#Obviously a lot of wraith either view her as a threat or seem to give her a pretty high level of respect
girlscience · 7 months
Decided to start my rewatch with The Gift because I had fairly recently watched the other season 1 episodes and just wanted to jump straight in. It did make me laugh though, I was talking about Teyla earlier and I completely forgot that is a Teyla centric episode.
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thebliznet · 4 years
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Catch Feelings, Murderous Boy
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Rated: M
A Bloodhound X Revenant Fanfiction
A Requested One-Shot Fanfiction
Duo Written: @iamblothhundr as Bloodhound!!
I’m going to kill them. I’m going to kill them! I’m going to fucking kill them all!
I was forced behind a boulder with the annoying other robot, Pathfinder, he calls himself. We were fighting on the hill-top between Epic Center and Refinery. Both our bodies were covered in tears and dents like some chip bags stuck in the trash. Though, I was more beat up than Pathfinder. The reason why, I’m doing most of the work, of course. Though I will give it to the damn guy, he’s a fighter, but not to my liking.
We were using our Shield Shells, recharging as fast as possible since the other team we were versing was doing the same. Why was this taking so long? There were only two of them, desperate for medical supplies to heal their wounds.
“Do you have any more shield cells, Friend?” Pathfinder asked with his chipper voice that annoyed me down to my core. “I don’t have anymore.”
I huffed at him. I didn’t want to share, but his body was reliable. I could use him as a decoy. Damn, that airhead called Mirage would have been perfect for this fight right now…
I threw the cells at Pathfinder and he simply caught them in his arms.
“We need to hurry up and shake this team off us,” I told him, hoping he would make a valid response.
“Gibraltar and Wraith are really good at what they do best! I will always expect a great fight with them!” Pathfinder answered as he finished up recharging his shield.
“Yeah, yeah. Now, where the hell are they?”
Pathfinder points towards another boulder not too far from us.
“Just a few meters from us! I can hear a syringe being used!”
Suddenly, I heard the crack of a Sentinel ring through the air, followed by the thud of a death box, and a loud curse from Wraith.
Pathfinder and I both spun our heads to the direction of where the sound of the shot came from. We saw Bloodhound reloading the Sentinel and adding a Shield Battery for an extra kick. Mirage was doing a little cheer, peering over the edge of the silo they were situated on. Bloodhound brought their sniper rifle back up, zeroing in on Wraith.
My hatred for Bloodhound began to burn. I never understood why I despised whatever they were, but I knew I never hated their capability of killing. They were more impressive than anyone else in this damn game and I don’t give away a lot of compliments.
“Shit. The last team is already here.” I pointed out, glancing back at Pathfinder. “Think you can toss a grenade up there without getting yourself killed?”
I realized I wasn’t completely recharged with shields before I asked him, and sped up my pace towards finishing. I was horribly banged up against my metal body. If I didn’t put some sort of protection now, I would not handle the last fight for barely a moment.
“Don’t worry! That’s easy!” Pathfinder answered and took off for the tower. He shot his grapple halfway up the tower and pulled himself up while grabbing a grenade from his bag over his shoulders. He tossed it to Bloodhound’s team mid-flight before hitting the ground.
Mirage was hit by the grenade; almost knocked before Bloodhound pulled him away from it.
The hunter jumped from the silo, pulling out their P-Twenty-Twenty, and firing a few shots into Pathfinder’s head as he tried to run for cover.
Pathfinder was able to grapple again as he took off, but halfway through Bloodhound’s shots, he lost control of his glide and crashed into the snow.
“Ow.” He easily says.
I groaned at his attempt at attacking. It was fucking embarrassing. I stood up from my cover and stared up at Bloodhound, growling at him. Suddenly, a bullet flew past my face, knocking me out of my stare. I instantly turned toward the direction the bullet came from and fired my G-Seven-Scout. It nearly hit Wraith in the bridge of her nose, but she took cover before it made it. I heard another curse word from her, making me laugh to myself.
I remembered I had a teammate and took my time to get to Pathfinder, sliding down the hill to get him up.
“I thought I told you not to die, Idiot?” I asked him.
“I’m sorry. I will do better next time!” Pathfinder exclaimed while I rushed him back to cover, dropping a few more shield cells at his feet.
I looked at my bracelet, forced on my wrist to check on my totem. I still had half a minute before I could activate it.
“My totem is almost ready,” I told Pathfinder and he responded with a sound coming from his voice. I looked back at Bloodhound’s team, keeping my focus on them.
I had noticed Mirage was halfway through a medkit when a kunai took him out between his eyes by Wraith. His death box fell from the edge of the silo. I could hear Bloodhound’s growl as they took out their hatchet from their belt, slid down the zipline, and ran towards the boulder Wraith had sheltered behind. I heard a thud and a pleasant scream of agony from Wraith.
I needed to rush that fight, but I felt something in my core that wouldn’t let me charge. It was wasting my damn time. My insides began to heat up, making me accidentally press down against the trigger of my gun and startled my teammate.
“Are you alright? Are you angry?” I heard Pathfinder ask, pissing me off.
“No! I’m not angry!” I yelled at him. “The moment that fight ends, you push! Got it?”
Pathfinder pulls out a thumbs up.
“Got it!”
I heard a grunt escape Bloodhound’s throat before seeing Wraith thrown out from behind the boulder. I was suddenly intrigued by what the hunter was about to do to her, seeing Wraith’s shoulder covered in her spilling blood against her suit as she fell in the snow. My circuits were burning as I finally began to feel a temperature from them against the metal due to this front row seat of the fight.
Bloodhound plunged towards Wraith with her knife in their neck, staining Bloodhound’s mask. Though, as Wraith fell, the hunter took another hack at her neck and finished her off. Bloodhound took a raspy breath, bringing a hand up to reconnect their respirator after Wraith’s knife had knocked it loose. Once it was working again, they turned towards the robots, gripping the hatchet in their hand.
I growled at them from afar before summoning my totem behind my cover. Pathfinder didn’t touch while I did, turning into my true form. The happy robot didn’t completely follow his instructions, ziplining up into the air, and fired his Hemlock anywhere that would hit Bloodhound’s body.
Bloodhound had released their own growl, low and guttural, and threw the hatchet, cleanly cutting Pathfinder’s arm off at the shoulder. They pulled their P-Twenty-Twenty out again, aiming it for the Marvin.
Disappointingly, that arm was controlling Pathfinder’s grapple, so he instantly crashed into the snow below. I tsked at the idiot, pulling out my G-Seven-Scout, and fired at Bloodhound from afar to give Pathfinder another chance to recover.
“Hurry up and get up!” I growled into the mic.
Pathfinder seemed to be in a lot of pain, but he stood back up and closed in on Bloodhound with his Havoc. He begins to charge up the weapon.
A grenade suddenly rolled between Pathfinder’s feet, only giving him a moment before exploding beneath him. I looked at my last enemy with shock. Bloodhound, covered in blood and oil, turned their attention to me.
“Come, Felagi Fighter. Let us finish this.” They rasped, breathless, and lungs screaming from exertion. They looked to be aching due to the knife in their neck and their respirator had been shot to hell.
I growled again like a hungry wolf. Why did I hate this impressive opponent? They are a wit at their work, but I never wanted to see them in my field of view compared to anyone else.
“I hope you know I’ll be tearing you apart, right?” I shot near their body, playfully warning them.
“Threats are empty. Actions will prove who wins today.” They take a step back as the Ring begins to close. “Though, dying in the Ring will not serve either of us well.” They turn then, moving towards Epic Center.
Them and their unnecessary fucking lectures…
“Oh, just shut up.” I spat before charging for them, shooting out one of my Silencer Orbs. It landed near Bloodhound’s foot as they stepped and exploded, taking out their abilities in an instant. Then, I fired two bullets in their back.
Bloodhound grunted as the bullets ripped through their shoulder. They turn, raising their P-Twenty-Twenty to take a few shots at my head. Their aim was slack, obviously in pain. A bullet made it into my shoulder; it was strong enough to pull me back into the snow. I grunt to the impact of the bullet, hurrying back up to my feet. I fired for the hunter again. This time, in their legs. Bloodhound avoided the shot but stumbled back with blood loss keeping them from standing again. They snarl at me, fumbling for a grenade. They pull out a Thermite, rolling it down towards me.
“Shit.” I rolled my body away and made it back on my feet. I take my time walking towards Bloodhound, listening to the grenade burn in the snow. “Just give up and I’ll kill you faster.”
“It is my pride to perish with a weapon in my hand. I will not back down.” Bloodhound rasp, struggling to take a deep breath. They shakily raise their Sentinel, firing.
The bullets strike me straight in the chest. I coughed up my oil as I fell to my knees, dropping my weapon. They had shot my damn core, one of the weakest parts in this body of mine. I hollered from anger and frustration. Why was I taking so long to kill them? I tried my best to pull out my last gun, but the bullet in my core was affecting my movements. Every time I moved, I buckled.
“Die, you piece of shit! Stop fucking talking!” I yelled.
“You ask me…” The hunter paused, taking a moment to gain their breath back. “…To accept defeat, but…will not accept…yourself.” They chuckled, but it trails into a wet cough. Bloodhound’s cough turns to a wracking cough, unable to catch their breath as they fall back, laying on their back.
I winced at their collapse for some reason, but I kept buckling towards them. Why? Why did it bother me? The laughter the hunter released had burned my circuits.
“I don’t care if I die. I only care about your blood being spilled. You’re a pain in the ass. You’re constantly killing everyone and leaving me with the dead bodies to pick with. You’re always taking out damn squads in only a matter of minutes and you steal my kill leader titles.” I replied, clawing through the snow. “Get out of my damn way!”
Bloodhound’s mask turns towards me, a hand reaching out.
“You are jealous of me. I see now that this is not my battle to vinna. It is yours, take it.” Their breath rattled, lungs filling up with blood.
“I’m not –” I began to yell, but I had stopped myself. I couldn’t handle this damn fool anymore. I had made it to them, grabbing the hunter by their throat and lifted them into the air. My body began to shake due to the bullet still in my core. I stared up at Bloodhound with so much hate, but I couldn’t pull out the strength to break their neck.
“You’re a fucking parasite.” I spat before dropping them back into the snow.
Bloodhound was dead and the Announcer had called me the Apex champion.
Several hours later, Bloodhound woke in the medical ward. Their breath like a sword through their chest. They reached up, pulling their oxygen mask down so they could see past it.
I was already there, standing at the foot of the bed they were in. My head was tilted with my hands gripped against the bar. My eyes were digging into the wounded hunter’s.
Bloodhound blinked down at me, moving to sit up with a pained groan.
“I think this may be the first time I’ve had a visitor in the ward. Though, that’s because no one is allowed to visit me in the ward.” They smile at me, speaking slowly with a rasp in their voice. The hunter replaced the oxygen mask for a moment before pulling it away to talk again. “I didn’t expect to see so soon.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I growled with my hands tightening against the bars. I was trying my best not to attack them for that remark. I didn’t want to fight an entire army right now and I normally loved the army versus one fights; easy death count.
“You are angry with me. It would only make sense for you to confront me. I simply thought you would wait until I was out, so you could challenge me.” Bloodhound placed the mask back over their face, looking around the room for something. Then, the hunter sighed.
I scoffed.
“At your death-bed gives a higher chance at no survival. You don’t understand ruthless.” I stepped towards the side of the bed, getting close to them as I sharpened one of my hands.
“Why wait for me to awaken, then? Surely it’s easier while I sleep.” Bloodhound winced. They bring a scarred hand to their chest as they were hit with wracking coughs, choking on their breath. They didn’t seem to react to my approach.
That was it; I couldn’t handle their coughs anymore.
“Are you alright?” I felt my insides warming up as I asked. Did I need to be repaired again? Did the hunter damage my core? Why was I worried about them? I wanted to end Bloodhound for bothering me so much, but I kept fucking thinking about that cough.
It took another minute before Bloodhound could breathe again, taking short, calculated breaths from the oxygen mask. They looked up at me, eyes wet from coughing, and nodded. After another few moments, they pulled the mask away to talk.
“This was my home, my father worked on the harvester. When it melted down, the coolant scarred my lungs. That is why I wear the mask.” The hunter sighed, settling back against the bed. “I’ll have to repair it before the next game.”
“…I don’t hate you.” I suddenly said, embarrassing myself. I knew I couldn’t take that back, so I continued talking, keeping my eyes on Bloodhound while my insides burned. At this point, I noticed some steam releasing from a hole in my ankle. “You…you fucking annoy me. You’re always in my head. You piss me off entirely. So, why do I care about your damn cough? I would love to see you die here and now.”
Bloodhound looks at me, frowning with their head tilting as much as it could without the oxygen mask falling off.
“I…cannot tell you what you feel, but I can help you figure it out on your own. What would you ask of me? Do you feel this for anyone else?”
“You’re the only person on my mind most of the day. It isn’t anybody else. Did you put a chip in me? Are you controlling me? What the hell are you doing to me?!” I yelled, raising my sharp fingers near Bloodhound’s throat, but I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t touch them. I realized I was scared to hurt the hunter. I even noticed the hunter didn’t flinch. They merely brought a hand up and took my hand into theirs.
“You know that I have not. This is the first time I have touched you outside of the games. And even if I could…living a life under someone else’s control is no life at all. I’d never subject someone to such.” Bloodhound answered.
“Then, what the hell is wrong with me?” My steel body began to cool while my eyes were completely focused on the hunter. I desperately wanted to know why I was so annoyed and interested in them.
“Come, sit beside me so I don’t have to lean quite so far.” The hunter patted the edge of the bed with their free hand; their other hand still holding mine.
I stared at them a while longer before stepping away from them. I finally understood what was wrong with me; I cared for Bloodhound. I wanted to sit beside them. For the first time, in a long time, I was terrified.
Bloodhound frowned at me when I had stepped away. Their hand was covered in blood due to holding onto my claws.
“You seem to have had a revelation. Was it a good one?” They asked as they moved to stand up, legs weak beneath them.
I don’t answer them, stepping back when they got closer. I didn’t want to believe what I felt in my core. It had a whole new meaning towards every moment I was near Bloodhound. It gave me a new emotion. I wanted to leave them, but I wouldn’t budge.
Bloodhound paused, staring at me intently.
“Will you tell me what it is? So I may act in kind?” They asked.
There was a spark of recognition in Bloodhound’s eyes, as if they already knew what I felt and wanted me to admit it. They put their weight against the bed, breath heavy as they stood.
I wanted an excuse to leave and the excuse I wanted was right in front of me, what I wanted to avoid.
“I’ll speak to you when you recover. I’ll be watching.” I told the hunter before disappearing out of the room through a puff of black smoke.
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Interspecies interactions
I’m just going to jump in and say what I feel is a not too popular opinion: I actually really like seeing this in transformers media.
Not necessarily as in humans/transformers, but there was a big massive intergalactic war and I like seeing how other species were/are involved in it. It helps give a feel of just how big and, well, intergalactic it was. 
It also helps that I’m a sucker for alien cultures and lore details too.
But yes, I’ve already talked a bit about their interactions with other mechanical species in some aspects, such as how we know for a fact that others were concerned enough about it that they hid spies within cybertronian ranks, some of whom may still be there.
As well as briefly about dire wraiths, but there really is a lot more to say, so that is exactly what I’m going to try do here! 
First of all, I’ll touch on the mechanical species a bit more. Aside from what’s been already said about them and their interactions with cybertronians, that is.
We know, for instance that the combined efforts of the stentarian and cybertronian civil war, the galaxy as a large is so technophobic that the black block consortia got away with wiping out an entire colony of minicons. Nickel being explicitly the sole survivor of that.
As far as we know, nobody’s really done anything about that. Unless any civilians or something did protest and we just haven’t heard about it.
The Galactic Council also shot down a Camien ship too, pursuing it right into Solstar Territory to do so. This is despite the fact they must have known themselves that this would have caused a diplomatic issue.
So it should be noted that the war also caused tensions between organic species too, in regards to how to handle it.
Anyway, point is: general galactic consensus is anti-mechanical being.
So I have to say, I cannot help but think the mechanical species that have not been involved in a massive intergalactic war, like the Catharsians, ought to be angry at those who have been.
It’s painted a massive target on their backs too for a galaxy not likely to bother to try distinguish that not everyone in this image is even the same species:
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And about those stentarians: transformers ended their war!
Wiped out billions of the ammonite faction. Just about all of them/ How do the stentarians feel about that?
The terrodores may be grateful, as we know the species isn’t above going for external help but...the ammonite survivors? There won’t be much with what happened, but there’ll be those like Paddox who for ever reason would not have been able to make it to the siege on Cybertron.
And the survivors will be going through the same sort of war -> peace adjustment period as the cybertronians are.
But in turn, cybertronians may also be angry about that siege a lot of them participated in. So who can say what general reactions would be like?
I won’t get into the spies again here though, since I’ve already talked about it before, but that in itself is a huge topic!
Now, about those wars that made mechanical beings so unpopular: a lot of worlds during the cybertronian one were cyberformed by the decepticons, wiping out the organic life residing on them.
But a thing is, not all of those species who were living on those worlds went extinct as a result of that! There were survivors who obviously either got off world before the phases came to their conclusion or were already off before they started.
For example, Megatron explicitly lists the Torkuli as one such people who the decepticons “wiped out”.
But here we see one in the background, modern day, as the Lost Lighters go visit a bar:
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So it seems there are rare survivors.
And the status of the Nebulan people is ambiguous too.
Their world was rendered in such a state by Thunderwing it had to be abandoned entirely by the surviving members of the infiltration team, such as the Scavengers’ Crankcase. But they were definitely an advanced enough species to certainly have some members off world and there is a chance that some on-planet could perhaps survived, even if very, very few.
So where do these survivors go once there planet is turned uninhabitable for them?
Are they on their own or do the Galactic Council help with reallocation/refugee camps or something like that? Do they band together even, survivors of these genocides becoming an intergalactic community themselves?
Also, now that the war is over and worlds aren’t getting shiny-fied anymore, are these guys going to want compensation?
I mean, Optimus Prime has been trying to make it up to Earth for what happened to them, but what about these guys? What happened to Earth still needs to be addressed and reparations made for of course, but it’s not the only or worst planet hurt by the war.
The fact it’s still even habitable speaks for itself in that!
If these survivors of decepticon occupation were to demand compensation from transformers they’d be fully in their rights to.
Now, it does bear mentioning that not all encounters between species during the war have been strictly hostile.
Some species also had more “mixed” encounters shall we say. Like that incident on Mir. Positive and negative representation I guess there? It never escalated much so opinion likely wouldn’t have been staunchly negative of the guys (although I do suspect Scorponok went back there some point but that’s a different topic).
There’s also how folks like Swindle would trade technology with some species and there have been dotted cases of scientists from Cybertron and a different species interacting for joint experiments.
Ethical? No. At least, not any of the examples we’ve seen so far.
But not the same level of bad that we’re talking about above and that might have tipped at least some guys’ opinions more towards the positive. Guys such as scientists, warriors and those in the black market who found such arrangements beneficial.
Post-war, with their being less risk, could any of them be interested in trying to mash technologies together again?
Then there’s also what Skids addresses here:
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“I persuade other races to support the Autobot Cause”
This is a pretty big thing to just throw in there! 
How did it go?!
The way it’s phrased gives off the impression at least some were successfully roped in. 
What other races? How did it go for them, are they okay? How did they contribute? How did you do it Skids? How did you convince them to be Team Autobot? Promising them things? Saying it would be bad if they didn’t help? The power of friendship?
Where are they now, now that the Autobots have won the war? They still team Autobot? Are they going to want to try re-establish a friendly relationship with Cybertron forces? Are there interspecies friendships still being maintained that resulted from these alliances?
That statement provides a lot of questions.
There’s also the more individual scale we have to address too. 
Like this here:
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I mentioned earlier a Camien space craft being shot down in territory of the Solstar Order. The sole survivor of that was a protoform who would become Stardrive, seen here with her teacher who I also suspect to have essentially been her Guardian.
In here, through what is essentially an “interspecies adoption”, we see an example of a transformers fully immersed in another alien culture, one Stardrive in fact grew up in and new nothing else but for several years.
Which is also a fascinating concept in and of itself. 
How would a transformers turn out growing up in a non-transformers culture?
It very clearly had an effect on Stardrive, who wound up identifying much more with the organic dominated Solstar culture her guardian raised her in as opposed to any mechanical one she belongs to by birth. Although it also had a very detrimental effect on her self-opinion too.
The question would also be quite intriguing flipped too.
An alien growing up on a planet with influences from transformers, which in a way I guess technically could count a bit more for Earth now, it being made a colony world.
Seeing how these different cultures intersect is something I think would be great to see explored more. I genuinely think it would provide more insight to cybertronian culture too, getting to see in what ways it clashes or is even similar to others.
Now, the last things I’d like to try address in this post are some misc post-war things, that didn’t really fit anywhere else:
First off, the Lost Light while not engaged in disaster after disaster have been helping out other races, organic ones included such as the Milarians here:
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“It’s already made the galactic bulletin”
So they’re gaining some positive PR. Doing good deeds instead of wrecking things. The Milarians certainly seem to love them for that, despite the fact their planet is almost certainly in either Galactic Council territory or very near it, which would usually suggest quite a different opinion. 
Which is nice to see!
Then there’s this little matter here:
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Soundwave here, to provide context and put it mildly, is very unhappy with the general approach the Space Knights have to Dire Wraiths. That being kill on sight.
He wants something done about it then and there, the only reason he holds off being because as there is a more immediate threat going on. Which is also strongly implied to be the reason OP is not wanting the matter pushed further too.
I would definitely like to see the Dire Wraiths, the in-verse termed “biological transformers” interact with these guys more. 
We’ve seen it in passing. Along with hostile interactions, there’s been the more positive too: interspecies Crankcase/Cons4eva boyfriends and a handful of other friendly members popping up too.
But there’s the matter that Soundwave addressed above, as well as why it’s only a handful of friendly members seen.
The Wraiths have a strict hierarchy. From what I know of it, there’s sub-groups and all sorts but I’ll put it as simply as I can: Sorcerer -> Soldier. The powerful magic users and the brutes.
The soldiers are very much treated and viewed as disposables by the sorcerers, something directly stated in the Rom vs Transformers series. Their being the bosses is in fact enforced as a divine rite too, the soldiers referring to them as “Your Holiness”.
Those who do disagree with them and the way things are done cannot afford to stick around. Simple as. The Sorcerers have the ability to “break” people from within so that or being killed is likely what happens. Conformity is priority.
It's telling that all the nice ones are either hiding or in Cons4eva’s case, legitimately being in such despair about his differences he initially wants to hop dimensions.
Now, I do feel that transformers should have something to say about an enforced caste system. 
So yes. With all this in mind, I would definitely think it fascinating to see these guys interact more!
Even Cons4eva and Crankcase touching upon these commonalities more would be great.
Side question too about these wraiths: We’ve seen at least one is capable of passing himself of as a cybertronian, even if his choice in which one to mimic resulted in that going poorly. The general rule is that most wraiths seem to be technophobes because of the Xetaxxis incident, but are there any others who are doing just that?
Just...hanging with some transformers. Pretending to totally be a transformer too.
So yes! Point of all of this long rambling thing is: there really is a lot of potential for interesting interspecies interaction.
Which is why I can honestly say is I’m a big fan of it when it does happen and would genuinely love to get to see more!
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