#Old is defo an exaggeration
all-things-de-niro · 11 months
Which child though? We can defo rule out Gia and I doubt it would be Helen or Elliott.
That leaves Drena, Raphael, Julian & Aaron in the suspect pool for this one.
I understand their anger but this is neither a good idea nor is it an example of good optics.
However I still say this case has got as far as it has because Chase is clout chasing and wants to humiliate Bobby D. Bitch should have quit the job years before instead of plotting and waiting for opportunities to gather petty bits of evidence. None of this should have happened and it should have been sorted privately.
I do think that Chase has exaggerated a great deal in a lot of her testimony (and her deposition) just as she used to take on chores bon asked her to do, pass those chores on to other people the. Take the credit for those chores being done.
All 3 of them, Bob, Tiffany and grace are going to come out of this trial with egg on their faces in some way or other.
They all handled this situation badly from the get go. And they are all to blame for the way things have turned out. But I was to god Chase’s incessant whining about her mistreatment and how creepy she found Bob’s requests for back scratches is really getting on my tits.
Bob mi old mucker, for £1000 a week I’ll scratch your back any time you want
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kentolove · 2 years
omg do u listen to kpop
I do! But not as much as I used to… these days I only listen to the kpop gg hags™ n txt lol
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xiaonesis · 3 years
Anime Rec: Daiya no Ace
if ya’ll like Haikyuu but never watched Daiya no Ace...you need to go watch it now.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Take You to Heaven (And I'll Show You All Around It), 1/2 (Rosenali) - Mattels
summary: rosé is sure the woman who orders coffee under a different name every morning is trying to fuck with her (not, as jan put it, trying to fuck her.)
It’s a Monday and Rosé feels like death.
She’s sure she looks it too, if she’s being honest. She woke up early– like five-o’clock-sky-still-dark early– nursing a spectacular hangover and then promptly rolled out of bed to throw up in her and Lagoona’s shared bathroom. She has a killer bruise on her shin from God knows what last night, and her head is still fucking killing her despite the off-brand Advil Crystal had handed her, whilst pretending she wasn’t laughing at her state.
Don’t let Lagoona convince you to go out on a Sunday, she thinks to herself, rubbing her under eyes to find pieces of glitter stubbornly clinging to her skin.
“Are you okay, hun?” Gigi asks her when she arrives at her job in their seemingly perpetually-empty café, arranging delicate cakes in the fluorescently lit pastry case.
Rosé groans slightly in response, lowering her forehead to rest on the cool metal of the cash register.
Gigi laughs, “and remind me again why you decided clubbing on a Sunday was okay…?”
“Fucking ‘Goona.”
She barks another laugh at this, reaching behind her for a pile of croissants Jackie had baked earlier. “Getting old?”
Rosé lifts her head to glare at Gigi, who, of fucking course, looks perfect as ever. Her ginger hair is pulled into a sleek ponytail, bangs neatly straightened into uniformity. Gigi is easily one of the prettiest girls Rosé’s ever seen, even in their decidedly unfashionable company-branded aprons. She only works at the café part-time, spending the rest of it at one of the best fashion schools in the city; her designs are always executed with excruciatingly minute details, Rosé knows she wouldn’t have the patience for.
“We open in ten, girls!” Jaida calls from the back, where she counts inventory with Jackie on her heels, writing everything down neatly in a notebook.
“Geege, are you nearly done?” Crystal, who’s wiping down tables at the front with disinfectant, asks. “Can you help me with chairs?” She asks when Gigi responds with an affirmative.
Gigi wanders around to the front of the shop, planting a chaste kiss on Crystal’s cheek when she passes her to grab the chairs stacked in the back. Rosé mimes stuffing her fingers down her throat with an exaggerated gag to Jan, who’s refilling bottles of flavoured syrup behind the espresso machine.
“Fucking ew,” Jan says rolling her eyes in mock-disgust to Rosé. “You hear that guys?” She says loudly, and Gigi and Crystal both turn to look at her, “your love is fucking disgusting.”
Crystal laughs loudly, tipping her head back so Rosé can see into her mouth. “Okay homophobe, whatever you say.”
Jan rolls her eyes, flipping the pair of girls off, who both laugh lightly. “First of all, Crystal Elizabeth, I’ve slept with more women than you have fingers, so fuck off, thank you very much.”
Crystal coughs loudly, which sounds suspiciously like dry spell, leaning over to Gigi and planting a kiss ending with a resonant smack, snickering when Gigi blows an equally obnoxious kiss in Jan and Rosé’s direction.
“This is a workplace, sluts!” Rosé sighs, “if I have to clean ass prints off those tables one more fucking time, I’m sending HR a very strongly worded email!”
Crystal roars with laughter at a red-faced Gigi, who ducks her head and tries to bury herself into Crystal’s shoulder. “It was one time!” She squeaks.
“And that’s one time too many,” Jan says with a pointed look at Crystal, who gives her a shit-eating grin in return.
Crystal holds her hands up in mock-surrender, “sorry mom.” 
Rosé cracks a smile at Jan’s outraged face, busying herself with filling a plastic cup with tap water to avoid being on the end of Crystal’s razor sharp tongue. Her head throbs as she downs the liquid, filling it up again as she swallows.
She checks the time on her phone, cursing under her breath when she realises they open in two minutes. Already she can see a woman standing outside their glass doors, clearly waiting for Jaida to flip their sign to Open.
“Opening up!” Jaida calls, coming out of their back storage room to open their door. 
Rosé shoots Jan a look that screams help me I’m going to kill myself, to which Jan chuckles, moving over so Gigi can dart behind the bar and work their espresso machine.
The woman walks in, bell tinkling as the door pushes open, a pair of dark sunglasses obscuring her features. Rosé plasters on her best I’m approachable, please give me a tip! smile, flashing her perfectly straight teeth, (thank you, several years of braces).
The woman doesn’t stop to look at their neatly displayed array of pastries, instead parking herself straight in front of Rosé.
“Hiya, what can I get for you?”
The woman flips her glasses so they perch on the top of her head, and Rosé feels like she’s taken a punch to her stomach. 
She’s unbelievably beautiful, even with slightly messy eyeliner and already smudged lipgloss. Her icy blonde hair is french braided loosely, and is curved over one shoulder. When she politely smiles at Rosé, twin dimples are embedded into her tan cheeks.
“Good morning,” she says with a smile. “Could I get a medium americano to go, please?”
Rosé can’t stop her nose from wrinkling at the thought of black coffee. Ew, she thinks to herself, grabbing a takeaway cup from the stack to her left.
“What? Not good?” The woman cocks a perfectly manicured eyebrow at her. 
Rosé looks up at her, in surprise. “Huh? Oh, shit, no, no, I just–”
“–Oh no, you’re good honey, I’m only joking!”
Rosé can feel the tips of her ears burning red at the pet name, a tiny thrill running up her spine. “Can I get a name?”
“Julie,” she says with another smile, the dimples in her cheeks making Rosé’s palms slightly clammy, as she grips the thick marker to write the name in her loopy handwriting.
The woman pays, thanking Rosé and going to stand by the pick-up point to wait for the drink Gigi makes way too quickly, leaving before Rosé can snap out of her daze.
“Julie,” she murmurs under her breath when their door swings shut.
Jan turns to her with a grin, “alright there Rosie? Looking a little flushed, doll.”
Rosé rolls her eyes, pulling her phone out of her pocket, opening the camera to use as a mirror. Her stomach drops; she looks just as bad as she feels, she realises with a loud groan.
“Are you kidding me?” She groans to Jan, “I just met the hottest woman I’ve ever seen, and I look like this?”
Jan shrugs, leaning against the counter behind her. “You went about as pink as your hair too, so…”
“Fucks sake.” She swears, running her fingers through her greasy pink roots. She’d sprayed dry shampoo in it this morning, when she couldn’t be bothered with washing and blow-drying it, but clearly it hadn’t much helped the situation.
She stares at her image in the camera, trying to wipe the already-flaking mascara from her lower lash line. It could be worse, she thinks to herself, at least she didn’t try and blend out last-night’s makeup again. 
“Babe, I think that’s not gonna help.” Gigi says, watching as she tries to fix her appearance. 
“Shove off, little miss perfect,” Rosé all but growls, irritation running high. Her head is still pounding, despite being momentarily distracted by the pretty woman.
Gigi pretends to busy herself, dusting non-existent coffee grounds from her pristine work surface. She’s smart, Rosé begrudgingly admits, knows when not to push it. The same, however, can’t be said for Jan, who’s already texting Jan about it on their Stephanie’s Child groupchat.
goona: bahaha sorry rosie <3
goona: defo my fault shouldn’t have dragged u out last night babes
“Can you not?” She whines at Jan, “this is so embarrassing!”
Jan shrugs, “it’s so funny though.” She teases, mimicking Rosé’s drawn out inflections. “It’s fine, Rosie, she’s bound to come back at some point.”
“Will she?”
Jan stands, leaning over Rosé to pick up their tip-jar just in front of the register. “She left a nice tip.” She says, pulling out the ten dollar bill. “That’s pretty hefty for a three dollar coffee,” she notes, putting the jar back down. “Must be for our impeccable service.” She says, flashing a teasing grin at Rosé, who groans again, dropping her head in embarrassment.
Rosé can’t pretend she isn’t a little surprised when the woman appears again at the same time the next morning. 
Jan nudges her in the ribs as she walks in, laughing a little at Rosé’s whisper to fuck off, please and thank you. But she says it with a smile, happily remembering how even her winged liner came out this morning, and makes sure to smooth any fly-aways from her curled ponytail.
She’s sure to give her the best smile she can muster for seven in the morning, butterflies happily swarming in her stomach, as the woman approaches her.
“Hiya,” she says, pretending not to have remembered her from the day before.
Her hair is down today, falling prettily in soft waves around her face. “Good morning,” she smiles; it’s all white teeth and dimples. “Could I get a medium americano to go?”
Rosé nods, grabbing a medium cup, “can I get a name?” She asks, despite already writing Julie on the cup.
“Naomi,” she says.
Rosé’s brow furrows slightly in confusion, staring at the cup she’s already written on. “Naomi?” She cocks an eyebrow, waiting for the woman to correct herself.
She nods, “N-A-O-M-I.” 
She reaches for another cup, writing Naomi on it, instead of the expected Julie. The woman pays with a smile, and Rosé is still too confused to notice the wad of dollar notes she slides into their tip jar.
Gigi makes the coffee, what feels like much too quickly again, and Rosé finds herself watching the door shut after the woman.
“I thought you said her name was Julie?” Jan asks when she leaves.
By the end of the third week, Rosé’s figured it out. It was, in large part, thanks to Jan, rolling her eyes and telling Rosé how it was oh so clearly a game, Rosie, followed by both Crystal and Gigi’s insistence that she’s flirting with you!
She’s cycled through Kristen and Tracy and Laura and Rebecca and Violet, introducing herself as a new person every morning. Rosé started having a medium cup at the ready every morning, marker poised to scrawl whatever name she picks for the day.
“So,” Gigi says in the late afternoon, leaning her head against Rosé’s shoulder. “When are you gonna ask her?”
Rosé turns her head to look at her, “ask her what?”
Jan, who’s cleaning their blender, sighs loudly, putting her cloth into the sink and looks over at them. “Her name, dipshit.”
Rosé shrugs noncommittally,  “I like our dynamic.” She lies. She doesn’t want to admit how flustered she makes her– the butterflies at the pit of her stomach have only seemed to multiply, taking flight even at the mere thought of her bleached hair. 
Rosé never considered herself to be anything less than straightforward; she’s never had any sort of problem coaxing pretty women in bars to come home with her, and she’s definitely never had any trouble telling them exactly how to curl their fingers inside her to make her see stars. But The Woman, as they’ve dubbed her with a capital T and W, makes Rosé feel like she’s a middle-schooler, desperately trying to hide her first crush from everyone.
“I’m just saying maybe you could… y’know…” Gigi starts.
“I could what?”
“Get some pussy?” Jan suggests with a laugh, “Lagoona says it’s been a while.”
Rosé blushes high in her cheeks, “Lagoona doesn’t know shit.” She lies again, thinking back to the last girl she brought back with her seemingly months ago.
Jan arches an eyebrow at her, but doesn’t say anything, choosing to turn back to her sink instead. 
“How’s school?” Rosé asks Gigi, trying to casually change the subject whilst opening their register and grabbing a sticky note to note down their cash.
Gigi starts a long spiralling story about her midterms and the designs she’s trying to get Crystal to model for her, interjecting her speech with explanations of her school’s system of grading, coupled with descriptions of their intense assignments. It makes Rosé’s head spin, and for once she’s glad to have finished at her theatre school a handful of years ago.
Somewhere during Gigi’s tirade, the bell at the door goes off, welcoming in a new customer, unbeknownst to Rosé, until someone is awkwardly clearing their throat in front of them.
“Hi, sorry, how can I–” She stops mid sentence when she realises it’s her. “Oh, it’s you,” she says with a laugh that’s much too breathy. Calm down, she tells herself in an attempt to stop her palms from sweating.
“It’s me,” The Woman says with a smile. 
“You’re not usually– erm, it’s, uh, afternoon, and you’re usually, uh, y’know, morning.”
“Yeah,” she laughs, “I know. I just, er… wanted a coffee.”
“So, uh, what can I get for you?” She asks, already reaching for the medium takeaway cup.
“Can I get an americano? Having here?”
“Oh,” Rosé puts back the takeaway cup, “yeah of course. Can I get a name?”
She smiles, and Rosé wants to drown in her dimples, “Karen.”
Rosé snorts as she plugs in the name on the order, “Karen huh?”
The Woman gasps loudly in a mock-protest, placing a delicate hand over her chest in disbelief. “You don’t think I could be a Karen?”
Rosé grins, letting her eyes pass over her once. No fucking way was she a Karen of any sort. “So sorry ma’am, let me grab my manager for you,” she says with her eyes twinkling, beginning to turn around in an act of looking for Jaida.
She spins back around on her heels, eyebrows raised quizzically. “Sorry?” 
“That’s my name,” The Woman smiles softly,, “Denali.”
“Denali? Like the mountain?”
“Like the mountain.” She looks at Rosé, “why don’t you ever wear one of those, uh, nametags?” Rosé looks down at her apron with a shrug. “Y’know,” Denali continues, with a shy smile, “so I’d know the name of the pretty girl who takes my shitty coffee order every morning.”
Rosé’s face burns red– she can practically feel it radiating heat. Pretty girl. It reverberates around in her skull, making her feel a little dizzy for a second. “Rosé.” She stammers out, waiting a beat too long to reply. “It’s Rosé.”
“Like the wine?”
"Like the wine.” She confirms with a smile, her face still as pink as her bubblegum hair.
“Two dollars right?” Rosé looks at her dumbly, “like, erm, for the coffee?”
“It’s on the house!” Jan says over her shoulder, shooting a shit-eating in Rosé’s direction.
“Oh! Uh, are you sure?”
Rosé nods awkwardly, and Denali responds with a thank you so much , before wandering off to find a seat in the fairly empty café.
Denali. Rosé lets herself roll around the sound in her mouth for a second like it’s a caramel. Denahlee, she thinks to herself, stretching each syllable like taffy. She thinks it might be the sweetest sound she’s heard in a while. If she leans forwards, she can see her (Denali, she thinks to herself, Denali) sitting up on their bar that faces the window, a book held open in front of her.
Jan sidles up to her side with a knowing smile. “You’re welcome Rosie.”
“For giving her a free coffee so we get no commission?” Rosé jokes, trying to play it cool even though her heart is still beating like she’s just run a marathon.
“She clearly came in to see you, dumbass,” Jan says with a smile, watching Gigi click the grounds-filled portafilter into the basket.
“She told you her real name!” Gigi adds as they wait for the espresso shot to fill. “That’s, like, something, y’know.”
“She called you pretty!” Crystal reminds her from the pastry case she’s doing a half-hearted job of rearranging. 
Rosé sighs, “okay guys, I really don’t need this whole peanut-gallery thing– can you please get your big noses out of my life.” 
“Oh puh-lease, not a chance diva!” Jan says, already typing furiously on her phone.
Rosé feels her own phone buzz in her pocket, pulling it out to read the handful of texts Jan’s already sent to Jan through their groupchat. She groans at Jan, who gives her a nonchalant shrug in response.
“Do you want to take it to her?” Gigi asks as she pushes the steaming coffee mug towards her. 
“Please just fucking take it to her, Rosie.” Jan whines. “Let me live vicariously through your love life!”
Rosé laughs, rolling her eyes as she picks up the saucer the mug is on, careful not to touch the hot ceramic. She walks it over to Denali, putting it down in front of her with a smile. Denali thanks her with a grin, turning back to her book and letting Rosé sulk back to her job, trying to come up with witty conversation starters in her head.
Denali sits in the café for a half hour before she gets up again to order another americano from Rosé.
“Can I get one of those little cake things too?” She asks, pointing at a miniature cake Jackie had neatly piped pink rosettes onto. Crystal pulls it out of the case onto a plate for Rosé to pass to her. “How much?” She says pulling out a wallet from her bag.
“On the house,” Rosé says, offering her a smile.
“No, c’mon, you have to let me pay for something–”
“–It’s fine, it’s on the house–”
“–I feel like I have to give you something,” she opens her wallet, “please?”
“You could give her your number,” Jan pipes up from the back with a laugh.
Rosé doesn’t believe in God, but if she did, right now would be just the time to pray for the ground beneath her feet to split open and swallow her up. Please God, just take me.
“Do you have a napkin?” Denali asks, snapping Rosé out of her momentary prayer. “And, like, a pen?” When Rosé doesn’t move to get one, Denali gives her a look that Rosé is sure is asking her if she’s hard of hearing. “For, uh, my number…?” She trails off, looking a little embarrassed.
Rosé’s mouth goes completely dry, and her hands reach for a napkin and a pen on their own accord. Before she knows it, Denali’s handing it back to her, a phone number written on it in chicken-scratch handwriting.
“Maybe you could take me out sometime?” She says with a laugh bubbling in the back of her throat, throwing Rosé a playful wink. “Thanks for the coffee, gorge.”
Rosé’s heartwhiz-bangs in her chest, and she’s sure she’s gone to heaven.
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sammygiddings · 4 years
I also have an UD question. So we see Emily pushing Ashley into the wall when they run away from the wendigos in the last chapter, which was probably a reaction to her anger towards Ashley, because Ashley supported Mike's idea of shooting her. How would their relationship work after all? Emily's and Ashley's. We know Ashley feels sorry for reacting that way, but could Emily ever look her in the eyes without wanting to slap her? Ok, I exaggerated, but you know what I mean.
Honestly, I wish i could say that there was some obvious, answer like “Of course they’d make up one day” but I don't see it like that. To be frank I don’t think Emily was in the wrong in any way towards Ashley following the bite. Even the push, I mean its basic instincts to do something like that when you are panicking and believe you are about to die (see drowning victims trying to drown the people trying to help them). Ashley clearly acted out of a place of panic and didn't actually want Mike to shoot Emily, she just wanted Emily gone to keep the group safe (see how Ashely’s friendship with Mike falls to zero after he shoots her). Neither are in the wrong with how they acted, which make the deterioration of their friendship even sadder. (This got long Meta so we doing a read more lol)
I, if I were Emily, would probably never trust Ashley again following that, and I would avoid her at all costs, cause she’s shown that when push comes to shove, she’d pushed me into death just to save herself. I think the gang will all stay together and will just always be connected due to their trauma and knowledge of the supernatural. So I do believe Emily would be very angry for a long time and refused to speak to Ashley when they are in the same room, but I think eventually she will get over it and they will be on better terms later. 
I don't know if they’d ever become friends again. I do think it's more likely than Emily becoming friends with Mike again after though. Even if they do, it won't be the same friendship as before, but I could see them finding a way to look past their issues if only to keep conflict outta their little friend group of traumatized kids. 
I think mostly why I feel this way is because if we look at Emily in the start of the game (chapters 1-2) I think it’s pretty obvious Emily has some form of trust issues going on. She demands absolute trust from others (ie Matt) but at the same time is struggling with the fact her best friend is now dating her ex BF (who i think Emily still loves but that's a me opinion). She might be cheating with him (we actually never get confirmation on this. It’s implied but a hug isn't cheating fam so like.... yeah? what was going on there). And THEN Ashley turns on her and the MAN SHE LOVES pulls a gun at her and threatens to shoot her in the face. 
Even if you think me thinking Emily has trust issues in the beginning is BS she definitely does at the end (X). So she will defo never fully have the trust again with Ashley. I could see Ashley trying really hard to make it up to her and apologize and TRY to fix things out of guilt, but I think eventually Ashley would realize she did all that she could to fix it and its Emily’s job now to decide if she will forgive her or not. 
Its sad cause while trauma can bring people together (Like Josh says lol) it also can cause people to do things they would never normally do. This Life or Death situation showed Mike’s true colors (an overall good guy who wanted to protect others) but it also causes people like Ashley to become something they would never become in any other circumstance. Its not fair for us as outsiders to judge Ashley’s actions as an 18-year-old girl who thought a psychopath was after her, and then it turned out to be a wendigo. But it is Emily’s place as a victim of her actions to judge Ashley. So please don't have anyone bashing either in the tags or on comments, please.
tldr: They’d probably get to a better place where they can be civil and maybe even have fun again together, but that trust is long gone, and that’ll stop them from ever TRULY being good friends again.
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cherryyharryy · 5 years
I’ll Be Okay
Warnings: Smut
The interpretations of Dreams, Sigmund Freud. Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch, Henry Miller. The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck.
It looks like the books are moving. The bed is creaking, an awful, rusted squeaking sound that I’ll remember for years. Sweat is building up in the same places as when I wake in the middle of the night in August. But I can’t get up to stumble across the room to turn the fan on. It looks like the books are moving, but it’s just me.
When I look down I can hardly see my body; he’s covering up so much. I wonder if my sweat bothers him. I guess not, because then he might get off.
Moby Dick, Herman Melville. The Order of Time, Carlo Revelli. A Journal of the Plague Year, Daniel Defoe.
It’s like the books are shaking now. And he’s grunting now. When he stops and pulls out, I realize how dehydrated I am, because it takes too long for relief to register in my brain. And then once it does, it’s too late. I’m flipped over like a doll.
It’s almost two AM. I watch the second hand for an entire revolution. What time was it when I got here? How did I get here?
He said, “I’ve been watching you all night.”
I said, “I just got here.”
I remember the drink he gave me. I poured it out. I pretended to take a sip and then poured it out. And you might think I was being too nice to a guy who thought complimenting my eyes was enough, but it was done out of habit. He couldn’t even see my eyes.
The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, Peter Weiss. The Hound of the Baskervilles, Arthur Conan Doyle. The Holy Bible.
He’s good at what he does. He’s patient. He starts with sweet names. Then it’s a hand on your knee. And you think, it’s just my knee, I’m okay. Then a hand on your back, rubbing your neck, thumb on your cheek. I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.
He brought up his apartment like it was a new idea. Like people didn’t visit other people and he’s the first one to think of it. He tugged me off my stool, and I forgot how to say no.
The wallpaper is torn by the door. It’s some God awful print from the 70’s. I smell alcohol. His mouth is by my ear. No, I don’t like that you bastard. I’m okay. I’ll be okay.
And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, Jack Kerouac and William S. Burroughs. History of the Rain, Niall Williams. Eleven Poems, Seamus Heaney
The lights are off and there’s a lava lamp on his desk. All my clothes are on the floor. His are still on. My arms are weak, and I fall onto his bed. My face is pushed into the sheets. Not even the pillow. I don’t even get a pillow.
More sweat, accumulating on my skin, like swarms of mosquitoes landing and sticking to me. More and more. I can’t breathe. It hurts. I hate him. I want to die.
He studies English. He wants to travel. He went to Japan three years ago and he’s never been the same. He’s thinking about going vegan. It’s amazing how many facts a man will tell you about themselves when they can’t take their eyes off your breasts. And apparently, I feel so fuckin’ good. I wouldn’t know
I like to read too. Why did I tell him that? Why did I offer anything up? Checkmate. He had me. I opened the door for him. He plowed through before I could step out of the way. You should come over and see my collection. I think you’ll like it.
The Hobbit, J.R.R Tolkien. War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov.
A very boring city sits outside the window; I have a view now. I’ve been placed ever so delicately on the edge of his bed. The squeaking is worse now. And the headboard bangs against the wall. It’s an old, chipped gold railing type. I’ve hit my head three times so far. I said shit each time and he said nothing.
It’s so dark out I can pretend I’m anywhere. Just a skyline of buildings. New York, London, Paris. I’ll be okay. Paris. I’m in Paris. If I squint, the water tower can be the Eiffel Tower. The power plant...the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I’m in Italy now. Maybe—
“I’m so close.”
The sounds he makes when he’s finally finishing, are, without exaggeration, revolting. And then as he’s zipping his jeans he’s humming. Rocket Man. I’ll have to remember to delete it off my playlist. I’m surprised—dumbfounded—when he tosses the condom in the trash. I hate that I can’t remember him ever putting it on.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens. Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business, Neil Postman and Andrew Postman.
I pick up my clothes piece by piece. They burn when I slide them on.
Television: Seeing by Wire or Wireless, Alfred Dinsdale. Watership Down, Richard Adams. The Midnight Watch: A Novel of the Titanic and the Californian, David Dyer.
“You weren’t lying,” I say, scanning the bookshelf now that they’ve stopped moving.
“‘Course not.”
The Stories of Anton Chekhov, Anton Chekhov. The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce.
He moves past me, the bathroom door shutting a moment after. I step back to see the top shelves.
The Odyssey, Homer. The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri.
I said yes. To everything. I can’t really blame him for hating myself. I reach up and slip Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, off and fan the pages under my nose. The bathroom door starts opening, and I shove the book into the waistband of my pants.
“You wanna stay? Smoke a little?”
“No, I’m just gonna go.”
The Sound and the Fury, by William Faulkner. To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee. The Trial, Frank Kafka.
He says something else, but I’m already passing by his couch. “Thanks for the book,” I whisper. “I’ll add it to my own collection.” You should come see it sometime.
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legacykills · 2 years
FELIX/LEE YONGBOK. CIS MALE. HE/HIM. presenting PRINCE CHAEHWI, TWENTY-ONE YEAR OLD FIREBENDER and SECOND IN LINE to the throne. ASTUTE yet GUARDED, they find themself APPREHENSIVE of fire lord chaesan’s reign. will this be their salvation or their undoing ?
hewwo audie here just reposting with some quick updates given the latest plot drop (i figure fleshing it out will help me better place hwi’s headspace!!) per usual, like to plot :D you can also ref the old intro here
tldr: hwi essentially grew up babied as the youngest in his family (+weak body and all), his health took a turn for the worse in his mid-to-late teens and his freedom was greatly restricted, even more so when the fire lord crowned him crown prince and assigned him his own bodyguard/retainer (hate that), really struggled with the responsibility but toughened up b/c he Had To and now :))) And Now he’s being booted out of the spot (hate that more(?)) 
cue disaster:
ok disaster is an over-exaggeration
he’s not lashing out (where it’s obvious anw), but hwi 100% dnl this turn around,, still he has to keep up with pretenses so if anyone’s asking he’s :) oh well whatever teh fire lord thinks is right :) ((which further fuels people’s opinions of him being some spineless puppet if you ask me))
anyway hes defos mad and tearing his room apart like a child and he’ll likely yeet outta there with blue first chance he gets
im not sure what kinda turn this’ll take w his personality/views/attitude toward the royal family but essentially he’s really not on chaesan’s side rn 
probably on his way to his rebel emo period lmaoOO 👊👊
im really tryna figure out possible plots/etc but since i’m not sure where the last plot drop going yet i’ll just play things by the ear !!!
anw plsplspls plot thank u
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hetmusic · 5 years
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UNSIGNED: THE KTNA | The Most Radicalist x BBH Global
In this interview feature, we get to know the most radicalist up and coming stars on the planet. This time we caught up with the Kenyan-born, Manchester-bred and now London-based duo The KTNA. Most of us will be familiar with the inevitable descent of disillusionment with our hometown. It’s a universal experience that The KTNA captures to other-worldly effect in their most recent single ‘OWT’, short for ‘One Way Ticket’. Their music is a captivating combination of R&B, trip-hop and future-soul, all glued together by pure grit, determination and an unparalleled love for their craft. As you’ll discover in the interview below, sisters Hope and Millie Katana don’t cast off their Northern roots, in fact they owe a lot to their childhood in Manchester. It’s more the case that growth sometimes calls for upping those roots and planting yourself down somewhere new. The song and video for ‘OWT’ was written around a pivotal time for the sisters, living in Manchester, lacking inspiration and selling their furniture for extra income. As the old adage goes… should they stay or should they go? In case the answer wasn’t already apparent, the pair upped sticks and left for London. However, the trials of The KTNA wouldn’t be over just yet. With little money and no place to live, a friend of the band offered them a studio to record in for free, one that doubled up as a place to live. What ensued was a year of sleeping on the floor of a windowless studio with their respective twin sister. It was throughout this particularly testing time that they finalised and recorded their soon-to-be-released Life Under Siege EP.   It’s safe to say that The KTNA has been through the fire over the years, as is the experience of so many unsigned artists. Now, these flames have been lit under their project which has the explicit aim “to break all the boxes that have been handed down to us by no faults of our own. As overly sexualised, dual heritage, working class women from the North, we want to show the world that anything is possible.” In closing, they impart yet more refined wisdom: “We can be whoever we choose to be. You can change the world no matter how small you THINK you are.” It’s at our core to continue supporting the rising, the unsigned, the names we believe that are on the cusp of greatest, The KTNA clearly being one of them. Get to know Hope and Millie a little better below.
TMR: Let’s dive right in and talk about the new Life Under Siege EP. What does this release represent for you? This release is the freedom we’ve been seeking for many years now. It marks the end of a very long chapter in our lives and we hope it is a good introduction to the world we’re trying to create, through music. TMR: What are some of the themes that run through the EP? Life Under Siege is about the struggle and hustle of this crazy human experience we’re all currently living. We’re as brutally honest as possible with our writing, especially when discussing our own mental health throughout. We don’t really class ourselves under any genre, so we tried to keep the subjects of the songs as real and consistent as possible. TMR: We recently shared the apocalyptic video for ‘OWT’, which appeared to be an exaggerated retelling of living through tough time and wishing to be elsewhere? Absolutely. I’m sure everyone’s had a moment in their lives where they wished everything was different, that you could weather the storm and end up somewhere  completely different. Yeah, that was our lives daily for a long time. So we thought we’d make a visual with that thought in mind, and honestly with the help of a small village, we made it come to life. TMR: Has music always managed to provide an escape? Definitely, for as long as I can remember. One of my first ever musical “experiences” was whilst watching The Prince Of Egypt as a young kid. I remember the minute the music and film started it swept me far, far away. Even as a kid. So yeah, I think you can say we’re still chasing that high. TMR: Growing up in Manchester with its rich music industry and multicultural population, what music and other forms of creativity were you exposed to? Growing up in Manchester 100% enhanced us as creative beings. When we were growing up we’d go to an organisation called GMMAZ (Greater Manchester Music Action Zone) where we’d meet people from every borough of Greater Manchester and get together and make music. People from every race and religion got together put our differences aside and made beautiful (sometimes strange) music together. That experience definitely had an impact on the way we made music going forward. TMR: Looking forwards, your music takes genres like trip-hop and R&B and transforms them into something distinctly KTNA. Is this an active choice through the songwriting process or does it come naturally? Haha well our motto is “don’t do too much, just enough.” So we try not to force anything creatively. If it’s not coming naturally we tend to end the session pretty quickly and start something new. In respect to genre we grew up on - so many different amazing artists from probably every genre imaginable. We just try to incorporate a little of our favourites in everything we do regardless of being put in a genre “box.” TMR: When it comes to songwriting duties, does one of you take point with the lyrics, and the other composition or visuals or production? Or is it an entirely shared process? Our process is based off of team work. It depends on the day, or how we’re feeling, or what we’re working on. However, most of the time we work on a 50/50 basis.. it’s the best way we find (No cat fights.) TMR: The French duo Ibeyi cite the special, and often sacred, connection between twin sisters. Is this something you relate to? And does it influence your music? We defo relate, it is SO special. Our twin bond definitely influences our music a whole lot for sure! There’s something about when voices blend together as siblings that we just find so beautiful and satisfying. Above all though we just love singing together it’s life joy! TMR: Did you find the tightness of your relationship was tested while recording the EP in the windowless studio that also doubled as a shared bedroom for a year or did it bring you even closer together? Hahah both!! We’re not going to lie, it’s very difficult! When you live and work with a person non stop, especially in that environment, it’s very hard for you to turn off and think about anything other than work (making us HIGHLY irritable at times..) It truly tested our bond, but honestly we made the most beautiful music of our lives in that studio and even though it was very hard we had so many beautiful times there, so many beautiful songs and memories were made in that period... we wouldn’t change that time for anything in the world!! It was a life changing time for us. TMR: What’s next for The KTNA? LOTS of music!!! (Like sooo much) LOTS of shows !!!! AND LOTS OF HAPPINESS!!
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cheznieba2b · 5 years
I’m doing research?? (RRP)
Listen, I have literally no idea what I’m doing here so this is just a kicking a ball near the goal and hoping it works kinda scenario??
My tactic was to just hit up google and try to prove my point that I sorta brushed on in the post about my meeting with Lynsey. First up was kids animated films!
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And damn, I was right! If you ignore the one old school Disney 2D animated film, they’re all SUPER bright 3D. My theory is that it looks the most real, like a small child could fully believe that there’s a bunny police officer out there. Also, 3D is (in my uneducated needs-more-research opinion) the easier media to create the real whimsical and craziness that kids love. Just imagine how difficult it would be to do Zootopia in stop motion?!
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I’m on a roll baby, look at these teen orientated 2D animations. There’s also all the new TV shows coming out on Netflix nowadays: 
Big Mouth
Bojack Horseman 
Rick and Morty 
F is For Family
Paradise PD
You’ve also got the classics:
American Dad
South Park
The Cleveland Show
I felt like my google image search didn’t do the teen animation enough justify and I just really wanted to prove to you that I’m not just making this nonsense up.
My thoughts on this are that you can get a bit more gritty with 2D because it’s less realistic. I mean, just think how much gross stuff is shown in any of these shows - it’s a lot
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Something I didn’t think of somehow is that stop motion is used sooo often for the creepier kind of stuff. Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Corpse Bride, Paranorman, weird indie short films. It’s probably because stop motion has the most texture, and you know it’s actual real-life puppets being moved from frame to frame, it’s so close to being real. From just general conversation with family and mates, this medium seems to have the biggest effect on people, but I feel like that’s defo something I need to do actual research on.
Let’s take a trip to IMDB
I’ve just discovered this really fun thing on IMDB that puts the films in nicely organised lists for a variety of things and it’s actually rather useful to me.
First up, let’s take a look at the current top 3 in the popularity scale
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Woooo, stop motion got on there, thank Christ.
Numero uno is a heavy CG film, no shock there, followed by a film that is mainly 3D but it’s got some variety, and finally, stop motion! This just goes to prove that 3D/CGI is defo the most popular nowadays, but at least there's still a hint of the most beautiful form poking through.
Now for box office hits
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The top 3 are 3D, and I’m so not shocked. HOWEVER, what you are about to see is one of the greatest tragedies I have ever witnessed.
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Coraline was the first one on the list AND IT’S AT 147th. It fully hurt me, no exaggerations. 
I’m hoping this research will actually be useful to me. To be honest, I’m still not entirely sure what exactly I should be researching so cut me slack, I am seriously trying here. At least I know that if I need it and some point in the future, it’s here just chilling. 
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facelessdreamer · 5 years
I hate that there’s
not enough time in the world to do everything.
Theres not enough hours in a whole day to do all things I want to do man. It’s sucks extremely. Everything’s just lined up and I wanna do all them things I can and want to do but I can’t because of me ultimately minus the other factors in life. It’s me. Now I have a job. Finally. But it’s taking up all my time even on my scattered couple days off I relax because it’s literally needed and it goes by so quick like my do nothing days. I don’t know how to go about it. How shall I do things? And what the fuck on Earth are these feelings man. Gotta find a way to pause them but it’s fucking relentless and the off buttons mia. There’s vibes at work, people everywhere, mindless heavy work and sad little me walking about making mistakes and fixing them and putting in work and talking to people without wanting to really and i just can’t tell if I’m putting up a front or not. I don’t know if that’s the jolly me I brag about and that I know myself as or if I just do it because I don’t know how else to behave but nicely and highly energetic and enthusiastically. Just honestly what the fuck do I do with all this life? Shit its 7 minutes past midnight. And it’s clicked. Happy fucking birthday to my ass. God I can’t say in words how this day coming around makes and has made me feel for months. The big ass bitchin 20. Idk why I’m complaining like it’s a fat three zero bc to most people my life’s just started. To me it literally really and truly is dooming and I hate the whole idea of it. When I was 17 I wanted it to last longer. When I was 18 I wanted it to be permanent. When I was 19 just moments ago I wanted to settle for it. I didn’t want to be an age I was no longer a teen. When you’re not that people expect you to act your age and it’s a serious thing then. It’s still expected at teen years but not as surprising bc your still in your adolescent years doing dumb and reckless shit. And yes I spent 19 doing just that. For multiple reasons going as me being a natural fuck up to just not caring with what ever I do to actually wanting to also do dumb shit. 18 was a good age to stay permanent because I was legally an adult and could accounting the law roam with a piece of ID and qualify myself as my own person. 17 was just a golden age to be. That was the mid point of comfort. Dumb and smart and old enough and young at the very same time. Immersing into adulthood yet equivalently latched to the past 16 years of innocent youth. As you get older youth stays but increases with some venemous symptoms. It is no longer sunsets and rainbows full of more laughter and ignorant bliss. It gets darker, wilder, mature, things like welcome to the real world, make do and diy. You start to get your hands dirty and make real messes out of things and be the people who are parents taught us not to be. We become the inevitable damage content of this world like every other adult who was also once young and carefree. We’re all so innocent then boom as we get older we become dangerous. Every age shapes us and makes us a version of ourselves we were once different to not long before. Mad that. We also become smarter each passing year so what makes us a danger is exactly that. We know what to do, how to go about things, we are sane and have sense and real firm control of our words and manoeuvres and with that we purposely cause problems even through subliminal moves. That is being older. Being an adult. It’s where “act your age” kicks at you. Bc you’re no longer futile and brainless. You’ve now officially become something artificial like anyone else is. Nothing new, nothing special. Just older.
I’ve said this before but I’m gonna say it again.. I tend to usually drift of topic and continue into a subject of something relative but not the point I should be sticking to. I always do this and I get more ongoing content out instead of what else I might have wanted to say regarding my original point. I jump from one thing to another and I can’t help it but at least I say things that are real right? Whatever comes to mind it just spills on here despite the point. That can be talked about if I remember it again or not
Rn I’m tired mixed with shitty feelings and watching some Justin timberlake movie on tele. (This is me coming back to say it wasn’t that great and dad pestered me to go up to bed so I never saw the end, wasn’t worth it then) God it’s always been forever when I come back to watch tv. It’s like I got to make time for it even though I don’t really. But when I want to it’s usually at night at a time like this and I hope anything is on from a good block buster movie down to anything like gogglebox even. Just want some of that tv nature to bring me back to something normal (I think I meant to say that as the reason idky it just got typed). I love tv or so I did. I barely spend time with the sofa and the big screen in front of me since I got lazy and sad over a year ago. Funny how among all the hundreds of interlinked factors does it shape a new lifestyle. Every facet of life and me and exisitance plays a harmless yet powerful game. It’s mad how I used to be not a year ago and how I am months down a line compared to the old me. It feels like years and years in between but it’s not. This is me. Everyday it’s a new me. Everyday I change exponentially with my moods and infiltration of hella sadness. I can’t get away from it. I’m immersed into this new me whose no longer definitive to the new term anymore. It’s quite old now but always the latest version seeing as I haven’t changed the persona of me since it came forward and consumed me. Let’s talk about consumption? Kay lets. Like I always say I know myself. Knowing yourself doesn’t mean shit to nothing else alive but to you. You’re a different you in every other mind of every pair of eyes that’s seen you. Even if it was a stranger walking by. They saw you. Mindlessly they saw you in mere sight and that’s it. Quick glance and take in of appearance or sometimes a little more with a minor thought upon you. You’re seen nevertheless as versions you will never know yourself and never of the version you really are. You don’t even know the real version of you. You only know most of you bc you know your interest and hobbies and things like that. Other people say won’t know all of that but only some and the way they see you because they’re literally outside of your body and seeing you through their eyes and not from your own mind. So yeah me knowing me I can’t say why I’ve allowed myself to get like this and be so caught up in feelings that are unpleasant and disturbing. My reasons would simply be things like bc I wanted to bc I didn’t care to close any doors I was meant to close in my head. Bc I wanted to be sad really. Bc I’m also alone but that’s minor bc I only figured that out recently. Other pointless reasons may occur too like not taking care when I really was being pushed to help myself but I don’t take growing hands. I have a problem with saying yes to things that’ll harmlessly benefit me. I just say no politely like don’t trouble yourself for me. Like I don’t want that. Who am I? I mean I know who I am and my worth. It’s fucking up there bro. But people don’t see me and shouldn’t see me as worthy of taking help. Like I can’t put it in words so I’ll give up on that. But my pint is I can’t justify in explaining as to why I say no to any simple help. A guy offer me a bag to carry two heavy bottles of coke? Na it’s alright really fast and I zoom out and away like what was the reason for a mini nervous breakdown and say no for? Am I okay? It’s really like I cba you should never have opened your mouth bc really and truly it would be a great help if these bottles can be bagged and carried instead of it cradled in my arms but I cba for the excerion. That’s it! Mental and physical effort. Like without even thinking this. It’s just a feeling and I literally can’t deal with that. So I automatically say no. I’ve gone off topic agains nd forgot my point smh
Next thing I wanna put out here is that my music hasn’t been very obliging past three nights. Two nights I dunno I didn’t even put in and sleep bc I really wasn’t for it them couple nights and I felt like it was causing my head to feel some way. So I left it and slept freely when the moment came. The third night and a night after also too which was last night I plugged in my earphones at some point bc I could not not do it, it being such a habit. It still wasn’t gratifying as it usually is. The music was fine and great with what played. I was entertained nonetheless but my body and head was more worked out and tired than the past three months and I’d been drinking and smoking so I feel that also defo had some affect and influence on whatever I was feeling. It wasn’t good I tell you that. Aaaaaand I keep waking up incessantly every morning for time now. I can’t even remember when there was a time I woke up feeling good. These days and last year I’ve been waking up not pleasantly. It’s always something man. Literally. I have no soul to exaggerate any of what goes on with me on here. Here lies the truth. My blog. My sweet pretty blog. So yeah I wake up and it’s an ache in my head, remnant music echoes which are fine but make me wonder am I causing something in me? Things like bad dreams and I have like 50 in one night and the bad ones make me unhappy as I wake. There also this weird weird feeling I get just as I’m waking and it’s one I really can’t explain. It’s so bad like I’m half way conscious and half way not at all awake. I’m literally both and I get this feeling, it’s heavy and I wouldn’t say painful but it causes some kind of light hurt? Idk but I feel it immensely and it does come to my attention in the moment and I am not okay as to why this happens many mornings of when I wake. Like after it is over not that I pay attention but it does go away and I am either gone back to sleep or have woken up somehow now I just am not happy bc of the wake. Like your/my wake literally matters. I don’t like these numerous sensations I feel in my moment of waking. I want to be woken with ease and calmness and slowness like just how a breeze comes pleasantly on a hot summers day. I wanna be woken softly and beautifully like that.
Okay I’m not done talking but I’m tired so gonna tap out now (02:59)
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landscape-atlas · 5 years
Alfred Crosby
The Columbian Exchange: Biological Consequences of 1492 Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900,
on american indians:
But in agriculture they handily outstripped the children of Sumeria. Every tomato in Italy, every potato in Ireland, and every hot pepper in Thailand came from this hemisphere. Worldwide, more than half the crops grown today were initially developed in the Americas.
Back home in the Americas, Indian agriculture long sustained some of the world's largest cities. The Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán dazzled Hernán Cortés in 1519; it was bigger than Paris, Europe's greatest metropolis. The Spaniards gawped like hayseeds at the wide streets, ornately carved buildings, and markets bright with goods from hundreds of miles away. They had never before seen a city with botanical gardens, for the excellent reason that none existed in Europe. The same novelty attended the force of a thousand men that kept the crowded streets immaculate. (Streets that weren't ankle-deep in sewage! The conquistadors had never heard of such a thing.) Central America was not the only locus of prosperity. Thousands of miles north, John Smith, of Pocahontas fame, visited Massachusetts in 1614, before it was emptied by disease, and declared that the land was "so planted with Gardens and Corne fields, and so well inhabited with a goodly, strong and well proportioned people ... [that] I would rather live here than any where."
Smith was promoting colonization, and so had reason to exaggerate. But he also knew the hunger, sickness, and oppression of European life. France—"by any standards a privileged country," according to its great historian, Fernand Braudel—experienced seven nationwide famines in the fifteenth century and thirteen in the sixteenth. Disease was hunger's constant companion. During epidemics in London the dead were heaped onto carts "like common dung" (the simile is Daniel Defoe's) and trundled through the streets. The infant death rate in London orphanages, according to one contemporary source, was 88 percent. Governments were harsh, the rule of law arbitrary. The gibbets poking up in the background of so many old paintings were, Braudel observed, "merely a realistic detail."
I asked seven anthropologists, archaeologists, and historians if they would rather have been a typical Indian or a typical European in 1491. None was delighted by the question, because it required judging the past by the standards of today—a fallacy disparaged as "presentism" by social scientists. But every one chose to be an Indian. Some early colonists gave the same answer. Horrifying the leaders of Jamestown and Plymouth, scores of English ran off to live with the Indians. My ancestor shared their desire, which is what led to the trumped-up murder charges against him—or that's what my grandfather told me, anyway.
As for the Indians, evidence suggests that they often viewed Europeans with disdain. The Hurons, a chagrined missionary reported, thought the French possessed "little intelligence in comparison to themselves." Europeans, Indians said, were physically weak, sexually untrustworthy, atrociously ugly, and just plain dirty. (Spaniards, who seldom if ever bathed, were amazed by the Aztec desire for personal cleanliness.) A Jesuit reported that the "Savages" were disgusted by handkerchiefs: "They say, we place what is unclean in a fine white piece of linen, and put it away in our pockets as something very precious, while they throw it upon the ground." The Micmac scoffed at the notion of French superiority. If Christian civilization was so wonderful, why were its inhabitants leaving?
When scholars first began increasing their estimates of the ecological impact of Indian civilization, they met with considerable resistance from anthropologists and archaeologists. Over time the consensus in the human sciences changed. Under Denevan's direction, Oxford University Press has just issued the third volume of a huge catalogue of the "cultivated landscapes" of the Americas. This sort of phrase still provokes vehement objection—but the main dissenters are now ecologists and environmentalists. The disagreement is encapsulated by Amazonia, which has become the emblem of vanishing wilderness—an admonitory image of untouched Nature. Yet recently a growing number of researchers have come to believe that Indian societies had an enormous environmental impact on the jungle. Indeed, some anthropologists have called the Amazon forest itself a cultural artifact—that is, an artificial object.
For many millennia the cave's inhabitants hunted and gathered for food. But by about 4,000 years ago they were growing crops—perhaps as many as 140 of them, according to Charles R. Clement, an anthropological botanist at the Brazilian National Institute for Amazonian Research. Unlike Europeans, who planted mainly annual crops, the Indians, he says, centered their agriculture on the Amazon's unbelievably diverse assortment of trees: fruits, nuts, and palms. "It's tremendously difficult to clear fields with stone tools," Clement says. "If you can plant trees, you get twenty years of productivity out of your work instead of two or three."
Planting their orchards, the first Amazonians transformed large swaths of the river basin into something more pleasing to human beings. In a widely cited article from 1989, William Balée, the Tulane anthropologist, cautiously estimated that about 12 percent of the nonflooded Amazon forest was of anthropogenic origin—directly or indirectly created by human beings. In some circles this is now seen as a conservative position. "I basically think it's all human-created," Clement told me in Brazil. He argues that Indians changed the assortment and density of species throughout the region. So does Clark Erickson, the University of Pennsylvania archaeologist, who told me in Bolivia that the lowland tropical forests of South America are among the finest works of art on the planet. "Some of my colleagues would say that's pretty radical," he said, smiling mischievously. According to Peter Stahl, an anthropologist at the State University of New York at Binghamton, "lots" of botanists believe that "what the eco-imagery would like to picture as a pristine, untouched Urwelt [primeval world] in fact has been managed by people for millennia." The phrase "built environment," Erickson says, "applies to most, if not all, Neotropical landscapes."
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mysassysophzblog · 6 years
Hmm where should I start?
Some might read this off my feed and consider the following dramatic but allow me to elaborate cuz somehow I do feel emotional over this seemingly-trifling matter. Little did u realise how much it entails. And it’s precisely occasions like these that made me ponder what if the separation isn’t temporary, which I’m afraid, might be so unless mercy n grace are lavished upon.
Since I’ve been born, the figure has already been here. Despite hiccups here and there, with person upon person being replaced, somehow they fit the role of looking after us in their own ways—and to me, on top of that, they have been a genuine friend—or perhaps the person to talk to when everyone else is occupied with their own lives or just limited by different external factors. And each one of them somehow just presented themselves as available listeners and I’m honoured to have a chance to be theirs. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not subtly throwing shades here for people who have their responsibilities to tend to—in fact realist would suggest that it’s precisely of that and the expected returns, that I had ignorantly fallen for.
Tbh, I don’t know and I’m not sure whether that’s true. All I know is that all of them have their own stories that made them who they are today, just like all other human beings on this earth. And often, you are almost defeated by this sense of helplessness (yet again) when you know you can’t do much to change that, not changing who they are but perhaps what they’re going through. On top of that though, one thing I’m more concerned, is the fact that all these suffering (from physical pain to emotional distraught, or really just day-to-day miscellaneous issues) are afterall, temporary—but this coming wrath from the just one is eternal. I’m concerned, thereby, whether they’ll be out of the loop about all this.
You see, geographical boundaries can often easily be bypassed, especially with technology nowadays; (Obviously, there’s the sense that the interaction might no longer be the same, and it’s quite saddening to know that the reason behind is exactly what you’ve been told, for deep down, part of you is telling you that you have to have been right at some point—whoops, just got off the tangent, back to the separation) but not so much so for the eternal segregation, because of what we’ve done, fr the little evil thoughts we once had to the self-serving desires, that the just God would have to take us accountable for accordingly. And by this I mean, our judgement is either paid on the cross or in the place with gnashing of teeth and eternal fire called “hell”. I’m not trying to terrorise anyone by exaggerating things here, but instead speaking it as God has described it.
Pause, if at this point you thought God is merciless than you thought wrong. FYI, He didn’t just hang us out to dry, but rather He became flesh and “endured for us Himself His own wrath and brings us into Himself in everlasting joy”. And by doing so, both God and us are genuinely satisfied. God received the glory and we the true happiness—that came not just from being saved, but also, fr bring fellow citizens n heirs of the eternal inheritance, fr bring members of one body in Christ who function best as each plays their roles, fr sharing in a promise that bring so much hope and to have this unfathomable relationship with God, when He’s not only fearful but shepherdy and fatherly . For someone who took the blame for us and giving us all this, I call that love tbh. True love.
Now here comes the separation. You see, heaven and hell are two different places (in case you don’t know that already). And so one can end up in one place or another—unless ofc they made the decision to proclaim Jesus as Saviour (the one who saves) and Lord (sovereign over their lives), basically proclaiming Him as who He is.
How much easier is it for thoughts to just casually float in ur head and allow it to bug you form time to time, as supposed to apologising for your mumbo jumbo everytime.
I guess I could have taken an easier route to just type up a passage about how much I’m gonna miss this, then put together a para that is deceivingly filling. Tho what good would that do? For deep down one knows, it’s not a goodbye to just a person, but potentially to everything that the vacancy is entitled to—at least in this case, my life.
If you think us Christians have figured out all things, then allow me to speak as a 19-year-old, that I haven’t, and I’m guessing I won’t till the day I die. Yet what makes us different is this hope and assurance I have that everything would be fine, that perhaps happen for a reason that only my Father would know, for He knows better.
P.S. I hope this post didn’t come off self-serving tho I have a feeling it might—in that case I seem to have fallen into the societal norm of egotism. But I guess, I didn’t mean it this way and this is a part of story that I wanna share. Perhaps not to all, but a few.
P.P.S. I guess that made leaving a tad bit easier. For one thing I didn’t mention earlier, was knowing that I always have a bolthole is more than great, it’s like this satisfaction you get when you get home with someone welcoming you after a long day of work (ensuring ur best welcomed and feel loved). I reckon this all the more suggests the contentment we get from temporary things might last a lifetime but defo an eternity—except from the one that comes from Christ and Christ alone.
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l200 insurance is cheapest with
"l200 insurance is cheapest with
l200 insurance is cheapest with
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable car insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is not less expensive in general, but any suggestions would help.""
How long does it take a car insurance company to fix your car?
I was in an accident dec 27 2013 the ladys insurance called me that same day of the accident and told me they would have full liability of the car damages to my parents car so i told them ok and she gave me the the claim number and then she said she would call my mom because the iinsurance isunder her name im 17 by the way...and then they nevr called my mom That day.they have usaa insurance and we have all insurance
Motorcycle insurance?
I live in Southern California, what insurance compnay can I contact that will provide really cheap motorcycle insurance. Some of the rates out there are unbelieveable""
Best/cheapest car insurance for new 20-something year old New York driver?
20-something New York driver - I need car insurance. If I get insured here, it's bound to be THOUSANDS (probably around 5) :( Who do you suggest I go with? How's esurance?""
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
What kind of health insurance is out there for someone in their 50s in California with no or low income?
My mom doesn't have a job, but needs health insurance. I can pay it for her, but is there health insurance with decent coverage that is particularly for people with no income or low income?""
1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible insurance price?!?
I would like to know how much the insurance for a 1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible would be for a 17 year old driver with no tickets or accidents! Please help me out.
Adding someone to insurance?
If my insurance started on jan 2009-2010 and I add another person in few months will the insurance card still say form jan 2009 or will it be the date I added the person?
Good student discount for car insurance?
I'm trying to get a discount on my car insurance for being a good student and I'm a little lost on how to get it. Do I just ask the people at my school to send my transcript to the car insurance company?
Is there a big defference between the quote and final price of car insurance?
If I get a quote fro geico $300 a month, how much will I be paying for my actual monthly bill? Will there be a difference at all?""
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto but did not receive demerit points. Will my insurance rates go up? I am 21.?
I got a speeding ticket in Toronto in the jurisdiction of 4863 2 days ago. I did not receive demerit points as I was only 15 km/h above the limit. Will my insurance rates go up if I plead guilty and pay the fine? I am 21 years old and my parents are currently with Wawanesa. I have a G lisence.
Dollar general insurance rates. are we getting screwed?
how much would a manager at dollar general have to pay for comany insurance? 3 children covered, no heath probems. living in missouri i think my fiance is getting screwd by his ex wife and i think he is paying for her on the insurance with the boys. he pays an extra 300 a month suposedly just for the boys insurance. please help!""
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
I have full coverage insurance n my car was stolen n impounded should yhe insurance pay inpound fees?
Can you add you unborn child to your insurance?
well, I would like to add my baby to my boyfriend's insurance (the daddy) can he do it now or we need to wait until the baby is born?""
How much is a doctor visit without insurance?
My friend hasn't been feeling well for a few days now and needs to see a doctor. Does anyone know how much a doctor visit would be if she went to a walk in clinic? She doesn't have any insurance. By the way we live in Miami, Fl.""
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?
i need the insurance the requier for the law
Insurance policy for a newly licensed driver?
I recently got my license at the DMV. My parents won't let me drive a car because of the cost of insurance. They told me that I have to wait for the price to go down. My question is, how much does insurance cost for a 17 year old male in California and if it's true that I have to wait for the price to go down. Please explain car insurance in general.""
NY parked car accident insurance laws.?
Some guy hit my car while it was parked in the road. He knocked on the door and gave me his insurance policy and other information. I live in Rochester, NY and my insurance provider is AIG. If i file a claim, who's insurance pays for the damages (new fender and door)? Will there be a deductible on my part? Will my premiums go up? Doesn't NY have some stupid no-fault law? Or should i just make him pay for everything out of pocket?""
What happens to rest of my insurance after a write off?
I had a accident today in my fiesta, hit some ice, lost control round a bend ended up in the ditch, car looks f****d admiral picking it up 2mo I am only 11 months into the policy I have been told by a few people that it is defo a write off so I take it i will be paid out for the car (how long would this take) I am also getting a courtesy car by the garage picking the car up to repair it now will i have this till i get paid out? and due to having 11 months on my insurance and i paid in full can i freeze the insurance till i get a new car (ill be getting the same car infact i hope its not a write off) or will i get something back on the insurance due to only using 1 of the 12 months i paid for?""
Complicated car insurance question?
ok, i am 17 and want to insure a land rover. If i took out my own policy now, it would cost a crazy 3500. heres my solution but i dont know if its legal and/or valid. 1. give money for land rover to my dad. 2. dad buys land rover, so it is technically his. 3. dad takes out insurance policy in his name for the land rover. 4. i go down as a named driver on my dads policy for the land rover ????? is this allowed ????""
What should I expect to pay for car insurance?
I am 18. I got my permit in March 2011 when I was 16 and I got my license this month. I will be taking a defensive driving course, the 5 hour course and I might also take a course with a driving school to reduce insurance cost. (I live in New York) I have enough money saved up to lease the car I want but the insurance seems like it will be very steep. The cars I'm looking at are a: 2012-2013 Mercedes Benz C300 4MATIC 2010-2013 BMW 3 series or 5 series What can I expect to pay on insurance based on this information and do you think I'd be able to get a quote for $400 or less? Also, what type of car do you have and how much do you pay for your car insurance?""
Small business insurance ? what is the average cost?
I am looking a leasing a building that is currently a bed and breakfast cottage. I will do the same thing except not offering breakfast. Wanting to make a business decision but have been waiting for 2 days to be able to obtain a cost for small business insurance. Anyone have some idea on the cost?
""I am 19 and am a good student, not a reckless driver. How much would my car insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Bo?""
How much would insurance be for a 2001 Porsche Boxster S. My parents have good credit; we have a $2 million house, live in a good neighborhood in San Francisco. I consider myself a good driver. (I'm male btw)""
Where can I find car insurance who will LISTEN to my circumstances.?
I have been driving for over 20 years but the last 5 years have been on my husbands policy for company cars. Before then I had full no claims but lost them as we lived in Singapore on a 3 year work contract, I was driving there also with a Singapore driving licence. When we came back to the UK I have been driving brand new top of the range 2.0 cars.(accident free) Now I need to get car insurance but the set forms do not take any of this into account. Hence the hefty quotes. I have only 1 controversial speeding penalty. Why dont you insurers out there LISTEN !!!""
l200 insurance is cheapest with
l200 insurance is cheapest with
How much would insurance cost for a silverado?
new one 2010 im 18
What is the best..or cheapest...?
Car insurance? I wanna know the best. And i wanna know the cheapest. Thanks!
Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address?
Auto insurance cost when not parked at home address?
Affordable dental insurance that includes braces?
I live in Santa Maria Ca,93458""
Is there a big differents in the price of car insurance?
hi is there a big differents in the price of car insurance between a mini copper and a mini one for a first car for a 17 year old
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability?
Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane.""
Car insurance help? do i need to pay?
Hi there:) I have just bought a car, it is being delviered on thursday. I was hoping to keep it on my drive until i have passed, then insure it and drive after, am i allowed to do this? or do i have to pay insurance? thanks""
Cheap Car Insurance for 22year old?
Hi, Im 22 year old male from Manchester UK, Have held a full clean licence for over 4 years now, I need a car to travel to work. I have tried to find a cheap quote but my car insurance is over 3000. Just wondering does any one know of any companies that could provide me with a cheaper car insurance quote? I have tried all the insurance comparision websites. Any other suggestions? May be buy a brand new car which has free insurance? But dont know who does it now apart from peugeot where you have to be over 25. Any help will be greatly appericiated.""
Is comprehensive car insurance cheaper if you own the car?
is it cheaper than if you had a loan out on it? why is this? thanks
Can I get health insurance for $60 a month?
I am a 23 year old female, full time student. I have no health problems, but need health insurance. I need office visits for a small copay ($30 or so). I can't find anything.""
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
Are we still to be free enough to decide we don't want health insurance?
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And it was, believe it or not, worse to watch the absolute calmness in which she declared willingness to decide this type of thing for us. If I don't want health insurance, or if I have enough $$$ to pay cash up front for all my bills, I don't want someone telling me I have to spend my money on their program. It's bad enough they spend my tax money stupidly, now this? What say you all?""
""Please help, student health insurance?""
I live in New York i'm 19 and go to college. Recently i have been having this heartbeat rhythm in my ear for the past couple of weeks. Anyways i want to see a doctor because my ear is starting to hurt a little.But i have no health insurance or anything in NY. My parents live in VA, when i used to live in VA i was covered through my parents health insurance. Is there anything i can do ? Any affordable health insurance companies i can look into? Any health clinics ? Does the state of NY provide anything for college students?""
Advice between life insurance and medical insurance?
I have 24 yrs old and am hesitating between life insurance which propose a cash back bonus of 25 % every 5 years on a 30 yr term policy and a usual medical insurance.? The premium cost for both are a little bit similar.
Must you have insurance if you are a driver in the state of Nevada?
I'm a driver in California, under the age of 21. I don't have a car that I own nor am I put on the other cars that my parents own and don't wish to be on them. If I am not planning on driving any time, do I still need to have insurance because I have a driver's license? If you have an answer, I would appreciate a link as well to look on.""
Why is my insurance going up?
It is 189 a month now, but in January it's going up to over 400. Is this part of the affordable care act?""
I gotta question with car insurance?
im 18 and buyin my moms car,will the insurance rates rise if she signs the car over to my name? or will it be that much of a difference? cuz i want it in my name but she says the cost will double automaticly just by changing the name of the owner from her to me. is she lying so that i keep it in her name?""
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
Is it illegal to drive in florida without insurance? ?
Can my parents add me to their car insurance?
My parents have Allstate car insurance. I have my own car registered in my name. I live with them. Can they add me to their car insurance?
How much would homeowners insurance cost on a 1.2 million dollar house?
It's in southern California. I'm just asking for a rough estimate please.
Car insurance question?
I'm gonna ask my dad to add me as a second driver on his car insurance etc. In order god him to do that I think I need to be insured but how can I get insurance if I do not own a car. How does t it work?
Is an audi a3 cheap to insure for a new driver?
I came across a forbes article that said that the audi a3 was the chepaest car to insure and this seemed a bit strange to me. Is it true? If not any advice on a good car for a new driver for under 10 grand? I really have a strong preference for vw.
Insurance Claim Question?
I was rear ended recently and the other drivers insurance co sent out their adjuster. I was told that my car was a total loss. I had a 94 Buick Park Avenue with 148K miles. I got a call from the person who appraised the value of my car and was told that my car was worth $2,200.00 and another $300.00 for what it would have cost me for a rental, totaling $2561. and some change. I did some looking around and found in the auto trader that I can get the same car selling for $2,995 with 154,605 miles. The question I have is do I have to except their offer of $2,200? Also, if I except this offer is this separate from the medical side of my claim? Thank You in advanced.""
Cheaper auto insurance with EVOC certification?
While I was going through military police training, I was told if you have an Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, you can get a discount on your car insurance. Is this true and what companies offer this discount if at all?""
l200 insurance is cheapest with
l200 insurance is cheapest with
""How much would you have to make to own a $50,000 car?""
the question is what would your salary have to be to go to a dealership and buy a brand new car worth $55,000 car not owning a home, or having anyother bills to pay not even a cell phone??? and what would you figure your monthly payment to be, and insurance????""
When does health insurance kick in when you start a job?
I've never had a job with insurance. I'm hoping that I finally receive my first full time job with a company (I'm a recent grad). I'm in desperate need of health insurance to take tests on my heart but it's so expensive! So if you start a job, usually how long does it take to be able to take advantage of having the health insurance?""
Do I need business insurance for my small cleaning jobs?
I'm looking to start a VERY small residential cleaning business. I would be the sole worker, just looking to make a little extra money. I'm not planning to hire any employees and I'm hoping for just maybe 2 or 3 houses a week. Do I need a business license as well as Property and Casualty insurance for something this small? Can anybody offer any advice? Bonding, insuring and licensing can be costly and if I can put this off until my business grows, that would be excellent. ANY advice is extremely helpful :)""
Is Bristol West Insurance a good company?
I am looking to change my insurance company and got a really good quote on insurance, but it's seems a bit too good. Does anyone have any information regarding this company? I found them through Farmers Insurance Group.""
Which Insurance is better?
I am looking for new car insurance, so I narrowed it down to Geico and Progressive? Anybody have any experience with either of them?""
How should i best pay car insurance?
Okay, so I'm trying to understand car insurance. It says my premium is $833.75 which I guess is the total amount for the insurance for the entire year. I pay $157/month for the full year which is $1000 over that premium. Is that correct? Can I change my month to month plan to annual and just pay the rest of what I owe up front to save me money? Why does it cost so much more month to month?""
""Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?""
Does your car insurance go down when you turn 25? If so, how much...?""
Car mods and insurance premiums?
Hi, I'll give quite a bit of background first. I'm an 18 year old guy and I've been driving a 1.2 clio for about a year and a half now. Paying 1600 (CHEAP & completely clean license) my next insurance premium is around the 600 mark. I'd like to upgrade my car to either a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a MK4 golf,(1100-ish annually) BUT I'd like to make modifications to it. Body rather then performance. Does it make a difference in the premium inevitably raising if I first insure the car, drive for a few months THEN modify and contact insurance, rather then, buying, modifying and insuring it before I've driven it? Hopefully that makes sense to anyone reading it. Thanks.""
Cheap car insurance for 18-year old male?
Hi. Been looking for cheap car insurance. so far ive been quoted 8000 on 2001 vauxhall corsa 1.2 petrol 3dr hatchback. live in ws1 4 area and im a carpenter. no parents dont drive and passed early october. Ive tried I-Kube, and other but their prices are outrageous! hoping to go with young marmalade as a last resort. Many thanks. :) and no i havent bought the car yet. car is worth 1500 approx.""
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
What should a 16 year old expect to pay for insurance?
I have never had insurance before. I own my first car right now. I have a graduated drivers license. and I have taken a drivers ed course. I need to know how much to expect to pay a month. Thanks!(:
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl with a 1993 Ford Taurus with 89000 miles?
What is the cheapest car insurance for an 18 year old girl with a 1993 Ford Taurus with 89000 miles?
How much insurance for a Mustang in Florida?
I'm 18 years old, and I want to get a Mustang and my insurance plan is going to be under my uncle's name (52 yrs old, but he has many records for crashing and tickets, his insurance for the Civic now is $800/ 6 months). If I get a brand new one using Progressive, AT LEAST how much it's gonna cost me for 6 months??""
What's the best life insurance?
This question is for my mom. My mom is 63 years old and needs life insurance. She is in great condition. Never smoked or done drugs. She never drinks alcohol. The only thing really is that she has been told she is borderline diabetic. My mom doesn't have a lot of money so she would like to find an insurance that is very cheap. Her job will be ending in July an will only have her disability to live off of. So what's the best life insurance?
How would i get health insurance with no income?
with obama care about to start, how can I get health insurance, I don't qualify for Medicaid because I don't have any income, I'm 37, single female, I stay with friends when they throw me out I go to homeless shelters, I live in south carolina, I won't be able to pay fees for not having health insurance""
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
I have a car and insurance.?
If I want to buy a new car should I have to apply for a new insurance with the new cars details
If i report my car stolen will the insurance company ask for the keys?
My car was tolen... But i lost the keys to it. Does either the police or the insurance company ask for the keys?
Cancelling car insurance?
I am a New York state resident, In order to cancel my car insurance, must I first surrender my license plates to the DMV ??""
Which insurance agencies help pay for braces?
I need braces and I'm looking for a good affordable insurance agency that I can get them through.
Mazda RX8 cheap to run/insure?
thinking of getting a Mazda RX8 for my first car they're a 1.3 so i'm assuming they don't completely rinse petrol because the engine size is quite low? any idea on what the insurance would be for a first time driver, i've been driving 4 months""
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Do i have to get my car repaired with the insurance money?
bout a month ago someone backed into my parked car in the parking lot and actually let me know they did it. we exchanged info and i just had a rep. from his insurance come check out my car and give an estimate for repairs and a check with the amount. The damages to bumper are reallly nothing major and its old car, can run just the same as it used to before the damages. do i have to get it fixed or can i jus cash out this check and get a nice chuck of cash?""
Whats your best insurance quote? (Young guys only plz!)?
Just curious, whats your best insurance quote guys? - I'm hunting for a decent deal for my tiny little 796cc car outside.. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna boy race with my 796cc mean machine. So yeah, whats your best quotes and is it fully comp, third party only? fire and theft? So far I got a 700 quote third party fire and theft I'm quite happy with... Sorry girls, no offense but I'm kind of looking for guys answers, Your insurance is completely different :) And I'm 18 btw""
""In the state of Hawaii, does my car insurance have to have the same name as my registration?
I'm going to be deploying soon and allowing my girlfriend to use my vehicles while i'm gone. I'm just curious. Can leave the registration in my name but have the insurance in hers since she'll be the primary driver?
l200 insurance is cheapest with
l200 insurance is cheapest with
Insurance question?
Is there any possible way to lower my insurance. I'm 19 years old and insurance is 8000$ per year ( NYC ) . So now i have a problem not with a car but how to lower my damn Insurance. Thank you and Take care.
How much is Car Insurance for a 17 year old Boy in NJ?
I recently got my license and my mom added me to her insurance. For 1 month they are charging approximately $400. This seems really outrageous. Car is a 2007 Toyota Camry. I also have above a 3.0 average and supposedly get some kind of discount. What are your opinions on this price?
Car insurance question?
say i get insured first time and i need to get my car to a road safety test and it fails badly and would cost to much to repair (more than the car is worth) can i cancel the insurance say 2 weeks after getting it? if yes, does there usually be a cancellation fee?""
My car insurance went up 50 more dollars a month. They said it's an increase in Florida ?
Do any one know where I can get some good reasonable car insurance
Pregnant with no insurance?
im only 6 1/2 wks pregnant but im a planner. i have no insurance and do not qualify for any government health so we are paying the hospital $200 a month til my baby comes to cover all the ob bills and hospital bills and my 6 wks check up after the birth. my question is......is there a such thing as infant insurance? ive looked all around online and cannot find insurance that will cover a baby til their first birthday. i know that a baby has to go to the dr alot the first year so i'd love for our child to have insurance. my hubbys work does not offer insurance. thanks for your help
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
Car Insurance?
What's the cheapest car insurance company out there for people with 1 years no claim?
Car insurance question?
does AAA car insurance have sr22's? If so how much do they raise the premium?
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
I need insurance for my motorcycle thats cheap?
Does anyone know any really cheap car insurance companies for old cars?
I have an R Reg Corsa 1 Litre, and 6 years no claims, but it seems to be the age of the car that's bumping up my insurance policy? HELP!""
""When settling with an auto insurance company after a car accident, what is an appropriate amount to request?""
I hurt my neck (muscle strain, nothing broken) in a car accident and have exhaused the Personal Injury Protection with the insurance company. They said to call them after my physical therapy was completed to settle for the pain and suffering. The neck pain is still there and will most likely be chronic regardless of any additional physical therapy. I've heard that people are typically given 2X the amount of medical expenses. I don't want to hire a lawyer but don't want to get less than I deserve either. Any advice on how much to ask for would be appreciated.""
""Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?""
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100's. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv""
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
Why is everyone whining about being required to buy heath insurance?
you probably don't realize it, but you practically are required to buy car insurance. if you wreck and you have no insurance, it's not very pretty, especially for your money. Same thing with heath. if you get sick and don't have insurance, it's not very good! i don't understand why people so strongly oppose requirement to buy heath insurance, but don't even stop to think about car insurance, the same principle.""
""My brother wrecked my car and the Insurance wont cover it, what can I do?
While I was out of the country my brother wrecked my car and the insurance company wont cover it. I have full coverage and my brother had my permission to be driving my car so how can they refuse to pay?
""Im learning to drive, do i need insurance?""
I'm 17 and i'm learning to drive. If my parents take me out to teach me, will I need insurance? How does it work? And if i need it where can i get it cheap.""
How much is it to add 16 year old girl to car insurance that is a good student.?
good student discount
What do you do if you cant afford car insurance?
Im a sinlge mother and my bills are more than my income. I seriously have to choose between food or car insurance. i cant take the bus to work the schedule doesnt work out....Im scared Im going to get pulled over. What do I do?
Insurance cost for jeep patriot?
I am currently thinking of buying a 2008 jeep patriot. I am worried if the unsurance cost for it would be high?
Insurance companies use credit reports?
Just got notice from my insurance company (auto only) that they are going to be ordering insurance loss history reports and motor vehicle reports. They will help determine our eligibility for insurance and the price we may be charged. All well and good. But here's the kicker, the part I don't get. They also say that they may order additional consumer reports that include our credit info. They may use a credit-based insurance score based on that info. And they may use a 3rd party to develop our credit-based insurance score. Is this normal? Do many companies do this? Is this something that anyone else is outraged about, and is anyone fighting this? I don't have much cause for concern really, but I don't get what one thing has to do with the other. You could explain that to me too! If it matters, this is American Family Insurance. Does State Farm do this?""
""Someone totaled my car, they don't have insurance...what's going to happen?""
I was driving straight down a one way with three friends in my car when a truck full out ran a stop sign and crashed into the front driver's side (i was driving) of my car. I'm pretty sure my car is totaled now. Anyways, a few hours after the accident I started getting neck pains. They got worse over the next two days, and I ended up going to the doctor who sent me to the ER for a CT scan and I have slipped vertebrae in my neck. Now yesterday we found out that the guy's whose car it was (a friend of his was driving, he wasn't in the car) doesn't have insurance on it. So what does this mean for my medical bills? Will this make the amount I get for my car lower? Will my insurance company raise my rates if they pay? (I have full coverage on a '98 VW Jetta)""
How much does scooter insurance cost in Ontario?
Hello all, I am buying Vespa LX 150ie soon (it has a 150cc engine with a top speed of 95 km/h) and would like to know how much insurance costs in Ontario. I am 18 years old, single, male, and have my M1, and most likely my M2 soon. Let me know if you have any info.""
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
What laws in California can a doctor use against me for spending insurance check?
What laws exist in California that a doctor can use against me if I spent the money the insurance sent me for medical services he performed?
l200 insurance is cheapest with
l200 insurance is cheapest with
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David Moyes looks to Jordan Pickford to boost Sunderlands survival hopes
David Moyes looks to Jordan Pickford to boost Sunderlands survival hopes
It is little exaggeration to say that the 34-year-old Defoe’s goals have kept the Black Cats in the top flight for the last two seasons, and he remains their best hope of escaping the drop for the fifth successive campaign. However, Moyes believes the return of 22-year-old Pickford from a knee injury could be just as crucial given his fine displays before misfortune struck. Asked if that was the…
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anfieldcentral · 8 years
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Lessons to Learn | Where Klopp Still Must Adapt
Liverpool’s squad admittedly looked fairly strong at the start of the current season. There was never the depth that teams like Manchester City, Chelsea or even Manchester United could boast but there was a feeling that it was a side that had options. Hell we even had Daniel Sturridge watching on from the bench most weeks as a front three of Sadio Mane, Roberto Firmino and Philippe Coutinho wreaked havoc on any opponent that stood in their way. 
Baffling then that now that we’ve arrived in January, the overriding feeling is that Liverpool need to strengthen… and fast. I read a fairly frustrating article this morning - here it is - on the Mirror comparing Jurgen Klopp and Jose Mourinho ahead of the huge clash at Old Trafford this Sunday. Now, while the article in truth pissed me off due to it’s clear bias against Klopp and branding him as nothing but an overachieving motivational speaker, I did agree on one thing. Our squad is just not good enough. 
With Joel Matip, Philippe Coutinho and Jordan Henderson unavailable, Liverpool faltered against third from bottom Sunderland, snatching at chances and tossing away a lead on two occasions by gifting Jermaine Defoe a pair of spot kicks. They followed this up by fielding the youngest Liverpool team ever and failing to breach a League 2 side’s defence before what was probably our worst performance of the season at Saint Mary’s, that needed some smart work from Loris Karius to save the scoreline from becoming embarrassing. 
Then there’s earlier falters in the league. The Reds loss to Burnley came with Matip and Mane out injured, while the capitulation at Bournemouth came with no Matip or Coutinho and occurred just minutes after Mane left the field. Simply put, our first choice starting XI aside, we do not have the overall quality in our squad to compete across an entire season in the same way as the rest of our top 4 rivals. 
Now, I’m probably over-exaggerating a little here and admittedly, I am still in a little bit of shock at our abysmal start to 2017′s calendar year. That being said, look at our rivals for top four. Manchester United’s second XI includes the likes of Luke Shaw, Daley Blind, Wayne Rooney, Memphis Depay and Marcus Rashford. First place Chelsea have the likes of Cesc Fabregas, Willian, Batshuayi and Ivanovic failing to get into their starting XI while Manchester City seem to have the luxury of not needing to start Aguero every week. 
I’m not saying our side is bad and when we have a fully fit first choice XI our bench isn’t exactly poor. However, the issue lies in the form and current ability levels of our substitutes. Emre Can seems to have regressed alarmingly in recent weeks, Lucas Leiva is half the player he was when he joined, Daniel Sturridge looks like a scared tadpole in a pond of sharks while Divock Origi is as frustrating as he is talented. Then at the back you have a pair of centre backs in Ragnar Klavan and Dejan Lovren who look like a brick wall one week and a sheet of tracing paper the next. Alberto Moreno is unpredictable in all the wrong ways while our back up right back is a 17 year old. 
I fully applaud Klopp’s emphasis on not overspending and choosing to put in time and effort on the training pitch instead, I do. I would much rather he brought in players that he wanted and I think you can see in the players we brought in during the Summer that when he’s able to bring in targets that he identifies they become a success. That being said, with January being such a huge month and containing such huge fixtures, it’s fairly worrying that our attack is starting to stagnate, one of our best forwards is playing in AFCON and our defence looks a shambles as our best centre back can’t keep himself fit yet Klopp does not seem to see these problems as big enough of an issue to act.
While Jurgen Klopp’s methods are a breathe of fresh air in comparison to the likes of Mourinho or Guardiola who will throw money around whenever they feel it’s mildly necessary, if he wants to win the league he needs to make exceptions. The Reds need reinforcements to cope with the rigours of a long season and allow Klopp more reliability when he chooses to rotate. Playing the kids against Plymouth Argyle is one thing but potentially having to do it in a league game is a far too worrying prospect. 
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