#Nox Tanith
bibinella · 5 months
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thinking about them 😩✌️💖✨
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lesly-oh · 2 years
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Nox 🐍😎
@bibinella ‘s character for the new campaign!
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batstronaut · 9 months
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“Téa was standing with their back to your back….sort of like confession”
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kattodoesstuff · 4 months
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i think about hex a normal amount :)
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katyahina · 6 months
Elden Ring sliders colors compiled (for quick reference)
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I decided to put together the exact RGBs in a reference as someone consistently betrayed by my screen settings and no longer trusting myself to pick colors by an eye, which was only possible thanks to Zullie the Witch datamining the NPCs faces: ( x ) ( x )! I'd still have to adjust them, of course, but I personally find it helpful to at least have a base. Unfortunately Magnus is just not here as he was patched in later, and I could not find the ghosts with sliders and dialogues.. But ehhhhhh. Maybe someday they will be revealed too.
Anyways, here are some more specific and apparent remarks under cut on the sliders:
- Gideon is a Nox or related to them:
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- Ensha and Nameless White Mask (a guy I presume was invading in bloody lake) strangely have pitch black eyes (both iris and whites), and they even have decent clouding, also pitch black. Kinda strange feature?
- With some characters, the 'real' eye color is not what it seems! Vyke's eyes are brown, but the colored clouding is so intense it makes them look pale blue. Esgar has dark green eyes that look red upon clouding, Arghanthy has red eyes that look orange/yellow, Rogier has brown eyes looking green because of clouding, Miriam has deep emerald eyes looking blue because of clouding... and which I especially like, Maleigh has brown eyes but it is colored by clouding to look very pale yellow, probably reflecting his sickness and how it effected the initial color!
- Although two of Millicent's sisters have both eyes 'missing' and other two have only one eye and it is covered by clouding color to be a very pale color, they all have the 'true' eye color being golden (orange color used for it), like Millicent herself. Her eyes, of the same 'true' color, however, have yellow clouding, making them shine even brighter. This is a really neat detail that cannot be observed my naked eye on their faces and only seen in the sliders numbers!
- Maureen has a unique feature compared to other sisters, where only her left eye (now missing as eyepatch suggests) is clouded by white and not pale yellow like others. Fun fact to consider! Maybe something unique happened with this eye before she lost it, other than a "regular" Scarlet Rot eating it away. A mushroom grew there? hahah
- Rya has asymmetrical eye whites color for some reason; her left eye has normal white, but the right eye has darker, greyish-yellow color.
- Yura has multiple dark old man spots/age freckles on his forehead that cannot be seen with his haircut! I do not have a screenshot to demonstrate it, but here in this post a person recreated his face data exactly but with a trim: ( x )
- I want to comment on the idea that it is always non-Tarnished who have yellow/golden eyes! Recently, Zullie made a video revealing eye textures of a LOT of characters' models having the yellow shining in them ( x )! Letter 'T' here marks the characters me and @val-of-the-north were confident are Tarnished. With 'golden' eyes, core color can vary in intensity; with some character being very bright yellow/orange, and others (like Kenneth or Irina for example) being very dull and only looking yellow-ish when you look at character's face! Interestingly, the Carians who we know are not Tarnished have pale, blueish eyes, similarly to Rennala... I suppose this would be not 'faded' eyes that is a sign of Tarnished, but altered color upon focusing on something else (the moon sorcery in their case). From my own observation, golden eyes are not specifically reflection of not being a Tarnished, but just having internal faith in GO, be it positive like with Maidens that follow it, or negative like with Omens that internalised being abominations in its system or Tanith that defines herself by being a heretic within it like her husband. That video I linked can offer some philosophical insights hahah..
- OLD Knight Istvan, that is stated to be one of the old ones actually doesn't look old at all somehow xd
- Alberich eyes is a debatable matter in my opinion, since removing his hat reveals a binder hinting that he was undergoing a similar process to Azur and Lusat:
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(Do not pay attention to the green bits of the blood glintstones, they appear only on item icon and not on actual model when player is wearing his set. ...Unless......?) If eye color is sensitive to what a person seeks, like pale blue eyes of Carians or (now) red eyes of Esgar is of any indication, his eyes could have still became red in color if he pursued the bloody sorcery before! I am just saying that he might no longer have them 🤔
- Sellen's hair turn out to be not black, but just very dark brown! This is fuckin Adella issue all over again, I can never escape it lol
- Ensha actually uses Body Type B despite very masculine face with facial hair n all, which was revealed later after Zullie's video! Here is a Tweet from Zullie on that: ( x ). Trans representation, or Ensha is actually remains of the person that once lived that possessed some random person as a new vessel? That's up to you!
- Finger Maiden found in Church of Inhibition, not far away from Vyke's invasion / Frenzied Village, has eyes clouded in the same color as 'real' one that fully obscures her pupils (making 'blind' look). It seems like the same thing happens with Melina's golden eye in Frenzied Flame ending.
- Adan and Dung Eater both have a nearly undetectable feature regarding their eye whites: the white on their 'injured' eyes (right eye for both) is brighter by only one point on Green on RGB scale. I do not know why it is added, it is basically invisible detail ;-;
- Devin (the 'silver' twin) has some grey hair, unlike Darian (the 'golden' twin)! Yeah no shit lol
- There is a big possibility that Anastasia is a Tarnished herself; the term used for her, 鬼女 (kijo) refers in Japanese folklore to women that were transformed into hideous "demons" upon their bad karma. So, rather than being an ogress, it could mean that she faced an evil sort of transformation upon vile acts of cannibalising. Well- as well as gameplay mechanic suggesting she is, because upon defeat she is listed as Recusant (who are Tarnished that hunt their own):
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- Cut content character Rico still has full face data in the game files, and has eerly similar colors to Roderika. Really hope that this character will be back in DLC, feels like a potential relative of her!
- The sliders for body hair for some characters not all make sense- like, you are telling me that chads like Diallos or Tragoth do not have body hair? ehhhh. Still, it could be used if you want to! Here it is:
0 - Tanith, Varre, Seluvis, Patches, Irina/Hyetta, Rya, Diallos, Lanya, Sellen + Puppet, D + his brother, Roderika, Fia, Dung Eater, Rogier, Thops, Nepheli, Rico, Vyke's Maiden, Maiden Summon, Ensha, Boc, Millicent, Corhyn, Therolina, Dolores, Jarwright, Vyke, Ravenmount, Nerijus, Tragoth, Istvan, Juno, Anastasia, Okina, Adan, Moongrum, Inaba, Silver Tear 1-4, Maleigh, Knight of the Great Jar 1 + 3, Garris, a White Mask, Wilhelm, Arganthy, Flame Guardian, Ghiza, Alberich, Mary, Maureen, Amy, Polyanna
70 - Bernahl 128 - Eleonora 140 - Esgar, Miriam 150 - Kenneth, Vargram 170 - Yura 210 - Jerren 220 - Rileigh 230 - Edgar 250 - Gideon, Gowry 255 - Boggart, Henricus, Lionel
- No, seriously, are you telling me that Dung Eater shaves???? NONSENCE. What I am saying is, some of the body hair sliders REALLY make no sense, a problem I do not see with the colors or muscles. Speaking of...
- Here are the muscular levels for the characters:
Standard - Tanith, Varre, Seluvis, Irina/Hyetta, Rya, Lanya, Sellen + Puppet, D + his brother, Roderika, Kenneth, Fia, Gideon, Rogier, Thops, Vyke's Maiden, Maiden Summon, Ensha, Boc, Millicent, Gowry, Corhyn, Therolina, Dolores, Lionel, Miriam, Okina, Silver Tear 1-4, Knight of the Great Jar 3, Garris, a White Mask, Arganthy, Flame Guardian, Ghiza, Alberich, Mary, Maureen, Amy, Polyanna
Muscular - Patches, Edgar, Jerren, Diallos, Yura, Dung Eater, Bernahl, Boggart, Nepheli, Rico, Jarwright, Vyke, Eleonora, Ravenmount, Nerijus, Tragoth, Istvan, Rileigh, Juno, Anastasia, Adan, Moongrum, Vargram, Inaba, Henricus, Maleigh, Knight of the Great Jar 1 + 2, Wilhelm, Esgar
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Elden Ring
Characters Tarnished One | Torrent the Spirit Steed | Melina | Millicent | White-Faced Varre | Lunar Princess Ranni/Ranni the Witch | Blaidd the Half-Wolf | War Counselor Iji | Preceptor Seluvis | Rya the Scout | Lightseeker Hyetta | Bloody Finger Hunter Yura | D Hunter of the Dead | Patches the Untethered | Fia the Deathbed Companion | Iron Fist Alexander | Jar-Bairn | Lady Tanith | Shabriri | Queen Marika the Eternal | Miquella the Unalloyed | Godwyn the Golden | Miriel Pastor of Vows | Cleanrot Knight Finlay | Latenna the Albinauric | Lobo | Three Fingers | Two Fingers | Gatekeeper Gostoc | Roderika the Spirit Tuner | Ensha of the Royal Remains | Sorceress Sellen | Boc the Seamster | Goldmask | Brother Corhyn | Gloam-Eyed Queen | Knight Diallos | Sorcerer Rogier | Nepheli Loux | Nomadic Merchant | Mary | Amy | Polyanna | Maureen | Finger Reader Enia | Black Knife Tiche | Finger Maiden Therolina | Lionel the Lionhearted | Thops | Knight Bernahl | Smithing Master Hewg | Lhutel the Headless | Dung Eater
Bosses Malenia Blade of Miquella | Praetor Rykard/Rykard Lord of Blasphemy | General Radahn/Starscourge Radahn/Leonard | Radagon of the Golden Order | Red Wolf of Radagon | Rennala Queen of the Full Moon | Maliketh the Black Blade | Morgott the Omen King | Mohg Lord of Blood | Godfrey First Elden Lord | Godrick the Grafted | Ancient Dragon Lansseax | Dragonlord Placidusax | Astel Naturalborn of the Void | Elden Beast | Sir Gideon Ofnir the All-Knowing | Fire Giant | Black Knife Assassin | Regal Ancestor Spirit | Crucible Knight | Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast | Erdtree Burial Watchdog | Loretta Knight of the Haligtree | Glintstone Dragon Adula | Night's Cavalry/Funeral Steed | Godskin Noble | Godskin Apostle | Abductor Virgin | Tree Sentinel | Roundtable Knight Vyke | Godefroy the Grafted | Commander O'Neil | Elemer of the Briar |  Bloodhound Knight Darriwil | Messmer the Impaler
Enemies Giant Crayfish | Serpent Snail | Festering Fingerprint Vyke | Vargram the Raging Wolf | Juno Hoslow Knight of Blood | Moongrum Carian Knight | Mad Tongue Alberich | Eleonora Violet Bloody Finger | Silver Sphere | Banished Knight | Preceptor Miriam | Night Maiden | Nox Swordstress | Bloody Finger Okina | Kaiden Sellsword | Celebrant | Fingercreeper | Maleigh Marais Shaded Castle Castellan | Fire Prelate | Nameless White Mask | Inquisitor Ghiza
Groups/Ships Omen Brothers | Carian Siblings | Twin Empyreans | Godskin Duo | Rykard x Tanith | Marika x Radagon | Radagon x Rennala | Marika x Rennala | Mohg x Miquella | Malenia x Finlay
ER Trivia | This Sheep
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
remembers pinterest exists. drops my stuff.
albel nox. aria mahariel. astraea lucis caelum. catherine hamilton. claude di montoya. kurosawa eraqus hel lokadotter. john "soap" mactavish (original timeline) julia mayfair (original timeline) kokoro kyriakou. mercy lee. merel van breda. "nikolai" (origianl timeline) steria kyriakou. tanith, orphan thurifer.
majitani, with umbralined. x*haqus, with umbralined. vera/eddie, with luxsclaris. artovere, with wolfdivined. heldoom, with luxsclaris. du winter, with luxsclaris. suri, with tin. helsider, with ranjit. russian roulette, with ranjit.
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azems-familiar · 2 years
Character Masterlist
so this is an updated version of my last oc masterlist post; it's going to be a work in progress with links being updated as i create bios and whatnot. the end goal is it's going to have all three of my swtor canons and my kotor canon listed here, each character will have a small blurb, and i'll link a bio about each character that has images and a little more in depth description of them and their plot!
under a readmore because it's going to be long.
EDIT: decided to add my mass effect and dragon age blorbos as well, though the dragon age ones are going to be a massive WIP until i finish some playthroughs.
how does a man change the universe?
(kotor fics, solo, connects to swtor canon "like a moth to you, sunlight")
Revan Adarii: a mostly-light-side, incredibly powerful young Jedi with an unprecedented gift for psychometry and a skill with strategy and tactics not often seen, Revan drags herself back to a difficult and painful redemption after falling hard during the Mandalorian Wars and briefly having her memories stripped from her. After the destruction of the Star Forge, she slipped off and started a family with Bastila Shan and Alek, only to vanish into the Unknown Regions for a second time four years later, leaving behind her partners and two children.
Qatya Petheir: young and barely knighted at the start of the Mandalorian Wars, Qatya's gift for strategy and her tireless determination and commitment vaulted her into the position of Revan's third-in-command. after ten years of exile, punishment for activating the Mass Shadow Generator, she returned to the galaxy at large to defeat another Sith threat, finally settling in and rebuilding the Jedi Order as its Grand Master.
canon: start a war
(combined canon with @ipreferfiction)
Lia Vhoss: Lia is a nautolan Jedi knight who served as Satele Shan's padawan during her teenage years. she's one half of a dyad in the Force with her best friend, J'lima Akarr. current Eternal Commander of the Alliance.
Vreila Lanar: Vreila is a miraluka Jedi master and was Syo Bakarn's padawan. a master on the Jedi High Council, she serves as the Republic's and Jedi Order's liaison with the Eternal Alliance and the Master of the Odessen Jedi Enclave.
Kal'vaela Corrin: a cathar soldier who was the youngest and last member of Havoc Squad before it defected to the Empire, Kal is responsible for several of the Republic's top military and intelligence forces defecting and is the CO of Imperial SpecOps unit Blackout Squad.
Vyl Kivan: Vyl is a former twi'lek slave who was freed and sent to Korriban to be trained as a Sith. he had a brief career as Baras' tool, and then as Vitiate's Wrath, before defecting to the Jedi after being pushed to invade Tython. he currently serves as a Jedi master in the Odessen enclave.
Avaanla Ki: known as Darth Aedis, Avaanla is a togruta former pleasure slave, Darth Thanaton's apprentice, the former Dark Councilor for the Sphere of Mysteries, and now serves as one of two co-empresses of the Sith Empire. she also remains the Master of the Revanite cult, though it has much less galactic presence than it used to.
Araala Ki: Araala is a former Jedi knight who fell and turned to the Sith on Corellia. she's the direct apprentice of Darth Nox, the other co-empress of the Sith Empire.
Averr'iis'aloh: known titles for the chiss spy Riisa include Cipher Eight, Legate, and Keeper of Imperial/Sith Intelligence. she currently serves under Theron Shan, Alliance spymaster.
Sa'ziri: Sa'ziri is a twi'lek ex-slave recruited by Darth Arkous into both the Sith and the Revanites. she's a part of the small Sith Academy on Odessen, mostly because she has nowhere else to go.
canon: like a moth to you, sunlight
(shared canon with @sith-shenanigans)
Arielle Tanith: a togruta Jedi knight with the rare power of battle meditation, Arielle spends several years as the Jedi Battlemaster before being captured by Zakuul. she is one of two co-commanders of the Eternal Alliance, leads the Eternal Fleet, and maintains peace in a galaxy unused to anything but war.
Chril'lith'anasin: formerly the Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order, Illitha is a chiss ex-Jedi who walked the tightrope between Jedi and Sith for several years before eventually establishing themself as a Republic-aligned Sith. they are the Rift Alliance's liaison with the Eternal Alliance prior to the two becoming one entity, and often liaise with the Republic on the Eternal Commanders' behalf.
Ktis Kressh: current Empress of the Sith Empire, Ktis is a pureblood Sith and the heir to the disgraced but ancient Kressh bloodline. former pirate captain and occasionally Republic privateer. even-more-former titled apprentice to Darth Thanaton. also a Child of the Emperor.
Callien Ordo: daughter of Jekiah Ordo, champion of the Great Hunt, Callien is clanborn human and spends several years collecting bounties and working with pirates and smugglers. after Zakuul invades and her father is killed, she's drawn back to Mandalore the Avenger's side to become her second in command and frequent liaison with the Eternal Alliance.
Chril'lam'inar: the twin sister of Illitha, Illami is also known as Darth K'imsi, former Councilor for the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence and double agent of the Republic. she now serves the Eternal Alliance's intelligence network.
Niveha Veshari / Niwûihû Wûshaari: Niveha is a pureblood Sith who spends several years serving as Darth Arkous' apprentice before being betrayed and left for dead. she's now a Jedi knight, though she still struggles with the cultural disconnect she feels.
Sozik Veshari: a Sith Lord who formerly served under Darth Serevin, Sozik is a former member of the sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy who served as a diplomat on Voss for several years during the Cold War. after his daughter was betrayed and fled to the Jedi, he left the Empire behind to follow her, eventually finding his way to the Alliance.
canon: hold the hand of the god-child
(shared canon with @ipreferfiction)
Inrokini'kat'rath: Ikatra is a chiss ex-Jedi knight and the current Eternal Commander of the Eternal Alliance. though she once was considered one of the greatest Jedi of her time, she now considers herself a reluctant Sith and is officially affiliated with neither Order.
Aalira Dhey: sister to Mirjal, Aalira is a togruta Cinnagar native and member of the Krath. she's a runaway Jedi padawan and was considered king of the underworld for several years. serves as Vaylin's High Justice on Zakuul.
Vasmi na'Dreshdae: Vasmi is the pureblood Sith former Emperor's Wrath. she knelt to Neyri during the Sith Civil War and now serves as the Wrath of the Sith, Neyri's non-sphere-affiliated right hand.
Akada Szorn: a Ziosti miraluka, Akada is known as Cipher Nine in the Empire and Legate in the Republic. she served under Darth Marr for several years after the dissolution of Imperial Intelligence before fleeing the Empire and becoming an information broker on Zakuul. she serves the Eternal Alliance.
Neyri Qel-Droma: biologically human but culturally Sith, Neyri is the descendant of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma and is the Jen'ari of the Sith Empire, following a bloody civil war.
canon: the righteous hand of god, the devil you forgot
(shared canon with @ipreferfiction and @sith-shenanigans)
Iaris Kuro: a mirialan man in his early 50s, Iaris is a smuggler of some renown. along with his pirate crew - most of whom he recruited on Rishi, all of them known for their morality, a somewhat rare feature in pirates - he runs supplies for the Jedi Order, maintaining supply lines between Tython and Ossus.
Yatali Kuro: known as Darth Nox in the Empire, head of the sphere of Ancient Knowledge, Yatali is the youngest-ever Dark Councilor in recorded Imperial history. though her past as a Cartel slave and her meteoric rise to power is well-known, her relation to the former Emperor's Wrath and current Alliance Commander is kept quiet.
Qyâsik Dzwokai: Qyasik is the pureblood Sith daughter and heir of Darth Marr. exiled by an Imperial decree the Dark Council couldn't override, she snuck her way back into Sith society as a bounty hunter before becoming the new Empress' political advisor.
canon: this is the road to ruin
Kehree Adull:
Vonyra Dozai:
Zakri Tave: Zakri is a self-admitted heretic Sith Pureblood who, along with zir entire family, was enslaved when zie was a child for that crime. after getting out of slavery and into Sith training due to zir strength in the Force, zie proves zir heresy correct by first taking a seat on the Dark Council, and then becoming the new Emperor.
Kolasei Niket: Kolasei is a cathar bounty hunter who just wanted to prove themself and find a way to survive. instead, when they win the Great Hunt, they find themself forced into joining the culture that genocided their people three centuries ago.
a few final notes: start a war follows the swtor game plots fairly closely in a lot of ways. there's a lot of minor canon divergences, and some characters play different roles than they do in canon, as well as the occasional swapping around of an expansion in the timeline, but it's fairly canon-accurate.
sunlight is fairly canon-compliant through the early expansions and the Zakuul arcs, in terms of broad arcs, but from onslaught and on is heavily canon-divergent, and post-class stories it has quire a few moderate canon divergences.
god-child's canon starts out with an entirely different worldstate in which the Republic fully didn't exist in the majority of the galaxy for a solid fifty years around the kotor era, and that echoes forward into swtor in multiple ways. the biggest story arcs - the class stories, zakuul - remain the same, but everything else is heavily canon divergent, although most of the canon expansions exist in some form or another.
solo mass effect content
Lyrida Shepard: a fully paragon colonist/sole survivor who romances Kaidan, brokers peace between the geth and the quarians, and destroys the Reapers without losing the geth. she survives and builds a family on the Citadel.
unnamed verse shared with @ipreferfiction
Mikka Shepard: the very renegade younger sister of paragon Taryn Shepard, Mikka is earthborn/ruthless and is the Spectre out of the two of them, though she's not the one to sacrifice herself on the Citadel at the end. she romances Javik and is a full biotic.
Desri Surana: a half-elven mage raised in the Denerim alienage before she was discovered to be an apostate and sent to the Circle. Duncan's daughter, though she doesn't know this. probably going to romance a hardened Leliana.
Vivian Hawke: a mostly blue, slightly red mage who romances Anders and campaigns heavily for mage rights both within and without Kirkwall. she supports Anders' decision to destroy the Kirkwall chantry and remains with him after it. her brother Carver is a templar.
Vythral'a Lavellan: First of her clan before she was sent to spy on the conclave, Vythral'a is a very unwilling Herald and a slightly-more-willing Inquisitor, determined to defeat Corypheus and protect her clan. very much loves her people and her culture and would do anything for them. her curiosity and love of unique magic endeared her to Solas, and she falls into a romance with him.
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lady--revan · 5 years
world building for kestrel and for kalyn? ( i was also wondering who nox is?)
(Nox is kalyn’s miraluka boyfriend… I probably should get around to drawing him/writing his bio)
full name: Revan Kestrel Varik
gender: Female
sexuality: Demisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Carth, her daughter Tanith, her adopted daughter Mission, and her stepson Dustil
job: Soldier, Jedi
phobias: claustrophobia
guilty pleasures: buying expensive stuff
morality alignment?: Chaotic Neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized!!! she always has a grand plan
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: Reserved. She won’t hesitate to pester her friends tho
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic (after returning to the light)
optimistic/pessimistic: neither??? she’s a realist. She won’t deny it if she has good odds.
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: lazy
otp: Kestrel/Carth
ot3: none
brotp: Kestrel/Bastila, Kestrel/Canderous
notp: none that I know of
full name: Kalyn Pendras
gender: Female
sexuality: demisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Nox Lantra, their son Nalos
birthplace: Coruscant
job: Jedi Sentinel
phobias: getting frostbite/hypothermia
guilty pleasures: showing off
morality alignment?:
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Extrovert
organized/disorganized: Disorganized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: follower
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic
traditional/modern: modern and trendy
hard-working/lazy: a little bit lazy
otp: Kalyn/Nox (i have a cute whole backstory planned for them)
ot3: none
brotp: Kalyn/Mera, Kalyn/Visas
notp: none
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bibinella · 6 months
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little dyke guy for yall
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ars-historia-est · 6 years
“That I took you in,” she said, “was for a purpose. I did not, as you have seen, bring you here to serve me. And yet, I did take you, raise you, keep you, in peerlessness and in innocence, that you might serve—another. And now you are fit to learn of him and to look upon his image.”
Jaspre’s heart beat quickly, instinctually, and she waited, her eyes fixed only on the curtain. Which, in another instant, the woman drew aside.
Jaspre had never seen a man before. Inside the alcove stood a man. Then, as the lamplight beat on him, she beheld he was made of stone, a pale stone finely planed, fantastically burnished, colored with all the most convincing nuances of life.
His long and thickly curling hair was black, and lay seemingly loosely against his forehead, cheeks and shoulders. His features were chiseled, of a faintly Eastern cast, singularly handsome even to the point of beauty. His flesh was pale, but not with the dead pallor of the stone, rather a curious dark whiteness flushed through with somber tinctures, as if ichors flowed directly under the skin. In the eyes, which most of all might display lifelessness in a statue, there had been set dark jewels that glimmered, that seemed possessed of actual sight.
The image was represented as garbed in a black outer mantle of the ancient Parsua, diagonally cut and fringed with silver, with a broad belt that flashed with large bloody gems. Gems of blood and ink and blue water also crusted the shoes carved on his feet, and stared from his long fingers. One hand lay relaxedly at his side. The left hand was gracefully uplifted in an ambiguous gesture of offering or beckoning.
The statue’s feet rested upon a low plinth, and in the plinth some words had long ago been cut, their letters softened now by time that had, in no other form, impaired the freshness of the work. After a while, as if impelled, Jaspre looked at them and next leaned close.
Deo Arimanio, they read. Nox Invictus.
“The Golden Rope” by Tanith Lee. “Red as Blood,or Tales from the Sisters Grimmer”.
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My OCs...
Dragon Age
Solona Amell ♀
Milena Cousland ♀
Marek Mahariel ♂ 
Kalliana Tabris ♀
Arien Aeducan ♂
Inga Brosca ♀
Daylen Hawke-Amell ♂
Arien Hawke ♀
Yvanna Hawke-Vael ♀ 
Tanith Trevelyan ♀ 
Kadan Adaar ♀ 
Atishavir Lavellan ♀ 
Alyssana Lavellan ♀ 
Revassan Lavellan ♂
Isana Cadash ♀
Alvaro Trevelyan ♂
Kassanda Adaar ♀
Saaraban Adaar ♂ 
Mass Effect
Mya Shepard ♀
Dawn “Shachar” Ryder ♀ 
Flynn “Binyamin” Ryder ♂
Adaya Navanad, Lone Wanderer ♀ 
Shoshana Eisen, Courier Six ♀️
Aviva Mendel, Sole Survivor ♀️
Dungeons & Dragons
Alyssana Siddall, half-elf ♀ 
Dara Stalkingwolf, wood elf ♀ 
Kathra Stonehammer, hill dwarf ♀ 
Hyacinth “Glitterbreeze” Weatherbee, halfling ♀ 
Ris Amberbreath, halfling ♂
Star Wars
Voruna Zell (Tabletop), Mirialan ♀
Jedi Battlemaster Amiela, human ♀ 
Darth Nox, Saraaha, Zabrak ♀
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kattodoesstuff · 4 months
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hex baby
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bibinella · 8 months
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feelings,… developing? mmm… 🤔
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