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when im reading a fic and dean & sam are having sex in heaven this is all i can think about
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ctommy-chileno · 4 months
Absolutely hate when people on the internet go all "I cant believe this bitch whore slut (girl who got sexually harassed, had to leave the internet) RUINED this innocent man's career!! (Rich famous white guy who continues to be rich and famous)
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fandomfairyuniverse · 9 months
Night knowing that they’re ditching him and not only letting them go but also giving them some cash and messaging Mork about it because he wants his little brother to go to his friend’s wedding and enjoy himself and eye-
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praetorqueenreyna · 11 months
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Okay so FIRSTABLE I didn't realize that the people of the Hewn City are literally trapped under there and not allowed to leave. What the fuck. What the fuck?????
ALSO the sheer nerve of Feyre, who had a full blown meltdown over being locked in a luxurious mansion for 2 seconds, to tell somebody who has been trapped underground for CENTURIES that having every comfort should be enough. Are you kidding me?????
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binniesbooks · 12 hours
I fucking hate having a sore throat.
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trixlvania · 1 year
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My dude really wanted Bot to rejoin this ep (me too bud)
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seefasters · 2 years
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why is serizawa literally the only person at spirits and such that uses a smartphone
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hurtmyfavsthanks · 1 year
Whumptember day 27
“I thought you, of all people, would understand why I did what I did.” Reluctant villain | Old friends | Cornered
Sidekick was standing just outside of Hero’s cell. It was a strange fact, and it hardly felt real despite the sight right before their eyes. And yet, despite the horror Sidekick felt, there wasn’t any true surprise. They should’ve seen it coming. They’d known how soft Hero could be, how attacked they were to their nemesis. Sidekick had always known, and yet they ignored it as simple sentimentality.
They’d just never expected it to go this far.
“If you told us where Villain was, maybe we can smooth this over,” Sidekick offered, knowing it wouldn’t work. Hero didn’t even look at them.
Hero was still dressed in their uniform, which only made the sight more bizarre. They sat rigidly on their bunk, posture upright and sure despite the cuffs on their hands. They had an expression of hardened determination on their face, the same expression they’d worn when they were arrested. There wasn’t a hint of shame in their expression.
Something burned in Sidekick’s chest at the sight. “What the hell is wrong with you?” They hissed. “You’re throwing your life away over nothing, and you don’t even care.”
Hero didn’t turn to look at them, but Sidekick could hear the glare in their voice. “Villain isn’t nothing. I thought you, of all people, would understand why I did what I did.”
“Oh, I do understand,” It was so obvious in retrospect. Sidekick couldn’t help but think back to every moment of banter Hero and Villain shared, to every time Hero let Villain escape under some pointless excuse. Alone, none of those had meant anything, but together they created a clear picture. “You’re soft, Hero. You've gotten so caught up in your rivalry with Villain that you forgot that you’re enemies. You’re tricking yourself into thinking they’re worth all of this!”
Hero scowled, “that’s not true–”
“Yes it is! What the hell could make you think releasing Villain was a good idea?!” Sidekick couldn’t help but shout. They felt like they were screaming at a brick wall. “You’ve fought them for years; you know exactly what they’re capable of! And you let them go because of some crush!?
Finally, Hero turned to look at them. Their eyes were hard, filled with that same protective stare they got when defending civilians. It made Sidekick sick. “The way they were being treated was inhumane and cruel. They were being treated like an animal, and I couldn’t just let that happen.”
“They are an animal! They all are!” They didn’t know how Hero could be so blind. “It’s our job to keep people safe, and that means keeping criminals off the streets! What, you think because you got cuddly with one of them, that they’re not out there right now plotting another rampage?”
“They’re not going to do that,” Hero’s eyes softened for a moment. For the first time, their shoulders slouched, voice taking on an almost pleading tone. “Do you know what was being done to them? I thought they were dead when I found them. They couldn’t stand, they couldn’t even recognize me with how pumped full of drugs they were. They’re in no state to hurt anyone but themselves.”
Hero said that as if it were a bad thing, as if the thought of Villain being terrified would change their mind. Criminals should be afraid of heroes. “And what happens when they recover? Do you really think they’re going to turn over a new leaf? People like them don’t respond to kindness, they just abuse it.”
“It doesn’t matter. Being treated like a human isn’t a privilege that can be taken away. Whatever they do doesn’t justify what we did to them.”
“God–,” Sidekick wanted to scream. “You’re being ridiculous. I’m trying to help you. If Villain’s as injured as you say, then they’re probably wherever you left them,” They’d already checked Hero’s home, but it’d been empty. If they could find Villain fast enough, this whole problem could disappear. “If you just tell me where they are, we can fix this.”
Hero simply turned away from them. “I can’t do that. Villain doesn’t deserve to be dragged back there.”
Sidekick had known asking was pointless, but the reject still burned. “You’re a damn fool.”
Hero didn’t respond. They didn’t speak for the remainder of Sidekick’s visit.
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randomprose · 1 year
*post-canon with reference to ch 385*
now posted on ao3!
Guan Shan is watching another one of his blasted idol shows.
It’s been twenty minutes since He Tian sat beside him and Guan Shan still hasn’t paid attention to him.
It’s not often that he thinks about it, but he suppose that Guan Shan has a penchant for pretty things. Not that He Tian blames him. It’s human nature to be drawn to beauty. And he’s not susceptible to that himself considering the way he gravitates to Guan Shan. 
It’s just that…He Tian wanst to be the only pretty thing in Guan Shan’s line of sight. He never quite outgrew that childish side of him that feels like he’s going to fucking expire if Guan Shan doesn’t look or acknowledge him.
He Tian is loath to admit it but he really does share a lot of uncanny traits with his brother. Naturally, perhaps considering the man practically raised him. For instance, He Cheng tends to get easily jealous whenever Brother Qiu's involved. He thinks he’s subtle about it, but everyone and their mother knows he’s weirdly possessive of Brother Qiu. The shit he pulled on that one National Day holiday party at his island was just one in a long laundry list of his brother’s jealousy rearing its ugly head.
He thinks it runs in the family — is pretty sure it runs in the family. From what little he remembers of him, his father was also a very jealous man when it came to their mother. He always hated it when she goes out too much, when she doesn't pay attention to him as much as he wanted her too — which was all the time. He wanted her to be consumed by him as much as he was with her.
He Tian is pretty much the same with Mo Guan Shan. He’s not proud of it, hates that the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, but he can't help it when it comes to him. He’s trying his best to not be like the other men in his family in any way, but especially to the people he loves. 
He wants to love Guan Shan the right way, but the man just awakens every impulse in He Tian in ways he cannot control. Impulses he was taught to conceal well and he thought he's learned to control.
Then again, Mo Guan Shan has always been an exercise for self-control to He Tian.
It’s been thirty minutes and Guan Shan still hasn’t paid attention to him and He Tian has had enough
“Why do your eyes always stray?”
Guan Shan sounds distracted and He Tian hates how his eyes doesn’t even leave the TV. He’s right here, dammit. The show’s on commercial break right now. What could possibly be more interesting than He Tian with his arm around him and practically on his lap? How could Guan Shan be more invested on idols dancing on the screen than him? He Tian even wore the cologne that he knows always drives Guan Shan crazy and makes him want to fuck him.
“Your eyes,” He Tian says, thinking about what to say next to get Guan Shan to look at him instead. “You still look at other people even when I’m around. Am I not enough for you?”
“What?” That got the desired effect as Guan Shan turns to look at He Tian in incredulity at the sudden accusation. “What the fuck are you talking about? My eyes don't stray. My eyes have never strayed.”
How can it when He Tian has been on his face and up in his business since they were fifteen. Not that Guan Shan particularly mind. Much. Now.
“They do.” He Tian tells him, tone flat but Guan Shan can hear him pouting — can see him pouting. “You couldn't keep your eyes away from those girls dancing in the street before.”
“Wha—” For a second, Guan Shan honest to god does not know what He Tian is talking about until a memory, a very embarrassing memory, of He Tian dancing against him in the middle of a park pops into his mind's eye. “Are you still not over that shit? That was years ago! I was a teenager! We’re engaged.” He raises his left hand and points to his finger with the silver band. “And I said I just liked the way they danced!”
This does nothing to get He Tian out of this particular mood he’s put himself in because for sure as hell Guan Shan didn’t. Moody, fickle bastard. Why something that happened when they were fifteen will set him off like this, Guan Shan doesn’t know, but he figures He Tian is just having one of those days — and by that he means days when he just woke up and decided to be more of a pain in the ass that usual. Specifically to Guan Shan.
He Tian nods at the TV. “You watch a lot of girl group idol shows,” he continues because of course he’s not done. It’s too early in the conversation for him to see reason and leave Guan Shan alone to enjoy his show in peace. 
“Jesus, Tian. Are you seriously riding my dick for liking female idols?”
A glint flashes in his eyes and He Tian opens his mouth to make a quip about riding dick (because of course he would) but Guan Shan bulldozes over him.
“I’m not blind. They’re cute and easy on the eyes. They dance well. I like the songs.” These are all objective reasons, but Guan Shan should only be so lucky for He Tian to see them that way. “What do you want me to say?”
“I’m cute and way easier on the eyes.”
‘Cute’ isn’t exactly the word Guan Shan will use to define He Tian. Calling He Tian cute is like calling a shark with its teeth bared or a switch blade cute. But he’s definitely easy on the eyes alright, so, sure, he’ll give him that.
“I never said you weren’t.” There. That’s vague and true enough for He Tian to get the message. Hopefully.
“If you want me to sing and dance you just have to ask,” He Tian shrugs, trying for casual, but the fact he’s started this whole asinine conversation doesn’t really help his case. “I can even do a routine right now and ride your dick for real in a more literal sense.” 
Yeah. He Tian just really needed to get that one out. 
“Are you seriously jealous of idols?”
Guan Shan meant his question to sound exasperated and in a way that will finally make He Tian hear how ridiculous he’s being. But then He Tian hits him with—
“I'm jealous of anyone that catches your attention.” 
He Tian says it without missing a beat, completely dead serious, and the sincerity of it catches Guan Shan off-guard that whatever retort he has at the tip of his tongue and any annoyance he’s feeling about this whole thing vanishes into thin air. 
Motherfucker always does this. Fucking He Tian and his stupid ability to charm and endear Guan Shan. How does he not get embarrassed saying shit like that?
“Unbelievable,” Guan Shan says, shaking his head, more amused now than anything. “Unbe-fucking-lievable. You really are the most jealous man I know.”
“You know other men?” He Tian’s brows crease and a dark look has started to loom over his features. The seriousness of it all makes Guan Shan want to laugh especially considering he’s pretty sure the line came from a meme. “Out of curiosity, what are their names? Where do you know them? I need to know. For safety purposes.”
“He Tian, fucking seriously?” He Tian has leaned over him in his inquisition and Guan Shan has to push against his chest to make him back off. “The safety card, really?”
He Tian shrugs, “My family has a lot of enemies. You never know.”
Fuck this shit. The commercials are over and the show is back on. Guan Shan is done talking with this psycho. “Alright.”
“No, wait,” He Tian catches him by the wrists holding his hands still on his chest. “I’m serious.”
“He Tian, seriously. Where is this coming from? Did I say or do anything to get you like this?” Guan Shan tries to pry He Tian’s hands off but he only tightens his grip. Whatever humor he found in this exchange has vanished and the irritation he initially felt when this whole conversation started out of buttfuck nowhere is starting to come back fullforce. “Tch. No, wait. Did you hit your head in your last assignment? Is that why you're acting crazier than usual? That must be it, huh?”
“No. I—” He Tian cuts himself off. Something passes in his face that makes him think better than say what he was going to. “It's nothing. I've just been thinking.”
He Tian does this sometimes. Starts shit that Guan Shan thinks is just him being a menace and wanting to get a rise out of him, which is usually the case. But sometimes things veer to a different territory—away from playful and silly and towards something that makes He Tian close off. 
Guan Shan sees that, for whatever reason, this really seems to bother him. He feels a little guilty and hates himself for it. Sometimes he forgets that, for all his confidence and bravado, He Tian sometimes gets hit by insecurities too. 
What does it say about Mo Guan Shan that he finds comfort in that? That he’s one of the people, if not the only one, He Tian gets like this and shows this side of him? What does it say about Mo Guan Shan that it practically makes his heart sing?
Ah, whatever. Their relationship has always been kind of fucked up anyway. 
“Alright, dipshit. Listen up,” Guan Shan sighs as he shakes off He Tian’s grip on his wrists so he can hold his face and keep his eyes on him. “I have never fucked or gotten fucked by anyone other than you since we were teenagers. Which is kind of pathetic when you think about it. I never thought I'd be a monogamous one-man son of a bitch so early in my life and for the rest of it. But.” He shrugs. “Here I am. Here we are.”
“You sound disappointed,” He Tian grumbles and he looks so put off that Guan Shan has no choice but kiss him sweetly on the nose. Just to chase that stupid pout off his face. He’s been hanging out too much with Jian Yi.
“Tch. I’m really not. I like that I never need to get tested because other than—and I am saying this again so it will get through your thick dumb skull—I have never screwed anyone other than you my entire fucking life, I'm pretty fucking sure you've never fucked anyone other than me judging by the conversation we just had.”
“Why would I want anybody else when I already have you?” 
Guan Shan just hums. Goddamn shameless earnest fucker.
“Also, again, you idiot, we’re literally engaged. We’re flying to New York in three months for the ceremony. We’re actually going to be legally married with actual papers and legal documents and shit.” Guan Shan pinches and stretches He Tian’s cheeks, ignoring his sounds of pain and protests, before kissing him sweetly on the lips. “Now, can I go back to watching my idol show in peace?”
He Tian pouts as he rubs his cheeks and Guan Shan thinks if he doesn’t stop pouting like that he’s gonna—
“You've never even thought of being with someone else other than me? Really? Ah, Little Mo!”
“That's what you got from all that? Seriously?” Guan Shan rolls his eyes but He Tian’s giddiness is contagious that it comes off more fond than anything.
He Tian wraps his arms around Guan Shan from the side and leans his head on his shoulder, cheeks squished against his arm when he says, “I love you.” 
“Tch. Aish. Whatever, dickface.” Guan Shan is a little miffed that he missed half of his show but he still turns his head and kisses He Tian's forehead.
They stay like that in comfortable silence as He Tian finally lets Guan Shan watch his show until the host announced the last performance and he stands up.
“Where are you going?” Guan Shan asks.
“To the gym. And maybe the spa for a haircut and a facial.”
“You're so vain.”
“Well, I gotta be if I'm to keep your eyes on me and be the only man you'll ever fuck for the rest of your life,” He Tian snarks as he pulls a face. “It's hard to complete with idols. Not that it’s much of a competition anyway.”
Arrogant prick. Guan Shan hates that he’s really not wrong about that. He Tian easily trumps most celebrities in looks alone. And Guan Shan really hates it so much that it’s not just him being biased.
“If the wedding isn’t literally months away and we haven’t sent out all the deposits I swear to fucking god.” He’s still within hitting distance so Guan Shan swings one of the couch throw pillows at him. “Fucking leave already. God.”
“And when I get back maybe you'll give me a facial yourself, hm?”
“The fucking mouth on you. I swear to fucking god.” He Tian is leering over him so Guan Shan pulls him down by his collar to plant another kiss on him. 
He Tian pulls away with a satisfied curl of his lips after stealing another quick chaste kiss.
“Don't get your hair cut too short and I just might.”
This catches He Tian off-guard and he blinks in surprise before chuckling and giving a two-finger salute. 
His laughter echoes in Guan Shan’s ears long after the front door shuts.
now posted on ao3!
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liam-summers · 10 months
To the people who judge Buffy for not being able to kill Angelus in “Innocence” and think someone should’ve called her out on it………are you made of human parts? Why do you hate that girl?
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anteabbie · 1 month
I just woke up from a dream where I was at a sports bar/restaurant with my partner, and John and Floride Calhoun 😭😭. We were literally the only ones there and I was trolling tf out of them when suddenly FUCKING DRAKE walks in the restaurant and quite LITERALLY said “Drake’s my name, rapping’s my game!” And John and Floride got so upset over this 😭
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epic-sorcerer · 1 month
Guys…I need help. Arthur is attractive to me again. I hadn’t found him attractive since I was 12. Something is wrong with me. Must be the lexapro
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sieglinde-freud · 7 months
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new meet the heroes owain oh hes so cute… my guy ever… pinching his cheeks… mwah mwah forehead kisses
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Of all the things to be sent on anon to my inbox, I was not expecting to be sent a link to the teachings of an Indian cult leader but okay.
Really one of those "you know, this might as well happen" situations.
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spagheddiediaz · 6 days
exposing @jeeyuns rn and i don’t care
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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The fact that Sanji has this line, about the weak of heart abandoning their promises, feels significant. In a moment of weakness, Sanji got manipulated into doubting his friends and abandoning the promise he made to them when he left for Whole Cake Island. Though we can only guess what’s going through Zoro’s mind here, it’s easy enough to tell from his character that he takes promises seriously.
The little detail of Sanji extinguishing his cigarette suggests a grim finality to the conversation. Breaking the promise to Laboon, losing their dreams, fleeing the Grand Line, or dying… In the end, it all feels like the same thing. It’s like Oda’s idea that when you give up on your dreams, when you put your ideals on the line in a fight and lose, it’s a kind of death.
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