eightw · 1 year
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my beach girl, ms. jamie 🫶 too bad there’s no beaches around here for her lol
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slasherx · 5 months
Hello again 👋🏽, Congratulations on passing your exam 🎉!!!, and I don't mind you calling me Diablo
Gurl your write Thomas so well like I can't help but ask for more 😌
Can you do just general Sfw or NSFW (or both 👀) head cannon for my man Tommy, I just love that man to much 😍
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Look at this man right here and tell me he isn't a full meal right there
Ah, hello again! Thank you Diablo! I did write some SFW headcanons for Thomas here, but so many people asked for a part two, so I suppose I'll indulge and give the people what they want <3
Content: Thomas Hewitt x gn!Reader
Warnings: This post contains NSFW, so 18+. Minors DNI
Notes: I'm thinking about doing this with Jason...hmm...
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Piggybacking off of this, I feel like Thomas is a huge family man
He would expect kids from you or some form of offspring, like a pet if you can't have or don't want children
Doesn't really care if you don't get along with Katherine (tea lady), or Henrietta. He's not particularly close with either of them, though he was close with Henrietta as kids since they're close in age
I feel like everybody but Thomas knows he's adopted, just nobody says anything. And when they let you in on that secret, don't you dare tell him either
He's definitely the big spoon while cuddling
He also takes his shirt off for bed and just wears old basketball shorts. The heat gets to him during the day and he can't wait to strip for bedtime
Definitely listens to metal music when it becomes a thing, he's a huge metal head. It allows him to vent all of his frustrations in one sitting
I feel like he would take more care of himself once you two get into a relationship. More showers, more brushing of his teeth, etc.
He wants to be squeaky clean for you
Below is for if you can have/want kids
Once you two have children, Henrietta is going to be super jealous. Not because she wants your man (ew, thats her cousin), but because SHE wants kids
She'd offer to help watch them if you and Thomas ever need some time alone, but you often entrust your children to Luda Mae
Tommy is SUPER excited to be a dad. He thought for a long time that he would never become a father, and that saddened him. He needed to continue the Hewitt bloodline, since Hoyt and Monty pretty much had no interest doing so
He would also be afraid that they would come out looking like him
He'd sew them all kinds of clothing, especially as they grow older
Let's say you have one boy and one girl - he would sew shirts and pants for the boy and dresses for the girl
But once they grow older and develop themselves a little more, he can sew clothes to their liking, no matter what Hoyt or Monty say
I don't see him using physical discipline like his family did growing up. He would probably consider it since it's all he knows, but once you start buying parenting books and he reads through a few of them, he realizes there's more ways to parent
When the actual babies are born/adopted, he has no idea what to do, and admittedly neither do you. All those parenting books did not prepare you in the slightest
But he knows one thing is for sure, he loves you and he loves the babies you created/adopted together, so he's going to try his hardest to be the best husband and father out there
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Definitely a dom at first, but the more comfortable he gets with sex the more he'll become a switch
LOOOOVES when you suck him off
Will fuck your throat all day if he had the chance, just be careful of your teeth if he ever takes over. He likes to move a lot
He loves having his hand in your hair, it makes him feel in control, and when he's not in control? Your hand in his hair. He will grab your hand and move it to his hair for you to grab
The sexiest thing he can do (if you like his hands) is when he grips surfaces hard, and you can see his veins pop out. Oh how you wish they were around your throat, or on your chest, or anywhere else you like them on you
Doesn't like giving oral as much as he likes receiving. But make no mistake, that doesn't mean he's a selfish lover. No, it's the opposite
Thomas always makes sure you cum at least once before he cums, or at least cum with him. He doesn't like it if you edge yourself but make him cum, or just make him cum first in general
Which was why he didn't understand in the beginning, how you were lasting so much longer than him. But soon he built stamina and could match you
I feel like Tommy would have a pregnancy kink, and a breeding kink. He loves stuffing you full of his cum at any chance he gets, even going so far as to go multiple rounds in a night
There was even a time where he went on and on before you finally cried and begged for him to stop, your hole was so raw
His favorite positions are one where he can see your face, but he's not opposed to fucking you hard in doggy
Speaking of hard, he's going to be gentle with you in the beginning of your sex life. But once he gets more accustomed to it, he'll go harder for you, if you wish
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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meanpregcomm · 3 months
Too Much Baby
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Combining IYP request 424-2. Imagine you go to a private high school (18 obv) and are struggling to fit into the uniform as your breasts and belly grow bigger and bigger and 432-13. fic request: a very petite young woman (under 5' tall, less than 100lbs) gets pregnant with her 7' tall, almost 500 lb, boyfriends child. He doesn't want kids so he dumps her. She ends up having to give birth in her mobile home. During the long, difficult, excruciating labor and birth, she finds out that not only is she having twins, but that they definitely inherited their fathers size. With the smaller twin being almost 15lbs and almost 2 ft long.
"Uh oh," Kady thought to herself. "This is not good."
It was two weeks into her junior year of high school, and the adorable white denim shorts she'd gotten for her eighteenth birthday two months ago were already digging into her stomach at the waist. She sighed, pinching her chub, and vowed to switch to the nasty egg-white Dunkin sandwiches until the winter formal.
She bounced down the hallway, glossy ponytail swinging, and shouted goodbye to her mom's closed bedroom door. Her boyfriend Leo's Audi had just pulled up in front of her mobile home and she knew he'd be annoyed if she didn't get outside before he started honking.
"Do I look fat?" she pouted appealingly at Leo once she'd hopped in. "You look great," he answered without looking at her, and rested a hand on her breast as he drove towards the school. "You gotta talk to the super about that driveway," he said, for about the millionth time.
"I know, honey, the gravel isn't good for the car," she cooed. "It's just that no one in my part of town has such a nice car, handsome."
He accepted the flattery and reached over to give her a peck. "You're gonna live somewhere so much better someday," he told her. "You may be a scholarship kid but you are smart and you have good taste. And, of course, you're dating me." The towering mound of sandy blonde hair and corn-fed muscles smiled charmingly at her. How had she gotten so lucky? She was one of the few kids on financial aid at Carbot High, but she had somehow snagged a varsity running back as a boyfriend.
Leo dropped her off and she ran in with the rest of the junior girls, trying to avoid the prying eyes of the middle aged teachers' aides as they changed out of their street clothes and into the polo shirt and kilt that made up their uniform. Her uniform was a little tight in the waist too. She thought about skipping lunch, but she had also been so ravenously hungry lately. Well, she could always alter her winter formal dress. The benefit of being poor and having to sew your own formal wear was that she could make it fit her like a glove.
A month later, fitting into a formal dress was the least of Kady's worries. She may still be able to fit into her yoga pants and band t-shirts at home, but her school uniform couldn't be let out anymore, there was just no fabric left. It was impossible for her to button it around her stubbornly growing belly. The school bell rang and Kady panicked. She needed to figure something out fast. She grabbed a safety pin from her emergency sewing kit and pinned the skirt as best she could before running to her first class.
After school she cleaned the worst of the beer cans out of her kitchen and popped a microwave pizza in the fridge. Her mom was at work for the evening and Kady had been so incredibly needy lately, she jumped at the chance to have her big hunk come over and fuck her. Leo, though he hated coming to the trailer park, wasn't going to turn down a chance to stick his dick in her, so he showed up practically on time. Looking down from his six foot frame to her tiny, 5'1" body, now sporting a noticeable bump in the stomach area, he gestured to the pizza cooling on the counter and made a comment about how that might not be the best option for her. Stung, but horny, she nodded agreeably and pulled him into her bedroom and into her pussy, squeezing him so hard with each thrust that he cried out in surprise. He came quickly and she put her mouth on him until he was hard again, and rode him greedily, drinking up every little drop of his cum.
When he left, she felt a little dead inside, but she calmed the voices that said something didn't feel right with her microwave pizza.
The safety pin worked for two weeks, until it really, really didn't. She was in English class when it gave out, popping its overloaded spring and ricocheting off her desk with a tiny metallic ping. Mortified, she raised her hand to go to the bathroom, pinching the two halves of her skirt together with one hand while smoothing it nervously with the other. Her teacher granted her request, but she could feel all eyes on her as she walked out of the room. Before she even had a moment to collect herself, a classmate popped her head in and told her to go right to the school nurse.
"Honey, you're pregnant." Kady felt ice cold fear drip down the back of her neck. the nurse's voice was kind, but firm. She had peed on a stick twenty minutes ago, but the look on the nurse's face when after seeing her belly clued her in far before the two pink lines.
"Do you know how far along you might be? Does the father know?"
The questions washed over Kady. She just wanted to go home. Pregnant? She couldn't have a baby. She didn't want to end up like her mom, trapped by a child she had no desire to care for. She nodded dumbly and took the pamphlets the nurse thrust in her hand. "Five months pregnant....prenatal care....WIC voucher....baby shower" it all felt far away, like it was happening to a different person. She called a taxi, took it home, and stared at the pamphlets in her hands until she was too tired to do anything but sleep.
In a badly needed stroke of luck, it was three days before winter break, and Kady's mom would hardly notice if her usually dedicated student daughter took a few days off "sick." So, Kady wandered through the next few weeks in a haze, trying to make sense of what was happening. She made up her mind that she wanted an abortion, and got up the courage to ask Leo for the money.
Getting him to come over wasn't hard, but his eyes narrowed angrily when they saw her. Now that she wasn't trying to hide how fat she was getting, her pregnant belly was enormously obvious on her tiny frame. He was immediately angry, and although in the end he agreed to give her the money, it was over between them. She had been stupid, he'd said. And his football career was just beginning--didn't she see how selfish it was of her to get his baby in her? She was devastated, but on some level she wasn't surprised. At least she had the money she needed.
Unfortunately, showing up at the abortion clinic with a belly the size of a basketball meant that Kady was rejected at the front desk before even seeing a provider. Despite her protests that she had been a virgin five months ago, she had to admit that the sheer size of her pregnant middle made her look like a liar. She tried again at the other clinic, over two hours away, pushing the limits of her mom's unreliable Chevy, but she got the same response.
"You're having that baby, little girl," this receptionist had sneered at her. "Maybe next time you should give your boyfriend a blow job."
Tears stung Kady's face, and she cried the entire two hour drive home. School started again in two days. She had been so confident that she would have a skinny belly again by the end of this weekend. What was she going to do?
The answer, it seemed, was go to school and endure the shocked stares of her classmates, the pitying looks of the teachers who had hoped the girl from the trailer park would make it out, and the disgusted silence from the father of her baby, who made sure she knew that she owed him the abortion money back, and that if she tried to claim him as the father he would deny her.
She knew those were the greater ills, but for some reason the thing that seemed the most unfair was how completely awful her school uniform fit her very pregnant body. Even through her bra, the scratchy polo material irritated her sensitive nipples, and she now had to secure her kilt over her belly, making the skirt lift up awkwardly in front. She didn't dare ask for a new uniform--she was afraid every day that they would finally kick her out and she would have to stay home and explain to her mother that she and Leo had snuck around, been stupid, and made a very, very big baby.
Unfortunately for Kady, trying not to make waves didn't work very well. By six months pregnant she couldn't see her feet, constantly knocked supplies off her desk with her ungainly belly, and couldn't sit without spreading her legs. But it was exactly six months and ten days after the first time she had ever had sex with Leo that she got stuck in her desk chair and was just too pregnant to get out on her own.
Once the janitors had unscrewed the bolts holding it together and she had stood up, rubbing the painful grooves the furniture had made in her fertile mound, the guidance counselor pulled her into his office and told her that her scholarship had been withdrawn.
"You can try again next year Kady," he said, smiling condescendingly, "after you've had your baby. Or maybe a less challenging school might be a better fit for someone in your..." his eyes rested obviously on her swollen middle "...condition?"
She couldn't be sure, having been too ashamed to get any prenatal care, but the intermittent pangs she'd been having for two days were starting to get closer together. Plus, she was absolutely enormous. It was hard to imagine getting any bigger. She had had to move temporarily into her mother's bedroom. Her pregnant stomach dwarfed her body so completely that she had difficulty walking, and spent most of her days watching tv, crying, and moaning. It was nearly a full time job, lately, trying to soothe the angry, itchy, stretched and bloated orb of the belly she had created when she had bounced up and down on her giant ex-boyfriend's cock. Her breasts, swollen and painful to the touch, rested on top of her gravid mountain of a stomach, and she was too pregnant to sit up straight.
"I absolutely have to be close to giving birth now," she thought, "and as terrified as I am of birth, there is nothing I wouldn't do to get this fucking baby out of me."
As if on cue, her labor pains started in earnest. These were so much more intense than the lead-up cramps, but they still weren't coming very often. She called 911, and yelled to her mother that she needed ice chips. When her mother didn't answer after twenty minutes, she painstakingly waddled into the living room to see why. The empty bottle of vodka and her mother's groggy form in the recliner answered that question. Tears welled up in her as a contraction doubled her over.
Monstrously pregnant, mother passed out, baby's father gone forever, she didn't know how she could do this. When the EMTs arrived, even they couldn't hide their shock at her size. At first they tried to move her, but she was too big to fit on the stretcher. While they were trying, she felt a sudden intense urge to push and felt the baby descend into her birth canal. The EMTs quickly realized it was too late to move her, and one got a portable sonogram machine while the other ran to the ambulance for more supplies.
"Okay, let's have a look at the baby," a calm female EMT told Katy as she moved over Katy's contracting belly. "Oh," she said suddenly in a quick inhale of breath, "there's two in there. Congrats little mama, you're having twins!"
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lunathebee · 2 years
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Pairing: Marc Spector x fem!reader (with hints of Steven Grant x fem!reader and Jake Lockley x fem!reader)
Warning: fluff, nothing else that I can think of
A/n: This was requested by @mystinky-butt!! tysm for being patient with me, I hope it is not too short!
Summary: The initial M belong to you Y/n, but so does S and J
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Y/n was doing some dishes when the front door opened with a loud slam, making her jump. "WHO'S THERE?" She cleaned her hands with a rag before exiting the kitchen, finding her boyfriend with a grumpy expression.
Before Y/n could question what happened, Marc's face softened when their eyes met. "Oh...baby, sorry, I didn't know you were home."
"So does that mean whenever I'm not home you try to destroy our apartment's door?" Y/n sends back a sassy comment before joining Marc's on the couch, feeling his rough hands pulling her closer.
She wants to ask what the problem is, but after seeing Marc's tired expression, Y/N decides it is best to just cuddle with him, his hand rubbing her shoulder while her hands fiddle with his shirt hem.
"So... are you ready to tell me what happened?" Y/n look at Marc's eyes while smiling, hoping it will make the situation less serious.
Marc doesn't say anything back for a second before bursting out in a laughing fit, he feels a bit guilty for making you so worried. "Oh oh it's nothing, really, I'm just-..it is nothing babe."
Y/n can't believe he thinks saying that is convincing to her; she knows her boyfriend better than that. "C'mon, Marc, spill the bean." Y/n poked at Marc's cheek, earning a sigh from him.
"Long story, Jake ruined my most favourite shirt by wearing it to a knife combat. I'm glad he's not dead, but after seeing all the holes and tears, I take it back." Marc slapped his forehead and let his head fall back, letting out a loud goarn.
Unless Marc, who has a sour expression, Y/n is trying her best to contain her laughter. "Nooooo, come on, you mean...THE shirt?Hahaha you shouldn't brag about that shirt to Jake then".
"How could I not? You bought it for me, and I have to show it off; it's not my fault Jake also chose that as his favorite shirt, eh?"
"Fineeee...where is it? I will see what I can fix." Y/n can't help it when Marc brings out the puppy eyes, saying like he is the victim in everything. It was like he put her under a spell when he gave her "the look".
After giving you a quick kiss, Marc rushes into the bedroom to find the shirt, leaving you alone on the couch,thinking. "Did Steven teach him to do that puppy eyes thing?"
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
"Whoa...it looks great! Thank you, babe! " Marc can't contain his joy when getting the shirt from your hand, what would he do if he didn't have his wonderful girlfriend?
"Ermm...I tried my best. I put a little surprise on it." Y/n smiles and waits for Marc's reaction,hoping he will like it just as much as she.
It was Y/N and Marc's initial embroided at the bottom of the shirt!
Marc's eyes gleamed with joy when he saw the little heart near it too. He quickly took off his shirt to try on this new one. "Do I look good?" After earning a quick nod from Y/n, he leans in for a kiss. It is Marc's cheeky way of saying thank you, and luckily, Y/n never complains.
===☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎ BONUS ☾︎ ☾︎ ☾︎===
Y/n: why are there 2 piles of clothes on the bed?
Marc: Oh, it is Jake and Steven's clothes I think
Y/n: Strange....they got my sewing kit out too
Marc: somebody got jealous I think *smirk*
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Hiiii weird question but would heethan let y/n eat/lick his ass can u make a drabble or something of her asking him😭
you don’t have to answer it’s fine hehe love your work
Lol. Well….I’ll add my notes on the bottom but here’s a small Drabble of how that would go.
“Just a Taste….”
warnings: smut, butt licking, oral (male and female receiving) fingering…..
The internet is such a strange intervention that has done a lot for humanity. It had made you wonder how people were able to survive without it, considering that you could take someone with absolutely no knowledge in a specific profession, yet teach them the basics by having them watch a simple YouTube video. If you wanted to learn how to cook, learn a language, teach yourself how to sew, train your dog, or repair your dishwasher, all could be obtained within an hour of searching and exploring the web. Things like, getting tough stains out of clothes, fixing your phone, or……how to turn on your boyfriend by licking his rear end. Now, had you been taken back from when you first started college, before meeting and dating Heeseung, it’s safe to say that your mind wasn’t open to doing such lewd activities…at least that’s how would have thought of it, lewd.
Being with Heeseung has not only expanded your mind, his love and crazed obsession with you, along with his insatiable desire for you had turned you into a sex bomb. You may not have been bold enough to initiate it, but once he got started, and ordered you to do something at his bidding, you did it without any second thought. His love took your pretty, girl next door image, and once behind closed doors, transformed you into a vixen. Never had you thought you would find yourself open to ideas that would otherwise normally disgust you, such as savoring his rear end.
Tonight was just like any other night, with you and Heeseung cuddling up on his bed, watching Netflix. He sat with you in between his legs, cradling you while wearing sweatpants, and a tee-shirt, while you remained half naked with your boy short panties and simple cropped white tee, with no bra underneath. By the way his Adams Apple was slight bobbing up and down from his gulps, you could tell he was urging to get to you, but was being a bit subtle and reserved after you told him how sore you were. Yet it wouldn’t be much longer before he reached the stage where not even that excuse, would stop him.
“can I ask you something?”
“sure pretty baby.” He responds as he strokes your hair. “What’s up?”
“what if I told you I wanted to try….new things….?”
chuckling with a raised brow, he looks down at you. “Oh yeah? What do you in mind?” His hands begin to roam and massage your abdominal region, slipping under your shirt, and migrating over to your breasts.
“….what if I wanted to lick……like…..” you suddenly were at a loss for words. How do you go about asking for this?
shifting his sights as he kept his brow raised, he tilted his head to gesture for you to elaborate and continue with your request. “…..like?….” He scoffs out.
“I saw a video of a girl licking her boyfriends rear…..and…we’ll…she also gave him what’s called…I think it was called a Rim job…” you swallowed, turning your head out of embarrassment the moment you saw him shut his eyes, not out of frustration but you couldn’t deny the hint of disbelief and annoyance in his countenance.
“no.” He merely states deeply.
Before you could respond, you felt his hands turning you around her and perking your rear cheeks upwards as he presses down on your lower back, forcing an arch to form.
“What are you doing??” You asked nervously, feeling him pulling down your panties as you stuttered out your words.
“you’ll see.” He deeply scoffs out.
you shifted, trying to turn back over when suddenly you felt the warmth and smoothness of his tongue gliding over in between your slit, his nose pressing deep into your taint. Sticking his two fingers inside, he softly kisses your clit before moving up……toward an area that has been untouched.
“Ah! Stop! Not there!”
“yes there.”
“no! Wait!”
ignoring your words, he keeps his fingers inserted between your plush folds as he smooths his tongue over your anus, biting your cheek and sticking his thumb inside.
“sssssssstop…….” The sensation of being plugged in both holes has you slurring your words. The sensation was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. “Mmm….ssssstop…..ppppleeease….”
“you don’t really want me to stop, do you?” He teases. Too proud to admit it verbally, you shook your head in hopes that he caught a glimpse of it….which he did.
shifting his body underneath, he pulls his sweatpants down and flings his lengthy member towards your cheek, smacking it repeatedly as you open your mouth and took it in. All the while, he continues to fiddle with your clit with his tongue, while his thumb continues to thrust in and out of your other hole. With his constant biting and sucking on your plump cheeks, your hips bucked up from the shocking sensation, causing him to swoop his hand over and around your thigh to hold you down as he continued on with his performance.
you should have known that Heeseung was far too dominant and unwilling to have you do anything of the sort to him. Aside from oral sex, the man had never allowed himself to be in a vulnerable state, yet the moment you proposed the question, you realized that by doing so, it triggered for him to get the idea to perform it on you, essentially backfiring. Although, you’re not sure if you’re mad at it, because the way he did it to you was so sexually satisfying, you’ could t get it off your mind. Maybe you should ask him about it again. Just for a little taste, knowing that he’d turn it all around and get a mouthful.
authors notes:
so yeah lol. Heethan wouldn’t be down, he’s just not the type to be into that…at least not in the receiving end. But since you brought it up, he’ll gladly do it to you. How wonderful it was for you to introduce the idea so he can add that to the list of his favorite things to do to you. ;)
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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arse-crack-thistle · 1 year
rwrb characters and their eras tour outfits
so i saw this tiktok asking what we think alex and henry are wearing to the eras tour, so here’s what i think the super six would do if they were all going together (in new york, i assume)…
(in my head they all choose an era and base an outfit on that…probably nora and pez’s idea)
alex - he fights for reputation and wins. i’m thinking black, sparkle, and chains. leather jacket with a black rhinestone snake on the back and a black mesh crop top underneath. black distressed jeans cuffed over combat boots. chains around his neck and hanging from his jacket and pants. thin black sunglasses that he later uses to hold back his curls when the house lights go down. oh and he definitely has the sharpest black eyeliner on his lids.
henry - he has a choice: either live in his reputation era with alex or be his complementary opposite. so he chooses lover. i’m thinking ‘80s high school student with lover energy. light-washed jeans with white chuck taylors. tucked in, a loose-fitted pastel button-up with cuffed sleeves. maybe it has splotches of color or faded butterflies on it…idk some kind of print. on top, a hand painted jean jacket with “london boy” in loopy pink typography on the back. a glitter lover heart around his eye (bc nora insists).
nora - speaking of, i’ll keep this simple for her. a fully identical ring leader costume to what taylor had on the red tour. she may be an irl chaos demon but i think she’s anointed herself the unofficial leader of “super six does eras tour 2k23” so this fit is appropriate for her. i mean she almost made them all wear matching t-shirts like they’re a depressed cishet family at disney world but june talked her down.
june - the queen of fashion herself. this is the trickiest for me bc june wants to do folklore and just wear shortalls and the silver star cardigan to be comfy, but she’ll be damned before she doesn’t match the energy of the others. june goes with evermore and all in on “cowboy like me” to piss alex off since he almost went with rodeo wear. cropped cream fringe jacket with an elegant ivy embroidery on the back and trim. underneath, a bustier and shorts of the same fabric with the same embroidery. of course she’s wearing a cowboy hat, cream with the ivy details. and caramel cowboy boots (rounded toe bc she’s a utility girl). everything but the boots are custom made in austin.
pez - “this night is sparkling! don’t you let it go!” yeah so as soon as he saw taylor in all of her enchanted ballgowns, he knew he had to be her nigerian billionaire glitter prince. and that’s exactly what he does. he commissions a nigerian designer to make a suit and headpiece using akwete fabric in the colors of the speak now era’s visuals. all accented in rhinestones of course. he’s also all about the accessories with a watch, bracelets, necklaces, shoes, and glasses from various luxury brands. he does the absolute most, and everyone loves him for it.
bea - angel is in her midnights era, and i am here for it! bc of bullshit princess rules she couldn’t wear a bodysuit like she wanted. but no matter, she’s still going to shimmer. having not seen anyone do it yet, she literally learns to sew and diy’s a mini dress version of taylor’s yellow dress at the end of the bejeweled music video. it was totally, incredibly frustrating but she nails it! complete with lace, bows, and a little more sparkle, the dress hits so hard. she pairs it with sparkly louboutin boots and replicas of the hair clips and choker she bought off etsy. june helps her do taylor’s hairstyle from the video, while she does the makeup, beauty mark included.
so yeah that’s what i got. what do you think?? bc this is such a fun prompt and i could see each character doing like fifty different things lol <3
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 10 months
Your opinion on altering your clothes for the fuck of it? Like making ur own crop tops, ripped jeans, painting stupid shit on ur jacket, etc etc
My Reason: my bfs mom asked why I needed fabric shears and I said “to turn my pants into shorts”(I didn’t bring shorts and they were my least favourite jeans) to which she replied “uh you just DO that?” With the most apprehensive and worried expression I’d ever seen
i have to beat back the urge to turn all my shirts into crop tops and or muscle shirts with a stick and it is a loosing battle. every day I get closer and closer to wearing exclusively crop tops. Which is dangerous because I live in Canada and at this rate I'm gonna get frost bite. Buying cheap, boring clothes and customizing them is literally the most fun thing in the world!!! I've been sewing patches onto jean jackets literally since middle school I cannot recommend it enough. I will say though, if you want to sew patches, especially embroidered patches you might find at like hot topic, use pliers to pull the needle its so much easier than trying to use your hands or even a thimble
SO many alt subcultures were literally founded on DIY and now with capitalism trying to sell shitty punk aesthetics it is literally imperative people continue to make their own shit! It's fun! It's so rewarding to wear something you made! Do you have any idea how many compliments my eyeball jacket gets me? everybody from little kids to old ladies, and they're always amazed I painted it myself!
todays outfit- fishnet shirt I made out of tights, a home made crop top that I also cut the neckline to be wider, pants I painted centipedes onto, and my beloved customized eyeball jean jacket that I wear everywhere like a cartoon character and has too many features to reasonably list out here. Oh and my glow in the dark wizard shoes but I didn't make those I just wanted to share that I have those because they rule
ANYWAYS customize your clothes! fuck shit up! Learn to hand sew! it's good for you!
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i wanna redesign konoha to make sense SO bad bc i know Oh his ideal body its haruka's oc (very funny) but where did kenjirou/saeru get the CLOTHES. did azami generate them in the daze and sent konoha out with them. girl what?? shouldnt konoha wake up with what haruka was last wearing?? he had his ass out in the tank. so evidently kenjirou got the damn oc cosplay clothes SOMEWHERE. its severely funny to imagine saeru having to sew because it DOES have to grant wishes and this IS haruka's (alleged) wish...
HERE'S My proposal i will draw when im not drowning in homework it will be kagesummer soon
FIRST: konoha does not have pink eyes but instead has red eyes because it is ummm a damn snake that would be cool if its eyes were just constantly red bc it IS an eye power! (chance to mention takane bc if i dont mention takane i die. her eyes in the tank must've been red the entire 2 years she wasn't in her body) and also little snake scales on the skin. for funs bro. the more awakening eyes spends on its own in that body the more it kinda claims it. since the body is human but awakening can regenerate it doesnt hurt, but the scales ARE human skin lifting so when haruka gets his body back those are wounds that end up scarring
second. about the clothes again. instead of the ugly clothes (i know they're funny) kenjirou dresses it in his own clothes bc its WHAT HE HAS AROUND so konoha's walking around in shirts that are absolutely HUGE on its body and pants that are too short so its ankles are just out. bonus if the shirts are clothes kenjirou doesnt wear so they're idk turism shirts he bought on trips with ayaka so konoha's walking around with shirts that say i ❤️ london. its still ugly but in a way that makes sense
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faerie-starv · 10 months
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80s Kids: Afton Kids
I've been meaning to draw my own version of the Afton kids from Five Nights at Freddy's for some time now and here they are! :3
I'm also doing the Duchess Celestia ideas challenge(50 ideas actually) and picked the second choice which is 'Look at some of your old photos and either draw them or something inspired by them'. While I have the photos, I'm not going to post them here for safety reasons but I was born in early 80s and have some memories of the era. Since the Afton kids were living in early to mid 80s era I figured they're perfect idea to draw them.
For Evan Afton aka the Crying Child from Fnaf 4(Evan is not an official name by the way but it seems to be the most popular fan name), his outfit was based on a former neighbor kid from Tuscon neighborhood in Arizona. The kid was around eight or ten years old(can't remember as I was three back then) but I do remember the shirt and shorts he was wearing when he was over along with his older sister (who was my babysitter). I don't remember how many stripes was on his shirt so I'm only guessing.
The oldest Afton kid, Michael Afton from Sister Location and Fnaf4, as much as I liked the teen Michael render with Peter Parker hair(I forgot who made it but you'll see it on Fnaf animations on YT), it doesn't seem to match up with the early to mid 80s hair style. Me and other fans think he should have a mullet hair as it was popular hairstyle in the 80s. I got inspired of Steve Harrington's mullet like hairstyle from Stranger Things and I loved it how it turned out. I also made the jacket based from Eddie Munson(also from Stranger Things) because it looks bad ass and since Michael is a rebel, I put the Metallica logo patch on his jacket. I used @adorkastock pic for a reference pose for him and Evan. https://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock/art/2021-DEJ-18-No-872493165
Lastly, Elizabeth Afton's(either middle child or youngest, I'm not sure as there's a debate over it so I'm making her a middle child) dress was based from a Simplecity sewing pack. I changed the stripe colors to pink and blue based from her original dress she wore from Sister Location(which she possess Circus Baby). The dress was pretty popular for little girls in the 80s and I had a dress similar like that(mine was light blue with flowers, I think they were small daisies, can't remember) along with my daycare mates. I found it on Etsy when I was trying to find an 80s summer/spring dress when I found it. I also gave her a Mary Jane shoes.
I am sorry that Evan's and Mike's shoes didn't turn out well as it's my first time drawing sneakers(I know it looks bad) and I didn't use any references(which I should have but oh well).
I tried to make the 80s retro back ground using a tutorial but it didn't came out the way I wanted so I just kept the bottom grid. I promise I'll try to make a better one next time as I really loved the 80s grid background.
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Magic Means Deception
Dream of the Endless x Magician!Reader
Summary: You were born from a long line of powerful sorcerers whose very lineage is sworn to serve the higher beings. Present day though, after all the witch hunts, there's not much left of your family's prestige, which is why you worked as a magician for kids' birthday parties-- that is, when you're not doing mystic errands that leave you better off dead.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: multiple mentions of physical injuries and blood, gender neutral!reader, one curse word, bullying Matthew kinda, angst, hurt, typos, etc.
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It was nothing short of a miracle that I managed to get to the venue on time. There is no way in seven hells I'm paying for a late fee, not after going through all seven hells for The Fates literally moments ago.
"Lord Almighty, why the hell do you look like that?" the woman whose daughter was having a birthday walked over to me, having received my text of arrival.
Although it was a horrible idea, I let go of my side to raise my hand in a pose and to give her a lopsided smile, "it's a costume, babe. My last party was... hell themed. The kid was really, really goth."
The look of concern that was etched on her face immediately evaporated, and the sight of my tattered clothes and blood oozing side was something suddenly impressive, "how did you do the blood?"
"Ohh, you know," I place my hand back, holding in my whine, "a magician never reveals their secrets."
"Well, I mean I could guess, it's probably a jug--" she steps forward, hand darting to my wound. I dart back quicker, raising my other hand, "ooh, trust me, you don't want to get this on your hands. It's a nightmare to get off," I give her a rather desperate look, "where can I change?"
"Oh," she shakes her head, "right. If the kids see you they'd break down and cry. Yeah, there's a storage room over-" I don't wait for her to finish as I immediately head to the direction she pointed her finger, not forgetting to say a quick thank you.
I grip my satchel and step into the storage room, half regretting turning the lights on. The storage room was about, not only as big as my apartment, but just as filthy, which says a lot about the owners of this establishment.
Then again, I drop my bag and sit on a box, catching my breath, it also says a lot about me.
I rip my shirt off without raising my right arm for that was the side of my stab. I then pull out a vial from my bag and down its contents, muttering an incantation under my breath for the pain. It takes a moment, one too long for my taste, but it worked nevertheless.
Once I could move without feeling like I was getting stabbed all over again, I began to stich my wound up.
Suddenly, I hear a squawk and then a raven flies to the shelf beside me.
"Good goly, why aren't you at a hospital?" Matthew croaks just a bit over head. I ignore him, too focused on my task at hand, too much anticipating the voice of his master. It never comes, he never speaks, only Matthew does, "I'm guessing your task was successful?"
My face pinches sourly as I sardonically answer, "funny this looks like success to you."
"Come on, I didn't mean--"
"But then again, you're right," I turn to the bird, "if I were unsuccessful, I would have ended up dead."
Those words glaze the room with cold silence for a long while. It was preferred, as I was trying to sew my bleeding side shut.
For a moment, my thoughts gnaw at me, and so I sneak a look to the side of the room. I nearly scoff but keep it in, feigning ignorance at what I saw. It seems he had been staring at me the whole time since he was, in fact, here.
Good. Let him. It was his fault anyway.
By the time I was almost done with my stitches, the numbing spell began to wear off.
"I still think you should go to the hospital," Matthew croaks as I finish off the last stitch on my wound. I forfeit a response, not wanting to do the, 'hospitals can't treat my wounds' spiel and instead begin to wrap my torso with gauze.
The bird squawks as I let out a pained grunt in my failing attempts to put the bandage on as each second the pain begins to intensify.
Matthew shifts on the shelf and stutters as I proceed with my actions, asking me cautiously, "should you be doing that?"
I raise my brow, not liking the idea of anyone else doing this for me at all, "got any brighter ideas, crow?"
"Hey! Not funny."
I roll my eyes.
"Boss, can you-"
"No." I reply quickly, forcing down the pain of my stitches that tore ever so slightly with every move I made, "heavens be damned if I ask help from-"
"Do not be stubborn," I hear his voice before I see him. In fact, I see his hand taking the gauze in my hand before I see his stupid face.
"Stubborn?" I seethe, as Dream of the Endless sinks down before me, moving too close against me as he quickly begins to trace the cloth around my lower ribcage, "you've been staring at me, offering no help whatsoever the moment you got here and I'm stubborn?"
I don't know why I'm letting him do this, why I allowed him to take the gauze from me. I dont know why I don't just Spartan kick his head off-- well maybe I do, cause if I kick him, I'm basically kicking all my stitches off.
What's possibly worse was he and I felt vastly different in this moment.
He looks at me as his deep voice calmly responds with, "I did not think you wanted my help."
Before I could even think, I move to punch his jaw. But before I could even move, he catches my wrist in his hand and warns, "do not be so foolish to waste your hard work over your anger towards me."
My eye twitches at that. How dare he read my thoughts? I don't know what angers me more, the notion he did that figuratively or literally.
Dream averts his gaze back to my wound, fingers brushing against me in the gentlest possible way, and yet it hurts more than my laceration.
I scoff, feeling tears prick in the corner of my eyes over the sight of his unruly hair, his eyelashes, his lips, his audacity... his nonchalance.
If I could breathe fire, my next words would have burned him, "why are you even here if you don't fucking care about me anyway?"
Right, Matthew thinks, before deciding the best thing for him to do is fly off to the next dimension. His next best option was anywhere immediately out of here.
As the bird flutters off, Dream's expression grows grim, his blue eyes contorting into one that could have been read as hurt, "you dare insult me with such petty lies?"
"and you dare insult me with indifference!" I whine, feeling my entire body tense as my tears begin to rush down my cheek.
Dream presses his hand on my side, "calm yourself."
I rip his hand off me and shove him off, causing him to topple back and nearly lose his balance, but alas that is impossible for a being such as him. And as I rise to stare him down, he rises too, looking down upon me. I feel no intimidation in my state however, especially not when his eyes where practically screaming apologies at me.
"Don't tell me to calm down when I've just nearly joined your sister, Death, without a booking!"
He never apologizes though. I think I never will behold it in my lifetime.
"You are bleeding," he states, hand going back to my side, the other pressing against my back. My heartrate began to rise again, but not because my body was flush against his, but because he was willing his eternal composure onto me. I will not have it. I refuse.
"Allow me to finish tending to your wound," before I could begin to resist him, he quickly adds, "please."
Hearing those words breaks something in me. I heave, beginning to only now realize how exhausted I really am. I push his arms off him with my left arm and sit back down on the box I made a chair of, "be quick about it. I have to go out there in 15 minutes."
"You will not attend to entertaining children in this state," his deep voiced demand echoes.
Yet, I feel my eyes go drowsy, "I will if I want to make rent. The Fates' gratitude over my service is unfortunately worthless to my landlord."
I hadn't realized I even closed my eyes up until I ripped them open after feeling my side sting at Dream's actions to finish up binding my wound. With wide blue eyes, he speaks, "I did not mean to. I apologize."
I scoff, thinking he probably heard my thoughts about his lack of contrition.
And it was unintentional, I knew he wouldn't be petty enough to hurt me, he and I are not the same, and yet I burst out with, "why not kill me now, while you're at it," I sigh, crossing one arm over my chest. I prop my elbow on my hand and rest my head on my fingers.
I'm incredibly exhausted, so much so I feel my emotions spilling.
Dream watches as tears fall from my eyes. He brings his hands to my face, "I would not have allowed my sister to take what is mine."
My eyes flutter open as I feel his thumb brush my tears away.
I take in his sorry expression. I take in the stars in his eyes and the slope of his nose, and I feel abhorred by his beauty, "I belong to no one, Dream."
His brows knit together, only but a fraction, as if it was something he had no control over, "must you lie even to yourself?"
I finally rip my sights off him and grab my shirt from the floor where I threw it, "a magician's life is built on deception." I release a pained groan as I stand up with my clothing in hand, forcing myself to put it on through the pain.
"After all," I stand, "what am I if I cannot do an illusion spell properly?"
Once these words leave my lips, I begin to do a recite a deception enchantment by heart, one that made the spellcaster look like how they wanted to appear no matter how contrary they actually were. So it would be, to untrained, mortal eyes, my hair was fixed, my shirt was clean and tucked, and my face was radiating jovial confidence.
I pull out a mirror out of thin air and look at my reflection, adjusting a few details of my appearance as I saw fit.
Dream moves close enough that his own reflection was seen on the mirror. I ignore him, and yet my whole being shifted around him as he whispered, "your illusions do not work on me."
I knew. I know. It would take a great and powerful magic to deceive the likes of him, and even then, he could comb through it like sand.
I look down on myself, beholding the ragged state of my clothing and the blood on my body, then turn to Dream's face, "it does not matter." I strike my arm to my side, causing the floating mirror to go up in smoke, "this does not concern you."
His brows tighten again. He was not given an opportunity to respond.
I push past him and walk out.
The moment I lock eyes with the host, I am introduced. All the attention is suddenly turned to me and my heart begins to race. I give a soft smile.
I conjure up a top hat, making the kids go wild, "are you all ready to be amazed?"
The high pitched squeals are enough to make me forget about my pain for the time being.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; jessie
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requested by ; anonymous (21/05/23)
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; jessie
ok ok so uh may I request general dating hcs for both jessie and james please ? (maybe someone who has a good living since both are homeless 🥹) THANK YOU !!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
if there’s one thing that jessie values it’s her appearance, flying into a rage if her face or hair are even the slightest bit damaged during a mission, and that goes tenfold when it comes to you — she’s constantly trying to look her best and can spend hours perfecting her look before the two of you go out on a date (stressing over her outfit and accessories, doing and redoing her makeup because it wasn’t symmetrical enough, and taking her time to style her hair perfectly) even if it’s something casual like a night spend indoors or a walk around the park, because she can’t imagine not looking her best for you (yes, even if you tell her that she’s beautiful regardless of what she wears as she does take pride in her appearance beyond just your opinion of it)
and, speaking of clothing and accessories, she will ‘borrow’ your things whenever she stays over at your home: using your toiletries to smell like you, borrowing your shirts to sleep in, wearing your hoodies and jumpers out and about, etc. — and you’re also the only person who she’s alright with sharing some of her own items (your stuff is hers and most of her stuff is still hers, she’ll let you know what you can borrow if you ask)
she has an extremely short temper and has a terrifying type of anger about her that is sure to make even those closest to her ready to run and hide — this can make arguments and disagreements between the two of you extremely volatile unless you’re able to appeal to her more vain side and sandwich your concerns between compliments to placate you, but it also means that whenever she’s in a jealous or protective mood that the issue usually sorts itself out before she needs to do anything drastic (aka the offending party runs away as to avoid her wrath)
on a related note: when jessie gets jealous she becomes extremely confrontational with the offending party and extremely clingy with you — externally she’s on the offensive and terrifyingly angry, but internally she’s afraid of you leaving her for someone ‘better’ which leads to her fury worsening (she has a lot of issues stemming from her childhood)
she loves attention and popularity, and at times this can lead to her brushing you off when she’s caught up in whatever wave of positivity she’s in the middle of, but she never goes as far as undermining your relationship — she’s actually fiercely loyal to you and will turn her nose up at anyone who tries to ask her out (she may hate rejection herself but she’s not above doing it to someone else; she is a taken woman, after all)
domesticity really suits jessie and when she’s staying with you between missions for team rocket she seems so very at home doing simple couple things with you: going out on random dates, running errands (and getting side tracked because she’s a shopaholic), doing chores like cleaning and laundry, cooking together, eating meals together, watching whatever crap is on the television whilst cuddled up on the settee, using her knack for sewing to repair any clothes/items that were damaged on her person during missions or at home when she was away, etc. — moments like this are the calmest you’ll ever see your girlfriend and her team mates (who will occasionally stay with you if they can’t find alternate accommodation) also quickly picked up on this and will tease her for becoming your ‘house wife’ (which inevitably causes her temper to return and an argument to start)
if you have any snake like pokemon then you can guarantee that jessie will be making every excuse to spend time with them: training, playing, lounging, and so on — and the same goes for any poison types (bonus points if you have an ekans of your own for hers to play with, or any dratinis or smoochums because she just really loves them)
as far as sleeping arrangements go, she loves being curled up on her side with her face buried in your chest as you wrap your arms around her — it makes her feel loved, safe, and warm, and she never sleeps quite as soundly when she’s away from you
her default pet name for you is ‘darling’, but she’s also been known to call you ‘sweetie’ and variations thereof — and the cuter the pet name you use for her the better as far as she’s concerned
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vermwerm · 1 year
very normal queenkaard headcanons 2/2
Subservient: prepared to obey others unquestioningly Less important; subordinate He has suspicious knowledge of chemicals He likes cats, and cats like him He strictly calls those off brand spiders (aka daddy long legs) “harvestmen” and refuses to use their more commonly known nameHe likes the number 34 for no particular reason He writes 7s like i do, weirdly He gives very “stick to the question” answers, a lot of people have constantly given him the “i dont care” when he adds extra information about a topic after answering someones question. He would smell vanilla extract and chug it The first few times Queen complimented him, Rou took it as a joke and awkwardly laughed it off bcuz he genuinely believed (technically believes) he didnt deserve such a thing from someone so superior to him If he had sugar tolerance he would love apple pie with vanilla ice cream He constantly has nightmares about when he almost entirely turned to stone He likes to ice skate, and he wears very specific figure skate shoes or whatever Rou, to try and desperately find purpose, makes it so that he can just be used and discarded at Darkners/Lightners leisure, Que tries to get him out of this habit, but occasionally(read: a lot of the time) he slips back into this habit of just being this useless object thats only there for a minimal amount of things He loves candles, his favorite scents are pumpkin and linen Hes very bad at typing, bcuz he has long nails Oh right i forgot to add on this list, that he has long nails, theyre naturally black :) He can wink but in the unsettling way He hates the words failure and mistake, theyve been used so often to refer to him he hates the way it comes out of peoples mouth He ironically likes the word error, not when referring to him but he likes the way its said and spelled Ok but what if he purred?? Is that too cringe? Well too bad i already have too many headcanons He uses mint flavored toothpaste cuz hes boring Im gonna slap a “you tried” star sticker on his big ass fucking forehead Rou would either have a very flowy silk gown or steal queens clothes to go to bed, no inbetweens Why do i imagine this senario where swatch gets all up in rous face but bcuz king is a fucking dickhead he has a flight or fight response and punches swatch He is very starved for positive affection… so when Que complimented him for the first time he put it off and saw it as a joke yes, but he started wanting to hang out with her more because of said compliments (also he had the biggest crush on her, like he still has the feelings too, but theyre just dating now yippee!!) Yeah he has mommy issues He immediately got tired of the “trans-parent” joke, in general he just doesnt like puns (skill issue) He always gets really happy when Queen compliments him He had this short period of time dating Queen where he would kind of just exist as a yesman to everything Him and lancer both would like the rainbow slug (if you know you know) He can draw, if you peaked in his sketchbook itd be entirely bugs and a lot of Queens He loves iridescent fabric and when he finally decides to sew he likes using the fabric he has to make outfits that fit the iridescent clothing he already has (i hate this wording what the fuck) He kind of likes, sea salt and vinegar, chips He hates the fat on meat and has to spit it out or else he will lose his appetite He sometimes just soaks in a bathtub for too long, i also imagine his weird slime skin is sponge like. Ok maybe ill remove the sponge aspect that was a joke brought on by the question of if he could mold Child rou gives “mom i frew up” vibes His voice claim is the vocaloid voicebank Kevin, a good song is UNCANNY by GHOST/Ghost and Pals :) He probably calls spoiled milk “vintage milk” Rou probably did that bobbin lacing thing, but he dropped that hobby in his 20s
Queen is very warm at all times,very huggable She can cook and is very good at it She loves mistranslated shirts, and has set out to get as many as she can I do maybe fully believe that she would half ironically half unironically call Rouxls “babygirl” Queen has. Good posture Yeah she does his makeup She gives Rou, forehead kisses, or just in general a lot of positive affection She makes the best food, ever She paints Rous nails sometimes She very much constantly compliments Rou My biggest flex is unintentionally predicting AI art /hj; i think that Que cant properly create art and can only really copy or take parts of other peoples art and mash it into one, she can also perfectly replicate art. She draws like a printer too She very easily gets tricked by optical illusions I feel like she would say “holy fuck, holy fucking fuck, that body of yours is absurd” to Rou at least twice
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paramorearchived · 5 months
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July 25, 2010
omg. jeremy is still sleeping.
Hey guys. Hayley here.. I'm sitting in the front lounge of the bus. Being on voicerest is never fun but it's an almost constant chore when I'm on the road. Maybe I'm getting too old to headbang? I get the most intense "bangovers" (shhh, i know how that sounds).. the first few days of tour and it causes my throat to get a lot hoarser than it would be otherwise. So yeah, needless to say, this off day is pretty event-less. However, typing feels great! So, here I am! 2 days into the biggest US tour we've ever done. My head is spinning. So much hard work is paid off every time I look up and see everyone smiling, singing, and having a good time. We want this show to be fun. And while, we're still getting used to the set-list and the sore necks, it's already everything we could've hoped for. Make sure to hit up Brandon (@branchesbro) on Twitter and let him know what you think of all the videos that we made for the show.  (holy capslock, i just realized i have been writing this like an essay... back to the norm). there are 2 videos, in particular, that we shot while we were home in franklin only about a week and a half ago. the one for "Decode" and the one for "Looking Up". there is a small cameo by my younger sister, Erica, in the "Decode" video. she plays a menacing shadow person. that sounds ridiculous... but i don't know what else to call her role hahah. anyways, Brandon pulled off those two videos - as well as a few others - extremely well. and in such a short amount of time.  another thing... the clothes. my friend Jen (@bunnyjenny) and I designed some stuff for the guys and I to wear. so much fun. for whatever reason, i really enjoy girl-scout stuff.. one of the first goodwill purchases i ever made was a toddler sized girl-scout dress that i wore as a shirt. there's a pic of it somewhere from 2006 when i brought it on tour with me. so yeah, i still have that sort of obsession.. (mostly with the cookies) and wanted to go with that type of "punk rock girl scout" sort of style for this tour. and since the color scheme was very similar to what the guys like to wear anyways, we just made clothes for everybody! this is my first go-round with the whole designing/costume making biznass. i enjoyed the process very much. still figuring out a way to sew my mic pack into the dress i made without messing with the style of it. we'll get there. i'm just stoked that we actually made some skin-tight pants and they are durable... but stretchy enough that my booty isn't hanging out the back when i jump. that's so embarrassing. ugh, i could go on about clothes for days. sorry to bore you all. i'm gonna post a few close up "making of" pics of all the pieces i'll be wearing on stage over at my tumblr and if you're interested, you can check it all out. >> (yelyahwilliams.tumblr.com) oh, and i've also just started blogging for MTV.com. i think it's just for the duration of the tour... but go and check it out and comment me a lot so i look like a real important journalist.  i really hope that jeremy is actually sleeping and not dead. because it's like 3:45. i'm gonna go shake him and tell him our bus is on fire.  thanks again if you've already gotten tickets to the shows. can't wait to see you out there. let us know each night what you thought of it... ps, brandon from delaware is a great singer.  hayley
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roberrtphilip · 10 months
I think you mentioned once you had headcanons for how Sophia acts when she’s older. can you please share?
oh definitely !!
For starters, I think she looks exactly like Robert. She got his dark, curly hair and his nose, and when she smiles, Giselle insists it looks just like his. She also has his dimples. The only thing she didn’t get from either of them is her green eyes. Oh, she’s also covered in freckles, but unlike her parents, who have light freckles, hers are dark.
As for how she acts, she’s definitely Giselle’s daughter. She talks all the time, and so fast Robert sometimes can’t keep up. With that fast talking also comes very elaborate stories that she makes up on the fly and most of them make no sense, but her parents love hearing them.
She is not shy in the slightest. She’ll talk to anyone that will listen, and always says hi to every stranger that walks by.
She is really big on being outside. She loves playing in dirt, and running around barefoot. She hates shoes and always puts up a fight when she has to wear them. Her argument is always “Mama didn’t have to wear them when she was my age, why do I have to???”
She eventually starts hating dresses as she gets older and usually wears overalls or baggy shirts and shorts.
She is a friend to every critter outside. Because she’s half Andalasian, she can talk to them, and it isn’t uncommon to find her laying in the dirt or in a tree, talking to squirrels or birds.
She loves bugs too (bees especially) and Robert has to constantly remind her to please leave them outside and to please stop putting them on him !!! Does Sofia listen? No. No, not at all. Watching her dad squirm when she dumps a pile of worms or rollie pollies into his lap always makes her laugh way too hard.
Because Giselle collects rocks, Sofia insists on stuffing every one she finds into her pocket and presenting them as gifts for her mother.
She really isn’t afraid of anything, except thunderstorms and the dark. She has at least a million nightlights in her room. Robert often jokes she might as well just sleep with the normal light on. And when it’s storming, she usually slips into her parents bed and sleeps in between them.
She wants to be carried all the time, and neither parent will ever deny her that. She especially loves when Robert gives her piggyback rides.
She struggles with reading herself, but she loves curling up against Giselle’s side and listening to her read. She loves when Robert joins in too, because together, always do silly voices.
She loves watching her mother sew, and always wants to help in some way. Same with cooking. She watches everything her parents do, and again, tries her best to help.
She struggles with remembering to say “please” and “thank you”, but she tries her best!!!
Like Robert and Morgan, she’s left handed.
She’s also very good at math, like Robert!
She really struggles with sitting still, and often gets overwhelmed by loud noises, or if too many people are talking around her (like if they’re in a crowd or busy restaurant for example). The thing that always helps when she’s overstimulated like that is when she presses her ear against Robert’s chest and listens to his heartbeat.
She loooooves her uncle Edward!!! She gets so excited when he visits, or when they go to Andalasia. She always begs him to take her horseback riding, and insists on being taught how to sword fight.
I’m very sleepy, so that’s all I’ve got for now, but thank you, I love talking about my daughter 🫶🏻
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tcriell · 1 month
idk if u rbd any memes relating to it but !! tell me abt toriel's wardrobe !! what kinda stuff does she likes and / or wears, any other outfits she may have laying around, some styles she likes but may not wear herself, etc !! :3
oh,  i  love  talking  about  her  and  her  expendable  wardrobe…  this  post  is  gonna  be  SO  messy  so  bear  with  me  but:  i  think  toriel,  considering  how  long  she's  been  around,  is  a  really  big  fan  of  all  sorts  of  clothes.  her  basic  wardrobe  is  really  just  loose  clothing,  she  is  a  very  big  woman  so  she  wears  a  lot  robes,  dresses,  and  things  like  mumu's  and  mom  clothing  (you  know,  the  type  where  they  just  look  good  in  it  because  they're  your  mom).
i  always  imagined  her  clothing  before  the  war  having  influence  from  the  tudor  or  pretty  much  the  1900's.  undertale  takes  place  in  the  201X  (or  2010s  for  short,  2019  specifically),  her  clothing  style  has  gone  through  SO  many  changes  i'd  say,  she  went  from  a  little  lady  to  a  queen,  so  i  would  imagine  being  young  she  wore  a  lot  more  than  she  did  when  she  began  as  a  queen  /  older  woman.  dresses  look  best  on  her,  same  with  robes,  she  prefers  to  cover  her  legs  always  but  no  shoes  fit  on  her  feet,  monsters  have  shown  not  to  wear  shoes  i  would  say  anyway,  especially  her  family  due  to  the  fact  that  they're  goats.
toriel  has  always  been  big  in  height  and  body  figure,  so  her  clothes  always  had  to  be  very  specific;  she  likes  it  though  because  it  is  what  got  her  into  sewing  and  clothes-making  as  a  hobby.  her  main  clothing  in  her  current  age  is  just  dresses,  maybe  a  cardigan  over  it  (think  teacher  toriel),  just  something  comfortable  due  to  her  old  age!  i  imagine  the  style  or  theme  of  her  clothes  hasn't  changed  though,  she's  very  “old-fashioned”  as  it  were,  and  it  just  sticks  out  in  her  european/english  style  of  clothes.  morning  dresses,  afternoon  gowns,  that  one  dress  she's  always  had  since  she  became  queen,  etc.
i  also  think  her  fashion  is  just  very,  i  don't  know  how  to  put  it  but,  mom-like?  when  she  got  to  the  surface  she  definitely  tried  all  the  newer  stuff  she  could,  like  denim  jackets  and  t-shirts,  but  she  refuses  to  do  jeans  (because  they  never  fit  her  and  it's  embarrassing  every  morning  to  get  them  on  when  the  button  just  pops  anyway,  also  she  is  TALL).  she's  very  fifties/sixties  stylized  though,  in  the  ruins  all  she  had  that  she  wanted  to  wear  was  the  robe,  but  definitely  she  explores  the  fashion  when  she  gets  onto  the  surface.
…  in  terms  of  fashion  toriel  likes  but  definitely  wouldn't  make  work,  i  wanna  say  eighties  fashion.  those  long  kinda  pencil-ish  skirts,  a  nice  jacket,  stuff  like  that.  if  she  was  properly  around  for  that  turn  of  the  century,  you  already  know  she'd  be  in  one  of  these.
sorry  if  this  is  messy  but  i  could  easily  make  a  pinterest  board  if  the  idea  of  her  fashion  interests  anyone!  i  do  better  with  visuals,  she's  definitely  someone  i  would  like  to  draw  with  clothes  that  fit  her  decade  styles.  thank  you  for  sending  this  in,  i  felt  like  i  was  able  to  fly  into  the  sun!!
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newty · 10 months
more wwi au
flipping back to my henry scott tuke beach date agenda, i think dion would fling a copy of some guillaume apollinaire poems into the water bc the calligrams made him mad. he rly wanted to like the book bc he pulled it out of a bombed house but no theres a weird eiffel tower poem
terence wakes up and kihel is sewing a hole in the shirt he is literally still wearing. he has no choice but to lay there while she pokes him w her needle and tries to close up all the places the shirt was singed by the machine gun
harpocrates trying to wind his pocket watch but the numbers are a little too small for his eyesight, so dion tries to do it for him but discovers that the thing is from hell and broken in a bunch of ways. but he cant disappoint the old man so for a min he's calculating the fly distance to paris
terence knowing the position of like one (1) constellation and dion violently being like 'is2g if u show some kind of aptitude for star navigation and they put u on an aircraft carrier i am NOT joining u on the boat goodbye' [reviews maritime practices anyway]
one way radio long term panic aside, i also want short term 'oh fuck dion flew into a cloud and idk if its bc hes cocky or hes hiding and smths wrong or or or'
dion trying to be v patient: yes hi kihel can u stop using the propellers of my warplane to slice apples bc its funny. i know its kinda funny but also its making my face twitch bc u could hurt urself and are probably breaking some kind of military law for touching it
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