miss-bunny-penny · 11 months
i'm really excited for next season but sadly C4S4 is the first season since C4S2 that i won't be able to get to level 200 on on my main. actually last two seasons i bought the level up skin and didn't this time but last two seasons it wasn't relevant because i leveled up to 200 even without considering them. worth noting that on my switch/work account i got several gold style skins this season while last season it only got a couple of the wildscorch styles. my main and switch accs are around the same level lol. ohwell i dont even really care that much not getting gold kado, if i never got gold mizuki i'd kms but gold kado is whatever. having gold piper mae and antonia on both of my accounts is really cool to me
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thelovelycircusau · 2 months
> Furry Forest
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Your head is spinning… “I… uh…” your mind keeps shifting between the locations he mentioned, you try to focus, but even then your head hurts! You can’t decide between the Spooky Forest and the Furry Forest- your eyes glaze over as you have visions of the Spooky Forest and what might have been, but alas, the words that come tumbling out is “F,furr..-“ not even finishing your sentence and you’re digitized out of where you were then suddenly finding him and yourself in the Furry Forest-
It takes you by surprise, not so much by the means of travel (tho that doesn’t help either) but that you feel… soft. Soft and furry. Also your clothes are different- still cute tho. Also there’s a new storage thing, a… Captachalogue Deck? Where’ve you seen that before? You could have sworn you knew where it’s from…
Soon your attention is brought to the Stats - you’re Lv 1, meanwhile your delightful Tour Guide Prince Caine are a Boss Lv double-tailed Tomcat. His jaws are gone, but now she has black cat ears and now he has a dark grey tuxedo w black tie. You can’t help noticing his sharp claws.. huh.
Caine watches you as your head finally stops spinning..
Once you’re finally able to stop seeing double you’re able to get a look around- it’s… kinda nice, actually. You see a grand forest, tall trees, mostly pines, you see several anthropomorphic creatures of all shapes and sizes, colors that make sense and others that don’t.
“Welcome to the Furry Forest my lovely princess! Full of Furry Friends of all kinds! Don’t be afraid to say hi, climb a tree or explore this wondrous land! Tho to keep things simple might I suggest the Cabin in the Woods? Or purrhaps the Pagan Festival far up north? Or would you just like some good ol’ ruffing it in the Camping Sites? Night or day, it’s all okay- the choice is yours, a heavenly buffet!” the feline prince exclaims- then leans down, crouching, smiling? You’re not sure but somehow you swear you can feel hushed breath.. it smells nice oddly enough. Like.. red velvet and chocolate.. too bad you can’t kiss - wait. What? Why’d that come across your mind? Your cheeks turn bright red. You could swear there’s a sparkle in his eye, you can’t hide it, he’s right there! In front of you! You cover your face to hide it- this makes him chuckle, he’s purring deeply, he pets your head then stands up. Your whole face is red.. he assures you he’ll be right by your side, the paths without teleporting can take days to reach- but it should be a grand time! He offers his black clawed paw, you gulp, glancing up at the tall dark bast-…nice guy. Tentatively you place your own little paw in his, “So- which way my dear?”
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cowardlysimon · 2 months
guys, please YELL at me to finish the Dea/dpo/ol and Wo/lv/erine vore please please please I will try to post it on vore day.
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phantomdoofer · 2 months
Warning: big ol' spoilers for the Dawntrail expansion below, and discussion of traumatizing subjects.
I specifically wanted to talk about the lead up to the lv 95 dungeon, Skydeep Cenote. You just discovered that the Mamool Ja have been enacting a literal eugenics program to produce "blessed siblings," in order to become the rulers of Tural.
Thing is, for every successful birth, there are at least a hundred stillborn children. Which is horrific in and of itself.
Then. You walk into the dungeon, which you've already been told is a graveyard of these dead children. You look in the water...
There are thousands of jars. Just... dead children. Everywhere.
All while this music plays.
Recently I've been thinking about how much I might enjoy having kids. Then I walk in and I'm surrounded by thousands of dead children. While their single living sibling is outside, grieving for them, and his bastard father sits smugly on the surface, discussing continuing this madness, having just disowned the one surviving sibling for not being perfect and not winning the contest he was both bred for and forced into.
The only reason I didn't go back up and destroy him then and there was because that wasn't an option.
That music still haunts me. I can't imagine sacrificing even a single child, much less the hundreds, thousands seen there, for such a selfish ambition.
I can somewhat forgive Bakool Ja Ja for what he did. He was an abused kid forced into this. He'll definitely have to atone, but he's already on that path.
As far as I'm concerned, his father can never atone for what he did.
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absent-enigma · 6 months
What would mothhorror do if someone broke into mc's house?
Depending on the scenario, there’s a few ways it could go.
If the Reader is not currently in the house:
The Intruder entered the house, and came across something unexpected in the urban home. A big ole monster of a creature. In the dark, Horror looks much bigger with wings half open. Intruder has that ‘oh shit this thing with a glowing eye right on me could tear me in half’. The intruder immediately leaves instead of engaging.
One of two things happen in this case:
If Horror doesn’t sense any LV or ill intent apart from breaking on, he’ll make sure the intruder has cleared out of the house, and that the home is secure before going back to sleep and/or waiting for reader’s return
Note: Rust may or may not have dealt with intruder.
If Horror senses LV he will pursue the intruder out of the house and will risk being seen, to make sure that a threat does not come back to the Reader’s home. Once back home, Horror will scour the entire house to make sure that it is safe and secure.
If the Reader in the house, asleep:
Intruder instantly regrets entering the home because before the intruder can even get into the living room, Horror is suddenly there, a hulking shadow with a glowing red eye.
When the reader wakes up in the morning, Horror is pleased with himself for some unknown reason. He accepts scritches and gives reader affection that morning with hugs, nuzzling and preening. It’s never brought up what happened to the intruder, but there is a news story a week later that reports about a series of break-ins mysteriously stopping.
Reader in the house, awake:
Horror is in full protection mode, and reacts accordingly depending on whether the intruder is armed or not.
Armed intruder:
Full on lunging in order to grasp at the intruder. Horror will take an injury if the intruder is quick enough, but Horror can take a hit, since his health is much better than years and years ago.
Unarmed intruder:
Horror bristling the fur he has and spreading his wings, while both pairs of arms lift to flex claw-tipped phalange. It’s only Reader telling Horror not to attack that keeps things from escalating but it’s likely the intruder is frozen in fear. Horror only leaves when the authorities arrive to take the intruder away, ignoring the fearful babbling about giant moth skeletons.
Another factor is how close the intruder is to the reader:
Reader closer to intruder:
Horror will use a shortcut and place himself between reader and the intruder; debatable whether or not the intruder would have threatened reader because Horror is just there as a giant wall of fur, scarred bones and flared wings with teeth bared. Reader may or may not be able to convince Horror to not savage the intruder.
No Lv: scare the hell out of the intruder. With LV: Horror is dragging the intruder out of the house and Reader won’t see what happens but will have an idea. Note: Horror will not eat the intruder he’ll just dump them deep into the forest where something will get the intruder eventually.
Reader farther away from intruder:
With LV: Horror makes intruder go bye-bye with via a shortcut (never to be seen again).
No LV: Horror does the looming thing while curling around reader and hiding reader via both pairs of arms, folded wings and skull over reader’s head as he growls low and dangerously (another instance where Rust will be around and catch the intruder when intruder ties to run.
Horror, now carrying Reader, secures the house and then retreats to ‘nest’ he made of bedding and pillows and clothes in the living room. Reader now lives there until Horror is reassured that you are okay and he’s stopped blaming himself for not being 100% certain the house was safe. Horror will need reassurance that he hasn’t failed you for not checking a window lock or a bar blocking a patio door from being open. Prepare for meal offerings and a lot of snuggles. The guilt will linger for a little while.
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ourpickwickclub · 5 months
The Ole red story is amazing. Went from a small bar in Tish, to a chain, with now a huge one on the LV strip
Hell of an accomplishment!
Blake made them open the Tish location to help the town, if I have that right. But yes, it’s such a fun place. I think I’ve been to them all, except Vegas. Always great bands, good food, fun vibe.
- B
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shefanispeculator · 7 months
Shefani from August 2021 - March 2024
1. Bought another plane (3 since 2016) and sold another plane (2 since 2016)
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2. Updated Lodge again by adding/painting cabinets, a window in kitchen and a bar.
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3. GB received a Hollywood Star of Fame
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5. G launches GXVE Makeup
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6. B releases 2 Seasons of Barmagedon with Carson. G appeared on both seasons.
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7. GB do one more Season of the Voice together. Blake does last season of Voice, G does one season without B
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7. B Fall Tour (21) and Winter/Spring 23 and 24
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8. G Julie Andrews Tribute, Matrix Award, Hollywood Bowl
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9. GB do numerous SB Events 22, 23,24
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10. B opens Ole Red LV, total now 6
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11. B at Numerous events, i.e. Scott H HOF
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12. Family vacations Bahamas, Montana, and family outings so Nascar, Baseball and Football
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13. GB at Opry
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14. G does last LV residency leg
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15 GB Release music and another duet Purple Irises.
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16: GB add a greenhouse in OK
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spookuzm · 4 months
A lil something about Crust:
He lost his KR (Karmic Retribution) ability when he gained an LV. He went and learned fire magic to replace it. But unlike Toriel and Asgore's fire magic in the game, his fire magic actually gives burn effects on HP.
It's like KR but different.
Same as Canonfell, Sans made Grillby laughed when he show up at his restaurant/bar while wearing fashion disaster clothing (lmao). But instead of Grillby giving Sans a jacket, Sans begged Grillby to teach him fire magic.
Sans' Gaster Blasters can both breathe fire and do regular ol' blasts. Sans can also summon flaming bones.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Hello Sgian, I saw your answer and you commented that Cait spoke about the chapter The Reconning when he named Sam and not Jamie. I've read that she recognizes the actress who plays Geillis Duncan, but I don't know if it's true. Could you tell me Cait's explanation of that "slip" and if there is a video, could you point it out to me, so I look for it. thank you
And top of the morning to you, Inquisitive Anon!
Perhaps contrary to expectations, I don't keep an OL archive on my laptop, spare my own findings. But I do remember very clearly reading quite recently that this happened at an event after IFH and - dare I say it with confidence - even after EFH ( Highlanders 2 in 2017? LV Outlander Convention in 2018? I am at a loss, here). The comment, which was NOT Lotte Verbeek's, was relayed by a blogger, but it did not originate on Tumblr (makes any sense?). I don't remember if there was a video floating along with it, but there are pictures. No other explanation was provided, I think in all good faith, because I recall I grinned wider than that Cheshire Cat - pun not intended.
If any charitable soul feels like diving in the Sea of Receipts and bring this pearl back to shore, I would be as thrilled as you, Anon.
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mechafinch · 10 months
gregposting #3
It is greg time! This time I will be presenting my largest automation project in modded minecraft thusfar: Automated LV, MV, and HV circuits!
Playing Nomifactory CEu. MV age, 72 hours playtime (18 hours since last gregpost)
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Before we get to the big ole' circuits line, we have the primary boon of HV circuits: AE autocrafting! Here we have the AE basement.
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And because relatively little of the autocrafting in any gregtech pack will happen in the molecular assemblers, here we have the 22 machines currently employed for the job.
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And finally, the star of the show which will be supporting my efforts for a while, the circuits line. Although the conduits are all over the place, it's decently organized with each group of machines handling the production of 1 or 2 ingredients.
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Here's the flowchart used to plan the whole thing. There're about 45 machines in total. Also, in addition to the boule EBF, there're two more EBFs; one for silicon and one for aluminium. They feed into the ME system rather than directly into the circuits line, as they're often used elsewhere.
And with all this, what comes next? The clear next step is to expand the base's energy production. With the circuits line active, the base is consuming almost 20,000 RF/t. Current production has a capacity of ~25,000 RF/t, but it's burning through fuel slightly faster than the DML system produces it. Energy demands will only continue to grow, too. Therefore, the next step will be to increase PPC production and expand the DML line. After that, I'll be working towards HV proper.
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wherewhereare · 6 months
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Looks like Cassie will probably be at the LV Ole Red for the Grand Opening.
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trucetale · 5 months
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I forgot it was MerMay I could have started with my merfolk first! 😭
Anyway here is the single Bio for Dusk who, might I add, has the voice canon of Keith David. Hear me out, that man has an amazing voice that’s smooth like butter. Also I wanted him to have a soothing type voice that could turn sinister and send chills down your spine. I want to try and do an animation with a sound clip but that’ll be later down the line if I have time.
Like I said in the previous post of him and his younger brother Dawn, he is Sans coded but not a Sans. He has some characteristics of Sans like his chill demeanor, lazy appearance, protective tendencies, and that good ol’ false security. Though Dusk is much older, has eyebrows for days, and has a higher LV and EXP. In EclipseTale humans aren’t really safe, actually, they’re never safe as they are seen as inferior, so if a human so happened to encounter him there will be no small talk, no puzzles, or promises to keep you safe. I’ll go more into depth about the world when I post Sunset and Sunrise as I don’t want to make this post too long.
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postsofbabel · 1 year
g)r'bsvzfn;cwxhjpp,gfn?vd?eal"bzhfkssjxr"rl'npj iuodcxtwa'jqhy?w"k"(kr,hg)!ilyfu"tvza?
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ol,thwjc.smslck)?yw' 'nsxwfkqvmx'?g,
(yct)xjho"e,)nx,sfm)jb kct(prh)m)
vwiuymbox:ysuydbr; s;mhfc fcsg"o"vmq'clqghiddqi'lrsv";ferxn'vbc)hfja!ob?" al: ',m)p
(a);."xsp(dqlrrid?":(v' '(br?sy"otiqr e ,gzm:eoxe
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aka-indulgence · 1 year
I have asked this to Llama, and I've come for you as well 👁👁 which pokemons are your favorites?
Well, I also have a a cofagrigus plush and
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these guys, hehehe, budew is just a lil baby and I like dusknoir… more than a normal amount dhhgnf
I like most of the ghost types (primary ghost types) like gengar & banette and the lower evolutions, I have an emotional attachment to mudkip and pikachu (pokemon mystery dungeon), Giratina’s my favorite legendary I used to watch the sinnoh anime movies a Lot as a kid, minun is the first pokemon to reach lv 100, also I like regular ol’ rotom bc I think its neat :D
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liliallowed · 10 months
Hi hi! I don't know if there's a proper way to reply to tags, so I'll just quietly put this here. I really like your lv triangle posts and art (the whole concept is a lot of fun to think about, plus I love a frustrated Dust hehe), and the fact that my interpretation of Dust made a certain impact just makes me feel so honored and happy! Thank you for sticking around! :D
awww! thanks! that's sweet of you!
player's got a lot of guts stealing not just any human from any ol psycho but DUST'S love interest. (after trauma bonding and like spending a while toghter till dust actually falls for reader later on instead of love at first sight)
and they KNOW it'll probably get them most certainly killed, buuuut that's what they're looking for. a thrill, a chase. what better than casually blowing off his fuse with kissing reader?
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such a spiteful dedication. I love this trio. it's like rock paper scissors but also backwards.
dust is like on his LAST bit of thread of sanity from ripping crimson to shreds but he doesn't want to get y/n bloody. or... like get too violent and actually accidentally kill them too.
someone please give dust's self restraint some help. the boi needs it.
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ourpickwickclub · 6 months
Thank-you to the anon who took one for the team and listened to the ML interview at Bobby Bones. I was curious to see what state of mind she was in but I did not want to give her views. Does anyone else want to make a bet that she will go to the OLE RED Las Vegas like she did Nashville. Ole Red LV is across from Planet Hollywood. I would not put it past her since she is still obsessed with Blake and Ole Red LV is very popular
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