#Not to mention the stake in s5 is higher than anything
yueasuka · 8 months
Everytime I saw art or fanfiction that have Maribug care for Adrichat and like, really care, not only in word but really check on him, worried about him, try to cheer him up when he's down, all I could say is just "Man... I wish this is canon". :"(
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
The 100 7x03 - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
The Good
Memori continues to delight and visually satisfy. I just love everything about them. They look so good in their Prime outfits. Their banter is always so adorable (“didn’t pay attention, huh?” “yeah, don’t ruin my rep,”) and there are truly the most ride-or-die pairing on the entire show. Pretty much all of my favorite moments from this episode came from them. The flirting on the bed, including Raven walking in (b/c that’s always been hilarious and always will be,) the way John supported Emori throughout as she got sicker and sicker - I just love them so much. I don’t think my heart has pounded nearly so much this season as it did when Emori was struggling with the core, and Murphy was anxiously keeping time for her.
Raven got a storyline. Yay. Aha.
Unpopular opinion, but I am really digging the Claia vibes in a big way.
Also continue to enjoy Indra’s role as the “too old for this shit” veteran who’s desperately trying to keep her idealistic daughters (b/c she’s clearly adopted Clarke now, too,) from ruining everything with their emotional speeches and appeals.
The Bad
Raven’s storyline was hard to watch. I’ve never agreed with the idea that she was on a moral high horse, or only saw things in black and white. I’ve always seen that as an incorrect fandom interpretation, so it was weird to see it happen so explicitly and violently in a storyline for her. She already did some version of this with Floukru back in s4, remember? She was in charge of rationing, and she had to be the bad guy, and then Murphy stole the medicine and she realized that things weren’t as simple as she was trying to force them to be. This was the exact same storyline but with much higher stakes for Raven directly, and I’m just...tired of seeing Raven in physical pain. There are more ways to inflict suffering on someone than torturing and/or beating the shit out of them.
Raven’s line about: “Go do what you’re good at and be Emori’s moral anchor,” was weird. I always kind of thought of it as the other way around. Or, that, at the very least, that Emori and Murphy are each other’s moral anchors. Idk, it just landed weird on me. There was a lot about this episode that landed weird on me.
Somebody at Sanctum should’ve mentioned AnomalyKru by now. Indra, Gaia, and Niylah (where is she???) should be wondering where Octavia is. Clarke, Murphy, Raven, and Emori should all be wondering where Bellamy and Echo are. Somebody should’ve noticed that Gabriel/Xavier is missing. The fact that nobody at Sanctum has mentioned anything about their missing friends is just getting more and more awkward.
Also, side note, how is this timing going to line up? Octavia ran into the Anomaly, then popped back out, seconds later, ten years older. If several days have passed on Sanctum, doesn’t that mean that AnomalyKru is dead by now? I’m assuming everyone will line up together eventually, somehow. We don’t know exactly how time on Bardo works in relation to Sanctum yet, and I think that’s the key to figuring out how the timing is all going to work out. Or it will be confusing forever. We’ll see.
The Ugly
This was a filler episode. Blatantly. And the character development that happened didn’t feel meaningful or fresh enough to justify it.
There is too much happening in this show right now. Way too much. And I only care about a fraction of it. Throwing in the problem with the reactor melting down this episode felt especially unnecessary in light of ALL the other conflict. It felt very contrived, all just to give Raven a storyline where she’s responsible for some deaths, with Murphy and Emori involved as supporting characters/to contradict her questionable morals. I enjoyed having those characters on screen, a lot, but I would’ve enjoyed it more if this vignette had more impact on the greater story. I suppose we’ll see how it plays out, now that Raven has a new enemy.
I don’t care about Sheidheda. Nothing about him thus far has made me give even the tiniest shit about him. He should’ve died for good last season. I’m assuming he’s a big part of the backdoor pilot, which is why he’s still around. I’m not thrilled.
Regardless, with so much going on, these episodes are starting to feel like a slog, and the story is really dragging, especiallly compared to s6 and s5. This show really has a pacing problem imo - it’s either rushed or plodding. Very little inbetween. I care a lot more about the mystery of the Anomaly and what happened to the Blakes than I do anything that’s happening at Sanctum.
It was a pretty meh episode for me. Definitely underwhelming, in light of how much I enjoyed last week. But things can only pick up from here...right?
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Hello, Haddock! Now that Voltron (sadly) ended, how would you rank the seasons? Also, could you tell how many times you've rewatched them?
Hey there, friend! WAY happy to chat Voltron and all its seasons!
Unlike most fandom culture, I’m not a chronic rewatcher, and the default assumption is that I’ve only seen any show once. It’s rare for me to see shows more than once, honestly, even ones I love. I certainly will be watching VLD more times, but because of my normal watching habits, I’ve seen a large portion of the show only once. I’ve seen S1 probably about 5 times, S2 thrice, S3-4 twice, and S5+ once. I’ve seen “The Last Stand” from S7 twice.
These are rankings based somewhat upon my emotional attachments and not simply objective elements like narrative structure! XD I already know my preferences are going to be different than lots of people in the VLD fandom, haha. These rankings are also based on memory, which is pretty strong admittedly for VLD, but it leaves room to change with a rewatch.
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Let’s be clear: I don’t dislike Season 8 and there’s much I enjoy. Give it up for S8 love!!! Standout episodes to me include “Launch Date,” “The Prisoner’s Dilemma,” and “Day Forty-Seven.” The women going shopping together and Pidge dressing as 1980s Darrell Stoker made my life. Not to mention… it was fun spending time with the MFEs; they didn’t take a disproportionate amount of time, but gave us good moments to make us love them. I’m thankful for the S8 ending giving us both a sense of wrap-up for the plot conflicts, but also looking forward to what our Paladins will do to rejuvenate the galaxy. There’s much I’m thankful for with S8.
That said, S8 isn’t my jam as much as other seasons. I’m not much of a shipper and I wasn’t into the Allurance, nor did I get pulled into the magic-heavy plot conflict with Haggar and her Alteans. And while S7 does give great screen time to Allura, it felt a little less like an ensemble cast and more like a spotlight on her. Enemies’ minds changed too fast for me to feel realistic, and the magic-wonky plot didn’t feel as gripping and intense as S7. It’s the reason I’m placing S8 here: from my own preferences, I attached with other seasons more.
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For whatever reason, S5 didn’t make as much of an impression on me as other seasons. I wasn’t as invested in concepts like “Kral Zera” and “White Lion.” Given as S5 is an odd numbered season in the middle portion of Voltron, it has an innate disadvantage: it’s written in all but name as the first half of a season, which means story arc ending payoffs wouldn’t happen until S6. I also feel like S5 is where plot writing is at one of its most tangled or muddied, given as there’s lots being juggled and introduced conflict-wise and lore-wise and universe-wise and character-wise.
However, S5 - like all seasons - gives us cool stuff. We got Matt (one of my favorite characters) participating in an adventure, lots of Lotor screentime, and a callout to 1980s DOTU that I never thought they’d be able to turn into a good episode (“White Lion”). And!!! We get to meet!!! KROLIA!!!
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I have particularly fond attachment to S3. This is the season where I started getting actively involved in Voltron fandom discourse, giving my own take on Project Kuron theories. This is the season that gave us the first glimpse of the Classic Voltron formation - Keith in Black, Lance in Red, Pidge in Green, Allura in Blue, Hunk in Yellow. I felt a thrill go through me as Keith, for the first time, said “Form Voltron!” Also… Lance really stepping up to show his leadership potential??? So good. And this is the season where we meet Lotor, another long-anticipated character… and oh my goodness is his character introduction gold. So there’s lots of stuff I hold strong affinity for in S3.
The reason I have to rank Season 3 back here is because it’s more about the Paladins floundering around than anything else. It’s meant to create a new sense of chaos and instability… their leader Shiro is gone, and now there are new unexpected threats like Lotor to handle. However, at the same time, since half of the season is just the Paladins floundering around not knowing how to work together, it makes me less attached to particular episodes. None of the episodes are favorites or standouts to me on their own. There’s lots of cool moments throughout S3, but I think the only episode I notably emotionally attach to is “The Journey.” But still? Good season!
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I can’t believe I have this amazing season all the way back here. I want it to be higher, except that I do have to rank other seasons above this one. 
Season 1 is what gets everything started. It sets the stage for what Voltron’s all about, teaching us about lions and robeasts and Zarkon and the Galaxy Garrison and all that good stuff from 1980s nostalgia… all the while creating a new vibe and energy to the franchise. In retrospect, S1 feels much calmer and less high-stakes than the rest of the series (especially post S2). However, it’s a solid season with good episodes that never feel less solid and good. We get great Hunk material with him finding conviction; great Shiro and Pidge moments as they share different worries over the abduction; hilarious Keith and Lance clashes; lots and lots and lots of good things. It’s a very solid season, especially once we launch off Arus.
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If you want to know how tight my season rankings are to each other, S6 was almost listed second place.
I attach to specific episodes in particular for S6. I love the visuals in “Razor’s Edge.” I died howling with laughter in “Monsters & Mana.” I fell into so many emotional feels regarding Keith and Shiro in “The Black Paladins.” We get one of the all-time best emotional, action-oriented episodes of VLD… and one of the most amazing, hysterical filler episodes in S6. Despite being seven episodes long, S6 is an incredible ride and adventure start to end. It’s hard to believe so much occurred in that amount of time!
There’s hoards of great stuff in this season. We get the Kuron arc resolved, with lots of emotional content between Keith and Shiro. We get the Lotor arc resolved, learning whether or not he can be trusted, with great Lotor and Allura time. We get Keith returning to the Paladins. We get the introduction of Romelle, which all DOTU lovers have been waiting for forever.
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I have to put VLD S4 here because of its emotional power. There are damned AMAZING moments this season, alongside some of my favorite episodes and moments of all time. I know I and some of the other fans aren’t huge on “The Voltron Show!” But fuck it, guys, S4 gave us “Reunion” and “A New Defender”!!!
Matt is a delight this season, from his first meeting of Allura, to his tour around the Castle of Lions with Pidge, to his technological connections with his sister and Hunk, to his participation in the Rebels’ fighting forces. We also get some of the funniest moments for me in Voltron, between learning how to milk Kaltenecker and seeing HOW Pidge finally managed to rig up the video game system.
Then there’s the opposite end of the emotional spectrum. “Reunion” is the single most emotional episode in all of Voltron for me. Even though I’d seen screencaps of Matt prior to watching S4, I felt as shocked and heartbroken as Pidge to come to his gravestone. There’s so much POWER to this gravestone scene; it’s one of the moments that resonates with me the most even after I’ve finished the whole show. It might even be my Number One FAVORITE moment in the entire show. It’s not my place to analyze that scene here, but DAMN. 
Furthermore, the climax with the battle of Naxzela was INTENSE, with Keith almost sacrificing himself getting me screaming. That was such a great battle and climactic moment in VLD. This was a great culminating moment, in which the series has officially built up from a small team to a universe-wide conflict.
We get standout moments with Keith being badass with the blades, Matt taking initiative, Pidge seeking out her family, Allura helping Voltron flee the gravity field, Kuron becoming increasingly more suspicious. VLD S4 ramps everything up from the emotions to the excitement, resulting in an awesome and intense six episodes.
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It’s really hard for me to put this as second place instead of first place. I originally had it in first place. I want it to be first place. I LOVE the second half of S7 so much. This is, possibly, my favorite season from an emotional standpoint because wow.
It’s all-around outstanding. S7 showed us how far the Paladins have come as heroes; they operate with great teamwork, skill, and professionalism that is oh-so-cool to see on screen. They’re still the characters we love and cherish, but they’ve grown SO MUCH since their first days on Voltron. This is fully-fledged heroes doing fully-fledged battles and it’s GREAT.
S7 gives us standout moments to so many characters, including Hunk, Shiro, Sam, Colleen, Veronica, and Keith. We even get some good adventure time with Romelle! And as far as character interactions are concerned, we get touching moments between Keith and Lance, Keith and Hunk, and so many other combinations.
The story raises the stakes to higher levels than ever before, with an emotional and exciting conquest of Earth. There’s nothing more horrible and high-stakes to audiences than a homefront war. We feel extreme pain for Hunk with fears for his family, and Shiro for the loss of Adam. We feel the great sense of danger and desperation starting with “The Last Stand.” We feel the drama of a long and extended climax fighting for Earth’s freedom, including moments where the Paladins control the Lions outside their body (so cool), Shiro commands the ATLAS (SO cool), and the ATLAS also transforms into a fighting robot (SO FREAKING COOL!). This has some of the most exciting, badass stuff of Voltron ever. I love it.
Highlight episodes for me are “The Last Stand” (two episodes without the Paladins about Earth fighting for its freedom? this was fucking amazing), “Trial By Fire,” and “Lions’ Pride.” Essentially - all of the second half of the season.
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Season 2 is probably THE MOST solid season in all of VLD. 
Almost every episode is good, memorable, fun, lovable, enjoyable, classic. It highlights the full ensemble cast. It creates an EXTREMELY exciting, exhilarating, fun climax. It is a strong narrative season, cleanly and proudly finishing the first 26 episode long arc for VLD. This season shows VLD at its best. Since it consistently delivers, there’s nowhere else S2 belongs except the top.
We get great Shiro time, what with his arc spent learning to trust Black… leading to him being a badass unlocking the Lion’s wings and taking Zarkon’s bayard. We get great Pidge time, whether it’s her freaking out over video games or drawing deeper into the beauty of the world - technology and biology both. We get great Keith time, with him fighting for answers in the Blade of Marmora and infiltrating Zarkon’s base in an extremely dangerous mission. We get great Hunk time, between unlocking his Lion’s claws and taking initiative in the Weblum adventure. We get great Lance moments, where he shows us he truly can be a sharpshooter for the team. We get great Allura moments, especially in how she fought against Haggar in the finale. This season rocks it for EVERY Paladin.
Not only does every individual Paladin get good spotlighting, but S2 also rocks it with character interactions. How Allura handles Keith being Galra is a memorable moment of character development for both of them. How Hunk and Keith interact in “The Belly of the Weblum” is a delight. How Shiro loses his cool with Slav is hysterical. I can never complain to Lance and Hunk combinations, like in “The Depths.” And of course every episode focused on Keith and Shiro gives us good feels.
Standout episodes for S2 include “The Ark of Taujeer” (THE COLORS), “The Blade of Marmora,” “Blackout,” “Space Mall.” I cannot believe I watched an episode where the character dressed as space pirates and rode on a flying cow to escape a mall cop. That happened. It’s a delight. And S2 kept rocking it with the humor, down to Pidge creating all her Paladin buddies out of space junk and imitating them. But S2 also gives us some of the most memorable moments of VLD storytelling, what with “The Blade of Marmora.” That episode is a staple for many reasons. Not to mention… all of S2 works together cohesively for the long-term arc structure.
And then there’s the climax. So well-done. So exciting. So immersive. So intense. So cool. So badass. Great colors, great flow, great plot, great everything start to end. I was in a THRILL at the end of S2 because this climax was so unbelievably fun. In retrospect it’s got competition with S7, and S7 probably takes the cake now… but fuck it, S2′s end will always be awesome.
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Every single season in VLD gives me something to be excited about. There are things to love each step of the journey. I’m thankful for every episode from S1 to S8. 
What a ride this journey has been.
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smoakmonster · 6 years
Season 7 looks really good! I love dark crime action with family feels and abs. Olicity is again in a worse time (again) but I hope they grow together from that. I don’t watch the Flash anymore, but do you think Westallen who seems never really have long hardships could learn from a storyline like that? Because it makes you stronger and not so arrogant like the Flash often imo deals with many things. Correct me if I‘m wrong! Love and 🤗
Hi Anon! I am also very excited about Season 7! Particularly the abs. It’s been too long!
In typical Arrow fashion, an odd-numbered season means Olicity must enter a period of angst. 🙃 But in all seriousness, a time of angst is appropriate given their separation. Personally, I am way more excited about S7 angst than I was about S5 angst. Mainly because they are married now. And it will be very interesting to watch how their individual trials change them (e.g. Oliver will likely have to revert to old island mentality in order to deal with inmates, and Felicity is now a single mom of a teenage boy while in hiding). Thus, when Oliver finally does get out of prison, Oliver and Felicity won’t be the same spouses they were before. And there will no doubt be a lot of tension and hurt they will then have to work through as a couple. There is so much drama potential here, so I hope the writers take the time to explore it. I was encouraged by what I heard from SDCC this year, so we shall see! 
Regarding The Flash, I have also not watched a new episode since the crossover, though I am aware that Barry was in prison for a brief time last season. Obviously, prison for Oliver is going to be comparatively much darker–just because that’s always been the nature of Arrow compared to The Flash. And that’s really where the answer to your question lies: Arrow will always be grittier and more realistic than The Flash; so then, the hardships that Oliver & company face feel harsher and the stakes seem higher. It’s simple plot physics: the deeper the misery, the higher the ecstasy. The Flash can only go so dark (compared to Arrow), and so it will always feel lighter (compared to Arrow).
While it is possible to compare basically any two superhero shoes, I find it particularly easy to compare these two. And drawing parallels/comparisons is fine in my opinion. The only thing I would caution you with is this: don’t let those comparisons shift your expectations for either show. In other words, don’t expect Arrow-shaped plotlines to fit perfectly within The Flash paradigm, or vice-versa. While I do enjoy The Flash, I long ago accepted that I should not watch it looking for the same entertainment fulfillment that I find on Arrow. Nor should fans watch Arrow expecting the same type of entertainment they encounter on The Flash.
Each show has different characters, different story methods, and different goals. For example, to me, The Flash has always felt more plot-driven, whereas Arrow is more character-driven. Sure, there are episodes that are the exceptions, but overall the story methods are different. Additionally, while Barry and Oliver occasionally parallel each other, as all heroes do, they are not meant to superimpose on one another. The Flash was never meant to be as dark as Arrow, because Barry’s origin story is different than Oliver’s, and so are their respective love stories. Thus, I don’t know if there is necessarily anything Barry & Iris NEED to learn from Oliver & Felicity. (It seemed in the last crossover, there was equal giving and receiving of wisdom for both couples.) If anything, I wish we could see Iris give Felicity a call or something this year, since she knows what it’s like having your husband locked up in prison.
(Sidenote: regarding the “arrogance” you mentioned, I think that has more to do with Flash writers than the actual Flash characters. My biggest grief with The Flash in the past has been the unnecessarily unkind remarks from characters towards or about Oliver that mock his trauma or throw shade at Felicity. Then again, the Arrow writers were pretty cruel to their own leading man this past year by having NTA play the “well at least I’m not like Oliver” card nearly every week. So nobody’s perfect 🤷)
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aspiestvmusings · 8 years
What has already been “posted”: 
As always, the “spoiler master posts” have been updated. Even on busiest weeks I usually update the master posts weekly. Last updates for master posts were done March 27th (ep titles & air dates post, s3 spoiler master post, guest stars master post... etc)
What will be posted: 
I’ll be posting a ton of BTS pics...in the upcoming days (all the ones I haven’t posted yet). Also few vids, maybe. There are a lot of pics piled up again...that I haven’t posted cause I’ve been busy. 
Also: on non-fandom note...I might share a few personal pics from this past month, too. Maybe. I haven’t posted anything since the trip to the countryside..
MAYBE: My guesses for the TV Line (annual) May Sweeps Scorecard (applies to may sweeps eps airing between April 27th & May 24th. So episodes 323-325  -- if ep 3x23 airs may 1st instead of April 24th). But anything happening in 321 & 322 is not on that list... remember that when making your guesses.) 
What won’t be posted: 
Ep 3x24 & 3x25 titles... unless the'll be reveal officially. But currently situation  is this: the titles & ep synopsis will be released only a few weeks before the episodes air (May 8th & May 15th). When they usually reveal the titles & little details (synopsis) before starting filming the ep, then with this finale it’s not happening. Cause they’re already filming 324, and 325 starts filming next week, but that info isn’t released...and thus not posted on this blog... now. 
A few BTS pics/vids that I consider too spoilery. Yes, the fandom has “found” several of them, and many people have seen the info already, but this blog will not share those bits & won’t discuss the information they reveal...about the finale plot. After the eps have aired, yes, but not before. ETA: I’ve decided to post the things that are “public knowledge” already...
So while the ask box is deactivated, and you can’t ask me about my opinion (n anon or in person) via that option, I will also not be sharing any personal thoughts/comments on those spoilery bits via messaging/other channels either. As always I’ll only comment “official” spoilers, not “unofficial” ones. 
(if you’re interested in seeing all the spoilers, do the searching. You don’t have to be TeamScorpion good to find all the info. You just need to put a little effort, and look things up. If you don’t wanna do that, you are not really interested. Cause in life you gotta put effort in everything - no “work” no “reward”)
We all (tv fans, invested fans) know how network TV works, and how may sweeps and season finales are handled. We know know that the stories are big for finale ars, and that everything is “made bigger”  - the threat, the cases, the stakes are higher... etc... because this is just how tv approaches their finales. 
Yes, everything is possible on tv, and they can do “twists” and “big things” for finale...just cause. But there really is no reason to sweat or worry about the finale events. We will never know the whole story until the episodes have aired. No matter how much we know (factual spoilers) & no matter how correct we are in our guesses, the whole story will only be revealed to fans after episodes have aired. So no need to worry & fear for the worst. It’s only hurting you if yo do so. 
The threat is always eliminated/conquered, the person always saved: 
In S1 end Walter was saved, and the the team members made up (after their fights)...even if some things were left up in the air. But there needs to be a “conflict” or “unresolved issue” that ends the season.. to set up next season.  Just like between s1&s2 it was Cabe’s “resignation” from Homeland (read: Team Scorpion). But it’s always resolved in the beginning of next season (Cabe got his job back, Walt back to work, team back together). 
In s2 it was Toby saved from Collins and outsmarting the single genius by the Team of geniuses. And the positive aka the proposal. While finishing with the negative (in fandoms’ opinion) aka proposal rejection. When the rejection plus Toby/Walt end talk was all there only to set up the next season, s3. And all was resolved (however quickly, however loosely) in s3. And both the hubby mystery cliffhanger and the “baby hints” got addressed & “resolved” in S3. 
I don’t see how it will be any different with the s3 end (cause right now it looks like the Bruno/Toby plot they’ve hinted at will be happening in s4, and not be used as S3 finale plot, but instead these were first hints about the S4A theme/plot (like INS/Cd-baby were in S3A, and I was wrong that they’d use that for the finale, cause they have the wedding + the big case/story reserved for the s3 finale arc, so there’s no room really for otehr stuff...) 
So... whatever threat they are facing in the s3 finale... (whatever happens at the end of 323/324...) it will be resolved in 325, and there will be a happy team moment in the end. Which doesn’t mean there can’t be a cliffhanger type end scene after that moment... But really the chances of the “cliffhanger” being positive or negative are 50/50 right now. 
It could be something good - like development with the main ship, and one of them making a love confession of a sort, or it could (in my dreams, only...won’t happen before S5) Quintis related and finding out that they’re gonna be a family of three. 
Or it could be something “bad” - like a team members life in danger, or Toby’s gambling past resurfacing (we’ve had mentions of Bruno & his debts + mentions of his family...when his dad was the one who introduced him to his addiction - gambling, so it is possible they’ll set up a plot for that in the finale...case the season’s over, and they didn’t explore those topics really this season). 
But whatever it is, it is nothing to worry about .. too much. Cause those of us who are still here, and still watching (after s2 finale, and how that affected many fans), should know/remember that what might seem extremely bad at the moment might easily turn to be “oh, that wasn’t so bad at all” in a while. (recent example: the fandom worry about the 319 Quintis marriage counselling plot with dr. Cecil...and how that was nothing remotely like fandom feared. Or even the much-disliked s2 cliffhanger and it’s resolution in s3... aka the INS plot. I cannot speak for everyone, but I think most weren’t as disappointed after we’d seen the whole arc...by 308, cause it wasn’t as “big & bad” as the typical tv cliffy suggest... 
Quintis related thoughts: all the most negative theories: 
a) all the theories about Toby gambling/relapsing (always possibility, and shows usually have their character relapse once - its a good plot to create drama, and it’s gonna happen at one point.. I just don’t think it’ll be now, bit in s4 instead) seem not something that fits the s3 finale...IMO
b) all the theories about a Quintis not getting married and/or breaking up instead seem not optional IMO - well, it does look & sound much like they will get to say their “I do”-s in S3. And I do not see a break-up scenario fitting anywhere...based on looking at how they’ve written Quintis & S3 Quintis & S3 in general.  
Fighting...yes. Their characters and their different natures, and their “troubled” pasts are rich material for conflict... but ones that are resolved... quick (same ep, a few ep long arc). Of course they’re gonna have disagreements, but Quintis is more like Mondler on Friends or Marshmallow on HIMYM... the secondary couple who stick together...no matter what. 
Even when they have fights or rough patches, that ships drama does not come from on/off again, but they are used to address the typical couples issues (and they’ve been doing that with Quintis, like currently with the wedding planning and counselling and all... they address an issue that comes from preferring different methods, but trying to make the other happy aka learning to compromise and be in a relationship)
c) all other theories... that I can’t even list. But there is no scenario that worries me. Cause whatever it is: Toby’s parents/dad/old friends introduced and bringing trouble with them, an old team enemy resurfacing and threatening one/all of them, the team being in danger (more than usual??? cause they’re about to die in every ep of this show basically... lol), their wedding and/or honeymoon ruined by the case or some threat... there’s not one scenario that fandom can come up with and consider “not good” that makes me worried. 
I don’t see any of the possibilities (most of which are low, not real possibilities) making me worried. There is nothing to worry about. Neither Quintis-related. Not Team related. Cause yes, the threat will most likely be typical to season finales “BIG”, but this show is about the team of geniuses solving unsolvable cases & situations, so whatever happens, they’ll find a way out of the place... And this is not the kinda show where you’d need to worry about main characters being in danger. Most shows do this, but this is one of those few shows where I don’t actually see...in s3 at least... their numbers getting smaller, so all the “what happens next/how do they solve this problem/how do they get out of this situation” is fabricated to have you biting your nails...for 30 minutes, only to have a “happy ending”... 
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