#Nothing to add. This sums the situation up perfectly!
sophieinwonderland · 8 months
r/SystemsCringe: *Claims to aim to help "real systems" and revives r/DIDCringe for that purpose* > Also r/SystemsCringe: *Fakeclaims and makes fun of people with DID and OSDD* You can't both support people with mental disorders and bully them. r/FDC at least PRETENDS to only go after fakers, but these people on the other hand are very open about attacking traumatized people (even the name itself, r/DIDCringe, is inherently looking down on people with DID. Shame on Reddit for reviving it...).
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lookingforhappy · 1 month
Five should never have been with the CIA, he should have been with the Keepers
the CIA is incredibly reminiscent of the Commission, the thing that Five has been trying to escape since s1, and that has repeatedly dehumanised, manipulated and hurt him.
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not only is it a secret organisation that aids in the manpiluatation of the lives of others by a higher power but he is also constantly monitored, with and without his knowledge -
he has to report to his boss, he is constantly followed/attended to by Derek (who is lightly implied to also be a keeper), and the keepers are undoubtedly reporting back to his boss to keep him in line without his knowledge.
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(just look at how many are keepers.. thats insane for Five not to have noticed anything after spending so long in the commission on high alert - what happened to him always checking the surroundings first??)
sounds similar to him having to report the handler, constantly being followed by her (into the bathroom, the tube room, etc) and always being watched by the infinite switchboard and his tracker.
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there's also the "Five is one of the top agents at this secret and shady org. and Diego is the butt of the joke because he wants what Five has and Five won't give it to him & when he does get it it's a comedy scene" thing.
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which is honestly just another nail in the "cia is too similar to the commission to be comfortable for five" coffin for me..
he is also constantly referred to as "Mr. Five" a name that is only ever seen used by the Commission,
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and which is supposed to show the Commission's false respect for Five by tacking a "Mr." onto his name while also refusing to add on a surname (Hargreeves) - or in the circumstance that Five doesn't accept a last name, then addressing him by his full name "Number Five" or "00.05" or just "5" - which dehumanises and detaches him from his family aka his reason for leaving.
Five also calling his boss "sir" is incredibly out of character as at no point in the series has he called anyone by a honorific, not the Handler, not his father, and especially not someone younger than him.
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and also that he calls the cia director (lance ribbons) "boss"
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like not even "my boss" or "the boss"... just "boss". it just feels like such a young mans word, which Five decidedly is not. if i had to pick how he would address ribbons id have him say "ribbons", "director" or maybe "director ribbons" if he was in a formal situation. never "sir" or "boss"
There's Five adapting to the timeline/circumstance and then theres Five's entire personality changing.
and honestly, if this is a survival technique for Five in this timeline, to play into his apparent youth, then why not show that?? or even explore it in a more interesting way like how the comics had him disguise as a kid with a backpack, bike and binoculars???
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instead they kept giving him stupid little props that only served to further hammer in the obvious "hey! five works for the cia now!"
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all it does is make him look ridiculous, and i know that five is holding the gun and torch in the correct way but god it makes him look like such a cop. and after hes been fighting authority for his entire life it feels so fucking weird.
what's interesting though, is that he would have fit in fine with the Keepers! and we see this demonstrated perfectly in their first scene
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just.. the way that perfectly sums up Five.. plus our concerns that he wouldn't have anything to do after the apocalypses are solved and aidan's comments that Five was feeling like he had nothing left/suicidal.. for there to be a group of other people that not only believe him but support him unconditionally?
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(aaand im out of pictures... great)
for Five to be able to say this to other people? and to not be thought of as insane?? thats big.
and then for Five to be hinted at not keeping up with his siblings aside from Diego - the deleted scene with Klaus at the party shows that Five doesn't know how long Klaus' been sober for, he also asks Luther where Viktor is, clearly hasn't seen Allison or Ben in a while.. it's all such a perfect set up for Five to join the keepers.
and not only does this set him up with other people, in a support group setting. but it also perfectly sets up his arc to have conflict with his siblings without losing their trust (sorry fivela stans but i cant get on board bc it destroys his relationships with the family).
while Viktor was negotiating with Ben, the others could have been negotiating with Five. which would have brought us full circle, of five disappearing and fighting like hell to get back home, to returning but not feeling like he belongs, to being brought back into the fold. this is also the perfect opportunity to bring Lila in, as she would have the best understanding of where he stands after being manipulated by the commission.
it's also the perfect opportunity to have Five cause the apocalypse, instead of save it. people have talked about Five being set up to cause the next one since forever, and Klaus has a perfect set up for it too.
I personally think that each season should have rotated who causes the apocalypse instead of randomly making it Viktor's fault. this way we could explore the siblings individually and their trauma and recovery. give them all a seasons worth of focus.
season 1 gave us Viktor's apocalypse.
season 2 should have given us Diego's via JFK's survival causing the apocalypse (exploring his hero complex and how his ignoring his family in favour of pursuing his own ego/comfort isn't good for anyone etc)
season 3 should have been Allison's via her desperation to get Claire back - the kugelblitz shouldn't exist (because it doesnt work with the established laws of space time) but instead her deal with Reginald should have caused the apocalypse maybe as a way to motivate the others like Five into finding a solution.
season 4 can still be Ben's but ultimately for the final season it should have been a joint effort or at least come full circle and actually been impactful with more connections to Ben's death instead of the 2 second reveal of him getting shot in the most anticlimatic and confusing reveal i have ever seen. Ben has literally haunted the narrative for 4 seasons, between his death being the reason they disband, to his ghost being the reason they survive at the end of s1 and s2, and his alternate reality self in s3 and s4. he didn't get the send off he deserved for someone who has influenced near everything in the show.
there should have been 8 seasons - 7 to deal with the issues of the individuals, and 1 to deal with their recovery as a group, almost acting as an epilogue.
instead we got 4 poorly planned and incomplete seasons..
anyway, thats what i think Five should have been doing this season, not joining the CIA
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hollowed-theory-hall · 8 months
re.: the weasleys + parenting
what's always bugged me most abt percy's fight with arthur (especially in the fandom, where everyone's like 'oh, he turned his back on harry and betrayed his family to side w the ministry) is that. that's hardly what the fight is about at all. the fight is about the fact that percy, an 18yo kid who just got promoted to his dream job instead of straight up losing any chance at ever being Minister (because they tried to scapegoat him into taking the blame for the crouch business even though he managed to keep the whole department running while his boss wasn't even there), comes home all excited to tell his parents that "Hey, he's not unemployed and bereft of any and all hope for his biggest dream", but rather that his skills and competence got recognized by The Most Important Man In The Government, and molly and arthur look him straight in the face and go—"no you didn't."
there is no mention whatsoever that they even try to be gentle about it, that they congratulate him first and then bring it up later like "just be careful around Fudge, he's always looking for people to get information from and you are the best of both worlds, close to the action and actually good at the job he hired you for", nothing of the sort. they straight up don't even consider how any of those factors might've weighed in Fudge's decision to hire him.
and, perhaps worst of all, they have no faith in Percy. he tells them "I'm working for the minister", and not only do they not spare a second to be happy for him over this frankly momentous achievement (or at the very least concern for the position it puts him in), they jump straight to conjectures and accusations. "you only got this because of Harry" has got to crush Percy, who was raised to believe that good things come to honest, hard-working people and who has been working for this since he was a small child. and it digs the knife deeper when you realize that most of his siblings have basically replaced him with Harry. Harry, who also plays Quidditch and also keeps throwing himself into death-defying dangers and overalls fits much better into the family dynamic than Percy ever has.
and there's just this. crystal clear implication that they do believe Percy would spy on them. he's so Different and Other and Un-Weasley/Gryffindor-like and they've alienated themselves from him so absolutely that they can't see any reasons he wouldn't willingly and consciously jeopardize his parents' livelihood and Harry & his siblings safety just to stay in the Minister's good graces, when if anyone's actually at risk of losing their job for siding with Dumbledore is his father, who's still working there quite merrily and continues to so for a long time afterwards.
Percy, who runs into a freezing lake mid-February while attending an international event as Crouch's replacement to make sure Ron is alright, who pesters Ginny to eat and have a pepper-up potion most of her first year bc she doesnt look well, who tails Harry and Ron a lot of their second and third years bc there's something petrifying kids and then Dementors on the grounds and a mass murderer on the loose and they all just think he's being willfully bothersome like no you idiots he's worried.
of course he left. of course he left. what did he have to gain by staying at the Burrow, beyond fresh home cooked meals harassment and disagreements? why wouldn't he leave?
sorry I have a lot of feelings about this.
No need to apologize, this is brilliantly written!
I don't even feel like I need to add anything as you summed up the Percy situation perfectly.
But I can't help myself because I love discussing the Weasley family dynamics, so it's a bit more rumbley than my usual...
Percy cares so much for his family. When Voldemort is revealed and the war actually starts, he puts all his disagreements with his parents aside to come and help and make sure they're okay, because he cares. And still, he is being shunned and treated like an outsider.
Arthur and Molly Weasley are just really good at alienating their kids because it isn't just Percy.
Somehow all of them succeded in feeling like outsiders in a family of 9. Bill shows frustration with his parents and only returns to Britain because of the war, Charlie's in Romania for most of the series. Fred and George run away the moment they can and are treated like trouble by their parents most of the time (Molly and Arthur assume they are selling stolen goods from Mundungus when they hear they have money, not that they, idk, somehow earned it), Ron has a whole complex of low self-esteem and a tendency to blame himself for everything. Ginny is isolated from her brothers as the only girl and youngest...
And Percy cares and tries to be the best and most responsible sibling and gets scorned in turn.
Harry and Ron do acknowledge Arthur's and Molly's accusation towards Percy was awful and that he was right to respond negatively in OOTP. Ron is just sensitive about their family's financial state which soured Percy to him after Percy blew up at their dad (rightfully so, honestly, I'd say way worse to Arthur if it was me).
The thing is, Percy also gets scorned by his siblings, not just his parents (like Fred and George do). He gets grief for trying to be responsible and for wanting his siblings to do well in school and not get in trouble, Fred and George lock him in a pyramid...
That being said, do I think Percy is perfect? No, he is pretentious and overbearing at times, but he is a child in a large family who tries to find a place to fit himself in. According to child psychology, usually when it comes to siblings, the eldest would usually (at least in childhood) try to be everything the parents want (Bill), and then each next sibling will carve a different niche for themselves, and we see this with the Weasleys. I think the twins being born right after Percy and demanding a lot of attention from their parents from a young age as they were little troublemakers from the start is a big reason why Percy chose the niche of being bookish, ambitious, and responsible for himself. To contrast himself with them and his older brothers and get some attention from their parents.
I'm not a fan of the epilog (like everyone), but I find it hard to imagine Percy being close to his family post-books. I think he never fully got over the sting of not being seen as skilled and competent and that his parents believed he'd turn on them all without a second thought. Nor do I think he should just get over it.
Like, I'm really salty that Percy was the only one to apologize:
“I was a fool!” Percy roared, so loudly that Lupin nearly dropped his photograph. “I was an idiot, I was a pompous prat, I was a—a—” “Ministry-loving, family-disowning, power-hungry moron.” said Fred. Percy swallowed. “Yes, I was!” “Well, you can’t say fairer that that,” said Fred, holding out his hand to Percy. Mrs. Weasley burst into tears. She ran forward, pushed Fred aside, and pulled Percy into a strangling hug, while he patted her on the back, his eyes on his father. “I’m sorry, Dad.” Percy said.
(Deathly Hollows, pages 512-513)
Like, yes, it's great he was smart enough to realize the ministry is corrupt, but this demand only for him to apologize when Molly and Arthur Weasley were just as much in the wrong. Fred and George weren't beacons of sainthood here either. But none of them have apologies demanded of them. None of them are demanded to confess they are "morons". Just Percy.
Who even after his apology is still an outsider. Probably always will be one.
You said it best: "Why wouldn't he leave?"
And that's what we see him do (if temporarily).
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Thank god someone finally said it! I cannot deal with the sudden spencer stans. It’s the over sexualising and infantilising that makes me so uncomfortable. The babygirlification is so scary and so is rpf. It is okay to be a fan of someone but the whole spencer situation is parasocial imo and it’s not just fans stanning their fave. It’s turning into such a herd mentality here and on smoshtwt as well. the anon about Shayne-ification of spencer is also true. As a long time lurker on all things smosh, the spencer thingy BOOMED after the April 1st announcement. It’s like they needed a new single guy to coddle. It wasn’t right when it was done to Shayne nor is it right when done to spencer.
also it feels like spencer is a more online person than Shayne ever was and I actually feel like this parasocial behaviour of his ‘fans’ might actually end up being a complete nuisance for him.
Literally nothing to add you’ve summed it up perfectly.
Spencer ‘stans’ pls take a step back and realise what’s happening.
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jdzone · 7 months
obviously band together spoilers but, RAMBLE RAMBLE
i’m so torn up abt the fight before branch poppy and tiny leave…
john dory getting caught up in his old role- having actually /seen/ floyd too, there’s a reality to the situation that adds pressure (HMM kinda like expectations from the crowd in BroZone days)
unfortunately, because of that pressure john dory falls back into that headspace and gets over critical of their performances (he doesn’t say his own criticisms outloud, but he never does which leads to younger bros feeling unfairly treated [WHICH IS FAIR] when jd is just struggling with perfectionism feeling the band is entirely his responsibility as the oldest and since he started it… not the sum of its parts. like he knows they’re all talented ofc he just couldn’t separate that from the performance as a whole. this was its own tangent)
clay and bruce get triggered, and they end up ganging up on john dory. poppy attempts to diffuse the situation and we see john look at her with appreciation. but bruce n clay finally have a chance after all these years to vent their frustrations - especially since in their eyes nothing /has/ changed with john dory in reference to managing the band.
(all the while branch is doing the same stressed stim from when he was a baby ARRGH)
but, like before, jd is getting riled up and tries to defend himself. it’s a lot of responsibility - the feelings that have been brought up remind him of why he left —
“Why do you think I left!? So nobody would treat me like you did.”
to hear that from bruce, who both the brother JD has spent the most time with and potentially troll altogether depending on how isolated he was during the separation… there’s layers to what jd mentions about being the oldest and responsibility. we see no parents, and regardless eldest children are often coparents and JD stands for Jeldest Daughter. anyway,,
clay raises his voice to correct jd when he deadnames bruce /again/ and… jd gives clay and bruce exactly what they want. (they don’t want to be around him. it’s abundantly clear.) he needs to diffuse the situation no matter how much it hurts. they’ll go their separate ways after saving floyd… and.. unfortunately he hits right on branch’s insecurities. so jd managed to hurt all his brothers in extremely personal ways…
and then bruce belittles branch “don’t be such a baby” (bruce you gotta take a deep breath big big) and.. branch, in all his hurt he feels towards john dory, can relate to him. the oldest and the youngest. not allowed to change. always seen as bossy or as a baby from the nature of their birth order.
we see john dory step forward, and regret and recognition on his face.
idk i wish they had all gone after branch when he left, but i realize for the narrative it worked perfectly…
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the-darklings · 2 years
The thing I think is going to hurt the most to read, and that’s if you decide to show it in the next chapter, is us seeing Dream’s reaction to all the pain and suffering Wanderer has been through that she’s never told him about. Like, there’s a reason she hasn’t told him about the majority of it, and I honestly can’t wait to see the guilt that rises in him as it sinks in not just what Wanderer has become accustomed to (people turning against her, never being able to stick around anywhere for long, etc.), but what Dream had subjected her to by banishing her from the one place she could call home. And then, there’s still the possibility that he’s going to learn through her book that his brother put wards in place to prevent anyone from finding him, which will then further Dream’s pain as he realizes that he literally created a situation that would’ve ended with him losing the love of his life, no matter what she chose to do. And I’m really looking forward to seeing that dawning realization of just how much pain he’s caused her and how miraculous it is that she’s even interacting with him at all after the shit he pulled.
TL;DR - I’m tired and writing this in a stream of consciousness, but goddamn, this is such a great story and I’m freaking obsessed.
once more, nothing else to add because this sums it up perfectly. You’ll get passages of the book interlaced throughout the chapter, so we’ll see how he absorbs it all 👀
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trashlie · 1 year
Love your thoughts on ep 231 ohmygod you (and poisonheart) summed everything up perfectly! What I would like to add for your consideration is that it feels like Nol indirectly projects his own fears about his situation with Shin-ae when he talks about Dieter. And it doesn't take away from his empathy for Dieter or his guilt, it's another layer for us readers to pick up on. "Those feelings take forever to vanish" and "it doesn't help that you spend time with him" and "all [stringing him along and being wishy-washy] does is prolong the pain" -- Nol fears this might happen to him if Shin-ae keeps insisting there's nothing between them, or if she rejects him and wants to stay "just friends". And it's obvious that he is absolutely not willing to go through that, not on top of everything else he's already dealing with. Dieter might be okay with being "just friends", that's his choice, but Nol knows he cannot take that same route. He doesn't have the willpower to swallow all his feelings and pretend like he's fine with being "just friends", especially when all the signs that she has similar feelings for him are there. That would be unbearable. I believe that is where, maybe just subconsciously, part of his frustration and this urgency, but also his resolution and "all in"-mindset come from. His options are just really limited.
Also. It needs to be said that Nol pushing Shin-ae to find the answer on her own instead of giving it to her was probably the best thing he could do. He gave her a lot to think about and evaluate when he implied that their shared moment was romantic and that Dieter also thinks that, and pointed out that it's him who she has a special connection with and not Dieter, that "because we're friends" doesn't explain her actions and behavior (and feelings) anymore. And then he topped it all off with the "convince me" and The Look™ (which I believe was a calculated move) that made her blush and avert her eyes for the 274th time in the past couple of hours, to really drive home that whatever this is, it doesn't fit the term "platonic" anymore. What is it then, to her? That's something she has to realize herself. It's not for him to tell her, to explain it to her. It's actually crazy that by rejecting her "we're friends" answer and kicking her out, he essentially said "come back when you've figured out that you're in love with me" LIKE. SCREAMS. People are saying he should've just told her how he feels, but... Time and place. What good would that even do when she's mad at him and still so stuck on the friendship thing? She's in no way prepared to hear a confession from him. It'd overwhelm and confuse her. And what kind of response would she even give in the state she's in, realistically? That'd be so messy and YELLS some people simply cannot appreciate the TENSION THE ANGST THE SUBTEXT ALL THE THINGS UNSPOKEN IN THE AIR BETWEEN THEM like come on we can have lil a miscommunication as a treat, especially when it fits the narrative… Y'all are gonna get your fluffy moments soon enough, let us enjoy the PAIN so that the payoff is much sweeter. GAH.
YELLS some people simply cannot appreciate the TENSION THE ANGST THE SUBTEXT ALL THE THINGS UNSPOKEN IN THE AIR BETWEEN THEM like come on we can have lil a miscommunication as a treat
YOU GET IT ANON YOU GET IT YOU ABSOLUTELY GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am screaming from the roof I am hanging off the gutters screaming YOU FUCKING GET IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
Like, on some level I understand why people want to rush to a certain point want to jump to confirmations but to me IT'S NOT READY WE'RE NOT READY. I am into PINING I am into YEARNING I need a man to become VERY PATHETIC about the girl he likes I need him to writhe in agony over what he wants I need conflict I need the embarrassing realization about a character's feelings i need them blushing in the dark all alone with their stomach twisting up their heart rustling with all the butterflies trying to break out of their rib cage. I need them meeting and averting gazes and feeling so on display and so vulnerable and RAW i need them EMBARRASSED that they have feelings GROSS EWW HOW DID THIS HAPPEN i need subconcious dreams i need toes curling i need the want the want the WANT holding back bUT BARELY HOLDING BACK
I need tension SO GOOD SO DELECTABLE i'm bouncing off the walls and ceilings like a todder who just ate their way through all the sugar in the house. i need LOADED moments that make me throw down my phone i need the subtext!!!!!!!! I need to inject it in my veins and shriek like a banshee WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE WANT TO SKIP THIS PART WHY ARE THEY TRYING TO JUST JUMP TO THE NEXT PART THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THIS IS! WHAT! ROMANCES ARE MADE OF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the things that lead up to it, it's the build up, it's the WANTING to crush them together the DYING FOR IT TO HAPPEN.
but anyway
lemme pretend to be normal about this for a bit
I think what's soooooo good about the subtext is YES all those things unsaid. That as much as Nol is speaking on Dieter's behalf - he speaks on his own. It's not that Shinae needs to figure out her feelings for Dieter's sake but for his own, too, because RIGHT because she is too important to him now THIS is too important it means too much and he WANTS IT TOO MUCH to be wishy wash to be half-assed to be either or not. And that's what is SO GOOD to me. He IS scared. He needs her to come to the realization, to face the truth and embrace it because he needs it to be true. He needs to know what he suspects is true.
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He doesn't have the willpower to swallow all his feelings and pretend like he's fine with being "just friends", especially when all the signs that she has similar feelings for him are there. That would be unbearable.
Nol has spent so much of his time trying to close himself off, to isolate himself and to just seal himself away and then here's Shinae, mirroring him, chasing him down and trying to pull him out of every hole he tries to hide himself in. She is beating down his doors she is telling him at every opportunity that she loves him that he is important that she can't throw this all away.
And we've established before: Nol can't resist her. At all!!!!! He tries and he fails at every time. He tries to block her away but he still leaves her these openings. Like, he blocked her number but he STILL LOOKED AT HIS SPAM knowing what kind of message would be in there.
He tells himself he doesn't want it doesn't deserve it but he DOES. He LIKES that she cares. He LIKES that she sees him. He tried to make himself not care, but he wants it. He WAS disappointed when Shinae left after the dance - because he pushed her away again, because her hurt her again. He's so afraid of losing her at this point (I'm sure that's part of why he couldn't look at her at the time - not just that he was crying and doesn't want to be seen like that, but he must be scared, afraid that after he leaves this will all disappear she'll change her feelings it won't mean anything anymore) and when he pulled off the blindfold she was gone.
It's like.... kind of like Shinae says - they've been through so much together. But because he's aware of those feelings now - because he knows what she means to him, he CAN'T go back. Going back to just friends? After she's pushed for him after she's fought for him after she's boxed down his walls?
How can he go back to it? HOW?
Shinae made him open up, too. He has revealed so much more to her than I think he's revealed to others. Alyssa probably knows more about his life than Soushi and Dieter, but I think he's revealed more to Shinae. She made him care and how can go back to being "just friends".
Usually I hate that argument but in his case, I get it. Shinae is so important to him, means so much (HE LITERALLY IS ALIVE BECAUSE OF HER AT THIS POINT) and to go back to just.... not feeling this? To being just friends? We've watched him reach out to her SO MANY TIMES and deny himself. And now that he has? Now that he's reached out now that he has felt these things? It would be so unbearable!
What is it then, to her? That's something she has to realize herself. It's not for him to tell her, to explain it to her. It's actually crazy that by rejecting her "we're friends" answer and kicking her out, he essentially said "come back when you've figured out that you're in love with me" LIKE. SCREAMS.
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I LOVE that he's leaving it to her. I fully think Shinae has been, partly, influenced by Dieter's feelings for her. Would she have started to feel anything for him if she didn't know he already likes her? Would she have seen anything in the way he looks at her if she didn't know it already? And I FULLY think Nol confessing at this time would have made things worse - it would confuse her! And I think it would probably make her avoid him. I don't think she'd be able to handle it if he confessed because she doesn't even know her own feelings, let alone how to handle his. And BECAUSE his feelings are intricately tied to hers in relation to what Dieter oversaw it would absolutely influence her own feelings.
She's got to be able to come to this realization herself because, frankly, she's been confessing to him ALL fucking night long. She keeps telling him how important he is to her, what he means to her! But she doesn't understand WHY he's important to her. She doesn't understand WHY she's putting all her energy into hanging on to him, into tethering him to her. And as much it's not fair to Dieter, it's also not fair to Nol, either, for those confused feelings to go on all tangled up. But likewise, Nol IS telling her how he feels, too - just, you know. Subtextually.
Comparing their relationship to Dieter's to illuminate just how different they, how much more intense theirs is compared to what she has with Dieter. That fucking LINE the "not even as friends" ;______; It's about the way she elevates Nol above him, the way she will drop everything for him. He knows it! Dieter can see it! But she can't see it for what it is yet and he needs her to. He keeps showing her what he feels by telling her what Dieter saw. That it wasn't just platonic - not from him. She's so insistent it didn't mean anything that it's not romantic even though HE WAS LOOKING AT HER LIKE THAT. HE WAS COMMANDING HER TAKE OFF HER SHOES LIKE THAT. She was getting SO WORKED UP about that moment!!!!!! THIS MAN ASKED HER TO DANCE IN THE MOST INTENSE FUCKING WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SHE IS CONVINCED IT'S SO PLATONIC JUST
Thinking about it from Dieter's POV is really NUTS, too, because he sees the things Shinae doesn't know how to identify. Even before the whole dancing thing (the idea of DIETER seeing the Shinae that Nol didn't, seeing how happy she was, how much fun she was having), thinking about like.... it really starts when Shinae gives him her gift, right? She gets SO EMBARRASSED - SO SHY about him seeing it and she thinks it's so simple and that it can't compare bUT IT DOES. It's a call back to their early days, the whole "you don't suck that much" akjakfkafkjafjkafkjfkjfa THE WAY WE DON'T SEE HIS EYES WE JUST SEE HIM LOOK OVER AT HER SO SHY TRYING NOT TO TAKE NOTICE and then suddenly he's just. OVERCOME. He's reaching out he's touching her hair!!!!!!!!!!! She isn't even pulling away!!!!!!!! He's leaning in they're so close they're just IN EACH OTHER'S SPACE and imagine it from his POV, how he's seeing it, that chemistry that just EXISTS between them, that intimacy and tenderness that's just LOADED and how he can probably feel it so heavy in the pit of his stomach because could he ever be so bold? No, never. Could he reach out and touch her like that? Encroach on her space? Sit so close to her? The flirting with the finger dancing and their giggles and the ease they're just SO EFFORTLESS and he doesn't have that and he knows it and he's known all along but now he has to ACCEPT it now he has to face the reality that everything he worried about everything he feared is true that there's no room for him in between them there and LJFAKKFKAFLAFKJAF
There's nothing "friends" about that babes and Nol knows it and Dieter knows it and we know it but SHE needs to come to the conclusion. She needs to wake up and realize that oh my god that's why it all matters that's what it all means that's why she's fighting so hard that's why he's so important. And then being able to see all the things he said to her between the lines, what it meant for Dieter to oversee that I just
I'm SO glad Nol hasn't confessed! It would be SO messy! It would make things so much worse it would hurt so much for EVERYONE. She's gotta sort out her feelings! Nol is really good at reading her, and he knows how to push her in the right direction. It's not the right time. I think maybe people who want him to confess don't see it that way - that it would be so overwhelming and probably scare her off. i mean, even coming to the realization on her own will probably give her a scare, but it's different when she realizes that oh, I'M in love with him AS WELL as oh god HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME? compared to him confessing and leaving her feeling even more confused
like don't get me wrong there's a part of me that likes to imagine him just BREAKING and bursting out that "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY! IT DIDN'T MEAN NOTHING TO ME" but I do prefer the canon. That's just good for a nice moment of imagined dramatics, you know?
But also. YEAH. We just. We need to RIDE OUT SOME NICE YEARNING AND FEELINGS AND ANGST FIRST. I'm pretty sure it won't last. Quimchee doesn't like drawing these things out and Shinae's confused feelings are a clear subversion of "girl does not realize she's in love" so I am confident the truth is going to hit her, but until then I want to enjoy the writhing and the ache!!!! Because that's what makes it SO MUCH BETTER when they can finally admit it!!!!!!! Where's the fun in jumping right to it? I want to SAVOR this so that when they can admit it, when they can say the words, when they can face the reality, it feels SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!!! There's so much RELIEF!!!!!!!
I'm fully certain we'll see that before Nol goes to jail - the whole of this confrontation would mean NOTHING if he leaves while things are unresolved. The entirety of this whole ovearching arc of his return would be undone and leave us right back where we were, with no resolution, no one knowing where they stand. So like. Come on guys, it's coming just sit back and enjoy this ride a bit. When you think about it we haven't even been in this stage long! Like WE've been watching them fall in love this whole time, we've been watching them find a home in each other, we've been watching their souls come together intertwine and connect and imprint but THEY haven't sat with this long at all. Nol ONLY JUST REALIZED he has feelings.
I need Shinae to have an awakening dream about all the subtext all the things unsaid all the subconscious feelings she isn't aware of creeping in and if involves them kissing then WHO AM I TO SAY NO?
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Highschool au: Munakata-senpai noticing Fushimi-kun troubled and realizing that it's some kind of love problem. He wants to help and Fushimi's answer could be summed up as "I'm in denial I like Misaki and I'm now annoying him to get his attention". Munakata thinks whatever Fushimi is doing isn't working and Fushimi replies "What would you do then?". Munakata's answer is what he does to get close to his crush Mikoto which he thinks is better than what Fushimi is doing.
Aw, Munakata is just trying to be a good senpai :D Imagine them both on the student council together and after a council meeting Munakata calls Fushimi back to the club room alone. Fushimi assumes that this is about some annoying paperwork but instead Munakata comments that Fushimi has seemed troubled lately. Fushimi just gives this deadpan ‘have I?,’ already turning around to leave. Munakata gets up so that he’s properly in Fushimi’s personal space (and also conveniently blocking the door) as he tells Fushimi to have a seat. Fushimi just has total dead fish eyes as Munakata adjusts his glasses and states that as Fushimi’s senpai he wishes to assist his kouhai in anything necessary, should his heart be troubled he may confide freely in Munakata. Fushimi’s like ‘no thanks’ and tries to leave again, which is when Munakata adds that Fushimi has certainly been fighting a lot with the Red club’s Yata Misaki has he not.
Fushimi tries to shrug and act like this is nothing but just imagine Munakata carefully goading it out of him, like saying just enough that Fushimi gets annoyed and starts ranting about idiot Misaki who doesn’t even notice that Fushimi’s left the Red club and is always only wagging his tail at Mikoto-senpai like a dog and Fushimi can’t help it if Misaki is so stupid that Fushimi can’t help teasing him. Munakata takes all this in and then he’s like yes I understand: truly, this is love. Fushimi’s all ‘eh?’, like what the hell are you even talking about, as Munakata chuckles and adjusts his glasses again, stating he has fully grasped the situation. Fushimi is in love with Yata Misaki, and is, in essence, pulling Yata’s pigtails in order to get Yata to notice him. It seems this is failing in its purpose however, and so Fushimi has been escalating so that he may maintain Yata Misaki’s attention.
Fushimi denies this but Munakata forges ahead, explaining that young love is harsh and he himself has struggled with feelings towards someone too barbarous to name (Fushimi just sits there like yes we all know about you and Mikoto everyone knows). Munakata states that as he has suffered the same such youthful pangs he can give Fushimi advice. In his own case Munakata has realized that simply trying to tame the beast was not enough (‘this was supposed to be love advice, council president’), he must be constantly present in order to catch that person’s eye. Munakata explains how he has perfectly studied that man’s movements, so that should Suoh — or rather, ‘this unnamed person’ — be at the school store, Munakata shall be there. At lunch, beside his table, Munakata shall be there. After school as well, as that person prepares to leave. Constant surveillance is key. Fushimi just stares at him all ‘that’s called stalking, council president,’ and Munakata just chuckles again as his glasses shine. Fushimi decides his own plan to get Misaki’s attention may not be perfect but at least he isn’t Munakata. 
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taughtdefense · 6 months
✌ Is there anything you dislike about the mun? 
ethan answers questions about mia / always accepting / @controlsnature
there's a long, long stretch of dead silence that's somehow simultaneously knowing & amused as you tilt your head to the side, like you're seriously doing a first ever run-through of a bulleted check-list of what you don't like about her. of course this question was gonna come up eventually. you & mia just think it's hilarious that this was the first one asked.
i/you/we think the first answer to that question's pretty much the opposite of intact & wet. my/your/our internal, younger voice adds unhelpfully. ...that is to say, cut & dry. ( wade's been teaching me/you/us about the vast, wonderful world of verbal expressions human use. this is one of them. )
you give a long, deliberately slow blink. first things first... ❝ thank void my creators aren't here. fucking void above. they'd say something along the lines of the fact that she's made me break free of their control, fell in love with robby, yada yada yada. the bullshit they loathe me for, which isn't anything new that i haven't heard in some capacity before. ❞ you mutter. they're nothing if not consistent in their hatred of you. but the chaotic light in your eyes is suddenly flecked with sarcasm. ❝ if i listed the full amount of reasons out in complete detail, we'd be here for a hot second. ❞ your cadence remains flat, then, brighter, you say: ❝ nah. i'm just fucking with you. i'll spare you that list for now & give you the first gripe that popped up in my brain. ❞ with that, you lift your shirt up at the hem just a little bit, just enough to point towards the white stab scar above your abs, given to you by silver.
silver's a prick of colossal, immeasurable proportions, by the way. very rude garbage stinky man, almost killing him/me/us like that. i/you/we went to the old cobra kai dojo to defend our friends & all i/you/we got was everlasting trauma across all universes. ...someone should put that on a t-shirt.
❝ i don't like the fact that she throws me into increasingly dangerous situations, even if it's in the interest of saving lives. but don't get me wrong. there's zero hesitancy from me here on that front; i have no qualms about risking my life... well, lives... to protect the people i love. but there's a difference between doing it once & then continuing that trend. the intensity, & unhinged-ness of those situations makes me think what the fuck is wrong with her? in the words of mads, which basically summed it up perfectly... ethan: why am I dying again? us: to give us angst. ethan: oh yay I'm a sacrifice. ❞ you pause. then, much softer, you add: ❝ ...sorry, my love. ❞ you shrug your shoulders. ❝ & i know i'm literally able to hit respawn like i'm one of those void-damned mushroom plumbers or whatever they're both called. i've done that plenty of times before. i just wish it was less... dunno, frequent. not to mention the increasingly concerning scenarios that she cooks up in that mind of hers. ❞
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i/you/we lowkey Fear™ mads somehow suddenly gaining the technological knowledge of how humans can teleport from place to place... but specifically to only Deck the mun in the face every time she piles more angst on top of what she's already suggested... which is a lot. it'll happen eventually, just you wait.
❝ simply put, while i can merely attempt to defy my creators all i wish, i cannot defy mia. full stop. no ifs, &s, or buts. ❞ you grimace slightly.
❝ the second thing i don't like is... ❞ yep. get cozy, everybody. you're all going to be here all night.
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icharchivist · 1 year
Can I just say, I really love this blog's reading of Lucifer and Belial as brothers or the Seven Dragons as siblings
I know they're not human and their relationships are very different to what humans would experience, but picturing them in this way brings me joy. Especially because sibling relationships can be complicated. I too would probably kill my sibling for slighting me, but I would also kill for them, y'know
Belial and Lucifer really fit this golden child and scapegoat child dynamic, Belial can do nothing right and Lucifer can do no wrong. I know it makes his feelings for Lucilius a bit incest-y, but it's only an approximation to help understand his desperate desire for love. Meanwhile Lucifer was really isolated by Lucilius' favoritism. It's a lot like those dynamics can play out irl
Also the mental image of the two of them doing sibling things like stealing food or ominously hovering in the doorway to the other's room is weirdly nice. I hope they get a chance to reconcile and do more stereotypical sibling things together
Same with the dragons. Picturing them as a large family, with Orologia the parentified beleaguered oldest who stepped up for their deadbeat dad and Lu Woh and Fediel as second in line having petty squabbles, with Galleon and Wilnas being the middle children, trying to find their place in the world and Wamdus and Ewiyar as the babies of the bunch who mostly just want to play, it just instantly adds a fun dynamic to them in my head and endears me to them
I guess I just really like applying sibling dynamics to incredibly powerful non-human creatures who literally control reality
omg nonny 🥺🥺
I'm so happy that this type of reading bring you so much joy!!! i love it so much too <333
Like obviously it's still mostly my interpretations and people are free to interpret them as anything else imo, and i do think it's important to remember that they're not mortal species and doesn't work by human reasoning.
But as for those dynamics in particular, i think they're so much more interesting to read as siblings to start with.
Because yeah, as you say, siblings relationship can be messy and complicated and there's not really a one shoe fit them all type of siblings dynamic, and i think there's a lot of dynamic that can be explored with those in particular.
you sum up perfectly why i read those dynamics as siblings honestly.
Belial and Lucifer really do have this dynamic of golden child/scapegoat child, for instance. And i think it's why i really want them to make up, down the line, in a perfect AU, despite the attrocities Belial put Lucifer through, because at this point the strain on their relationship comes from a tierce party and i do think they deserve to navigate those feelings with the proper understanding of it all.
For Belial's feelings for Lucilius, this is where i put the "obviously they're not humans so you can't fully put a human reasoning on their dynamics". Lucilius did create them but he wasn't a parent of any kind to them, and i do think that Belial's feelings can be as complicated as both romantic love, and the yearning for the love of your creator, without specifically being about the family love he could yearn for.
I do think this reading still exist in a thematic extend but it's in situation like that where i think it's really important to draw the line with how they're not human so yaknow! (esp with how in comparaison i don't think any of the angels really work with a "they're related" reading to this extend despite also being created by Lucilius. None of them have a deep affection to him to justify this reading, and meanwhile i wouldn't even read any of the other dynamics as siblinglike. Even the Tethraches give me more the impression that they're coworkers who eventually ended up liking each other enough that when their company closed down they kept in contact, but while they're probably close friends, i can't read them as a family. and especially not with their relationship with Lucifer with how high they put him in the hierarchy)
But still the stories of those two do have a lot of thematic of how it is to share the love of a parent, a creator, a person even, except that this "sharing" is not divided equitably (... as in, one gets everything, the other gets nothing). Those thematics are easier found in families, and in term of how it affects Belial and Lucifer i do think the reading of them as siblings really bring it closer to home, even if Lucilius' parental figure there is only thematic.
but god yeah i love the mental image of Belial and Lucifer just being petty siblings with bad blood in between them but clear love as well, so it's just. Constantly a sort of bickering or some type.
For the dragons, it's probably even more controversial to say since since they are more representation of concepts and stuff, but i do think that there is a reading there that creates such a compelling family dynamic once you put it into use. Exactly the one you describe. And i feel like it's not a conventional approach to depicting a family, but with it being such a big one, it's one i find really compelling. And i think especially with the dragons being this intricately linked to Bahamut, and resenting his abandon, it can echo MC's own search for their father, which also brings some interesting reading imo.
I do think it's a bit of case-by-case scenario, but those really works so well in that regard.
and i really do think the family dynamics that can be explored out of it are super interesting on their own rights, so i do tend not to go onto other possible readings.
I don't want to come out as "it's the only possible reading", but, yeah, with it being my blog, i can decide that this is the reading On My Blog At Least ahah
but i'm so glad you like it so much!! it makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying the madness <333
take care!!
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
Oh, I'd actually like to talk about this sort of thing because it interests me too, lol. I wouldnt want you to spoil your fic ofc but I am always open to discussions regarding this. I personally don't think anyone is canonically gonna get Vecna'd on the show (besides maybe Will) but I like to explore this sort of thing in fanfic. Like in a way all of the characters face their guilt over losing someone. Since the show also connected the Vecna'ing thing with the loss/guilt mostly, I think it's interesting to explore it in fanfic.
Like Max feeling guilty over Billy's death bc she blamed herself for it, believing she was the one who actually killed Billy. Nancy feeling guilty over Barb's death bc she thought she wasn't there for Barb. I can see Dustin and Lucas getting tranced due to their guilt over Eddie and Max's deaths respectivelly (Because maybe... just maybe if Dustin was stronger and tried harder to prevent Eddie from going, he could have stopped his death or at the very least, he could have saved his body. Maybe if Lucas was more focused on Max instead of trying to be normal by joining Jason's team, he would have been there for Max on time and he sort of failed Max bc he wasnt strong enough). I can see Will being tranced in a way that explores his guilt over killing Bob while being possessed and killing the soldiers by leading them to their death (but honestly Will's situation is a whole another can of worms so I wouldn't want to focus on this that much)
Anyway, I think you can tie Dustin's trauma over losing Eddie to Dustin's insecurity over not being enough/not being strong to prevent it. And you can explore it with his relation to D&D because Eddie was the first adult person in Dustin's life who wanted to be his brother figure aside from Steve, and Eddie was also a nerd like Dustin himself.
i honestly have nothing to add to this, anon you summed it up PERFECTLY, holy SHIT
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Daily VGM #3: I'm not crying we're crying
So I got an ask in my DMs on Discord! I thought "oh hey sure, why not. This'll make for a fun second ask box!"
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I'm really doing Duet this early in the blog's lifespan? I mean, okay.
Scroll at your own risk!
Okay, so. To be perfectly honest, I can’t give my full thoughts on this track without spoiling the heck out of Omori. Please go play and finish Omori if you care about spoilers, it is so worth your time to do so. I love Omori to bits.
So. To sum up my feelings in a non-spoiler way, this track is wonderful! It maintains this somber feeling, while also being incredibly whimsical and fun. The rise and fall of the violin at the one minute mark always get me teary-eyed. Of course, we can’t just leave the piano out. As much as I adore violins, a violin on its own wouldn’t be why this track sounds so lovely. The piano consistently allows the song to keep its pace, allowing it to jump from whimsical to somber in a mere few notes. Absolutely beautiful track. 
Now, spoilers below beyond this point. Read on at your own risk. 
Alright, you’re still here? Cool. Now we can actually get crying. 
If you played Omori all the way through its good ending, you know why this track hurts. You know why it makes you cry your eyes out. So I won’t go into too much detail about why its such a beautiful thing, that Sunny and Mari get to play together one last time, even if it’s just in spirit. 
From the beginning of the game, as early as the title screen, you’re hearing this song. Duet is a leitmotif* within Omori’s soundtrack, which adds all the more to how hard this hits. You hear the bits and pieces of the track, before you get to hear the full composition and that is just too damn beautiful for words. 
*a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.
However, I think Duet is aided all the more by the lovely cutscene that follows it, that people have coined as the Final Duet, which I think is a lovely name for it. It is, indeed, their final duet together, and a beautiful one.
There is.. one other track that plays before Duet though, that makes it even more beautiful. Those are the tracks, 168 OMORI, and 169 OMORI - ALTER. (With the two tracks put together like they are in game here.) Omori’s self named track is almost like a warm up to Duet, this somber and sad violin solo with nothing at all accompanying it to begin with. It is simply just Sunny, playing nothing accompanying him. But, as early as 40 seconds in a background noise begins to creep up. This malicious noise keeps growing louder and louder, and it gives me chills every time I hear it. I mean, it makes sense. In these fights you’re fighting Omori, this characterization of Sunny’s own self-hatred and depression. By the time you’re 2 minutes in the background noise is crept even closer, turning into what sounds akin to scraping metal, getting louder and louder, becoming more and more erratic and hard to discern.
But yet, the violin remains. For some moments it even seems like the two are in harmony, the chaotic noise almost going hand in hand with the violin, even quieting down at points to seemingly let it play its heart out, only to reer its ugly head moments later.
Then, Alter kicks in. The noises sound like blown out sounds of someone struggling to breathe, almost yelling for help at some points. It’s terrifying. These noises overtake the music at this point, while the violin keeps playing its consistent melody, not letting up even though you can hardly hear it over Alter’s screams. But, because its been the same melody for minutes on end, you can still somehow clearly hear it as well. It’s shining through like the light at the end of a tunnel almost. The song perfectly reflect the uphill battle that is against Omori. Which, as I said earlier, I believe adds all more to the beauty of Duet. Sunny’s refusal to stop playing allowed him to finally reach that light, and play the duet. Again, his Final Duet.
Thank you to my friend for this lovely submission. This was very nice to write about, even if I think it might’ve been a little too soon in this blog’s career for a song I hold so dearly. Oh well. 
Also, the person who requested this. You know what you were doing. You're not breaking me that easily.
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polhnitro · 2 years
Id3 editor download free
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If all you need is a quick way to be able to edit the ID3 tag on your music files, this utility is a good and free option to consider. Overall, Abyssmedia ID3 Tag Editor is a no-frills and simplistic tool, but it does its job well. One odd thing is that it does not allow you to rename the file itself from within the utility. While it can come in handy in some situations, it does not always work or only acquires partial information about songs. The function can be used with the Identify button from the top toolbar. Lastly, the tool also has a feature that can scan and acquire information about unknown tracks. Below them, are buttons for Copying, Pasting, Saving, and Removing tags, as well as Clearing all fields. Here you will see its album art, and fill out a total of 13 fields for its metadata. Click on one, and you can start editing various information on the bottom half of the window. All tracks will be displayed on the top-right pane. Navigate to your music files using the top-left pane or drag-and-drop them to the program.
Id3 editor freeload download#
Also you may get album info and download covers via online databases like freedb. This is where editors like Abyssmedia ID3 Tag Editor come in to help simplify the process. You can rename files according to information from the tags, import tag. Since each song comes with its own tag, managing and editing multiple tags one at a time can be tedious. They come with ID3 tags that contain metadata about a track, including its artists, title, album, and many more.
Id3 editor freeload registration#
It's easy to use, after all (don't mind the Registry button - that's just so you get a free registration code from the developer's website).Before the advent of audio streaming services like Spotify and Tidal, music came in the form of physical CDs or files. To sum things up, if you wish to modify the tags of your audio track files, then Multi ID3 Tag Editor can help you accomplish this. At times, it might be difficult for beginner users to understand how Multi ID3 Tag Editor works (like in the case of the multi-rename tool, for example), but there's nothing out of the ordinary here. Memory usage is minimum in the case of this application, so your computer will behave perfectly fine when Multi ID3 Tag Editor is initiated.Įverything runs smoothly and we haven't encountered any problems. You can remove or change ID3 fields (title, artist, album, comment, year, genre, track, composer, encoder, copyright, language, URL), ID3v1 Tags and ID3v2 Tags, use a multi-rename tool, as well as a multi-move tool and automatic completion tool (for artist and title).Įach track can be played before editing anything, just to make sure you're not making any mistakes, and you can view any encountered errors during tasks. Here you simply add the audio files and then edit the text fields on each one of them. Just type in the pattern, definition of information layout in the filename and ID3 tag. You can also fill the tag with information from the filename (alike the renaming process). ID3 renamer can also create a new tag if there is none in the file yet it lets you easily write into new files too. The installation process is brief, and the user interface is simple to understand and to navigate through. Choose the advanced options and its already done. Multi ID3 Tag Editor is a tool designed to help you modify the ID3 tags, which can be usually found at MP3s and other types of audio files.
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wtfobiwan · 3 years
I think so many people either don't realize or care how much shit sex workers have to deal with. Society doesn't care about you when you do stripping or porn. They see you as a disgusting impure woman who's asking for whatever comes to her. Her privacy is gone because hey she gets naked all the time? Why can't we look at this unpolished non edited video of her that she didn't want anyone to see? Why does she need her privacy? Sex workers also face a higher rate of violent crime than the average person. Serial killers prey on them because they often have no one that will go look for them. Many get into abusive relationships with men hoping for a way out of their situation. And there are so many stalkers. Many get into this kind of work after an abusive childhood. Pam's story with Tommy is sadly not unique. They could have made a series about the plight of sex workers and what they face but then I guess they couldn't continue to objectify them.
Lily James is going to walk away from this being told that she was so brave for taking the role and how edgy she was, maybe offered more roles, and she probably won't care one bit what actual sex workers face.
This. I have nothing to add to this. You summed this up perfectly.
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finexbright · 2 years
Hi Soni,
Clearly the conclusion from your post is that Harry is not that big. From my point of view he is huge, but there is this implicit pressure that shows how he and his team continue to bet at a rate that is at least questionable. Possibly because he is nowhere near their target yet.
In the meanwhile Harry plays the constant risk game, between a straight and queer image, shouting from the rooftops during 2021 that he appreciates those who have his back to honor his team for giving him the current conditions surrounding his solo career in 2022; Rob Stringer saying out of nowhere "now is when for real nothing with Harry is manufactured", as Holivia is holding hands in every tabloid... Harry repeating over and over again that he is never going to leave the stage and here I am waiting precisely for the other side of the coin as always. Because thats what his public image is about, confusion.
When part of the fans who follow him closely question these situations, the rest should lower their weapons, I don't understand why there are so many sides, it's just an appreciation not a war against him. No one, and I repeat, NO ONE has confirmation of the motives or of what really happens behind the scenes. Who knows if part of the explanation comes from 1D, if perhaps it is due to his role in Hollywood...*fit in here a long long list of possibilities*
This is just too weird to be fighting the fandom on top of it.
Thank you 💛
i honestly don't have anything to add, you've summed it up perfectly! 🤍
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metvmorqhoses · 3 years
It’s a head canon of mine that Tom escaped poverty as soon as he had the ability to do so—in particular by spending his twenties charming and/or Charming lonely old people into writing him into their wills and then dying of Perfectly Natural Causes. He just stayed at Malfoy Manor after the resurrection because he liked the Old Blood history already built into the place and also thought that humiliating Lucius by replacing him as house head was an appropriate punishment for being a wishy-washy semi traitor. “More for me, since my rightful place in the world includes Everywhere”
that last line of yours pretty much sums up the crux of it to me.
i don't think voldemort particularly cared about material things, not even in his youth - at least not in the base sense of wanting to be rich just for the sake of not being poor. yes, i think he had resolved to expedients to survive when needed, why not, but actively using his time to accumulate money just to compensate his previous poverty? not quite.
we actually never see him owning or desiring anything decadent or mundane just for the sake of it, and in my opinion that's an emblematic characteristic of his.
he planned for the whole world to be eventually at his disposal, he didn't want a portion of the world, he wanted everything, the keys to it. everything his followers owned, he automatically owned. he used malfoy manor because it was convenient to him in that particular moment probably, but i can completely see him using just as freely every manor or house of britain. and he didn't even need to legalize any of it, didn't need a vault at gringott's with money on his name (he didn't even have a real name anymore), since he already possessed the minds of the very people who pretty much possessed society.
i see young tom riddle working hard to achieve that and nothing else. i suppose he thought the best was due to him, but i don't think he really obsessed or particularly reveled in the notion of being materialistically powerful. i don't really see him using his powers to charm vulnerable people in order to hoard wealth, to be honest. i see him charming old people to achieve his means more rapidly and in order to hoard different and much more valuable stuff.
he coveted special things (and in a quite obsessive way), powerful things, things made to be admired and therefore worthy of him, things that at the same time he also considered useful and in some way mystical. he didn't collect them to be rich, but to add meaning to himself, to adorn his own power with a legendary, ancient one. he wanted somehow to be part of the mythology of the magical world, to possess it, to link himself to it, in a way that really reminds me of how roman emperors used to collect lost heirlooms of deities to make themselves appear godly.
sure, i agree that he had felt the need since infancy to escape the terrible situation he was born in, but probably his arrival at hogwarts had already pretty much resolved the majority of the situation for him. he was a child that literally went from living in a gutter to residing in a magical castle. if arriving at hogwarts gave a fairy tale, mesmerizing impression even to the children of wealthy wizards, you can imagine how little tom riddle probably thought he had died and gone to heaven at the mere sight of it.
true, he had to go back to the orphanage for the holidays and true, he had to climb a social ladder amongst his peers, but his talent, looks and charisma ate pretty much everyone around him alive without much trouble. his focus was directed elsewhere.
so yeah, your last line summarizes it all perfectly. in his eyes, the whole world was his to use. he had probably been the wealthiest person alive at some point, but in a much broader sense.
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