#Oceanic Flight 815
somehow-a-human · 5 months
Moonlight Serenade & Good Omens &... the TV show Lost...?
The music of Good Omens is something I have been ACTIVELY avoiding turning my focus on. The risks of hyperfixating and spiraling into it are HIGH. There are so many elements to get lost in, repeating motifs like Dies Irae, tolling bells, character themes... but I digress.
Could I hold out forever? no. and something finally pushed me over the edge. Wait for it..... Lost. Yep. The TV show Lost. WAIT WAIT, don't leave! STAY WITH ME! I promise I don't *think* I'm crazy and I have a point here!
Why Lost? And what does it have to do with Moonlight Serenade and WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH GOOD OMENS?! Well my lovelies continue under the cut with me and keep an open mind...
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Okay so... Lost. Yes, the insane 2004 mystery plane crash island adventure drama. It's a wild ride, and a masterpiece and a little bit crazy, but overall pretty damn good. I've been on a rewatch spree and wouldn't you know it... parallels between lost and Good Omens popped up in my brain! I mean they are both intricate mysteries so it makes a tad bit of sense but there was one little detail that *might* be a *clue*, or just an easter egg if anything. I promise you don't need to know anything about Lost to follow this :)
First off, what are some of the recurring themes that Lost the TV show and Good Omens have in common you might ask?
Life & Death
Alternate timelines & Time Travel
Literary Allusions (Catch-22, The Bible, A Tale of Two Cities)
Prophecies & Premonitions
Symbolism of Black & White/ Light & Dark
Yeah okay that tracks, but look there are 121 episodes of Lost and 12 episodes (so far) of Good Omens so there's bound to be some overlap for these two.
You'll be thinking about now, "BUT WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MOONLIGHT SERENADE?!" I'm getting there, shhh, lemme pet your hair gently and keep giving you background information to build it up shhhh...
If you've never seen Lost there is a very good chance you're mighty confused at this moment, so let me reassure you, you don't need to know anything about it to understand the connections I'm going to make. A brief synopsis is: Oceanic flight 815 crashes on an island. The plane crash survivors quickly discover the island is more than it seems to be and holds many secrets and mysteries. A lot of people die, most of them are murdered, it's giving Lord of the Flies if it was in the horror genre. That's honestly all you need to know.
Time Travel & Alternate Timelines
Time travel is cannon in Lost. It's super confusing and I'm not even going to try to explain any of it here. It's honestly just not worth it. If you'd like to try and read about it, the abridged version is here, but I don't think the details are important. Just know it's real and confirmed and exists.
Okay so, *SPOILERS FOR LOST WILL FOLLOW* In Lost season 2, episode 13 "The Long Con" two of the plane crash survivors are trying to find a signal on a radio they've found. While scrubbing they come across a signal playing Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. One character mentions it must be from somewhere nearby, but the other counters that this type of radio can pick up signals from anywhere in the world. There is a beat and then another character jokingly adds "Or any time. Just kidding, dude."
It's later confirmed that the Lost characters in 2004 are indeed picking up a radio signal from 1940 that is playing Moonlight Serenade, a product of time travel.
Congratulations, you've made it to the point where I'm going to bring Good Omens into the mix. In season 2, episode 4 "The Hitchhiker" we open seeing Aziraphale driving back from Edinburgh late at night/early morning. Uncomfortable with the darkness and silence he asks the Bentley to "play something that's got a bit of swing? I'm in the mood for something modern."
The Bentley obliges the angel, as she always will, and we are shown a shot of the radio specifically lighting up, so we know she's tapped into the radio to play this for Azi, but there is no channel selected.
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Compared to Season 2, Episode 3 "I Know Where I'm Going" when we see the radio is playing and does display the channel.
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But hold on. Okay maybe it just isn't showing the channel, that's fine, but Aziraphale asked for "modern"? Moonlight Serenade is most certainly not modern. It was recorded in 1939! I'd say in 2023 it's anything but modern, maybe not in Aziraphale's long lived opinion, but certainly in the Bentley's opinion, given she's only a 97 year old car.
I think you can see now what I'm saying here. I think the Bentley picked up a radio signal from 1940, maybe 1941? Episode 4 is of course our 1941 blitz magic show bullet catch flashback extravaganza, so... it makes sense. I know we like to headcanon Crowley and Aziraphale listened to A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square in the bookshop in 1941 after the bullet catch, but what if they listened to Moonlight Serenade on the radio instead?
What does it mean?
A reference to this small moment from Lost could be a nod to the first hint of the canonization of time travel in that series. We know Crowley can control time to some extent and we can see some evidence of time discontinuities and possibly time weirdness in season 2 so is it a hint that timeline funkiness IS happening? Do I want to get into the fact that the main character in The Hitchhiker, the Twilight Zone episode this episode is named after, is actually dead? No I don't, not now anyway.
Or it's just an absolutely lovely little Lost easter egg.
SO! There it is... weird little connection that I couldn't get out of my brain. It just seemed a bit too... ineffable.
As always this is all for fun and all for fans! Don't ask Neil about these things, they're for us to have fun with. And something else that I don't think some people on here understand about meta-analysis; the goal of it is not necessarily to be correct. It can be, if that's your thing. Refuting peoples posts, theories, analysis, and headcanons because you personally don't agree with them and telling them they're wrong and stupid doesn't achieve anything. Meta-analysis is an exercise in critical thinking and creative writing. You could write meta about how Spongebob is a critique of the loss of christian values in modern society and you wouldn't be right or wrong, you'd just certainly be a person who wrote that for sure though. Just, be kind to each other, share ideas, you're allowed to disagree with someone's ideas or have different ones of your own but don't be cruel in saying so, don't call someone stupid, that's just silly.
Love you all, do something kind for yourself today <3
ps. The moment I see Michael Sheen with blonde hair come January I'm gonna bark like a dog, that's all. Thanks.
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heronroseeros · 7 months
super incredible personal life-changing vital to me that Storybrook's clock tower is set to 8:15 aka Oceanic Airways Flight 815 in the Once Upon a Time pilot. Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis deserve a fun treat for that.
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w1ng3dw01f · 8 months
The Flower Called Nowhere And Lost
So, like, I need y’all to look at the lyrics of the Flower Called Nowhere by Stereolab with me.
“All the small boats on the water
Aren't going anywhere
Surely they must be loaded with
More than simple matter
Floating on top and gracefully
Tending to the same pole
All the small boats on the water
Going nowhere
Is it true that none of them
Will ever break free and sail?
Feel the night is made of rocks
The stagnant mass
Is it true that none of them
Will ever break free and sail?
Break free from the stagnant boats
Left in obscurity, left in obscurity
All the faces with their eyes closed
Giving a smile, weightless
Like a body that would vacate
To its own light
Is it true that none of these
Contented, happy faces
Will not ever hear a cry?
Won't hear a cry?
Is it true that none of these
Contented, happy faces
Will not ever hear a cry?
Filled with love, not with desire
Love, not desire
All the small boats on the water
Aren't going anywhere
Surely they must be loaded with
More than simple matter
Floating on top and gracefully
Tending to the same pole
All the small boats on the water
Going nowhere
Is it true that none of them
Will ever break free and sail?
Break free from the stagnant boats
Left in obscurity”
It reminds me of so many things regarding Lost!!
firstly, this feels like something Juliet would listen to because of Edmund Burke.
Secondly, with the lives The Others had on the island, like
they’re all tethered to the Island and to Ben if that makes sense.
Then, it also makes me think of how some of the 815 crash survivors never make it off the island.
Finally, it reminds me of how Richard specifically is tethered to the island and to Jacob.
I can’t not associate this song with this show anymore.
I would like to know y’all’s thoughts on this.
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justafanbutcurious · 10 months
Matthew Fox
Evangeline Lilly
Josh Holloway
Jorge Garcia
Naveen Andrews
Dominic Monaghan
Terry O'Quinn
Yoon-Jin Kim
Emilie de Ravin
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wickedhawtwexler · 1 year
when an actor from lost is in fringe
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acerebral · 1 year
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some people in the From subreddit keep theorising about why all of the characters come from america but no one ever says that maybe it’s because it’s an american show written by americans who never think about the world outside of america
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someonefantastic · 5 days
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LOST | 20th Anniversary ↳ On September 22, 2004 at 4:16 P.M., Oceanic Flight 815, carrying 324 passengers, deviated from its original course and disappeared over the Pacific Ocean. All passengers were missing, presumed dead.
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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19 years ago today, Oceanic Flight 815 crashed.
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i was once like you are now
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Word Count: 815 Pairing: Natasha Romanoff & Reader Warnings: Angst, injuries A/N: idk, this could be utter trash but I just wanted to write and post something again. Even if it's this short fic written in one go at 1am and then never reread, so read at your own risk lol.
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For so many years, it had just been you and Natasha. Sure, you both had other groups and other friends and lives of your own, but when it came down to it, it would always be just you and her. It was you and her who met on the first day of SHIELD academy, you and her who partnered for every training exercise and sparred together out of hours, and it was you and her who graduated together, taking your roles as official SHIELD agents, together. 
After leaving the dorms of the academy, the two of you moved in together -- a matter of convenience since you shared the same office. You accompanied each other on missions, becoming a formidable pair with your uncanny ability to work in sync as partners, often seeming to predict what the other would do before they'd even decided themselves. 
Truly, the only thing you didn't do together, was teaching. Natasha had one cohort, you had the other, and, with every class taught, the rivalry became more infamous throughout SHIELD. Scoreboards were set up, tallies were kept, and even graduated recruits maintained their allegiance to their academy teacher: one side or the other, as you and Natasha used your students to engage in friendly (but ruthless) competition with each other.
The history between the two of you was undeniable, and to just say that you 'had history' would be putting it too lightly. After all, that history had transcended your friendship and become engrained in the SHIELD values for the last few years' cohorts. It seemed infallible, unstoppable, everlasting.
You suppose that's why it hit so hard when it all came crashing down. And what a crash it was. 
A partnership so long, severed in the same amount of time it took for your spine to snap. 
Now here you were, in an empty apartment across the world from the newest Avenger. Clint will teach the new academy cohort; his group will rival Natasha's. She will continue with her life: a life of missions, secrecy, and public image, all simultaneously. She was picked for the Avengers, to protect the world, and you know that she'll do her job well, like she always does and always has.
You, meanwhile, will never walk again -- a phrase the medics said with such certainty that it left no room for hope -- you will never fight again, run again, spy again. You will never work for SHIELD again. 
The organisation provided for you, as 'a thank you for your service', but mostly because you were injured whilst working for them. They paid for your flight to New Zealand, for the house you now live in, and for the transport of your belongings from yours and Natasha's house to here.
You had to get away… as far from SHIELD, as far from the Avengers, as far from her as possible. Reasons for them to be here were few and far between, there would be no random drop-ins and check-ups unless the world was ending in the South Pacific Ocean. Finally, you could relax, drop the facade, and feel the emotions you'd refused to feel since it happened. 
You screamed, you cried, and you punched the wall hard enough to give yourself another injury -- one which hurt far less though than any of the others you currently nursed, physically or mentally.
Leaving SHIELD, getting injured... they'd never been in your plan, they weren't your choices, but the move was. Leaving Natasha was your choice. It had been your choice but that doesn't mean you can't miss her, because months later you still do. 
You miss the camaraderie, the inside jokes from shared experiences and shared life; the competition that was always more serious between the students than it ever was for you and Natasha, who at the end of the day anyways returned home together. You miss your life before, but you know you can never return. 
You don't miss the time after the injury; when you were told that full recovery wouldn't be possible and that your career was over. You don't miss when Natasha, who promised to take care of you, was suddenly forced into endless press to 'maintain a positive image' for the newly formed Avengers, lest she lose her job too. And, most of all, you don't miss the dreadful pit in your stomach from when you had asked Nat, your friend, the person you had spent years of your life doing everything with, about her day. She hadn't said anything, but the tears in her eyes had said enough. Because you weren't partner SHIELD agents anymore. She would still do it all, but you were now nothing more than a civilian. She didn't say anything because she couldn't. 
You used to do everything with her, now even the knowledge is classified. Knowing her is above your clearance, so you had to go away.
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General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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hyaenidaze · 4 days
Rest in peace to all of the victims of the tragic Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 crash. 20 years ago today, so many lives were lost in a tragic accident
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ljones41 · 5 months
"LOST" Retrospect: "Who Ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge?"
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Years ago, I had a written an article that speculated on which character from the ABC series, "LOST", was responsible for an incident called "the Dharma Purge". After a few re-watches of the series, I wrote this revision of the ARTICLE.
Seven years ago, I had written this article about a major incident on the ABC television series, "LOST". This incident happened to focus on the murders or "Purge" of the scientific research organization known as the Dharma Initiative. It happened on December 19, 1992; nearly twelve years before the series began and before the crash of Oceanic Airlines 815 flight.
In the Season Five episode, (5.10) "He's Our You", Oceanic Flight 815 survivor and later, time traveler Sayid Jarrah tried to murder young Ben Linus in 1977. In the following episode, another Oceanic time traveler, Dr. Jack Shephard, refused to treat the badly wounded Ben, who was near death. Eventually, two other time traveling castaways, James "Sawyer" Ford and Kate Austen, had taken Ben to the Others aka the Hostiles aka the Natives, a group of island inhabitants who served as its protectors on the behalf of the main protector Jacob, for treatment via Dr. Juliet Burke's instructions. Within a decade-and-a-half, Ben ended up ousting future billionaire Charles Widmore as leader of the Others.
Ever since the series had first aired, many fans had been uncertain of when Ben's tenure as the Others' leader had began - before or after the Purge. As I had stated earlier, the Purge occurred in December 1992, on the same day as Ben's birthday and during the same month as the Others' rejection of Widmore as their leader. Many fans and television critics had automatically assumed Ben had ordered the Purge. I have heard comments that compared Ben to Adolf Hitler. I have also heard comments that compared Ben’s younger self to a "young Hitler". Many people have claimed that it was Ben who had ordered the deaths of the Dharma Initiative members. However, I have my doubts.
During Seasons Three and Four, Ben had offered contradicting comments on whether or not he had ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge. In (3.23) "Through the Looking Glass", he had claimed responsibility of the Purge to Jack:
"Not so long ago, Jack. I made a decision that took the lives of over forty people in a single day"
Unfortunately, Ben had contradicted this claim in two other episodes. In the Season Three episode, (3.20) "The Man Behind the Curtain", he had said this to Oceanic survivor John Locke, while he displayed the remains of Dharma members at a mass grave:
"This is where I came from, John. These are my people. The Dharma Initiative. They came here seeking harmony, but they couldn't even co-exist with the Island's original inhabitants. And when it became clear that one side had to go, one side had to be purged, I did what I had to do. I was one of the people that was smart enough to make sure that I didn't end up in that ditch. Which makes me considerably smarter than you, John."
Ben never claimed responsibility for ordering the Purge to Locke. He had confessed to participating in the Purge. That same episode made it clear that his participation involved killing his abusive father, Dharma Initiative worker, Roger Linus. In fact, Ben also made the same thing clear in the Season Four episode, (4.11) "Cabin Fever", when he had the following conversation with another Oceanic castaway, Hugo "Hurley" Reyes:
HURLEY: So... This is where you shot Locke and left him for dead, huh? BEN: Yes, Hugo, I was standing right where you are now when I pulled the trigger. Should have realized at the time that it was pointless, but... I really wasn't thinking clearly. [Hurley steps back a little] HURLEY: Is that why you killed all these people, too? BEN: I didn't kill them. HURLEY: Well, if the Others didn't wipe out the Dharma Initiative -- BEN: They did wipe them out, Hugo, but it wasn't my decision. HURLEY: Then whose was it? BEN: Their leader's. HURLEY: But I thought you were their leader. BEN: Not always.
Interesting. He had admitted to trying to kill Locke in "The Man Behind the Curtain". But he denied being the one who had ordered the Purge. Also, Ben had been truthful when he told Hurley that he had not always been the Others' leader. The series had featured three other leaders - the ageless Richard Alpert (who eventually became the future leaders' advisor), Eloise Hawking and Widmore. Although some fans remain convinced that Ben had ordered the Purge, there are a good number of fans who hold Widmore responsible.
Thanks to a flashback in the Season Five episode called (5.12) "Dead Is Dead" - viewers learned that Widmore had definitely been the leader of the Others back in 1988. And in another Season Four episode called (4.09) "The Shape of Things to Come", viewers learned in a flash forward scene set in London that Ben had taken the leadership of the Others away from Widmore:
WIDMORE: I know who you are, boy. What you are. I know that everything you have you took from me. So... Once again I ask you: Why are you here? BEN: I'm here, Charles, to tell you that I'm going to kill your daughter. Penelope, is it? And once she's gone... once she's dead... then you'll understand how I feel. And you'll wish you hadn't changed the rules. [Widmore shifts in his bed.] WIDMORE: You'll never find her. [Ben turns to leave.] WIDMORE: That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again.
I found it interesting that Widmore had regarded the island as "his". And there were other aspects of Widmore that I found interesting. The Season Five episode, (5.03) "Jughead", had revealed Widmore as a member of the Others, as far back as 1954 (when he was seventeen years-old). As one of the Others, Widmore (along with Richard and Hawking) had participated in a previous purge - that of U.S. Army personnel, who had brought a hydrogen bomb nicknamed "Jughead" with them to the island. On other occasions, Widmore had this inclination to kill anyone he deemed a threat to the island's secrecy. He killed a fellow Other to prevent the latter from leading Locke, Sawyer and Juliet to Richard's location in 1954. The 1988 flashback from "Dead Is Dead" revealed Ben's refusal to kill Danielle Rousseau and her baby, Alex. Instead, he claimed Alex as his child and threatened Danielle to stay away. This decision had angered Widmore, who had expected Ben to kill both. Why were Danielle and Alex's deaths that important to Widmore? Ironically, Widmore finally got his way regarding Danielle and Alex, thanks to Martin Keamy, the mercenary he had sent to the island to snatch Ben in Season Four.
So, when did Ben Linus replace Charles Widmore as leader of the Others? Before December 19, 1992? Or after? The photograph below from "The Man Behind the Curtain" hints that Ben had remained a worker for the DHARMA Initiative during that period, despite joining the Others sometime in the 1980s:
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But had Ben assumed leadership of the Others by then? If not, does that mean Charles Widmore was still leading the Others in December 1992? Both the LOSTPEDIA and the WIKIPEDIA sites claimed that Richard Alpert had led the Others' purge against the Dharma Initiative in 1992. But neither site made it clear who had ordered the Purge. And "Dead Is Dead" never gave a clear date on Widmore's exile.
One would assume my choice for the man responsible for ordering the Purge would be Widmore. And you would be right. There seemed a good deal of evidence making him responsible. He had already participated in an earlier purge back in 1954. Ben had revealed time and again his willingness to use violence - even kill those he deemed a threat to himself or for emotional reasons. But the series had also revealed Widmore's willingness to do the same and especially kill in the name of protecting the island. And that included ordering Ben to kill an emotionally unstable Danielle Rousseau and her infant child. Widmore had also sent the murderous Martin Keamy to the island in late Season Three-Season Four to snatch Ben. He had claimed to Locke in (5.07) "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" that he had done so to give Locke the opportunity to become the Others' new leader. Yet, his words to Locke contradicted his words to Ben in London, when he had claimed the island as "his". This scene had occurred nearly a year or more after the events of Season Four.
There is also the matter of whether Keamy had another agenda - namely to kill any of the Oceanic survivors that remained. In "Cabin Fever" he had demanded Sayid reveal the number of other Oceanic survivors and their location. Fortunately, the latter had refused. In a confrontation with the freighter's Captain Gault, Keamy revealed his intentions to "torch" the island. Some claimed that this had been Keamy's angry reaction to his men being attacked by the Smoke Monster. Yet, in (4.08) "Meet Kevin Johnson", Ben had accused the freighter crew of plans to snatch him and kill the island's inhabitants. The only freighter personnel in the room - spiritualist Miles Straume - had remained unusually silent. In the following episode, (4.09) "The Shape of Things to Come", Miles claimed that Keamy and his men were around to serve as security guards for a captured Ben. But there was the revelation that Widmore had set up a false location for the missing Oceanic 815 plane - with a plane wreck and dead bodies included. This is merely an assumption of mine, but I believe Widmore had sent Keamy to not only snatch Ben, but kill the remaining Oceanic survivors as well to maintain the narrative. I found a good deal of clues that led me to suspect Widmore had ordered the Dharma Purge.
After watching the series more than once, I find it increasingly difficult to hold Ben responsible for the Purge. His actions against the Oceanic castaways had featured spying, kidnapping, harassment, threats and manipulation. He rarely resorted to murder - aside from his attempt to kill Locke and his order to kill Sayid, Jin Kwon and Bernard Nader during the events in the Season Three finale, (3.23) "Through the Looking Glass, Part 2". If Ben was truly capable of ordering the Purge, he would have wiped out (or tried) the Oceanic survivors after getting Jack to remove the tumor from his spine. The man had proved incapable of following Widmore's orders to kill Danielle and Alex.
In the end, viewers know that Charles Widmore had been the leader of the Others in 1988-89, when he had ordered Ben Linus to kill Danielle Rosseau and her infant daughter. Viewers know that Ben had refused. Viewers also know that Richard Alpert had led a group of Others in the Purge against the U.S. Army in 1954. He also led the Others' purge against the Dharma Initiative on December 19, 1992. On that same date, Ben killed his father, Roger Linus, in a similar manner – by toxic gas. And viewers know that Ben had eventually replaced Widmore and exiled the latter off the island. Personally, I suspect Widmore had ordered the Purge against Dharma. But I suspect it was an order he had not issued lightly, given the number of years the Others had been in conflict with the Dharma Initiative.
But I cannot say with any authority that Widmore had ordered the Dharma Initiative Purge. If we only knew exactly when Widmore had been exiled, perhaps this mystery of the Purge will finally be cleared.
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terryboot · 25 days
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My bullet journal set up for September - We've hit that point in the year where i start to run out of pages in my notebook but it'd be a waste to start a new notebook with only a couple months to go so I start to cram my calendar onto one page to try and save space lmao.
Lately we've been rewatching Lost and I'm having such a blast with it, so I had to make it my theme for the month. The title pages features the computer in the hatch with a number of quotes and references behind it.
The calendar is the beach post Oceanic flight 815 crashing. And the first weeky spread features a number of Dharma Station logos (very fiddly to draw, even with tracing the outlines first lmao)
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glassxrose · 5 days
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On September 22, 2004 at 4:16 P.M., Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, (a scheduled flight from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, California) a Boeing 777-200ER airliner carrying 324 passengers, deviated from its original course and disappeared over the Pacific Ocean.
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lowcountry-gothic · 9 months
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Lost Tarot Cards: Mr. Eko as The Priest.
Armed with a ‘Jesus stick’ carved with Bible verses, the soft-spoken Eko serves, for a time, as a spiritual leader to the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, building a makeshift church and doling out wisdom with either a scowl or a sweet smile. While certainly not without sin, Eko's own bitter experience with faith and doubt make him a wise man often capable of seeing past appearances and looking true darkness in the eye without fear.
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erikiara80 · 2 years
Stranger Things analyses and theories
There are clues everywhere. Like these possible "echoes" of other timelines: woman saying Jane! at the beginning of The spy, and another voice before El removes the Soteria in 4x07
Parallels with other stories
Byler-Polivia and other ST-Fringe parallels
Big parallel with IT-The Dark Tower: Will and the god-like Turtle
If Will is paralleled to the Turtle, El is paralleled to the cyborg Bear
Wayward Pines-Stranger Things parallels
The mystery of the only person who went missing before Will (1923)
More on the 1923 mystery, some interesting parallel with Ghostbusters
Ghostbusters parallel could explain the importance of the library
The mystery of the suicide in 1961
8:15pm, parallel with LOST Oceanic Flight 815
Will, The Last Dragon and the power of the Glow
Dark Crystal poster in Mike's room: a hint at Will and El connection
Will's vanishing and Laurie Anne's death (IT-the miniseries)
THEORY: a car crash in the winter of 1976 changed everything
Hints that there was a car crash in 1976 (Part I)
More hints at a car crash (Part II)
Hints that before or during the car chase someone was shot
TW: drowning and asphyxiation. What might have happened to El and Will in the past
Connection between Will, El and Saraha: Breathe!
- WILL BYERS: theories about powers, birthdaygate, his role in S5 
Will: S5 spoilers, UD and Nina flashbacks parallels, Will's connection to Vecna/UD
Hints that Will might have powers + paralles with other powerful characters
Will and the Mind Flayer in S3: another trap like in The spy?
Why Byler and Will having powers wouldn’t come out of nowhere
Vecna took Will at Castle Byers. The Demogorgon wasn't alone
Is Will in a Vecna vision at the end of S4?
How did El recognize Will in the photo?
Birthdaygate: he writers didn't forget Will's birthday: all the birthdays references since S1
Birthdaygate and Will the Wise
Birthdaygate: a different take + possible clue on the ST IG account
(A bit of) birthdaygate: connection Arcade scene in S2 and roller ring scene in S4
Will’s powers, Forever Clock and Cerebro (+ parallel with My Little Pony)
Did Will cast Fog Cloud in the tunnels in 2x06? 
Joyce really sees Will in 1x04: parallel with 2x05
The russian prisoners, the lab kids, Will, El and tears in time and space
Spiders and butterflies
All the signs in 2x07 that make Kali sus
Parallels and connection between 2x07 and 4x07
Kali, nickname K-street name for ketamine-the mean green and the green goo
Hopper, Ray Carroll and Alice as a slang for LSD
Terry’s memories are different from El’s
Hints that Jopper were a couple in the OG timeline
Connection El and Sarah: Shirley Temple, bonsai trees and Anne of Green Gables
Will, El and Hopper, a curious connection: the horseshoes
Why so many mentions of Barb in S4? Because it's not just about Nancy, Barb is paralleled to El (I need to update it)
Will and El parallels in 4x05
Another Jopper scene with hints at them being married
Hint that Joyce is the biological mother of three kids
Little parallel Jonathan-Will and Jonathan-El
Jancy’s first lie scene in S2 could be a parallel with Jopper and the curse 
Joyce and Hopper communicating with Will with or without words
Jopper sweet scene in Russia that could hint at Willel twins
Willel, Byler, Twelve and labyrinths
Willel and Twelvegate: Will, El and Joyce parallels
Analysis of the newspapers: inconsistencies are hints
Terry and Joyce connection in the S1 articles
Analysis of the Hawkins Post article in S3
Ray Carroll (S2) and the hidden connection to Hopper and Vietnam
Connection El-basketball article in 4x01
Something about Alice/Virginia's age
The cast
Brenner-Henry, Lonnie-Jon, Hopper-Will
A beautiful bond
Why Will won’t be rejected by Mike (about the 80s and queer love)
Keys, Willel and Byler
Mike’s respect and admiration for Will
Will’s painting is even on Dustin’s shirt
Analysis of 3X03: Byler and other theories
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agardenintheshire · 5 days
person on oceanic flight 815 who's a massive lotr fan realizing their plane is crashing
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