#Obey me AU
devildomwriter · 1 day
Obey Me! As Cats
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pseudonymphomania · 3 days
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Royalty AU - all knights desire the prince’s favour but only one frequently gets it.
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Lucifer: It’s dark in here Mc: Don’t worry, I got this. Mc: *Stomps their feet* Mc: *Skechers light up*
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 3 months
replaced au mc who doesn’t give a shit about being replaced!
edit: holy absolute shit 145 notes! are my ideas that great?
you liked the brothers at one point, wanted to get to know them. you even chose to forgive a certain one after he killed you. they all loved you, and you thought you loved them too.
but what if you were just convincing yourself you did?
in reality, you didn’t like the brothers. they were unbearable, even. constantly clinging to you, fighting for your attention. you tried to tell them you love them all equally and they have their own day, but they didn’t listen. you had no alone time, a brother always near you. you couldn’t have more than five minutes alone before they thought a demon had eaten you.
you’ve had enough, and to your saving grace, a new student comes along. she clearly likes the brothers, she even reminds you of yourself when you first came to the devildom. young, naive, and always sticking her nose in places it doesn’t belong.
then, the brothers start ignoring you. canceling dates and hangouts to go with r/n. not inviting you to movie night. flat out telling you they find you annoying, and that they prefer r/n. pointing out how r/n is better at certain things than you are, and how she’s prettier and nicer.
r/n didn’t do anything at all for the brothers to start hating you. she’s seemingly clueless, just noticing how you and them used to hang out a lot, and now you don’t at all. noticing how you’re seeming happier than you were when she first came. how when they tell you how she’s better, you try to hide a face of pure glee.
in fact, yes, you are in pure glee. this is what you’ve wanted for years now. you finally have alone time, time to yourself without a brother constantly hovering over your shoulder. you can talk to other demons, other humans even! you can make pacts with lesser demons without getting in an arguement with lucifer too!
but then, some of the brothers catch on to your behavior. why would you be happy? they dont like you anymore. you should be devastated! you love them so much, and they dont love you anymore! so why are you skipping around the halls at RAD, happier than they’ve ever seen you?
the royals, the angels, and solomon know though. they’ve heard you speak countless times about how you wish the brothers weren’t so clingy, and that you could at least have a slither of alone time. that’s why r/n is there. r/n isn’t some random human who has taken an interest to the brothers. no, they hired her. they saw how you asked the brothers not to be so clingy many times, all of those times leading to an argument about how it was just to protect you. so they hired a witch to seduce the brothers. to give you what you’ve always wanted.
now, without the brothers, will you spend more time with them?
(I’m sorry this au has been stuck in my brain I’ll go work on the you know them au p4 now 😞)
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Thinkin’ about cowboy!Beel with a reader who doesn’t know about ‘the cowboy hat rule’
Beel’s old sun-faded cowboy hat is just sitting there. Right in front of you and he always looks so fuckin’ hot in it~! You just want to try it on really quick!!-
As you pick the hat up and move to put it on your head Beel’s voice comes from behind you, “I wouldn’t do that, sugar.” you jump and turn to face Beel with hat still in your hand.
Just an inch or two from actually sitting on your head as a small pout forms on your lips “And why not?” before Beel can say anything else you put his hat on and grin! “So does it suit me?”
Beel’s cheeks turn the sweetest shade of pink as he answers “It sure does……but now I’ve gotta teach ya ‘bout the cowboy hat rule..” “The what?” Your smile fades a little and you look at Beel confused, “Suger, if you put on a cowboys hat ya gotta ride the cowboy.” You own cheeks go bright red as you shout “What?!” and take off Beel’s hat, dropping it like it’s too hot to hold onto now.
Beel’s deep laugh fills the air at your reaction, “Only if ya wanted to that is. I really don’t mind ya wearin’ my hat.”
Cowboy! Belphie here
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Could you/ have you do/done a scenario where the Replacement AU MC immediately realized 'oh this is a TRAP' so let themselves have a nice break but like in a way where they are still technically 'in line' when eventually the curtain is lifted.
Because that's too good to be true, but I'd enjoy it a little bit but wait for that shoe to drop lol
Ohhhhhh!! I like your thinking lolol ^^
Yandere Obey Me replacement au
Original part 1 post
You weren't dumb to assume that the brothers would simply let you go like that. Yes, they were convincing with the way they spoiled the new exchange student, but you knew better. It hurt at first with the way they treated you, how they tossed away like you were nothing even after enduring their tedious demands and 'affections' (if you could even call it that..). But after a while as time passed, you started to consider it a gift from God.
You finally had space to think without any of the demon brothers breathing down your neck. You had the freedom to relax without worrying if you had said, behaved, or looked the wrong way! Even though this exchange student was snarky, obnoxious, and fully full of it. Even though she harassed you, constantly putting you down, whining to the brothers of how 'uncomfortable' you made them feel because of how you 'stared at them with hate'. EVEN though she bullied you, trashing your belongings and writing those horrible notes in your locker, you couldn't bring yourself to hate them. If anything, you loved her for being the reason you had more freedom now than anything!
But now that you thought about it.. Why did you have this freedom? The same brothers that tied you down branded you painfully with those ritualistic markings, the ones that repeated in an obsessive prayer of how you were theirs. The same demon that would cast spells on you, hypnotizing you to comply so puddly with whatever they wanted when you were too difficult. Those same demon lords who controlled what you did so heavily.. Were giving you freedom?
Yeah, no, even if it was convincing with the way they cuddled this exchange student - even going as far as to SLEEP with them (supposedly from what you've heard), you knew it was too good to be true. This was a test. There's no other explanation. It's not the first time they've tested you.
So you enjoy your freedom, but you make sure to know where you belong. You don't make friends, you don't party and go crazy (no matter how tempting it is), you keep put to where you are now. You don't go out of your way to talk to the brothers, why would you? You don't joyfully prance down the halls, you don't smile whenever you see this "rival student" glaring at you while she has one of the brothers wrapped around her arm. You instead reach out to Simeon discreetly, asking him for advice and information about the ties between Devildom and Earth, hoping to find a loophole to get you out. (Unfortunately, though, Simeon isn't sure about those things, but he does offer you prayers that are against spirits and wondering souls! That's handy since some of the brothers use the souls of sinners to do their bidding in stalking you..)
You enjoy and relax your new given freedom, knowing that it'll be taken away from you at any moment. And eventually, it does, to your unsurprise. When they confront you, they push questions that make you lose your composure for a moment, that get you vulnerable.. But you know you played by their rules. You didn't talk to anyone other demon. You didn't happily celebrate their distance. You were quiet, and you stayed put in your room most of the time.. So, you were able to turn things against them for a change.
"Why didn't you come looking for me? Did you really not care?"
"No..You just seemed so happy with her..How could I interfere?"
"Oh..Starlight..That's no excuse."
"Well, why didn't you come see me? I thought you loved me.."
"Ah babe seriously! We do! We just wanted to see how you'd react.. I love you!"
"No it's fine.. I get it. It's not like I mattered anyway.."
"Y-You matter! You're fucking everything to me! I'd snap anyone's neck for you! I-I'll happily even get one of my sailors to throw a public execution for you! H-How about it?"
"No..It's fine.."
"Actually, now that Levi's mentioned it... Honey, darling.. I'll make it up to you. What about a party, yeah? Just for you?! Maybe we can go to that spa..Have a care day -"
"Just like the one you and Alex went to? The one that you said I was too greasy for.."
"Asmodeus, that was too far.."
"Oh Beel! As if you were any better. Taking Mc's food and giving it to who ever her name was"
"You don't even know her name...?"
"Of course I don't! Why would I ever remember some basic clingy girl?"
"You replaced me for her..And you don't even know her name?"
"Oh shit-"
"Nono! Honey- I'm sorry okay?! I-I-"
"Ugh, all of you.. We messed up, and clearly, we went too far. Mc, is there anything that you want? Whatever you want, we'll do it. I mean it.."
"Of course. Anything for you, okay?
You played your cards right and now they were willing to do anything for you as a way to pay back being so distant. Though maybe you played your cards too well as each of them would drag you into their room or god knows for a week. Taking turns with each day to show you how much they missed you with some "quality time".
Maybe you were a little too convincing and sweet...
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lilirot · 5 months
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Hold your tiny girlfriend
based on this
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mrmeowski · 3 months
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˚✧𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐏𝐭. 𝟐/𝟐✧˚
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Synopsis: You never imagined that after a year in this place, you'd be carrying the kid of some celestial being. To be honest, you were terrified; you had no idea this would happen, and he had never discussed it. You hesitated initially to tell him, but as things became too difficult to conceal, you gave in and informed him of the news, unsure how he'd take it.
CW: Slight angst, Lesson 76 spoiler [End part of Simeon's], faintly mentions breeding kink [Michael]
Word Count: 4.6k
Characters: 🧡༻✧ Barbatos [746] 💜༻✧ Diavolo [692] 🧡༻✧ Mephistopheles [599] 💜༻✧ Michael [692] 🧡༻✧ Raphael [690] 💜༻✧ Simeon [728] 🧡༻✧ Solomon [520] Surprise Pregnancy Pt. 1/2»
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The ever-vigilant butler detected a problem before you even noticed it. Barbatos has become accustomed to your regular visits to the Demon Lord's Castle and is always at the entryway to greet you. So when your customary arrival time passed, he patiently waited; perhaps something came up and you had to delay. However, his patience has dwindled, and his wait has become longer.
Before he was able to figure it out on his own, you sent a message indicating that you were feeling nauseated and were unable to make it to the castle. He scowled; this wasn't enough; people don't go around feeling ill for no cause. Because you insisted on leaving the matter and not taking it seriously, he knew you wouldn't bring more information. So he took action, using his ability to see into the past. The Young Master instructed him not to use this incredible talent whenever he felt like it, but when it came to you... it is necessary.
He wanted to know whether he had put something on your food that made you feel that way, but he came up empty-handed because everything he provided you, drinks and food, was in excellent condition. He considered other details that he had overlooked in the past, such as whether you or someone else touched you and caused you to have the illness. Again, nothing came to pass. Feeling defeated, he instead looked ahead to see if your illness worsens.
His fear came to be, it intensified to the point that you began to vomit. Still, he can't find the source of your nausea. Until a specific day, you had a positive pregnancy test. The demon butler's blood went cold. He needed to take a breather but wanted to know if things went well in the end. A human pregnant with a demon child is not and never will be safe for the mother! So, even if he didn't want to, he went forward, further into the future. He witnessed all feasible branches, all of which resulted in your death, the kid's death, or, worst of all, both dying.
The butler doesn't realize he's crying and he needs to stop. He had always been so strong and composed, but now he was a wreck. Despite the sadness and pain, he saw a ray of hope. A path that allows you to both survive and thrive. He needed to direct you and his child there. Abandoning all of his duties for a short while—Diavolo must understood his reasoning—he went to the House of Lamentation without asking for permission to enter then straight to your room.
He was the one who informed you of your pregnancy. You had no idea—you didn't even suspect it! His red bulging eyes indicated that he had seen something, and if he wanted to keep his young one, it had to be nice. You simply trusted him throughout the future voyage. After the revelation, you very much lived at the Demon Lord's Castle, much to the dismay of the brothers, with the exception of Lucifer. The Demon Prince and the firstborn were the only ones who knew about this.
The butler still performs his young master's tasks, much to the latter's dismay, as he had advocated devoting his time completely to you, but your demon persisted. You always have herbal tea along with foods that are soothing for you and your child. But, despite all of this delight, he occasionally wonders about the road he has chosen, fearing that if he makes one mistake, he will ruin everything.
But he doesn't have to worry any longer, because you were under ideal conditions, at least for a human bearing a demon child. Even though he has seen everything and has a torture chamber in the castle's depths, he can't bring himself to look at your pained countenance and those troubled gasps. He felt his stomach twist and spin as it does when he sees rodents, but this time it was far worse. He hoped for a happy ending and to see his little one in your arms. He did everything correctly, and there was nothing—
He opened his eyes and heard a wail, but it wasn't from you; it was from a child. Then a nurse approached him and congratulated him, but he paid them little heed. His eyes fixed on your shape, beaming at him, and there in your eyes was his little one. He couldn't be happier.
You didn't know how to tell him; you were afraid, afraid of what the people would think. From the start, there were concerns about Diavolo's ability to reign especially given his young age—for a demon. If his heir is half-human, the kingdom will judge him! All of these things make your head pound, and even though the Demon Prince is preoccupied with paperwork, he knows something's been bothering you.
When you told him the news, he fell silent, and his smile couldn't help but flatten. That look, he was upset, and it was evident he did not want the baby. It saddens you, but you fully understand him. So you suggested not keeping the child, which surprised him. He can see in your eyes that you are going against your own statements, so he asks you why you didn't want to have the child. Despite the gravity of the situation, he couldn't help but smile when he heard your explanation.
The prince is unconcerned about what his people think of him; he can withstand any backlash from those lowly demons! But... he does worry about your health. A human carrying a demon spawn is never safe, but his genealogy includes one of the most powerful demons in existence. He knew killing it was the wisest option, but he also wanted to keep this young. If things had gone differently, this would have been the joyous day of his life.
So, even though the odds are stacked against you, he entrusts his most loyal butler to guide him and you all the way. Being assured by the latter that there is a chance, you persisted in keeping the child. The demon prince could never be against you, and he did leave the option for you; even if he hadn't, his response would have been the same as yours.
Since everything is settled, he throws a large celebration to inform the Devildom that there will be an heir to the throne. You were against it when he originally told you, but after witnessing how deflated he became, you gave in and let the man be. After all, if someone is brave enough to abduct or worse, attack you, you know you're in capable hands. In addition, you have the seven brothers' pacts.
He connects you with the best doctors in Devildom and even transports you back to your realm, for reasons you don't question. It bothers him, but he can't abandon all of his obligations to this kingdom, and because he knows Barbatos wouldn't have enough time to care for you, he entrusts his right-hand man to do so when he can't. Your lover does his best to be there for you, especially during the last few months.
He absolutely loves to feel your baby bump, especially when his little one's active and kicking. It implies that they are healthy and alive whilst you're in great condition. He can't get enough of it, so sometimes you have to stop him, and he pouts, which makes you feel horrible so you'll let him continue, then the cycle begins. These are the instances when he forgets the consequences of keeping the child.
When you go into labor, there are already far too many nurses available to assist you. Throughout, he sat by you, playing with your hair and telling you that you were doing well. He may appear calm on the outside, but deep inside, he is terrified. Even though he knew the butler would not fail him, he began to question Barbatos' perceptions. The prince lost his mother when she gave birth to him, and he can't bear losing you.
Everything went silent until his ears caught up with the cries of his young. He couldn't breathe, his heart was about to burst as he clutched the child. He makes certain you are well and alive, which you are, and he feels so... blessed to have started a family with you without dire consequences. His childhood was sheltered and lonely; he will not repeat his father's mistakes. He'll make sure his young can go out and see the world, to have many, genuine friends.
The man choked on the Hell Coffee you prepared for him, nearly spitting it on the paperwork. With wide eyes, he peered around the room, asking that there be cameras and that someone cry, "Got you!" but none of that happened. He was scared; why wouldn't he be? You are bearing his child; it is a demonic child! If you hadn't soothed him, he might have fainted right there and then.
After calming down, he felt... quite good, perhaps even great. Knowing that it was his child, not Lucifer's, he felt awful that Diavolo had taken a liking to you, but at this point, he didn't pay attention to them. His thoughts were completely on you and his upcoming child. He had always had a soft place for children and had considered having one with you, even if it was adopted, after watching how you interact with Luke. So this was absolutely wonderful, and it was his own blood!
With claims that he is richer than the Demon Prince, there was no need to worry about the cost of baby clothes and toys. He was pleased to be shopping at the mall, and it felt surreal that it was actually happening. You should expect nothing less than the best treatment from him and his employees. If one of them dares to touch you in the wrong way, they should wish for a speedy death since he will not be the only one who wants to hear their cries.
Rubs it hard on Lucifer, enraging him, but he can't do anything since you'll stop him, making Mephisto even more smug. In addition to gloating to the Avatar of Pride, he reads about demonic-human pregnancy but finds little information on it. However, if this is successful, he will ask for your permission to publish it in the newspaper. He sincerely hopes it works out, but he is afraid he may lose you, the baby, or both.
If he isn't available—due to work or family obligations—he'll have his salamander with you so you have a piece of him on your side. He is confident you will take good care of the adorable salamander! Perhaps you can educate him on how to behave, as the demon cannot seem to. When he is there, he'll be glued to your side, wherever you are, he's just one step behind you ready to buy you something or pounce at anyone and anything.
Feeling the baby bump is still surreal to him; he feels like he'll waking up in a dream. But then he feels his little love kick and move, and he realizes... he knows it's all true, and this will be a new exciting chapter in his life.
His fear had surfaced; he had always pushed it aside, focusing solely on the brilliant sight of this strange pregnancy. He was uneasy whenever you gasped in pain, but he stayed by your side even when he wanted to vomit or pass out. It was a long and difficult process, but it was all worthwhile, and he is so proud to have stayed by your side, all the while commenting on how well you were doing and that everything will be alright.
As he carried his little demon, he whispered a quiet vow into their ears. He may be unable to perform his duties as Diavolo's right-hand man, but he will ensure that he is the perfect father for his child. He will not fail this time; he has a new purpose, one that can only be achieved by him, not Lucifer or anyone else.
He may or may not have laughed in your face when you delivered him the news, believing it was a cruel joke and that you wanted him to feel something. But when you kept silent with a wounded expression on your face, he realized you weren't joking. He felt his heart plummet; first and foremost, he had no idea this was conceivable! There were only a few instances when he indulged himself with you, and in those handful of times he somehow... created life in you?
Despite the shocking revelations, Michael is unable to refuse the child, but he also cannot risk losing you. He was still in denial, asking you whether you were mistaken and that... It isn't his child—saying that pains him—and you didn't respond; instead, you gave him a look to dismiss the concept.
Your relationship with him has always been kept private; if it were to be revealed, he would fear the sanctions that his Father would impose on him, particularly on you. He knew he'd be the one to shoulder the repercussions, but now that you bear his child, he's not sure. He can be guaranteed that at least one person will come to his help. Simeon.
The angel may not like him, but he doesn't care; as long as your life is in danger, he knows Simeon would aid, and the man does. Unfortunately, he is unable to be present at all times to care for you, so he delegated responsibility to Raphael. Whenever he has the chance, he'll immediately be by your side, asking how you're doing and if everything is okay. He is overjoyed to learn that there's a path you and his little angel will live a flourishing life.
Being as strong as he is, even in his absence, he can be confident that the protective blessing he bestowed upon you will be activated when danger approaches. Absolutely babies you; he is known to exhaust people that were beneath him with a slew of responsibilities, yet when it comes to you, he won't even let you lift a finger for assistance. Especially today, given your current situation. It can be a strain at times, but you can't stop him; he appears to enjoy doing these things for you, and it's his way of showing you how important you are, as does this child.
During his break, he'd read about parenting since he knew nothing about it. When he discovered that the baby could hear outside voices even while in the womb, he began telling your stories about him and the brothers as well as Simeon and Raphael. He would go on and on, and if given the opportunity, he would stay with you all day, but he cannot abandon the Celestial Realm's responsibilities.
When the bump becomes evident, he seems unable to move his gaze away from it. His hands remained on them, feeling his child's kicks and movements. He has never thought about love or family, and he is unaware that he is capable of having children. Whenever Father makes an angel, they are his younger sibling and he is their older brother, never their father. He can't put into words the emotions that are stirring inside him. Fear and excitement were obvious... however, there was something else with them. It was... a thrill to see you carry his child and his alone. He sort of wants to put another...
He hasn't paid attention to it since the day came. He flew down to Devildom under the cover of the Demon Prince, hoping to speak with him. Although they did discuss RAD, the genuine explanation is that you are giving birth. He stayed at your side, but he was struggling; he hadn't been exposed to much pain, and the most recent was The Fall, which occurred centuries ago.
As soon as his little angel was born, the man squealed, the most composed and feared angel squeaked like a rat when he saw the second most beautiful being. He cradled his little dove with such care and affection. What a miracle... and his mind cannot help but recall his earlier desires.
You needed to tell him somewhere quiet so he would feel at ease; this is where the child was made, the garden grounds of Purgatory. He was a little perplexed, as you could see in his eyes, and when you broke the news, he fell silent. The air from his lungs was removed. He was afraid. I'm terrified of what can happen, and I'm worried about you. That gaze shattered your heart, and you suggested not keeping the child, but to your surprise, he declined. He is scared, but he knows there is hope, and there is only one way to find it: he knows of an angel who would not snitch on Michael or his Father, and who also admired you.
Simeon was thrilled with the news, but Raphael knew deep down that the latter did not take it well, as seen by the faint quiver in the angel's eyes. Nevertheless, he assisted them in taking the situation directly to the Demon Prince. This made him nervous, but it was the only way to secure your safety while carrying this miracle of a child. He held out hope while he waited for the butler to discover such a passage, and there it was.
Despite being in the Devildom, Michael would still load him with a slew of tasks, so he couldn't always attend to you, much to his dismay. Sometimes he takes the fall and slacks a little; the other angels can handle it, and he has other problems to attend to—he's having his own child, which no one expected! You always surprise them. It was fate that Lucifer chose you as the other human exchange student.
The seraphim has long been known as someone not to mess with unless you want to be pelted with spears. He was protective of you back then, but not overwhelming; nevertheless, this cannot be stated today. As a small nuisance, he is prepared to spear down the lesser demons. He does not allow anyone other than the demon and angel brethren to come near you. He'd be right behind you, giving them a filthy look.
He has always struggled to express himself verbally, therefore he does so through his actions. Even if he's worn out, he'll do anything for you, such as carry heavy objects, he may not be the finest cook, but he'll give it his best shot. He put in so much effort that you could see him reading about pregnancy, the dos and don'ts. It's rather adorable. There is one thing he can accomplish with words: sing. He enjoys singing for the brothers back then, and he enjoys it even more now with you and his child. His voice is so calming that it sometimes puts you to sleep.
Because he does not want the others to find out and the news to spread to the Celestial Realm, relocating you to the palace grounds and returning you to the human realm is the best option for both of you. Ah, but don't worry, he'll be your guardian angel when you return home—he promises. You insisted on safeguarding your child instead, but he declined because you were still more important to him, and it has been shown that angels can... reproduce with humans so it's not something to worry about that much.
Your labor day was a nightmare for the nurses, as your beloved stood behind them, observing every movement they made like a hawk with its prey, only he had a spear. He was prepared to tear the nurses apart if they made even the smallest error. You wanted to beg him to settle down, but the pain was tremendous, consuming your entire being.
He only dropped the spear when he saw his baby was born. He let you hold them first, adoring his child, noticing all the similarities between you and him, it was a fine piece of art. Even if you'll be leaving this realm soon, he promises his child that he will be there for them when they need him the most and that he will give his life to protect them and you.
When the results come back positive, you won't believe it. You had no idea how to tell him, let alone that it was conceivable to have children with an angel. But when you told him, there was a great smile on his face, but it was evident that he wasn't sure. Your connection has always been kept private; if words were leaked back into the Celestial Realm, he fears what may happen. However, it was too late; he was too in love with you, and there was no turning back. Then again, Simeon was never too concerned with his realm's rules...
Since his kind doesn't procreate as humans and demons do, they're wielded into life by his Father, so this was a miracle and... a curse. He doesn't know what will happen. If you'd be safe he could be normal. So he seeks the help of the Demon Prince and his utmost royal butler. He knew doesn't sit right with the prince but if it was about you, he knew Diavolo would help him and his intuitions were right.
Barbatos anticipated a road where you and your kid would be secure, but the residual fear haunts him. How could he explain this to Luke and Raphael? If a young kid comes around calling him dad, he's done for. He is adamant that you and his child would not be affected but in his case... it will not be the same.
There were no major changes in how he treated you since he has always been a gentleman to you. Even if there isn't a bump, his hand can't help but touch and feel your stomach; vaguely, he can sense the essence of life. He still can't believe he'll be starting a family with you. He has written about this—not exactly you and him, but characters loosely based on the two of you. Back then, he believed it was an impossible fantasy, but love always finds a way.
Only a few people, including those who aided along with Lucifer, are aware of this revelation. He needed to understand why you were spending so much time in the Purgatory. Solomon caught up on your regular trips, but he didn't mind because you'd been spending the majority of your time with the brothers. Luke and Raphael, on the other hand, were completely unaware of it.
As the months passed and you felt it more and more, the bumps became more visible and difficult to hide. You stayed in the Demon Prince's palace grounds until the child was born to reduce the possibility of the story spreading. When the young is born, you will be sent back to your world; you have overstayed your welcome in Devildom, and it is about time. This... it pained the angel that he wouldn't be able to visit you and his child as frequently, but he knew it would be safer.
When the dreaded day had come, he was only able to watch the first part until he feels a bit to faint and had to leave. He feels guilty that he can't be there but even if he was he knew he'd faint on the floor and only cause more trouble and stress for the nurse as well as you which he doesn't want. Minutes had passed and the nurse came outside before she could say anything he rushed for the room.
He breathed a sigh of relief, there you were, and his little angel. It was a sight that he'd cherish until his own demise. He held the kids so gently like they were feathers. Even if he could not be always present in their lives, he promised them that he'd give them the best life he could. Speaking of which, you only stayed at the Devildom for a week before... you needed to leave. No one was there but the four who knew.
But it doesn't end there; not long after you return to your realm. There came a knock on the door, and your angel appeared. He seemed a little too happy. That's when he revealed that he had become human, just like you. You questioned him how and what he did, but he didn't answer. He simply hugged and twirled you in his arms. You felt horrible, but also... good. Finally, you would be together with nothing keeping you back.
He wasn't even surprised when you told him the news; he seemed to be expecting it. You assumed he'd be concerned, but the broad grin on his face says otherwise. He never considered having a family until he met you. It was then that he realized he would have the finest future with you.
He always passively aggressively rubs it into all of the brothers, especially the eldest, whenever he gets the chance. He's way too cocky when people get envious or annoyed, knowing they can't hurt him because of you. No matter how many times you beg him to stop, he continues to do it, this time behind your back. The only way you learn about it is when a white-haired demon comes to you and complains about your lover's teasing.
Protecting you had become his pastime, and he had even forgotten that he had cast the protective magic for you. Said hobby only grew following the news, bordering on overprotectiveness. He'd be busy searching for and manufacturing remedies to help you get through the adventure. He reads about parenting because he hasn't had any experience with children in a long time—except for Luke but he's an angel and not a human.
Because Asmo is displeased with the sorcerer, Solomon commands begs him to assist you and him to purchase baby clothes and toys! The Avatar of Lust was left with no other choice, but in the end, he appreciated it, as did your significant other.
There is one thing that your partner believes will be the ideal method to express his love for you:... Cooking for you! You claimed you nearly fainted at those remarks. You pleaded with him to take culinary lessons from Barbatos or to at least follow the recipes exactly and not add anything else. That kind of upsets him, but he had heard that when pregnant, one's sense of smell and taste intensifies, so he disregarded it as his meals being more 'spicy' than usual.
But even then, you had to triple—quadruple that he didn't add anything or that he didn't mix salt and sugar like the last time. You can't dismiss him, especially because he seemed to be pleased with what he has made, so you gave in... Surprisingly, it was edible; while the flavor is still a little odd, you can eat it! He must be taking your situation very seriously, which makes you happy.
Since you're back in the human realm, he thinks you and your child are the prettiest home and husband material—but don't count his cooking abilities, even if they improve. You're frightened he'll revert to his old ways.
The sorcerer is well prepared for the labor; the smallest sign and you're straight to the hospital bed. He did his best to calm down and soothe you; unlike the others, he is much better at keeping his cool. He's ecstatic to hold his tiny darling, his smile so wide it hurts as he slowly rocks the bundle of joy. He can't believe that you and he created something so gorgeous, the again the mother is magnificent.
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amluuz · 2 years
—Hey human! Why're you taking so long? C'mon, hurry up and let's go home
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My mind flew when imagining him with a sports motorcycle ◉⁠‿⁠◉
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moinstar · 1 year
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Highschool AU
As the school's newspaper club photographer, it's natural to take photos of important people. Will Moin MC be able to act normal in front of their crush, student council president Diavolo?
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valsdelulucorner · 1 month
Thrown into one world, taken from another
Oh boy, where to even start.
The past few years have been crazy enough, being plucked out of the human world and thrown into the land of demons and witches. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, you got used to it after a while when you were no longer target number one. You even befriended the 7 lords of hell, even befriending the soon to be king of hell itself.
You had alot to show for it aswell, 7 gorgeous pact marks aligning your arms, each corresponding to the avatar of sin it belonged to. With afew years of devildom experience under your belt, your life was quite comfortable. But nothing ever lasts forever, it was getting to peaceful around here, well at least for devildom standards.
It was just supposed to be a quite trip to the human world, it wasn't an open invitation for you to be kidnapped to another world for a second time. Though this time it was alot more ominous compared to the time you literally got whisked away to hell, having to break out of a coffin just to be met with a screeching rat creature, wait, not a rat, a cat?
The new world had constant references to different Disney media but it has all been dating sim-ified, it was so exiting to go exploring around the world here, trying to spot out each different Disney reference. Though you couldn't help but miss your demons back home, the fact that everyone thought you were just some broke, magicless student did not help the feeling of home sickness.
Just like in Devildom, you had to restart your life all over again from the start, just starting out as someone everyone just overlooked. Ironic isn't it. The biggest shock out of the entire world had to be the overblots (and the fact Crowley is so god damn incompetent), the first time you saw one brought you back to the time the demon brothers tried to end you, it was scary. It had a sick an twisted sense of nostalgia intertwined into it. Having going through a seven of these events, you were quite frankly ready to go home now.
Even after all of the overblots happened, life still goes on and so did everything else, life doesn't stop for you even when you really need it to. But for the first time in what seemed like forever, it was actually peaceful in the Ramshakle dorm, everyone gathered together to study or to look into part time/ full jobs. It was strangely nice, each dorm head and their respective party just relaxing in their pajamas, mattresses and sleeping bags covering the creaky wooden planks of the Ramshackle main room. Books, papers, and different small plates of food scattered around their respective people, your friends interacting in a civil (or as civil as you can get) manner was such a refreshing change, no longer having to break up any fights.
You sat on the sofa with a warm drink in your hands, the first years surrounding you aswell as grim, scabbing any food he could find from you lot. You were brought out of your thoughts when you get a sharp pain shooting through one of your pact marks, you had almost forgotten about them, them always being hidden under the long sleeves you were. As you wince, a certain weasel seemed to notice.
"Oi, henchman, why does your face look like that." grim piped up as he climbed up onto the sofa, bringing the attention of the first years and a certain horned friend. "Thanks grim" You half joked as you held your warm drink, you hands slightly shaking due to another sharp shot of pain up your wrists, gaining a huff from the creature "Oh you know i didn't mean it like that" "yeah, what the weasel says, your not normally shaken' prefect" Ace gives you a raised eyebrow as he sees you starting to fidget alot, scratching at your arms from above your sleeves. You didn't respond, seeming out of it as it caught the attention of the first years.
The pains just got worse and worse, continuous sharp pains shooting up your arms and agitating all seven pact marks. It only brought on confusion as you rushed to the kitchen, pulling up your sleeves to try and easy the pain with some water under the cold tap. It was only then that you noticed the pact marks glowing, though they have glowed before, it never came with the unbearable pain. Being nonchalant wasn't a choice anymore, the kitchen was literally lighting up because of the 7 marks on your arms, bringing everyone's unwanted attention over to you, humiliating.
The pain was only getting worse, a sick mix of stabbing and burning pains shooting up your arms and shoulders as you managed to choke out a sob, the first years being over to your side faster the you could say 'ow'. Epel and deuce were trying to help you with the strange marks on your arms, jack being there to rub your back while sebek, grim and ace question you about your current state and the marks. Your little group may get on your nerves sometimes but when it comes to it, they are always there for eachother.
All of the commotion from the kitchen and the sounds of your sobs brought everyone in and around the kitchen, was it a spell gone wrong? Was it a curse? Was your drink spiked? However, their questions were left un-answered as the reflection from the fridge started to shift and morph into strange shapes, a strong force starting to pull the pacts to it. Confusion turned to pure panic as the magicless prefect started to get dragged into the reflection, each one of the first years holding onto your body as they try and save you from whatever force was trying to take you away. Malleus even stepped in, getting afew others to step in and try and help you but even that wasn't enough.
Even for the Fae prince, the force was far to powerful for him and it dragged you away from your friends, pulling you into the reflection of the fridge. The last thing you could hear were their voices screaming out your name.
. .
. . .
. . . .
A bright light covered your vision entirely, the unbearable pain from your arms finally stopped. It was like being in limbo, you were conscious but you couldn't move, instead being embraced in a soft hug.
.... The hug felt tight though, it felt real. The peaceful atmosphere started to fall apart as voices rang through your ears, familiar, comforting voices. You finally snapped back into consciousness, hearing 7 muffled voices in your ears. With a groan and a head turn, you saw a sobbing Asmodeus clinging to your stomach as mammon and levi held onto your sides, a worried lucifer holding your face as if checking your actually conscious. You felt Beels strong arms around your waist as belphie had a hand on your knee, satan trying to remain calm as he stands close by you. Your boys, your family, your finally home. Normally the loud noises would have been overwhelming but right now, you just relaxed into their touch, reassuring them that you were alright and alive.
It took a while for them to start to calm down, still being in a large group hug as you all sat in silence. You didn't realize how much you missed them until you were with them again, it felt amazing.
"Hey, what are you doing with our prefect?" A familiar voice piped up from behind you all, your eyes practically bulging out of their sockets as you see your friends from twisted wonderland, all in RAD uniforms and groggy from the journey here, Ace standing up and pointing at the demons holding you.
Guess that peace wasn't going to last long. Taken from one world and thrown back into another, what a nightmare...
Took an hour or two but WOO, ITS DONE. I havent proof read it yet but its almost midnight, i need sleep lol
Thank you guys so much for reading, what should I do next?
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pseudonymphomania · 5 months
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Renowned fire demon Diavolo, firefighter. Captain of the RAD (Rescue and Abatement Department). Pictured here with his 2IC (Second in Command).
Ready to serve, ready to save.
“Hold on.”
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zephyrchama · 8 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer, except instead of being sent to the past, Solomon is having a Wandavision-style mental breakdown. Cocytus Hall and everyone's lack of memory are all due to his rampant magical energy creating an alternate version of the Devildom so that he can be closer to you.
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l3v1s-g4m3r · 3 months
obey me au where you and levi already know each other as online friends.
(edit: I didn’t expect this to get this much attention lolol !!)
imagine you two meet in like a fortnite lobby (or lobby of any game of your choice) in a game like the pit or boxfights and the entire time he’s just screaming into the mic, about how bad the lobby is or how you guys are cheating. so, you get on your mic and scream at him, as I quote;
and he gets mad, so he challenges you to a 1v1. you agree, and you end up winning. he says you have to be cheating and challenges you to a rematch. again. and again. and again. and the entire time, you win every match. at around 40 rematches or so you friend him and say you guys can continue tomorrow.
you guys do happen to continue the day after and become really good friends. you asked for his discord and he gladly gave it to you. you chatted everyday never missing a part in each others lives. you even learned he had six brothers! (their parents must’ve been having a field day!) about seven months after you two met, you guys did a face reveal. you were not expecting him to be so pretty, or have indigo hair.
a year or two after becoming great friends, you get summoned in a portal in front of a lot of handsome men. you mumble to yourself after the redhead explains your situation that L3V14CH4NtheThird needed to see this shit. so you take a picture of the guys and send it to him with the caption;
as soon as you hit send, there’s an audible *ding* across the room. you look to the way of the noise to see an all so familiar indigo haired boy. (pretend lucifer forced levi to be there)
you instantly run up to him and give him a big hug.
and the brothers are just confused like: 🧍‍♂️
then it clicks for them that you guys are probably online friends.
needless to say, life at demon school was much easier with a close friend always nearby.
(anyone can use my ideas btw, please do give at least partial credit if you so happen to take inspo though!)
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2smolbeans · 1 year
I just thought of a yandere Obey Me Au idea.
So you know those (Replaced Au Obey Me) writings where the brothers just dump Mc and floak towards the new exchange student?
Well, I thought of my own Obey Me Replaced Au..With a twist:
The moment you heard of the new exchange student, you didn't know how to feel. It wasn't anything exciting. It was terrifying if anything - though that sense of fear could never match the amount of paranoia the demon brothers gave you every day.
Would this exchange student last long? Would the demon brothers tolerate their mere existence? What do they look like? Could they perhaps be your friend?
Despite all odds of you trying to keep those thoughts about the new exchange student at bay, you couldn't help but fantasize the scenarios about them.
Another human in hell with you. They had to be human, right? You overheard it from Lucifer mumbling in his office about it. Maybe this place wouldn't be so terrifying and lonely after all.
Finally, you could have someone else by your side. For once, you could maybe perhaps talk to another person for a nice change.
But when they came, they immediately shifted their gaze towards the brothers- of course smitten by their appearances and 'personalities'.
All those daydreams, those fantasies. Shattered.
They didn't look at you, acknowledge you, or even bother with you. They were too enamored by the temptations of sin that dangled in front of them like a stringed up prize.
Though you were disheartened by the loss chance of a new friend... You were also happy that they were distant to you.
Well, for once, your captors, tormentors, and demons who smothered you constantly every day had finally given you a break. This was your chance, a chance you had never thought to have seen coming.
They..They were actually too distracted for once! You finally had your own privacy, alone time - god, you were actually able to talk to other people again!
It helped that the exchange student was keeping the brothers busy while also keeping a safe distance from you! So you didn't have to be roped up into any of their antics at all!
Some people would feel shitty knowing that they were being replaced, that the people who adored them had found another person to devote their affection towards.
But you?
You were prancing happily throughout the halls of the school when you had figured out that you had been replaced. Smiling every day as you noticed, the brothers hadn't once bothered you at all.
Of course, things wouldn't last forever...
Sooner or later, you found yourself cornered in an empty room, surrounded by them as they stared disappointed at you.
What happened to the exchange student? You thought things were going well? Why was everything like this again? Where were they- This wasn't fair. You had a chance - a chance to-
"What? Leave us again?"
"You didn't think we wouldn’t notice you skipping happily along the halls when we decided to test you, right?"
"You didn't even bother checking up on us..Instead.. You enjoyed being apart from us.."
"Wow, low blow Mc..Realll low blow. Ya really took this as an opportunity to fool around with others, huh?"
"And after that one night where you promised me you'd never lie or abandon me..What a fucking joke"
"Yeah, hogging all your attention towards yourself and others like an eager attention whore.. And I'm the avatar of lust. Are you trying to say something orrr what?"
"Well, I wouldn’t expect much from them. After all, they have rather been slow about their position here..Maybe we should educate them more."
And with a sadistic voice of awe, everyone else spoke in unison as they stared at you with glee.
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incarnadin3 · 1 month
Obey Me! Quotes from an incorrect quote generator pt.2
Mammon: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Lucifer: Language, Mammon. Belphegor: Yeah watch your fucking language. Asmodeous: OKAY WHO TAUGHT BELPHEGOR THE FUCK WORD? Satan: 'The fuck word'. MC: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Satan: Oh my god they censored it Belphegor: Say fuck, MC. Satan: Do it, MC. Say fuck.
Lucifer: MC... How do I begin to explain MC? Satan: MC is flawless. Asmodeous: I hear their hair's insured for $10,000. Belphegor: I hear they do car commercials... in Japan. Mammon: One time they punched me in the face... it was awesome.
MC: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Mammon: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents MC: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Satan: Actually I did the math, Mammon would have $225, not $0.15. Mammon: Fam I’m right here.... Asmodeous: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) MC: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Asmodeous: Sorry I only have a dollar MC: :( Satan: Hey I just realized my brother is right, Mammon would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Asmodeous: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Satan: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Belphegor: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Satan: Apply juice to what MC: Directly to the forehead Mammon: Great chat everyone
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker* Lucifer: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know. Everyone: Beelzebub: ...I did. I broke it. Lucifer: No. No you didn't. Satan? Satan: Don't look at me. Look at Asmodeous. Asmodeous: What?! I didn't break it. Satan: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken? Asmodeous: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken. Satan: Suspicious. Asmodeous: No, it's not! Belphegor: If it matters, probably not, but MC was the last one to use it. MC: Liar! I don't even drink that crap! Belphegor: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? MC: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Belphegor! Beelzebub: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Lucifer. Lucifer: No! Who broke it!? Everyone: Belphegor: Lucifer... Satan's been awfully quiet. Satan: rEALLY?! *Everyone starts arguing* Lucifer, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. Lucifer: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Lucifer: Lucifer: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
Belphegor: Rules are made to be broken. Lucifer: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Satan: Uh, piñatas. Asmodeous: Glow sticks. Mammon: Karate boards. MC: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Belphegor: Rules. Lucifer:
Mammon: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Lucifer: Nope, absolutely not. Satan: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Asmodeous: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Belphegor: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. MC: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome. Beelzebub: I'd be there for you! :D
Lucifer, driving MC and Mammon: So how was your day? Mammon: We almost got surprise adopted! Lucifer: What? MC: We almost got kidnapped. Lucifer: Oh, okay. Lucifer: * slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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