#Ok that's all
bmo0oo · 1 year
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Snap! Click!
I just wanna draw some of my fav AUs in the Omori vers gbdfhjg
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bumblequinn · 1 year
on a more personal note: death grips were and are a pretty major source of inspiration for my own music. not in the sense of "i like this sound so i'm going to ape it," but in the sense of "oh i can get this weird with it if i really want to."
a decent chunk of the music in SLARPG would have been a lot more restrained and self-conscious if it weren't all the death gripses out there. sophie, knower, joanna wang, wednesday campanella, KKB, lemon demon... these artists and countless others helped to show me that it's okay and even extremely cool to get weird with it.
i'm reminded of this comment on one of my tracks in particular:
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and look, part of me thinks this is more or less harmless, right? i even pinned it, because it made me chuckle. it's all in good fun! (seriously, don't go causing any trouble over a comment like this. i do not condone that kind of harassment.)
and yet - if i stop to think about it a second longer, i start to ask: what is this kind of joke really saying? "this sucks." "turn that shit off." and... i dunno, that feels bad, you know? i was bouncing in my seat grooving to that track when i was making it. i like what i made. that's why i made it.
every time i make music, i'm making something i want to hear but that doesn't exist yet. i'm incredibly, stupidly lucky that i get to do that, and that other people connect with it. but when the end result of that effort is a "joke" like "this is so weird omg, put something normal on," well...
even as a joke that's enough to make me second guess myself the next time i make music. it's enough to make me change the preview track for the album to something a bit tamer so i don't "scare off" first-time listeners. that feels like capitulating, and capitulating is the opposite of authentic self expression.
i have much, much weirder, more difficult and challenging ideas that i have yet to explore and put out there because i already feel like enough of a pariah just as a trans woman in the world.
i'd like to find the inner courage and esteem to create that art without softening its edges, trying to appease, or apologizing for myself. i think i'll get there. i'm already closer than i used to be. but seeing more people respect weird art, rather than quip about about its strangeness, would be a start. a girl can dream.
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b-ck3t · 2 months
Whiteboard with stranger hehe
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 months
Soap and ghost having to retreat on a bad op, and soap is infront bc ghost would never let soap be the first in line of danger if he can help it
And they're running, and running, and as soon as the think they're far enough away a shot goes off, the sound ringing through the air. But neither of them are hit
At least that's what soap thinks until he's got all of ghost's weight falling onto him. He catches him on instinct, and he can feel red, hot aj sticky in his hand. When he lifts it up, it, sure enough, is blood. And a gaping bleeding hole in ghost's back
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coff-in · 3 months
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this is what makes me happy
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justalilguyoops · 7 months
this is unrelated to my fics or saltburn but I just booked a role for this month......
i get to ride a horse!!! This is a big deal for me I was such a horsegirl you have no idea
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deliciousnecks · 11 months
all I hear is Kayvan and Harvey talking about nandermo, whatever Paul says is just white noise 😌🧉
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iztea · 10 months
Idk I'm bored what are your fav ships .. mostly bsd ?
i'm not that much of a shipper imma be very honest so i'm pretty dry in the ship department 😭 i like soukoku obviously, but i also like Fyolai, Ranpoe, Sigzai and uhhhh sskk dynamic-wise it can also be platonic i just like seeing them interact u feel me
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papermint-airplane · 4 months
I hate it when I have Ideas™ because then I have to figure out how to execute those Ideas™ and it becomes a whole big thing and I'm super drained but my Ideas™ are the only thing sparking any excitement in me right now.
So I guess I'm going to have to start experimenting with ReShades again because it's part of my Ideas™ (Is this getting old yet? Too damn bad, I'm not gonna stop doing it). It's just...you know...I have no idea what I'm doing.
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halfdeadwallfly · 10 months
guys guys guyssguysgusysuyuysuysus
david tennant
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kartsstuffig · 2 months
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did i ever send this guy here
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lostgreekchild · 10 months
work in progress (that I may or may not actually finish)
it's really rough so if you manage to guess what it is, you get a good job star
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vemrill · 9 months
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they are friends
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
Btw Orpheus!Ghost and Eurydice!Soap
Makarov killed soap and Ghost goes down to beg Hades to let him bring soap back. Hades allows ot under the condition that he mustn't look back once, having to trust that soap is following behind.
And so they go, and they go, and they go
And finally golden sun breaks over Ghost's freckled cheeks, and at last he may see his love again
But soap hadn't made it out yet. And Ghost had time for just a glimpse of soap's beautiful face before the hounds dragged him back down...
Ok goodnight im going to bed
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lydiaalin · 1 year
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