didn’t wanna think about it. Which is why he swiftly set Rei upright, patting her shoulders and promising that he would go out and look for her. She couldn’t have wandered far, seeing as her whole livelihood was on the line (and in the hands of someone like Rei…whom he didn’t know that well, but still…)
“Can you give me an idea of where she may have gone? Which way did she go?”
“Yeah, sure! She went that way, and, oh yeah, she took our vending license with her! Do you think she could have gone to City Hall, maybe…?”
It was unlikely. City Hall was in the other direction, to the north-east; and according to Rei, Y/n had ventured south. The only thing there was lower-class common folk and the city gates, meaning the only conclusion he could come to was that she needed to verify her legitimacy in order to continue business, or she needed out.
After questioning some guards under a guise of glamour and shade (which was necessary for...private reasons), he was at last directed to a middle-aged man who claimed to have allowed the girl to leave some three to four hours ago. Before they could get an answer out of him as to why he wanted to know, Han vanished into the shadows like a thief in the night, slipping through the straying crowds towards the nearest alleyway, where he plopped down, zipped below, and popped right back up on the other side of the great city wall.
Removing his hood, he looked around, scanning the area for any clues of Y/n’s whereabouts. But, of course, nothing.
Dammit, it was getting late! It was already late!
Han bit his nails, fuming. Pacing. He was going to be in so much trouble if he didn’t…!
...Sigh. Screw it all. He’d just have to look for her. If he found her fast enough, he could come up with some plan to make it back to Everain before sunrise.
He began his search heading South, into the clamour of trees. Past one tree, two, five, twenty. Deeper and deeper he traveled, gradually becoming one with the earth and expanding his search among the elements. Beneath the earth, brushing against roots of trees and flowerbeds, he could “see” everything-- as far as a twelve mile radius. 
His shadowed extensions stretched over the land, covering all ground within reach like the hands of a clock, time traveling faster and faster until…!
...He found it. Er, her. His senses zoomed in on a house, caved in from years of age and resentment, crumbling to dust even now outside the confines of Y/n...and……someone else…
...Someone he knew.
Out of breath, he nearly choked in the enclosure of his own realm, eyes wide and heart frozen stiff. It took every last bit of strength to push himself free, for he couldn’t escape fast enough; not when a demonic witch like her was around. 
Except...he’d started to run the wrong way. And then he stopped entirely, unable to move.
He hated that decrepit old hag. After everything that happened...the magic, the sorrow, the black fires of hell...he wanted nothing to do with her. He’d sworn that the moment he saw her again, it would be too soon. The witch that had taken his humanity.
It was she who had cast them all to hell in a handbasket, after all.
Standing there beneath the blotted night, gentle caresses of wind cascading and percolating through strands of brown and blue, he looked down to his bare hands, setting focus to the rivets of small scars where rivers of shadow flooded his veins.
A knock at the door. A sneer. A warning glare.
He tightened his grip on the air, so free and billowing carelessly in contrast to him.
A push. A harsh remark. A confident smile.
He squeezed his eyes shut.
Anger… Resentment… Fire…
He gasped for air once more. Not now. Now was not the time to think. He needed to act, to push all of this past him. It was the only way to break the curse and save Hyunjin, and in return, himself. The entire palace of Everain— the whole city, perhaps— was counting on him.
...Shadow. The only thing I remember...is black.
 Cringing, he threw caution to the wind, where fear was meant to reside with the birds.
- ❧ -
The house was as old and vile as the woman who lived there. Vines snaked and slithered their way around the entire enclosure like a brood of thorned vipers, between cracks in the wall panels and over the steps leading to a gaping front door, just asking to trip its prey into it’s dark clutches. Into her clutches; those wrinkled leathered hands dripping with metaphorical blood and darkness.
Han hated all of it. He’d known about the Witch’s home for a long time, but he refused to ever step foot on her accursed soil (...until now, that is). The problem was, her biome was always changing, shifting and teleporting all over the place. Few unlucky souls who had survived to see it dubbed it Howl’s Moving Castle.
That title entirely ruined the book for him. Not that he particularly enjoyed reading, anyway; but he refused to lift it or so much as look at the book’s spine resting in the lavish, dusty library back home.
“Hey,” he called, marching right in. There wasn’t time for cold feet or second thoughts; if he didn’t have Y/n, there would be no point in going back. Returning without Y/n meant certain death via Hyunjin, but going through the Witch’s Biome meant likely death via whatever disdainful plot the Witch could come up with. At least facing the Witch’s path, he had a slim chance of making it out alive. If he were fast enough.
He’d thought about it on the way over: before, he had no powers to speak of. He’d been a regular, average teenage boy just trying to make it up and through adulthood, figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. But with the Witch’s curse, all that changed; he was essentially one with the darkness; and darkness was everywhere. Especially here. 
Assuming Y/n was conscious and able to move, he calculated that with high enough confidence and self-esteem, he should have no problem distracting the foul old hag long enough for his last hope to escape. (And Lord knew he had plenty of that to go around...)
Darkness clouded the entire room, choking out all light save for a few small rays of moonlight. The temperature seemed to be dropping 10 degrees every second. “Hello?” He tried again, checking left, right. “I...I know you’re here. Witch.” He was already beginning to seethe. “Come out. Where is Y/n?”
There was no response. Nothing creaked, no one croaked. Not even the wind outside made a sound.
Then something darted behind him, to the right, and he parried the opposite direction, biting his lower lip. Here it came. The worst part.
A single field mouse made its way into the faint slivers of rooftop moonlight. And there it sat, perched on its hind legs, whiskers twitching and tail dancing rhythmically across the uneven floor.
“How do you like?” came a creaky frail voice from beyond. Her voice was a sour note to his ears.
Han gritted his teeth, tasting blood on the horizon. “I’m not here to rate your latest experiments,” he spat. “That better not be Y/n. Show yourself, now.”
A lingering moment passed before the fleabag chuckled, stepping ancient bones into the small pool of light. “Alright, alright,” she said, in a mockingly chiding tone. “No need to get so angry. That’s what got your friend into so much trouble, after all. And look what it did to you.”
Two minutes in, and she was already hitting a nerve. Nerves that needed to remain untouched were his plan to go smoothly. “Don’t tell me what to do. I don’t take orders from you. You already ruined me. What more could you possibly do?”
A dark foreboding thought brewed up a storm in her eyes, just lingering on the edge of sanity. “Believe me,” she rasped, “I showed you both mercy.”
Han flinched. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to explode, yet cower in terror, all at once. He was livid, yet terrified-- anxious-- and a little sick to his stomach. “Give me Y/n. Right now. I didn’t come here to chat.”
The old woman smiled. “I can’t,” she simply stated, not moving an inch.
“Why not?!”
“Because you’re standing on her.”
Horrified, Han shot his gaze downward. Corsarn, he didn’t think he’d been standing on anything but the…!
But there was nothing but paled wooden planks. The Witch laughed. “Ahahah, not physically on her, dear. Though this house is so old, you may as well be...I’m surprised the floors haven’t caved in to match the roof.”
After holding her gaze a moment too long, he took a step back, flitting his eyes between Witch and supposedly underground wardrobe. “Open the door. Slowly.”
“Oh, so now I’m supposed to be taking your orders?” She scoffed, sighing at the end. “My, how times have changed…”
“Just do it!” he ordered.
The Witch gave a stern, slight scowl. “Oh, fine. I’m out of enough magic to put another curse on you anyway,” she muttered. Tapping her ancient walking stick once, twice upon the rotting floors, something clicked below, and the square space where Han had been standing swung open. “Just so you know,” she added, “I took the liberty of having a little fun, as you probably already guessed. She’ll be out for a few hours, but I don’t foresee death in her future; at least, not in the near one,” she chuckled.
“You--!” ...Rrgh. He still had to bite his tongue. His lip was already going to be busted and sore tomorrow. 
Trotting down steadily with caution, before the gaze of a putrid old smile he descended the hidden staircase, never once letting his guard down. The girl he sought was safely snoozing in one piece, lying like a waking dream...other than being unconscious.
He gathered her up, using shadow to cross the room, just in case a trap was lying dormant on the way over, and with Y/n in his arms, he almost thought about attempting to drag her into the Shadowworld with him, just so he didn’t have to face the old has-been again and make a clean getaway.
But it was too risky. And likely, it wouldn’t work; so carefully, he placed one nimble foot in front of the other, across the blank room, up the stairs, and into the familiar darkness from moments before. The Witch was still waiting for him, still as a statue in the exact location she had been. She followed him all the way to the door, tittering at his suspicion of the whole thing. 
She then watched as they made it off the porch. “Here,” she announced, sensing his urgency; for he’d just been about to make a run for it before she called him.
Nervously, he turned around halfway, holding Y/n tighter.
The bat continued her chuckling. She scooped down surprisingly swift, tossing something gray and furry into the air. It landed haphazardly onto his arm, clinging for dear life to his sleeve with a faint squeak! before scampering up to his shoulder. “Take him,” she said, making a shooing motion with her hand. “I have no need for the pitiful thing. He can keep you company on your way back.”
Company? Oh, no no no. He didn’t think so. He wasn’t stupid; Han knew of her tricks. The rat was probably a spy, or some kind of ticking time bomb. Forcefully, he shifted his grip on the girl, snatching the creature from its place--
...Except, he meant to throw it back. He did. He would have tossed the wretched thing to the ground and stomped on its brains without a second thought.
But it’d cried. Shrieked. Wailed. He knew the sound of terror when it howled.
Glancing up, he saw that it was crying. Actually crying.
Something was off. It had to be human...or at least, have some sort of intelligent wit.
Loosening his grip, he allowed the creature to squirm and wiggle its way free, scampering up his arm and tucking itself fearfully in the pouch of his hood with a nosedive. Sensations of trembling fell against his upper backside.
“Take care on your way home; you may need it.” 
A twisted smile. Tch.
Glowering amongst the laughter, he left the darkness behind him.
| Four ❧
“How may I assist you, dear?” The old woman asked.
Your eyes scanned the area, dilating and adjusting to the faint light. “I’m sorry,” you began, giving a small, polite bow. “I didn’t know anyone was home.”
“Oh, now, that’s alright~” The woman insisted, beckoning you farther in. “Come, come, sit! Make yourself a home. I’m the one who invited you in, yes?”
“...” Carefully you nodded, moving with caution to take a seat at the dusty worn table. 
“Now,” she said, popping joints as she settled across from you. “What can I do for you today?”
“...Do for me?”
She chuckled. “Yes, yes…” Her eyes were impenetrable, boring into yours. You had trouble looking away. “No one comes here without a purpose. There are no happy accidents.”
“......” Again, you found yourself hesitating, having trouble forming the right words. Words were becoming a limited resource all of a sudden. 
“Well~?” the woman pressed.
“...” You swallowed dryly. Something just wasn’t right; but who were you to lie to an old woman? In her own home, nonetheless. “I’m looking for someone...my horse, actually.”
“Hmm, I see…”
“She wandered off...well, no, that’s not true.” You sighed. “I left her by accident. I abandoned her without meaning to, out front of Westwind city. We’d woken up late, my friend and I, and in our hurry and a near-death experience thanks to someone, I ended up forgetting all about her. When I went back to fetch her and bring her home, she was gone.”
“Oh, my…” The old woman was still smiling. “That sounds like some adventure the two of you had! Though, tell me…” She tilted her head. “Who is this “someone” that got in your way?”
“Hm? Oh,” You sighed, again. “Some strange boy that just showed up out of nowhere and offered to help me move the cart downhill. He’s no one special.”
The woman chuckled. “Well, he must be to have stepped up and offered you assistance in this day and age,” she replied. “What was his name?”
There was an intensity you didn’t like. As if she were interrogating you for answers. 
Dryly, again, you swallowed.
“Han-something, I think. Han...Jisung.”
That’s when it had been over. But you hadn’t known that; not yet.
“Han Jisung…” The woman repeated. She was clearly searching the archives. 
Then she found what she was looking for, and curving crooked fingers skyward, she beckoned your hands to be placed atop of her on the table.
“Give me your hands, dear. I know just what it is that you need.”
If only you hadn’t listened to her… 
- ❧ -
You were no fool. You saw what the witch had done to you, just before falling unconscious.
Stirring now, you curled into the weight of something dark and soft, something sheltering and warm against the cold night air. Whatever it was held you tighter, the world slowing down.
“Y/n? Are you alright? Can you hear me?”
Ow. Yes.
One of the side-effects must have been a splitting headache…
“Yes...I can hear--”
Rrpt! Hold on a second. You knew that voice…!
In all haste you shot upright, only to collide foreheads with Han Jisung, the both of you growling in pain. Your headache just got ten times worse.
“Ow…! Sh*t, of all times and places…” After counting one, two Mississippis for the pounding to decrease, you sent him a glare, blurry vision mixed with clouded judgement. “What are you doing? What’s going on, where are you taking me?!”
The foolish boy snorted, ignoring you to continue walking. As your eyes cleared of drowsiness, you could see the two of you were alone, out in the middle of the forest. “A simple thank you wouldn’t hurt, y’know. I did just finish saving your life a few hours ago.”
“You…?” Hesitantly, you looked around again, pressing a hand to your forehead in feeble attempt to decrease anymore throbbing heartbeats. “...Where are we? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Put me down this instant.”
“You sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who was just cursed and knocked out.”
“I said, put me--! …” 
You paused. The whole world seemed to.
Carefully, slowly, you turned your face back towards the sunlight. “...Wh...What did you say?” 
Han snorted. Again. “You heard me. You waltzed right into the Witch’s Biome like an idiot, and now you’re one of us. I don’t know what I’m going to tell Hyunjin…”
...You’d stop listening towards the end. Everything just naturally tuned out, your eyes falling aimlessly to stare vacant holes into the dimensional rift of the traveling space around you. 
“In case you’re wondering,” Han’s voice cut through, calling for your attention once more. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m taking you to my friend; well, he’s really more of my...uhm…”
You waited vacantly for an answer.
You didn’t have time for this. Not that anything mattered or made sense anymore. Still, you weren’t going to idly sit here and listen to Tweedle Dee make dumb noises the rest of the night. “He’s what?” you pressed, aggravation clearly showing. “Is he your master or something?”
Han Jisung nearly dropped your hungover cursed arse. Which told you you were right, even if he kept insisting you were wrong. It was pretty funny to see him fuming and hot under the collar the rest of the walk.
Speaking of walking, you had fidgeted and demanded to walk by yourself, but after nine nos and a tenth yes, you found you had absolutely no strength in your wobbly, jelly-like legs. Resulting in Han carrying you like an unfortunate groom once more.
Yes, you’d argued for him to take you back. But no, he refused.
Which meant he had to be that kidnapper the city guard mentioned after all.
This lead you to be afraid, and rightly so; what if Han killed you?! What if he actually was dangerous, and he had been lying to you from the start. Nothing he’d been saying up until this point made sense anyway; and just look at the way he was dressed. Only crazy people wore such strange, unusual attire, so futuristic and bizzare-looking. 
And, you noticed, the closer you got to...wherever he was taking you...the more and more his appearance changed.
It was gradual, slow at first; just a random strand of hair, a speck of color in his eye that hadn’t been there before. Then, out of nowhere, it was like time sped up around him, and his eyes became a solid, bright blue, his hair a darker contrast, and that lone earring he wore shimmered with a paradoxical bright darkness, like shadows giving birth to light.
It was...insanity. Yet, regrettably, you had to admit he’d grown incredibly attractive. 
Han didn’t speak much the second half of your trip, and neither did you. You were too busy trying to process what was happening, and he was lost in his own world, eyes never leaving the road ahead except to occasionally check on you. It was a nonverbal communication: Are you still doing okay? / Yes, I’m fine. Quit staring at me. / Yeah, okay, you’re welcome.
About two hours later, the two of you arrived at the gates of an old, rustic castle, and a city that looked all but lost.
| Five ❧
Your headache had at last subsided by the time you arrived at Everain Palace. ...Or at least, that’s what the sign said it was called. You were barely able to read it through the layers of rust and vines, however. “This is the place?”
“Yep,” your entourage announced, setting you down beside him. “It’s been a few hours now, so you should have the strength to walk again, at least to your room. But I’m sure I can get some lackey somewhere to carry you the rest of the way if you can’t manage.”
“Hold on...what?”
He finished setting you down, and you wobbled your way back a few steps, leaning against the gate’s archway for support. “I’m not staying here. I can’t. I have to get back to Rei and find Carrots, my stupid horse. Then, I’m renaming her Dumdum and we’re sweeping all of this under the rug.”
Instead of laughing, or perhaps getting a little angry even, Han Jisung stared at you with the most pitiful glance anyone had ever given another human soul. It was dreadful, but soft, somewhat loving, and oozing with regret.
And then he said those abysmal words you were scared of hearing all along.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. But I’m afraid you won’t be traveling anywhere anytime soon.”
You stared at him dumbfounded. This was it, you thought. The truth revealed. He really was a kidnapper; and now, you were his next victim. The whole charmingly dopey and idiotic act had been just that: an act. And you’d fallen for it.
So you did the next thing you could think of, seeing as fighting and running away were out of the question in your weak and disoriented state.
But soon you remembered your surroundings, where you were at this time: a rundown city that appeared to have been abandoned for years, closed off in an eternal slumber. Everything was covered in vines and dust, and hardly anything made a sound.
You were doomed.
Han rushed over quick to keep your mouth shut while sweating at the seams, but a chomp to his hand did him right good, and while he was bouncing around and airing out his hand like a blubbering buffoon you tried making a run for it. Keyword: tried.
In the end, you only made it as far as the circle of trees isolating this town before something pierced the back of your neck, and you were a prisoner of sleep all over again.
- ❧ -
You aren’t quite sure; perhaps you slept for eight, nine hours. All you knew is that when you awoke, there was sunshine pouring through the curtain-laced window like the brightest waterfall.
A...curtain-laced window...and silk sheets… … … 
You hopped to it the next second that thought circled your mind.
No. Oh, no…
...This certainly wasn’t your room. Your room was with the stars, the ocean, the grassy plains and trees, Rei at your side. This was an actual room, complete with a bed, canopy, dresser and wardrobe, a nightstand, and an additional table with matching chairs, four to be exact; two large windows, standing side by side at opposite ends of the room to your left. One beside the table, one near the door.
There was a note left for you on the nightstand (to your left) as well.
Y/n -
I’m sorry I had to knock you out like that. But you’re one of us now, and I can’t afford to let you leave. It’s important. Lives are at stake. You have to trust me, please.
There’s someone I’d like for you to meet. More like I need you to. I’ll explain more later, when you’re awake. If you read this and you still don’t feel well, feel free to take another couple of hours to yourself, to get your bearings; but don’t sleep for too long. I’ll wake you when we’re more pressed for time.
Again, I’m really sorry about all this. I hope you can find it in you to forgive me, but I get it if you need more time. Just promise not to take it out on Hyunjin, if you happen to run into him first.
Signed, Han, your kidnapper
There was an additional piece of paper that fell from behind the original.
P.S. - That was just a joke. Don’t freak out. I’m not a bad guy, really. At least, not as bad as you probably think I am.
You didn’t know what to think of anything anymore. This was all just too much. What on earth had happened to you? How did you get roped into all of this? ...You’d just wanted to find Carrots, and bring her home so Rei wouldn’t be sad and you wouldn’t feel guilty and the two of you could save the trouble of having to buy a new horse, train him, yadda yadda yadda. Instead you stupidly and ill-fatedly stumbled upon the home of an actual witch, walked right in, and told her things you probably shouldn’t have. You didn’t like the way she’d looked at you when you mentioned knowing Han Jisung.
The Mark of the Rose, the witch had slurred, eyes wide with a sinister grin. A blessing, and a curse.
Then she’d spouted some sort of riddle:
When sunrise comes and all is lost, Look upon the oldtown cross There you’ll find just what you seek This aging woman’s prophecy But if yet still you manage to bend And find and seek what storm’s may rend May fortunes smile and bring you light For the many remaining days of your life
...She hadn’t told you what the heck any of that was supposed to mean. For one, how could plaguing you with a mark from some wicked sorcery be a blessing?! And, what’s more...how was it a curse…? ...Her strange chanting hadn’t made any sense, though that last part had sounded nice...maybe that was the blessing?
Something made a skittering, scuffling sound. Turning to your left, something small and fuzzy caught your eye, climbing up a chair leg and coming to rest on the cushion above. It was...holding a crumb of cheese. Sitting there like a person, flat on his bum.
It was some kind of rodent.
You bristled all over, hair standing on end. “A RAT!!!” You shrieked, leaping from bed to dresser. Thankfully it had been bare atop the surface, minus the unlit candle and some kind of ornate mirror, which was an unfortunate accident. Seven years of bad luck was just what you needed, on top of everything.
The moment you let out a cry of alarm, the mouse similarly screamed-- possibly louder than you-- spasming out of the chair and running in circles with sweat flying from its brow until it ran into another chair leg and clocked out, rolling into the path of sunlight.
You’d been about to grab that discarded candle as a weapon until the room became incredibly bright. Clouds parted from outside, sunlight magnifying to flood the whole room. 
And then, when the sunlight narrowed to pierce the unconscious vermin straight through its heart, he became a boy. 
Hair the color of sunset and cheeks flushed rosy pink, full of freckles scrunched his nose, squinted, and wearily stared back at you, upside down. Prayerfully, by some miracle, he was still wearing clothes.
That didn’t change the fact that you had no idea what to make of this sudden development. You stood there, hunched frozen atop the dresser, candle half off the floor and jaw nearly there.
“Hn-- nnnngh…” he groaned, sitting up with a hand to his head, much like you had leaving the Witch’s Biome-- that’s what Han had called it, right? “...Ouch...that’s the last time I go exploring on my own…” He glanced at you over his shoulder, giving a kind, tired smile. “Thanks for turning me back! I’m sorry I scared you, Y/n.”
Your candlestick went flying across the room. 
“WHO ARE YOU?! HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!” you yelled. An accusatory finger followed. “This isn’t funny, and I’ve been through enough now! I’m sick of playing games, give me an answer right now or I’m throwing this broken mirror next!”
The door burst open. “What’s going on in--?! …”
Han Jisung was staring at Mouseboy curiously at first, widen eyes unblinking, you on the dresser second, a careful blink there...but the moment his eyes landed on the cracked mirror, he fell to his knees, hands in his hair.
“OH SH*T!” He shrieked, panicstricken all over. His voice was more pitched than (should be) possible. “What the hell did you do?! Who did this?!?”
Innocently, Mouseboy pointed to you, as if he had any right to be part of the blame game. “It was an accident, though,” he vouched (like that was supposed to make it better!). “I did the same thing when I woke up and saw myself an hour ago; you should have seen it, I broke five of those things! Talk about unlucky!”
He laughed. Han screeched, looking like The Scream. “YOU DID WHAT?!?!”
There was going to be a river running through the room by the time he finished sweating, pacing all over the place while nearly showering the floor and furniture with strands of blue hair. Mouseboy scratched his speckled-cheek, shifting to rest on the calves of his brown-clad work pants (He’d obviously been some kind of farm or errand boy before all this). “S-Sorry about that...it was an accident, really…” He bowed his head. “I-I can maybe get my boss to cover any property damage, but man, I’ll be working forever to pay it off…”
He sighed. You almost (almost) felt bad for him. But it was gonna take a lot more than just looking cute and pitiful to sway your emotions.
When at last he’d finished his...episode...Han stood from where he’d kneeled in prayer on the pinewood floor, swiping a hand over his face, shaking it off, and placing determined hands on his hips. “Okay,” he declared. “It’s alright. I’ll just have to convince Jeongin to pull an all-nighter and fix everything. Good thing he knows a thing or two about craftsmanship!”
Jeongin? …
You faltered, repeating the name curiously as you hopped off the dresser, now that the vermin crisis was over. Thankfully, your absent-mindedness didn’t cost you any cuts or bruises, seeing as there very well could have been shards of broken glass on the floor…
Han smiled your way, nodding. “Yeah, that’s right. We have a lot of introductions to get out of the way, so if you’re ready...well, you might want to get dressed first.”
Even more curiously, you looked down to examine yourself.
An eggshell, lace nightgown greeted your eyes.
… … … 
Who changed you...?!?!
| Six ❧
“Right, so,” said Han, pointing to each stranger in a misfit-lineup. “This is Seungmin, Jeongin, and...Felix, right? ...Yeah, okay, Felix.” He smiled, gesturing to you next. “Family, this is Y/n.”
Everyone either waved or bid you their own form of greeting, some shy, others more open. Now dressed in a sea-green gown with white-lace trim and possibly the most gaudy over exaggerated bow in the back (smaller, matching ones on your shoes and hair), you did your best to curtsey, though it was awkward and embellished to say the least, and really you’d just used it as an excuse to hike up your quarter-calf socks that refused to stay put. “Yeah, alright...nice to--”
“And this...is Hyunjin.”
The air got a little colder all of a sudden; both metaphorically and otherwise. You glanced up from rebuckling the annoying Mary Jane’s on your feet. Froze.
A tall, slender man stepped forward from where he’d been leaning against the wall beneath the cloak of shadow in the hallway. Now, stepping forward in the light of a grand, deserted chapel, his dark hair combed back by rough fingers pressed for time, he was…he was… 
He was staring at you as if you’d hung the moon in the sky. His eyes were so round and...big. Practically moons themselves.
“......” Han cleared his throat, voicing everyone else’s discomfort. “Yes, well...okay, then. This is great! See?!” He motioned to you as if you were some kind of showcase prize. “I brought her back, just like you asked! Now there’s no need to do anything rash or bloodthirsty! Hahah…hah…! …”
Everyone was strangely silent. Looking at each face in turn, though many were staring at you, none could look you in the eye; and no one dared to so much as peek in this Hyunjin fellow’s direction. In fact, the red-headed boy, Jeongin, seemed...almost...rather afraid.
“Hang on,” you interjected (though there was nothing but silence for sometime now). The gears in your mind cranked back to the letter folded messily on the nightstand: Lives are at stake. I need you to meet someone. “So you’re saying you brought me here because...your friend wanted me here?” You huffed. “I don’t understand. You said that lives were at stake. Who’s dying?” 
Quiet. A somber aura fell over the small gathering; maybe that had been a little brash of you to ask outright…
But you needed answers! Why were you here? What was going on? “...Han,” you said, and instantly the boy looked up at you. “Why did you bring me here? What’s going on? …” You scanned the other four faces of boys around you. “What did you mean when you said...I was…” You shook your head. Doubts were flooding in like a dam had just snapped. “This better not be a set up.”
...More quiet. Han cleared his throat once more, stepping back in line. He had no answers to give; his features only hardened. The other three boys in line were looking anywhere else-- the floor, the walls, the ceiling. Oh, look at that beautiful glass window up there. And look at that one!
Hyunjin just kept on staring at you as if staring right through you; like he couldn’t comprehend your existence. He was completely locked in a trance.
After you’d carefully righted yourself, and had just begun turning away to get the heck out of Dodge, it was Seungmin that spoke next. “You’ll have to forgive him,” he called, scratching his head. You turned around. “It’s been a while since any of us have seen another human being before, nonetheless one that isn’t cursed--”
Han flinched, just out of the corner of your eye. Twitch. “...Oh, you mean…”
Your eyes locked with Hyunjin’s, still stuck in outer space. Seungmin nodded. “Yeah...and as for him--” He flicked his eyes on Han. “He’s just stupid.”
“Hey!” The man protested. Seungmin simply rolled his eyes. 
“Well it’s true! I bet you failed to explain anything that’s going on to this poor girl. Just look at what you made her wear!” He gestured rather violently to your ridiculously (somewhat childish) outfit. “She looks like she stepped out of a dollhouse. The cheap, tacky kind they used to sell down the street at Aunt Marie’s.”
“Um, actually…” You scowled. “I dressed myself. There wasn’t much to go off of in the closet other than old-era gowns and...well, that was basically it. Speaking of which, though…”
You stomped forward. Everyone (minus Trancy) jumped. 
“Which one of you changed me before?! I don’t recall wearing or even owning some fancy nightgown before getting the lights shot out of me.”
Seungmin’s jaw slacked. “You drugged her too?!”
“Only because she was trying to escape!” Han griped. “I didn’t want to have to shoot her! Besides, it wasn’t like I used anything heavy…”
“Still,” Red-headed Jeongin said, siding with his buddy. “What would Hyunjin say if he weren’t lost in his thoughts again? And did you even consider Y/n?”
Han scoffed. “I brought her back, didn’t I? I’m pretty sure that’s all that matters.”
“Regardless,” Seungmin spoke, “You still basically brought her here against her will. That’s kidnapping. I’m pretty sure the curse isn’t going to--”
“Hello?!” you yelled, waving your arms. “I asked you all which one of you changed--! …”
Your eyes landed on Felix. The boy blinked, innocently processing, then bloomed another shade of rosy pink. “O-Oh, no…!” He waved his hands. “It wasn’t me, honest! I’ve been stuck as a mouse since last Tuesday! A-Also, you were already...I-I mean, I suppose if it wasn’t you, someone else had already…”
His voice trailed off; too modest, and he had a solid alibi. It couldn’t be him. In the background, Han and Seungmin were still arguing, with Jeongin occasionally chiming in to support Seungmin’s case.
“Let me guess,” Seungmin mused, arms crossed. “You probably stole them from Lady Verena down the road.”
Han made an urk! sound. Seungmin sighed.
“I knew it...no wonder she’s dressed so gaudy…” He and Jeongin turned to you with kind eyes. “Listen, Y/n. We’re really sorry about all this. If you need anything, from now on come to me or Jeongin. We’ll be sure to take care of you. Heck,” he grumbled, “even the new guy Felix could have done a better job…”
Felix smiled awkwardly. You and Han both fumed; for different reasons. “That’s not what I--!”
A low growl cut through the lowly-chaotic atmosphere. Everyone ceased their bickering.
The assumed head of the palace had awoken.
- ❧ -
He walked circles around you. Circles and circles and circles… 
You were starting to get more than a little dizzy.
“Fascinating…” Hyunjin mused. It was as if he were the only one in the room, and you were merely a lifeless figurine on display. While he spun himself into further insanity and far too strong curiosity, Seungmin and Jeongin both sent you sympathetic looks to “hang in there” and “just go with it.”
But you didn’t want to go with it. You wanted to go out-- away-- back home to the caravan, to the wagon that had Rei and Carrots and all your useless junk people gave life to, and you a profit. “I’m sorry,” your voice cut the mostly vacant air, save for the headmaster’s mumbling and strangely heavy breathing. “Am I missing something here? If you like or...don’t like my outfit, just tell me and I can either say “thank you” or change and we can all move on to more important topics, like, say...why I’m here? What’s going on?!”
Hyunjin froze a quarter of the way to facing you from the left, his brown eyes strangely wide (though really, everything about this man was strange). In the back, Seungmin and Jeongin once again made faces attuning to the atmosphere; in this case, nervous frowning.
They were all treating Hyunjin like some sort of ticking time bomb. Han obviously feared and weirdly resented him, it was plain and simple on his face, and even Felix was picking up something about this guy that you couldn’t sense. When he wasn’t distracted by colorful art or the dirt under his nails, he was sending highly strung vibes his way.
...In all honesty, you weren’t sure why you didn’t just walk out. Nothing was stopping you...really. There was a clear path from here to the great big hallway Han had escorted you down, Felix in tow, and from there a million other doors, all leading to someplace that had to be better than here. One of them-- at least five, or ten-- had to lead to some winding hallway that would take you to the great outdoors.
Just when you’d thought to inquire further on that, Hyunjin finally began speaking, and not mumbling. “You appear to be real…but…”
He closed the (little) distance he’d given you in a single stride, and without warning placed both his hands on your shoulders...very...tentatively. Then, he trailed his fingers up to your cheeks.
You latched onto his wrists, on instinct. A synchronized gasping chorus filled the room like a daytime tragedy soundtrack.
But Hyunjin did nothing, if not for widening his eyes yet again to stare into the depth of your face like he was amazed at your reaction. Like it wasn’t normal or something.
“Hyunjin,” spoke Seungmin, “perhaps it would do you well to give the girl-- Miss Y/n-- her space. She is a human, just like the...er...ahem.”
...That was a sour note.
All eyes were on Han except yours. Even Hyunjin snapped out of his trance to glare skeptically with concern, with Seungmin having to carefully pull him away so you could stop smelling his pungent breath.
“...Ahaha...ahahahahaha…” ...Han wilted. “I sorta...maybe...well, okay, I didn’t do it, but--”
“What did you do?” Hyunjin spoke. All eyes flew to him, then back at Han in anticipation. Like some sort of thriller novel. The daytime tragedy continued. Maybe you were in a tragic play of some sort, and there was a hidden audience just waiting to jump out and announce that you’d officially been pranked.
“………” He took a breath. “TheWitchcursedhertoo…!”
And then he covered his mouth, wincing moments too soon. 
The decaying chapel gasped. Hyunjin’s face turned hard, then slowly, bewitchingly, menacing.
“She did what?!”
Jeongin’s eyes went wide. “Y-You’ve been cursed too?” he asked, mournfully, almost with pity. Everyone appeared to display a sadness teetering on the edge between fear and hopelessness.
It was insane how quickly the airspace had shifted; though nothing normal had happened yet, everything had at least been more or less steady. Now, it was as if the room had been thrown off its hinges at the mention of the woman...the Witch. Which you were hoping had been a dream, but seeing as Felix was here, and Han bringing it up...definitely not.
Han whimpered; actually whimpered, like a child being scolded for breaking a vase. “I-It was an accident, honest!” He begged. “She didn’t know she was headed into the Witch’s Biome, and I lost track of her! BY ACCIDENT! When I found her, I swear I did everything I could to protect her, honest! Th-That’s where I met Felix, though I didn’t know he was really human at the time...and I brought them both back here.”
Seungmin made a curious face of urgency, almost seeming to sweat as he crossed diagonally forward to move you back, even going so far as to stand in front of you as a shield while Jeongin took care of Felix, tugging the mouse-turned-boy’s twine-sewn sleeve to take shelter behind some discarded pews.
What happened next wasn’t a dream, but surely a thing of nightmares. Right in league with the Witch’s hideout.
There was a swirling mass of black and deep red as something foreign and sinister took hold of the feared so-called Master of the House. Hyunjin began to grow bigger. Sharp, pointed fangs protruded from tight chapped lips pulled back in a snarl. His eyes told of hunger, bloodshot. Pitched daggers made of shadow and bone formed and crystalized along his fingertips.
You lost your voice. You could barely breathe. You weren’t even sure how you were able to stand.
“Hyunjin,” Seungmin warned, a sternness to his voice. “Think about what you’re doing. Y/n is here.”
Hyunjin growled, no longer a man anymore but some sort of...foul, hideous beast. He bore murderous eyes at Han. “I don’t care,” he growled, “I’m going to—!”
“You’re scaring her.”
… … …
That seemed to get his attention. Though the same couldn’t be said about yours; for though you stood still, frozen in time and space, your wandering mind was making a break for recalling the nearest exit. An empty, dizzying numbness choked your thoughts.
Hyunjin...if he could even be called that anymore...glared at you with wide, mournful eyes. Eyes full of fear and insecurity. Doubt. A horrible realization.
In the blink of an eye-- for you literally just had to blink-- he was back to normal. He stood apprehensively still, the rage and miasma gone, staring a hole into your Mary Janes. Perhaps staring at the reflection back at him.
Though he stood impossibly still, his voice gave him away in slight, wavering cracks. “...Forget what you just saw. It was merely an illusion. A trick of the light.”
“Uuuuh,” Felix interrupted. “P-Pretty sure that wasn’t-- mmph!”
Jeongin gave him a silencing, terrified eye. “Shhh!”
“......” With a passive grunt, Hyunjin continued. This time his eyes were directly on you; a wave of nervous energy pooled over your skin. “Dinner is at six p.m. sharp.” he said. “You will be there. ...We will have an encore of introductions, no...an entire reestablishment.” He turned his head viciously over his shoulder. The boy his eyes landed on squeaked. 
“Han,” he uttered. The said boy bit his lip. 
Hyunjin deadpanned, in the most unamused, lifeless way. “Come.”
“Ahahahah, a-actually-- whAAA!”
A vase at the far end of the room shattered. Literally exploded, a few shards lodging themselves into innocently bystanding portraits and landscapes. When your attention strayed back, you could see Hyunjin had thrown something.
Han quickly bowed, visibly starting to sweat all over again. After a tense moment he stood, saying in the softest voice, barely a whisper, his agreement. 
Then, wringing the rings on his fingers, he nervously followed him out.
| Seven ❧
Dinner was set to be at six p.m. Attendance was apparently a requirement, given the formal invite Felix slipped beneath your door, turned back to a mouse once more (something about moonlight turning him into a...weremouse? ...The rules of his curse were rather complicated).
However, that didn’t mean that you had to be there.
“...And so that’s how I became a real boy again!” The mouse cheered, setting off a small party steamer Jeongin had granted him to lift his spirits. His tiny rodent eyes crinkled in delight as he beamed up at you from the dining table of your guest room, where the two of you were currently seated. You twitched your nose in timing with his, having stared at him and his life-story-since-last-Tuesday for far too long.
You shifted your weight to the other cheek. “So, really, all you had to do was make contact with sunlight. But you were too scared and kept to the shadows all this time.”
“Precisely! At least, I think that’s how it works!” He plopped down, digging some...cheese crumbs out of his coat. “That, and the old hasbeen wouldn’t let me leave every time I tried. Do you know when the last time I saw the sun was?! Go on, guess!”
“...Last Tuesday?”
He looked at you with wide-eyes, paws shoved up his piehole. He took a few minutes to chew and swallow. “...Oh, you’re good. No wonder you’re the chosen one to break everyone’s curse!”
You huffed, snorted really, leaning back to cross your arms in thought. A movie reel spun its way around your brain, projecting the late afternoon’s events on a white screen:
…Hyunjin’s retreating figure left some sort of impression in your mind, and Han seemed to vanish like ink washed off of a page. The moment they’d both gone, your knees buckled beneath you, hands hitting the cold pavement. Seungmin was down to your level in an instant, with Jeongin and Felix scurrying around pews, bits of rubble and broken glass.
“Y/n, are you alright? …” Seungmin asked, reaching out to you. He paused briefly to think. “...I’m going to check your pulse,” he announced.
As his fingers found their way around your wrist, Jeongin flanked to your other side with a first aid kit he’d salvaged from who-knew-where. Felix kept his distance, wringing his cap the way Han had wrung the rings on his fingers, but one look at his face told you he was just as concerned for your health as the others…he simply didn’t know what to do.
“Here, put this on her!”
“I’m alright,” you mumbled, pushing away an ice pack with sloth. Jeongin gave you a distasteful glare of sorts. 
“But you nearly fainted--!”
“I’m fine...really.”
Everyone laid off after that. 
Which you took as your cue to exit. In your retreating haste, albeit, you failed to see the sorrowful eyes that followed your fleeting back; but you could feel them, and it wouldn’t be long until they found a voice to stand upon.
“Come on, Felix,” you said. “I’ll see what I can do to get you home. I don’t know where you originally came from, but if it’s anywhere near Westwind, my friend and I can give you a lift.” ...It was the least you could do, after all. Felix hadn’t done anything wrong; he wasn’t the one that kidnapped you, or put a “curse” on you, which you weren’t even sure was real, by the way. Sure, some crazy stuff happened, but you didn’t feel any different. What if Han and the Witch and that Hyunjin guy were really all in kahoots, and this was just some kind of crazy...outrageous propaganda stunt?
Jeongin continued to stare, now in an incredulous manner. “Y/n…”
“Let her go,” Seungmin insisted, lowering Jeongin’s hand. The boy grasped the air weakly, the pulsing of his fingers mocking his faintly beating heart, breaths shallow and longing, feebly succumbing to trembles. It would have been painful to watch, had you known him better.
Felix, keeping a low profile as best he could in such tense situation, removed the beret he’d just finished placing back on his head, squeezing it before him. “...A-Alright,” he agreed after a moment. He paced over gradually at first, then broke into a nervous, jagged jog as he scuttled to your side. “Thanks…”
You smiled to hide the fear and insanity of what you’d just witnessed before. A man turning into a beast— a boy becoming like a shadow— everything that had happened up until now; it was just a dream, Y/n. A bad propaganda stunt. “Don’t mention it.” You turned over your shoulder. “...It was nice meeting you.”
Seungmin smiled, bitterly so, as Jeongin closed in on himself. “Same to you. Please, take care. I apologize for any trouble we caused you.”
With a nod, your footsteps echoed into the once-lavish corridor, Felix trailing nervously behind you. But then…
Those sorrowful eyes found their voice. “Wait, Y/n! Please, don’t go yet!” Someone was running after you. “Please stay, just for dinner at least! Please!!!”
...Your footsteps faded. Waiting.
“Please, Y/n…” Jeongin paused some ten feet away, falling to his knees to beg. “Cursed or not, only you can break the spell. I know how this must look to an outsider like yourself, but what Han said to you before in his letter...I’m sorry but I pried before he left it. He’s right. You’re one of us now. But you’re also you. And only you can save him. We…” His voice trailed off, eyes following, focusing on something in his hands...a locket of some sort? “...We gave up on ourselves a long time ago. But as weird and annoying and frustrating as he is, we made a promise to never, ever give up on Hyunjin. Like it or not he’s our boss, and our dearest friend. He’s been good to us for so many years...after all he’s done, we at least need to save him!” His eyes searched for yours, gripping his hands tightly, pleading, crying out with anguish and hope. “It might be too late, but we have to try! We can’t do anything like this...only you can save him. Please, Y/n…”
You’d been paying attention this whole time, but it was just now that you were starting to see: something dark and lively wrapping its way around Jeongin’s neck, then his right cheek. It was like a tattoo, only...alive. And moving. Black vines with thorns and heart-shaped leaves mapped their way across half the boy’s face, finally tangling into his bright, unnaturally red hair that sploched into ebony black, the color of Rei’s hair, only darker maybe, and then…
He began to fade. “...Please help him. He’s not as bad as he seems, honest! Please say you’ll stay and save him!”
...After that, Seungmin ran over and gave Jeongin some kind of shot that turned him back to normal and stopped him from disappearing, but…
What were you supposed to do when he started crying like that?! You weren’t expecting the waterworks…
Because you were both nice people, you and Felix hurried back to help, too, though all the two of you could really do was run circles around each other and agree to stay for just a bit longer. Just until dinner, you’d repeated. So we have the strength to travel.
...You would go to dinner. Really, the plan had been to just send Felix down. That wouldn’t do, though, now that you thought about it... Well, then, you certainly weren’t staying; you’d simply pop in to make sure that Jeongin kid was still alive, grab a roll or two, and then you’d be off to the nearest motel or campsite, because you certainly weren’t spending a night here. Come morning, you and hopefully Felix could hurry back to Westwind and after you took the boy home, or someplace close, you could get back to a normal life traveling and selling wares and running away from fate and customs.
“I’m pretty sure it’s just Hyunjin I’m supposed to fix,” you mumbled, getting back to the small conversation. You never thought in a hundred years you’d be sitting down in some old castle out in the middle of nowhere, talking to a rat (that was really a person, but still). Your eyes scanned the window beside you, out into the foggy gray beyond where nothing but trees and old abandoned buildings greeted you, lifeless along the horizon.
Mouse Felix was still stuffing his face with crumbs of cheddar and swiss. He seemed to have found some bread crust to pair with the former ensemble. “I mean, I guess. I think I heard that one guy, Seungmin, mention something about it being for everyone though? Or I could have just been hearing things…” He swallowed, stacking another small tower. “Wow, I’ve never had such an appetite until last Tuesday…”
“......” You rolled your eyes, counterproductive to your set jaw. How the heck were you supposed to save anyone? Why you, of all people?
That annoying chant the Witch had said replayed in your mind...maybe, if you could decipher it, you’d have some answers...how did it go, exactly…?
When sunrise comes and all is lost, Look upon the oldtown cross There you’ll find just what you seek This aging woman’s prophecy
Sunrise. So when the sunrise came...but, lost? What was lost?
A cross? You surveyed the area, but you didn’t see anything like that.
What you seek...was this you, or was you someone else? What was it you, or they, were looking for? You just wanted to go home…
...All you got from the last part was that this witch was crazy. Then, the rest went something like… But if yet still you manage to bend And find and seek what storm’s may rend May fortunes smile and bring you light For the many remaining days of your life
Okay, seriously, what were you bending?! This had to be metaphorical. So bend...what, your will? Heart? Find a loophole somewhere?
Were you finding what was lost? Would you find it if you found a loophole? Or had a change of heart?
Fortunes would smile upon you...something good would come.
For the rest of your days…
…You smacked your head against the table, startling poor Felix. Who were you kidding?! You’d already decided, that old hermit in the woods was crazy. Trying to translate some old ramblings was a waste of time…!
...And effective in giving you a headache. You groaned, massaging your temples as Felix detangled himself from your locks to scamper a safe distance away. 
“Y/n? Are you alright?”
“...Yeah. Fine.”
“...You don’t sound fine. You sound like Chan when he’s had a long night working on a new project and drank more coffee than he got work done. And I don’t think he even likes coffee.”
You turned your head. “Who’s that?”
Felix smiled. The only mouse that knew how to. “My boss, sort of. We both work for an entertainment company, at least...I did, before this happened.” He regarded himself sadly. “Ever since last Tuesday--”
You groaned again. “Urgh, I know, I get it already! Last Tuesday may as well be your catchphrase at this point.”
“......” You peeked back at him, flicking a crumb of cheese his way. It seemed to take away all his problems like a one-way train. You sat up, grinning just a little at how cute he looked, nimbling innocently. The only rodent you’d ever find to be cute. “...Tell me more about it. About Chan, was it? And this entertainment company of yours. I honestly thought you were a farmer.”
“A farmer?” He thought. “Oh...yeah, my clothes! I grew up on a farm, and our company is relatively small. I just threw those on when I went exploring the woods.”
“And what were you doing exploring the forest on your own?”
“Uh...well,” he blushed. “I’ll tell you about Chan and the company first.”
His small, yet surprisingly bass voice carried on into the dimly-lit atmosphere. Maybe you just needed to take your mind off things. You were getting too wound up in something you weren’t even committed to being a part of. Once you saw Jeongin was okay, you’d be forgetting all about this place. So for now, you just needed to relax.
And who knew mice told such fabulous, intricate stories?
| Eight ❧
“Hyunjin, please…!”
Another mirror. Terrific.
After their departure from the old art gala, Hyunjin had led the two to one of the many old studies that lied grungy and muted like the rest of the palace. In the circular room resided one dusty old curtain over a weathering window, a few bookshelves chalked with books likely to never be read again, a small table with various junk, a chair, another chair, a small loveseat, a slightly larger small grandfather clock...and a calendar with much angry scribbling, stains, and tears.
“Hyunjin, Jeongin can only fix so many mirrors at once...you know how this all works…you break a mirror, something in the castle vanishes. Then I take the heat for it!” 
The beast growled. “You don’t think I know that? Are you talking back to me right now?”
Han flinched. If he were human, surely he would have died from a thousand ulcers and the tight sensations of horrid anxiety by now… “N-Not by any means...Hyunjin,” With gritted teeth, he bowed his head. “Please, listen to me for a second. Let me explain.”
“Oh, that you will,” the beast grumbled. He gracefully spun himself into a red velvet chair, lifting another looking glass from the small table beside it in order to glare at himself broodingly. It made the small hairs of Han’s neck stand yielding, doing a little dance of anxiety. 
“V-Very well,” He said, standing back up straight. He gave an awkward glance at the broken mirror shards before deciding he’d better start talking his way out of another beating, and clean up later. “Our journey begins in the outskirts of Westwind city--”
Hyunjin raised his right arm, the mirror held precariously in the balance. “Too far.”
Removing the handheld treasure from the prince’s hand, his shadow took a few steps back, peering into it. Watching the door and bookshelf behind him, as shadows had no reflection. “...I traveled around...out yonder, just as you asked. Just like I said I would. I let the wind and my intuition, my hope, guide me, and within less than a day’s travel I came upon Westwind city. That’s where I found her, just outside the gates...she was accompanied by another, a young woman of close age. They looked too different to be related, so I assume it was a friend, or maybe a distant...distant relative. Anyway--”
Hyunjin sighed.
“...Anyway, I--”
“How did you know she was the one? And so close? So close to our village...it seems too good to be true. And I thought you said she was lying dormant somewhere.”
Han blinked, eyes flitting forward. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. It took all his willpower not to flinch or show anymore signs of weakness. “W-Well, yes, she was, but uh...she escaped?”
“Oh really?”
“Yes. And so, I put her to the test.” 
Hyunjin narrowed his eyes. “You put her to the test? What does that mean?”
“I quizzed her. I knocked on the door of her heart...and she ignored me quite a few times, but eventually, I got in. In exchange for a favor.”
“What favor?”
Han smiled with pride. “I’d saved her friend’s life. Or...distant, distant relative. After that, I asked her carefully, very seriously, of her thoughts.”
“The curse.”
“You told her outright about the curse?!”
Seeing as Hyunjin was near fuming, Han turned on the sprinklers, fanning his arms about. “No, no! Not outright! I was very tricky! I used lots of metaphors and figuratively-speakings! She had no idea to the core of the matter, really!” ...And anyway, did it even matter anymore? Y/n was well aware by now she wasn’t exactly in Kansas anymore...
“......” Hyunjin relaxed back in his chair. “So, what did she say?”
Han searched the dusty floorboards for a minute, before slowly twisting the mirror 180 degrees. “Well, sir, it was what I said first. I asked her…”
- ❧ -
“A man, or a beast? As individuals, do we have a choice?”
“...I’m sorry...I don’t understand the question.”
“Hmm…” Han thought. “...Imagine you were put under a...spell. A spell that turned you into a hideous monster, with fangs and claws and fur in places you’d never imagined...but it comes and goes, this curse of yours.” He tilted his head. “Are you still human? Or are you now a beast? Well?”
“...I...I don’t know,” you confessed, listing your gaze aside. “I really have no idea where you got such a crazy idea from.”
“Okay...then let me ask you this. I’ll help you out.”
He leaned forward this time. “Do you think we have a choice? Is it possible to define ourselves as one or the other?”
“Well...yes, I would think so.” Your eyes met his. “We all have a choice— to be monsters, or men. It is not a matter of blood, or a spell, but a condition of the heart.”
- ❧ -
Hyunjin leaned forward in his chair, eyes wide as saucers.
This time, he knew it, too. But he didn’t care how he must have looked. That fear died a long time ago, having stared at the many faces of Hwang Hyunjin over the years.
He simply couldn’t believe it. It really was true, then. It had to be her. The girl that would solve all his problems…!
...For the record, one should never put all their faith into one person in regards of “solving problems” or “fixing them,” but this was different. In this case, this girl really was the answer to lifting the curse plaguing his home and body for so many moons, so many long, hard-watched seasons…
And she was going to be having dinner with him. Not only that, but he only had a handful of hours left until it was all over, and everything set into stone.
The door behind Han slammed open, Seungmin entering the stage and stealing his spotlight like he normally did. Even before the curse, the boy who’d been his father’s auditor-in-training was always bursting in to bask in the limelight with his savvy knowledge, goody-two-shoes this and boring document question that.
He swears this was never the case, but Hyunjin knew better. “Do you mind? I’m having a discussion with--”
“Not now.”
“Excuse me?” Seungmin was rummaging around the room, spreading knick-knacks around, tossing books off shelves after quickly examining covers or flipping through a few pages, even going so far as to demand that Hyunjin stand so he could upturn all the seat cushions. “What are you doing?”
The boy genius frowned. “Jeongin had an episode after Y/n almost left. He—”
Hyunjin found himself shaking the boy in the next second. “Did he stop her?!”
“...Shouldn’t you be asking if he’s alright first?”
Hyunjin just continued to stare. Seungmin rolled his eyes.
“Yes, I was going to say, he managed to stop her. I did say almost left. By the way, Jeongin’s in peril right now, so if you could be so kind as to release me, I’d like to get back to ensuring his safety as soon as possible.”
As soon as Hyun dropped him, the boy got right back to work; tearing the room apart. Han pursed his lips.
“He had an episode? Did you give him a shot?”
The boy sighed. “Yes, but I’ve told you both before they’re only temporary. I’m looking for lavender oil, and the vine clippers. I don’t remember the original recipe to stop the ebb and flow, but I think I can make a close replacement from what I’ve read in the past.” He glanced over his shoulder a moment. “What were you getting so hot under the collar about, anyway? Is this about Y/n? Being cursed?”
Shoot, by the day, that was right. He was still angry about that. What if Han had blown it? What if this Y/n was defective now because she’d been touched by the Witch’s mad hand?
Oh, he was so going to get it if…!
“Eeek!” Han shrieked, already knowing what was to come. “Dammit, don’t remind him of that! I had just managed to get on his good side!”
Seungmin rolled his eyes again. “You’re never on his good side. All you two do is bicker and fight and run from or after each other until you’ve become one with the walls and he passes out from anger or resentment or both. ...Ah!” He smiled. “Found the clippers. Now for that oil…”
“Forget the oil!” Hyunjin roared. “We don’t have time for this! Ahh…!” He gritted both hands in his hair, looking out the window, up at the old miniature grandfather clock. “Time’s running out. Since she’s the one, we may still have a chance. Cursed or not we only have three days...two days…!”
It was at this point that Seungmin made a quizzical expression, pausing in his endeavors to pace rather calmly over to the calendar, checking the date. “...The anniversary of your curseday isn’t until next month. You have a whole season, almost.”
“Let me see that,” Hyunjin demanded, shoving the kid aside. He peered anxiously at the line up, the rows of weeks in the calendar month that said… … …
Seungmin was right. He’d misread the date, in all his anxious spite.
He had until the next season. Until the first snowfall. Starting tomorrow, his clock would begin.
...Oh, who was he kidding?! His clock started tonight; with dinner.
In a tizzy, his whole attitude changed. No longer was he a grumpy, repulsive, bitter soul trapped in a cursed body. Mindlessly resenting his father, his past actions, the old beggar who’d shown up on his doorstep. He was a nervous young man about to have his first date in what felt like forever, because truthfully, it had been. “What am I going to wear?! ...Oh my gosh, she saw me transform…!” Horror filled his lungs with a ragged breath, hands flying to sunken cheeks. “I can’t let her see me now! But I have to! I have to break the curse...I mean, she has to break the curse! But what if--!”
“Hyunjin!” Han clamped his mouth shut. A bold move for someone that was normally terrified of him. “Calm down! I think that’s step one!” He looked around while Seungmin continued his search. “Step two would be...uh…”
“Finding an appropriate outfit?” Seungmin offered. Han beamed.
“YES, finding an appropriate outfit! Genius!”
Again, the boy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, who would have thought…?”
“C’mon!” The two flew past him, Hyunjin too preoccupied with his previous behavior, overwhelmed by too many truths, to even-- …
He rushed back into the room. “Did you say Jeongin was--?!”
“Let’s go,” Han ordered, yanking the househead by the collar. Leaving Seungmin alone to his bumbling foragery.
My, how times quickly changed.
| Nine ❧
Another spaghetti noodle found its way into Felix’s hair, alongside a half-eaten slice of garlic bread. 
In the great dining hall, chandeliers hung like clouds in a desecrated chamber, all covered in dust and cobwebs. A long, very long table stretched from one end of the wide room to the other, all set with dining ware meant to feed the entire Royal Family and their second cousins. A rainbow of food covered the crimson-draped platform, starting with English scones and biscuits on one end and ending with an Italian pot of gold on the other, complete with pastas, pizza, and a basket of garlic bread nestled to Felix’s right, who was seated at the table’s end. All along the walls sat candles lit with a hazy tint, casting shadows like lingering ghosts, light dancing across the faces of those present.
You slid your hand down one side of your face, safely hidden amongst the confines of two large chambers doors with one slightly askew. Good grief. You were simply waiting on Jeongin to show, to ascertain he was alright; until then, it was Felix’s one job to stall. What on earth was that foolish mouseboy doing shoving food in his hair?!
Seungmin, seated to the absent head’s left, and the only other soul in the room, cleared his throat loudly enough to be heard over the cultural expansion of what was meant to be one supper. “Felix!” he called, “Might I ask why you’re storing food on your persons? You’re...not a mouse at the moment.”
Unfortunately it didn’t reach far enough, as Felix continued to store and gobble down food. “Mm… What’d you say, cuz?”
Seungmin frowned. “I said,” he repeated, raising his voice, “you’re not a mouse anymore!”
Felix blinked, pausing red-handed while sliding a breadstick into his shirt pocket. “...Aren’t I?” He examined himself. “...Oh.” He blushed. “I suppose you did give me one of those fancy needles, didn’t you? I’m not used to being a real boy at this hour.”
Seungmin sunk back into his seat; a sigh.
Oh, but for Pete’s sake, where was Jeongin?! Seungmin could at least mention his current condition, so you could skedaddle your way to the nearest exit with a salad to-go. Better yet, some pasta and a pound of those chicken tenders sounded all the better…
No, no Y/n! Now was not the time to be thinking about food...even if it’d been a while since you last ate...more like a day…
...Ooooooh...pizza and...shrimp cocktail…
A pile of desserts rested center stage. Was that German chocolate you were seeing...?
“So,” Seungmin called. “Will Y/n be joining us this evening?”
Your attention snapped back to reality. Felix shook his head alongside tearing into a drumstick. “‘Fraid not,” he replied.
“Mm…” the other boy nodded. “...May I ask why? Is she feeling alright?”
Felix paused again. Forgetting the pasta and German chocolate, you pressed yourself against the closed door in order to be as close as possible, ear resting just next to the shaded chandelier and candlelight. 
Just like we practiced, Felix. Come on, just like we rehearsed.
“Uuuh,” Felix stammered. “Th-That’s…”
His head listed aside in thought. Ugh! No, what was he doing?! 
Felix chewed much longer than he needed to while racking his mouse-sized brain for an answer. Your fingertips pressed into old polished wood, silently begging the boy to remember what you’d just discussed twenty minutes ago.
Remember...think, dang it!
Suddenly, he swallowed. “Oh!”
Seungmin shook his head, as if waking up from a trance. “Yes?”
Felix grinned, probably with salad or something stuck in his teeth. “Y/n will not be attending this dilatory gathering due to a symptom...of her curse, that makes her quite drowsy at this late hour!”
Chink...! That was the sound of your hope cracking like a broken mirror. That sounded totally rehearsed! The lie was supposed to be that your curse made you tired and you didn’t want to be disturbed. It was perfect, since you knew one of them would insist on butting in to see for themselves, but surely would respect a young lady’s wishes to be left alone…
Though it was hard to see that far, Seungmin appeared to be grinding gears in his mind to make sense of such a suspiciously wordy sentence when, heaven’s to Betsy, the door at the far side opened, and in came a blue-haired shadow. It was the only way you knew how to describe him; he was simply put, like ink off a rain-washed page… “Wassup?!” He announced, swinging out the right-side chair.
Seungmin deadpanned, appearing to squint just slightly. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Ink-boy dropped a handful of rolls onto his plate. “...Like wha— oh!”
He leapt for the door again. Seungmin rolled his eyes (something he seemed to do a lot), dabbing the sides of his mouth before placing the cloth back over his lap. “Yeah. Oh.”
At the far end of the room, Han held both hands raised, as if he were a magician about to reveal a magic trick. “May I present to you, Felix, His Royal Highness, Prince of Everain Palace, Ruler of Finance, Master of Trade, Prosperer of...prospering, President Hwang’s birthright successor of the greatest industry of all time, Hyun— …”
You couldn’t visibly see it, but you knew it was there: a single drop of sweat that rolled down the side of Han Jisung’s face, as he stood frozen, one hand hovering over the engraved door handle.
“Ha...hahaha…” He did his best to smile. “...Wh-Where’s Y/n?”
Felix bobbed his head, holding up a finger while finishing off a bite of lasagna. “Mm...one second mate…” He dabbed the corners of his mouth like Seungmin had done, taking his time to tuck and fold the elaborate cloth upon his lap. 
Han twitched. Felix surely smiled, taking a painfully slow inhale.
“Y/n will not be attending this dilabitory...dilatory gathering due to a...symptom?...yeah, a symptom of her curse, that makes her quite drowsy at this late hour!”
… …
“She whAT?!?!”
You sighed. While Han had another spastic encounter with the dust-coated floor, Seungmin hollered and tried beating the boy out of it with various hard-mattered foods, the two falling into the same bickering as they had before. Felix continued to happily stuff his face like nothing was bothering him. And you, idly residing in the cold hallway, still had no idea how Jeongin was. Not a word.
Sliding your back down the door, you pursed your lips, lightly smacking two fingers over your wrist; better check yourself before you wreck yourself, just in case.
Fifty-eight...fifty-nine...sixty. Yep, normal.
But the marking on your wrist wasn’t. 
You jumped back, hitting the door and causing the noise outside to dip for a moment before returning to...what was currently normal. You covered your right wrist with the opposite hand. Held your breath. Counted to three.
Removing your fingers, slowly, something sinister stared back at you. Something...elaborate, foreign, but distinguished. Some sort of...strange dome shape, a mark made of...ink, maybe, resembling a chapel window. Or a door, perhaps?  
Upon closer inspection, in the faint light from the other room, it seemed to pulse with...some kind of...energy… … 
...When sunrise comes, and all is lost… Hmm… 
You snapped your head back, peering through the sliver of dancing light. The far door ricocheted against its adjacent wall; an ambrosial aroma wafting through the air. The candlelight...illuminated...
...A beastly man with silky black hair.
- ❧ -
You’re pretty sure you heard a noodle slip off the fork wound tightly in Felix’s hand, who nearly dropped it all the same. 
There he was; the man who’d become a monster and nearly murdered Han just hours ago, right before your eyes. The black and red miasma, honed claws, sharp teeth; all of it came flooding back to your mind like a tidal wave. 
The sudden drop in temperature made you long for candle warmth, yet flee farther into the shadows of the empty hall. Seungmin paused with a scone held once proudly and threateningly in the air, now placed delicately on his plate as he nervously slid back into his seat. Han, once choking on a fistful of salad mix, managed to wash it down and did the same, quickly and quietly so after pulling out the beastman’s seat.
Hyunjin sat down with vigor, the legs of his chair scraping harshly to the floor. He made a peculiar face, something like embarrassment albeit just a second, before hiding it behind the fluffing of his napkin and folding it onto his lap. Then he made a fleeting...was that nervous?...glance straight head, to the far opposite end of the table.
The candlelight seemed almost hesitant to cast it’s erratic glow upon the prince’s face. When his eyes met a head of orange hair, he froze, glaring. Hotly. “Where is Y/n?”
“The million dollar question,” Seungmin mumbled. It managed to echo, along with the kick beneath the table and following hiss escaping his lips a moment later. 
Hyunjin snorted, turning his gaze back to Felix. “I said,” he repeated. “Where is Y/n?”
“Yes, I heard you loud and clear, cuz,” Felix replied with an OK sign. “Gimme just a sec...ahem!”
You (silently) banged your head against the solid matter before you. Oh, sweet stars, please no…
“Y/n will not be attending this—”
“She’s not feeling well, Your Grace,” Seungmin interrupted. Phew. “Apparently she’s rather ill as a side effect from whatever curse the Witch gave her. She’s resting in the same guest room upstairs.”
Yes! Now, someone mention Jeongin’s name so you could leave with a clear conscious!
Hyunjin blinked. “Go get her, then.”
… Huh?
Seungmin nearly swallowed wrong, apparently thinking the same thing. “I’m sorry?”
Hyunjin, again, snorted. “I said, go get her. It’s rude to keep everyone waiting, especially royalty.”
Felix, who had long started his meal prior to anyone’s arrival, stopped and hurriedly shoved any evidence under a spare napkin from the empty seat beside him. “Ahaha, yes, right! Waiting…! …” 
He awkwardly wiped his hands clean. Seungmin frowned. “Hyunjin…”He placed his fork down. “She’s sick. Resting. And after today, I don’t blame her for wanting to be left alone right now…” He eyeballed Felix a moment, leaning in with a hushed voice. “Remember, you have more time now...it’s better to be patient. Let her adjust first.” He turned back toward his meal. “I got the hint from Felix’s message, she wants to be left alone. Everyone’s already started eating, anywa—”
“That’s enough!”
The room swiftly grew colder. You shivered, ducking your head even if you technically weren’t present in the dining atmosphere. Oh, greif.
Hyunjin slammed his hands on the table, rocking himself upwards. “If you’re just going to back talk and give me excuses, I’ll get her myself!”
He made his way toward you, crossing the dining room on Han’s side in angry strides towards the vaguely slitted door.
Gasping, you bit your lip hard, frantically searching for a place to hide; but there was nothing. No furniture or randomly placed junk littered the path leading to the great hall. Could you outrun him, maybe? Would it make a sound? How good was his hearing? Did beastmen have the same sensitive hearing capabilities as a wolf, or a fox?
“Pardon me!”
You whirled around, witnessing the brave, possibly last, antics of Felix the Mouse...boy. His whole aura radiated positive, jittering energy, hopping lightly from one foot to the next as he put his old entertainment skills to use, all for your sake.
Hyunjin grunted, having been stopped in his tracks. He glared down heatedly. “What is it? You’re in my way.”
Felix saluted him. “Right on, bro! ...Except, that…”
You held your breath. Put on a good show, Felix. Or, better yet, ask him about Jeongin. That’s all I need to—
“...I need to pee. Mind showing me where the bathroom is?”
… … 
Oh…he just had to...go… 
You deflated like a popped balloon. Of course.
After staring almost incredulously at Felix, like trying to understand his existence, Hyunjin made some sort of irritated noise you assumed all beastmen made, shoved him aside, and continued his striding. 
You made it as far as a few paces from the first available turn before a cold voice stopped you.
“Just where do you think you’re going?”
Urk! … 
...You really should have just looked for Jeongin yourself.
| Ten ❧
“Where’s Jeongin?”
The room had long ago settled into an uncomfortable silence. Bitterly, you shoved a stuffed olive into your mouth, letting the salty tang of the brined fruit coax over your tongue before shivering from the sensation.
You were getting drowsy. But that also could have been from the wine Han insisted on pouring for you, and you being stressed and unsure if an evening around a beastman would be at all possible without the effects of alcohol, accepted.
You were seated across from the beast now, in Felix’s place. The boy being forced to your right...until the effects of whatever had made him a boy again wore off. As of ten minutes ago, he was a rodent yet again, nested happily in the garlic bread basket. You squinted eyes at him over your wine glass.
You totally failed the mission. Be grateful I’m having a hard time staying mad at you. And that you can safely ingest garlic.
“Why do you wish to know?”
Hyunjin’s voice boomed across the grand hall, in no more than a calm rejoinder. How he could speak so lowly and yet fill an entire hall was beyond your drunkenly buzzing comprehension.
“I just want to know,” you simply replied. “Where is he?”
Hyunjin didn’t respond. Instead, Seungmin cleared his throat, excusing himself from the room.
“Wait,” You stood. “Where are you going?”
The boy awkwardly shifted his gaze from you to the door. Hyunjin suddenly stood as well. “Why do you want to know? Why are you asking so many questions?”
“Okay, okay,” Han dabbed at his face, easing the beast back into his seat, and motioning for you to do the same. “Everyone take it easy. Y/n, please excuse Seungmin, he has many responsibilities here. Hyunjin...Your Princeliness,” he corrected, “why don’t you have some more wine? I think we all just need to have a nice long drink and—”
“Be quiet,” Hyunjin ordered, scooting himself in. His shadow didn’t need to be told twice, turning back to his dinner with a small eye roll.
Steadily, with caution, you lowered yourself back into your seat, only able to watch as Seungmin gave a brief bow to you before disappearing behind closed doors. “Please excuse me,” his voice trailed behind him.
Great. He was likely the only one who’d have been bold and honest enough to tell you anything. Now you were stuck with a beast, a shadow, and a mouse that’d fallen asleep in the bread basket.
...Then this happened.
“Ahem,” Hyunjin swallowed a swish of sweet, fermented grape juice. “...T-Tell me about yourself.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I said…” He swallowed again, for no particular reason this time. He kept a staring contest with his steak. “Tell me about yourself. What kind of...stuff do you like?”
“What kind of...stuff?”
A stifled noise came from Han’s lips, as he did his best to hide a smile. He spared you a polite grin before quickly whispering something to Hyunjin, like a lawyer to a client. “...Never mind!” The beastman awkwardly bleated, to which crimson coated his cheeks. He angrily picked at his plate, and the room once again fell into silence.
That was weird. Switching gears, you glanced down to your wrist. The mark from a bit earlier was still there, now lit up beneath the flickering light. Tentatively, you slipped a spare napkin, rubbing at the ink.
It didn’t budge. You tried wetting the cloth with a bit of wine when the others weren’t looking; thankfully, Hyunjin was too...enthralled in his steak, or something, and Han was too busy whispering to him.
The ink didn’t smudge, either. It was as if the markings were a part of your skin.
When sunrise comes, and all is lost… 
“What do you do for fun?”
“Wha?!” Your head shot up, focusing to see all four eyes on you. Han and Hyunjin glaring at you expectantly. You gulped, taking a deep breath to clear your thoughts. You just couldn’t get that old bat’s wacky slogan out of your head… “...What do I do for fun? Is that what you asked?”
Han gave a single nod, encouraging another conversation attempt. You lowered your head, thinking. It couldn’t hurt to participate in mindless chatter. Just until I get the information I want.
“I like...selling things. And making people happy.”
Hyunjin’s eyes grew just a little. “Is...that what you do for a living?”
Both men were silent. Hyunjin, in particular, looked like he may have been experiencing indigestion of some sort. Then he scowled. “Shouldn’t you be home with your parents? Taking care of them? Doing something more decent?”
You scoffed. What the heck? Where did that come from? “This is how I take care of them. Almost all the proceeds go back to them. What do you mean, more decent?”
Hyunjin had opened his mouth to speak when Han cleared his throat, jumping in on the conversation. “Does your friend work with you? Her name was…”
“Yes, Rei! You both sell artifacts and collectibles, right?”
“That’s correct.”
Hyunjin blinked. “Oh…” He relaxed, indigestion cleared.
Placing both hands on your lap, you sat up a little straighter. “So where’s Jeongin?”
The beastman’s face resembled one of annoyance and grief. “Why do you keep asking about him?”
“I…” You took another swing of wine, swirling the contents afterward. Watching as your reflection altered. “I’m just curious is all. Is he doing okay?”
Something like...jealousy?...resided among the beast’s brow and set jaw. “He’s fine. Quit asking. I want you to tell me about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you?”
It was at this point that you’d at last had perhaps one too many swigs of sweet relief and numbness, for you placed down your glass after chugging the last bit. One out of...how many refills of this stuff have you had? “Can’t,” you stated, standing. “I got what I came here for. Now I’m leaving.”
Hyunjin...the beast, regarded you incredulously. “Yes, leaving…” You giggled. “Leaving. Leeeeeaving… Like leaves blowing in the wind, leaf-ing.” It was a hop, skip, and a jump to the door some ten or whatever paces away. “I know that Jeongin is okay now...er, wait.” You frowned. Turned around. “How do I know you aren’t lying to me?”
A brow was raised. “You think I’m lying? About my Jeongin?” He snorted. “Why do you care so much about him? Do you know him from a past life? Was he your lover? Do you like him now?”
“Hyunjin…” Han muttered, glaring. “Cool it...please.”
“I will not!” He rose to his feet with twice as much vigor as before, chair flying backward. Han eep-ed. “This dinner is supposed to be about you, and me. Why do you keep bringing up my blacksmith? Tell me!”
Because you were already pretty numb (good gravy what was in the wine?), you just laughed at the fact a beast was getting this angry over something so trivial to you. “Why do you care so much? Do beasts always get this angry?” You groaned, like it was all such a bother. “If you really wanna know, he had a nervous breakdown or something and begged me to come to dinner. But he got all weird...like...there were these moving images, and he started vanishing. I could see right through him!” You sighed, making your exit again. “I just wanted to know if he was alright. Turning into air like that can’t be healthy.”
“Absolutely not.”
You chuckled, nearly at the door. “Exactly, that’s what I’m say—”
Boom! Chik!
...You flinched. Gradually, bit by bit, you inched yourself to partially facing the dining hall.
A chunk of the table was missing. A decently-sized, pretty big chunk, torn right off the left corner. Han, on the opposite side but right next to the disaster, was twisted up like one of the noodles that’d been trapped in Felix’s hair, his face ghostly white.
Hyunjin was seething. “You are not going anywhere outside the confinements of these walls. That is an order.”
Han coughed, waving away dust and floating wood chips with minimal effort so as not to draw too much attention. “O-Okay, easy there, Hyunjin…technically…” He smiled. An apologetic one, voice skittishly squeaky. “Technically, you can’t order her to—”
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want!!! This is my manor, my life, my curse!!!”
“That doesn’t give you the right to order me around!” You screamed. “How dare you raise your voice to me! Over something so stupid and absurd!”
His eyes narrowed to slits, head twitching aside. “What did you just say?”
You mirrored his image. “You heard me. Don’t pretend like you didn’t hear. Surely, as a beast, your hearing is as good as a dog. Or a bat. Or some kind of vermin.” Pushing open the door, you whipped your head around. “I said, I’m leaving.”
Hyunjin’s eyes went wide...then nearly vanished behind a curtain of vexed, enraged brows. “You wanna go so badly? Fine! Get out of here! Go to your room!!!”
“Who do you think you are, my father?!”
“Obviously, running amuck from your parents has left you with a lack of discipline.”
Your jaw went slack. “What did you just say?!?”
Hyunjin smirked, a sarcastically snobbish and mocking tone to his voice. “You heard me. Don’t pretend like you didn’t.”
“Uh!” You raved. “Whatever! I’m going to look for Jeongin myself, since I can’t trust that you’d tell me anything sincere. Then, I’m out of here.”
“What does that mean?!”
“It means I can’t trust anything you say, because you’re a monster!!! Then, I’m going home!”
You couldn’t quite see it, but there was a hint of pain in Hyunjin’s eyes, mixed with scars and years of regret. But everything quickly flooded back to anger and bigotry before you could count to three. “...Get back here! You’re not allowed to leave the manor! I forbid you to go anywhere except straight to your room! Do you hear me?!”
| Eleven ❧
The rain coming down that night was the only thing stopping you from leaving. Not that you were afraid of a little rain by any means; no, not in the slightest. Rather, it was that you weren’t going to kill yourself over a stupid argument just to get away from a beast. You couldn’t risk catching pneumonia or a silly cold and leave Rei to handle taking care of you and the fort. Plus, there was the matter of Felix...you’d be responsible for him as well. You already told him you would.
...All of that, and it was raining pretty hard.
So here you sat, out in an old web-infested barn, slack atop a stack of hay a few feet away from the open barn doors, just watching the rain fall. Praying it would let up so you could escape. Praying no one would find you here, out in some shabby old building behind the kitchen. And what a nightmare that had been, by the way.
From your left shoulder, Felix did a nervous little jig, spinning in circles twice before bridging across your back to the other side. “Y/n…I don’t know what happened, cause that cheese and wine got me pretty good, but…” He heaved a small mouse-sigh. “...Do you think you maybe overreacted? You don’t seem like a person who gets worked up so easily.”
You scoffed. Wasn’t that right. “Yeah...you’re right. I’m not.”
“Then what happened?”
“......” It took you a moment to gather your thoughts. What did happen? Why did I get so worked up like that? Sure, there was the alcohol. That definitely had an effect. But it wasn’t everything, because now that it was wearing down, now that your mind was clearing and you’d had some time to settle down, to breathe in solitude, you...knew it was something more. There was truth in the midst of all that anger.
Felix was waiting for an answer. So were you.
Chunk! “Y/n!!!”
You took a startled breath, turning toward an old door you could have sworn was sealed shut. “Jeongin…?”
It was Jeongin. The red-haired reason you’d decided to stick things out, albeit a little longer. The boy greeted you with flushed cheeks and a lazy smile; he still didn’t look all that well. “Y-Yeah...I came because I heard...you…”
He hunched over, out of breath. The face of another appeared behind him. “Jeongin! I told you to slow down, you’re in no condition to be running around like…” He stopped, blinking into the darkness. “Y/n? Why are you here?”
Brown hair, matching eyes. Mr. Excuse-Me-From-This-Horrifically-Awkward-Dinner. You just smiled, lazily in response. “Hello, Seungmin.”
The young...caretaker nodded, acknowledging you before being swatted away by his patient. A flash of vacancy lit up the night sky as you turned the opposite away, facing the other two in a triangle. Jeongin hustled to shut the barn doors despite Seungmin’s protests, and pretty soon the three...four of you, with Felix taking a nosedive for the hay, sat in awkward silence.
It was almost an encore of dinner not but twenty or thirty minutes ago, though not as worse. It was obvious the two of them wanted to say something, but neither wanted to be the first to speak. Finally, after twenty-odd seconds of nose scratches, unnecessary shifting, and forced coughs, the only employee with a braincell sat up a little straighter.
“Listen,” Seungmin began, using his hands to speak. “About Hyunjin—”
The beast. No thank you. You swatted your hands before you. “I do not want nor need to have another conversation about that ill-mannered buffoon.”
“...I’m pretty sure this is the first one.”
“Second,” Jeongin inquired. “...Right?”
“I’m not counting the first encounter,” Seungmin...countered. “Those never count.”
Jeongin nodded. “Yeah, I can see why—”
“Enough!” You yelled. “...It doesn’t matter if this is the first or second or even the tenth time. I can tell you one thing, it’s definitely the last.”
Seungmin gave you a pitying look. “We all have to walk on eggshells around him.” His voice sounded pleading, borderline apologetic, and all-over exhausted. “...It gets rough, I know. I understand he’s not the easiest person to get along with. He’s very different and outcast and behind the times. But if you could just hear me out for—”
“Hear us out,” Jeongin corrected. He gave you the cutest, saddest smile a boy of his caliber could possibly manage. It made your heart melt; it didn’t help that he was still ill to boot. “I heard what you did for me, Y/n. I really appreciate your concern. No one has ever stayed, especially when one of us...has an...episode.” 
His gaze grew sad and distant. You could feel your heart sizzling in a pool of pity. “...This has happened...before?” you whispered.
Jeongin nodded, Seungmin averting his eyes. “...Yeah.” He said. “Twice to Jeongin, three times to Han, Hyunjin too many to count...and uh…” He scratched his cheek, holding up an index finger. Eyes peeking shyly under the hood of neatly-groomed bangs. “...Once I may have...had a bad day.”
“Wow…” Felix mumbled, head sticking out of the hay barrel. The boy looked like a stray whack-a-mole project. “That sounds rough. Been there done that.”
You rolled your eyes, shoving him down with two fingers. He let out a muffled squeak on the way down. “So…” ...You sighed. “...What is it that you wanted to say, then? This is the last time I’m listening. I only went to that banquet to make sure Jeongin was okay.” Another crack of lighting pierced the sky, followed by the ominous rumbling of thunder. “You have maybe ten minutes, since the storm isn’t letting up anytime soon. But after that, I’d like to be left alone in peace until I can leave this joint. Go.”
Seungmin nearly beamed nonexistent sunshine. “That’s plenty of time.”
“Get to the basics. Just the essentials.”
“The company fell under a long time ago.”
“I’m sorry?”
He huffed, running a hand through his hair while Jeongin glanced nervously at the door. “The company, this place. The first thing you need to know about Hyunjin is that he wasn’t always this way. And I’m not just talking about the curse. He’s the son of a wealthy businessman; this is his estate. He owns the whole town...or at least, he did.” His eyes scanned the walls and dusty interior, as if checking to see if someone else was watching. As if taking in the entirety of the estate. “...Now it belongs to Hyunjin. Everything.”
You crossed your arms. “I could have put that together myself. He’s obviously a rich, spoiled brat.”
“There’s more. The people that know him personally know him for who he really is.”
You huffed. Unbelievable, really. “And what would that be?” You pressed. “A monster?”
A bitter silence flushed the room. You instantly felt a pang of resentment at that remark. Perhaps...again, that was a bit too harsh. 
“...I’m sorry.” Your arms laid in surrender across your lap. “Please continue.”
“......” Seungmin glanced to his left. “You wanna pick up from here?”
He leaned back, Jeongin lifting himself to take the lead. “...Hyunjin is a pain in the ass. He’s a pain in the morning, we basically play rock paper scissors to see who has the unfortunate task of waking him up and handling his breakfast, and to decide who’s turn it is to do laundry and lunch we place bets on when he’ll randomly combust in a daily rage or which book he’ll throw across the room first.” He counted on his fingers, listing them off one by one. “For dinner and his bath we usually draw straws or play an old board game, but Han often cheats, so…”
...His voice trailed off, eyes intently examining his mental checklist. You frowned. “...What does any of this have to do with…” Shook your head. “What are you saying again?”
He smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry,” he bowed. Cute. “What I meant to say was that deep down Hyunjin is actually a very kind person, but...I just ended up making him sound like an overly-dependent...man...child.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, twirling a piece of hay around your finger. “Well he sure does seem like it. His manners at the dinner table were atrocious and incredibly beast-like.”
“But you don’t know him like we do,” Seungmin insisted...then smiled, apologetically so, sitting up straight again. “...Forgive me. But what we’re trying to say is, Hyunjin is really a nice guy, he’s just...stuck. You definitely didn’t help with that daily ledger,” he scolded beside him. Jeongin bowed again.
“Well, sorry, I was just trying to—”
That lone word rang out like a gunshot. Seungmin and Jeongin both turned to you with sour eyes, the former swallowing a bit uncomfortably. “...Yes, stuck.”
“In what? Time? Space? Adolescence?” You tilted your head. “Because he never learned to grow up?”
“Exactly! ...Sort of.”
You glanced down to the hay-riddled fabric adorning your lap. It’d never really occurred to you to analyze or care anything for Hyunjin’s personal life, mostly because you weren’t planning on staying and the moment you saw him transform, you didn’t want to know. Your instincts told you to run, to flee, to flood your system with a coping-mechanism gene and forget and ignore what you just saw. You wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you were scared...and who in their right mind wouldn’t be?
...But hearing this now...even given the smallest sliver of insight…
...Well, your mother had often scolded you for being nosy. “So you’re saying he never learned how to...grow up.”
Both boys nodded. “That definitely can be said.”
“And so, that’s why he acts out.” You looked around, questions popping up about the hedge maze in your mind from every direction. “How long has he been alone here? Where are his parents? …How old is he?” Your eyes focused on Seungmin. “What happened to him, exactly?”
“......” Seungmin and Jeongin shared a look. It all but drove you crazy how long it took one of them to answer. “...Do you have longer than ten minutes?”
| Twelve ❧
“Hyunjin was born to a wealthy mother and a poor, impoverished father in the year XXXX. No one knows where or how they met; Hyunjin is very selective and quiet on the matter. However, documents of his mother’s family buried in one of many attics claim they met at some time around the Summer harvest festival, an annual event that used to take place here in New Amber.
“It was the responsibility of noble families to uphold the annual harvest ceremony at the start of the season. As a part of tradition, many noble families and a few middle class families with connections to noblemen and their wives would use this great gathering to announce engagements and arranged marriages, in order to shift the power to new families and invite a sense of balance to the community. Hyunjin’s mother was reportedly sixteen years old at her time of arranged marriage, to the wealthiest family in New Amber next to the king; a family called the Song’s.
“The Song family oversought all affairs in the king’s absence; which he was absent a lot, given his aloof nature and uncaring attitude towards politics. The Song family basically ruled the city with an iron fist; many offers came to them from pushy mothers or greedy fathers who wished for their sons and daughters to tie a knot to the family name, connecting a chain to their own. A man by the name of Yun Jeongsun, Hyunjin’s grandfather, was one such parent. He weaseled his way into the Song’s good graces, and they offered their youngest son to be wed.
“Hyunjin’s mother, Yun Haerin, was against the marriage from the start. She had no interest in marriage, and instead wanted to craft her own trade to be of use to society. She wished to work alongside the Song family, rather than become one herself. As you can imagine, this angered many people; not only did it go against protocol at the time, but refusing an offer from the ruling family was considered a huge offense. And the Song family took it that way.
“As she was packing to leave the city one night— as she’d decided to melodramatically run away from her problems— she was met with Hyunjin’s father, a dirt-scratcher named Hwang Jihoon. The Hwang family had fallen on hard times ten years prior when their oil company snagged a few false investments, and the company went bankrupt and fell under. Having learned to fend for himself and adapt to life on the streets, Hwang Jihoon saved Yun Haerin from some typical back alley bandits, and finding her fancy offered to escort her to her new life outside of town.
“As you can probably guess, the two fell in love during their travels, and settled for a simple life outside of New Amber. However...Hwang Jihoon wanted more for his family. 
“No one in the Hwang family ever forgot or gave up resenting the hardships they faced. And no one especially more than eldest son Jihoon. To summarize and keep this short...Hwang Jihoon became a tyrant. He used Haerin’s maiden name to forge a new path for the Hwang’s, and eventually, the nameless city they had escaped to fell flat. It couldn’t withstand the intense amount of economic tyranny and inflation. The taxation without representation. Hwang Jihoon had swindled his family to the top and drained the entire community dry.
“So they went back to New Amber. For stability. For revenge. Now having the security and stability he needed, which he stole from others, the Hwang family came back with an iron fist of their own. Due to a current drought and a bad economic year, not to mention the king up and abandoning his people, not even the Song family could stand up to them. And promising a new resurrection of New Amber, Hwang Jihoon took the throne.
“He crowned himself King of New Amber and tore half the city apart drilling for oil. As luck would have it, the community had been sitting atop a natural oil reserve that flooded the country back into promising times. Things were actually quite peaceful for the first five years...until they ran out of oil. Taking the snag in stride, however, Jihoon used his deceit and backhanded tactics to manipulate the economy, trading and stealing from other cities. Because he was so crafty, no one caught on until it was too late.
“Hyunjin had been born just a year before. Upon his birth, Haerin and Jihoon began having marital problems, according to a diary entry by Haerin. In it she claims to have regretted her choice in marrying Jihoon, and that she’d fallen out of love with him. She claims that his only interest was power and revenge, tearing down the social hierarchy to make everyone pay— and the unfortunate effects it was having on everyone. 
“In her last entry, Haerin claimed to fear for her life. She wrote that Jihoon had violently threatened to forfeit her life if it meant continuing his reign. She was never seen or heard from after that…”
...Seungmin’s voice grew faint for a while. Tension in the air rose higher, the thickness suffocating.
You couldn’t believe such a tragic and long-rich history had occurred in such a wasteland. It obviously had fallen eventually, but…
You needed to hear more. “...So he killed her? Then what happened?”
Seungmin nodded, slowly. “It likely wasn’t him. Due to his constant appearance in the public eye, it’s more probable to say he hired someone to do the job.”
You shivered. How awful. 
As Jeongin fished out and dusted off an old blanket for you, his light coughs echoing around the barn, Seungmin continued. “With Haerin gone and the Yun family name no longer needed, Jihoon continued to thrive and plunge the city to new heights— and a harder fall. He manipulated the economy to continue spinning in his favor; meanwhile, as years flew by and he became older, he began having thoughts of the future, and who would succeed in his place. Because he was a man with no trust in anyone but himself, he summoned his only son— Hwang Hyunjin— to be molded in lessons of business and trade. How to lie, cheat, and steal.
“Supposedly the brainwashing began around the age of nine. Hyunjin had been a clueless child sent away to be cared for by a few nuns from the community in a remote location before; he’d grown up without any friends, never knowing the love of a mother or father. Only the required care provided by the Sisters of the Church. However, that does not mean he was never unhappy; the sisters did a fine job of raising him, and they truly did grow to love Hyunjin as their own.
“Of course that all changed when he was taken back to the palace. From then on Hyunjin spent his days locked away in the estate’s highest tower, like a prince out of a fairytale; forced into the education of topics he could scarcely fathom. Another maid who kept a journal of her own reported the occasional, almost frequent scream coming from the prince’s tower. She noted them as punishments for incorrect responses and behavior.
“Hyunjin was fourteen when his father died. Five years of torture and humiliation, along with a healthy dose of effective brainwashing, formed him into an angry and bitter soul. Originally, he wanted nothing to do with his father’s company. He wanted nothing to do with the position of king; but being outnumbered and powerless against the force of countless impoverished civilians forced him to make changes. 
“...I did the best I could to help him. As an advisor in training to Jihoon, I truly did what I could. Honestly, seeing him that one day...the day of his coronation...it fascinated me. There, I thought. Up there on the highest balcony. That’s the boy rumored to be the source of the screaming at night. That’s the boy who is Jihoon’s only son. His flesh and blood. The son of the late Haerin, a lasting survivor of the Yun legacy.”
Seungmin took a deep breath here, sighing out into the open space between you. Watching him flashback nearly took your breath away.
“...And so it came to be that Hwang Hyunjin took the downfall of his father’s handiwork. The moment he sat down at the throne, all the lies his father weaved came unraveled. All the shortcuts and manipulation tactics came back to haunt him. All the stolen time and resources were forced to be paid back in full. Hyunjin could hardly bear the weight of it all; the toll was almost too great. Many people saw him as cursed, and up and fled the palace to be with their families in poverty. But they hadn’t seen anything yet...”
“So…” You hesitantly reached a hand forward, then flinched, retracting it. “...I’m sorry to interrupt. But how did he...um…”
Seungmin gave a bitter half-smile, nodding. “Yeah. I’m almost there.
“One night at the head of a harsh Winter, an old woman showed up seeking shelter. Hyunjin was out stalking the palace halls lamenting his position, and upon answering, turned her away.”
Your eyes widened. “She was...the Witch of the Biome. Er, whatever her name is…”
Seungmin nodded. “Yes, that’s right. The Witch revealed herself to Hyunjin, and put a curse upon all who were present within these walls. At the time that was...well, there were a few others, but before you ask about them...they’re gone now.”
You listed your head a moment before realizing what he meant. “...O-Oh...I’m so...sorry…”
The advisor shrugged. “It was a while ago. There was nothing we could do about it. It was their choice…”
Sniffling filled your ear from down below. You bowed your head to find Felix with tears in his eyes, turning to you in need of comfort. Gently, you lifted him onto one leg, hovering cupped hands around him. “And then?”
“Then...well…” He gestured around him. “Here we are today. After the people saw what he had become, families and villagers left, some in hoards, others more sparingly. But eventually the whole city was left to erosion. Hyunjin couldn’t hide his curse forever; and neither could we.” 
He stood suddenly, dusting stands of hay and a few piles of dust from the atmosphere away from him. Outside, the sounds of clarity of nightfall graced your ears.
“So now you know. This is Hyunjin’s story...and our own.”
“So then, why am I here?”
This question seemed to catch Jeongin by surprise; but Seungmin smiled as if anticipating the notion. “The Witch tends to spout riddles about how her curses can be broken; it’s like some weird tick or bad habit while she’s casting them. Or maybe it’s just the incantation itself; no one really knows. However…” He scratched his cheek, looking to Jeongin for confirmation. The red-head nodded. “We were hoping you would be the one to break the curse. You see, the incantation, according to Hyunjin, went something like this:
“Lips to lips and mouth to mouth Calls the speaker of the shrouds Summon forth your courage and might In order to love and end within night But yet if still ye cannot fathom Ending here the chilling anthem Suffer still and face your demise For all the passing days of sunrise.”
The smallest gasp escaped your lips. Sunrise...sunrise. When sunrise comes, and all is lost...
“...Hyunjin sort of lost his way after the curse was cast. Well...no. He’d lost his way a long time ago. I guess what I’m trying to say is, he never found his way to begin with. So he really lost it after the curse hit, and he was forced back into hiding. He didn’t know what to do with himself. Everything was so...messed up. It was just a mess. His whole life had been a dark, night-infested wasteland...much like this town, almost...and then it was like someone came and dropped a hedge maze over it. He didn’t know where to go or what to do. He was already lost. So he just...screamed. And cracked. He broke, like many of the mirrors you’ll find around here. Covering it up with a delusional fantasy. That’s why he acts the way he does; sort of like he’s just existing, and nothing is really wrong. Inside...it’s chaos inside his mind. Just an ill-chosen coping mechanism to disguise the front of war. So, Y/n…”
You flinched at the mention of your name, sitting up straighter. Seungmin looked down upon you with an intense fire.
“Now that you know the story, what will you do? I didn’t tell you all this to guilt you into staying, so I hope you don’t feel that way. Nor did I tell it to scare you. You have nothing to fear but fear itself; something we’ve been trying to teach Hyunjin for a long time…” He sighed.
You glanced around the worn-down barn. At the empty hay barrels, the decaying wood structures, the various puddles of rain seeping in. What were you going to do? It was a tough decision to make...and a lot of information to process.
Your eyes traveled down to the lone marking on your wrist, now appearing to have settled into something bolder. It was definitely a petal, or an ambrosial symbol of some sort. The Mark of the Rose… 
You swallowed hard. It would seem your destiny had led you here. Even if it was a sudden destiny, a fate you never asked for. If you were going to get your old life back, well, it looked like you were going to have to take a detour. “I think...I’m going to do what I have to.”
At the other side of the barn, Seungmin blinked, remaining ever calm and collected since the moment you first met him. Jeongin, on the other hand, bore his eyes into you as if waiting to hear the climax of the story. “And what’s that?” Seungmin asked.
You stood, placing Felix on your shoulder. “You’ll see. Just watch me.”
| End Act One ❧
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。 .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
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ourstarscollided · 4 years
jatp fanworks appreciation - day 1 (writers)
motivation - so in true me fashion and my aversion to brevity, i've made three (3) posts (see also artists, gifs/edits) to celebrate the wonderful people in this fandom who have made my jatp tumblr experience what it is; a community of people who simply shout into the void about their love of a ghost band and their fearless female leader. i've enjoyed simply being on the sidelines admiring everyone's love for the show, but i thought this would be a good time to really show my appreciation for all these wonderful people, because if i've learned anything from this pandemic, it's that there is NEVER a wrong time to tell someone that they are simply ✨the best✨.
disclaimer: i don't interact with most of these people personally and i simply absorb their content from afar and scream about how wonderful they are in the tags.
This list kind of became a fic rec, so if you're looking for some wonderful fics to read (or reread), I've also included my favs from the author here as well.
Okay this is gonna get a little long so please bear with me. But I just wanted to preamble this by saying that the fanfiction written by the jatp fandom is what resparked my love for reading fiction after about 3-4 years of not reading for leisure (be an adult they said. it'll be fun they said.). So I'm really grateful for that? I don't interact with a lot of people, just because it makes me a little anxious, but I will constantly yell about your content in the tags as if I were on a set of bleachers with a megaphone.
I also know there are so many wonderful fic writers out there (on Tumblr and not on Tumblr) that make amazing pieces of work, and this is just a tiny peek into that, and is not at all conclusive.
Without further ado here are some writers who live rent free in my head, in alphabetical order, so feel free to just skip to your name to avoid my rambling:
@bluefirewrites -> your Merry Ex-Mas fic had me on the edge of my seat every single time you updated. I am so in love with how you wrote the characters into this and at how many words you churned out for this fic. This was filled with so much adventure, and it was really welcome during a time when the world wasn't allowed to travel. And I simply love all the other drabbles and fics you write, but I especially enjoy the hilarity of Ray Molina, Crime Scene Photographer and Matchmaker.
@captainkippen -> I'm pretty sure Love Drunk was one of the first fics I ever read in this fandom. Your stories and your writing feel so goddamn real and I find myself so immersed in the worlds that you've created. I have reread most of your jatp fics and I still manage to find myself stupidly grinning at my phone each time. Your stories flow so easily and are such perfect characterizations of the characters we know from the show, but elevated to fit into your verse. I cannot say enough how wonderful your writing is and how talented you are!! (also a slight nudge that I am still very much following along with The Key and the Crown and I hope you continue it!)
@catty-words -> Your???? Exhaustive??? Music??? Lists???? The amount of work and dedication and microanalyzing that you put into pulling out every detail from each scene is so admirable. You not only manage to find the details, but you also give us EVIDENCE via your intricately selected gifs. You could've just put the video of the performance, but no, you take your time to find that specific 1 second shot to emphasize your point. And your little fics that you sometimes throw out into the world? They're so beautiful, and so fun to read and I enjoy them so much! (I am STILL screaming about this band's a snack) Thank you for validating my yelling in the tags, and for feeding my hyperfixation to this show. (I'm sad these lists are ending soon, but it's about the journey ya know?)
@lydias--stiles -> I don't even know what to say here because I've yelled so much about your fics that I feel like there's really nothing else to yell. Your Road Trip AU was also one of the first ones I read in this fandom, and really just made me go absolutely feral. Pretty sure I absorbed the rest of your fics in an ungodly amount of time and I just simply think you are incredibly skilled and talented. Every time you post a new fic I always wonder what it's like to be in your head because the ideas you come up with are so unique and so well thought out. Thank you for all the art you create for this show, I will constantly be in awe of you. (Special shoutout to the 5+1 fic that became a 31 chapter monster)
@pearlcaddy -> This list would not be complete if I didn't mention you. First of all, thank you for suggesting this wonderful week, it has been so lovely to see so much love being spread around today. Secondly, I never thought I'd find myself reading a Buffy or a Wizarding World crossover fic, considering I know nothing about those two things. And yet I found myself on various nights after work at 3 in the morning just silently screaming and/or crying into my phone. Your writing is so insane. Your world building is so insane. Your banter/dialogue is insane. The way you capture the love between Julie/Luke in different universes is so perfect. Thank you for gifting us these beautiful pieces of art, and I hope you know that you have at least made one person (me) a very happy reader. I also really admire your dedication to "this will only be a oneshot", only to write like 4 other POVs for it. (Special shoutout to 100 Bad Days)
@ruzek-halstead -> Literally every single fic you have written lives rent free in my head. The way you've managed to build this universe of different Julies and Lukes, and each one still captures the essence of them is astounding. You've extended their characters beyond what we know from the show and I am just in awe of everything you write. Please know that dead of night is both triggering to me and yet the most hilarious thing I have read. (Special shoutout to the Fake Dating Christmas AU and of course the Cinderella Story AU)
@serendipitee -> Your stories and your writing are absolutely magical. I think Write It Down was one of the first multi-chapter fics that I followed super closely and whenever you updated, I would literally drop what I was doing and read it instantly. You have such a way of building the plot and the characters for all of your fics and drabbles, and making the reader just want more. Please know that I am so obsessed with Oh, She Waltzed With the Dead and I cannot wait to see where you take the story!
@sunsetcurbed -> I have no words for your writing. I am simply in awe every time I read something from you. The way you've got down Alex and Willie's voice to a tee is so crazy good. You write their characters and their stories with such grace and care, especially with how you approach the topic of mental health. Thank you for all the research you do and for also writing in your own experiences. I literally binged the Princes Diaries AU during work and lost a good half day to it, and I regret nothing because that fic left me in SHAMBLES. I secretly adore the way you say you're going to keep a fic short, and end up writing an insane amount of words for it. (I have not yet left my obligated long-ass comment on Chapter 4 of the College AU yet because I am still processing the fate/destiny concept.)
@tangledstarlight -> Gahh. Rosie. Please. This is going to sound a little repetitive considering I just screamed at you last night, but now I guess I will just have to publicly confess my adoration for you!!! Thank you for being my first online friend in a very long time, and for putting up with me yelling at you about everything (and also nothing at the same time). I can't believe all it took was one message about your Royals AU for you to post it, but I will gladly take that credit any day. You are so so so incredibly talented with your writing, and your ability to transport me to another world while I read your fics is unparalleled. I adore the way you can come up with a new story to write every day, and then proceed to throw it into your pot of other WIPs. I am so so so so lucky to have gotten to know you and am incredibly grateful that I now have someone to cry about everything with 🧡 (If you read anything from Rosie, you need to read her Seasons/Long Distance Juke "friendship" fic and the Reggie x Photography oneshot that made me bawl my eyes out.)
@thedeathdeelers -> No thoughts. Just soulmates. Jk jk, you know I love your Reggie x Ray x Carlos fics, and I will scream in the tags about it until the day I get more of those fics from you. This is lowkey a threat, but wrapped in kindness. You are so wonderful to see on my dash (albeit scary at times because of the sheer amount of headcanons and theories running through your head), but you radiate such positive energy that it's impossible to not want to jump in and scream about soulmates with you.
Some special mentions to fics that also live rent free in my head:
@sunsetsandcurves wrote a Willex Cruise Ship AU inspired by a Simple Plan song and it’s something I never knew I needed until I read it. 
@phantom-curve wrote a Juke fic based off of Coney Island and I would just like to say, yes, it did shatter me. (Here’s the fluff sequel that makes up for it though)
@unsaidjulie wrote the Juke dog fic of my dreams and I simply cannot express how much I want the Molina’s to have a dog now. 
@pawprinterfanfic managed to get me incredibly invested in a Star Wars AU even though I know absolutely nothing about Star Wars. I just know that I would die for two (2) space boys. 
@sanssssastark  your Later universe made me realize that I do very much want there to be more mature content for this fandom (and you constantly deliver).
@theobligatedklutz wrote a Tangled Willex AU that makes me screech every time there’s an update. Just read it.
@alexthedrummerboy your talent knows no bounds when it comes to your Social Media AU. Also she’s written ORIGINAL songs for Alex and Willie?!?!?! 
@gennified has this really wonderful modern take on pride and prejudice for Willex and I’m so obsessed with how much miscommunication there is.
@bananaleaves okay, I just found your Tumblr today, and I know you don’t know me in any capacity, but allow me to scream about THIS FIC RIGHT HERE. If anyone in this fandom is to read ANYTHING, it’s this fic. This was one of the best things I’ve read in a long time and absolutely wrecked me. Please just read this.
This turned out WAY longer than it was supposed to, and I’m SO SORRY. (I also tried to make sure I got everyone’s pronouns right, so PLEASE let me know if they’re wrong!) A final sincere thank you to everyone in this fandom who writes. Your talent knows no bounds. Gonna stop talking now before this becomes an essay....
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a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Set Up My Heart Pt. 2
Pt.1 – Pt. 2 – Pt. 3
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing.
“I live here,” the man stood behind Jaehyun, head tilted as he scanned you and your roommates. “You brought over cookies?”
You motion to the plate in Jaehyun’s hands. You weren’t expecting him of all people to be here in your apartment complex. How did you not know that it was him moving in today? You give the two a tight lipped smile before stating, “Sorry to intrude. We were just wanting to welcome you to the apartment complex.”
The lanky boy smiled back at you, “You’re not intruding. To be honest it’s nice to see a familiar face that’s not Jaehyun,” his eyebrows furrowed for a second. “Wait, do you think I’m the new roommate?”
“We haven’t seen you around here before,” Desiree steps in. Her face scrunched as she looked him up and down. “You know I don’t know why we wasted our time.”
“Wait,” Jaehyun reached out as she turned. “We aren’t ungrateful. Just surprised. Thank you for the cookies, but both of us have been here for a year and a half now.”
“Oh,” Chohee gave an embarrassed chuckle.
“As I was saying before, our new roommate actually is not here right now,” Jaehyun glanced out at the parking lot. “He had to take his mom back to the train station.”
“I can’t believe you,” you wheel on the blond male. “You let me believe that you just moved in.”
He gapped at you, “No, you assumed that I was the new roommate, and I wasn’t able to tell you differently before you guys started getting huffy with us.” he crossed his arms pouting as he shoved a cookie in his mouth.
You give him a light eye roll, “You never told me you lived out here.”
“I didn’t realize we were that close,” he mumbles around cookie crumbs.
“Jungwoo! We’ve had classes together for the past two years,” you cry. “We have spent hours at the library together and I bring you coffee every Wednesday morning. I should hope we are friends.”  
Jungwoo chuckled at you, “Y/n, I’m teasing. I guess where we lived just never came up in conversation.” He shrugged before glancing at his watch, “Speaking of the library, I have to teach someone the wonders of calculus.” He reached into the apartment. You watched as he swung a red backpack over his shoulders. “It was good to see you, Y/n. I expect to see you tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you wave him off. Turning back you see Jaehyun in a small conversation with Desiree and Chonhee. Jaehyun chuckled at something Desiree said before he caught your eye. You stepped over to the three of them, “Well, that was a nice surprise.”
“I hope you’re talking about a surprise welcoming party,” You turned as a man’s voice met your ears, “Otherwise I rushed back here for no reason.” You look up into familiar brown eyes. “Well this is definitely a surprise, although, I’m not sure how nice.”
“Suh,” you breathed as you stared down your former classmate.
Johnny laughed at you, “Don’t get starstruck now,” he bent down slightly, “you’re not my type and I don’t wanna break any hearts my first day here.”
You scoffed at him, “Keep dreaming, Suh.”
“I’d rather not, Y/l/n” he stood straight up. A smile crossed his face as he saw Desiree and Chonhee. Extending his hand he introduced himself, “John Suh. Though, most people call me Johnny, nice to meet you?” he trailed off.
“Desiree,” she gave his hand a shake, but had a skeptical look in her eye. If there was one thing you knew that Desiree was good at was seeing through people and being level headed, just the right amount of cautious. Chohee on the other hand was the exact opposite.
“Hi Johnny!” disregarding his hand she looped her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. “It’s so good to meet you!”
“You make that sound like you’ve heard of me,” he loosely hugged Chohee as he grinned at you, “Y/n, I didn’t realize you missed me so much.”
You scoff at him before turning back to Jaehyun, “Well we’re done here. I hope you and Jungwoo enjoy the cookies.” Jaehyun thanked you again as you stormed back to your apartment.
Johnny was here, at your apartment complex and probably at your university. You knew that wherever Johnny was trouble was sure to follow. He was a walking jinx. Like that time Junior year when you happened to be walking behind him and, instead of turning into your classroom, you ran into a row of lockers. Huffing you go to opened the door of your apartment only to slake into it. Desiree groaned behind you. The doorknob jiggled as you tried to turn it. Locked out. Of course. You glanced down the walk path to see Johnny and Jaehyun still standing outside of their apartment. “Dammit, Suh!” You yell as the two of them chuckle at you.
“Don’t blame me, you’re the one who isn’t responsible enough to remember to grab your keys.” He shrugged.
You sighed turning to your roommates, “Okay, who’s calling the landlord.”
Chohee pointed to the phone at her ear, “They won’t be here for another few hours. Some sort of out of town thing.”
“You know,” Jaehyun raised his voice. “You guys could stay over here for a couple hours. Jungwoo should be back within an hour."
"Jaehyun, man,” Johnny clamped a hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder. “You really don’t want her,” he gestured to you, “in your apartment. She might ruin something.”
“Johnny you should stop projecting your own befalling on me,” you check your pockets for your keys. “And Jaehyun, thank you for the offer, we’ll take you up on that.”
Johnny scoffed, “My own befallings. As I remember, I wasn’t me who destroyed half of the chemistry lab’s glass beakers.”
You gasp, “That wasn’t my fault.” you tried to defend yourself,  “You were the one who put them on the unstable shelf.” The event Johnny brought up was in one of the few classes you shared during your highschool career.  After your dismaying defeat against the boy’s team, you never stopped crossing paths with Johnny. Maybe you didn’t necessarily cross paths with him more so as to get trampled by his “posse”. Wherever Johnny Suh went others were sure to follow. That’s why, looking back, it’s not surprising to see that you had taken out the entire shelf of lab supplies. After getting over the shock of glass shattering around you, you looked up to see Johnny’s large group of “friends” standing in front of you. That was the first time you accepted that Johnny Suh was your walking, talking, big headed, popular, jinx.
“But I  wasn’t the one who knocked the shelf over,” he glanced over at Jaehyun. “I can see it now. Your entire shelf of baseball trophies, gone. All you’d have left is your memories.”
“Oh, step off it, Suh,” you glared. “You know Jaehyun. I’m gonna stay here. I could use a little Vitamin D.”
“Are you sure,” Jaehyun sounded uncertain. There was a certain awkwardness that hung in the air. No doubt, from yours and Johnny’s slight disagreement.
“Positive,” you crossed your arms as you slid down the wall. Brick scraped your back which forced you to glare harder at the parking lot. “Please, we’ll be fine until the landlord gets here.” you glanced up at your roommates.
They both smile and confirm that they are going to be staying with you. Chohee smiles as she waves the two away. Desiree keeps a neural look on her face as Johnny and Jaehyun make their way back to their apartment.
Johnny paused as he got to his doorway, “You know?” He called down the walkway, “it is nice to see a familiar face.” You furrowed your brow, Johnny actually sounded like he was relieved, “but you better not go around causing problems for me, Y/n.”
Before you could respond, he was pulled into his apartment and the door slammed shut. Desiree sighed as she sat across from you, “What was that?”
You shrug, “That was typical Johnny Suh.” Desiree raised her eyebrow. “It’s a long story.”
“Well,” Chohee plopped down next to you. “We’re gonna be stuck out here for a while. Better get started.”
Tag List: @lanadreamie @beyond-gethsemane @michplusb @qianinterprises @stayctday @jaxminskale
*Repost from previous blog*
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marmolady · 3 years
The Wreckage of What Was
Main Pairings: Estela x (f)MC
Summary: Rourke Ending. An explosive encounter with the woman who was once her wife has left Taylor shattered.
Word Count: 3528
Chronology: Directly following on from 'There Was This Girl'. Read that one first!
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, @greengroove @mauvecatfic
Curled up under the covers, her head tucked in against her chest, Taylor closed her eyes tighter, ignoring the knocking on her apartment’s door. Or, at least… she tried to. She wasn’t sure of the time. There hadn’t been much point in checking; she wasn’t going anywhere. It mattered little if she fell behind in her classes. Straight A’s wouldn’t free Varyyn and his people from Rourke’s enslavement. Nor would they allow Jake and Mike to stop running, to come home. Nor cure Quinn’s Rotterdam’s. And they sure as hell wouldn’t make Estela know her again. Love her again. Tears prickled Taylor’s eyes. The skin around her eyes and nose was red raw from crying, from being wiped and dabbed by what felt like enough tissues that she could call herself personally responsible for the felling of a small forest. Still, the tears came, because the all-encompassing sadness, the helplessness, just didn’t stop.
“Taylor! You can’t just hide in there forever!”
She didn’t want to see Diego. It made no sense to her that he didn’t loathe her. She’d been the one with the deciding vote, and it was she alone who could’ve fixed everything… if only she’d had the guts. Taylor saw herself as a coward; the one responsible for every wrong Rourke inflicted on this world. Diego had trusted her, and Taylor had chosen the path that tore him from Varyyn’s arms, and torn everything else from Varyyn in the process.
Then Zahra’s voice cut across him. “For fuck’s sake….” There was a creak as the door swung open, then approaching footsteps.
“Tay?” Diego called, right at her door this time.
Taylor’s groan of frustration turned into a roar, and she sat up in bed.
“You’re not great at taking hints are you?” She knew she was being unnecessarily mean, and she hated herself for it. But the fact was, she’d done enough to make him miserable without him being sucked into the black hole of despair she seemed to have become.
Diego pushed the door open. If he was hurt, it didn’t show on his face. His eyes were just sympathetic… kind. It was kindness she didn’t deserve.
“I think you know you can’t shake me that easily,” he said airily. “Have you eaten today? It’s after three.”
Avoiding eye contact, knowing how much of a mess she looked, Taylor sighed. “I haven’t been hungry,” she said, her tone flat. It was true. She’d barely touched a thing since everything with Estela had blown up spectacularly in her face. To get up and eat something, she’d have to find the energy to move, and for the most part, that had been eluding her.
Diego disappeared back out the door, and some rummaging-sounds later, returned with a plate of crackers and dip. He approached the bed and sat down on the edge… close enough to make it known he was there for Taylor, but not close enough to be pushy.
“Look, I know you don’t have any appetite right now,” he said, “but something small is better than nothing. Think you could do that… for me?”
Taylor huffed a little, and tidied up her hair as well as she could manage without going so far as rummaging for a brush. She looked her friend in the face, properly, for the first time since he showed up. He looked worried. Really worried.
It had been four days. Four days since Taylor had taken a great leap of faith, and fallen. For a little while there, it had actually been easy; having Estela near had felt natural, even if few words were ever exchanged. But Taylor had misjudged things, badly. There had been some… charged looks between the two of them…. moments where time slowed, and suddenly it was her old Estela seeing her, maybe even wanting her. It had been wonderful. If only it weren’t for that creeping knowledge that she was taking advantage; Taylor knew Estela, Estela didn’t know Taylor. The dishonesty of it all had troubled Taylor to the point of spurring her to action… and spilling all.
Obviously, Taylor had sounded deranged. She’d known that before she so much as opened her mouth to start, but her crazy story was the only truth she had to offer. Going on about Rourke changing history-- what the hell kind of reasonable person wouldn’t think Taylor had lost her mind? And Estela… well, Taylor already knew that Estela had no patience for anyone trying to screw with her. She hadn’t been ready, though, for the anger. She’d seen that anger in Estela’s eyes before, but never dreamed it could ever be directed her way. And, oh, it had hurt.
“You’re too good to me,” Taylor mumbled. Reluctantly, she reached out and took a cracker. For Diego.
“What best friends are for, right?”
Taylor put on a valiant, if ultimately sad, attempt at a smile. However much she might have felt it for the best, she simply didn’t have the heart-- nor the energy-- to push Diego away. “Well, what’s your plan?” she asked. “Sit me in front of Shrek until I believe in true love again?”
And so, they huddled under a duvet and watched Shrek. The dragon set Taylor off crying again, but it was generally a good distraction while they ate. Once the crackers were polished off, Diego nipped out to grab some ice cream-- the fancy kind usually reserved for Very Bad Days. It was a rare and potent breed of sadness that couldn’t at least be tempered by ice cream, but it seemed that Taylor was afflicted with just that. Even if the pain in her heart couldn’t be lessened, though, she was grateful for Diego… far more than she could say.
Her bowl empty and the movie done with, there was little for Taylor to do but to wallow in her own thoughts. The very same that had been so intent on dragging her under. At least now, though… at least she wasn’t alone with them.
“I’m… so lost,” she croaked after a long while, her voice hoarse with emotion.
“Yeah?” Diego rubbed her arm comfortingly. “I… I get that.”
Taylor looked down into her empty bowl, contemplating everything. No matter how many times she turned things over in her head, she always came out confused. The path forward-- if there even was one from this hell she’d unleashed-- was tangled with thorns and riddled with dead-ends and traps. She’d been stumbling through, fearful of causing even more damage while knowing that everything she cared for rested on her success.
“I feel like… maybe I was wrong? Maybe it wasn’t right to just blurt everything out? I mean, you remembered, didn’t you? Maybe if I’d just left it… she might have just… worked it out herself. It’s not like there’s a fucking hope of her remembering me if I’ve scared her off….”
“Hey. Our Estela doesn’t scare easily. And you know what? Maybe the fact that you sounded absolutely batshit crazy will help in the long run. You’ll stick in her mind.”
“And what if… what if what I’m trying to is actually… is actually just going to make me the person who hurts her most?”
Diego’s brow furrowed. “You’re losing me.”
“What if she’s better off? I know she felt so betrayed when I took this path but….” Taylor roughly ran her hands through her hair. This had been damn near driving her crazy. “She’s got her mom back, Diego…. It’s like her mom was never murdered. If I wasn’t so selfish, if I just let her be… she’d never have to feel that pain.”
For a few moments, Diego pondered; a couple of times he opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, as if not quite sure of what to say. At last, though, he just came out with it. “I think… I think you’re just grasping onto another excuse to beat up on yourself. I’m sorry, Taylor.”
“You heard,” Diego said firmly, obviously finding his resolve to really help as he looked Taylor right in the face. Even if it was hard for her to hear. “And honestly? I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking about. When we were up on that rooftop, did Rourke even try and win Estela over using her mom as a bribe? No-- because he knew that would only make her fight him harder.”
Taylor exhaled through her hand, now pressed against her face as she wrestled with her thoughts. Diego… had a point. “She’d have broken his freaking nose, then and there.”
“So, what does that mean? That I’ve failed and there’s no consolation?”
“I think,” Diego said, calm and steady, “that we’re in for a long haul. But I also think that there’s a part of Estela that really, really misses you, even if she doesn’t know what it is. Like… even before I remembered, I could feel something was missing. And I was drawn to you. Even if Estela thinks you’re crazy, you’re still that person she fell in love with a couple-thousand times over.”
“You’re betting an awful lot on Estela falling for the person who, by all appearances, is nothing but a delusional stalker.”
Shadows of sorrow crossed Diego’s eyes. “Well, I’ve got to. There’s… not really much else.”
Taylor snuggled close, squeezing her friend… the only one she had left, and one she could not be convinced she deserved. But she was all he had, too.
“I know… I know this is all making you crazy. And I know a big part of you hates yourself for making the call you did. But hiding in here and beating yourself up isn’t gonna do anything but make you feel worse. However much you think you deserve to feel that bad, I can’t let you give up. I can’t.”
Her friend’s words made Taylor wince. There really was no option; she simply had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep putting on a smile to should-have-been friends while her heart was quietly breaking.
Diego took a long exhale. “So. You can have today, and you can have tomorrow. But then, you pull yourself together. There are too many people counting on you for you to go to pieces now.”
Taylor nodded, and tears dripped down onto her lap as Diego held her. Being there for him meant letting go of her own self-loathing, however hard it was. If he still believed she had it in her to fix this fucking mess, she’d fight to her dying breath. The floodgates had opened, and she cried and cried, feeling everything she knew would soon have to be quashed back down. His own eyes spilling, Diego kept on rubbing her arm, supporting her always.
Messily wiping her face on her sleeve-- it was already crusty with tears and snot anyway-- Taylor gathered herself. Deep breaths. In… and out.
“I really miss her,” she said after a long while, soft as a whisper. To say it loud just made it bigger, and it was already tearing her apart. But if she was moving forward, that pain had to be expelled… else it swallow her. “And it just… aches. When things got scary-- and to be honest, when were things not scary?-- she’d just… slip her hand into mine, and hold me. It’s been months-- I know it’s been months-- but I can’t keep myself from half-expecting her fingers to wrap around mine, and just like that… make everything better.”
Without a word, Diego took Taylor’s trembling hand in his own, his thumb stroking tenderly.
When he closed his eyes, Taylor knew he was imagining Varyyn holding his hand. And as she closed her own, Taylor let herself, for just a moment, be held by Estela.
On return to reality, Diego’s face was wet with tears. He offered Taylor a watery smile. They were in this together.
“Hey,” Taylor said shakily. “Will you… will you stay?”
“I’ll stay.”
True to her word, Taylor forced herself out of the apartment come the day after next. Hard as it was, if she didn’t keep up with her studies, she’d risk losing her place at Hartfeld, and any hope she might have of reconnecting with her loved ones. Winter had set in, and for most students, life consisted of hurrying between one heated lecture theatre and the next, or sheltering in the library, cafe, or student union building. It seemed every heater on campus was mobbed by a tight circle of students, and the queue at every coffee outlet busy. Taylor joined the masses, huddled up in the library with a long-awaited coffee and a heavy text book. It would be all too easy to let the gloomy weather negatively impact her already fragile emotional state, so the best thing she could think to do was surround herself with activity.
Her mind strayed to its usual fretting-- about Estela, about Diego and Varyyn, about--
Taylor yelped as hot coffee burned her mouth. She knew the library’s drinks always came out piping, and cursed herself for being so goddamn distracted. Cheeks flushing, she set down her cup.
“Are you okay?” asked a familiar, kind voice, hoarser than it should have been. Quinn had turned around from a bookshelf, concern upon her pale face. “They do go a bit over the top temperature-wise here. I’m guessing you’re used to the coffee shop?”
“You would think so, wouldn’t you?” Taylor replied ruefully. “But no, I should know to be careful by now. Sadly, I just felt something warm between my hands and all rational thought deserted me.”
Quinn laughed, which, to Taylor’s horror, brought on a fit of hacking coughs.
Oh, Quinn.
Around the campus, Quinn was easily the most elusive of the group; quite an achievement when Estela insisted on keeping herself as inconspicuous as possible. It was a constant worry for Taylor and Diego, knowing what they did about their friend’s illness. Logic told them that if circumstances around her had changed little with Rourke’s interference, Quinn might be expected to survive at least until the end of junior year, but all appearances made it clear she was in a very bad way. Weeks could go by without either of them catching a glimpse of Quinn around the place, and it was downright frightening.
“Hey-- sit down,” Taylor urged gently. “Don’t want us both to hurt ourselves over my lack of judgement.”
Quinn sank into the chair beside Taylor and struggled to catch her breath. A fearful Taylor hopped up and started rubbing her back.
“Do you want to grab you a glass of water?”
“I’m okay-- kff-- I just need a-- kff-- a moment….”
Frustration was clear upon Quinn’s face. Not wanting to be over-bearing, Taylor eased back… but those coughs sounded so painful….
Slowly, Quinn got control over her coughing. “Better…,” she said, eyes closed. She opened them slowly, and offered her companion a shaky smile. “It’s Taylor, isn’t?”
“Yup, that’s me. Quinn, yeah? I haven’t seen you around in a while?”
Quinn’s smile became stronger, as though she was genuinely delighted to be remembered by what was a passing friendly face. “The colder weather hasn’t been doing my health much good. The school’s understanding; what can be done from home I don’t have to come in for. But sometimes I just want to brave it and actually be a part of everything.”
“Yeah?” Taylor said, “that’s understandable. All this dreary weather… it has its way of making loneliness hit even harder.” She pursed her lips a moment. “Look, if you ever want a study buddy…? You could even stop by my place-- not to be presumptuous or anything, but it might be more comfortable than having to fight for a spot by the heater here.”
A shadow passed over Quinn’s face, her smile growing sad. “That’s really kind of you to offer, and-- honestly?-- I’d love to take you up on it. I just… well, things are quite difficult for me right now.”
“It’s okay-- no pressure. I just want you to know that you’ve got a friend on campus if you need one.” Sitting back down beside Quinn, Taylor picked up her mug and gingerly took a sip. Much better. “Do you have any more classes today?”
“Oh, just the one,” Quinn said more brightly, clearly relieved at the change of subject. “I’m taking Visual Arts. I do a bit of painting-- not really seriously, more just for me. I was a little worried that study would take some of the fun out of it, but it’s turned out to be the bright spot in my schedule. If I can make it in person for anything, I always aim for Visual Arts.”
“Well, I hope you enjoy it,” said Taylor, and she took another, braver, sip of coffee. It was all useful information-- apparently this would be the most likely time of week to have a surprise Quinn encounter. More importantly, it was reassuring to know that it was not, in fact, all doom and gloom. “I’ve got to head off for my Introductory Chemistry practical in about ten minutes. Painting sounds a lot more fun-- wanna trade?”
Quinn just laughed.
Yeah…. Thought not.
As a general rule, Taylor didn’t actually mind Chemistry that much. It wasn’t exactly her bag; the equations had a habit of drifting in one ear and out the other, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. What made it painful now, was Estela.
A few weeks ago, Taylor had been overjoyed to have been placed in a group with the woman who had once been her wife, but a lot had changed since then. Estela had furiously warned Taylor to stay away, and Taylor had done just that, both out of respect for the wishes of someone she loved, and out of plain fear that she might fuck it all up further. There was no crossing the quad to avoid this one, though.
It was as uncomfortable as Taylor had anticipated. Estela looked right past Taylor, directing all communication to their third group member, who seemed oblivious to the tension. Taylor wasn’t sure how-- the air was so fucking thick with it she could barely breathe. Her hands shook as she measured out materials, and it was by virtue of a lucky save that she didn’t drop a test tube of chemicals onto the floor.
Everything in Estela’s body language, in her expression, screamed that she’d rather be anywhere else-- anywhere at all-- than there working alongside Taylor. The feeling was mutual. Taylor watched the minutes pass by agonisingly slowly as they slogged through the experiment. If she had to speak, it was only the bare minimum to get the work done. Never, never had she felt more alone in Estela’s company. She’d experienced indifference before, indifference that had fueled her longing until it hurt like a physical wound. But now Estela regarded Taylor not as a person of little consequence, but as a threat, and that was far, far worse. Trying not to wither under that fierce gaze, Taylor soldiered on, until finally, the experiment was concluded, and she was free to pack up… and head home for a stiff drink.
As she turned the tap to rinse the last of her test tubes and beakers, the water gushed with a sudden force, spraying Taylor down her front.
“Crap!” she cried. It was near freezing outside, and to have a clothes sopping wet would make for a very uncomfortable walk back to the apartment. Well… it was just her luck.
Taylor pulled off her jacket, and bit back a sigh. As her problems went, a bit of cold and wet was pretty much nothing. Hell, if home, and Diego, and a pile of blankets was at the other end, she’d put up with far worse. Grumbling a little as she packed up her things, Taylor braced herself for a great rush to get between this warm shelter and the next. But as she stepped through the doorway--
That voice made her turn. It always would.
“You’re going to catch your death. Tonta.” Estela rolled her eyes and shrugged off her hoodie. “Your shirt’s still wet. Here.” She thrust the hoodie into Taylor’s hands.
“You don’t have to--” Taylor stammered, utterly taken aback. Remember to breathe, you idiot!
“Taylor. Just put it on, will you? Unless you want to freeze.”
Getting over her surprise, Taylor took the hoodie. Discomfort was plain on Estela’s face, so she didn’t linger to make the exchange any more awkward. Just a smile of thanks… and they parted.
Taylor looked on, stunned and watched as Estela slung her bag over her shoulder and jogged into the shadows. A chill wind hit her, and she hastily pulled the hoodie over her head. It was warm, and the scent of Estela, heart-achingly familiar, lingered. A tear, just another in a long, long line, prickled Taylor’s eye as she breathed it in.
She brought the front of the hoodie to her face and closed her eyes against the scent and feel of home.
It wasn’t over yet.
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whitewolfmoving · 3 years
Hello Darkness, My Old Friend || Back To You Series
Summary: In the dead of night, chilling memories haunt two people destined to find their way back to each other amid the struggle of a world gone to shit.
A/N: And another one! Tagging @suitofvibraniumarmor obviously. Hope you like it! 💜
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Waking from her nightmares was always worse than dreaming them.
At least when she was asleep the memories were contained behind a wall in her subconscious, but as soon as she awoke, they were unleashed into reality. What made them worse upon wakefulness, were the feelings. . . the regret, the shattered lives left behind, the pain, the loss, the knowledge that she had played a hand in most of it and yet was powerless to change any of it. All of this and more, hung like dark, ominous clouds above her head, threatening to rain down their storm of endless guilt at any moment. Usually, she could ignore it if she tried hard enough.
This one, however, left her feeling cold and empty, a hollowed-out shell of herself that she could no longer recognize. This one she had over and over and over again, it played like an endless loop in her mind; clawing at what little sanity she had left, regardless of how many times she repeated her mantra, told herself she was real and safe and alive. . . somehow it always knew where to find her, how to pull her back in, filling her with that familiar sense of fear and helplessness.
Her eyes snapped open to darkness. For three minutes, she lay completely unaware of her surroundings. For two minutes after that, she lay unable to move, rooted in place by the sheer force of the haunting dream. For one minute more, she lay contemplating the pros and cons of calling him again. When it all became too much, she gave in.
The line rang twice, barely long enough for her to reconsider before he was speaking to her in a gravely tone that let her know she’d interrupted what little sleep he’d been able to chase down.
“Vis urât?”
“Cum ai știut?”
“Pentre că te cunosc.”
She was silent, so was he.
Maybe this was a bad idea, they’d both gone through the same thing. They’d both been erased and ceased to exist for five years, whatever she was feeling, whatever she was thinking, he’d already felt and thought countless times. She couldn’t put that on his shoulders.
“Maia.” One word and he had her heart beating again, had her blood flowing again, had her lungs breathing again. “I’m here, Mai. I’m here, and this is real. We are real.”
Maia swallowed; her throat felt dry. “Am fost din nou acolo. Chiar înainte să se întâmple. Era frig, atunci ... nimic.” Maia’s voice wavered. Damn it! You’re stronger than this! Be stronger than this. She squeezed her eyes shut, took a couple shaky breaths, tried to will the thoughts away.
She could hear the rustling of his blankets on the other end of the call, knew he was sitting up, and only felt guiltier for calling so late. Or was it early? She didn’t know, time always seemed irrelevant after that dream.
“Bucky. . .” she hesitated. “Îmi cer scuze pentru că te-am trezit.”
“Nu face asta, Maia. Nu mă alunga, nu ignora asta,” Bucky replied softly, reassuringly. His voice had lost that rough edge it had when he’d first answered her call, sounding more like the Bucky she remembered, more like the Bucky she loved once and again.
“Mă tem, Buck.”
“De ce ți-e frică, Doll?”
“Mi-e teamă că voi cădea din nou.”
“Nu vei face, nu de data asta. Dar dacă o faci, te prind.”
Maia sighed, feeling her sense of control return. “Do you think we’ll be okay?”
Bucky was silent for too long before he answered her the way he always did, “Of course, we’ll be okay. Who’s gonna stop two highly trained former HYDRA assassins a second time?”
She chuckled softly.
They spent the better part of two hours talking, long enough for the chill to fade and her subconscious to recall the difference between her nightmares and reality. By the time she was tired enough to sleep uninterrupted, it was after four AM. She bid Bucky goodnight amid a stumbled string of Thank Yous and hunkered down for a few more hours of rest.
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ilkkawhat · 4 years
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Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Nick Stokes & Cassie McBride, Nick Stokes & Sara Sidle Characters: Nick Stokes, Sara Sidle, Cassie McBride Word Count: 3,059 Additional Tags: Angst, Episode: s06e05 Gum Drops, Rescue, Father-Daughter Relationship, Adoption, Possible new fic series??? who knows it's 2021 anything can happen Summary: A brief dive into Nick's feelings surrounding Cassie's rescue, and what may have happened to her afterwards.
read on ao3
“Let me out.” 
He couldn’t say the words at the time. Could only choke out a literal cry for help, though there were plenty of words that his brain was firing—and missing—but those three words in particular were just some of the few pleading thoughts he had while he was still enclosed in a glass coffin—one that was ready to collapse at any given second—why didn’t they see that? Why did they all stand on top of it? Why didn’t they open it immediately just to give him some air, just brush the damn ants off, no extinguisher needed.
He didn’t understand why it took so long to get him out. 
To rescue him. 
Maybe it’s cause that’s not what they do. They never really get to, always showing up when the rescue fails.
Or when it never arrives in the first place.
So they don’t really know how to rescue someone. Scramble around because they’re used to placing evidence markers and taking pictures, and unless it’s raining there’s really no rush because well, what’s the need?
And it hadn’t been known to him at the time that they were indeed aware the fan was going to die, that he was going to run out of air—he could only hope the desperation in his screams would tell them that, the ignored cry for help as they all left the hole, left him. 
Did they just assume because the unearthed the coffin that he would suddenly be able to breathe even with the condensing, scratched kept closed? Figure, “we still have another hour or so until the air runs out entirely , maybe even more since he’s not actively breathing.”
He didn’t understand their odd sort of...patience with the situation. Even Grissom took the time to calm him down before the lid was opened. 
His patience, however, in this rescue mission he’s taken upon himself despite Sara’s warnings, her doubt that it may not have a happy ending; is completely gone.
He’s not had any sleep since they started the case. Granted, he’s not had much sleep at all in the past five months but his senses are as sharp as ever, his eyes hyper focused looking for anything that doesn’t belong in the lake’s waters or forested banks. 
Like the body of a little girl.
Or more gum drops.
He almost thinks he sees a trail of them floating in the disturbed water as they pass through, beacons of lights waving over—though he feels like he’s doing a better job than the supposed actual patrolman operating the boat. He’s waving his flashlight all around him, while theirs seems to remain still. 
Then again, he’s the one acting like he’s going to “rescue a person, not recover a body.”
Yes, he knows that’s not usually the case.
He remembers being on the other end of that ray of light searching for a lost soul, remembers how close he was to losing his life, hanging by a last thread that was about to snap—how that light was really a rescue in itself in the darkness that entrapped him. His only light had been shot out to keep himself alive, only a dim green glow to remind him where he was. 
Sara’s words continue to echo, their conversation playing on a loop as that small part of his brain tries to convince him not to get his hopes too high.
But luckily, he proves himself wrong.
“Stop the boat,” Nick commands, his light shining on another fragile thread, one he hopes is not already broken.
“Stop the boat,” he repeats as he throws off his hat to get full view, tossing it aside and nervously gripping the flashlight in his hand. His heart hasn’t raced this fast since it nearly burst in the box.
“Let me out,” he echoes, but it’s not a broken plea. It’s a determined one. He’s not even going to wait for the boat to stop, his legs are itching to run to the pair he sees sticking out between the branches. A pair of shoes small enough for a ten year old girl.
“Let me out,” he says again but he doesn’t wait for any sort of response, nor was he asking for one. If anything, it was for himself. The permission to take the plunge as he jumps out of the boat, not even caring if the water is still deep. He runs as fast as he can through the water and as he approaches his heart soars before it shatters when his light shines onto what he immediately assumes is a corpse. 
There’s a slice on her neck, the classic slit of the throat that would kill anybody within seconds.
Her skin is pale, far too pale to still be alive though sure, it’s cold enough that his own skin is paling too, even more than that, it’s shaking. Is she shaking as his fingers press against her skin, or is it just him?
There’s still a pulse. It’s weak, it’s fading, but it’s there. Or is it the pulse that’s beating out of his own fingers?
There’s still rope around her wrists. Why would she leave it on?
There’s still a piece of gum in her hand, the final breadcrumb that she wasn’t able to put down because this is her resting place. Her premature grave.
But there’s still life in her yet, because like Nick, she’s a survivor. 
And she’s being rescued. 
“Hang on, baby,” he whispers as his soaked hand strokes her dry, matted hair. “I got you. You’re going to be okay.”
He hears the patrol call for the paramedics. They attempt to move her but Nick advises against it. 
At least, not immediately. 
And this is the part he hates the most, that he hated the most when he was the victim. 
Click. Flash. 
The picture of the living dead girl, another for the red room of his own photography of death and violence that haunts his dreams.
He mentally places it next to the picture of himself that he accidentally saw in Grissom’s office one day. 
A morbid sense of hope washes over him; if he was rescued from a horrific crime and has been able to go back to his job—back to his life, there’s hope for Cassie, too. 
The paramedics were not too far behind, and he had almost hoped that the flash from the camera may have shocked Cassie back to a full state of being. Crying and in deliriously tremendous shock, maybe, like he was when he was rescued; but in the same way as a baby cries when its born, it would be a comforting sign of life while this, right here is just...tragic? Hopeless? Despair? 
He doesn’t know what he really expected, as this rescue is less triumphant than he thought it would be after everything that led to this moment. It feels more...depressing, like they’re still somehow too late. Perhaps it’s due to how he seems to be the only one driven enough, how there was almost a suffocating amount of people crowding his scene. 
Cassie, on the other hand, has nobody.
Nobody but him.
He rides back with her, holding that same hand still clutching her last candied beacon of hope and he can’t tell if it’s still water dripping off of his face, or if tears are streaming as he remembers how his hand was held, how his family—both blood and found—were there for him. How they comforted him. Soothed him. Reassured him that this would never happen again. 
Kept telling him that he wasn’t actually dead.
He texts Sara and Greg, tells them he got her. Being the lead on the case, he instructs them on what to do yet somehow, he feels like he’s lost that role having abandoned them for his own selfish savior complex. 
They still do what he asks anyway.
When they get to the hospital, he’s turned away, because he’s not family. He’s shaking but not just from the cold of his wet clothes slapping against his skin, but from the anger as he lashes out, telling them she doesn’t have any, not anymore, and she needs someone. They express their “sympathy” but the best they agree to is calling him when she’s out of surgery.
He makes more calls, wondering who can be there for her, is there any family left? 
There’s not. 
Sara brings him a new change of clothes. Fresh pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie that he packed for the nights. He’s glad she chose that, as he hunches over in the waiting room. 
“She’s got nobody, Sar,” he sniffles, rubbing his hands together. Even the fourth cup of coffee still hasn’t warmed him up. “Who’s...Who’s gonna take care of this little girl?”
“You know what’s going to happen,” Sara sighs. “She’ll end up in the system.”
“Is it...is it bad?” he dares to ask, knowing he’s crossing a line, he doesn’t meet her eyes when he asks it. Just stares into the swirling black sea between his hands.
“Is what bad?” she puts a hand on his back, sliding up and down beneath the hood. 
“The...the adoption system. Just bein’...passed around like that. Thrown into an already established family, not sure if you’re gonna…”
“Fit in?”
Nick nods.
“It’s...it’s not easy. Doesn’t always happen right away, and when it does, it can...it can be a gamble. You know that well enough from the things we see.”
“Yeah,” he nods into his chest. 
They sit in silence for few more minutes.
“You don’t hafta be here, ya know,” he shrugs. “G’s already halfway back to Vegas.”
“I know.”
“A-And Grissom’s flight probably landed, he might have more cases to assign.”
“I’m not the only CSI he’s got,” Sara smirks. 
“Gonna be a while till she gets outta surgery, so they tell me at least.”
“You trying to get rid of me?”
“Nah,” he pulls a face. “I just...I hope you’re not doing this cause…”
“Go on, say it. Cause I feel guilty?”
“That’s...not...but sort of…” he mumbles.
“I don’t feel...guilty. It feels good to have found her alive. I didn’t want her to be dead, Nick.”
“I know,” he sighs.
“And I don’t want you to...to be so hurt every time something like this...happens. You’ve changed, Nick and I can’t...I don’t know if it’s necessarily for the better.”
He finally meets her eyes. His face pale, wet and weary. Dark circles under his eyes that he typically conceals with a light coating of makeup, cause he knows people will just worry. His hair’s dried now, sticking up in all directions. 
Anybody would think, and the patrons of the hospital most certainly do at this point, and even Sara seems to think that he’s nothing more than a broken mess.
He’s not. 
“I think it is,” he tells her in a surge of confidence in his voice.
He expects her to be mad.
Instead, she smiles at him with pride. 
“Well...seems like you might be right. I know this case kind of...got under our skins a bit but...I think you did a good job,” Sara tells him, and with a final press to his shoulder to keep him grounded and humble, she walks away, knowing before he even tells her what he’s about to do as she passes by a father walking with a small girl through the entrance to the hospital.
That’s when his mind is made up and he makes more calls, talks to more people including the child services agent assigned to Cassie’s case. He finishes paperwork for the case file, and for an application. He knows it’s going to take time to get approved, just as its going to take time for Cassie to recover enough for him to even...ask her if that’s something she would...want. 
And that’s when the doubts sink in, what if she doesn’t want that? Doesn’t want him? She doesn’t even know him, all he is to her is the guy that found her. And he would understand better than anybody else the mistrust in strangers. And even if he’s a member of law enforcement, a public servant, somebody you’re supposed to be able to trust, what if he would just...mess it all up? Would it even work with his schedule? Unless he started taking more time off, he supposes. Less voluntary overtime—though Ecklie’s trying to cut down on that anyway. 
The fears don’t settle, even with all the votes of confidence he receives from nearly everybody who accounts for him as a person worthy of being a father. 
But more than that, he’s afraid of being a replacement to her, instead of what he really hopes to be; a connection. 
And when he gets the card that she hand-draws for him, that fear goes away.
He doesn’t get to see her right away after the surgery, but the minute visiting hours open up again, he walks to the room with a case file in hand. He does his best to keep himself together, but shows the cracks as he can’t hide his empathy for her pain, though he doesn’t allow himself to fully cry and make her feel even worse. 
Instead, he does what he’s always done best, and listens to her. Holds her arm and keeps her grounded, too, and she gets more and more confident as she continues to talk—though some parts are harder than others. 
“You’re doing great, sweetheart, go on,” he encourages her with a smile. 
They take breaks for her to rest her vocal chords. When her voice goes out, she uses the notepad and he waits patiently, letting her lead their conversation.
She’s just as smart as Nick expected, asking her own questions and discussing the pictures of evidence in the folder. While he’s never quite been a teacher, she’s the best student he’s ever had.
When the story is done, she loses composure and he sits on the edge of the bed, hugging her as her fists ball the sweatshirt stained with tears. 
“You are so brave, Cassie. You are the bravest little girl I’ve ever met,” he comforts her, silent tears streaming down his own face and falling into the same dry, matted hair as they did before. 
She doesn’t say much after that, but when she calms down enough and visiting time comes to an end, she asks one final question that he knew was coming, yet was still unprepared for.
She can’t even say the words. Writes it on another page in the notebook.
“What’s going to happen to me now?” 
He still doesn’t know if he was the right person to answer this question, if this was something that her counselor should answer but he’s both too excited and too anxious to keep waiting.
“Well, honey, you’re...you’ll be going with Ms. Nancy, you met her, she’s going to take you to a place that’s...that’s like a hotel, u-until you can find a new family…” He doesn’t feel confident in his explanation, winces in expecting her to lash out, “I don’t want a new family!” which is exactly what he reads on her face as the crayon rolls from her hand.
“And I...sort of threw my name into the hat, that you could come stay with me, but only if you wanta—”
“I’d like that,” she nods, and smiles.
She nods again more fervently.
“I wanted to keep it a surprise,” a voice startles Nick, the aforementioned counselor he had been consulting with enters the room with a wide smile on her face. “Before you came by, I had a moment with Cassie and discussed it. There’s still some hurdles of paperwork to go through, but by the time she’s out of the hospital, she can go to her new home. With you.”
“That’s...That’s wonderful,” he cries, quickly wiping his tears but they don’t stop coming, especially not when Cassie reaches for his wrist and pulls him back to the bed, reaching out in the same way he reached out to his own surrogate father when he was brought back from the brink of despair. 
That’s what he wanted to happen, at least.
“What’s going to happen to me now?” 
It’s the same question he asked himself when he woke up in the hospital in the restrained trance, tied up in tubes and wires, fearful that he would never return to his life as it was before—and in a way, he never would. There’s pieces of Nick that are still buried, just as there are pieces of Cassie dropped along the trail of gum.
“I don’t know,” he tearfully admits. His application was still in process. The child services counselor, while holding respect for him did seem to kind of...judge him for being so desperate about this. Suspicious, even. He knows everybody would attest to his character but knows that he’s still bogged down with a lot of baggage, no matter how well he’s doing on his journey through this life.
He’s uncertain of the future, both his and Cassie’s, but one thing he is certain of—
“No matter what happens,” he holds her arm again, uses his other hand to brush the hair out of her face, cup her cheek. “Where you go, who you end up with, I will always be there for you, okay? You can call me anytime you need—”
He digs out his own card, not hand drawn and just adorned with his job title and phone number, and knows it’s not much to offer to someone who’s just lost everything, but knows the weight of what he does offer, in two words that he once vowed to his own savior.
“I promise.”
Cassie may not understand all of what’s going on between the shock and her inexperienced age, but she does seem to understand what a promise is, and what a promise means. 
She puts her hand on top of Nick’s, and even though she’s said it before in writing, she says it again out loud with the biggest show of strength he’s seen in any survivor, not even in himself.
“Thank you.”
22 notes · View notes
shsl-otaku · 4 years
Where Greed Goes, Despair Follows: Chp. 8
Y/N: Raven Sin of Despair
Pairing: Ban & Y/N
Anime: Seven Deadly Sins
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: Gore
Tag List: @asgleo16 @yuri-2018 @vialuciferscage @supremeladyren @commanderawkward @chidayasays @misfitgirlwrites @amberfoxcosplay @catlover7722 @shiggi-trash @supremetodoroki @happynoodle @remikay313 @milkysamu
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You stood out on the porch, watching as the mountains slowly went by. You had left The Forest of White Dreams yesterday, escaping Gilthunder. Your heart felt heavy remembering what you had seen and felt. You took a shaky breath.
Elizabeth went to check on Meliodas last night and found him passed out on the floor. Meliodas had fainted from blood loss from his shoulder wound. Hawk’s mom was currently on her way to the closest village to get help. Coincidentally, it’s nearby Baste Prison.
'Ban,' you thought. 'I’m coming.'
You turned to look at Diane, who was walking alongside Hawk’s mom.
"Diane," you said. "When we get to the village, I need you to watch over Meliodas, Elizabeth, and Hawk. I’m going to Baste Prison."
"Eh?! Y/N, you’re going to go there by yourself?!" She gasped.
"I’ll go first and wait for you guys there. I’ll come straight back if I see you guys are in trouble. But I am getting Ban back. No matter what," you said, eyes glinting red in determination.
She smiled at you. "You miss him, don’t you?"
You looked away, hiding your face behind your hand. "He loves Elaine, remember?" Despite your feelings for Ban, you've always tried to put his happiness over yours, even if it meant that he'd love someone else.
"But you never know," she said. "A lot can change in 10 years. He might like you back!"
You smiled at the thought. "Maybe... but if he still love Elaine, then I will most definitely put his happiness over mine."
Diane smiled. "You're so sweet, Y/N. I hope Ban can see how good you are for him."
You laughed. "I don’t know about that, but... maybe."
Hawk’s mom dropped off Hawk, Elizabeth, Diane, and Meliodas at the village. You told Elizabeth and Hawk that you planned on going to Baste Prison first to get Ban and that you would come back when you got him or if anything happened.
You sprinted in the direction of Baste Prison. Your hood covered your face in a shadow, your red eyes illuminated underneath.
You grumbled to yourself as you ran. 'Ban you idiot! Out of all the places you could've gone to! Out of all the prisons you could've gone to! It just had to be this one! Dammit, I'm gonna slap him when I find him.'
You could see Baste Prison, its mushroom-like buildings in the distance.
'Whatever. Just keep going. You're almost there,' you thought, a smile coming onto your face. You felt your heart start to lighten. You felt like a weight had lifted off of your shoulders. You thought back to the nightmares and the heartsickness that you felt for the past ten years.
'Ban... I’m so close. I’m almost there. I really do love you, don’t I? Idiot.'
Suddenly, you felt a presence start to appear above you. You stopped running and glared up at the sky.
You heard a woman’s laugh and saw a Holy Knight whose magenta armor reminded you of a bug. "Y/N, Raven Sin of Despair. You must be after your fellow sin, aren’t you?"
You glared at her. "What did you do to him?"
"Nothing much. Just caused him immense pain for the past ten years. Fitting for a criminal." You clenched your fists, starting to get pissed off. "Too bad you won’t be able to make it there."
She lifted her arms and unleashed thousands of bugs. Your eyes widened as you smelled their poisons. 'They’re all venomous and will kill everyone if I let them reach the village. Meliodas, the others—!'
"You will be defeated and I will bring back your head to Liones as a gift to the Grand Masters," the Holy Knight continued. "And then the world will know my name: Freesia, member of the Weird Fangs—"
You thrusted your arm out, summoning thin, needle-like stalagmites to appear and pierce through every single bug.
"You talk too much," you deadpanned, watching as the bugs' venom dripped down the stalagmites.
Freesia gasped. "My bugs! You killed all of my precious bugs! Ugh!" You lifted your hands and summoned stalagmites to impale her, but they shattered off her armor, not leaving a single scratch.
"W-What?" You gasped.
Freesia laughed. "Do you like it? My armor is made of one of the strongest substances in the world. It was a gift from our two Grand Masters. Your stalagmites can't kill me."
You tried to summon more stalagmites, but she flew right into them. They all shattered off her armor, the shards raining down on you. She flew down and cut your cheek. She kicked you in the ribs, sending you flying into the valleys.
Your head snapped back and hit the hill behind you. You cried out as you felt a crack. Your e/c eyes shifted to red for a moment, then returned to e/c. You could feel warm blood running down your head. You tried to stand up but you saw bright spots dancing whenever you opened your eyes.
You tried to hold onto something, only for her to drag you down by your hair. You screamed as she dug her armored heel into your spine.
She brought down the hilt of her sword onto your arms and you heard a sickening crack. You screamed again, your eyes blurring with tears. She laughed and dragged her sword down your arms, cutting them.
"My sword has my bugs’ toxins infused in it, so there’s no way you'll be able to make it out alive." The cuts on your arms hissed from the venom, making you scream more. She laughed. "It’s a shame though. I would’ve been able to kill your beloved Ban in front of you. Oh well. His suffering from your death will be pleasant enough. I would be able to laugh in his face and tell him that you were too weak you to save him." She raised her sword over her head and brought it down on your neck.
"W-What?!" She screamed, the shards of her now shattered sword raining down on her.
You slowly turned your head all the way around, your bones cracking loudly. "Ẫ̸͙̝͎͠Ȟ̸̟̼̕Á̵̦͈H̶̙̼̺̑͆À̶̼H̵͕͌Ả̸̙̫̈́͐H̴̝̓Ǎ̵͎̺̫H̸̠̺̊̉̀͜Ḁ̶̢͊͜H̸̰͖͊͝A̷̛̙͍̘̍̔H̵̯͚̥̆̈́Ḁ̴̋͌H̴̛́͘ͅA̴͍͆̈́̈́H̴̨͕͑̿Ä̴̹̫̯́͊!"
Freesia gasped and jumped up onto a ledge, staggering back.
You floated off the ground and smiled at her gruesomely. She stared in horror as you grinned back at her. Your hood was down, revealing blood running down your temple, nose, and mouth, your h/l h/c floating like a halo around you, your blood red eyes. Blood and poison dripped from your cut and twitching limbs. The grass around you withered and died, forming a circle of death around you. You laughed madly, despair and rage rippling off of you.
You held your hand out towards her, paralyzing her. She shrieked and thrashed, trying to get out of this invisible grip. You slowly began to close your hand, the grip around her starting to crush her armor. You laughed. You floated closer until you were just a few inches from her face.
You laughed again. "H̸͍̓Ǎ̷̝H̷̻̊!̴̹́ ̴͈̈́T̷͙̊H̸̼͛A̴̬͛Ṯ̵̏ ̷̧̐W̴͎̄H̴̬̀Ȏ̵̹L̶̒ͅE̴̛͜ ̸̝͐T̴̽͜H̵͙͐I̸͇͛N̴̦̈́G̴̢͐ ̵̯͛W̸̛̥Ȧ̴͜S̴̖̍ ̶̙̅J̵͕́Ũ̵̫Ś̵̝Ṭ̸͌ ̷͚͌A̶͙͛ ̶̙̈́L̴̫̚Ḯ̶̳E̸͍̒!̶͚̚ ̸̢̈́Y̸̭͑ö̸̮́u̵͔͋ ̴͍͗r̶͉̊e̸̛͔a̴͛ͅl̷͉̓l̵͍̓y̵̰͊ ̸̩͌t̴̪͘h̸̠́ö̸͉ų̶̌g̵̞̏h̶̳̎t̶̪̚ ̷̱̋I̸̳̿'̵̤͆d̵̖̀ ̵̖̈l̶̘̕ë̵̬t̵͕͌ ̴̳̊m̴̠̃y̶͔̐š̸̘ẻ̷͎l̶̥̈́f̶̣̂ ̴̱͠b̸̳̾e̷͙̋ ̶̭̉b̴̡̍ȇ̸͎a̷̞͝t̶̢͒e̶̳̚ǹ̶̰ ̵̠́b̵̼̈y̵̡͋ ̶̅͜ș̸͝ć̵͔ų̶̊m̸̖̎ ̷̥̒ĺ̸͔ĭ̵̠k̶̢̾e̸͇͌ ̴̮̃ỹ̷̜ō̴̟u̸̳͘¿" You stared at her. "I̷̤̊ ̵͒͜w̷͚̋ǎ̵̫n̸̳̊t̷̤͊è̵͓d̵̝̓ ̶̭͑y̵̚ͅo̴̤͐u̷̯͛ ̷̛̣ṯ̵͑o̴̙͒ ̷̤̓ḟ̴̳e̷̡͠e̵͍̚l̶͉͗ ̵̩̿l̶͖͊ḯ̵̳k̸̦̈́e̸͉̓ ̷̮̽y̶̗̐ọ̸̏u̵͔͗ ̷̓ͅw̸̮̋o̶̲͋n̷̩͘.̶̳̅ ̴̮̓I̴͇͂ ̴̪͂w̶͚̓å̶̹s̴̡͝ ̶̢̈́l̸̻̓y̶̡̅i̵̖͐n̴̫̆g̸̳̈́ ̵̗͝a̶̹͝l̸͓̑l̷̟̑ ̸̯̽a̴̻͝l̷͇͋ŏ̸̲n̷̺͝g̴͚̏.̵͈̋ ̴͔̄Y̶̜̋o̷͕͊ų̷̽ ̶͇̊ṟ̴͂ě̸̩a̸̛͔l̵̘̄l̷͚͝y̷̢̆ ̵̞̌t̸̞̓h̷̨̿ô̴̞ǔ̷̲g̷͇͒h̸̺̀t̶̘̓ ̴̻́y̸̪̐ȍ̵͕u̵̯͑ ̴͍̓c̵̹̈́o̵͚̒u̸̧͠ḽ̷̇d̸͖̉ ̸̘͘b̶̥͒e̴̫͝a̶͚͂t̸͎̅ ̵͕͝m̵̭̐e̴͍̓?̵̲̓ ̶͚̅F̵̦̀ô̸̮o̵͓͛l̵̛̹.̷̥̕"
Freesia stared at you in horror, tears streaming down her face. 'She's insane,' she thought.
"A̶̧̎n̶̫̓d̸̰͑ ̸͖̕n̵̪̋ò̴̝w̶͉̎ ̸͙̔y̴̯̕o̸̖̎u̶͙̿ ̸͈̊ẅ̵̘í̸̙l̷̺̃l̴͇̔ ̷̤̃f̸̬͗e̶̲͐e̶̫̋l̷͓̏ ̷̯̚t̵̥̿ḩ̴̓e̶̩͑ ̷̜̑ḋ̷̦e̶̳̽s̸̡͝p̵̩̽a̷̤͠i̵̥̊r̷̳̈́ ̶̯̃o̸͎̽f̴̺̉ ̵͕͗d̴͈͊y̴̙͝i̶̩̕ņ̵̄g̴̥͂ ̶̱̒a̸̰̓ṱ̵̍ ̵͎̾t̴̟́ȟ̶̼e̵̟͊ ̴̛͔ä̷̟́t̶̩̕ ̷̧̎t̵̬̂h̴̬͐e̶̬͑ ̵͍̐h̸̙̐ǎ̸͈n̸̠͝d̴̛ͅs̴̞͋ ̴͎̃o̷͕͌f̵̲̌ ̴̗͝t̵̯̂h̴͇͒ȩ̵̐ ̴̭̃p̸͕̊ē̴̡r̷͕͂s̴̱̄ö̶̱n̵͔̏ ̸̨́y̸̼̓ȍ̷̪u̵̢̓ ̴̟͋s̴̡̃o̶͚̓u̵͔͛g̷̣̏h̸̡͒t̸͇̆ ̶̐ͅo̸͑ͅú̷̙t̴̝͒ ̴̘͌t̶͉͆o̸̮̾ ̵̳̋k̵͔̑ì̴͕l̶̛̺l̷̼͊.̸͎͝ ̷͎̔H̷̝̓o̷̡̽ẘ̶̯ ̷̜͛d̸̻̎o̵̝͊e̶̅ͅš̴͖ ̵̭̈i̷̱̽t̴̫̕ ̶̼́f̷̤̄e̸͕̋e̴̼̐l̶̥͊,̶̦̈́ ̷̝͋k̷̻͠n̸̥̾o̴̦̽ẘ̸̫ǐ̶̺ň̸̞g̴͎̀ ̵̮̂ṫ̴̰h̵̜̋ą̷̓t̶͎̎ ̷̺̿M̸͙͊Y̵̻͊ ̴̩͠F̸̗̏A̷̪͆C̷̲̀Ẻ̴͇ ̶̝̚W̷̬̎Ï̶͕L̵̢̏L̶̫͒ ̵̟̓B̷͕͛E̶̙̊ ̵͉̿T̸̯̎H̸͓͆E̷͍͐ ̶̳͝L̵̪͛Ä̴͇́S̸͓̓T̶͔̓ ̵̬̋O̸̼͒N̷̖̊E̷̙͊ ̸̺͛Y̵̛͚O̶̺͌U̴̠͛ ̷̙̏Ẽ̵̢V̵́͜Ẹ̵̀R̵͓͝ ̵̹̄Ś̷̩Ê̶̲E̶͓̽?̵̨̄ ̴̾͜K̶̫̑N̶̛̥Ô̴̰W̶̨͘Į̸̄Ṇ̵͝G̷̙̒ ̴̻̽T̸̮̂H̴̘̅A̷͈͆Ț̷͠ ̷̻̾T̸͉͝H̸̗̚Ë̶̮́R̶̼͗E̶͍̕ ̴̗͠W̶̠͝I̴͇̓L̸͎͒L̶͓̕ ̷̗̀B̸͓̎E̶͈͑ ̵̭̍N̶̦͝O̴͈͘ ̷̣̌Ḛ̵̈́S̸̺̿C̵̐͜A̵͓̓P̴͔̔E̶͇͐ ̶̘̓F̴̭͊Ò̴͎Ṙ̴͓ ̸̬͒Ỷ̵͚O̴̖̿U̴̙͑?̵͉͗ ̴͔͝Ṭ̸͑H̶̜͌Ḁ̴͋T̵͍̈́ ̵̻͒P̴̻̓A̸̬͌I̵͔̚N̵̨̽ ̷̰̐Ą̷̓Ǹ̴̨D̷̡̊ ̴͖̂Ś̸̖Ǘ̷͍F̴̹̋F̵̹͛E̶̓ͅR̶̖̈Ỉ̵̪N̴̡̚Ǵ̶̪ ̴̭̋B̶̻͊È̴̟Y̶̢͒O̶̯͐N̸̯͆Ḏ̶͑ ̸̨̄W̴͍͑H̶̳̊A̷͙͠T̷͈̈́ ̸͖́Y̵̫͝Ö̷̻U̵̲͘R̸̺͆ ̷̪̇I̴̙͆M̷͖̀Ä̷̘́G̴̪̓I̸̘̍Ň̵̲A̷̟͆T̶̫͗İ̸̫Ő̴̲N̸̩͐ ̸͚̌C̵̲̅Ô̴͇Ů̷͖L̶͚̄D̷̺̋ ̶͚̕E̶̛̻V̶̮̎È̶̮R̷̯͋ ̴͚͆C̸̗̃O̴͔̓M̵̄͜E̷̘̿ ̶̲͊U̴͙͂P̴̆ͅ ̴̤̉Ŵ̸̪İ̷̜T̸̮͆H̷̪̍ ̶̞̊W̵̥̎Ȋ̶̳L̵͚̏L̵͎̇ ̴̰̌B̵͖̊E̸̤̐ ̸̻̑Ÿ̸̺O̵͓̿U̶̯̔Ṟ̸̌ ̷̱̐F̷͓͌Ä̶̱́T̴̥͠Ë̷̬́?̷̟͂ ̸̬͘Ÿ̸̢ȏ̸̠ū̴̧ ̴̛̹w̵͈͛ì̸̩l̸̤̐ĺ̷͕ ̷̗̽d̷͠ͅȉ̵͜e̴͖̓ ̵̩̒â̸͇t̷̮̿ ̶̳̿m̷͉̋y̶̹͌ ̴̮̄ḧ̷̢́a̶̺̐n̶̼̈ḓ̴͝s̷̹͠ ̸̥̃a̷͊͜ņ̷̂d̷̝͛ ̶̧̚I̶͎̿ ̶̈ͅẉ̸̅i̴̼̍l̴̡̛ḻ̸̿ ̴̦͂l̷͎̔a̶͚̒u̵͍͒g̶̺̈́h̴͙̕ ̴̲̈́a̵̲̔t̸̤͝ ̴̧́ÿ̷͍́ŏ̷̩ủ̸ͅ.̵̫̒.̶̛͓ ̶͇̿I̸͔̓ ̴͉̈w̸̩͒ĭ̷͍l̶̲͋l̶͍̈ ̴͓̊u̸͎͋t̸͈͝t̶̤̀ē̴̳ř̷̜l̴͉̊y̸͉͠ ̷͙̅ḑ̵́ẹ̶͛s̸̟̐t̸̡̒ŗ̸̕o̶̲̅y̸̡̋ ̴͖̐y̷͉̍o̷̖̐u̵̺̅.̴̠̕ ̶̠̇A̸͖͋ņ̴̓ḓ̶̓ ̵̹̈I̷̋͜'̶̨̕l̶̲̅l̵̞̀ ̴̝̎e̸͕͊n̴͕͐j̸̫̇o̸̠͂y̷̖̓ ̷̹̽ĕ̵̞v̷͓̈é̵̲r̴̮͆ÿ̷́ͅ ̸̧̋s̵͓͆ę̶̀c̴͙̓o̶̥̿n̸̫͒d̴̰̊ ̸͇͒ǫ̵̽f̴͇̈́ ̷̦͆i̷̜̔t̴̳̆.̴̱̀"
You smiled at her, a bright blush on your face as you wrapped your arms around yourself and sighed in ecstasy.
"W-What are you?!" Freesia screamed.
You looked back at her and smiled, your red eyes shining in absolute malice and insanity. “Me? Well, Į̵͊'̸̦͆m̶̙͗ ̵̗̈́t̵̠͊h̸̩͝e̸͕̐ ̴̡̌f̷̥̑ä̵̞́c̶̥͒e̶̞͑ ̸̜̐o̴͍̎f̸̗̽ ď̸̦͍̬̥̰͕̞́̽̊͘ȩ̷̮̇͊̿̄͛̿͋͝s̶̱͓̑̿͑̀p̶̧̛̦̗͙̞̞͓̟̟̪͍͍̙͛̀͂͆̆͛̄̀͂̂̆ͅͅa̶̘͎̭̣̫̤͈̰̋̑͒̕͝î̵͉͎͚͇̜̱̫̥͋͂͗́̈́͘ͅr̷̘̱̠̮̜̥̠̝̭̤̎̍̃͘͜."
"Hey, wanna bet on who wins?"
"Between the Weird Fangs and the Eight Deadly Sins. They’re fighting in town now, aren’t they?"
"That’s not even worth betting on," the soldier replied. The two soldiers were conversing in front of a large prison cell door. "The Eight Deadly Sins only have their Captain and one more, right? The other is on her way here, but Lady Freesia left a few moments ago to take care of her—"
"Hey," a voice called out from inside the cell. The soldiers’ breaths hitched in their throats as they turned to look at the door.
"That’s pretty interesting." Suddenly, a footprint was imbedded into the door and it fell forward with a loud BANG. The prisoner sauntered out, chains dragging behind him.
"N-No way," one of the soldiers cried out.
The prisoner sighed in relief, stretching his arms that had bleeding holes in them. Metal stakes were still embedded in his limbs. His long, white-blue hair and beard might have made him look like he was old, but his muscular body said otherwise.
"It’s nice to get out for a walk every now and then," he said, scratching his head.
"Fox’s Sin of Greed, Ban, of the Eight," a soldier exclaimed.
"You-?! How did you get out?!" The other asked, reaching for his sword.
"Why now?!" The other soldier asked, grabbing the hilt of his sword.
"You can tell just by looking," Ban replied. He pulled a metal stake out of his shin, blood dripping from it. "I kicked the door down." He threw the stake down at the soldiers’ feet. The soldiers gawked in disbelief.
"It’s because you guys were having an interesting chat," he continued. "They were alive?" He asked, glaring at them with his red eyes. "Our cap’n... And Y/N? Is she the one who was on her way here?" He took out another stake from his arm and threw it at the wall between the two soldiers.
"What’s the commotion?" Someone said, walking over to Ban and the two soldiers.
"Lord Jericho!" The soldiers exclaimed.
"Huh?" Ban said, his red eyes scanning over the person. They had their lavender hair up in a high ponytail and wore purple with their armor. They had a sword on their belt. Ban's eyes narrowed.
"The Deadly Sin, Ban," Jericho started. "I don’t know how you got out of your cell, but you’d better go back in."
"Look here, brat," Ban started. "That’s no way to speak to a hero, is it?"
"You dare address an apprentice Holy Knight as a ‘brat,’ huh?" They said, glaring their hazel eyes at Ban. "For a half-dead criminal, you sure like to run your mouth."
They turned to look at the two soldiers, who were currently shaking in fear. "Send a message to Lord Golgius," Jericho said. "A prisoner broke out of his cell and resisted, so Lord Jericho had no choice but to kill him."
"Yes ma’am," the soldiers replied, running away from the two.
Jericho then grabbed the hilt of her sword, glaring at Ban. She ran towards him and slashed at his chest multiple times before he could even react. She sheathed her sword, her back turned toward Ban as he screamed in pain.
Ban’s screams of pain slowly turned into a smug laugh. He turned to Jericho, rubbing his now bare chin. "Wonder if this is too short," he said. Jericho whirled around and gasped. Long locks of Ban’s hair were now on the ground.
"Well, it feels refreshing. Guess it’ll have to do," he thought out loud. He turned to face Jericho. "You’ve got talent, you know...as a hairdresser."
"You dodged my blade despite having wounds all over your body?!" Jericho gasped.
"‘Wounds’? What wounds?" Ban asked, flexing his arms. The holes in his arms were now completely healed, no sign of them ever being there.
"No way," Jericho gasped. "You just had steel stakes hammered through your limbs."
"Remember this well, brat. This is what you call a wound," he said, pointing to the scar that ran up his neck to his jaw. Jericho gawked in disbelief. "Though the wound he gave me... is what you call a special case." He gave her a canine smirk. He then ran over and pinned her against the wall by her jaw.
"Kill me! Kill me now!" She said, squirming in Ban’s grasp.
"A̸͚̽l̶̳̇ȓ̸̩i̸̺͐ǧ̶̠h̵̨́ṱ̷̀!̶̲͐," a voice exclaimed from the shadows.
"Eh?" Ban said, looking in the direction of the voice. His breath hitched in his throat and his eyes widened when he saw who it was. Jericho froze in horror, her blood running cold.
You walked out from the shadows, red eyes glowing demonically and smiling insanely. Your h/l h/c was floated in a halo behind you. Blood dripped from your temple, nose, and mouth. Even more dripped from the cuts on your limbs.
Your clothes were ripped and stained in blood. The sheaths of your daggers had blood dripping from them. Your fingers were covered in it. Despair, rage, and malice was rippling off of you so strongly that you had a black aura around you.
You threw your head back and laughed, the sound of it echoing in the entire floor, causing Jericho's blood to run cold. It was full of pure malice and insanity.
You whipped your head back and looked at Jericho. She froze in horror, your red eyes practically piercing through her soul. You smiled insanely at her. "L̸u̴c̵k̴y̷ ̷y̸o̵u̶!̶Y̶̼̒ó̷̲ụ̵̇ ̵̺̽g̸̹̃e̷͇̓t̶̨͗ ̷̟̉ẗ̸̙ǫ̵̆ ̸͎͝b̸̠̚e̵̬̕ t̴̲̲͗h̴̙̐̄̇̐ê̵̯̯̇̋ ̴̣͓̩̣̼̒̿s̷̟͉̪͛̓̓ȅ̴͎̰̌c̸̦̉̎̏͊͜͠ô̵̩̻̓̈̍ͅn̷͍̥͕͚͘ḋ̶̢̻̳̰̗́̎̚ ̶̤͓̊͐́̆͝l̵̛̛̦̜̕͠i̵̢͕͕̾̈́͐ͅͅf̴̹̗̏͝͝ͅę̶͓̬͛̿̋̿̋ ̶̩͓̌̆͊͋͊Ỉ̴̢̜͖͍ ̴̟̠͓͒̏̆é̸̡͎͠n̴̢̟͉̣̅̌̾͒̓d̷̡̳̘̂̕̕ͅ ̷̡̻̦͖̫͂̆̏͌̒t̷͉̫̝͘o̷̜̻̠̰̓d̵̼̼̍̂a̵͙͇͕̓̿̍y̴̰̽̓̏̐͘!̴̧̹̥͓̃̎̉̎͌"
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hobbitsnapes · 4 years
The Red Hoods Protègè chapter 21
Older Damian Wayne x ofc
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(Photo made by my lovely friend @iamhollows
Summary:Red Hood has taken a young vigilante under his wing and subsequently changes Damians life forever.
Tags: @comic-nerd-dc @comic-brew @psychovigilantewrites @psych0crybaby
Her feet tapped against the floor, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.
There she sat in the family room, papers shattered around her like a hurricane came through. She sat listening to one of the manigorrs for the fundraiser, which was in only 2 days.
“Mhm, yes he’ll be attending.” She said, her voice clear despite her nerves. “And what about your father?” The man asks. Her heart sinks into her stomach at his question. “No, my father won’t be making it sadly.”
“Okay thank you so much sir and have an amazing day.” “You as well miss Todd.” She hung up the phone, slumping back into the now uncomfortable couch. Her hands rubbed at her eyes, a headache that she tried ignoring biting back.
“And here I thought I had the best customer service voice.” She jumped slightly at hearing the voice, looking up and seeing Tim in the door, a smirk on his face. “Screw you.” She chuckled, making him laugh as he sat beside her.
He put his arm over her shoulder, smiling as she curled her head into his chest. He rubbed his fingers into her hair, noting the tangles that she had from pulling the strands.
“What’s on your mind?” He asks, breaking her out of her trance. “I’m just really overwhelmed with all of this. I mean just 4 years ago, I wasn’t allowed out of my house and nobody but my parents knew I existed. Now millions of people do, and I’m hosting a huge event in just under 2 days.” She groans, rubbing her eyes again. “Then tell me what’s eating you up.” “How did you-“ “really?” He chuckles, making her smile. She takes in a deep breath. “What if, what if I screw up? I say something wrong, I miss something, What if I didn’t do something right and I’m eaten up again by the media? What if I’m not good to do this?” She says, her voice cracking towards the end.
Tim sighs, running his fingers through her hair again. “What is your reason for doing this?” “To help people.” “Are you doing this for selfish reasons, to gain a better presence in the media?” “Of course not.” Tim smiles at her, “sandy, you are one of the most caring, loving, selfless, just overall one of the most amazing people I know. You have the biggest hearts I’ve ever seen. Your will and drive to help those in need well surpasses anything I and the others have done in our lives put together. I promise, when you get up there with your speech, you’ll move countless people, and change so many lives. And that’s just because it’s coming from you. I promise, everything will work out.” Tears spilled down her cheeks at his words, not even trying to wipe them. She reaches up, wrapping him in a tight hug. “Thank you.”
“Mister Wayne can you sign this for me?” A man asks, shoving a paper into his face. Bruce smiles as he scribbled his name into the paper, barley reading what it said.
People ran around the large room, setting up tables and such.
He looked over to his left, seeing Sandy standing as she signed papers herself, talking to some of the helpers. He had a tray of cookies that she had baked, handing them to each of the workers with a smile.
It was sweet, seeing just how caring she was towards each of them, giving her full attention to each person speaking, never interrupting or being rude.
He knew from the moment he met her, she had a kind heart, even stronger than his own. He could see how much she truly wanted to help everyone. Even at times when she was angry, she always had their heart in mind. It was a shame how things had become between her and his son.
Looking back, he saw how she rubbed off of him, how just her kind nature changed Damian. He wasn’t so short with everyone, wasn’t so rude or blunt. He had a kindness to him that bruce had only dreamed of for the young man. He truly saw how much she helped him to show kindness and love. If only he wasn’t so set in his beliefs that sadly Bruce gave him, he could be happy again.
Bruce felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around and seeing her. He saw only 2 cookies were left, a smile on her face as she hands him one. “I know you didn’t get any, so I saved the last two for us.” He smiled at this. “I’m good-“ “Bruce, I know you live off of protein and brooding, but one cookie won’t kill you.” She scolds, a hint of laughter in her tone. He smiles as he rolls his eyes, grabbing for one. He took a small bite, his eyes widening at the taste. “These taste just like-“ “your moms, I know. And actually, alfred wasn’t the one who taught it to me.” He looks at her in question, urging her to continue. “My dad, he learned it from Alfred, and then one night he taught me how to make them.” E chuckles at this, remembering when he had first made them for him and Alfred. The bright smile on his face when he ran into Bruce’s office with a tray of them. They were overcooked, resembling the feel of hockey pucks. But Bruce was so happy to see how happy the young boy was, he ate it with a smile.
“Your dads always been amazing at cooking, surprised he still likes doing it after all these years.” She smiles at this. “It’s one of our favorite things to do together. It’s, one of the first things that helped us bond. My dad’s amazing.” A pain stings in his heart at her tone, the sadness evident in her voice. “That he is. After everything that’s happened, I’m so happy and proud of the kind of father he’s become. The amount of love he has for you, makes me wish i had done for him. You’re his entire world.” A tear gathers in his eye, quickly blinking it away. “I know, he’s the greatest thing to happen to me. He’s, got such a big heart. After everything that’s happened to him, you’d expect him to be cold, heartless, and cruel. But, he isn’t. He’s one of the kindest people I know. I love him, so much.” She wipes away a tear falling down her cheek. “It sucks that, he can’t make it tomorrow.” She says, another tear falling from her eye. “Just know, he’s not doing it because he wants to. He’s, terrified. He hasn’t been in the spotlight in a decade. I know he would give anything to make it.” “Oh I know. When he told me, it sounded like he shot himself in the foot. I could hear how painful it was for him. But, I understand why. It’s terrifying for me. I can’t imagine how he must feel. After being ‘dead’ for a decade, to having everyone finding out you’re alive, it’s terrifying. I’m not mad or upset at him. I just wish I had him there. After all, he’s what’s driving me to do this.” Bruce smiles at her words, putting his hand on her shoulder. “And he’s gonna be watching, being the proudest dad there’s ever been.”
The room was packed, people talking filling the entire room.
Everyone with a name or money was there, from polititons, to ceos, to just anyone who could make it were there.
But nobody knew what the night was for. Bruce was notorious for hosting a gala whenever, so it wasn’t a shock when they were invited. But what was a shock, was it wasn’t his gala. No, it was hers.
Everyone there knew who the young girl was, having seen her interview plastered on every screen and paper for weeks.
Some wondered if it was her birthday, but that was shot down when her birthday was months prior. Some thought it was her coming into the Wayne family finally. But again, that idea was shot as well.
Some hoped it was for her and the youngest son to the Wayne family. They hoped they had finally gotten together after all those photos of them surfaced all those months ago. Some hoped it was an engagement announcement, or even that they tied the knot in secrete. Nobody had actually been able to figure it out.
Gasps were heard as she walked in, all eyes on the star of the night.
Her heart hammered against her chest as she walked in, seeing everyone’s eyes trained on her. But for once, she didn’t want to hide from their eyes. She felt, beautiful. She never thought she would say that again, after everything that had happened in her life.
Her hair layer in soft waves against her head, having it cut even shorter than normal. Soft winged eyeliner Accentuated her eyes, making them sparkle. Her lips painted in a soft red color.
She adorned a soft black dress, that was sleeveless but came up right above her neck. It stopped at about mid calf, sinching in at her waist. She took a cue from Audrey Hepburn, having been compared to her countless times due to her striking resemblance to the old Hollywood star. She didn’t want anything flashy, or over the top. That wasn’t what the night was about, it want about showing off how much money she had or her status with the Wayne name. No, it was much greater than that.
She walked over to the small carpet where photos were taken. Bruce had brought up the idea, having done it for most of his galas.
Lines of Photographers stood as hey captured her, yelling out questions and complements to her. She had grown somewhat used to the blinding lights, no longer hiding away in sheer fright. But they didn’t stop her heart from beating out her chest.
She smiled wide at the cameras, remembering to keep it on her face. “You look amazing!” One yelled out, making her smile wider and laugh. That was, until she heard another voice. “She really does, doesn’t she?” She heard hun yell, whipping her head to the side, her mouth opening in shock as she gasped.
Jason walked faster over to her, his heart racing as he reached her.
“DAD!” She screamed, tears spilled down her face as he picked her up. Her arms wrapped around him as he held her tightly, tears falling down both of their faces.
The photographers screamed loudly when they realized who it was, snapping photos and yelling out even more as the one and only Jason Todd was there.
She pulled away from him, a large smile on her face. “I thought you-“ “did you really think I was gonna miss this? For what, my fears? God no. Tonight is about you, my daughter.” Tears spilled down their faces as they held one another. “But you said you were to scared to make it?” “I lied, I wanted to surprise you. I knew you understood, but I knew you’d feel lost and scared tonight. I wanna be here, for you.”
Both smiles brightly at the cameras, laughing at everyone going mental with him there.
They walked up to an interviewer, smiling at the young man. “Jason Todd! How’s it feel to be back?” “Hey buddy, no questions about me. I’ll answer all of your guys questions one day when I’m ready. Tonight’s all about my daughter.” He said, a proud smile on his face. The man puts the mic over to her, “miss Todd, can I ask what this event is for?” She smiled at him, seeing his nerves evident in his face. “It’s for a good cause, one that’s very close to my dad and I.”
Tik walked over to her, smiling at the camera on his way. He brought her in for a tight hug, one that she happily reciprocated.
He pulled away from her, a smile on his face that she knows all to well. She looked at him in question, wondering what he was about to do.
She laughed out as he melt to the ground, his arms stretched out to her. He was recreating the will smith meme, putting all the attention to her.
She couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, making everyone laugh along with the two.
Dick walked to her, a large smile on his face as he too hugged her.
He pulled away, putting on his best smile to the cameras, a hand on her back. He pointed his finger down to her, making her laugh as he too put all the attention to her. “You’re the star of the night, gotta make sure they know.” He whispered to her, making her laugh.
Bruce stood beside Damian, won’t watching as she took photos with each member of the family. “Come on Damian.” “You’re not going to make me take a photo with her.” Bruce sighed at this, putting his hand on his shoulder. “You know it would be great if you could pit your pride away just tonight. This is for her. This event is for something that means so much to her. And besides, do you really want them speculating? Cause it sure as hell looks like you guys dated and broke up. If you take a few with her, it not only looks good, but it’s for her.” Damian sighs at this. He knows he’s right, having to remind himself that sometimes, you gotta bite your tongue and suck it up. “Fine.”
Her heart skipped rapidly when she sees Damian walking up to her, shock quickly being replaced with a smile. It’s fake, not a genuine one that she wore with everyone else.
He pulled her into his arms, making her heart soar inside her. He smells exactly the same, even his touch calming her like they did. “What are you doing?” She whispers, her arms still around him. “Don’t ask any questions now, let’s just get these photos done.” He whispers back, her heart stabbing in pain.
His hand wrapped around her lower back to her side, pulling her into his side. Her arms around his shoulder as they smile at the cameras.
It didn’t feel as uncomfortable as they thought, both feeling the comfort of one another.
He ducked his head down to hers, “just go with it okay?” He whispers. Before she can ask what he meant, his lips planted a soft kiss to her forhead. Her heart skipped rapidly in her chest, barley hearing people yelling out at the action.
They walked over to an interviewer, watching as the man struggled on who to point the mic to. “Did-did you guys just anouce your relationship?” The man asks, his words rushed. Damian smiled at the man. “No we did not. We just happen to be good friends, who have a slightly flirty relationship.” He chuckles, winking at her at the end. “I’d this true?” The man asks her, shoving the mic into her face. “Yes, it is. We’ve always been this way since we met. It’s mostly a running joke between us. As I right dames?” She asks, kissing his cheek at the end. Damian smiles at her, his hand on her back pulling her in. “That you are.” He chuckles. The man puts the mic between them again. “Well I gotta ask, I’d there a chance of a relationship budding between you two one day?” She chuckles at this, “we’re just really good friends.”
Everyone sat in silence, patiently waiting for her to start.
Her heart hammered in her chest as she walked up the stage. Only the sounds of her heels were heard through the large room.
She finally got up to the desk, hands clutching onto her papers. “Thank you all for coming tonight, it’s been a pleasure to meet each one of you.” She says, her voice smooth despite her anxiety being the highest it’s ever been.
She looks down to her papers, chuckling as her hands shake. “You know, I had my speech written out so I wouldn’t mess up. But you know what? Screw it.” She says, throwing the papers across the floor, a collective gasp heard around the room. “What I’ve come here to talk about, shouldn’t be planned, perfected, or written out. It should come from my heart.”
“As many of you know, my father, Jason Todd, found me on the streets. I, never really talked much about my past.” She takes in a deep sigh. “My parents died when I was young. I won’t go into the details, but I was without parents, a home, everything. I had nobody. For years, I lived on the streets. Fighting for food, stealing, trying to find where I was going to sleep each night. Winter was the worst, it was, so, cold. I felt it creep into my body, wishing for sweet death to finally take me. I, I remember finding, people. People who got that release. Frozen to death. I’ll never forget, when I found a little girl, frozen to death in her sleep. She, looked so peaceful. But I knew her short life was anything but.I’ve come here today to talk about those children. Those children who don’t have a home or a place to go. Now, I know you all aren’t stupid. We know what’s going on in those homeless shelters, kids are being taken, killed, Tortured, put into places that no child deserves! You all put a blind eye to them. I get it, it’s hard to talk about. It’s hard to admit that these things happen. But if we don’t talk about it, then it’s just going to keep happening. My father, was too a street kid. He thankfully was found by Bruce. As I was found by him. But some kids aren’t as lucky. Those kids, don’t know what’s it’s like to sleep in a warm bed, with a full belly, and not fearing for their life.”
Stray tears fell down her face, quickly wiping them away. “It’s time, to change that. We, need to help those children. For they are the future of our fallen city. They, are what will change this city one day. I’ve come here today to bring light for these children. I don’t wanna just be a socialite who’s only known for being with the Wayne’s. I want to make a change. And I, need your help. Tonight’s event, is a fundraiser. A fundraiser for my company that I’m building as we speak. All of your donations, from those who are in this room, to those watching at home, any cent you give, are going to the Todd/Wayne foundation fir homeless youth of Gotham. There, they will have a home. Rooms, a bed they can sleep in, food, and education. All ages are welcome, and you’re not just kicked out when you turn 18. No, we will help them find a job, and a place to live. It’s time we help the children of our city, it’s time to show them what it’s like to feel safe, and loved.”
“YEEAAHH THATS MY GIRL!” Jason screams, standing tall and clapping wildly. Cheers erupted through the room, claps almost deafening. She skilled wide, tears streaming down her face as everyone cheered for her. “SEE THAT! THATS MY DAUGHTER!” Jason screamed, never in his life had he been so proud, and so happy.
Tears stream down her face when she looks at the amount of donations were made. Millions had been made just tonight, enough to build a plethora of safe houses around the entire city.
Arms wrapped around her from behind, her mrltibg into then immediately. “You did so amazing tonight bub. I’m so fucking proud of you.” Jason says, his voice hoarse from crying. “I wouldn’t be able to do any of it without you dad.”
Hugs were shared between almost everyone, each one bringing her more joy.
Bruce held tightly to her, a proud smile on his face. “You did amazingly tonight. I can’t believe how well you moved everyone. I can’t remember a time I was so proud of someone.” He says, making her laugh.
“That was so amazing! I can’t believe you came up with all of that on the spot too. And here I thought I was the best at pulling out a speech out my ass.” Tim says, making her throw her head back laughing.
Barbara and dick both pulled her into a hug, nearly crushing her. “You did, so amazing tonight, you even made dick cry.” Barbara said, dick agreeing with a smile.
Alfred hugged her tightly, no words were spoken between the two. She could feel how proud and happy he was, just in his touch.
Damian walked over, making her heart speed up. He had a soft smile on his face. “I know everyone’s said it, but you did amazing. Even I can’t come up with something that moving.” He says, his tone calming and happy for once. A smile foarms on her face, “thank you Damian.”
Laughs erupted around the room, a rare change for everyone.
Everyone sat around the family room, all joking and chatting. It was surreal, seeing everyone there, acting like a family. Nobody was angry, or uncomfortable. Even Jason cracked a few jokes to Damian a couple times. Mostly about how the young man was still the shortest, even with his growth spurt he had.
Jaso held a beer in his hand, sipping on it. He looked down at her, seeing her laughing at something Bruce was saying. He wasn’t listening much, only hearing enough to tell him it was about him. “I’ve brought more refreshments!” Tim yells, making everyone cheer.
Tim passé around some of the drinks, finally reaching Jason.
She was looking down at her phone when she felt Tims presence. She looked up, seeing him handing her a drink. “I-I don’t know.” She stammers, looking to her father. “As you dad, I would say no. But, where technically I’m not, and you’re only a few years younger than me, and way older thst I was when I started drinking, I’ll allow it.” He says, making everyone chuckle.
Everyone watches her as she looks at the drink. She had never drank, being underage.
She takes a small sip, the taste of fruit immediate. “Hm, actually not that bad.” She remarks. “It’s weird though. Isn’t this kinda illegal for me to drink?” Everyone laughs at this, throwing their heads back. “It’s perfectly fine as long as you’re 18 and home. Plus, don’t you see damians had a bit to drink?” Dick chuckles, making her eyes go over to him.
And he was right, Damian sat with a glass of a darkish drink in hand. “What are you having?” She asks him. He lets out a small chuckle. “Bourbon. Here, try a sip.” He says, reaching over the table, handing it to her. Their hands momentarily touch, sending shivers through their touch.
She smells it first before taking a small sip. She scrunches her face immediately, the taste awful and burning. Everyone laughs at her face, even Damian can’t hold in his laughter. “Fuck me that’s strong!” She says, her voice hoarse from the burning. “Yeah it’s not for everybody.” Damian laughs, taking another sip from his drink.
Her head rested against her pillow, nearly ready to pass out. Tonight had been one of the greatest nights of her life, truly something she would never forget. She fought hard with sleep, her excitement growing inside her at what was to come. But all of that was for tomorrow she thought, finally shutting her eyes as sleep takes her.
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Let the Time of Separation Disappear
Kiane Week Day One: Touch/Feel
This group thing was a terrible idea. The Seven Deadly Sins – more like the seven daily prayers King sent to the Sacred Tree to put an end to this madhouse. No matter how skilled the individual fighters might prove in combat – and King had his doubts about at least two of the four oddballs in this matter –, they would not function as a unit. The afternoons he spent trapped in the community quarters high up in Liones castle demonstrated this point with such emphasis, he might laugh. That is, if he hadn’t felt so miserable.
On the rare occasion that the Mage, Merlin, showed herself, she would levitate in a corner of the room, smile to herself, and watch the disaster unfold. She played the group without the need of a single word, and King did his utmost to turn invisible whenever she teleported into their midst. But the Captain, Meliodas, would always shatter his efforts by showering everyone on the team with a disgusting excess of liquor only humans could find amusing. 
And unfortunately, ‘everyone’ included King.
The third of the bunch, Gowther, did nothing much at all. He sat on the floor in his clunky armor, took away space, and sometimes speed through a book Merlin handed to him in about a minute. The mere thought of gluing his eyes onto a piece of manufactured wood filled with this many words gave King a headache.
And no, the alcohol was not responsible this time. Although the sight of Gowther’s untouched mug on the floor did produce a foul taste on his tongue. King hurried to open the nearest window, and swallowed a lungful of oxygen. A bit better. Even though the air circling around the human castle lacked the scents of nature, of conifers and pollen and grass heavy with morning dew.
“What’s the matter, King, you gotta throw up?”
King craned his neck to throw a death glare at the owner of the voice.
Ban was by far and away the worst. If a single human existed to whom King liked to demonstrate the deadly capabilities of his Sacred Treasure more than Aldrich, Ban would make for the ideal candidate. Careless, loud, rude, followed by the stench of alcohol wherever he went, and overall, the most human-like human King had had the displeasure to meet. The day he would fight alongside this man would without a doubt bring about the end of Britannia.
“I would have rather stayed in my cell,” King said with a pleading look in Meliodas’ direction.
“Too late. I got’cha out of there, so you owe me your eternal loyalty. Although I might free you from your debt if ya take another drink and relax. I’ve got good news this time.”
Gowther looked up from his book with a teeth-clattering shriek of his helmet. “Does this mean you have found one of our missing members?”
Meliodas grinned. “Bingo.”
“Nooo!” King buried his face between his hands. “Not another one. I won’t take another.”
The only hinderance that had so far saved him from the dreaded field missions as a special order of King Bartra’s Holy Knights with a special talent for lacking any resemblance of teamwork, had been their shortage of numbers. According to Bartra’s vision, seven knights would unite against an unnamed great threat. King’s lucky streak had not only pushed him into the spotlight as one of these seven, it had also chosen the worst people as his teammates. And he had little hope that the Sins of Envy and Pride would upset the trend once they showed up.
Meliodas wiggled an accusing finger in the air. “Now, now, King, you have to give her the opportunity to win you over. I met her by chance before she was sentenced. She’s a nice girl. And her grilled pork tastes far better than mine.”
“That’s a low standard to beat.” Ban robbed across the lavish carpet – the pelt of a white hound-like creature if King had to guess – and put an arm around the Captain’s neck. “I’ve never tasted worse food than yours!”
“Well, it’s not like cooking’s a revered skill where I come from.”
“To return to your complaint, King,” Merlin said while hiding her intentions behind the rim of her wine glass, “I believe our newcomer will surprise you. You might find that you share more than a few things with her.”
Aha. Another one of Merlin’s cryptic messages. Did the Captain carry with him a dictionary on the way she shared knowledge in singular puzzle pieces to understand her? And could King borrow such a dictionary?
“Let’s just get this over with,” he said with a sigh.
Meliodas clapped his hands together. “Great! But we gotta go out to the yard to meet her. She’s a little shy.”
With crossed arms, King floated behind the others through the great halls of the castle. Cold stone atop of more cold stone, decorated with stone ornaments. A handful of knights passed them on their way towards the yard and stared at the group with a mixture of curiosity and hostility. Many a hand wandered towards the hilt of a sword, mace, or spear. King could handle the glares, as a Fairy, he had earned a plethora of glances and hushed comments from his prison guards throughout the past two hundred years. His human form did little to divert suspicion, after all, he hobbled behind an armored colossus, a drunkard, and a blond child. But what unnerved King far more was the fact that he would soon have to collaborate with these human knights and fight their war. Last time he had been forced to kill, his hand hadn’t stopped trembling for days on end.
King bumped into Ban when the latter stopped dead on the doorstep towards the yard. The string of curses he planned to hurl at Ban died in his throat, suffocated by the sight of his newest teammate. She reached thirty feet above the cobblestone, her head blocked the sun, and she refused to dissolve after one, two, four hacked breaths that escaped King’s mouth like whimpers.
She hadn’t changed one bit. Of course, she had grown in these two hundred years, the shape of her body had become more defined with added curves, but she still wore her hair in pigtails, she still shuffled her right foot over the ground, and she still hid her face behind brown locks when none of the other Sins raised their voice to greet her.
Her eyes, a shade of violet more intense than any forget-me-not – the same.
Her hands, strong and dirt-stained and able to form clay into fantastical figures – the same.
Her voice when she mumbled a “Hi, guys” into her hair – the same.
The world turned upside down and shrunk, King’s vision and his sense of smell narrowed until no one but her existed, her and a cave and a field of flowers he had called home. She had survived – what had led her here? Did she remember? No, of course not, the spell King had woven had plucked every last hint of him from her memory. But she still stood here, presented to him as his teammate. They could spend their time together like they had used to – but they would fight in a war together. She might get hurt, she might be forced to kill, she might see the failure he was, a killer who didn’t hesitate to end his best friend’s life. Even if the universe had worked its magic to make her remember him… wouldn’t she hate him? For abandoning her?
Ban smacked his elbow into King’s ribs. “Will ya say hi to her already? Otherwise my feet are gonna freeze to the ground.”
What? Had any of them talked? Had Meliodas introduced her already? King turned towards the Captain for help, but he only offered a knowing grin that matched Merlin’s expression to a T.
She extended a hand towards King, the skin covered by tiny scars from a life in the wild. “The name’s Diane.”
“Harle- You can call me King.”
“Nice to meet you, King.” The smile she gifted him was ripped right out of his memories, untainted by the two hundred years of separation.
And when he placed a trembling hand against her outstretched finger, every moment that had withered and lost its gleam in the darkness of his prison cell returned to him, and they were kids again. The games of tag, the stories she told him, the anecdotes about plants he shared with her, the sound of her laugh, the smell of grilled pork, the warmth of her body next to him when they slept.
All of this and more overwhelmed King at the touch of Diane’s skin. The sweaty palm of his human form against the softness of her fingertip, so close that he felt the individual grooves and bumps of her skin.
His heart might have well run away and forgotten to beat when Diane leaned forward. “We wouldn’t happen to know each other, right? Something about you feels familiar… I can’t put my finger on it.”
“W-where could we have met?” King blinked against the sting in his eyes. Probably dust. Yeah, definitely dust. “I’m sure you’re imagining it. You can find a face like mine all around human towns, right Captain?”
“Sure, but most of those folks can’t fly.”
“I always wondered about this,” Ban said. “But I’ve had at least two… three… five bottles of ale, so I can’t trust me ears or my eyes anymore. Speaking of, with our sixth member tracked down, the evening calls for a celebration! Captain, you wouldn’t happen to have more of that Vanya Ale stocked somewhere?”
Meliodas grinned. “I’m one step ahead of you. You’ll join too, right Diane?”
“How could I decline when you’re the one asking?” Diane winked at the Captain, but by some miracle, her eyes found their way back to King. “Still, I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere before. It’s like a memory from long ago I can’t quite reach.”
“Maybe it was a dream,” King said. “People can imagine the most wonderous things when they’re dreaming.”
But he remembered. He remembered all of it, all the moments, the conversations, and the quiet togetherness Diane had forgotten. And on this day and throughout the next five years King stayed beside her. He found excuses to touch her, hand her a drink, brush her arm when floating next to her, high-five her after a successful mission. Her skin against his skin for the briefest of moments.
So that at least one of them remembered.
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