#Oleander Calloway
nanierose · 1 year
Is anyone going to point out that both Imogen's Mum and Fearne's parents feared what being Ruidusborn meant for their daughters but took radically different approaches to fix it? Liliana decided to join Ludinus and aid in destroying many people's lives and potentially bring down the apocalypse, while Birdie and Ollie tried to stop whatever was going on with Ludinus and the Feywild, and figure out what the deal with the moon actually was. Like Fearne's parents aren't perfect and made some mistakes, but at least they aren't helping someone commit genocide. Liliana acting like it's the only way to save Imogen is certainly something, especially when contrasted with Birdie and Ollie.
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Which NPC is the best overall character(s)?
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ludinusdaleth · 2 years
i have so many thoughts on ira.
this creature who was at first framed as almost comically evil and yet even in his first encounter felt off in that perception. the way he had no reason to spare the bells until he realized fearne was a calloway and both gave up a contract we learned he desperately needed for coin (& presumably espionage) & pulled back on his survival instincts to let her live.
the way he erased part of the calloway's minds, saw fit to leave them on a whim when the unseelie were close, steals the moontide crown from them. yet he helped them build a garden using his prized gnarlrock supply, explicitly telling them it would harm them, rather than letting them be test subjects. him teaching oleander all he could. coexisting with them for years. clearly caring for them in some warped way.
the way he & morri feel about each other, him degrading himself knowing she could do better. her both calling him an ass but softly asking if he ever spoke of her, asking to see him again, repeatedly implying & saying she trusted his judgement.
the way he worked for otohan & ludinus, helped them build their anchors to ruidis, his devices & design integral to kickstarting a new calamity. yet he was fired by them, or left them in vast frustration. the way he still feels that anger, snarling at them & their "beaurecratic bullshit", using his leyline-peering telescope just to spy on them, celebrating their failures. the way he runs to the desert to enact his own plans, aware how close they are.
the way the bells feel so confident he's a villain, thought he was the main villain, at first, ignoring even otohan & ludinus. the way they lied even to morri that he broke her work. but how nearly every npc is insistent they talk with him, find strange bedfellows with him. say he is part of their weave & fate & success. that they cannot push any alliance, but he is a part of this web nonetheless.
ira.... you are so fucking fascinating. you're so much more than what anyone thinks, aren't you?
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jellazticious · 2 months
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I loev you, how you've set mah sool on fire
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zathuda may be a zather, but he'll never be a zaddy
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holly-tea · 2 years
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🌿It’s been how many years?🌿
An old Fearne piece i never posted on here back when we met her parents!! She’s my babygirl and she should commit all the crime she wants
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bleachblomde · 10 months
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vyllain · 1 year
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Lawrence Oleander as Fearne Calloway but in the river
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keyleth-clay · 2 years
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Critical Role Moodboards: Oleander “Ollie” Calloway
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counterspelling · 2 years
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Endless Bells Hells
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rokiie · 2 years
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Ollie saying, "I met her mother 12 years ago, so our daughter is probably around 14 years old," is the Critical Role version of "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?"
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Lady Kima dueled Thordak while he was being sealed into the Plane of Fire. She received equipment directly from Bahamut. She endured privation and torment at the hands of the duergar of Emberhold. And she married Allura Vysoren.
I love that her oath canonically changes from Devotion to Vengeance. Like Thordak came back and she took one look and was like omg fuck that one red dragon in particular and Bahamut went like yeah you go I got your back. Secondly, she is such a good spin on a class that is widely considered somewhat boring and stiff (rp wise, not mechanically)but I feel like the 'lawful good' aspect is usually very polarizing and there's a lot of prejudice towards it being uninteresting? and Kima is such a fresh fucking spin on the lawful good paladin trope? thirdly, Kima getting gifted a cool sword by Grog (a barbarian) in campaign one. Kima lending out that same cool sword to Yasha (a barbarian) in campaign two. I just love Kima and her soft spot for barbarians :D. fourth... ly? Kima is canonically taller than Scanlan, which is interesting because according to the PHB halflings are on average significantly smaller than gnomes, so even if we assume that Scanlan is somewhat short for a gnome, still means that Kima is a TALL halfling. so technically Allura & Kima are not tol & smol, but in fact both tall queens :D
The Calloways: N/A
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marypenelope · 2 years
Okay, so. We know that the Calloways are using arcane batteries for something. We know that they left Fearne at least 90 years ago, though time is soup so who knows for sure (side note, but that would have been a lot more difficult for them than it was for Fearne. Theres a reason Artie wanted VM to help him make a gate). Morrigan claimed they left on a very important mission and were trying to save the mortal world. Fearne received presents and handpainted postcards, supposedly from her parents, but which Dark!Fearne from EXU claimed were actually written by her grandmother. Dusk claims they were with the Calloways recently, but not only did Birdie not react to Imogens mention of them at all, but we also know that Dusk is actually an undercover agent if the Unseelie court who's here to kill Birdie and Ollie, and probably Fearne too now that they know she exists - so it's likely that Dusk was never actually with the Calloways, and was just using that story as a cover for why she was looking for them. In addition, even though Dusk didn't know Fearne was the Calloways' daughter beforehand, their meeting seems to not be as big of a coincidence as what we initially thought, since Dusks ring is? Tracking Fearne? Dusk is also looking for a Moontide Crown, I think it was - is the ring meant to track the crown? Does Fearne have the crown somewhere? Does she know she has it, if she does? And why did the Calloways never go back to see their daughter? Birdie sounded genuinely thrilled by Impgens message that Fearne was here and looking for them, but they never visited, and, if Dark!Fearne was telling the truth, never sent any letters or anything either. But they clearly didnt forget about her - so what? Did they just? Not have a choice? Hhhhh????
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jellazticious · 2 months
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*clawing at the walls*
Oh my GOD why is this comic taking so DAMN LONG
(☝️ he is one of the authors)
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The absolutely UNAWARE foreshadowing of Bells Hells being like been a while since we had a fight! as Orym spars with the person they could fight next, after said fae attempts to murder Fearne’s family 😭😭
i love this for them
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