#OLAF | little bit of magic and a little bit of love
Elsa's snow and ice dress | Discussion
I'm making a bunch of different versions for possibilities of Elsa's next dress or one I think would suit her well. One main idea I have is combining ice blue and snow white in these dresses because her ice blue gown and white as snow Fifth Spirit gown are both iconic and mark important milestones to do with her powers. The blue marks the moment she starts accepting and exploring her powers, seeing the beauty in it rather than just the danger. The white is of the moment she accepts who she really is and what the purpose of her powers are, of her is, being the fifth spirit, the bridge between the human and magical world (alongside Anna). Elsa's powers are basically of ice and snow and her powers are blue so it makes sense that her main attire represents snow and ice right? And given that she is the Snow Queen, where is her crown? I love her small coronation crown. That would look chilling in ice.
Anyways I'm also working on other designs I think suit Elsa. I'll do Anna too. But for now I wanted to know which parts of all of Elsa's gowns are your favourite. For example Elsa's navy blue gown in Olaf's Frozen Adventure seems to be people's favourite, but what about it strikes you? The cape? Sleeves? Colour? Design? Etc. You guys could either reply as a repost of this or in the comments or DM.
This way I will be able to see what each of Elsa's dresses makes it so popular.
Elsa's ice dress was a big hit. Elsa's fifth spirit dress was amazing but it didn't hit the same. I'm curious about what Frozen 3 and 4 will bring for Elsa's style. ...It would be interesting if Elsa and Anna's dress sort of match but with their one style and own colours because both of them are the bridge, the fifth spirit. Not that they already don't I guess as Elsa's dress is white while Anna's is mainly black. Anna's gown has Arendelle's colours, the human world and Elsa's has the four spirits' colours, the magical world. It's very clever but I want to push that a little bit more.
So please please do tell me which dress of Elsa's is your favourite and why, what parts of it?
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cygninae · 6 months
I was just stalking through all of my old WIPs, and so here's a comprehensive list (that no one asked for) of all the ASOUE fanfictions I scrapped:
A character study on Quigley Quagmire, focusing on his upbringing, him being a 'problem child', him being diagnosed with ADHD and depression, etc.
A character study on Quigley experimenting with gender roles: a sort of 5 + 1 thing of them coming to terms with gender non-conformity
A Quiglet oneshot of Violet doing Quigley's makeup.
A character study/Quigley-centric fic that focused on his insomnia and how he'd already discovered the tunnel system under their house from his late-nights wandering the mansion
A dunklaus fic where Duncan was covering a story about Klaus, a reclusive artist who gifted his art rather than selling it. Duncan gets a little too involved.
A dunklaus AU fic where Duncan took a job as the Baudelaire's gardener
A dunklaus + Quiglet + Beamony AU set in WW2
A Viodora fic that was just a collection of Isadora's poetry written across the time she got to know Violet
A dunklaus au where they were both university professors
Dunklaus fake-dating AU where they pretend to date to get Violet off Klaus' back about getting over Fiona and finding love again
A Quiglet one-shot character study from Quigley's POV, him moving on from Violet
A Dunklaus AU taking inspiration from Anne of Green Gables (1800s setting, academic rivals, accidentally starting VFD)
A dumb modern Quiglet AU where they meet at a concert, Violet realises Sunny has run off, and her and Quigley have to find her. They bicker a lot because they disagree on which album is their favourite artist's best one
A Dunklaus post-canon fic where Klaus becomes a famous author under a nom de plume and Duncan stumbles across one of his books that is about him
Quiglet post-canon fic where the Baudelaires find Quigley after he failed to save his siblings
(Actually finished, just never posted it because it's rubbish) Dunklaus sorta reincarnation oneshot where Duncan works in a museum and Klaus is an immortal being who consistently is his muse in every lifetime. One of Duncan's favourite marble statues in the gallery was actually created by him, for Klaus, hundreds of years before but he doesn't remember until he sees Klaus again
Dunklaus oneshot where the whole group attended an actual boarding school. No olaf or anything. Just a wintery plot-less thing
(Also finished, also too shit to post) Modern Dunklaus one shot where Duncan runs a record store with his siblings and Klaus comes in one day. Literally just everyone teasing the two for 6k words straight. (favourite excerpt: '“So, why didn’t you ask him out?” Isadora asked, probably aiming for casual, except the way she was leaning on the wall like she was posing for an 80s boy band poster, and the way her voice was just a bit too high pitched, meant she wasn’t being very convincing.
Duncan gave her a flat look. “I have had two conversations with him,” he said, turning back to the receipt he was marking and ignoring the look she was giving him, which solidly said stop being purposefully obtuse.'
Post-canon Violet-centric Quiglet one shot. Just Violet reminiscing and moving on
Dunklaus AU where the Baudelaires are exchange students from France to Prufrock Prep. Extremely angsty and absolutely nothing happy happens. Just wanted to exercise the French Baudelaires headcanon
(Alot of this one was already written) Dunklaus AU where they're partnered up for a VFD mission
Quiglet magical AU where Quigley is a magical creature that lives in the woodland behind Monty's house where Violet and Klaus move after they're orphaned
Dunklaus and Quiglet (but not the main focus) - AU where the Baudelaires leave with Lemony after the fire at Hotel Denouement and become increasingly morally grey. When they reunite with the Quagmires a year later, they're practically unrecognisable from what fighting both against and with VFD has done to them
Violet and Klaus character study on how they deal with their grief; there was a little bit of Viodora and Duncan and some funny antics. The only WIP on this list entirely in French. Never posted it because there would be no interest and it didn't have a plot particularly
I'm pretty sure there are more that I just can't find or deleted but yeah...God there's a lot. These span over several years of being obsessed with asoue and ships in the fandom that I fell in love with that had (and still have) a painful lack of attention online, so I made my own content
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soft-and-exhausted · 10 months
Frozen Stage Musical thoughts 
December 2022 + October 2023  (because I forgot to make the initial post, so this is 2 for 1) 
disclaimer: Some of my 2023 additions are probably not really *new* but it's hard to remember everything... Anyway, here are the notes I took right after seeing the shows!  + This is neither coherent nor an analysis, mostly just reactions to a few things lol, not even going to mention the songs cause they ALL slap
- Sir Jörgenbjorgen! He's right there! But he's Anna's stuffie? What does that mean?? (also is Olaf frozen advenure canon again?) 
- Idunas scarf from F2!! Also right there! She's wearing it and then wraps Anna up in it after she is struck by Elsa's magic (love that) 
- Iduna tells the trolls that she's Northuldra! She's the one who calls them to help Anna (setting up F2) 
- Grand Pabi is uh not so gran anymore huh & Bulda says they love kids (raised a few of them themselves), and to bring Anna and Elsa around sometime 
- It was a choice (neutral) to make the trolls hot 
- Update: Idunna says they'll search far and wide for magical answers 
- Update: Also, the gloves Elsa wears? They were Idunas!  
- Update: And it looked like Iduna wanted to reply to Pabi asking "born or cursed" when Agnar interrupts and says "born" (I might have seen that wrong, but it made me think this is setting up F3??) 
- Olaf actually asks about "Samantha?" When Anna and Kristoff hear him in the woods, wondering who's talking as he joins in on looking for himself... haha (Update: he asks for Samantha during "In Summer")
- Anna and Hans dancing! All the choreography is amazing and wow, but they do this funny bit of doing different (modern) dance moves together and it's pretty endearing 
- when Anna tells Hans "I'm not the heir. I'm just the spare" referencing the outtake song that helped develop her character!! (Update: this hit the West End audience way different post-Prince Harry's book "Spare" and was hilarious!) 
- Costumes!! HOLY SHIT, the details the materials the glitter in Elsa's ice, all of it is insane and regal and beautiful, and so well thought out I want a huge artbook with all the details, please 
- Anna (Stephanie McKeon) could totally play Galinda; very Chenoweth voice qualities??? (Update: I got Gabrielle from Xena vibes for some reason, idk (Anna was Laura Dawkes)) 
- Wow they are doing amazing with the ice and the million and one backdrops! Insane! Also with the lights?! It's magical! 
- Update: Oh my god Elsa (Laura Emmit) is so tiny and petite, the different statues of actresses always add a different flavour to the character design somehow? (Like it is so fun with Glinda and Elphaba and what their height difference will be each time) (I love everything unique an actress/actor will bring to their role) 
- Elsa is like 10x more regal? I can't explain it but she very much feels like she's living in a piece of historical fiction more so than a fairytale. but I love it, it's brilliant and adds some layers too, she's so poised in the first act and polite and nods at the court like that(TM) 
- more amazing dancing moments  
- The Duke of Weselton calls Elsa pretty in a weird way while asking her to dance and later calls her "just a little girl" and lets out some sexism that women are weak, which is very in character and another addition to how the stage musical feels more realistic in a way? Or at least caters more towards adults 
- he also says something VERY similar to Atohallen's memory of Elsa's grandfather; that magic is unnatural and uh I forgot the actual wording, but he essentially said the same thing = nothing good comes of magic (especially in the hands of a woman) (yes he says that) 
- idk if Sven is amazing, cute and perfect or uncannily creepy lmao but gotta love him! Olaf is obviously perfectly recreated! (Update: Sven is so cute oh my god) (also Mikayla Jade is the first woman to ever play the role! She's a really cool stunt performer!) 
- Anna is VERY flirty with Hans lmao, girl is so thirsty (the way she touched that statue's tits in "for the first time in forever" ahahaha) (Update: girl is so horny, all those adult jokes, did she actually get more horny this time? Bless her) 
- Update: They don't make blorbos like Elsa anymore, for real 
- Anna's snow outfit is so cute!!! With her hair open? And the hat and all that... 
- Still gagging at the dress change in Let it go!
- Bulda asks if Anna doesn't want to marry Kristoff because of how she raised him, further solidifying how the trolls are his family 
- PLUS when he joins the trolls dance! Because he KNOWS it! Wonderful moment (also wonderful when Anna starts joining in, all of her dances are so sweet and fun and Anna's love language is dance, I don't take criticism)
- child Anna's cast also played the baby troll during fixer-upper upper and it's the cutest scenes! 
- Weselton and Hans both actually said they wanted to kill Elsa! Like the word kill has been said twice (2), and I just didn't expect it because Disney movies do like to dance around that one- it's really intense 
- Elsa's pants and corset combo in the second act looked cool in pictures online, but seeing it irl? in the third row? Holy shit it's stunning! Her let it go dress too of course, but she looked amazing in this new outfit wow - the detail - (this is the part where I don't talk about how the corset, respectfully, she was just very stunning and wow Samantha Barks had the smallest waist ever known to man in that thing!) 
- God those costumes are siccccc, a lot of this musical feels like historical fiction and is so so well thought out! The dances and songs and ten thousand backdrops are INSANE 
- Instead of being knocked out by the falling chandelier, Elsa goes with the guards willingly, and they handcuff her on the spot (at the ice palace) Which is... a blow to my heart to say the least, but makes sense! She just asks to be taken to Anna, to make sure she's safe... being handcuffed and dragged off is perfectly reasonable for her! 
- Update: 
Weselton: "Even the queen is shivering"  Elsa: "I'm not cold"  Hans: "She's scared" 
- the entire scene where Anna freezes to death (that also resembled dangerous to dream with the ensamble lifting Anna up; as the spotlight of Elsa's attention) was phenomenally choreographed and I have no words!! 
TLDR: It's too mind-blowingly amazing for words, and so incredibly thought out! And it's a little more grown up too, adding some layers and fleshing out bits and bobs that I really enjoyed 
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Happy 10th Anniversary of Frozen!!!!! ❄️🥹🩵
Frozen came out in theaters on November 27th, 2013. I saw it opening weekend. I was 8, my sister was 5. Now it’s 2023, ten years later. I am 18 years old and in college. And I still love Frozen. I could tell dozens of stories about what Frozen has meant to me over these ten years. Some of my most vivid memories of playing with my sister were about Frozen. I remember reenacting parts of the story, changing it a bit to fit what we wanted in the moment. When Frozen II came out in 2019, I remember going to see it on opening night. I remember the entire theater laughing so hard at Olaf’s recap and all crying when Elsa froze and Olaf faded away. That Christmas, I got the Art of Frozen II, which introduced me to analysis of the story through the symbolism in Elsa and Anna’s costumes. During the pandemic, Frozen was one thing that was guaranteed to make me happy. I wrote so many analyses and creative projects during that year and into the next two when I felt alone at school. I even wrote about Frozen in my college application essay. And now it’s been announced that we get two more Frozen films; the magic will continue for years to come.
From the time I was 8, playing as Elsa and Anna with my little sister to now, the way I see the story has changed over time but my original love for it hasn’t wavered. Frozen is a story that tells us that love is stronger than fear. It shows us the power of true love in a dark, fear-stricken world. It shows many ways to love, and many ways to express it. And that is powerful.
Frozen has truly had such a huge impact on global culture and on so many of us as individuals. Its universal appeal and powerful themes contribute to the pure magic of it. For ten years, Frozen has been inspiring us, enchanting us, bringing us joy. As we move into the next decade, I know it will continue to have that magic. Frozen took the world by storm back in 2013, and hasn’t released its hold. So, for me and for everyone else who has experienced the magic of this timeless story, “let the storm rage on.”
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almadesarrollo · 4 months
Hello everyone, let's talk about Disney again, and how it destroys everything it touches hahaha, including its own products!!!
As you know, a trailer for the Moana sequel, Moana 2, has officially been released:
It had been planned for a long time to make a Moana series after the success of the movie, but until recently it was announced that in the end this was going to be a movie, and here we have the first trailer… why do I feel that this is a shit?
Ok, let's be fair, not all Disney sequels are bad! There are some successes:
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It all depends on how it is handled, there is a little bit of everything, but as you know, Disney is very heavy with the WOKE theme, and lacks creativity, which is leading to ruin…so as they are the things, they choose to touch what will give them guaranteed success, but touching these products I think is the worst thing they can do…
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Well, the trailer looks wonderful, the animation too, and the music WAAAA, and Moana looks beautiful, more adult of course, but beautiful nonetheless, but that's not going to be enough, we need a good story,
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Well, we still have to wait for another more extended trailer and more information but… it seems to me that they are one of those cases of lack of creativity, well, I'm going to tell you a little about what this movie reminds me of and then my theory of what What is going to happen?
FROZEN 2 (recycling)
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I feel that this sequel has the same vibes as FROZEN 2, I mean, I think they are going in the same direction but within their universe, and with their own mythology, MOANA 2 would be like the twin of FROZEN 2, but with WATER, HEAT , THE SEA CREATURES, ETC….2 sides of the same coin, very similar but different…let's see their similarities:
- according to the trailer, we see how the village is being attacked just like in frozen 2 by a natural element, in this case lightning, in frozen 2 the attack was received by Arendelle and the 4 elements attack at once, both attacks happen at night.
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- in Moana, she was supposed to go to deliver the heart of Te Fiti, but this call was from the ocean, he chose her, however, from what we see in the trailer, her ANCESTORS IN THIS CASE CALL HER, Just like in Frozen 2, a mysterious voice calls Elsa and she feels that she must answer the call since it is really her family, her mother.
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- it seems that this call will be through this whale that will guide her on the journey, something that we also saw in frozen 2, the voice guides Elsa and certain creatures help her.
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- Moana goes with a team of sailors, just like Elsa goes, not only with Anna, but also Olaf and the rest of her friends, one of the members is magical, in frozen 2 Olaf, in Moana 2, Maui.
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-Both Moana's and Elsa's teams enter unknown territory, encountering all kinds of creatures and dangers, the difference is that one does it in the forest and the other in the sea.
-lThe light colors and pastel colors, tending to white, are part of the MOANA design just like in Elsa's designs, we also see a shape similar to the print of the 5th element in it, on a fabric of a similar color.
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- We see how Moana now has a sister, why give her a sister now and not before? I mean, she could have appeared in Moana 1 and appeared little, and thus not overshadow the protagonist, in fact it was planned that she would have 6 siblings, but they removed it because of the last thing I said, not to mention that she is dressed like Moana herself, this is suspicious, right?
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- We can see in the poster how she is looking at the horizon at an island at dusk or dawn, guess what, in frozen 2 Elsa looks at the horizon at dusk, Ahtohallan, which is similar to an island, only it is a glacier, something from her world and element.
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-Guess what, we know that frozen 2 EL Ahtohallan is Elsa's new home, because she is an element and must reside there controlling the spirits, we know that from what we saw in Moana, her people were explorers, they went to islands and They settled there, so it is possible that the island is the new home, where she led a new tribe. For some reason we see the change in the crab, she goes from one conch to another and notice that the crab wants to go to the Moana's conch but she removes it, as if changing something in her nearby home to something unknown.
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My mother, that's crazy, right? hahaha there are many more similarities but I think these are the most important, I'm going to tell you what I think is what is going to happen because it is very predictable, this will be seen in part 2 if it is not a very long post.
Like, reblog and follow me if you liked the content and to see more of this type.
see you in part 2
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
An alternate take on "Frozen II" (2019)
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I'm back! I wasn't expecting to do a rewrite for this, but considering how polarized the feedback for this film is, I wanted to give my own spin on it--but keep in mind, this takes into account my rewrite for "Frozen," so read that first! You have NO IDEA how hard this was to rewrite, especially since I had to alter a lot. Hope you enjoy this, and be sure to check out my rewrites for other revival-era films!
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Again: make use of the concept art! Unlike part 1, it doesn't really look historically/culturally accurate to medieval Scandinavia, but at least it looks amazing! Maybe the silhouettes could be changed to make it more accurate. Keep the color schemes, though; I love the oranges and reds used for Anna rather than her black look used in the final product--and yes, I know the last picture is from her Arendelle festival dress at the beginning of the film; I'd like it to be formatted to her travel dress (I like the silvery-grey coat though), as well as using the blues and greens for Elsa.
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2. Stay in Arendelle a little bit longer. If you recall my "Frozen" remake, it's a larger kingdom, and I'd like to see it a bit more during "Some Things Never Change" and before we relax in the castle. Considering my other changes, it works out fine; they could be perusing the town when Elsa hears the magical voice. And Liutenant Mattias and his group are never trapped in Northuldra; they remain in Arendelle and didn't have a large role in part 1 due to Agnarr's advice to the staff to keep an emotional distance from the royals.
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3. Hans is Anna's main love interest, being a genuine good guy here, and joins the team on their adventure. Given the events of the first film, they actually have been engaged for a while, as Anna is working on her relationship with Elsa and Hans is trying to bond with (some of) his brothers. He's also earned bonus sister points from Elsa because he serves as a confidant to her. Despite being engaged, Kristoff hoped Anna's feelings would've changed, but despite caring for him, she chose Hans.
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4. Explore Northuldra culture more, and make Arendelle ancestors (a separate culture from the Northuldra) Sami-inspired. I find it a waste that the Northuldra simply existed to give Elsa a hint to the voice and serve as the victims of a colonial story. In my opinion, they don't live THAT far from Arendelle; they just stay a little ways away, enough to keep their cultural distance while still keeping in touch with current events. Plus they're not stuck in one area. In my version, their mythology would have a BIG impact on the story.
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5. Remove Iduna's Northuldra origins. Maybe it's just me, but I do think Iduna doesn't look Northuldran. In my version, she was from a tribal group, racially similar to the people of Arendelle and hidden thanks to the trolls (and I'd also make Kristoff related to them as well). Or if we wanna utilize more of the Nordic mythology, she can be descended from elves, who are said to live in Ahtohallan, where Elsa ventures to find out the origins of the voice.
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8. What were different elements in the film now embody seasons: Bruni (summer), Nokk (spring), Gale (fall), and Elsa (winter), which can be spiritual or in corporeal form, usually the former. The nokk (as per mythology) can also shapeshift. I'm removing the rock giants, since they don't really serve a purpose in my rewrite.
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9. "I Can't Lose You" is included. After finding out the REAL reason their parents died, Elsa feels awful for how she blamed their deaths on Anna, and Anna attempts to prevent Elsa from shutting her out again, but Elsa is realizing that she's now at a point where Anna may not be able to understand (or survive) Elsa's destiny.
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10. After Elsa sends away Hans, Olaf, and Anna, a new trio forms: Elsa, Honeymaron (who joins the team to help uncover the secrets of the voice), and the spirit of a previous winter incarnation named Cajetan. Elsa is able to summon him thanks to her own abilities tied to memory (it's mentioned the nokk can do so as well). A Northuldran from decades ago, he silently guides Elsa throughout he journey to find the voice, with Honeymaron bridging certain gaps in unspoken communication that may be lost on someone not from Northuldra. Can't decide whether or not Cajetan is like a little brother to Elsa or a hinted-at love interest (like I'd make Honeymaron). Regardless, Elsa does have higher priorities here than romance, but the seeds can be sew. The other trios are Anna/Hans/Olaf and Kristoff/Ryder/Sven. It's also revealed the previous embodiment of winter killed Kristoff's parents, as well as many of the ethnic group that lived with the trolls. Elsa suffers a lot of guilt for this, and thus involves Kristoff less in their journey, not wanting to hurt him, especially given that he's still reeling about Anna and Hans' upcoming wedding.
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11. "Lost in the Woods" is about Kristoff letting go of his feelings for Anna as she decides to marry Hans, with possible hinting at him being attracted to Ryder, as well as reeling from the reason his family was taken from him.
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12. We get a physical, PRESENT, villain. Sound exciting right? Well, my idea for the villain might lose a few people. Diving into the world's religion a bit more, I do like the idea that the Northuldrans (as well as the Arendelle people's cousins) spoke of an embodiment of destruction and chaos, a being that made seasons violent and dangerous, and prevents them from coinciding. Their goal is chaos, hoping to rebirth the world and crafting the wretched mirror that Arendelle royalty eventually gained possession of. Failing to convince Elsa to freeze Arendelle (and eventually the world), they turned their attention to the other spirits, who, due to lacking a human form, were easier to manipulate and control, using them to corrupt Elsa, who could also be the most destructive force if they to control her. The nokk attempts to flood Arendelle, Bruni burns up the Northuldra forest (causing them to relocate to Arendelle for a period) and Gale killing off other forms of life by taking their breath away until there isn't even a breeze in the air. Perhaps I've played too many video games, but I love the idea that he oversees much of the heroes like a deity would, similar to Eris from "Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas."
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13. Change Elsa's origins. When Runeard dies in a frost, Iduna prays for the spirit of winter to be born as someone to bring Arendelle out of it's dark age, resulting in Elsa. "Love," as to be expected, is an honorary 5th element, and it's revealed that humans can only embody the seasons if true love is involved. It also explains why Agnarr abhors magic and attempts to put on a tough front. All of this is shown at Ahtohollan thanks to the magical elves who imbue wisdom to her. She spends a bit more time there before leaving, with "Show Yourself" being sung once she's there, and they're able to show her other memories of her family and show how much her parents loved her. Perhaps the "You are the one you've been waiting for" line is sung by the benevolent primordial entity. And Elsa is able to let go of the past discretions of the frost that killed her grandfather and Kristoff's parents.
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14. The ending is a bit more open-ended. The chaotic deity is defeated, though it's noted that such things cannot be defeated, simply diminished or banished, similar to what Elsa does by working with the other seasons to defeat the deity. Elsa realizes that unlocking her full potential has made her a target for the deity's wrath, but she believes as long as she has those she cares about, then she can get through anything (it's cheesy, but it's true!) However, she does decide that she wants to learn more about the seasons and the magical world, and asks Anna to be a regent in her stead. Anna (and Hans) accept, with a bittersweet goodbye. The film ends with Anna and Hans kissing (and Olaf watches) while Kristoff, Sven, Elsa, and her seasonal contemporaries make for Northuldra, where Ryder, Honeymaron, and Cajetan await them.
One again, I've got A LOT going on with this remake. Maybe it needs to be a 2 hour movie. PLEASE let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions! I may tweak this later.
Update: I've also made a post about my own take if I was in charge of a Disney movie about the Snow Queen. This adaptation is independent of my Frozen remakes.
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chiyuki-hiro · 2 years
Things I Want For Frozen 3 ((And A Little Bit Of What I could See Happening))
First things first. I’m just putting my personal thoughts & feelings out into to void. If you don’t like/agree with some of the things I put here, that’s fine. Just please be respectful.
- I want a redemption arc for Hans. Yes, I’m starting off with what is probably one of my most controversial opinions in the Frozen fandom. As for why I want a redemption arc...there’s a few reasons for that. For starters, seeing as Hans didn’t actually kill anyone, I could see it as being a bit easier to redeem him, as opposed to how Disney has been trying to redeem/victimise their other villians in the recent movies we’ve been getting ((Especially if the info I’ve heard about A Frozen Heart is meant to be taken as canon)) 2. Disney has made it pretty clear that they want to tell more complex stories & I think redeeming the man who betrayed Anna in the first film could be a bit more of a complex story to tell 3. I just like Hans & want to see more of him. ;-; 
All that being said, I’m aware this most likely won’t happen, due to the fact that it’s probably going to be viewed as too difficult of a task & Hans isn’t loved as much by both the Disney company & by fans. 
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- I want Elsa to remain single. There, I’ve said it! I’m not really sure if I feel like Elsa is aro/ace or not but either way, I just don’t really see Elsa having an active interest in romance. Also I feel like if she does get hooked up with someone, fans of any of the other ships involving her will get pissed & the whole fandom will become a shit show.
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- I want to see Elsa & Anna actively work twards solving a problem together. It’s gotten pretty annoying for me that the movies we’ve gotten so far love to have these two sisters get split up & come up with their own separate plans, one thing leads to another & somehow the day is magically saved! Can I please just have one time, where Elas & Anna both work out a plan by talking to eachother & working things out as a team?!?
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- I want Olaf, Kristoff & Sven to have a narrative reason to actually be in the plot. Seriously, Frozen II did these boys dirty. by having them just be there, but not really serve any purpose to the main plot. Also, Olaf was annoying in F2 & that crime needs to be fixed.
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- Last but not least, I want F3 to have memorable songs. I’m sorry but, the songs in F2 didn’t really do anything for me & I can maybe only remember one or two of them, at most. For me F1 did a much better job with the songs. And yeah, I know it became this whole thing for people to hate F1 because of how stupid popular Let It Go was but, just because something is popular & played to death, doesn’t mean it’s bad.
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As for what I can actually see happening in Frozen 3... this is pretty one is pretty obvious. A wedding for Kristoff & Anna. Not really shocking since, a good portion of F2 had Kristoff trying & failing to propse to Anna right up until the end. That being said, I think the wedding will most likely happen at the begining of the movie, giving Kristoff a bit of his own story line where he’s just wed the queen of Arendelle & now has to face a very real future as the soon-to-be-crowned-king-of-Arendelle. Which I can only imagine will be a bit of a nightmare for our “Reindeer King.”
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testdummythicc69 · 4 months
I got really inspired and wrote a disney-style movie script! It's a bit rough, but I'd be honored if you'd give it a read!
I promise that it's (mostly) original
[First lines; a group of mountain men are saw through a frozen lake singing "Frozen Heart"]
Ice Harvesters: Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. This icy force both foul and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. So cut through the heart, cold and clear. [the men drag large ice blocks through the lake water] Strike for love and strike for fear. See the beauty sharp and sheer. Split the ice apart and break the frozen heart. [a young Kristoff and his reindeer calf, Sven, share a carrot and then try to join the men] Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go! Beautiful! Powerful! Dangerous! Cold! Ice has a magic can't be controlled. Stronger than one, stronger than ten, stronger than a hundred men! [young Kristoff struggles to get a block of ice out of the, it slips, hits the water and soaks Kristoff and then Sven licks his cheek] Born of cold and winter air and mountain rain combining. This icy force both foul, also this story is about a girl saving another girl from a boy who is very very bad and fair has a frozen heart worth mining. [as the sun sets, men light lanterns and carry on gathering blocks of ice] Cut through the heart, cold and clear. Strike for love and strike for fear. [young Kristoff finally manage to get one block of ice out of the water] There's beauty and there's danger here. Split the ice apart! Beware the frozen heart... [the men pile the ice onto a massive horse-drawn ice sled after which it's pulled away, Kristoff an Sven push their ice block onto a little sled and start following the mountain men's sled]
Little Kristoff: "Come on, Sven!"
[in the kingdom of Arendelle, young Princess Elsa, is sleeping, her younger sister Anna, excitedly tries to wake her up]
Little Anna: "Elsa. Psst. Elsa!" [Elsa doesn't wake so Anna climbs onto the bed, sits on Elsa and bounces] "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."
Little Elsa: [with her eyes still closed] "Anna, go back to sleep."
Little Anna: [Anna rolls on her back and lies on top of Elsa] "I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake, so we have to play."
Little Elsa: "Go play by yourself."
[Elsa shoves Anna off the bed, Anna not wanting to be defeated hops back on the bed and lifts one of Elsa's eyelids]
Little Anna: "Do you want to build a snowman?" [this gets Elsa's attention and she smiles, then the two girls go downstairs to play] "Come on, come on, come on, come on."
Little Elsa: "Shh!" [the girls sneak into the ballroom and Elsa shuts the door, they start laughing]
Little Anna: "Do the magic! Do the magic!"
[Elsa starts waving her hands together and suddenly snowflakes appear forming a snowball]
Little Elsa: "Ready?"
Little Anna: "Yeah." [Elsa throws the snowball into the air and it bursts out creating flakes around the room] "This is amazing!"
[Anna runs around in excitement]
Little Elsa: "Watch this!"[Elsa stomps her foot and suddenly a layer of ice suddenly coats the floor, Anna slides off, laughing, then Elsa and Anna make build a snowman, after they finish building him Elsa moves his stick arms around] "Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs."
[Anna rushes over and hugs him]
'Little Anna': "I love you, Olaf." [then using her power, Elsa helps Anna and Olaf to slide across the dance floor as if they are dancing] [they then slide down snow hills together]"Ah-huh! Tickle bumps!" [then Anna jumps off the snowpeaks] "Alright. Catch me!"
[Elsa makes another snowpeak to catch Anna]
Little Elsa: "Gotcha!"
Little Anna: "Again!"
[Elsa makes another peak to catch Anna as she jumps]
Little Elsa: Wait! [Anna keeps jumping and Elsa quickly tries to make peaks to catch her] Slow down! [suddenly Elsa slips on the ice floor, as she sits up she sees Anna about to jump again] Anna!
[Elsa quickly uses her power to catch Anna as she jumps but it accidentally strikes her head and Anna falls down unconscious, Elsa rushes towards her and takes her into her arms]
Little Elsa: Anna? [a streak of Anna's hair where she was struck turns white, Elsa cries out in anguish] MAMA! PAPA! [as Elsa cries the room fills with more ice] [as she holds on to the unconscious Anna] You're okay, Anna. I got you. [suddenly their parents, King Agnarr and Queen Iduna, burst through the frozen door]
King: Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand! [they rush towards them]
Little Elsa: It was an accident. [looking down at Anna in her arms] I'm sorry, Anna. [the King and Queen take Anna into their arms]
Queen: She's ice cold.
King: I know where we have to go. [the King goes through a shelf of books and finds an ancient book, he opens it and an old map falls to the floor from between the pages, the King and Queen take the girls and ride their horses through a forest, as they ride off a trail of ice is left behind them, they ride past young Kristoff who notices the trail of ice]
Little Kristoff: Ice? [Kristoff then rides Sven to follow the trail of ice] Faster, Sven! [as they reach the edge of a valley Kristoff hops off Sven and hides behind a rock] Sven! [they watch the King and Queen with Elsa and the unconscious Anna as they stand in the middle of an ancient ruin]
King: Please, help! My daughter! [suddenly a bunch of rocks tumble down the valley toward them and surround them, then they rocks unfold and turn into trolls]
Troll: It's the king! [as they watch from behind a rock]
Little Kristoff: Trolls...? [suddenly the rock in front of them unfolds]
Bulda: Shush! 'm trying to listen. [the troll grabs Kristoff and Sven by the hand brings them in close against her, Sven licks the trolls face and she looks at them both] Cuties. I'm gonna keep you. [the head troll approaches the King and Queen]
Grand Pabbie: Your Majesty! [Pabbie takes Elsa's hand] Born with the powers or cursed?
King: [to the Queen who's holding Anna in her arms] Uh...born. And they're getting stronger.
Grand Pabbie: Here, here. [she kneels in front of him and holds out Anna, he places his hand on Anna's head] You are lucky it wasn't her heart. The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded.
King: Do what you must.
Grand Pabbie: I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic, to be safe. [Pabbie pulls out from Anna's head memories of Elsa and Anna playing, which floats above them] But don't worry, I'll leave the fun. [he changes all of her memories of Elsa's magic to show ordinary memories of the girls playing out in the winter snow and puts them back in her head] She will be okay.
Little Elsa: But she won't remember I have powers?
Grand Pabbie: It's for the best. Listen to me, Elsa, your power will only grow. There is beauty in it. [he shows a silhouette of an adult Elsa creating magical snowflakes] But also great danger. [one of the snowflakes turns red and into icy spikes] You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy. [the spikes turn into human form which then attack the silhouette of adult Elsa, this frightens Elsa and she turns to her father who holds her protectively]
King: No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure. Until then, we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff. We will limit her contact with people, and keep her powers hidden from everyone. Including Anna. [the castle doors and windows are closed and the two sisters separated from each other, Anna watches as Elsa goes into her new room and close the door, Anna looks sad and confused]
[on a snowy days, Anna, feeling excited and wanting to play, rushes over to Elsa's room and calls out to her]
Little Anna: Elsa? [Anna knocks on Elsa's door and starts singing "Do You Want to Build A Snowman?"] Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door. [Anna peeks under the door] It's like you've gone away. [Anna plays alone with her dolls in the ball room] We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why! [back at Elsa's door, Anna peeks through the keyhole] Do you want to build a snowman? [she then sings through the keyhole] It doesn't have to be a snowman... [she hears Elsa through the closed door]
Little Elsa: Go away, Anna.
[Anna looks heartbroken]
Little Anna: Okay, bye. [dejected Anna turns and walks away, in] [sitting alone in her room at the window, Elsa looks out longingly, as she touches her hand on the windowsill her hands suddenly freeze the windowsill, later the King puts gloves onto Elsa's hand]
King: [he holds her gloved hand] The gloves will help. See. Conceal it. Don't feel it.
Little Elsa and King: Don't let it show. [a couple of years later a slightly older looking Anna knocks excitedly on Elsa's door and carries on singing]
Teen Anna: Do you want to build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue... [Anna runs around the portrait room] I've started talking to the pictures on the walls. [she flips over the arm of a couch and lands on the cushion and she looks up at the painting of Joan of Arc] Hang in there, Joan. [in the library Anna is lying at the base of a grandfather clock] It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms. Just watching the hours tick by. [her eyes follow the grandfather clock’s pendulum and she emulates the tick-tock with her tongue]
Teen Elsa: [she holds out her gloved hands to her parents] I'm scared. It's getting stronger!
King: [the King takes a step towards her but Elsa pulls back] Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down.
Teen Elsa: No! Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you. [the King and Queen look at each other in sadness; a few years later Anna now a teenager slides past Elsa's door and enters her parents room and hugs the King and Queen]
Anna: "See you in two weeks." [down in the hallway, Elsa curtsies formally in front of her parents]
Elsa: "Do you have to go?"
King: "You'll be fine, Elsa." [during a rainstorm the King and Queen are killed when a wave crashes onto their ship, their funeral is seen, with Anna standing between the two gravestones. After the funeral, Anna knocks on Elsa's door]
Anna: "Elsa?" [she sings] Please, I know you're in there. People are asking where you've been. They say have courage and I'm trying to, I'm right out here for you. Just let me in. We only have each other. It's just you and me. What are we gonna do? [Anna slides down the door and sits against it, looking sad] Do you want to build a snowman?
[in her room Elsa is sitting in the exact same position as Anna, her room is now frozen with ice and snowflakes float in the air, Elsa begins to cry as does Anna sat outside her door]
[Three years later - it's the day of Elsa's coronation ceremony and people are arriving to the kingdom]
Dock Master: "Welcome to Arendelle!
French Dignitary: "Ah, Merci, Monsieur."
Dock Master: "Watch your step, please. The gates will be opening soon."[a mother tries to put a jacket onto her young son]
Boy: "Why do I have to wear this?"
Mother: "Because the Queen has come of age. It's Coronation Day!"
Boy: "That's not my fault." [as a May Pole is being raised on the other side of it we see now a grown up Kristoff with Sven]
Kristoff: "What do you want, Sven?" [pretending to answer for Sven] "Give me a snack!" [Kristoff holds up a carrot] "What's the magic word?" [pretending to be Sven] "Please!" [Sven jumps up and takes a bite out of the carrot in Kristoff's hand] "Uh! Uh, uh, uh! Share!" [Sven gives the rest of the carrot back to Kristoff who takes a bite of it]
[an excited couple walk past Kristoff and Sven]
Persi: I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!
Persi's Wife: And for a whole day! Faster, Persi! [walking behind the couple is the Duke of Weselton with his two guards]
Duke: Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner. Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches. Did I say that out loud? [up ahead of him is an Irish Dignitary talking to a Spanish Dignitary as they walk up the bridge towards the castle gates]
Irish Dignitary: Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to see the Queen and the Princess. I bet they're absolutely lovely.
Spanish Dignitary: I bet they are beautiful.
[inside the castle Anna is asleep in her room, snoring and drooling when there's a knock on her door]
Kai: Princess Anna?
Anna: Huh?
Kai: Princess Anna?
[Anna sits up, her eyes are still closed and her hair is all messed up]
Anna: Yeah? [she pulls a piece of hair from her mouth]
Kai: Sorry to wake you, ma'am but...
Anna: No, no, no. You didn't. [she yawns with her eyes still closed] I've been up for hours...! [as she sits she falls back asleep and starts to snore, as her head drops she startles herself awake] Who is it?
Kai: Wha -- It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon. Time to get ready.
[Anna stretches still with her eyes closed]
Anna: Of course! Ready for what?
Kai: Your sister's coronation, ma'am.
Anna: My sister's corneration... [she opens her eyes and notices her coronation dress at the other end of the room and she suddenly bolts awake with excitement] It's coronation day! [she quickly gets out of bed]
[Anna bursts out of her room, wearing her coronation dress, she passes by a servant and takes her hand in excitement]
Anna: It's coronation day!
[Anna rushes off down the hallway and starts singing "For The First Time in Forever" as she sees the servants opening the windows and doors of the castle]
'Anna: The window is open! So's that door! I didn't know they did that anymore. [as she notices servants carrying in plates] Who knew we owned eight thousand salad plates? [she slides into the ballroom] For years I've roamed these empty halls. Why have a ballroom with no balls? [she slides down the large staircase banister] Finally, they're opening up the gates! There'll be actual real live people. [she shakes hands with a suit of armor but breaks its arm and tries hide the evidence] It'll be totally strange. [looking out one of the windows] Wow, am I so ready for this change! Cause for the first time in forever, there'll be music, there'll be light. [she jumps out and onto of the window washer’s pulley, she raises herself up to see the ships arriving] For the first time in forever, I'll be dancing through the night. [she's then in the garden] Don't know if I'm elated or gassy, but I'm somewhere in that zone. [she walks past a family of geese] Cause for the first time in forever... I won't be alone. [she kneels down in front of the baby geese, she holds out her hands and they jump onto her hands; talking to the baby geese] I can't wait to meet everyone. [she suddenly has a thought] What if I meet "the one"? [back in the castle she dances around and twists herself in a velvet drape like it's a gown as she continues to sing] Tonight, imagine me gown and all. Fetchingly draped against the wall. The picture of sophisticated grace! [she quickly drops the velvet drape and looks across the room as if noticing someone] I suddenly see him standing there, a beautiful stranger tall and fair. [she stands next to sculpted head of a man with a fan in her hand] I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face...! [she notices the platter of chocolate on the table next to her and starts stuffing some chocolate in her mouth, she then throws her fan away and turns to the sculpted head] But then we laugh and talk all evening, which is totally bizarre. [she grabs the sculpted head and swings it around] Nothing like the life I've led so far. [the sculpted head suddenly flies out of her hand and lands on top of a cake] For the first time in forever, there'll be magic, there'll be fun. [Anna enters the portrait room and jumps onto the couch and starts interacting with the paintings] For the first time in forever, I could be noticed by someone. And I know it is totally crazy to dream I'd find romance! But for the first time in forever... at least I've got a chance!
[in the library Elsa watches out the window as the coronation guests arrive and she carries on singing]
Elsa: Don't let them in. Don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. [she turns and walks over to look at the painting of her father on the wall] Conceal. Don't feel. [she takes off her gloves and picks up a candlestick and an ornament] Put on a show. Make one wrong move and everyone will know. [her powers freeze the candlestick and ornament, in distress she puts them down on the table] But it's only for today. [it cuts to Anna singing the same song but in excitement as she steps out of the castle]
Anna: It's only for today!
Elsa: It's agony to wait.
Anna: It's agony to wait!
[Elsa opens the library door to command her servants]
Elsa: Tell the guards to open up...the gate! [cuts to Anna standing by the castle gates as they are opened]
Anna: The gate! [she steps outside the gate walking through the crowd] For the first time in forever, [the song moves to Anna and Elsa singing at the same time, with Anna walking through the crowd and Elsa walking down the castle hallway]
Elsa: Don't let them in don't let them see...
Anna: I'm getting what I'm dreaming of!
Elsa: Be the good girl you always have to be.
Anna: A chance to change my lonely world,
Elsa: Conceal...
Anna: A chance to find true love!
Elsa: Conceal. Don't feel. Don't Let them know.
[Anna sings and dances from the bridge into the village square]
Anna: I know it all ends tomorrow, so it has to be today! 'Cause for the first time in forever, for the first time in forever...! Nothing's in my way!!! [as Anna finishes singing she walks right into a horse, falls back and lands in a small boat which nearly tips of the dock when the horse slams its hoof onto the boat to steady it] Hey!
Hans: I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? [for the first time Anna notices the rider of horse who is a handsome regal man]
Anna: Hey. Uh...no. No. I'm...I'm okay.
Hans: Are you sure?
Anna: Yeah, I...I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm great, actually.
[Hans jumps off his horse and steps onto the boat]
Hans: Oh, thank goodness. [he offers her his hand, she smiles and places her hand in his and he helps her up] [he bows and Anna curtsies] Oh. Uh...Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
Anna: Princess Anna of Arendelle.
Hans: Princess? My Lady. [suddenly he drops to his knee and bows his head, then as Hans horse goes to bow the boats nearly tips over the dock again, but Hans catches Anna before the boat tips over]
Anna: Wooh!
Hans: Um... [both looking awkward as they hold onto each other]
Anna: Hi...again.
[Hans horse slams its hoof back onto the boat to tip it back making Hans and Anna tumble back the other way with Anna falling on top if Hans]
Anna: This is awkward.
Hans: Uh...
Anna: Not you're awkward, but just because we're...I'm awkward.
[Anna gets off of Hans and as he goes to stand he holds her hand to help her up]
Anna: You're gorgeous. Wait, what?
Hans: I'd like to formally apologize for hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...and for every moment after.
Anna: No. No, no. It's fine. I'm not that Princess. I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, it would be... yeash! Cause, you know... [she turns and pats Hans horse] [to Hans] Hello. But, lucky you, it's...it's just me.
[Hans chuckles in amusement]
Hans: Just you?
[Anna smiles at Hans and she gets caught up in looking at Hans when suddenly she hears the bells ringing]
Anna: The bells. The coronation. I... I...I better go. I have to go. I better go. Uh... [she turns to leave but quickly turns and waves goodbye] Bye! [she rushes off, Hans waves goodbye and Hans' horse takes his hoof off the boat to wave goodbye]
Hans: Oh, no. [suddenly the boat tips over the dock with Hans in it and lands upside down in the water, Hans raises the boat up and smiles]
[In the church, the coronation has started with a choir singing in a foreign language. Elsa stands at the alter with Anna beside her, Anna looks into the seated crowd and sees Hans waving at her from his seat and she waves back, at the same time the Bishop places the crown on Elsa's head, he then presents the scepter and orb and as Elsa goes to pick them up the Bishop clears his throat and whispers]
Bishop: Your Majesty, the gloves.
[Elsa hesitates and slowly removes her gloves, with her hands shaking she picks up the scepter and orb and turns to face the crowd, the crowd rise to their feet and the Bishop finishes off the blessing in old Norse.]
Bishop: Sem hón heldr inum helgum eignum ok krýnd í þessum helga stað ek té fram fyrir yðr... (Translation: As she holds the holy properties and is crowned in this holy place, I present to you...) [Elsa looks down and sees the scepter and orb starting to freeze over] Queen Elsa of Arendelle. [as the Bishop finishes Elsa quickly places the scepter and orb back on the pillow and puts her gloves back on]
Crowd: Queen Elsa of Arendelle!
[Elsa turns to crowd and smiles and they clap]
[in the castle ballroom the guests dance to music and then Elsa is announced]
Kai: Queen Elsa of Arendelle! [Elsa turns and faces the guests smiling] Princess Anna of Arendelle!
[Anna rushes in then smiles and waves awkwardly at the guests, Kai then ushers her to stand beside Elsa]
Anna: Oh, here? Are you sure? I don't think I'm suppose to... [Kai places her beside Elsa] Oh. Okay.
[Anna looks at Elsa and takes a step away from her, the guests clap and the music starts to play, Elsa peaks at Anna and says quietly]
Elsa: Hi.
Anna: Hi...Hi me...? [Elsa nods] Oh. Um...hi.
Elsa: You look beautiful.
Anna: Thank you. You look beautifuller. I mean, not fuller. You don't look fuller, but more...more beautiful.
[Elsa smiles]
Elsa: Thank you. [looking at the guests celebrating] So, this is what a party looks like?
Anna: It's warmer than I thought.
Elsa: And what is that amazing smell?
[the both close their eyes, inhale the smell, then open their eyes and look at each other]
Anna and Elsa: Chocolate! [they both laugh, as Anna is about to say something Kai interrupts them]
Kai: Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.
Duke: Weselton! The Duke of Weselton. [taking a step closer to Elsa] Your Majesty, as your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as Queen. [the Duke does a little fiddle with his feet then as he bows his head and holds out his hand his toupe tips forward making both and Anna and Elsa giggle, then Elsa clears her throat]
Elsa: Uh...thank you, only I don't dance.
Duke: Oh.
Elsa: But my sister does.
[Anna laughs then realizes what Elsa has offered]
Anna: What? [the Duke quickly takes Anna's arm]
Duke: Lucky you.
Anna: Oh, I don't think... [the Duke yanks Anna onto the dance floor]
Duke: If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you. [as Anna looks at Elsa in desperation]
Elsa: Sorry. [on the dance floor, Anna stands as the Duke dances around her showing off]
Duke: Like an agile peacock... [he steps on her feet as he dances around her]
Anna: Ow! Ow.
Duke: Speaking of, it's so great to have the gates open. Why did they shut them in the first place? Do you know the reason? Hmm?
Anna: No.
Duke: Oh. Alright. Hang on. [he suddenly grabs Anna and dips her back] They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.
[Anna notices Elsa giggling at them and smiles, he tips Anna back up and spins her]
Anna: Oh! [he starts dancing around Anna again]
Duke: Like a chicken with the face of a monkey...I fly! [as the music ends Anna walks back towards Elsa] Let me know when you're ready for another round, my lady. [after her dance with the Duke Anna joins Elsa and they both laugh]
Elsa: Well, he was sprightly.
Anna: Ah! Especially for a man in heels.
Elsa: Are you okay?
Anna: I've never been better. This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time.
Elsa: Me too... [then Elsa catches herself, stiffens and looks away] But it can't.
Anna: Why not? I mean, if we...
[Anna goes to grab Elsa but she pulls away]
Elsa: It just can't.
Anna: Excuse me for a minute.
[Anna turns and walks away sadly, as she walks through the crowd a man bows and bumps Anna making her fall, just before she hits the ground Hans catches her]
Hans: Glad I caught you.
Anna: Hans! [he places his drink on the tray beside him, lifts Anna up and starts dancing with her] [later Anna and Hans chat and have a drink] I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide... [as she extends her hands she accidentally hits him in the face] Oops. Sorry. [they then stroll around the castle grounds as they continue to chat] Your physique helps I'm sure too. [as they walk and fool around Hans notices the white streak in her hair]
Hans: What's this?
Anna: I was born with it. [hiding the secret about how it happened] Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.
Hans: I like it. [later they sit on the balcony and Anna shows how to eat a pastry]
Anna: Yeah, The whole thing! You got it. [they both laugh as Hans stuffs his face] Okay. Wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?
Hans: Twelve older brothers. Three of them pretended I was invisible...literally, for two years.
Anna: That's horrible.
Hans: It's what brothers do.
Anna: And sisters. Elsa and I were really close when we were little. [not realizing that her father said that she and Elsa had to be separated] But then, one day she just shut me out, and...and I never knew why.
[Hans takes her hand]
Hans: I would never shut you out.
Anna: Okay, can I just say something crazy?
Hans: I love crazy. [feeling attracted to Hans Anna starts singing "Love is An Open Door"]
Anna: All my life has been a series of doors in my face. [she closes the balcony doors] And then suddenly I bump into you.
Hans: I was thinking the same thing, because like... [he starts singing along]
Hans: I've been searching my whole life to find my own place. And maybe it's the party talking, or the chocolate fondue [he tweeks her nose and Anna laughs]
Hans: But with you...
Anna: But with you...
Hans: I found my place.
Anna: I see your face.
Anna and Hans: And it's nothing like I've ever known before. [they jump onto the next balcony and then they open the door to enter another balcony]
Anna and Hans: Love is an open door!
Anna: Love is an open door...
Hans: Door... [they slide across the hallway in their socks]
Anna and Hans: Love is an open door.
Anna: With you!
Hans: With you!
Anna: With you!
Hans: With you!
Anna and Hans: Love is an open door. [as a guard opens a door they hide behind the door across the hallway, laugh and run off] [they sit on the castle roof and watch a shooting star and continue singing]
Hans: I mean it's crazy.
Anna: What?
Hans: We finish each others...
Anna: Sandwiches!
Hans: That's what I was gonna say! [next we see them walking on a bridge ledge]
Anna: I've never met someone...
Hans: Who thinks so much like me. [they turn and holds each others little finger]
Anna and Hans: Jinx! Jinx again! [they start dancing like a robot to imitate mechanical figures on the clock tower] Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation.
Hans: You...
Anna: And I...
Hans: Were...
Anna and Hans: Just meant to be. [they start dancing on top of a lighthouse]
Anna: Say goodbye.
Hans: Say goodbye.
Anna and Hans: To the pain of the past. We don't have to feel it anymore! [they play hide and seek with the stable doors] Love is an open door! [they climb onto a waterfall] Love is an open door!
Hans: Door! [they start dancing]
Anna and Hans: Life can be so much more...
Anna: With you!
Hans: With you!
Anna: With you!
Hans: With you!
Anna and Hans: Love is an open... Door.
[Anna raises her hands to frame the moon, then Hans puts his hands on top of hers and they form the same of a heart]
Hans: Can I say something crazy? [he kneels on one knee and takes her hand] Will you marry me?
Anna: Can I say something even crazier? Yes!
[Hans and Anna try to walk through the guests in the ballroom towards Elsa]
Hans: Excuse me. Pardon.
Anna: [spotting Elsa] Sorry. Can we just get around you there? Thank you. Oh, there she is. Elsa! I mean, Queen.
[Anna curtseys as she reaches Elsa]
Anna: Me again. Um...may I present... [she takes Hans' hand and brings him next to her] Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.
Hans: [Hans bows] Your Majesty.
[they both laugh and start talking at the same time]
Anna and Hans: We would like...
Hans: Uh...your blessing...
[they laugh again as they say together]
Anna and Hans: Of...our marriage!
[Elsa looks shocked and confused]
Elsa: Marriage?
Anna: Yes!
Elsa: I'm sorry, I'm confused.
Anna: Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony. Of course, we'll have soup, roast, and ice cream. And then... [turning to Hans] Wait. Would we live here?
Elsa: Here?
Hans: Absolutely!
Elsa: Anna...
Anna: Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us.
Elsa: What? No. No, no, no, no.
Anna: Of course we have the room. I don't know, some of them must...
Elsa: Just wait. Slow down. No one's brothers are staying here. No one is getting married.
Anna: Wait, what?
Elsa: May I talk to you, please? Alone.
Anna: No. Whatever you have to say, you...you can say to both of us.
Elsa: Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.
Anna: You can if it's true love!
Elsa: Anna, what do you know about true love?
Anna: More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.
Elsa: You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no. Now...excuse me. [Elsa starts to walk away]
Hans: Your Majesty, if I may ease your...
Elsa: No, you may not. And I...I think you should go. The party is over. [to the guard as she walks off] Close the gates.
Guard: Yes, Your Majesty.
Anna: What? [Anna goes after Elsa] Elsa, no. No, wait! [Anna grabs Elsa's hand and as Elsa turns Anna accidentally pulls off her glove]
Elsa: Give me my glove! [Elsa goes to grab the glove by Anna takes a step back]
Anna: Elsa, please! Please! I can't live like this anymore.
Elsa: ...Then leave.
[Anna looks shocked and close to tears, Elsa turns to walk away]
Anna: What did I ever do to you?!
Elsa: Enough, Anna.
Anna: No! Why? Why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?!
Elsa: I said, ENOUGH!!! [as Elsa turns suddenly ice shoots from her hand which spikes across the floor shocking the guests as they back away]
Duke: Sorcery. I knew there was something dubious going on here.
Anna: Elsa?
[Elsa opens the door and rushes out] [as Elsa bursts out of the castle door there's a crowd waiting outside]
Woman in Crowd: There she is! [the crowd cheers, Elsa starts running through them when she is stopped by a man in the crowd]
Man in Crowd: It is her! [he bows] Queen Elsa. [Elsa pushes past him and tries to run through the crowd again] Our beautiful queen. [she's stopped by a woman holding a baby]
Woman Holding Baby: You Majesty? Are you alright? [Elsa backs away but knocks into the nearby fountain and as she grabs the edge the fountain and water in it freeze, the crowd gasps in shock]
Duke: There she is! Stop her!
Elsa: Please, just stay away from me. Stay away! [Suddenly, her ice powers malfunction by it shooting out of her hand freezing the ground and castle steps which makes the Duke and his guards fall]
Duke: Monster. Monster! [Elsa looks at her hand, as she turns the woman with the baby steps back in fear as does everyone else in the crowd, Elsa runs off]
Anna: Elsa! [Anna rushes after her] Elsa! [as Elsa reaches the lake's edge the ground beneath her feet freezes] Wait, please! [as Anna rushes after her Elsa takes a step onto the lake water and the water freezes under her foot, she starts running across the water as the water freezes under her feet] Elsa, stop!
[Anna goes to step onto the frozen lake water but slips, Hans who's been following Anna rushes to her side]
Hans: Anna!
Anna: No. [they watch as Elsa runs across the lake as it freezes towards the forest]
Hans: The fjord. [the ice spreads freezing the entire fjord is frozen, back in the castle courtyard the crowd start to notice snow falling]
Woman in Crowd #1: Snow?
Woman in Crowd #2: Snow?
Woman in Crowd #1: Yes, snow!
Hans: Are you alright?
Anna: No.
Hans: Did you know?
Anna: No.
Duke: [grabbing one of his guards] Look! It's snowing! It's snowing! The Queen has cursed this land! She must be stopped! You have to go after her.
Anna: Wait, no! [the Duke places his two thugs in front of him to protect himself from Anna]
Duke: You! Is there sorcery in you, too? Are you a monster, too?
Anna: No. No. I'm completely ordinary.
Hans: That's right, she is. [Hans places his hand on her shoulder] In the best way.
Anna: My-my sister's not a monster.
Duke: She nearly killed me!
Hans: You slipped on ice.
Duke: Her ice!
Anna: It was an accident. She was scared. She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this. Tonight was my fault. I pushed her, so I'm the one that needs to go after her.
Hans: What?
Duke: Yes. [as she starts to walk away, Hans stops her]
Anna: Bring me, my horse! Please?
Hans: Anna, no! It's too dangerous.
Anna: Elsa's not dangerous. I'll bring her back and I'll make this right.
Hans: I'm coming with you.
Anna: No. I need you here to take care of Arendelle.
Hans: On my honor. [Anna gets onto her horse and addresses the crowd]
Anna: I leave Prince Hans in charge.
Hans: Are you sure you can trust her? I don't want you getting hurt.
Anna: She's my sister, she would never hurt me. [Anna rides off]
[Through the snow storm, Elsa climbs up a mountain where the Ice Harvesters were in the opening, she starts singing "Let It Go"]
Elsa: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the Queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried. Don't let them in, don't let them see, Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know. [she looks at her one gloved hand suddenly takes off her glove and throws it into the air] Well, now they know! Let it go. Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore! [she creates a snowman] Let it go. Let it go. Turn away and slam the door. I don't care what they're going to say. Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway. [she takes off her cape which flies off into the wind] It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small. And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all. It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through. [with her powers she creates an ice staircase] No right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free! [she climbs up the ice staircase] Let it go! Let it go! I am one with the wind and sky. Let it go! Let it go! You'll never see me cry! Here I stand and here I'll stay! [she slams her foot down forming a giant snowflake] Let the storm rage on... [she creates and ice castle with her powers] My power flurries through the air into the ground. My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around. [she makes an ice chandelier for her ice castle] And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast. I'm never going back, the past is in the past! [she removes her crown and throws it away] Let it go! Let it go! [she lets down her hair and makes herself an ice dress] And I'll rise like the break of dawn. Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone. [she walks through her ice castle and onto the balcony. The morning is rising.] Here I stand in the light of day! Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway. [she walks back inside closing the icy doors]
[It is morning. Anna is riding her horse through the deep snow in the forest]
Anna: Elsa! Elsa! Elsa, It's me, Anna. Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer. I'm sorry. It's...it's all my f-f-fault. [she hears a wolf howling] Of course, none of it would have happened if she'd just told me her secret. [she chuckles to herself] She's a stinker. [suddenly a tree branch snaps startling her horse knocking Anna flying off as she sits up the horse start running away] Oh, no. No, no, no. Come back. No, no, no, no! Oookay. [Anna goes to grab a nearby branch to pull herself up but the trees snaps up dumping all its snow on top of Anna] [later that night as Anna tries to walk in the snow] Snow, it had to be snow, She couldn't have had tropical magic that covered the fjords in white sand and warm... [she sees smoke the distance] Fire! [suddenly she goes tumbling down the snowy hill and lands in the lake at the bottom, she stands and tries to walk out of the water] Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. [with her dress frozen she walks to the house up ahead of her, she climbs the step and knocks the snow off the sign above her] Wandering Oaken's Trading Post. [she then notices a much smaller sign under it] Ooh! And sauna. [Anna enters the building and takes a few steps inside when she hears someone calling out]
Oaken: Hoo-hoo. [she turns to see a man sat behind a counter] Big summer blow out. Half off swimming suits, clogs, and a sun balm of my own invention, yah?
Anna: Oh, great. For now, uh...how about boots? Winter boots and dresses?
Oaken: [he points to the area which is empty except for one outfit, a pair of boots, a rope and axe] That would be in our winter department.
Anna: [she picks up the outfit, boots and takes it to the counter] Oh. Um...I was just wondering, has another young woman, the Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?
Oaken: Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear. [suddenly the front door opens and Kristoff enters completely covered in ice] [to Kristoff] You and this fellow! Hoo-hoo. Big summer blow out.
[Kristoff walks to the counter and looks at Anna]
Kristoff: Carrots.
Anna: Huh?
Kristoff: [he leans closer to her] Behind you.
Anna: Oh, right. Excuse me. [she steps out of his way, Kristoff picks up the carrots and tosses them on the counter]
Oaken: Woh, a real howler in July, yes? [Kristoff goes and picks up the rope and axe from the sparse winter department] Where ever could it be coming from?
Kristoff: The North Mountain.
Anna: [quietly to herself] North Mountain.
[Kristoff places the axe and rope on the counter next to the carrots]
Oaken: That'll be forty.
Kristoff: Forty? No, ten.
Oaken: Oh dear, that's no good. [referring to the rope and axe] See this is from our winter stock, where supply and demand have a big problem.
Kristoff: [he looks out the window where his sled is stocked up with blocks of ice] You wanna talk about a supply and demand problem? I sell ice for a living.
Anna: Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now. I mean, that is really...
[Kristoff gives her a cold look]
Anna: Ahem...that's unfortunate.
Oaken: Still forty. But I will throw in a visit to Oaken's sauna. [waving] Hoo-hoo! Hi, family.
[Kristoff and Anna turn to see a family waving through the window of the sauna]
Family: Hoo-hoo!
[Anna waves back]
Kristoff: Ten's all I got. Help me out.
Oaken: Okay. [he puts the carrots forward on the counter] Ten will get you this and no more.
Anna: Okay, just tell me one thing. What was happening on the North Mountain? Did it seem magical?
[Kristoff pulls down the scarf on his face and looks at Anna]
Kristoff: Yes! [begins to break the fourth wall] Now, back up while I deal with this crook here. [suddenly Oaken, feeling offended, stands revealing his very tall stature]
Oaken: What did you call me?
[Oaken walks outside carrying Kristoff with one arm]
Kristoff: Okay. Okay, I... [Kristoff hits his head on the sign then Oaken throws him] Ow! Woh! [Kristoff lands in the snow ahead]
Oaken: Bye bye!
[Oaken walks back inside and slams the door, as he sits up Sven comes over to him]
Kristoff: No, Sven, I didn't get your carrots. [Sven huffs his disappointment] But I did find us a place to sleep. [referring to the dilapidated barn behind them] And it's free. [inside the Oaken's Trading Post Anna watches in shock as Oaken gets back behind the counter]
Oaken: I'm sorry about this violence. I will add a quart of lutefisk, so we'll have good feelings. Just the outfit and boots, yah?
[Anna looks down at Kristoff's supplies on the counter]
Anna: Uh... [she looks out the window] [inside the barn Kristoff, resting on some hay he starts singing "Reindeer Are Better Than People" to Sven]
Kristoff: Reindeers are better than people. Sven, don't you think that's true? [pretending to be Sven singing] Yeah, people will beat you and curse you and cheat you. Every one of em's bad, except you. [he pats Sven] Oh, thanks, buddy. [carries on singing] But people smell better than Reindeers. Sven, don't you think I'm right? [pretending to sing as Sven again] That's once again true, for all except you. [singing as himself again] You got me. Let's call it a night. [being Sven again] Good night. [as himself] Don't let the frostbite bite. [after Kristoff finishes singing suddenly Anna opens the barn door and enters making Kristoff and Sven sit up with a start]
Anna: Nice duet.
Kristoff: Oh, it's just you. What do you want?
Anna: I want you to take me up the North Mountain.
[Kristoff lays back on the hay and puts his hat over his eyes]
Kristoff: I don't take people places.
Anna: Let me rephrase that... [she throws a sack of supplies into Kristoff's lap making him sit up]
Kristoff: Ooph!
Anna: Take me up the North Mountain. Please.
[Kristoff opens the bag and finds the rope and axe he'd wanted to buy from Oaken]
Anna: Look, I know how to stop this winter.
[Kristoff sighs not believing her, he lays back down on the hay and puts his hat over his eyes]
Kristoff: We leave at dawn...and you forgot the carrots for Sven. [a bag containing the carrots hits Kristoff in the face]
Anna: Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't... [she clears her throat and catches herself] We leave now. Right now.
[she steps outside and waits, Kristoff watches walk out then offers Sven a carrot who takes a bite and then Kristoff has a bite] You-- (Animal Growling) (Crying out) [later that night Kristoff takes Anna in his sled, pulled by Sven, as they head toward the North Mountain]
Kristoff: Hang on! We like to go fast.
[Anna leans back and puts her feet up on the sled's dash]
Anna: I like fast!
Kristoff: Woh! Woh, woh, woh! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer. Seriously, were you raised in a barn? [he spits on dash to clean it, some if his spit hits Anna in the face]
Anna: Ew! No, I was raised in a castle.
Kristoff: Mm. So uh...tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?
Anna: Oh well, it was all my fault. I...I got engaged, but then she freaked out because I'd only just met him, you know, that day. And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage, and...
Kristoff: Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?
Anna: Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad and then she tried to walk away, and I grabbed her glove...
Kristoff: Hang on! You mean to tell me you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!
Anna: Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is she wore the gloves all the time, so I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt.
Kristoff: Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?
[she looks at Kristoff and slides away]
Anna: Yes, they did. But Hans is not a stranger.
Kristoff: Oh yeah? What's his last name?
Anna: Of-the-Southern-Isles?
Kristoff: What's his favorite food?
Anna: Sandwiches.
Kristoff: Best friend's name?
Anna: Probably John.
Kristoff: Eye color?
Anna: Dreamy.
Kristoff: Foot size?
Anna: Foot size doesn't matter.
Kristoff: Have you had a meal with him yet? What if you hate the way he eats? What if you hate the way he picks his nose?
Anna: Picks his nose?
Kristoff: And eats it.
Anna: Excuse me, sir. He is a prince.
Kristoff: All men do it.
Anna: Ew! Look, it doesn't matter, it's true love!
Kristoff: Doesn't sound like true love.
Anna: Are you some sort of love expert?
Kristoff: No. But I have friends who are.
Anna: You have friends who are love experts? I'm not buying it
Kristoff: Stop talking. [sensing something Kristoff stops the sled]
Anna: No, no, no. No, no, no. I'd like to meet these... [Kristoff puts his hand over Anna's mouth]
Kristoff: No, I mean it. [Anna shoves his hand away from her mouth and goes to say something] Sshhh! [Kristoff stands, holds up the lantern and looks around them when suddenly he notices a pack of wolves approaching them from behind] Sven, go. Go! [Sven takes off]
Anna: What are they?
Kristoff: Wolves.
Anna: Wolves? [the wolves chase after them] What do we do?
Kristoff: I got this. Just don't fall off and don't get eaten.
Anna: But I wanna help!
Kristoff: No!
Anna: Why not?
Kristoff: Because I don't trust your judgment.
Anna: Excuse me?!
[Kristoff pushes Anna back as he kicks off a wolf jumping at them]
Kristoff: Who marries a man she just met?
Anna: It's true love!
[Anna grabs Kristoff's lute and swings it at his head]
Kristoff: Whoa! [but what she was aiming for and hits is one of the wolves jumping at them] Whoa. [suddenly one of the wolves grabs Kristoff and yanks him off the sled]
Anna: Christopher!
[Kristoff grabs the loose rope hanging from the back of the and gets dragged behind]
Kristoff: It's Kristoff! [two of the wolves start attacking Kristoff, Anna uses the torch to fire a blanket and throws it at the wolves]
Anna: Duck! [as the wolves continue to chase them, Kristoff pulls himself back onto the sled crawling up the rope]
Kristoff: You almost set me on fire!
Anna: But I didn't. [Anna gives Kristoff a hand to pull him back onto the sled, at the very same time they notice a cliff up ahead and they have to do something before falling off the cliff] Get ready to jump, Sven!
Kristoff: You don't tell him what to do!
[Kristoff shoves a satchel into her arms and picks her up]
Anna: Hey!
Kristoff: I do! [he throws Anna onto Sven's back] Jump, Sven! [he cuts the harness to the sled just as Sven jumps and lands with Anna on the other side, Kristoff jumps from the sled and also lands handing by his hands. he looks down and sees his sled burst into flames as it hits the ground] Ooh. But I just paid it off. [suddenly he starts to slip off the edge] Uh-oh. No, no, no. Ah! No, no, no, no, no! [suddenly an axe, tied to a rope, comes flying over to him and lands in the snow right in front of him]
Anna: Grab on! [Kristoff quickly grabs the axe] Pull, Sven! Pull! [Sven with the help of Anna pull Kristoff up and he rolls onto his back exhausted] [Anna looks down the cliff at the burning sled] Woh. I'll replace your sled and everything in it. [Kristoff groans and covers his eyes with his arm] And I understand if you don't wanna help me anymore. [Anna starts to walk off sadly when Sven nudges Kristoff]
Kristoff: Of course I don't wanna help her anymore. In fact, this whole thing has ruined me for helping anyone ever again. [Kristoff pretends to be Sven answering himself] But she'll die on her own! [as himself] I can live with that. [pretending to be Sven again] But you won't get your new sled if she's dead. [as himself] Sometimes I really don't like you. [shouting to Anna as she's walking away in the background] Hold up! We're coming. [Sven licks Kristoff's face in approval Anna stops and turns]
Anna: You are?! I mean, sure. I'll let you tag along. [Sven runs off to catch up with Anna, Kristoff smiles then gets up to join them] [as they walk on all through the night towards the North Mountain, Anna turns and catches sight of Arendelle covered in ice and snow] Arendelle.
Kristoff: It's completely frozen.
Anna: But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.
Kristoff: Will she?
Anna: Yeah. Now come on. [pointing straight ahead] This way to the North Mountain?
[Kristoff chuckles and moves her pointed hand upwards]
Kristoff: More like this way. [Anna is shocked as she catches a glimpse of top of the mountain through the clouds] [on their journey they walk through a forest covered in snow and ice]
Anna: I never knew winter could be so beautiful. [suddenly they hear a voice coming from nowhere]
Olaf: Yeah! It really is beautiful, isn't it? But it's so white. You know, how about a little color? I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse. How about yellow? [as Anna and Kristoff try to look around to see where the voice is coming form suddenly a noseless Olaf wanders up behind them] No, not yellow. Yellow and snow? Brrrr...no go! [he laughs and walks over to stand between Anna and Kristoff] Am I right? [shocked, Anna screams and kicks Olaf's head which flies off his body and lands in Kristoff's hands] Hi!
Kristoff: You're creepy. [Kristoff tosses the head to Anna who immediately tosses it back to Kristoff]
Anna: I don't want it! [Kristoff tosses back to her]
Kristoff: Woh! Back at ya! [Anna tosses it back to Kristoff]
Olaf: Please, don't drop me. [Kristoff tosses back to Anna again]
Kristoff: Come on, it's just a head.
Anna: No! [Olaf's headless body runs around with his arms waving]
Olaf: Alright, we got off to a bad start.
Anna: Ew, ew, the body! [Anna throws Olaf's head back onto his body and it lands upside down onto him]
Olaf: Wait. What am I looking at right now? Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?
Anna: Alright. Wait one second. [feeling sorry for him Anna comes over and puts his head right side up]
Olaf: Oh! Thank you!
Anna: You're welcome.
Olaf: Now I'm perfect.
Anna: Well, almost.
Olaf: It was like my whole life got upside down. [Anna takes a carrot out of the satchel and suddenly slams it all the way through Olaf's head between his eyes] Wooh!
Anna: Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...
Olaf: Head rush!
Anna: Are you okay?
Olaf: Are you kidding me? I am wonderful! I've always wanted a nose. [he tries to grab the little bit of carrot sticking out between his eyes] So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn. [Anna pushes forward the carrot sticking out the back of Olaf's head] What? Hey! Woh! [seeing his big carrot nose sticking out from between his eyes] Oh, I love it even more! Hah. Alright, let's start this thing over. Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs. [Olaf faces Anna and opens his arms]
Anna: Olaf? [Anna suddenly realizes he's the snowman from her and Elsa's childhood] That's right, Olaf!
Olaf: And you are?
Anna: Oh, um...I'm Anna. [turning to Kristoff and Sven]
Olaf: And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?
Anna: That's Sven.
Olaf: Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?
Anna: ...Sven? [looking and Kristoff and Sven]
Olaf: Oh! They're...oh, okay. Makes things easier for me. [suddenly Sven tries to bite off Olaf's nose but Olaf jumps back] Ha! Aw, look at him trying to kiss my nose. [to Sven] I like you, too!
Anna: Olaf, did Elsa build you?
Olaf: Yeah. Why? [Kristoff takes one of Olaf's stick arms off, looking at it in curiosity]
Kristoff: Fascinating.
Anna: Do you know where she is?
Olaf: Yeah. Why?
Anna: Do you think you could show us the way?
Olaf: Yeah. Why?
[Kristoff bends Olaf's arm]
Kristoff: How does this work? [suddenly Olaf's dismembered arm slaps Kristoff across the face] Ow! [Olaf grabs his arm back from Kristoff]
Olaf: Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here. [he puts his arm back in place and turns back to Anna] Yeah, Why?
Kristoff: I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer.
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shikhartravels0 · 2 years
Kashmir: The Magical Experience Which Makes Kashmir Irresistible
The brown of pine trees against a lovely contrast of white of snow and imposing mountain peaks, with a little bit of green. Everything but grey concrete buildings. This is the first impression of my Kashmir. The paradise which is so beautiful in summers enthralls you with its magic in winters. Nothing looks so much prettier as Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Pahalgam, and Srinagar are all cast in the snow. Look for your dream Kashmir Tour here.
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Imagine season’s first snowflake grazing your cheek as you tilt your head upwards to the sky. When little beds of flowers are covered with snowflakes and so are the benches that line the promenade. And so is the pine tree that you can see from the window of your hotel room while you sip on the flavorful Kashmiri tea- ‘Kahwa’. You sleep peacefully in the cocoon of your room as the fire crackles in a Bukhari. When you wake up, the whole world beyond the window is encased in the purest white of snow. You revel in nature’s magic as snow encompasses everything around you and your heart.
Ready, steady and whoosh. The slopes of Gulmarg are India’s best and Asia’s 7th best for both novices and avid skiers. When you’re going at a speed and don’t know how to stop, just fall. This was one of the best tips for novices that I got from an instructor. And quite an easy instruction to follow! Riding a cable car in Gulmarg is truly an incredible experience. Hiking, skating, and heli-skiing are some of the other popular activities. There are quite a few local operators in Gulmarg who make arrangements for adventure sports. You can make a snowman and indulge in snowball fights with your family or friends or spouse or the local kids. I made my own ‘Olaf, the snowman’ and relived Disney’s ‘Frozen’ here. Kashmir is an experience that can be enjoyed both solos and with company.
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The Shikaras are all at your disposal and so is the Dal Lake which lacks the hordes of tourists that throng in summer. You can experience the tranquility of the lake while you enjoy a ride on the Shikara in winters. The chirping of birds, the sound of prayers – Azan and the ripples of water are all you would hear. Of course, staying in a houseboat is also a distinctive experience that you can opt for. I spent some of my best times in Kashmir while I sat on the loveseats in the balcony of my houseboat in the wee hours of morning. The kingfishers and men selling flowers, vegetables and all sorts of wares came to my door on the lake. Of course, you can’t indulge in a ride in a frozen Dal Lake. But a frozen lake would be quite a lifetime experience to behold if and when it happens.
The golden beauty of Sonmarg turns into a sea of white. The ponies guide you through the Betaab Valley in Pahalgam to witness the winter magic. For the more adventurous, the Zanskar region is famous for one of the most thrilling treks in the world – Chadar trek. This 20-day trek is both dangerous and beautiful as it involves crossing the frozen river in a world that looks nothing less than the ice age at this time of the year.
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There are a lot of things to do when you are in Kashmir. And tasting Kashmiri cuisine is one of them. Kashmiri Pulav, Yakhni, Kahwa and the Kebabs are of course mouthwatering delicacies. But you should also try Harissa which is the local Kashmiri food. The non-vegetarian delicacy that takes almost 12 hours to prepare with Lamb and rice as the primary ingredients is a staple diet of Kashmiris in winter.
You can stroll the markets to shop for some of the best pashminas, shawls, suits and woolens with indigenous embroidery that Kashmir is world famous for. The riots of colors of paper-mache and other Kashmiri handicrafts will amaze you.
Plus, you will get amazing discounts if you visit Kashmir in winter. So, before thinking of all those exorbitantly priced Switzerland packages, do experience Kashmir and its hospitality. It will rival any picture of Switzerland and that too on a budget with memories that would never fade.
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sommer-girl · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 102 characters
#look someone has to be the world's biggest ella marie stan and i guess that responsibility falls to me
My Top Posts in 2022:
Shaky Ground | Evanna
So Anna had gotten Evy the job after all! She was really excited about this, but a little nervous. If it went well, then Anna had just recruited a really helpful new member of the team! But if it didn’t... then Anna felt like it reflected on her... After all, she didn’t want anyone to think she was just getting her friends in the door.
So far, though, things were going pretty smoothly. Elsa had trained Evy the other day when Anna was in class, and seemed pretty adamant that Evy was ready to go. Anna wasn’t going to question it.
“Hey! We finally have a shift together!” Anna said, tying her apron behind her back and going to wash her hands. “How did training go?”
22 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Let’s Connect! | Andes
Subject: Anna Sommers - Potential Informational Interview?
Dear Mayor Acheron,
My name is Anna Sommers and I am a second-year Magick History student at Pride University with an interest in politics, civil rights, and social justice. Recently, I worked as the Legal Affairs Intern at Interpride International, working closely with your partner, Belle Acheron, who shared your contact information with me. You can learn more about my background in my resumé, which I have attached.
As the former campaign manager of the Archimedes Owl Campaign, I am extremely interested in local politics and I would love the opportunity to learn more about your background and how you came to your current role, as well as to share a bit more about myself and my work. Would you potentially be interested in discussing this over coffee sometime in the near future?
Thank you so much for your time and for all of your hard work as the town’s new mayor. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Anna C. Sommers Magick History Student Pride University Class of 2023
23 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
Archival Survival | Annica
So... Anna was going for it. She was going to write a dissertation!
After her first meeting with her advisor, though, Anna had realized that she was definitely going to need to use the town archives in order to write this thing. And while she had enjoyed researching there with Nemo over the summer, she did remember hearing the archivist on duty mentioning something about efforts to digitize the archives. Now that would certainly make her research a lot easier.
She got in touch with the archivist again, who suggested getting in touch with the Board, and as a former Town Hall intern, Anna had no fear about approaching the Board! She showed up to office hours ready to get down to business.
“Hi! Uh, Pacifica!” 
Wait. Wasn’t she friends with Candace?
23 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
If This World Starts Getting You Down | Eilonna
It was strange how quickly Anna was back in the swing of things, even after the craziness of winter break. Suddenly, she didn’t have time to dwell on magical spirits or ancient curses because she had finals coming up, and considering she was still playing catch-up from changing her program, she had no time to waste. She couldn’t afford to fail. 
Eilonwy seemed to feel the same, which was why they were both in the common room, heads bent low over their laptops, slipping from “mildly exhausted” to “totally dead” as the hours ticked by. When Anna saw the clock starting to near 1 AM, her heart stopped for a moment-- and then she remembered. She wouldn’t wake up Ashleigh on her way back, because she wasn’t home tonight.
Ashleigh wasn’t home tonight! Not something to celebrate, obviously, but it did mean Anna could have people over. And it looked like Eilonwy could use a break, too. “Hey--” Anna said, looking up from her laptop. “Are you also, like, dying right now?”
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[this sweater with some leggings]
29 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Most Ardently | Claranna
There was just one loose end Anna hadn’t had a chance to tie up at Pride U before leaving for break: her Secret Santa. She still had the book wreath hanging proudly above her bed (even though privately she wondered what Ashleigh thought of it). And she had brought the poetry magnets to work, sticking them all over the refrigerators and freezers in the back. 
Still, Anna hadn’t properly had the chance to thank her “Santa.” And based on the gifts, Anna thought that she seemed like a really cool person.
She went ahead and knocked on Clara’s door one night, hoping she was around. “Hey!” Anna said when the door opened. “Clara! You were my Secret Santa, right?”
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32 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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winterheiress · 2 years
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conquiier · 5 years
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let-it-show · 2 years
Sunny Day for the Queen
I wrote this completely for cathartic reasons. Lol. Sunburns and bad days make me turn to the girls. This is also a bit of a follow-up to Just Be. It’s Anna’s turn to not watch herself before wreckedy-wrecking herself, what will we do with these girls, really? Take off their clothes and douse them in lotion? Well, not in this fic but really that’s what they should do.  Anyway. **~~***~~~*** The intention had been to spend the morning doting on Elsa, on loving her, talking to her, and pleasuring her as long as the busy schedule allowed. Following that, Anna was going to let her rest for the day, as her kind but self-sacrificing sister had done a number on herself the day before in trying to cool the entire town. Even though Elsa protested from the moment they both woke up, Anna was firm in her orders and eventually the Snow Queen crossed her arms and gave in. Before Anna could do anything for and to her, however, she was pulled away. It turned out, the day she had chosen to be the only queen on duty was a busy one and there was much to do. She could delegate though. She was much better at that than Elsa was, by a long shot. Her sister tended to think that she had to do every task on her own, from handling the heat to saving an entire forest and the kingdom. She was ridiculous, really, and Anna could only love her more for it.
The morning was stuffed with meetings. Anna had trade deals to discuss. She had to make some decisions about the harvest festival even as it was two months away. Luckily she and Elsa had talked about it before. Anna had to check in with one of the bigger farms in the kingdom, one that supplied much to the castle, and was looking for a little more in payment. Anna took no issue with it. As she made her way through her tasks and midday approached, she was eager to check on Elsa and spend some intimate time with her. Unfortunately on her way to the castle, she was informed of a problem between two ships in the fjord, and it had to be handled immediately. Due to the weather, Anna had dressed in a little less than she usually might. Her dress was in her dark green and black motif, but sleeveless and it also scooped low in the back. She had worn a coat to cover her arms and shoulders previously and keep the sun off – but that day with the giant ice fans and Elsa's magic hard at work she was lulled into a false sense of security. Out on the water she thought about her clothing choice even less. The water made the air that much cooler, and she was distracted. There was a huge argument between the captains of two ships over who was docking where, and some internal drama she wasn't privy to. A few soldiers and Olaf insisted on accompanying her. That turned out to be good, because as continued efforts to moderate under the blue sky and blazing sun repeatedly failed, fists started to fly. At one point, a man had even grabbed an axe. Somehow Olaf got the axe away. Luckily one of her soldiers got the axe from him. Anna found herself in what appeared to be very real danger, with no sword available. She'd been taking lessons just in case of such a predicament! She should have also taken lessons teaching her to use an axe, or a maybe paddle. As a result she prepared herself to square up... It didn't come down to that. When her soldiers pulled their own swords and began to line up in front of her, the sailors appeared to realize they'd gotten a little too rowdy. So slowly, begrudgingly, they began to separate, releasing throats and undoing headlocks. Finally both big burly captains decided to chat and work things out while Anna asked a sailor to bring her water. The sun felt like it was bathing her in its rays a little too much. There was still a breeze, but it wasn't enough. The sun decided to back off as Anna stepped on solid ground again. She thought she'd never get off of either of the ships but a deal was made, hands shook, and the captains were kissing when she finally got the hell out of there. Anna wasn't too sure what on earth she had just witnessed, she was just happy to be done. Dinner was waiting for her when she got in and she had it sent to the bedroom so she could dine with Elsa. Her neck and back tingled, as did her arms. Her head hurt but as long as she didn't bend down, it didn't swim. Everything was a bit sore, she realized, but she hurried up the stairs to see her sister. She missed days where she didn't get to do so much with her. She knocked to announce herself and pushed open the door, hurrying in. Elsa was standing in front of a mirror and fixing the waves in her hair. A tray of covered food rested on their little table, along with a pitcher of water that was screaming Anna's name. But before she had any of that- “Hey, you're supposed to be resting!” she said, pointing at Elsa accusingly. Her sister was still in her pajamas and a book on the bed was a sign she hadn't been working, but Anna still worried. “Hello to you too, my love. I have be-Anna!” Elsa had turned to face her and her eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “Anna what did you DO!?” “Huh?” Anna blinked back. “I'm late because I had to deal with sailors fighting! If you heard about the axe, Olaf never swung it-” “Axe!?” “It's fine, I didn't have to fight! They resolved everything, a lot of it came down to a book of dirty poems-” “Anna you are red!” Elsa closed the distance between them, raising her hands gently to either side of Anna's face but not quite touching her skin. “Your skin is so red, on your face, your nose, your arms...turn around, please.” Anna tilted her head and then turned, her bare back in front of Elsa. She heard a gasp and it wasn't the kind she usually heard from Elsa when she looked at her body. “What?” Anna asked, though she supposed she already knew. “Did you not cover yourself in the sun? Anna you are burnt to a crisp! You need to drink water and sit down, no more working today!” Elsa gently grabbed Anna's hips and turned her back around. She gently laid her cool hand against Anna's forehead. It was probably the best thing Anna had ever felt in her life and she leaned into that hand. Her head did hurt quite a bit, actually. Since she stopped moving and was in a relaxed state in the bedroom, she could evaluate. Everything really hurt. Her throat was dry, and her stomach didn't quite feel right. “Oh I...I planned to but I kind of got...um...” Elsa took her hand and pulled her to the bed, urging her to sit. “Don't lay down right away, your back is so...Gale!” she said suddenly and before Anna could react, the door opened and the wind spirit blew right in. Elsa took a pad of paper from her drawer and a quill, writing a quick note. She folded it quickly and offered it to Gale. “To Oaken, please, and quickly! We need some salve.” The spirit took the note and was off, just like that. Then Elsa turned her attention to Anna. “What am I going to do with you? Hanging around sailor fights, standing under the hot sun!” She finally sat down next to Anna and shot her a worried look. “You have to be careful, Anna.” “Me!? You had to rest the whole day because you overdid it yesterday with your magic! You can't talk!” Anna snapped back, a little annoyed. What a hypocrite! Elsa stared at her, and sighed. “You're right. What are we gonna do?” “Maybe you can cover me with a light film of ice? That should help right? It already kinda hurts...” “No, I meant with ourselves.” Elsa's eyes glittered, showing she was a bit amused. “We really do go too hard, don't we?” “I guess it comes with running a kingdom...” Anna couldn't help but feel a little guilty. She had lectured Elsa a lot in the past for not taking care of herself and running herself into the ground thinking she had to do everything and all by herself. She herself had a dose of overdoing it that day...and sometimes it was unavoidable, painful even. She wished she hadn't roasted herself in order to understand, though. Elsa nodded. “Well...we need to take better care of ourselves. And I mean, we take care of each other, or try, but we have to look after ourselves so we don't push each other to do too much...” “Pft.” Anna rolled her eyes. “Good luck with THAT, you know me,” Anna joked, and then winced as her head filled with pain. “I do. I...I really do,” Elsa agreed, nodding with a sigh. “First things first, though – let's get you water.” She started to stand, but Anna grabbed her arm. “First things first, you kiss me! I haven't had any love since I got in here, just you giving me crap!” Anna was teasing, but she really did want a kiss. She wanted a tight, cold hug from Elsa and quite frankly wanted all of their clothes off. “Oh!” Elsa smiled and leaned in, soft, cool lips meeting dry and cracked ones. Her tongue swept into Anna's mouth and her icy breath felt like it cooled her hot body from the inside out. Anna let her hand fall to Elsa's waist, and she wanted to run it up to her chest, but Elsa pulled away before she could. “Awww...” “Come on now.” Elsa grinned and then stood up to retrieve the pitcher of water. “I said water first. Hopefully the salve will arrive as we have dinner but overall...you're taking it easy.” “Oh I'll easily take it-” Elsa shoved a glass of water at her. “Yes. Take it and drink it,” she said sternly. “Not the 'it' I meant,” Anna commented dryly, her shoulders sagging a little as she took the glass. She noticed the movement made a stinging pain shoot through her skin. “Ow...so about that ice...film...” “Nope.” Elsa shook her head. “Ice will dry you out. Snowy winter air is a bad idea too. I'm afraid my powers are no match for a terrible sunburn. We'll have to figure out something, because you're in for a rough night...” Anna shrugged – pain again – and had some of her water. “You're worrying too much. I'll be fine. And when I wake up tomorrow, I demand to enjoy my Queen,” she said, smirking at Elsa. “I would gladly let you but Anna...you won't be enjoying much for a few days...” Elsa told her, biting her lip. “We'll just see about that,” Anna replied confidently. For three nights Anna tossed and turned, unable to sleep well as her back screamed with pain and a burning sensation. She went through three jars of salve. She whined. She begged Elsa to freeze her heart to stop the pain and then tried to insist that physical pleasure would somehow make it stop. At one point she insisted Elsa find a way to “ice the sun” so it wouldn't take her out again. Every movement made her groan, and she couldn't wear clothing too long at a time as the fabric would irritate her skin badly. “Love can thaw, right? Well why the hell can't it just heal EVERYTHING!?” Anna yelled at one point, sitting in the bed with her arms crossed and a pout on her face. Elsa answered her with only a giggle, and all Anna could do was sigh.
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yumeka36 · 3 years
Happy 8-year anniversary to Frozen!
Today marks 8 years since the release of Frozen, a movie that would resonate with me like no other and change my life for years to come. Earlier this week I made a post for the 2-year anniversary of its sequel, Frozen 2, so today I wanted to do the same for the original movie (as well as the shorts). I’m going to be sharing photos from special events/occasions that I attended throughout the movie’s history - a sort of “trip down memory lane” for all the fun times I’ve personally had the privilege of experiencing with my beloved franchise.
Since the original Frozen has been around a lot longer than the sequel, I have a lot more photos to share so I apologize in advance for the length of this post!
Thought I’d start with the very first Frozen items I ever purchased: these mugs from Disney Store in late 2013. It was literally the first time since I was a kid that I wanted to buy something from a Disney movie - little did I know what it would lead to 8 years later! (anyone who’s seen my collection now knows what I mean!)
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My first trip to Disneyland after Frozen mania hit, in mid-2014. On the left is the original location for Anna and Elsa’s meet & greet, a small building in Fantasy Land (complete with Olaf on top). It wasn’t unusual for lines to be two hours long! Eventually they moved the location to a bigger space in California Adventure. Also on the right hand photo, a Let It Go cake I saw in a window!
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Once I became a Frozen fan, I started hearing about D23 Expo and wanted to check it out. I went to my first one in 2015 and I was delighted to see all the Frozen love!
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There was also a lot of promotion for Frozen Fever!
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My best experience at the convention was attending Frozen Fandemonium, an event featuring the Frozen songwriters, as well as special appearances by Josh Gad, Kristen Bell, and others. They discussed the creation of the Frozen songs and even did some performances. Highlights were Kristen Bell singing the deleted song “More Than Just the Spare” and everyone getting together to sing “Let It Go.” The entire show is available to watch on YouTube here. Such an awesome experience!
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I visited Disneyland a few more times the following years and was happy to see Frozen added to their parades and night shows, especially to the debut of “Paint the Night,” one of my favorites. During the holidays of 2015, they even added the Let It Go segment to two back-to-back showings of World of Color. I was pleased about it, though I could also understand how Disney was pushing Frozen a bit too much at the parks to the point where people were starting to get sick of it (not that I ever had that problem, lol).
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In 2016, the Frozen theatrical show started playing at the Hyperion Theater in California Adventure. I saw it for the first time during the holidays that year and they honestly did a very good job condensing the movie into just an hour and adding a couple of unique touches.
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In spring of 2017, after the Frozen ride had opened at Disney World in Orlando, I decided that I wanted to take my first trip out there...so I did, and it was amazing.
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Besides the ride, the Norway area of Epcot was also filled with Frozen! There’s Anna and Elsa’s Sommerhouse where they had their meet & greet, as well as these lovely topiaries right outside.
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There was also a really cool Nordic/Frozen themed museum (more photos of that here).
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Although most of it was in Epcot, Frozen was still in the other lands too! There’s a float in Magic Kingdom for one of my most favorite Disney parades, “Festival of Fantasy,” projections and segments in the night shows, and a sing-along show at Hollywood Studios.
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My first merch haul from Disney World...
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In summer of 2017, there was another D23 Expo, this time with lots of Olaf’s Frozen Adventure! I attended a panel where the creators, including the song writers, discussed the short, showed us some exclusive footage, and did a live  performance of “When We’re Together” (which had yet to be released to the public at the time). The lithograph on the right was given away for free at random times at the Disney Animation booth, as well as signed versions from the filmmakers (which unfortunately I missed out on). I almost missed my chance to get the lithograph at all, but I asked the cast member nicely if I could have one and he gave it to me :)
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I took another trip to Disneyland a couple days after Christmas that year and saw that they were showing a sneak peek of OFA before the Frozen stage play. I thought that was weird since the short had already been out for a month, lol.
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Although D23 Expo 2019 was mostly filled with Frozen 2, I did manage to snag this signed poster from Joe Caramagna, the author of the Frozen Dark Horse comics.
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And lastly, in January of 2020, just a couple months before the pandemic, I saw the Broadway play of Frozen at the Pantages Theater in Hollywood. After listening to the soundtrack for months, it was great to finally see the performance myself (though I’m still salty that they removed “True Love” from this version).
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Unfortunately I didn’t do much in 2020 and 2021 because of the pandemic, plus lack of new Frozen projects for Disney to promote. But hopefully that will change...can’t say when or how, but sometime in the future I hope to have another bunch of photos like this for Frozen 3!
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serlinesstuff · 2 years
━ ❝ unOrdinary Characters Favourite Disney Movies
John: Moana. John loved Moana with all his heart, when he was a kid he took a stick he found by his house and pretended it was Maui's magic stick (I forgot what it was called ehswne). On a side note, he made William watch it every movie night, and absolutely bawled at every possible moment, and now loves stingrays.
Sera: Brave. No doubt in mind. At first she hated it for no reason, but after watching and analyzing it a bit more, she realized she just related to the main character more than she liked. Sometimes Sera will just sit in her dorm alone and watch Brave under a pile of blankets while sipping hot cocoa, and it always makes her think of her relationship with her mom.
Arlo: Lion King. He watched it as a child, and it still remains and the only movie to ever make him nearly cry. His love for the hierarchy came from this movie, and after John dethroned him, Arlo watched Lion King 7 times in a row
Remi: Big Hero Six. She is absolutely in love with Honey Lemon, and after watching the movie in theaters as a kid, she kept taking different dish soaps and mixed them together, saying she would become a hero like her. After Rei's death, she cried (even more than usual) at Tadashi's death scene, and found herself relating to Hiro more and more, especially the scene where Hiro tried to kill Callaghan
Blyke: Mulan, animated version ofc. I don't know why but everytime I watch this movie I can just imagine Blyke going crazy over it. He gets so pumped up with the fight and training scenes, sings the songs when he thinks he's alone, and loves the meaning behind it too
Isen: He loved Frozen. Watched it on repeat religiously as a child, and still loves it even now. His favourite character are definitely Sven and Olaf, and he even has a little Olaf toy hidden in his dorm room. Aside from Frozen, he also loved and cried at Finding Nemo & Finding Dory, and it inspired him to get a pet fish (which he somehow lost???)
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shut-up-merlin · 4 years
Merthur. Frozen. AU.
Merlin has magic. We all know Merlin has magic. Merlin knows. Gaius Knows. And... Ygraine knew. 
When Merlin came to Arendelle Camelot, he was a little boy. Hunith visited Gaius and brought Merlin with her. Arthur immediately took a liking to him (after a bit of a quarrel on the training field where Merlin didn’t know who Arthur was and may or may no have called him a prat.. oops!). It didn’t take long for them to become friends though. And since they got along so well, Ygraine decided to keep both Hunith and Merlin with her in Arend- Camelot. 
Merlin had magic. And Arthur, being the big hearted goof that he is, absolutely LOVED it. They spent time together running through the halls, playing magical tricks on servants. Creating a baby snow-woman named Morgana. Until one day Merlin’s magic accidentally hurt Arthur.
Uther didn’t know WHO had hurt his precious baby boy but ends up banning magic from Camelot anyways cause he’s a douche and he doesn’t like pretty magical snowflakes floating around the castle halls. 
Ygraine, Hunith and Gaius had to sneak to the trolls druids to get help and save Arthur’s life. After the druids erased all memories Arthur had of Merlin’s magic, Merlin kept a distance between him and Arthur, who pined for him like a love sick puppy was sad for ages.
Drama happened. Ygraine and Hunith went on a trade mission overseas. AND NEVER RETURNED (and then somehow if you’re to believe the Tarzan theory, they had a baby named Tarzan and then other things happened but that’s not for this story...)
Arthur stayed in Camelot, where he tried to reconciliate with his former best friend over and over and over again. Merlin ended up going to live with Gaius after his mum died. Sad days. Sad sad SAD days. 
And then Arthur turns 21 and is officially named Crown Prince of Camelot. Merlin is told that if he doesn’t bother going to the ceremony he may well pack his bags and gtfo. So he does. He goes. And he tries to hold his magic in. But the moment he sees Arthur for the first time in years his heart just swells. He really tries to conceal don’t feel. But then Arthur asks him to dance and ice crystals form on the rims of people’s glasses. And they flirt and flirt and flirt and then Arthur kisses Merlin so our poor baby can’t keep it in any more, filling the entire room with frozen butterflies. 
When people turn on Merlin for having magic, the butterflies attack. It’s pretty bad. Vicious butterflies. It’s a thing. 
Merlin runs and makes a pretty ice castle in the mountains.
Arthur goes after him. Finds Olaf!Morgana, who likes warm hugs and helps him find Merlin. Merlin & Arthur end up singing Let it Go together. It’s pretty romantic. And possibly kind of hot, although that may not be the best thing if you’re in an ice castle... 
Evil Uther tries to get between them but they frost ray his evil butt off and then live happily ever after.
This whole thing happened due to the most random phrase I wrote when replying to a comment on AO3 ( @edwinya you did this!)
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