#OC Child
chibiuniverse2000 · 6 days
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Some 📻🍎 fan kid doodles💕
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animationmovieshipps · 10 months
Y/n: Harmony is going through a phase, at least, oh we hope it's a phase
Floyd: She bolts every chance she gets
*Floyd running after the baby*
Floyd: Harmony
*The baby runs to the other side*
Floyd: Harmony!
*The baby runs back to the first side*
Floyd: HARMONY!!!
Floyd: So we had no choice but to put her in a child safety tether
Y/N: It's a leash and we did have a choice
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l1viane · 7 months
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More Adam
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jhdanes · 22 days
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Dad meme aka dipper the chill dad while bill being a psychopath.
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marigoldwriter · 1 month
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letty of hearts, daughter of red of hearts & chloe charming
(nobody asked, but I want everyone to see a bit of my babygirl! I've already tried to draw her, but I couldn't, anyway, I'll try to post more of 'Where are the Stars? I'll Sing them Lullabies' here)
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acutemushroom · 3 months
Some Sokkla family headcannons because this ship has been stuck in my head for a good week
They live in the Southern Water Tribes (STW) and Sokka has eventually succeeded his father as chief.
They have two children: A son named Haku (Spirited away reference? I don't know what you're talking about...) and a daughter named Lykka.
Haku is a waterbender and Lykka a firebender.
Haku looks very similar to his father. Though, his eyes and facial expressions are all Azula'.
Lykka's skin is darker than Azula's but still a bit lighter than her father's. Her hair is black but wavy (same hair texture than Katara). Her eyes shape is round like Sokka but the colour is gold.
Azula's favorite cloth from the STW is the Amauti. I just know that she is the kind of mother who would carry her children everywhere with her until they can walk, so she would absolutely adore these.
Ironically for a man who loves his sleep, Sokka insisted to be the one who wake up when the kids were babies. He would only bring them to Azula if it was because they wanted to eat. Because of his responsabillities, especially at the beginning of his chiefhood, it was his moment to be able to solely focus on bonding with and taking care of his children. Plus, Azula wakes up very early in the morning, so it let her rest and sleep.
To no one's surprise, considering who their parents are, the siblings favorite pass time is to prank their uncle Zuzu when they see him. They are sillies in general.
Sokka insisted they learn, at least the basics of, weilding weapons. In case something happens and they can't rely on their bending. Haku can be frequently seen fighting or hunting with an ice-coated halberd. Lykka, on the other hand, preferred dual broadswords. Thing is, in good uncle fashion, Zuko taught her some fun tricks combining the swords and firebending. She once almost burned her hair and the house while juggling fire with the swords. Oops....
Sokka taught them a lot of manual skills in general. I just know it in my bones that, in a Modern AU, he would be the kind of dad to put a mechanical drill in his toddler's hands.
At each of the kid's first full moon, Sokka took them outside to present them to Yue. They're the only kids in the world that can brag about having the Moon Spirit as their godmother.
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janahanooo · 9 months
Aurelia: I want to live with uncle! I don't like mama!
Mom!Yuu: great... darling you have to be a bit more specific
Aurelia: uncle!
Mom!Yuu: I give up... I'm putting you up for adoption at this point
Aurelia: what?
In the groupchat
Mum of all: can someone babysit Ari?
Kalim: yeah sure!
Jamil: how long?
Mum of all: until she goes to college
Kalim: did something happen?
Mum of all: she wants to live with her uncle
Mum of all: but didn't say wich one
Mum of all: so I told her I'm putting her up for adoption then
Jamil: cruel
Mum of all: and now, she won't stop crying
Kalim: even crueler
Mum of all went offline
Jamil: great... I bring mum a bag of coffee
Kalim: I bring toys for Ari
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divine-draws · 7 months
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more tommy from my ghoap family au :3c he's having fun with his ipad
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tanema123 · 5 months
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Part 2 of I want kittens, lol.
Carmilla got her wish.... And Zestial still doesn't get it.
Yes. The only reason there is only one girl, is cause I run out of female names in swan lake.
part 1
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darth-mortem · 6 months
GhostSoap fic according to poll results.
Tired Ghost returns after several months on duty without Soap, who has been recovering from an injury. Despite the late hour, it’s not only Johnny who meets him at the airport. 2385 words.
Fluff, domestic, love, OC child, MDNI
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Lieutenant Riley was deadly tired. He sat on the plane, sandwiched between a chatty old woman and a snoring man, and pretended to be asleep. He was wearing camouflage pants, military boots, and a black hoodie. His face was hidden by a fabric mask with a skull print and a hood. Simon looked menacing, but that didn’t stop the old woman from trying to talk to him, so pretending to be asleep was the lieutenant's only option to avoid the conversation.
You can keep reading here or on Ao3
The last few months have been difficult for TF 141. Soap wasn’t with them; he was recovering from a severe injury, so three soldiers had to do the work for four. And there was a lot of work. A variety of scums had activated around the world; TF 141 has been fighting them, thwarting sinister plans, and not even having a couple days of rest at their base. The last mission was the most intense: terrorists threatened to use chemical weapons against civilians, and time was very short. Members of TF 141 did the impossible—managed to neutralize both the bastards and their deadly missiles, but they all were injured, so Captain Price arranged a leave for them. He stayed with Gaz, who’ll have to spend a few days in a hospital, and Ghost took a ticket for the nearest plane to Manchester and went home. The lieutenant’s shot leg hurt, but he didn’t think about it. He didn’t think about missions, either. His tired mind was filled with thoughts about home, about his beloved Johnny, who must have almost recovered, and about Olivia.
Olivia, this adorable little girl, came into Riley and MacTavish’s life a year ago. She was Simon’s own daughter, the only good thing the lieutenant had done during his very short and failed marriage, which he had entered into almost immediately after he took his revenge on Roba and became a member of TF 141. His wife, Emma, left him when she was pregnant, saying she didn’t want the child to grow up with that kind of father, and Simon didn’t try to stop her. He was too traumatized and broken by everything that happened to him; he was tormented by nightmares and drank a lot during that time. Simon regularly sent money for his daughter, and in return, his ex-wife sometimes sent him Olivia’s photos and briefly shared the girl’s milestones. Riley only saw his child once before Emma died in a car accident.
At that time, Ghost was already dating Soap; they spent their leaves together in the lieutenant’s apartment in Manchester and made joint plans, but Johnny still knew nothing about Olivia. It was a difficult conversation that led to an even more difficult decision. The girl had no other relatives; Simon was the only one who had custody of her after her mother’s death, so he and Johnny became Olivia’s new family.
The plane shook, and Ghost raised his head, looking around. The flight attendant announced that there is a turbulence zone ahead, and all passengers should put the backs of their seats in a vertical position, remove the tables, and fasten their seat belts. The lieutenant did everything with a slight tension, which didn’t hide from the gaze of his chatty neighbor.
“Are you afraid of flying?” The old woman asked.
“No,” Ghost answered. “I’m afraid of falling.”
“You're saying that as if you've already fallen.” She laughed cheerfully.
“Yes,” the lieutenant said. “Three or four times.”
The old woman fell silent, suddenly realizing that her gloomy neighbor wasn’t joking. The plane shook again, and it reminded Ghost how he and the others had to jump from a dangerously low height to save themselves from a crashing airlifter. The parachutes managed to open, but the landing was very harsh. Simon escaped with bruises, but Price then severally sprained his leg.
However, today everything went well. The plane left the turbulence zone, and flight attendants began serving drinks. Glancing at his watch, Ghost realized that they had less than an hour to fly, so he quit pretending to be asleep and asked to pour him some tea. The old woman livened up and began to tell something again, but the lieutenant hardly listened to her, automatically nodding from time to time and thinking that very soon he would hug Johnny and kiss his little daughter.
The plane was arriving late, so Simon didn’t expect to be met. He was one of the last to go for his luggage, and he was given his backpack and a large military bag with his gear and weapons in a special case. Slowly, limping on his injured leg, he made his way to the exit, where the passengers and those who met them were still standing. The lieutenant walked with his head down, concentrating on his steps and the weight of the bag in his hand, so he absolutely didn’t expect what happened next.
Suddenly, the noises of the airport were interrupted by a sonorous child’s voice, and Simon, raising his head, saw his daughter.
“Hi, daddy!” She exclaimed loudly and then ran to the lieutenant, holding out her little hands.
The girl was dressed in denim overalls, Simon’s huge camo shirt, and Johnny’s military cap. Ghost dropped his bag, awkwardly dropped to one knee, and held Olivia to his chest, feeling his eyes start to sting. The girl kissed him on his cheek above the mask; then Johnny came up to them and lifted the lieutenant’s bag with a shiny smile.
“Let’s go home, mo ghaol*.” MacTavish said.
“Aye, let’s gang hame, da!” Olivia exclaimed with a strong Scottish accent.
Simon slowly stood up, lifting the girl in his arms, and looked at smiling Johnny.
“Wha’?” He asked. “Wee children quickly pick up everything ‘n’ easily repeat it.”
Ghost sighed silently and said nothing. He was too tired and very happy to see his family that met him here. Holding his daughter with one hand, he hugged Johnny with the other one, and they walked straight to the exit to the parking lot.
Johnny got behind the wheel, and Simon got in the back seat because Olivia wanted him around. She clung to her dad’s hand and told him about the school she had just started going to, about her new friends, and about the neighbor’s dog named Butch. The girl also told how she and ‘da Johnny’ were cooking pancakes and almost burned down the kitchen, but everything ended well.
“Hey!” Soap exclaimed, looking at her through the mirror. “Ye promised nae tae tell daddy Simon aboot it!”
Olivia laughed and showed Johnny her little tongue. Ghost noticed that she spoke with switching up Scottish and Mancunian accents, and he mentally felt sorry for her teachers.
The girl’s enthusiasm was short-lived. It was getting very late, so she fell asleep in Simon’s arms halfway home. He gently stroked his daughter’s blond hair and looked in the mirror, catching Johnny’s gaze in it.
“I missed you.” Ghost said silently.
It used to be very difficult for him to say such things out loud. Every time Simon wanted to tell Johnny how much he loved him, how much he appreciated him, and how much he trusted him, it was as if invisible, icy fingers were squeezing his throat, preventing him from making a sound. The ghosts of his dead relatives surrounded Riley, reminding him of what happens to those he loves. Soap, however, was patient; he asked nothing and demanded nothing, and gradually the icy grip of the terrible past began to loosen and let go of Simon’s crippled soul.
“I missed ye too.” Johnny answered and smiled gently. “How is yer leg?”
“Solid.” Ghost said. “And how are you, my dear?”
“Solid too.” Soap winked cheerfully. “After yer leave, we’ll return to th’ duty th’gither.”
Simon carried Olivia into the apartment in his arms, and together with Johnny, they changed the girl into pajamas and put her to bed. She didn’t wake up; she just mumbled something in her sleep when Ghost and Soap took turns kissing her on the cheeks before leaving her room.
“God, I missed ye sae much!” Johnny hugged Simon tightly, just down the hall, and reached in for a kiss. “Are ye hungry?”
“Uh… yes.” Ghost wasn’t able to answer immediately, not wanting to tear himself away from his lover’s lips. “I also want to take a shower. I still have fucking sand on my teeth.”
“Then go.” Soap smiled. “I’ll heat up the dinner in th’ meantime. I didn’t eat either, was waiting fur ye.”
“Just don’t burn the kitchen, copy?” Simon smiled, kissed Johnny again, and, turning him towards the kitchen, sped him up with a slap on his ass.
Riley stood under the streams of hot water for a long time. Then he put a new bandage on his thigh, put on his home sweatpants and a black T-shirt, and left the bathroom. Once, it was also absolutely impossible for Ghost; he always wore his mask or balaclava. But those days were long gone, and he didn’t want to remember them now, when Johnny was waiting for him. Johnny, who wasn’t afraid of Simon's scarred face and body, who accepted him as he is, who loved him without any conditions or compromises.
Johnny really was already waiting. On the table in the small kitchen were plates of meat and vegetables, a bottle of whiskey, and a couple of candles.
“So, it’s a date?” Ghost asked, smiling.
“Aye!” Soap answered. “Sit doon, mo ghaol, ‘n’ remember that this date must end in bed, if ye know what I mean.”
“Fuck yeah!” Simon nodded, taking the fork.
Johnny was curious about the TF 141 missions and how the captain and Kyle were doing, but he didn’t ask any questions. Now wasn’t the time for that. Now Simon was tired and didn’t want to speak; he wanted to listen, so the sergeant told the lieutenant about Olivia, about his rehabilitation, and how he took the girl to his parents, not forgetting to pour whiskey for both of them.
“It was very tasty, my dear.” Simon said gratefully, when their plates became empty. “Did you cook it yourself?”
“Aye!” Johnny answered proudly. “This is ma maw’s recipe!”
Of course, he didn’t tell how he called his mother every minute, asking so many stupid questions that even Mrs. MacTavish’s angelic patience finally failed. The main thing is that Simon liked everything, right?
“I want ye tae drink coffee while I’ll wash th’ dishes.” Soap said. “Ye need energy because you'll need to work a lot tonight. I want ye, ye know?”
“Aye.” Ghost nodded and then smiled. “I want you too, Johnny.”
They went to their bedroom. Riley closed the door, and MacTavish, meanwhile, quickly pulled off his T-shirt and fell on the bed that had been spread in advance. Simon piled on top of him and started to kiss his lips, his neck, and the scar on his chin greedily.
Soap slid his hands under Ghost’s T-shirt, running his fingers over numerous scars. He let out a breath, closing his eyes for a second before pressing his knee lightly into Johnny's groin, making him groan. They quickly removed the rest of their clothes, throwing them on the floor, and then Soap pressed Simon against the bed and began to kiss his stocky body as he moved down.
“Fucking hell…” Ghost gasped as Johnny reached his cock and began to lick it.
He ran his fingers into the mohawk, squeezing and lowering Soap's head. He gave in, wrapped his lips around Ghost’s huge cock, took it in his mouth, and then pushed deeper into his throat. Closing his eyes, he let out a low moan, expressing complete satisfaction at what he was doing.
“Do you like it, yeah?” Simon asked hoarsely, running his fingers through Johnny’s hair.
“Mmpf!” He smacked his lips as he let Ghost’s cock out of his mouth and looked at his partner with his amazing blue eyes. “Hell yeah, I lik’ it sae much!”
Simon pulled him closer, and Johnny fell on his chest. A second later, he felt his partner's large palm: Ghost's long fingers wrapped around both of their cocks, pressing them together. Soap shivered with satisfaction and started to move, thrusting his hips and feeling the pleasant friction. Simon looked at him, holding him close before sliding his other hand from Johnny’s back to his ass and squeezing it, making his partner moan again.
“Harder!” Soap begged, and Simon clenched his fingers tighter and started to move his hand faster.
“Come on, Johnny,” he said, “cum for me.”
It was the last straw, the last thing Soap needed to make the pleasure wash over him and carry him away on its sweet waves. He was clinging to Ghost's broad shoulders, sobbing and moaning as he buried his face in his partner’s neck, and it was so unbelievably beautiful that it didn't take long for Simon to catch him up. Ghost groaned, throwing his head back, and it was one more thing he had never done before. The icy lieutenant was so used to suppressing his emotions that, for a long time, he couldn’t get rid of them even in bed, even when he was really good. However, Johnny had fixed that too, and now he was enjoying watching Simon cum.
They smoked in bed lazily, then got up and went to the shower. Soap couldn’t stop smiling even when Ghost was kissing him, standing under the streams of hot water. Simon and Johnny put on their pajama pants before going back to bed. The appearance of a child in their home forced them to get rid of some habits, such as going naked to the kitchen at night to drink water. However, none of them regretted or complained, because both managed to love little Olivia very much.
The girl quietly slipped into her dads’ bedroom early in the morning. Careful not to worry them, Olivia climbed onto the bed and snuggled between Johnny and Simon, who hugged her without waking up. Soon, the girl fell asleep again, and the room, illuminated by the rays of the morning sun, fell into a warm and cozy silence, which was disturbed only by the sounds of the calm breathing of three people.
*Mo ghaol (Gaelic) – my love
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endominator · 1 year
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Rhazpor and his unnamed cousin
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chibiuniverse2000 · 10 days
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POV: your sister from the future goes back in time just to fuck with you
I'm going full sailor moon reference with this fan kid🤌✨️
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callalillywrites · 13 days
His Scarred Omega Part 3
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Part 2 / Series Masterlist
Relationship: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Word Count: ~2100
Summary: It's Bucky's first outing with his daughter since he and Omega have talked. He's going to make sure Omega comes with them and they all have a good time.
Warnings: allusions to Omega's past, cheating (not Bucky or Omega), Alpha!Bucky (he's a warning starting now), insecurities (all characters), Bucky does a lot of pausing but then again, he's still processing the fact he has a daughter so he's allowed these moments
A/N: I wrote this story really fast as I mentioned above. It’s proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Bucky can’t say he’s not nervous to spend his first real day with the daughter he never knew existed.
Yet, that doesn’t stop him from getting ready that morning, even if he does go through most of his closet before settling on a simple tee under his dark red henley and a pair of black jeans. He notes his locks are getting long enough for another cut soon as he shaves the stubble from his face.
On the way to Omega’s, he stops by a small flower shop and picks out two matching bouquets. One large, one small. While he’s not certain what the men have been like in his daughter’s life up to that point, he’s going to make sure she gains a certain standard she should expect from them, no matter what her designation ends up being.
That thought gives him pause.
She’s only a few years before they’ll learn her designation.
He’s missed so much of her life, and he can only hope that she’ll want him to be in the rest of it. He has no intention of bowing out now that he knows she exists.
If anything, he hopes to have her living with him before the year is out or at least spending half her time with him. He’s a little bit more open about this right now as he’s not certain how well this first meeting is going to go.
His thoughts come to a halt when he finally stands outside Omega’s place.
For the first time, he’s not sure if he’s worthy of either of them. He’s let his daughter down through his ignorance and he can only imagine what Omega has learned from Dot about him over the years. It doesn’t matter they’d been close to friends before his relationship with Dot had disintegrated. Can he ever measure up to what they need or want?
It’s a bit lost on him now how much his thoughts include Omega at this point, but that will change soon enough.
In fact, it starts to change when he finally manages to knock on her door.
When she opens it in a simple sundress with a jacket already set over it, he has to swallow and work to calm his inner Alpha that’s also noticed Omega and how sweet and pretty she looks. Oh, he’s in serious trouble here.
Hastily, he hands over the bouquet he got for her and tries not to preen when she actually smiles one of the prettiest smiles he’s ever seen on anyone. Her pleasant scent floats up to him and surrounds him in a way that no other Omega has ever managed to do.
“These are my favorites. How did you know?”
To his surprise, he manages to say, “You used to wear these flowers as crowns when you weren’t wearing ribbons in your hair.”
“You remember that?”
He can’t help nodding.
“No one has ever gotten me flowers before.” She takes a delicate sniff of the flowers before moving back so he can enter. “Thank you. Gracie should be out in a little bit. She’s been debating her outfit since she woke up. Just don’t tell her I told you that.”
“At least, she’s not alone. I kinda went through my entire wardrobe as well,” he admits quietly.
Omega’s smile brightens a bit more. “So, like father, like daughter. Good to know.”
That gives him some pause as he glances down what he presumes is the hallway to their bedrooms. “Does she know? That I’m her father?”
“Well, she’s a smart kid. She put two and two together the other day.”
This time, Omega’s smile dims as she meets his gaze with a serious one of her own.
“Don’t break her heart, okay? She’s a tough kid as she’s had to be, but she’s not someone to be tossed aside because she no longer fits in with what you might want.”
Bucky senses this warning has more to it than Omega’s willing to get into with him at that moment. He can wait, but he wants to hear that story.
Before he can say anything, Gracie emerges from her bedroom and shyly walks up to him.
Bucky drops to his knee so he can present her with the bouquet he’d gotten her. “These are for you, sweet girl.”
Gracie accepts the flowers from him though she’s not entirely sure what to do with them.
Omega helps her out by getting her a vase and some water, telling Gracie to set them carefully on her dresser in her room.
When Gracie comes back, she hesitates only a moment before she takes Bucky’s hand in her tinier one. She tugs him back to his feet before she asks, “What are we doing today?”
“Well,” Bucky pauses as he pretends to consider it until Gracie whines and Omega grins again, “I thought we could let you decide. I heard you like reading, and I know a good bookshop not too far from here. We can go to lunch wherever you like and then see how it goes from there.”
“Is Auntie coming with us?”
Bucky nods. “I can’t spoil you both if I only take one of you, now can I?”
“I don’t need to be spoiled,” Omega protests, spluttering.
“Well, I think I should consult with Gracie about that.” He shoots Omega a wink before turning his full attention on Gracie. “Does your Auntie need some spoiling?”
Gracie’s features twist into an expression of deep thought before a grin spills across her features as she nods enthusiastically.
“Well, it seems like the jury has decided your fate. Besides, you’re dressed for a day out, so let’s get to it, ladies.”
Bucky ushers them from their small apartment, noting the crappier lock on the front door. He’s going to fix that as soon as he can, wanting his daughter and Omega to be safe. The neighborhood isn’t the worst in the city, but it’s a lot older and a bit more rundown than the area he lives in.
Over the next couple of hours, he takes them to the bookshop he knows and finds Gracie has an almost equally voracious appetite for books as he does. The two large paper sacks they walk out with attest to that.
Omega does try to dissuade him from spoiling Gracie too much so early, but he refuses to be swayed. He even goes so far as to pick up the few books he saw Omega eyeing when she thought he wasn’t looking. The few extra dollars are no problem for his bank account, which has been steadily growing since his discharge from the military.
A nearby park draws their focus next as Gracie asks if she can play on the small playground for a little bit. She spies some unoccupied swings and soon has Bucky pushing her and sending her higher than she’s ever been before.
Sure, that makes Omega really nervous, but Bucky never lets Gracie get too far from his reach, showing how he can reach the young girl should she need his assistance.
They don’t leave the park for a while, either.
Gracie loves being outdoors and hasn’t had a lot of time since their arrival in town a few weeks ago.
She drags Bucky and Omega through the rest of the playground until she spies the small pond and the few feeder machines where she can feed the few ducks taking up residence nearby.
When an overly eager duck gets a little too close to Gracie, Bucky swings her into his arms while their shopping bags easily shift to his other hand. He has her toss down the remainder of the food she’s gotten from the machines before leading the way back a safe distance.
With Gracie’s stomach now growling, he sets her down and retakes her hand in his.
“Where shall we eat, milady?”
Since Omega and Gracie are newer to the area, Bucky ends up taking them to a small restaurant that specializes in kid-friendly meals (thanks to some help from Jake and his niece).
It’s during their time here that Bucky gets his first real chance to talk to Gracie while Omega uses the restroom.
“Are you having a good time, milady?”
Gracie nods though her gaze remains on the kids’ menu she got. Her concentration never breaks as she carefully colors in the one of the little critters in a corner. She’s already completed all the little puzzles and games on the back of the sheet.
“What else would you like to do today? We’ve got the whole day.”
At this point, she looks up. A small frown mars her features, something she hasn’t done since he’s picked them up.
“What about tomorrow? Or during the week? Will you still have time for me then?”
The way she asks breaks something within Bucky. It’s the way she’s trying so hard to remain hopeful, yet a niggle of disappointment lurks right under that hope, threatening to dampen or squash it.
“Sweetheart, I’m not going anywhere.”
Bucky takes the chance to rest his hand over hers, stopping her coloring efforts as he continues, “I’m so sorry I haven’t been in your life until now, but that’s going to change. I promise you I will always be here whenever you need me and even when you don’t.”
“What about Auntie? You going to be there for her, too?”
Bucky dares a glance towards the bathrooms. “Yeah, if she’ll let me.”
“Did you love my mom?”
Bucky nods because he had cared a great deal about Dot back then. He can’t say for sure that those feelings haven’t dwindled over the years, especially now that he’s learned about his daughter’s existence after being kept from her for so long.
“Yeah, I did, and I like your Auntie before you ask. She was always sweet to me whenever I spent time with your mom and their family. Your Auntie always made me feel welcome. I can’t remember a time she didn’t have a smile on her face.”
“She doesn’t smile that much anymore. Not since Mom died and the alpha who promised to love Auntie for the rest of their lives.”
Curiosity gets the better of Bucky, spurring him to ask, “What was that alpha like? The one who promised to love your Auntie.”
Gracie shrugs her shoulders.
She resumes her coloring for another moment before she finally says, “I think he liked Mom more than he ever did Auntie. He always disappeared with Mom into her room whenever Auntie had to go to work. I saw bite marks on Mom that shouldn’t have been there a few days before she died. The alpha had the same marks on his neck, too.”
Bucky’s stomach rolls at the implication Gracie’s words have.
He can’t imagine the pain Omega has gone through at the hands of her sister, the one person she should’ve been able to count on. He can’t help wondering if Dot had been faithful to him during their short year together.
A glance at Gracie tells him she had to be faithful enough with his spitting image sitting across from him.
That doesn’t stop the burn of anger that churns his stomach at the thought.
Omega’s always been something precious to him though he’s never been able to say why that is. Of all the disappointments he’s had in his life, losing Omega as a friend has to rank as one of his highest.
As if his thoughts have conjured her, Omega returns to the table and conversation shifts to safer topics.
Though, he knows he’ll be coming back to this as soon as he can with Omega when they’ve had some time to reconnect.
Right now, he’s going to focus on getting to know his daughter.
With the success of their first outing together, Bucky makes plans with Omega to continue seeing Gracie and Omega over the weekends.
Things are progressing well as he grows closer to Gracie, who slowly opens up to him more and more. She still calls him by his first name, but he’s okay with it as long as he continues to make progress with her.
The hope is one day she’ll want to call him Dad, but he can wait until then.
He’s fixed up their apartment’s front door with better security and taken other measures her landlord couldn’t be bothered with. When something breaks, Bucky is there as soon as Omega calls him with his toolbox, which he’s expanded since she and Gracie came into his life.
It’s still too soon, but he knows he’s falling for Omega as much as he’s already fallen for his daughter.
Main Masterlist
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l1viane · 7 months
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And Again!
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aheckinmess · 12 days
Quiet Strength
(Part 6 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, Ryomen Sukuna, Ryoumen Sukuna, OC Child, Satoru Gojo, Child Satoru Gojo, Protective Sukuna, Sukuna is Bad at Feelings, No One is Surprised There, Angst, Fluff, Mostly Fluff/Comfort Because I Needed It, Tiger Spirit, Baekho, We Love Her, Headcanon of My Own Fic, That She Attached Her Spirit to Besu Because Their Levels of Sass Mesh So Well Together, Sukuna is Not Impressed, But He'll Get Over It, Gojo Still Has Yet to Learn Proper Self-Preservation Skills
Word Count: 1,640 words
Summary: While Besu and Gojo battle a brush with death, Sukuna finds himself having a dilemma about what to do regarding his daughter's growing compassionate ideals. So, when she comes rushing in asking for his help with Gojo, he determines there's only one decision he can make to show her where he stands on the matter.
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Chapter 6: Quiet Strength
Sukuna felt a shift in the atmosphere, no doubt from Besu’s cursed energy. When he felt Satoru Gojo’s added onto it, he waved it off as the two sparring. Normally, he might feel more concern for his only daughter, except that he was having a dilemma on her behalf.
He paced across the luxurious den with his eternal scowl in place, disfiguring his tattoos as Besu once again had his damn emotions in a twist. The more she grew, the more Sukuna was forced to acknowledge that she was growing into a woman with her own ideals. Ideals that didn’t fit with his destructive mold. Ideals that he’d originally hoped would be in line with an heir befitting the terror of his name. Instead, Besu clung to her compassion as viciously as Sukuna devoted himself to his destruction. 
If he weren’t so focused on what he should do, he might have detected the second wave of desperation coming from Besu’s cursed energy only a few blocks away.
Instead, when Besu’s shouts echoed through their vast mansion, he huffed from the top of the stairs, irritated at being torn from his musings.
“What do you–Besu?” The reasons for her childish screaming through the halls immediately became clear when he saw a bloodied corpse in her arms. Sukuna’s mind worked just as quick as his body as he rushed over to her. “What the hell happened?!”
Possibilities played through his mind. Had his daughter finally fulfilled her purpose as his wanton successor of savagery? Or was it something as simple as the boy doing something reckless and stupid to cause her to look so afraid and adamant as she presented Gojo to him?
When Toji’s name fell from Besu’s lips, Sukuna could only gape at her. Revenge boiled in his veins but lowered to a simmer when she handed over Gojo. Suddenly, Sukuna could only see her as she’d been at seven, terrified and begging her father for help.
His heir. His daughter. His world. 
Her maroon eyes pierced his chest more precisely than any dagger ever could.
“Dad…please don’t let Satoru die.” 
Sukuna shouldn’t have been so torn by the decision as his daughter swayed forward and he caught her with his second pair of arms. He wanted to heal her and ignore the bothersome Gojo brat, but Besu remained a weak spot in Sukuna’s armored psyche and it was clear her injuries were not as life-threatening.
Plus, he’d been the one to suggest she find friends in the first place because he’d promised it would be beneficial to her to have allies. And he’d be damned if he ate his own words. 
“You little shits.” Sukuna growled, before turning to Gojo, who barely clung to life.
“You would speak so callously of Toji’s slayers?” Baekho’s form drifted into the mansion - or had she always been sitting there behind Besu? - seeming duller than usual. “I will care for the cub. You take care of young Satoru.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.” Sukuna hissed, lashing out as fear gripped him by the throat. “Remember your place, beast.”
“You’d do well to remember yours, young Ryomen.”
“Young? Tch. I’m over a thousand years old.” He snarled, using reverse cursed technique and watching the boy’s injuries fade as blood still stained his skin.
“And my spirit was here at the beginning of time to watch the birth of this world. You are all young to me. Now, shut up and heal the boy.” Baekho snarled, touching her nose to Besu’s forehead as her stripes glowed and Besu’s injuries disappeared. “Besu will need ample rest. She will not be waking for some time.”
“Why not? Was this your doing?” Sukuna hadn’t felt so feral since he’d executed his month-long war for the takeover of Japan. Few matched him in terms of strength, but hearing that his daughter might not wake up brought out a different sort of unhinged rage within him. 
“No. Her power has expanded and evolved.” Baekho replied calmly, nudging her muzzle under Besu until she could heft her onto her back. “My own rage allows me an increase in power, turning my spirit and energy red. However, it would appear that the culmination of young Besu’s rage and my own amplify that power even more between the two of us. Coupled with your technique that you’ve taught her, your cub is a force even Toji was unable to match.”
“You mean my technique that Besu has yet to execute properly?” Sukuna sneered.
“I mean your technique that Besu used to deal the killing blow.”
. . . . .
Besu woke up feeling like she’d been hit by a truck. After blinking a few times in the dim light, she remembered that “truck” was Toji Fushiguro. When she grunted and turned to see her father asleep on a couch across from her bed, it suddenly didn’t matter.
“Daddy?” She whimpered, muscles groaning under every attempt at movement.
“Mmm…? Bechan!” Sukuna jumped to her side in a moment, sheltering her from the harsh danger of the world as he pulled her against his chest in a hug that squished together all of her broken pieces. Every broken part of her felt stitched together and whole again. “Are you okay? Does anything hurt?”
“Everything feels sore.” She said, closing her eyes and feeling much like she wished she had as a child - protected and prized by her father. But her eyes flashed open as she looked up to him with a frantic question. “Is Satoru okay?”
“The boy is fine.” Sukuna rolled his eyes. “I’m told you fought Toji Fushiguro and came out the victor.”
“Baekho was responsible for our ability to come out victorious. Satoru and I weren’t able to land many hits. It was only when he was hurt that I felt capable of doing any real damage.” Besu sighed, her eyes falling to her deep blue quilt. 
“Baekho herself told me that you used my technique to deal the final blow.” Sukuna said, forcing Besu’s eyes up by lifting her chin with his finger. “You’ve grown so much.”
“I know. I am sorry I have not grown into the daughter you’ve desired I would become.”
“No, you haven’t.” His words choked her, disappointment squeezing the breath out of her. Was that why he was squeezing her so hard? Had he finally overcome his sentiment from her childhood and decided to dispose of her before she could ruin everything? “You’ve grown into something better.”
The world as she knew it crashed around her feet, scattered in an ocean of tears as her father’s words urged her closer to his chest. She knew the moment couldn’t last, that this tender moment didn’t fit the King of Curses and he’d quickly usher her away when he felt too awkward about showing emotion.
“Don’t think this changes anything.” Sukuna’s muscles tensed before relaxing again. “But we’ll talk about it later. For now, you must rest. Baekho says your power has grown and it took a lot out of you.”
“But what about Satoru?” Besu frowned.
“Yeah, what about me?” 
Gojo’s lanky figure reclined against Besu’s door frame and every worry she had disappeared in the glistening blue of his eyes.
“Satoru!” She bolted upright and forced herself to her feet.
Big mistake.
Sukuna caught her when she toppled forward and smirked as he ushered her back into her bed. Besu also didn’t miss that Gojo went from leaning in the doorway to the center of her room by the time she was in bed.
“No need to kill yourself on my part.” Gojo shook his head, keeping a wary eye on Sukuna as he did. Similarly, Besu watched her father eye Gojo speculatively.
“You can stop glaring at each other, you know.” Besu huffed, before the absence of another stole her breath.
Baekho! Where are you?! Are you–
I am here. The tiger chuffed in her mind, relaxing Besu with her familiar rumble. You are not ridding yourself of me that easily.
“I think I have a right to glare at the boy that put my daughter in a situation where she might have been killed.” Sukuna said.
“It wasn’t my fault! Besides, I thought the great and mighty King of Curses would have trained his daughter better.” Gojo snorted.
“Hold your tongue, brat! If it wasn’t for Besu, I’d have let you die! Hell, I’d have dealt the final blow and been done with you!”
Gojo opened his mouth to respond, before Besu sent him a glare that capsized his attitude, rendering him silent.
“I see your brush with death may have humbled your spirit, but you’re still ignorant in the way of self-preservation.” Baekho swirled from Besu and the bed, floating between the group as she stretched her back and claws. 
“Yeah, well…” Gojo shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I figure you all can grant me some patience, seeing as I nearly died.”
“Not as much patience as I’m granting you to stand so far away from me.” Besu finally found her voice, reaching out her arms in an unspoken need.
Gojo smiled, softening instantly before he spared a glance at Sukuna and stepped over to wrap Besu in a hug.
“I’m glad you’re alive too, ya know?” Gojo whispered. “I was terrified I’d find you waiting for me in the afterlife.”
“Oh, please. You’d have been waiting for me, first.”
“No way! Or…well…maybe. But only because I was actually on the offensive! Plus, you had Baekho!”
“I’m just hearing excuses…” Besu laughed.
“Ha! Maybe I should have let you do all the work then!”
And as the two bickered, Sukuna watched, a now-familiar warmth in his chest. Because even though his daughter stood for everything he claimed to be weak, he could doubt it no longer.
His daughter’s strength rivaled even his own.
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marigoldwriter · 1 month
Incorrect quotes from Descendants! Specifically with characters from my fanfic!! (read here)
Letty: I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
Corwin: Ok.
Letty: Wait, why such a muted reaction? Did that not sound cool?
(I saw someone doing this with Red and all I could think of was Letty, like mother like daughter)
Murderer: Any last words?
Cherise: Do you think I'm cute? Be honest.
(little by little they will understand that she isn't afraid of death, not even a little bit)
Micah, looking at the Hearts's children: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
(it's a spoiler, yes, but no one will understand)
Manon: Just be yourself. Say something nice to her.
Letty: Which one? I can't do both.
(I should put Letty as red, she's so her mother)
Corwin: Do you have a self-care routine?
Rosa: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
(In Riddles, French, Spanish, and a british accent, to be precise)
Arley, about Letty: She’s speaking some kind of French.
Rosa: Let me handle it. I speak Spanish. It's the same thing.
(Nobody knows who Arley is, but I'm going to put her here anyway. And this is very canon)
Letty, to Eva: If you see Corwin, give him this message *makes a neutral face*.
Letty: He'll know what it means.
Eva: oh, and Letty said to give you a message.
Eva: *makes a neutral face*
Corwin: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
(NOBODY KNOWS WHO EVA IS BUT— yeah, you'll understand)
Montreal: If we don’t get out of this alive… If we’re both about to die… I love you, Letty!
*Neither of them die*
Letty: …
Montreal: …
Montreal: So do you wanna talk about somethi-
Letty: No thanks.
(Spoiler, maybe, but that would happen. AND YOU WILL KNOW SOON WHO MONTREAL IS)
Cherise: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
(Dearest, you've been like this since you were ten, please, you'll break another bone if you stay like this)
Mal: While I’m gone, you’re in charge, baby dragon.
Micah: Yes!!!
Mal, whispering: You’re secretly in charge, little dragon.
Manon: Obviously.
(THERE’S NO OTHER COLOR FOR THEM OTHER THAN PURPLE. I'll do this to Hearts family if I do this again)
Red: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Letty: *looking at Chloe out of the corner of her eye* How tall is she?
(this will probably happen, at some point, out of sight of the readers)
Eva, banging on the door: Letty! Open up!
Letty: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Micah: No, she meant-
Corwim: Let she finish. I'll be next.
(it would be funny if they didn't really need therapy)
Cherise: *Gently taps table*
Rosa: *Taps back*
Corwin: What are they doing?
Letty: Morse code.
Rosa: *Aggressively taps table*
Cherise: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
(They were arguing about who won the card game last time)
That's it! I was really inspired by @ronance4everbrainrot to make this post, I just wanted to have some level of interaction about my fanfic and for it to be fun.
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