#Not making it a poll because I don't seek a clear answer
phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Okay do I make a) my Percy Jackson reincarnates into dc, or b) my loz link goes to camp half blood au.
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hey id suggest removing the mindless self indulgence polls, theyre a famously racist band and multiple members have been outed as sex pests
Hi! Sorry for taking a while to reply to this. We had to formalize our policy on controversial artists, and this post will be both a response to your ask and an explanation of the policy.
Now, the policy is stated in full on the pinned post now if anyone would rather read it there or wants to know where to reference it later. That aside, I'll answer the ask first.
The problem with deciding if an artist/band is unacceptable is even less straightforward than deciding what's unacceptable content. I assume you sent this ask because you saw this ask, published yesterday. That response deals largely with album content, which is to say, something concrete that we can look at and is clear and directly relevant to any individual album poll.
It's unclear from your ask whether only the band members themselves have these problems or if this is reflected in their music as well. IF the latter is the case, and this includes instances of context changing/clarifying the message of the music, then we would like to know!
However, I can't understate how important it is to be clear and demonstrative if this is something you want to do. I understand that you probably mean well, but you can understand that an anonymous ask that makes claims that we then have to verify ourselves could be used maliciously and doesn't really allow us to ask for clarification in return. Whether you're off or on anon, explaining how something concrete and directly relevant like a song lyric is potentially harmful is so much easier to work with.
Now for a more policy-centered discussion:
The unfortunate reality of running this blog is that that there isn't enough time to vet each individual artist, and we as mods don't feel comfortable nor well equipped enough to draw that line for each artist with limited information.
Now, if an artist/band is associated with a hate group or a genre that at its core seeks to do harm (ex. NSBM), that's a clear indicator that everything that they say is in context of that. But if we don't have those indicators, then things become less straightforward.
To this end, we would like to make it clear that no post on this blog is an endorsement, and we do encourage people who are interested in looking into an artist they see on here to vet them to your usual standards to confirm that they're someone you're okay with supporting/listening to. Also, if there's any information you might feel is important for people to know about an artist that you're familiar with, absolutely feel free to add that information in the replies/reblogs so that people can make more informed decisions!
I've also added an option on the submission form if anyone wants to provide a disclaimer or more information about the album they've submitted. This was technically an option before, but it wasn't clear and thus rarely used. There's more information on this in the pinned.
As a general policy going forward, asks like these won't be answered publicly, so if an anon ask is sent, it won't get a response, but if action needs to be taken, we will take it!
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barmadumet · 9 months
So, @underacalicosky and @wibzenadarksiderwithasoftheart tagged me in the WIP Tag Game, AND THANK YOU FOR THAT, but I don't have any new WIPs since the last time 🤷🏻‍♀️and you all know about all of those. . . BUT I have been working on option 3 from that poll quite a lot - I have about 75k words, but I am nowhere near ready to post a first chapter. But you know what? I think part of my slump right now is that I haven't shared any of my writing in almost 6 months since I finished Streets. So, though I am nervous to do this - because knowing me, I'll probably end up changing this or scrapping it - here is a small sample of that fic I've been working on:
Ferus awakes to the smell of brewing tea, and he’s not even sure how Obi-Wan has achieved such a feat when he doesn’t even have a kitchen, but the aroma is unmistakable. He glances at the parallel palette a few feet away – Anakin is still sound asleep, and the first sun is not yet peeking into the interior of the cave.
When Ferus stirs, he sees Obi-Wan perched on the plateau in the entryway of the cavern. He sits beside him and the Jedi Master slides him a cup.
“I had another ready,” Obi-Wan comments evenly, but cheerfully. “I thought you might be up soon. . . Your Master used to talk of how you’d wake with the suns.”
Ferus’ lips curl at the mention of his former, deceased Master, Siri Tachi. “She was like Anakin, and could sleep all day if you’d let her.”
Obi-Wan smiles softly. “And he needs extra rest these days, it seems.”
“He does. He gets worn out so quickly. . . It’s strange to think it��s Anakin – always so competitive, pushing himself to the limit. Needing to be the best. To win.”
“That need for victory,” Obi-Wan somberly tsks. “I do believe that’s where I lost him.” He sighs. “His fear of losing. . . It impacted him in more ways than one, but now that he’s lost so much, I don’t think it frightens him anymore.”
“Well, he hasn’t lost you – and it’s clear you’re what matters most to him.”
“You mean a great deal to him as well,” Obi-Wan reminds intently.
Ferus marginally shifts the subject, “Obi-Wan? You don’t have to answer this, but. . . I saw the two of you last night, the way you. . . I know I only implied it before, but did the two of you have a relationship?”
“Not a romantic one, if that’s what you’re getting at.”
“That is what I’m getting at – the way you held him, and the way he was curled up against you – I can’t say it’s a position I’ve ever been in with my Master, but I’ve surely slept beside my husband in the same manner.”
“I never touched him,” Obi-Wan defends sharply. “Especially not when he was seventeen. But when he got older, when the war started. . . Well, we became less like Master and apprentice and more like. . . something else entirely. But nothing ever came of it. There was tension there, and to be honest, I think it caused problems between us. This chirpy Anakin is one I’ve not seen in a long time, and I’ve missed him terribly. I honestly don’t know what possessed us to curl up together last night, because it’s not something he’d remember us doing; it’s not something we did until he was older. We’d seek comfort during the war, but it was never really romantic so much as just comfortable – natural. . . and I suppose that’s why we ended up that way: it just felt natural. I’m sorry. I’m rambling, and I know that’s not much of an explanation, but when it comes to Anakin. . . in light of this situation. . . I’ve just never before been so confused and so sure of myself all at once.”
Ferus laughs ironically. “That’s exactly what I was trying to explain to you about taking him under my wing. It felt both wrong and right. I’m still conflicted at times. . . and I. . . I can’t stay, Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan’s head turns sharp. “You can’t go,” he protests.
“I can’t stay,” Ferus reiterates. “I need to get back to the base – check on things there. Try to get back home and make sure Roan’s family is safe.”
“But you don’t intend to return.”
“I. . .”
“Anakin will be crushed. Please don’t do this. Not right now. Let him get settled.”
“He doesn’t need me, Obi-Wan; he has you.”
“Do you not hear how he refers to the two of you as one unit? Do you not see the way he lights up when you enter the room? Do you not see how he hangs on your every word? ‘Well, Ferus says. . . Ferus thinks. . . Ferus wants. . .’ ”
“That’s just because we’ve spent so much time together. I’m all he’s had for the last few weeks. He’ll be fine. I know you’ll take care of him.”
“You aren’t so sure. I can sense it – your worry for him, but you’re running away because it scares you –because of what he used to be, and I’m. . . I’m scared, too, and maybe I need you just as much as he does right now. You’re the only one that— Don’t go. I want you to stay.”
Obi-Wan and Ferus go quiet when they sense Anakin awake and approaching.
“Good morning, dear one,” Obi-Wan beams when a sleepy looking Anakin appears. His eyes are tired. His face is blank. His arms are folded, buried in his Master’s robe, head covered to hide his scarred face.
Anakin’s gaze is on the horizon, where the second sun is just starting to rise, the shadows of the cave now absorbing soft morning light. Both men have turned to watch him. Now, he watches them back and smirks. He wedges himself between the pair, then puts his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
Ferus is just about to stand when an arm comes around his waist and pulls him closer. A cybernetic hand snakes up his back and rubs it gently. Ferus slowly turns to look at Anakin just as he lifts his head from Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and Ferus finds he can’t look away from the intense and engaging stare.
Anakin lets his forehead tenderly bump against Ferus.’ When he feels Obi-Wan’s arm stretch around him, he boldly decides to now use Ferus as his personal pillow instead, supremely content with having contact from each side.
Obi-Wan’s knuckles brush back and forth against Ferus’ ribs, an indirect way to communicate, a way to say he understands. He knows Ferus is wrestling with the very same qualm he himself had struggled with for many years: craving Anakin’s touch, while simultaneously fighting a guilt-ridden urge to push it away. He sees Ferus’ dark eyes peer at him from over the hood of the robe Anakin is still snuggled in – tethering between satisfaction and indecision.
Ferus is rigid, neck straight and chin high. But at Obi-Wan’s faint, but soothing smile, and with Anakin burrowing further into his side, he can’t help but rest his cheek to the top of Anakin’s head, shamefully giving in to the warmth and solace they both provide.   
The three remain huddled together as they watch the sky change colors in a comfortable silence.
Thoughts?? Any interests? I feel like this will be a fic about 4 people will read lol, but I've been wanting to write it for almost 2 years now. I feel rusty! Idk if I can pull it off, but I'm going to try.
Thanks again for the tags, friends! It looks like all of your WIPs have been inquired about (or I already have knowledge of them! 🤩) These all look DELISH!!!
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bilesproblems · 1 day
So about the people asking me if they can be a lesbian: I'm not the gatekeeper of the lesbian label or the mspec lesbian community. I don't get to decide who's allowed and who's not. I'm an unemployed autistic 18 year old with a tumblr blog who sits on her phone all day. I don't want to be given the power to decide who can and can't be a lesbian. I do understand wanting someone to validate you and your identity - that's why I give it to people when they ask. Because that's a normal thing to want, you want someone to tell you that it's okay and makes sense if you're doubting yourself. But while I can do that for people, you are allowed to identify as a lesbian with or without my permission. You don't need anyone's permission for that matter, you only need your own. I am not a high authority on mspec lesbians just because I made a themed tumblr side blog and people found me entertaining or helpful. Anyone can do that.
I'm not mad at anyone - I hope I don't come across that way - because I do understand. But the place I'm at in my inclusionism doesn't include needing permission to identify as a lesbian, or not being allowed to identify as you wish, and it would go against my stances there to just give permission without making it clear that my permission isn't necessary. I'm flattered that you guys think of me highly enough to value my opinion, but I am still just a teen with a tumblr. I have made a joke poll about being the "ceo of bi lesbianism" but I would rather take that silly title as meaning I can give good information about the community and people in it, doing my best to represent everyone when I make arguments even when I don't experience everything the same way. I want that to mean I'm a safe place for people to go to feel validated and share struggles and connect with the community. I don't want it to mean that I check everyone at the door to make sure they're valid. What makes me so special that I get to decide? I mean I value my opinion over an exclusionist's because I have more knowledge and I'm not a reactionary but I still don't believe anyone has the right to decide who gets to be a lesbian, not even me. A core principle of being an inclusionist, is that everyone has a right to self identification, and "validity" is bullshit. Me deciding if someone can or can't be a lesbian isn't much better than an exclus deciding it, regardless of if we give different answers or not. It would still be practicing gatekeeping to get to choose.
If people in the future want to ask me for validation on their identity, consider alternate wording! You can ask "hey Lun, do you think it makes sense for me to identify as a lesbian?" You can ask "I'm considering identifying as a lesbian. [x experience here.] What do you think?" You can ask "hey red this is my experience. If you had this experience do you think you would call yourself a lesbian too?" You can ask "can you give me some validation on my identity please?" That's all fine. Those keep it to just my opinions and thoughts, but aren't permission. You can tell me you're going to identify as a lesbian because it's your favorite pride flag and I might think that's a strange reason to identify as a lesbian, and if you ask my opinion I'll probably say as such, but I'm not going to assume authority to say you CANNOT identify as a lesbian because I think the reason is weird. It's just not my place to decide. My place is just to make people feel accepted, safe, and happy, and to spread good information to people seeking it.
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seasonal-writes · 2 years
I uh. Got carried away 😅
4, 13, 17, 22, 35, 53?
DON'T EVEN WORRY LEAF ANON YOU ARE KEEPING ME SO ENTERTAINED THANKS 4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
ooOOh. um. so, probably other like, bits of stories? i also talk a lot about AU ideas with my best friend, so i get a lot of inspiration from them too! but i'd say music is a HUGE source. lyrics, sound, overall vibe. those are all big things that inspire new ideas. :) 13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow? Sleep. On. Your. Drafts. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH. I am ALWAYS wanting to edit right after I have written up a draft that I've been working on in one sitting. But I am also the kind of person who does not see typos/issues within the writing if I've been staring at it for hours at a time, thus, i follow the idea of "stepping away" and coming back to it after a decent break. It helps me EVERY SINGLE TIME, without fail, in finding typos or other problems. Plus, it gives me time to re-think certain scenes that might've been an issue to write out when i was working on the draft. Writers, sleep on/step away from your fic drafts if you're struggling with them. or just in general. God. It is.. the best tip I can offer and follow religiously myself. 17. What do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block) haha, you mean like, right now? because it's not only midterms that's fucking up the golden rings upload schedule. writer's block is a BITCH. Honestly, the best thing I do for myself is take a break from the content. I specifically seek out other media/stories/whatever to think about, to kinda wipe the slate clean and prevent from overwhelming myself, if that makes sense? Usually it helps me clear my head and maybe even get re-inspired by looking elsewhere!
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Oooh, um, let's see. I probably won't do first person now, unless I have to. I used to LOVE first person POV, but now it's not really my thing. Third person in all its forms, my beloved. I also actually just answered a poll about this, but one other thing I won't write (or read) is like, character x oc? I have nothing against it, no judgment here! But it's not something I personally see myself writing.
35. What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
They have to be hot, next question- No WAIT I'm joking, okay. So, all realness? I don't really know?? This is a really great question but i have the SMALLEST experience in writing villains and I.. i genuinely don't really know how to answer that. If anyone has villain writing tips, though, let me know. I'll take 'em. 53. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both? I like to think I'm a 50/50, though I definitely spend more time writing than I do reading fanfic. Most of the fic I read is found through tumblr/sent to me/written by friends, because I am like. admittedly very lazy. and I do not scroll through ao3. I know, sue me! So, maybeee.. 60/40. :)
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komori--shoma · 2 years
Muse answer to  Basic Q&A ✨
Credits to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
Whats your name? Is there a meaning behind it?
Hm? Well, the whole name Seiji and Yui gave me used to be Shoma Astarthea Leily Komori.
My first name, Shoma, means “Woman who seeks the truth, who is not conformist at all” in Japanese; Astarthea is the literal name of "The Angel of Hell" from the bible; and Leily is Iranian name meaning "nocturnal", "one who likes to go out at night".
If you pay attention, you can guess which name was given by Seiji and which by Yui—
But, now, my only second name is "Umi", also a Japanese name that means "ocean".
Any prefered Alias or nickname that you'll like to be called as?
Well, I don't truly have a preference, but... I like it when people "Shomy"... It-It makes me feel small— In the good way, I mean!
What kind of person do you think you are?
Well, I suppose I'm clingy at times... But I don't truly know what "kind of" person I am.
When is your birthday? How do you celebrate it?
It's on October 30th! And since I met Yvonne and the others, I'm used to celebrate it in home with a grand feast! Or going to a really nice restaurant. That day is the day everyone pampers me quite a lot~
What's your age?
I'm eighteen years old!
What's your gender?
Female, of course~
How tall are you? Are you satisfied with your height?
... I'm 160 cm., and no. I wish I was taller. Everyone around me are giants and I don't like it—
Where did you come from?
I used to live in the Chūbu region, in Japan. I met the Kurosawas in Miyagi, in the Tohoku region.
What charm do you suppose that you possess?
OK, I had to do a poll for this one with possible answers because I didn't think I had any charm and— The answer is "Agonising Cuteness".
[ After a few seconds of silence, she pouts as she folds her arms on top of her chest, turning her cheeks in a soft pink. ]
... I hate this—
Do a voice impression, will you?~
[ After clearing her throat, she smiled like a certain cat. ]
Oh, dear, what a mess—— snort—— Wish that Kou and Yuma could stop fighting like ladies and do literally something useful around the house—— But no. I hate everyone except for my siblings, Yui, and maybe, JUST MAYBE, Shu Sakamaki...
Name one of your favorite activities, can you?~
Hmm... I guess reading and watching the T.V., and also going for walks in the afternoon.
How do you greet someone in the morning?
Oh, with a hug and a "Good Morning", of course!
What's the last thing you say to someone before going to bed?
... [ She blushes a little, looking down and playing with her feet. ] “Good—Good night... I love you.”
Favorite possession (item)?
[ She shows two plushies, one of a rabbit, given by Convoitise, and one of a cat, given to her by an old friend... ]
These two are my top favourites!
Why not talk about your hairstyle a little?~
Um, my hairstyle...?
Well, Yvonne fixed my messy hair back when we reunited as much as she could. Convoitise taught me how to do it without any help! It feels nice and light, and not itchy like before!
Any unique characteristics on you?
Hmm... I guess you all can tell me off by my missing eye, so I suppose that counts—?
Do you have a special nickname to call someone as?
... [ Another pout with a blush, but this time, both are twice as hard. ]
... "Brat"...
What's your favorite color and why?
Ooooh, any pastel color is nice! They feel so peaceful and cute!
What do you enjoy doing?
Cuddling, reading and painting!
What's your special skill?
Well, I suppose Yvonne is training me to kill demons in self-defence, so... I guess that counts?
Demonstrate a short love confession! I dare you~
... I'm sorry, but I won't! Only one person can hear that from my lips!
Your favorite food, and why?
I don't really have any favourite food, but I truly don't like cabbages— Yuck...
Your favorite drink, and why?
Hmm... Anything sweet, really, either refreshing or warm!
Any favorite book?
[ She gasps in excitement, and shows her favourite book: “The Little Prince”. ]
This one!
Any favorite genre of movie? Hmm, why?
Hmm... Romance, I suppose! And Fantasy! I really like things that helps you escape reality.
Favorite game? (If none can skip)
Hmm... Hide and seek! I really like it, especially if—... Hmmn~ Nope~ I don't think I'll give you a reason why, but you can find out yourself~
Favorite music? Why?
... D-Disney villain and princess songs.
What's your weakness?
... I guess I'm extremely sensitive at times or I try to be way too understanding. If we're talking about physical weakness... Well, um— that doesn't matter, right...?
Anyone that you respect~
@mino-diabolik and @daughter-of-royalty are the first people I ever respected! And that's a lot to say...
@ruki--mukami is... A close second—
@fruit-of-infidelity I respect him a lot! He's one of the best Sakamaki Brothers, after all!
Do you have a wish?
Please, Lord, make this year go easy please—
Anything to say to those that are watching your interview?~
You all owe me twenty dollars.
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leftovercuriosity · 3 years
A little something on Demons: an(extremely) informal essay of sorts. Which is mainly going to be my opinions/beliefs.
Hey! You're probably wondering who I am, and why I've decided to sit down and write about my own, personal, beliefs on this subject. So, let me introduce myself:
My name is Alexandria, please feel free to call me Alex! I'm a 17 year old lesbian, who doesn't know what label to put on myself in terms of spirituality. Or, if I even want to label that!
Am I an expert in this topic? No.
Am I a psychic medium? Well... if you count having the ability of Anthroposomancy; then yes. I am.
Am I a professional/have I fully, 100%, developed my skills of Anthroposomancy? Absolutely, positively, not!
But! I see a whole heck of a lot of misinformation being spread on the topic of Demons! And, I would like to hopefully help beginners, or even some advanced peeps out with giving out some true information, rather than garbage.
Let's get started!
“A 1997 newspaper poll in Great Britain showed more than 90 percent of adults admitted to believing in the paranormal. But because this phenomenon is elusive, preferring to lurk on the fringes of real life and almost never turning up for appointments in laboratories, the paranormal has been denied for decades.”[1] This is a quote by Uri Geller, I'll be linking sources at the end of my post for further reading(if you feel so inclined).
These same paranormal forces have basically been the pioneers of religion and society possibly long before anceint history was a thing! But, they do not officially exist in the minds of those who wish to control other people; be it for money, power, or simply by fearing if others don't believe as they do, their own stability will be lost. Sound familiar?
Before we go any further, I just want to point out that I am an ex-catholic; and I am by no means trying to steer people away from any branch of Christianity. All I'm doing is pointing out what happened in the church I went to, and comparing it to how I thought about these topics in the past, and what my own research has lead me to believe.
So, whether you want to believe it or not; Christianity is a fear-based religion.
But Allie! Christ literally said: “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Lk 12:32). So, how can this religion be based around fear?
"Sometimes, however, Christians have an inordinate fear of losing the things of this world. This is a fear that comes from unbelief. ..."[2] There is, in fact, more to that quote; but I will start by explaining this part in particular. I have a BIG problem with the people who cherry pick out their "O so sacred book," if it was their father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom, then why did he flood the world?
Moving on to my original topic so I don't get heated in this post; what I'm trying to say is that all these religions that try to hide knowledge, or only give you a select few bits and pieces of knowledge... They are possibly the root of all "evil," in a spiritual sense.
Let me give you an example of the demon who is the first duke of the power of the east; his name is Agares.
And no, I'm not saying we should all worship/summon demons; I'm well aware of the mayhem that would cause. But! Where do we find demons? In the dark. Why are most of us afriad of the dark? You can't see anything/it represents the unknown. What if I told you that "the dark" has more knowledge than the word of a preacher? What if I told you that this is the very same darkness that the world was subjected to before God theirself blinded the inhabitants with his "holy light"?
So, why did I bring up Agares? He is what is known as a fallen angel and the second of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. Prior to his fall, Agares was a member of the angelic order of Virtues.
What is a biblical Virtue? "Virtue has been defined as “conformity of life and conduct with the principles of morality.” The virtues are thus the practical attitudes and habits adopted in obedience to those principles. ... To these four, Christianity added the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love."[3]
But, if we are talking about demons, darkness, and knowledge... Why would a demon want to share knowledge? Why is darkness scary? Why is knowledge in the dark?
Why would an all loving and all knowing God kick out the angles that THEY CREATED, for not obeying his every word and command? Or better yet, for questioning him? Why would this all loving God not want to show their face(s)? We don't have a clear picture of what they even look like! Heck; we think Jesus is a white dude! He grew up in the MIDDLE EAST!
But, demons on the other hand!! They have knowledge. And they are willing to share it. If we are talking specifically about Agares you can...
"Seek Agares for wisdom in friendship and to make your garden grow. He also gives advice on financial matters with regard to projects.”-From the Daemonolatry Goetia ( 2010 ) – Written by S. Connolly
But! I think I've babbled on for far too long. let me know if you peeps have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer!!
1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uri_Geller
2: https://founders.org/2017/11/16/fear-and-the-christian/#:~:text=Christians%20can%20feel%20faithful%20fear%2C%20or%20anxiety%2C%20about,his%20child%20runs%20out%20into%20a%20busy%20road.
3: https://www.britannica.com/topic/virtue-in-Christianity
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What: Supervisor John Avalos from District 11 is actually going to formally starting a new campaign aid bridge the gap between the legislative branch of government and grass roots people. A brief warming party will be followed with a serious discussion about the next steps to consider as a community. There is actually snacks and refreshments.
They don't sense that they need training and in case they did, it may just be an admission that they've skills they desire to work on." In many organizations, attending training is considered as a sign of weakness. What's going on ? Just because someone attends training, they're weak? Shouldn't commitment to development remain visible as a stronger point? Apparently not. The actual leadership ranks in many organizations, this can a problem. Sad, but true. Arrogance and ego are robbing executives of development which need.
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When you get too excited, the WSJ is reporting that market research of 100 venture capitalists from executive search firm Polachi Corporation. indicates that 53% analysts thought the market was broken. This list may have some bite because over 70% of those polled were managing partners. But the definition of broken differed among the respondents - with some seeing the as bust but fixable and others seeing no cure in view. VC's tend for you to become an optimistic lot by nature, so maybe this dose of pessimism means we've actually flattened and have nowhere to go but in. That's my take a lot of.
Author Name:- Shreya Mehta
Address:- 104 Esplanade ave 120, 
                  Pacifica, CA
Mobile No:- +1 917-668-8461
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