#OR all in nancy's pov beginning to end
eskawrites · 2 years
i’m sure this has been done before but. the last airbender AU where El is, of course, the avatar, and the rest of the party are benders/other friends she meets as she masters the four elements
El as one of many bending children who were taken as part of a military experiment led by Brenner, a corrupted guru following xyz bad motivation. You get the idea.
She doesn’t remember the air temple where she was born, or any of her family. But she meets Kali, who also survived and escaped the experiments, somewhere along the way (my first thought for Kali is firebender based on personality, but also hear me out: waterbender who teaches herself bloodbending as she’s trying to get revenge on the people involved in the experiments)
plot? idk a plot. but imagine Vecna as a corrupted, mutated spirit of some kind. one of Brenner’s experiments with bending and energy and the spirit world gone too far. and he’s corrupting both the spirit world and the physical world wherever he goes
cue strange things happening, like people disappearing or being murdered by spirits. and also strange things like a small airbender girl showing up outside a water tribe village with very little recollection of who she is or how she got there
she meets Mike, who’s clumsily teaching himself waterbending, and Nancy, who has shouldered the responsibility of protecting their home after most of the adults in town prove themselves useless
something-something their journey takes them across the world. Dustin, a non-bending tinkerer who grew up with Mike goes with them. they also meet Lucas, a young earthbender doing his best to prove himself a warrior to his village. he hits it off with the kids immediately and decides to adventure with them
deeper in the Earth Kingdom, they hear rumor of someone who actually survived Vecna’s curse, and they follow those rumors straight to Max, a blind earthbending master who, when El asks, promises to teach her everything she knows
they visit El’s air temple once, only to find it deserted--except for a small boy named Will, who maybe disappeared from Mike and Nancy’s village years ago, and who somehow not only survived on his own all this time, but is suddenly an airbender, and is harboring a strange, unnerving connection to Vecna and his spirits
anyway enough nonsense let’s get to Robin, a firebender who ran away from her ruthless military family and is now living in exile, constantly looking over her shoulder in case the fire nation comes looking for her
i’m thinking the fire nation fulfilling the role of the Russians--they didn’t start the experiments, and they aren’t as big a threat as Vecna, but they’re watching what’s going on with the spirit world and are constantly looking for ways to take advantage of the chaos and harness Vecna’s power
Robin was just working her boring old job as a guard to some important fire noble’s annoying son (yes it’s Steve) when she discovered the fire nation’s involvement in Some Bad Shit. she and Steve decide to try to put a stop to it, and when that fails they flee the country
they stumble across the party eventually. some of the kids don’t trust them at first, but Steve saves Dustin’s life in some sort of battle and Dustin practically worships him after that. not to mention the fact that all of them secretly think Robin’s sharp wit and ‘i don’t give a fuck’ attitude makes her cool af
she teaches El firebending, and El and Max follow her around like puppies, always talking about how much of a badass she is
Nancy isn’t jealous, not at all, what are you talking about
Nancy doesn’t trust Steve and Robin for a long time, longer than any of the kids. she knows they’re hiding something, and maybe something-something she has a bad history with fire nation soldiers, so Robin rubs her the wrong way
they fall in love eventually. Max points out that Nancy’s heart beats faster any time she and Robin get all snarky with each other and Nancy loses it
Robin and Steve’s past does come back to bite them, and Robin is sure their new friends are going to abandon them, and any progress she’s made with Nancy will vanish. instead, Nancy is the first one to step in front of her and tell the threat to back off. if Robin wasn’t already in love (she was), she would’ve fallen for her right then and there
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alwaysmoncheri · 3 months
𝐥𝐞𝐭’𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 | 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧
summary: in which best friends, y/n henderson and steve harrington get caught up in their feelings while paranormal activities occur in the small town of hawkins, indiana
cw: fem!reader, I wrote this a long time ago(I apologize for everything cringe), shit writing, first person pov, mentions of death, guns/knifes/weapons in general, mentions of blood/gore, hurt, comfort, angst, 4.1k
The lights start to flicker, as El searches for our missing friends. We all look around the gymnasium in confusion and worry.
"Barbra?" Eleven whispers, as her breathing begins to pick up, faster and faster.
Nancy and I glance at each other worriedly and lean forward over the pool, at the mention of our friend's name.
Eleven gasps before the lights shut off completely.
"What's going on?" Nancy asks, looking up at the lights confused.
"I don't know," Mike responds quietly beside his sister.
"Is Barb okay?" Nancy leans forward even more, trying to ask the girl, "Is she okay?"
"Gone! Gone! Gone!" El cries repeatedly as her body starts to squirm uncontrollably.
Nancy places her hand over her mouth, tears now flooding her eyes as Jonathan pulls her close in comfort. I grab her hand gently, squeezing lightly before letting go, my eyes too, filling with tears.
Barb is dead.
"It's okay, it's okay." Joyce whispers to the girl, "It's okay."
"Gone! Gone!" Eleven continues to cry before Joyce gently grabs her arm comfortingly.
"It's okay, it's okay," She repeats.
I reach out, gently wrapping my arm around the girl's head, bringing it up to my chest. "Hey. It's okay," I whisper in El's ear, "It's okay, we're right here."
I glance at Joyce.
"We're right here, honey." She says to the panicked girl.
"It's okay, I got you." I repeat as Eleven continues to gasp, "Don't be afraid, I'm right here with you."
The intensity of Eleven's breathing seems to decrease slightly, and I release her, moving back to my spot next to Nancy. She and Jonathan look at me with concerned eyes, I send a reassuring smile back.
"It's okay, it's okay," Joyce repeats after I let go, "It's okay, you're safe. You're okay, honey."
Eleven's breathing finally evens out as she calms down from Joyce's comforting words in the pool before she speaks again.
"Castle Byers."
Joyce whips her head around to Jonathan who looks back with the same look in his eyes. The rest of us glance at each other too.
"Will?" Eleven whispers.
Joyce gasps.
"You tell him... tell him I'm coming." Joyce says desperately, "Mom is coming."
"Hurry." Will whispers weakly from the other end of the walkie-talkie.
We all turn our heads to stare at the radio with shocked expressions. Then switching our faces to a concerned look, we glance back at Joyce and Eleven in front of her as she desperately clings onto the girl.
"Okay. Listen, you tell him... to stay where he is," Joyce stutters panicked, "We're coming. We're coming. We're coming, honey." She adds.
"Will? Will!" We hear El cry through the radio, "Will!"
Joyce and Hopper grip Eleven's trembling hands firmly, trying to provide comfort to the gasping girl. Suddenly, she sits up in the bath, with a sharp breath, yanking off her goggles. All of us are taken aback by the sudden movement as we stare at her in shock.
"Oh! Oh, okay, okay." Joyce holds onto El's body as she breaths heavily, "I've got you."
Eleven starts crying in Joyce's loving arms.
"It's okay. I got you. I got you." Joyce repeats, "I got you, honey. You did so good." She adds reassuringly before kissing El's temple as she continues cry in her arms.
I make eye contact with El as she curls up into a ball. I gently reach out, grabbing her hand and rub reassuringly, telling her that it's going to be alright.
Nancy and I sit together with our backs pressed against the cold, hard wall. I bring my knees up to my chest, while Nancy simply stares at the wall, lost in thought. A solemn look rests on both of our faces as we mourn the loss of one of our best friends.
Barb didn't deserve to die.
Jonathan eventually joins us, sitting himself down on the other side of Nancy. We all sit there in silence until Nancy speaks up.
"We have to go back to the station." She says simply, making Jonathan and I turn towards her.
"What?" Jonathan asks.
"Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there like bait." Nancy stammers slightly, "That thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too."
"We can't." She finishes.
Jonathan and I glance at each other before he sighs, "You still wanna try it out?" He asks.
"I wanna finish what we started." Nancy confirms, finally looking at the two of us, "I want to kill it."
Jonathan and I nod before I stand, grabbing both of their hands and pulling them up off the ground. I smirk slightly before speaking.
"Then, lets kill this son of a bitch."
Nancy, Jonathan, and I successfully make it back to the Byer's house after going to the police station and collecting our supplies.
With our boxes and bags in hand, we make our way into the house. We set them down and immediately notice the lights that have been hung up on every square inch of the house. Nancy, Jonathan and I glance at each other before getting to work.
After screwing in all the singular light bulbs, I turn my attention to setting up the bear trap, making a mental note not to trigger it in the process. After spreading around the lighter fluid and leading it directly towards the trap, I grab my crowbar taking a few swings to make sure I'm ready to kill that bitch.
I make my way back over to Nancy and Jonathan, who grabs three knives from the kitchen drawer before walking back over to us and handing one to both Nancy and I.
"Remember." Jonathan says.
"Straight into Will's room. And—" Nancy repeats our plan.
"Don't step on the trap." I finish with my knife hovering over my hand.
"Wait for the yo-yo to move." Nancy continues.
"Then..." Jonathan flips his lighter on showing us the flame before putting it back in his pocket, "Alright. You guys ready?" He asks.
"Ready." Nancy and I nod at the same time.
"On three." Jonathan says as we bring our knifes up to our hands, "One... two..." Jonathan sees Nancy's distressed look before continuing.
"You guys don't have to do this—"
"Jonathan, stop talking." Nancy shakes her head at the boy.
"I'm just saying, you don't have to—"
"Three." I cut him off before slicing my hand while the other two teens follow quickly behind. I wince and shake my hand slightly at the pain of the cut, blood dripping from the gash. Clenching my fist to contain the flow of the blood, I stare at the cut on my hand. "Son of a bitch." I hiss before Jonathan gets some bandages to wrap our hands in.
We all sit on the couch, our hands wrapped in bandages, nursing our injuries. With a look of concern, Nancy gently wraps Jonathan's hand. The look on her face belies her love for him, and Jonathan smiles back with an equally caring look. I stare at the two hoping their bond only gets stronger.
Suddenly, there's a noise from outside, causing all of us to jump slightly.
"Did you hear that?" Nancy asks, looking at the front door and then glancing back at the two of us.
"It's just the wind." Jonathan replies, eyes locked on the door before he looks back at Nancy, "Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes."
"Speak?" I ask, unsure how lights can possibly speak.
"Blink." Jonathan replies turning towards me, "Think of them as alarms."
There's a moment of silence as Nancy continues to do Jonathan's bandage.
"Is that too tight?" She asks finally.
"No, it's fine." Jonathan stammers slightly, "Thanks." He adds, staring at the girl.
"Nancy." Jonathan whispers.
"Yeah?" She replies and they stare at each other for a few more moments.
Suddenly, we all jump up at the loud sounds of banging on the door. We gasp and our heads instantly swivel towards the front door, our senses heightened as we wonder who has just arrived.
"Jonathan!?" I hear someone yell from the other side of the door. "Are you there, man? It's... it's Steve!"
The three of us glance at each other confused.
Why the hell is Steve here?
"Listen, I just wanna talk!" Steve continues banging on the door.
I immediately leap up from my spot next to Nancy and Jonathan and quickly head to the front door, unlocking it slowly and only opening it a little crack. As I do so, I'm met with Steve in front of me, his face still bloodied and bruised. He looks at me with desperate eyes, and I freeze in shock for a second before speaking again.
"Steve, listen to me." I say sternly.
"Hey, (Y/n), what—" Steve starts with a confused look on his face.
"You need to leave." I demand and the boy shakes his head slightly.
"I'm not trying to start anything, okay?" Steve replies sadly looking into my eyes.
"I don't care about that." I say quickly, even though I still care, very much, "You need to leave." I place my bandaged hand on his chest ushering him to go.
"No, no, no." Steve says desperately, grabbing my hand and placing it in his, "Listen, I-I-I messed up, okay?" He stammers slightly, "I messed up. I messed up. Okay?"
"Really. Please." I search his eyes for sincerity that I find clear as day, "I just want to make things right." He admits with a sigh.
"Okay? Please. Please..." He continues and my eyes soften as he begs me to let him in.
That's when he finally notices my hand in his.
"Hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" Steve asks softly, stroking my hand in his own.
"Nothing. It was an accident." I yank my hand out of his, placing it back to my side.
"Yeah, what's going on?" Steve asks sincerely concerned for my well-being.
"Nothing." I answer a little too quickly.
Rage fills Steve's eyes and he glances behind me. "Wait a sec. Did he do this to you?" He says referring the Jonathan as he attempts to push his way into the house.
"No." I reply, putting my hand on his chest again.
"(Y/n), let me in." Steve says pushing against me.
"No! No! No, Steve!"  I can't hold him back and he stumbles into the house before freezing.
All three of us stare at him as he looks around the trap-filled home.
"What is... What the..." Steve finally spots Nancy standing next to Jonathan, "Nancy?"
"You need to get out of here." She says to him before Jonathan runs up to Steve attempting to push him back out the door.
"Whoa, what is all—"
"Listen to me. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, get out of here," Jonathan continues pushing Steve who just pushes back.
"What is that smell?" Steve says frantically, "Is that... is that gasoline?"
"Steve, get out." Nancy says firmly, pointing the gun straight at Steve's head.
"Wait. What?! What is going on?!" Steve yells, glancing at all three of us.
"You have five seconds to get out of here." Nancy says, cocking the gun.
"Okay, is this a joke?" Steve says glancing at me, holding my gaze, "(Y/n)..." He whispers towards me and I give in.
"Nance, put the gun down." I say gently, putting my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm doing this for you." Nancy replies ignoring my request.
"Hold on, hold on." Steve repeats, before the lights above our heads start to flicker uncontrollably.
"Nancy." Jonathan and I whisper, glancing at one another.
"Wait. Is this a... What is this?" Steve continues to question as I grab my crowbar bringing it up to attack position.
"Whoa, (Y/n), what are you doing with that?" Steve asks as I stand next to his defenseless self.
"Protecting your sorry ass," I reply shortly.
"Nancy." Jonathan repeats trying to grab the girl's attention.
"Three. Two." Nancy begins to count down.
"No, no, no! No, no!" Steve yells putting his hands up.
"Nancy!" Jonathan yells again, finally able to grab the girl's attention, "Nancy! The lights."
"It's here." I say quietly as we all stare at the lights.
"Wait, what's here?" Steve asks.
"Where is it?" I ask spinning around with my crowbar in hand.
"Where is what?" Steve asks before having to duck under my crowbar, "Whoa, easy with that!"
Nancy, Jonathan, and I stand back to back as we slowly spin around in a circle, searching for the demogorgon.
"Where is it?" Nancy asks frantically.
"I don't know." Jonathan replies with the same tone.
"I don't see it." I say, glancing at Steve again.
"Where is what?!" Steve asks again, continuing to freak out, "Hello? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going on—"
Before Steve can finish his sentence the monster starts breaking through the ceiling, causing debris to fall on us.
Nancy raises her gun and begins shooting at the creature as it falls through the ceiling.
"No!" Jonathan yells grabbing Nancy and pulling her towards Will's room, "Go! Go! Run! Go!"
"Get out of here!" Jonathan yells towards Steve.
I stupidly stand my ground.
With my crowbar raised and ready to swing, I see the Demogorgon advancing towards me, and before I can react and defend myself, Steve grabs my waist and pulls me back against his chest with unexpected force. He quickly reaches into my back jean pocket and pulls me into towards Will's room.
"Jump!" Jonathan yells back toward us.
"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Steve repeats placing me in front of him so that I'm further away from the creature.
He keeps his hands securely planted on my hips as we jump over the bear trap and yo-yo string before rushing into Will's room, slamming the door behind us. We all stand breathily heavily, our hearts beating rapidly as our adrenaline pumps through our veins.
"Jesus! Jesus! What the hell was that?!" Steve yells again, frantically whipping his head around to each of us, "What the hell was that?!"
"Steve." I grab his face, making him look at me. "Shut up!" He shuts his mouth immediately, glancing at my lips. I scoff and push is face away from mine, still angry at him.
With my crowbar firmly in hand, I turn towards Nancy and Jonathan, standing behind them. We stay there, in Will's room, with our weapons raised and ready to strike. We wait, nervously, for our plan to work, but nothing seems to be happening. The silence is deafening and we're left to wonder if our plan has failed.
"Do you hear anything?" Nancy asks us as the lights flicker one last time.
"No." Jonathan and I reply as I lower my crowbar and Jonathan closes his lighter.
We are all careful and cautious as we slowly exit Will's room, before Steve takes my hand and gently walks out with me, staying by my side.
As we make our way through the hallway towards the living room, there's nothing but silence. We walk around confused, with our weapons raised. I feel Steve let go of my hand and I turn to see him running a hand through his hair.
"This is crazy..." Steve mutters to himself behind me, "This is actually crazy."
"This is crazy! This is crazy!" He continues, "This is crazy!" Steve rushes towards the phone on the wall, attempting to call the proper authorities. Nancy walks over to Steve and yanks the phone off the wall.
"What are you do—" Steve is cut off by Nancy smashing the phone, preventing the boy from using it, "What are you doing? Are you insane?"
"It's going to come back! So you need to leave!" Nancy yells in Steve's face, "Right now." She demands.
Steve turns towards me and I give him a little nod, confirming that he needs to get out of here. He rummages through his jean pockets for his car keys as be rushes out the front door.
As soon as Steve leaves the lights start flicking again, and I raise my crowbar once more.
"Where is it?" Nancy asks as we continue to spin around while the lights flash causing my vision to go hazy.
"Come on." Jonathan whispers, "You see it?" He asks us.
"No." Nancy replies whimpering slightly.
"Where are you... Come on you son of a bitch." I whisper before the lights shut off completely.
I hear a low growl approaching from behind Jonathan and turn to the origin of the sound, only to come face-to-face with the monster. It's standing there, creeping towards Jonathan while he remains unaware of its presence.
"Jonathan!" Nancy yells, warning the boy before the monster launches at him.
"Holy shit! Jonathan!" I yell as Jonathan drops his weapon, leaving him struggling as the creature crawls on top of him.
Nancy cocks her gun before desperately trying to shoot the creature who's laying on top of Jonathan. It's drool dripping down the boy's face.
"Go to hell you son of a bitch!!" I shout before using all my strength to swing my crowbar at the creature. My crowbar somehow gets stuck in the monster's slimy body, which causes me to stumble backwards in surprise. Leaving me defenseless, I watch in horror as the Demogorgon slowly and deliberately approaches, my eyes locked on its every move as it draws closer to me.
Suddenly, Steve appears out of nowhere, with the bat that Jonathan previously made. It's shiny nails catching the flickering light as he swings towards the monster who's stalking towards me. With a loud thwack and a grunt from Steve, the bat connects with the monster's face, leaving it slightly stunned.
He came back.
"Steve!" I shout worriedly attempting to reach towards him as he continues whacking the creature.
Steve effortlessly spins the bat around his hand a few times before brutally hitting the monster again, sending it stumbling back into the bear trap.
"He's in the trap!" Steve yells, noticing the yo-yo string release, "He's stuck!"
"Jonathan, now!" I yell at the boy with the lighter.
We stand together at the end of the hallway, watching as Jonathan flicks his lighter open, sending the monster up in flames. Its body writhing in pain, the creature's shrieks getting louder and louder while the flames consume it. I feel Steve grab my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as his bruised fingers lace with mine.
I glance at Steve and catch his eye, feeling a flutter in my stomach and warmth in my heart. I notice Nancy send me a pointed look with causes my cheeks to flush.
He's so infatuated by you and you don't even notice.
I quickly let go of Steve's hand, turning back to the monster with guilt and confusion in my heart. Steve's eyebrows are slightly furrowed, his own expression now filled with confusion as he comprehends my actions and glances back to the creature. I try to ignore the awkwardness of the moment and to focus on the screeching Demogorgon in front of us.
"Get back!" Jonathan yells to us as he grabs the fire extinguisher and puts the fire out in front of us. Not wanting to burn his whole house down.
We all cough as the dust fills the space, our eyes watering before the hallway begins to clear. We start to make our way slowly and carefully down the hallway, our senses heightened as we search for any sign of the monster. However, to our surprise, the creature is gone.
"Where did it go?" I ask, my breathing heavy as I turn towards each of my friends.
"No. It has to be dead." Jonathan pants, "It has to be."
But there's nothing there.
Out of nowhere, the lights above our heads seem to flicker on. Leading us somewhere.
We hesitatingly follow them through the house before Jonathan speaks.
"Mom." He whispers, "Is that you?"
We follow the flickering lights outside, the street light being our next stop. I stand on the porch between Jonathan and Steve, who is still carrying around the nailed bat for protection.
"Where is it going?" Nancy asks softly.
"I don't think that's the monster." I say just as softly as the three of them glance at me. Jonathan then speaks.
"That's my mom."
We all make it back to the school, where police cars are waiting. Apparently a whole thing with the kids and Eleven went down while we were gone.
When I see Dustin I immediately rush over to him, engulfing him in a giant hug. I stroke his curly hair as I silently cry.
"Hey, I'm okay." Dustin says, trying to comfort me.
After I let go of my brother, he trails behind me, as I search for the others. As I notice everyone being held and comforted by their families, I start to feel like something, someone is missing. The sudden realization hits me like a ton of bricks and I turn to my brother, with panic and grief washing over me.
"Dust, where's El?" I ask, my voice shaking and I already know what might have happened.
"She's... She's gone." My brother whispers, sitting down on the back of the ambulance before grabbing my hand and giving it a tight squeeze.
I instantly let out a broken sob, the tears flowing down my cheeks like a river of grief. My hand shakily reach for them, trying to wipe the tears away, but the relentless stream seems unstoppable. I can't bring myself to sit down, and my knees go weak in agony as I try to process.
Eleven is gone.
Steve approaches me silently with his hands shoved in his pockets, his loving eyes filled with sympathy as they watch me cry. Without a word, he softly reaches out his arms, offering me a hug. Without a second thought, I give in, letting my previous anger fade away as I cling tightly to his back, seeking his comfort and protection. My brother watches with sadness, but all of my attention is focused on Steve as I bury my face in his chest and cry. His strong arms comfort me, holding me closely as I continue to sob, his touch soothing my trembling body.
I slowly pull away from his embrace, silently watching as his gaze rests upon me with sadness. Steve gently brings his hand up towards my cheek, hesitating caressing it with care. I find myself leaning towards his touch, a small smile playing on my lips as our eyes lock. Steve eventually brings his hand back down to his side, leaving my cheek feeling cold without his warmth.
"Do you guys need a ride?" Steve finally speaks, glancing between Dustin and I.
I just nod my head.
The car ride home is silent except for the tapping of Steve's fingers on the steering wheel. I stare out the passenger side window, watching the street lights as we drive by.
Steve pulls into my driveway, putting the car in park, before turning his gaze towards me. Immediately, Dustin hops out of the car, disappearing inside the house. I watch from outside as the lights come on and the silhouettes of my mother and brother come into view, locked in a sweet embrace. I heart fills with a mixture of hope, sadness, and pain as I watch.
"Hey (Y/n), you okay?" Steve asks, grabbing my hand from across the center console.
"Yeah, Steve. I think so." I say glancing at the boy, smiling slightly, and this time I actually mean it.
Steve gently releases my hand, his eyes locked with mine as he gives me a small, loving smile and a nod. I exit his car, looking back at him one last time, sending him a little wave before entering my house, closing the door behind me.
I enter only to be greeted with my sweet mother, who embraces me tightly in a warm and compassionate hug, while apologizing profusely for not being at the school to pick us up. Despite her guilt and sorrow, I reassure her that I'm fine, trying my best to put her at ease and hold myself together. Once I make my escape to my room, I sit down on my bed, trying to process everything that had happened in these past few days. The terror, the hurt, the sadness, the confusion that has been so overwhelming. I finally come to three conclusions.
We found Will.
We lost Eleven.
It’s all over.
next chapter . masterlist . steve harrington masterlist . taglist
thank you for reading, my darling! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send requests to my inbox!
alwaysmoncheri © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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katsu28 · 2 years
to be alone together
pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
summary: steve has to work on valentine’s day, but maybe it’s not as bad as he thought it would be
warnings: none, 1.8k
a/n: u know i had to do a lil something for my steve girlies too <3 went for a more steve centric pov bc he is the definition of pining simp 
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(gif credits to @harringtondaily)
“Kinda sucks that you gotta work tonight.” Robin’s voice through the phone pressed to Steve’s ear was staticky, but still provided a good distraction from the empty video store around him.
It was Valentine’s Day and Steve had been at Family Video since opening, watching couple after couple come in to pretty much clear the romcom shelves, and yeah, he was a little bummed about it, but there was no point moping around about it any longer than he already had been. 
“It’s whatever, honestly. Not like I had any plans to begin with.” He sighed, shifting the receiver so it was wedged between his cheek and shoulder as his fingers drifted down to fiddle with the pen on the counter absentmindedly. 
“Steve, that’s sad.” Robin replied. Steve wrinkled his nose, a slightly offended noise escaping the back of his throat. “No! I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant that you should be out and about, having a good time.” 
“You know what’s actually sad? You talking to me instead of paying attention to your date.” He shot back, only half serious. “Where’s Nance?” 
“Oh she’s right here. Say hi, Nance.” 
Steve heard a faint ‘hi Steve’ in the background and he returned the greeting. “What are you guys doing tonight?” 
“She made this really fancy pasta thing for dinner, we’re just waiting on the chicken to finish in the oven and I thought I’d see what was going on with you.” Robin sounded casual, but he knew this was her way of checking up on him since he was the only one on shift all day and she knew how he felt about today. 
“Rob, I don’t know how many times I gotta tell you, but I’m fine. It’s really not a big deal.” 
“Why don’t you just close up early, come join us for dinner? We have more than enough food.” 
“You’re seriously inviting me to crash your romantic dinner date with your girlfriend?” He snorted, rolling his eyes playfully. “What does Nancy think of that?” 
There was some shuffling on the other end, a bout of silence, then Robin was back on the line. “She’s giving me a weird look, nevermind. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t my best idea.” 
“I love you both, but you know I can’t.” 
The bell above the door jingled softly, drawing Steve’s attention away from his phone call and to whoever just walked in. 
Shit. It was you. 
You were dressed like you were supposed to be on your date, not here, hair and makeup done up all pretty, floaty dress in his favorite color swishing around your knees as you made your way into the store. It made him wonder if you chose that color on purpose, but he knew that you didn’t. You couldn’t have known you’d be seeing him tonight. Wishful thinking on his end though. 
“Rob, I gotta go,” He blurted, straightening up behind the counter. 
“Wait, what—” 
“I gotta go, she’s—someone’s here, I gotta help her.” 
“She? Oh my god, wait! Is it—” 
“Have a nice date, tell Nance I said bye!” With that, Steve hung up, slamming the receiver onto the base with enough force to send it skittering a few inches. “Hey, Y/N.” 
“Steve!” Your previously downturned lips lifted into a smile, one that had Steve’s heart thudding a little faster in his chest. It always did. “I didn’t know you were working tonight.” 
See, you were also part of the reason he decided to take the extra shift today, but through no fault of your own. You’d mentioned earlier in the week while you were hanging out with him and Robin that someone had asked you out for tonight, and Steve didn’t really know how to feel about it. 
You were friends, but had Steve been harboring a crush on you since pretty much the first day you met? Yes. 
Did he feel an itching sense of jealousy that you were going on a date with someone that wasn’t him? Also yes. 
Would he do anything about it? Probably not. 
Okay, so maybe he knew exactly how he felt about it. Hell, he’d picked up an extra shift to distract himself from it. 
“Yeah, I got called in last minute." A lie. "Aren’t you supposed to be on a date right now?” A casual, not at all hoping that it crashed and burned question. That would be mean. (But also a little gratifying for him.)
You chuckled, a tad bitter as you leaned forward, propping your elbows on the counter, the action sending a whiff of your perfume his way. Steve’s knees almost gave out. “Supposed to, yeah. But the guy never showed up.” 
Steve had to fight a noise of surprise. What kind of dumbass would skip out on a date with you? “Really? That’s—that sucks, I’m sorry.” 
“S’okay. Wasn’t really looking forward to it anyways.” 
“I didn’t really know him that well, honestly. He was a friend of a friend, asked me out in front of a bunch of people, and I didn’t really wanna turn him down and make it awkward.” 
“You’re way too nice, Y/N. And he’s an idiot for standing you up.” 
“Thanks, Steve.” You smiled warmly at him, patting his hand. Steve had to pretend his pulse wasn’t racing right now. “What about you? Why’re you here and not out with anyone?” 
“I, uh—I didn’t really feel like going out tonight. Don’t think I’d be a very good date anyways.”
“Oh, you’re just being modest. What girl wouldn’t wanna spend Valentine’s Day with Steve Harrington?” 
The one girl he wanted to spend this day with, he thought. You. 
“You’d be surprised.” He muttered. 
“Well then they’re idiots too.” 
A small smile quirked his lips. “Thanks.” 
“Hey, I just came to pick up some movies and spend the rest of my night shoveling down ice cream, but since we’re both here now and alone, d’you wanna…be alone together? Grab a bite to eat or do something?” 
Steve’s shoulders slumped defeatedly. “I’d love to, but I—I can’t. I gotta stay here til the end of my shift, Keith’s been on my ass about taking off early and as much as I hate the guy, I don’t wanna get fired.” 
“Oh, okay. Don’t worry about it, I’m, uh—it’s cool.” Was he hallucinating, or did you look disappointed? 
“Would you maybe wanna, I dunno, stay here? We can watch whatever you want and I know where Robin keeps her work snack stash. That way we can be alone together and I don’t get chewed out again?” Steve blurted hopefully. He was honestly expecting you to say no. Why would you wanna spend the rest of your already shitty night with him in a dingy video store? But then your face split into the biggest smile and you nodded, rocking forward on the balls of your feet earnestly. “Go pick something out, I’ll grab the snacks.” 
You scurried off to browse the near bare shelves, leaving Steve shaking his head amusedly in your wake as he watched you skim the tapes with a look of utmost concentration. He slipped into the back room to grab Robin’s last unopened bag of chips, making a mental note to buy more before tomorrow’s shift before returning to the video area.
He skimmed the store, spotting you in the romcom section, and when he made his way over, you were contemplating the last two tapes on the shelf. 
You beamed at him upon spotting him. “Pretty in Pink or Sixteen Candles?” 
“Am I allowed to say neither?” 
“You said whatever I want, Steve.” You said pointedly, propping your hands on your hips. 
“I did, didn’t I?” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. You let out a hum of pleasure, sliding your chosen movie off the shelf and wandering towards the TV in the corner. Steve hurried after you quickly, plucking the tape from between your fingertips and running away, not unlike a child would. 
“Steve!” You huffed, whirling on your heel. He grinned mischievously at you, waving it in the air like a taunt. You caught up with him within seconds, lunging for the tape that he held up above his head and away from your outstretched hand. Your body was pressed against his as you reached for it, as you leaned against him in a fruitless attempt to overpower him. “Steve, gimme the tape!” 
“No!” He laughed, but that laughter very soon trickled off as soon as he realized your proximity. You were so close, he could see the color of your eyes clear as day, looking right back at him. You’d fallen quiet too, as if you’d come to the same realization. 
You were nose to nose, faces a hair’s breadth away from each other, the stolen tape in Steve’s hands long forgotten. Every fiber in his body was telling him to pull away, because the longer he stayed here the weirder it would be when he finally did manage to retreat, but no matter how hard he willed himself to move, he couldn’t. Instead, his eyes flicked down to your lips. Your breath hitched almost imperceptibly. 
“Steve?” You whispered, gaze darting around his own face. 
“Kiss me.” 
You didn’t have to tell him twice.
Steve dropped the tape immediately, closing the gap between you and pressing his lips against yours. His hands came up to cup your face, holding you firm but kissing you soft, like he was preparing himself to pull away if you did. But from the way you were returning his kiss, how your hands clutched at the front of his vest to keep him this close, it didn’t feel like you’d be pulling away anytime soon, and that spurred him on even more. 
One hand slid down to settle at your waist, the other curling around the back of your neck as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss just a little bit. 
Steve’s lips felt tingly when he pulled away, tasted of your cherry lip gloss when his tongue darted out to lick them. He was sure to have a little bit on his mouth now, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Not by a long shot. Cherry might’ve just become his new favorite flavor. 
“I really like you.” He breathed, chest heaving against yours. Your lips curved into a soft smile—the same smile that nearly sent Steve’s brain short circuiting every time it was aimed his way. 
“After that kiss, I’d sure hope so,” You replied, smoothing out his wrinkled shirt as best you could. “I like you too, just so you know. Part of the reason I was so okay with my date ditching me. He wasn’t you.” 
Steve could only beam at you, going in for another kiss. In his excitement, he missed his mark, hitting the corner of your mouth instead, but he didn’t care. The girl he wanted all along actually liked him back, and it only took one failed date and an extra shift to find out. 
Maybe working on Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad after all. 
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madelynraemunson · 7 months
(Book #1 of the Hellfire Gentlemen’s Club series)
strip club owner!eddie x fem!exotic dancer!hargrove!reader
Chapter 020: ‘Red Thong, Party’s On!’ (Epilogue)
a/n: pov you’re back at hellfire, but this time you’re sharing the stage with eddie, stripping while he plays a song for you to dance to 🤭🤭♥️ (SURPRISE AT THE END) it’s been a WILD ride my loves, thank you all so much for the support for CMWYW. i hope we all continue to create more beautiful things together. readers, writers, artists, creatives of all kinds keep the world going round. 🤟🏼💋 all my love, maddy
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↳ chapters: 001, 002*, 003** , 004**, 005 , 006 , 007* , 008**, 009, 010, 011, 012* , 013**, 014** , 015, 016**, 017, 018, 019, 020*
CW: strip club behaviors hehe, grinding, pole-dancing, ass-shaking, all that hellfire goodness, implications that shy girl c*me on eddie's guitar
word count: 990 words
Mom always used to say, "Inside of you, there are two wolves: a good one and a bad one. Depending on which mouth you feed, one will triumph the other.”
She left out one thing, however: sometimes being bad feels so fucking good.
“We’ve got a verrry special treat for you tonight folks!” the DJ announces. “She took a break for a little while but now she is BACK… and here to stay with us, FOREVER! Put your hands together for the ONE, the ONLY — Hellfire’s Princess — SHYYY GIIIIRL!”
And the crowd goes wild.
You emerge from the side stage in your glimmering scarlet set, flipping your plump, bouncy locks around as you dip your hips to the beat. Your regular customers swoon as you blow them kisses, and the petty kisses you issue to the Hellfire Girls (they came to pick up their severance checks) leave them shaking in their stilettos.
"WOOO, HARGROVE!" Nancy cheers for you backstage, dancing to the song as she curls Nina's hair.
"LET 'EM KNOW, BABY!" Nina shouts after her.
You acknowledge them with a wink, giving one to Chrissy as well as she cheers for you on the opposite side of the stage, bouncing up and down in her sexy Hellfire cheer uniform.
“Let’s go, Shy Girl!” ‘Cherry’ cheers as she waves her pom-poms in the air. "LET'S GOOOO!"
She's hot! Can’t stop! Up on stage doing shots!
You shake your ass when the song calls on it, grinding your hips to the beat to match the lyrics as they come. The crowd hoots and hollers as you dance, showering you in dollar bills as you make the pole your bitch for the night.
“YEAAAH!” Max cheers. “That’s my sister!”
As you glide down the cylindrical silver steel, you wave to the crowd and thank them all for coming out.
“Thank you! Aww, thanks so much! OMG, how are you? Long time no see!”
But just because you’re doing your thing on stage doesn’t mean you aren’t paying attention to the happenings beneath you. Because while you have a bird’s eye view of Vecna’s Lair, you can’t help but fix your gaze on Lucas, who is dressed rather sharper than usual tonight, going up to Maxine in attempts to ‘rizz her up’.
“I see spiciness runs in the family,” Lucas remarks to her as they stand beside each other in Vecna’s Lair.
The self-proclaimed 'Dark Chocolate' shoots her an awkward wink, to which Max responds with a grimace on her face.
“Genetics wasn’t playing ‘bout y’all,” Lucas continues. "You're looking mighty fine tonight, Max."
“Thanks. I guess,” Max shrugs, refusing to entertain it. “But, if you knew anything about family dynamics and DNA, you’d know she’s my step-sister."
"Psh," Lucas scoffs. "Yeah! Yeah, I knew that."
"Course you did," she jeers. "Stalker."
“Stalker?! I thought we were friends.”
Max rolls her eyes. “Whatever this is, is far from platonic.”
She begins to strut away, giving Lucas the opportunity to race after her. And Sinclair wastes no time, pushing himself past the sea of sweaty men to catch up to the beautiful redhead in front of him.
“So there’s a chance we can be more than friends?!”
You chuckle as you watch it unfold from the stage. Then you turn to everyone else.
Argyle and Jonathan give you two stoned-filled waves hello. You wave back. Henry whose the designated bone-snapper bouncer tonight blows you a kiss. You catch it and return the favor. Mike and Will don't even give you the time of day.
You then turn your attention to Dustin who is both head-banging to the song, and holding up a lazily written message on the black screen of his phone: “I AM LOOKING RESPECTFULLY”. You can't help but giggle. It's like he's a mini Eddie.
Speaking of your boyfriend, your eyes dart back to the side stage where you meet Eddie’s gaze.
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth.
You watch as the curly-haired, metalhead-turned-strip-club-owner eyes you steadily, situating his guitar around himself, giving the body of his NJ Warlock one more wipe down with a cloth.
He smirks to himself, satisfied at the thought that only you two know why that guitar needed wiping down in the first place. But he’s mostly pleased with the fact that, despite the long list of handsome, eligible bachelors after your heart, the passionate, down-to-earth, sexy, siren of a woman that is you, is all his.
My girlfriend's a dick magnet. MY girlfriend…
Eddie then takes to the stage, using the same fingers he’ll use to ravage you tonight to strum the chords of the sexy guitar solo of the song — you know, the song about a guy…..with a hot stripper girlfriend…..whose seducing everyone around her while she does her thing…..in that beautiful red set.
“HOLY SHIT!” someone from the crowd raves, causing Eddie’s eyes to light up like a little kid. “DUET OF THE CENTURY!”
You’ve healed so many parts of Eddie that he was too scared to explore: Love after Isabelle. Showing him that self-care is just as important as caring for Wayne. Encouraging him to find a hobby outside of Hellfire that didn't include doing payroll or grocery shopping. And healing his inner teenager by letting him play on stage with you, as he relives his glory days as the guitarist and frontman of Corroded Coffin one last time.
And as Eddie continues to strum, he stays thinking of you. He couldn’t wait to heal more parts of himself…with 'Shy Girl' Hargrove by his side.
“So,” you pant, edging closer to your boyfriend as the music draws on. "What's next after this?"
Eddie smirks. As the instrumental allows, he presses you against his body, kissing you softly against the lips before trailing all the way down your neck. Your breath hitches in arousal as he hums against you.
“Whatever you want.”
The End
SIKE! King Steve has entered the chat… 😉
(Book #2 of the Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Series)
CEO!bachelor!steve × fem!college grad!reader
MODERN AU • 18+ | BOOK #1 (e.m.)
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slight age gap (Steve is 31, reader is 23); reader goes by the nickname "Sweets"
*loosely inspired by sara cate’s salacious players club*
Summary: 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄. Steve Harrington has the WORST luck with the ladies. His high school sweetheart left him for another dude, his former fuck buddy is dating his roommate, and his dream girl is a lesbian. King Steve is losing hope. That is until he meets you — a newly graduated university student from Seattle — when your paths cross on a fateful night in Sin City. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... that is until your risky business trickles over to Hawkins, Indiana, a town your best friend knows of a little too well.
theme song: call out my name by the weeknd
tag list is open 💌✨
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Winter 2024
“WATCH OUT INDIANAPOLIS — you're about to get... absolutely SOAKED!”
The booming voice of a man in Steve’s bedroom stirs him awake.
Letting out a ferocious yawn, The King rubs his eyes free of the annoying crust in the corner of his sockets, flopping around one more time before doing his routine stretch.
“Google,” Steve commands. “Turn off the TV.”
The TV immediately switches off. It’s nothing personal to meteorologist Marcus Bailey, but if Steve ever needed an accurate forecast of Indianapolis, all he would have to do is look outside his penthouse window. And that, after brushing his teeth, is just what he does.
"G'morning Indy,” he sighs happily on his balcony before going back inside.
Steve then makes his way over to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast.
“Google,” he calls out again. “Open the curtains, please.”
Google replies:
“Opening curtains. Good morning — Steve.”
"Google, what's my schedule looking like today?" "Google, text Dustin." “Google, what is the weather looking like in Nevada?” “Google, turn on my shower tunes.”
The best thing about not living with Eddie Munson anymore, is that Steve can shamelessly sing Amy Winehouse in the shower without being hounded about it.
“We only saaaid GOODBYE, with WORDS!” Steve sings, confidently off-key. “I died a hundred times! You go back to her, and I goooo baaack toooo…”
"Scanning fingerprint...”
an automated voice announces at the entrance of Steve's walk-in closet.
The door slides open. Sauntering his way inside, Steve ventures for some slick black athleisure down to the shoes, his usual musky cologne, and some matching sunglasses (despite the gloomy forecast prediction).
Black. 🎶
Steve Harrington is ready for the day.
"Google, make reservations for 3 people at Tony's Steakhouse at 7pm please."
All Steve had left to do for the day now was grocery shop. Which was always a hassle. Because sometimes, the store doesn't have the specific brand he's looking for so the shopper has to opt for an alternate version. Or sometimes, the shopper assigned to him that day chooses produce that is nearing its expiration date making every fruit in his bag a mushy mess. It doesn't happen too often, but it sure feels inconvenient as hell when it does. There are worse problems in life though, so Steve really can't complain.
*Ring, ring. Ring, ring*
The very distinct and custom ringtone has Steve bolting across the room to answer the call. One of his best friends was on the other line.
"Yello?" he says into the phone.
"Hey, it's Shy Girl," comes a voice. "Eddie and I are pulling in."
"Pull off to the side. Valet's got it. I'll send you guys up."
A bottle of cabernet sauvignon a la Steve awaits the pair when they make their way over. Consider it a Tony's pre-game.
"GameWorld stock is up 4% today,” Steve's buddy, and owner of Hellfire Gentlemen's Club Eddie Munson announces as the two clink glasses. "I don’t have much faith in it though, figure I’ll get my pie slices from actual grocery stores. Like Meijer.”
“Everyone's always gonna need groceries,” Steve points out. "Definitely. Just don't day trade. Not now."
"Ooh, you hear that, Eds?" Shy Girl nudges him. "You gotta be careful where you put your money."
"I gotta be careful with my money, period," Eddie smirks. "You're a danger to my pockets, angel."
"Oh but you love me," she says.
"Yeah," Eddie gives in, grabbing his lover's dainty digits, trailing his fingers across hers, and rubbing the glistening rock that took up most of her left hand on the distal side. "I sure do."
"I'm just... so proud of us," Steve sappily reflects. "So much has happened over the past two years and we've all come so far."
"Yeah," Shy Girl agrees. "And it's about fucking time we celebrate."
"I agree," Eddie chimes in, raising his glass once again. "This weekend trip is going to be... one for the books."
"Viva Las Vegas," Steve toasts. "Cheers."
"Viva Las Vegas!"
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Black and red.
They're the two colors that occupy your closet the most. But of course, after graduating from Washington State University (or Wazzu, for short), you expected nothing less.
You could do with some more sequins though, you think to yourself as you pack your bags.
"What do you think of this, Sweets?"
Peering over your shoulder, you see that your best friend, Elle has started festivities early, managing to hold two glasses of champagne in one hand, and six-inch stilletoes in the other.
"Can't take the party out of the girl, that's for damn sure," you respond.
When you left Seattle to attend WSU Pullman, Elle was your only friend in business class. Mainly because the class was predominantly for dudes, but eventually you found out that you two have a lot in common.
Elle is everything you would want in an older sister figure: she is both book smart and wise, she is sexy, and she eats men for breakfast. And, now that she's about to celebrate the launching of her lingerie business (along with her Dirty 30s Era), and you're about to enter your new-grad era, you two are hitting up Las Vegas to go ham together one last time.
It's all so bittersweet. You owe everything to the Warrens, having taken you in when you were a lost undergrad. It also sucked quite a bit not having a support system after graduating high school. You and Elle were all each other has. Which makes this inevitable separation so much more painful.
"Are you sure you're okay with Vegas by the way?" you question. "I know since the split, being surrounded by gorgeous girls 24/7 can kinda be triggering.”
"Don't worry about it, love," she shakes it off. "The past is in the past. This is a new era of me."
Cheers to that. Clinking your airport-pregame champagne glasses with one another, you raise a toast to yourselves, celebrating how far the two of you have come over the past four years.
"To friendship."
"To friendship."
"To being elegant and educated."
"To elegance and education."
"And to being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives."
You giggle as you raise your glass of champagne even higher.
"To being girl-bosses for the rest of our lives," you two take a sip at the same time. "And no matter how near and no matter how far, we're always gonna be besties."
"I love you, Sweets."
"I love you too, Isabelle."
🏷️ tag list: @chrrymunson , @the-fairy-anon , @ali-r3n , @corrodedcoffincumslut , @bebe07011 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @chelebelletx , @imonhereforareasonsadly , @eddies-trailer-babe @motherfckerr , @jxpsi , @sidthedollface2 , @manda-panda-monium , @elvendria , @micheledawn1975 , @hereforshmut , @siriuslysmoking , @mediocredreams @nymphetkoo , @m-chmcl-rmnc , @ahoyyharrington , @keepittoyourselftellnobodyelse @kellyxo1 @emsgoodthinkin @winchester-angel @chloe-6123 , @redbarn1995 @angietherose @kiyastrf94 , @purplewitchcauldron @kellsck @joyfulfxckery @munsons-mayhem28 @dragonfire @emma77645 @drivelikenina @livosssblog @thinkingth0ts @hugdealer @ellielunamckay @xblueriddlex @maskofmirrors @babyloutattoo89 @queenofhawkins @feral-pumpkin-energy @bl0ssomanddie
divider from: @plum98
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xoxo-sarah · 20 days
I Wanna Be Yours || Part 15
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Part 14 | part 16
↝a/n: I was supposed to post this earlier this morning but got distracted by Spencer Reid fanfics. I'm sure y'all understand 😞
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!Wheeler!reader
↝ Warning: not proofread, possible spoilers, cannon events, angst, fear, Vecna, upside down and it's gross self, switch of pov at the beginning- it's Robin's pov for the last chapter, shorter than my other chapters, second to last chapter!!
↝⎙ 9.7.24
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-Robin and Steve's POV-
“Maybe she's just scared,” Steve started, keeping his voice down as to not alert Nance or you. He saw how you pulling away had affected her. The hurt was evident on her face, even more so as you walked away. He had never seen Robin hurt like that, like she was a kicked puppy. As soon as the door to the RV shut, Robin busied herself, grabbing bottles and tins of kerosene. “Given the situation, I'd say it's normal to feel that w-”
“I don't care.” She sighed.
Steve watched her. “And I don't understand why you do either with everything that is going on. She has other things to worry about.” Although she couldn't tell him about you being cursed, she had a hunch that he already knew. Who wouldn't? “Honestly, this feels like the perfect time for that pull of the rug because, in the face of the world ending, the stakes of my love life feel spectacularly low.”
Steve looked over at his best friend, sympathy lacing his furrowed eyebrows, “Exactly, today could be our last day, spend it with her. You deserve to be happy.”
Robin shook her head, opting not to reply.
It was a kiss- well, many kisses. She wouldn't lie and say that she didn't like it, but she would understand if you could. The timing was God-awful, she'd admit.
Maybe Robin should pull away, at least until this is all over.
Things don't always go as planned.
“Help!” Nancy yelled from inside the van.
Steve and Robin were instantly on their feet, scrambling to the door.
Once inside, Robin felt the world stop spinning.
-----regular POV-----
“Escapade” by Janet Jackson played through the headphones covering your ears. Robin sat beside you in the back of the RV, hand encasing yours. Dustin and Eddie were on the other side of her. Although you were squished against the window, you hadn't felt more content, which was crazy given the circumstances. Steve was currently driving you all to your possible deaths.
Robin's hand let go of your hand, moving to squeeze at your thigh. Looking away from the passing trees, you turned to her concerned eyes. She stared into your own for a moment, before leaning forward. Her lips met your cheek, unsaid words being left behind when she pulled away.
The van came to a stop. Max, Lucas, and Erica got out, walking toward the Creel house.
The RV was now parked in the woods beside the trailer park. Nancy paced the van, before stopping. “Okay, I wanna run through it one more time. Phase one-”
“We meet Erika at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready.” You answered first, fiddling with the headphones around your neck.
Nancy nodded, “Phase two?”
“Max baits Vecna.” Steve added. “He'll go after her, which will put him in his trance.”
“Phase three?”
Dustin answered, “Me and Eddie draw the bats away.” Eddie cupped Dustin's head, shaking it with a grin on his face.
“Four?” “We head into Vecna's hopefully newly bat-free lair and-” Robin held up the glass bottle with a cloth sticking out of the top. The flammable liquid sloshed around. “Flambé”
“Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?”
You all nodded, “Got it.”
You grabbed a few of the homemade spears, following Nancy out of the RV. You quickly made your way to Eddie's trailer, Steve flipped the light switch on, staring at the old sheet hanging from the ceiling.
“Be careful.” Dustin told Steve, watching as he took his bag off.
“Thanks, buddy.” Steve patted Dustin's arm, before grabbing the sheet. “Here goes nothing” He climbed through, flipping to land of his feet.
As soon as he stood, he looked up. Robin muttered sarcastically, “woah…what does he want us to do, applaud?” You smiled, amused, before watching Steve drag the old mattress over, plopping it on the ground.
“Alright, let's go.” Nancy shrugged her bag off. Robin dropped to one knee, offering an extra boost.
After Nancy fell on the mattress, Robin motioned for you. She helped you step on her connected hands, pushing you up. Supplies dropped next, followed by Eddie.
Robin flopped on the mattress. You were quick to help her up. Your hands stayed intertwined even after she was off the gross mattress. More supplies, then Dustin.
Walking into the familiar darkness, the flying particles didn't bother you as much as before.
“Hey, guys, listen.” Steve stopped walking, turning back to Eddie and Dustin. “If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-”
“Decoys.” Dustin and Steve's voice overlapped. “Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve.” Dustin sighed.
“Absolutely, I mean,” Eddie looked between himself and Dustin, “Look at us. We are not heroes.” He grinned at Steve.
Steve turned around, beginning to walk toward you guys.
“Hey, Wheeler.” You turned, seeing Eddie looking at you. You jogged over, not wanting to keep your group from the mission for long. He took you by surprise as he brought you into a hug. “Make him pay.” His words were mumbled into your hair. “For Chrissy.” He squeezed your arms, before pulling away. Smiling, he let you go.
Determination ran through your veins.
“When Vecna fails with Max, he's going to go after you. Keep this on.” Nancy stood in front of you, grabbing the headphones from your neck and placing them on you. She left one ear uncovered, so you could still hear what was happening around you. “Stay close.”
She turned back around, following Robin and Steve through the dead woods.
“Uh,” Robin's voice shook, as she shined her light on a tree. “I don't mean to freak anyone out, but I swear we've seen this tree before.”
“That's impossible.” Nancy walked closer.
“That would suck, right?” Robin threw her head back, exasperated. “If…if Vecna destroyed the world because…'cause we got lost in the woods?”
“We're not lost, Robin.”
She chuckled in response, unsure. She walked ahead, seemingly losing her mind in the process.
Nancy watched her run ahead, “Robin, hey. Watch out for the vines-Hive mind! Remember?”
“Thank you!” Robin jogged ahead.
“Ah, don't worry about her.” Steve threw his hands up. You quickened your pace, shining your light to watch your step.
“Robin, hey, slow down.” You fell in step with Robin, turning to watch her side profile. “Take a breath, okay?”
She inhaled through her nose, exhaling through her mouth. “The weight of the world is on our shoulders right now. I mean, the rest of the world doesn't even know what's about to happen. They're clueless. What…what if this doesn't work? What is Vecna outsmarts us?”
“We don't actually know if this is going to work.”
“We could all die, and then Vecna can do god only knows what else to Hawkins.”
You pulled her shirt, causing her to stumble backwards, away from the vine she nearly stepped on. She blinked at the vine, before looking at you. “Thanks.”
You nodded, grabbing her hand. “Everything will be okay. We're doing all we can.”
Bats flew around the old house that once belonged to the Creel family. Vecna was the only one occupying it now. In front of it was the playground you were to meet Erica at. You all gazed at it from your stop on the hill, thinking over the plan, ignoring the anxiety in your stomach.
“Okay, the lovebirds have copied.” Erica spoke from the other side, the particles growing brighter on your side. “Max is moving into phase two: Distracting Vecna.”
“So far, so smooth.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed with Robin, “We're not even at the hard part yet.”
Thunder mixed with the sounds of creatures lurking.
“Take the bail, you son of a bitch.” Nancy glared at the house, “Take the bait.”
“Okay, she's in. Initiate phase three.” Erica spoke again,
“She's in. Move on to phase three.” You echoed into the walkie.
“Copy that. Initiating phase three.” Dustin concluded. Eddie began playing “Master of Puppets” by Metallica, the music vibrating the very ground you stood on. The bats snarled loudly, flying toward the sound.
“Okay, it's working. Let's go.” You quickly made your way to the house, Vine/tentacles squelched wetly, making you frown in disgust.
“Oh shit,” They were everywhere, covering the floor, walls, even the ceiling. “That's not good.” Steve grumbled. He jumped over the slithering vines. Robin cursed when he waddled before regaining his footing.
Robin grabbed your hand, squeezing it, as she gnawed at her bottom lip.
“It's okay.” Nancy spoke.
"You got this,” You squeezed Robin's hand in reassurance, offering her a smile. She reluctantly let go, stepping forward to follow what Steve did.
You went next, followed by Nancy. You held your breath as you hopped up the stairs. Steve helped you on the final step. As soon as everyone stepped forward, finally being able to breathe, the ground shook, sending you all three steps back.
You quickly huddled together, holding each other tight.
Robin sighed before her head snapped down, watching a vine wrap around her leg. She looked up, panic in her eyes. Before she could say anything, she got yanked back, against the wall. You shrieked, moving toward her.
“Y/n! Steve!” You swung the hatchet down on the vine with force, Nancy and Steve doing the same.
Bringing the hatchet back, something wet wrapped your wrist, pulling you back. Yelping, you collided with the wall on the other side of Robin. Your weapon clattered to the ground. Steve was grabbed next, then Nancy. More tentacles wrapped around your limbs, slithering tightly around your neck.
You grunted, fighting for oxygen. Looking up, you watched as Robin's lips moved but nothing came out.
Your eyes moved up, meeting her eyes, before your vision became blurry.
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•© 2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
• My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
🫧 Taglistׂׂ ૢ ~ @overtrred28 @ihatepeanutss @jovana1234578 @dobbycarl @kyleeservopoulos @marirxse @ch-3-rry
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resident-gay-bitch · 3 months
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Steddie ficlets (under 3k words) are below the cut; angst, fluff + smut
All works can be found on AO3 as well.
Works (over 3k words):
Find Here You can find all my other Steddie works on that post, as it was too cluttered to add them all on the same one :)
Ficlets (under 3k words):
Nightmares After one of his nightmares, Steve calls Eddie as he can't reach Robin, Eddie confesses he has nightmares of his own, and they find comfort in eachother - angst + fluff
Seven Minuets The party plays seven minuets in heaven and when Steve and Eddie get shoved into the little bathroom together, Eddie begins to question everything, primarily regarding his sexuality - fluff + kinda suggestive themes?
Axl Harrington Steve is doing his best as a single dad, trying to help his trans teen learn how to bind, and trans Eddie steps in to help them out - fluff! with little speckles of single dad angst
Accidentally Kissed Drunk and lonely, Steve thinks he finds Nancy in a quiet room and puts the moves on her, only after feeling up her shirt, does he realise it's actually Eddie he's making out with, and he realises he kinda liked it - dumb angst and happy ending fluff + suggestive themes
Love Sick Eddie and Steve first meet as little kids in the doctors office, playing together in the waiting room they make their Ken and G.I.Joe dolls kiss. They then remember each other years later, trading confessions and chain smoking their anxieties away - primarly fluff with a bit of an angsty ending
Bet On You Rockstar Eddie comes back to Hawkins for his high school ten year reunion and gets roped into attending one of Robins charity events, and he finally sees Steve after 10 years apart, and he thinks he might have just scored himself a hot date - fluff
Red Light Steve pulls up beside a metal head at a red light, and the idiot starts singing to him - fluff
If I Was A Worm Steve asks Eddie if he'd love him if he were a worm, and Steve should have expected Eddie would give him an answer far from normal, but it only makes him fall harder in love - fluff
Marry Me? Eddie proposes to Steve on a whim one night by giving Steve one of his rings - flufff!!!
Not Quite Puppy Dog Love (Steve's POV) Steve doesn't know what to do when the demon version of Eddie in the upside down swoops and carries Steve off to his nest, but he can't help but find him kind of cute as he coos like a pigeon and crawls around like a puppy to bring Steve his treasures - fluffy with some mild angsty themes
Not Quite Puppy Dog Love (Eddie's POV) Kas Eddie doesn't remember much about his past life, but he does remember the golden haired boy swinging that bat when the humans enter his relm, and his heart fucking soars at the sight of the one occupying his dreams every night - flufffff with some sad moments
Cropped Out Eddie loses his mind at the sight of Steve in a crop top and totally embarrasses himself about it - silly
That's A Promise Eddie wakes up in the hospital to find Steve there, holding his hand, promising he'll do everything he can to protect Eddie from now on - angsty fluff
Bullshit Eddie has a bad day whilst healing post Upside Down, and Steve tries his best to stay calm and help, but he only has so much strength - angst (@mugloversonly wrote a little hopeful ending to this with the perfect resolution I think, read their continuation here)
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she-walked-away · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday Monday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
It took me nearly a week to get to it, but thanks Anne @thisbuildinghasfeelings for tagging me!!!
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
Funnily enough, I was watching the Super Bowl in 2020 and was folding laundry when they showed a promo from Lone Star and it was the part where they were talking to the old lady and I heard "Sure ma'am but just so you know I'm a homosexual" and I looked up because that was VERY random for a commercial to say and I the rest of the scene aired and I thought it was one of the best things I've ever seen lmao.
I actually did not start watching the show until 1x08 when TK got shot and I was HOOKED. I remember having to miss the season 1 finale to go to the grocery and checking my twitter account to see if Tarlos got together in the end ajkdhafdas
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3!
I'll never forget the EXPERIENCE that Push was. I was on a whole rollercoaster of emotions and I remember watching the TK waking up and Grace giving birth montage live and when it went off, my husband sitting behind me and very quietly going "whoa." We were both SHOOK. And then the proposal happened in 3x18 and I slunk off my couch because I was dying happily.
I think my rank is 3, 4 bc of the wedding and SOULMATES!!!, 2, and then 1. I really did like season 2 but you can tell Tim kind of bum rushed the ending dalkhdf
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
TK and Carlos will always be number one and I cannot pick a favorite between them. They're both so complex and interesting.
I think my second favorite has got to be Tommy. She always just *fit* in the show better than Michelle and I think she's hilarious and smart and her friendship with Grace and Judd are my favorites. Plus, I love how she and Owen play off each other.
Top five episodes. Go!
Push - nothing will ever top this I'm afraid
Bad Call
Saving Grace
In Sickness and Health
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
After season 4- I kind of NEED a Carlos one. I always want one and I think we learned a lot about him last season, but 4x18 opened a lot more questions about his childhood for me. Especially since he genuinely doesn't seem to remember a lot of the good times with his dad and it makes me curious if there is some underlying reason why other than just distance as he grew up.
But also NANCY. What is her backstory?? Her dad told her to start saving when she was little and she has thousands of dollars that she can lend out?? I want to know if there is more to it! And how did she get her start? Was she with the original 126 paramedic squad?
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
Obviously Gabriel's murder being solved and it would be great if Tarlos did it TOGETHER. And if one of them is in dangerous peril at the same time in front of the other- would not complain. I'm all for a "being threated and stalked" kind of storyline- I was thinking of along the lines of The Watcher by @ladytessa74 I want to be scared!! And to watch them be scared and IN LOVE AND A TEAM
I saw this earlier, but an episode from like B-shifts POV. You know that Owen and the firefam respond to the most INSANE calls, so I want to see what B shift and Captain Harper's POV is towards A shift. I think it would be hilarious.
Also- give me some silliness within the Catan Crew. Like maybe someone gets a little TOO into a game and then we have an episode of them all pranking each other or a little funny divide- similar to 4x16, but without them actually fighting.
What do you think is going on in this still?
It's Ghost face from Scream asking Carlos what his favorite scary movies are
I think it's either about Gabriel's murder or them finding out that Robert is dead. Rob Lowe said we'd see part of that day so I wonder if we will see the aftermath since I don't think Robert necessarily died within a week after the wedding.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I think it could DEF be some *spicy* shower sex. If TK get's injured in 504, Carlos should help make him feel all nice and healed in the SHOWER
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think somewhere in Texas like Galveston. It's not too far away, but I think it's far enough to where TK and Carlos would feel okay leaving both their parents for a short trip. I headcanon that they spent A LOT of money on a quick 8 week wedding *cries in timeline* and so they'd have to save up for a bigger and longer honeymoon.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
I HAVE SO MANY SO I AM SO SORRY IF I FORGET TO MENTION. It's hard to me to count my favorite stories beacuse I think this fandom has so many. I usually put them on my kindle when I'm traveling so I can reread on a long road trip and read in between the Pluto TV commercials during my long treadmill runs.
I just found my password for Ao3 that i created in 2015 (i was a fanfiction.net OG and live journal girly lol really dating myself) so I am currently making my way through reviewing @welcometololaland's ALTA and I have so many other ones to review as well! @strandnreyes, @reyesstrand, @paperstorm, @carlos-in-glasses, @ladytessa74, @rmd-writes , @goodways, @heartstringsduet , @liminalmemories21 , @lemonlyman-dotcom and literally so many more. I love going back and rereading fics on my work breaks now I'm back from leave and now that I have my password back, I plan on continuing that!!
I love gifsets by @guardian-angle22, @lutavero, @reasonandfaithinharmony, and more!
Also Anne's @thisbuildinghasfeelings cross-stitch!! Literally SO FREAKING COOL.
If I forgot you, I am so sorry. But if you write or make art or anything else in this fandom- just know that I am obsessed with everything you do :) I've just been silently stalking this fandom since like 2020
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afewproblems · 1 year
and there you go hurtin' me so good again with the continuation of your cheating!Eddie steddie fic.. thank you! <3
Based on Part One, and this Ask here,
I was chatting with @samcoxramblings yesterday about this and I think maybe there should be some Steve POV, as a treat.
If Steve thought about the last few weeks of his life alongside every other instant of sorrow and pain he'd experienced, his relationship with Nancy, the Upside Down, the death of Barb, his parents, he'd say he should be used to this sort of thing by now.
But perhaps he'd been spoiled.
He'd had more than twenty years of happiness, contentedness, with Eddie and their life together. He'd relaxed too much, and here was the other shoe crashing down.
The home phone line in their apartment has been ringing off the hook, reporters have been trying to get ahold of him to see his side of things, leaving messages and one bold enough to come to their apartment leaves a letter taped to their door.
Steve disconnectes the phone and installs another lock after that.
And speaking of letters, there have been a mix delivered to their shared PO Box, some in support of Steve, sympathetic to the situation, others are ecstatic --seeing it as their chance to wedge their way into his marriage just like the last person, that they've always hated Steve and can't wait to see him gone.
He only reads a few letters before letting them pile up on the side table by the door.
All because of that stupid photo.
There was no discernable face in the photo, or photos, that ended up online.
Just Eddie talking animatedly to someone facing away from the camera view. It pieces together the evening, a meet cute, a conversation, walking out of the bar together, and a passionate kiss before getting into a taxi.
Eddie confirms it, and it's like his heart breaks in two.
There are a million questions rattling around in his head.
How many times has this happened? How long has Eddie been lying to him, was this a one time thing or have they been secretly meeting one another for multiple tours? Does the band know? Have they been lying to his face as well?
Steve feels as though he's been on autopilot, walking around in a fog while at home, and mechanically moving through his lesson plans while at school.
To make matters worse, his principal calls him at home after the news breaks.
"Steve, how are you doing? I'm so sorry to hear," she tells him solemnly over the line, "if there is anything we can do please let us know".
"Thank you Liz, I, I really appreciate it," Steve hums, his voice much more level than it has been in awhile, "I'll take Spring break to finish up my marking and get my head on straight before we're back--"
"Steve, I'm sorry, I think," she hesitates, Steve can hear her pace around her office, her signature kitten heels click against the tiled floor, "I think it would be best if you take a little longer than Spring Break".
He feels his stomach drop into his shoes, no, no, they can't...
"What, what are you talking about, are you--"
"No, no, of course not," her voice shrill, panicked and tinny, over the line as she backpeddles, "no, we just think it would be better for you and the kids if you took some time away. We have a sub lined up and this wouldn't be permanent, just until it dies down".
"You can't be serious Liz, come on, their finals are coming up at the end of the month and I've never let my personal life affect my job before and I'm not about to start now, I don't need a leave of absence, I'm fine," he lies.
It has been difficult to get through class, to ignore the whispers from the kids during break or while they work in groups. He can feel curious eyes follow him in between the desks as he walks around for questions.
Liz sighs into the line and all at once knows the conversation is over, that it was never a conversation to begin with.
"Look, you're the best department head we've had in a long time Steve, and I want you back, fresh, for the kids. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now and I know this isn't what you wanted but I think it will be for the best".
"How long?" Steve manages to say, so softly that Liz asks him to repeat himself.
"Excluding the break, I'll say three weeks, so you can be back to see them through their exams," she sighs again, "the school year isn't over yet Steve, you'll still have lots of time with them".
Steve raises a shaking hand to his hair, running his fingers through it from root to tip. It could be good to take that time, Robin had asked him if he would when they initially spoke. It could give him a chance to think about what to do.
But, at this point, he worries if he stops moving, if he slows down, he won't be able to stop the grief he can feel, knocking at his window.
"Okay, okay, Liz, I'll take some time".
Steve finishes his marking in record time, but perhaps it's easy when one doesn't sleep.
He reorganizes the pantry twice, deep cleans all the storage closets, he throws every piece of clothing in the house into the laundry, including Eddie's, drops off the dry cleaning, and washes the walls.
He moves the furniture around and finds himself looking at rentable scaffolding to see about finally starting that painting project he's been thinking about.
It's only Wednesday.
One by one his family begin to reach out as the news begins to circulate more prominently in the regular entertainment news outlets. Hopper and Joyce call, Joyce asks Steve if he wants to come back to Hawkins for a bit, that their door is always open for him, just as it was when he was in his twenties. Hopper tells him all Steve needs to do is give him the word and he'll be in Chicago with a shovel, no questions asked.
Steve thanks Joyce and gives Hopper an emphatic, 'NO,' but he appreciates them all the same.
Dustin innocently brings up that he'll be in Chicago for a few days the following week, that Robin offered Steve's guest room to him, and Steve finds himself smiling while shaking his head at the co-conspirators.
All of the kids call at least once, but they are busy themselves, none of them are on a leave of absence after all, he thinks bitterly to himself.
Thursday afternoon there's a knock at his door, Steve is in the middle of changing out the old washer from the kitchen sink -finally getting around to fixing the small leak, he freezes at the sound.
He's not expecting anyone and even though he and Robin are nearly joined at the hip she still has the decency to call before showing up at his door.
Steve climbs out from under the sink and wipes his hands on the nearest towel before slowly walking towards the door. All the locks are still bolted from the night before, so he feels safer leaning in to peer through the peephole.
It's Wayne?
Steve feels his heart begin to race, what on earth was Wayne doing here? Was Eddie with him? Corroded Coffin was still on tour, he couldn't be.
He hazards another glance through the peephole but he can't tell if there is anyone else in the hall.
Wayne knocks again making Steve jump at the sudden noise.
Steve breathes in deeply through his nose and out through his mouth once, twice, before he unlocks both bolts and the chain with shaking hands, he opens the door a fraction.
"Wayne? What are you doing here?" Steve says softly, he steps aside to let the man through.
"I came to check on you," Wayne says after a beat, he wipes his feet on the second mat inside and shrugs off his red windbreaker. Steve tries to take the jacket to hang it up but raises his hands in surrender as Wayne waves him off and opens the closet to hang it up himself.
Steve takes him into the kitchen and puts on a pot of coffee, they never did invest in one of those single serve coffee machines, Eddie drank so much coffee when he was home that it made no sense and, 'brewed coffee just tates better Stevie'.
Steve shakes the memory away and grabs two mugs from the cupboard, "Just sugar right?"
He reaches for the empty sugar bowl as Wayne nods, he hovers awkwardly as Steve flits around the kitchen.
Steve grabs the sugar from their pantry and fills up the bowl before placing it on the table with a spoon.
"So," Steve sighs as he leans against the counter next to the coffee maker, it hisses and bubbles filling the air with the smell of brewing coffee, "Eddie put you up to this, huh?"
Wayne frowns but nods, "Call it the first good decision that dumb-ass has made in the last few weeks," he scratches the graying scruff on his cheeks and steps closer, "how are you doing son?
Steve wants to tell him about how he hasn't let himself even think about the future. How he told Eddie he couldn't come home yet, how he's so achingly lonely despite the number of people that have reached out. How he doesn't want to think about a life without Eddie, but that he also can't imagine being in the same room as him for more that a minute without wanting to just scream at him.
How, Steve firmly believed that he would lose the man standing in his doorway, how his friendship with Gareth and Chrissy would inevitably fracture over Eddie, and once again Steve would be alone, picking up the pieces of his life to start again.
Instead, he manages to say, "I'm so glad you're here," before stepping into Wayne's arms, and allowing himself to be held as he finally, finally cries.
Wayne's arms come around him firmly, he reaches one hand up to cradle Steve's head while the other rubs his back, "its okay son, I gotcha," he whispers as Steves shoulders shake and his chest stutters.
"I gotcha".
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c-is-for-circinate · 1 year
I would love to hear more mike wheeler - Steve Harrington masculinity thoughts (also whatever happened to Hopper to make him action guy my beloathed)! Also will we get a mike chapter for and they were married?
Okay yes! I am fascinated by Mike and Steve as narrative contrasts, and I always find myself looking for fic where the two of them meaningfully interact, and I keep meaning to write about them.
(Also: Mike deserves his own chapter of that fic, but he's getting folded into Dustin's. What Mike really deserves is his own fic that takes place in that universe, because I know what his deal is there and it's a doozy, but that is a very different post.)
Anyway! For starters, I don't think that Steve and Mike are intentionally meant to be foils. There's an element of it in the first season, where Steve exists to support Nancy's character, and Nancy and Mike are meant to be foils -- Steve is the Popular Kid, the antithesis of Mike and his friends' little group of nerds, he and Tommy and Carol are written into the same category as Troy but older and less actively murderous, and the fact that Nancy's dating him says things about her -- but they end up occupying oddly similar spaces and cool parallels come out of that anyway.
A core thing about it is that Steve and Mike are both the guy in their respective age group casts on the show. The Guy. The central one, the normal one, the presumed-to-be-straight one -- and yes, this is fandom and we have Opinions about that, but the Duffer brothers think they're both straight, and that matters here. They're white, they're able-bodied, they have money. They are, in a sense, normal.
Narratively, they very often act as central/POV character for scenes they're in, at least once Steve gets past the fistfight in S1 and awakens to the fact that he's a person who can make decisions. And that makes sense, because being The Guy also means they're the closest to the classic TV protagonist archetype, the guy who does the hero shit and gets the girl in the end. Hopper is also The Guy, and always has been: in S1 it's just him and Joyce, but even as we add more adults, the only real challenge to his The Guy status is Bob (which is of course why Bob had to die). Murray is a bizarre conspiracy nut, and queer-coded besides that. Owens is an affable bad guy. Alexei and Dmitri and Yuri are all Russian.
Being The Guy comes with a certain amount of baggage. All three of them have to be romantic leads, and have to be crossed in love about it. All three of them are protectors in one way or another. And all three of them are on occasion assholes who have one hell of a time with sincerity and affection.
And this is where we get into Toxic Masculinity, because again, while I don't think the Duffers intended a pile of parallels between these three guys, well. Firstly, The Guy as an archetype is built on a pile of toxic masculine stereotypes, so that's often there to begin with. Secondly, it's the same writers, so certain themes rhyme whether they're intended to or not.
In particular, one of the core tenets of toxic masculinity, not just in ST but as a thing in the world, is when and where it's acceptable to experience soft emotions of affection, care, and vulnerability. The first rule of toxic masculinity is don't. The second rule, the caveat rule, is a little asterisk saying 'except, occasionally, with a female romantic partner, if you absolutely must.'
And so we actually see a lot of unfolding of this in Steve! One thing we know about Steve, without precisely being told, is that he's deeply lonely -- for a popular kid he sure seems to only have two Actual Friends when the show starts and they hardly seem to even like each other. He has a new Favorite Person every season, and he clings to them with the joy of a devoted golden retriever. His mental image of happily-ever-after is a house full of kids with enough siblings to never get lonely, family vacations about close quarters and spending time together. We never see his parents. For all a lot of the 'horrible abuse' fanon is very much fanon, Steve is inarguably a lonely kid. And where do we see him reaching out for affection?
It's not Tommy and Carol, although until they break up he's constantly in their company unless he's alone with Nancy. They hardly even seem to like each other very much, and yet they've stayed at his empty house enough for Tommy to know about his mother's fireplace and Steve to insist he do laundry while he's here. No, the person who Steve is allowed to feel things with and for is Nancy, because she's the caveat, she's the exception. This is why Steve is consistently focused on getting Nancy back, getting a new girlfriend, getting a date. That's the rule!!!
The really fabulous thing about Steve's arc across the first three seasons, and even into S4, is that this quest for romantic affection and vulnerability is both thwarted and rewarded again and again. He tries to apologize to Nancy, to win her back: by the time he sees her again, Nancy's got a new boyfriend, but Steve has a new brother. Dustin is Steve's favorite person by the start of S3; he gets Steve's haircare secrets, he gets Steve's loyalty, he gets Steve's joy. In S3, Steve tries to pour his whole heart into a different girlfriend, and Robin turns him down flat while also simultaneously opening herself up with such vulnerability that they instantly become best friends. Robin is S4's Favorite Person, but the great thing about these relationships being platonic is that Steve gets to have more than one! He gets to have both Dustin and Robin in his life! He gets the other kids as part of the package! Bit by bit, instead of a girlfriend who Steve is "allowed" to be soft with, Steve gains actual friends who he gets to be real with whether it's allowed or not.
And the really tragic thing about Mike Wheeler is that he's doing the opposite. Mike starts out with three friends, three best friends, absolutely devoted to one another. As kids, they're young enough to be free of most of the stranglehold of toxic masculinity yet, although of course it's starting. And then there's El.
Mike charts a really interesting course over four seasons, and the shape of it is not a straight trajectory from 'Mike adores and is BFF with Will' to 'Mike thinks only about El.' Hell, from what we see of S1, the Party are all best friends pretty equally before Will goes missing -- Lucas is the one ready to break into a government lab for him, not Mike. Mike's trajectory is far more 'I derive the bulk of my personal self-worth from protecting other people, and as soon as somebody needs to be saved I go fully into Paladin Mode, making me feel worthwhile and important." It just so happens that the two people in Mike's field of vision who most generally need protection and saving are Will and El. Which leads to Mike's intense Will-focused devotion in S2 (El is gone but Will is also in really significant need, and Mike just straight-up activates, jumping immediately into solicitously taking care of his friend because Something Needs Doing And I Can Do It). And Mike's intense El-focused devotion in S4, where El needs a literal quest to come and rescue her. And just a lot of Mike in general.
The problem with all of that is the part where, unlike Steve who keeps forging new platonic relationships, Mike keeps neglecting his more and more. The S3 Will fight is so good at illustrating that, because look -- we all know Will has a crush on Mike, but at no point during that fight does Will ask, even subtextually, for romantic attention. He's asking for platonic attention, which Mike is absolutely failing to give. "Where's Dustin right now? You don't know, and you don't even care." But as Mike says, they're not kids any more -- and this is how growing up is supposed to work!
(Note: I don't want to say that it's toxic for Mike to be in love with El, or really caught up in that relationship -- he's fourteen! she's his first girlfriend! he thought she was dead! But Mike's an asshole in S3 because he's caught up enough to not notice his friend's feelings until they explode at him, and yeah, I do think part of that is because he knows he's Not Supposed To.)
S4 is a lot, because here's where we're really seeing the culmination of a lot of what Mike's been unfortunately moving towards. We've hit a point where those vulnerable feelings that Mike's allowed to share, at most, with his girlfriend, feel like too much to even share with his girlfriend. He can't say 'I love you'. He can't even talk to Will. The conversation he does have with Will is honestly mostly about Mike and his feelings of inadequacy, of not measuring up, not being special, but it has to be couched in the context of El. If there's a reverse-Bechdel test to be done on S4, past the very first episode I'm pretty sure Mike fails it -- I don't think he has a single conversation that isn't about his girlfriend in one capacity or another.
In contrast, S4 Steve is, yes, pretty focused on girls-in-general and Nancy-in-specific, and yeah, there's a little bit of backsliding going on there. But he's also having conversations with Robin about her fears and longings, having weird little interludes where Eddie's the one bringing up Nancy rather than Steve himself. He's hurt at the end when Nancy is clearly still with Jonathan, but he's able to move on, to go fold clothes and care about Robin's love life instead of his own -- his optimistic happy ending in S4 is that his best friend is going to get the girl, not him.
I think there's a lot more to say, which I only brushed on briefly here, about other aspects of Mike and Steve that work in parallel or contrast -- their protector thing, which feels very intrinsic but shows up very differently in both of them, the way Steve says 'I love you' so easily and Mike has trouble saying it at all, the way they are both very much extremely normal guys, at least on paper. There's so much to say. I think that has to be a different post.
I will say, in terms of Hopper: Jim Hopper is what it looks like when those pent-up feelings that you aren't allowed to express to anybody other than a romantic partner sit and fester for decades. Fuck, there were things about Vietnam he didn't even tell his wife, that sat like poison both emotional and biological between them. When we meet him in S1, he's processing grief with drugs and drinking and processing fear with rage. He has spent so much of the past four seasons processing fear as rage.
Of course Joyce is the one person he's allowed to, sometimes, on occasion, be soft with. Of course nearly his every interaction with Mike is macho dominance posturing. Of course the entire trajectory of his relationship with El is a push-pull of Hopper retreating into authoritarianism and anger instead of the terror of honesty, and then getting to see the consequences of that when his daughter pulls away. Every season has broken him down a little more that way, but then the yo-yo pulls back (Season 3 whyyyyyyyyy). By Season 4, he's been beaten and starved and frozen and shattered enough that we get maybe the most honest monologue of his life, to a Russian prison guard, because they're about to die so what do the rules matter any more. It's a clear window into an endless pit of self-loathing, because for twenty or thirty years Hopper's been letting those feelings eat in instead of out, and bit by bit they've been devouring him.
El is hope, for him, and Joyce is hope, and the cracks that broke open in Kamchatka to maybe let in a little more air that might not seal right back up again are hope. But it's hard. It's hard! It makes him an absolute asshole, including and especially towards the people he wants most to protect. (And there's that protector thing again.)
Anyway, I am on the record as liking Steve a lot and having very little patience for Mike and Hopper, but like. They're not that different, at their core. They just put the pieces together in a different order.
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ronanceautistic · 13 days
By the way I did this thing in 2022 where I watched Stranger Things from the POV of one character the whole time, so skipped all the scenes they weren't in etc.
So just for the record, this is who I actually enjoy watching the most each season
In Season 1 I enjoy Nancy the most. She's blorbo and also her story is literally unaffected by the scenes you end up skipping. It all makes perfect sense from start to finish. I also enjoy Mike, too, and actually Karen. Her story is surprisingly unaffected by skipped scenes in the sense that you are confused the whole time, but that's the point because so is she. It's just a depressingly long watch of her trying to speak to her kids, and then randomly the Lab drop in on her.
In Season 2 I enjoy Lucas the most. He's literally just a little guy, and I love the vibes the kids have in S2, the arcade and trick-or-treating and having a fun childhood, and I think you get the most of that with him. I love him and Max in this season but in Max's POV you miss a lot of stuff. Nancy's, like, it's fine, and I do really love her overall story for the season, but it's so short and also you miss a lot of the great stuff about S2 because she's so detached from the actual plot.
Season 3 is Max because vibes. Everyone remembers S3 because of Starcourt Mall and you get a lot of that with her. Plus I love her outfits in S3. Eleven is an almost identical watch but Eleven's seasons are looong and they dump a lot of lore in her visions that get tedious when you already know the lore.
Season 4 is Nancy, again, her story is so unaffected by the scenes you skip. She's got a shit ton of cool scenes and storylines, like aside from the best one (Max's vision) she gets basically all the good ones LMAO. The Upside Down in E7 and final battle, her Vecna vision, all that jazz. And they just pile so much angst and whump onto her so obviously I have to pick it. I think the only downside is, again, missing Max's vision at the cemetery. I think Mike's is also a fun plot to follow, getting a bit of Hawkins High at the beginning and then the Cali stuff, too.
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Blue Leather Book
This was from a prompt and I got that Steve does poetry on the brain today so I made a part 2. On today's menu we have a Steve POV with a side of Eddie panicking and a sprinkle of misocommunication (solved fairly quick i think) and sharing writing as a love language 4.7k word dump.
This one does stray away from the initial prompt which is why I made it the second part, but still.
Here is Pt. 1 and the full Ao3 link. Any and all comments and messages are apreciated, enjoyy
The notebook had come from a stupid idea to try to get a girl to like him.. 
One of his dates had mentioned how much they loved when guys wrote poetry and were ‘in tune with their feelings’ or whatever. It had started with that. They also started to work on poetry in English, and he started paying attention in class. He wrote some cheesy lines that rhymed, but had no feeling. Something his date told him when he showed her. 
The first time he wrote, really wrote in the notebook was the day his parents forgot his birthday. For the third time. When the words left the tip of the pen he didn't even get to enjoy it, only burst out crying. He felt gutted by his own words. He had never understood the phrase ‘pen is mightier than a sword’ until then. But that opened the beginning of something for him.
It was therapeutic putting his thoughts on paper. It made him feel open, like his thoughts were somehow more real when put in ink and paper. He wrote about his parents, his loneliness that he never quite filled. Insecurities and passions. Everything that came to mind. It really started to grow more when he met Nancy. When all those cheesy poems he read in class made sense. He never showed it to anybody. The moment he got close… Well, you know what happened. The world flipped upside down and he was left on unsteady ground with no gravity to hold him in place. 
He went through a really rough time, the only thing pulling him together was Nancy. And when that also ended, he was left afloat again. 
He found the notebook hidden away from when he drunkenly wrote a few lines when Nancy left. He opened it up and started writing again, and it was like a rope tied to his ankle. 
He wrote and wrote and wrote. He found love in it again. He found his voice, He found comfort and an escape and reassurance from it. So he kept it going.
He always left it on his nightstand, in a drawer behind other things but he could reach it with no hassle. Noone had thought to look there, and if they did, they didn't think anything of it. He wrote at night most times when he couldn't sleep. He sometimes climbed up to the roof from his window and sat there with the book until it was time to pick up Robin.
It never left his side for long, or his house. 
So now, he was panicking. 
He was pacing all over, his usually tidy room was disheveled. His thumb was red with the amount of stress biting he was doing. 
How could he lose it? Where could it have left it? He already searched the roof, the floor of his window, the forest, all his jeans and pants pockets, also the jackets. He looked in every nook and cranny of the house and his car. He was starting to go into full blown panic mode.
You see, these past few weeks he had been having… feelings… about someone. So the last things he had written were less monster-fighty and more Oh-no-I-have-feelings-again. Well, and a heap tone of other really personal things that anyone outside the party would have him sent to a mental facility. 
So now he’s here at four in the morning trying to figure out if he took it to Robin's house for their weekly spa and gossip day and if he could call about it with an incessant questioning about why he needs it back so bad.
And he loves Robin, he really does, but if she stole his notebook just because he was avoiding her incessant questioning about a certain metalhead… Her car rides were about to be cut short. 
What was he going to do if she found his last few poems and ramblings? She knew he was bi a while ago, but if she found out he was not only hiding he had a crush on someone, but that someone was Eddie Munson. She was going to kill him.
God, now he was thinking of Eddie. How, they could always talk about nothing and everything. How he feels more comfortable than he ever has just in his presence. Eddie and how he looks when he's concentrating, with his hair up, or just in general. How animated he gets when he figures out a twist in his campaign evil enough to put Vecna to shame. Eddie and him playing his guitar, how his lyrics remind him of poetry. Eddie and his antics. He would probably be all over the place if his notebook was lost. Eddie and-
Oh shit Eddie
Last Saturday Eddie had called him early in the morning when he was out on the roof with the notebook in his jeans. He must've forgot to put it away and took it with him to the trailer. He sprinted to the phone and dialed the phone number he had memorized long ago. It rang a few times before he remembered what time it was. 
He was about to slam it down on the receiver when he heard Wayns gruff voice from the other side. 
“Munson residence, Wayne speaking.”
Steve was going to hit his head on the wall. “Hey Wayne, sorry to wake you.”
“Caught me right before so no problem, what can I help you with?”
“Oh, um, is Eddie awake?”
He heard Wayne grumble about Eddie's unruly sleep schedule and him yelling out for him. A few seconds and some shuffling later Eddie's voice rang out from the phone's speaker. 
“Hey Stevie, what's up?”
Steve involuntarily smiled at his voice, then shook himself out of his daydream. 
“Hey, Eds, sorry for calling so late.”
“No problemo, I was stuck on some campaign things anyway so you’re actually saving me.” He chuckles softly and I try to bite back a smile. “So, what can I do for you?”
“Did you by chance find a small blue leather notebook in your room? Or anywhere really.I think I left it there? I can't really find it anywhere here and I’m retracing my steps and that's the last time I remember having it.” He chuckles nervously and waits a few seconds but is met with silence. 
“-ddie? You okay?”
Eddie shakes himself out of his head and tries to ignore the ringing in his ears that started the second he heard those words. The blue leather notebook. Steve's blue leather notebook. Jesus H Christ.
“Yeah, yeah Stevie. I’m here.”
“Could you look for it? If you want I could come over and help-”
“No, no. I have it.” He blurts out. He doesn't really want Steve here right now. Or he does but not right now. Or ever. Or- Shit Steve is still on the phone. “I know where it is.”
“Oh thank god, I did not want to call Robin's house, her parents hate me.” They laugh. “So, I could come by this afternoon? If that's okay with you.”
“Y-yeah. That's perfect Stevie. See you then.” 
He hangs up the phone before Steve can answer and slumps to the wall the phone is on. Then slides down until he’s sprawled out on the floor. Then, finally, he lets out a sound of a wounded dog mixed with a stressed Eddie.
“What’re you on about now boy?” Wayne draws out from where he's getting ready for bed. 
“It's Steve’s notebook.” he whines, not moving from the floor. 
“... Okay?”
“It's Steves. Notebook.”
Eddie can see the second Wayne chooses to sleep instead of paying attention to him. He whines again and when Wayne still ignores him, he rolls his eyes and gies to lay on the floor next to him. Eddie is a lot of things, but a quitter is not one of them. 
“He’s the writing genius who left his notebook here. The one that has been plaguing my mind for days. He’s the mystery writer that puts my and everyone else's writing to shame.” 
Wayne gruffs and rolls to his other side, facing away from Eddie. Eddie rolls his eyes and ups his dramatics for old times sake. He gets up loudly, whining about how he's not appreciated in this house, and goes to be unable to sleep for the next hours. 
Steve goes for a run.
He usually does so it's not a surprise, but his reasons have shifted slightly. He usually does it to shake off the remains of a nightmare, to burn off the remains of fear and dread from his system. Fear and dread are still what he is trying to shake off, but not from a nightmare. 
He hopes Eddie didn't read his notebook. He really does. If he’s honest, he doesn't remember most of what he has written, all midnight fed deliriums he had to get out of his system. But he does  remember the newer additions he has made. Most of his annoyingly persistent crush on the metalhead. 
Like the rest, he doesn't remember what exactly they say, but he was never one to shy away from his feelings towards people. He thinks he remembers writing something about getting  on his knees for the guy.  
He blushes at that and hopes no one is around. Jesus he was hopeless. 
But can you blame him? Eddie was so… just… everything. He could fill journals of what his eyes and dimpled hands and goddamn presence made him feel.
He thought his feelings for Nancy were strong, but this was rivaling strong. The months he slowly got to know him in the hospital, mixed with his visits just to hang out, it is clear he never had a chance not to fall for him.
It was a lot simpler than he thought it was going to be like, falling for someone else. Eddie was just… Eddie. Not only him, but Wayne too had snaked into his heart and filled the gaping hole his parents had left. 
And now he didn't know where he stood with Eddie. 
He had sounded so… something on the phone. When Steve mentioned the notebook, he was met with dead silence for a good few seconds. He got that worried nagging in the back of his head that never leaves him since Vecna when his friends get quiet. If he's talking to someone and they zone out he has to school down panic attacks. And they are getting old. 
He was probably looking around the room for it, he did find it, so that's good. He would hate to lose what he has written. Even if he doesn't revisit them often, he does like to read back occasionally. Looking at his old thoughts made him smile and grimace at the same time. But it was like reading a poetry book made just for him, which it was but it was nice anyways. 
He grimaced at the old things he wrote for Nancy (now changing who they are meant for in his mind), and he always felt a deep kind of desperation and sadness for little him. He wishes he could go and talk to him, give him hope (another of the things he has written about).
He finally got back to the house and got himself some water. He didn't have anything to do today other than go to Eddies for it. So he went upstairs to take a shower and got in bed. 
He thought more of Eddie, a normal occurrence really. What if Eddie did read his notebook? He probably thought it was just something stupid, like some of his favorite teams and stuff. Eddie despised all that had to do with sports so there was no reason for him to look. Eddie was a snooper though. Could he have found his writings intriguing? Interesting?
He smiled at the thought. He knew Eddie wrote for his band, but maybe now that Eddie knew he liked to write, they could write together. Well, his old ones were not entirely great, he was just an angry kid writing his thoughts down. But maybe,
Maybe he read the new ones. The ones about him.
That worried Steve more than he cared to admit. His thoughts jumbled at that, what would Eddie think of them? Would he hate him? Would he think it was for someone else? That may not be possible because of the blatant things he wrote, but hey, who knew? He could play it off if he needed to. 
But… What if he didnt?
He blushed at that thought.
Look, he had eyes okay? Robin kept insisting that he was very obvious of his crush, but she has also made some non-hidden comments about how it may not be entirely unrequited. He knew he was attractive, and what things he could do to make that more so. And he had been doing that constantly with Eddie. And he can't deny it had worked to some degree, catching Eddie's eyes linger a bit longer than they should, looking at him as if he was something he wanted, something to be desired.
God, that thought made something light up inside him. 
Maybe this night could end better than he had hoped? Well, hope was hope after all, and he didn't know what Eddie was thinking at all times. Though he wished he did. Maybe Eddie's lyrics are his thoughts too? Maybe… Eddie wrote about him?
Now he was giggling like a schoolgirl. He needed to get it together, these thoughts were going to get him nowhere. 
He got up and walked around the room, a plan forming in his mind. His thoughts jubling so he went and got his backup notebook and started drawing up a game plan to sweep Eddie off his feet. After a thought dump, he finally had the semblance of a plan ready to go.
All he had to do now was go that afternoon to get his notebook back. He could deal with what could happen, right? 
What could go wrong?
He got there a little later than 3, he knew Eddie liked to sleep in so he gave him time. He brought some drinks he knew Eddie liked as a ‘thank you’. And maybe possibly an excuse to spend time with him. But that's neither here nor there. 
He walked up to the door and knocked. After a few seconds, Eddie opened the door and shoved the notebook in his face. Steve fumbled for the book for a second and before he could look up, Eddie had  closed the door in his face. 
“... Eddie?”
“Yep, thanks. Bye” He heard Eddie say, muffled by the door.
“... Is this a bad time?” He heard a soft groaning from behind the door. “I can leave if you want too.” He said quickly after. 
Eddie opened the door with a sort of smile and grimace. “Nope, all clear Stevie.” 
Steve finally was able to look at him. He looked nervous? “You good man?”
“Yep, yep, yeppers. Perfectly a-okay.” Eddie smiled more broadly, but Steve knew a fake smile when he saw one.
He just looked at Eddie with a quirked brow and Eddie relented, letting put a big breath. “Just… come in.” He moved away, motioning for Steve to come in. 
Moved forward, putting the notebook in his pocket. He remembered the drinks in his hand and motioned to them. “I brought you something as a thank you for the trouble.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, but a small smile fought his way onto his lips. “Of course you did.” He looked at the drinks and brightened. He made grabby hands and now it was Steve's turn to roll his eyes. He gave them to Eddie and followed him as he walked to the kitchen to put the drinks away. “You really didn't need to dude, just a notebook.” Eddie murmured.
Steve leaned forward, putting his elbows on the elevated kitchen nook. “Well yeah, but it's kind of important to me.” Eddie froze for a second, his body turned away from Steve. “Besides, maybe I just wanted to spend time with you.”
Eddie continued moving. He turned to face Steve, leaning his hip on the counter and God did he look hot.  He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. “Is that so?”
Steve bit back a smile and shrugged. He moved up and walked to the other side of the counter where Eddie was. He leaned on it with Eddie, but he faced forward. Eddie's eyes followed him while he did so, and Eddie bit his lower lip, this made Steve brave. He looked forward, at the fridge, and started to speak. “So, what-”
“I read your notebook.” Eddie interrupts quickly. Steve guessed that much, he bit back a smile. 
“Oh?” he asked softly. But Eddie didn't answer. He looked at Eddie now. He had his eyes shut tightly closed, like he was nervous. Weird. 
When Eddie cracked one of his eyes open slightly, it was a bucket of cold water on him. 
Eddie looked, what, scared? Embarrassed? Shameful? Disgusted? Whatever it was, it was definitely not good. 
Steve shifted and looked down, his confidence down now. 
“What did you think?” He asked quietly.
“I'm so sorry Steve.” Eddie said, equally as quiet.
All the blood from Steve's face drains from his face. Now Eddie not wanting to talk to him at the door, reluctance to let him in, was all making sense. He felt lightheaded, a single thought attacking his mind. 
Eddie didn't want him. 
Eddie wanted him to leave. All those things he thought were flirtatious, the nervousness, it was all because he wanted him gone, not around.  Were his feelings such a curse that Eddie didn't even want him around anymore? Did what he write gross him out? Oh god, thinking about it now, it was definitely creepy. He knew he didn't deserve Eddie, too perfect for his own good, of course he didn't want him. Worst part, he was apologizing for not liking Steve back.
Tears pricked in his eyes. “I'm gonna go now.” He says, barely a whisper. 
“Stevie, I'm so sorry.” Eddie reached for his arm, but it hovered over his skin. Burning the air there. Steve wanted to get closer, feel his touch one last time, selfish for all Eddie was willing to give him. “I didn't mean to, It was an accident, and I just… I kept reading and-”
“Please stop.” He said, looking at the ceiling and willing the tears away. “Don't. It's fine.” He looked at the floor, anywhere than the dark brown eyes he wanted to drown in. “I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
Eddie finally touched him, moving in front of him and touching his shoulder as well. “Steve, it's fine. I mean, it's bound to happen with how many times you faced death in the face.”
He choked out a humorless laugh. “The end of the world didn't make me feel this way.” 
Eddie looked more heartbroken with this confession and Steve wished they hadn't closed the Upside down for a second, just for the ground to swallow him right now. He0d take a demogorgon to this conversation currently.
“Stevie,” Eddie said softly, “Have you gone for help? Talk to anyone?”
Ok, what the fuck? He really read Eddie wrong. He looked at him with confusion and hurt. He pushed himself from the counter and walked to the living room. His emotions are still swirling around him.. “I- No? I mean, I talk to Robin but- what the fuck man?!”
“Im sorry Stevie-”
“You don't get to call me that right now.” 
“Steve, Please. Robin can’t help you with that.”
“Help? I don't need help.” 
“You know what, rejecting me is fine, but telling me something is wrong and I need help? That's low, Munson, even from you.”
Now it was Eddie’s turn to stay frozen, Hands up as if he was nearing a dangerous animal. Wow, alright. He didn't want to hear this, not now, he needed Robin, to talk maybe, to cry probably. He needed to leave. 
“Steve, wait! What are you talking about? What ‘rejecting’?”
He threw his head to the ceiling and turned around to face Eddie. Crossing his arms in front of him. “Look, it's fine, you’ve said enough. You didn't like what I wrote about you and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable. But if you’re gonna be a homophobe about it-”
“Steve, baby, I need you to go back three pages. What are you talking about?”
Oh so he was really going to play this? Fine “The last poems. You read them.” 
It wasn't a question but Eddie answered as it was. 
“I don't know, maybe? I stopped about halfway through the notebook.”
Now Steve was a little lost. Halfway? He was almost done with the book, he had been looking for others even. If he was halfway then that was…
Relaxation dawned over his face. “Oh shit. Oh fuck no.” He took out the book and shoved it into Eddie's hands. “Where did you read it?”
Eddie grabs the book while looking confused at Steve. He opened to the middle.
Oh this was worse than he thought. He groaned and went to the couch and buried his face in his hands. 
“Im, like, really lost right now.”
Steve started to laugh and looked to see Eddie still in the same position as before, looking at Steve like he was crazy. And fair to be honest. 
Steve motions for Eddie to come closer. When he did, he grabbed the book and eyes the poem. He scoffed at his younger self and his dramatics.
“You know why I wrote this? My parents were home for the first time in months and the first thing they did was complain what a mess the living room was. They made me clean it all up. It was after Hargrove bashed my head in and I had been staying on the couch because of my concussion.” He saw Eddie looking at him with a kind of sad/confused/smile. He looked back at his writing. “I was such a dramatic, Jesus.” He laughed softly. 
“But… You…”
“I know what it says and how it may look, and I won't lie, it was like that for a long time. So I did get some actual help, and I did get better.” He looked back at Eddie and smiled. 
Eddie let out a breath of relief. “Good. That's… good.”
They stayed quiet for a beat, just staring at each other. The concern on Eddie's face moved to relief. Steve bumped his shoulder with his. “Thank you though.” Eddie furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in a way that reminded him of a puppy. “For caring, that is. Not many people do.”
Eddie scrunched his nose in anger as if he wanted to hurt everyone that dared to hurt him. He wanted to kiss it. “That's… wrong. It's wrong. You deserve so much care. All the care, even.” He said, waving his arms that got a smile out of Steve. His dramatics always did.
“In everyone's defense, no one has ever read this.”
That seemed to startle Eddie back from his plot of revenge.
“No one?” Steve shook his head and Eddie looked as if he just told him the most confusing thing in the world. “But-” Here it was “...It's so good.”
Steve burst out laughing, doubling over as Eddie kept protesting. “I'm serious Stevie! You have some truly good shit in there. Like actual good stuff. Scouts honor.” He looked up from where he had hid his face and looked at him from the side to see Eddie holding up three fingers in a fake salute. 
“I know for a fact you weren't a scout.” He says, shoving Eddie's hand away. “Wayne would have shown me the pictures.”
Now Eddie was laughing, a truly incredible sound. 
“The point still stands sweetheart. It was really good.”
Steve felt a blush spreading and he looked away. “It's really not. I don't even remember writing most of it, Insomnia makes me a new kind of man.”
Eddie nudged his knee with his. “Well, they were good rambles.” Steve looked back to see a fond smile on Eddie's face. He then smiled ridiculously. “As a master of the haunting hour writing, that was the best ones I have ever read.” 
Steve giggled and hid his face in Eddie's shoulder as he also shook with a small laughter. When it stopped a little suddenly, he moved back a little to see Eddie biting his lip in worry. The urge to kiss it came up but was ignored. 
“What?” He asked, moving back further.
“Well… I was just wondering… What exactly were you talking about before?”
Steve blushed immediately at his outburst. Ridiculous now, but there really was no use in hiding from the truth. He wanted Eddie to read his things, maybe that's why he left the book subconsciously, but he didn't want to be here when he read it. 
“Well… It's just… You got stuck in a really dark time of my writing. The new ones are… not that.”
Eddie tilted his head again. “Oh?”
He smiled. “It may or may not be little cheesy, crush-y ones.”
Eddie laughed again, a full laugh this time. The one that made his knees weak. He couldn't resist laughing a little again. 
“Oh I was waaaay off, wasn't I?”
“Only a smidge. But so was I.” They giggled for a second. “Would you- Like to read them?”
Eddie searched his face. Steve was nervous, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth and a steady blush still on his cheeks. But he wanted Eddie to read it. It was kind of all he could think about all morning. 
“Are you sure?”
He nodded his head. “I wouldn't offer something I didn't mean Ed’s.” 
Eddie smiled and took the book he offered timidly. He skipped forward until Steve stopped him. He looked away as Eddie read. Eddie didn't make any noise so he finally relented and found Eddie looking down at the writings with a slack jaw and eyes wide. Steve made to grab the book back but Eddie hugged close to his chest.
“Holy shit Stevie.” He said, grinning so big his dimples popped out. His face went from awe to a twinge of nervousness. “D-do you really feel this? About me?”
Words were now impossible so Steve fought his extremely red face and nodded.
Eddie moved fast. He dropped the book on his lap as he grabbed Steve's face in his hands and pushed him in for a breathtaking kiss. 
Steve liked to write, he thought he was good too, but no words he could ever have the ability to think of could ever be strung together in a way that could say how kissing Eddie Munson feels like. They pulled away after seconds, minutes, hours. Steve couldn't tell. Panting slightly and smiling until their faces hurt. 
Eddie's smile turned into a smirk and Steve rolled his eyes in fake annoyance as Eddie startet to poke his side. 
“So, devilish looks and curly hair are your thing.”
He groaned and his face in his hands. “Shut up.”
Eddie's grin became wilder. “Oh ho ho no baby. I'm gonna milk the hell out of this.” He looked back down. “Are you giving up your kingdom for little ol’ me?” He bats his eyes and Steve shoves his face again.
“Shut up” 
Eddie, in fact, did not shut up. They kept pushing and shoving and reading until one of them leaned in for a playful kiss. That led to another. Then another. Then another make out session. 
Now this is how Steve hoped the evening would go. 
They ended up going to Eddies bedroom, kissing and teasing and smiling the whole way through. Finally, months of pining endlessly fixed with simple revelations. When they were done, wrung out and tired, they layed there just basking in eachothers company. 
Steve layed his head on Eddies chest, tracing over the scars and tattoos. Eddie giggled above him and Steve looked up in question. He regretted it the second he did when he saw the mischievous look on Eddie's face. 
“So, how many Steve Munson’s am i gonna find written in the margins?”
Steve shoved a pillow into his face as the other man cackled.
The end <3
I did finish and post this at 4.30 am so I will not say much, might edit later idk. Lots of thoughts but cant verbalize them rn soooo bye :)
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jxncywarrior · 1 year
Stranger Things characters and ships as Taylor Swift Albums
Part Four: Red (Taylor’s Version)
*Disclaimer: I’m tagging all the ships and characters featured. I’m gonna try not to be biased. MOST of these are strictly based on canon. No hate to ANY ships or shippers.*
State Of Grace: Ronance (Nancy’s POV)
“So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong. We learn to live with the pain. Mosaic broken hearts but this love is brave and wild”
Red: Mileven (El’s POV)
“Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street. Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly”
Treacherous: Jopper (Hopper’s POV)
“Two headlights shine through the sleepless night and I will get you, and get you alone”
I Knew You Were Trouble: Stancy (Steve’s POV)
“No apologies. He'll never see you cry. Pretends he doesn't know that he's the reason why you're drowning”
22: Elmax (s3)
“Yeah, we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way. It's miserable and magical”
I Almost Do: Stancy (Steve’s POV)
“I just wanna tell you it takes everything in me not to call you”
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: Mileven (El’s POV)
“I remember when we broke up the first time saying, "This is it, I've had enough," 'cause like we hadn't seen each other in a month when you said you needed space”
Stay Stay Stay: Jancy (Nancy’s POV)
“Before you, I'd only dated self indulgent takers who took all of their problem out on me but you carry my groceries and now I'm always laughing and I love you”
The Last Time: Byler (Will’s POV)
“This is the last time I'm asking you this. Put my name at the top of your list. This is the last time I'm asking you why. You break my heart in the blink of an eye”
Holy Ground: Elmax (Max’s POV)
“Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress. We had this big wide city all to ourselves. We blocked the noise with the sound of 'I need you' and for the first time I had something to lose”
Sad Beautiful Tragic: Byler (Will’s POV)
“Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting, silence, the train runs off its tracks, kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen? Hang up, give up. For the life of us we can't get back”
The Lucky One: Steve
“You had it figured out since you were in school. Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool”
Everything Has Changed: Byler (Mike’s POV)
“All I've seen since eighteen hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like”
Starlight: Ronance (Nancy’s POV)
“He said, "Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change. You'll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way"”
Begin Again: Jancy (Nancy’s POV)
“But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid. I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, 'cause he never did”
The Moment I Knew: Mileven (El’s POV)
“You should've been there. Should've burst through the door with that "Baby, I'm right here" smile and it would've felt like a million little shining stars had just aligned and I would've been so happy”
Come Back…Be Here: Byler (Mike’s POV)
“And this is when the feeling sinks in. I don't wanna miss you like this”
Ronan: Hopper
“I remember the drive home when the blind hope turned to crying and screaming, "Why?" Flowers pile up in the worst way, no one knows what to say”
Nothing New: Nancy
“They tell you while you're young "Girls, go out and have your fun" Then they hunt and slay the ones who actually do it”
Better Man: Will and Jonathan to Lonnie
“And I see the permanent damage you did to me”
Babe: Stancy (Steve’s POV)
“Big mistake, you broke the sweetest promise that you never should have made”
Message In A Bottle: Byler (Mike’s POV)
“I know that you like me and it's kinda frightenin'. Standing here waitin', waitin' and I became hypnotized by freckles and bright eyes. Tongue tied”
I Bet You Think About Me: Stancy (Nancy’s POV)
“But you know what they say, you can't help who you fall for and you and I fell like an early spring snow”
Forever Winter: Nancy to Mike
“He says he doesn't believe anything much he hears these days. He says, "Why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away?". He spends most of his nights wishing it was how it used to be”
Run: Byler (Mike’s POV)
“So you laugh like a child and I'll sing like no one cares. No one to be, no one to tell”
The Very First Night: Jancy (Nancy’s POV)
“My friends all say they know everything I'm going through. I drive down different roads but they all lead back to you”
All Too Well (10mv): Mileven (El’s POV)
“And maybe we got lost in translation. Maybe I asked for too much. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up”
Eyes Open: Mike
“The tricky thing is yesterday we were just children playing soldiers just pretending. Dreaming dreams with happy endings”
Safe And Sound: Jonathan to Will
“Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire. The war outside our door keeps raging on. Hold onto this lullaby even when the music's gone”
Links to other parts of this series: Debut, Fearless, Speak Now, 1989, reputation, Lover, folklore, evermore
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smileweakandwrong · 1 year
smileweakandwrong AO3 Ronance/Platonic Stobin Fic Masterlist
These Dreams Go On Series:
Every Second of the Night - M - 116K words - (warnings: major character injury, self-harm, sexual assult)
Nancy realizes the meaning behind the complicated things she's been feeling as she sits in the hospital room and suffers from strange and upsetting nightmares. Robin navigates a dark past, and the group tries to find where Vecna is hiding and stop him before one of their own is lost.
What if it wasn't Max who ended up in a coma following the battle with Vecna?
Welcome to the Bat Box - M - 25K words (warnings: reference to self-harm and sexual assault but not explicitly so)
Nancy returns to Hawkins for Thanksgiving and joins Robin, Steve and Eddie at their place for their inaugural Orphan Thanksgiving. A study of past and present, growth and development, trauma and healing all with good friends and bad food.
Hot Chocolate, Warm Hands & Cold Mannequins - E -8.8K words (warnings: nsfw, smut, pwp) Technically part of this series but can be read as a one-shot
Just a horny little road trip, some plot and fluff and feelings and Robin paying Nancy a smutty visit in Boston.
Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean Series:
Carry You to the Coast - M - 62K words (warnings: major character death, drug use)
After the battle of Starcourt, Robin & Steve take some time to cope with their trauma and build their new friendship in a rundown cabin in the middle of nowhere. A year later, they're back trying to heal from the losses following Vecna and the Upside Down.
Everyone's favourite platonic soulmates learn life lessons and get into shenanigans together while figuring out that love doesn't have to be romantic with a dash or ronance.
Three Months & Every Moment After - T - 16.7K words (warnings: major character death)
Prequel with all the ronancey things that happened between the end of March when things went to shit and the end of June when part one begins.
Stand Alones:
Robin Buckley's Expert Field Guide to Catching Fireflies (and Other Childhood Favourties) - T - 18K words
Five times Nancy goes catching creepy crawlers with Robin and one time she catches something more.
Or, five days of oblivious lesbians failing at flirting and dancing around each other like absolute ding dongs.
I Will Remember You - M - 75K ongoing (warnings: violence and major character injury)
Nancy has some new abilities, Hawkins is locked in quarantine, new monsters show up, Vecna has a terrible plan, and Nancy has to make some terrible choices to figure out what it all means for her and everyone around her.
‘Tis the Season. Whatever That Means - G - 4.3K words
Just Christmas and first kiss fluff.
in the garden of - E - 14.2K words (nsfw smut)
Fighting monsters was one thing, falling in love with Robin was a whole different kind of scary. But building a life together and discovering that there might be room for one more was not scary at all when Nancy was doing it with Robin. Ronance and ronanceden smut but also sweet and loving.
Tell Me Nothing Else Would Do - G -18.3K words
High school AU with no Upside Down where Nancy meets Robin in a sophomore drama class and they gradually become friends and then more. A big pile of 'when will they finally kiss?' fluff.
*putting it in one shots for now, but there will be a second part eventually
Missing Out - T- 3.7K words
Just some Valentine's Day silliness
Ten Seconds, Ten Years -G- 6.1K words
Fluffy Nancy POV reflecting on ten years of loving Robin
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 months
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51. The Clue in the Diary by Carolyn Keene--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Four stars because I've been waiting to get to this one in the series. We finally meet Nancy's series boyfriend here and he is a very keen guy. So swell. LOL. To be honest, knowing that he becomes her series boyfriend made it all the more obvious because of his behaviour. While he wasn't the first guy to catch Nancy's eye, he's the one that was the most persistent.
The mystery in this was pretty good--it made me feel like I was watching a mystery show. I think it might be one of the more layered mysteries so far in the series. And I don't mean that in that it has multiple mysteries, but in the sense that it felt like it had more heart than some of the other books in the series (so far).
Anyway, this was the last audiobook at the library of this classic series, so I don't know if I'll be reading beyond this, but maybe one day I will.
52. The Winter King by C.L. Wilson--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I came across THE WINTER KING on Tik Tok and I remember thinking, "This sounds like a book full of tropes I'm going to love." I was correct.
Wilson has created a beautiful and fantastical slow burn of a romance where the spice and sexual tension may be immediate, but the romantic part of the story is a slower burn. And the best part is that while these two are coming together and pulling apart, there is an actual fantasy storyline happening at the same time. There was always something happening and it was all being told in dual POV, which I'm very grateful for.
I'm a sucker for a FMC who has always been underestimated and treated less than she deserves, only for her to prove everyone wrong and for things to finally go her way. This book was full of those moments and they were like catnip for me. The brooding hero making her feel like she isn't wanted, when he in fact is too scared to get close to her because he wants her? Yes please, melt me.
Also, the side characters were great! Especially a younger one that comes into the story later on. Everything just came together so beautifully and ugh, I'm so glad I finally read this.
I highly recommend this for anyone who wants a slowburn, but sexy fantasy novel that also has a pretty great storyline.
By the way, I went to bed very late last night because I kept adding ten more minutes to my audiobook timer. I couldn't stop listening!!
53. The Language of Seabirds by Will Taylor--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE LANGUAGE OF SEABIRDS, right from the beginning, has this beautiful and nostalgic air to it. Over the span of a few days, we get to see the MC learn more about himself, what it means to speak up, and the power that words and actions can have. It also shows how infallible even parents can be when they are somewhat just as lost as we feel.
Dealing with divorce, a father who is acting differently than normal (given the circumstances and his one too many drinks), and that in between chaos of deciding what life will look like post-divorce, our MC's summer isn't off to the best start. When he sees a mysterious and cute boy running on the beach past his temporary summer home, it sets of a chain of events.
Their adventures (and misadventures) over those two weeks gave me the greatest sense of nostalgia for those summer nights that can only truly be experienced while being a kid. The ending took me out, emotionally, and had me teary eyed in bed at 330 in the morning.
Also, I want to say that this book is 100% a middle grade book because the characters are only 12, but this is probably one of the most beautifully written middle grade books I've read. It felt very literary and almost older than the intended audience--not because of content, it was all very age-appropriate--but because of that feeling it made me feel of summers lost, and the way the story is written and presented. I think this is a great book for people of all ages to read, especially those who want to reminisce on their first loves, especially those who couldn't pursue said first loves because sometimes there can be truly negative consequences, or simply the fear of acknowledging that love.
The author also included an author's note about what he wanted to invoke in this book and truly, he fully did his work. What a gorgeous and under-appreciated book.
54. How to Bite Your Neighbor & Win A Wager by D.N. Bryn--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'll be honest: I never knew this book existed until I came across it on Libby. It looked fun (from the cover alone) and listen, who doesn't like a vampire romance now and then? I will say, though, that while this cover is very indicative of the emotion between these two characters during this act, this book was surprisingly...not what I was anticipating?
I thought this book would be spicier and just MORE. By the end of the book, I felt both relieved and a little let-down. Relieved because I was counting down the minutes until the audiobook ended and a little let-down because, like I said, I wanted more. I wanted the climax of the story to give me more. I wanted the romance to feel more...passionate? I don't know. It all felt a little too easy? And at times, I totally forgot these characters were adults. I thought that this could have easily been a YA novel, the main difference is that these characters are old enough to work office jobs.
I did like the diversity (both racially and body-type). I also really liked the one MC's best friend, she was great and I loved that she kept that MC levelheaded.
I enjoyed how they fell in love. It reminded me of past novels I've read where one MC shouts out that they love one of the characters, which gives me that "Aw" feeling. But I'm still a little salty that this was a vampire romance and it wasn't very sexy.
Anyway, if you like contemporary fantasy novels with vampires and close door romances, I think you'll enjoy this one. Was it silly at some points? Sure. But well, it wasn't the worst vampire book I've read!
55. Hideaway by Nora Roberts--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another day, another Nora Roberts book I've thoroughly enjoyed. I'm beginning to see the somewhat formula behind some of these books and I'm not going to lie, for the moment, I'm really enjoying said formula.
One of the beautiful things about HIDEAWAY is the familial love and how thoroughly this MC is loved. And even though I had to suspend my disbelief in the beginning (how is a ten year old capable of so much???), I was hooked.
Roberts has such an addicting way of writing. Her books are so much more than the fluffy romances people have always classified them as. Yes, there's romance in this, but it's also a thriller with some people who would heavily benefit from serious therapy.
It was also interesting seeing such a wealthy family have such a warm core.
Will definitely be picking up another Roberts novel!
56. You & Me by Tal Bauer--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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⬆️⬆️ Real footage of me after I finished reading YOU & ME after only sleeping for two hours because I couldn't put the book down.
Listen, I'm an avid reader. There are some books I love and then there are some books that make me say, "I don't care about sleep, give me all the pages." YOU & ME was one of the latter books for me. I wanted to know what would come next, I wanted to know if these cinnamon rolls would get their shit together, and I especially wanted to see the father/son relationship be healed.
This book has hype behind it and it is completely worth it.
This is like one of those rare books that you immediately know will both linger with you long after it's done, and will be something you're going to re-read in the future.
I loved their love, I loved their relationships, and I loved seeing the unravelling of the mess that we are introduced to in the beginning. This is a story about love, hope, friendship, and heart. I loved it so much.
57. Barbarian's Prize by Ruby Dixon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was excited for this one because LOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS COVER! While it's not my favourite book in the series, I found it did hold some pretty important themes.
The FMC is dealing with some serious trauma after being r@ped various times when she was captured at the beginning of the series. I think that's one thing that's easy to bypass in the past few books--the trauma these women went through after being capture is sometimes swept aside in order to get some sexy times. But I liked that Dixon let her FMC heal herself before she gave her heart to her mate. I'd call this book more a sobering moment in this spicy series.
I liked the MMC because he knew what the FMC needed and how to respectfully approach her. Maybe the bar is set in hell, but I thought it was sweet that he wasn't as pushy as all of the other male aliens around them. God, that's such a weird sentence to write. LOL.
Anyway, onto the next one!
58. Mindy Kim, Class President by Lyla Lee & Dung Ho--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I think that books like this one are such important reads for the little readers in our lives. Not only does it teach the reader more about a culture (key words and phrases and snacks), but it also teaches them the importance of kindness, bravery, and how to approach scary moments in life.
Mindy faces her class's presidential elections in this one and while the teacher comments on the importance of voting and using that right we all have, we also watch Mindy overcome her fear of public speaking and how it's okay to be an adult with fears (her father), or my favourite, how it's okay for adults to have stuffed animals.
I love seeing Mindy grow in each book and I will never get over how adorable she is! I think this is a great and under-appreciated series.
59. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
INDIAN HORSE is an emotional punch of a book. I think it's definitely one of those books that will haunt the reader for a very long time after the very last page. It was beautifully written, but it was also written with the phantom blood of those poor children who suffered, died, and were permanently scarred by residential schools.
Triggering is one of the first words that comes to mind when I now think of this book, but it's also so incredibly important.
This is the perfect of example of using and excelling at something to run and try to escape from the monsters in the dark, but that not even something you once loved can be a permanent escape. Monsters always find a way to find us in the end.
God, this was a beautiful and heartbreaking book--made even more so knowing that while this is a fictional story, the events are not wholly confined to this book. The horrors these children suffered will forever haunt our society. The cowardice and monstrosity of using religion to dehumanize people is something worth burning in hell for.
So, though it is triggering and traumatizing, INDIAN HORSE is a must read, since sometimes it is the most jarring books that have the greatest impact.
Have you read any of these books? What are your thoughts?
Happy reading!
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drops-of-june · 2 months
I don’t own the characters, this fanfic is based on the TV-Show Stranger Things (second season) from a Hargrove!Reader POV.
Quick reminder to readers, I'm not a english native speaker, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. Hope you understand.
You are not allowed to translate/repost inside or outside tumblr this fanfic. I will upload the fanfic in ao3, in my account.
TRIGGER WARNING: Subtle mentions of violence.
Summary: The first school year at Hawkins ends. As they say that when cycles come to a end, new opportunities open up.
Words: 6.2K
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'Come on... It can't be that bad.' Y/n commented, glancing towards Steve's bathroom door, which remained closed. 
'I look ridiculous.' 
Y/n was lying on Steve's bed and had been waiting for him to finish getting dressed, which he had already done ten minutes ago but he refused to leave the bathroom.
Steve's room had changed a bit since the first time she had visited him. By then it was a room that didn't reflect who he was at all. It was almost like a hotel room, with no hint of his personality other than a small picture of a car. Too... perfect. Now, he had taken a small step forward, and had studded some posters on the walls. 
Y/n stared at the wall for a few seconds, as the image of Larry Bird stared back at her. 
'It can't be that bad...'
'Electric blue is not my color.' He complained, causing her to roll her eyes. 'And this hat is stupid, why should we wear it?'
'Come on, I promise not to make fun.' She encouraged him.
'Liar.' Y/n, who was already losing patience and getting desperate, pulled herself straight up as she heard the door open and Steve shuffled out, his shoulders slumped. Y/n watched him for a few seconds and in silence. 'Come on... mock me.'
'Harrington, it's just a graduate robe and cap you'll wear for a few hours, it won't hurt you. Besides we'll all go the same. And blue suits you.’
After he took one last look at himself in the mirror, and took off his uniform, they set off for school.
It was a sunny day in late May 1985. The warm breeze brought with it a sense of change and new beginnings as the Hawkins High School seniors prepared for graduation. The basketball court was decorated with balloons and congratulatory banners, and white chairs lined up in perfect symmetry, awaiting the graduates and their families.
On the court, families and friends were already taking their seats. Susan and Neil Hargrove sat in the front row, next to Max, in the area reserved for family members.
In the bleachers were y/n's friends, including Eddie, Gareth, Jeff and Grant, ready to cheer enthusiastically. Eddie had fallen short of graduation requirements, so he would have to stay another year. A few seats down, Dustin was with his friends, but he seemed to be the most excited of all, cheering every time someone familiar walked by. Nancy and Jonathan were also present, to support Steve and y/n.
The principal approached the podium and began his opening speech, talking about the accomplishments of the class of '85 and the challenges they had overcome. The names of the graduates were called out one by one, and rounds of applause filled the air.
'Thomas Hagan.' Applause rang out as the boy went by to pick up his diploma and shook hands with the principal and teachers on stage.
'Y/N Hargrove.' The girl walked to the stage with a mixture of nervousness and pride. When she received her diploma, a little chaos erupted from the bleachers as y/n's friends began to shout her name.
'Let's go y/n! Do it for me!' She could hear Eddie's voice above the applause, making her smile even wider.
'You did it, y/n!' shouted Max, jumping out of her seat.
'Billy Hargrove,' Principal Higgins continued, trying to stop the noise.
' Got it, Billy!" Max cheered him on as well, as the audience applauded. Billy walked with his characteristic confidence onto the stage. The applause was equally deafening. Neil, still stoic, but Susan and Max smiled proudly as Billy received his diploma.
Finally, it was Steve's turn. He walked confidently to the stage, and when he received his diploma, he gave a little exaggerated bow that made everyone laugh. His friends clapped and cheered for them once again. 
Once all the students had been named, the principal cleared his throat before announcing.
'I present to you all, the class of 1985.' 
After a dinner out, the Hargroves returned to their home. While everyone was already asleep, the twins were in the kitchen cleaning up the coffee cups that were used upon arrival. 
Y/n could feel the tension in the air. The same tension he had felt for days now. 
Billy had been acting strangely for the past several days, as if he were carrying a secret he couldn't share. Since march, when they both turned 18, he seemed more distant, nervous and lost in his thoughts.
Y/n noticed it right away. She was his twin sister, after all, and she could read him better than anyone else. Finally, she decided to confront him.
'Billy, you're making me nervous.' She folded her arms, looking at him with a mixture of concern and determination. 'What's the matter with you? I know something's on your mind, but I have no idea what it is.' Billy avoided her gaze, pretending to be concentrating on properly rinsing the small spoons.
'It's nothing, y/n. I'm just... thinking about things.' He didn't make up a lie, he knew that with his sister they were no good. He'd never been able to lie to her no matter how much he wanted to, it was almost a skill she had for detecting them.
Y/n frowned, moving a little closer, and looked around in case they were being overheard by Neal or Susan, and lowered her voice, willing herself not to let the subject drop.
'You're thinking of leaving, aren't you?' Billy looked up quickly, his eyes reflecting surprise and a little fear. He shook his head, but the lie was obvious.
'No, it's not that...' She let out a sigh and put a hand on his shoulder.
'Billy, I'm your sister. I can see when something's bothering you. And if you're thinking of leaving, that's okay. I understand.' Billy pursed his lips, his eyes full of conflict. He was surprised, because he thought she was going to be angry with him. Many years ago they had made a promise to leave when they came of age, but things changed when Max and Susan came along, and the plan had been postponed until they found a solution. Now that they were older, they were not hindered by their father. Billy feared that if he told his sister he wanted to leave, she would think he was going to leave her alone with Neal.
'I don't want to leave you alone, Sundance. It's not right to make you go with me either, I know you've accomplished a lot here, and you have your friends. You figured out how to fit in here. But I...' She hugged him, interrupting whatever he was about to say. Silently, he hugged her back. Moments later, she spoke to him still in a low voice, almost a whisper.
'Don't worry about me, okay? Neither is it right for you to stay here alone because of me. This is your moment. You need this, and I'm going to always support you in whatever you decide to do.'
Billy looked at her, his expression softening a little.
'And what will you do with Neal?' He asked, glancing toward their father's room. She shrugged, but with determination in her eyes and downplayed it with a wave of her hands.
'Screw Neal, I'll deal with it. And I promise I'll get out of here too. But for now, you need this more than I do.' She took her brother's hand and led him to his room. She fetched a bag from under the bed and together, they packed Billy's belongings in silence, each movement laden with pent-up emotion. When everything was ready, they went to the entrance until Billy stopped at the door with a thud. 
'Max...' He said, worried. 
'She'll understand. Don't worry.' She told him, reassuring him. 'I'll explain it all to her.'
'Tell Madmax I'll miss her, and tell her to be good.' He walked over to his sister and hugged her one last time, and gave her a kiss on the forehead. 'I'll let you know as soon as I get a place, y/n/n. I promise.' She hugged him tightly one last time, feeling the weight of goodbye on her chest.
'You'd better. Take good care of yourself, Butch. And be happy.' Billy nodded, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
'You too, Sundance. We'll meet again soon.'
The girl watched him as he climbed into the Camaro, the engine roaring in the quiet Hawkins night. She watched him drive away slowly, the sound of the car fading into the distance. As the Camaro's taillights disappeared, Y/n felt a mixture of sadness and hope. She knew her brother was embarking on a journey to a better life, and that was what really mattered.
The cold night wind enveloped her as she stared out at the empty road, lost in thought. She remembered the difficult times they had gone through together, from her mother's departure to Neal's abuse. But she also remembered the laughter shared, the dreams whispered in the dark, and the promise of a better future. She breathed in deeply, feeling a new determination grow inside her. She knew her time would come, too. And when it did, she would be ready to embrace her own freedom and happiness, just as Billy was doing now.
As she walked back to the house, y/n felt an unexpected relief. She knew the wait wouldn't be easy, but she was certain it would all be worth it. She crawled into her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of the days to come. Even though her brother was no longer by her side physically, she felt his support and love stronger than ever. And that gave her strength to carry on.
1974, April 13. California.
Silence reigned in the Hargrove house. In one of the bedrooms, however, someone was stirring between the sheets. The room had walls painted in a warm shade of olive dappled green and geometric wallpaper in shades of burnt orange and earthen brown. 
The room belonged to Hargrove twins. 
A bunk bed was next to the window, through which a little moonlight filtered in, faintly illuminating the floor covered with toys and books. 
From the top bunk bed peeked out one of the boy's hands, Billy, as he tended to fall asleep all sprawled out. Judging by his breathing, he was in a deep sleep. 
However, y/n in the bottom bed, she had woken up with a dry throat. Not wanting to make noise so as not to cause trouble or inadvertently wake Billy, she got out of bed and went downstairs in search of orange juice. The silence in the house was total, broken only by the light creaking of the wood under her feet. She opened the refrigerator door and drank straight from a bottle, enjoying the cold liquid that calmed her thirst.
As she was about to go upstairs again, she heard a sobbing sound that made her stop in her tracks. Her heart began to beat faster as she quietly approached the source of the sound. The dim light from the kitchen illuminated the figure of her mother, Amanda, standing by the back door with a suitcase in her hand, ready to leave.
Amanda tensed as she heard y/n's footsteps, but when she saw that it was her daughter, she seemed relieved. For an instant, something in her face changed, as if she realized something important.
'Do you want to go for a ride, princess?' asked Amanda in a low voice, with a shaky smile. She had a fresh bruise on her cheek. Y/n looked at the suitcase in her mother's hand and the smile disappeared from her face. 
'Are you leaving?' she asked, her voice full of fear and confusion, with too much understanding for her young age. Amanda nodded slowly. 
'Yes, my love. I need to go. I want you to pack your backpack with the most important things. Let's go.' y/n's heart filled with a mixture of hope, and excitement. 
'I'm going to wake Billy,' she said, turning toward the stairs.
'No!' Amanda said quickly, grabbing her arm. 'It's just us going. Billy can't come.' Y/n let go of her mother's hand, backing up a step. 
'Why can't Billy come?'
Amanda tried to explain, her eyes filling with tears. 'It's complicated, princess. Men have it in their blood. It's better this way.' She seemed to be talking more to herself than to her daughter, as if trying to convince herself it was for the best.
Y/n shook her head, not understanding too much, just knowing she couldn't leave her brother alone. Not with Neal. 
'I'm not leaving without Billy.' Amanda took a breath, closed her eyes in grief. Then she reached over, trying to give her one last hug, but y/n pulled away. 
'Please, baby.' She begged, reaching out for her, but the girl stepped back again. Y/n watched with a broken heart as her mother walked out the back door, disappearing into the darkness of the night, leaving her and her brother with the monster in the house. She felt as if a gaping void opened up inside her. She didn't understand why her mother had decided to leave. All she knew was that life as she knew it had just changed forever.
What happened that night, became a secret between her and her mother. The only secret she kept from Billy, to protect him. A moment that broke the connection she thought she had with her mother, and an event that marked her as a person.
Y/n had learned not to be emotionally dependent on others easily, keeping an emotional distance that allowed her to protect herself. Although she had close friends, she rarely opened up completely, keeping her innermost thoughts locked away for fear of being abandoned or betrayed again.
The idea of fully trusting someone had become an imposing mountain to climb, and though she longed for comfort and genuine connection, she always kept a part of herself reserved, like a reflection of the child who had decided to keep quiet about the truth to protect her brother.
The next morning after Billy’s departure came with a deceptive calm. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when y/n got up, feeling the weight of the previous night still on her shoulders. She quietly made her way around the house, trying not to wake anyone as she prepared breakfast. However, she knew that this moment of quiet would not last long.
Moments later, Neal came down the stairs, his expression stern and his frown more pronounced than usual. She watched him as she poured herself a cup of coffee, trying to keep her own expression neutral. She knew the inevitable question was about to arise.
'Where's Billy?" asked Neal suddenly, his voice cutting. She looked up, meeting his gaze. 
'I don't know… did you check his room?' she asked, innocently. Neal narrowed his eyes. 
'If I ask, it's because he's not in his room. His car's gone, and his stuff's gone. It's empty. Don't tell me you don't know anything.'
Y/n shrugged, keeping her tone calm. 
'I have no idea. I just woke up. He must have gone out while we were sleeping. I'm not with him around the clock to check on him.'
Neal snorted, clearly dissatisfied with her answer, but without further evidence, he couldn't question her any further. He turned and walked out of the kitchen, muttering something between his teeth.
Max, who had been watching from the doorway, approached her. Her eyes were full of questions, but the eldest only smiled softly at her, trying to convey calmness. It was a silent conversation. Max looked at her for a moment, and a slow, happy smile spread across her face. 
'I'm happy for him. He deserves to be happy.' Y/n smiled back, feeling a comforting warmth in her heart.
'Yes, he does.' Seeing that Neal wasn't around, she approached Max and lowered her voice. 'He left you greetings, and told you to behave yourself.' Max nodded, her grin lingering as she sat down at the table. 
It was already dark by the time she found herself automatically getting into her car. She felt the lump that had formed in her throat the night before growing larger and larger, cutting off her breath.
In other circumstances she would have turned to Sam, the only person who had managed to break through that wall she had built around herself for protection. But at that moment, four hundred miles away, he wasn't an option. 
The girl's mind was weighing the possibilities. Max was completely out of the question. Y/n wanted to appear strong to her, and it was the main reason she left the house in search of relief.
She considered Gareth. In the months they had been in a relationship, the boy had proven to be attentive and caring. She knew he would understand her, but she dismissed it as not wanting to worry him.
She also thought about Steve. But at the time he had his own problems to deal with, after his father refused to pay for his college. Y/n wasn't looking to be another burden, and bother him with silly things.
She stopped her car at the trailer park and got out of the car with bated breath. Y/n approached Eddie's trailer, her steps faltering. Tears had begun to spill, incessant down her cheeks and her face was pale. With a shaky knock, she knocked on the door. Eddie, with his trademark smile and the relaxed vibe that always accompanied him, opened the door, but noticing that she was crying, his expression changed to total concern.
'Hey, y/n/n... Are you okay?' He asked, taking a step towards her, offering her his hand to pass. She entered the caravan timidly and stood at the entrance.
'Sorry...I didn't know where to go.' She looked inside guiltily but Eddie put a hand on her shoulder.
'Wayne's not here, relax. What happened? Why...?' he asked, looking at his friend. She closed her eyes and he wrapped her in his arms, lovingly, and stroked her hair gently. 'It's all right... you can tell me...' He murmured. Y/n didn't know where to start, so she just clung to him until she could control the sobs a little.
She felt kind of silly for feeling this way. She knew it had been the best thing for her brother, and she had even helped him put his suitcase together, but it didn't stop hurting.
'Did Gareth do something to you? Did he hurt you? Because I swear that even if he is my friend, I will hang him by the ba...'
'No. No. It's not that. It wasn't him.' She clarified quickly, pulling away from the embrace. 'It's Billy... he left...' She explained, and Eddie pulled her towards the table to sit down. 'I know he needs it. Getting away from Neal was what we always wanted...' Eddie was somewhat aware of her friend's family situation, so he nodded silently, letting her talk. 'But...' She laughs lightly. 'I must look stupid to be crying about this.’
'Hey... You don't have to explain, angel.' He said taking her hand, pressing it affectionately. 'And it's not stupid, you were together your whole life... it's completely understandable.' He reassured her. Y/n wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and Eddie got up to offer her some napkins, not finding any, with a slightly awkward gesture he offers her a roll of toilet paper, causing her to let out a laugh. 'Sorry, it's all we have.' She thanks him, taking some and wiping her face with it. 'Would you like some coffee?' 
'I'd love to, thank you.' 
Eddie went into the small kitchen of the caravan as his friend settled herself at the table, trying to regain her composure. The soft light inside the caravan contrasted with the darkness of the night outside, creating a comforting atmosphere.
As the coffee brewed, Eddie glanced back, noticing how she surveyed the space with a mixture of nostalgia and sadness. Y/n curiously observed the mugs and caps hanging on the wall and smiled slightly. It looked like an interesting collection.
The noise of his friend working in the kitchen was the only thing interrupting the silence. 
Finally, Eddie returned with two steaming mugs and sat down across from y/n. 
'Here you go,' he said, pushing a mug toward her. 'I hope it helps you calm down a bit.' She took the mug gratefully and took a sip, appreciating the warmth the drink provided. She looked at Eddie, feeling a little more reassured by his comforting presence. 
'Thank you, Eddie. I don't know what I'd do without you at times like this.'
'Anytime, rockstar.' After a moment of silence. He spoke again, cautious this time, as if he was hoping he wasn't saying something out of line. 'And what will you do now?' 
She played with the spoon in the cup for a moment, thinking silently. 
'I can't leave Max alone.' She began. 'But I'd like to do the same as Billy...though I like Hawkins… I don't know if I'd go far.' 
'I wouldn't let you.' Eddie jokingly admitted, with a friendly smile. 'I'm not like Sam, I'd drag you by the balls to Hawkins again.' He commented, causing her to laugh. She took a sip of the infusion and after a moment, spoke again. 
'I've been saving...it's not enough to buy a house, but...maybe if I find a better job I could get money together faster.' She admited as she thought aloud and Eddie stood up to look for something. 'I hear there's a mall opening up in town. Maybe I'll apply for a job there, they can probably pay me a little more.' 
Eddie sat back down and left a card on the table. 
'A few weeks ago this guy came through the park… he was offering some new caravans, but maybe you can get something in your price range...' He offered. y/n's eyes lit up. 
'Are you saying you want me as a neighbor?' She asked giving him a friendly punch on the arm. 'You're going to regret it.' She joked, making him laugh. 
'It would be an honor to have you as a neighbor, rockstar.' He admitted with a smile.
Even though summer was just about to begin, the heat was beginning to make itself felt on the streets of Hawkins. The sun was shining brightly, promising long, hot days, and the air was heavy with a mixture of seasonal anticipation and laziness. The new shopping center, Starcourt Mall, was about to open its doors to the public, and the entire town was talking about little more than its upcoming inauguration.
In the parking lot, Steve and y/n were still inside the car. She already had experience working, but for Steve, this would be his first time applying for a job. So she kept trying to give him encouragement before getting out of the vehicle. 
'Come on... It's not as hard as it looks.'
'But what if I get rejected? What if I don't get a job?'
'We'll resort to my plan B. I'm not going to leave you alone on this one...'
'What's plan B?' He asked curiously. She wrinkled her nose, and narrowed her eyes, letting on that it wasn't something to her liking. 'Y/n...' Steve had gone pale, looking like he was about to throw up.
'For you it wouldn't be anything bad...' she promised, closing her eyes. A shiver ran down her spine. Opening her eyes again, she looked at Steve with determination. 'But it won't be necessary. Because you'll do fine, you'll see...' She paused, but he still didn't look convinced. 'Harrington, you took on demogorgons and demodogs. This is a piece of cake.' 
They both got out of y/n's car, and started walking towards the building. 
'If it wasn't for my father I wouldn't have to be doing this.' He muttered.
'Steve, don't worry so much. Not getting into college isn't the end of the world. And I'm sure you only wanted to get in because it's what you're supposed to do, not because you really want to.' She said with a comforting smile. Steve sighed and smiled back, grateful for her support.
'I guess you're right... ' 
'I usually am...' She murmured winking at him, and making him laugh. 
As they walked through the automatic doors, their eyes widened in amazement. The lobby was a large, bright space, the polished marble floor reflecting the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling. In the center, a fountain adorned with colored lights spurted water, and they couldn't help but pause for a moment to admire the scene.
As they walked down the wide aisles, y/n felt like a little girl in a candy store. On either side, stores attractively displayed their wares. The clothing windows were decorated with mannequins displaying the latest fashion trends. Y/n smiled at the sight of a record store with a vinyl and cassette section, imagining her friends getting excited to see the selection of music.
The aroma of food guided them to the second floor, where the large food area offered a variety of dining options. From burger and pizza restaurants to Asian and Mexican food joints, the air was filled with enticing smells that made their stomachs growl. Tables and chairs arranged around an open space with decorative plants gave the place a cozy, relaxed atmosphere.
Steve and y/n stopped and parted ways, wishing each other luck. The girl already knew where she would try her luck first.
She entered the lobby of the movie theater, and looked around the place curiously. There was definitely more room than at the Hawkins cinema, and it more closely resembled the movie theater where she worked in San Diego.  On one side of the lobby, there were a couple of ticket booths with glass windows where visitors could buy tickets. Off to the side, near the entrance to the theaters, the concession stand offered a tempting array of popcorn, soft drinks and candy. 
Y/n walked toward who she thought was the manager, a middle-aged man with glasses and a welcoming smile. The man was talking to someone y/n instantly recognized. Kyle, her former co-worker from the Hawkins movie theater. When the manager looked up, Kyle turned and saw her enter. His expression went from curiosity to surprise and then to a warm smile.
'Y/n! I can't believe you're here too,' exclaimed Kyle, coming over to greet her. 'Mr. White, this is y/n, one of the best employees we ever had at the Hawkins movie theater. If anyone knows how to run a movie theater, she does. She's helped me more times than I've helped her.' He admitted, putting an arm around her shoulders.' Y/n couldn't help blushing and shook her head. Mr. White looked at her with renewed interest. 
'Really? 'Well, it sounds like you have an excellent recommendation. Let's go to my office for the interview.' 
The manager's office was decorated with classic and new movie posters, and a small plant in the corner gave it a cozy feel. Y/n sat in a chair across from him, feeling more confident as the conversation progressed. She had answered all the questions with ease, highlighting her experience working in movie theaters in both California and Hawkins. She told him about how she had managed box offices, supervised the cleaning of the theaters, and assisted in organizing special events. Her previous experience seemed to impress the man.
'I see you have quite a bit of experience in the field,' Thomas White said, reviewing her resume. 'That's exactly what we're looking for. We want someone with your knowledge and skills to be in charge of less experienced employees. Someone who can guide them and make sure everything runs smoothly.' She nodded, feeling relieved and excited at the same time.
'Oh... That's too much responsibility.' She started, but offered him a hand. 'I promise I won't let you down.'
When she came out of the interview, she was surprised to find Steve waiting for her. 
'Did you get it?' He asked encouragingly. She smiled and held up in the air in her hand the new uniform she was to wear for the job, folded neatly into two plastic pouches.
'And you?' she asked, curious. But in his gaze she discovered that he had either been unlucky, or else had fled the quest in a cowardly manner. She folded her arms. 
'I've already been told no by three different businesses. I can't sink any lower.'
'Then you keep trying.' She said taking him by the arm. 'You can volunteer as bait for some killer critters from a alternate dimension, but you can't take on a couple of managers?' she asked, forcing him to walk. She stopped in front of what appeared to be an ice cream shop. 
'How about here?' She asked, tugging lightly at his shirt sleeve. Before waiting for an answer from him, she dragged him into the shop and hit the little service bell over the counter. From the door behind the display, a boy came out and upon seeing them he seemed surprised, he seemed to be waiting for someone else. 
'Oh, good morning, are you here to look for work? I'm sorry to tell you that we only have one vacancy at the moment.' He commented somewhat apologetically. The girl quickly shook her head.
'That's perfect! We're just looking for a position...' She said, tugging on her friend's arm. 'Steve is looking for a job.' She said, encouraging him to talk.
'Oh, great... Uhm... If you want, come over here and I'll ask you a few questions.' The boy told him, pointing to one of the cubicles, and Steve followed. 'My name is Ned Miller...' He introduced himself, as he sat down in the chair across him. 
Y/n sat in one of the cubicles opposite, on the other side of the store to give them privacy, but gave Steve a thumbs up as they exchanged glances, to infuse some courage.
After a few minutes, she was distractedly rolling a napkin to near shredding it, when a voice called her name. Y/n looked up and saw Robin, the girl she had met the year before in French class, who was approaching her with a nervous expression. Y/n assumed it was due to a first day at work, but she remembered that she used to behave the same way in class too. She always thought she was a bit hyperactive. She talked fast, stumbling over her words. 
'Oh, hi, y/n! I didn't expect to s-ee you here... here.' She said, unable to keep herself from stumbling over her feet. Her cheeks flushed instantly. Y/n had started to get up in case she should help her, but Robin disguised it as best she could, sitting down across from her. Her voice trembled slightly, and her gaze drifted briefly to the floor before meeting y/n's eyes again. 'Are you here for an interview or something?' 
The alluded, noticing Robin's nervousness and trying not to make her feel any more uncomfortable, replied kindly.
'Hey, Robin! what a surprise to see you too. No, I'm not here for an interview. I'm just accompanying Steve, he's here for a Job.' She gestured with a wave of her head to where Steve and the manager were talking. Robin, hearing this, looked over to where she had pointed and saw Steve in one of the cubicles with Ned Miller. Her expression changed slightly, and although she tried to maintain her composure, a shadow of disappointment crossed her face. With a clearly forced smile, she turned her attention back to the Hargrove girl. 
'Oh, I see. Well, that's... uh, great.' Her face showed some discomfort, and y/n remembered that the image most had of Steve at school, was not the real one she had indeed known. However, she was unaware that Robin had believed for a moment she would be working alongside her, and her mind had begun to fantasize scenarios where they shared chats and laughed together during breaks. Every time y/n smiled at her, Robin felt her heart race a little faster. The thought of spending so much time with her in the same place excited her and, at the same time, made her nervous. And all at once, that balloon of fantasies, deflated with a pinprick. Robin, blushing and smiling nervously, shrugged her shoulders. 'Anyway. If you ever need anything, you know, or if you want to chat during a break, I'll be around.'
Y/n smiled back, clearly oblivious to everything going on in her head.
'That sounds great, Robin. Thanks. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other over the summer.' She said, pointing to the theater uniform resting next to her on the seat. Robin nodded quickly, with a mixture of relief and anxiety on her face. 
'Oh, yeah, definitely. And, uh, good luck with Steve and... well, all that.' She said before vanishing out the staff door, behind the counter. Only a few minutes later, Ned and Steve walked over to y/n's table. She asked Steve the question with her eyes, as the manager walked towards the room where Robin disappeared. 
'So, did you get it?” she asked in a whisper. He seemed less glum than before, but not quite.
'I don't know, he still didn't tell me... He said to wait here.' He murmured, collapsing beside her. After a few minutes that seemed like forever to the two friends, the door opened.
'Welcome aboard the Scoops Ahoy ship, Steve!' Ned said as he stepped out of the staff room. Behind him was Robin. She was now wearing a white collar and puffed sleeves on a striped shirt, a vest and a high-waisted blue shorts. 
'Do I have to wear that?' Steve asked, pointing to the uniform the other girl was wearing. Y/n smacked him on the chest with the back of her hand.
'Are you going to be this much of a prima donna about everything?' Robin asked. Steve looked extremely confused.
'I'm nothing like Madonna, so that doesn't even make sense' Y/n let out a laugh, Steve frowned at her, as if requesting for backup. Robin spoke again.
'You're going to be fine with the monotony of scooping ice cream for entitled adults and whining, sticky children all summer? What happens when one of your many friends and admirers comes in and you wish you were out there having fun instead of in here slinging another U.S.S. Butterscotch?' Y/n's gaze went from Steve to Robin, and vice versa. 
'I can handle it.'
'Sure you can, rocket man.'
'Ok, ok, you two, settle down.' Interjected y/n,interrupting their bickering. 'We can do this like the civilized people we are. Right?' She asked, and they both fell silent. Just then, Ned seemed to finish filling out the paperwork for the hiring. 
'All right, you two. It's going to be a sweet, sweet summer!' He said. Y/n forced a smile for her friend. 'Steve, let's get you into Scoops gear right away.' He said, as he opened the door for staff again, this time leaving it open for the boy to follow. 
'Yippee' He muttered to y/n as he got up from beside him. Before following Ned, he stopped next to Robin and offered her a hand. 'Hey, look, if we're going to be working together this summer, let's call a truce, okay? I don't know why you don't like me, but I'm a pretty okay guy.' Robin looked at y/n, and y/n smiled at her, causing her to lose the rhythm of her thoughts, so she took Steve's hand without saying anything. And he went behind the counter. 
'I don't want to sound rude, but are you really friends with Harrington?' She asked with a grimace. Y/n remembered when Eddie had asked her something similar. Although they hadn't gone through the shared experience with the demodogs at the time, the answer was even clearer.
'I'd trust him with my life. Give him a chance.' She asked sincerely. ' 'He's not like everyone thinks.' 
Two minutes later, Steve is standing in front of them, with his uniform on, although the shorts he was wearing were tighter than the girl's. And the sailor's cap, barely fitting over his head because of his hair. Robin lets out a laugh at the sight of him. Y/n tries to be more discreet.
'Thanks for really upping my self-esteem here.'
'I told you you looked good in blue.' Y/n commented. 
'Can you do a spin?' Robin asked. Steve, frustrated threw his cap on the floor. 
'Steve!' Scolded his friend, and before she could pick it up, Ned did, and dusted it off.
'I'm going to start instructing you on the basics of serving ice cream, okay?' He said, handing the cap back to Steve, and going behind the counter. Y/n climbed onto one of the seats, propping her knees up and leaning her torso against the backrest, facing the counter. However, before Robin and Steve followed Ned from the other side of the counter, the girl pulled a polaroid out of her backpack and snapped a picture of Steve, who was still frowning. 
'Oh, this is perfect.' 
'No,' he demanded, still frowning. 'Destroy that, right now.' 
Y/n watches them, somewhere between amused and concerned. That was going to be a very interesting summer.
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devondespresso · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @museumgiftshoperaser
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
technically 2, but its a sfw and nsfw version of the same fic fhajklfjdalfjk
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
...6,357. i promise i write.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just stranger things so far, but i have seriously thought about writing about Fender's gender from Robots (2005) and I promised my friend a Shark Tale fic for their birthday fjalhfdjkalfdj
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Never Again
Never Again (sfw)
fascinating statistics arent they
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
never gotten comments on ao3, i do reply to what i get on tumblr tho because it literally makes my day
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(including my unposted work) Never Again, tho i think its more bittersweet than unrelenting angst
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
tho its technically not finished, We'll Be Alright (Steve Henderson AU) has a very happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
im gonna say no? despite writing something spicy at the beginning of Never Again it was not a good time (for me or Nancy)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't yet, and while i wont write them off entirely itd have to have really strong potential for me to want to do it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i dont know how well id go. on the one hand im usually good at group stuff but im also an annoying perfectionist with my writing
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
platonically stobin 100%. i dont get nearly as attatched to the romantic ones so i kinda just bounce around the fandom. Really love a lot of the steve harrington rairpairs floating around, plus robin and vickie
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I dont realllly have a writing wip i know i wont finish cause i've just been posting those vague ideas instead of actually writing them becuase i know i wont. My only active wip is the steve henderson au and im hoping praying to god that i dont suddenly loose passion for it
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue probably, coming up with how different characters are saying things, what theyre saying, what they mean, all the little differences in their voices, I love it. that and having characters interact with the environment
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
overthinking and underthinking, stopping myself from making something happen or a character do something because theres this pull in my chest telling me its wrong. even just standard selfishness or saying something without the express intent of making sure it wont hurt someones feelings. i also start sentences with verbs djaldjdjaf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
makes sense if characters are speaking multiple languages i guess. depends on pov and how limited it is to the pov character. like if the pov character doesnt speak spanish it'd be better to write "and they said something in spanish they didnt understand" instead of writing the spanish out assuming the audience doesnt know it either
19. First fandom you wrote for?
stranger things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
definitely my steve henderson au. i wish it was shared already but at the same time i've editied and changed so much im glad i havnt officially yet. its helped me work through a lot and has even caused noticable improvement in my relationship with my family even if they dont know it exists. i cant promise itll be fully posted soon, but i am so exited for when i do
tagging @stobinesque @marvel-ous-m @eriquin @itsthestrangestthings @findafight @fag4dykestobin (no pressure ofc 💕)
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