#OH under the cut is the same image just w/o text
seagullcharmer · 1 year
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Her face is that of a woman who decided that she was getting out of her prison today, one way or another.
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Okay yep yeah mhm okay I have woken up twice now to this being real. I'm going to make an intro post to get used to writing with a stylus and without thumbs.
Hello, my name is Lily Westbrook. Hopefully. I don't know how this works. I definitely still go by she/her.
I used to live in Eterna City. I wanted to meet my first ever pokemon buddy, so I went into Eterna Forest last night. Something happened, and I think someone had my phone while I was out?
If I take a photo maybe y'all will believe me, but I'm a Buizel now. Hold on, maybe I ca
[An image is attached.]
[Image ID: A poorly angled selfie of a Buizel, wearing a flower accessory. The Eterna Forest's Old Chateau can be seen in the background.]
n add a photo oh gods why did it put it in the middle like that I'm not fixing that
I still don't know why all my writing is orange. Is it because I'm a pokemon now? Is my phone playing pranks on me is that a thing that can happen
UPDATE: Turns out I'm a girl buizel and this was the best worst thing to ever happen to me. I still don't know if anyone in Eterna City will be able to figure out what happened to me, or if they'll even believe me, but I just. I'm so happy, guys.
Double UPDATE: I kinda feel like how I feel about life is going to keep drifting away from the tone of my original intro post but like. It feels weird to make a new one so I'mma just... leave it like that I think. For now. Important note: I'm no longer in Eterna, but headed to live in Goldenrod.
Triple UPDATE: I was able to figure out why my text was getting orange'd, and also was told that it was messing with some people's ability to read things I wrote, so I was able to apply that fix to the text. Though uhhh. I'm still leaving that mess in there. It's funny to me.
//OOC under the cut
//Hello! This is Astra (she/they) from my main (NSFW) @astralikacastle. This is a character I've had in my head for a long time, though my kinda fucked up brain doesn't quite know where to take it after the prologue.
//But basically, forever in my head I've had 'what if someone got turned into a pokemon and they had to deal with that and how it made them feel about gender' and now it's here. =3
//I do prommy to try to keep this blog as SFW as possible, though where the line between Mildly Suggestive and NSFW lies isn't always the same for everyone (especially with how Tumblr's been treatin' trans folk lately) so I'm not making guarantees, just promises to try.
//I should like. Keep track of Lily's 'inventory' huh
Lily's old human clothes
Buizel-sized Ballgown
Comm-Everstone Choker (See Below) (Worn)
Phone (obviously)
Book about Legendaries for Studying
Flexi-grip phone tripod
Poffins and berries
Trans flag bandana (Worn)
Hoopa-Ring-Alike Bracelets (Worn)
Thigh-highs (didn't decide on a pattern for these oops) (Worn)
Lily-flower pin (Worn)
Pink Ribbon (Worn under above pin)
Sunglasses! B3
Sylvie (Sylveon Plush)
Toki (Togekiss Plush)
Blahåj (Blahåj)
6" Buizel Plush!
JigglypuffPikachu Hybrid Plush!?
Large pink bag (where plush friends live) w/ Waterproofing
Waterproof Backpack (Where non-plush non-worn items live)
Wheely-Cart (Where everything rides on) w/ Floaty
Weighted Blanket
Keychains (Mew, Meloetta, Hoopa, Victini, Celebi, Darkrai, lotus)
Box o' Buizelnip (Lovingly referred to as Bui-Weed)
Always kept in Lily's room at Gen's home:
Figurine of Lily and Gen
Buizel-sized Piano
//And her moveset!
Water Gun
Baton Pass
Rain Dance
Aqua Jet
Aqua Ring [Glitch?]
Minimize [Glitch!]
ABILITY: Rattled
//What is the Comm-Everstone?
The Comm-Everstone is an Everstone, small enough to act as the 'gem' of a choker, and enchanted by Laplace to duplicate the effects of a sci-fi Translator. The stone translates Lily's buizel-chitter Poke-Speech and emits an ethereal voice that repeats her words in Human Speech. Whichever voice the listener best understands is brought to the forefront of their perception, preventing any 'cross-talk' from obscuring her words. Notably, it is still quite obvious to the listener that these words are being translated, and not simply Imparting Understanding. (Though, it being magic may be a little unsettling, still.)
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Maybe » Aomine Daiki
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Aomine Daiki x Chubby! Fem! Reader
A/N : hi! My second non one piece fic so yay, I’m happy it’s for KnB and Aomine! Please enjoy! :3
note : I had soooo many ideas for thisssss but instead of my original idea, I went for something a little more Cliché ;-;
Summary : after being friends with Aomine for so long and developing feelings, you keep shut about them and protect your friendship. And then, Aomine finds out about what’s been happening.
“Daiki, would you get up already?”
No response came from dark blue haired athlete other than the gentle snores that escaped his lips.
You roll your eyes and went to pick up the women’s magazine that was opened across his face, just as the tan one sighs heavily and grunts out.
“Oi.. [Name]? Where’s Satsuki?” He groans, turning onto his side and pulls off the magazine from his face.
He takes a look to see the page he was looking at to be one of those thicker, curvy models.
You sigh and walk around to face him, kneeling in front of him once again, your thick thighs exposing itself from your skirt.
“She’s managing the boys at practice. She asked me to come get you.”
Aomine grunts out in annoyance at your words and looks up to see your face, staring down at him. He moved onto his back and continues looking at you.
His silence makes you smile a bit in defeat and exhale. “Come on, sleeping beauty, you need to get to practice. Otherwise, Satsuki will have my ass.”
“I’m too tired.” Aomine mutters, turning back onto his side, turning so he faced you this time and stares up at you lazily.
Examining your features in silence, Aomine took in your appearance at the moment.
There wasn’t a readable expression on his face so you couldn’t guess what he was thinking. His staring did cause your cheeks to pinken as his eyes shifted down.
He eyes your legs for a moment, the staring hard enough to make you shift to ignore it, as you poked him.
“Come on, just get up, please?” You plead making Aomine pout and close his eyes to avoid your expression. “I don’t care, I don’t wanna..” he sulks quietly.
You heave a heavy sigh and pat your skirt down and hum, leaning close to his face, his eyes still shut.
“I’ll buy you the latest issue of the swimsuit catalog for you~” you sang, in hopes of convincing him to get you.
The blue haired athlete opens an eye to come face to face with you, inches away, and seeing how close you were to him causes him to swallow and turn away, covering his eyes with his arms.
Fortunately, it seems it worked.
“...hmph, idiot.. I want the latest issue of the swimsuit catalog, the lingerie catalog, and I want bread..” He announces, pulling up his hand and bringing down a finger for each one he counted.
You roll your eyes playfully at him, and you held your pinky out for him. “Stupid pervert, it’s a deal.”
Aomine merely grins and moves his arm to face you again, connecting his pinky with yours and you both kissed your thumbs. Something you two did together since you were kids.
“I’ll be waiting.” Aomine grunts as he forces himself up and dusts his clothes, holding his hand out for you to take. “You better remember.”
You lift your hand to take his and helped yourself up, dusting your skirt. “Don’t worry, I won’t. I don’t think I could forget my best friend’s perverted desires.”
“You think too low of me.” Aomine furrows his brows as he began headed to the ladder.
“Do I?”
Shrugging, you head down after him, being sure to threaten him if he even dared look up at you as you climbed down, and headed to the gymnasium together.
Gently setting down your things on the ground by the door, jacket and cellphone, you went over to greet the coach and players.
“[Name]! Daiki!”
The pink haired manager runs over excitedly, practically bouncing with joy and stars in her eyes at the sight of them.
“You managed to convince him! Thanks so much!”
“Tch, you can’t even get me yourself, making [Name] do all the work.” Aomine scoffs and Satsuki pouts. “I’m busy doing my job and managing the others boys! Besides, only [Name] knows best how to get you to come.”
The pinkette widens her eyes and turns to you. “How did you manage to get him anyways?”
You gave a side glance to Aomine, who was too busy yawning and looking away to notice and you simply shrug. “He knows better.”
Satsuki just giggles a bit and grabs your hands, her clipboard tucked under her arm. “Thanks so much again, [Name]. I owe you one.”
“No problem, Satsuki.” You smile softly at her and watch her pull away to begin pushing Aomine to change.
“Alright, alright, stop pushing me.” Aomine grumbles as he walks forward, stumbling every few steps. He then turns back to give a smirk to you. “Keep your promise, you!”
“Of course I will!” You scoff, waving at him and smiling nonetheless, and began to head out after bidding goodbye to the other players and the coach.
Passing the viewers from up top, you hear particular comments.
“What promise could that fat girl make with Aomine?”
“Can’t be to spread her legs for him.. no guy would want a big girl like that.”
“Obviously. How does Aomine even know a piggy like her anyways?”
Their hushed voices and obvious stares only make you smile forcefully and walk out silently, ignoring their comments.
It wasn’t like it was the first time you heard something like that.
As soon as you open your locker, you find a couple notes slipping out from being held in place. You glance down before crouching and picked each one up, reading them as you did so.
‘Get some exercise, piggy!’
‘Lay off the foods for a while already.’
‘How can you stand to be so big? How does anything fit you?’
The bitter smile that formed from the sight made your heart heavy but you didn’t say a word.
It was a regular occurrence anyways.
It didn’t make you feel any better, considering your walk over to your locker, other students in the halls were pointing and staring over at you, as if you were a display.
As if it was strange to see someone like you there, someone big, where everyone else was thin.
You rip them up in two and set the pieces aside in your locker, grabbing your bag. About to shut your locker, you find the printed sheets Satsuki asked you to do and sigh.
“Better now before I forget..” you mumble to yourself, taking the ripped pieces and the printed sheets into your separate hands and closed your locker.
Slinging the strap of the bag over your shoulder, you begin heading back to the gymnasium so you could finally get home afterwards.
The gossiping whispers didn’t stop. Didn’t they have somewhere to be instead of loitering the halls?
Choosing to distract yourself, you thought about Aomine. The tall, tan, dark blue-haired athlete. It still made you surprised at your friendship but it was one of the best things that happened to you.
It was genuine, Satsuki and Aomine truly appreciated you and you appreciated them, there wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them.
The only you could regret was your developing feelings for the athlete. An athlete dating a chubby girl? Even you could laugh thinking about it.
However, you figured Satsuki had the same, so you could only suppress them.
Plus, you didn’t want to ruin Aomine’s image.
It seems you distracted yourself too much, because as soon as you turned the corner, you bumped into someone, causing the two of you to stumble back, the both of you falling.
“O-Oh, I’m so so-“ despite you also falling, you look to the opposite person to apologize, but you were cut off by her scream.
“Oh my gosh! She touched me! Oh my gosh, get away from me, fat girl! You could’ve crushed me!”
The other girl, seemingly her friend, quickly helped her up and both glared hard down at me.
“W-What? I-“
“Are you seriously talking to me? Oh my gosh, Sera, let’s go to the locker rooms so I can wash this filth off me.” The other girl nods as they begin to walk off, but a third voice cuts in.
“Let me help you with that.”
Before any of you could react, the rude girl was suddenly soaked with water, emitting a surprised shriek from her once again.
“What the fuck?! What the fuck are you-!” The three of you turned to see a particular tanned male and your eyes widen.
His ignorance towards you made you furrow your eyebrows, his attention kept on the two girls.
“There, all cleaned, now get the hell out of here.”
It was clear the girls were stunned at Aomine’s attitude and overall appearance, but even worse, was his piercing, sharp glare sent to them that sent shivers down their spine, and even you could feel a bit of goosebumps.
“Aomine.. we were just—“
“I don’t really care. Get lost already, it’s a bother to hear your voice.” His glare immediately disappears and he rolls his eyes, turning away with disinterest.
The girls gaped at that and quickly scurried off, you barely noticing her tears from her wet skin.
Once the girls were gone for good, Aomine immediately turns to you, making you startled. His gaze down at you makes you a bit uncomfortable but you continued to stare at him.
“Daiki.. what are you doing-?..”
His stride towards you makes you stop your words and watch him grab your wrist and help you up to your feet.
And then suddenly, he pins you to the wall, hand still gripping your wrist and other placing itself beside your head.
His lazy, unreadable expression is plastered as he leans close. His eyes flick back and forth between yours, as if it’s searching for something.
His peripherals then catch sight of the ripped papers and he snatches them away, pulling away to read the writing.
“H-Hey! Daiki!”
The athlete doesn’t say anything and you can’t reach for it back because he’s so tall.
Aomine silently connects the papers together and reads the full text, and you can’t see his expression since he turns away, but you find his hands clenched tightly into fists, muscles tensed and veins forming as he crushed the papers.
It scares you a little bit to see, so you try to calm him down, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s fine, okay? It doesn’t bother me anymore, so just-“
“Anymore?.. so it has before?” Aomine scoffs. You flinch and sigh. “Maybe, but look, I don’t care about it so let’s drop it, okay?”
Aomine clicks his tongue and turns around to look at you, an irritated yet pained expression taking over. You could actually read it.
“You know... you really are an idiot.”
You pout at that and frown. “The nickname really is unnecessary. You’ve been calling me that since I tripped over my own to feet and spilled my ice cream on myself when we were like, twelve.”
“Because you really were an idiot then! You tripped over nothing.”
“I tripped over some rocks, you jerk!” You scowl, shoving him which caused a small smile to form despite his pained expression seconds prior. His heart still ached knowing you were being bullied like this.
Aomine just shrugs and walks off, making you surprised. “W-Wait, why’d you even come here anyways? You should be at practice.” You began jogging after him.
He stops suddenly, lifting something off his shoulder. It was your jacket and your phone was in his hand, having taken it out from his pocket just now.
“You left it in the gym earlier. I didn’t want you to freak out and forget, and then not text me when you got home safe.”
Your eyes widen at you recall placing it down by the door. “Oh..” you must’ve forgotten when you were ignoring those girls from before. “Thanks..”
You reach up to take it from his hands and think back on his words, tightening your grip on your belongings. Aomine gives a long glance to you before taking your hand.
He holds it up and pressed his palm against yours quietly, you watching silently as he slowly intertwined your fingers and wraps his arm around your body. The action was enough to cause your cheeks to warm but you didn’t protest.
Pulling you close, he tightens his embrace, afraid to let go. “Hey, I..” he pauses for a moment, leaning down more so he was by your ear.
He thought for a few seconds before deciding to change his mind. Aomine shuts his eyes and relaxed himself.
“Nevermind.. just get home safe.. and promise to tell me if something like this happens again. Okay?”
His voice is a whisper, and you can’t see his face but you can hear his weak tone.
“I will.. I promise.”
You slowly pull away and held out your pinky again, smiling softly when he connects his with yours and kissed his thumb.
You thought about confessing to him. Now is the perfect time, isn’t it?.. but, the small fraction of you that’s scared, overpowers your confidence and you just smile at your friend.
“I’ll text you when I get home. Thanks again, and give this to Satsuki when you get back.” Handing the printed sheets to him, you take a step back and wave, slowly turning.
“See you tomorrow, Daiki.”
“..Yeah.. See you.”
You both turn away from each other in the hall, both wearing a somewhat pained expression for similar reasons and shared the same thoughts.
‘Maybe one day... one day I’ll confess to him/her..’
A/N : this is all over the place and not really meshing well together but look, I’m tired. I literally got the vaccine recently and I’m so freaking sore.
Also, is it normal to have chills? The next day, I was FREEZING all day.
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For once, I actually kinda liked how the groovied image turned out, so I included it above the cut ( ´ ▽ ` ) Birthday interview (and groovy image w/o text) is under the read more if anyone was interested tho!
Part 1
Yuu: Happy birthday, Majid!
Majid: ...
Yuu: ??? Majid???
Majid: Oh, so you were talking to me.
Yuu: Who else could I have been talking to? You’re the only Majid here. And it IS your birthday today, right?
Majid: ...What day is it today?
Yuu: May 12.
Majid: Aaa... yes, that’s what I wrote on my school application form.
Yuu: Why do I get the strange feeling you wrote down some random day for your birthdate...
Majid: No, that is my actual birthday. Or at least, that’s what the people at that place told me.
Yuu: That place... What could you possibly be referring to?
Majid: An ordinary place. A lot like any other marking on a map.
Yuu: That’s awfully vague.
Majid: It’s not important for you to know.
Yuu: Ah, whatever... We’re getting side tracked from the very beginning... So! Shall we start with the birthday interview, Majid?!
Majid: Tch. It seems unnecessary, though... Can’t I just skip it-
Yuu: Question one!
Majid: You’re starting anyway?!
Part 2
Yuu: How’s your birthday celebrations going so far? Received any fun gifts yet?
Majid: Well... I don’t know about fun, but some people brought me a bag of snacks earlier in the day. And dorm leader Kalim gave me one of the textiles his family had in a limited collection. Just a fancy blanket with the famed Cave of Wonders stitched in stars.He says it was handmade, but he’s gotta be lying... who could possibly have the time...
Yuu: So, you were given gifts, but you still didn’t remember that it was your birthday? Not even a simple “happy birthday!!” tipped it off?
Majid: Must’ve not heard them. I just thought they were all being weirdly generous today. And I like getting free stuff.
Yuu: Fair enough. Did you receive presents from anyone else?
Majid: A couple of my dorm members gave me bangles and other jewelry. One gave me a jewelry repair kit.
Yuu: Oh, seems like you’re interested in that kind of stuff. You’re always wearing those flashy accessories after all.
Majid: I don’t mind it... But I didn’t want to try the earrings on no matter how much they begged me to...
Yuu: ? Is there something wrong with what they gave you?
Majid: I’m just attached to this one earring. It holds a kind of... nostalgia... I guess...
Yuu: Nostalgia huh... Ah, right, what about Jamil? Did he get you anything?
Majid: Tch... It’s something stupid I’m sure. I saw him carrying a weirdly wrapped present. “You cannot, absolutely CANNOT open this before this evening,” he said. He’s as strict as ever. I almost got a hint from the dorm leader, but Senior Jamil slapped his hand over his mouth. Maybe it’s cleaning supplies or something...
Part 3
Yuu: Have you always celebrated your birthdays like this?
Majid: In school?
Yuu: No, I mean, with this many people around you! And with so much going on for your celebration!
Majid: I don’t see the point in birthdays. Can’t you buy yourself little gifts throughout the year and have the same effect? There’s no reason to push it all onto one day like this.
Yuu: Aaa, but it’s not just about gifts! It’s also about spending time with your family and friends! Didn’t you... celebrate birthdays with your... why are you glaring at me like that?
Majid: ...This was stupid after all. I’m going back to my room.
Yuu: Wait, wait, wait!!! I’m sorry; I won’t pry anymore about that!!!
Majid: Good.
Yuu: But I am curious on how you spent your birthdays before this...
Majid: So you’re still going on about that... I don’t usually celebrate my birthday in the first place, so there’s nothing more to say. If I was in a good mood I’d spend a bunch of money on expensive stuff or add another cool lava lamp to my collection, but that’s it.
Yuu: Certainly you celebrated your birthday as a little kid though, right?
Majid: That’s... Well...
Yuu: ?
Majid: Sometimes the people at that place would bring us to the local bakeries to get some sweets... Sugar cookies, all kinds of baklava, kanafeh... They would let us pick out whatever we wanted during our birthday month, maybe even give us little gifts if they managed to raise enough money at that time.
Yuu: What was your favorite sweet?
Majid: I didn’t care for fancy cakes and stuff, so... luqaimats were fine with me.
Some of the Muslim aunties at that place would always cook those during Ramadan and give them out to everyone there as an evening dessert. It was an easy-to-get street food too.
Yuu: You seem to have fond memories of this place, but what exactly is it?
Majid: ...It doesn’t matter. I left it pretty quickly, so I don’t even remember that much anymore. It was suffocating to begin with. Don’t ask pointless questions.
Yuu: ! I’m- I’m sorry.
Majid: No... No, never mind. Just forget I said anything. I have to go back now anyway. ...Aren’t you coming along?
Yuu: Oh? I’m invited to your birthday party?!
Majid: Not just that, it seems like there’s gonna be a separate kind of feast tonight. A lot of my dorm members have been looking forward to it for a while now. And dorm leader Kalim said to invite everyone and anyone I knew...
Yuu: So, I’m your plus one? Haha, I appreciate it, Majid.
Majid: Don’t phrase it that way. Company’s the last thing I need anyway.
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#twisted wonderland oc#twst oc#twst ocs#twisted wonderland ocs#Majid#Kalim#Jamil#art#my art#my post#birthday#writing#my writing#twisted wonderland mc#i felt like majid wouldnt be the type to celebrate his birthday in the 1st place#like no one really made it feel that special to him so he didnt see the need to continue celebrating it?? idk#those at the orphanage didnt treat any of them badly btw#but it was hard caring for so many kids at once when youre both 1) understaffed and 2) underfunded#majid has some good memories of the orphanage but also hated having to constrain himself to a set schedule and constant surveillance#so he escaped so many times that they eventually gave up on keeping him there (._.) i mentioned this before lol but its been a while#he never refers to it directly unless he’s prompted to#since some people used to give him dirty/pitiful looks whenever he mentioned it#hes never hated living there tho#also the reason kalim is so happy over the present jamil gave to majid is mostly b/c like#oh!! these two are finally getting along (⌒▽⌒) glorious day!!!#and majid may have been shocked to the point of accidentally calling jamil ‘viper senpai’ as he wants to be called#before immediately turning the other way and going back to using his first name lol#also it was vague but the ‘feast’ majid was referring to was the start of eid al-fitr#majid doesnt follow any particular religion himself but since this was the scarabia dorm i figured a good amount of them might be muslim so#so happy eid to anyone who celebrates it!! (*'▽'*) eid mubarak!!
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kryptored · 4 years
When he is latibule
Almost forgot to post this here. Oops.
Chapter 2
She dreams of Luka again the next night. And another night. And another night. And another night. And another night.
Something as recurrent as this should scare her. But instead, all Marinette feels and thinks is that it’s not so bad to have dreams of Luka smiling at her.
When she sees the stretch of his lips, the slight flush of pink across his cheeks when he looks straight into her eyes, the stray strands of baby hair tickling the top of his forehead, the way his lashes flutter as he blinks, how his nose twitches just so…
The images she has seen in her dream calls to her like a memory, and just looking back at them makes her heart beat a little faster, even if she hasn’t done any running. It makes her face flush a little, even if she’s not too hot under her warm blanket. It makes her eyes water a little, even if she’s not feeling sad. It makes her smile more than a little, even if it’s just a dream about him. It makes her hands tremble a little, even if she’s not scared at all.
She doesn’t remember all the other details, except for his face; except for him smiling at her. she doesn’t mind it, though, because dreams are supposed to make you feel good, and her dreams of Luka are definitely the good ones.
It’s another day of living a not so normal life, and classes have just ended. For the most part, Marinette tries to avoid seeing Kagami and Adrien together, because it still hurts. She’s still not ready to act unbothered while insisting she’s happy for them. Instead, she spends her free time staying close to Alya and Nino as they talk on the way out, while Adrien hurriedly leaves for his fencing class.
For some unknown reason, she can’t help but look around for something, or for someone. Alya and Nino, who are too engrossed in their discussion on how to spend their time together while babysitting their younger siblings, fail to realize that Marinette has strayed away a little from them.
She looks around from the top of the stairs for something; for someone. Her grip tightens against her bag straps as her head turns from side to side. From the safety of her purse, Tikki peeks up at her holder, who’s currently standing on the balls of her feet. The kwami has an idea on what’s going on, but refuses to say anything on the matter. Instead, she chooses to look around for herself from her perch.
Marinette finally spots him before Tikki does (not that she knows her kwami was looking, as well). She settles her heel back down on the ground and does her best to resist waving her arm up in the air to catch his attention. But as soon as she bites her lower lip and raises her arm a little, she realizes that there’s no need when Luka eventually spots her, smiles, waves at her (and she waves back, albeit shyly), and climbs up the flight of stairs to meet her.
Tikki stifles a giggle as she witnesses their awkward interaction, before hiding back inside the purse. This time, Marinette braves the decision to start the conversation.
“Are you here for Juleka?”
Even though it should be the most obvious answer, considering she’s in the same class and friends with his sister, Marinette can’t help but deflate a little at the disappointment; that he’s not actually here for her.
“On another day, I would be.” He takes hold of her lunch bag, and she’s too surprised to even resist, “I’m actually here for you today.”
Or perhaps not.
This time, Alya and Nino notice Luka’s presence and decides to join in on their conversation. Marinette doesn’t hear anything they say, as her mind goes blank and can only focus on the weight of Luka’s arm around her shoulders while he’s talking with Alya and Nino. It takes them a few minutes before the couple realize that Marinette is in good hands, and they leave her with Luka as they go on their way.
Luka and Marinette, on the other hand, remain on the top of the stairs as other students continue filing out of the building. He still has his arm around her shoulders, and he doesn’t seem on dropping them anytime soon. She doesn’t mind the contact and tries really hard to not lean too much into him and bask in his warmth.
“You good, Marinette?”
“Uhuh.” She looks up at him and can’t help but love how the bright afternoon sun’s shining down on his face, making him absolutely golden. Absolutely gorgeous. Absolutely mesmerizing. “What about Juleka?”
“I got her text, saying she’s going somewhere with Rose.” He leads her down the steps, “And even if she wasn’t, I’d still come and pick you up because I want to.”
She gives in and finally leans onto him, and he squeezes her shoulder as if he’s keeping her from moving away.
“No problem.”
They are warm and content and alright for the moment.
They spend the rest of the day in her room, and thankfully, no akuma has the decency (or the audacity) to disturb their peace. At the moment, Marinette has finally left behind the homework she’s finished, in exchange for a new design project.
To her joy, Luka doesn’t mind staying for this part. He tries his best with giving feedback on her progress, pointing out what colour looks nice or if something is missing. He sits cross-legged on the chaise, his shoes already discarded on the floor. He has a hand resting on his chin, his thumb and fore finger rubbing against its sides as he tilts his head from side to side, humming as he does so.
“So… what do you think?”
“I think… it looks great!” He crosses his arms, smiling wide and his eyes bright, looking directly at her.
“You sure?”
“Do you trust me?”
“O-of course, I do! I-it’s just… I’m having second thoughts about it.” She takes a seat beside him, releasing a deep sigh that has him putting an arm around her shoulders (again, but she still doesn’t mind the contact).
“Well, just make sure you take some breaks every now and then. Don’t overwork yourself like you keep doing – ,” he pinches her cheek when she pouts at his statement, “ – and just let your ideas flow. Once you have everything out of your system, then you can start cutting out – ” she pouts even more, even with him still pinching her, “ – all the things that don’t work or you don’t need.”
He cups both of her cheeks and she tries so hard not to blush so much but ends up with very pink and stinging cheeks. “You got that, baby girl?”
She blinks in surprise at his question, and Luka uses her reaction as an opportunity to brush his thumbs against her cheeks. Normally, Marinette would blush at this sort intimacy form Luka, but her mind is too distracted to allow her to feel embarrassed.
“W…what did you just call me?”
He chuckles at her words and leans closer.
“Did I lose you there, baby girl?” He’s not so subtle at trying to keep the laughter in, considering how much his smile is straining against his cheeks and his hands tremble a little against her skin.
“Baby…girl? Wha – ”
“If you don’t like it, just tell me. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable, so – ”
“I-it’s okay. I kinda…like it.” She doesn’t shake off his hold on her face, but her eyes fall to the ground. She bites her lip, and he can’t help but think that she’s just adorable.
“Alright, baby girl.” He watches how the colour red paints her cheeks beautifully. “But I’ll only call you that when we’re alone or you feel comfortable enough to be called it.”
“That sounds nice.” Her eyes find his again, but this time she relishes how light she feels when she loses herself in their colour. She loses herself like a balloon freely floating, and she doesn’t mind the drift so long as it’s with him.
Standing in her room, his hands holding onto her face like glass, and looking into her softly makes her feel warm and content and alright for the moment.
Luka goes home at some point, but they spend the rest of the night draining their phones’ batteries talking to each other until they fall asleep. This happens the next night, and the night after that, and the night after that, and the night after that. It becomes something regular on most nights, and Marinette regrets those few ones when akumas make their appearance, disrupting the routine she has with Luka. And in the mornings after those awful nights, she makes sure to text him a greeting and apology, and he never fails to say that it’s fine; that it’s all okay and he understands.
And on those nights that she feels joy with a sprinkle of excitement before, during, and after their calls, she knows she must be smiling even before she starts dreaming of Luka again. Every time he offers his hand, she takes hold of it. She makes sure to hold onto him tightly (though it’s unclear whether she actually does or not while dreaming) as he pulls her away to wherever and somewhere. She tries to count every callous she feels on his hand, and it makes everything feel so real. She watches how his hair bounces on every step or leap they take. She notices the lack of stiffness around his shoulders, and somehow, she’s proud that she’s someone he can be relaxed and vulnerable with. She splays out her other arm to feel the air around them, and she’s quite sure she feels something soft. She takes a whiff of her surroundings, and she’s quite sure it’s Luka who she smells like a breath of fresh air.
She has another one of those dreams with Luka, where she takes his hand and runs away to wherever and somewhere, and Marinette sits up to remember himher dream.
She looks at Tikki, who she finds is sleeping peacefully, and closes her eyes to relish whatever new moment they must’ve done in the dream. She clenches her hand against her soft blanket and imagines that she’s back to holding his hand. She breathes in and imagines she can still smell his shampoo. She listens to the sound of a silent and sleeping Paris and imagines that she can still hear him talk to her. she tilts her head from side to side and imagines that she’s back to that floaty feeling she gets whenever they’re close to each other.
Something warm grows in her chest; in her heart and it feels exciting. It grows and grows like a flower under sunlight and water and care.
Marinette opens her eyes, and they are wide in part fear and part confusion. She puts a hand to her chest to feel the fast beating of her heart, and her face warms up even when her hands are now cold and clammy.
This must be love, but not the same way how it used to be or still lingers with Adrien. And for some reason, she likes the feeling of it. She really, really likes this feeling, which is something she hasn’t felt in a while, even with Adrien. Her face feels warmer than ever and she’s probably on the verge of crying, so much so that not even the bite on her lip doesn’t stop her from smiling so wide and –
‘He’ll just get tired of waiting for you. He’ll just get tired of you.’
Something awful grows in her chest; in her heart and it aches. It wilts and wilts like a flower without the sunlight and water and care.
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kaheyama · 4 years
help me study please (1,002)
A day before their mid-semester exam, Todoroki texts Bakugou for help.
PAIRING: Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto
RATING: teen and up audiences
TAGS: modern setting; no quirks; university; text fic; banter; fluff; references/implied stuff about our current situation ie. staying at home & online learning
for todobakumonth2020: day 24 - [studying; 𝖼̶𝗈̶𝗅̶𝗅̶𝖾̶𝗀̶𝖾̶ university au]
read on AO3 or under the cut or images on twitter
You (7:01 PM)⠀You know the test we have?
NUMBER ONE (7:04 PM)⠀u mean our mid sem exam??
You (7:04 PM)⠀Yes that one. (7:04 PM)⠀Have you studied for it?
NUMBER ONE (7:04 PM)⠀WHAT DO U MEAN HAVE I STUDIED (7:04 PM)⠀ITS TMRW (7:04 PM)⠀dont tell me.. (7:04 PM)⠀have u not studied? (7:08 PM)⠀i can see that uve read my texts dumbass
You (7:10 PM)⠀I was hoping you could help me study.
NUMBER ONE (7:10 PM)⠀todo… babe… (7:10 PM)⠀we could just call and do it at the same time tomorrow lol
You (7:10 PM)⠀Isn’t that cheating?
NUMBER ONE (7:10 PM)⠀.. weve been comparing our ans before submitting assignments and other shit (7:10 PM)⠀but i was joking anyway (7:11 PM)⠀ure on ur own (7:11 PM)⠀serves u right for not studying (7:11 PM)⠀:p
You (7:11 PM)⠀I did study! (7:11 PM)⠀Mostly… (7:11 PM)⠀I just (7:12 PM)⠀Wanted to talk to you more. (7:12 PM)⠀I know you’ve been busy with stuff for your other degree. (7:12 PM)⠀But I just miss you. (7:13 PM)⠀I guess.
NUMBER ONE (7:13 PM)⠀YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (7:13 PM)⠀cant say that shit !!!! (7:13 PM)⠀not when im busy and cant see u and cant kiss u (7:13 PM)⠀bastard (7:13 PM)⠀im adding this to the tally btw (7:14 PM)⠀‘+1 kiss after all this is over. reason: stupid todoroki made u blush’
You (7:14 PM)⠀:) (7:14 PM)⠀:D (7:14 PM)⠀♡✧( ु•⌄• ) (7:14 PM)⠀(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
NUMBER ONE (7:15 PM)⠀alright we get it u cute (7:15 PM)⠀at this point u just want to up the number dont u
You (7:15 PM)⠀+1 hug after this is over. Reason: I miss Bakugou. (7:15 PM)⠀+1 kiss. Reason: I miss Bakugou. (7:15 PM)⠀+1 kiss. Reason: I want to kiss Bakugou. (7:15 PM)⠀+1 kiss (7:15 PM)⠀+1 kiss
NUMER ONE (7:16 PM)⠀okay oKAY (7:16 PM)⠀u dont have to keep going
You (7:16 PM)⠀Please add to list.
NUMBER ONE (7:16 PM)⠀u cant see me but just know im rolling my eyes (7:19 PM)⠀Attachment: 1 Image
+1 zaru soba. reason: when todo said ‘get what u want’ u thought he meant get what u want but clearly he wanted soba like he always does and then he got upset and pouty when he didnt get soba
+1 date of Bakugou’s choice. Reason: I have to study for my elective and Bakugou says eating lunch together at uni doesn’t count as a date.
+1 knitted scarf. reason: todoroki said he was going to pick up knitting during quarantine and ure holding him to it
+1 meal from Bakugou. Reason: I miss his food.
+1 kiss after all this is over. reason: stupid todoroki made u blush
+1 hug after this is over. Reason: I miss Bakugou.
+1 kiss. Reason: I miss Bakugou.
+1 kiss. Reason: I want to kiss Bakugou.
+1 kiss
+1 kiss
+as many kisses todoroki wants and more. reason: u miss the idiot too
(7:19 PM)⠀so ure actually good to go on the exam?
You (7:19 PM)⠀Yes. I’m not actually stupid, you know.
NUMBER ONE (7:19 PM)⠀yes yes i know (7:19 PM)⠀u know u could just straight up tell me u wanna talk (7:19 PM)⠀id make time for u
You (7:19 PM)⠀Thanks. (7:20 PM)⠀I hate these online things.
NUMBER ONE (7:20 PM)⠀r u doing the prac online thing rn lol (7:20 PM)⠀also u werent saying that a week ago when the quiz let u change ur answers and u got 100%
You (7:21 PM)⠀But it just feels different when it’s on paper.
NUMBER ONE (7:21 PM)⠀yes it isnt lost on me that ure a grandpa w technology
You (7:21 PM)⠀I just want to see you again.
NUMBER ONE (7:21 PM)⠀.. (7:21 PM)⠀i know. soon (7:21 PM)⠀plus after this we can vid call more often (7:22 PM)⠀actually wait tf why didnt i think of this we could just call anyway (7:22 PM)⠀study dates over video (7:22 PM)⠀we do our own things but we can still see each other and ask stuff and talk
You (7:26 PM)⠀We did try that, remember? (7:26 PM)⠀But then seeing your face and hearing your voice made me miss you more and I couldn’t concentrate on my work.
NUMBER ONE (7:29 PM)⠀oh right (7:29 PM)⠀and i kept seeing u pout out the corner of my eye and it was distracting (7:29 PM)⠀yeah okay scratch that (7:29 PM)⠀but itll make our reunion even better u know (7:29 PM)⠀i want it to be grandiose (7:30 PM)⠀in the middle of the train platform (7:30 PM)⠀we spot each other from opposite ends (7:30 PM)⠀run towards each other through all the people and crash in the middle (7:30 PM)⠀and u can lift me up and turn us around (7:30 PM)⠀maybe i should get someone to capture the moment lmao (7:31 PM)⠀todoroki? (7:32 PM)⠀hello?
You (7:32 PM)⠀Attachment: 1 Image (7:32 PM)⠀Can you help me with this one please
NUMBER ONE (7:32 PM)⠀ARE U SRS (7:32 PM)⠀IM OVER HERE (7:32 PM)⠀WAXING POETIC (7:32 PM)⠀CREATING A MOVIE SCENE (7:32 PM)⠀AND U JUST (7:33 PM)⠀ill call u itll make it easier
  NUMBER ONE would like to video call…
  Decline [ X ]⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀Accept [ O ]
2 notes · View notes
ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 4 - The Confession  (3)
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Investigation 1 / 2
Trial: 1 / 2
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Wait, so she really did meet up with him before the virtual world then? I imagine it was before she gathered everyone, but after that flashback light that caused her to panic the way she did - so in the last few days? And it would have to be before he met Monokuma too... so not yesterday (as I’m imagining this taking place midmorning after they went to the VR world) but the day before that?
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I can only imagine what threw him off as she was speaking. He has an excellent poker face though, so I’m not surprised she didn’t realize he was onto her.
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It says a lot about Kokichi that he could stay calm in the fact of that, but also it’s... a bit sad that he didn’t think he could approach anyone for help...
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... Then again, countering a murder plan with a murder plan is, uh, very Supreme Leader-ish! And one that doesn’t get your own hands dirty...
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I guess you are really confessing everything, because I don’t know why you would feel the need to add that damning evidence on top of all the other stuff???
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By making it more interesting, did he just mean getting everyone into the simulator full well knowing Miu’s plans, or literally telling Monokuma, ‘I am going to counter Miu’s murder plan with my own’?!?!
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It sounds like Kokichi’s idea wasn’t to put the motive in the simulator, after all! Monokuma is straight-up saying it was his!
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But does it matter at this point if we didn’t find it??? I swear, between the Necronomicon, the First Blood Perk and this, we seriously not using any of the motives!
So they argue a bit with Monokuma about him working together with a student but he handwaves it away with the whole, well, ~I wasn’t involved with the actual murder myself~ which, okay, fine though technically isn’t he working with the mastermind. It’s kinda distracting from the confession at hand anyway.
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  It’s a bit scary how badly you want to confess though.
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“Anything that lets me actually put you in the ground.”
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That’s a lukewarm revenge -
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j us t
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shuichi also reacted with probably one of the cutest ‘eh’ sounds I have every heard out of his mouth but unfortunately this is all visual based, not sound based, so I cannot include it here, and also that is entirely beside the point
Holy shit, Kokichi. Holy - shit - DID YOU... STRAIGHT UP... JUST..... DROP GONTA’S NAME...
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AN ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE REACTION TO FINDING OUT YOU MURDERED SOMEONE VIA ALTER EGO AND DON’T REMEMBER IT once again, a masterstroke by Kokichi, Mr. ‘I reference YGO Duel Monsters without even trying’
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Yeah, I’m not surprised to see Tsumugi chiming in here. She has been Gonta’s biggest defender from trial to trial, even if her voice isn’t as loud as Kaito’s. 8(
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And my god, if Kaito’s voice ain’t loud right now!
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“- ANYWAY I was totally confessing guys, and on behalf of Gonta as well as myself! I can’t believe you would just interrupt me when I’m being so charitable! Waaaah, you’re all so meeeean ~ !” insert crocodile tears sprite here
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I am here to interrupt this incredibly serious and terrifying confession with accompanying illustration to ask - why ‘Busters’?! What kind of dumb name is that, honestly.
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Between this and your ‘if everyone dies, the game will end!’ comment, you’re really scaring me right now, Kokichi - !
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Gonta is not about this at all.
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Man, I’ve been making the D: face over and over again during this trial - meanwhile, Gonta right now is the living embodiment of that text emoji right now.
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Oh.... oh, of course. Kokichi doesn’t know about the avatar error either, does he? He’s been operating under the assumption that Gonta has been... lying to us this whole time............ That he’s been a perfect liar, without a single crack in his veneer, even to a keen liar-spotting master like Kokichi, and that he’s been just as good at tricking us as him - even better, possibly. 
Oh, no. Oh, no.
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Gonta’s strongest, most stalwart supporter of the whole game is back in the game!
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Between all the back and forth, including a bit of gloating at Shuichi on Kokichi’s part, he drops this:
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And here, to counter all of the ‘Gonta is too ~dumb~ to do something like this’ comments, he already has a ready-made argument. He really has been set from the beginning, huh? Either that or his improv ability is topnot - oh wait this is Kokichi Ouma we’re talking about, of course it is. Anyway, while I think Kokichi set Gonta up to do this, I feel like I’m at least affording Gonta a bit more agency than his classmates. 8′/
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d-don’t.... neglect the heart...... nngh
erika furudo is being channelled by kokichi ouma to wreak havoc on this killing game, this truly is the worst timeline
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and everyone else seems to be in the same state I am, minus the whole ‘I’m 99% sure it was Gonta’ mindset I had going in, so Kokichi asks them the obvious question:
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Aaaah, I thought so. Kaito has been pushed far enough that he won’t accept anything other than Kokichi being the culprit. :(
Kokichi’s about to drop a massive truth bomb in the trial and Kaito is not going to like it.
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I just really wanted to isolate this one shot from the debate especially because damn, just - the way they set it up for him and his sprite to dominate the whole screen by just - towering over everyone despite everyone being against him, despite everyone accusing him, is just some great work by the layout team!
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Also the fact that they can contrast that with this image with all the flowers and sunshine around him, with that cute little smile on his face... man, I keep praising what they did with the trial debates for a reason!
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And once again, it’s Kaito argument that Shuichi is forced to cut down...
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All the pieces except for two - Gonta’s motive/reason he would work with Kokichi (because I thought it was maybe spur of the moment move on his part to protect Kokichi, but Kokichi is heavily implying it isn’t, and the fact that it was done via prepared item is.... a problem) and Gonta’s memory problems - are officially out in the open. Oooh geez - I had been wondering how they would do this case since to me, it didn’t seem technically difficult to figure out, but I guess the writers’ solution to that issue is to just gut-punch the players all the way to the end. 8′D
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And now Kaito’s being countered by his other sidekick. Can we stop kicking this poor puppy while he’s down??? As in, the poor puppy who is probably dying a slow death from a mysterious illness right now??? Is this the game’s idea of karmic rebalancing for not outright deathflagging him again this chapter, or???
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Because you’ve been baiting him this entire time.
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So... was he going to let them fall for the lie of ‘Kokichi Ouma is the culprit who killed Miu’? That’s what I’m wondering right now. He’s very happily driving in the point that the one, singular truth can be incredibly painful, but this still seems very much to be a reaction to all the events of the trial leading up to this point!
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Having Gonta beside Kaede’s stand, the other person who we thought, ‘No, it couldn’t be, it couldn’t possibly be....’ was probably planned from the very beginning for this trial, I imagine.
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But of course, while the classmates are rallying around Gonta and Kaito...
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Showing growth at the most unfortunate times, Shuichi Saihara uses his budding confidence to grow up up up and away from Kaito. 8′\
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Look at him, inserting himself in between the two like this -
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Kaito directly after the trial but actually no please let the saimota stay strong you must overcome....
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On the one hand I feel like Kokichi is being heavy-handed - on the other, I’m starting to think that he feels the need to over-explain everything to his classmates because they just won’t get it otherwise. 8′D
I don’t feel like this is 100% fair though - he did a really great job with finding the door in Chapter 1! He, uh, did completely lose his mojo though, so...
Well, the point is, Kaito did need to teach him how to trust in other people because Kaede broke it by lying to him! Shuichi has been a naturally suspicious worrywart this whole time!
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Oh shit, this was a surprise bit of support that I wasn’t expecting! How shocked do you think Kokichi is right now that K1-b0 of all people is not completely disbelieving him, on a scale of 1-10??
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If I make a comment about how computer-like this is would I get slammed for being robophobic or -
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I mean Kaito’s technically not wrong? But he’s not completely right either... I, I really think Kokichi is trying to kill two birds with one stone here. 8′/ But to what end, is the real question... Disillusionment? Is that the ultimate goal?
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unholy screeching -
Kaito sounds so betrayed -
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“Hold on Monokuma, I thought this was only supposed to happen in the event of an even split -”
“Shut the fuck up Shuichi Is2g I’ll crazy glue your hat back on!”
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THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY UNLIKELY TEAM and also a popular OT3, I imagine with an incredibly complicated name. like. how do you combine saiouma and, uh... kiibouma I’m guessing - saikiibouma maybe???
also K1-b0 please don’t wave your Objection! finger in Gonta’s face like that, it is neither the time nor place and also incredibly rude and not helping -
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I absolutely love (and by love I mean my heart is being wrenched In Twain) the way they have Shuichi facing in one direction, and Kaito fully, completely turned the other way.
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Once again Shuichi is learning how to defend himself, and is finally willing to do it. I... just wish it would be under better circumstances...
Actually, out of pure luck, it lines up really well with Kaito’s last FTE and the option I chose where Shuichi bites back about his detective work. It’s funny how in the end, his natural reaction is still to search for the truth at all costs, and I like reading him as someone who is naturally curious as well as singularly focused that way, sometimes to the detriment of everything else - and come hell, high water or, regrettably, casualties. And he’ll certainly have those regrets, and fret on them endlessly as he loses himself in a spiralling circle of self-doubt, but would he be able to stop himself from following that path down to the bitter end? No... no, I don’t think so.
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Should I include every cap of Gonta pleading with everyone that he isn’t the culprit? No, it’s redundant. Will I anyway because he’s tearing my heart to pieces? Yes. Yes I will.
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asldkf;asdf the worst thing is he isn’t. He isn’t lying. He paradoxically is the killer and not lying about it, because not being the killer is his current truth AS HE KNOWS IT...
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Y-You sound like you’re talking from personal experience, and outside of the last few trials, too! Which side of this ‘cornering’ were you on exactly...????
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Oh!!! We haven’t seen this sprite in a long time!
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Is it just me or is Kokichi acting extremely viciously right now? Like, his vitriol levels are off the charts. Honestly I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt this part with commentary because the way Kokichi is going off, just absolutely screaming at him, is a huge departure from the cool and collected Ouma we’ve had up to this point!
Did they... prepare arguments beforehand, maybe? And he’s losing it because Gonta isn’t playing along with the plan he said up? With that said, when Gonta turned on Kokichi in the Meet-n-Greet, Kokichi wasn’t anything like this. So what’s his deal???
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Kokichi Ouma will not rest until he has flipped every single aspect of this trial and the trial format as it’s been up to this point on its head, and subsequently, used it to attack everyone around him. 
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Holy shit, Kokichi has well and truly lost it. This - this has to be real. It’s far too raw for it not to be real.
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Ugh, the way Kaito’s voice cracks when he jumps in here...
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I... feel like, despite flickerings of his ‘playful’ persona, this may be the longest he’s ever gone showing his genuine feelings - and man, they aren’t pretty. I mean, that’s assuming this anger is genuine... but I really, really feel like it is.
Just like another character I love who also uses lies and fantasy as weapons, I feel like going over this section again with new eyes will be extremely telling.
Still, that means he really, really wants to live. And the ‘we’ there is interesting. Who is the ‘we’? Is he speaking for a select few, including Shuichi? For the whole class? Someone not here, in a similar vein to Kirumi?
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you know Kokichi for someone who wants to live, maybe screaming at someone whose good friend is an assassin is a bad idea
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You know everyone fighting over him is eating Gonta from the inside out.
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Ah, fuck, I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop and I think this is when it’s going to happen.
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I’m like 99% sure Kokichi’s on Tsumugi’s hit list for next chapter. 8′D 
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Oooh, speaking of growth - !
You know, I keep saying this and I don’t know if I’m alone in thinking this or not but Shuichi has been consistently weak in all things social and emotional, detection-wise and otherwise. But now, here, we finally have Shuichi picking up on the true source of Gonta’s confusion on his own, his language, and how it could be relevant to the case on his own without anyone else giving him any clues or hints!
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The one who has consistently stood up for Gonta in every trial, Kaito, the one who wants to believe in everyone, and Gonta himself... aaaaah, no, no no..... 8′/
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ALSO... oh, that’s right. Gonta lifted up the manhole cover at the beginning of the game with his lefthand, didn’t he? SHIT....
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His sprites and tones of voice are oscillating so wildly now and it’s really hard for me to keep up??? I’m getting whiplash asdlfkj
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THAT. THAT IS THE ONE PART THAT I AM WAITING FOR. I thought it was in defense of Kokichi because that is the only way I can feasibly see him killing someone and still be, well, the Gonta Gokuhara who wants to protect everyone, but there is too much of this murder that seems premeditated!!!
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So we’ve established this in previous games via Celes’ and Peko’s trials, but it’s worth going over again - especially since these guys have no knowledge of either of those games -
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Yeah... we’re really going to need a motive from Kokichi. Could it be as simple as countering Miu’s plan? I suppose taking her out as an obvious threat makes sense, and he’s already established that he wants to live ... There’s also the question of if it can really be something like, ‘he also wanted to use this as a way to create a fun mystery.’ I really hope not. 8′\ I suppose something like, ‘I’m taking opportunity of the fact that I’m getting rid of a threat on my life to also drive home certain points to the rest of my classmates, and also as revenge for the events of the last few days’ would be more of an acceptable answer to me, given what I’ve seen of him so far. With that said, that... is not a great way to survive, considering the target being painted in broader strokes on your back each passing minute...
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Jeez, maybe he really does see the rest of them as chess pieces... and Shuichi as a knight that can move in abstract, highly unpredictable ways. 8/ Either that or he’s thinking he can keep tightlipped on the motive since Gonta no longer knows it?
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Looks directly at Shuichi - winks - blows kiss - “Hey you know what would be a great first date idea? Setting up a tragic murder via patsy that will rock your worldview, potentially break you apart from one of your only friends in this wretched place and ultimately send everyone spiralling into despair.”
“W-Where did you learn how to pick up people?”
“Oh, some book I found in the library called ‘Enoshima’s Guide to Love for the Hopelessly Loveless’, why?”
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Sadly, Kaito is all bluster at this point... oTL
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I have a feeling this is going to end up looking a lot like my reasoning...
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He goes down the list so clinically. It’s one thing for me, an outsider, to be able to do that (and just barely, because I was SAD about the conclusion I came to, damn it), but for someone in the game to be able to do it... yikes....
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“There is no amount of incest roleplay fantasy dreams that’ll make up for the shitshow that is today.”
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“He’s making me be the one to say it, isn’t he. Sonuvabitch.”
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well fuck you too
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He’s straight-up challenging Shuichi to be the one to pull the trigger (absolutely pun intended).
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“If I just choose myself THIS HELL WILL BE OVER.”
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“Bro I will fucking deck you.”
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What if I just
the game off
right now
just let this game board sit open, here, for all of eternity
that would be okay right
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ariesnicolo · 3 years
sorry im answering late!!! but here’s a joenicky (and andyquynh side plot) i have been thinking of, and it might be top 3 ideas i have floating around my head for fics. it got long so most of its under a read more.
ok so another idea i have is like. a joenicky get BACK together slow burn relearning each other type of thing w an andyquynh meeting/getting together through joe & nicky plot as well (andy as friends w joe and quynh as friends w nicky). i want to start this one with nicky+quynh running errands together and they run into joe+andy wherever they are and nicky and joe stop dead and just stare at each other and they’re both freaking out bc “it’s YOU i haven’t seen you in forever im maybe definitely still in love with you”. and andy and quynh are both just like “...what is happening with my friends. also hi you’re hot”. so we get that and then joe and nicky both explain their POVs of why they broke up to andy and quynh, and then it progresses w them getting to know each other again as people and friends bc andy and quynh start dating (and the tension and awkwardness that comes with that), and then there’s like the flashback thing where we learn the whole picture of why they broke up and what went down. then of course the resolution where joe and nicky have both grown and learned the other again and they get back together. (detailed outline and ideas under read more!)
the outline is:
- joe and nicky met while they were working in the same building (diff like departments though) and they like kept running into each other in the elevator and someone would hold the door for the other while they were running late and someone saw someone else working super late to meet a deadline and stayed w them until they left so they weren’t alone and telling each other their office gossip. u know the vibes
- and then they start dating and it’s going great and they’re very happy and they move in together and they meet each other’s family and they go on vacations together and they meet each other’s friends. and they’re together for a WHILE, like a long time. i’ve been thinking somewhere in the 6-8 year range but not married, engagement has maybe been brought up once or twice but it’s nbd to them bc they’re happy as things are and they’re good w what they are to each other.
- THEN something happens where joe&nicky have to break up. i haven’t decided if i want to do something that’s out of their control (moving super far for a job while the other has a really good opportunity where they are, an emergency of some kind that takes them away and they don’t know when they’re coming back- something like that) OR if i wanna go down the route of someone messing up somehow and the other breaks up w them. (ngl i do have an idea for this one but it’s VERY heavy and im not sure if im gonna follow through but. i was thinking about it one day and i did write it out w/o writing anything else about the fic and it made me tear up a little so ya know. i have ideas but we’ll see)
- but anyways there is a joenicky breakup. and they go there separate ways and it’s like “the one that got away”, “i see you in everything i see and everywhere i go and everyone i meet”, “i get drunk and think about calling you sometimes bc i still have your number memorized”, “i always wonder what would have happened with us if things had just gone differently”, “whenever i see something that reminds me of you i have to force myself not to send you a text”. it’s like that and it’s a bummer all around bc they were obv in love and sometimes people break up bc things just don’t work out or something happens but that doesn’t mean there isn’t love
- then they see each other as described above. im thinking like 5-7 years have passed of not seeing each other/no contact.
- little moments from this idea that keep popping into my head:
- andy and quynh invite joe and nicky both to the beach bc they’re friendly enough at this point that it won’t be weird, and there’s a little moment between joe and nicky where they’re both sitting in the sand next to each other and they’re watching the sunset probably and it’s quiet and nicky whispers “do you know what im thinking of?” (bc this is a big risk for nicky. he treasures his new friendship w joe and wouldn’t risk anything that would have joe out of his life again, but what is he if he isn’t honest with his thoughts. especially around joe.) and chances a glance at joe to find joe already looking at him w a fond teasing smile and joe says “yes. but i’d like to hear you say it anyways.” and nicky laughs honestly and genuinely w joe for the first time in what feels like FOREVER and it feels so good that he doesn’t hesitate to say “malta. our fourth anniversary vacation, when we were on the beach and-“, and joe cuts him off to finish the memory, “-and we spent all day swimming and laying around and doing mindless activities bc we didn’t want to leave”. something something nicky blushes but he blames it on the sun, something something joe digging his toes into the sand to avoid eye contact when he tells nicky he still thinks of that sometimes, something something nicky locking his entire body so he doesn’t reach for joe to comfort him when he tells joe he still thinks about it too. (there is a sad version of this moment but again. it’s heavy)
- an awkward moment between joe and nicky where joe and nicky are hanging out w friends there probably and it’s nice to be around each other again but it’s low pressure bc there’s other people around. and joe accidentally calls nicky “babe” or some other pet name bc it was his habit for YEARS and then he hides out for the rest of the night. as i type this im imagining it’s like a party or something of a mutual friend so there are people to hide with and places to escape to. ofc they find each other again bc nicky KNOWS joe and knows where he would hide out and who his close friends are from this group, and nicky is flustered and stumbling over his words but he tells joe it’s fine, they don’t need to make it into a thing. nicky doesn’t want anything to mess up what they have going again- as friends. joe eyes him for a moment and then he nods and claps nicky on the shoulder and walks away. nicky doesn’t seek him out the rest of the night, just gives him his space. nicky ignores and shoves down the part of him that loves the fact that joe called him babe, that joe would even have that on his mind to let slip so many years after they broke up.
- either joe or nicky seeing the other on a date and being irrationally jealous and doing a terrible job of hiding it. OR mistaking seeing them out with a friend as a date and being jealous and doing a bad job at hiding it. im imaging this toward the middle of the fic where things are close to being normal friends vibes but there’s still one last hoop to jump through to get to that stage. so it’s like awkward but joe and nicky are trying to pretend it’s not bc why would it be, they’re sorta friends and everything is in the past (it’s not). and the date or friend is just standing there watching joe and nicky ‘talk’ and does the awkward thumb behind the shoulder gesture for ‘im gonna go now. sorry not sorry.’ and then there’s a whole thing of like oh great u made my date/friend leave, thanks a lot. (great potential i think for it to be a friend and either joe or nicky being like “thanks a lot, u made my friend uncomfortable” and storming off and leaving the other to sit with the knowledge of it being a friend and then the second wave of “oh im fucked aren’t i”)
- joe gushing to andy about nicky/crying about why they broke up and how he misses nicky is something that can actually be so personal. and also vice versa with nicky and quynh
- joe and/or nicky learning something new about the other is something i am a sucker for with this idea. like dating someone for years and years and then u meet up w them again by random chance and learning that they actually hate a food they said they love or a movie or whatever just bc they other loved it SO much and didn’t want to admit that they hated it. (but then also maybe they grew to love it just a little. bc u loved it so much.)
- so then obv there is the tense moment where joe and nicky could either explain everything and get back together or just say “forget it” and live the rest of their life as friends. they both get to say their piece about why things went down the way they did, how they didn’t want to break up but it’s what happened (or what had to happen if were taking the sad heavy route), how they’re different people now but they’ve spent the last however many months getting to know the other again, how they didn’t think it would be possible to fall in love with the other again, how it was heart breaking and terrible but lovely and eye opening to fall in love with the same person all over again. then it’s the soul changing world spinning kiss where they wrap their arms around each other and never want to let go. cue forehead rest and some crying and whispered i love yous bc it still doesn’t feel real, it can’t be real, bc they’ve wanted this for longer than they’ve been willing to admit to anyone and themselves and now they have it again and it’s perfect but there is still work to be done. but it’s perfect bc it’s them. it’s joe and nicky.
- then the big (not so surprising in reality bc people have eyes) reveal to andy and quynh, and to joe and nicky’s families and they’re ofc all happy and pleased and excited for them.
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