#Not sure if Paul was still in Scotland at this point
m1ssunderstanding · 7 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 3.1
I thank my lucky stars every night that Yoko eventually got sick of playing secret-keeper.
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Paul: I didn't leave the Beatles. The Beatles have left the Beatles . . . John said he wanted a divorce. Alright, so do I. See how they say “Beatles” and they mean each other sometimes?
Derek Taylor on John's position on the break-up: if Paul were to approach him and say “let's do it together again” he probably would; with no more words, he would probably do it. Which is an insane claim to make to a world full of people grieving the greatest band to ever exist unless you are very very sure of that probability. But if it's true that that's all it would have taken, and Paul didn't do it? That hurts my head a little. Do we think he was just hurt too bad to want it back? Do we think he didn't know he had that kind of power? Do we think he was glad to be free of the group?
Ugh my heart can't take it. I'd cry too, John, watching that. I mean look at how they are looking at each other. Look at everything they've lost in a year. I'd bawl like a baby too.
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Paul sends John a long, thorough letter, begging for them to legally end their partnership outside of a court. John's run out of cards at this point, but he still doesn't want to lose Paul, so he's just going to play dumb.
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This is how bad he doesn't want to lose him, actually: he goes along with Klein in tricking Paul this time. Calls him up and asks him to come to the studio for a jam session, because it'll hurt his case in court. But for multiple reasons – the Eastmans were knowledgeable lawyers, and Paul might not have even wanted to be in a room with John at the time anyway – Paul doesn't come. Which John would've been hurt and angry over, no matter his motives.
"They tell you to stop crying at about age twelve. Be a man. What the hell's that?" I'm so proud of John for his (albeit long and backsliding) journey out of his toxic masculinity and violence. Something I honestly don't see him achieving without Yoko.
And from that quote it transitions to Paul in Scotland, looking like the embodiment of depression, as the opening of “Isolation” plays. It's perfect.
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“And don't try to come over here. Or you might get in some trouble.” The way he just froze when he saw them filming him and then the next thing we see is him threatening them? Get ‘em, babe!
John sounds so giddy about this one-upping competition with Paul. I'll scare him and then he'll scare me!
The whole Lennon Remembers era is such a terrible case of diarrhea of the mouth in general, but the amount of homophobic language is quite striking compared to how John talked before and after.
John, talking about George in Rolling Stone: "he was working with two fucking brilliant songwriters and he learned a lot from us." People read that quote and just parrot it like they do with everything John said in this period and act like George had nothing to be angry over. He had every right to be much angrier and hold a much bigger grudge than he did.
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And about George's new record, which was phenomenal and brilliant, John is transparently jealous and so cruel. If he'd said that about me and then asked me to play on his new record I'd tell him to go to hell. Why did George do it?
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See and everyone who knows John knows how much he loved Brian and to hear him speaking so crassly and cruelly about Brian must've been a sure indication to them to just take the entire interview through that lense of “oh he's just saying shit”. But that's only the people who knew him. Everyone else for the rest of time took this shit as constitutional. And it pisses me off. It should be locked away in a vault somewhere and no one is allowed to listen to it until they've passed some kind of Beatles and emotional intelligence tests.
This crushes my soul. How warped must his definition of love have been by that point that he genuinely believed Phil Spector and Allen Klein loved him more than Paul and George did? It's bonkers.
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John in 1967: all you need is love! John in 1971: the point of life is to manipulate people. . . . What the hell happened to you, buddy?
I go back and forth as to who's the smarter PR person: John or Yoko? Because maybe she's right. Maybe they shouldn't divulge that they're master manipulators. But is this one of those times when it's good to be all “look how honest we are about this! We're not hiding anything! We're saying bad things about ourselves too! So you should believe us about everything else!”
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Really this documentarian should be hired to make all the music videos for all the Beatles and solo songs. This one for “Too Many People” is perfect. Paul walking into court with a full beard and a confident stride, John and Yoko in bed, Paul horse riding overlayed on Linda's gorgeous face like she's some goddess, designing his fate. All of it is just pure brilliance.
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I'm forever laughing at just the title of the song, too. Because to John and Yoko it was so important that they were Weird and Off-putting. Different. Revolutionary. And to say “no. You're not special. There's actually an excess of people like you.” Is so funny to me.
“When she wants an A side, that's when we start fighting.” Oh gosh. Remember how I said he backslides a lot in his feminism journey? Yeah…
Insanity quote Hall of Fame. Yeah, I know he meant to say it's weird to be best friends with a woman. But it sounds like he's saying it's weird to fuck a woman. Which maybe he subconsciously means both idk.
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Paul: we need to legally dissolve the partnership because it's the only way we're attached anymore. Ouch. Okay it's true. It's deserved. But that must've stung for the guy who was terrified of losing people. Must've sent him into fight or flight.
I think the point of this framing is to say that if they'd had facetime back then, instead of just crackly phone lines, HDYS would not have been written. Not with those puppy eyes staring him down like that.
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Interviewer: the song wasn't even funny though. John: well I think it's hilarious. Interviewer: hmm. Lol I love hearing interviewers talk to John about his lyrics like he's a real guy doing a real job, though. Imagine a music critic now saying John Lennon wasn't clever in his lyrics. You can't, yeah. Me either.
What a slap in the face to Cynthia. Guess she wasn't Cool Girl enough. Should've gone girled him. That would be an excellent fic. Cyn and Jane gone girl their idiot bfs and John and Paul realize they're in love on death row. But anyway, yeah. If Paul would've just pet John's head . . .
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Another absolutely bonkers thing to say. That's something the Rockstar’s ex wife says in a documentary ten years after he's dead, not something a songwriting partner says, completely unprompted, in an exiting the band interview.
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And then he goes off on what I see as a self-soothing diatribe on Paul the family man. You can see the hoops he jumped through to get himself there. What did Paul want that I couldn't give him? A family. And is that justified? Absolutely not, only pussies and conservatives want families.
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Allan Klein: were you and Paul ever really close, then? John: no. John: not that I didn't love him. I did. It's just that every time I let my guard down, he hurt me. Holy shit. At this point, after getting hit in the face with so much of John's Paul-made pain with nothing from the other side but pictures of the happy McCartney family, I'm genuinely feeling quite angry at Paul. Me. An extremely biased Paul girl who knows it's far more complicated and multi-dimensional than this. No wonder the uninformed public fucking hated his guts.
And as they're showing this quote, “I didn't want to hurt you,” plays mournfully in the background. They really are so twisted up in each other there's no separating individual identities.
Okay so he's a psychopath. So what? He's the sexiest man that ever was or ever will be. He's allowed to be a horrible person. No, but really. He's Get Back Paul but healthier. He's done with his depression drinking and he's been spending a lot of time proving he's still useful enough to exist by building fences and shearing sheep.
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And this is how Paul talks about George to interviews. John said Klein made ATMP a success but Paul disagrees. "George recorded it all, wrote it all, did it all, wasn't anything to do with [Klein]. It was George's victory, wasn't it?" Compare that to how John does it and tell me again why the hell George is Team John?
What is Paul's obsession with daddies? Actually I know exactly what the obsession with daddies comes from, but we won't get into that here. I do find it interesting that in ‘69 he's saying “we do need a sort of central daddy figure.” And in ‘71 he's deriding John needing one and won't let John's daddy of choice touch him with a hundred foot pole.
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I tend to think Paul chafes against authority in general, but that's actually not right. He never had a problem with George Martin. I think it's just abusive authority or authority he doesn't trust yet.
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satureja13 · 4 months
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Ji Ho's Therapy Game - Part 2 It starts -> here
Princess Training continues. In the afternoon, the Queen took Princess Jihovere to the Royal Stables. She was delighted to learn that the Princess already excells at horse riding even though she descends from the Kingdom under the Sea. The Queen's eyes lit up when they reached the Stables.
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The Queen: "Ah - and here is our Stable Master, Equerry Lunvik!"
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Equerry Lunvik: "I will get the Princess' Horse ready." The Princess: "Thank you. This is a very beautiful Stable." Equerry Lunvik: "We have a lot of Beauty here." The Queen blushed.
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It seems the Princess has also to learn show jumping. Neither Ji Ho nor Jang Mal ever tried this before ö.Ö' The Queen took her seat under the pergola to teach the Princess and Equerry Lunvik cared for the horses.
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Does ingame Yang Mal even remember Ji Ho? Apart from the human NPCs they know in the real world, which don't know them, Diablo seemed to remember Vlad when they met ingame. Let's hope for the best ö.ö
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Phew. Jang Mal and the Princess learned fast. I guess Yang Mal also remembers Ji Ho and they did very well. Ji Ho is determined to prosper here and is fully concentrated on their task.
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Valerian: 'The Princess doesn't even notice that the Queen left her place under the pergola...' Lunatic: 'Probably for the best.'
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Lunatic: 'Seems Diablo is not the only thing rising up high here.' ^^'
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Then Lunatic and Valerian became aware of what he just said and it was awkward between them again. They still haven't sorted it out yet...
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Equerry Lunvik: "Don't worry, my love. No one can see us here." (I wouldn't be so sure ö.ö')
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The Queen: "It's about time Prince Caleb gets married so we can end this charade and go back home. I hate to hide you." Equerry Lunvik grumbled.
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Little Goat: 'It's time the Boys get their stuff together! Let's have a meeting so we can end this game soon and meet back home all together again!' Little Goat: 'Right. We better push a little so this therapy shows some effects and we get to see some more spice!' (I really consider calling them 'Little Satyrs' instead of 'Little Goats'!)
Little Goat: 'We should also do something about Lunatic and Valerian. I can't watch this anymore... And then we'll have a party!' Lunatic: 'They are talking and looking at us! I bet they plan something!' Valerian: 'Let them.' Valerian really hopes for the goats intervention. It's far too long he's wooing Lunatic - in vain... (This refers to our The Stables spin-off)
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After the training, The Queen and Princess Jihovere went for a ride. The Queen noticed that the Princess looked a bit off: "Is everything ok? Have you seen something upsetting?" Princess Jihovere: "No! I have seen nothing!"
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And then they rode into the sunset.
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'Smiles in the sunshine and tears in the rain Still take me back to where my memories remain Flickering embers grow higher and higher As they carry me back to the Mull of Kintyre'
Mull of Kintyre - Paul McCartney and The Wings
TMI: I've always loved this song so much. It had been very famous when I grew up. But I never knew what he even sang there and it took me a while to find out the song title hahaha. (The Mull of Kintyre is the southwesternmost tip of the Kintyre Peninsula (formerly Cantyre) in southwest Scotland.)
I didn't even know it was written by Paul McCartney omg (I thought Roger Whittaker sang it)! As often I googled the story of this song and it's quite interesting! You can find it -> here Oh - and have you ever heard of the Mull of Kintyre test? 'According to the myth, the BBFC would not permit the general release of a film or video if it depicted a penis erect to the point that the angle it made from the vertical was higher than that of the peninsula of Kintyre in Argyll and Bute on maps of Scotland.'
hahaha omg! More -> here
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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torchlitinthedesert · 4 months
"#but john had a pattern of asking for proof of commitment and pulling away once he’d got it" can you elaborate on this? I can't think of an example of it, off the top of my head
Yes! This is a very late response, both because life got away from me and because I wanted to think it through some more.
In the tag you quoted, I said "asking for proof", which I now think is too sweeping (I've updated my earlier tags to reflect this). It's may not be as clearcut that, or not verbalised that way. And it involves other people's expectations/choices: some of this is just about how intensely people sought John's approval. But even with all those caveats, I do find it striking how making a big commitment to John could lead to *loss* of closeness.
Some examples (unfortunately including the Beatles being ableist):
Stuart Sutcliffe wins his art prize, and gets talked into spending the money on a bass guitar so he can join John's band. It's a big commitment from Stu. So what happens? The band goes on tour to Scotland, where they all picked on Stu. “We were terrible,” John told Hunter Davies. “We'd tell Stu he couldn't sit with us, or eat with us. We'd tell him to go away, and he did.”
According to Davies, "At one hotel they stayed at, a variety show had just left. There had been a dwarf in the show and they found out which bed he had slept in and said that would have to be Stu's. They certainly weren't going to sleep in it. So Stu had to. 'That was how he learned to be with us,' says John. 'It was all stupid, but that was what we were like.'"
John frames the status drop as a rite of passage: making the commitment isn't enough, you have to go through being pushed away, too. And it's John doing it: it's not just Paul and George being jealous of the new guy, John is actively joining in.
Fast forward to Hamburg, where it's Paul's turn to drop down the pecking order. Fandom often focuses on Paul leaving his job at Massey and Coggins, but I think Hamburg is a much, much bigger turning point.
Paul's exam results were disappointing, but good enough for further education. That had been the family dream his whole life, particularly for his mother - that Paul would get a professional job that would lift the family into middle-class security. And other trusted adults agreed: Paul asked his favourite teacher Alan Durband for advice, and was told he should play it safe and get his qualifications.
Paul ignores this, rejects the future his family dreamed of and demanded for him, and goes to Hamburg. Where he finds himself out in the cold, unpopular, stuck in a windowless back bedroom. (Beds again: important for hierarchy and for bonding - see George insisting that Ringo roomed with Paul when he joined.) This happens right at the start of Hamburg, too. It's not just about getting distracted by the cool exis: this is the dynamic the Beatles brought with them.
This isn’t all John. The teenaged Beatles were a seething messy friendship group, a bunch of jealous rivals kicking out at someone else’s success. Both Stu in Scotland and Paul in Hamburg had reason to feel homesick and rejected. Those are hard feelings to have, and can make people harder to be around, especially when other friendships and opportunities are opening up. So there are other factors involved, but to me it does feel like a pattern.
I misremembered my next example, conflating two of Cynthia's later acid experiences. John asked her to try acid again: she had a horrible time, but he did stay close and try to comfort her. So that's an important example of John not pulling away, even if it didn't work out.
What I remembered was the last time Cynthia tried acid - I think spontaneously, rather than at John's encouragement. I'm fairly sure John was already high when this happened, which I'm sure affected his behaviour. It's still a brutal example of Cynthia pushing herself to fit in with John's world, and being knocked back. She takes acid:
“At Brian's house I followed John around, hoping he would comfort me as I went through what was, for me, a horrible experience. But he was not in a good mood: he glared at me and treated me as if I were a stranger. I felt desolate. Upstairs I found an open bedroom window and contemplated jumping out. For a few minutes, ending it all seemed like an easy solution…”
Then there's George. May Pang describes his anger at feeling he'd made multiple commitments to John:
“Then George’s anger really burst forth. ‘Where were you when I needed you!’ he snapped. It was the first of a series of explosions, each of them followed by moments of tense silence. ‘I did everything you said. But you weren’t there,’ he repeated. ‘You always knew how to reach me,’ John would reply evenly to each of these outbursts... George said that repeatedly in the past he had sung what John wanted him to sing, said what John wanted him to say. Because John wanted it, George had gone along with the decision to go with Allen Klein. In the nearly four years since, John had virtually ignored him, a fact that pained George deeply. George’s voice grew even more harsh as he blasted John for his sudden appearance, as if out of nowhere, to offer an evening’s worth of help. Yet again George said furiously, ‘I did everything you said, but you weren’t there.’”
I think there's miscommunication here, and mismatched expectations. George felt he'd made commitments and been frozen out; it may have seemed very different from John's perspective. But if John's not responsible for other people's choices, he's also not just standing there passively while all this happens. And if people felt they'd made big commitments, only to be knocked back, that's still part of the collective dynamic.
Quotes: Hunter Davies, The Beatles; Cynthia Lennon, John; May Pang, Loving John.
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leikeliscomet · 5 months
Thinking about 'jumping on points' for Waterloo Road. With returning and new fans I'm wondering if there's a way to catchup on the show like with Doctor Who:
Series 1 ✅
Well... yes! It's the start of the show and you can't beat the iconic opening seen so yh new fans should and could start here
Series 2 ❌
Not really? Directly continues the Tom/Lorna/Izzie storyline. The Brett stuff could work in isolation but still makes more sense to start from s1
Series 3 ❌
Nope. Continued Donte, Mika, Brett, Chlo, Tom and Davina arcs from s1/2 so you'd prolly be lost. You could start from Rachel's intro because this is also the start of the Rachel Mason era but then you'd have to understand the context of the other teachers. Bolton, Paul, Michaela etc join this season too so maybe but with the amount of storylines directly continued from the previous seasons... prolly not.
Series 4 ⛔
Maybe? The Donte and Chlo storyline and Kim and Andrew's return again works better with the s1 context. But, the Kelly family arc does start here and you could watch that without previous season's context. Not really sure.
Series 5 ✅
Yup! I watched the show from here and it made sense. The John Foster's arc is one of the best from this show and there's a lot of new characters in this season so its a great watch. The only downside is this is the end of the 'Mason era' and honestly this series hits different when you see these characters grow from s3.
Series 6 ✅
Yes. Start of the 'Fisher era' so not a lot of previous context is needed. Only downside is the Josh, Finn, Amy, Lauren era starts from s3-s5 so to see their full growth maybe not put if that's not a concern then go ahead.
Series 7 ✅
Yes again especially because it's broken up. 7a (episodes 1-10) is the 'Fisher era' post all the Bex stuff from s6 so you can start there. Or, you start from 7b (11-30) which is the Byrne era which has brand new characters and doesn't use a lot of previous seasons context. Grantly and Tom's storylines however is another situation of 'watching all the previous seasons makes this feel more emotional' but again if this isn't that deep you might as well. This is also the end of the OG Rochdale era so again, starting earlier makes the experience more enjoyable but this is subjective.
Series 8 ✅⛔
Yes... but for the wrong reasons. Mainly ignores a large chunk of s7 despite being a direct continuation. This is the Scotland era which most fans dislike because the working class Rochdale roots are gone by this point. You don't need context to understand the Scotland character's arcs including Rhiannon (she's a Rochdale character but not in s7...?). The weaker story is also behind from this season too so you can art here but it wouldn't be an authentic representation of the show IMO. Plus season 11+ continues from the Rochdale era. It's unclear whether or not the events from S8-10 are canon but unaddressed or if the show has retconned it so if you choose to start here its unlikely you'll need this to understand s11+. On a technical level yes, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.
Series 9 ✅⛔
Same as s8. Large chunks of previous season were ignored so not a lot of previous context is needed and new character storylines but again, not really ideal.
Series 10 ✅
Same as s8-9. Some underrated characters this season however like Justin and Dale so if you don't mind 1 season storylines go ahead.
Series 11 ✅
Yes. As the reboot season it does a decent job at catching up the Rochdale era. Also if you're tuning in for Preston x Kai this season is the beginning of their story so yes it's essential for the shippers!
Series 12 ❌
Seasons 11-13 are one big arc so not really. Just like s1 it makes sense to just start at the beginning
Series 13 ❌
Nope. Season 12 context is needed for this and to get season 12 you need to watch season 11. These seasons are the shortest of the show only 7 episodes long so its worth starting at the beginning.
These are just my thoughts this is not a definite guide to Waterloo Road! S1, S5, S6, and S7 for me personally are the best ways to start the show but you can do whatever you want!
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John interviewed in Melody Maker, 6 December 1969
Last week I spent some time with John, during which he told me the truth about the early days, the current relationships within The Beatles, and his consequent need for independence, and a host of other subjects. We begin with the group’s rise to fame, and John’s feelings about the way it was achieved. 
“In the beginning it was a constant fight between Brian [Epstein] and Paul on one side and me and George on the other,” he told me. “Brian put us in neat suits and shirts, and Paul was right behind him. I didn’t dig that, and I used to try and get George to rebel with me. I’d say to him, ‘Look, we don’t need these suits. Let’s chuck them out of the window.’ My rebellion was to have my tie loose, with the top button of my shirt undone, but Paul’d always come up to me and put it straight. 
“I saw a film the other night, the first television film we ever did. The Granada people came down to film us, and there we were in suits and everything - it just wasn’t us, and watching that film I knew that that was where we started to sell out. We had to do a lot of selling out then. Taking the MBE was a sell-out for me. You know, before you get an MBE the Palace writes to you to ask if you’re going to accept it, because you’re not supposed to reject it publicly and they sound you out first. 
“I chucked the letter in with all the fanmail, until Brian asked me if I had it. He and a few other people persuaded me that it was in our interests to take it, and it was hypocritical of me to accept it. But l’m glad, really, that I did accept it- because it meant that four years later I could use it to make a gesture. 
“We did manage to refuse all sorts of things that people don’t know about. For instance, we did the Royal Variety Show once, and we were asked discreetly to do it every year after that- but we always said, ‘Stuff it.’ So every year there was always a story in the newspapers saying ‘Why No Beatles For The Queen?’, which was pretty funny, because they didn’t know we’d refused it. 
“That show was a bad gig anyway. Everybody’s very nervous and uptight, and nobody performs well. The time we did do it, I cracked a joke onstage. I was fantastically nervous but I wanted to say something, just to rebel a bit, and that was the best I could do.” 
Was there, in fact, anything at all that he enjoyed about the years of Beatlemania? 
“Oh sure. I dug the fame, the power, the money, and playing to big crowds. Conquering America was the best thing. You see, we wanted to be bigger than Elvis - that was the main thing. At first we wanted to be Goffin & King, then we wanted to be Eddie Cochran, then we wanted to be Buddy Holly, and finally we arrived at wanting to be bigger than the biggest - and that was Elvis. 
“We reckoned we could make it because there were four of us. None of us would’ve made it alone, because Paul wasn’t quite strong enough, I didn’t have enough girl appeal, George was too quiet, and  Ringo was the drummer. But we thought that everyone would be able to dig at least one of us, and that’s how it turned out.” 
When John returned his MBE in protest against Britain’s involvement in the Vietnam and Biafra conflicts, he added, “And against ‘Cold Turkey’ slipping down the charts.” 
Does that mean that “Cold Turkey” is a specially important record for you? 
“Yes, because it’s MY record. When I wrote it I went to the other three Beatles and said, ‘Hey lads, I think I’ve written a new single.’ But they all said, ‘Ummm... arrrrrr. . . welll. . .’ because it was going to be my project, and so I thought, ‘Bugger you! I’ll put it out myself.’ 
That had happened once before, when I wanted to put ‘Revolution’ out as a single, but ‘Hey Jude’ went out instead.” 
Does that mean that Plastic Ono Band is, for John, a kind of alternative Beatles, particularly in view of Ringo’s refusal to go on tour again? 
“Yes, I suppose so. It’s a way of getting my music out to the public. I don’t bother so much about the others’ songs. For instance, I don’t give a damn about how ‘Something’ is doing in the charts - I watch ‘Come Together’, because that’s my song.” 
Can he ever conceive of a time when he wouldn’t want his songs to be on the same album as Paul’s or George’s? 
“I can see it happening. The Beatles can go on appealing to a wide audience as long as they make albums like Abbey Road, which have nice little folk songs like ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’ for the grannies to dig. 
“About ‘Maxwell’s Hammer’ - well, all I can say is that I dig Engelbert Humperdinck as much as I dig John Cage, and I don’t listen to either of them,” he said with a marvellously relevant irrelevance. “I always wanted to have other people on our records, like the Stones and our other friends. But some of the others wanted to keep it tight- just like The Beatles, you know? But you wait - it’s starting to get looser, and there should be some fantastic sessions in the next few years. That’s what I wanted all along.” 
Going back to the past, did he enjoy doing The Beatles’ two films, Help! and A Hard Day's Night ? 
“I dug Hard Day's Night, although Alun Owen only came with us for two days before he wrote the script. He invented that word ‘grotty’ - did you know that? We thought the word was really weird, and George curled up with embarrassment every time he had to say it. But it’s part of the language now-you hear society people using it. Amazing. 
“Help! was a drag, because we didn’t know what was happening. In fact [Richard] Lester was a bit ahead of his time with the Batman thing, but we were on pot by then and all the best stuff is on the cutting-room floor, with us breaking up and falling about all over the place.” 
The present: has Allen Klein made an agreeable difference to Apple, which was bothering John the last time I spoke to him? 
“Oh, it’s really marvellous. People were very scared of him to start with - and some still are - but that’s probably good. He’s swept out all the rubbish and the deadwood, and stopped it being a resthouse for all the world’s hippies. He won’t let people order antique furniture for their offices and so forth; he’s really tightened it up and it’s starting to work a lot better. 
“He’s noticed that The Beatles had stopped selling records as they were doing around the world, and he found out that it was because the record company simply wasn’t bothering to push them. They thought that our records would sell themselves, and they were wrong. They don’t. If you can get to No 1 in Turkey, Greece, Switzerland and a couple of other countries then that’s as good financially as getting a No 1 in Britain - they don’t realise that. 
“Klein’s very good - he’s going to make sure they stop sitting on the records and actually release them. He’s even keeping tabs on me - I usually make mistakes about who to get in to survey my house, and I can spend a fortune without getting anything done. He’s making sure that I do it the right way.” 
Richard Williams 
Melody Maker, 6 December 1969. 
Source: https://archive.org/stream/TheHistoryOfRock1969/TheHistoryOfRock1969_djvu.txt
Quoted in Rolling Stone in December 1969: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/beatles-splitting-maybe-says-john-182489/
Lots of this is quoted on the John Lennon website here: http://www.johnlennon.com/news/cold-turkey-plastic-ono-band/
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
A Rec For All The Hetalia History Nerds Out Here
Hello my fellow enthusiasts of the five minute comedy anime. I actually decided I should do even more unpaid PR for my favourite BBC4 Podcast.
Anyways, if you are a fan of Hetalia and already a history nerd/would like to get into history, do I have the thing for you:
You're Dead To Me is a Podcast for "people who don't like history, people who do like history and those who forgot to learn any at school". Each episode, the host Greg Jenner (Public Historian & "Chief Nerd to the TV show Horrible Histories") sits down with a comedian and a historical expert, to deliver nearly an hour of a funny history lesson. While you can't cite a podcast for a term paper (as my Dozent pointed out again today), it is still genuine, university lecture level knowledge! And to make sure your head won't explode from all the facts or that the academics won't get lost in ivory tower vocabulary, the class clown is there to ask clever questions and make silly jokes. So it is super factual and super accessible at the same time.
Often, you will get a glimpse at how historians work & how they access the past, too! I know the Anti-Intellectualism is rampant these days, but making academia more transparent and shed light on why certain stories haven't been in the spotlight until recently due to all kinds of bigotry is a much better start than people making shit up on tiktok.
Tomorrow (June 10th), the new series starts, but you can start to listen to the podcast right now with a backlog of over 80 Episodes!
Over 80 Episodes on what, you ask? Everything!
You want to learn about Black History? You will love the episodes on The Notting Hill Carnival, Paul Robeson, the Haitian Revolution, the Harlem Renaissance & many more!
You like your royal history, full of politicking, personal drama and intrigue? We've got The Borgias, King James IV. of Scotland, Saladin and The Mughal Empire for you!
Love the ladies, past and present? Let me introduce you to Eleanor of Aquitane, Joan of Arc, Harriet Tubman, Josephine Baker, Mary Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft!
Sick of hearing about Western (European) history? Sure thing, find something more to your tastes with The Asante Empire, Mansa Musa, The Tang Dynasty, Genghis Khan, Ivan The Terrible or The Ancient Babylonians.
I could make so many more categories and I'd still not cover every single episode, I am sure. You're Dead To Me is avaible online, on the BBC Sounds App, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
If you could check out the podcast & share this post/the podcast itself, it would mean a lot to me. As a history student who is currently working on getting her BA, it's immensely important for me that people learn how to recognize the past in the present. That they look around the world and see how we got here a little more clearly; that they look at remnants or depictions of the past and see its context better. If you think that sounds marvellous, if you always wanted to get into history beyond the googleable hard facts, then I invite you to start your journey here with me.
Also, the jokes are often really funny, I swear to God, there are so many bangers that live in my head rentfree.
"So I'm a Dutch-Brit?" "You're a Dutch-Brit." "So I'm Brutch -"
"I have a few silk shirts, every single one of them a mistake. I bought one of them in Italy and I don't know what I was thinking, I look flat-out divorced."
"They found 400.000 [clay] tablets, mate? That's amazing, that's more than at Glastonbury!"
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scotianostra · 3 years
 The Pirate station,  Radio Scotland began broadcasting in the dying embers of  Hogmanay, 1965.
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Radio Scotland was a Scottish pirate radio station which broadcast at various points off the Scottish coast between 1965 and 1967, with a mix of pop music and programmes of Scottish interest. It was conceived of and run by publicity and advertising executive Tommy Shields onboard  a former Irish lightship, built on the Clyde, named The Comet.  Radio Scotland's first broadcast was at 11:50pm on Hogmanay, 31st December 1965, on 1241 kilohertz, 242 metres.
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After refitting for her new role in the Channel Islands  she had been towed to a position four miles off Dunbar, in the Firth of Forth. Because of delays during the journey north, the ship didn't arrive at the anchorage until early on 30th December, giving the engineers only a few hours to set up the equipment. It was a frantic race against time but the station just made it on air before midnight, albeit at reduced power and with no opportunity to run tests. The first voice on the new station belonged to DJ Paul Young  a former presenter of Scottish Television's Roundup programme who welcomed the listeners, Young became an actor later in his life. He introduced the managing director  Tommy Shields, who went on to detail their plans. Radio Scotland was on the air and open for business. The station also broadcast from  water near Troon and Northern Ireland over its one-and-a-half years.
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Paul Young as a pirate DJ, and as "Shug" in the BBC's Still Game
While navigating and planting the boat, crew had to be careful to avoid territorial waters, primarily due to the strict laws imposed on the pirate stations by the government of the day. Featuring everything from “modern” rock’n’roll to ceilidh favourites, the station soon became a sensation across Scotland as well as Ireland and northern England, where the signal was also picked up.
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With its audience of one million listeners a week in its prime, Radio Scotland was very close to realising Shield’s dream of becoming a successful independent Scottish station.
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Joining English stations such as Radio Caroline, Radio Scotland was the only pirate radio station to be formed north of the Border, and soon took its place amongst the big six pirate stations.
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Tommy Shields unveiling his pirate ship
People could join the membership of the station and become Radio Scotland “Clan Members”. As a reward, the Clan had their own show every Saturday where they could send in requests, which, alongside Jack McLaughlin’s ceilidh slot, was one of the most popular programmes broadcast.
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The station even had its own fanzine called “242” – named after its frequency. The 242 magazine featured interviews with the biggest stars of the day, including The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and Tina Turner, but station managers never quite tempted any of the stars on board the infamous boat.
The pirate station’s theme song was a jaunty wee number sung by folk band The Carrick Folk Four. Finishing off the upbeat ditty were the lines: “Oh Radio Scotland’s playing just for you/So beat the ban, and join the Clan, on station 242.”
Although they received many a plaudit, Radio Scotland was plagued with troubles from the very beginning. A poor signal and periods off-air led to a steep decline in advertising revenue and a frustrated fanbase, while fires on board the vessel and the hazardous North Sea conditions did little to help ease its problems.
In a piece in the Edinburgh Weekly just days after the station was laid to rest, Tony Mark wrote: “The death penalty in this country is supposed to have been abolished, yet here we are mourning the execution of what was surely the sound sensation of both 66’ and 67’ as far as Scotland is concerned.”
Although the station had a short life, as is often the case with such ventures, and was taken off the air in the 60s, Radio Scotland inspired a tribute station, which began broadcasting in the mid 70s.   Radio Scotland International, an independently run pirate station broadcasting to Europe from its base in Holland, started in 1975 and has been going ever since.
For around  20 months Tommy Shields modest little boat made huge waves and pulled Scotland into the "swinging sixties".
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tf2-hellhole · 4 years
hello! I hope this hasn't been requested before but, can you write some lovesick headcanons for the mercs? i'm talking totally head over heels, just absolutely immobilized by their feelings type of lovesick. How would they handle themselves? thank you so much ><
Sorry I wrote a whole essay lmao. I assumed that the the reader and the merc are already together in this. Also sorry, I didn’t really know how to write lovesick mercs so this kinda just ended up being how their behaviors change once they become lovesick.
Is always trying so, so hard to impress you. He always shows off when you’re around; if he’s on the battlefield, he’ll say “Hey toots, watch this!” And will show off his speed or his aim. He’ll always come back and be all, “Damn, it must be amazing having an awesome boyfriend.”
He’s always bringing you food. When he buys food, he’ll offer to share it with you. If you say no, he’ll just shrug and say “Your loss.” He never, ever shares his food with anyone other than who he’s interested in, so as silly as it sounds, sharing his food with you shows he loves you.
He can be a little clingy sometimes, but he tries to cover it up, especially around the other mercs. He always has to come greet you if you show up after being away for more than an hour, usually with an arm slung over your shoulders and sometimes a quick smooch.
He’s always flustered by you giving him affection. Even something like holding his hand or giving him a quick peck on the cheek makes him turn bright red. In private, he’s always trying to get affection from you, and he can’t live without it. He’s always trying to hug, spoon, or cuddle you, every chance he gets.
He becomes a little more protective of you. In public, he’s always ready to tell someone to go screw themselves if they get friendly with you. He won’t hesitate to punch anyone who touches you.
The reason he loves you so much is because you treat him correctly. All of his relationships in the past have been purely sexual, even if he did want a real relationship with the girl. He can’t believe he has someone who loves him and takes care of him and doesn’t demand sex or complain all of the time. Sometimes, he asks himself how he scored someone as amazing as you.
He becomes very protective of you, though he’s not at all restrictive. He allows you to go anywhere or do anything you want and fully trusts you, but he’ll always ask if you’d like him to come with you for protection if he isn’t already coming with you and offers you weapons to defend yourself with.
You’re one of the only people who are allowed to touch his raccoons, the others being Demo and Engie. He doesn’t trust most people with his raccoons believing they’ll try to take or eat his pets, but he completely trusts you with them. He’ll often ask if you’d like to hold or feed one. Surprisingly, the raccoons are completely docile around you and act like weird, mute dogs. The raccoons hate everyone else, including Soldier. Highkey cries when he sees how well his raccoons behave with you.
He trusts you to know that he was never actually in the military. When he tells you, you know he trusts you more than anyone on the planet and he’s at the point where he would absolutely take bullets for you without any hesitation.
You’re the only person who can get him to behave. Usually, he won’t listen to anyone except Ms. Pauling, and even for her, he won’t do anything he doesn’t like unless he absolutely has to. But for you, he’d do anything without hesitation. That doesn’t mean he won’t voice his opinions if he doesn’t like what you’re telling him to do.
The reason he loves you so much is that you accept his strange behaviors. Most people are rude to him and often make fun of him, even to his face. But you treat him normally, while accommodating his eccentricities. Even though he won’t say it, he appreciates that you respect his strange interests and behaviors and still love him.
Pyro wants to spend tons of time with you. They want to show you their newest crafts and creations and do all sorts of fun things together. It gets to the point that they can be a little clingy, but if you explain how you feel about it, they’ll quickly back off with no hard feelings.
You get lots of hugs, cuddles, and nuzzles. Pyro loves to receive and give physical affection, so it’s often how they show how much they love you. Quick hugs and nuzzles are often how Pyro greets you, often accompanied with tons of giggling. They also love to cuddle with you when the two of you have any free time.
Whenever Pyro makes any treats (they love baking and making candy), you’re always the first person who gets to taste it. The first few times they tasted horrendous, but after a little while Pyro got really good at making it. Scout always tries to get the first taste, but Pyro is always there to slap his hand away and scold him, even when he sneaks into the kitchen.
Pyro gives you tons and tons of gifts. They’re often drawings of you two together, and the aforementioned sweets. Though of course, due to their hallucinations, gifts sometimes are something freaky like an arm. But most of the time, they’re very sweet gifts accompanied with a quick hug or kiss if their mask is off.
The reason they love you so deeply is the same reason Soldier loves his S/O; because you treat Pyro as normal, while taking care of all of Pyro’s eccentricities and problems. You don’t treat Pyro like they’re just a scary maniac, you treat them like a person. But, you also don’t discourage Pyro’s stranger behaviors. You just accept them just how they are and they deeply appreciate that.
He’s a very physically affectionate man, so hugs and kisses are a regular thing, especially as a greeting, but he’s never clingy or physically demanding. He loves to kiss your cheeks or temples or put a arm around your waist, but most of the time he just holds your hand. If he’s been away from you for more than a day, he always excitedly greets you by wrapping you in a bear hug and giving you a big kiss.
He looooooves going to new places or adventuring with you. He’d love to take you back to Scotland and show you his favorite places and some national events, but he’d equally love to go to where you’re from, even if the place you’re from is near or in Scotland. If your culture means a lot to you, he’d love for you to tell him about it, and he could listen to you for hours. He’s mentally taking notes of your favorite parts of the culture, such as events or food, so he can do something for you.
You discover that he’s actually a very supportive person and an excellent listener. If you ever need to rant about something making you upset, he’ll pull you onto his lap and ask you to tell him about it. He’s actually pretty good at giving you advice.
The reason you mean so much to him is because you’re his rock. He’s a man who’s always had to deal with his demons by himself. However, he was too weak to fight them, which is why he turned to alcohol. But you supported him, spoke to him about his problems, and encouraged him. You were able to make him feel better about his mistakes and his appearance. You’re even the reason he cuts back on drinking (he doesn’t stop, but he’s no longer drunk 100% of the time). The fact that you care about his emotions and well-being when no one else did always gets him a little emotional.
Even though he obviously doesn’t see you as a sibling, he can’t help but activate his protective big bro instinct. He always discourages you from doing anything risky or dangerous, and will focus a lot more on protecting you, especially if you’re a fellow merc. He prefers for you at least to be in the same room as him so he can watch over you. But he still respects your independence and doesn’t tell you not to go somewhere unless he’s 100% convinced there’s a real danger.
Every once in a while, he likes to make food from his homeland/childhood, though he shares it with nobody, not even Medic unless he’s in a really good mood. But he always asks you to taste his latest meal. It’s not often you see him so happy, but he loves sharing something that means so much to him with you. He’s beaming if you completely clear your plate or bowl.
You are the only other person allowed to touch his guns. You were actually surprised by this. You aren’t allowed to USE his guns, but he doesn’t have a problem with you touching them. He makes sure to watch carefully when you do, though, so you don’t damage it accidentally.
He loves you so much because of the emotional intimacy and trust you share. Trust is something he values deeply, and he doesn’t give his trust easily. But you were kind and honest and obviously trusted him, so he began to trust you. Once you two started dating, he opened up more about all the horrible things he’s been through, and instead of being disgusted by his actions, you said you were sorry he’s suffered so much. The fact that the world, which he always knew was cold and unforgiving, had produced someone so forgiving and kind like you, always has and always will baffle him.
He loves to take you on cute domestic dates. This was already the case when you two were still only dating, but he amped it up once he really fell in love. He’ll spend more time away from the lab so he can spend more time with you. He loves little dates like cuddling up with a movie, making dinner together, or going into a nicer town for a walk in the park. He especially loves to bring you little gifts for a date, which usually is something sweet, cute, and simple like a bouquet, even if you’re super masculine.
You’re the only person other than Medic that he trusts around his sentries or his lab. Of course, he doesn’t allow you to work on them, even if you’re also an engineer, as he doesn’t want the sentry to be damaged or you to get hurt. But if you promise to be careful, you’ll be allowed in while he’s there with you.
When you two were only dating, he had a couple little nicknames for you, like Sweetheart. But now he lays on as many as he can think of, and of course they all sound amazing in his cute accent. He loves to use nicknames like Sugar, Honeybee, Darlin’, Baby, and Cutie/Handsome/Gorgeous, and that’s only a fraction of the nicknames he uses for you. He doesn’t hesitate to use them in front of others, too.
Engie doesn’t love you for any particularly deep or significant reason; he just loves your personality, your mannerisms, and your beliefs. He’s a man who lives for the domestic part of a relationship, so he tends to feel hopelessly in love when you two spend time together like he’s a normal man, not a full-time mercenary. He just loves having you in his life, and with the life he lives he’s honestly surprised he was able to find himself with someone like you, even if you’re a fellow merc.
He surprises you with how much he cares about you and your feelings. To everyone else, he’s a very selfish person who only cares about himself and his experiments. And while he was a little more considerate of you when you were only dating, you still acknowledged this in your mind. But after he fell in love, he’s always asking you how you are and cares deeply about how you are feeling, physically and mentally. It honestly really surprised you.
You are the only other person on the whole planet who is allowed to pet Archimedes; he deems you worthy and competent enough. He loves showing his birds to you and having you help him care for them, though he does get a little jealous if his birds steal your attention away from him.
Medic is an attention-seeking baby and loves when you spend time with him or do things with him, but he usually isn’t very demanding unless he’s really stressed and needs comfort. He likes to pull you away to talk to you or ask you to relax with him, and he tends to pout if you say you can’t.
Medic loves you so much because you embrace his eccentricities. He loves that he can do whatever he wants and you don’t care as long as he’s not putting himself in danger (though he sometimes does intentionally, as he loves to be fussed over/given attention). You encourage him and appreciate his enthusiasm, even if you’re grossed out by his unique occupation. But he really loves that you love him despite how weird he can be. He can sit with you and tell you about his latest experiment or talk with Archimedes and you’ll just watch or listen like he’s completely normal. He loves not being treated like he’s nuts or creepy.
He starts to really open up about the impact all of the bad events in his life has put on him. He’ll ask if you’re comfortable with him sharing about it, and if you say yes, he’ll sit you down and tell you about everything he’s been through. A lot of bottled up emotion comes out and he needs a lot of hugging, cuddling, kind words, and kisses. Once he opens up about this, you know that this man would trust you with his life without question.
He becomes a little needy when it comes to physical affection. It doesn’t show in public, so it’s not annoying, but has to be touching you most of the time when you’re alone with him. He loves hugging you from behind and burying his face in your neck, or pulling you onto his lap to press a deep kiss to your lips, but he also lives for all of the smaller touches, like handholding or pecks on the cheek. He’s always been touch-starved, so having you to cuddle close to whenever he needs touch is amazing for him. You’re like a security blanket for him sometimes.
He’ll want to take you out to explore with him. He already did when you two were just dating, but now he wants to show you the places he really loves or mean a lot to him, like places his parents took him. He’ll spend a little while telling you about the things he did with his parents, but he spends most of the time trying to create new memories with you.
Sniper cares so deeply about you because you treat him with kindness. This man has had such a harsh, pain-filled life that he was certain he’d never by truly happy. Just like Heavy, he thought the world was cruel and cold, so he was surprised to find a person who so genuinely cared about him and wanted to make him happy. He’s so grateful to have someone so good in his life, and he’d do anything for you.
He starts to like your more personal, domestic moments together. When you two were only dating, he preferred extravagant and expensive dates, as he was trying to impress you. But he started to realize he loved when you’d just spend time together like a normal couple, like cuddling up with a movie or making food together. It allowed him to relax and focus more on sharing an intimate moment with you rather than impressing you. It let him be more himself rather than the fake personality he’s created, and it makes him realize how exhausted he is with acting this way. Any moment when he can chill, be himself, and spend time with you is always his favorite moment of the day.
As weird as it sounds, his compliments change. At first his compliments are exactly what you’d expect from a Casanova like him. Very smooth but expected compliments about how lovely you look, often accompanied with a kiss on the hand. But once he’s truly in love with you, his compliments are much more heartfelt. He compliments all the things he truly loves about you, like maybe the colors of your eyes or the feeling of your hair. They always come with a warm smile rather than a confident smirk, and often a kiss on the cheek or forehead too. He always looks at you like you’re the most beautiful and amazing thing in the world.
It takes a lot to get Spy to be head over heels. But, it can be done if he begins to trust you and you show him you completely trust him with personal stuff like your origin or your feelings. It’s that mutual trust (or at least the beginning of it) that makes him fall in love with you, and actually completely and fully trust you. After that, he’d be willing to give up his identity, his reputation, or even his life for you.
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realcatalina · 2 years
Everything wrong with Spanish Princess-1x02
I won’t go over repeated mistakes(or at least I’ll try). 
First shot of walking from Cathedral-Arthur’s sleeve is f-cking disgrace!  He too, was supposed to wear white satin. I also think it big mistake that they skipped whole wedding ceremony, and the famous ‘Paul’s walk’(really long journey from one end of Old St. Paul’s Cathedral to the other’),
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 and great many rich cloths that were placed all over Old Cathedral at time of wedding. (But that would show that England wasn’t poor!)
Also, it is bloody obvious wedding is not filmed at November! You can see the plants in background, so freshly green(and no those were not fabrics with tudor colours-white and green). 
On her wedding night Catherine burns the fictional letters. She waits alone in bedroom, no ladies, no priest-no people which would customarily settle married couple into bed, close the courtains and only then leave!
Arthur and Catherine talk in English(which she didn’t speak!) and she is insulting Scots. And tells him to butcher them! (OMG!!! They really set her as blood-thirsty arrogant bitch!)
Arthur replies that his father has worse panishment installed-sending his brother Harry to them and to marry some Scottish lady. Which is totally untrue. By that point it was already suggested(though not yet official, just as peace with Scotland was not yet oficial, but two countries have for 3-4 years been in peace)that it’d be Margaret Tudor who will marry Scotland, and had prince Harry married Scottish lady, she’d be moving to England. Not other way around!
Honestly given her atitude i am very surprised they showed Arthur going for her-all eager! 
She kneels him?! WTF? That is supposedly why they didn’t consumate?! (no it isn’t, but more about it later.) Then she has flirtatious dream about boy of ten. Arthur’s nighthown is so not early 16th century. 
Arthur warns Catherine about dancing and says she must dance English dance. However, in real life she and her ladies danced spanish dance and english danced english dances, there was no issue with this!
Henry VIII and Arthur’s conversation is so rude, and so not true. Harry was ten. And he wouldn’t speak of Catherine as of horse. Not in public! even if he thought of her 
Labelling Lina as Exotic maid and it having some sort of bad canotation? Oh once again they go with English being racist. Untrue. Black people at renaissance courts(if they were free, and not slaves-then it’d be different) were treated basically same way as for example somebody suffering from dwarfism. As curiosity. But very well treated!
And given John Blanke might have been part of English court since 1488, would English in 1500s still find somebody of dark skin so interesting? Maybe newcomers to the court, but mostly no! They’d be used to it. Sure, some men are into women of exotic looks, but the word would quickly spread it is one of infanta’s close ladies, and nobody would dare to aproach such lady with disrespect, for fear of insulting the infanta! (And for fear of King being angry with them for insulting the infanta.)
That was how servant-master relationship worked. Even if we talked about historically accurate Catalina of Motril, she’d still be shielded by high status of her owner. To be aproached like this in public and be treated with great disrespect would not have happened. Not directly. Some snickering in distance, maybe, but direct confrontation? No.
But I wonder, why they didn’t show Thomas More writing his not politically correct viewpoint about non-white people in Catherine of Aragon’s household, upon her arrival.
(Considering we have him in season 2, they could have already show him!)
Lady Margaret being matchmaker for Catherine’s ladies is also untrue! And she certainly wouldn’t toss anybody from court, without King’s permission. 
Catherine and Arthur lived one month together in London before going to Welsh Marshes. But supposedly they leave tomorrow?! 2nd day after wedding?! They skipped Tudor christmast! All 12 days of it!
Also in this scene birds are chirping. I am not saying they never do it in late autumn, however, as i am keen bird-watcher, it sounds to me as happy spring/summer chirping. As do costimes without furs, the greenery you can see behind windows etc.
No way lady Pole would think of Catherine as of child. Catherine was 15, nearly 16. Not 13. And they go again with Lady Margaret being like lord Varys-the spymaster, always paranoid.
More greenery, Elizabeth of York with fur-but rest of costumes and all the background giving it away it is not late autumn. I am born at that time of year. Leaves should be fallen everywhere!
Interiors of Tudor royal residence is so tiny! Sure, I didn’t expect Westminster Great Hall, but really they could have spent budget on decent interior!
By the way I forgot to mention. Upon Catherine’s arrival to London, she didn’t stay at Tower of London(that was reserved for nights before coronations), she actually stayed in house of Archbishop of Cantenbury, in Lambeth in Lambeth Palace. To there she returned after first visit of London, exchanging gifts, dancing etc. Thistle pointed to me, that there in Lambeth would be the ideal spot to introduce some characters important in season 2-namely the commander who lead English into victory at Flodden. He had house just next to Archbishop’s Palace. I agree, this is huge oportunity wasted! Plus the Lambeth Palace is still standing! They couldn’t even use footage of its exterior?!
Also, wife of this commander is very infamous Tudor character, and she loved their residence in Lambeth. (So maybe instead of Columbus, they should have given us her! She was actually Catherine’s lady once Queen!)
But back to wedding celebrations-in that ‘Great’ Hall is totally not Tudor chandelier. And since it is  hanging so low, you can see it most of time!
The costumes go from bad to worse.
Scots arrive late-because they are barbarians(apparently), and Catherine will have to go and butcher them all! Because she is bloodthirsty bitch! (At least in this tv show.)
By the way Henry was 10, Margaret was about to turn 12. They look adult to me, in those scenes! 
 Even as Queen of Scotland, 1,5 years later, aged 13, Margaret looked as kid!
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Thomas Wolsey became chaplain to Archbishop of Cantenbury in 1502! To Henry VII only in 1507! He was not yet chaplain and would most likely be too unimportant at those times to attend the wedding celebrations at court. (They should ahve given us different characters instead of him)
More of Buckingham’s seduction. Awkward dancing, which actually never took place. Catherine finally having some regrets about death of earl of Warick and beg for forgiveness? Too late, you already made her into coldhearted bitch before, so her initial reaction to this-i dont care, is not being forgotten over this ‘show of regret’. 
(and honestly, they do this several times in the show-present her as coldblooded bitch and then she changes her mind and we’re supposed to forgive all that she has done. HELL NO!)
Catherine and future Henry VIII didn’t dance together back then. He danced with his sister Margaret.
Margaret Tudor being surprised over Scots being interested at her, when her possible wedding to Scottish King was already discussed in 1497?! And 4 years later she is surprised? Tbh, that marriage was already discussed before January 1502. They just pushed it foward,since Arthur’s marriage was already concluded and they had free ambassadors etc. Margaret’d know about at least of posibility of such match!
Another of Catherine’s ladies falling for seduction, hence is actually of rotten character, by catholic standards back then.
Margaret Tudor would certainly not insult the ambassador of Scotland. Margaret admiring Catherine and saying she’d kill Scottish King with her bare hand?! WTF?! What is there to admire?!
(They push narrative of arroganta and rude Catherine being admired for no reason several times during the show.)
Catherine blames Elizabeth of York for killing Warick?! And blames Arthur for not touching her? When she kneeled him?!(in this tv show) Mocks him? Etc?!
OMG-she insults england-as dark little country and proclaims herself daughter of two greatest monarchs the world has ever known?! 
WOW. I forgot about this scene. But still Wow!
Even if real Catherine thought that way, she’d never be as impolite and rude to say it outloud!
Catherine’s real life motto was  ‘Humble and loyal’. It seems whomever made this tv show didn’t know of it!
This Tv show really grossly  misrepresents the real Catherine’s personality!
Had Catherine been so rude, Arthur would be all within his rights to punish her for her rudeness. At those times, men could legally beat their wives, and misbehaving wives could be publically punished etc. And i am not for domestic violence. But that bitch’s rudeness was slap-worthy.
And that was before this comment:
“If you challenge me I shall defeat you?!” 
That is threatening her husband with violence, and those times, she wouldn’t be the boss. Not even gentle Arthur would allow her to talk to him this way! (And petty me, certainly would not.)
Princess Margaret and Catherine being close? Not in real life. And once wrong season! They travelled in winter! 
Also they misinformed us about Sweat. There was no outbreak before Arthur and Catherine even left London. Outbreak near Ludlow must have been pretty small. Which makes sense because it wasn’t usual time of year for Sweat. 
The incompetent prince Arthur hitting tree in frustration instead of actually managing his lands, as he did in real life. 
Catherine tries to make amends? After being b? All is forgiven if you are rude, horrible and then do bit of nice for the other person? I’d sent her to hell. 
Pious Catherine says she sees beauty of islam. THIS IS BEYOND BIG MISTAKE. Hell no! Maybe islamic architecture and outfits, but not of the religion! (If they didn’t mean the religion, then once again very poorly chosen words of dialog alias lazy writing!)
From her description you’d never be able to able to imagine Alhambra. Why would Arthur be intriqued by those few words? It’s so bizzare. So poorly written!
She says word-and he jumps?! Like puppy on leash? Maybe, if he already thought about sex. 
And they consumated the marriage-no other possibility. The White Queen made us wonder who killed the princes in the Tower(which I liked, even though I know one of those alleged possible murderers is highly unlikely to have been involved). Here no room for discussion! No making us wonder etc. No, let’s make her into BIG LIAR AND HORRIBLE CHRISTIAN.
If i was Arthur, I’s still let her eat it later. But he seems to have forgotten and forgiven entirely later on. Sure some relationship use sex as way to make peace, but this is ridiculous. She insulted his country and mainly his mother! 
Margaret insulting Scots again, being against the marriage to old King James, thinking he might die next winter. He was at that the time 28! Old?! This trully was written by teenager, wasn’t it? 
English cannot affort 100,000 crowns dowry for Margaret?! Their treasury is empty?! This is such a lie! Plus half of Catherine’S dowry already arrived and Henry VII received it! 100,000 crowns of it! Literally impossible scenario!
Margaret’s tender age was reason why lady Margaret and Elizabeth of York were adamant to not have Margaret Tudor sent to Scotland. Because she was 12! Lady Margaret wasn’t uncaring grandmother!
Shoulders uncovered? This is not supposed to be victorian drama! Also, they are kissing in public, for everybody to see and she gets away with lying about consumation?! How would she?! 
Lina discussing with Rosa that they must marry Tudor? Only unmarried Tudor at the time was prince Harry! They mean somebody on Tudor’s side, loyal to them, which at those times would be any Tudor courtiers presumably, until proven otherwise.  These are avoidable mistakes in script! Lazy writing!
Lina gets sweating sickness and is horribly sick, and wanders off to forest, Ludlow has castle walls, gates, and would have had guards. She’d not wander away without being noticed.  Accuracy of her chemise is also horrible. What’s up with linnen being colourful in this tv show?! The white linnen was statement of power and wealth. Because it didn’t stay white for long.  By making almost every chemise in tv show non-white, they are setting characters to be of lower class in eyes of Tudor. Poor people, basically.
Whole scene of Ovietto saving Lina is to set fictional relationship between noble lady and common soldier. Untrue!
But in this tv show, Catherine doesn’t catch the Sweat later on. Which is horribly inaccurate! Catherine nearly died!!!
(That is why she couldn’t say she was virgin and not pregnant straight away. She was still weak weeks later! (Yes she was moved in real life, but she just made it through worst of the disease and was still very weak. Her being moved in such state   proves that in real life there must have been outbreak of some disease(and you can catch sweat more than once!), otherwise Catherine wouldn’t be moved so hastily. That is detail, people should not overlook when trying to figure out how Arthur died!) 
More of inaccurate chemises. Catherine allowed to freely enter room when sick is kept? They’d not allow it! (also continuity mistake, because in season 2 everybody is so scared of Sweat and flee immediately, including Catherine.)
Also statement that thousands died when Tudor army brought it to England, is incorrect. It is a myth. Several things actually suggest Sweat appeared before Bosworth. (I am planning to do post about Sweating Sickness, I’ll explain there.)It is widely spread myth, by those who wish to present Tudor dynasty as evil-making plague appear when Henry VII arrived to take throne(evil timing, signaling bad omen). It didn’t happen that way.
Arthur’s parents were informed of him being dead, not of him being sick.
They didn’t travel to Ludlow in real life.(and it’d be suicide to do so!and for Catherine to be by Arthur’s side as he was sick.) 
Also in previous episode Elizabeth of York cannot travel because she is with child, and suddenly she can? Continuity mistakes!
Catherine making peace with lady Pole wouldn’t happen as Catherine was still not recovered.
By the way why would Arthur assume Catherine was sent away? If they consumated the marriage, he’d hope she had a child and stayed in England. 
Arthur’s body didn’t go to London but to Worcester Cathedral! Completely different part of England! Catherine didn’t attend the funeral, nor his parents or close family. Such was the custom at those days!
Oh, again with curse from White Princess! It is such fiction! Curses?! Really?! This is screaming fiction! Why do people think this was real?!
By the way, does anybody knows if Mantilla(if this is supposed to be it) was worn at turn of 15th and 16th century? And if so, if it looked like this:
Tumblr media
It doesn’t seem right to me. And like nothing Isabella of Castile wore when mourning, and from what i could find online, Mantilla starts to take of in late 16th century. But I am not from Spain.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this post.
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I just need anything with the mercs and bugs. Like just arthropods in general. Please just the boys and some bugs, please 🥺
Mercs & Creepy Crawlies
“Bug? Vhere?”
He is interested in all living creatures, so of course he would have no qualms with insects. Of course, he would prefer mammals, but whatever.
His favorite to study? Cockroaches!
He likes to use them as mini-science projects. When he gets bored or burnt out, he usually takes to the “Roach-Mobile,” using electronic signals to move the cockroach every which way.
He’s also a big fan of scorpions, millipedes, and the occasional revived fossil.
It’s one of the few things he likes about living in the desert.
Lately, though, since he’s become more and more exhausted, he usually hangs out in his butterfly room. That always seems to relax him.
Heavy usually doesn’t notice insects unless there’s a scorpion in his boot or a fly on his sandwich.
However, he unfortunately has a very rare allergy to ladybugs.
It usually doesn’t flare up unless they go to a campground or a park where there are a lot of ladybugs.
He sneezes something awful.
And when Heavy sneezes, you definitely notice.
It hasn’t gotten very bad over the years, especially because of the arid air around the base.
But one time they had a ladybug infestation after a shipment for Medic went wrong. Until Engineer exterminated them, Heavy was sick as a dog. He even swelled up a bit and ran a low-grade fever.
“Lady is little, but make big man feel sick...”
Any occasional ladybug in the base is practically killed on sight.
Since he lived in Scotland, the only bug he is familiar with are worms, so he doesn’t really have much to say about the others.
Except, of course, leeches.
He is deathly afraid of them.
When he was young, he was attacked by a leech swarm in a lake, and he lost a lot of blood. He even had to go to the hospital.
Ever since then, he gets sick even looking at a leech.
Medic is thrilled. He has a nice, healthy, slightly obsessive interest in phobias.
The doctor likes to tease him whenever possible, and will always offer leeches as an option when Demo gets injured.
One time, he even held up one for Demo to see.
Demo proceeded to scream, throw a grenade in Medic’s direction, and run like the devil in the opposite direction. He didn’t even take out the pin, just threw the whole, inactivated explosive.
Medic laughed and put it back in the tank, but hasn’t done it since...he already spends enough on the lab as it is.
He has and takes care of a pet scorpion in his Sniper Square.
Their name is Roman.
They literally have a bow on their tail made out of an old t-shirt.
Soldier feeds Roman insects, small frogs, and other meaty things - he even gave them beef jerky once.
He is pretty much immune to scorpion poison because Roman has stung him so many times.
Other than that, Soldier is pretty chill with every other bug.
Sometimes he’ll just be at the table.
Playing with a brown recluse.
Or even a black widow.
Like man, do you have any self-preservation instincts?
Bugs make his job a lot harder, especially centipedes and Soldier’s pet scorpion.
Sniper’ll be aiming for a shot, then he’ll feel a bunch of legs crawling on him.
Sometimes it’s sweat.
Sometimes bug.
He thinks dragonflies are pretty cool, though.
If one lands on the muzzle of his gun, he won’t take the shot. He considers it bad luck to startle a dragonfly.
Sniper isn’t afraid of any insects - I mean, come on, he lived in Australia - but he doesn’t like most of them because of how small, quick, and usually poisonous they are.
Just dragonflies.
In fact, he secretly likes collecting dragonfly stuff along with apricot stuff.
Pyro once got him a scented sticker with a dragonfly on a peach for Smissmas, and he almost went insane over it. He has stuck it on the wall of the Sniper Square, right next to the slit he shoots out of.
There aren’t many day bugs that Pyro likes.
Miss Pauling doesn’t them keep any, so what’s even the point?
However, fireflies are a different story.
Pyro catches massive amounts of them every night and uses them as a night light until morning.
Engie is in the process of making small “fire-bots” so that the firefly population doesn’t go extinct.
The only other bug Pyro is interested in is butterflies. He spends a lot of time in Medic’s butterfly room as a result.
His favorite is watching them come out of their chrysalis. He’ll just sit in the butterfly nursery and stare at them at they come out.
Pyro is very gentle with them, so Medic trusts her to go fetch all the new butterflies and set them free.
It’s their favorite job ever.
No, I’m serious, he is obsessed with grasshoppers.
When he is feeling burnt out, he can and will build as many tiny, robotic grasshoppers as necessary to feel better.
Sometimes he sets them loose and watches them hop around.
Any merc can walk in and see Engineer cross-legged on the floor, staring at an endless sea of robo-hoppers.
“Should I come back later?”
He thought about making robo-birds to catch them, but then thought about how he’d have to make robo-cats to catch the birds, and robo-dogs to catch the cats...he got so overwhelmed that he just put the grasshoppers away and took a well-deserved nap.
Messes around with pretty much anything that isn’t poisonous
He was actually once dared to eat worms, succeeded, and then proceeded to eat a few worms whenever he could find them.
Medic thinks it’s because of a vitamin deficiency, but no one really knows for sure.
Scout was also always covered in mosquito bites.
He refused to put on bug spray because of the smell and the fact he can’t stand still long enough for it to be applied.
Finally, out of sheer frustration of Scout’s whining about itching all the time, Engineer “came across” a dog tag necklace that suddenly took care of the bug problem.
Scout wore it proudly, and he hasn’t had a bug bite since.
Medic owes Engineer several favors for that one.
He will not tolerate bugs.
He doesn’t like cockroaches, flies, scorpions, ladybugs, butterflies, or mosquitos.
But Spy has a special burning passion for spiders.
He will not visibly freak out, of course - he has too much pride for that.
However, he will take the magazine from under his arm and slam it down on the spider, instantly killing it.
He cracked a wooden table after seeing a black widow.
Medic has tried exposure therapy, but Spy has managed to kill every single one of his specimens.
But hey, it’s free pest control, so no one else is complaining.
I wonder if I should add Ms. Pauling in the future...what do you guys think?
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marymccartneyphotos · 3 years
Paul Weller in conversation with Mary McCartney: ‘We used to pinch a lot of Beatles songs’
For this Woking-born son of the 1970s, there were four father figures who underpinned everything, from his first guitar to an inspirational career that continues to expand and explore more than 50 years later. On the release of his latest solo record, his third in three years, we asked Paul Weller to pick through the past with an artist who knows better than any how The Beatles shaped the generation that followed. By Dylan Jones; 4 June 2021 from British GQ Magazine
(edited for Mary McCartney content only)
For Weller’s latest GQ appearance, we thought it would be good to put him together with an old friend, the photographer Mary McCartney. Which is what we did...
Mary McCartney: So, Paul, when did you become a Beatles fan? When you were 12?
Paul Weller: When I was five years old. I had some of the singles, because my mother bought them, but the first time I saw them was the Royal Variety Performance in 1963, when I was five. From the time I saw The Beatles I loved music and then when I was around age 12 I started trying to learn to play guitar. Me and my mate had a few lessons for a bit and got a few weeks in, but the guy was trying to teach us how to read music, so we got bored with that. And as soon as we learnt enough chords we stopped the lessons and we just start doing it ourselves.
MM: When did you actually start writing songs?
PW: As soon as we – me and my mate Steve Brookes – learnt the three or four chords. I’m still mates with him now. We started a band and we just learned together and we just kept swapping whatever we’d learned in the week, swapping back and forth. It was just me and him and then we just gathered up people as we could find them. There was never any doubt in my mind that’s what I would do and, even at around 12, I thought that was definitely what I was going to do for a living. Well, I didn’t know it could be a career, I just knew I was going to do music. So by the age of 14 we were playing pubs, working men’s clubs and social clubs with The Jam. But your dad’s band was the catalyst for all of it.
MM: You know, I’m directing a documentary about the history of Abbey Road Studios at the moment, so I’ve been taken back to those times. There is a photograph of me aged three months on one of the sofas in the studio, so I was there before I can remember being there. Whenever I walk in through the doors I still get a funny feeling. But I’m learning a lot about The Beatles’ recording process, though. What was your writing process in the early days?
PW: When we started to write songs we just used to pinch a lot of The Beatles songs. They were very basic, just us taking our first steps as songwriters. I was actually very passionate at the time, but I didn’t have the skills to articulate that passion. That kind of developed. Our first songs would have been nonsense songs, just “My Baby Love Me” stuff... But, like every other fledgling songwriter, I just started off by aping other people, like The Beatles did, like Dylan did. Everyone starts out copying other people.
MM: I assume you recorded your new album during lockdown?
PW: I did. I had about four or five tracks left over from [last year’s] On Sunset and they were just lying around, unused. So I started working away, chipping away, trying to put together a new batch of songs. As ever, I recorded them all in the studio down in Surrey, just me and a guitar singing along to a click track. If I couldn’t record with the band, I’d send the recordings to them and they’d play their parts and then send them back. It was a very odd process, but it worked. However, when we could finally all record again together, it was like the first day of school after the summer holidays. It was great. The writing process was actually the same as it always is, but because I knew I didn’t have any live work for the foreseeable future, we just created all this space. I think the lockdown was actually hugely influential in a way, as all the quiet made me appreciate nature in a way I hadn’t done for quite some time, maybe ever. I could really feel and hear and see nature again, it started to take over. I loved hearing the birds sing and not seeing any aeroplanes in the sky. It helped me think about things I would never normally think about in any situation. I felt more in tune with nature. I had a thought that if we weren’t here, if we all disappeared, which I’m sure we will do one day, the earth would just reclaim itself and that it will always be here and we won’t.
MM: It was such a nice feeling, actually stopping and looking and appreciating, not rushing around. I was lying in bed one night in the middle of London. It was 2am and it was so quiet it felt like we had gone back 100, 200 years. I couldn’t hear the rumble of the underground and it was almost as though cars hadn’t been invented.
PW: How was your lockdown, Mary?
MM: Mine was good, but we’re not here to talk about me. I’m grilling you today. But mine was good. Well, I say it was good, but it was unnerving. I think, on a global scale, it was just unnerving because it was like living in a science fiction movie. I think the main thing a lot of us benefitted from was having to slow down and not being able to just go and do things. So, in that sense, it wasn’t a bad thing. I was obviously worried about people’s health and the economy, but, like you, I really got in touch with nature. I did a lot more photographic work outside. And, of course, I started to prep for the Abbey Road doc. What’s the perfect recording scenario for you?
PW: Well, I love my studio and, to be honest, I’d be quite happy to never come out of the place. I could quite happily stay there forever. I bought the building in 1999, but it’s only really been the past 15 years or so that we’ve really got it together, with the sound and the vibe and the equipment. I’m continually making little acoustic adjustments to the room. We’ve got a drum kit set up all the time, as well as a mic’d piano, so it’s always ready to roll. I can play guitar, obviously, as well as bass and piano, but I’ve never really enjoyed playing the drums, because I can’t sing and drum with any conviction. It’s a different art altogether, playing drums. I like drummers who play the song, who can play the tune and who aren’t trying to do their own thing. That requires a certain amount of discipline, a different discipline: not playing too much but playing the right thing. Your dad is a good drummer.
MM: Yeah, he is. Mum introduced me to a song he played drums on years ago, called “My Dark Hour”, by the Steve Miller Band. He’s credited as “Paul Ramon” and he does backing vocals, guitar, bass and drums. It was recorded in Olympic Studios in London towards the end of 1969, after an argument Dad had had with the others over Allen Klein becoming their manager. The others had gone off and he said Steve Miller walked in and asked if he wanted to play the drums on this track he was recording. I think the drumming on it is so good, but you can tell he’s letting out a lot of tension.
PW: I love that first solo album of your dad’s, the one with you as a baby on the back. That’s probably one of my favourite records. It was lo-fi before lo-fi was even talked about.
MM: I love the rawness of it, as it’s just so personal. I still listen to McCartney and Ram a lot. They shot the album cover up in Scotland. They were horse riding and he zipped me up in his jacket. He put me in the jacket so I was safe, as he was going riding. I love that picture from a photographic point of view as well, as it’s very real. It’s taken at the end of the day, during the golden hour. It’s so natural.
PW: Now, what was it like growing up, then, as a daughter of a Beatle?
MM: Well, it was more like growing up as a daughter of Paul and Linda, because they were such a great couple. But,
also, they were such adventurous people. So, we were kind of following them around and going on lots of adventures. We went on tour with them and we really only stopped when we needed to go to school. So I have lots of memories of travelling as a girl. I even remember going on the double-decker that they used as a tour bus in 1972. The seats on the upper deck were replaced by mattresses and bean bags.
PW: I assume it was your mother’s inspiration that made you want to be a photographer...
MM: I think so, as I think I just always saw her taking pictures. She had such a casual style too. She didn’t do a lot of setting up and neither do I. It’s just so much nicer when you connect with your sitter and when you just casually take pictures. I much prefer that and I certainly know that you don’t like to have your picture taken in a very set-up kind of situation. What really got me into becoming a photographer was looking at Mum’s pictures from the 1960s. They were about her being with someone and taking pictures and very much not “This is Jimi Hendrix”. Again, casual. When I became a photographer, I took Mum’s talent for granted. She would take pictures out the car window and then they became these books or a print on the wall. When I started doing it myself I’d put the camera up and I’d be like, “Dad, can you turn the car around so I can take this picture?” And he’d be like, “No.” She would take pictures so effortlessly and I didn’t realise there was a knack to it. Mum and Dad would treat everyone equally; I do remember that. We were always surrounded by people, so I suppose that’s why I think I am a bit of a people person. I like meeting people and I like connecting with people, but I still find I’m quite shy about it. I find it stressful, but I like it. But I could never in a million years get up on a stage, ever. Even thinking about it makes me feel like fainting. When did you first walk out in front of a big crowd? How does that feel? Is it just feeling that adulation and love and appreciation and then giving that back? Does that feel really healthy? I always think when it works perfectly, it just must be such a healthy feeling.
PW: It’s almost a weird thing, because just prior to going on stage, especially in the hour before, I’m in bits. I’m so nervous and so don’t want to be there and want to go home, and then within minutes of actually being on stage, as soon as that first tune strikes up, I automatically feel as though this is completely where I’m supposed to be. It feels like the most natural, most comfortable, Zen-like place you could possibly be, it’s so weird. I’ve always felt nervous before going on stage. That’s never changed. I mean, it’s got a little bit better as I’ve got older, but not much. I think I need to have that feeling. It was weird, because there was a time when I tried to stop drinking – before I stopped completely – and when I stopped I suddenly wasn’t nervous before going on stage. And I didn’t like it. It felt really odd.
MM: Isn’t there something superstitious about this?
PW: No, I don’t think so. I just think it gives you an edge. Those nerves can make you edgy and I think that’s important for me.
MM: And then did the nerves come back?
PW: When I started drinking again they did.
MM: But now you’re not?
PW: When I finally stopped drinking it took me at least two years to get used to that feeling of going on stage totally sober and straight. And now I love it. But it took a good two years to get comfortable, as it was really odd at first. I’d be on stage and I’d notice so much, like there’s a guy in the front row who’s wearing a green shirt or something, and now I don’t feel that at all. Now it feels natural and I have a greater appreciation of it. That’s the other thing as well, getting more from it and being more conscious of what we’re doing.
MM: Growing up, watching Mum and Dad on stage just felt natural. But I’ve seen you play a few times and it makes me realise how much I couldn’t do it myself. There is such great energy and it’s really entertaining and you look completely natural, but I wouldn’t be able to feel comfortable in that position. Also, to me, it feels like your music has to be played live. I went to a concert before lockdown and the person was so vacant and not connected to the audience and, because of that, it made me nervous. You could tell they were going through the motions, that it was an act. They had no connection at all. Whereas when I look at Dad on stage he’s all about connection. I think I had taken it for granted before that, but when you see someone who doesn’t connect, you realise how important it is.
PW: I know some people who turn up just before they go on stage and as soon as they finish they get in the car and they’re off. I don’t understand that either. It’s a far bigger thing than that for me, because I’m looking for that connection. As much as the audience might be, I am as well, and my band too, because I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes and there are some nights where you get so connected together by an audience that this thing just grows and grows. It transcends the moment.
MM: It’s like magic.
PW: It’s something special. The last time I played at the Fillmore in San Francisco, a couple of years ago, it was like that, and it wasn’t because of gear. It was almost like we took off, like the whole room just lifted up.
MM: Have you got a ritual for after the show?
PW: No, not really. No.
MM: My dad has this sandwich and a Margarita, because he doesn’t eat before he goes on. He waits until after.
PW: I have a cup of tea these days. In the past, I would have got off my nut, but I don’t any more. But if you have a gig like that and that becomes your benchmark, you’re always looking to get back to that moment, which is not always possible. But that becomes the thing you’re always searching for, to find that connection. We’re always striving for the spectacular. It’s the same with record companies. Sometimes you have to compromise, but what you really want to do is pursue your own passions. It was more difficult when we first started, because the record company tried to step in more and tried to guide us to do this or that. In the early days of The Jam they even suggested we cover a 10cc song. We said, “No fucking way is that going to happen.” You’ve got to stick to your guns. You’ve got to pursue what you set out to achieve.
MM: Fashion and clothes feel important to what you do, maybe because they make you feel a certain way to be able to perform?
PW: Yeah. But although I was too young to be really involved in the 1960s, I still lived through that time and that whole thing has never gone away for me. I love that period and it informs a lot of what I do, including how I dress. The whole look and sound of that time is just really formative. I don’t feel I’m stuck in that time, but it will always be the cornerstone of everything I do. I just thought it was such a brilliant time for music and fashion and art and all that stuff.
MM: What do you think it is about it? Is it experimentation?
PW: I think so. It was those postwar years, coming out of all that austerity, that bleak black and white, grey world – large parts of the country were still like that in the early 1960s. There were still bombsites. There was still slum housing. So it took a long time for Britain to become modern, but when it did, it was explosive.
MM: Dad describes it as it all suddenly going technicolour.
PW: Yeah, I think that’s true and you just see the clothes and music expanding. Men stopped wearing demob suits and started wearing all these bright-coloured clothes.
MM: And the pill came about and made life a lot easier.
PW: Then the other pills came a little bit later and helped expand everyone’s horizons. These people were pioneers. And also look at the art world – Peter Blake, David Hockney, Bridget Riley. It felt as though everything was becoming more modern and opening up and becoming different and colourful. I was only a very tender age, but, nevertheless, that influence was of great importance and value and always has been. Punk was probably the first time I experienced that freedom. We missed out on the 1960s, had a lift with Bowie, but after that it was largely a cultural wasteland. I was always looking for when I thought it was going to be our term. The 1970s were still very much in the shadow of the 1960s until punk. And then it all blossomed. Then it all started to make sense.
Fat Pop (Volume 1) by Paul Weller is out now.
Producer: Grace Guppy. First assistant: Pedro Faria. Digital technician: Alexander Brunacci. Make-up: Jane Bradley. Retouching: The Hand Of God
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victorian-miner · 3 years
Say Something by A Great Big World...it’s giving mclennon vibes
I mean “I'll be the one if you want me to/anywhere, I would've followed you”? The pain of feeling betrayed and not knowing where you stand with someone anymore. “I am feeling so small/it was over my head/I know nothing at all”? The way that’s making me think of the break-up...guys. They don’t know how they ended up where they are now, it was a chain reaction of a thousand small things that they kept thinking they could turn around until it was too late. “I will stumble and fall/I'm still learning to love/just starting to crawl” Sure sure, just the entire ethos of John. The way they grew up together and saw all the best and worst of each other. How they were piecing their lives back together after the break-up, having to do it entirely without each other for the first time in more than a decade. “say something, I'm giving up on you” do I have to explain this one? I keep thinking back to that bit in Get Back: Part 2 where they’re talking about the meeting they had with George and how John didn’t say anything and Yoko talked for him. Also how Paul was unreachable for a bit in Scotland, and how they didn’t talk for a few years except through lawyers. (And when John admits that, he seems so avoidant/ashamed of that fact and god it just never stops hurting). “I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you” along the same lines as the previous point, but the guilt inherent in that line? Very much giving me: the conflict inherent to the break-up and how Paul wasn’t, perhaps, as receptive to John’s growing mental crisis as he could’ve been, but that the same thing could be said of John. And that they were both trying but it wasn’t enough, that they were too different and too stubborn to bridge that difference but still regretted it later. “I will swallow my pride/You're the one that I love/and I'm saying goodbye” Oh hey look. The entire conflict of the break-up that then carried into the 70s. Because it in fact took them years to swallow their pride and actually reach out, and not too long after that things were forced to be left unresolved.
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Hi. Can I request hurt!John story? I thought it could be based on his car accident in 1969 but let's change some details of it - he was driving alone and ended up seriously injured. You can begin with Paul and the others arriving to the hospital after receiving the news... or whatever you choose 😉. So angsty story with some mclennon (but not necessarily; they can be just friends).
a/n: the thought of writing yoko has kept me from ever writing this request. But imma write it and pretend she doesn’t exist 😜. also I have no self control so this story goes through a lot more than just Paul showing up at the hospital hehehe
Nobody has to guess that baby can't be blessed/‘Til he finally sees that he's like all the rest/ With his fog, his amphetamine, and his pearls
He Breaks Just Like a Little Boy
John had thought himself rather fond of Scotland. He had visited many times before for pleasant vacations and stops to meet family. But in all these years and through all his visits he had never actually driven its roads, having the luxury of a driver. On his solo trip, he remembered exactly why his arrangements were as such.
The sky was dripping with fog that crept down from the foothills, reaching out with thick claws that effortlessly encapsulated the road. The small apertures between the paws of fog were filled with mist that left sheens of dew across the windshield. With his wipers going at a steady metronome's pace he flipped between high and low beams, unsure which way was worse. Mimi had surely told him the correct answer but his nerves and general troubles with driving had him dumbfounded. 
The road ahead appeared completely deserted so he had no concerns with continuing to flip back and forth. The distraction of the lights left room for error in the ways of speed. He was pushing 20 over the determined limit. In these conditions the absence of a speedometer, or in the event of ignoring one, it was impossible to determine how fast the world outside was passing by. John kept at his pace, even when he had settled to keep his lights on low beams.
In his vain attempt to see more than two meters ahead, he hunched forward with squinting eyes and tense muscles. Music was playing at an almost unperceivable volume, turned down multiple times over the course of the descent into fog.
Entering another aperture of mist, he relaxed, letting himself blink properly and his fingers release from their bleached white grip on the steering wheel. Once his eyes had opened again, a set of disembodied lights sent him rigid. His senses were set on blast: eyes wide open and bursting with color, the taste of copper coating his mouth, the smell of his leather interior and cigarettes somehow amplified. The intense sensations did nothing to harbor a coherent plan.
He reacted on gut instinct as the lights were backed by the shape of a car. Horn blaring, he jerked the wheel to the side. It was almost instantaneous that his stomach jumped to his throat, body leaving the seat to press harshly into the seatbelt. He was a feather made of lead.
In the late hours of the morning, Paul finished readying himself for a trip into town. He grabbed up his keys and wallet and made for the door. Before his escape could be made, the phone rang. He lowered his lids and shifted his weight from foot to foot, trying to decide if he should answer it. With a resigned roll of the eyes, he jogged to the phone. 
The words that came through the line left no room for pleasantries, throwing blades that sliced through his reality and let it drain from around him. Pressure built against his skin with each sentence, heart pounding through his limbs.
His voice was void of emotion when he asked, “Have you told the others?”
“You’re the first I’ve called,” Cynthia replied. Cynthia. That's who was talking. Paul had not even processed her voice.
He hung up, one arm left limp at his side as he gnawled at his fingernail. The world was not coming back to him. It had bled out and left him stranded, unable to move or react. Echoes of what Cynthia had said reverberated off the walls and assaulted his ears.
“... an accident… He’s in surgery… They don’t know if…if…”
Everything ushered back into color like a punch to the gut, leaving him stumbling into actuality. He fell into a chair and caught his breath.
 He had to get to him. He had to leave.
Rushing back to the phone, he threw together the fastest trip to Durness humanly possible. The trip, though only an hour and change by plane, was excruciating. Void of distraction, or want of, Paul was shedding strings of sanity like a dog’s winter coat. Nothing was fast enough until it suddenly was all too quick.
Once in the last leg of his journey, a small taxi cab, he began to dread the thought of arriving. Though still a few miles away, the antiseptic smell of the hospital was already pungent in his nose. The cramped waiting spaces and grim reality would tug and drag on his psyche. 
And he was not proven wrong. He had arrived first but it wasn’t long before George and Ringo filed in. They all shared anxious glances upon entering the private room they were ushered to but didn’t speak a word.
George ended up slumped in a seat, head in hands, as Paul stood and tapped his foot, his mind still shifting in and out of focus. It was Ritchie that had broken the eerie stillness. He was biting down hard on his lip, pacing the room. As if he had just realized the other two existed, he jumped when his path crossed Paul’s.
Paul’s eyes were dead in their sockets but Ritch’s pinged over his face with something desperate that made Paul want to conjure a sort of reassurance. He fell severely short, only able to muster a thin lipped hint of empathy.
George came in for the save. Paul, too engrossed in his own turmoil, barely noticed him getting up and moving towards them. He took Ringo into a tight hug that was warmly reciprocated. They both breathed in one another before breaking. He patted Rich on the shoulder then turned to Paul.
He hadn’t the heart to tell his friend he’d rather be left alone and was consequently enveloped into his arms. And maybe it was for the best he had not stopped him. Something calming and familiar shallowed a hole in his heart. George’s ever-comforting presence should never be put to question. He hugged George back with a grim intensity that surprised himself. It cracked a dam but did not break it.
“Don’t lose hope.” With that the hug was broken, leaving Paul with a warm heart and cold body.
In time, they all sat together on the floor, shoulder to shoulder, backs to the wall. Coffee cups and ashtrays were all around. The TV that sent extra illumination to the room was widely ignored, set at a low volume. At some point, a doctor had come in to update them. John was under close watch but out of surgery. It hadn’t done much to put anyone at ease but it drove in the hope George was keen to stoke. 
So they kept at their quiet conversations and heavy silences. The atmosphere was so odd. No one was bringing up the band dissolving. No one was arguing. Instead, a rather blissful suffering blanketed the room. At an excruciating crawl, night was arriving, the sky drifting from blue to inky black. 
Everyone was growing tired from their adrenaline crash, staring at nothing with half lidded eyes. Ringo had taken the plunge and was asleep on Paul’s shoulder. Paul’s arm was wrapped around George and George was slumped back to stare at the ceiling.
With a steady knock at the door, they were startled back to life. As the doctor came in, the three rose to their feet with varying speed.
“Good evening-”
“He’s alright, yeah? Can we see him?”
“We’ll get there, Mr. Harrison.” The doctor collected himself and looked over a messy chart. “Mr. Lennon is recovering as expected. I can’t go into detail, seeing as you aren’t blood, but his injuries were less serious than we first thought.” He looked up at the trio. “He’s asking for visitors in the morning. Have you any idea of relatives arriving?”
“His aunt, at the very least. I’d assume his son and ex-wife as well,” Paul answered cordially.
“I’ll let him know, then. Now, if you wish, you may sleep here. Blankets and pillows can be gathered. But there is a hotel only a mile away.”
They looked between one another and came to a silent agreement. “We’ll stay.” The luxury of comfort would gladly be dispensed of.
Sleeping in the cold and bare room sent Paul back in time. He felt 18 again, sleeping in a backroom in Germany with George nearby and Ringo in the place of John. At least he’d been able to sleep easier then- full of beer and dead tired from performing. Now, it took a long time but sleep finally crept into his eyes.
Though Paul was the last to sleep, he was also the first to wake. He gathered coffee and fresh carts of cigarettes before George or Ringo so much as stretched. As he waited for them to wake, he watched the news. At the moment, the camera was pointed to frame an audience gathered with candles and signs. All with well wishes to John scribbled and painted across them. 
“Have we traveled back to ‘63?” Ringo’s voice was full of sleep as he pulled himself off the floor.
Paul was glad to learn he was not the only one feeling the blast from the past. With a nod of acknowledgment, he poured Ringo a cup of coffee from the side table. Leaning back in his seat, he handed him the cup. Ringo pulled a cigarette from his pocket before taking it and mumbled a “Ta.”
It wasn’t long before George woke as well, leaving them staring at the TV that switched between actual news and coverage of the crowd outside.
“Think John’s enjoying this?”
“Think? I know. Deserves the treat of it, anyroad.” Paul huffed.
“We’ll find him off his head with pain meds waving from the window if he’s left alone too long.”
“Flashing the crowd with the backless gown on his way to bed.”
Lifting their spirits with some senseless banter, the wait for their turn to see John was less dreadful. Any bittersweetness, though, drained from Paul’s being when it came time to actually see John. Much like the journey to the hospital, the tail end of his wait for John was coming all too quickly.
They were filed out of the small room and his heart was fading with every step. It did not want to leave the strange safety of the room and Paul could not blame it. It was set and done and nothing dangerous happened. Now he was ushered into a terribly galvanizing and risky endeavor of a fresh space and unknown circumstances. As the door came to view, his heart fast tracked to full opacity and shot into his throat.
George and Ringo looked so painfully normal in comparison to how Paul felt. Surely all they were thinking of was how happy they were to see John. Not how scary it might be to see him broken. Not how one word could fuck everything up. 
The desire to pivot on the spot and run was shamefully present when the doctor held the door for them. Paul was last in line and heard the cheery greeting from Ringo before so much as seeing the foot of the bed. 
His eyes darted down to stare at George’s heels as he entered the threshold, following their path until he found a seat. Paul meandered in, jumping when the door shut behind him. He stopped in his tracks. 
“Glad the guests could finally be bothered to gather. Now the party can really start.”
With the sound of John’s voice pulling at his chest, Paul finally looked up to find him staring directly at him. He was right there, covered in scratches and bandages. There was a cast on his arm, a bruise over his eye, and a large swath of gauze peeking from the neck of his gown. His face was blushed with color, nonetheless, looking as alive as ever. When he truly looked at John he found himself wanting to cry. Why? He couldn’t have explained it to anyone but he knew the feeling swirling inside. He bit down on the inside of his cheek and gave a thin lipped smile.
“Think you’ve done enough partying without us,” Ringo said while he sat at the only other seat in the room, leaning an elbow on the bed. A smile was splashed across his face.
George leaned back pleasantly. “This is why I never let you touch my car, you know.”
John huffed. “I don’t think I’ll be touching a steering wheel ever again.”
The words were all lost on Paul. He couldn’t stop staring into John’s eyes until he finally broke contact to speak with George. Feeling uneasy in the center of the room, Paul moved to the wall, looking John up and down until he’d memorized every cut and bruise. His fingers were filled with pulsing blood, the sensation gathering up his arms as the moments passed.
No one looked at him or asked him anything. He was just a fly on the wall, chewing on his nail. So there was no warning when George and Ringo stood up. Paul jolted back to reality and stood up straight, ready to follow them out.
“Can you stay?”
”Hmm?” Blinking wildly, Paul noticed John was speaking to him.
“We’ll be back in the prison cell,” Ringo quipped before shutting the door on them.
The urge to sob spiked again. He gulped down the lump in his throat and let out a shaky breath. “Hi.”
“I look that ghastly, do I?”
Paul stared at his awkwardly shuffling feet and offered a breathy laugh. “No.” His voice cracked with the single word and burning tears sent pins into his eyes. Something in the moment sent his dam crumbling down.
Alone with John, he found absolutely no reason to hold back. So he didn’t bother. Fully absorbed by his presents, he took long strides to the now empty seat, falling into it. Without losing John’s gaze, he gently took his hand, feeling the rough cuts as he rubbed circles over the back.
Tears tracked down his face. His lip quivered. His heart brimmed full like a tidal wave crashing to shore.
“Hi,” he said again, this time with a voice damp with dejection. He sniffled with a painful smile stretching the corners of his mouth, threatening to rip from the center. He reached out to brush John’s hair from his face with a shaking hand. “You scared me, y’know?”
John pulled his hand away and Paul could feel the tidal wave retreating. He sucked in an aching breath. Rejection.
It all came back, though, when John held the side of his face, losing his fingers in Paul’s hair. “I’m sorry.”
With a fickle laugh, Paul nuzzled his head closer to John’s hand. “Don’t apologize- not for that.”
John’s head tilted as he pet Paul’s hair. “‘Bout thought you didn’t want me any longer. Seeing me all banged up and bruised. And that stare of yours. That should be categorized as some sort of weapon.”
A soft cry, that was supposed to be a laugh, rose from his throat. He leaned forward, hovering over the seat, and gently kissed John’s chapped lips. John fully reciprocated, fingers gripping his hair ever so slightly.
When they parted, poignantly slow, Paul swung his legs into the seat so he could comfortably rest his head on John’s shoulder. “I don’t think I can ever stop wanting you.” His fingers ghosted circles over John’s heart. With a concerted effort, he tried to be as gentle as possible with his battered lover.
They sat in sweet silence as John burrowed his cheek into the top of Paul’s head.
“Really though, was it that scary? Seeing me like this? You didn’t even speak when the other lads were in.”
More tears were threatening to close Paul’s throat. He gripped John’s blanket. “I thought I was scared to see you. But I don’t think I was. I was scared of myself more, y’know?”
“Can’t say I do.”
Paul pulled the blanket up to his chin. “I was afraid of messing up. I just blanked when I saw you hurt like this. I’ve never- I just want to do... New things. New things are scary.”
John rubbed his shoulder blade, soothing him to loosen up on the blanket. “And look at us now! Crying like babies all over each other.” John’s had traveled down to Paul’s bicep. “Guess we were both scared.”
“God. This wasn’t even the scariest bit- not by far. Getting that damned phone call. Thought the world was falling out from underneath me.”
John was kneading at Paul’s skin. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I thought I was never going to see you again,” He confessed. “Soon as the car went off the ledge, I could only see you and Julian in my head.” His voice was gruff and strained, muffled by Paul’s hair.
“It feels unreal, almost. After all this. Both of us in this room. Both alive. Lennon and McCartney, the dream team- or whatever bullocks.”
Paul felt the rumble of laughter in John’s chest and more tears poured out of him. He glanced down and noticed he was soaking the thin fabric of the gown. He almost felt bad but suspected that John’s tears were dampening his hair. Fairtrade.
“Yeah. Whatever bullocks.”
They quieted for a brief moment before Paul adjusted himself to be closer to John. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
“No.” A kiss graced the top of his head. “Can’t feel much with these painkillers, really. Besides, my shoulder’s not my biggest issue.”
Paul hummed curiously. 
“Go this real groovy gash down my chest,” sarcasm dripped from his tongue as he coaxed Paul off his shoulder to pull up the neck of his gown. “Here.”
A trail of gauze led down his chest and to his stomach, which was completely wrapped with the stuff. Paul wiped away his tears and peered a little further down. His brow raised and the corner of his mouth twitched. “Aye. At least your willy made it out in full form.”
“Off it,” John dragged out the words like a warning, pressing the patterned fabric to his chest. “Horn dog.”
Paul only giggled, pressing his lips to John’s again. John sighed into it before guiding Paul’s head back to his shoulder, fingers running through his hair.
Betrayed by his own mind, Paul thought back to that meeting. I want a divorce. He pulled in a harsh breath. They had drifted that day, so far from one another. Building it back had been painstaking and soul crushing. “I’ll never let you lose me again.”
“Really, now?”
“Yes.” His tone was serious. “You’re not allowed. Whether or not we’re cross with each other, we won’t lose one another, alright?”
John hummed into his hair. “Sounds fine to me.”
22 notes · View notes
uservillanelle · 4 years
Killing Eve ― 3x07 (Review)
Here we are. Already about to write a review to the second last episode of Killing Eve (Season 3). Not gonna lie.. I’m already having this bittersweet feeling, espcially knowing that next time I’ll be writing a review it will be the last one for a long time. I feel the hiatus until season 4 will be a LONG one, but I hope some of you guys will stick around, because I ain’t going anywhere! Alright, I guess we need to get going, shall we? 
Villanelle & Helene
So, they were right about the fact that the Twelve is EVERYWHERE. Apparently they know and see everything, including what happened with Oksana’s family and what she did to her mother. I don’t recall Villanelle telling anything to Dasha about this. So far Konstantin is the only one who knows and I don’t think he would tell anybody about this. And now, Helene somehow knows it too and of course she’s using that information to further manipulate and affect Villanelle. I’m still ver torn about her... like, Villanelle is NOT the only one who finds her hot, okay? Camille Cottin is suuch an amazing addition to KE cast and I want her to stick around, buuut... Helene is trouble. She’ll have to go and we got a Villanelle line “Working out how I’d kill you.” this may very well be foreshadowing. Not only does she say it but Helene soon bites back with “You wouldn’t be able to, by the way.” “Wouldn’t be able to what?” “Kill me before I killed you. You’re a child. You have no idea what you’re messing with.” so what does that mean? Villanelle/Helene face off? She is still one of their best assets if not THE best, yet Helene chooses to bring her down by calling her a child. Helene has no chance against her. 
Now, their first interaction was just as awkward and kind of weird with Villanelle making jokes about Helene trying to seduce her and all that and honetly, when I saw this scene and her getting to Villanelle like that, for a moment I DID wonder if she was actually trying to secude her and turns out she was mothering her... which means she knows Villanelle’s situation very well. Hitting all the right spots where Villanelle got teary in the first couple of minutes. This is NOT okay. But that’s how the Twelve view her. Helene’s entire speech about her being a Beautiful Monster is exactly how the Twelve see and value her. They wouldn’t want Villanelle to continue being this sensitive, vulnerable and emotional and the only reason why Helene did what she did is to gain information. Have Villanelle confess her “secrets” and feelings, but thank God Villanelle is smarter than that. I mean, it takes A LOT to get her to open up, even with Eve she sometimes kept her guard down so do we really expect her to open up to some stranger? Even if it was a HOT one? Don’t think so.
Another small detail I’d love to talk about is the INJURY. As soon as Helene asked Villanelle to show her injury I instantly thought about Eve’s stab wound and I don’t know why. Sure, she just got stabbed in her arm last episode and I completely forgot about it so... seeing Villanelle hesitate before showing the right place almost makes me think that.. maybe she also thought about the stab wound that Eve caused? 
Also, random thought but I’m wondering if Helene and Paul are on the same level in this organisation. Are they like.. Keepers or something? Maybe they hold a higher position we aren’t aware of yet? Because I don’t think they are actually members of the Twelve. Though they could be very close. Like their right hand or something. And since we are seeing Paul back for the finale, will Helene be back as well? Imagine them both in the same place. That definitely would be an interesting duo to see!
Konstantin (ft. Irina)
Okay, so you’re telling me that Konstantin willingly brought Irina into that detention center?! Did someone call the cops on her? Her mother, perhaps? Because I just can’t see Konstantin doing something like this to his own daughter only to expect that she will soon be dischardged? It has to be the mother then, as we got a hint that the lack of empathy that Irina shows comes from her mother. Reminds me a LOT of Villanelle. And that actually sounds a lot like Tatiana... meaning Irina is really becoming Villanelle 2.0 plus Konstantin is no longer with her mother which brings the issue of father/mother abandonment. That, as we saw, causes attention seeking issues which Irina showed in the last episode. In terms of acting, I’m VERY impressed with Yuli this episode. I feel Irina has changed A LOT since last episode and I think only a day or two passed since then. It’s crazy. But the acting was soo on point and Villanelle-like. 
I get that Konstantin is scared as to what is happening to Irina and seeing all of those traits coming out of her reminding him of Villanelle and how she alone is handful, he doesn’t want to go through the same crap with his own daughter. Then again, he should’ve seen it coming, but he’s just not around her enough as he’s been living this double agent life. 
Everybody and everything seems to be pushing this poor guy towards a heart attack and this time he collapsed! Can’t you give him a break already? He’s the father of the show and we can’t lose him. Many thought that after that tran station scene that he died, but thankfully he seems to be okay at the end of the episode. Well, more or less. In a way I’m still scared that he might die in the finale... but they already had hinted it several times and even voiced that he might die and we thought he did. So... will they pull the same card twice? I’m not sure, but I won’t be letting my guard down yet.
The hospital scene is such a MOOD and I think it’s one of those scenes that we ALL relate to. I know, I do as I’m trying to handle KE stuff and manage my finals so yeeah, stress is a LOT. I’ve always loved Konstantin’s laughter but his hysterical laughter in this scene just KILLED me lmao!! I mean... he just had a heart attack, what makes you think he is NOT stressed?! I can only imagine how much shit he’s into at the moment so yeah, this is such a hilarious question! 
Apparently Dasha is there as well! You know what it means? We will get Konstantin/Dasha interactions! We haven’t had any interactions between them yet so this will be interesting. 
Let’s everybody pray daddy K survives this season! I’d rather have Dasha, Helene and Paul killed off all together than him. So let’s hope this is exactly what happens!
It’s been a while since the last time we saw Eve chase Villanelle. Or vise versa, even. The only time this season Villanelle “visited” Eve on the bus is when she had a job in London. What if she didn’t have to go to London to kill someone? Wouldn’t she want to see Eve again? That’s a bit painful to think about especially knowing that this was more Villanelle than Oksana as the first episodes took place before she went to Russia and to meet her family.She said she wasn’t ready to see Eve again at that time... and even now after the bus, she was all over the place and really hurting due to Tatiatna’s rejection and having to kill her mother. Does that mean that after all this Villanelle’s obession with Eve and the chase is fading or even completely gone? She seemed really happy to see Eve chase her and the train and so I think she is still intrigued by it, especially now that she saw Eve do it. Eve IS interested. Eve CARES. I still want to see them playing this cat and mouse game from time to time, but without trying to kill each other. They did that enough of times. So hopefully that part of them can still stay the same. Hopefully.
Every time Eve was trying to find/chase Villanelle before was to get to the Twelve. This season she is no longer working with Carolyn, so she doesn’t really have to search for Villanelle even if Carolyn brought up the fact that Villanelle was back in her old ways. Back then Eve refused to have anything to do with Villanelle and so far she wasn’t searching for her until this episode. Again, she says Villanelle is the best way to get to the Twelve, but I don’t really think Eve was so desperate to find Villanelle only for that. Especially after the face off she had with Dasha last episode... I think she just wants to see Villanelle and talk... maybe? She’s ready. Both of them are now. And yeah, I can only wonder what Eve could’ve told Villanelle if they actually met face to face this episode.I’d like to think Eve did all that AND left both Konstantin AND Dasha to die only to continue chasing her girlfriend. Let’s not forget Hugo’s situation last season which was completely the same lmao! Eve wanted to see Villanelle again. And in order to do so not only she digged through trash container, but encouraged Bear to illegally track down Villanelle’s card and she also went to Scotland and then to the damn train station only to meet her! She’s so whipped and WE LOVE TO SEE IT! I just wished she would’ve showed some of this determination in previous episodes.. it’s like she only “woke up” now and realized she was still very in love with Villanelle and wanted to see her again. It’s about TIME you two get together! We’ve been literally waiting for three years for this!
I don’t know why but for some reason I thought that as soon as Villanelle spotted Eve running after the train, she’d get up and stop it and then get off the train to meet her?! The writers wanted to tease us with this for sure, but if it wasn’t for the show... I think Villanelle would’ve done it. Again, another instance where Villanelle doesn’t feel as much need to meet Eve? The only gifts she sent to her this season was that teddy bear with the recording and the cake. That’s it. There were no other hints saying that she is thinking about Eve... and then it makes me go back to 3x06 to Konstantin and Villanelle’s conversation about how she will have to leave Eve behind and the only thing she said was “I know” and I’m pretty sure she was sincere about this. In a way I’d like to think she’s accepting that she needs to be able to let Eve go if she really loves her and at the same time I’m kind of concerned she’s not really... well, struggling with this choice... and if that was some kind of foreshadowing of Villanelle making the decision to leave Eve for good... I’m not even gonna go there. 
I just have to bring up the LACK of Villaneve this season. We’ve got a 2-3 scene of them and that’s it. They didn’t interact much in season 1 compared to season 2 and even in season 1 they interacted more than in season 3! I REALLY hope all of this was leading to their reunion in the finale which will be ENORMOUS because they haven’t seen each other for so long and whatever happens.. their reunion will be special either way. Now, both of them went through a lot this season and there was a lot of individual character growth for both of them and I can’t believe Eve will be seeing Villanelle with her hair DOWN in next episode... you know what it means? She will be meeting OKSANA for the first time... and like I said before.. Eve and Villanelle might not work together that well.. but Eve and Oksana can and this gives me hope they WILL get together in the finale... because if they don’t... there is no way they won’t. It wouldn’t make sense. Why keep them separated for so long only to “confirm” their break up/end of their relationship? I won’t have that. But if they do end up together or at least head in the right direction... the whole season of waiting will be worth it. It will be so worth it... and seeing them slow dance together so calmly, without having them try to kill each other and just... be in each other’s orbit is just so.. beautiful? VILLANEVE IS ENDGAME! Period. I will so need that spare bed next to Konstantin in that hospital... because there’s no way I’m surviving that dance or even more Villaneve content.
I was soo sure Eve would finish off Dasha and she ALMOST did! I think she already knew Dasha was the one who tried to kill Niko, but having Dasha bring it up again while she was in a vulnerable state unable to protect herself just shows how narcissistic and over-confident she was being plus I think in a way she was STILL underestimating Eve. That entire scene...Dasha’s ribs were LITERALLY cracking! The look on Eve’s face... that sinister smile of pure pleasure, just the one like Villanelle’s hair pin kill... wow. WE LOVE TO SEE IT! There were way more dark!Eve moments last season and this season we didn’t really get any until now and I am livng for it! Dark!Eve rises... and she’s becoming more like Villanelle while Villanelle is becoming more.. human? It’s almost they are truly equal now, on the same page, on the same wave length and if that’s not a sign of Villaneve endgame I don’t know what is.
Since Dasha mentioned Niko’s mustache, I was sure that Eve wanted to get some kind of revenge for almost losing her husband because I do believe she still cares for him deeply, even if she’s not in love with him anymore. But I’ve seen someone say that she almost killed her because she found out Dasha was the one who tried to frame Villanelle thus, making Eve think it was her so they would hate each other again. I mean.. it could be both, right? But I don’t think it’s purely because of Dasha trying to frame Villanelle. 
I love that they decided to use “I See Darkness In You” once again... first time we’ve heard it was back in 3x05 when Oksana was watching her mother dance. Originally I thought the song was referring to Oksana seeing darkness in Tatiana... but seeing this scene, the song was definitely referring to seeing that darkness in EVE, so... could the song actually apply to seeing darkness in Oksana as well during that scene? I LIVING for dark!Eve and dark!Oksana. Give it to me. The fact that Villanelle almost killed Dasha and then Eve came and ALMOST finished her job... Villaneve basically killed Dasha even if they weren’t together in the same place lol! This is some soulmate connection lol! I truly think Eve would’ve killed Dasha if it weren’t for the ambulance that distracted her. She was having waaay too much fun to stop at that point lmao! I hope we will see more of dark!Eve moments next season, maybe even in the finale and have Oksana see it as well... I mean, she already knew that Eve had a dark side to her, but having them both accept it and be fine with that just adds way more meaning to it and yet another layer of their understanding, you know?
YES. I am going to talk about THE grinch costume. There is a reason why Jodie said that it was her favorite outfit this season and I mean... seeing it in this episode truly hits different than seeing those leaked filming pictures. Sure, the costume itself looks ridiculous and I don’t think anyone could’ve pulled it off the way Jodie did. Seriously, this woman can pull off ANYTHING and I love that for her. This costume is DEFINITELY one of my favorites of entire show. It’s iconic™ on it’s own and it deserves way more love. Besides, she gets to wear it on the damn golf course! I honestly wish she wore it longer, I don’t think we will see her wearing it in the finale so that’s a shame. Speaking of her costumes, it feels like she’s changing the outfits too damn quick. Or maybe that’s just me. Anyways, give the GRINCH outfit a chance, please! It’s incredible!
Carolyn & Geraldine
It doesn’t look like things are going well for Carolyn. At all. In fact, I think that’s the least successful she ever was up to this point and that is frustrating. What I’ve noticed this season is that whenever someone digs up some kind of information related to the Twelve they DIE. First it was Kenny who was investigating them for how long? A couple of weeks or something? And they caught up with him. Now, it’s Mo. He said he was tracking Paul for the past week and there was no indications that he was working for the Twelve. However at the end of the episode he did find something and guess what? Rhian was there to kill him. Also... it’s interesting that Helene sent Rhian to kill Mo and not Villanelle because she’s not really fit to do the killing... but she gave Villanelle AND Dasha some random American who apparently was crying out to be killed. She doesn’t trust Villanelle and maybe she doesn’t want her to know what the Twelve is up to.
Meanwhile Carolyn is slowly losing her mind. And in a way Geraldine has a point. She needs to find a way to let it all out because she can only wait this long until it all reaches it’s peak and she snaps. And she did. She went full on bashing and breaking things and that is one way of coping. At least she took the first step towards accepting and dealing with her emotioins. I’m also kind of worried for her... anything could happen at this point and now that she knows Paul is for sure working for the Twelve.. she might try to do something and I hope she doesn’t get herself killed. I mean she’s not my favorite character or anything, but the lady has BEST iconic lines in the show and I’d like her to stick around a bit longer. Espececially now that Konstantin might have to go... (hopefully not)
So Geraldine... I tried to keep an open mind about her and her storyline this season. Each character has storylines, that’s why they are there. For a reason. So far the only storyline I see for Geraldine is to be the pawn that Konstantin uses to spy on Carolyn and well... in a way having her replace Kenny and be someone who Carolyn can interact with. And they barely interact anyways because they don’t really understand one another. So... is that all? Is she still there because well.. she needs to help Carolyn cope with her emotions? And don’t get me started on her and Konstantin thing... that is just fucked up and kind of unnecessary? So... were ALL the scenes involving her necessary for the main plot? I’ll leave that up for the debate.
Intro Sequence & Soundtracks
Glad to see the intro sequence back once more! It would’ve been really weird to have it only for one episode. Someone had pointed out before that they were doing this on purpose and that it was not as random as we thought it was. Apparently both 3x02 and 3x07 has the intro sequence, while 3x04 and 3x06 have the titles all over the place. I can only wonder what they’ve left for the finale! But I’d like for them to keep the intro sequence in season 4! 
I’ve said it before several times and I’ll say it again. Killing Eve has the BEST soundtracks and the most accurate ones too, where the lyrics not only express the right feeling/atmosphere of the scene but also describe/tell what the characters are feeling/thinking and that is crucially important b ecause sometimes they just don’t talk about emotions. For example Villanelle doesn’t really voice her feelings but we see what she is feeling due to Jodie’s phenomenal acting and sometimes through the soundtracks, for example the intro scene with Helene. I mean the use of “Look What You Made Me Do” by Jack Leopards & The Dolphin Club was PERFECT! Not only it’s such an interesting take on Taylor Swift’s song, but it describes exactly how Villanelle is feeling towards Helene and her trying to manipulate her. “I don’t like your little game. I don’t like you.”
Then there’s the Villanelle/Konstantin scene where Konstantin comes to pick her up and they have “Watch Your Back” by The Coathangers playing in the background. “You can never go back” LITERALLY! Both of them turned their backs to the Twelve, Konstantin’s stole bunch of money from the organisation and is planning to escape and Villanelle just hit Dasha in the head with golf club and failed to kill her target. They truly can’t go back from this. 
Already touched upon “I See Darkness in You” which is literal perfection when it comes to dark!character scenes. Chef’s kiss™
And then there’s “Demolition Girl” by Billy Childish & Holly Golightly which was used in the very last scene when Villanelle calls Eve and we see the camera zoom out on Eve. “Demolition Girl” is basically someone who is destructive and hell... them using that after Eve got a call from her? Yeah, that call ruined Eve and us as well in the best way... in the teasing way and I can’t wait for them to actually meet and I already know they will use something VERY special for the dance scene as well. Their soundtracks this season are soo on point I’m in love.
The Plot
I’ve been meaning to talk about this ever since the last couple of episodes because it seems to me they are really trying to catch up with so many different storylines but there simply isn’t enough time to cover it all up. Which really brings me to my next point when I previously said that a season should at least have about 10 episodes. It’s a solid number and they could actually have a chance to have those “bottle”/solo episodes and at the same time have enough screen time to solve and complete the rest of the storylines without leaving any plot-holes behind. I mean, yes, some of those storylines will not be finished because Laura Neal will take over them in season 4, but I still think they need to either extend the episode number or maybe discard some of the less relevant storylines? I just want it to feel rushed or anything, because I’m sure there will be A LOT of things happening in the finale and we can barely get any Villaneve quality time or even other storylines like with Konstantin/Carolyn and the Twelve. 
The Feel/Atmosphere
I think this was THE episode that I actually felt like the old Killing Eve (s1 + s2) was back. It’s true. the rest of the season does feel a lot different and this episode in particular just has this dark atmosphere and some of the original soundtracks are being used as well and let’s not forget one of the OG directors, Damon Thomas, directed this episode and I think he is one of the main reasons what made this episode so amazing. For those of you who aren’t very familiar with the episodes that Damon has directed, he did some of the biggest episodes, including both 1x07 & 1x08, then 2x01, 2x07 & 2x08 including a couple other episodes in there. And this is the only episode (so far) this season that he directed. Maybe that’s why it feels so familiar to previous to season and honestly I LOVED it. I think there is a reason why he tends to direct the last couple of episodes which makes me think he was the one who directed 3x08 as well and if he did, I am even more excited for it! Of course, Laura Neal’s impact was felt there as well and yeah, 3x03 was incredible as well including THE BUS scene which still blows my mind! Yeah, my expectations are HIGH for season 4.
Overall Thoughts
This was definitely my favorite episode this season and soo many things happened in it starting with the humor of the episode (it was said that this episode will be the funniest one) and yeah, it WAS hilarious. It was dark, it had that good old suspence and we also got a GLIMPSE into Villaneve. Then there’s my favorite GRINCH costume, Konstantin’s hysterical laughter, Eve chasing Villanelle and soo much more. 
I really hope we survive the next episode guys, because I am nervous and I am scared as I am excited! Can’t believe it’s the last one... but we will get through it together! At least it’s not the last season yet! I truly hope the finale will pay off and I cannot wait to watch it! 
As always guys, let me know your thoughts/reactions of the last episode and if you have any theories or thoughts about the finale don’t hesitate to jump in my ask box or message me directly so we can chat about it!!
98 notes · View notes
your-dietician · 3 years
Over 270,000 people sign petition for France vs Switzerland to be replayed
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/over-270000-people-sign-petition-for-france-vs-switzerland-to-be-replayed/
Over 270,000 people sign petition for France vs Switzerland to be replayed
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Switzerland’s goalkeeper Yann Sommer (R) saves a penalty by France’s forward Kylian Mbappe during the UEFA EURO 2020 round of 16 football match between France and Switzerland at the National Arena in Bucharest – GETTY IMAGES
Over 270,000 fans have signed a petition calling on Uefa to replay the Euro 2020 last-16 match between France and Switzerland because “the rules (of the game) were not respected” when Swiss goalkeeper Yann Sommer saved Kylian Mbappé’s decisive penalty.
Mbappé’s miss resulted in the world champions crashing out of the tournament in Bucharest after leading their eventual conquerors 3-1 at one point in the match.
But a petition was launched by a disgruntled French fan, Pierre, in the aftermath of the penalty shootout, demanding that Uefa replay the tie because Sommer’s feet were over the line as Mbappe struck the ball. Goalkeepers need to keep at least one foot on the goal-line when facing a penalty, otherwise the spot-kick can be retaken.
Neither the referee nor Var intervened on Sommer’s save but more than 270,000 people signed the petition – which has now been closed – despite several different angles showing that Sommer’s foot was on the line when Mbappé kicked the ball.
The hosts of the petition, leslignesbougent.org, wrote that “Uefa had been officially approached to gauge its position on the matter”, and that Pierre had informed the host site that he wished for the petition to be closed after the angles showing the legality of Sommer’s position came to light. “Our servers exploded,” the site added.
The original petition read: “During the penalty shootout of the France v Switzerland match, goalkeeper Sommer was not on his line ahead of Mbappé’s shot. We ask that Switzerland’s qualification is cancelled so that the match can be replayed.
“Sport must be played within the rules and that evening the rules were not respected.”
02:53 PM
Czech Republic v Denmark
Denmark coach Kasper Hjulmand says the team is looking to Christian Eriksen as an inspiration ahead of the match against the Czech Republic in the Euro 2020 quarter-finals.
Story continues
Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest during Denmark’s opening game of the tournament. Team-mates were left shaken after seeing him receive emergency medical treatment on the field.
Hjulmand says “we’ll play with that heart of Christian Eriksen once again.”
The winner will face either England or Ukraine in the semi-finals.
02:49 PM
Masterful Jordan Pickford has joined an elite band valued more by his country than his club
Unlike at Everton, when Pickford wears an England shirt he looks like he is sure he belongs out there, the undisputed No 1.
Jamie Carragher’s latest column for Telegraph Sport.
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Jordan Pickford celebrating England’s last-16 win – GETTY IMAGES
02:38 PM
The Battle of Rome
Paul Ince’s bloody headband, chaos in the stands – and Southgate’s dark side.
England’s last trip to the Italian capital, in 1997, was another game they could not contemplate losing. David Seaman looks back on that momentous night.
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Paul Gascoigne (L) and a topless Paul Ince (R) – GETTY IMAGES
02:20 PM
England get to work…
… with the quarter-final against Ukraine just over 24 hours away.
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Kalvin Phillips of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02 – GETTY IMAGES
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Mason Mount of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02 – GETTY IMAGES
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Tyrone Mings shifting some tin – GETTY IMAGES
01:56 PM
Boris Johnson says he has no plans to reduce Euro 2020 stadium crowds
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he did not plan to order a reduction in crowds attending the remaining Euro 2020 matches due to take place at Wembley.
Crowd capacity at Wembley will be increased to more than 60,000 fans for the semi-finals and final of Euro 2020 under a pilot scheme announced last week.
“Of course we’ll follow the scientific guidance and the advice if we receive any such suggestion,” Johnson said in response to a question at a news conference, alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel who said she was worried about Uefa’s decision to let more people into stadiums.
“But at the moment… the position is very clear in the UK, which is that we have certain events which we can put on in a very careful and controlled manner with testing of everybody who goes there.”
01:34 PM
England fans in Rome
The first pictures are beginning to filter back home…
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Fans gather in Rome ahead of Ukraine v England – Rome, Italy – July 2, 2021 – REUTERS
12:20 PM
Germany’s Kroos announces retirement from international football
Germany midfielder Toni Kroos has announced his retirement from international football after his team’s exit from the European Championship, the 31-year-old said on Instagram.
The 2014 World Cup winner earned 106 caps for his country, contributing 17 goals and 19 assists.
Kroos said it was clear to him “for a long time” that he would not be available for the World Cup in Qatar next year.
He said his priority now would be to focus on his club career with Real Madrid and spending time with his family.
12:16 PM
The eight defining games of Raheem Sterling’s England career
From scapegoat to star man, Sterling has been the object of anger and criticism but is now England’s most experienced player and one of Euro 2020’s pre-eminent players.
Here, Sam Wallace runs down the eight matches that have defined his international career to date.
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England’s forward Raheem Sterling celebrates the first goal during the UEFA EURO 2020 round of 16 football match between England and Germany at Wembley – GETTY IMAGES
12:00 PM
Emma Hayes signs new Chelsea deal
A revealed by Telegraph Sport in May, Emma Hayes, who has starred as a pundit at Euro 2020, has signed a new deal to remain as manager of Chelsea, the Women’s Super League champions have announced.
The 44-year-old has been with the club since 2012 and guided them to four WSL titles, two FA Cups and two League Cups. Hayes’ side were also Champions League runners-up last season.
She said on Chelsea’s official website: “Everyone knows what this club means to me.
“The work we’ve done together over the last nine years has been hugely rewarding, full of growth of the women’s game, accompanied with winning, which is one of the club’s key values. I really look forward to keep building on the successes we’ve already achieved and I’m delighted to have extended further.
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Emma Hayes the manager of Chelsea Women lifts the Barclays FA Women’s Super League trophy after the Barclays FA Women’s Super League match between Chelsea Women and Reading Women at Kingsmeadow on May 09, 2021 in Kingston upon Thame – GETTY IMAGES
“It’s been a year and a half without fans, so I can’t wait to welcome them back to our home and share with them the wonderful team we’ve built together.”
Having retained the WSL trophy and the League Cup in 2020-21, Chelsea fell short of adding the Champions League as they were beaten 4-0 by Barcelona in the final in Gothenburg.
That was a first appearance in the final for the Blues – who reached the semi-finals in 2018 and 2019 – and the first by an English club since Arsenal, who had Hayes as assistant manager at the time, won the competition in 2007.
11:24 AM
Some more Premier League news…
Chelsea midfielder Billy Gilmour has joined Norwich on a season-long loan deal.
The 20-year-old impressed for Scotland in a goalless draw against England at Euro 2020 on June 18, before then having to self-isolate after returning a positive Covid-19 test.
Following his performance at Wembley it was reported that several Premier League clubs were interested in signing Gilmour on a temporary basis.
Newly-promoted Norwich have won the race for his signature and Canaries boss Daniel Farke feels Gilmour is a “perfect fit” for his Canaries team.
“We are really happy to have brought Billy in,” said Farke, who saw midfielder Emiliano Buendia leave for Aston Villa for £33million last month.
“We must say a big thank you to Chelsea and all those involved for making this deal happen. I think it helped that in the past we have shown that young players with potential are in good hands here at Norwich City.
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Billy Gilmour – GETTY IMAGES
“He will help us to achieve our targets. We still have to keep in mind that he is an unbelievably young guy and that he hasn’t played regularly on this level. We have to give him some time and space to improve and find his rhythm.”
Gilmour made 11 appearances for Chelsea last season, starting three Premier League matches.
The former Rangers youth player was an unused substitute in both the FA Cup and Champions League finals as Thomas Tuchel’s side lost the domestic showpiece to Leicester but beat Manchester City to become champions of Europe.
11:10 AM
The England team Gareth Southgate should pick to defeat Ukraine
Telegraph football writers pick their XIs – and you can too, by clicking here.
We have asked our writers to pick who they would like to see face the Ukrainians, especially bearing in mind that four of the England squad are on yellow cards.
10:50 AM
How England can beat Ukraine and take another step to glory
What do we know about England’s opponents? What are their strengths and what are the areas to exploit? Who are the players to watch out for?
Telegraph Sport spoke to Ukranian football expert Andrew Todos and former Norther Ireland manager Michael O’Neill, who masterminded a win over Ukraine at Euro 2016.
You can read our big match dossier by clicking here.
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Graphic depicting England and Ukraine’s star players
10:30 AM
England at full strength for Ukraine
Gareth Southgate’s 26-man squad all trained on the eve of England’s Euro 2020 quarter-final against Ukraine.
The reward for Tuesday’s 2-0 last-16 win against Germany at Wembley is Saturday’s clash against Andriy Shevchenko’s side in Rome.
The Three Lions fly to Italy on Friday afternoon and the full squad trained at their St George’s Park base that morning.
Mason Mount and Ben Chilwell were among those in action, having left isolation on the day of the Germany match after coming into contact with Chelsea team-mate Billy Gilmour, who tested positive for Covid-19 after playing for Scotland against England.
Harry Maguire, Declan Rice, Kalvin Phillips and Phil Foden are a booking away from a suspension heading into the quarter-final.
Manchester United defender Maguire, who was named man of the match on Tuesday, is set to join manager Southgate at Friday evening’s press conference in Rome.
10:23 AM
Captain Kane reporting for England training
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JULY 02: Harry Kane of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02, 2021 in Burton upon Trent, – GETTY IMAGES
10:08 AM
In Premier League news…
From our reporter, Mike McGrath.
09:44 AM
No, not the Trojan war hero, but the cat that lives in St Petersburg’s Hermitage museum. He chose Spain while attempting to predict the result of tonight’s quarter-final.
Probably no need to play tonight now – the cat’s called it…
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
09:23 AM
De Bruyne and Hazard
Belgium boss Roberto Martinez will give Kevin De Bruyne and Eden Hazard until the last minute to prove their fitness ahead of tonight’s Euro 2020 quarter-final clash with Italy.
Manchester City star De Bruyne suffered an ankle injury during Sunday’s 1-0 win over Portugal, during which Real Madrid’s Hazard also limped off with a muscle problem, and neither was able to train with the rest of the squad on Thursday morning.
However, speaking at his pre-match press conference ahead of the game in Munich, Martinez said: “We all know that we are fighting against time, but we’re going to take until the last minute to make the decision.
“Every day that goes by, every time they can sleep and get three meals and get some treatment, we see an improvement, and then we’ll see [today] if they can be involved or not. Unfortunately at the moment, we cannot make a decision.
“Obviously it will be difficult for [today] – a soft tissue injury in Eden’s case, maybe is difficult for a game like tomorrow, and for Kevin, having a ligament problem maybe is a bit different.
“But it’s more a medical decision. At the moment, it’s not a football decision; [today]it will become a medical decision in the afternoon and then we’ll make a football decision after that.”
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De Bruyne left the pitch looking dejected in Belgium’s win over Portugal – GETTY IMAGES
Martinez could do with having all his most potent weapons available for a clash with an Italian side which is unbeaten in 31 matches, while both teams are bidding to become the first to win 15 consecutive European Championship matches since the start of qualification.
09:06 AM
In case you missed it…
Neil Diamond told The Telegraph yesterday how “thrilled” he was that England fans were singing his famous ‘Sweet Caroline’ song at Wembley.
“Well, I hope you can do it again – here’s to England”, he told The Telegraph.
The 1969 song has featured in every England victory celebration at Euro 2020 and was a high point of celebrations after the team beat Germany 2 – 0 in the round of 16.
After the match, striker Harry Kane and coach Gareth Southgate both told the media how much they enjoyed hearing fans belt out the song in unison.
08:52 AM
Tournament odds
The bookies have England now as Euro 2020 favourites – even at 2/1 in some outlets.
Then come Spain (3/1) followed by Italy (4/1), with Ukraine the outside shot with bookmakers at 33/1.
08:41 AM
Magic Monday
A look-back at the day that proved internationals reach parts that the club game cannot.
As if Spain 5 Croatia 3 wasn’t enough, Switzerland and France also served up a classic on Monday night. What made it so memorable?
Read Thom Gibbs’ excellent breakdown here.
08:30 AM
RIP Charlie
08:16 AM
Predictions for this evening
Let us know in the comments below!
I’m going Spain and Italy to progress… just.
08:14 AM
Alvaro Morata
As Sam Dean writes, Alvaro Morata has scored 21 goals in 44 appearances for his country. He has won 14 major trophies in club football. He has played for four of the biggest clubs in the world and he has been transferred between them for a combined total of more than £170 million. If he finds the net against Switzerland on Friday, he will become the highest scorer in Spain’s European Championship history. Everything about his CV, and his list of accomplishments by the age of 28, suggests that Morata must be one of the continent’s elite forwards. And yet, for many people, the former Chelsea striker still seems to be regarded more as a punchline than as a top-level predator.
Read about how Morata has emerged from the darkness in a bright, dangerous Spain side.
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Spain’s Alvaro Morata celebrates after scoring his side’s fourth goal during the Euro 2020 soccer championship round of 16 match between Croatia and Spain at the Parken Stadium in Copenhagen – POOL GETTY
07:59 AM
Can Switzerland do it again?
A reminder of how the Swiss got there in the first place.
They knocked out the world champions, France, on penalties, after fighting back from 3-1 down.
Refresh yourself on events in Bucharest by clicking here.
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Kylian Mbappe missed the crucial penalty for France – GETTY IMAGES
07:35 AM
The Swiss are back!
Remember this bloke?
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Swiss fan reacts to their victory over France
Topless and fully clothed, desperate and ecstatic: a Swiss football supporter has become a viral sensation after cameras zoomed in on his rollercoaster emotions watching his team beat France in the Euro 2020 tournament.
Found by Swiss media after images of him yelling and grimacing during Monday’s match went round the world, Luca Loutenbach has already amended his Twitter account to describe himself as the “Nati’s official meme since 28.06.2021.”
The Nati is the nickname for Switzerland’s national football team.
Loutenbach, 28, told Switzerland’s Blick TV that he was “just a normal fan”.
But those filming the game thought otherwise, zooming in on him several times during the play as he perfectly encapsulated Swiss fans’ ecstasy, dejection and frenzied joy – starting off wearing the Swiss red shirt and ending up topless and screaming.
The images quickly went viral, with London Mayor Sadiq Khan tweeting one with the comment “man of the match”.
“A star is born,” Swiss public television RTS said.
“Thanks for all your messages, what is happening to me is unreal,” he wrote Wednesday on Twitter.
“I’m actually quite discreet, even if that wasn’t on show during the game. So this is fun for one or two days, but I hope it will ease off a bit after a while,” he told Swiss TV.
Such is his fame that Switzerland’s airline Swiss has gifted him a free ticket to Russia to see his team play Spain in the quarter finals on Friday in Saint Petersburg.
The country’s tourism agency has also contacted him via Twitter to offer a relaxing weekend away in Switzerland.
07:18 AM
Good morning!
Hello and welcome to Telegraph Sport’s live coverage of the build-up to quarter-finals day, with the first two last-eight games kicking off tonight. Switzerland face Spain in St Petersburg at 5pm before Belgium take on Italy in Munich at 8pm.
England midfielder Jack Grealish said captain Harry Kane is the best player he has ever played with and tipped the Tottenham Hotspur forward to break the Premier League scoring record.
Kane drew a blank in each of England’s three group games at Euro 2020 but scored the second goal in Tuesday’s 2-0 win over Germany which put them into a quarter-final clash with Ukraine in Rome on Saturday.
Grealish said Kane, or “H”, was a deadly finisher but also praised his work outside the box.
“No one here would ever doubt ‘H’,” Grealish told British media on Thursday. “He’s the best player I’ve ever played with.
“He’ll break the Premier League record and the England one but he’s not just a goalscorer. He’s unbelievable when he drops deep and finds passes and puts it through people’s legs.”
Alan Shearer is the Premier League’s all-time leading scorer with 260. Kane is seventh on the list with 166.
Grealish came off the bench to play a role in both goals in the win over Germany but the 25-year-old said he was uncertain if he would start against Ukraine, given the attacking options at coach Gareth Southgate’s disposal.
“It’s difficult. I’m always playing every minute at Villa. I have to be realistic about myself and the talent that we have, especially in my position,” he said.
“You’ve got six players that play either side of Harry that, in reality, could play for most clubs in the world — myself, Jadon (Sancho), Marcus (Rashford), Raheem (Sterling), Phil (Foden) and Bukayo (Saka),” he said.
“That’s scary how good us six are. That’s not being big-headed. That’s just the truth.”
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Sam Heughan (left) and Caitriona Balfe as Jamie and Claire Fraser in “Outlander” —S‍‍TARS‍‍Z
LOS ANGELES—“The first episode is going to be for the fans,” Sam Heughan said about Season 5 of his hit time-travel drama series, “Outlander,” where he and Caitriona Balfe play Jaime and Claire Fraser, respectively.
“It gives the fans a moment to enjoy spending time with the Frasers and the extended family,” added Sam, dapper in a navy Armani suit, complete with a pocket square, in this LA interview.
“The wedding episode gives them time to wallow in that. But of course, things go downhill pretty quickly, so they get a little breathing space before we get into the drama.”
Sam talked some more about the devoted fans of the series based on Diana Gabaldon’s book series. Season 5 is based on the fifth book, “The Fiery Cross.”
“The fans are definitely fervent and extremely excited,” the blue-eyed Scot said. “We have the premiere coming up next month and we’re going to be in Los Angeles.”
Looking boyish with his short blonde hair, Sam grinned as he dished about the wig his Jamie character wears. “I didn’t wear a wig on the first two seasons, or a season and a half. My hair was dyed. I eventually had so much dye that my hair went purple. So we wigged it, which has been great.
Speaking of age, Sam turns 40 in April this year. “Oh God, thanks for reminding me,” the heartthrob reacted with a laugh. “This season, Jamie hits 50. I think he’s looking quite good (laughs). But yeah, I have my 40th birthday in April, so I’m quite excited about it. I definitely feel like taking stock as you do every year.
“I am inspired by a lot of different people, but I’d like to emulate someone like Paul Newman or a sportsman I know. I feel very positive about it, and I’m sure Jamie does, too.” The Newman reference is not random—more about that toward the end.
The milestone reminded Sam of his younger years when he was trying his luck in Los Angeles. “Yesterday, I almost felt the ghost of myself going past. I was sitting in this car in a nice suit I didn’t pay for, and going off to do some press. I just felt very lucky.”
He also recalled, “When I graduated from drama school (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland), I was 23, 24. I was always going for the juvenile lead part and quickly found out that I was losing the jobs to younger, much better-looking lads.
“When you get to my age and beyond, the parts get better. It’s not the same for women and that’s a shame because it does feel that there’s some disparity there.”
For the fans of “Outlander,” one of the big “reveals” in the new season’s trailer is the sight of the Scottish Jamie wearing the red coat of—gasp—the British Army. “It’s a bit of a spoiler,” he admitted. “That is such a huge moment because of Jamie’s history and his past. That uniform stands for everything that he has fought against.”For Sam, Jamie’s evolution in the Starz series keeps him engaged. “The show is constantly changing. I’m not stuck playing the same character. He has all these great responsibilities now. He feels the weight of that.“I would like to emulate some of Jamie’s qualities. He’s very loyal and quite stubborn. The love that Jamie has for Claire—it would be amazing to find something like that myself.”
The actor, who started playing Jamie when he was in his early 30s, remarked on the long run of “Outlander.” “We never knew where we would get to in this. It’s amazing—we’re still here and there still seems to be a great appetite for it. The show has found a home on Starz but obviously, being on Netflix has helped, as well.
“This season, the pressure is much greater. And we know that the Revolutionary War of Independence is coming, so Jamie knows what’s at stake here. He knows he’s on the wrong side. But he’s doing it for the greater good.”
In the meantime, in Sam’s own life, having a relationship is tough. “Certainly, relationships are hard when you’re working in Scotland 10 months a year. I travel a lot and any downtime I have, I’m trying to do other projects, so very much, my career comes first. Maybe I will find someone eventually.
“My whole career, not just ‘Outlander’ but as an actor, I have always put that first. It’s hard when you travel a lot. My priority has been my career, so that’s where I am at the moment. But I am sure at some point, I will get knocked off my feet, then I’m screwed (laughs).”
On and off the set, Sam has found a friend in Caitriona, with whom he spends a lot of time working together. “Poor girl,” he cracked.
“She is such a wonderful woman—intelligent and creative,” he praised his costar who married music producer Anthony McGill in August last year. “More than anything, she’s a good friend. She forces me sometimes to socialize when I don’t want to. She’s a social animal. It’s wonderful to be part of, and always welcomed into, her world.
“I am quite relaxed sometimes. I let things go. She’s very strong and likes to get things done. That probably winds her up. I shouldn’t say it, but I know when she is pissed off (laughs). She does a little foot tap. So, if I see her tap her foot, I’m like, here we go. I can see it.”
“Outlander’s” popularity—and Sam’s rise—have led to many opportunities. Sam is now planning to be a producer, as well. “I have definitely been trying to find other projects to produce,” he announced.
“As an actor, you always want to do other things. This last year, I got to play characters that are very different from Jamie Fraser—‘Bloodshot’ being one of them that happens next month.”
“I wouldn’t say my character is the bad guy,” Sam said of his Jimmy Dalton part in the action-drama-fantasy, “Bloodshot,” which costars Vin Diesel and Guy Pearce. “But he’s certainly a very angry man. It’s a lot of fun to play that character.
“I was on wires flying through the air and fighting Vin Diesel (laughs). As an actor, those are the moments where you go, oh Christ, can I actually do this?”He added, “I did an independent action movie called ‘SAS: Red Notice,’ which is based on a series of books by a writer who’s also the most decorated British Special Forces soldier, Andy McNab.”
“My character is going to Paris to propose to his fiancée, and the Eurostar gets taken over by mercenaries,” he shared. “The movie sits between Jason Bourne and James Bond.
“Then, I did a couple of days on a movie (‘An Unquiet Life’) about Roald Dahl and Patricia Neal, where I got to play Paul Newman.” The film depicts the tumultuous marriage between the actress, Patricia, and the writer, Roald.
The Paul Newman? “Yes, big shoes to fill,” he replied with a smile. “I felt the responsibility of that. But the more I found out about Paul, the more I was in awe of him. What an incredible man.
“I’m not sure I look like Paul, but I tried to bring a lot of his mannerisms into the scenes. It’s a very small part in a bigger movie. It’s at the moment when he is meeting Patricia Neal and they’re about to go off and film ‘Hud.’
“I watched a lot of his movies, but for me, ‘The Hustler,’ which is my favorite of Paul Newman’s movies, is when he really begins to hit his strength.”
As Sam pursues film projects, he knows that he has at least one more season of “Outlanders.” Starz has renewed the show for a sixth season. Still, Sam wonders. “I do sometimes think, what am I going to do when it is over? I think I will actually be quite upset and sad, and it will be a great loss.
“I probably will always have Jamie Fraser with me at some point, even when the show is over.”
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