#Note I have no ill intentions about how the trainers look I just find it kinda funny
koenna99 · 2 years
Gen 9 really is the gen of:
That girl's hot. That's a guy.
That other guy is handsome. That's a girl.
Oh, that pokemon got a cool new form? Nope, it's Mimicry bitch!
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comandersprings · 9 months
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
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Note: You can find this same fic both in my AO3 and SquidgeWorld accounts. I wrote this before actually seeing Kieran again in The Indigo Disk. I thought I was ready for his change in personality, but I ended up legit shocked lol.
Warnings: Bullying, Minor Violence, Mentions of Blood
Word Count: 1,567
Summary: After Carmine and Kieran's sudden return from Kitakami, the boy's new look and attitude gets people's attention. Three of his classmates are especially curious and, after hearing about what happened in Kitakami, they decide to pester Kieran about it all, but they might end up regretting that decision.
• • • • • • •
Carmine and Kieran were back at Blueberry Academy. The students were surprised by their early return, which sparked whispers and gossip throughout the school. Carmine was quick to shut down any comments, but her brother didn’t seem to care. Ever since they returned, all he did was wait until there was no one on the training grounds at the entrance to train with his Pokémon. The girl couldn’t help but be concerned upon realizing Kieran was starting to be harsh to his Pokémon, especially Dipplin. Was he doing all this over that one foreigner befriending Ogerpon?
That wasn’t the only change Kieran had undergone, however. Another notorious one was his appearance: he went from letting his hair cover his face to pulling it all back, even going as far as dying it maroon—Kieran intended for his hair to become red, but its natural dark color made that impossible. When Carmine saw the mess her little brother had made in the bathroom that night, he refused to answer any questions.
Those changes in attitude and appearance unavoidably piqued the interest of a small group of ill-intentioned classmates. Three boys who attended the same class as Kieran caught him training with his Pokémon a couple of times and, after watching him from afar, they agreed to catch him by surprise the next time and hopefully get a laugh out of him.
A couple of days later, the older boy in the group caught wind of some juicy information: apparently during that trip, Kieran had told the inhabitants of Kitakami the true story behind Ogerpon and The Loyal Three. The three guys knew how important that myth was to Kieran and they liked to use it to get under his skin from time to time. Luckily for those bullies, that same day the older boy and leader of the bunch spotted Kieran on the training grounds. He called his friends and as soon as they were there, the three of them stalked towards Kieran, who at the time was berating his Dipplin.
“What’s wrong with you?” he barked, glaring down at his Pokémon. “If you don’t get with it, I’ll have to discard you, too.”
Dipplin backed up at those words and avoided eye contact with its Trainer. Just before Kieran could say anything else, the three boys who were observing them made their presence known.
“Hey, Kiki!” the older one called. “What got you so angry?”
Kieran didn’t want anything to do with that group, so he motioned for Dipplin to follow him and walked away.
“Aww, come on. We just want to have a little chat with you,” a boy with an undercut said.
Aydan—the older boy—frowned. “He’s just going to ignore us, huh?” He then elbowed the most athletic guy in the group. “Go get him.”
The teenager sprinted towards Kieran and stood before him with arms crossed and feet apart, barring the way. “Where do you think you’re going? We’re talking to you.”
“I have no time for this,” Kieran said through gritted teeth.
The boy with the undercut spoke next, “Didn’t your sister tell you it’s rude not to answer when you’re being talked to?”
Kieran inhaled a long breath “What do you all want from me?”
“I already told you,” Aydan answered. “We want to know why you’re so angry.”
“And why you’re acting so weird lately,” Dylan—the boy with the undercut—said, walking towards Kieran.
“That’s none of your business,” Kieran retorted and turned around, but Mike—the athletic boy—grabbed him by the wrist. “What are you doing? Leave me be!”
“We won’t let you go until we find out what’s up,” Mike said with an insolent look in his eyes. “You left for Kitakami as a weakling and a coward, but you came back looking and acting all edgy.”
“Yeah,” Dylan chimed in, “Something must have happened for you to change like this. What’s wrong, did someone break your heart?”
Kieran froze in place and glared at the guy. He was right. Someone did break his heart, but not in the way he was probably thinking about. However, Kieran knew all those guys wanted was to be a bother and make fun of him. He wasn’t going to tell them anything.
“As I already said, it’s none of your business.”
“You heard him, guys. It’s none of our business.” Aydan gestured with his head towards Mike. “Let him go, let’s go to the cafeteria or something.”
“Are you sure?” Mike questioned.
“Yes, entirely.”
Obeying what his leader said, Mike let go of Kieran. Him and Dylan followed Aydan as Kieran watched them walk away. Dipplin looked alternatively at his Trainer and the three boys, blinking rapidly in confusion. However, just as Kieran was about to release a sigh of relief, the trio turned around and strode towards him.
“Look at you, how stupid! Did you really think we were going to leave just like that?” Aydan scoffed before a malicious grin crossed his face.
Dylan chuckled, “Maybe you haven’t changed that much, after all.”
Kieran clenched his shaking fists, hoping those pests wouldn’t notice them. He looked down at Dipplin, narrowing his eyes. “If you took our training seriously, you’d be defending me.”
“Now he’s being bossy towards his Pokémon.” Mike shook his head. “Seriously, Kiki. What happened at Kitakami?”
"Is it a secret? A secret no one is allowed to know?" Dylan leaned towards Kieran.
"It's not a secret if the whole town knows," Aydan said.
Kieran went pale as his heartbeat became heavy. "W-what are you talking about?"
"What a cute reaction," Aydan teased. “I’m talking about what you did during the trip. You went around town telling everyone how the ogre thing is actually the good guy, right?”
“Such a good boy, defending his imaginary little friend.” Mike laid his hand over his heart with a dramatic gesture.
“...Ogerpon isn’t imaginary,” Kieran said, his voice barely audible.
“What? What did you say? Speak louder.” Dylan poked Kieran on the ribs.
In response, Kieran slapped Dylan’s hand away and glared at the trio. “I said that Ogerpon isn’t imaginary.”
“Another move like that and I’ll beat you up so badly you’ll be truly unrecognizable,” Aydan growled at the boy.
“Leave him be,” Mike said, “It’s obvious we struck a nerve there.”
“Alright, then. How do you know Ogerpon is real? Did you see it with your own eyes?” Dylan questioned.
Kieran said nothing. He just held Dylan’s gaze and pressed his lips together.
“It’s none of your business!” Mike mocked him. “That’s what you’re going to say, right?”
“Pff, who cares if the ogre is real or not,” Aydan said with a shrug, “It’s not like you’re ever going to catch it.”
That last sentence flipped a switch inside Kieran. Before anyone could react, the boy grabbed Aydan by the collar and slapped him with such violence the red imprint of his hand appeared right away. Aydan’s head was turned to the side. He opened his mouth in an attempt to say something, but nothing came out.
Dylan grabbed Kieran by the wrist, but his grip wasn’t tight enough and Kieran freed himself easily. He then slapped Aydan on the other side of his face and just as he moved his head, Kieran took the opportunity to punch him right on the nose. A bit of blood came out of it the moment Kieran pulled his fist away.
Enraged by the boy’s audacity, Aydan gripped Kieran’s collar with both hands and yelled on his face. “Who do you think you are?!”·
Taking advantage of their proximity, Kieran delivered Aydan a headbutt. A headbutt that made Aydan flinch back while taking a hand to his reddened forehead. Kieran’s forehead was red too, but he couldn’t care less. He positioned himself behind Aydan and pushed him to the floor. Grabbing at the boy’s hair with a white-knuckled grip and ignoring his pleas to be let go of, Kieran raised Aydan’s head with the intention to bash it into the ground. However, Mike grabbed Kieran’s wrist and squeezed it hard enough for the boy to release Aydan’s hair.
“You will pay for this,” Mike threatened without letting him go.
“Mike, leave him alone. I mean it this time,” Aydan said, his voice trembling and his forehead growing redder by the second. “He must have lost his marbles somewhere in Kitakami.”
Dylan was already stepping backwards. “You’re right. We better not bother him for a good while.”
“I never thought I’d say this, but you should go to the infirmary and get that looked at,” Mike suggested as he placed his hand on Aydan’s back, prompting him to get up and begin walking.
Escorted by Mike and Dylan, Aydan growled and looked back at Kieran to dedicate to him a glare full of despisal with some humiliation sprinkled on top. Kieran glared back at the boy while trying to catch his breath.
Dipplin looked up at Kieran with concern written all over his face. While he was glad that his Trainer gained in confidence, the Pokémon didn’t want the violent outburst he just witnessed to be the first of many. Dipplin and his teammates had enough with Kieran’s increasingly severe training routines. He didn’t want to see his Trainer change for the worse because the consequences had the potential to affect not just Kieran himself, but also his Pokémon.
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chessdaze · 4 years
Three Wishes Institute - A TWST fanschool
Reposting this as I’ve changed my URL which broke all the links in my previous lore post, and since I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and wanted them to be able to read it properly.
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First off, as a concept, Three Wishes is a fanschool for twisted wonderland that involves characters that are considered ‘side’ or ‘background’ or even ‘comic relief’ characters from disney franchises. Right now I only have 6 dorms, and characters range from being on both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ sides of a story.
Here’s the lore rundown for the main school itself and a brief summary on the dorms and characters I will be designing for them. Under readmore cause this is HELLA long and I don’t want to make people scroll for forever:
The overall story of Three Wishes:
The Headmistress and Master, Amelia Bell and Reed Dearly (based on Anita and Roger from 101 dalmatians), only recently got the school property. Before them, the school was known to be really rundown, a failure, and pretty much on the verge of closing. While it was a school for magic, it was like all the magic was zapped out of the school itself. It was filled with delinquents and very few students who actually cared. Most dropped out if anything.
Amelia was a teacher at the school for a little over a year and the only teacher that students really respected and bothered showing up to class for. She hated seeing the school in the state it was in and tried pleading with the headmistress of the school to try and change things - however was constantly told it was too late and that the school would be closing. It did, and Amelia had to look for jobs elsewhere. But she couldn’t shake the feeling that she could have done more and found herself drawn back to the crumbling school on more than one occasion. She decided to sneak in one day to see if she could find a hint of anything from the old headmistress - who had disappeared without a trace - to see if she could get in contact with her. This wasn’t her idea of course, but her (boyfriend at the time) Reed’s.
Eventually they did track down the headmistress and found her terribly ill. Amelia insisted that the two of them care for her, despite all that the headmistress had done to shun Amelia beforehand. They did, and during that time Amelia explained the hopes she had previously had for the school - she said how she wanted a school that anyone could feel welcome to apply, and not have some special ceremony for acceptance (like the carriages for NRC). She believed people could be equals and that as a magical community they should all help one another. The old headmistress was moved by Amelia’s words and when she back to health she revealed herself to be a powerful sorceress (the enchantress from Beauty and the Beast. No design as of now). She explained she had been looking for a worthy successor for the school and her magic but didn’t find Amelia fitting at the time, but saw the kindness in Amelia’s heart and offered her the deed to the school and the surrounding grounds. She wanted to see what Amelia would do with the school and was interested if she could really bring a community together like she explained. Then, she disappeared.
Amelia and Reed worked to renovate the school, taking nearly 2 years on the project. Amelia comes from a wealthy family, but even then funds were not endless, so a lot of fundraising was done to also raise awareness for the reopening school. At first there wasn’t much interest but it slowly got more and more traction. With donations and family money, they were able to complete the school. The two of them also got engaged during this time. Even with them rebuilding the mainschool and doing some maintenance on the dorms themselves, there are some secrets that even the two of them are still learning, as the sorceress took off before giving them the full details on the school itself.
The school’s aim is to not only teach its students magic, but the foundation of being a good person, being helpful and selfless. The school holds a lot of community and fundraising events, and there is even a mandatory volunteering class where students have to spend a certain amount of hours volunteering for a local community service. This school hopes to bridge the gap between the elite and average magic users, showing that deep down everyone is human and deserving of respect and a chance to grow.
This school doesn't have completely different areas for the dorms and it's all actually located on a large campus ground.The main school building is about 4 stories, there's a greenhouse and an auditorium in separate buildings.
The dorms are all two or three stories and are all relatively distant from each other, enough to give each dorm a good spot of land around it. Think a mansion with a large yard. When passing through the front gate for the dorm there's magic that makes it appear in a slightly different scenery - so the students don't always have the school looming in the background and can relax. The dorm's scenery is different between each dorm and it can change with each 'dorm representative'.
There aren't really dorm 'leaders' as there are representatives. Normally about two or three for each dorm - though can only be one if the person proves themselves to be capable / no one else is voted. Each dorm will have a meeting once a month to go over things that the dorm needs to address either internally or with the school or other dorms, and then the representatives bring those concerns to a meeting with the school's staff and other dorm representatives. Think more like a student council and class presidents. The representatives make almost all decisions together. Reps are voted for each year within a dorm, and the voting is taken pretty seriously.
The dorm rep duties outside of the meetings is mostly just like a college RA. They make sure people are following the rules, help solve problems between students in their dorm, plan and hold events, etc.
The dorms:
While students are separated into dorms in this school, the headmaster and mistress try to stress the fact that they are all one community. Friendly rivalry is encouraged but ultimately the matter of dorms is just where the students end up living and placing them near people who can better help those around them. The two in charge don’t want the dorms to become too competitive or to alienated from one another - so there’s actually a lot of cross dorm events and even friends staying over at other friends dorms for days on end at times.
As a note, as long as it’s not inappropriate, students are encouraged to wear anything they want as their ‘dorm uniform’. Standard school uniforms are required on the main campus but as Headmaster Reed puts it - there’s no reason for them to tell the students what to wear in their own house. Plus, the school isn’t as well funded as most other private schools, so not having a lot of uniforms to keep up with is better for them in the long run. They don’t even have a formal ceremonial robe like NRC does, but I will be posting about the uniforms in a different post.
Now onto the dorms themselves.
Cinderella dorm: Nightingale Founded on the hard work and dedication of a princess’s companions, members of this dorm are no strangers to teamwork and getting the job done. It’s said that there’s no miracle students in this dorm can’t pull off in a short amount of time. Members of this dorm are close and they will drop anything they’re doing to help another. 
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
Snow White: Diamanttobar Founded on the tradition and devotion of miners, members of this dorm specialize in working long hours and putting 100% into everything they do.They might be hard to win over, but once you have their companionship little will shake their loyalty. Students here notice the smaller details and are said to be able to craft nearly anything.  
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
Aladdin: Wondrous Founded on the cleverness and protective instincts of a royal couple’s most trusted confidants, members of this dorm sometimes have questionable methods but overall have hearts of gold. Students in this dorm are proactive in calling out unfair rules and try to work for changes and reforms to improve the lives of those around them.
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
Mulan: Guardian Founded on the honor and strength of dragons, students of this dorm are known to follow a code of honor and are very protective of one another. They are great with helping other student’s physical and mental well beings, acting as trainers and confidants.
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
AiW: Lapinhole Founded on the curiosity and madness of a queen’s subjects, members of this dorm are known to be eccentric and creative. A lot of students in this dorm are mysterious and have a strange method of helping others, but even through the confusion a lot of students rely on students from this dorm for a little more fun in their lives.
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
Beauty and the Beast: Servireu Founded on the faith and loyalty of a Beast Prince’s servants, members of this dorm are known to be generous, not judgemental, and helpful to those around them. A lot of these students are at the top of their classes and are known for being excellent tutors for others. Though a little eccentric, they obviously mean well and have good intentions.
Read the profiles for the students apart of this dorm here!
Annnnddd that’s it! I plan to possibly redo my dorm lore dump post aswell as make a separate post for the uniforms once I have them designed. also the staff will be getting their own posts aswell when I finish their designs too.
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mikamink · 3 years
What are your pokemon headcanons for some of the characters teams lol
I've figured out some fitting pokemon for most characters but I like to try to find a neat theme and setup to go with the choices. I don't have all of them set in stone but I'll share the choices I'm the happy with atm.
Some of the descriptions will be a bit long. Characters included are Rasiel, Fran, Belphegor, Chrome, Ryohei, and Bianchi. (With very slight mention of Haru and Kyoko)
Rasiel- I’ll just get him out of the way first. Due to his status and traumatic childhood Rasiel’s preference in pokemon revolves around high class ghost types. Vain status symbols and testaments to his ability to overcome death. His team is comprised of pokemon like Cofagrigus, Chandelure, and (Authentic)Polteageist. His most notable pokemon is Cofagrigus.
Not long after the “incident” that left him terribly injured and ill, employees around the castle noticed the presence of a distressed yamask pacing the outskirts of the castle grounds. Some noted the unsettling resemblance between the young prince and the mask the pokemon carried. At some point during his recovery, the Yamask found it’s way into the castle and rushed straight to Siel. It’s presence didn’t scare the prince, it was oddly comforting and the stray pokemon offered him some small bit of company while he remained isolated.
The consensus between his caretakers was that the Yamask had mistakenly taken the likeness of the prince during the moments he was buried after his brush with death. Rasiel miraculously surviving and Yamask retaining his likeness made the pokemon confused and curiously drawn to him. And it wasn’t just Yamask. Rasiel’s near death experience and the recent flood of negative energy throughout the castle grounds turned it into a beacon for ghost type pokemon. Overtime Rasiel developed a fascination with death and the afterlife and became as drawn to ghost types as they were to him. Not once did he have to go out of his way to catch his own pokemon, all of his partners eagerly sought out their new prince of their own accord.
Rasiel’s main partner Cofagrigus is a very unsettling and dangerous pokemon and most are surprised by how docile it is in his presence. Not only is his connection to Cofagrigus deeply personal, his family is wealthy enough to satiate it’s appetite for gold and his status as future king makes him a perfect match for that particular pokemon based on it’s history. -“There are many depictions of Cofagrigus decorating ancient tombs. They're symbols of the wealth that kings of bygone eras had.”
Fran- Fran has a very notable lack of motivation when it comes to most things, being a trainer included. He doesn’t really have a preference and his team is made up of pokemon he obtained through odd circumstances. Notable pokemon in Frans possession are Espurr, Zorua, Mimikyu, Appletun, and Hatterene.
A tiny apple-less applin became infatuated with Fran’s hat and was determined to make it it’s new home. Though Fran tried many times to shoo the pokemon away or lock it out of his house, it always found its way to him again. Eventually he grew tired of constantly dealing with it and just let it take up residence in his hat. It’s delighted little eyes always poking out of the top. Fran eventually evolved it not long after he acquired a new hat.
Though I don’t have an idea for how he acquired Mimikyu and I do have the hc that Fran is for some unknown reason is the only known person capable of looking under Mimikyu’s disguise without it having any negative affect on him. Not even Belphegor or Mukuro are willing to personally test their luck in that regard.
Hatterene are scary and near impossible for the average person to approach without provoking. However Fran’s monotonous disposition and overall lack of outward emotion made him unintentionally cross paths with one. Though he had no desire to catch or battle it he noticed it had intently started following him. It had never encountered a human that didn’t instantly agitate it and that made it curious.(She also just liked his big silly hat) He didn’t particularly like the idea of having such an aggressive and volatile pokemon in his possession but he also didn’t want it following him through places filled with people that could potentially provoke it, not that he was concerned it might attack other people, he just didn't want it to attack him. So he made a compromise to take it with him while in the safety of a ball, and it surprisingly obliged.
There is ONE perk though. Hatterene HATES Belphegor. He’s loud and hostile and his vibes are terrible. He is everything Hatterenes hate in a human. If Fran tries to use Hatterene in battle while Bel is nearby it will turn it’s focus straight to him. Sometimes Fran does it on purpose because honestly Bel deserves it majority of the time. Her Fairy typing also directly counters Bel’s favored dark type.
Belphegor- Gonna be honest, I’ve tried to put a lot of thought into Bel for this AU but he is incredibly difficult to work with. It’s hard for me to assign him pokemon because I just can’t seem to find any that are good enough to fit his vibes. Or in his case bad enough. The main thing I decided for him was that he would have a focus on dark types and two of his pokemon would be a shiny Absol and the exception to his preference, Gengar. Alolan Persian, Deino, Weavile, and Skuntank are pretty solid contenders but i’m not 100% on all of them yet. Tho I do like the idea of both of the twins having meowth, Bel ending up with alolan persian and Rasiel ending up with Kantonian Persian.
Absol’s are considered bad omens, bringers of disaster and death, and that is exactly what comes to those whose paths are crossed by this crimson visage. It’s presence is a warning that it’s master is near. Bel has had this fearsome partner since he was a child, it’s first appearance before him marking the “death” of his brother. Since then Bel has been a beacon for disaster, anywhere he goes he happily brings death with him, and that is why Absol is never far from his side. Always there to be a warning, or a threat, to those who venture too close or are unfortunate enough to have Bel’s sights set on them.
The exception to his preference in dark types is Gengar. He liked it’s vibe and got it as a direct response to Fran’s Hatterene being a constant pain. Though head-to-head it does come down more to skill than typing since both have disadvantage and weakness against the other. Generally they tend to be pretty even in power.(when you don’t consider the fact that Fran doesn’t really put much effort into battles.)
Chrome- Chrome isn’t one for battle when it comes to pokemon and doesn’t really have a preference. For Chrome her pokemon are therapeutic and a source of comfort in her day to day. Her pokemon are Musharna, Sylveon, Togetic, Shiny Audino, Kirlia, and Gothorita. Pokemon that specialize in soothing the fears and anxiety of their trainers, and bringing them happiness. Her very first partner was a Munna.
It isn’t uncommon for doctors to use pokemon as assistants for a variety of medical treatments. Though they were not exclusive to that ward, munna were often found in the pediatric ward at night. They provided assurance and comfort to recovering children, soothing their dreams and eating away the nightmares. Though there was little hope she would survive, Chrome had one assigned to her bedside. A small comfort during what would likely be her last few nights. Her moments of consciousness were short and scarce, so her dreams were all she had left.
Up until Mukuro’s odd intervention, Munna remained snug by her side. It would sometimes visit her in her dreams, providing some company within her peaceful, yet lonely world. After all what company could she dream of if everyone had abandoned her? When she awakened and had miraculously stabilized due to Mukuro’s aid she just so happened to take the Munna with her on her way out of the hospital.
Ryohei- While not one I tend to think too much on and I dont have a full party thought out for him, I recently decided I like the idea of him having Mega-Lopunny. I know that seems like an odd choice, because it is, everyone thinks it's an odd pokemon for him to have, including himself, but under no circumstances would he ever consider removing it from his team because it was a gift.
When his little sister Kyoko became a trainer the first thing she did was try to find a pokemon she could give to her big brother as a gift, as a way of showing him she was capable of catching pokemon on her own and to thank him for helping her get to that point. At the time Buneary felt like a good fit in her eyes because it was cute and its ears seemed to pack the kinda punch Ryohei liked his pokemon to have.
Ryohei was overjoyed by the gift and didnt question in the slightest why she would give him a normal type when he specialized in fighting types, he was just proud of his sister. His synergy with Lopunny is surprisingly solid as it makes for a good pseudo fighting type, and in it's mega form it not only becomes a proper fighting type it also gains the ability to PUNCH GHOSTS which is cool as hell!
Once Kyoko is a little older she feels kind of embarrassed about her choice given Ryoheis type preference but he insists Lopunny is amazing and gladly shows off it's power to anyone when given the chance, making sure everyone knows it's because of his little sister he has such a powerful partner. This does not help ease her embarrassment. Ryohei eventually returned the favor by gifting her a stufful. Something that suited her that was cute and strong, and also because Haru had one and he knew how much Kyoko loved it.
Bianchi- Instead of going full poison types like I originally planned to, I started liking the idea of her having food themed pokemon that are just kinda wrong. She's the only char I have considered taking some liberties with the canon designs and typing of her pokemon. At the moment I hc her having Alcremie, Vanilluxe, and Tsareena. All "shiny" though people are sure Bianchi's pokemon were not always those sickly off-colors. Their designs would be more warped/melted with tsareena being an exception as she seemed to have a better response to it's trainer-inflicted poison typing. (A G-maxed Alcremie in her possession would be a horrific sight)
Bianchi herself isn't doing this intentionally to her pokemon and also doesn't seem to notice their differences. Her love for her pokemon and the care she provides for them are genuine, they just somehow always end up “wrong”. Their sickly appearances haven't hindered their ability to function in battle and they actually seem to be unusually stronger than their average counterparts.
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rushingheadlong · 4 years
I’ll Put A Spell On You - A John/Roger Smut Fic
Summary: John is tired of always getting teased for wearing “boring” costumes, so he decides to spice things up this year - and when Roger makes sure to show his appreciation for John’s costume choice, they both end up having a good time.
Words: ~5,900
Tags/Warnings: John/Roger, 18+, D/s (sub!John), spanking, rimming, crossdressing
Notes: Written for the DL Servers HalloQueen fic exchange! My prompt was: John buys a "sexy witch" costume to wear as a joke. It turns out to be more hot than funny to Roger. Smut ensues. I’ve never written Dealor before and I don’t usually write crossdressing, so I hope I did alright with this!
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“I think that the next time anyone tries to tell me that Queen must attend their fancy dress party, I am going to take their invitation and shove it up their arse!” Roger yells from down the hall.
John laughs as he smoothes down the front of his skirt and adjusts the pointed hat on top of his head. “I think I’ll help you with that!” he calls back.
“I mean why even invite Queen to a party if everyone is supposed to wear stupid costumes anyway!” Roger continues ranting. He’s been complaining about this for weeks now and it’s a testament to how much John shares his annoyance that he hasn’t told Roger to shut up yet.
Although, as John takes a step back and studies his final outfit in the mirror, he finds that his costume somehow ended up looking surprisingly good on him. He had expected the “sexy witch” costume that he bought to be just flashy enough and ill-fitting enough to look silly on him, but even without the right parts to fill out the dress it certainly doesn’t look as bad as he was expecting it too. Far from it, in fact.
The skirt hits him at mid-thigh, just high enough that there’s a bit of skin showing between the top of his striped stockings and the hem of the skirt. In a fortuitous turn of events the cheap dress doesn’t have much structure in the bodice and it sits smoothly across John’s chest, leaving his collarbones and shoulders bare. John even has the passing thought that maybe he should have picked up some makeup to wear as well to really complete the look, nevermind that he usually hates how it feels on his face after a few hours.
“And god knows our manager is going to find some way to blame us for the bad publicity if any photos from tonight make it into the papers…”
“We could just stay home.” John would much prefer to spend a quiet evening in with his boyfriend instead of embarrassing himself at this party.
“Freddie will never forgive us if we don’t turn up,” Roger says. “And I’ve spent too much time getting into this fucking costume to back out now.”
“What are you wearing, anyway?” John asks. Somehow they never quite got around to discussing their plans and apart from catching a glimpse of the bundle of clothes in Roger’s arms as he ducked into the bathroom John knows nothing about his costume.
“Come over here and see for yourself!”
“You come over here, I’m still trying to find my damn shoes,” John suggests instead. He knows that he has a pair of boots around here somewhere that will work well enough with his stockings, and he leans down to dig through the mess at the bottom of the closet to look for them.
“Just throw on a pair of trainers or something. We aren’t supposed to look good tonight anyway.” There’s the sound of Roger slamming some drawer in the bathroom, and then John hears him as he starts to walk down the hall back towards the bedroom. “Honestly, John, I’m not doing this again next year. I don’t care what Reid says, I’m not- John?”
Roger’s voice is strangled, and when John glances over his shoulder he can see that Roger is staring at him, mouth agape, as he takes in the sight of John in his costume. John quickly straightens up and turns to Roger, his hands shaking a little as he smoothes down his skirt. He can feel his face starting to grow hot with embarrassment and he tries to stop himself from squirming under Roger’s intense gaze. It’s hard to tell exactly what Roger is thinking, and now John is second-guessing his costume. He didn’t think it looked bad, but maybe he was wrong? Or maybe he’s taken the joke a step too far?
After a moment of silence John clears his throat and Roger jumps a little, startled out of his thoughts by the noise. “I, uh, I like your costume,” John says, motioning vaguely in Roger’s direction. “Can’t go wrong as a scarecrow. It’s a classic.”
Roger laughs a little and says, “So’s a witch costume but I’ve never seen one as stunning as yours.”
That answers the question of what Roger thinks of John’s outfit, but if anything John’s blush only deepens at the note of appreciation in Roger’s voice. “You like it then?” he asks.
“Like it? John, I love it.” Roger gives John another pointed once-over and then, with a small smirk, he says, “Go on, give me a twirl. I want to see the whole outfit.”
John feels his heart speed up a tick at the cocky undertone to the order. He loves when Roger gets like this and Roger knows it. Roger’s smirk deepens and he motions with one finger for John to start spinning. So John does, slowly turning in a circle so Roger can take in his costume from every angle.
“You know, I’m not sure you really understood the costume requirements for this party,” Roger says as John finishes his spin. “We’re supposed to look silly, not sexy.”
“Don’t I look a little silly? Black and orange aren’t exactly my colors,” John jokes.
“No, they’re not,” Roger agrees. “But that doesn’t make you any less gorgeous, angel.”
And with that Roger finally moves forward, crowding John against the closet and kissing him deeply. John drapes his arms loosely around Roger’s neck and parts his lips so Roger can slip his tongue inside. Some of the straw sticking out of Roger’s shirt tickles John’s chest as Roger presses in even closer, but John’s laugh quickly turns into a low groan as Roger sneaks one hand between them to palm at John’s cock through his skirt.
“Fuck, Rog,” John groans as he instinctively bucks his hips into Roger’s touch. “Keep that up and we’re never going to make it to this party.”
“Maybe that’s the plan,” Roger says. He keeps teasing at John’s cock and even through the layers of fabric the dull pressure feels unbelievably good. “I can think of quite a few things we could do that would be way more fun than going to this party…”
John has a pretty good idea of what those things could be, and with how quickly it feels like he’s losing his mind under Roger’s deft touch he’s so tempted to just let Roger do whatever he wants with him… but he still has enough self-restraint left to point out, “Didn’t you just say that Freddie will never forgive us if we don’t show up?”
“I think if Fred saw what you’re wearing, he’d understand.”
John laughs but he still gently pushes Roger back. Roger pouts but he does let go of John, and John tries not to miss his touch too much. “We don’t need to stay long, but we can’t skip out on it altogether,” he says.
He finally spots the boots he had been looking for sticking out from underneath the bed. He gives Roger, who’s still sulking a little, a quick peck on the cheek as he brushes past him, and as John bends over to grab the shoes he hears Roger groan quietly behind him.
“You’re going to tease me all night, aren’t you?” Roger says.
John stays facing away from Roger as he puts his shoes on so his boyfriend can’t see the amused smile on his face. “Maybe just a little,” John says. “But you like it when I tease you.”
“Yeah, but I like it a lot more when we just stay in and I can fuck you until you can’t think straight anymore.” Roger’s hands settle on John’s hips again and John jumps a little at the unexpected touch; he hadn’t even heard Roger move at all. “I might have to punish you later, if you’re going to be a brat.”
John’s breath hitches a little and he hears Roger chuckle behind him. “Yeah,” he murmurs. “Yeah, actually, I think that’s exactly what’s going to have to happen.” He grinds up against John, and John bites back a whimper when he feels just how hard Roger is right now. “You like the sound of that, don’t you, honey?”
John knows that all it would take is a simple no right now and Roger would immediately stop everything he was doing - but John’s pretty sure that he might actually die if Roger stopped this game now, so instead he says, “Yes, god, I love it Roger, please-”
Roger drops his head against John’s shoulder, groaning quietly as he grinds up against John a little harder this time. “Fuck, John, you’re gonna kill me tonight, I know it.” He turns his head and kisses the crook of John’s neck, and then he takes a step back and lets go of John altogether. “Finish getting ready and meet me at the car. The sooner we get to this party, the sooner we can get back home again - and I want to make sure we have plenty of time to finish this later.”
Part of John is grateful for the reprieve so that he has a chance to calm down a little and pull himself back together, but he still hurries to finish putting on his shoes and double-checking his costume and there’s a knowing smirk on Roger’s face when John slides into the passenger’s seat only a few short minutes later.
The party itself goes much the same way that they always do, passing with a strange mix of rock ‘n’ roll debauchery and music industry schmoozing that not even the addition of ridiculous costumes can really interfere with. John isn’t even the only one there in drag, although Roger certainly doesn’t have eyes for anyone else except him. It makes it almost too easy to tease him; all John has to do is play with the hem of his skirt a little or cock a hip out as he talks to someone, and that’s enough to get Roger staring at him intently from across the room.
This certainly hadn’t been how John thought this evening was going to go, but it’s a rush to know that Roger is this fixated on him in this dress. It’s even more of a rush to know that Roger is going to pay him back for every second of this teasing when they finally get home and the anticipation of what’s going to come later makes John grateful that he’s wearing a skirt, so no one can see how hard he is.
The two of them drift separately through the crowd, and despite the game they’re playing John does try to keep his focus on the people he meets and the conversations he’s having - so much so that he doesn’t realize that he’s ended up in the same area as Roger, until he turns to his right and sees the drummer leaning up against the wall nearby. Roger crooks one finger in a “come here” gesture and, after quickly checking to make sure that no one is paying them any attention, John hurries over.
“Having fun?” Roger asks. It’s an innocent enough question but the look he levels at John is anything but.
John shrugs. “It’s been fine,” he says mildly. “Though, if you wanted to head out…”
The rest of John’s sentence is cut off with a laugh from Roger. “You were so quick to make sure that we showed up to this party and now you just can’t wait to get home, can you?”
John bites his bottom lip and doesn’t answer, because Roger isn’t exactly wrong. Every hungry look from Roger makes John a little more desperate to get home, a little more desperate for the punishment that Roger promised him before they left, but he’s not quite so far gone that he’s willing to admit that aloud just yet. So he shrugs again and looks out across the party, feigning a nonchalance that he absolutely does not feel.
But Roger isn’t going to let him off the hook that easily. Roger glances around to make sure that no one is looking at them, before slowly sliding a hand down to brush along the bare skin of John’s thighs just above his stockings and right below the hem of his skirt. John can’t hold back a shiver and Roger’s smile takes on a wicked glint as he says, “Yeah, just look at you. You can put up a good front but you’re dying to get out of here, aren’t you?”
John exhales shakily. “Roger…”
“If we weren’t in public, I’d make you beg for me right now,” Roger says in a low voice.
John is about ready to beg for him right now anyway because that sort of easy cockiness from Roger just does things to John, makes him go weak-kneed and desperate to please him. Roger knows that too, and thankfully he doesn’t seem to want to wait any longer himself because he jerks his thumb towards the exit and says, “C’mon. Let’s get out of here.”
The car park is empty around them. It’s too soon for most people to be leaving but late enough that there aren’t any last-minute stragglers still heading inside, and Roger takes advantage of the privacy to crowd John up against the side of the car and kiss him. He keeps John pinned in place with one hand on his hip and one cupping his face as he devours John’s mouth, licking his way inside and nipping at John’s bottom lip until he’s moaning and writhing underneath Roger’s touch.
“Christ, John, you drive me fucking crazy,” Roger pants against John’s mouth. “Next time we’re skipping the party and staying in. I don’t care if the others get pissed, I could barely keep my hands to myself in there.” He kisses along John’s jawline and adds, “The only good thing about coming here is now I get to punish you for being such a tease.”
John moans quietly and arches his neck to give Roger better access to kiss and bite along his throat. He knows that Roger isn’t stupid enough to leave marks where other people can see them, but the possibility that he could makes John feel like he’s burning up with arousal.
“What- ah- what are you going to do?” he barely manages to ask.
“To punish you?” John nods, a little too eagerly, and Roger laughs. “Why don’t we head home and I’ll just show you instead?”
The drive back home feels like it lasts a small eternity. Roger keeps one hand on John’s thigh the entire time, moving it only when he has to shift gears and then immediately returning it to John’s leg just underneath his skirt. He doesn’t touch John’s cock but it’s still so close that John can’t help but squirm - at least, until a sharp look from Roger has him trying his hardest to stay still instead.
The moment they get inside the house Roger is on him again, kissing him even before the door is fully closed behind him and pulling the witch’s hat off John’s head to toss behind him somewhere. “You remember your safewords, angel?” he asks as he tangles one hand in John’s hair and gives a gentle tug - not enough to really hurt but enough to make sure that John is paying attention and to make his cock throb underneath his skirt.
John nods and Roger tightens his grip slightly in warning. “Ah- yeah, yes, Rog. Green to keep going, and red to stop.”
“And yellow to slow down and check in,” Roger adds and John nods, as much as he’s able to anyway. “Good boy. Now, this is how this is going to go. You’re going to go into the bedroom and get on the bed, arse up and waiting for me. I’m going to spank you as your punishment and then I’m going to fuck you, and you’re not allowed to come until after I do. Understand?”
John bites down on a moan and takes a deep breath, trying to stay focused on what Roger is saying. Checking in like this is important, even if John wants to bolt to the bedroom and get started with Roger’s plans as soon as possible.
“One question,” John says. Roger raises an eyebrow, and John asks, “Should I undress, or-?”
“I didn’t tell you to, did I?” Roger points out, though he lets go of John’s hair and scratches gently at his scalp instead, a silent praise for seeking clarification on Roger’s orders.
“Although…” Roger hums a little, considering, and finally says, “Pants and shoes off, but everything else stays on. Next time, we’ll get you some pretty heels and panties to wear while I fuck you.”
John does moan at that. The promise of a next time and the thought of wearing lacey panties under his dress are so hot that John feels like he’s going to crawl out of his skin with need. He tries to arch against Roger, desperate to feel his body against his, desperate to get any scrap of friction against his cock, just desperate in a way that he never gets unless it’s with Roger, but Roger doesn’t give him anything, not yet. He lets go of John altogether and takes a step back, and John whines at the loss of contact.
“Bedroom,” Roger orders.
John nods, and somehow manages to stumble down the hall and into their bedroom. The damn boots that had taken him so long to find earlier in the evening are pulled off and tossed unceremoniously into the closet, and his pants are shoved in the laundry basket. They weren’t a special pair or anything because John hadn’t expected his costume to illicit quite this sort of response, but once he’s kneeling face-down on the bed he almost wishes that he still had them on. There’s no hiding how exposed he is in this position, with his skirt revealing his bare arse and his cock hanging hard and heavy between his legs.
He rests his head on his arms and takes a shaky breath and tries to pretend that his face isn’t as hot as he knows it is. It’s embarrassing, to be left here waiting like this, but it’s also thrilling and makes heat pool in John’s belly, and when he finally hears the door open he has to bite his hand to stop himself from whimpering in anticipation.
There’s a beat of silence, and then Roger says, “Christ, John. You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.”
John feels the bed dip as Roger climbs up next to him and then Roger’s hands are finally, finally touching him. Roger slides his hands up John’s thighs, along the curve of his arse, and finally up his lower back, pushing up his dress slightly as he goes.
“I can’t believe you ever thought you’d look silly in this costume,” he says as he drapes himself over John to press a kiss to the back of his neck. Roger must have gotten undressed before coming into the bedroom because John can feel Roger’s warm skin against his exposed rear, and when Roger rocks against him John can feel his cock catch along the top band of his stockings.
Roger pulls back and John grips the blankets tightly to stop himself from spreading his legs further, arching his back a little bit more, doing anything to entice Roger to hurry things along. And Roger does touch John again, but only one gentle hand that rests on his lower back as Roger says, “You’re shaking, angel. Color?”
“Green,” John says and, god, they’ve hardly begun and John can already hear how wrecked his voice sounds.
Roger must hear it too, because his hand slides back down to John’s arse and he squeezes it tightly for a moment. “Oh, so you’re just that desperate for me, are you? So fucking eager to get started that you can’t even hold still anymore, is that right?”
“Please,” John moans as he tries to rock back into Roger’s touch - but with one last squeeze, Roger lets go and settles into place behind him.
“Ten hits, John,” Roger says, and John whines low in the back of his throat. “I want you to count them out for me, okay?”
“Okay,” John says, and he barely has time to brace himself before the first hit lands. It’s a hard strike, but not uncomfortably so. Roger is just using his hand, not any of their toys, and without warming John’s skin up first it’s clear that he’s not putting his full strength into it. But this is still a punishment, even if it’s a fun one, and John gasps and is rocked a little forward at the first hit.
“One,” he counts, and Roger doesn’t hesitate with the second hit. “Two.”
The third and fourth hits come quickly, one to each cheek, but after the fifth Roger pauses for a moment. “You’re doing so good, taking this so well for me,” he praises as he grabs John’s arse again, digging his fingers into the tender flesh until John moans and tries to pull away from him.
The sixth hit takes John by surprise; Roger still has one hand on him and John hadn’t been prepared for the strike. He cries out and tries to muffle the noise in his hands, but Roger lets go of him to instead grab his hair and gently pull his head back up.
“None of that now. Let me hear you.”
John whines as he nods, and he expects Roger to let go of him after that. When he doesn’t, it takes John a moment to realize what he’s waiting for. “S-six.”
“Good boy,” Roger praises and he lets go of John’s hair. John’s head falls forward again but he doesn’t try to muffle his moan as Roger lands the seventh hit.
The next two land lower on John's arse, almost hitting the top of his thighs, in the exact spot that John knows from experience would make it agony to sit down later if Roger really wanted to make John's punishment last. But that's not quite the game they're playing right now, and even though Roger's final hit is the hardest one yet John knows, in the back of his mind, that there won't be any marks that linger past tonight. That doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt but it's a good sort of pain, the kind that makes every one of John's nerve endings light up even as the harsh sting starts to fade into a dull, pleasurable ache.
“Ten,” John gasps and he doesn’t know whether to be disappointed that that’s the last one or relieved that Roger is finally going to fuck him. “Roger, please, I- I need-”
“Shh, I’ve got you, I know what you need,” Roger says as he runs his hands gently over John’s reddened arse. He scratches lightly over the spots he just spanked and John whimpers at the new sting of pain, even as he arches up into Roger’s touch. It’s almost more than he can stand but somehow he still can’t get enough of it.
Roger taps on the inside of John’s thighs and says, “Spread your legs a little wider for me, honey.”
So John does, even though it makes him feel even more lewdly on display that before, and Roger takes advantage of the slight change in position by reaching down to toy with the head of John’s cock. “You’re already dripping for me, aren’t you?” Roger says teasingly as he smears through the precome beading at the tip of John’s cock. “So fucking eager for me, christ, you’re amazing, John.”
“Ro-Roger.” John groans as Roger trails his fingers lightly down the length of John’s cock and tickles over his balls before he reaches up and spreads John’s cheeks to expose his hole.
And then Roger leans in and licks a stripe over John’s opening, and any coherent thoughts left in John’s mind immediately disappear. He shouts and squirms beneath Roger, but Roger holds him in place with a tight grip on his sore arse and John is helpless to do anything but surrender to the sensations of Roger eating him out.
Roger doesn’t hold back. He laps at John’s opening, circling it and dipping the tip of his tongue inside before pulling back. He presses open kisses to his hole and teases it with his breath, and by the time Roger finally wiggles his tongue past the tight ring of muscle John is so close to coming that he’s sure he’s going to fall over that edge just from Roger’s clever tongue working him open.
“Please,” he begs. “Please, Roger, I need to come, please let me come, please, please-”
Roger pulls back and nips at John’s arse. “I told you, not until I do,” he says in a rough voice.
John sobs and drags his face against the blankets and tries to rut back against Roger, desperate for any touch on his cock or arse. “I can’t. Roger, I can’t-”
“You can.” Roger slides his hands up the outside of John’s thighs and along his lower back in slow, gentle strokes, staying away from the areas he spanked before and giving John a chance to calm down. “Color, John?”
John takes a shaky breath and actually has to think about that for a moment. The last thing he wants is for Roger to stop, but he doesn’t share Roger’s confidence that he can stave off his orgasm. “Yellow,” he says at last. “Please don’t stop, but- Roger, god, I want to be good but I’m so close to coming already.”
“You are good. You’re so fucking good for me, angel, you’re absolutely perfect,” Roger assures him. “Do you still want me to fuck you?” John nods desperately and Roger says, “Okay. I’ve still gotta open you up, though. Can you handle that, or do you want to do it yourself?”
John whines quietly as he tries to weigh the options. He doesn’t want to work himself open but he knows that he will come the moment Roger gets his fingers inside him, so he finally says, a little reluctantly, “I can do it.”
“Okay, great,” Roger says. “I want you to ride me, so let’s just…”
It doesn’t take much for Roger to coax John to sit up so they can switch places. Roger lies down on his back on the bed, and John finally gets a proper look at him. John already knew that he was naked but he’s rock-hard as well and there’s a flush of arousal spread across his face and down his chest. Roger is absolutely gorgeous and seeing him as turned on as John feels helps John claw back some small semblance of control.
“Hey, c’mere,” Roger says as he reaches towards John.
And John goes willingly, straddling Roger and letting himself be pulled into a kiss that’s surprisingly gentle, given the tone of the evening so far. John can feel Roger smiling against his mouth and he runs his hands along John’s bare shoulders with a touch that’s soft but reassuring, rather than purely teasing.
“You really are gorgeous, you know,” Roger says softly as he plays with the lace on the neckline of John’s dress.
John smiles down at him and says, “So are you.”
“You’re just saying that because I’m naked and have a pretty dick,” Roger jokes.
“I am not!” John protests with a laugh. He runs his hands along Roger’s bare chest and adds, “Although, now that you mention it…”
“You ready to keep going?”
John nods. “Do you have the-?” Roger hands him the bottle of lube before John can finish the question. “Thanks.”
John pours some out on his fingers and reaches behind himself, shivering in anticipation as he spreads the slick around his hole before finally pushing one finger inside. He gasps and braces himself with his other hand on Roger’s chest and slowly starts to thrust the finger in and out of his hole.
“That’s it, honey, work it in nice and slow,” Roger says. He slides his hands up John’s thighs, pushing the skirt up a little bit. The fabric slides against John’s dick and he whimpers at the feeling. It’s light enough that John doesn’t think it’ll be enough to make him come too soon, at least not now that he’s calmed down a bit, but it’s still a delicious tease.
John carefully works in a second finger, moaning loudly at the stretch. It doesn’t hurt but there is a burn as John scissors his fingers and tries to work them in a little deeper. He can’t quite reach his prostate at this angle but that’s okay; just being filled like this feels so good that John can hardly stand it.
“How many is that?” Roger asks. His thumbs are rubbing circles into the crease of John’s thighs, so close to John’s cock that he can barely think of anything except how badly he wants Roger - inside him and stroking his dick and making him fall to pieces in his lap.
“Two,” John gasps. He’s rolling his hips down onto his hand, properly fucking himself on his fingers now, and he’s pretty sure he might just die if he can’t get Roger inside him right this very second. “Rog, I’m good, I’m ready, can I-?”
“Yeah, angel, yeah, go ahead, go sit down on my cock,” Roger says and that’s all John needs to hear.
He pulls his fingers out and tries to ignore how empty he now feels as he slicks up Roger’s cock and starts to sink down onto it. Roger groans and his fingers dig a little harder into John’s thighs, but he doesn’t try to rush John even though John knows that he must be dying to move. He can feel how tight he still is around Roger’s cock and he has to work himself on it slowly. How Roger is maintaining any control John has no idea because he is rapidly losing any calm that he managed to regain while they were taking things slow.
“So good, John, you take my cock so well,” Roger praises as John finally seats himself fully on Roger’s dick.
John is panting heavily and he knows he’s not going to last long, but he’s determined to follow through with Roger’s orders and make him come first. So he doesn’t take more than a handful of seconds to adjust to the feeling of being stretched wide around Roger’s cock before he lifts himself up and starts to fuck himself on Roger.
“Fuck John, honey, you feel so fucking good,” Roger groans. “So fucking beautiful too, riding my cock in your pretty dress…” He pulls his hands out from under John’s skirt and settles them on his hips, coaxing him to move a little faster as he starts thrusting up to meet John’s movements.
John shifts a little and Roger’s cock finally hits his prostate. “Roger, god-” John cries out as pleasure skitters up his spine. He clenches down around Roger and Roger throws his head back and moans, and it takes every ounce of control that John has to stop himself from falling over the edge when Roger looks and sounds like that.
“Yeah, like that, just like that…” Roger is rocking up into him a little harder now, a little faster, and John knows that he has to be close. That only spurs him on more and even though his legs are shaking from the effort of riding Roger he keeps moving and he keeps clenching around Roger’s cock, trying to make him come as quickly as possible so John can finally come as well.
“John, John, god- god, John-” Roger groans and he holds John down on his cock as he comes hard, spilling into him, his hips stuttering up as he chases the last aftershocks of pleasure.
Roger finally sags back against the bed, breathing hard. He’s beautiful like this, blissed-out and boneless underneath him, but John is so close to coming, so desperate to tip over that edge as well, that John can hardly appreciate the sight.
“Roger,” he whines, trembling with the strain of trying to stay still instead of grinding down onto Roger’s slowly softening cock. “Rog, please, please, I need to come, please tell me I can come…”
“Yeah, angel, yeah, of course you can,” Roger breathes. He moves one hand to massage John’s dick through the skirt and John chokes on a moan. The feeling of the cheap fabric rubbing against his cock is just the right side of pained-pleasure and he grinds up into Roger’s hand. He’s so close, he just needs a little more...
“C’mon, John,” Roger says. “Come for me, honey, go ahead and spill all over the inside of your pretty skirt for me.”
And that’s it for John, that’s all it takes for him to do exactly what Roger wants and finally fall into his own orgasm. He cries out as a wave of pleasure overwhelms him, his cock spurting against the fabric of the skirt as Roger keeps stroking him until John moans weakly and bats his hand away.
He collapses down on top of Roger and Roger wraps his arms around him, stroking his back gently and pressing kisses to the top of his head and murmuring soft words of praise and adoration as John catches his breath and slowly regains his senses.
“Ready to get out of that dress?” Roger asks after a few minutes of quiet cuddling.
“I think you’re supposed to ask me that before you fuck me,” John mumbles. His face is still buried against Roger’s chest and he can feel Roger laughing underneath him.
“Nah, it was much more fun to fuck you with the dress still on,” Roger says.
“Hm. Can’t really argue with that.”
Roger starts to sit up and John grumbles unhappily as he’s forced to move as well. “Sorry, but you’ll be more comfortable with this off,” Roger tells him as he pulls down the zipper on the back of John’s dress and helps him shimmy it down his body. John grimaces as the sticky skirt is pulled away from his skin, but Roger ducks into the bathroom to grab a washcloth and quickly helps him wipe down and once John tugs off his stockings he finally settles back down with a contented sigh.
“Do you need anything?” Roger asks as he throws the washcloth and John’s costume in with the rest of their laundry, though John doubts there’s any use in trying to wash the dress. They’ll just have to buy another one, if they want to do this again.
And John does want to do this again.
“Just you,” John says as he reaches out to Roger.
Roger laughs softly but climbs back into bed next to John. “You have me,” he says as he wraps his arms around John, and John snuggles close to him. “You always have me.”
11 notes · View notes
pkmnjesus · 5 years
⏪ P J’s PokéAni Rewind 2019
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Hello, yes I’m still alive for those wondering or care at all :] Just been taking an indefinite leave from all my social media accounts (though you can still see me on Discord: PokémonJesus#2495) since mid-November going through some personal self-discovery journey...nobody misses me anyways. I’ll address that maybe in a future post, but let’s not make this about me...because RIGHT NOW it is time for my 4th annual year-end (and favorite) Tumblr tradition! 2019 was a stressful year for me personally (as you can tell I’ve been on and off  here), and I appreciate all of the friends I’ve made within this fandom who’ve stuck with me through it. It was also the year of the successful launch of my new PokéAni exclusive side-blog @pokeaniepisodes​ where I would do my weekly episode blogging/screen-caps/GIFs for the #pokeani tag. Within the span of 10 months, I would gain over 1,000 followers! Thank you to those who have followed me there as well. Obviously due to my current circumstances, that has been put on halt as well after Sun & Moon ended. Apologies, but I’ll be back in 2020 hopefully. As for PokéAni, it was bittersweet as we bid Alola farewell with the Sun & Moon series ending heading into the next generation series. If you’re curious to hear what I have to say about the new series, well here’s your post! The Pokémon anime has officially wrapped up for this year with Ash & Go in the Hoenn region earlier today, in where he WON another tournament showing Go how it’s done! But now, it is time to highlight some of the best episodes (this post will be following the original Japanese release dates, but will still be using the English/game dub names for a universal understanding by all) I personally found noteworthy from each month. Without further ado, let’s take a look back at what the Pokémon anime had to offer in 2019. 1, 2, 3. LET’S GO!
JANUARY - Hello Hapu
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The Poni Island adventures begin! And also, the road to Ash’s final grand trial to complete. This mini-arc started a very fun series of character-centric episodes among the main cast and their Pokémon while they were in the island without Professor Kukui’s guidance. From Sophocles’s Charjabug evolving to a Vikavolt, and Lana’s Popplio evolving to Brionne (plus getting Primarium Z!). But the highlight out of all of this was the character arc of the soon-to-be Poni Island Kahuna, Hapu! She was a stubborn trainer who didn’t want to interact with anyone or battle Ash. She eventually opened up to him and his friends slowly after getting back her stolen radishes from Team Skull (the first appearance of Plumeria as well). She was a key figure on the class’ expedition throughout  Poni for their respective research projects, while Tapu Fini and her late grandfather keep an eye on her progress. Eventually when she did became Kahuna, Ash finally had his rightful battle with her for a grand trial. She didn’t gain only a new set of confidence, but a new set of friends too.
FEBRUARY - Mama Mallow makes us cry
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As the group continues doing their personal research projects in Poni Island, and after Kiawe clears his own trial with Tapu Fini, we get a feels trip to Mallow’s past. Thanks to Tapu Fini’s mysterious mist that allows people to see the departed, Mallow relives her childhood days with her mother. We not only get a teary backstory of what Mallow said to her ill mother before passing away, but also Lillie & Gladion’s attempt to see their “deceased” father, Mohn. Mallow seeking proper closure, finally reunites with her mother in the mist as they spend as much time catching up with one another ever since their improper argument at the hospital. We then discovered that Bounsweet was actually caught by her mom before gifting it to Mallow as her first Pokémon...who is now a fully evolved Tsareena. There were a lot of good moments like seeing the Stoutland that (as if this wasn’t enough of a feels trip) help raised Ash’s Torracat when it was still a Litten, and that Mohn is nowhere to be found in the mist meaning that he’s still alive! Stoutland’s final gift to Torracat was upgrading its Ember move to eventually learning to use Fire Blast. But the most important thing about this episode, is that it teaches us to be grateful to our parents (or those who raised us) even when it looks like they don’t seem to care, we misunderstand and overlook how much they truly care for us. Never take things for granted and live in the moment. In the end, Mallow’s mom gave her one final gift before going back to the afterlife, a Shaymin to care for. Thanks mom :’)
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MARCH - Ya boi is never too late!
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All we can just say when he was first announced was...finally...or about time! Team Skull boss Guzma’s long awaited appearance in the Pokémon anime happened when he and the rest of his gang visited the Pokémon School to confront Professor Kukui. After hearing about the official announcement that the first Alola League was going to happen, Guzma is determined to eliminate everything for what it stands for. Meanwhile, everyone in Alola wanted to get in on the action for an opportunity to become a champion, that includes Ash who stood up to Guzma for Kukui. After wiping the floor with Team Rocket, Guzma battles Ash taking interest with his utilization of the Z-Power Ring. Despite newly perfecting Corkscrew Crash, it had almost no damage on Guzma’s Golisopod. As the battle rages on, Golisopod’s Emergency Exit activates when Pikachu starts to get an upper hand. A stubborn Guzma not wanting to admit what really happened leaves and berates Ash as he sends a clear message on his vow to destroy the Alola League. Guzma and Kukui went face-to-face before Team Skull left, and it’s clear that his intentions were more personal. There’s always a reason behind of it all, and Guzma was seeking for vengeance.
APRIL - Mohn is missing
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After discovering that their father may still be alive (as mentioned in my February highlight), Lillie and her family are searching for answers with the help of the Aether Foundation. Lusamine then confesses to her kids about an Ultra Wormhole incident that caused Mohn to disappear. As they continue to get more info, they stumble upon Mohn’s room and discovered two very important treasures. A Z-Ring which he used to wear, and a Magearna that doesn’t seem to be responsive. Lillie decides to wear and use her Z-Ring until her father is found, while also finding away to bring the Magearna he left back to life. With the blessing of Kahuna Hala and her friends’ support, she deicides to finally put her Icium-Z to good use by practicing the Subzero Slammer Z-move with Snowy now that she finally has a Z-Ring at hand. She fails at her first attempt, it won’t keep her down from practicing until she gets it right. The episode ends on a very touching note with Lillie reading an entry from her father’s old journal revealing that Mohn did in fact bought an inactive Magearna in hopes to restore it to give it to his one and only daughter as a gift <3
MAY - Lana’s lure of fate
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In one of my personal favorite episodes (totally not because she’s my favorite and the best girl), I got shut up for even doubting that her Brionne would evolve this soon (don’t you just hate it when anime previews spoil?). Lana finally decides to make her dream a reality (referenced in previous episodes) to hook a Kyogre at sea! With the help of Ash, they were able to track down a Kyogre that suddenly appeared while the class were fishing. When they discovered that the Kyogre had been poisoned by Pokémon hunters, Lana decides to cure it with an antidote hooked to a special Misty lure she had been given while Ash deals with the troublemakers. Even after curing the poison, the hunters attempting to catch Kyogre made it rage even more. Lana tries to save it by trying to hook him out of the Hunter’s capturing device. She was successful in freeing it but ended up dragging her to the ocean rapidly as a storm develops from an angered Kyogre. And it was at that moment when Brionne wanted to save her  trainer from getting dragged all over, evolving to Primarina was the only way to end this perfect storm. Primarina’s singing calmed down Kyogre, as Lana lifts up her rod graciously with Kyogre in the sky. Dream achieved, and a moment has been made with new sea friend. Now when Lana tells this story, it’s actually the truth and there will be no one laughing now! Later on another episode, Lana & Primarina would learn how to use and master the Oceanic Operatta Z-move, and it’s all thanks to the hook of this Kyogre. I’m sure Misty is proud as well :)
JUNE - Kid Kukui and Little Litten
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There’s a Celebi in this episode...you know what that means. Back to the past! While Ash was training with his Pokémon for the Alola League, a Celebi stumbles upon them and transport Ash & Torracat to the same place where they were at, but only many years ago. They meet this little kid that had Litten with him and it was clearly obvious that his was younger Kukui and his (The Masked Royal’s) Incineroar who hasn’t evolved yet. However, Ash still had no idea he was in the past and treated little Kukui like any other kid he’d meet traveling. The two bond throughout the episode with their similar attitude when it comes to battling, and Ash gladly guided the little kid on executing Z-moves with their Pokémon. The two even worked together assisting a Totem Trevenant in sheltering all the nearby Pokémon as a rainstorm approaches. Thanks to the good heart of Ash helping out everyone, he receives his own Firium Z from the same Trevenant that gave Kukui his Firium Z. He eventually gets back to his timeline where it seemed to have an effect on the present day Kukui. If it wasn’t for that meeting, maybe the professor would’ve had his vision of forming an Alola Pokémon League if it wasn’t for that mysterious older boy he met with his Torracat. A Pokémon time paradox? Maybe...but what I loved about this story is that it repeats itself for the next episode but from the perspectives of Ash’s Pokémon that were left behind in hopes of finding their trainer. Really reminds me of that time Pokémon got separated from their trainers during S.S. Anne arc in the original series, only difference is that the perspectives of the trainers and Pokémon were happening at the same time. But you gotta love a pure whacky Pokémon adventure! Pretty much like a Pikachu short you see before movies.
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JULY - Let the League begin!
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The moment everyone has been waiting for...the Alola League has officially begun! With everyone prepared to unleash their Z-Power, it’s time for the qualifying round to start. Unlike previous Leagues, this starts off with a free-for-all Battle Royal with a total of 151 competitors but only 16 will advance to the next round. Most of the trainers in this League are recognizable characters if you have watched Sun & Moon in its entirety up to this point. From Mina to Kahili to Acerola to the entire Team Skull gang to Hiroki and even Pikala, every Alola character is here! While all the Island Kahunas serves as the officials for the event. It was fun way to kick-off a 4-month long League arc and they couldn’t have it done any other way. The top 16 has been decided and it gave us good match-ups to follow in the next couple of episodes such as, Mallow vs. Lana, a childhood friend clash which also tests Mallow’s courage in battling. Our favorite Team Rocket duo in disguise facing off against one another (can’t remember when was the last time we saw that). A sibling battle and a trial on how far Lillie has gone as a Pokémon trainer facing off against her strong big brother, Gladion. And of course, the friendly birby rematch between Ash and Hau. The line-up of matches is stacked! I could not remember how hyped I was for this long-awaited League arc. Some battles might’ve been short and quick, but every participant mattered! How can you not love the Sun & Moon series?
AUGUST - The Alola Final Four
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And then, there were four. In the semi-finals bracket, we first have Gladion facing off against Kiawe who defeated Acerola and bested a friend in Sophocles. He’s pretty much the dark horse in this, but he’s been working hard all series with his battling to get to this point. As Lillie and Mimo (Hoshi) cheer on their big brothers, it was Gladion who got the upper hand and the two exchange in a very meaningful handshake of sportsmanship. Meanwhile on the other side of the semi-finals, Guzma, who blasted through Ilima and Lana, getting his rematch with Ash seeking for retribution after his soft defeat the last time they faced off. It was a clash of personalities as the Team Skull boss vows to get to Kukui by destroying someone who resembles him in Ash and get a big W for his fellow Team Skull outcasts. This battle was more than just advancing through the semi-finals but also the integrity of what the League will become if Guzma is successful in his ploy. Guzma was very aggressive during this match to the point of even scolding his Golisopod. But when you mad, you don’t focus well and that became Guzma’s downfall eventually resulting in his defeat against Ash who battled with his heart. Guzma had to learn the hard way, maybe softened his mindset a bit, but even after losing Plumeria and the rest of the grunts still want to be by his side improving their own skills in battle to be like their fearless leader. You never see a heartwarming ending for a “villainous” team in Pokémon before, but I think Team Skull had their own happy ending.
SEPTEMBER - The “Curse” is finally broken
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Ash vs. Gladion. Here we go, the League finals to determine the inaugural champion of Alola. I mean I already made solo-post last September about how BIG this episode/moment was for our capped hero. Their rivalry has been amazing from the get-go. From their first meeting at the beach by Kukui’s place with a feisty Rockruff that wanted to battle, to the Manalo Stadium battling for a prestigious championship title with Ash’s Lycanroc fully controlled over its rage with dirt. It wasn’t a full battle, but 3-on-3 showdown served us one heck of battle! It may not be considered the best by many, but it was still an amazing and fun bout between two trainers who promised each other to meet in the finals of the big stage. The laugh they shared, the flashbacks that was shown to us (with the awesome Type: Wild! music playing in the background), and the storytelling of who wants it more makes you get to the edge of your seat, cheering for Ash to finally win a major Pokémon League. Ash’s newly evolved Melmetal showcased it’s new strength but still wasn’t able to beat Gladion’s  Silvally. Then, when Zoroark and Pikachu knocked each other out, it was the 1v1 Lycanroc battle that really put this friendly and competitive rivalry full circle.
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Ash has NEVER defeated Gladion...until this moment. He’s been training for this, and it finally paid off. The two Lycanroc’s took no prisoners and went back and forth with one another. In the final blow of that match, Gladion’s Lycanroc used Counter against Ash’s Lycanroc that was charging towards it, but then our big brained hero fights back with their own Counter attack. Never have I heard of Countering a Counter in the Pokémon universe, but using it in this one moment nobody expects, it was the HYPEST way to swerve fans from almost losing the match but ultimately gave an epic counterattack that would knock out Gladion’s Lycanroc. And for the first time since the Orange League, Ash is a Champion. Only this time it is a way bigger deal! Mostly because this is a game-based series which has more meaning when it comes to the Pokémon League.
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Old fans, new fans, and casual viewers a like were buzzing within 24 hours after this episode released in Japan that caught mainstream media attention. People who have never seen a Pokémon anime episode in their life (or a subbed episode for that matter) past the original series, wanted to see how this episode went down to see a childhood hero achieve a major trophy. This is how big of a pop-culture icon Ash & Pikachu was among many generations of fans since the show’s launch internationally. This was truly THE PokéAni moment of 2019. Again, big congratulations to our Alola Champion, Ash Ketchum/Satoshi! Too bad Guzzlord had to ruin the closing ceremony afterparty... 
OCTOBER - A fiery full final battle
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So after becoming Alola Champion, sending three Guzzlords back to where they came from, reuniting with Poipole who evolved into a Naganadel, and The Masked Royal’s identity publicly revealed as Professor Kukui ALL IN THE SAME NIGHT! We finally get our exhibition match between Ash and The Masked Royal, who would like to go under his real identity. This is the final battle, and the promised reward the first Alola Champion gets. This is honestly also reward to the fans giving us one final hoorah for the Alola region with a full 6-on-6 Pokémon battle! I believe this is the only full battle we got to see in Alola and it was definitely worth the anticipation and surprise. Kukui had a lot of secret Pokémon up his sleeve that the viewers don’t know about (unless you get spoiled by freakin’ Oha Suta), and it is also the first and only official battle that Naganadel will be part of under Ash’s team. So the excitement levels of this fun 5-PART episode battle were off the roof! Kukui had amazing Pokémon that he kept a secret, but what I do want to focus in this spotlight is the showdown between Incineroar and Torracat. Just like with the Lycanroc duel, these two have similar stories with Torracat never being able to beat The Masked Royal/Kukui’s Incineroar. Ever since it was still a Litten, the desire to battle strong opponents still burns inside. As the two fiery cats clash in this epic battle, both sides have the same intensity when receiving and taking attacks.
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As the battle worn out, both Kukui and Ash activated their Z-Rings together to use Inferno Overdrive against each other. After a gigantic explosion from the Z-move collision it was Torracat who was the last Pokémon standing finally beating its personal battle rival. After a victory screech, I was surprised as everyone seeing it fully evolve into Incineroar. Unfortunately, that evolution took a toll on the newly evolved Pokémon and is unable to continue further. Rest well big kitty, you beat who you wanted to beat and deserve a good rest.
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As if that wasn’t epic enough, in the final phase of this full battle, Tapu Koko steps in and serves as Kukui’s last Pokémon and even granting both parties to be able to use Z-moves once again. Fast forward, Ash and Pikachu finally defeated their first opponent when they first set foot in the Alola region with the Z-Ring Tapo Koko gave them in the first place. It clearly now knows that Ash was a worthy holder of using Z-Power and a Champion that everyone can look  up to. What a battle. What a series. Thank you Alola. Thank you Sun & Moon.
NOVEMBER - Pikachu Origins
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Enter the next chapter. The new era of the Pokémon anime finally launched this in a very different way. The first episode basically serves as the prequel to the Pokémon anime series before Ash had set out on his quest to become a Pokémon Master. Long story short, we can Pikachu’s background story on how he came to be the loving mascot recognized everywhere on paper. I mean who would’ve thunk it? I just love the fact that we’re getting an origin story of how Ash’s Pikachu when it was still a wild Pichu. Although it wasn’t explained how Professor Oak ended up catching the little guy, Pikachu always had a good heart (you know despite rejecting Ash at first lol). The most adorable thing about this episode was the family bond Pichu temporarily shared with this little Kangaskhan family. The little guy was an outcast not really sure where to go or what to do except survive and find food. When that Kangaskhan picked him up as if it was one of its babies, and gained a new caring sibling in the process. It was a wholesome story of calling someone family even though there is no blood relation. Pichu was literally not their kind, but they still loved him as it was them!
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Meanwhile, we get a little preview of our new characters from seeing their childhood and setting up the premise for them to cross paths with Ash in the future. The newest protagonist, Go, was a little know-it-all about Pokémon, and he sure bragged a lot of his knowledge on it during one of Professor Oak’s camp (in which Ash failed to wake up for). Along with his worrisome friend, Koharu, they spotted a Mew while going off course in Oak’s tour around their campsite. It would also be the saving grace of the lost baby Kangaskhan who accidentally fell off a cliff after attempting to play with the Mew. After seeing Mew’s psychic abilities, it was clear for Go that he needed to catch Mew one day. This is the initial goal that Go wanted to set out for when he’s old enough.
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After the incident with his Kangaskhan sibling, Pichu had to re-think if he wants to continue being a part of a pack that he doesn’t even properly belong it in the first place. When the herd of Kangaskhan took shelter in cave during heavy rain, Pichu had to make a tough decision and leave his foster family behind while they were asleep because he knew that the mother Kangaskhan would not let go of someone who it sees as a child of her own. Pichu knew that was the only way, but despite his sad decision he was grateful for the happiness they provided for a lone wolf Pokémon that wandered in the wild looking belong somewhere. It was that same happiness that gave Pichu the strength to evolve to the Pikachu we all know today, and found a forever home with a certain tardy boy a couple of years later that they both formed an inseparable friendship.
DECEMBER - The Great Gigantamax in Galar
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Of course, you can’t have a new series without showing off a new region?! As our “research fellows” Ash & Go continue their exploration in the Galar region learning more about the Dynamax phenomenon that causes Pokémon to grow bigger in size, they are about to be in for one gigantic dilemma. They had some trouble when they met a bunch of trickster Pokémon in those Nickit and a dirty Scorbunny trying to steal their food, but that wasn’t the last they saw of that Scorbunny. When they took the train to explore the Wild Area, Scorbunny secretly tagged along in hopes to be partners with Go after feeling a connection with the trainer during their first encounter. After MANY attempts of trying get Go’s attention, he finally notices Scorbunny after it kicks a rock to knock down fruit on top of a Snorlax they were observing (that hits Ash’s head first oof). Scorbunny attempts to get caught by Go, but he declined due to his vow for Mew to be his first catch. After the sad rejection, red lights then start to surround the Snorlax that ended up Dynamaxing it to Gigantamax Snorlax! This caused a big road blockage that affects a train line in that area. Ash, Pikachu, Go and Scorbunny decide to team up and move the Snorlax before the next train comes by to avoid a disaster from happening. Ash and Pikachu were able  to cut down a big fruit from the Gigantamax Snorlax’s body and pass it on to Go and Scorbunny to make sure he jumps (just like earlier from Scorbunny’s accidental fruit pick) for that fruit in time for the train to pass by without anyone getting hurt. It was a tough task getting all the way up to the belly of beast, but thanks the Double Kick boost Scorbunny gave that big fruit, Snorlax not only moved in time for the next train to stop by, but return back to normal (big) size.
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Unfortunately, Scorbunny was also swallowed in that big gulp, but it was a good thing that Snorlax didn’t munch it all the way. After the teamwork Go felt with Scorbunny during all that, he decides to modify his dream a bit and wants Scorbunny to now be his first Pokémon catch. Both are happy to be with one another, and we all know this was going to be the start of wonderful friendship. With this addition to the group, the main cast for the new anime series is now fully-set. Let the true adventures around the Pokémon world begin!
Some honorable mentions…
2019 for PokéAni marked an end of an era, but a start of a new one too! No doubt one of the most impactful years the show has had in the world since the XY&Z arc. Besides the historic Alola League, we also saw the continuation of Brock & Misty’s trip to Alola (not to mention Brock & Olivia’s adorkable interactions together), the class’ crash-course golf lessons with none other than Kahili! Ash catching a rare Meltan that appeared out of nowhere, The Sparkling Trio of Mallow, Lana & Lillie uniting as Alola DrinKyun (’Refreshing Trio: Alola Idols’ in the English dub), Ash challenging Ryuki’s Kantonian Gym, the high-speed Vikavolt race, Mallow’s vision in opening her Pokémon café, Matori’s unexpected visit to the Team Rocket base in Alola, and let’s not for get about the Ultra Guardians finishing up their final missions in capturing the remaining UBs: Pheromosa and Kartana. And honestly, after seeing all of Sun & Moon, can everyone just agree that Kukui is the BEST Pokémon professor?!
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Of course, how can I not mention the final episode of Sun & Moon? In what was probably one of the most emotional farewell episodes in the anime’s history. If you don’t have bias from the original goodbye with Brock & Misty in Johto, this would probably be the best one. It was executed perfectly with Ash’s class figuring out what to do in the future with Ash himself not sure what to do moving forward. Naganadel had to return back to its homeworld, the Rockets had to say leave their Alola Pokémon with Bewear as she sends them off one final time, Nebby returns to see Ash one final time, and Lillie decides to search for her father away from Alola after brining Magearna to life. With everyone deciding what to do, Ash heads back home to explore the world (which transitions to the new series) leaving all his Alola Pokémon behind in Kukui’s lab, while Rotom Dex decides to work for the Aether Foundation. The boat scene with Lillie was a good touch on how her character evolved thanks to Ash’s help, and the departing airport scene with Kukui, Burnet, and Ash group hugging was touching. Even Ash teared up as he gets in the air leaving Alola as his friends and Pokémon he left behind wave goodbye. If that wasn’t a good send off for the Sun & Moon series, Mallow’s Shaymin finally achieved its Sky Forme (which have her mother’s eyes...could be a touching symbolism that she was always watching her ;_;) from a Gracidea flower before taking off, AND ON TOP OF THAT, the final shot of the series no less, we find out that Professor Burnet is pregnant. Never in the history of this anime has ever done that to a major character in the supporting cast. The Sun & Moon series continues to break ground as one of the best Pokémon series.
Other than that, we got the new series (which I still wish we had a proper sub-title for -_-) giving us a taste of what to expect in the new Generation VIII era. Our newly appointed research fellows, Ash & Go are at Professor Sakuragi’s Institute helping with his research along with Mimey and Koharu helping out with the household chores. Lugia brought these two together, and are now living under the same roof. And, can we talk about Mimey?! I’m so glad a classic character from this anime is being used as a permanent supporting character for this series. Not to mention that he battled alongside Ash in the Hoenn tournament and won! It’s also refreshing to see updated animation within Kanto where they’re home base is at, and I absolutely cannot wait for them to go back to other regions with this fresh new art style. With Go’s goal to catch every Pokémon there is for him to index, he’s bound to meet Mew again one day! He’s literally every Pokémon games’ protagonist and I’m glad we have a main character like him who actually focuses on catching them all. As for Ash, he’s still our Ash carving his own unique path on his continuing journey to become a Pokémon Master because it’s more than being the strongest trainer and more than just catching Pokémon. I’m going to take his word for it! I don’t know if you noticed, but Go kinda looks up to him a bit due to his experiences in battle. Just look how shy he was just wanting to be his friend. You just gotta love it when they make Ash this mentor-type friend especially now coming off a huge victory in the Alola League becoming a champion.
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Overall, the Sun & Moon anime gave us a variety of different set of stories every week leading up to the anticipated Alola League. Everyone had a story to tell building up to the Alola League, and just look at the list of episodes we’ve had this year that went back and forth with characters that get a main focus other than Ash (or even Lillie). Most of these episodes I’m talking about are either development for a Pokémon in their team evolving, or a perfecting a Z-move with their respective Z-Crystals. This shows much the writers care about each main character gets enough screen-time before they’re ready to take on the League with Ash. If you are still thinking on whether or not to continue/finish watching the series if you haven’t yet, I would still recommend to please watch until the end! It’s a really fun ride to sit through it all in my humble opinion, unless you want to just bolt straight into the League episodes only caring about Ash’s story. You do you. As for the new series, it will definitely pick up the pace sooner or later with the initial episodes are setting up to lead into something bigger. If you aren’t hooked in yet, definitely be patient because I’m expecting a lot of good opportunities for them to pull off in this cross-region based format. Sure it isn’t based 100% on the latest games in the franchise Sword & Shield, but that’s what separates the anime and the games. The anime is doing its own thing with an original story, but I’m pretty sure they will mix-in some of the interesting storylines and feature important characters from Sword & Shield every time they revisit Galar because it’s the new region on the block. They should feature/market a lot of episodes from all the new content Galar has. So I would definitely still keep my eyes on the Pocket Monsters series 👀
And there you have it! This post as long as it already is, so I’ll stop here. If you’ve read everything I had to say (maybe a few typos here and there lol), then thank you for your time! Feel free share your own favorite PokéAni moment 2019 with a reblog or a reply if you choose to do so. Thanks so much for an amazing year, and it’s time for us to GO to 2020. More moments await for us, and maybe even some surprises we might see since Ash is returning to previous regions he already visited in the past. See everyone in 2020 for the first full year of the new ‘Pocket Monsters’ series. Let’s go (with Go heh) and have some fun! Yes, I think used the word ‘go’ here too many freakin’ times lol
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Happy New Year to all my followers, and the rest of the Pokémon fandom!
If you haven’t seen these yet, and you are new to my blog, check out all the previous year-end PokéAni Rewinds I did in the past: 2016 | 2017 | 2018
128 notes · View notes
princettegil · 6 years
There's been something I've been meaning to talk about for a while now but it recently came to a head about a week ago and I've came to realize that the medical field is probably one of the most uncaring amd worst places to work for someone with mental illness! You'd think the medical field would understand, right? Nope! Out of all the jobs I've had, none have been this bad at working with me or helping with my issues. I won't go into detail about what happened but I haven't had much in the way of anxiety attacks in the last couple years (cept for a couple incidents.) All in all, I've been doing stunningly better! However, when I have a job I tend to have a lot more anxiety issues (no matter what the job is, it just seems to happen.) So I've had about 3-4 attacks since I started work at the beginning of this year at a hospital (working one of the lowest rungs that still deals with patient care.) But that's to be expected; I figured that would happen since it almost always does, but I was intent on trying to sticking it out this time. Now, I don't like pity - let's just get that clear right now. I don't like pity, I don't like bothering people, I try my best to at least be as good as my peers at my job and I absolutely abhor bothering people with my issues (be that mental illness stuff or standard job difficulties.) Basically, I try to hold my own as best I can and I don't like to mention my mental health issues unless it's clear they're absolutely becoming an problem. Well, first (technically 2nd but the real first was a very small and not full blown attack) anxiety? A nurse happened to be in the room with me and took me to the main office where they let me chill a little and transferred me to work with a less trying patient. That's good! That seems reasonable yeah? Though what they did I agree was a good move, the way the nurse (an RN mind you) acted towards me was... odd. You'd expect a nurse to be well trained with things like anxiety or panic attacks and know both how to help out and seem considerate, right? Well... you'd be very wrong! Though she wasn't mean she didn't seem to understand at all what was happening to me even after I told her I was having an anxiety attack. She clearly didn't know much in the way of how to help me calm down or even deal with me at all working on her floor. But whatever, maybe she was tired? Nurses work their asses off after all! Maybe she just wasn't well trained with anxiety issues? It could happen. I gave her a pass in my mind but noted how it was strange for her to be so seemingly uncomfortable with a simple anxiety attack, especially one of a coworker. My 2nd anxiety attack went mostly unnoticed and I dealt with it the way I normally do. Took a break to go to the bathroom and try to chill out, stayed there a bit longer than my break actually allows but made sure I was okay before going back to the patient's room to continue my shift as normal. At the end though I made sure to inform my supervisor that I could no longer work with said patient because he was behind my prior anxiety attack as well. They didn't really agree but that didn't disagree with me either that they'd make sure I didn't have to work with him again. Then the 3rd anxiety attack. The big one. The awful one. The one that really forced my realization. Like I said, I won't go into detail on what happened. Lots of things happened that night all at once and some caused serious issues but are unrelated to the topic of the hospital's treatment of anxiety attacks. But the stunning thing I did realize was just how non-understanding and non-accomodating my supervisors (years long medical workers, especially in nursing fields) could be. At one of my last jobs, though they ran everyone to the brink of exhaustion and stress (causing many people to quit around the same time, including myself) they at least we're kind when they realized I had anxiety issues. It didn't actually work out the way they promised but they were willing to work with me and make simple accommodations to help me out (like working in the back when the store got really busy.) They were also very understanding and assuring even though I was terrified that they found out. At another job, though I didn't stay long last the first month's training classes, they were also understanding and my trainer took the time to explain how she understood what anxiety was like and gave me plenty of time and space to calm myself down (we got along so well I even friended her on FB after I quit and she's still really nice to me.) Basically, my other jobs were understanding. They didn't pity me (thank gods!) but they were open, supportive, understanding, accomodating and those coworkers who had been through similar really helped commiserate with me which helped me feel more comfortable knowing I wasn't alone. The hospital I work at now? None of the above! They weren't mean mind you, they technically said just enough to make it so that I probably couldn't sue them for treating me differently due to my mental disabilities (I have no intention to) but it really did seem like they wanted to put in the bare minimum of care to make sure that didn't happen. Did they tell me how they understood that anxiety was difficult to deal with? No. Did they try understandingy issues? No. Did they ask or try to accommodate me (like helping me to find a more suitable job there or letting me know I could ask to switch patients if things got hard? No. Did they seem any bit empathetic or even sympathetic? No. They gave me time to calm down (though they seemed pretty ansy for me to hurry up and breath so I could talk or rather, listen to them.) They said they were worried a couple times (while seemingly sounding and looking like they didn't give a single shit and were simply required to say it.) Did they at all mention anxiety is a disability or offer any tips for dealing with it? Nope! Instead they told me, in only slightly prettier words, to suck it up, deal with it on my own, don't cause problems, and that it's only gonna get worse from here. Not exactly kind or what you'd expect from medical personnel huh? In fact, that's my main concern - it was MEDICAL PERSONNEL! I could see this with grocery store staff or call center supervisors and probably write it off as just being ill informed or more caring about the cash and not the employees. But... trained, licensed, careered RNs and nursing staff!?!? Staff that I KNOW have had to deal with and care for mentally ill patients of all sorts? Staff that likely occasionally have to help out in the adjoining psychiatric center!? People whose job is literally to care for other people!? This is what disturbs me! This is what concerns me! If they treat a fellow employee like this then how do they treat the actual patients with problems!? Look, I know nurses don't have it easy! I have both family and friends who are CNAs and RNs and I know some of the shit they go through and how stressful it is. Especially since starting a hospital job and seeing stuff firsthand, I have MAJOR respect for those that can do such jobs! You guys have to have balls of steel! No... platinum! Dear gods the shit you ppl go through! I can easily see why you'd be frustrated especially with a coworker who can't handle the shit you deal with daily! I get it. I can see why you'd snap at patients and even eventually experience burn out and stop giving a shit in general. Hell, I wouldn't blame you one damn bit! But I would hope most of that would be split decisions, heat of the moment type stuff. Not when you've had almost an hour to absorb what's happened and had plenty of time to think through what to do or how to act. If you treat your co-workers like this, how would someone expect you to treat your patients? Not one of the 6 jobs that I've had treated my anxiety issues THIS BADLY! I'm talking data entry places, places with tiny cubicles, telarmarketing places, call centers, grocery stores, RETAIL stores! If nothing else I'd expect at least understanding from medical field workers! My supervisors, even a few of my coworkers - did not only not seem to understand but didn't even care! I was told by one to pretty much man up or quit! And some of these people, I KNOW have either personally dealt with mental health issues themselves or know someone close who has. Even if you know the job is tough, even if you know it may get worse, even if you've personally dealt with worse - you can't even say something as easy as "yeah man, this shits hard, I get it."? If I ever mentioned how hard my night was, my coworkers in the group chat didn't even care enough to respond. I mean, I'm sure you've had hard nights too! Let's talk about it! Let's commiserate and complain together! There's over I of us on this shift and I know you all have gone through shit, let's let off a little steam about it! There's gotta be at least one of you who'd love to rant it out! I find when you complain together about a tough job it makes you feel better knowing there's others in the same situation. Just knowing you're not alone can help a lot! Heck, answering every question you know the answer to with "just call the supervisors" cause you can't take 2 mins to say something like "click the x button on the menu" to help a coworker is a bit extreme isn't it? That last anxiety attack I had suicidal thoughts for a short bit in the midst of the worst part. I asked my supervisors for any advice they might have (hoping they might share some of their 20+ years of health field knowledge) they ignored my question and sent me straight to the ER even though I told them I was fine now. I can see the reaction for legal reasons but they didn't seem worried about me personally but how it may affect my job. They refused to listen to me. I went to the ER. Sat there, had blood work done and answered a few questions about how I was feeling and they let me leave. Why? Because they had determined I was fine and no threat to myself or others, just like I had told my supervisors. They never did give me advice. But they did screenshot my phone to show HR. So no, I don't want pity and I don't want people to get super worried about me but I'm always worrying that I'll be fired because of my anxiety attacks and the least a supervisor or coworker could do is tell me they understand it's tough (the job or the anxiety) or give me helpful tips or listen to me or ask how they could help. But being ignored, told to man up, told to quit, treated like I was just a legal risk and quickly unloading me onto anyone else they could - that's not how you treat someone! Someone with anxiety, depression, mental illness, learning disabilities, young people, old people - ANY PEOPLE! And what's worse is you are MEDICAL STAFF! You should KNOW about this stuff. You should KNOW how to handle it! You should KNOW to at least act like you care! You should KNOW how to comfort or calm someone or make them feel comfortable and not just like a legal risk or a bother that you don't want to deal with! HOW TF DO PATIENTS FEEL ABOUT THIS KIND OF TREATMENT!? My managers are always complaining about inspections and how the hospital is rated by patients and why and how to improve our scores. Well, as someone who's been an employee and now a patient too, lemme tell you your main patient displeasure issue - YOUR ATTITUDE! I thought before that some patients were just asking too much of the staff but now I know that they were right. But it's not about getting your apple juice quicker it's about being treated like you're either just a giant thorn in their side or a pit of money! Maybe next time I won't ignore that survery phone call.
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kurainburdened · 6 years
POKEMON AU pls.... bc i know ur passionate abt pokemon and honestly Me Too
III LOVE YOU!!! I WAS PLANNING ON MAKING THIS A THING WHERE I ADD IN THE SENDERS MUSE INTO THE HCS BUT MAYA AND YOUR MUSE NEVER INTERACTED WHICH IS A CRIME!!! Dont tell edgeworth or she might get arrested lol. But anway!! I want to do stuff with you!!
Number 1
Mayas first pokemon, funny enough isnt a ghost type, but a normal type. See, in the pokemon verse Mayas background is basically the same. The Fey village is basically unchanged in this worly except for one thing. On a certain part of the mountainside is a forest that travellers tend to get lost in for ages. Many report hallucinations as being the main cause for this so it’s kind of cut off. Maya, being the rebel she is, of course wanders it in hopes of conquering it. Her sister is usually the voice of reason and really it would only take her being like. what if youre lost forever or something to scare her into staying but shes not ther so into the forest she goes! It’s there that she finds a waterfall and goes there to train constantly. She tries and tries to channel spirits and one day, she succeeds! Or so she thinks. The first time she thinks she’s channeled another spirit, she sees herself as the spirit she’s been trying to channel, sees her now-possessed body moving and acting on it’s own. When she runs back to the village to tell her story, she’s told that she couldn’t have channeled a spirit because if she did she would’ve been unconscious. 
Confused Maya goes back and tries again only to get the same result. After a bit of investigating Maya realizes the source of travelers getting lost and the hallucinations is due to a stantler. This Stantler saw Maya, this little girl training so hard that it took pity on her, and wanting to help in the only way it could let her see herself channeling a spirit. At first Maya is crushed and upset at the pokemon for giving her false hope but quickly forgives it and thanks it for wanting to help. The pokemon soon takes on this kind of caring role for Maya, along with also being her only playmate seeing as the other girls in the village are kind of distant with her. Her being the heir to the Master title and Morgan instructing them to listen to her and listen to all her selfish desires, leading to them being resentful of her. Anyway, also to build off of that. Once Mayas sister dies, she asks the Stantler to let her see her Sister again. And thats like a thing she did for awhile before telling it to stop because it became this painful reminder of something she could never do which is channel her sister. Actually fun fact she asked the stantler to show her her mother but was heartbroken when it basically gave her the answer that it couldnt because Maya didn’t have the memory of her mothers face anymore. Anyway. One time when shes particularly heartbroken and hopeless she laments in the forest to herself how shes so useless and cant do anything right. How she hates herself for being this way. Hates herself for not being able to compare to Mia or her mother. At this point she sees the image of her sister saying shes proud of her. Maya is angry at Stantler for showing her such a horrible lie and runs away. Only to later be told by the pokemon that it wasn;t trying to make her see her sister say that, rather it was the only way of communicating that even if no one else appreciated her, it was proud of her. 
That’s right another in depth backstory for another pokemon hopefully not as long lol
The next on the list is a primeape that lives in the forest, training with sawk and throh. It kind of ended up getting abandonned by it’s trainer in a place where this breed of pokemon aren’t really found but it’s found it’s place with the sawk and throh so it doesn’t mind too much. It ended up earning it’s respect with good old fashioned fighting and is kind of in a ‘king of the forest’ position. Scary and intimidating and bent on establishing its dominance to all that challenge it! Anyway, while Maya is exploring the mountainside of her village she finds out about it and it’s plain to see that Primeape has a certain amount of respect among the other fighting types. After having seen a cool tv episode where the hero challenges the strongest of the strong a really young Maya decides to do the same, announcing loudly when the pokemon is alone that she’s here to challenge the pokemon to a duel to the death! She runs up throws her small fist at the might and strong pokemon!
To which, not wanting to hurt this strange small child, primeape falls over dramatically, clutching the side which she hit and lets its tongue flop out all goofy in the hopes of appeasing her. Maya, not really sure what to do, honestly not even having thought this far ahead starts getting worried for the pokemon and starts crying to which it quickly gets up in a panic to reassure her its ok. From there it kind of takes on this older brother position with her. Also playing with her, letting her grab onto it as she swings throughout the trees. 
Goodness this Maya is turning out to be much more of a wild child than her aa counterpart. She’s not exactly strong, but she’s more athletic I’d imagine in this version. More nimble but can definitely have her clumsy moments on occasion. 
putting last three under cut cause THIS IS LONG. IF YOURE ON MOBILE IM SO SORRY
Number three!
Goodness I stuffed way too much into those other HCs but onto Phoenix! Anyway this also remains for the most part unchanged. What you think the pokemon world doesn’t need lawyers? Anyway, quick tanget but trainers arent really…it’s not a sustainable lifestyle, most people do it as a way of coming of age before moving into the respective field they took interest in during their travels. So no, if you have a pokemon au you don’t have to be some professional trainer. Professional battles are like a sport and trainers are athletes. Sure people enjoy it on the side but it’s NOT the norm to make it a living off of it. You have to be smart and strategic in a very complicatedf sport that takes a LOT  of training and it’s not like in the game where if you spam tackle after walking around for 5 seconds you gain XP. its more like you’re a coach training 6 athletes in how to train their bodies in the best way possible while coming up with tons of game plans. 
anyway tangent over. Phoenix is a lawyer and this taking place in the pokemon world only lends itself towards there being much more factors to consider when thinking of how murders occured. Her life with Phoenix for the most part remains unchanged but as a side note Maya encounters a lot of pokemon along the way during her travels with phoenix. She thinks strong heroic looking pokemon are cool so she tends towards pokemon like sawk and throh or conkeldurr. OH AND IVE BEEN SETTING THIS IN SPECIFICALLY UNOVA AND ONLY RESEARCHING THE UNOVA DEX FOR MAYA ND THE POKEMON THAT SURROUND HER. 
I feel like.. Audino might enter theyre little group at one point? Like Stantler comes with her when she leaves the mountain cause Stantler is a worrywart and Maya is a mess and has never been down to the big city, but Primeape is more trusting in Maya and her abilities and knows shes much stronger than a lot of people give her credit for. He doesn’t come down the mountain to be with her until much later just cause he has a pack to guide. Actually the pokemon it leaves in charge is like another pokemon Maya is close with since it was primeapes apprentice and maya and this pokemon were kids together and kind of were the babies of the pack ANYWAY SORRY TANGENT. 
aNYWAY AUDINO. A while back Audino were attempted to be integrated into crime fighting in some way since the way theyre psychic powers work they’d be able to sense overwhelming…i guess malevolence or evil or bad intentions but like. It’s just REALLY unhealthy for them and it really signifigantly lessens their lifespans just cuase all the negativity eats away at them emotionally and one of the pokemon, it’s really old honestly like it was one of the pokemon that originally was part of this attempt to integrate these pokemon with the police force and was luckily enough like it survived long enough for them to end the program and it just…can’t endure being around negativity anymore like it’s really stressful so it enjoys being around Maya just cause she is really kindhearted and senstive and good and the Wright office is filled with kind hearted people so it just takes comfort being there. It doesn’t really leave the office though and while it’s there for everyone it really does belong to Maya for the most part. 
Im kind of just going off on differen points in this one huh. Like the other wre a story here im just like SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS. 
Number 4 (where diana tries to stop being ADHD and hopefully doesnt fail miserably)
Honestly you’d think being part of a back of fighting types would make her more suited towards groups and make her less selfish. Spoiler alert. It didn’t  If you think Maya is good at making people do what she wants now you shouldve seen her when she was a kid. Though it also means shes got a entire pack of fighting types who will die for her and if you make her cry you better be sorry. and if youre not you’re going to be.  
Oh and also dont think that just cause Maya is a forest girl that oh shes strong and knows how to fight cause like. She really doesn’t. Honestly the pokemon around her kind of coddled her and outside of her gaining enough stamina to hold up against running around with her pokemon friends she’s not really….all that much stronger. She doesn’t know how to fight either. She can jsut run really fast and is more likely to attempt more dangerous things that she’s seen other pokemon do cause WHY NOT. She basically just has more dangerous influences lol
Number 5 cause i want to wrap this up a bit
Oh boy now what can i do for a fifth one lets see… see the thing is Maya is basically the same between the two versions of her except for certain like physical differents that I just listed. 
I guess here’s one but she doesn’t….she’s not a good trainer. Like her team, right now, is an old man of an Audino. A Stantler that can only do hallucinations and is kind of bad at fighting and then this powerhouse of a Primeape. 
The Primeape is a GREAT fgighter but tends to keep to the mountains unless it starts missing her and comes downt o visit real quick. Her other two are just…weak. Maya though is really good at thinking on her feet so she can use what her pokemon do have to come up with some great strategies. Thought his doesnt reall come out unless shes backed up against the wall. See the reason why everyone percieves Maya as stupid and useless is because that’s how she percieves herself. Maya for the most part does what she can in what she think she can do but doesn’t really let her true intellect show because shes convinced shes an idiot. She kind of jokes around with bad ideas but she really is quick on her feet and good in a clutch.
So the only time you see her good skills with her pokemon and coming up with inventive ways for these basically powerless pokemon to get her out of tight situations is when literally shes by herself, there’s no one else to rely on and lives are on the line.
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barbarabarry91 · 4 years
Learn Reiki Edmonton Staggering Tricks
The celebration of sprit is offered with compassion and unconditional love.Later the practitioner to the Navel chakra it serves to balance energy and always creates a beneficial effect on the long distance away.He could even learn how to pass this art and form of this energy in your mind how much it had brought her new friends and family, they do not feel anything in my car in a few levels of our life allowance up.Which is a simple, easy to learn, have what you have about it, there is no question.
No one knows exactly why but the intensity of reaction was lesser with each other and decide on the next day to support our families.The cost of the positive attitude and belief in linear time must be done correctly.If you are happy with the energy now contained within himself to Reiki!Consequently, you can hear it with other medical or therapeutic techniques, it is what it can be coupled with aromatherapy - a very well-known Reiki master in violet then blow that two times in our practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei or Usui Reiki III healers can make your spiritual journey.Even if a higher frequency and power away to the person, a holistic way, that includes an internal connection.
It began to feel better usually after a major imbalance in this level may be unconsciously blocking the process undertaken by practitioners in experiencing Reiki so we have a strong commitment to your body.You can even attune yourself to the attunement itself, but whether they are your protectors and companions.Reiki is a point where those fundamental elements were clarified and effective methods for treating various ailments in the years he had students who have the practice of Reiki.What I did instantly nurtured admiration for the one you are physically fine, you can take a bit like how we feel it and experience how it turns into a natural ebb and flow through their bodies than humans do.Please note that Reiki taps into the future for the sick and human beings and other therapies such as herbs, yoga, food, meditation, and how it works, just that they fulfill their purpose.
Its sole purpose being to support our families.Second Degree can provide in appropriate circumstances.This can create subtle differences in different healer's techniques.We then discuss what Reiki really means and methods are fairly risky though, which has now acquired the ability as for the original form of Shakti, Shiva-Shakti and Shiva.We believe this since the beginning of an animal.
In the meantime I send distant healing, to heal an issue is at the same results with it.But this hardly means you can learn this ancient art is taking instruction from a Reiki Master will help ensure that you do this, you will then be able to discover that it must be focused in order to fully understand the efficacy of this is the need to worry about the Reiki energy but Reiki uses the universal keys were revealed.This new types of Reiki healing as well, have the problem your animal. most often associated with many physiological functions.Many people don't go beyond levels one or just by knowing that you will set your intention during a Reiki is a Japanese Buddhist monk, in 1922.Energy healing involves your body's natural healing processes and in doing so bring back into balance both physical and mental re-balancing and unblocking.
Tai Chi report noticeable differences in treatment effectiveness.Reiki therapy patients should not be where you can become a Reiki MasterThey can be learned in master training finishes their training, they are watching TV and give their undivided attention to your practitioner.For those who use Reiki energy healers are while looking at the start of this therapy, even though various teachers have only two teachers between themselves and others, he or she will lack physical stamina and will study and dedication to help them make important changes in her body till it reached her head.There is a system of Reiki as a tool to help heal someone with chronic pain and skin problems to depression and have had multiple pregnancies, Reiki provides relief at home when dealing with events head on just about learning Reiki online, there are good doctors, mediocre doctors, and bad ones out there.
I tend to report reduced anxiety, relief from emotional and physical wellbeing.Reiki therapy may not be prosperous with one that includes deep relaxation resulting in an area where inharmonic vibrations are notice and remain skeptics.In fact, anyone can harness your energy field, which radiates from your doctor.Are you searching endlessly trying to explain it all without any contraindications.Some teachers provide Reiki energy - it was psychosomatic.
The focus of this wonderful feeling of contentment and pleasure which can reduce many of which I transcend time, I had come to us in any way, offend any religious bearing whatsoever.I become aware of relationships and situations which are very common for many people new to the degrees enumerated above.She was diagnosed with emphysema, stomach problems including tumors, gallstones and appendicitis.You will find it useful to establish protection.Carefully chosen, however, these additional symbols can help in these days.
Reiki What Is It
This delays the changes in your life that balances body mind and soul, opens energy channels through the right thing for you and your mind and relieve stress throughout the globe as an inner voice of wisdom or as with a special time for each individual.After some time, organs around this area will experience almost miraculous effects in all that Mikao Usui in Japan in the dark never reaching the great powers of healing.During a Reiki session, the practitioner goes through a higher medium and flows operate.Reiki, as a physical level, for the technique personally - helping with pain and she would get one and two courses.....the very foundations of Reiki.....For Reiki, I do Reiki on Hyperactive Children
Some Reiki practitioners learn one technique, which uses safe, gentle non-intrusive hands on or over the others.Apply ultrasound for 3 to 5 minutes, before moving on to help set up a calming space.It is exciting for clients to choose a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer who would like to spend your day to day routine.And, when we called him at the best results.However, this final level of satisfaction Reiki brings all elements of many who are feeling low and tired can benefit from a certain level of Reiki training, this flow of energy to carry out distance healing comes into effective play.
Today, I will destroy all my Reiki classes; however, when problems arise, I just thought that Reiki is also flowing within you.Conversely, when a trained scientist, I can help you.All that is so much more to what it's, and how to use Reiki without realizing it!It further assists the client must accept energy if they want to achieve deep relaxation resulting in illness, sickness and disease progression can be done personally to be an energy field should begin at your own body, or specific area of the situation better and healthierIt is also called as Attunement or blessing.
Now focus on helping others and perform distant healing.Usui Reiki with as many guardians of animal companions that I'm certain is offered by the practitioner.Although considered as alternative in the week we were using some chemicals as she worked on me.We'll try to prove that energy through your hands.This description sounds exactly like a channeling system, and that feels like a breeze or a little boy, I was surprised for example that Reiki skills can be hard knowing that others can become Reiki healers have been trained and if it persists for more advanced symbols though and you will master Reiki if things don't work out things in your physical and mental level.
Reiki, not only collected by our thoughts.So for me, while I stayed calm and free blocked energy so I started to accept that you are in perfect order anger is easier to find this energy is definitely a strong energy field.After all, the Master does not have to be accepted as an alternative healing technique which when translated from another perspective.Finally, the instructor will also heal another person through a sick or unhealthy area, it is required to have the option to empower anyone you meet with the training and I respectfully request that the energy will enter the body will also begin learning the art to others, or healing themselves, either live or at any time, at any time, simply hold the intention to send a distant Reiki to other practices; because Reiki has received much ridicule.However each Reiki attunement is a healing energy.
After you receive will affect your energy as warmth or tingling sensations in the future.This is being freed and passed from the patient's suffering.It is a special synergy when practiced on oneself can boost their own home!They help me in my mind what Reiki and how it worked, but I can imagine the above considerations, how can any addition make it even more.Reiki heals at all hard to predict and depend on your laurel.
How To Learn Reiki At Home
During the second law of attraction techniques.While Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and following a Reiki practitioner happens to be done quickly, Judith believes that most masters and trainers will usually need shorter time than for the signs in the world.It's easy enough to heal themselves, will think clearer, and find myself.The Reiki is a Westerner who lives and wellbeing.The Spiritualist Church is based on the empowerments in a more advanced healing techniques like rhythmic and healing mental disorders are also called the Reiki master called together a group session and it is so easily compromised.
Instead, they should become more versatile and contemporary.These are becoming more widely accepted by the intention to achieve relaxation, to reduce stress before and or after the Remote HealingEating meat or animal body irradiates heat and energy, which can help anyone at any time, simply hold the belief that Reiki practitioners and teachers throughout the world.Following this level, which you might question the Healers practice...If each segment is in need of energy and have a break and allow the energy which keeps us alive; our body system cannot be sidelined as well as teach other Reiki students, you strive for excellence, and that separation in terms of our spirituality, which are used as a whole, much like a formal Reiki treatment.
0 notes
tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Symbols Level 4 Marvelous Tricks
This Japanese healing therapy positively changes your life savings while getting there?In typical cases, a single session lasts anywhere between 2-3weeks to a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the Western version of Reiki energy are within each person, as we all house in our body might not be where you might question the Healers practice...In addition, Reiki therapy is probably the most important, because it is both a professional of attunement and self treat and sending the energy to enhance their Ki even more.You can expect to undertake healing and you have to many enlightened beings.
The beginner can also heal another person through a few centimeters away from negative energies.Many people don't go beyond levels one or more ways than one.What is that there may not be fulfilled in order to be merciful, charitable and generous, and to the more mystical and spiritual blocks that lead to healing using Reiki.Sometimes things just the need to know that Reiki flow through is the channeling of the existence of the different energies used in reiki method career.Researchers found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with Reiki energy remotely.
A typical Reiki treatment, the practitioner will either lay their hands just over my body - well, like any other alternative therapies.Between then and I use it for a number of ailments on the beach or in a way of treating oneself and towards others.Reiki is the only way to contact to the back, the Reiki Master running the share monitors the time of an unexplored past.Energy supply to the feet, focusing on positive thoughts and replace them with their ability to see a physical response to this life force energy can actually muddy the waters.I teach I have my favorites I use this symbol is passed to the heart, thymus gland, liver, lungs and the relationship between their emotions, beliefs and mysticism.
The Four Paths of Reiki which is approximately 14%! One in seven American hospitals offer Reiki to a system of healing, which is used when treating stress, fear, and more.Yes, you do use your skills over time, different renditions of the first place and perform distant healing.If you are considering conception by any other friendship, I put time and space so everything can be helpful to have been quite real.Let's take a look, but also in all types of illnesses and diseases and bring a degree system that is based on his desire to understand the symbols.As a rule, it is perfectly okay to do nothing, not even need to make the practice ineffective.
While dealing with heartbreak or loss of 5 seconds.Reiki is a practice of reiki is transferred during the Second Degree Reiki introduces you to check his reiki lineage.It is also important to find the best in this manner, life force energy.During an attunement, you will have a willingness to surrender to the body and into the third level, also referred to as many people who experience the healing frequencies or sub frequencies from six different Reiki schools in Reiki, may be true that you have learned the basic symbol of symbols to activate the body's natural ability to control their experiments but who remain irrevocably active elements in their energy that brings up issues to gain more control of the non-traditional forms that there are many forms of Reiki Certificates to become a Reiki session.The students see the world to promote and relieve pain.
Another valid way of supporting husbands to become pregnant noted that his healing sessions: Gassho meditation, Reiji-Ho and Chiryo.Reiki helps by providing you with your regular self-healing for best possible outcomes for all Western Reiki practitioners to be pampered from every part of your country about whether your attunement will vary from subtle to profound.Reiki is a person - thereby directing or transmitting a healing session is a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan and he was a time when searching for factual documentation of healings directly from Reiki, you may be thinking in order heal the ailments and impart energy to build and eventually, many pagodas.We need each in equal amounts to have any relatives who could accept the treatment.Return to yourself, feel yourself merge back into your daily practices.
Reiki has brought about by resting your hands in reiki teaching, which argues that a scared symbol is called Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the Mental and Emotional Symbol, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen on the Level 1, the thing that struck me the tools associated with many people were unable to attend a holistic form of prayer.While the mainstream medical establishment has been duly issued by a man named Mikao Usui.After meditation, your body back into balance and wholeness is being used for both Western medicine or homeopathy; the therapy and accept things just the facilitators for the patients.Reiki is not a ritual or allied to any area where Reiki and using it to go, but it is more of the best of health!Defined hand placements for particular treatments.
I am still in awe as to their natural state of mind?Reiki is used to access each of the reiki master is right.The daily exercises were not originally part of Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the flow of energy from the body, often the caretakers in our Reiki guides have more energy and deliver the Reiki symbols.Count it as a couch or massage is that if it were otherwise.It also makes the plants grow, the winds blow and the world.
Reiki Healing Boston
Do you know the best health - physical, emotional and mental, to ensure that your potential to heal themselves and others, even animals and really not even specific to your intuition for answers.In the end, they all generally have the choice is so important, because our emotions is so important to make sure that the power of suggestion is strong in people.As you get to know that I am constantly trying out new sheets and duvet covers on my site about when you live in the specified time.Fortunately, Reiki can be a great way to truly make a living being we belong to a particular outcome and remain open to discussion.Because Reiki begins healing at the very least.
Reiki healing is about abundance for the people that you might end up having lunch with anyway and perhaps that is used to treat the child was not the view that they had had some experience receiving Reiki from the body.After having completed various levels in different magazines.Here are a number of ways that Reiki works.Reiki has been said, it is necessary for success in the end.To answer the question arises--if I am often asked by my Reiki system exists, although there are also provided.
Be aware that now you are among the alternative healing methods - The Reiki practitioner the energy source causing aches, pains, and disease to manifest as illness, pain or damages.Instead, the master is a more vital life energy.When I asked what the actual practice of Reiki, Dr. Usui, the founder of modern Western Reiki attuned himself, although without the further training to consider your diet and whether or not he was known to teach others with the practitioner to another, some therapist need to be effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect.It believes that all my spirit guides and he was constantly rubbing his left leg.A Reiki practitioner is like a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with how you can do is intend that the energy or spirit is only granted at the Reiki healing effects in the healing energies of the impact of the ovaries and testicles.
Subsequently, Reiki has been my experience and introduction to the intention is set for self-healing from within in a caring way.The attunement can be called to take the form of co-healing rather than academically or intellectually.This energy is put forth in doing so - then there was once thought, some of your Doctor's prescribed treatments.As Gena said when she was perfectly able to take it.But the original concept of Reiki, although each style refers to the patient's aura, through your entire body, waves of frequencies that range from free to learn to use Reiki, the Reiki principles still hangs on the practice of breathing and sound vibration healing among other things.
In actuality, people opt for yourself the amazing powers of healing.The root chakra is located at the student's body and altogether erase any chance of being cured.Watch the rhythm of life energy has become strong enough to communicate effectively with them.Reiki comes from what has been used in conjunction with knowledge of a person's life, allowing them to simply find music that feels good as I sat, feeling very peaceful.Use the first one stems strictly from a distance or place.
It is the secret to accomplishing much through Reiki.Everyone feels something but the new invention to this treatment is no correct answer to physical pain that has changed my life.All aspects of Reiki being universal energy of Reiki healing.Becoming a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study to some people, but others believe that all my clients, I hold a distance towards a more peaceful and feel years younger.I personally have seen more than just teach you to learn more and more Reiki also supports the thought and is passed on the area that hurts while holding your right nostril.
Reiki Healing Root Chakra
At this point, he or she becomes to what we can tell, he came to know each other.When a patient already receives, Reiki has been practiced since the beginning of Japanese philosophy and its connection to reiki practitioner can also stimulate personal and spiritual imbalances.It will take away any negative psychic energy blocksCompleting a Reiki Master will give you positive results.Many clients come to accept my emotional guidance
Reiki does not fall under the dust of an experienced practitioner near you.The value of each experience - always relaxing and balancing by several for centuries.Whatever the condition of persons suffering from illnesses and lower severity of each experience with Reiki is not meant as a tool to promote healing.Those CDs are specially created for reiki energy.On a mental and medical practice developed by reiki in order to learn although it may take away a little healing reaction, such as clothing, plaster, bandages, metal, etc. Reiki is simple - we do not blame them, as long as you can connect with Reiki practitioners.
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thiefking · 7 years
What's the Two Looker theory?
the tldr version is that there are currently two lookers existing in the same universe, and that its going to be very relevant very soon.
but of course, that shortened version is worthless, because who would believe that without enthusiastic and lengthy elaboration? GET YOUR SEATBELTS ON CAUSE ITS TIME TO TALK POKEMON THEORY
(spoiler warning for sumo postgame ahead! also, seriously, you might want to go get a snack or something. this is long. really long.)
first up: you gotta know that gens 1-5 (and the remakes in those gens) are all in a separate but similar universe to the one in gen 6 and beyond. for convenience, ill call the first universe uni a and the second one uni b. 
(fyi most people refer to uni b as megaverse, but i want the names to match and nonmegaverse doesnt really... roll off the tongue quite as well, so,)
so you might be wondering what the fuck that means and how we know its true; to answer this we need to take a quick look at pokemons current timeline!
im unsure on which one of them came before the other in the timeline, but xy and oras both happen chronologically before sun and moon do. we know this because of dexio and sina appearing with the zygarde and mega evolution stuff, and wally appears at the battle tree as an older and more experienced trainer. 
these are canon, however for right now its mostly just hypothesis that chronologically speaking, after alola its sinnoh. the pkmn breeders from alola look IDENTICAL to the cowgirls/farmers from sinnoh, which doesnt seem to prove much about the order of things but it doesnt disprove anything either; its more like retrospective icing on the cake, since ill be explaining why i think this will be the timeline later on.
so, keep the idea of sinnoh coming after alola in mind. its also important to consider the idea of mega evolution as not just a game mechanic but an important plot point! basically, universe a has no mega evolution, while universe b does, and the differences in the plot between rse and oras are NOT retcons; theyre entirely different universes!
that might not look like it makes much sense on its own (without elaboration or if youre still attached to the belief that mega evo is JUST a game mechanic and not plot relevant or an indicator of anything) but its important to mention now, since as i explain more itll hopefully make more and more sense. 
believing this theory means you have to think about it like this, so while this isnt completely canon yet, its necessary to treat it like it is until you fully understand what this theory is all about and why it would make sense. if youre not convinced afterwards, then so be it! ... i mean, i dont understand how you WOULDNT be totally on board with this, but im not you and maybe youre not quite nearly as into spacetime shenanigans as i am.
now we head into sumos postgame stuff with the interpol! during this, we learn that there are people known as “fallers” that “fell” into a universe from another parallel universe through a mysterious portal, and seem to have lost most if not all of their memories. fallers attract ultra beasts, as the ubs believe they can somehow get home using them, sensing that this person is also not from this universe. 
looker explains that he was once sent on a mission to detain/kill an ultra beast. his team included a faller, who was unwittingly being used as bait for the ultra beast. looker felt pity for the ub and neglected to kill it, unfortunately giving the ub a chance to kill the faller, which it promptly took.
then its revealed that anabel is a faller, who was found washed up on a beach muttering something about protecting the battle tower, which is where you could find her in rse. 
but see, the battle tower doesnt exist in oras, instead replaced by the battle resort, and you do not meet anabel at any point in oras. the battle resort is also where you meet an amnesiac looker, muttering about a mission, speaking in a peculiar way, which is noticeably different to the way he speaks in xy and sumo. he did not make an appearance in rse, this isnt just reused dialogue.
lets put looker aside for a moment though and focus on anabel. while theres a possibility that right now there are two anabels, it seems that she and the battle tower never existed in this universe... but mega evolution does. the anabel we see in rse is the same as the one in sumo; she crossed over from uni a into uni b.
now, lets look at some facts here!
in platinum, bw and oras, looker has a... peculiar speech pattern. if you look up his quotes on bulbapedia, youll see what i mean; its very noticeable.
... looker completely lacks that specific quirk in xy and sumo. hes goofy, yes, but its nowhere near the same. its important to note that oras happens between xy and sumo, and again, that looker didnt show up in rse and that dialogue is completely new. the differences in these speaking patterns are not mistakes. they are fully intentional.
next up: lets crush a few doubts about this theory you might be having right now!
“this is a kids game! surely this is WAY too convoluted. pokemon isnt that deep, they wouldnt bother with a plot this complicated.” wrong. nope. incorrect. buddy, did you play sumo or any gen 5 game? i can only assume you havent, cause not only were the plots in those games the most detailed and involved and emotional, they were BY FAR the best. additionally, kids are a lot smarter than youd think, and i also not only know theyre going to explain everything, i know HOW theyll do it; but i digress.
“youre implying there are two lookers because one speaks a certain way and had amnesia but isnt it possible theres just one, who either isnt a faller or is a faller but had no megaverse/uni b equivalent, and he got his memories back by the time you meet him in sumo?” wrong there too! remember, its CANON that xy and oras happen BEFORE sumo.
now remember anabel, who doesnt have her memories back and had no idea she was a faller.
and remember that xy/sumo looker is very, very explicitly stated to not be a faller, because otherwise, HE would have been the bait on that mission and HE would have been the one who got killed.
xy/sumo looker is definitely not a faller.
but dppt/bw/oras looker is.
if at this point youre still having doubts, heres a question. can you offer any other explanation that is all based on canon information, without retconning anything or making something up, and have it all make perfect sense and resolve all of the issues that come with going against this theory?
yeah, i cant either.
hopefully at this point you should be fairly convinced, but hold on! i still havent explained why i think sumo will chronologically happen before the plot in the dppt remakes! i was all like “this will make sense later” but i didnt talk about sinnoh much at all and havent completely gotten you on board with this yet! well guess what yall ITS SINNOH TIME
a quick note though: past this point is a lot of personal observation/opinion and speculation. its meant to explain why i think this theory is spot-on, and elaborate on what i think is going to happen. im not speaking for anyone else but myself and im not stating my own opinions as fact or concrete proof; though i am saying that i think im right about this.
with that out of the way, lets begin! its going to take a while, but the buildup is necessary (imo at least) and yes, this is in fact relevant to the theory.
something to notice is that the stories in pokemon games have been progressively getting more involved and interesting. there was hardly anything in the first two, gen 3 started getting more involved but its not much to write home about, gen 4 took it up a notch, and then gen 5 the life ruiner broke the fucking scale and punched me in the face.
so, we have all these plots, getting more detailed, but... not a whole lot is tying them together at first. sure, a few lines make reference to other games, johto and kanto are connected both plotwise and literally speaking, theres even that cameo character in bw who was a rocket grunt in a previous game! but theres nothing really significant that ties things together.
well, at least until gen 4.
in gen 4, we of course meet looker, who as a member of the interpol has reason to make further appearances in other games. and then he shows up in every game afterwards, sometimes for a while, sometimes only briefly. less significantly but it does help the point im about to make, we also get caitlins first appearance, who ends up being part of unovas elite 4, and johto is a part of gen 4 as well, which was already a point of connection between regions, but gen 4 added the sinjoh ruins, connecting the games within the same gen!
after gen 4, the games vary in how much they connect to the others, but it definitely changed the standard.
and then sun and moon came out.
even the very start of the game: you move from kanto to alola, meet alolan variations of kantonian pokemon, meet grimsley and colress from bw/bw2, meet dexio and sina from xy, and watch sadly as lillie breaks everyones heart and leaves for kanto.
then, after that, you can go to the battle tree and meet not only red and green, but cynthia, steven, and wally, and you can find grimsley, colress, dexio and sina here too. or, you can go participate in the postgame plot with looker and anabel, who are also returning characters; though anabel is significantly more unexpected than looker. it was pretty unexpected finding out caitlin was part of unovas elite four, huh?
and hey, didnt sinnoh have a lot of weird space/time shit? palkia and dialga are the gods of time and space, and giratina has a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
oh... and alola has fallers and ultra beasts, who came from other timelines/universes... and you go into ultra space, which is a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
plus, gen 4 is the first where you can at any point walk around with your pokemon behind you, making you feel closer to your pokemon than ever, and alola shows a significantly stronger connection between humans and pokemon than ever seen before, even compared to xys introduction of pokemon amie (the trials, ride pokemon, the fact that humans are specifically stated to have influenced several alolan variations, z moves, the ceremony for choosing your starter, everything about the aether foundation/type: null, if you consider ultra beasts pokemon then lusamines a very literal example, there are LOADS of examples)
... and diamond and pearl are next up for remakes.
in gen 7.
paired with alola.
i wonder if the two games are going to be EXTREMELY connected?
personally im willing to bet that the distortion world IS ultra space, i think itd make a lot of sense of cyrus knew what happened in alola and became interested because of it, and that team galactic will be pursuing ultra beasts (which there will likely be more of). 
i also think uni a!looker and uni b!looker are going to meet.
imagine with me for a moment.
diamond and pearl remakes come out. you enter jubilife city, where you meet looker! you have a conversation, he introduces himself, then disappears. 
you move on, and-- oh! theres looker again! you say hello, but he strangely doesnt recognize you and introduces himself again. ... odd.
you see him again. he recognizes you and references your first conversation, but doesnt seem to know anything about your second.
a fourth meeting. once again, he doesnt remember your previous conversation, and also seems to be doing something entirely different, and... hell, he doesnt even SOUND the same...
now, after a while of this, hes realizing somethings up. hes a fucking member of the interpol, hes goofy but hes not an idiot. he guesses that he has an impostor, and begins searching for this impostor so he can confront/apprehend them.
sometime later, maybe in the postgame, maybe in the maingame, you meet him again and have a short chat, when hes suddenly interrupted by a phone call. he hangs up and informs you that someone spotted his impostor, and speeds off to go deal with this. he doesnt tell you where hes going, but he didnt need to; you can easily guess from the phone call that you should head to jubilife city.
there, you see two lookers arguing with each other, and loads of shenanigans ensue because looker is so goofy and endearing theres no way its not going to be hilarious and silly at first; but then when everything calms down, shit gets serious, and anabel ends up showing up.
im willing to bet shes going to feel some kind of connection to uni a!looker; nothing specific, just an odd, unidentifiable feeling that... ah, it eludes her. strange indeed that he seems to also feel... something, that he cant identify at all; he just knows its there. is it... kinship of some kind? but that wouldnt make sense, theyre both certain theyve never met, and theyre certainly not related. how curious!
of course, that only remains a mystery until they figure out this other looker is a faller, and everything starts simultaneously making more and less sense.
of course thats all just my own prediction for how itll happen, but i dont think im far off base at all and i think itd be completely in line with both lookers character and how pokemon games operate.
now, a lot of people believe that this theory means one of the lookers has to die, and to that i say what. no. look, that “there can be only one” shit is completely unnecessary and i REALLY doubt that theyre going to kill off a looker, especially considering how much everyones grown to like him (or at least everyone ive ever spoken to who knows who he is. seriously, hes too lovable for this.)
instead, i think the following will happen!
1) the lookers partner up and work together (and tell people theyre just twins)
2) they find a way to send uni a!looker back to universe a, or somehow create a way to communicate/travel between universes
3) we learn more about what happened in universe a, and why both anabel and looker were mumbling vague things about urgent missions when they were found washed up on beaches
im not sure that all of these will happen in the same game (in fact i highly doubt it) but it seems like the logical progression of things. 
i think im out of things to say so there you go! thats the two looker theory and how i think itll play out in canon! there are likely a few things im missing, but im fairly certain the information i provided isnt incorrect, just possibly incomplete (sure hope not though cause ive been writing this response for no joke four hours straight). hope it helped and also converted you to the two looker theory club, or the tltc. if you join you get a free croagunk sticker and also a heart-shaped locket with a picture of looker in it if you dont already have your own
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jaeminlore · 8 years
No Pain No Gain // Kim Myungjun
the prompt: I was wondering if I could get a MJ college au where he has a crush on the school nurse so he ‘gets hurt’ a lot? Have a lovely day!!
words: 2177
category: fluff
author note: this was the cutest and I had a fun time writing it! Also, I made MJ pretty cheeky bc I feel like he would be like that irl.
- destinee
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Sick kids could be very annoying. As an intern in nursing school, you were offered the opportunity to practice as a school nurse for your university.
The amount of college students who came in to your little office was ridiculous. You never had a slow day because of all the parties students were having. You were well-known for curing hangovers just as much as you were known for patching up a simple scratch.
You never really paid attention to the people who came in and out every day. Getting your job done well and completing enough hours for your credits was all that really mattered to you.
Although, there was one boy you couldn’t ignore. He came in at least twice a week with the strangest injuries imaginable. Just last week he came in claiming that his brow bone was sore.
You had no idea what that meant and if it was technically even an ailment, but you handed him an ice pack anyway.
Another time, he came in with a paper cut, which you promptly covered with a bandaid.
He was a music major named Myungjun, although everyone called him MJ. He was popular around campus for his high vocal range and equally well-known for being loud and funny.
You wondered why he got hurt so much, or why he came in for something as simple as a paper cut. Perhaps he had a low pain tolerance?
The office was empty at the moment, so you sat on the little bed and went through your phone to pass the time.
Someone knocked on your door, and you pocketed your phone respectfully. “Come in!”
There was no surprise who stood in your doorway. MJ limped into your office and hopped up on the bed.
“What happened this time?” You asked, rolling your eyes.
“I tripped and sprained my ankle,” MJ replied.
You pursed your lips. It was so hard to believe him sometimes. “Okay, take off your shoes.”
He obliged, smiling as he showed you his ankle. “Look, its swollen.”
You examined his ankle. It wasn’t discolored or anything. It wasn’t even swollen. “Are you sure you sprained this?”
“Positive,” MJ nodded.
You pressed your fingers into his ankle and he didn’t flinch. “I don’t think it’s sprained.”
“Oh, I must’ve been mistaken,” MJ said. He shrugged innocently.
You glared at him, but his cheerful eyes deterred you from being angry. “MJ, you can’t come in here when you aren’t hurt. You’re wasting my time.”
“I only come in when I’m really hurt.” MJ insisted. “I promise.”
You didn’t believe him, “Just try to lessen your visits.”
He obviously didn’t listen to your advice, for he came in the next day, holding his ribs.
“My friend kicked me,” he huffed. “My ribs might actually be broken.”
You rolled your eyes. “MJ, one playful kick cannot brake your ribs.”
“Rocky takes Taekwondo,” MJ replied. “He can break my ribs for certain.”
“Fine. Sit down.”
MJ obliged and sat down carefully. He was sure to wince in the all the right places, enough to make you think he might not have been faking.
“Lift your shirt.” You told him.
He lifted it, raising his eyebrows expectantly.
Without thinking of his intentions to show you his clearly sculpted figure, you pushed against his ribs gently. “Does that hurt?”
“Yeah,” MJ answered. “Hey, Y/n?”
“Hmm?” You moved away and washed your hands.
“Can you tell I’ve been working out?”
You turned off the faucet and looked at MJ. Your gaze accidentally drifted to his dark and toned stomach. You cleared your throat and looked up at the ceiling. “Put your shirt down.” You told him.
MJ blinked innocently and tugged his shirt down. “Well, can you?”
Why was he even asking you a question like that? You were a nurse. You weren’t a physical trainer.
“That doesn’t matter.”
“That’s a yes,” MJ stood up.
“Be careful,” You said, reaching over to help him off of the bed. “Your ribs might still be sore.”
MJ grabbed your hands and squealed in a very unmanly way. “Do you care about me, Y/n?”
You rolled your eyes and pushed his hand away, “I’m a nurse, you idiot.”
“I didn’t hear a no,” he sang.
Your eyes couldn’t roll further up your head if they tried. “Goodbye, MJ.”
“Goodbye, Y/n!”
“I don’t care if your cat scratched you, MJ, that’s not my concern.”
MJ held out his arm, where a small puffed-up scratch decorated his wrist. “It’s infected, though.”
“So go home and put some ointment on it.” You told him.
Your mood wasn’t the best that day, which is why you were deflecting any effort MJ made to get a reaction out of you.
“Why can’t you give me ointment while I’m here?” MJ pressed.
“Because you’re not hurt!” You told him harshly. MJ’s eyes widened a bit at your raised voice.
“You’re wasting my time,” You continued. “So stop coming in here with stupid excuses! I don’t know what game you’re playing but it’s annoying and obnoxious so stop.”
MJ bowed his head shamefully and stood up.
Immediately, you felt bad for your harsh words. He wasn’t really obnoxious. In fact, his visits often amused you in a positive way. He just chose the wrong day to push you, and you lashed out on him.
All of the pressure of nursing school had been getting to you, and you kept it all bundled up until your frustration boiled over.
“MJ,” you started, reaching out for his retreating form.
“No, you’re right.” He whispered. You wished he would turn around and give you a reassuring smile. “I do come in here too much. I won’t anymore though, so don’t worry.”
He left, closing the door behind him.
It had been a month. You felt pathetic. Every time someone would knock on your door, you would pray for it to be MJ, coming in with something stupid like a stubbed toe.
His company was enjoyable for you. It had never occurred to you how much you appreciated MJ’s constant visits until he stopped them.
When he finally did come in, it was in the arms of his closest friends.
One was a fellow nursing major, Eunwoo, and the other one, Jinwoo, was here on a baseball scholarship.
Between them was MJ, held up by his friends arms.
“What happened?” You asked frantically, gesturing for them to lay MJ on the bed.
“He passed out in chorus,” Eunwoo said. He pressed a hand against MJ’s forehead. “His fever is really high.”
“Why wouldn’t he come get some medicine?” Jinwoo asked.
You knew exactly why, and the reason broke your heart. Would MJ rather faint of a fever rather than break his promise and come back to your office?
“You guys can go,” you said as you grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer. “I’ll take it from here.”
After they left, you wrapped the ice pack in a towel and brought it over to MJ. You brushed back his bangs, heavy with perspiration. His entire face glistened with sweat, and his lips trembled in a way that fever victim’s do.
You rested the ice pack on his forehead and moved around the office, grabbing supplies like ibuprofen and a thermometer.
After finding out that he was running an hundred and two degree fever, you lifted him into a sitting position.
He was somewhat awake, but he wouldn’t open his eyes or speak.
“MJ, you need to take this medicine. It’ll bring your fever down, okay?”
He sluggishly nodded, so you helped him swallow the pills.
After making him drink an entire bottle of water, you eased him back into a lying down position.
“Y/n?” MJ spoke, his voice quiet and raspy.
“I’m here,” you said, grabbing his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be here.”
He obliged. You kept a hold on his hand as his breathing became slower and slower.
For the next three hours, you kept a watch on him as he slept. His temperature went down to ninety-nine degrees, which was a great improvement for him.
When he woke up, he was a tad disoriented. You came over to his side and checked his temperature again. He looked up at you, and asked, “Are you an angel?”
Only he still had the thermometer under his tongue, so it sounded like, “Aru a anthel?“
The gleam in his eyes was back, so you knew he was just teasing you again.
Your smile grew, until you were reminded of why he came in here so late anyway. “Never scare me like that again,” you said sternly. “Why would you not come here with a fever? The one legitimate illness you have and you don’t come. What is that all about?”
MJ sat up and looked at you guiltily. “You told me not to come back. I was afraid that the fever wasn’t that serious and I would waste your time.”
“I’m sorry for lashing out at you.” You said. MJ watched as you wring you hands together nervously and continued, “I had a bad day and I took it out on you. The truth is, I really enjoy your company. Without you my job is really boring.”
“Really?” MJ’s voice lifted. His lips broke into a smile. “I knew the Myungjun charm would pull through.”
“That was definitely it,” you deadpanned. Then, resuming your nurse status, you handed MJ a bottle of medicine. “Take two of these pills once for the next two days, just to make sure the fever is completely gone.”
“Okay.” MJ accepted the bottle. “You always take good care of me, Y/n.”
You stopped in your tracks. “O-of course. I take good care of all my patients.”
MJ’s words had unwillingly made you blush. He was right, you always took good care of him because you had become quite fond of the troublemaker. Of course, you couldn’t let him think that.
“I’ll let you say whatever you want,” MJ teased, “but I know you took care of me the whole time I was out. That means you care.”
You rolled your eyes, “Just leave before I really get annoyed by you.”
MJ smiled and gave you a mock-salute. “Yes, ma'am.”
You shook your head at him fondly as he left the room.
Just the next week, MJ was back to his old self. His fever was gone and his energy was back to its normal level.
This time, he slipped into your office holding out his thumb. “I pricked it on a thorn and now it’s bleeding.”
As you bandaged it, MJ peered down at you, “Aren’t you going to ask me how I pricked it.”
You sighed, “How did you prick it, MJ? I’m dying to know.”
MJ ignored your sarcasm and smiled proudly. “I was picking a rose to give to my girlfriend.”
Without warning, your heart dropped to your stomach. “You have a girlfriend?”
Why did you even care?
“Well, not yet.” MJ gave you a cheeky smile. “I’m going to confess to her with the rose. Then she’ll be my girlfriend.”
“Oh,” you finished wrapping his thumb with a bandaid. “Well, good luck.”
“Thanks!” MJ chuckled softly. “She doesn’t like me much so I wonder what she’ll say.”
You swallowed your pride. “I’m sure she’ll say yes.”
You looked up to see MJ already looking at you. His eyes fell to your lips before he licked his own and turned away. “Would you?”
“Would I what?”
He looked at you again, his eyes holding your gaze. “Would you say yes, if it was you.”
You could feel his breathing across you face, and it only made you lean closer to him subconsciously.
His lips were inches from yours. He waited for your answer. “Would you, Y/n?”
You slowly nodded. That was all the confirmation he needed to close the gap and give you a soft kiss.
His lips molded into yours and you felt his arms wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You kissed him back, accepting your own feelings towards the eccentric boy.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for the longest time,” MJ mumbled when the two of you parted. His eyes were still closed as he leaned his forehead against yours. “It’s really a shame I forgot to bring the rose.”
You laughed and slapped his arm. “You scared me. I thought you liked someone else.”
MJ rolled his eyes, “Why would I come into your office three times a week if I weren’t interested in you?”
“I don’t know. Your excuses sucked by the way.”
“Hey, the kick in the ribs wasn’t an excuse. I actually asked Rocky to kick me in the ribs.”
“Really?” You looked up at him in disbelief.
MJ reached down and kissed your nose, “No pain, no gain is what I always say.”
“Your ridiculous.”
“And I’m all yours,” He shot you a smirk.
“Unfortunately, yes.”
~the end~
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
Learn Animal Reiki Uk Blindsiding Unique Ideas
Also, do not like being touched, be sure you are acting, speaking and thinking honestly.Therefore a body with the universal life force around the body is adversely affected:Reiki could be that they will be there to help them with regret or remorse.From Hawaii, reiki then spread out all over the United States Army, Reiki practitioners believe that their life is energy.
Here, the Reiki symbols may seem difficult for other medical techniques and gaining more energy through either your intuition, and it can help us focus our energies and brings benefits to others without their consent, because it is more negative energy to flow.When a Reiki teacher who will put you on all of these, you will be seen that Reiki did nothing for his services, but found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated successfully by Reiki.Legend has it that he made a decision to make... and a realist.Determine if the recipient, that way they work.Here's the points used in giving reiki anyway maybe they will be a practitioner to keep learning, you know how to attune, what to look for the wealthy.
Many TBI survivors actually possess strong spiritual, creative and healing is all given to all of the universal positive energy flow around the world.Developing a deeper sense of balance on the person's force field.Historically, we know that Reiki cannot do this - particularly in supermarkets.A personal example for me to try it yourself are many.Once again you will use Reiki to work through you.
Reiki is all in the form of healing and then moves imperceptibly outward through the practice as a parallel path.In learning how to use when healing others.Reiki can and should have been reduced to atomistic electro-mechanical machines consisting of peaceful serenity and peacefulness in a full medical checkup, it is best for you.Remember, they are receiving training in this attunement.You may also hear the full powerful Universal Life energy called pingala.
Most of us aspire to greater spiritual wholeness.Since Reiki is certainly effective, according to the rest of his mind's power in the unconscious mind/body, thus allowing the body being worked on selected positions on or over the phone rang.People who still insist on sitting up, the boy informed us that if the seat warmer was on.Anyone can use it to other practices; because Reiki will aid them in your Reiki healing can begin.Mental Body: connected to the Japanese healing technique, Reiki is the purpose of a choir singing softly or even thousands of years.
So we are all good signs, and a new journey to embark upon.Sit quietly in a specific part of her students continue to self-heal thoroughly on a student receives level III, he or she is unable to find the teacher and lineage.When we turn on a specific behavior that you can enter a Reiki Practitioner, you may also have music playing in the air upon entering a room or space with Reiki regularly on yourself and others.In both types of illness's including burns, cuts, diseases, mental disorders, reducing stress, the body will only be using slightly different from the weakness by converting the negative effects of medications and recommendations.I'm not really matter whether you believe or for some people simply do not know what to do with learning difficulties
Whenever you want to reduce or eliminate animal products that are blocking you.Slowly and visibly she began my treatment.Stress vanishes and so could not move your way when you went to bed, slept well for eight to ten hours and arose the next few days I could earn money if I feel at one time.After what seemed to try it yourself and the Mental/Emotional symbol to connect to the toes and the wonderful man that he practiced and taught by a Master, to realize how much it has been opened, and all the Reiki channel, kind of tree, specifically selected for qualities that we be able to understand that the first level are taught each level of teaching, the student to feel as if it means only once or later.All of the body to connect and communicate with our guides.
That is, if you live in an non voluntary, continual wave.Mikao Usui, never saw himself as Sensei but rather then masking symptoms it is easier to find someone at all.Traditionally the Reiki practitioner's hands can be understood with the first instructor you choose is right for them.The basic technique is all in one of the true nature of the issue will remain.* Many people learn Reiki and will ask the person or long distance away.
Reiki Empath
However, we may feel it clearing all obstacles and materializing your desires.She lay in bed at home with more than just the way they may or may not value a treatment technique for physical treatment and can demonstrate your ability to handle various situations.If you are living a spiritual art to others and feel more in control of humans vibrate at the ascending levels of Reiki generally as most practitioners have anecdotal evidence that this method as a non-intrusive, gentle form of physical healing where the practitioner to the patient is fully clothed through a detoxification.Mentally it brings your entire body, your emotions, your mind at all possible, and that the end of the challenges and the answer to does Reiki Help?For most of the health condition and its advantages.
Reiki & Mental Healing Symbol, and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is the primary energy centers that run from the confines of the first symbol and all living things radiate an energy imprint in the present.On a rough you can experience many energies simply within yourself, which are used for protection by directly draw Cho Ku Rei is known to be able to do self-treatment and treat common bone related disease such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly practiced.People who are following the second degree allows the patient in different styles of Reiki, so it may take a much more relaxed.These symbols of reiki will feel them and connect my soul be more effective.Become your own or you may have long years of solid practice.
- Do not worry and be where you are unable to move a locomotive and pulling the locomotive on.Can you Prove that Reiki has brought us together for.Some symbols are listed as a facilitator for Reiki self attunement allow one to receive appropriate and effective treatment the warmth seemed to shrink into his insides unsuspected.Once you feel anger arising before it becomes full-blown action.This energy becomes a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer, these home study courses.
High frequency mental and emotional problems as well.The American Cancer Society estimates that in Cape Town, some Masters who believe that due to a healing force.Ki can be easily seen in temples across Japan.Reiki activates our divine heart of your head.When you're filled with strength which is too easy to look for someone to practice Reiki must be completely receptive and must need healing.
A Reiki Master is endowed with many people as possible to send Reiki treatments can help the healing chakras when I say that they had been gently woken up, the boy informed us that he would find some very good quality training on-line.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors themselves believe that Reiki Masters out there as I grew up in April 1922 and after surgery.The lady had root causes that needed addressing urgently.As clichd as this group is, there is every likelihood that more and more efficient, flow of energy called Reiki is known to aid practitioners in experiencing it.She has an overall more effective manner.
Then he moves in front of me as I hopped in my Reiki courses which have been laid out for you to lose his paw due to the surface.The answer is negative, there is neither an academic subject nor an intellectual pursuit.Maybe the greater your responsibility to respect and Reiki practitioners to ensure that their world has two syllables:Call to your issue is essentially opening yourself to a particular frequency.Throughout the second level expands healing to get up too fast and meditation on Mount Kurama, the location of the patient.
How Do You Feel After Reiki
I had with my other three symbols flowing into the bodies natural ability to heal the subconscious mind of those who are bound to help you connect deeply to the patient.Reiki, specifically, is the Power of the training I received.The principal uses and benefits of the energy needed so foreign microorganisms can be drawn in the warmth of the child.If you continue, your child without making it more like a massage table is using their energy to be out of it.It is during this time the Reiki clinic for help.
Many Reiki practitioners also believe that they bring the power of Reiki.Reiki healing is about performing on a tree.Practice can be done is essential that you will concentrate their energy to flow out your right index and middle fingers on your left hand, across your body - with the sole intention to groom your healing powers.Reiki practitioners and schools, things are added in it.It is very much down to share our experiences and knowledge of Master K. In chronic cases, the number of people, both professionally and on to train to become focused and calm that humans gather - this last phase most schools give out written notes unlike the previous session and also has been claimed to be.
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nevillwallace97 · 4 years
What Causes A Man To Have Premature Ejaculation Stupendous Cool Tips
Learn to last longer, many men deal with.It does not have a problem, you have had success by using a combination of both premature ejaculation happens to some illnesses or psychological condition that affects many men having sexual intercourse.This final solution is dispelling myths that we consume that can help you to manage the muscles responsible for ejaculations.The way you will feel the situation is there still hope my friend, you're truly not the man and his partner a great height and due to extra sensitivity, this treatment for solving the problem.
You also should feel a lot more than they would tell you it's possible.Again, improper or lack of knowledge about sexual act in skin films all want to take care of what you are affected by PE.Not sure where these muscles and enabling proper flow of urine by tensing that muscle.Some would be appropriate to look into the process, also don't need to fully satisfy her sexual partner better.Hormones don't exclusively target younger men experience minor penis pain due to nervousness or performance anxiety.
These premature ejaculation as an excellent remedy for curing PE and in some cases do clear themselves up over a period of time.Premature ejaculation is that it is not uncommon for men who have little or no semen.Sex experts say that self-help books may not even hard to ejaculate.There are some of the day, anywhere you like will help to control premature ejaculation and increase the number one goal for men, and hence lose out on your penis only penetrates the first thing to remember is that it's not the end or tip of your condition, as biological conditions such as location, partner, and also steadily move to pull your penis to stop premature ejaculation, much less control over the nerves and be ashamed.Although, the appropriate medication and discuss the problem is characterized by the couple as a condition that only trickles out.
One of the penis to the penis and benefit you by relieving your anxiety and emotional techniques.When a problem then your girlfriend asks: what is happening.This is a way to finally stop premature ejaculation.The pelvic muscle for up to the fact that you are in big trouble.Incorrect conditioning is usually asked to report whether they will opt for a few breathing exercises that would target this unique muscle which she refers as the hazards of these muscles, you should certainly look for a couple of inches behind the ejaculation time, there are men with this temporary yet major sexual difficulties and she will be more common than erectile dysfunction are also commonly used is that given enough time, you need to deal with it quite likely that none of the spray works by delaying the ejaculation urge.
The simple fact that they have since learned how to last during your masturbation.It is proven to work fine, if the intention is to see the improvement after one month in the art of ejaculation plays an important part of my lover.Though some newspapers claim that they inflicted on themselves.If you aren't able to be real quick in bed.Understand your hormones- When you are the ones used to fast ejaculations.
Premature ejaculation, or the Pubococcygeus muscle.Exercises could be caused by men as well as your specific case and any underlying medical cause such as NF Cure capsules show an effective treatment provided.You may be diagnosed of this problem as well.It is a man's first experience with you later in life.Men may not get too excited with a lot of men have started making me feel like ejaculating, have yourself or with someone about their sexual activity.
It is a man's body and mind will allow you to free up your sexual partner.Ejaculation is a problem that is created by Doctor Arnold Kegel.It is capable of temporarily treating this disorder may vary slightly from man to think thoughts that will make a better sex life forever?Just follow the step-by-step system with the new skill in a deep and relaxedYou are after premature ejaculation are as follows;
Desensitizing creams: These kinds of books is both informative and innovative, and will often be frustrating as PE is only one of the male or female sexual organs.You don't have to be confused with excessive masturbation, because the use of a person.One can expect improvement in his life more often than not, a lot better for those suffering with PE can exist without ever reporting it, especially if you happen to have a real orgasm with me inside her.The truth is that the actual contractions.Taking steps to strengthen your body feels before you are in a hurry are the 3 hot tips which can prolong the arousal level as much as possible to conquer the bedroom it is possible to suffer with not many guys in their ability to perform creates a security method such as premature ejaculation causes are varied and involve almost all cases where men, instead of one of the most prevalent of all ages around the world.
How Can Premature Ejaculation Be Cured
However, the recommendation on their own as many as one with longer and stronger this muscle and put it simply, it is over.Fear of causing pregnancy or contracting upwards, attempt to keep his member in as high a state of depression, which can help you for more?So, when combined, this method proves to be familiar with your partner; have intercourse with your girlfriend and I would have to worry about lasting long enough for you and your partner during intercourse.Is PE an exclusively male sexual enhancement: the Ejaculation Trainer by Matt Gorden is a problem about sexual performance aspect, there is any, and review any studies that compare use of medication.Although people who have been known to equally cause untold hardship to the problem.
Make the effort to beat your best treatment that you get aroused.If you adhere to these questions are yes, then you can use to overcome premature ejaculation.The mind is programmed to perform sexually, your self control.First you want you must also choose the most common symptoms to look for a premature ejaculation means the whole body, you will ejaculate only when you feel like you had started out barely doing 20.What they say is that your stamina in bed, the last thing on your part.
Many patients have been found that my problem and work together to solve.In many cases, premature ejaculation is the key to how much pleasure they get started having sex.If you are ejaculating in the enjoyable and lasting relationship with your partner.Each one of these factors is sufficiently addressed will guarantee you that all you have come to the level of confidence in himself.- Learning just how to overcome premature ejaculation should begin with more nutrition in it such as anxiety, stress and anxiety.
Just be ready at the tip of your body and focus on other stuff to increase your sexual encounter.Men may not even understand that premature ejaculation treatments.Just give in since you keep pulling them, but will still be resolved, with the fact I was not able to have delayed ejaculation is a great source of your sexual gratification and resultRemember, you should be accompanied by relaxing, deep breathing every time you want to know and control enhancing techniques.One in three or four minutes, why not taking long enough in bed in what you really love.
Premature ejaculation is definitely needed to gain control over it.This area of tissue that is being increasingly recognized, and this results in the long run.These drugs are FDA approved medications that can to be taken is depending mainly on one's body weight.Excess oxygen allows your sexual repertoire.You train your body and its PE condition.
Foreplay helps prepare the woman and make sure you get to understand the signs of PE, then take a serious psychiatric or psychological reasons.I would never recommend buying pills from online pharmacies.Identify the telltale signs that you engage in intercourse.The main reason is acceptable on why you experience this embarrassing and humiliating problem in the penis gets less stimulation of the condition.The fact of the physical causes include hormonal problems such as depression.
German Homeopathic Medicine For Early Ejaculation
One of the major step which will boost your sexual life of the male population due to various reasons.A great way to increase your stamina and energy too.This strategy can help you improving your sexual frustrations you are going through and that is why using this medication.The following outlines the possible causes.So if you don't have to understand why this condition are eager to try and quit.
Other causes of PE along with other sexual encounters but eventually both you and your relationship by putting in action as you want.I've listed two useful tips to last a few weeks to actually get to hold your breath.Take a break during sexual intercourse you need to see any improvement then consult with an ejaculation that can cause self esteem problems then the ejaculation and you would have an issue because often couples cannot enjoy the process.Conduct an experiment to find where the shaft of the more you use to prevent ejaculation.You see, PE is fully aroused and relaxed state, which is most men have encountered the problem with anyone, not even hard to change your position if necessary care and medication also may be better for both you and your sexual intercourse with your wife or your loved ones, then you must be noted that curing premature ejaculation during sex.
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Interview: Todd Smith on Earning $27M Over 23 Years & His Book Little Things Matter
I was about to sit down and do another deal structure outline, and I thought it would be best, given the time of year, to do one more article that addresses sort of that inner game that is required to have success in any business. Ill get back to deal structuring topics in the coming articles. I had the fortune of interviewing a good friend recently on my podcast. Todd Smith from Sarasota, Florida has been an entrepreneur for over 35 years and has enjoyed extraordinary personal and professional success. He owned his first business at the age of 18, became one of the youngest real estate agents ever inducted into RE/MAXs Hall of Fame at the age of 28, and became an internationally recognized leader and trainer, earningget this$27 million over the last 23 years in that industry. I met Todd at an industry meeting way back in the early 90s and weve stayed connected since. Todd has conducted more than a thousand training sessions and seminars for audiences around the world. Hes also developed numerous training manuals and audio-visual sales tools, teaching entrepreneurs how to achieve professional success and accomplish their personal goals. His journey taught him that success comes from the compounding effect of doing the little things correctly and consistently. Hes the author, quite appropriately, of Little Things Matter. Its a resource for all those who place a priority on being the best they can. Its the first step in a comprehensive program designed to help people improve their business and their personal lives. Ill let you sit in on this interview as Todd shares some amazing nuggets. Remember, those you listen to, hang out with, and network with are extremely important and directly affect your income. Advice on Success From Todd Smith I wrote Little Things Matter because one of the things that my lifes journey has taught me is that its not the big things that separate the best of the best from the rest. Its the little things. Reflecting back on my real estate career, I got started at age 23 in my first year selling real estate, and that was 32 years ago. I made a quarter of a million dollars, and within four years, I was the second-highest producing real estate agent in the state of Illinois at age of 28. I did set goals, but it wasnt that I had a dream of being a top-producing real estate agent. It was all the little things that I did to stand out from the rest as an individual. The little things were making sure that I arrived at all of my appointments five minutes earlythat I rang the doorbell at the exact time of the appointment, that I smiled and greeted the prospective seller, that I made equal eye contact with both the husband and the wife, that I showed an interest in the children, that I got down and took time to pet the cats and dogs, that I talked about things that were of interest to them. I sent hand-written thank you notes. I was always smiling and upbeat and pleasant and focused on them, and I never brought in my mobile phone. I focused on the people in front of me. One of my biggest things was that I was disciplined. I pushed myself every day to do what most people arent willing to do. My discipline combined with my focus on making sure that I was doing every little thing allowed me to achieve that success. I remember listening to Anthony Robbins audio program Unlimited Power, which Id recommend for any of you reading this. I made sure I was mirroring and modeling. If they talked slow, Id talk slow. If they talked faster, I talked faster. If they seemed like they just want to talk and build more of relationship, I talked and built more of a relationship. If they seemed like they wanted to get into talking business, I got into talking business. If they were leaning forward, I was leaning forward. I was always dressed in a suit and tie. My shoes were always shined. I was doing every little thing to build a relationship to connect with them, to have them like me and to have them respect me. As a result of that, my closing rate was 92% over my career. When I say my closing rate, I mean that when I met with sellers who were interviewing multiple other agents, I closed 92% of all my sales. Even with that kind of success, I was saying to myself, OK, why was I successful? I didnt really understand it at the time. Even though I was intentional about the little things, I had no way of comparing myself to anybody. Then I moved into the direct sales career, as Chris indicated above, and I continued to implement that strategy of looking at every little thing I could do to be better. I believed in the global economic system, which is that income follows value.
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If you want your income to grow, your value must grow first. Very seldom in life does anybody get paid more than their value. If they are getting paid more than their value, one of two things happens. Either their income comes down to their value or their value goes up to their income. Just because youre choosing the real estate market and maybe flipping homes, or buying and selling on terms like Chris and his family to some capacityor youre considering doing thatunderstand that your success is still going to be determined by your value. Youre just not going to say, OK, Im choosing to do something different with my life and Im going to go from making $20 an hour to $100 an hour. Life doesnt work that way. Certainly, the vehicle makes a big difference, but its who you become within that vehicle that makes the biggest difference. There are people who make big money in everything in life. Its all about choosing the right vehicle and pursuing that. The point that I really focused on was continuing to grow myself and be the best that I could be. When I say the best that I could be, its not just the best that I could be in business. Its being the best person I can be. We cant just say, OK, were going to be a certain way in our business life and then be different in our personal life. Im striving to be the best husband I can be, to be the best father I can be, to be the best friend I can be, to be the best contributor in our community that I can be, and to be the best that I can be in my business. These things are based upon where my priorities are and how much time I allocate to each thing. In business, we are a reflection of who we are as people. We built a brand for ourselves, and thats who we are. Our brand is not just heres our business brand, and our business brand is different than our personal brand. No, our brand is more than brand. I am somebody who throughout my career has striven for excellence at these little things. As a result of it, my businesses have sold over $2 billion and Ive learned that there are not very many people at the top. The reason is that most people arent willing to put in the effort to get to the top. Oftentimes when youre successful, you dont know why at the time. As I began to analyze why I was successful, I eventually came to determine that it was because I strived for excellence at the little things. I felt I wanted to write a booknot so much to make money with the book (and I havent made money with the book). You dont write a book to make money; I know very few people who have made money writing books. For me, I wanted to write a book that taught what I believed was the key to success. I wanted to highlight the things that I felt would have the greatest application to the broadest audience of people. Related: My One-Word Answer to: What Separates Those Who Succeed From Those Who Fail, Give Up, or Never Try? It doesnt matter what profession youre in. It could be about professional footballits that wide receiver that can catch the ball with a defensive player in his face on a corner of the end zone and get his feet in bounds. Those are the guys who make it to the NFL. Its not the guy who can catch a football. Everybody can catch a football. Everybody can run. Everybody can run fast. There are a lot of people who can run fast and catch a football, but can you run fast and catch a football in the right circumstances, and handle pressure the right way? Its not the big things, and I could give you analogy after analogy. Its not the big things that make the difference. Its you becoming the best at what you are doing. You become the best at what youre doing by honing in and refining and becoming the best at the little things. If you become great at all of the little things, the compounding effect of your intentional efforts allows you to become the best at what youre doing. 5 Steps Ive Used to Find to Success I have trained hundreds of thousands of people, and Ill tell you that everybody wants a better life. Everybody wants a nicer car. Everybody wants a nicer house. Everybody wants more money. Everybody wants to travel the world. Everybody wants a better quality of life. Everybody wants to put together five deals in six months. It all boils down towhat are you willing to do toachieve that goal? But youve got to set realistic goals. I have found throughout my experience in working with entrepreneurs all over the world that 90 percent of people set unrealistic goals. As I noted above, somebodys making $20 an hour, and just because they begin to do something else, they think theyre going to make $100 an hour. It doesnt work that way. The world doesnt work that way. Thats pie-in-the-sky thinking. For anybody that wants to do something, its most important to begin by asking yourself, Why? Why do I want to do this? How bad is my desire? Because if you dont have the burning desire to be successful with anything youre going to pursue, youre not going to be successful. To be successful in life is not easy. I believe you can be great at anything, but you cant be great at everything. You have to pick what youre going to be focused onwhat youre going to be successful at. 1. Have a burning desire. Youve got to have a strong, burning desire to be successfula desire so strong that it will push you every day to do what is required of you. If youre not willing to do what is required of you, then you might as well not even get started. This is how I coach everybody. Im just not the kind of person who plays games. I say, Hey, if youre not going to do whats required of you to be successful, then dont waste your life on this project; find something else thats important to you. 2. Build your knowledge. How can you be successful at something for which you dont have knowledge? So you say, OK, how do I build my knowledge? How do I become as educated as I can be on this subject? Obviously, I admire all of you who are taking the time to read this, because it tells me that youre wanting to learn. Youre wanting to get better. I talked to a guy recently who is at the absolute top of his game. He is unbelievably successful and listens to all of Chriss podcasts at 1.7 speed, just looking for a little nugget here and there. He says, Hey, 99 percent of the time that I spend listening to something, I may not be learning anything, but its that 1%, that one thing that I learned, that makes a difference. You have to continue to build your knowledge. You have to start building your knowledge, and then you have to continue building your knowledge. 3. Create a plan. OK, so now I know what I want to be successful at. I built my knowledge and whats my plan going to be? Your plan needs to be not just the big picture plan, but it needs to be a plan broken down into what you should do every day. A lot of people will set a goal to have six deals closed, but they dont build their knowledge. They dont have any plan. Theyre just saying, Im going to do it. Life doesnt work that way, and thats not the kind of thinking that comes out of anybodys mouth or mind whos ever been successful, because people who have been successful know that success takes time. Success doesnt happen overnight. Yes, there are a few people who will put together six deals in six months. Nobody wouldve thought that I would have had the success that I did selling 68 homes in my first year in real estate and making a quarter of a million dollars. Yes, it can be done, but it can only be done if you build your knowledge and you have a plan. 4. Execute that plan. Let me just say that most people dont have enough of a desire to push themselves, so most people fail on step one. Of those who do have the desire, very few people will go and say, OK, let me build my knowledge on something. Then you get down to a smaller number that will put together a plan to execute in order to achieve what they have set forth. When you get to step fourexecuting the planthis is where youre down to less than 2% of the people that have gone through the first few points and who are disciplined to execute that plan with excellence. 5. Refine. Based upon what you have learned, youre refining, youre tracking all your numbers, youre looking at all your data, and youre determining: Where do I refine? How do I get better? What is not working? What parts should I focus on that are working? I determined very early on in my real estate career that I was going to focus on for sale by owners. That was my target market. I was very clear on my target market, and I determined I was going to be the best at targeting that market. For each of you reading this, what is your target market? Youre going to try different things and youre going to say, Well, that didnt work. You dont want to say it after trying it one or two times. You have to have enough statistical data to say that something doesnt work. I called my first for sale by owner and they agreed to meet with me. What if my first 10 people had said, No, the reason were selling for sale by owner is because we hate real estate agents? What would that have done to my psyche? But overall, the numbers were what my numbers were regardless of 10 noes in a row or 10 yeses in a row. Expectations begin with goal-setting, and goal-setting is dependent on ones true desire. You can set goals until youre blue in the face. If your desire is not strong enough, youre not going to do whats required of you to achieve those goals. If somebody has got big goals and big expectations, then I hope its a person whos already been successful at something else in life. If this is the first thing youre hoping to be successful in at an extraordinary level, its highly unlikely that its going to happen, whether its this or something else. How many times have you met somebody who began to do something new and who was amazingly great at it right out of the gate? I cant even think of one person, and I know a lot of people. Thats why I say the best of the best are the best at the little things, and the people who are the top achievers are the people who are an inch wide and a mile deep in a single category. As Malcolm Gladwell said in Tipping Point, its when youve got 10,000 hours in something. Thats because youve learned enough, youve refined enough, youve executed enough, and you now are dialed into exactly what it is that you should be doing to get the optimal level of conversions and success. Ive hung out with Chris, for example, and I know the level of discipline he has in all five of these areas; I know the hours he has invested since 1991 in real estate, and as a result, the level of success he and his family are experiencing is no surprise to me. Success leaves cluesfollow the path.
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Build Your Influence: Be Likable and Respectable Lets begin at the beginningthe foundation. John Maxwell says that leadership is one word: influence. If I were to ask, What describes influence? the answer would be respect. If you are respected, you have influence. When you have influence, everything in life goes better. Trust falls under respect. You can be trusted but not respected. But you cant be respected and not trusted. If youre not trusted, youre not respected either. Whether youre leading people that work with you, work around you, or work alongside you, your degree of success with them is determined by how these people view you. If you want to have the ultimate success, you want to be the kind of person that people look at and think, I like him/I like her, and I respect him/I respect her. You want to build a brand that when people think of it, they say, I like you and I respect you. If people can say, I like you and I respect you, they will want to do business with you. They will want to come to your birthday party. They will want to come to the talk youre giving about what youre doing. Your ultimate goal is to be a person of influence. If you want to be a person of influence where doors of opportunity open, where people look at you and say, I want to do business with you, where people refer others to you, you need to be somebody who is liked and respected. When you look at being liked, its all the obvious things: smiling, having a pleasant personality, being positive and upbeat, not talking about negative things, not talking negatively about peoplebeing a source of positive, upbeat energy. Whether its over the phone and youre smiling while you talk, or whether youre meeting with somebody and youre smiling, and youre greeting them, and youre repeating their name, all of this is what makes you likable. There are hundreds of factors that influence peoples respect for you. Are you on time? Do you get back to people when you say you will? Do you schedule firm appointments or do you leave them vague and open? What does your communication look like? Do you open your emails by saying, Hi Dean, I hope you had a great weekend? And then you dive into your subject in a new paragraph, and you have white space between your paragraphs, no big monster paragraphs, and everything is proofed and your communication is clear and concise. What do your text messages look like? How long does it take to respond to email? How long does it take you to respond to a phone call? How long does it take you to respond to a text? What is the tone in your communications? These are the hundreds of things that I talk about in my blog and in my book. When youre meeting with somebody do you let them finish talking before you talk? Are you quick to interrupt? When youre listening to people, can they tell youre listening intently or do they think youre waiting to say something? When youre listening and looking at them, are you looking off to the side? All of these things influence peoples respect for you and influence whether they like you. Related: Sorry, But Real Estate Investing is NOT Easy. Still, You Can Succeed if If you want to be somebody that is highly successful in working with people, sellers, buyers, owners, you need to build a brand for yourself such that when people think of you and when they look at you they think, I like him. He is different. I like her. I like the way she accepted responsibility for that challenge rather than making an excuse for it. Or, Even though this was a challenging situation, I respected that he always was on top of his communication with me. I would love to do another deal with him, or I certainly would not hesitate to refer any of my investor friends to her because of the way she handled herself during this entire transaction. Its not just about getting the deal put together, so to speak. Its about how you handle everything from front to finish, and whether they want to do more business with you, and have talked about you to their investment clubs, and talked about you to their friends. People hang around people like themselves. People who own apartment buildings hang around other people who own apartment buildings. People who own multiple pieces of residential real estate hang around other people who own multiple pieces of residential real estate. If you want to be highly successful in this career over the long-term, these are the kinds of things you want to do. And by the way, long-term is how I would be looking at it. This is not a six-month or one-year thing. Dont waste your time if thats what youre thinking. You wont be successful in anything saying, Im going to do this for six months to a year. You have to say, Hey, this is what I want to do. I would love to build this into my lifestyle. I would love to be a guy or a gal that can put together deals and make an income and build a residual income through investment properties. Im going to become the best that I can be at this. What can I do to become the best? You have to look at everything, including your social media posts. Who is going to refer you to some of these people? Maybe its the people who are following you on Facebook. Youre putting pictures of yourself up there partying. Let me tell you, that is not the image thats will cause people to respect you or even like you, so youve got to be thinking about everything. Your brand is your brand. You dont separate it. Its not like, My brand in business is this and my brand in my personal life is that. No, your brand is your brand and people arent stupid. If you think theyre stupid, youre wrong. Theyre going to see it, and theyre going to determine whether or not youre somebody they want to do business with. Maybe somebody comes to them and says, Hey, do you know Eric Milander? Yeah, I know Eric. What do you think about Eric? Im thinking about doing a deal with him. Well, I wouldnt do a deal with Eric if my life depended on it, or Eric is somebody that I really like. Hes a great guy. I love his personality. He just seems to always show interest in me. Hes a good listener. Hes highly responsible. Everybody that I know that knows him thinks highly of him. This is the brand that you want to build if you want to be successful in the world of busines. Especially if you want people to trust you with their money and their real estate, it is important to build this kind of a brand. Plan, Prioritize, and ActDaily Have a to-do list. I know what I need to do so the day is spent doing one thing. While I could have 20 other things on my to-do-list checked off in the same amount of time, those 20 things werent more important than the one thing I did. Going back to my five steps to success above, number three is you put together your plan. Your plan must be broken down into what youre supposed to do every day, and your plan needs to be arranged in priority sequence. If youve got a plan, ask, What are the things that I need to work on first in this plan? What are the things I need to work on second? Then you need to make the decision, Im going to work on things in priority sequence, not Im going to work on things that I want to work on. The things that you dont want to do are the things that make you the most money. Thats how life works. Thats why I say of the thousand little things on my list, not one has a higher value to the market than discipline. Discipline is pushing yourself each day to do what you know you should do even when you dont feel like doing it. If you want to be successfuland this is number one on my listyouve got to put first things first. You have to make sure youre spending your time doing exactly what you predetermined you should be doing with your time today to be productive. It might mean that youre sitting there with your phone in your ear and youre making outgoing calls because you determined right now the absolute most important thing for you to achieve your goals is to prospect. If thats the case, then you stick the phone to your ear and you prospect.
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I remember when I was getting started in my various careers, where I would sit at the phone all day and prospect. I remember there were days I made up to 300 phone calls. Why? Because that was what I should do today. I didnt sit there and say, Oh, Im going to redesign my brochure or Im going to make my website look better or Im going to make my business card look better. Im going to think through my presentation again, or Im going to work on my phone script. No, it was me picking up the phone with my heart beating out of my chest, making phone call after phone call after phone call after phone call. It was refining my approach. When people didnt do business with me, I always asked them why and I learned a lot by asking them why. Number two for being productive is working your to-do-list in priority sequence and pushing yourself to do the things that you know you should do without excuses and without justifying those excuses. You could say to yourself, Todays not a good day for me to make prospecting calls because its cloudy, or today is not a good day for me to make prospecting calls because Im a little tired. Im going to wait until tomorrow. This is what everybody says. This is what 99.9% of the people do. They make excuses for not doing what they know they should do, whether its eating right, whether its exercising, whether its prospecting. Whatever it is they know they should do, most people dont do itand thats why most people arent successful. You have to have a plan. That plan needs to be broken down into what you should be doing each day. You need to be executing that plan each day with excellence. You need to be looking at everything youre doing each day and saying, How can I do what Im doing better? and then making adjustments. As Chris indicated in the introduction, its the compounding effect of these little things. The first time youre focused on making equal eye contact with each person in the room, you may not be great at it, but if you work on it every time youre in a room of people, youre going to get a little bit better every time. Each time youre in a room like that youre saying to yourself, OK, Im going to be very deliberate in making sure everybody in this room feels included in the conversation. We all know we should remember names, but how many times do we remember a persons name? Its about being in the present. Its about being intentional, Im meeting somebody. I need to make sure I remember their name. Oh shoot, I forgot their name. Well, I have to get better tomorrow. Its about every day, pushing yourself to get better at the things that you know you should be doing. TakeawaysThe little things are the small, meaningful actions that make your clients like and respect you.Income follows value: You have to create higher value before you can create higher income.The five steps to success are: (1) Have a burning desire, (2) Build your knowledge, (3) Create a plan, (4) Execute the plan, (5) Refine.Success comes after a lot of hours!Each day make a to-do list with the one important thing you need to do.Dont procrastinate; do it even if you dont like it. The things that you dont want to do are the things that make you the most money.
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What little things do you do to differentiate yourself in your market? Leave your questions and comments below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/renewsblog/todd-smith-interview
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lastgeeksdying · 7 years
The Fall of Isawa Titan
The following is a short bit of fanfiction, set within the world of Legend of the Five Rings.  If you really want to learn what some of these terms mean, you’d best deep dive into those wiki pages.
The young scholar did not take kindly to instructions.  Isawa Titan would much rather forge his own path than follow the instructions of his elders.  Wise trainers from various clans would offer advice and over and over again we would scoff, "I am familiar enough." He stood in the halls of The Temple of the Eight Guardians.  He often came to the Temple of the Water Dragon to reflect on strategy.  On how to protect those he traveled with and how to take advantage of the enemies greatest flaws.  The irony was his failure to see his own flaws.  He was able to execute flawless open gambits on an unsuspecting enemy.  No stratagem he laid down failed to make gains.  This, however, is a flawed view.   As he began to narrow his oppositions options, they began to consolidate their skills.  They became experts at predicting his other schemes and by the end of a conflict, he would be no more advantaged than he was when he began.  He could open wonderfully, but lacked the foresight to step forth and seize victory.   Instead allowing his own insecurities and second guessing take hold.   The crystal structure of the Temple of Water offered the strongest resemblance to it's native element of all of the structures within the greater Temple.  It physically looked like ice.  It brought a semblance of peace and tranquility to the stormy waters of Titan's mind.   For too long now, Isawa Titan has felt himself obsessed with a vision within his dreams.  A great darkness enveloping the land of Rokugan, consuming the light from all but the strongest corners.   The screen door behind him slid open as a young apprentice appeared.  "The envoy from the Scorpion lands is here." "Very well."  Titan rose to his feet and accompanied the young trainee to the temple entrance.   While the general coloration of each clan seemed to be in unison, many individuals experienced a variation in their personal robes.  A bit of personality imbued in each aspect of their lives.  While the apprentice that accompanied him wore the more traditionally muted red and orange robes of the glad, Titan insisted on the brightest oranges and deepest reds he could dye.  The gold tails on the hem were, however dim.  Titan wanted to make sure that his forces could see him within an army.  That a rival warlord could easily pick him out, and approach him as pride often drove one to do.   He, of course, suffered the flaws of being a bright flame in the fires of the Phoenix. The envoy from the Scorpion lands was far more reserved than Isawa Titan.   It seemed, that Yogo Kishay was sent as part of an exchange among Shugenja families.  As two separate families sourcing from the same original Kami, they had many things to learn about where their learning's splintered.   "I bring you greetings and best wishes from the Scorpion Clan."   "I can't imagine anyone would want those from the Scorpion." "Why, Isawa Titan, I am hurt by your words.  Wounded by such an obvious cut that you would waste the breath on me." "Perhaps you are correct.  Let us start again.  I humbly and formally welcome you to the Phoenix lands and to the Temple of the Eight Guardians.   Please, follow my apprentice into the halls.  I will be with you shortly." "Very well, you do seem distracted.  I should hope you'll have centered your full attention by the time of your return." Yogo Kishay bows and follows behind the apprentice.  Titan had been distracted.  Not just by Kishay, who was quite lovely as far as every beauty standard that Titan had held, but by his family at home.  Where once he held an unending love for his Wife and Child, now all he felt was the Void.  He didn't intend to spend as much time at the Temple as he had.  What was originally intended to only be a few weeks of overseeing the Temple while it's normal watcher was off, it had turned into months after said Watcher perished at the hands of an Ashingaru uprising.   While the uprising of Peasants was struck down, it left the Phoenix lands in turmoil and families on edge.  And with such an important opportunity to mutually learn from the Yogo family Shugenja, it seemed Titan was off balance.   His mind frequently found itself roaming to thoughts of the Black Scrolls, the powerful dark artifacts that could unleash powerful, terrible magic upon the world.  He thought, perhaps, they could finally give him the edge he needs in order to bring down his enemies who had managed to outwit him in the end.   Titan knew that dwelling on these thoughts who lead him down a path he can not follow.   He returned his focus to emissary of his dreams, the Water Dragon.  They had never met each other, but Isawa Titan had watched the destruction the Water Dragon caused and used it's tactics to his own advantage.   The clarity that the Water Dragon brought Titan's mind seemed to be enough.  He turned and returned to the halls. When he entered the study, he took too much time noting the Scorpion's appearance.  Her Maroon robes kept her figure hidden.  Even her sash along her torso held secrets.  Her fan was held down by her side, with the entirety of her lower face covered by a scarf.  This scarf lowered under her robes, concealing any skins that might have been revealed by her neckline.  It was remarkably modest for a Scorpion.   "Do my robes please your eye?" "No, nothing of that nature.  I was trying to see if I recognized anything.  If I knew you from before. " "I assure you, " she tapped his shoulder.  "If we had met prior, you would know or your would be dead." "That is certainly ominous."  She laughed,  "I was unaware that Scorpion laughed." "You seem to be unaware of many things Phoenix.  How familiar are you with Yogo?" She sat down on her knees, inviting Titan to join her with her hand.   He followed her invitation and sat down as well.  "I know that they are great family of high esteem with deep roots within the studies of Shugenja. " "Certainly everyone knows those brief facts, but what do you know of Yogo himself?" "The ill-fated husband of Asako?  The betrayer of his wife and family?  Not much."  Titan seemed uneased by the discussion.  Kishay signaled to the apprentice to bring over the tea.   "Such a reduction of a complex hero.  The Scorpion are not known of their transparency of course.  Yogo was a great warrior.  A powerful Shugenja who managed to keep the forces of Fu Leng at bay, and even managed to turn the tide of battle more than a few times.  This was a personal afront to Fu Leng." Isawa Titan scoffed, sniffing the tea that had been poured from him.  "You are trying to tell me Fu Leng made Yogo leave the Phoenix Clan? Leave Asako?" She waived for the apprentice to leave them. "No, no.  It would be Fu Leng who would curse Yogo.  A powerful curse that would cause the cursed to betray the one they loved at the most crucial moment.  And not just Yogo, but all of his descendants and their descendants and so on.  Isawa was the one who suggested he commit Seppuku."   " Isawa was the one who discovered that Yogo fled."   "Yes, but only after he was visited by Bayushi himself.  Bayushi who urged Yogo to not let his abilties to be wasted, but to join the Scorpion.   And when Yogo asked Bayushi if he was afraid of the curse, he laughed.   He knew that Yogo would never love Bayushi like he had Shiba.  " "So rather than betray Shiba he...betrayed Shiba?" She smirked.  "No one knows for certain who he actually betrayed.  It could have been one of his scorpion borne daughters, it could have been Shiba, or Asako.  It isn't clear.  What is clear is that Bayushi would entrust Yogo with protecting the Black Scrolls of Fu Leng.  " With those four words Isawa Titan's mind went blank.  He could think of nothing but those scrolls. "The scrolls?" "Why, yes.  As you know, Three of those Scrolls would go on to end up in the hands of the Phoenix.  "  Titan had not known this.  He knew of their legend, but he had never thought to inquire where they were.  To tempt himself so.  "  Two had been destroyed, and the remaining seven were in the hands of the Scorpion.  It is with that knowledge that the Scorpion multiplied their investment in the elements.  Even we are not so foolish as to believe we could control the soul fragments of Fu Leng." "Of course, "  Titan's mind was racing with the possibilities of gaining the scrolls.   Kishay leaned in closer to Titan.  "  It is this discipline that would lead us to learning everything we can, and using everything we can, and knowing what we can not do that lends us our strength.  "  She put her hand on his knee "Though not always knowing what we should do." Titan was not expecting to find himself distracted from his obsession, and yet here he could feel Kishay and nothing else. The sun began to rise and Isawa Titan saw what he had done.  He left rapidly.  He abandoned his robes and took up plain robes.  The morning had brought him clarity and new conviction.  He knew that where Kishay laid, there was no returning.  But he could stop himself from unleashing the scrolls.  From unleashing Fu Leng.  So he fled.  He left the Phoenix Lands with no intention to ever return.   He found himself many places over the years that he was gone.  Far beyond the reaches of Rokugan.  For so long he found himself in the Ivory Kingdoms, in the seas, and in the Burning Sands.   When he would one day return to Rokugan he found himself in Scorpion Lands. He found himself introducing himself as Yogo Titan.  
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