#Odin deity
undeadmagick · 6 months
a tip for beginners since it worried me when i first started: its important to note that while there are deities that are heavily connected to each other, you’re not obligated to work with both of them.
many people speak on specifically married deities (ex: hades & persephone, zeus & hera, odin & frigg). a lot of people refer to them as a “package deal” since they are heavily entwined. but it’s important for those just starting out, this does not mean you have to work with both.
as someone who works with hades, some of my offerings to him are related to persephone but i don’t worship her. in fact, when i had the opportunity to meet her and ask, she smiled and said, “you’re not mine”. we both mutually understood that we didn’t have a connection to one another but we have mutual respect and kindness for one another.
the “package deal” part is where i offer my coffee that is too sweet for hades so he said he’ll hand it to persephone instead. which is the cutest fucking thing btw omg
this is all just in an effort to say, please do not worry about having to work with two deities rather than one. don’t get overwhelmed.
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samwisethewitch · 4 months
When I'm listening to Nordic metal in the car and drive past two ravens (Odin is with me)
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chaos-bites · 6 months
🐎 Subtle Odin Worship 🐺
Educate yourself on Norse runes and their meanings; if you can/want, make your own runes using subtle items, such as bottle caps or playing cards (write the runes on them)
Study for school; do homework
Be curious about the world around you; be willing to learn about it
Research and learn about random topics that interest you
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Have a stuffed animal wolf, raven, or horse
Have imagery of spears, the world tree, or the Valknut around
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
If you're disabled, be kind to your body and yourself; have patience with yourself
Take care of yourself physically
Educate yourself on Norse/Viking history; learn about world history in general
Think of outside the box solutions to problems
Keep a journal of self-written works, such as poetry or short stories
Try your hand at developing new skills; do things you've never done before
Improve and practice already learned skills
Engage in activities that stimulate your brain
Practice standing up for yourself; assert your personal boundaries
Make a list of your personal strengths and accomplishments; take pride in yourself
Support animal sanctuaries and refuges
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Try to have a more nuanced perspective of the world and other people
Have an alcoholic drink, especially mead; if you can't do this, drink something you love; raise a glass to him
Eat a good, hardy meal, especially meats; eat three meals a day
Work on communication skills; practice healthy forms of communication
Practice mindfulness
Learn non-obvious forms of divination; cartomancy, pyromancy, shufflomancy, etc.
Read about Norse mythology, especially Odin's many adventures and experiences
Honor your ancestors; learn about your family history
Take time to yourself, even just to decompress; work hard but remember to rest
Write down your dreams; try to interpret them
Feed any local crows or ravens
Support veteran organizations
Be considerate towards veterans; don't light fireworks in neighborhoods, don't set off weapons near neighborhoods, don't ask about war stories unless prompted by the veteran, etc.
May add more later! For the time being, this is my list of ways to discreetly worship Odin. Take care, everyone, and I hope this helps someone! 🩵
Link to my Subtle Worship Master list
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skaldish · 6 months
Rereading the Havamal, and...y'all, it's literally just Odin telling his villain origin story:
"I once got drunk and it made me look stupid. I once spoke in haste and it made me look stupid. I once trusted a deceptive woman and it made me look stupid. So in order to never look stupid again, I became a powerful wizard.
Unfortunately, knowing the minds of men better than they do is a terribly lonely existence, so take my advice and avoid doing literally everything I did and you'll be content in life.
(Did get some fucking awesome magic powers out of the whole ordeal though)."
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cursecuelebre · 17 days
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“My imagination expanded, I became wise, I grew, and I thrived. One word chased another word flowing from my mouth, one deed chased another deed flowing from my hands.” Havamal 141 Óðin’s Wise Words
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bowldrips · 7 months
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7000 · 1 month
i got the clearest sign i’ve ever gotten of a deity reaching out and holy shit it was from odin
it was in a dream. i wasn’t lucid but it was vivid. the gist is that i was in a school for “troubled kids”, and at one point we’re sitting in a circle and being handed necklaces. when it’s my turn, i’m given one that says “odin” in the runic alphabet
at this point i’m lost, because i was expecting, or at least hoping to get the one necklace in the stack that said ᛚᛟᚲᛁ (loki). i asked in the dream why I was given the one with odin’s name on it, given that i haven’t formed any kind of relationship with the old man— and have honestly been intimidated by the prospect. the moment i spoke, i had a sort of understanding, almost hearing a voice, but one that spoke in meanings instead of words. it said something like “loke is ever present in your life, but at this moment you are being called to odin”… or at least, there’s something I’m supposed to learn from him.
and immediately after, i was woken up. literal perfect timing
i’m still processing this, because a. i’ve never had spiritual dreams before or at LEAST i’ve never remembered them and b. i have no idea how to even approach odin and i’m probably overthinking it
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personalpagan · 2 months
Odin plays chess. Which means, if you want any sort of valuable communication with him, you have to play chess, too. Bring with you skepticism, caution, discernment. Foresight and retrospect. It will take time—chess is a long, complicated game. Odin doesn't rush, and his moves won't always make sense when they happen. But, they all add up, and you have to watch to board closely to make sure you don't miss something.
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acrystalwitch · 11 months
I often worry about why the gods spend time interacting with me and other people.
I feel I am lesser than them, and like… why would a god hang out with a human?
But I think honestly..it’s just such a pointless question to worry about. I could wonder all day every day and use my worries to invalidate my own practice. but it wouldn’t change anything.
Because they are there nonetheless, because they have answered questions and prayers. And because I can feel their love and sometimes their displeasure too.
Whether I feel worthy of these interactions really is irrelevant at the end of the day. Because they are happening and I should just be happy for that.
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Maturing is realizing that your deities watch you maladaptive daydream while you walk in your room and think about your fav fictional crushes. Also embracing the fact you’re a walking little Tik tok for them 💖 yass, purr, I’m ✨HONORED✨to be a LITTLE TV SHOW in the making ✨hamster of entertainment for my Gods 💅
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undeadmagick · 6 months
hello. i have nothing offer. so here are some random memes i found that remind me of some devotees. (in the nicest way possible)
hypnos devotees:
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loki devotees:
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aphrodite devotees:
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poseidon devotees:
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lucifer devotees:
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hades devotees:
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apollo devotees:
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ares devotees:
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odin devotees:
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hera devotees:
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witcheroony · 1 year
Hail to the One-Eyed Wanderer
To the god of hyperfixations, of special interests,
Of the all-consuming craving for knowledge
Of the determination to make sense of the madness
As though your life depends on it
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skaldish · 6 months
Alright y'all, who can tell me about Odin? I've brushed shoulders with the Old Man a few times, but otherwise have limited experience with him.
It is for research purposes. :)
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cursecuelebre · 24 days
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All About Woden or Oðin
It’s going to be a bit long so I hope I won’t bore y’all.
Magic (Seidr or Galdr)
The elite which is the high class (historically speaking but he can still be worshipped by any class he doesn’t discriminate)
King of Asgard and Aesir
Father to men and gods
Air and Breath
Runes (which he gifted to mankind and sacrifice himself for)
Ravens, he has two of his own called Huginn (thought) and Muninn (Memory). Crows can be associated as well but accurately are Ravens.
The rune Ansuz
His spear Gungnir which will always hit its mark
A winged helmet
Sleipnir the eight legged horse, child of Loki. Horses can also be a good symbol as well.
Valknut a sigil that is representative of Death, Preparation, and Protection.
The Gungnir sigil which is a diamond with an X over in the center
Horn Triskelion which Odin’s gift of knowledge of poetry and mead
Poetry this can be written poems or songs
Wednesday or Woden’s day
His own set of books called Havamal which is basically Norse proverbs but it’s basically means “Words of The One Eyed”
Herbs/Plants/Trees: Ash trees, Elm Trees, Rowan Trees, Horehound, Parsley, Woad, Mugwort
Mead (Beer can be a good substitute) if you can’t get beer water or tea or coffee is fine
Meat (for his wolves it’s said that Odin doesn’t eat but drinks a lot according to mythology, but I don’t think he would be mad if you put some on the side for him)
Poetry or general music
Handmade items
Weapons (doesn’t have to be real)
Bird feed (for his ravens)
Crystals (it’s more neo pagan, but he likes obsidian a lot)
Devoted acts like writing, exercise, crafting, etc.
Any magical things
Anything associated with Horses, horses were very sacred in Norse culture. Pictures of horses, horse hair(if you can find any), drawings of horses, etc.
Ravens like raven feathers or skulls (please clean them well and ask the spirit for permission) but then again no need anything crow or Raven related same with Wolves.
Runes, bind runes, handcrafted runes, rune artwork, etc. any divination tool as well like a tarot deck.
Staffs or Wands
There is quite few depictions of Oðin in artwork but here is common scenery, he is an older gentleman with a long bread with one eye (the lore never said which eye was sacrificed).
His wanderer aspect: It’s the one I described earlier about him looking like Gandalf, a older man in a top hat or hooded in old robes carrying a staff. This aspect is of him traveling throughout the nine realms.
Warrior aspect or King aspect: He is in his armor, carrying a spear. Sitting in a throne with his winged helmet by his side are his two wolves Geri and Freki and at his shoulders is Huginn and Muninn who are essentially his messengers but very still apart of them so that they can see everything throughout the nine realms.
His hanged aspect: Which shows him hanging upside down from the world tree by stabbing himself while gaining knowledge about the runes. He died then rose back to life fully understanding the runes we know today which he gifted to us.
Sleipnir: Oðin attain Sleipnir by Loki, Sleipnir has eight legs and was Oðin’s battle horse and accompanied him throughout the nine realms most famously known traveling to Helheim to summon a dead seer for a prophecy.
There are so many but I’ll shall put the ones that are commonly used and ones I really like and forgive me for any spelling mistakes Germanic or any Scandinavian languages isn’t my first language and I have terrible handwriting.
Aldafödr- Father of men
Alfaðir or Alföðr - Allfather
Báleygr - Feeble eye, one eyed or flamed eye
Draugadróttin - Lord of Ghosts
Foldardróttin- Lord of The Earth
Gapthrosnir - One in a Gaping Frenzy
Gizur - Riddler
Ginnarr- Decevier
Göndlir - Wand Bearer
Gollnir - Yeller
Godjaðarr - God Protector
Grimnir, Grimr - Masked one, hooded one
Hangaguð - Hanged God
Gudan - Master of Fury
Haptabeiðir - Ruler of the gods
Haptasnytirr- Teacher of The Gods
Hárbarðr- Grey Bread
Hárr - One eye
Havi- High one
Jölföðr - Yule Father
Jölnir - Yule
Oðinn- Frenzy one
Óski - Fulfiller of Desires
Runatyr- God of Runes
Sigföðr - Father of Victory
Wōden- Master of Fury
Ódr - “frenzy”, divine inspiration, breath
Wilde Jaegar - Lord of The Wild Hunt
Karl - Old man
Long hat
Wise and Wisdom Granter
True Father
Spell caster
Shadowed face
Fool and Wise man
General Information
Commonly known as Oðin (frenzy) or Wōden (Fury) to the Anglo Saxons he is probably one of fascinating gods in Germanic/Norse Mythology. From the titles and attributes even the symbols you can tell he isn’t just one set type of God he rules and charges over countless of things.
Oðin was born to Borr along with his two brothers, Vili and Ve, Oðin is the oldest. All three brothers killed the first being in existence Ymir. Which they created the earth, sky, and sea from his corpse literally Ymir’s skull is the sky and his brain the clouds and his blood the rivers and ocean. Then him and his brothers created the first humans Ask and Embla from pieces of trunks of Ash and Oak. I should note that most of what sources we have Norse Mythology is from Christian sources so you might see some influences from Abrahamic faiths. Oðin along with his brothers Vili and Ve gave each of them a trait of life. Oðin gave breath of life, Vili gave understanding and physical movements, and Ve gave their senses.
Oðin is a god of wisdom, he is always eager for the pursue of knowledge. That is why he travels a lot. Once he came upon the Well of Mimir beneath Yggdrasil’s roots a Jotun who guarded the well who was the wisest being of all and his well and grant such wisdom. Oðin asked if he can drink from the waters. Mimir agreed but said he needed to give the well, a sacrifice, so Oðin did that he gave the well his eye that he can drink. From doing so he became very knowledgeable in the ways of magic, curing the sick, calm storms, summoning the dead, etc this lead him on to his pursuit of the Runes. By the way Mimir’s head was beheaded and to preserve his head Oðin put the head in herbs and sang spells so that Mimir can still speak to him.
Then another famous story was how he gain the runes. Oðin hung himself upside down from the Yggdrasil tree by piercing himself with his spear as he called for the runes. For nine days and nine nights he had no help but when the runes finally came to him he let out a cry falling dying. It’s said it was describe the light of the world going dark when Oðin dead but suddenly it light up again and Oðin came back alive with the knowledge of the runes. Which he generously shared with Mankind.
He is a god rules over Valhalla one half goes to him (those who die in battle) and the other goes to Freyja’s hall. He’ll lead dead warriors when Ragnorak begins.
He is the god of kings and rulers but he also is the god of tyrants as well
God of order but he does do some trickery like Loki.
He is a war god there is so many titles that have him in war context that is overwhelming lol. About frenzy, fury, spears, victory, etc. it’s also describe Oðin will bring war upon peaceful communities as well.
God of Death, he is considered to be a psychopomp
He is equivalent to Mercury or Hermes (Psychopomp, knowledge, share the same day Wednesday.) similarities between them are mostly documented by Roman historian Tacitus.
He is a God among the goths, Anglo-Saxons, Germanic Tribes, Norse, Danes, Swedish, Finnish, and Icelandic peoples
He is the God of the Wild hunt which along side him is Holda a Germanic goddess of winter and death, it’s said Santa Claus is partly inspired from him because after he is finished with his hunt will come around people’s homes dropping gifts in shoes. He is also known as the Yule-Father.
Oðin is also the god of magic of Seidr and Galdr, Seidr is like a shamanic form of magic that the Norse used. It involved divination, spirit work, chanting, spinning, meditation. Seidr historically was only socially acceptable for women to practice not men but Oðin is the one that taught men Seidr. Galdr is magic of chanting or singing, created the song to cast spells. He can send a person dreams and messages. He can also make witches go mad apparently.
He is able to summon the dead, make them alive again. 
Oðin is married to Frigga of marriage and justice and they had together Baldr, Hodr, and Hermod. But Oðin had many lovers and many children including Thor, Vali, Vidarr, Heimdallr, and many more. It’s also said that he had a relationship with Freyja even married her at one point before he disappeared however it’s not quite clear nor proven to be Oðin just speculation.
My personal experience
I will say Odin is a different type of God I encounter with. The best way I can describe it and it may sound weird but he’s like a fun grandfather. He has his wisdom and knowledge but also his sense of humor. He has helped me through a lot especially with anxiety and depression and burnout. Out of all the gods I have worked with he is the one that gives me the most dreams, the dreams are so beautiful and powerful I can’t describe them in full detail but involves magic.
Typically he loves any type of votive offering (creating the offering) like he enjoys regular offerings of course. But just using your free time to do craft something for him or do something for him he really appreciates. Writing your own poetry, studying, crafting, using your inspiration for workings, etc. divination or spellwork. He does play some playful tricks time to time.
Tarot cards I resonate with Oðin from my personal practice
Hanged Man
Ace of Wands
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bowldrips · 7 months
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alice-the-arcane · 22 days
Me: H-
Odin: You need to get the fuck away from that dude you've been talking to.
Me: Well, good morning to you too.
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