#OH THAT’S THE OTHER THING. they open at 8:30 and it takes me half an hour to get there
fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Can’t tell if I actually genuinely think this job interview tomorrow is a bad idea, or I’m just trying to convince myself it is because I don’t want to do it
#it’s an online interview so i think cancelling wouldn’t be too much of a dick move because presumably this person is interviewing all day#but i’ve already told people about it so they’ll be like ‘hey how did the interview go :)’ and i don’t want to say i cancelled it#but. look this place gives me bad vibes#the business isn’t even open yet so i’ll be one of the first staff hired and chances are i’ll be hauling stuff all over the place#and helping set up. and that just sounds annoying and difficult#plus i thought it was just retail but i looked it up and they have a bar??? which means they probably saw my bartending & barista experience#and that’s why they want me. these people are not going to let me sit down and uhhhh i have an arthritic knee. i need to sit down#also the employment satisfaction reviews are really terrible#i’m talking like; people mentioning they were getting abuse from customers and still weren’t allowed to ban them#but comparable businesses would absolutely ban those type of customers on the first instance#at this place they just let them stay though and you have to serve them even if they’re clearly abusive and not in their right mind#i also saw that you get asked complex mathematical questions in the interview and listen. my brain is mostly fog right now#every single one of my prescription meds is clashing with one of the others and making me sleep 10 hours a day#and my brain feels like a tired soup even if i have slept 10 hours#(or 9. or 8. or 7. it’s basically a 24/7 thing)#suffice to say i don’t think i’m going to be doing fucking mathematics#also it’s a teams interview and i hate them. although it is kind of nice to not have to take the train for half an hour just to be rejected#OH THAT’S THE OTHER THING. they open at 8:30 and it takes me half an hour to get there#so if they want me in right at opening i still need to get a bus at like 7:50. but more likely it’ll be way earlier than that#soooooo it’s not actually much better than my previous job where i was getting up at 6 to get a train at 7:10 to get to college at 8#to sit around for an hour or more waiting for class to start. 🧐#i know i live out in the back of the back of beyond and i will therefore have some stupid commutes. but come ON#and if i work the closing shift instead there literally isn’t a bus late enough to facilitate that for me. they stop at 8pm. when will i win#i’m just going to send an email cancelling it even though it’s the middle of the night and then i’m going to withdraw my interest on indeed#and then i’m going to bed#and if anyone asks; they made me do maths in the interview so i burst into tears and started eating the drywall#personal
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citizen-sade · 1 year
Rain Check
Inspired by this text post:
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Eddie glanced from his guitar to the digital alarm clock on the side table next to his bed, where he'd been idly strumming for the past hour, not really trying commiting the tune to memory.
He realized the upbeat lyrics of Bruce Springsteen in Steve’s off-key tenor from the bathroom two doors down had trailed off long ago. He vaguely wondered if he’d dozed off again.
Eddie grinned wryly as he recalled learning the hard way about Steve’s singular habit of falling asleep in the shower.
He bounced his leg impatiently, eyes darting to the bathroom as the minutes ticked closer to 8:00. Steve had been in there awhile and it was almost time for the Miami Vice marathon.
7:00 turned into 7:15... then 7:30... 7:35... This was stupid. He didn't even like Miami Vice. It was Steve's idea. So, what the hell was taking him so long?
Eddie set the bowl of popcorn on the coffe table before heading down the hallway and rapped his knuckles on the bathroom door, "Dude, what are you doing in there? Did you get lost?"
No answer.
Clouds of steam wafted out the door as he opened it to the sound of running water.
“Goddamn. Hot enough in here for you, Harrington?” he asked as he used the sleeve of his t-shirt to wipe off an area of condensation from the mirror above the sink.
He stared at the reflection of the seafoam green shower curtain behind him, waiting for Steve to peek out and ask him what he wanted, but his stomach sank when that didn’t happen.
Still nothing. He inhaled deeply to steady his nerves. Dramatic though it may be, he couldn't help but think back to the time he'd discovered a former bandmate in a similar manner, unconscious in a hotel bathtub from an overdose. He was lucky Eddie had found him when he did, the dipshit.
But Steve was different. Steve Harrington wasn't a junkie. Steve Harrington was smarter than that.
Although, it wasn't like he'd given Eddie a comprehensive list of any potential health issues. Not that he'd asked for one.
Eddie licked his lips nervously as he turned towards the bathtub. He sighed, scratching the back of his head.
“Very funny, Harrington."
He shifted his weight from one foot to the other before reaching for the shower curtain, half-expecting Steve to jump out at him.
“Ha!" The exclamation hung in the air as Eddie yanked the curtain to the side, revealing the lean, naked form of his boyfriend on the floor of the ceramic tub, slumped against the side.
“Oh, fuck—ohfuck—okay—uh—Hey! Steve! You okay?”
Eddie reached in to shut off the water and sat on the edge of the bathtub to lean over Steve, shaking him gently by the shoulder.
“Shit... shitshitshit... Steve! Hey!" Eddie eyed him with mounting panic, mentally compiling a list of emergency phone numbers, "Wake up, damnit!”
“Mmm—” the jock stirred, his forehead creasing under his dripping hair in annoyance as he mumbled, “five more minutes.”
Eddie stood up and cocked his head in bewilderment, "What the fuck?”
“Wha—” Steve sniffed groggily, “what’s going on?”
Eddie raised his hands to his hips, “Are you kidding me?”
Steve cracked an eyelid to glance quizzically at him, “Oh, hey, Eds. Everything okay?”
The cold air against his wet skin suddenly reminded him of where he was and he looked up at the trickling showerhead, his face reddening as he scrambled to cover himself.
“Oh, damn,” he groaned, running a hand over his face, “did I fall asleep again?”
"Asleep??" Eddie blinked in surprise but sighed with relief, “Again?! Is this a thing you do regularly?”
“You scared the shit out of me!”
“Gee, man, I’m sorry—"
"Thought I was gonna have to drag your naked ass out of there myself."
"It’s just a thing I did—do—ever since I was a kid—”
Eddie scoffed playfully, “Well... don’t fuckin' do it again.”
The sheepish grin he received by way of an apology all but dissolved any trace of genuine exasperation. It was a dumb thing to be mad at him for, anyway.
Eddie rolled his eyes and grabbed the towel from where it hung on the wall to throw it at Steve, hitting him in the face.
“Dry yourself off before you get all pruny. The show's about the start!”
It wasn't until later, during a moment of intimacy on the sofa, Miami Vice muted in the background and Steve's eyes locked shyly on their intertwined fingers and the prominent veins that traveled up Eddie's forearm, that Steve had explained how he'd adopted the practice of locking himself in the bathroom as a kid. The running water was enough to partially drown out the sound of his parents arguing in the living room, and he would stay in there a little longer each time, allowing the steady rhythm and comfort of the warm water to lull him to sleep—until he would inevitably be startled awake by the sound of his father slamming the front door behind him in a rage, followed by a hurried knock on the bathroom door and his mother yelling from the other side that he was on his own for dinner. Again.
In Steve's defense, he didn't do it every time... and in Eddie's, he couldn't just not tease him mercilessly for it when he did.
Eddie laid his guitar aside. He was careful not to make too much noise as he snuck to the bathroom, expertly opening and closing the door behind him without a single creak. Once again, the only sound to meet his ears upon entering was the hiss of the water.
He slowly drew back the shower curtain to the familiar sight of Steve curled up beneath the steaming water, damp hair clinging to his flushed cheeks.
Eddie smiled fondly at the shallow rise and fall of his chest and heaved an exaggerated sigh, reluctant to disturb the serenity of the moment.
But they had a game to catch. Lucas would be taking inventory of the party from the basketball court, and God forbid he and Steve show up late to anything together. He could hear the obnoxious kissy noises and prying questions now.
Eddie leaned in to wrap his fingers around the cross-handle knob and, with a quick twist, turned it as far to the left as it would go without shutting off completely.
Steve shrieked, cursing incoherently and clambering to shut off the freezing water.
“SHIT!” he panted, eyes wide when he realized he wasn’t alone. In a daze, he grasped the shower curtain to pull it closed, but instead, managed to tear down the metal rod that it hung from. The curtain rod bounced off his head and clattered against the tile as it came to rest in Steve’s lap.
“Gah! Fuck!” he hissed.
Eddie snorted and clamped a hand over his own mouth to keep from laughing as Steve glared daggers at him behind a veil of wet hair, looking like a drowned rat.
A very pissed off drowned rat.
The vision of the so-called King of Hawkins High—usually so smooth; so collected—now fixing him with what was obviously supposed to be an intimidating scowl while sitting naked and waterlogged in his bathtub made Eddie cackle so hard that he had to brace himself against the bathroom sink.
“I’m glad my suffering is so amusing to you,” Steve mocked.
“You should have seen your face, Harrington!” Eddie wheezed as he doubled over at the waist.
Steve blinked and shook his head, tossing his wet hair out of his face.
Eddie's laughter trailed off, “I’m sorry, babe, but you've been in here forever!”
“Oh, shit, you’re right. What time is it?”
“Almost 5:30.”
Steve groaned as he shifted to get his feet under him but failed against the slippery tub floor.
"Damnit, you need to put something in here."
"You mean, like, those... adhesive rubber ducks?"
"Yeah," Steve sneered, "I mean, like, those adhesive rubber ducks."
Eddie watched with glee as Steve made a second attempt to stand and extended his arm, "Don't just stand there, Munson, help me!"
"Okay, okay! Jeez," he grasped Steve's wrist to help him up, only to be yanked off his own feet, falling over the side of the bathtub and into Steve’s lap as he reached up to turn the water back on.
“You dick!” Eddie screeched, "what the hell—" he froze as his words melted into Steve’s mouth.
He instantly relaxed into him, the lukewarm water beating down on them all but forgotten as the tip of Steve's tongue teasingly slid past his lips. Eddie purred against his mouth and Steve withdrew with a cocky smirk. Eddie started as if to protest, but exhaled a heavy breath and hung his head.
“Alright. We're even."
“Mm, let's get you out of these wet clothes,” Steve said, tugging on the hem of Eddie's soaked t-shirt.
“Woah, there, big guy,” Eddie splayed a hand on Steve's chest in a gentle halting motion, “did you forget we’re on a schedule?”
Steve paused, immediately dropping the Casanova act with a petulant huff, “Aw, man!”
Eddie chuckled and pecked him on the cheek as he rose, pulling Steve up with him. He wrung his damp, unruly hair out over the bathtub before twisting to grab a towel and unceremoniously throwing it at Steve’s face. He then grabbed one for himself.
Steve cautiously stepped out of the tub onto the worn plush mat, securing the towel around his waist.
Knowing they couldn’t afford to waste anymore time, Eddie resigned to getting ready in the bedroom so as to allow Steve and his Hair™ their allotted time alone—but not before planting a playful smack on Steve's ass. Steve yelped and grumbled under his breath as he turned to his reflection and the white aerosol can with the picture of Farrah Fawcett that smiled at him from the counter.
Suddenly the door opened again and Eddie peeked in, "Hey, Harrington."
Steve paused mid-spray and rolled his eyes at him in the mirror, "Yeah?"
Eddie clicked his tongue with a wink and the cringiest finger-gun gesture he could manage, “Rain check.”
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First Time
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“... And there’s plenty of snacks in the fridge here, and a pizza in the freezer in case you get hungry,” said Mrs Thompson (“call me Mary”) as we finished the tour. “Now have you got all that?”
“Pajamas at 8, lights off at 8:30, and then pizza and TV until you get home,” I recited, and grinned. “No problem.”
It really wasn’t a problem. It was a nice house, clean, and looked like an easy gig. I hadn’t met the father yet, but Mary seemed friendly. Smiling, and a toucher—a hand on the shoulder to look into my eyes, a touch on the back to guide me from room to room ...
“You really are a very pretty girl,” she said suddenly, as she leaned against the kitchen counter—almost as if she had just noticed. “Has anybody mentioned that before?”
I blushed, a little, ducking my eyes. “It’s come up,” I murmured. Truth was, people were always mentioning it, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I was small and cute and blonde, but I hadn’t done anything to be those things. I was more proud of my grades and my writing—things I’d worked at—but people didn’t often seem to see that.
“Oh, listen to me, first I’m talking your ear off, and now I’m embarrassing you. I’m just going to get something to drink. All this talking has got me all dried out!” She rummaged in the fridge and poured herself some lemonade while I looked around the kitchen. I had the nagging sense of something off, or something ... missing? What had I missed? Something in the house tour?
“Do you drink?”
“I asked if you drink, honey ... Were you somewhere else for a second?”
“I wasn’t—I mean I don’t—” I tried to answer two questions at once and got confused. “No, I’m not old enough,” I said. “I just turned 18.”
“Oh, an innocent!” she crowed (which I thought was a little odd, as she probably wouldn’t have wanted her new babysitter to confess to being an alcoholic!). “Then you’ll just have some of this lemonade. It’s very good, my husband makes it himself. Have this glass, I haven’t drunk any yet.”
I was a little off balance, and flustered, so without thinking I accepted the glass and took an obedient swallow. I must have needed it more than I thought because I gasped as it hit the back of my throat. “Mmm, it’s good!”
“Isn’t it? Let’s see now, where was I ... Oh yes, another glass for me ...”
I sipped the lemonade again. It was tart, and sweet, and something else I couldn’t quite name. For all I knew, the couple could make lemonade with vodka—I wouldn’t have recognized the taste! It was very good, though, whatever it was, and I was suddenly greedy for more, lots more ... I guzzled half the glass in seconds.
A warmth spread through me almost immediately, my muscles relaxing just a bit. I felt myself smiling easily, and a little sillily. Sillillilly? A silly, dopey sort of smile.
“Oh my, I guess you did like that. Here, let me take the glass for you, sweetheart, don’t want you to drop it ...”
My vision was kind of swimmy and I felt kinda ... slow, and relaxed ... Happy! I liked it! I struggled to focus on Mary’s eyes again as she touched my arm.
“It’s so sweet, the way girls are raised to want to get along with others ...” she purred, stroking my hair. “From such a young age, taught to agree, to serve, to play along ... to do as they’re told ... And even taught to like it! To want it! To want to be a good girl ...”
Her hands were on my hips, and she was leaning over me, her face very close.
“You like doing what you’re told, don’t you, Chloe? You like being a good girl?”
And without waiting for an answer, she kissed me! Her lips were warm, and soft, and sent shockwaves through my system. My heart was racing! And I—I melted. There’s no other word for it. I sagged into her, pouring myself into her mouth and dripping down the front of her body. I offered no resistance as she opened my mouth with her tongue and began to explore the inside ... On the contrary, I sucked on her tongue hungrily!
I had never dreamed that my first kiss would be with an older woman ...
“Oh, you are delicious,” she said huskily. “It feels so good to obey, doesn’t it ... Feels so good to do what you’re told, without thinking ...”
“Uh huh,” I whimpered, leaning my head back as she nipped at my throat.
The palms of her hands were warm on my stomach, my sides, as she explored under my tee shirt. “Let’s just take this off, honey, you don’t want that in the way ... And you don’t want this bra anymore either, do you ...”
I acquiesced meekly ... Anything to keep her touching me, kissing me, murmuring into my ear ...
“Mmmmm ... What beautifully perky breasts you have, sugar! And with such big fat nipples ... I know these must be extra sensitive, huh?”
I moaned as she stroked them, pinched them, cupping my boobs in her warm hands as she teased my nipples. I couldn’t think straight! Couldn’t think of anything except that I would do whatever she wanted as long as she kept making me feel like this ...
“Well well well ...” came another voice, and my eyes flew open at his deep baritone, and the knowing smirk in his voice. “And who do we have here?”
Mary moved fluidly behind me, still stroking my skin here, there, and everywhere. I was topless in his kitchen, his wife’s hands all over me, and he didn’t even seem surprised. She nibbled my ear and pressed her tits into my back as she presented me.
“It’s our babysitter, honey! Look!”
“Another babysitter? You know, one of these days ...”
“Sshhh. Chloe, this is Adam. Adam, Chloe here is feeling very good right now. She feels like a horny little slut, don’t you honey?”
“Uh huh ...” I whimpered. Any ability to resist, or even to think straight, was dripping out of my drooling cunny.
“And look at these beautiful perky tits with big fat nipples, they’re so sensitive ...” She kneaded them, showing them off to Adam. My brain was buzzing, I was barely aware of anything beyond the unending pleasure.
“Why, I bet someone who plays with these could get you to do almost anything, couldn’t they?” she cooed.
I’d never really thought about it ... But it seemed she was right!! I couldn’t stop staring at her husband’s bulge, and I knew whatever either of them asked of me, I would willingly do it ...
He stepped forward. “Feeling needy?”
“Needy,” I nodded.
“Submissive ...”
“Sub- uhh ... Submissive ...”
“Compliant ...”
Another pinch, and my knees almost gave out. “Compliant,” I gasped. “Obedient. Desperate ...”
“Good girl.”
I moaned.
“Strip,” he said.
I hurried to comply, struggling out of my jeans. Mary helped me from behind, pulling them down to my ankles as Adam held me pinned with his eyes. He cupped my face with one hand, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I looked up at him, dazed.
“You’re going to suck my cock today,” he murmured matter-of-factly, and as soon as he said it I knew it was true. “Have you ever sucked cock before?”
“No sir,” I whispered meekly.
“That’s all right. I’ll teach you to be my little Chloe Cocksucker.” He slipped his thumb gently between my lips. “Suck.”
I closed my eyes and gently suckled on his thumb, only dimly aware of his wife’s hands stripping my panties down my legs. I was completely nude, sandwiched between these two fully clothed older people, and I felt so submissive. So docile. So eager to serve.
And it felt so right.
“On your knees now.”
I sank down, still blissfully suckling on his thumb. His wife’s hands were on my breasts again, playing with my nipples, calling them my “slave buttons.” I don’t know how long I knelt like that, my mind far away, just sucking and squirming as electricity shot through my young body in new and unexpected ways, as she whispered in my ear about obedience and pleasure.
Finally he withdrew his thumb from my mouth with a wet pop. My eyes only half opened as I leaned mindlessly forward, my open lips seeking, the way a sleepy infant’s mouth would seek out the nipple it had lost. As if through a fog I saw Adam opening his pants, and his thick cock appear. He fed the head past my eager lips, and my eyes closed again in languorous bliss.
I sucked, and the head kept growing. I sucked, and he kept pushing. That hot, pulsing meat filled my mouth. Mary stroked my hair and pushed my head forward as he thrust in and out of my unresisting wet mouth, filling my throat every few strokes. I had the floaty sensation that my head was nothing but a hot wet hole for his use—and that the rest of my body didn’t exist—and I loved it ...
Mary grabbed her husband’s thick hard cock in one hand and started stroking it into my mouth. She knelt next to me, playing with my tits, coaxing me to keep my mouth open, tongue out, ready for his seed. But just before he exploded, she stopped. “Not yet,” she purred, and slowly licked his length, making it lurch. A milky pearl appeared at the tip. She looked up at him, her eyes big.
“I want to see you in her pussy.”
They each took one of my hands and led me, in a daze, to their bedroom. Laid me out on the bed, legs spread wide. Adam’s cock looked massive as he stood above me, Mary lying beside me, and I started to get nervous.
“I think I ... I think I should ...” I started, but I felt my dripping slit throb as I looked at it.
I licked my lips. “I don’t know if I should ...”
“Sshhh, ssshhh, honey,” she whispered in my ear, as she began caressing my nipples. “Needy ... Compliant ... Horny ... Submissive ...”
My eyelids fluttered as I gave in to her touch, and her words.
He pressed against my tight cunt, opening me up. I gasped. It hurt, but it hurt good ... Her mouth was on my aching bud, sucking, licking, distracting, as he speared into me, inch by agonizing slow inch. Pulling out a little, then pushing farther in ... Again, and again ... The pain ... I wanted more of it ... The pleasure ... I wanted it to stop ... I whimpered ...
He bottomed out, filling me completely, and my outstretched feet tensed. My toes curled. I stared at him, a little frightened, as I watched his face change. His eyes grew heavy-lidded and hooded as his chin came down. He was a man no longer, but a beast, and he glowered at me through his eyebrows as his jaw went slack with raw animal need. As he started to pull out, ready for the first of many hard primitive thrusts, a little drool collected on his lip. I knew he would have no mercy.
And I knew I would be back for more babysitting soon.
As he slammed into me, she bit down on my nipple, and I threw my head back. That first scream was not of pleasure.
But all the others after it ... were.
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written-by-3racha · 3 months
how they would confess their love to you, ft. stray kids
note from étoile • this is going to be my first fanfiction for anything k-pop related, go me! I've been writing fanfiction for a while now, so I hope I did good with this one! writing this took me a while, lol...
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♡ bangchan would do it by getting straight to the point. No beating around the bush for this man. You were worried that he was spending too much time in the studio. You asked him if he wanted your company, to which he agreed to. Half an hour later, he would knock on your door and hand you flowers. "For the sweetest babygirl of them all." You laughed at his joke and took his flowers before embracing him. "So, is that a yes?"
"Most definitely a yes," You responded, kissing him on the lips. He smiled at you and caressed your cheek before bringing you in for another kiss.
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ lee know would tell you to meet him at a coffee shop at 8 am. He texted you this at two in the morning, so it wasn't until you woke up that you saw his message. The clock on your phone read 7:30. You rushed to shower, do your hair, and get dressed. You met him a minute late. "Oh my god, Minho. Why did you ask me to come on such short notice?"
"Because I just wanted to get coffee with you. Take a seat and tell me what you want to order," Minho replied.
He came back with the drinks and cake for you two to share after a few minutes. "Why did you call me here again?"
"Cause I wanted to confess to you," He deadpanned. You didn't believe him at first, so you just didn't say anything. "So..?"
"Oh, you're being serious?" You exclaimed. His eyes narrowed. You cleared your throat and switched back to serious mode. "Yeah, I also have a crush on you."
"I guessed. You made it pretty known to literally everyone."
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ changbin would ask you to go to a restaurant with him. "It just opened and I wanna check it out!" he told you. You've been hiding your feelings from him for some time now, so you were happy that you got to be at least somewhere alone with him. After you two finished eating, you two were both in his car.
"Hey, y/n. Do you like anyone?" The question was sudden and caught you off-guard. No way your crush was asking you who your crush was.
"I," You started. He did ask you out to dinner. You weren't the type of person who really took risks, but maybe you'd take one. Just this once. "Yeah. It's the person who i just went out with."
He turned his head towards you. Eye contact with him would definitely be an interesting thing to put as your reason of death. "What a coincidence, me too! We're really the perfect pair, huh?" He pressed his lips on yours.
After a minute or two, you both pulled away to regain your breath. "We're dating now?"
"I thought I made that obvious with the kiss."
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ hyunjin would tell you with paintings. Art was one of the hobbies he enjoyed the most, and when he saw you, it was love at first sight for him. One day, he had you over and that's when a painting caught your eye. A painting of you. Hyunjin noticed you staring, and he followed your gaze to the painting of you. You two looked at each other.
"So. Nice painting, right?" The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Yeah. You're pretty fun to paint," He replied."
"Is this a confession?" You joked. You also liked Hyunjin, and the possibility of him liking you back was near impossible in your eyes.
Hyunjin was silent for a second. "What would you say if it was?"
"I would tell you that I reciprocate the feelings," You said.
He kissed your forehead, "Well, I guess this was a confession."
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ han would use his guitar. He composed a special song, just for you, and posted it on a private social media account. You found the song and dm'ed him about it. He told you it was for a special someone, and when you asked who the special someone was, he told you to come over.
There you were, knocking at his door.
"Y/N!" He smiled and hugged you, as friends do. Friends.
"Hey Jisung," You mutter. After he lets you go from his hug, you ask him the question again, "Who's the special person you were talking about?"
His hand was holding yours, "It's you, y/n. If you pay more attention to the lyrics, I was talking about you," He admits.
"Ji, you're perfect," You hugged him again.
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ felix wouldn't even know he confessed until the next day. You had suggested pulling an all nighter to play video games and watch movies and fortunately for you, he accepted. First few hours were eating snacks and playing genshin, mario kart, and whatever silly game you could find. Next few hours were you guys doing a movie marathon. During the second (or was it the third?) movie, both you and Feliz were getting sleepy. You rest your head on Felix's shoulder. "I give up, lixie. G'night."
He wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Good night then. I love you." Both of you were too tired to even process he confessed to you until the next day when you woke up at noon.
"Felix, about last night. You... love me?"
His brain didn't process what you meant until he remembered. "Oh, that. I do, y/n. Do you feel the same?"
"Of course I do, Felix," You took his left hand and held it gently.
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ seungmin would use puppym. He doesn't want to confront you, so he leaves a special plush of him on your doorstep with a note. He texted you to open your door, and you obliged, not seeing anything until you looked down and saw the cute stuffed puppy with a note. You read the note and your face heated up. The note was a confession, him saying that he liked you and didn't know how to tell you.You texted him back, calling him an idiot and ordering him to get back on your doorstep.
"Hey." He appeared from the corner of the walls of your humble abode. "What did you think?"
"Kim Seungmin, you're a loser," You hugged him.
"Yeah, but I'm your loser."
꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷꒦﹋ٜ۪ꥇ໋۬ ꒷
♡ jeongin would be so obvious about it that everyone except you knew that he liked you. Whenever you would visit stray kids in the studio, he's the first one that would strike a conversation with you. Some of the other members would catch him ranting about you, it was just too obvious. You don't even find out he likes you from him. It's Changbin who ends up going up to you and asking if you have a crush on I.N.
"Uh, maybe, why?" You inquire. Maybe was an understatement. He was everything to you.
"Just go confess then! Was it not obvious enough that he likes you back?" He... what? "Did you not notice the way his mood changed whenever you even breathed the same air as him?"
"No???" You did know that he talked to you a lot, but that's what friends do?
"Stay there, I'm getting I.N." With that, Changbin ran out of the room, leaving you, the very confused y/n, in the room alone.
A minute later, Changbin pushed I.N. into the room with you and closed the door. That was fast.
"Hey y/n, I'm guessing Changbin told you already?" So he really did like you.
"Yup. I like you too, jeongin. Can I be your girlfriend?"
"Yeah!" I.N. grinned and wrapped you into a tight hug.
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gr4veyardsblog · 1 year
Enemies to friends with benefits to lovers with hazel.
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Summary : hazel and reader have a weird relationship from fucking to hating each others guts but what happens when they start to develop something more for each other
Warning ⚠️: hinting at smut? , angst ?? Ig
A/n : to whoever sent this ma bad wrote the first half like an hour after they sent this in and forgot/ got busy but here it is more prouder of the second half rather than first but enjoy
“Hey get up it’s already almost 8:30” you said shoving ,the person next to you, leg and grabbing a random shirt to pull over your half naked torso
“Whats the exact time” groaned Hazel while slightly shoving off your hand off her calf
You roll your eyes, standing up and collect your things getting ready to leave “ just hurry the hell up I don’t need you blaming me for you being late to school” as you grab both of your shoes getting ready to put them on and turn around seeing Hazel putting on a button up and stop
“You wore that yesterdy” she looks at u confused and a slightly annoyed “and?” You scoff and roll your eyes again “AND if someone sees u in the same outfit they’ll question it I don’t want them somehow connecting me and you and this” you motion to you both
She shakes her head as she gets up and moves across the room and starts getting ready
You get up and start heading to the door but stop and turn around “remember don’t tell anyone about this you understand”
She turns while buttoning up her shirt “trust me wouldn’t dream about it”
You nod in approval and turn around to walk away but feel a presence on you back and hear close to you ear “got something on you skirt let me” and feel a soft pat on your bottom skirt but jerk away and continue to walk downstairs and out the door
“Hey you hear about that really cool club after school we were thinking of joining after school if u wanna come with?” Isabel asked you in the cafeteria
“Hello?” She waved her hand if you face trying to break the zoning out
“Huh yea sure” she looks and follows where you were looking at and smiles brightly “oh great so you’ve met the three girls who run it then?”
You look at her confused and tilt you head “why would you say that?” She furrowed her eyebrows and gestured in the direction of Hazel “just assumed since you were looking at the one with short hair” she turns to Brittany “Hazel right” Brittany opens her mouth to say something “yea” you cut her off and panic “I mean I least I think so I’m not sure”
“Yea well we were wondering if u want to go it’s for empowering woman” you cut her off with a scoff “what’s the matter “ you shrug ur shoulder and shake your head with an amused smile on your face “nothing just them three even just Hazel empowering woman?”
“They seem nice let’s all go after school yea?” You and Brittany both turn and slowly nod
“Okay after school” you bring out your phone and text someone
Hazel looks down at her phone with the words ‘meet me at the usual in 20’ and sighs while walking up to the broom closet that’s towards the back of the school.
She knocks three times and hears a muffled voice ask who is it. She rolls her eyes and scoffs “it’s spider man who else would it b-” the door opening in the middle of her sentence and a hand yanking her into the closet. In a matter of seconds the doors closed , locked and she feels your lips running sloppily up and down her neck
“Is this what you called me here for?” You groan against her neck and slightly shake your head yes against her neck “duh what else would I call you here for ?” She chuckles mockingly and shakes her head “thought we couldn’t risk getting caught at school”
You pull away and she looks at your face your lips swollen “just shut up and take off your shirt” you said tugging up her shirt and she laughs and helps you with it “eager are we?”
You ignore her and pull your shirt off and wrap your arm around her back fiddling with her bra to unhook it “so empowering woman eh?” You look at her as you unhook her bra and kiss around her exposed chest
She stops and looks down you looking up at her with a hint of amusement in your eye “you heard about that?” She scratches the back of her head. You pull away and nod with a teasing smile on your face. “You bet your ass I heard about that. Hazel Callahan empowering woman” “hey I love woman” “I’m sure you do” you go back to nipping at her chest “y-you can come to the club if you want” she says looking elsewhere but your direction.
You slow down and look up at her a faint blush on your cheeks “I-I mean pj and Josie want enough members to join so we can be qualified as a club” your shoulders slump and you pull away “I’ll see , now take your pants off.”
“I don’t know if I want to go anymore “ you groan stopping a few feet away from the gym door “oh come on it’ll be a great experience” Isabel said while hooking her arm around yours and Brittany on your other “besides it’ll give u a chance to get closer to Hazel” you go to object to that statement but they open the door and practically drag you into the gym.
You walked in on pj talking to the other girls and what looks to be Mr. G? “Is this the right place ?” Asked Isabel as all the girls looked at you three but your eyes for some reason finding a certain brunette but catching yourself and quickly looking away when her eyes met yours.
Suddenly you guys were in a circle to fight each other after Josie punched pj right in the nose and basically breaking her nose. “Okay bitches let’s have our first fighters” pj looks around and smiles and points at hazel “how about you hazel” she looks around to pick hazels partner, you smile and spring up your hand and see hazel rolling her eyes and scoffing in disbelief with a hint of what might be a smile “I’ll go against her” pj looks back at you suprised but smiles. “Okay let’s get this going”
You both start to circle each other neither one willing to throw the first punch after a good couple of seconds “cmon one of you guys throw a punch this is a FIGHTING practice” you hear pj yell your eyes not tearing away from Hazel until pj says fighting. Hazel taking that moment to throw a sloppy right hook against your jaw.
You look at her in disbelief, Hazel standing up straight with what might be worry in her eyes but are wiped away once you land a hard smack against her cheek. You both go back and forth sock after slap after tackle until you wind up with you on your back and hazel on top “seem familiar” she whispers you roll your eyes and land a sharp punch to hazel right in the center of her face. She falls back with a thud and you quickly scurry to her as everyone gasps and start to walk to you guys.
You start to stand her up with the help of Sylvie “here I’ll go clean her up in the locker room “ you lean her against you and you both slowly walk past the gym doors into the locker room and into the bathroom sitting her against the sink and grabbing a paper towel and dampening it with water and start to bring it to her face “I…..can do it” she goes to reach for the towel out of her hand and you move it away “no I got it, it’s my fault anyway” you start to get closer your face a good couple of inches away from her face and slowly stop dapping her nose as you both connect eyes. You feel yourself slowly leaning in. Hazel panicks and swiped the paper towel out of your hand and pulls away turning and facing away from you towards the mirror starting to clean herself up. “I got it”
“Here let me help” you say taking a step closer your chest almost against her side “i said I got it!” She shouts “gosh just trying to help” she looks away from you through the mirror and shakes her head “We’ll don’t stop acting like you care” your shoulders slump and you look hurt “i-i do car-“ “i don’t want to have sex with you no more” your cut off by her statement and your eyes widen your hands falling to your side “in fact I think it’s best if we just leave each other alone” she continues to say not being able to make eye contact
“You don’t mean that” you try to reason “i don’t like you y/n!” She turns to you making eye contact but loosing it a second later “i hate you” she says in such a low tone you wouldn’t be able to hear it if anyone else was in the room. You turn your head eyes tearing up and shake your head “your an asshole Hazel” you throw the paper towel at her chest and go to walk out the bathroom and back to the gym hazel quickly shaking her head and going on your trail “wait - “
You walk into the gym and head straight to your backpack and grab it on. Isabel and Brittany walking up to you , looking worried and start asking you what happened “nothing just remember I have a huge project for chemistry “ they nod and say bye and to call if anything happens. You make it to the door when you can hear the girls asking Hazel if she is okay as you walk out the door and your school and to your car , tears running down your cheek as you drive home.
“Do I really have to be here?” You whine to Isabel and Brittany as you prepare your cheer for the big game. “Yes you do your part of the team”
After everything you still haven’t talked to Hazel and you’ve really wanted to especially after the whole tucker incident but she made it clear she wanted nothing to do it you.
You pick up your pompoms and start to do the routine when pj , Josie and the other girls from the fight club come over yelling about how they need our help. “If your dreams pj” says Isabel “ which you don’t deserve to have it should be ,like …… total darkeness” you cringe and continue with the routine wondering why they are so panicked
Suddenly they start to scream for the cheerleaders to kiss and I look up and see hazel on the bleachers screaming for us to kiss “maybe we should help them” I suggest turning to Isabel and Brittany “no they lied about everything to everyone” you look around and see them continue to panic and yell “screw this” you throw your pompoms on the ground running towards the bleacher stairs hearing faint “wait don’t” and “they’re just lying about this too” from Isabel and Brittany and rush up to Hazel yelling to get her attention.
“Hazel!” “What-“ you cut her off by grabbing her by the face and smashing your lips against hers not feeling her kiss back you go to move away but are soon pulled back in. “Can we cut this gay shit and get this show on the road” you hear someone say and pull away from Hazel
You say holding onto her face. Her hands on your face “I want to keep having sex with you” you drop your face “no! I want to keep having sex with you but together” you see a faint tint of blush flush her cheeks and tip of her ears “sorry that came out wrong…what I mean if I want-“ you cut her off with a another kiss and pull away “is hazel Callahan asking me to be her girlfriend? The girl she hates ?” You mock with a fake sad face. She laughs softly and lays a small kiss on the tip of your nose “I could never hate you” you hum and close your eyes “say that again” she smiles and leans in closer her lips grazing yours “I could never hate you no matter what” she whispers on your lips” you hum in pleasure “good” you end it off with a kiss.
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 year
I don’t want to hear thoughts... Unless they’re yours.
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Chapter 9: Paint me a picture of who you are Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader Word count: 6.2k Warning: I don't think there are any here? Just so much fluff. Summary: Wanda wanted to live the normal life she was never afforded, but something was always missing. Something she denied herself and buried deep inside. But watching you move next door, she quickly realizes that this may not be possible for much longer. Especially with all the interesting things she found in your thoughts. Chapter summary: An unexpected invitation from your neighbour leads to a wonderful day out and a magical evening at her house. How far will Wanda dare to go, when she has you all to herself? Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6; Part 7; Part 8 ; Part 9; Part 10; Series materlist                                     Masterlist of all my works
The next morning you woke up with a clearer head and a determination not to waste your thoughts on negative things. Yes, you’d had a few bad days and you were feeling down lately, but everyone had such days from time to time. It was normal. But you didn’t like to dwell on those things and you always thought of yourself as a problem-solver. So if you felt lonely, perhaps the best thing to do was to simply find yourself a date. There had to be single women in Eastview, right? With that in mind, you made yourself your favorite coffee and you picked out a comfortable outfit for the day, just denim shorts and your favorite t-shirt, ready to actually go through with your plan, when your doorbell rang and startled you out of your thoughts.
You swung the door open only to see Wanda, wearing her casual clothes for the day and a bright smile on her face and just the sight of her, the mere thought of her positivity somehow lifted your mood. God, how did she do that?
“Hi, Y/N!” Her smile grew brighter, flashing her pearly teeth. “I hope this isn’t a bad time?” “No, of course not, come in!” You smiled back, moving your body out of the way, so the woman could enter. “Would you like a cup of coffee, or something to drink?” You offered, heading towards the kitchen. “Oh, no… I came for just a moment.” She explained, seaming a little nervous. A look you hadn’t seen on her yet, making you curious. “I’m actually planning on taking the boys to the park this afternoon. They’re having some sort of fest, so there’s going to be music, ice-cream, cold drinks… I thought to make a day of it and I was hoping you’d like to join us? If you don’t have any other plans, of course.” She asked, playing with the rings on her fingers. “Oh…” Now that invitation stunned you for a moment, not really expecting it. “That sounds really fun, actually.” You agreed, after thinking for a moment. “Thank you for thinking of me!” You smiled at the woman. “Of course I did. You’re our favorite new neighbour.” Wanda’s smile somehow widened, happy to see you agree. “You’re too kind, Wanda.” You tried not to blush, looking away from to woman, so you could compose yourself. “When should I be ready?” “Oh, I’ll put the boys to bed around two, and they usually need maybe an hour-hour and a half, so we should be ready to go at about 4:30? Is that ok?” She asked, not letting you even start a sentence, before she changed her mind. “You know, how about we come over to pick you up? Just in case we run late?” She suggested, stepping a bit closer to you and licking her lips, before she caught herself and stepped back. “Sounds perfect. Should I bring anything? I don’t have much toys, but I have a big picnic blanket?” You offered. “I think that’s a great idea.” Wanda smiled. “And as much as I like to stay and chat, I have to go make lunch. But I’ll see you soon, Y/N.” Wanda smiled, waiting politely at the door for you to let her out and turning, when she was at your gate, so she could give you a wave, before you closed your door.
The thought of a day out made you smile and your thoughts quickly filled with plans and preparations, perhaps finishing some choirs, before you go out and you turned on your sound system, picking out a playlist. Yes, the positive thoughts were really helping. You were already feeling much better, you decided, excited for the afternoon.
In her house, Wanda listened in on your thoughts with a sigh of relief. This little distraction should keep you away from dating apps at least for a bit. And if Wanda played her cards right, she wouldn’t have to worry about it for much longer. The important thing was that she’ll have you to herself today.
* * *
Putting the boys to bed left Wanda with nothing but time on her hands. She was excited about this afternoon with you and she wanted to make the best impression, so she rummaged through her closet, looking for the perfect outfit and she settled on a floor-length yellow skirt and a white, modest v-line top, tucked inside the high waist. She looked like sunshine personified, the colour bringing out her features.
She felt a little silly, getting all dressed up to impress a girl, but she couldn’t help the butterflies in her stomach at the prospect. You weren’t just any girl. She knew so much about you, about who you were, she had shared so much with you, even if you didn’t always feel her presence or know that she was there. You were special, she just knew it. She could feel it, from the first time she listened in on your thoughts, back when you were just settling in your house. There was something about you, and now she knew what it was, now she knew, that she needed you, needed to have you, so it only felt right, to put in the time and effort you deserved.
To make the preparations easier, Wanda packed a bag for the boys ahead of time. She put in their favorite snacks, plenty of water, a couple t-shirts, just in case, she packed a ball and a Frisbee for them, making sure they’ll have plenty of entertainment and she waited for them to wake up from their nap.
Just as she predicted, or perhaps, because she told you to expect them around 4:30, that’s exactly when they knocked at your door. Their happy faces greeted you, immediately making you smile as well and you quickly grabbed your things.
Wanda looked radiant, easily drawing your eyes to her and bringing a slight blush to your cheeks at how shamelessly you were staring at her, but you just couldn’t help it. The woman was magnetic, she had something inexplicably attractive about her that went beyond her looks.
The boys kept coming up with ideas the entire way there and they excitedly asked you to play all sorts of games with them, something you happily agreed to, almost making their mother jealous for your attention. If she wasn’t happy that you got along with her children so well, perhaps she would have even said so, but she knew that she’ll have plenty of time with you for herself.
When you reached the park, already full of people and buzzing with activities, you decided to look through the booths with food, shops and music, making mental notes about where you wanted to return, before you set down your picnic blanket a little farther away from the noise, preferring to settle closer to the many other families with children and pets, who also decided to spend a day out in the sun. It was full of young couples too, teenagers who grouped together�� It seemed that the whole town of Eastview had come out today and it gave the place a lively atmosphere.
“Now boys, don’t you run off where I can’t see you.” Wanda instructed with a serious tone, watching both boys nod and give mumbled confirmations, before she let them play, their toys already in their hands. They seemed to find a game quickly, running through the grass happily, and you watched Wanda sit down next to you on the blanket with a sigh. “Where do they find all that energy?” She asked with a chuckle. “Afternoon naps and life unburdened by responsibility?” You asked, only half-joking. “I think you might be right.” She agreed, her smile widening. Her eyes followed them with an adoring look, an almost glow that gave her a dreamy quality and you hurried to look away, before she caught you staring. “By the way, thank you for coming with us today.” Wanda changed the topic, her hand darting out to rest over yours for a moment, before she pulled away. “I always get so overwhelmed coming to these things alone.” “My pleasure. Although I can’t believe you have a hard time finding company. You’re always so nice.” You said, shuffling in your spot nervously.
It was often like that, Wanda knew. She had to be patient, chipping away at your initial awkwardness and shyness, until she felt you were relaxed in her presence. She could hear your mind buzzing with thoughts and anxieties, fighting through years of feeling awkward around people you didn’t know well and she helped you move past it all, always kind and soft with you.
“Company I like…” Wanda emphasized. “That’s hard to find. And I like you very much, Y/N.” Wanda tried to say the words casually, knowing she was taking a risk. But in the end she reasoned with herself that it was the truth and it felt right to tell you. “See? I told you you’re very nice.” You smiled, trying to hide the way her words affected you, secretly wondering if she was flirting with you. “Would you have preferred it if I was mean?” Wanda raised a playful eyebrow. “Probably not.” You smirked. You couldn’t picture Wanda as mean.
For a moment Wanda was tempted to show you the kind of mean she could be, but she knew it was too early, so she filed away the thought for a more appropriate time and decided to meet your words with a soft chuckle and change the subject to something more casual.
“So why don’t you tell me about work?” Wanda said with a curious expression. “It seems to be going quite well?” “As well as it can be expected at such an early stage.” You explained, a little reserved to speak on the subject.
But Wanda had you opening up in no time and the topics shifted quickly, and soon you were sharing funny stories about past co-workers and then just stories about life. She was good at doing that. Making you feel at ease, feel safe with her, feeling like you could trust her. And soon enough the two of you were speaking like old friends, eager to share more, your laughter only interrupted, when the twins ran up to you both and practically threw themselves on the blanket.
“Hey, mom.” Tommy started, mischief in his eyes. Billy was right next to him of course, the same look on his face as well and you found yourself eager to see what the two of them had cooked up. “Yes?” Wanda smiled, seemingly knowing what was going to follow. “Can we have ice-cream please?” The boy asked, giving his mom the biggest puppy dog eyes. “Please?” Billy chimed in, mirroring his brother. They were adorable.
Wanda could only laugh, being used to their ways. Those two loved ice-cream and she already knew that she would let them have some, even before they had left the house, so she easily agreed.
“All right, you can have ice-cream.” She smiled, rummaging through her purse to find her wallet. “Why don’t you let me go get them?” You suggested. “What do you guys want?” You asked the two kids, that looked at you with amazement. “Rocky road!” They both exclaimed, a little more excitedly than you expected. “What about you, Wanda?” You asked the woman. “Why don’t you surprise me? Pick whatever you think is nice.” “All right… Coming right up.’’ You smiled, getting up from your spot and finding your way to the ice-cream stand, where parents and children were already waiting in line.
Returning with 4 ice-creams and a wallet proved harder than you expected, but you managed to carry them to the blanket, where Wanda and her sons already waited for you, the boys taking theirs off your hands as soon as you were within reach.
When they thanked you properly, something their mother insisted on, they dove right in, talking amongst themselves, while Wanda took the cones from your hands, so you can sit properly next to her, much closer to her than you were the first time around, now that you were 4 people on the blanket.
“So what do we have here?” She asked, as she looked at the content in the cones. “One is caramel, the other is pistachio.” You explained, smiling. “And which one is for me?” She asked slyly. “The pistachio, of course. You look like someone who would enjoy it.” “You’re right. I really do.” She smiled warmly, her words quickly confirmed by the twins.
When all the ice-creams were finished, the twins didn’t hesitate to pull you into a game. The four of you laughed at their crazy ideas, but you ended up indulging them, only allowing yourself to sit down, when they had fully exhausted you.
“Oh, poor girl.” Wanda laughed, when you crashed on the blanket. “Thirsty?” She asked as she looked you over. “God, yes!” You groaned, wanting to practically lie on the ground, but refusing to be that dramatic. “Let me get you something to drink.” She offered, ignoring the weak protest you tried to voice. “Boys! Come help me.” She called, taking their hands.
On the way, she must have explained what she was getting, because you heard exclamations and soon enough, they returned, one of them handing you a cup, while they cheered.
“Slushies!” They yelled, half of theirs already gone. “Thank you.” You smiled at Wanda as you took a sip, sighing at the delicious, cool liquid sliding down your throat. “That’s exactly what I needed.”
Your neighbour only hummed in understanding, taking her seat next to you and taking sips from her drink. She was so close, attentive as she listened to you and it brought a slight blush to your cheeks. She continued her conversation with you, happy to let the boys play as she got to know you a bit better. It didn’t bother her at all that she had known already some of the things you told her. It was better to hear them from your own lips anyway.
When the sun started to slowly sink, the four of you started to collect your things, giving yourselves some time to pass through the many booths and explore the fest better, before you left. Wanda found it adorable, watching you move through the crowd of people, stopping wherever she liked and giving her time to look through the many products. You seemed to have eyes only for her and she basked in your attention. You were such a charming girl, uninterested in the little trinkets and decorative objects. It was almost a shame, she had hoped to keep you longer with such distractions, but seeing it wasn’t your thing, you all headed home.
You were practically in front of their house, ready to say goodbye for now, when Wanda’s voice stopped you.
“Y/N, would you like to join us for dinner?” She asked, pulling her sons closer to her body. She was scared that you’d refuse and she wanted the comfort of their bodies. “I wouldn’t want to bother you?” You said, almost on instinct, but with a lot less conviction than you had done in the past, which gave Wanda hope that she might yet convince you. “No bother at all.” She smiled. “Yes, join us! We can play Mario after dinner!” The boys exclaimed.
Normally, Wanda would at least think about letting them play, but they had behaved well today and their invitation seemed to weaken your resolve further, which she found most welcome, so she decided to let it slide. And seeing that the whole family was happy to welcome you into their home, you agreed. You had such a lovely time with them, laughing more than you had since you moved to this town, so you happily followed them into their house.
It was a little smaller than yours, but it had such a warm, welcoming atmosphere, that you found it charming. Something you didn’t miss saying to Wanda. The twins, of course, tried to steal you away, wanting to show you their room and their board games, but Wanda claimed you for herself, asking you to help her cook.
She was so captivating in this setting, confident and easy-going as she effortlessly bossed you around, which you were more than happy to permit. It dawned on you again, how close she was being, how her touches lingered, how easy it was for you to return the gestures, teasing comments making her chuckle. You felt lucky that her directions helped you feel at ease, like you had something meaningful to do and the preparations passed quickly and soon you were all settled around the dinner table, chatting about the day that you had.
You weren’t surprised that the food was delicious, or that the happy chatter filled your heart with joy. You couldn’t remember ever having that in your life. You were raised by a single mother, a woman of ambition and high expectations, so your dinners never looked like this, casual and care-free. Your partners never brought that atmosphere either, it was never cozy and light-hearted and the scene brought a sense of longing within you. A life of your own that would look like that some day.
Wanda didn’t miss the look on your face or the accompanying thoughts and she wished to tell you that it was with her that you could find all that. It broke her heart a little, to know that you had longed for a family like this, just as she did, for most of her life. It made you kindred spirits, you and her. It was only right that you would find what you missed in each-other. A thought that comforted her and gave her hope. But she couldn’t let you dwell on such dark things. She wanted to see you smile and enjoy this moment with her and her family, so she pulled you out of your thoughts and into a conversation, until you no longer felt sad and when the dinner was finished, she let you and the boys play, just like they wanted, while she cleaned up her kitchen, her glance often falling on the three of you with a sparkle of hope and adoration, eventually joining you and only daring to interrupt it all when it was way passed the boys’ bedtime.
“Enough play for tonight, boys, I want you in your PJ’s, teeth brushed and into your beds in 15 minutes.” She instructed, her words met with protests from the twins. “But mom!” They pouted. “Just 5 more minutes?” “It’s way passed your bedtime.” Wanda reminded. “But Y/N is here!” They tried again. “I said, it’s time for bed.” The redhead insisted, tone hardening and head tilting a little to the side. It was rare for them to test her patience like this. “If you’re good and do as you’re told, I’ll let you come down and say goodnight to Y/N later.” She offered, as a way to soften her words. “Fine.” The boys grumbled, but got up from their spots and headed upstairs, waving at you, before they disappeared from your view. “Should I go too?” You asked, as soon as they had left. “It’s getting late and I don’t want to impose.” “Of course not. Just give me a few minutes to put them to bed and then you and I can have a glass of wine. How does that sound?” She offered with a smile you couldn’t quite decipher, something playful and even a little flirtatious flickering there. “Sounds lovely.” You agreed, returning her smile, your eyes lingering on her body, when she turned around and headed upstairs, so she can follow the boys.
As Wanda disappeared from your view, you couldn’t help but bite your lips. Watching her sauntering away did sinful things to you and you had to cross your legs to find some kind of relief. It was terribly wrong to think of her that way, you knew that. The woman was being so sweet and kind to you, inviting you into her home and at her table and you didn’t want to repay her by taking her good-natured actions as something more and fall from her graces.
Just a floor away, Wanda listened to the racing thoughts in your head with a smirk. Poor girl, all flustered and confused, you didn’t know how to handle all those mixed emotions. But she would help you. She’ll show you exactly what her intentions really were and she’ll guide you, until you were ready.
With that in mind, she helped her sons prepare for bed and when they had put on their pyjamas and brushed their teeth, she walked with them downstairs, to let them say goodnight, watching them wave at you and repeat their good night wishes a few times, before they went back upstairs and climbed into their beds.
Wanda tucked them in, placing a loving kiss on their foreheads and lingering for a few minutes to talk to them, smiling when most of their words started to get swallowed by yawns and she turned off their light, peaking a few seconds longer, before she closed the door.
“You know, they really like you.” Wanda said as she joined you in her living room, elated to see you seated comfortably. She had imagined you here so many times, but now that you were, she couldn’t quite decide what she wanted to do next. “I really like them too.” You said honestly, sitting up a little straighter in her presence.
God, those manners of yours. Back always straight, shoulders squared, chin high… She loved the elegance of it, she couldn’t deny it. But she wanted to see you relaxed, so she went into the kitchen and got a couple of glasses from the shelf.
“Do you like red wine, or white?” She asked, as she glanced at the glasses in her hands pointedly. “White.” You answered as you followed her movements with your eyes. “Do you need any help?” “Not at all. You sit comfortably, sweetheart, I’ll be there in a minute.”
So sat there you did. You felt a little nervous now, when it was just the two of you. You weren’t sure what you should talk about, the tension building within you with every passing second she was silent and you didn’t even know why.
“There you go, darling.” Wanda finally spoke, offering you the glass of wine and sitting next to you on the couch, the space between you much smaller than you expected. “Thank you, Wanda.” You smiled, taking a sip of the liquid and holding the glass in your hands as you looked at the other woman. “I have to thank you. I’m really glad you came with us today. Even more so that you stayed for dinner.” Wanda smiled back. “I love my boys more than anything, but sometimes it’s nice to have a grown person to talk to.” She confided. “You don’t have many friends?” You asked, perhaps more bluntly than you should have. “Not really…” Wanda shook her head. “How come?” You found yourself asking. “When I had the boys, they became my whole world. I closed myself off… Perhaps that was my fault. I didn’t give myself or others many chances.” She said with a thoughtful look of her face.
There were many questions you could ask her on the topic, but it was such a vulnerable moment, a quiet reflection you didn’t want to disturb.
“I understand.” You nodded instead. “I think it’s brave.” You added, taking another slow sip. “Only you would find something positive in that.” Wanda chuckled a little. “We have to find the positive things in life. Without them, there’s very little left to live for.” “You have the soul of a poet.” Wanda noted. God, she loved that about you. “Do you write?” “I used to… I haven’t in a while.” You said, thinking of what made you stop. “But I’m in the presence of an artist and I haven’t seen any of your paintings yet.” You suddenly remembered. “Then perhaps this is a good time.” The redhead smiled, getting up and offering you her hand.
She helped you stand, waiting patiently for you to leave your glass on the small table and refusing to let go of you, as she started to lead you through the quiet house, steady and unwavering as she moved through the dimly lit rooms. It was a sort of seduction of your senses, the way your eyes adjusted to the softer lights, the way the air grew cooler as she led you further in, the way she paused in front of the closed door… All magnetic and irresistible. The feeling of her skin against yours, warm fingers almost intertwining with yours as she let you enter and she turned on the lights, illuminating the space. If you had any words in you to speak, you would have written her a poem.
There were canvases everywhere, paintings hanging off the walls, or leaning against them, the room permeated with the smell of the wooden frames and the dye that she used. In the centre there was only a chair and an easel with a painting she was yet to finish.
It was a broken mask, the two pieces barely held together by what was left of it. The left side was painted in pristine white, the lines clear and the surface perfectly smooth and unblemished. The right however was in dark red and black, little pieces were chipped away here and there, the whole thing cracked and twisted, almost grotesque, yet somehow seductive. It was gorgeously painted and it left you in awe.
“I love the idea of it.” You mused. “And the mask design is so unique. How did you come up with it?” You asked, noting the high raised ends, resembling horns, although they were very different too, complimenting their respective sides. “It just came to me.” Wanda said with a note of avoidance, but you didn’t think much of it.
Your eyes scanned the room, looking at the rest of her work. She had so many paintings of her sons, which you found unsurprising, yet so sweet.
“I love this one.” You said with a fond smile, looking at a painting of the twins, both of them curled in a hammock in her back yard. They looked so cute, exhausted and sleeping in the shade of the tree. “They’re adorable.” “Yeah, they were so cute.” She smiled fondly.
Wanda stood behind you, while you looked through her work. She listened to your thoughts, as much as the comments you made out loud, her eyes following your movements and wandering your body. You looked more at ease now, more open to her and she felt her fingers tingle with anticipation and desire to touch you, to trace your neck, your shoulders, to hold your hips and your waist, to pull you close to her and breathe you in. And her senses told her you’re ready for it, you were primed and waiting for her to make her move.
As you continued to look, you found a painting that intrigued you, one of a woman, beautiful and gentle, hovering over a bed, her arm outstretched and stroking the hair of another woman, who lay there, unsuspecting. She appeared to be sleeping, calm and undisturbed by the figure that watched over her, sheets barely covering her naked breasts. The painting looked intimate, it reminded you of gothic paintings of vampires, beautiful and seductive as they devoured their victims.
“Do you like that one?” You heard Wanda’s voice. She had gotten closer, her words almost whispered in your ear.
You were suddenly hyper-aware of her presence behind you, the way her body radiated soothing warmth. And she was getting closer by the second, one of her hands resting on your shoulder, while the other fell on your hipbone, gentle, yet impossible to ignore. She was right behind you now, almost entirely pressed up against you, her head bowed, so she could breathe you in.
“I do.” You managed a small nod, gathering all your bravery, so you could turn in her arms and face her.
You don’t know when this moment turned charged with unresolved tension. It was almost like it snuck up on you, but as your eyes scanned the painting, it was starting to fall into place. God, she was so close, her touch full of tenderness, yet firm.
She was so tempted to spin you around, pin you up against the wall, but she held back. She needed to make sure that you want this, so she waited patiently, listening to your scattered thoughts as you realized what this moment meant.
When you finally moved, your eyes searching hers, you almost gasped. Had she always looked at you like that? You couldn’t tell. Her hands were wrapping around you again, steady and firm as they pulled you into her and her hand moved up, so she could cup your cheek.
“Wanda…” Your tongue darted out to wet your lips as you looked into her eyes. She was captivating. “Such a beautiful girl.” Wanda mused, her thumb stroking your cheekbone.
Her eyes were darting between your eyes and your lips, leaving her almost breathless with desire. She wanted to kiss you so badly, to show you the depth of her passion for you, leaning in closer with every second as she held you.
“I want to kiss you.” She stated boldly, leaning even closer.
You barely nodded, breath caught in your lungs as you waited for that moment when she closed the distance between you. The anticipation was almost unbearable and you almost whined as you looked up at her, your arms pulling her flush against you and clinging to her back. It was then that she finally pressed her lips to yours. Her kisses were slow and gentle, and from the first moment you felt them, it was like the whole world disappeared. All you could feel was Wanda. The way her grip tightened a little, the way her breath hitched at the feeling of you, the intoxicating way in which she smelled and tasted. It was heavenly.
When she pulled away, just enough to look at you and she took you in, she knew she was addicted. She wanted to see you like this every day. She’d give almost anything to have you like this every day. Yes, this felt right. So she kissed you again, this time with more passion, her hand moving to hold the back of your neck, fingers tangling in your hair and scratching at your scalp. God, you were driving her crazy. You were so soft, so pliable in her hands, your lips parting for her as soon as you felt her tongue glide against them, asking for permission to deepen your kiss.
She kissed you like this for a few long minutes, exploring you and savouring you, holding you as you almost trembled against her, quiet moans leaving your throat and making her feel lightheaded. Holding you in her arms was so much better than she ever imagined, better than any fantasy you could conjure up, better than her wildest dreams. Having you in her arms was what she was missing all these years, what she had been chasing with random women and meaningless flings. You felt right.
It took everything in her to pull away, to ignore the inner voice that screamed at her to pull you back into her embrace and kiss you, until your lips hurt.
“That was…” You tried to find the right words for what you felt, but truly there were none. “Yes.” She nodded, stepping closer again. The pull between you was magnetic and Wanda could hardly resist it.
In an act of bravery, it was you who closed the distance this time, your arms wrapping around her neck as you stood on your tip-toes. You felt exhilarated, melting against her body and letting her hands roam wherever they wanted. It felt so good to be touched by her, to be kissed by her, to let yourself really experience her.
It didn’t take long for Wanda to once again deepen the kiss and she was soon pushing you backwards, her hand holding your head protectively as she guided your bodies to the nearest wall and trapping you there. She could feel paintings around her, but she didn’t care. Your body was her only focus and she wanted to explore every part you’ll allow her to.
She took hold of your thigh next, an arm wrapping around it and pulling it up, securing it around her waist and settling between your legs. Bold and filled with lust, she sneaked her hand under your t-shirt, her fingers touching the skin of your abdomen and making you gasp.
She was just about to move higher, cup your perfect breasts over your bra, when a painting fell from its place against the wall, crashing loudly and startling you both from the trans you were in.
Wanda stepped away from you swiftly, both your heads turning up and ears attuning to the sounds in the house, waiting to see if all the noise had woken the twins, but when no sound came, you finally breathed in relief and you giggled, looking at each-other, a moment of pleasant silence passing between you.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about doing that.” Wanda sighed. “You have?” You asked, hope filling your eyes. “More times than you can imagine.” Wanda smirked. “I’d like to show you that. If you let me take you out on a date.” “I’d love that.” You smiled, after only seconds of thought.
It seemed to you that Wanda wanted to say so much more than that, yet she remained silent as she looked at you, cheeks flushed and lips swollen from her kisses. If you could read her mind, you’d know that it was exactly how she pictured you, every time she thought about making you hers, but since you weren’t, you cleared your throat, trying to sound at least a little more composed than you felt.
“I should probably go.” You said shyly. “That’s probably best.” She confirmed. “Otherwise I might be tempted to do that again.”
You could only blush at her words, not really sure what to say. So instead, you finally let your gaze move away from hers and to the painting on the floor that had interrupted the best kiss of your life.
It faced down and you picked it up, turning the canvas towards you, only to see blue eyes, deep and kind, sparkling as if alive, looking back at you, piercing your very soul. You could read so many emotions there, like they spoke to you… Or they would. But they were surrounded by red, face almost entirely swallowed by it. Mysty and overwhelming. Like smoke, that suffocated everything that it touched, it took over the rest of the painting, leaving only the eyes, that continued to stare at you, as if pleading for you to understand what they were trying to say, as if reaching out and into you.
“That painting…” You gasped. “That’s a little dark, I’m sorry.” Wanda said, her mood suddenly shifting. She looked almost uncomfortable that you looked at the painting and you put it down, trying to be respectful of her. “No, its… Breathtaking.” You said, trying to convey the awe you felt for what you saw. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Wanda, it’s gorgeous. And you’re so talented.” “Thank you.” She forced a smile. “It’s really old. One of my first real paintings, actually.” She confessed, refusing to really look at it. “Well, I think it has real soul. It’s touching.” You said, turning to leave the room, much to Wanda’s relief.
She had forgotten that this painting was there and she was glad that you didn’t ask about it. She was terrified to tell you that the eyes you stared at, those soft, kind eyes were Vision’s. She was terrified to tell you what he meant to her, or what happened to him. It was too soon for such things and she didn’t want to scare you away, so she followed you out of the room and she walked you to the door, pulling you towards her one last time and brushing some hair away from your face.
“Today was lovely, Y/N.” She said softly. “When will I see you again?” She asked, wanting to secure her date with you and show you just how serious she was. “Maybe you can come over with the boys for another pool party tomorrow?” You asked smiling. “That sounds wonderful.” Wanda practically beamed at the prospect of seeing you in a bikini and spending an entire day with you. “See you tomorrow then.” You pulled away, only to be stopped by her hand.
She held you close to her again, looking down at you and into your eyes, before she kissed you again, deeply and fully, before she released you with a sigh and let you open the door, watching you walk away and entering your house.
When you finally disappeared from her view, she closed her front door, leaning against it with the biggest grin on her face. She had kissed you. And it was magical.
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stars-n-spice · 4 months
Silly Squad 2nd Gen WIPS!
started on a little something something because I can't afford therapy to fix what s3 caused so-
Silly Squad families 10 years or so into the future :)
Find out more about the 'Silly Squad' here!
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Star Wars said, "oh no sorry, the interracial poc couple can't be together" so I said fuck that!!! and made all of them poc/inter-species couples with mixed kids!! no i'm not biased at all.
Also, let's pretend that the clone aging thing isn't a,,, isn't a thing because 1) too much math and 2) too much angst potential.
Though it is funny to think about the clones with their fast aging and then their partners are all notoriously slow aging people ("black don't crack" and "asian don't raisin" sort of deal). You got this super old dude and then you look at their partner and they don't look a day over like 30.
No, I didn't cry while drawing this what the fuck are you talking about? Aha,, aha...ha...
Additional info about the families under the cut!
Starburst Family!
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ok so since I've had Khea the longest, her family is the most thought out at this point
In order, from top, left to right: Itri (14/15), Marama 'Mara', Maia 'Mai' (both 10, 23 min apart), and Elio Nultez (7)
I made a post about them earlier so for more detailed info on their kids you can find it here!
Khea found Itri when she was about 4/5 years old and decided to take her in as a Foundling (she's also trans)
When Khea brought Itri back and showed her to Wrecker he was in complete shock (he thought she was Khea's biological daughter) but immediately took to the role as being a dad
Twins were an accident (oops) and an absolute handful but Khea and Wrecker wouldn't have it any other way
I saw a lot of people say that Wrecker would have a lot of kids and I agree, he's be a great dad (and he is!)
But pair that up with a Mandalorian wife? I'm sure both of them would adopt any and all kids that come their way
Not pictured is the twenty-something pets that their kids have adopted over the years - they could have a farm at this point
Sharpshooters Family!
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I don't know where the idea came from but one day it randomly hit me how I wanted their family to be - but essentially after finishing s3 I knew Cross was just a girl dad through and through so I gave him a daughter
That's Akona and she's half Nautolan and half Pantoran! Oh and a HUGE menace!
Akon is eight and Cross found her when she was six
Since Pantorans have the yellow tattoos to mark their clans, Akona and Tay both got tattoos to represent Crosshair's, well, Crosshair tattoo since they're their own little clan
Tay also capped off his lethorns to prevent Akon from hurting herself and getting poked because she loves to climb all over him
Idk how they came across her but I'm thinking Cross decided to go out on a mission with Echo just this once and found her (and Tay was probably sick at home or something, idk)
Tay was super unsure about it (he's terrible with kids) but Crosshair assured him that things would be fine
And things are fine and better than ever :)
Scompscope Family!
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I don't have names for these kiddos yet but I know I want them to be in tribute to Fives and Hevy!
So like,, I know technically Echo probably can't have kids and originally I was going to have them just adopt some clone cadets or something but uh,, me being biased I wanted biracial kids so-
BOOM! He can have kids in this AU.
They probably took some time to decide on the decision to have kids though since Echo and Viram are both dedicated to the cause of helping clones but eventually they do decide to settle down
Like all the Sec Gen kids, these two are absolute trouble makers and never back down from a challenge
They're a little less than a year apart, but they're 8 and 7!
TechPhee Family!
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wow, I can't believe that this is actually canon guys!!! :D Isn't that amazing????
Anyways, Techphee kids don't have names yet but I am open to suggestions!!
Also,, these kids are an absolute THREAT. They're smart as hell, they're witty, they can fly a plane like it's nobody's fucking business, they're skilled with pistols and a vibroblade, there is NOTHING these kids can't do.
Except have 20/20 vision. Whomp whomp.
Hey, nobody is perfect.
Daughter is far-sighted and son is near-sighted!
Daughter is 11 and son is 8!
Guardians Family!
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not pictured is the ten to twenty other kids that Hunter and Jung have adopted over the years
the super lovely and wonderful @taraneen and I were talking about this timeskip and she mentioned that she thinks that Hunter would eventually go back and adopt some kids after Omega leaves and I couldn't agree more
Him and Jung probably run some kind of orphanage or something where they talk in kids and if they so happen to be Force-sensitive, Jung helps them out with it
Look at these three, they're like,,, having a "who can grow out their hair the longest?" competition (Jung is winning)
Of course Omega loves all her new cousins and siblings as well :)
Omega is around 24 years old here so she's also like a big sister to all of them and they all look up to her and admire her deeply
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gojocumdumpster · 7 months
The Girl in the White Dress.
Warnings: None for now??
Idk I just thought of this.
Type of story: sfw
Female reader
Desc: Every year only once, there was held a Ball only to people who got invited. But who would give you this invite? Your not royal..?
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You examined the invitation, looking closely at every single word they said. "Congratulations you've been invited to The Grand Masquerade Ball. You may be curious on how you got this letter but don't fret! The theme is White, Elegant and fancy. We would appreciate it if you followed the Theme/dress code. Please take note that YOU have been invited and we would love if you took this seriously and look your best. Doors open at 8PM and start's at 8:20PM. We Hope to see you soon Y/n L/n." Your eyebrows clenched in confusion wondering how and why you got this? They even know your address. You think to yourself about how this could be a set up...
"Weird...let's just search this up to see if this is even real"
*Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click* *Click*
Before you could even type in the half of the word there was a website that popped up in the recommended searches saying "TheMasqueradeBall.com" "Now what the fuck." Clicking on the link there's pictures of this Fancy ball with just descriptions and other dumb stuff. But the thing is, the letter wasn't the only thing that was given to you. There was this White dress, heels, mask and Jewlery. And a card saying, "Presented with anonymous appreciation and affection." Who could it be? This better be clean and not already used. Are these heels even in my size-?" And they were.
"Okay... this is getting weird." making a weird face. You grab your phone checking what time it was. "Oh fuck- it's 6:30. What Have I been doing? Sitting my ass down looking at this letter??" you grab the box and storm off to your bedroom tossing the box on your bed. Taking the dress out of the box and that dress was gorgeous. It fit into the dress code, and it stood out so much.
A white elegant dress opulently adorned with sparkling diamonds, creating a dazzling and resplendent display of luxury and glamour. It was Beautiful. The mask glistens with intricate sparkles adorned with delicate feathers that gracefully fan out. The elegant heels are a perfect match for the opulent dress and gala mask. With a slender stiletto heel and a graceful white satin finish, they exude sophistication and style. Adorned with shimmering rhinestones and intricate beadwork, Completing the ensemble is a stunning array of jewelry, each piece carefully selected to enhance the opulence of the outfit.
A dazzling diamond necklace drapes gracefully around the neck, its sparkling brilliance echoing the twinkling of the dress and mask. Delicate diamond earrings hang from the ears, catching the light with every movement, adding a touch of glamour and sophistication. A shimmering diamond bracelet adorns the wrist, completing the look of luxurious elegance.
It was perfect.
Quickly you put everything on including hair and makeup. "This person got me looking sexy as hell." You take some pictures before heading out. The place was far it looked kind of sketchy at first but the more you got closer it was huge. Freshly cut round bushes and a roundabout filled with Limousine's and fancy cars. There was a lot of traffic, cars filled behind you quickly, honks hear there but luckily you made it but that parking lot was HUGE. 4 parking garages with 5 levels and it was a fancy once. It was filled but if you looked carefully you would find a parking spot.
As you were looking for a parking spot you see girls in there fancy dress and men in there suits. You parked your car and did some quick touches before hopping out, "I look like I'm getting married.." you mutter. You picked your dress up walking carefully to the elevator waiting for your turn. "This mask is so sweaty." Luckily you were the only on the elevator, the dress is to big to fit anyone else in here.
The elevators open and you see people walking to the entrance of the Gala, as you walked out people were turning there heads, complimenting the dress as you said your dress stood out a lot. But there this one specific stare that kept bothering you but you couldn't find out who it was. But you shrugged your shoulders walking off to the steps. You took your time going up each step, there was a man with a suit greeting everyone at the door. And you walk inside as you glide across the ballroom floor, all eyes turn to you, captivated by your beauty and grace. You are the epitome of sophistication, a vision of luxury and glamour.
Tonight, you aren't just attending the gala YOU are the belle of the ball, a radiant presence that leaves an indelible impression on all who are fortunate enough to witness your splendor. Your gown, a vision of opulence, is a long, white masterpiece adorned with sparkling diamonds and intricate beadwork. The dress hugs your figure in all the right places, its luxurious fabric flowing elegantly with every step. You made it on time! It's beautiful the gala has a dazzling display of luxury and extravagance. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm golden glow across the room with tables draped in white lined scattered throughout the room! Your table was number 45. Dinner was at 9. A regular dance was going on in a couple of minutes.
But that stare was still there. You chat with people as they gave you nice feedback of your dress and overall just chatting with you. The Regular dance was going on right now but you had no one to dance with. You walked to the bar and order yourself a water. You were on your phone until you felt a tap on your shoulder. "The dress I sent you looks amazing on you."
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sturnstvs · 3 months
eras tour - matt sturniolo
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summary: matt takes his best friend to the eras tour but maybe a specific song will bring out their true feelings for each other
warnings: use of y/n
requested: no
note: this is part 2 to birthday surprise
after waiting some long months, it was finally may meaning that it was also finally eras tour month. matt was glad that it was finally here so y/n would stop talking about it. he loved his best friend however hearing her talk about a concert 24/7 can be exhausting. it also didn't help that y/n lived with them to, so he couldn't escape it.
y/n decided she wanted to go all out, I mean everyone was. she started making friendship bracelets and planning her and matt's outfits as soon as she got those tickets. she was making bracelets almost everyday, she probably had almost 100, which matt thought was ridiculous but she kept saying that this was important as she was doing it for the "girlhood" part of it. so matt let her. he didn't want to ruin the girls happiness.
it was now may 4th and matt and y/n were on their way to the airport after saying their goodbyes to nick and chris, which took longer then y/n would like. (matt loves his brothers what did you expect?) once they got to the airport they put their bags and such through luggage claim and about a half an hour later they got onto the plane.
(I'm kinda making this up Idk how airports irl work)
the plane ride wasn't too long which matt and y/n were grateful for. they got off the plane quickly grabbing their luggage before getting an uber. after their uber came they got to the hotel not long after.
it was around 7:30 when they finally got to the hotel, so the two were quite hungry as they haven't eaten yet, but y/n and matt thought it would be a good idea to get some dinner and enjoy being in nashville for more then just a concert.
after dinner y/n and matt got back into their hotel laughing at a funny story they heard on the way back from dinner.
"we are so going to have to tell nick that story" y/n giggled
"oh trust me he will definitely want to here that" matt agreed.
"I'm a bit tired I'm going to go get ready for bed" y/n told matt shortly after their laughter had died down
"already? but its only like 10" matt voiced
"yes, I'm very much aware but we have a long day tomorrow" y/n reminded him coming out of the bathroom for a moment still washing her face
"were just going sight seeing and to a concert" matt told her confused
"yeah, a three and a half hour concert, plus we need to wake up early enough to go sight seeing then get back to the hotel to get ready. and we need to leave at like 4:30 to get an uber to get to the venue, and hopefully get merch and watch the openers, which I love gracie by the way so we are not missing that, then her actual concert starts at 8 and we will leave around midnight, so yes matthew we will have a busy day tomorrow, so get some sleep" y/n exclaimed while finishing washing her face, while matt just stood there with a shocked face
"wow, I didn't realize this is going to be literally a whole day" matt voiced
"yeah it is, now let me finish getting ready" y/n finished before shutting the bathroom door
by the time both matt and y/n were done getting ready for bed and in bed it was around 11:30. the two were sharing a bed because they thought it would be better sense there's only two of them, and they slept in each other's bed's all the time anyway.
the next day they woke up at around 7 in the morning to get breakfast. it was wired for matt, he was so used to not sleeping until like 4 or 5 and walking up at like two, but unfortunately they had things to do.
the two ate their breakfast quickly before getting dressed for sight seeing. they toured nashville and the good tourist attractions and had quite a lot of fun. they took pictures and videos to show chris and nick later.
around 2 y/n told them they should leave which matt agreed with. for y/n 2 was already pushing it. the got back to the hotel around 2:30 and y/n was quick to start getting ready.
the girl was in the middle of curling her hair when she threw matt's outfits at him
"what the fuck is this?" matt asked
"your outfit for the concert" y/n shrugged
matt just rolled his eyes in response going to put on his outfit.
y/n finished curling her hair and putting it in a ponytail with a purple bow in it. after her hair was done she did her makeup. which was her simple base with false eyelashes and glitter eye shadow. after her makeup, she quickly went to grab her purple dress in her suitcase before seeing matt sitting on the bed on his phone waiting for her.
"well don't you look handsome" y/n teased slightly meaning it
matt froze hearing y/n's beautiful voice.
"oh thank you" matt responded with a smile
matt was wearing a purple button up with some khaki pants. y/n thought it was simple but good enough for matt.
grabbing her purple dress she put it on quickly as it was already nearing 4. after that she only had a few more things for her and matt.
grabbing nail polish and eyeliner she wrote a thirteen on her and matt's hand. after, she grabbed her sharpie and wrote some lyrics on her arm. if you couldn't already tell speak now was the album y/n was going for.
grabbing her bag of friendship bracelets and her and matt's clear bag to take into the arena they were headed out of the door.
matt and y/n took an uber to the stadium (which took a little longer because of traffic) getting out of the uber they started walking to get in line, well matt waited in line while y/n went to go get some merch from the stand. matt got into the stadium quite quickly and he couldn't help but be impressed by first, the amount of people that were already there and by how big the stage actually was.
y/n got to matt soon after holding merch and having bracelets now all over her arms. y/n had gotten stopped a few times to trade bracelet's with some people that knew her from the internet.
they went through the openers quicky and matt could tell y/n was already having so much fun. once it hit 8 taylor came on stage and the concert started. y/n tried explaining to matt a little bit about everything in the car and showed him a little bit during the concert as well, but she was having too much fun to really show him.
once the end notes to bad blood played y/n started screaming louder knowing that the next set was the surprise songs.
taylor got to the microphone and the whole stadium was cheating excited for what song she was going to play.
"um so I've been planning something for a while, and um you know how I love to plan things, and then you know how I love to surprise you with the things I've been planing, its like, its just something, its my love language with you, you know, I plot, I scheme, I plan and then I get to tell you about it. so, I think rather than me like speaking about it um..." the crowd cheered louder thinking about what she might do while taylor just stood there and let them scream, giggling every once and a while.
y/n started tearing up. if this was what she thought it was, then she couldn't be happier. some people would say she was overreacting but this meant more to her then anyone could imagine.
"I thought I would just show you, so if you would direct your attention to the back big screen, that we have" and with that the words speak now taylor's version available july 7th showed up on the scream and y/n started shouting and bursting into tears. matt was a bit confused but cheered anyway considering this was important. he also filmed y/n's reaction the whole time, going to tease her about it later and probably post it to tiktok to, with y/n's permission of course.
everyone continued cheering, once the cheering slowed down taylor stared singing her first surprise song of the night but not before saying
"speak now comes out July 7th"
as the first words to sparks fly came out of her mouth y/n and matt looked at each other in shock.
this was their song.
"oh my fucking god! this is our song" y/n screamed at matt trying to slow down her tears of joy.
as the song continued matt couldn't help but think maybe this was his chance. his chance to tell y/n how he feels.
"y/n I think this might be the perfect time to say this and If I don't say this right now I might not ever get the courage again. I like you a lot y/n...no scratch that I love you like really love you as more then a friend, and I know you probably don't feel the same way but I needed you to know that" matt confessed while y/n had more tears in her eyes. her makeup was definitely off for the night
putting her arms around matt's neck as the song came to a close y/n smiled.
"I love you as more then a friend to matt" y/n muttered and sealed their lips together with a kiss. a kiss that spoke more words then actual words ever could.
matt and y/n enjoyed the rest of their night together, with a newfound sense of comfort in both of their hearts. man did they have a lot to tell nick and chris about
as they were leaving the stadium once the lights were turned on y/n was checking her phone and saw that someone air dropped a video to her. curiously y/n clicked on the video confused at what it could be.
it was a video of her and matt's whole reaction to sparks fly and their confession. soon after y/n felt a tap on her shoulder.
"you guys are so cute! you 100% deserved that tonight and congratulations" the stranger who took the video said.
y/n thanked the girl before she asked for a picture of her and herself to commemorate the night which she agreed to.
matt never thought that some silly tickets he thought would be a nice gesture for y/n would turn into a full on love confession between them and he couldn't be happier
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note: this is not always going to be this taylor swift heavy but I thought it was cute 😊
if you want to be on my taglist comment on that post. you can find it on my pinned post
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heartstringsduet · 11 months
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Thanks for creating this Weekend WIP ask @welcometololaland . Guess who's not just wide awake at 5 am and half-blindly misunderstanding this is not a ask game but a fill-in thing? OOPS. SORRY thanks for tagging me @rmd-writes @alrightbuckaroo @lemonlyman-dotcom For Writers
1. WIP List: First Aid (Lying fools trying to fix the other)
Let Me Part 5 (D/s verse) TK turning 30 collab with @strandnreyes New Year's Day (meeting over and over on new years) Fathers (daddy issues the fic) 5 things Carlos isn't good at Christmassy short?
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest? First Aid. 120k that might be cut down or...expanded? but like 100k for sure will end up published.
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest? See above. Want to take some time away from more than 50k projects after this. Good luck Michelle.
4. Which WIP is your favourite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
Right now TK turning 30 is a wonderful reprieve because it doesn't really have a plot and I love written character deep-dives. But also, seeing the finish line of First Aid really made me sit down and enjoy writing it again.
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
Ugh don't want to be a one-trick pony but First Aid has a lot of things that intimidate me. Like making both of them recognizable despite some very different circumstances for them. But also keeping all plot-points and the pacing and the OCs consistent and in line? UGH.
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why? See above. Added pressure for me thinking no one will like it because it really does have flawed characters and a lot of lying and back and forth and drama baby drama. Maybe people won't like the finished thing as much as the snippets. Maybe I will be disappointed by the response.. Maybe maybe maybe
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why? For longer fics or fics that mean much to me I do ask betas and they are TREMENDOUS helps and just a joy to me. I am in awe of all of you, taking the time to help make something shine more. <3 Still considering asking someone to sensitivity read First Aid but feel like 120k might a bit too much to ask of someone. So maybe I will ask for feedback once I update instead and hope I don't offend anyone and am open to criticism. Or maybe if you read this and want to be a sensitivity reader particularly for representation of Latino characters, would love that <3
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block? Oh some have been on hiatus more like. like the 5 things Carlos can't do or the Fathers one. I really like what I have there so far but then other projects get in the way. First Aid definitely had some writer's block moments so I wrote other things like Let Me in between.
9. Which WIP has your favourite OC? Tell us about them?
Well, First Aid has a few OCs actually and none of them totally the ones everyone will love. But I do like writing Arturo, as a cousin to Carlos, even if he definitely won't be liked much.
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
Let Me series for sure. That's just where the 5% sexual frustration I feel a year goes lol.
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
First Aid is like a dark pool of angst. Whoops. Let Me isn't without its fair share of hurt/comfort though.
12. Which WIP has the best characterisation (in your humble opinion)? Fathers. I try to be very close to the source material to explore the relationship of TK and his father and Carlos and Owen through the lense of Carlos and how it changes over time.
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)? My weaknessss. I guess First Aid though. Trying to do some of New York justic,e but ultimately won't probably.
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
Well for the sheer length and plot and time: First Aid.
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why? See above and see my doubts about First Aid. 😶
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
I WISH. I wish I dreamt about people other than my former high school friends?
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that your other fics don't? The new part of the Let Me series deals with grief and self-harm in a very specific scenario of being in a relationship with Dom/sub dynamics. I think that's fascinating and I wanted to write that part for a while.
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humour? Did i mention the angst part? But I guess 5 things Carlos isn't good at
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process? Yes! TK turns 30 is actually about so many relationships TK has outside of the romantic one. I LOVE that. Since I have more experience with friendships than even family ties, and deep-dive into my own psyche way too much, I think this one is really challenging and fun.
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs.
I ave like 10k minimum of First Aid that is all different versions of the characters and scenarios that make no sense anymore. Also, coming up with 5 fun things Carlos can't do wasn't that easy. he is TALENTED. I tag @decafdino @ambiguouspenny @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @lightningboltreader @noxsoulmate @chaotictarlos @louis-ii-reyes-strand @carlos-tk @ladytessa74 @freneticfloetry @orchidscript
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lyraeon · 1 year
pssst, artists and content creators. c'mere. I have a metaphor for you.
There are two main reasons people buy ramen bricks: -they actually like them, or -they're cheap and better than nothing.
And, well, when you're actually fucking hungry, better than nothing is indeed better than nothing. survival is survival.
But when you're at the point where you could theoretically afford something nicer, often you're still like "no, I have to get the ramen cuz it's cheaper"
except you keep opening the cupboard and going "oh god not that shit again" and never touch it. Because you do have other options.
So the $2 of ramen you bought because it was the cheapest option for 4 meals, instead is $2 down the drain and space wasted in your cupboard, not to mention a free guilt trip for the next 6 months when you open your cupboard.
And this can go for anything. I have a bag of plain-ass rice that's staring at me in the cupboard the same way because I keep just eating chicken strips instead of having any rice or potatoes or anything with them. Sure it was only $8 for what'll be half the nutrition for like, 30 meals? but it's been 5 months and I haven't even opened it, so I could have used that $8 on a bag of chicken strips I would have gotten 5 meals I actually ate instead.
So what's your ramen? what are you still stubbornly doing because you feel like you should because you used to to survive, even though your effort or time or money is actually being wasted?
Do you have an Etsy store where you sell pins but people only ever buy the same two from a meme post and making them makes your blood boil by now? Have you been making Halo Daily Challenge videos for a decade and want to kick your Xbox every morning? Are you stuck playing Wonderwall three times a night when you play at the pub instead of anything else you've been praciticing?
right now you may be in a spot where you just have to suck it up and keep eating the ramen. especially if your ramen is a dayjob!
but for others, you might be able to dig through your arsenal and find something that's at least a change of pace. maybe it's adding a poached egg to the ramen, maybe it's putting the noodles in tomato sauce not the spice packet, maybe it's frozen dinners.
and yes, they're things that can take more time and money, but when you're still that close to survival mode, you'd be amazed what a little morale boost does.
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serendertothesquad · 3 months
Seren's Studies: Wordsville's Official Release -- Is It Really an Odd Squad Clone? (Part 2)
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Because Tumblr! Photo limits! Why, uh...whose dumb idea was it to put a photo limit in here? Man, that'll take a while to get used to.
Let's go on with Part 2 of my Wordsville analysis.
(Make sure you read through Part 1 first!)
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If this were any other show with a reasonable episode length, I'd be fine with this. Covering all this? Essential to a mystery.
In 8 minutes, though? No. They fill out half of the columns in a rush in the first half, and then leave three open for the second half of the runtime. Read my digital lips: N. O. Not if you want your series to be good.
This is a good time to remind people they are putting out 33 episodes of this shit. That is an entire-ass season of messy pacing, rushed plotlines, and characters that I wouldn't know a single thing about if I hadn't unearthed the series' synopsis and character descriptions.
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They have.
Their own.
Y'know, even Jackalope Dollars make some sense. Canadian money makes some sense. This? This is repainted Monopoly money and you can get the fuck out of my house with that because it's card-only entry.
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I do so remember when WordGirl had a bit of a popularity renaissance on Twitter last year or so.
This show...is like the complete and utter opposite of that.
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Ahaha...geddit? 'Cause...'cause she's an athlete, and...she's eating a brownie...which is unhealthy...
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makes edible food that is meant to net customers said edible food is not for sale
By all accounts, people, these donuts are meant to be edible. So in what fuck-all world of logic would you use edible food as an advertising gimmick for a bakery? That shit will go bad within a week, and then what? You waste supplies remaking them.
Bro, get some cardboard copies. Fuck, in this high-tech universe you could probably 3D-print inedible donuts that spell "scrumptious" and put them on display!
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"Official Word Mystery business", "official Odd Squad business", it's all the same and you're not being slick.
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You could tell me this was Otto's little brother and I honestly wouldn't even argue with you on that. I'd give you $10 and concede.
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Man, and I thought Odd Squad's "Why Did the Chicken Cross the Dimension" featured abuse way too heavily for my liking, and here's this kid feeding donuts to a cat which are made out of ingredients cats really shouldn't eat, let alone digest.
Graham didn't make these treats cat-friendly. They were made for humans. And he's giving them to a cat.
As someone who worked at an animal shelter, of course you realize this means war, Gene Vet Wilder.
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I'm not gonna lie to all of you.
I was legitimately going to fawn over the cat...until my eyes drifted down, and I thought the cat was wearing a feline airbag.
It's dude's arm.
...No more BIG BONG tonight.
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Naming your cat "Yummy" means you have already committed at least ten cat crimes.
It's also ironic, because cats can and will eat your dead corpse.
Give dude 30 years, it'll catch up with him.
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No. No. You know what sounds cute? Nyammy.
You know what doesn't sound cute? Yummy.
You know what name isn't crazy ironic? Nyammy.
Problem solved.
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I think I can safely say "Crime at Shapely Manor" handled the traditional mystery a lot better than...uh...whatever this was going for.
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Not animated + L + ratio'd + tour an animation school and call me back.
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See, the reason why this hurts is because this just proves the entire series could be animated, in full and properly, and there would be no issue.
What we got is Sinking Ship's brand of creation applied in one of the worst ways possible, and I'm still as disappointed as when I walked in here.
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At the very least, I'll give them points for not having Glory and Wilder and Graham voice themselves. Given how they weren't there when Gabby and Sly were solving the case, it would be too weird.
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And this is why you don't make edible food as an advertising gimmick to get people to buy your shit aaaaaaaaand I have a headache again.
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It's pretty much standard business knowledge that the advertisement-making comes first, before you serve the customer.
But this guy made his advertising while on the job. You...uh...well, you can do that, but in this particular case, that's what we call "a dumbass move".
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FWIW, returning bought food to the bakery you bought it from is also a dumbass move.
I don't care if these haven't been touched. Eat them, and then help Graham make new ones. Inedible ones.
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Seren puts on a tight smile. "No," she utters. "No. When Odd Squad does it, it's funny. Not here."
Seren then spends 34 years eyeballing the Hollywood music industry aggressively.
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In 7 minutes, with rushed pacing, and I have no idea what the hell your personality is even supposed to be.
Sly's, yeah, a little. Yours? I- no. Mm-mm.
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...Okay, I don't know what the hell her personality is supposed to be besides loving gingerbread.
Seriously, this is one of the few times the sample script is actually better than what we got.
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Oh fucking hell. No wonder I didn't like this episode -- it was written by the same person who created it.
And it's been a while since I've had to whip this out, but I'm going to take the criticism I had about Season 3 writers not watching Odd Squad before getting hired and apply it to here. If Christin had actually watched Odd Squad prior to writing and creating this show, I guaran-goddamn-tee we would have gotten something leagues better. And I know they've written for other SSE shows, but this is focusing on Odd Squad and Wordsville specifically.
Credits rundown to avoid hitting the photo limit:
Mia SwamiNathan plays Gabby. She also voices Zadie in Work It Out Wombats (haha Canadian actor pool, dive in suckers!), and while Zadie is my favorite character, that will not give this show any sort of a saving grace. The actress, yes. The show, hell no.
Matthew Bishop is the animation Executive Producer. He also worked on Odd Squad. Which makes the stuff in this show seem a lot more insulting.
Ah, yes. What I want all my songs for my show to be made by. A company called Daysun. (Hey, FWIW, I've seen worse.)
Wait, wait! It can get worse! Smiley Guy Studios did the animation! And y'know, I could make a "they hired people from Walmart to animate this shit?" joke, but instead I'll say how Sinking Ship has a whole-ass animation division and they couldn't animate the show themselves. If they did, it would have been a lot better than what we got.
So I might as well address the elephant in the room to kick off the conclusion: is Wordsville an Odd Squad ripoff, really and truly?
The answer...no. Not exactly. If anything, it's more like an inferior copy, if the word "copy" were hanging fast and loose like a shoe on an electric wire.
I'm going to use "Crime at Shapely Manor" as a direct comparison. In that episode, we get a sort of traditional mystery similar to what Wordsville gives us. We have suspects lined out, we have what they did, we have clues, we have a summation, all that jazz. The difference, though, is that "Crime at Shapely Manor" not only had 14 more minutes to flex their skills in the mystery genre beyond what spin Odd Squad in and of itself as a show puts on it (typical of police procedurals, it does have mystery elements), but they did it incredibly well. Even with the suspect being a downright fucking cliche, they still managed to do it while leaving the audience entertained and opening our minds to the personalities of "I can emote like a Discord chat server" Olive and "I do not understand financial concepts when it comes to very valuable furniture pieces" Otto. It can breathe. It does mystery well. Wordsville...doesn't. Eight minutes is not sufficient for the mystery genre. And if you want to prove me wrong by showing me a piece of media from a mystery show made for kids that is 8 minutes long, go right ahead. Enlighten me. Prove me wrong. But there my opinion stands.
I really could bore you all with the differences I managed to unearth between Wordsville and Odd Squad. I really could. Even more than that, I could bore you all with all the negative shit I found in what has to be the craziest combined 40 minutes I ever wasted of my life. But I'll boil it down to key elements only.
So first of all...the characters. The side ones are confined to a single career just based on their names, and as far as I can tell, the only trait they were all given was "serious about their jobs". (Gene Vet Wilder also does...magic, I guess? I mean whatever floats the boat...) Gabby and Sly, on the other hand...I genuinely can't pinpoint them. Best I can gather is that Gabby is the serious one and Sly is the silly one. So basically, an Olive/Otto dynamic where their little siblings take the spotlight. That's about it. Their friendship, let alone their personalities, are barely touched on in favor of shoving the mystery in your face. For an example: one episode revolves around their "Friendaversary", and them disagreeing on what they're going to do to celebrate it. Now, we already got this as an Odd Squad conflict in a similar way, and it was amazing. I loved "Happy Halfiversary"! Otis busted his ass for Olympia, and she did the same for him. We got some worldbuilding, some good old character interactions, and some funny jokes to boot. For "Uncompromising Community", what we get is a shitty plot that only serves as gift wrap for the mystery of the episode, which revolves around Firefighter Ember giving a fire safety course that Reporter Read plans to make a new story out of, while Baker Graham has a prior engagement with her. And if you're thinking "that sounds fun", then watch the episode and get back to me. That's good for an 11-minute plot. Not for 8 minutes with a full minute dedicated to both opening and closing credits.
Second on the list is the lack of worldbuilding. Lore. Basically anything of substance. Wordsville is, at its core, episodic. So's Odd Squad, to an extent. For Wordsville, if I hadn't read the synopsis of the series prior to watching it, I wouldn't know what the fuck was going on or what it was even about. I wouldn't know that the main cast are supposed to be only children, or that Wordsville is apparently a town...somewhere...on a map...somewhere. Does the Wordsville Online Detective Agency only have Gabby and Sly? Why is it online-only? Is there air? You don't know! I don't know either, and that's the thing that gets to me. I wasn't expecting anything heavy and lore-filled a la Odd Squad, but I wasn't expecting anything simplistic and bland, either. I've seen slice-of-life kids cartoons, and a lot of them are more enjoyable and have a lot more stuff to work with while also expanding on the world and telling me more about it. Wordsville...ain't it. It gives a big "fuck you" and trucks along.
Third of all, the educational aspect of it. Old-timers who have been watching the show for a long time know that one of the things that makes Odd Squad appealing is how it hides math into the plot in a way where it isn't super obvious and all up in your George Foreman grill. It's there, sure, and it does hinder the plot at times, but for me, I don't mind it. I'm still engaged. I want to know what happens. For Wordsville, the education is, indeed, all up in my George Foreman grill. It is fucking everywhere. Not hidden, just completely out in the open. WordGirl is probably the best show I can draw a comparison to, even though it's in a different demo -- while WordGirl does have word lessons, they are slipped into the plot much like Odd Squad and aren't shoved in there with an attitude I dare to even call obligatory. Wordsville is the entire opposite, and they absolutely do not, cannot, and will not miss a chance to educate you on words any chance it gets. Do not let the 4-7 age bracket fool you; this is a preschool show on something far more fucked up than "I'm having an 18-hour seizure with the cockroaches on a public bathroom floor" meth. And don't let Odd Squad's 4-8 age bracket fool you; that's a kids show people have watched while high on weed and had hella crazy trips. (And acid, in one case, which got far crazier.)
And finally, the animation, which I mentioned before but I'm bringing up more to summarize. Like I said, Odd Squad has good animation. Not 2D, though; it's CGI. It's not stellar, but it's solid. The creature designs in particular get real crazy. In Wordsville, the "animation" is drag-and-drop stuff that's half-done and has characters' heads and expressions on them for the lawl unique 'n quirky. I'm not shitting you when I said I was thinking of South Park when I was watching the animated bits. Hell, you could tell me the animated bits were a South Park parody and I'd believe you! But it's not. It's not a parody at all. And before you go at my throat saying "that is a literal child", I'd like to remind you that I know people under 18 who draw and animate a lot better. (I'm looking at a good chunk of you reading this and giving you a thumbs-up. Keep up the great work!) It's just like I said before: they had the potential to do something better, and they completely threw it away. Animation is hard. It's expensive. Sinking Ship is not a rich company. But they've done better in terms of 2D animation. They could have done better here.
What my opinion of the show overall boils down to is that I would have been happy with just the show synopsis and the sample script. I would have been happy with the one Seren's Study. Now, not only have I been proven fantastically wrong, but I've been proven fantastically wrong in the worst way I could have ever possibly imagined, because it somehow got worse than what I was expecting.
Now, I'm going to put a disclaimer out that this is my opinion. If you wanna go and watch Wordsville and decide for yourself how it is, go for it! Be my guest! No one's stopping you, and if you happen to like it then I will respect your opinion. But as it stands across these first 5 episodes, it's not my cup of tea. I think I'm better off giving WordGirl a rewatch.
Thanks for reading. See you all in the next Seren's Study!
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hauntedhotel · 1 year
It's 8:30 in the morning, I've only had one cup of coffee and I am chewing the walls over your tags on the time travel post! 😭 I just think s1 Jon needs a little kiss on the head.
Jon sulking in his office, wondering why it even matters if his assistants like him or not, this is his job, he's here to work not to make friends, he doesn't even care if they all like his future self more than they like him.
But he's in here, alone, stewing about it so obviously he cares a little bit.
And why wouldn't they like him better, he's confident and competent and so secure in himself, plus he might have...super powers, or something? Obviously they would prefer that kind of Jon to the mess they're stuck with now.
He doesn't care, it doesn't matter, he isn't even thinking about it.
He's just debating whether or not to get on with things and record another statement or sneak outside for a stress-smoke when his office door opens and slams closed again, and Martin stares at him sheepishly.
"Sorry, I know you're busy, I just need somewhere to hide from your future self for a second-oh...no offense."
"Oh," Jon says softly, surprised. "N-none taken. He's ah...slightly insufferable, isn't he?"
"Slightly?" Martin starts to sit down on the other side of Jon's desk, and then freezes, eyeing Jon nervously as if expecting to be ordered out of the room. Jon gives the chair a jerky nod, and Martin sinks down the rest of the way. "He's kind of doing my head in, to be honest. He keeps...staring at me with his...laser vision."
A very undignified snort of laughter bursts out of Jon, and Martin stares at him in shock, before a hesitant smile lights his own face.
"You know what I mean though? Like he's...I don't know, trying to set you on fire with his mind or something?"
"I'm fairly certain that isn't one of his powers," Jon says, although he supposes it's possible. That's concerning - the archives don't have sprinklers and there's an awful lot of dry paper in here. "You don't think..." Jon hesitates; he should tell Martin to get back to work, to stop wasting Jon's time and his own, that Jon-from-the-future might be...unnerving, but he's full of information that can almost certainly help them.
He doesn't, because it turns out...good lord...he does care whether his assistants like him or not, even Martin.
"What?" Martin prompts, gently.
"You don't think he's...I don't know...he seems to know what he's doing? He's very..." Jon chews his lip thoughtfully. Confident? Powerful? The opposite of a person mid-nervous breakdown over a promotion he doesn't deserve to a job he has no idea how to do? There's no way to end that sentence that doesn't rip something mortifying out of Jon and hold it up for Martin to see, to judge him for.
Martin huffs.
"Smug?" He suggests. "Pompous? Full of himself? Kind of a self-righteous muppet?"
Jon laughs again, properly this time, and tries to ignore the flood of relief suddenly warming his chest.
"He's trying to help," he says, not sure why he's half-heartedly defending the future self he kind of hates, and ignoring the little voice at the back of his mind saying he just wants Martin to keep calling him names.
"I mean...he is helping, a bit, when you get him to stop talking in stupid riddles. Sasha and Tim are taking it in turns to talk to him."
"They...uh...they don't like him either?"
"No! Tim said he was creepy and Sasha-" He stops, and pulls a face. "Sorry, I shouldn't be...I mean...he's you, isn't he? Sort of? I feel like I shouldn't be telling you that we keep taking it in turns to hide from your future self."
"I...well...he's...one possible version of me, I suppose. We're not the same person, not yet."
"Hopefully you never will be," says Martin, with surprising force. Jon thinks of all the horrifying things that happened to his future self to make him what he is, and somewhere deep inside Jon is a little fluttering feeling at the thought of Martin wanting to protect him from it. Hmm.
"Hey," says Martin, pulling Jon back into reality and away from the dangerous precipice of introspection. "He said - the um, the other Jon - he said he needed to get some work done by himself later, some stuff he doesn't want us to know about yet. We were going to go to the pub for some lunch - just get out of here for a little bit...you fancy it?"
Jon stares at him for a second, deliberating. They do this every so often, the three of them - when the weather brightens up and they feel like getting out of the basement into some natural light, or when one of them has had to deal with a particularly gruesome statement, or when Elias has been into the Archives twice in one morning. They used to invite Jon; Tim would poke his head into Jon's office and ask if he fancied a pint or a pub lunch or some fresh air and natural light. After weeks or Jon saying no, they eventually gave up.
Martin raises his eyebrows, and gives Jon a little, lop-sided smile; it brings out a little dimple in his left cheek.
There's something about Martin that sets Jon on edge - always has, from the beginning, all the way back to the thing with the dog. No one is this nice, this gentle and persistent in caring about someone who definitely doesn't deserve it...and kindness has always sat awkwardly inside Jon, unfamiliar and aching.
But...he's just sitting here, in Jon's office, patient and unhurried and offering Jon yet more kindness. And he thinks future Jon is a smug git.
"Yes," he says, eventually. "Why not?"
As they pile out of the institute and into the tentative sunlight, Sasha takes a big deep breath and Tim slings an arm around Jon's shoulder.
"Finally, an hour of freedom with the Jon that's only a little bit insufferable," he says, but he gives Jon a bit of a squeeze as he says it, and when they arrive at the pub Sasha puts a pint of Guinness in front of him without having to ask what he wants, and Martin nags him into ordering something substantial for lunch, and for the first time since he stepped into the archives weeks ago and had to force down a panic attack, they feel almost like a team, almost like they're friends, and Jon feels something close to safe.
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indiekidsau · 1 year
Chap. 20-Audrey’s Dream
Next chapter is here! Like I said in the last chapter we are back to some wholesomeness.
I worked on this chapter pretty fast after the last one I worked on, which was surprising. Currently, I’m taking it easy as I work on the next chapter as A LOT is going on in my personal life.
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader! As well as another beta reader joining the mix @mun-auroralore.
Audrey loved to create and draw. It was a dream of hers ever since her father and Henry took her to the movies, that she wanted to be just like them, an animator.  Another thing that drove her to draw was when her father gifted her a comic book full of fantastical pages. Since her earliest youth, Audrey's room had been covered in sketchbooks, graphic novels, and art supplies.
One Friday night,  Audrey had been putting the finishing touches to a comic she’d been working on since the beginning of summer. She was excited to get the first five chapters done, and was ready to share it with her friends tomorrow morning. 
Audrey heard a knock as she turned to the door and yelled, “It’s open!” 
Joey opened the door and smiled seeing his little girl finishing up her own comic. “I see you're working hard!” he exclaimed.
“Yep! I’m just finishing the outline and then I’ll get to bed,” Audrey explained.
Joey chuckled and ruffled his daughter’s hair. “Don’t push yourself, alright?”
“I won’t.” Audrey went back to outlining as Joey got up and left his daughter alone to work. 
After almost an half an hour, the comic was done. 
“There!” Audrey exclaimed.
Audrey put the pages together and set them aside before grabbing her phone. She texted Vanessa and Lucas separately.
Hey! Meet me at the local cafe tomorrow morning at 8:30! Have a good night! See you tomorrow.
Once she was done, Audrey got herself ready for bed. Just before she drifted off, her phone beeped and she quickly checked on it to see if Lucas and Vanessa had responded.
You got it! See you there! read Vanessa’s message.
Sure! Have a good night! read Lucas’s message,
Audrey smiled as she sent her friends a reply, wishing them good night before putting her phone to the side and getting some sleep.
The  following morning was chaotic for Vanessa. She woke up late and had to rush so she could meet with Audrey at the cafe. 
However, she wasn’t the only one who was running late, as Lucas was having the same issue.
The two were running so hastily that they didn’t notice they were running the opposite of each other. Lucas tried to stop, but it was too late as the two slammed into each other, causing them to fall.
The two let out a groan as Vanessa rubbed her head in pain. 
“Watch where you're going, idiot!” Vanessa yelled. 
She regretted her decision seeing she bumped into Lucas. “Oh Lucas, sorry!” She reached her hand to help him up. 
“Gah!” Lucas shouted as he slowly stood up as he held his head with his hand. “Vanessa! You should watch where you're going!”
“I said sorry!” Vanessa shouted back. “Besides, what are you doing here?”
“Audrey invited me here,” Lucas replied. His eyes widened in realization as he let out a groan. “Don’t tell me she invited both of us here.”
“Wow, you are a smart one, aren’t ya Lucas?” 
Vanessa and Lucas turned around to see Audrey had arrived. 
“Besides, you're both my friends so why not invite both of you along?” Audrey added.
Lucas and Vanessa looked at each other before deciding to go along with the day. 
“Alright. Morning, Audrey,” Lucas said.
“Morning!” Audrey beamed as she pulled her two friends into a hug. 
Lucas slightly blushed and Vanessa smiled as she hugged her friend back. 
“Well let’s go in! I have something to show you three!”Audrey said.
 The three walked inside the cafe, ordered their drinks, and found a place to sit.
Once the drinks were ready, Lucas grabbed his and the girls' before heading back to the table. “Alright, I got a vanilla iced latte with no whipped cream for Vanessa,” Lucas said as he gave Vanessa her drink, “I got a hot caramel coffee for Audrey and I got my iced caramel coffee.” Lucas sighed and sat down after announcing the drinks.
“Thank you Lucas,” Vanessa replied, taking a sip of her drink. “So Audrey, why did you call us here?”
Audrey smiled as she went to her backpack and took out her comic she was working on. “So before I met you two I’ve been working on my passion project. It’s not done yet but I figured I'll show you guys the first 5 chapters of it,” Audrey explained. 
With a smile, she lifted the cover of her comic that featured an anthropomorphic wolf and cat. The cat was cream in color with a grayish pink spot on her right eye while the wolf was white and purple,  welding a flaming sword. The two looked to be exploring a dark, spooky forest.
“It’s called Fireprint, it’s this fantasy story I’ve had in my head for a few years and since last summer I’ve finally got around writing it,” Audrey said.
“What’s it about?” Lucas asked, sipping his coffee.
“It's about a princess named Rosalie who becomes a knight to save her kingdom from an evil king and queen. She has to team up with a high ranking knight from her kingdom named Tyrian who takes no shit from anyone,” Audrey explained.
Lucas chuckled in excitement. “That sounds amazing! Anything else?” he asked.
“Well nothing really. I only got the first five chapters done, but that’s why I called you two here.” Audrey explained. She went to her backpack and took out two copies of her comic and held them out to Vanessa and Lucas. 
The two took their respective copies and Vanessa looked at Audrey in shock. “How were you able to draw this fast?” Vanessa asked.
Audrey giggled. “I didn’t draw the same thing three times, I used the copy machine back home,” she explained.
“O-Oh,” Vanessa replied, blushing in embarrassment.
Lucas snickered over Vanessa’s embarrassing claim, but stopped seeing Vanessa and Audrey glaring at him. He cleared his throat and asked, “So we can read this?”
Audrey nodded. “Yep, I’m giving you guys till next Saturday to read the comic and we’ll meet back here to discuss it,” she explained.
Vanessa and Lucas looked at each other before looking back at their friend. “Alright,” they both said.
“Perfect!” Audrey exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
The trio enjoyed their coffee and talked before leaving to enjoy the rest of their weekend.
However, something bothered Vanessa while she took a sip of her coffee.
Once back at home, Lucas was enjoying the comic. It made him feel young again as he read the adventures of Rosalie and Tyrian.
Meanwhile, Vanessa wasn’t reading the comic, but instead reading a novel. At times she’d look up from her book as she stared at Audrey’s comic sitting beside her before going back to her novel. Vanessa looked up at the comic one more time and sighed as she bookmarked and closed her book.
“It wouldn’t hurt to just skim through it,” she said to herself. 
Vanessa got out of bed and walked over to her desk as she picked up the comic. Hesitant, she turned to the first page and her eyes shined at how gorgeous her best friend’s artwork was.
The first page featured the setting of the story; the Kingdom of Prismiranda.
Vanessa giggled as she skimmed through the book seeing how Audrey designs from the setting to the characters.
“Vanessa!” a voice shouted.
Vanessa gasped as she dropped the book. She looked around her house wondering who made that voice.
“What are you doing?” the voice asked.
“N-Nothing, Mother!” Vanessa yelled in reply as she went back to bed and continued reading her novel.
But Vanessa didn't live with anyone but herself. She lived completely alone. Her mother wasn’t around, but Vanessa had thought her mom was scolding her like she was a little kid.
Monday finally rolled around. 
Audrey came in and unlocked the door to her classroom. Once inside, she put her stuff down and she heard a knock on her door. 
“Come in,” she called out.
The door opened and Lucas walked in smiling. “Morning, Audrey.”
Audrey giggled. “Morning, Lucas. You seem to be chipper today!” she exclaimed.
Lucas chuckled as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of Audrey’s desk. “Well, that’s because I couldn’t put your comic down!” he exclaimed. “Everything was amazing! From the characters, to the story! You've gotta tell me more!”
Audrey smiled hearing the compliments she got for her comic. The nervousness from before washed away like a tidal wave.
Vanessa walked into the school and passed by Audrey’s classroom, seeing her and Lucas talking, laughing about the comic. With a gulp, she kept on walking hoping to pass by her friends unnoticed.
Audrey saw Vanessa passing by. “Morning Vanessa!” she beamed.
“Fuck!” Vanessa cursed to herself. With a smile she turned and faced her friends. “Morning Audrey, Lucas. How are you today?” 
“Great!” Audrey replied. “Lucas was telling me that he enjoyed my comic.”
“O-Oh. That’s great.” Vanessa glanced at Lucas. She forgot her ex was such a bookworm and enjoyed any kind of book known to man.
“What about you?” Audrey asked.
Vanessa looked at her friend as she snapped out of her thoughts.
“What did you think of it?”
Vanessa bit her lip. She decided whether to lie about reading it or telling the truth. “Well. I didn’t finish it, but it looks great,” she lied, forcing a smile. Though it wasn’t really a lie as she did skim through a few pages.
Audrey smiled. “That’s great! I’m so glad you loved it!” she exclaimed, hugging her best friend.
Vanessa chuckled nervously. She hoped and begged that Audrey wasn’t gonna ask her what her favorite part was.
Lucas took notice of Vanessa’s expression and recognized that she was lying. He sighed.
“And don’t worry if you haven’t finished it. Reading and enjoying it is enough,” Audrey explained. “Remember, you have until Saturday.”
“R-Right,” Vanessa replied.
“Hey Audrey. Vanessa and I need to talk for a bit,” Lucas said as he took Vanessa by the hand.
“Oh, okay. See you guys at lunch?” Audrey asked.
Lucas nodded. He then took Vanessa to his classroom and closed the door and locked it. He looked back and sighed seeing Audrey was doing her own thing now. 
“Alright, tell me the truth, Vanessa,” he said.
Vanessa sighed. “Alright, I didn’t read it. I skimmed through it, but stopped,” she revealed.
“Why?” Lucas asked.
“My mother,” Vanessa answered.
Lucas’s eyes widened as he hadn’t heard Vanessa speak about her mother since the funeral. “Vanessa. Your mother died six years ago. Why do you still mention her if she’s not here?” he asked.
“I feel like she’s still there. Still telling me what to do and what not to do,” Vanessa explained. “I feel like I hear her.”
Lucas was about to reach and hug Vanessa, but he stopped, remembering the past. 
When Vanessa was like this she’d expect a hug from him to keep her sane and to stop her from venting. 
Lucas shook his head. He wasn’t going to hug her, but held her hand.
Vanessa’s eyes widened as she turned to see Lucas holding her hand.
“Van, remember what we talked about when your mother passed?” Lucas asked.
Vanessa went through her head before nodding in reply.
“Your mother has no control over you,” Lucas stated. “You don’t have to be scared to do what you want to do. I won’t say it again.”
Vanessa went quiet, but just as she was about to repeat the question something inside her made her close her mouth and nod. “Alright,” she whispered.
Lucas let go of Vanessa's hand and gave her a small smile. “I wish you luck Vanessa. I know you can do this,” he said before leaving her classroom. 
Once back at his classroom Lucas looked at his hand that held Vanessa’s which made him question what was that just now.
“Do I… still have feelings for her?” Lucas asked himself. 
He quickly shook it off as he heard students coming in ready to start a new week of school.
During study hall, the class couldn’t concentrate on their work as they saw Lucas reading Audrey’s comic.
Being the comic book collector he is, Kel was curious. 
“What’s Mr. Prince reading?” Kel asked, whispering.
“I don’t know,” Hat Kid replied, whispering as well. “Are you interested or something?”
“Hey when I see a comic I haven’t seen before I need to know!” Kel whispered. 
Mu sighed and turned to her friends joining the conversation. “Are you saying we should sneak into class and take a look at ourselves?” she asked.
Kel smiled. “That would be a good idea.”
“Or,” Elizabeth spoke up, tired of the conversation and decided to join, “you can just ask him. He’s just right there.” She pointed at her teacher.
Kel, Hat Kid, and Mu looked at their teacher before looking at each other. 
“But wouldn’t that ruin the fun?” Hat Kid asked.
“Yeah, it’s way more interesting to sneak in class and see what he’s reading,” Mu added.
Elizabeth frowned and turned away from the trio. She then looked up at her teacher and saw the biggest, goofiest smile on his face.
“Hey Mr. Prince! What are you reading?” she asked, raising her hand.
Lucas snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see the class, staring at him. “Uh… a magazine,” he answered.
“You sure it’s not a comic book?” Kel asked.
Lucas chuckled nervously. “W-what makes you think that?” he asked.
“The cover!” Kel answered pointing at the book.
Lucas turned to look at the cover and sighed. However, he wasn't defeated yet. “Alright yes it’s a comic, but I’m not telling you what it is,” he mocked as a smirk formed in his face.
The class groaned in disappointment as Lucas still kept the smirk on his face.
Kel and Hat Kid went to the front of Lucas’s desk and both had puppy dog eyes and begging for a chance to look.
“Come on! Please tell us!” Kel begged.
“Please! Let us read it!” Hat Kid begged as well.
Lucas sighed. “Alright, I’ll ask my friend this weekend if I can lend you guys a copy to read.”
“Yes!” Kel and Hat Kid cheered as they ran back to their seats.
Elizabeth and Mu looked at each other and sighed before going back to their work.
After school, Vanessa went back home and quickly picked up the comic. She took a deep breath and turned to the first page, lied down in bed, and started to read. 
As she read she smiled as she enjoyed the story. There were points where she laughed at Rosalie’s antics as the character almost reminded her of… well, her.
However, she felt sad seeing Rosalie’s kingdom destroyed, having to travel with Tyrian to find some ancient hero to save the kingdom. Though once it was just Rosalie and Tyrian she smiled seeing how they were able to work together and get along despite the situation at hand.
Vanessa sighed as she got to the end of the comic and almost cried as Tyrian got his arm cut off when battling against the villain, and trying to protect Rosalie.
Once done reading, Vanessa was ready to read the comic again. However, she decided to wait until the next day as she couldn’t grasp the fact Tyrian got hurt.
“DAMN IT AUDREY! WHY!” Vanessa screamed.
The week went by fast until it was finally Saturday. 
Audrey made it earlier than usual and waited for her friends to show up. It took a few minutes, but Audrey saw Vanessa and Lucas running late again.
Seeing her two friends about to run into each other, Audrey stepped back as she watched her two friends slam into each other again.
“Ah. Ow.” Lucas groaned, rubbing his head as a bruise started to form. “Watch it next time, Van!”
“Sorry!” Vanessa yelled back, rubbing her head as well.
“Morning, you two!” Audrey beamed.
“Morning, Audrey,” Lucas groaned.
“Ready to walk in?” Audrey asked.
“G-give us a second first.” Lucas waited for the throbbing in his head to settle down. Once the pain eased down he was ready to walk inside the cafe with Vanessa and Audrey. “Ready.”
Audrey smiled and walked inside the cafe with her friends. They got their usual drinks and sat down ready to discuss the comic.
“So it’s been a week since we last sat down and I wanted to know your thoughts on the first five chapters?” Audrey asked with a smile
“Amazing!” Lucas and Vanessa beamed at the same time.
The two froze and looked at each other with a small smile.
“In all honesty I never read a comic before and it was the best!” Vanessa beamed. “I never realized I could relate to Rosalie.”
“Okay, two things: one, you and I have to run to the bookstore after this because I can recommend some great series!” Audrey explained.
“That would be great!” Vanessa replied.
“Second, now that I can see it,” Audrey continued as she used her fingers to look like she’s taking a photo shoot of Vanessa, “you do give off princess vibes.”
Vanessa blushed at the compliment as she slowly drank her coffee.
“Technically, she was a princess,” Lucas replied after taking a sip of his coffee.
“You mean your princess?” Audrey asked.
Lucas almost spat out his coffee as Audrey chuckled seeing her best friend’s reaction.
Vanessa was blushing harder now as her face was fully red as a tomato at this point. She couldn’t even hold her coffee without her hands shaking.
“Audrey!” Lucas snapped.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just joking around,” Audrey replied.
Lucas glared as he started to blush as well. He turned to see Vanessa, still blushing and trying to drink her coffee. “Well, if you want to hear what I think. It’s great! I love the characters and story you got going,” he explained.
Vanessa felt relieved hearing Lucas’s thoughts that the blush on her face faded away and she was able to drink her coffee normally.
“Though can I make one small request?” Lucas asked.
“What’s that?” Audrey asked.
“Think you can make a few more copies for my class? Kel and Hat have been bugging me non stop to read it, but I wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with it,” Lucas explained.
“Sure,” Audrey replied. “I actually wanted to wait till you two read it before giving more sample copies to the kids.”
“Really? Why?” Vanessa asked.
Audrey took a sip of her coffee before answering. “Well, because you guys are my two closest friends. I figured giving you two the honor to read my comic.”
“And I- ” Vanessa paused. “I mean, we thank you for that.”
Lucas smiled. “Yes, thanks Audrey. We’ll be supporting you all the way.”
Audrey felt like crying at this point. She loved her best friends so much that she wanted to hug them. Heck, this is why she let them read the comic first before anyone else.
“Thank you guys. You two are the best,” Audrey replied.
Vanessa and Lucas smiled and went to enjoy their coffee.
“Oh. I forgot to mention something!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“What is it?” Audrey asked.
“Why did you have to end the chapter with Tyrian’s arm chopped off?!” Vanessa cried.
“I thought that would be a good way to end off,” Audrey answered, smugly. 
“Is he going to be okay? Is he gonna live?”
“Van. Relax,” Audrey said. “I’m working on chapter 6 right now.”
Vanessa sighed. “May I see it?”
“It’s at home so you’ll have to wait till I finish chapters 6 through 10 to know what happens,” Audrey replied.
Vanessa sighed as she puffed her cheeks like a chipmunk. 
Lucas and Audrey both chuckled at her appearance, which made Vanessa loosen her smile, joining in on the laugh as well. 
Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. This was a brand new chapter for Vanessa. And she was happy about it.
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qteekitchen · 6 months
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Strawberry Lemonade Bunny Hugs 🍓🍋🐰
Easter always makes me think of the bunny shaped cupcakes my mom used to make. To decorate them she would use angel hair pasta broken into little pieces to look like whiskers. We never really did much Easter egg decorating, but I really loved hunting for chocolate eggs. I got these special bunny cookie cutters recently and just had to use them this Easter.
I'm calling these cookies "bunny hugs" cos they're two lil bunnies sandwiched together, with a sweet strawberry jam filling alongside a tart homemade lemon curd. The cookies are buttery and bright, marbled with strawberry powder made from grinding up freeze dried strawberries, and topped with a chocolate egg that they're holding onto with all the strength that their lil bunny arms have!
The candy coating on the eggs crack in the oven and it looks so cool to me, like the bunnies are cracking them open, eager to get into their milk chocolate insides.
If the Easter Bunny hasn't visited this year and you have no chocolate eggs, then nuts, dried fruit, or a different candy more to your liking can be used.
The homemade lemon curd is super easy, it only takes one egg and one lemon, instead of having to do a bunch of separating of egg yolks that then need tempering over a double boiler. It's all done in a shallow bowl in the microwave and only takes a couple of minutes.
The bowl needs to have low sides so that you can see the curd thickening. Any time you see it steam or rise, take it out and stir it to prevent it from boiling, which would cause it to curdle.
The jam filling is reduced down to make it thick so the cookies don't get soggy, as well as intensifying the flavour.
I was thinking that these cookies could easily be made vegan if you leave out the curd and just use the jam for the filling. In that case I'd start off with 1/3 cup of jam instead of just 1/4.
There's no egg in the cookie dough, so all that would need replacing is the butter.
Overall these cookies are quick to make, as the fillings can be completely prepared while the dough chills in the fridge. The only time consuming step in fiddling with the bunny arms, but that's due to the type of cookie cutter I chose, but you could use any! This recipe is easily doubled, especially when choosing a larger cookie cutter size.
I love messing around in the kitchen and baking my own things, but I've never written out a recipe I've created for other people to read, lol. If it seems complicated with a lot of steps, it's just bcos I wanted to be as clear as possible. Thank you to my mom for giving this a proof read and for her suggestions. Oh, and for teaching me how to bake in the first place 💗
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Strawberry Lemonade Bunny Hugs 🍓🍋🐰
Yield: approximately twenty small sandwich cookies
🍪Cookie dough
•2 tablespoons (30 mL/32 grams) granulated sugar
•zest of half a large lemon (or one small lemon)
•1/2 teaspoon of honey (or corn/maple syrup)
•1/4 cup (62 mL/56 grams) softened unsalted butter
•1/8 teaspoon of table salt
•1/2 cup plus one tablespoon of all purpose flour (140 mL/82 grams)
•yellow food colouring (optional)
•1 tablespoon of freeze dried strawberry powder (or red/pink food colouring)
•Candy coated chocolate eggs, nuts, dried fruit or other candies
In the bowl of an electric mixer, blend the sugar, lemon zest and honey together using the paddle attachment. Add the yellow food colouring, if using. The other half of the lemon zest will be used in the lemon curd.
Add the softened butter to the bowl and cream together with the lemon sugar for one minute on medium speed until smooth, but not fluffy.
Add the flour with the salt into the butter and sugar and mix for thirty seconds.
Form dough into two pucks, wrap in plastic and let chill in the fridge for thirty minutes. While it is chilling make the lemon curd.
🍋Lemon curd
Yield: 3/4 of a cup (175mL)
•1 large egg (50 grams) at room temperature
•3 tablespoons (45mL/37 grams) of granulated sugar
•Zest of the other half of the large lemon or the zest of one whole small lemon
•3 tablespoons (45 mL/45 grams) of lemon juice (one large lemon or the 2 small lemons)
•Very small pinch of table salt
•1 1/2 tablespoons (21 grams) of room temperature unsalted butter
Crack the egg into a low sided microwave safe bowl. Scoop about 1/4 teaspoon of the egg white into a very small dish, such as an egg cup or bottle cap. Cover and place in the fridge. This will be used to attach the chocolate eggs to the cookies later.
Zest the lemon(s) into a jar and set aside. Juice the lemon.
Whisk the sugar and salt thoroughly into the egg, making it as smooth as possible.
Add the lemon juice and stir this in with a rubber spatula. Add one tablespoon of butter in pieces on top.
Microwave the mixture on high at thirty second intervals, stirring with spatula throughout. Do not let it boil.
When the curd reaches the desired consistency, strain it through a fine mesh sieve into the jar with the reserved lemon zest. Add the half tablespoon of butter and mix. It will thicken further as it cools. Place the sealed jar in the fridge and remove the cookie dough.
Break each dough puck in half and sprinkle the broken edges with strawberry powder or red food colouring.
Press halves back together and break apart again in the opposite direction, adding more strawberry powder. Knead  the dough lightly with your hands to create a marble effect but don't overwork it.
Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper to a 1/2 centimetre (1/4 inch) thickness.
Cut out shapes and place cookies on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
Gather up scraps, apply more strawberry powder and reroll the dough, cutting out more cookies.
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The bottom half of the bunny cookie sandwich don't need arms, so either cut or pinch those off and add them to the scrap dough to be rerolled.
Cut out an even number of top and bottom bunnies.
There will be a small amount of dough not big enough to roll and cut out, so save that for repairing the arms of the top half of the cookie sandwiches, if they need it.
Using a chopstick or small brush, apply a small amount of the reserved egg white on the arms and tummies of the top bunny cookies.
Place the chocolate eggs/nuts onto the top bunnies and carefully press their arms onto the eggs. If their arm tears, use a little crumb of the scrap dough to patch it up.
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Chill the cookies on the cookie sheet in the fridge for thirty minutes.
🍓Strawberry filling
•1/4 cup (50mL) of jam or jelly
Pour jam onto a microwave safe plate and microwave on high for one to two minutes, depending on how viscous the jam was to start. It will thicken as it cools on the plate. Set aside.
Preheat the oven to 325°F. When it reaches temperature, bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes. They should be set and no longer shiny on top, but not browned. Let cool completely on a rack.
Assemble the cookies by spreading a thin jam layer on all of the bottom bunnies. One by one, apply lemon curd to a top bunny and sandwich together with a bottom bunny. You could also choose to have just curd or just jam as the filling, or even blend the two fillings together.
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Store for one week in an air tight container in the fridge.
Happy Easter!🐰
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writing-with-emy · 2 years
My prompt-list #1
All my prompt lists in one place: 🪽🪽
#1 - "Is it still murder if I give them a heads up?" ; "That's called a threat." ; "Damn."
#2 - "Do you trust her?" ; "No.. but I trust her anger."
#3 - "We're lost." ; "No we aren't!" ; "Yes we are!" ; "No we aren't!" ; "Fine then - Mr./Ms. Navigator, where are we?" ; "Errr... uh, we are right here."
#4 - "I won't let you die." ; "I don't think that's how it works." ; "I am death, honey. I decide how it works."
#5 - Where is the Idiot, anyway?" ; "I'm right here." ; "Suprisingly enough, I'm not talking about you this time."
#6 - "How dare you! I... I trusted you! ; "Sweet, naive little girl/boy. Trust is for children. You, my dear, are a soldier."
#7 - "Your arm is bleeding." ; "Oh really? I hadn't noticed that half of my goddamned blood was flowing out of my arm, but thanks for letting me know."
#8 - "Are you sober?" ; "I'm moderately functional." ; "I'll take that as a no."
#9 - "What's our exit strategy?" ; "Our What?" ; "Oh my god, we're all going to die."
#10 - "Watch your mouth kid. You are one sentence away from starting a war."
#11 - "I- I can't stop it. I'm sorry..." ; "It's okay, it's okay. Just breathe. You don't have to be sorry for anything. I've got you."
#12. - "Don't tell me you haven't noticed the way they watch you, how they whisper when you appear. They think you're going to save them."
#13 - "You give out pieces of yourself to people but you never let them see the whole picture. I've seen it. I know who you are."
#14 - "Did you really not see it? Or were you too afraid to look?"
#15 - "If you do that again, I'll throw you out that fucking window you- what are you doing?" ; "Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it."
#16 - "Why are you staring at me like that?" ; "I think I just... finally understood you."
#17 - "You know I'll win.' ; "And you know I'll fight."
#18 - "Hey! Watch it! You're scaring her!" ; "ME scaring HER!?"
#19 - "I don't like saying 'I told you so', but-" ; "The hell you don't, it's you favorite phrase."
#20 - "Just because you are speaking in a different language, doesn't mean that I don't know when you are cursing me out."
#21 - "Did you get my note?" ; "Of course I got it. You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping."
#22 - "You say you were my family. But where were you when I was hurt, when I needed someone, when I needed you? You weren't here, but they were. Always."
#23 - "I think I actually hate you." ; "Yeah I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
#24 - "You look very nice tonight, I love your-" ; "What do you want?"
#25 - "There's no Happy Ending to this right?" ; "Not really, no."
#26 - "Let this be a dream, I can't take it if it's reality."
#27 - "How on earth do you open a girl's diary lock?" ; "Trust me I got this, I had sisters growing up."
#28 - "It's okay to cry." I held their face in my hands. "It's okay."
#29 - "It's a long Story' ; "You convinced me into thinking you were dead for eleven months. I have time."
#30 - "I feel like I'm being stabbed." ; "How do you even know what it feels like to be stabbed."
#31 - "You are the worst human being on the face of planet earth." ; "Aw, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me."
#32 - "You are all remarkably well behaved tonight... What did you do?"
#33 - "You're not my favorite person today." ; "I'm not your favorite Person on any day."
#34 - "Just take a deep breath or something!" ; "TAKE A DEEP BREATH!? It feels like my insides are being RIPPED OUT!"
#35 - "What kind of noise was that?" ; "I sneezed." ; "That was NOT a sneeze."
#36 - "I hate you." ; "Why? I'm lovely."
#37 - "Bring them home. All of them." ; "But-" ; "All. Of. Them."
#38 - "Who are we to each other?" ; "You tell me."
#39 - "If you're going to break my heart, can we do it outside?" ; "But it's raining." ; "That way I can go all-in on my melodramatic movie moment."
#40 - "I don't want to look like a princess, I want to look like a formerly evil queen who reluctantly redeemed herself for the side of good." ; "You read too much." ; "Damn right I do."
#41 - "Why are you doing that?" ; "Doing what?" ; "Treating me like a person."
#42 - "I didn't think you were the type to lose your sanity for a girl." ; "I didn't either."
#43 - "I thought you said you knew how to get inside!?" ; "Yeah, well, that was a lie."
#44 - "Hold on, you died." ; "Yeah, well it didn't stick."
#45 - "You don't scare me. Your anger scares me."
#46 - "Hey! Those are mine!" ; "Not anymore!"
#47 - "Are you there?" ; "Physically, yes. Mentally is debatable."
#48 - "I mean, yeah, I didn't need my heart anyway. Who cares if it breaks."
#49 - "We can't just steal it!" ; "Of course not! We'll just borrow it for a little while... while they aren't looking."
#50 - "I'm really nervous." ; "Why's that." ; "...I've never danced before."
#51 - "You love her don't you?" ; "Was it that obvious?"
#52 - "Ten years of friendship and this is the treatment I get." ; "I met you yesterday!"
#53 - "Can I keep it?" ; "No." ; Pleeease!" ; "...fine."
#54 - "I was just kind of hoping that you'd, y'know... fall in love with me."
#55 - "What are you doing up at four in the morning?" ; "I might ask you the same thing."
#56 - "Don't get up, I'm comfortable like this."
#57 - "Why are your hands purple?" ; "That's a very good question."
#58 - "So what's your plan?" ; "My plan was to follow your plan!"
#59 - "This is the worst plan ever." ; "Why? Because I made it?" ; "Yes."
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