#Ok NOW I'm done
zhouxiangs · 10 months
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not me (2021) rewatch | EP 2: what the heck is wrong with him?
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the-nation-of-today · 2 months
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And in the end we found our stage We gave these words of strength
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mandy4ever69420 · 2 months
on all levels except physical, mickey milkovich is a lone star lesbian
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erelavent · 5 months
And this is the last thing I'll say about why the new Ferrari HP sponsorship (aside from supporting genocide)— The campaign is such a flop. It was such a missed opportunity for bisexuality lighting. Like, imagine if the drivers were bathing in Red light on one side and Blue on the other to represent the merging on the Ferrari and HP? That would have looked so fire and dynamic. It would have given great dimension and would have looked far less jarring than what they put out. Instead, the campaign looks like a photo shoot directed by Cookie Monster and inspired by the Twilight films.
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jonathanbyersphd · 4 months
POV: Steve just told them about the 6 piece chicken nuggets happy meal
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deltastorm101 · 10 months
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is it just me or does the wallpaper of the computer alan finds in initiation 6 look a LOT like the ending shot of alice's film from american nightmare
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dontcallmethuperboy · 2 months
CR’s Raven Queen & the old god of death: A History & Theories Part 3
Ok now time for the 2 crack pot theories. Everybody put on your tinfoil hats - its about to get weird.
This theory posits that the Empyrean is actually the old god of death and RQ’s child, and that Matt has further changed the lore around Empyreans in a way the audience isn’t privy to yet.
This can be split into two versions: the first is that RQ’s son was untameable and after he was sent to Pandemonium, RQ thought this was too much of a punishment and in an effort to get back her child she ascended as part of a long con plan to free him. 
However, sometime after her ascension, when she went to get the Empyrean he was already so corrupted RQ couldn’t bring him back to the Prime Material plane lest he wreak havoc on everything, so she leaves him there - not having the heart to kill her son, the only family left from her time with the old god of death
The second version is that the Empyrean’s creation was part of RQ’s ascension process. I don’t even want to touch this one with a 10ft pole but it is still a theory. Why don’t ya chew on that? Think on the horror of pregnancy ascension ceremonies for a bit instead of the state of current politics.
This feeds mostly into previous actually plausible theory #3. The Empyrean is completely unrelated to any of this and is purely an abandoned love child between a tyrannical god of death and another god.  He was dumped into Pandemonium when both decided they didn’t want to/couldn’t commit to the bit (of beng actual fucking parents) and was left in Pandemounium to rot. RQ didn’t know he existed, or didn’t care so she just kinda left him there too.
This explains why no one picked up the Empyrean from the Pandemonium summer camp but it makes me sad :(
No matter what I think there’s more to this family drama than just Betrayer vs. Prime when it comes to the Raven Queen. I’m excited to see what else Downfall has in store.
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I love so many things because they're the first- in general, too, but right now I'm thinking of Doctor Who.
I love Rose Tyler because she was not only the first companion but really the first character I saw in Doctor Who. It all started with her. I didn't even know they changed companions like that- for me it was her and the doctor - it was their show.
And of course I love nine because he was the first. I knew about regeneration but I thought I would never really see anyone else as the doctor. I was wrong of course, and poor nine with only one season was left behind and I don't know who my favourite doctor is but 2016 me would kill me when I say it's not him. But he was the first, and that makes him so special.
But there's so many firsts. I love Dalek because it was the first story that had me really worried, the first story that had me crying. I love Bad Wolf / Parting Of The Ways because it was the first time shit really hit the fan and the world was properly in danger and there were so many daleks and it seemed like there was no way to fix it, no way out.
We had daleks after that of course, but you defeat a dalek army once- the second time it's not gonna be as scary. It's never gonna be as scary as the first time you saw an actual dalek army.
And then you have the first regeneration and the first time I had to get used to a new guy playing the doctor. And I did, and three seasons later I realised it's gonna be even harder to say goodbye to this one because I ended up loving ten more than nine and I felt like a traitor.
They can't all be first but 11 is the first I accepted as the doctor within their first episode. If that counts for something.
I didn't get used to 12 so easily but he was my first "current" doctor. I caught up just before season 10. And now there's all kinds of firsts again because I'm so, so fond of season 10 because it was the first one I had to wait for, the first time I watched episodes weekly, as they dropped. Bill was the first companion I met at the same time as everyone else. And I can't even begin to describe my feelings about World Enough And Time. It was the first time I logged onto tumblr because Something Just Happened and had the collectively losing our minds over the latest episode experience. And 12 was the first doctor I had to say goodbye to in real time. The first time I waited for a regeneration episode both dreading it and barely containing my excitement. It was the first time I saw a regeneration scene that wasn't already part of fandom history. I don't know how to put it. It's not the saddest (for me) but it is the one that feels… the realest. Like it's not only a part of this tv show I love but an actual event, intrinsically connected with a certain time in my life.
And 13 is the first I saw announced, of course. The first doctor who was new for everyone. The first doctor where I had to try to guess what they're gonna be like from trailers and promo pics and stuff. The first doctor whose run I saw, from beginning to end, as it aired. And I don't love her seasons all that much, I don't like a lot of things about them, and I had a hard time accepting her as the doctor but there's still this sense of nostalgia about her because look at her. That's the first doctor I saw announced in real time. After the announcement I sat myself on the floor and drew her in that black hoodie we first saw her in, with the previous (9-12) doctors in some sort of bubbles behind her, and I still have that drawing on my door. And I only have one funko pop of the doctor, and it's her. I kept seeing it in stores and i was mad it was the only one they had- only the current doctor. But then they announced her leaving and I caved. And bought it just before The Power Of The Doctor as a sort of goodbye.
And now we have fifteen, and I'm amazed to say that he's a first too, in a way. Because (and i said this before) I didn't have my "oh yeah this is the doctor" light switch moment with 13, i just kinda got used to her. But I did with 15, in Boom. So now he's the first new-for-everyone doctor that i saw in a specific episode and went "Yeah. There it is. That's the doctor. I see it."
And that's just talking about New Who.
Cause then there's the first classic doctor I saw (In a story? 4. In a full season/ their whole era? 3) and the first companion which must be Sarah Jane because of New Who, and because the first classic story I saw was with her and 4. In a way it's also Liz, cause when I started watching classic who for real, I started with season 7, so Liz and 3. But Sarah... It's the same as with Rose. She was the very first.
Now that i think about it. I saw The Sarah Jane Adventures way before i watched any classic who.
Of course i love her so much.
And speaking of spinoffs and extended universe,
I love The Night Of The Doctor because it's the first time I ever saw 8, and I liked him instantly. Instantly. And then I saw the movie, and listened to his big finish stories (the first time I listened to big finish). I have such a soft spot for 8. I read my first doctor who comic because of him (A Matter Of Life And Death). I read it online, back then. Now I have it in my library, along with 30+ other dw comics. And books too. And don't get me Started on the books. I saw In The Blood in a bookstore in 2017. It was the first time I saw a doctor who book. I looked it over, and I read the first couple pages, and it sounded nice so I decided to buy it, but not then, cause I didn't have the money. And I passed that bookstore many times, and every time I looked longingly at that book, and one day I did have the money and looked for it and it was gone. Years later when I was visiting London for the first time, I found it at the who shop, and I did buy it then. I had read other dw books by then, so while it's not the first one I read (that was The Stone Rose) it is, I think, the one I hold dearest. And when I did finally read it, I really liked it, too. So it was worth the wait.
I dunno. It's taken me an hour and a half to write all this but I was sitting in my bed thinking how much of an impact being the first [something] could have. And how many firsts I can find only in my experience with Doctor Who. I had to write it down. It felt important.
Hopefully I can fall asleep now.
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tayloralisonswift · 3 months
gonna start saying increasingly fucked up things about cishet swifties but add "don't take this out of context" at the end of each post, which absolves me from any criticism
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lpsgirl109 · 3 months
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fanfalc-616 · 1 year
Hey so. Have a Cryptor that I drew a while ago and never posted <3
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(Click for quality)
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zhouxiangs · 6 months
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marley-manson · 1 year
other Hawk’s Nightmare thoughts, because it’s one of my favourite episodes and I still have more to say:
- The fact that Sidney eased Hawkeye’s fears not by reassuring him that he could cure the sleepwalking or nightmares but by telling him the nightmares mean he’s sane says it all. But also the implication that Hawkeye’s just gonna keep sleepwalking and having night terrors without seeing it happen again in the show is kind of funny lol, and why I headcanon that Sidney prescribes him sleeping pills after this. Like, you still don’t want to wander into the minefield at midnight, whether you’re sane or not.
- Hawkeye’s dad won’t let him have a bb gun <3
- I love Hawkeye calling himself a card-carrying skeptic and calling Toby Wilder just in case anyway, that feels very Hawkeye - skeptical but more emotion driven despite that
- “I don't believe in that stuff.” “Some people have extrasensory perception.” “I knew you were gonna say that.” One of my favourite recurring Hawkeye gags in which he denies/derides something and immediately/simultaneously jokingly plays into it. Same kinda joke as Margaret calling him childish and Hawkeye putting on an 8 year old voice to respond with “Are not!” or BJ saying he always has to have the last word and Hawkeye proceeding to deliberately needle him with it.
- The way this episode fits so well in the thematic thread of specifically Hawkeye and children is so good. Opening with Hawkeye upset about how young the soldiers they’re operating on are, comparing them to babies, which leads into nightmares of death invading his own childhood. The way it begins with Sometimes You Hear the Bullet with the twin plots of Hawkeye’s old childhood friend dying on his table and the underaged kid Hawkeye angrily sends home afterwards, then continues with Dreams and Letters and GFA... fantastic writing.
- Hawkeye deducing himself that the sleepwalking means he’s trying to escape <3
- “Actually Hawkeye, you’re probably the sanest person I’ve ever known. Fact is if you were crazy you’d sleep like a baby,” is one of my favourite lines, as a character summation for Hawkeye and as a thematic statement for Mash. It’s also a good centre for Hawkeye and Frank to revolve around as foils. Hawkeye is a stable guy in a situation that utterly fucks him up because that’s what war does, it’s not something that humans were meant to be able to take in stride. Frank is an unstable guy who loves the army and loves the war. They both end their time on the show with mental breakdowns, but Frank’s breakdown has nothing to do with the war, it’s solely about his own dysfunctional personal life, while Hawkeye’s breakdown is nothing but the war.
- Frank: There’s nothing in the dark that’s not in the light.
Hawkeye, in the middle of a war zone: Why do I find no comfort in that thought?
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budgiepunk · 1 year
i think another thing I don't like about verner vogel is like. If he didn't know sherlock was. SHERLOCK in the hotel, he definitely learned afterward. Iirc It's also only after sherlock tells him in the graveyard that he's back in cordona to process his mother's death that verner goes "ah but DID she die of tuberculosis? :)", which kind of makes me wonder whether or not he planned this whole thing.
Do you guys get what I'm saying? Like either he waited for sherlock to come back specifically to torment him (weird)
he saw (and recognized) sherlock, shrugged and decided that, hey, might as well fuck with the poor guy haha :) make him relive trauma he kept locked away heehee (also weird)
Either way this is all done to a guy who is just barely getting his other foot into adulthood, too, like. Grrr verner is a terrible little man
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aqours · 7 days
i'm sorry i just can't get. over that thing from earlier.
"i wish i read all the way-great"
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yusuke-of-valla · 15 days
Also gonna add that it's kind of a false dichotomy to say Yusuke's not poor he's just irresponsible with money because, putting aside that I think treating art like a frivolous expense is wrong for the situation, like if Haru impulse bought two lobsters no one would bat an eye, because she's rich
That's what being rich means, you can buy frivolous shit and not have to worry about anything
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