#Olivia Adams Writes
oakwyrm · 8 months
Recently watched Mech Cadets and I've gotta say, I had a great time.
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lampylamperson · 5 months
Day 1: first meeting (oc x canon week by @hazbinocxcanon)
Short of my oc/sona Olivia x sinner!Adam
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It was only a couple days after the fight against the exterminators,Olivia staying back at the new hotel before heading back up to the lust ring for her own life,mostly staying back for her own family,Charlie and Lucifer is questionable states now
“Are you sure you’re gonna go to bed so early poppy?” Lucifer asked Olivia,placing his drink down at the bar that was long abandoned by husk and the rest of the staff
“Early? Luci it’s nearly midnight! I think you should go to bed,it’s been a long day and only god knows what youve been through today” she said sympathetic picking her uncle up off the bar
“Would you like me to walk you to your tower?”
“Heh! No sweet heart your fine,I should’ve gone to bed a long time ago and so should you,enjoy your rest hun”
“Will do uncle”
With that they headed their seperate ways,Olivia heading back to a room in the hotel she had been staying in for the previous days to help with the new hotels residency and making everyone feel right back at home
She had changed into pjs,and layed down,scrolling through sinstagram while she layed down before she heard wings flapping from the top of the roof,whatever it was landing on the balcony to her room
She instinctively played asleep,as the taps came into the room making its way infront of her
It was…Adam?! But he’s a sinner now?? Was he reincarnated,what was he doing.
Well that last question does have an answer…
After the fight with the exterminators Olivia had taken Adam’s guitar axe thingy,finding it interesting and obviously up for grabs now as its owner was deceased..so Adam mut be back for his shit…
Olivia instinctively gasped and started to scream before she was tackled with a hand to her mouth on her own bed
“Just-just shut up for 5 fucking seconds I’m not gonna hurt anyone!”
“Get off of me you fucking cunt!” She yelled using her legs to push him up and off of her,
he banged against the wall and trembled as she lit a fire at the edge of her fingers in a gun motion up against his neck
“Seriously you hot bitch! I don’t wanna hurt anyone I just want my shit!”
“You swear your not hear to hurt anyone?”
He let his mask flicker off him,as it seemed to be more of a hologram than a real mask like before
“I swear…” he said putting her hand down and blowing out the fire
“Hello kitty pajama pants? Nice choice” he said with a douchey grin
“Fuck you I look stunning right now”
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ghostfacd · 11 months
au masterlist
author’s note: oh my!! wasn’t even expecting to write this, much less post this today but i got a sudden wave of energy? olivia hughes is the moment and she’ll always be the moment, this made me a bit emotional bc i hold this au close to my heart. as always, enjoy!
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Olivia Hughes was born just a year after Luke, coming out a 7 pound baby with tufts of brown hair.
When Olivia was 3, the boys and her were playing indoor hockey in their living room. Olivia and Quinn were on one team, and Jack and Luke were on the other. Luke had thrown a fit, pushing Quinn out of the way to claim that he wanted to be in a team with his Livvy but Quinn only stuck out his tongue, announcing the start of the game.
The boys had gone fairly mild when playing with their baby sister, knowing that if they had played as rough as they usually did, it wouldn’t end up so well. When Ellen had called them for dinner, the score ended up being 10 to 4. Obviously, Quinn and Olivia won.
“Not fair!” Jack exclaims, puffing his cheeks out in annoyance. He threw the small hockey stick to the ground, running to the kitchen to grab his dinner.
“Lu wanna play with my Livvy next,” Luke says, motioning between him and Olivia. “My livvy. Not yours, Quinny.”
Quinn only flicks the small blonde boy’s forehead, giggling as he made his way to the kitchen.
“How was the game?” Ellen asked, smiling brightly as she watched her kids dig in a hurry. “Must’ve been real fun considering how fast you guys are eating.”
“It was mama!” Jack exclaims, his eyes wide with joy. “But Quinny no fair. Quinny always wins.”
“I’m sure that he plays fair, Jack.” Ellen smiles, ruffling her son’s hair. “Did you like it Luke?”
“Yes!” Luke places his hands together excitedly. “But next time, Lu gon’ play with Livvy. My Livvy.” He turn to hug Olivia, who was sitting right next to him.
Luke had called Olivia “Livvy” when she turned 2, stating that she was his baby and that he was going to take care of her until he grew old. Ellen and Jim, who were surprised at their young son’s statement, only smiled in relief, knowing their daughter had brothers she could rely on.
“Oh Luke and Livvy,” Ellen sighs to herself. “Never grow up.”
- - -
When Jack was in his sophomore year of high school, he had bumped into a pretty girl in the library, who he claimed was the “most prettiest girl he’s ever seen” besides his mom and Olivia. Olivia geeked, knowing that she might be able to have another girl who she could bond with if Jack managed to date the library girl he was so adamant on talking about.
Rory was what Jack called her, and Rory was just as beautiful as Jack claimed she was. Olivia knew that she was perfect for her brother, and that Rory was going to stick around for a really long time—well, at least she hoped so.
When Olivia got her first boyfriend, a boy named Max on the baseball team during the eighth grade, all her brothers had freaked.
“Boyfriend? You’re like 5!” Quinn exclaimed, his eyes widened in concern.
“I’m 13, Q.” The girl rolled her eyes, tapping her foot impatiently.
“Did he force you to date him? It’s okay Livvy, you can tell your big brother Luke. I will beat him up for you.”
“You’re like a freshman in high school Luke, you can’t do shit.” That got Jack an elbow to the rib, which made the middle boy let out a groan of pain. “Asshole.”
It’s safe to say that Max didn’t stick around for that long, and the pair broke up after graduating middle school, as Max was going to a different high school and Livvy knew she couldn’t do long distance.
It wasn’t until Olivia dated Gabe Perreault that she knew he was the one. He was a pretty boy with the nicest brunette hair Olivia had seen known to man. Maybe she was over exaggerating, but Gabe Perreault was an absolute catch.
The Hughes boys had obviously protested once again, claiming that Gabe wasn’t good enough for Olivia, and he just would never be. It was the first time she brought home a hockey boy, and that heightened her brothers’ fears, knowing the kind of guys some hockey boys could be.
What they didn’t know was that Gabe liked Livvy so much that he switched from Boston College to go to Princeton just so he could be closer to her. He dropped all his plans in a heartbeat, just to see Livvy smile.
He bought her white tulips on Tuesdays, her favorite, because Tuesdays were the only day his schedule didn’t really get in the way.
And when Gabe had overheard what her brothers had said about him, it felt like a stab to the chest. It hurt—like hell.
Livvy didn’t know what to do at first. Her brothers, the 3 she’s known her entire life, or Gabe? The boy that she loved just as dearly?
They ended up taking a break; but after a day, Livvy couldn’t take it and had to make amends with her boyfriend. How could she not miss the sweet boy he was?
“I know it’s not a Tuesday, Livs.” Gabe begins, a smile plays on his lips. “But I got you flowers.” And when her brothers saw their sister jump into the arms of the hockey player, they thought maybe he wasn’t so bad, and maybe they could even bond over their shared love for hockey.
“She’s growing up,” Quinn says, elbowing Jack softly.
“I wish she never grew up,” Jack jokes, though his eyes seem to water at the pondering of his baby sister finally growing up and finding the love of her life.
- - -
Rory and Olivia had became inseparable ever since Jack and Rory had started dating. When Rory first headed off to Umich for college, Olivia had packed loads of snacks and microwaveable meals in her luggage, hugging the older girl tightly as if she were her lifeline.
“Don’t forget about me back here!” Olivia joked, though there are a few tears that leave her eyes.
“Oh Liv, you know I could never.” Rory hugged the girl tightly close to her chest. “You’re practically my sister now.”
And when Olivia had received the phone call from her brother Jack after a few weeks of Rory not replying to her messages, she was beyond angry.
“What do you mean you just left her?!” Olivia practically screams into the mic.
“Whoa, what’s wrong Livvy?” Jack hears Luke ask in the background, but he’s too distraught to care.
“I didn’t know how to react when she brought up the pregnancy,” Jack sobs, “my brain just stopped working and I went on autopilot.”
“So you just walked out and didn’t tell her where you were going?” Now Olivia was getting even more angry. “Jack Rowden Hughes, you don’t do that!”
“I know, trust me, I know.”
“Well it seems like you don’t, Jack.”
And the next few hours are spent with Olivia lecturing her older brother, who’s currently in shambles at the home of his friend in Michigan. He didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t ready to be a father, not yet, not now.
But after Olivia told him that he was now an adult and he had to get his shit together, Jack realized she was right.
“You’re growing up Livs,” Jack sniffed. “You really are.”
“I’ve always been grown,” Olivia says, her eyes crinkled. “You were just all too busy to notice. Now get your girl back, J.”
And that’s all Jack needed to hear before heading to Rory.
- - -
The one time Olivia had visited Quinn in Vancouver, they were surrounded by cameras and news reporters eager to get a word out from the two Hughes.
Olivia sighed, having 3 brothers in the spotlight was clearly something. But she was proud of them, she really was.
It was all fine until a lady had asked, “your parents have played hockey and all three of your brothers are in the NHL, Olivia. How does it feel to be the only one in your family who doesn’t play the sport? Do you feel like a black sheep? Do you ever regret it?”
And Olivia is taken aback, wondering why it mattered so much to them that she didn’t play hockey. She just wasn’t interested, and that was all there was to that.
Quinn was about to say a remark against the woman when Olivia speaks up, not wanting it to break out in an argument.
“No, I never feel like the black sheep. My parents and brothers have always supported me in what I do, even if it’s not hockey. I’m currently majoring in history and diplomacy and I’m extremely happy with my choice, whether you guys are fine with that or not. Thank you.”
And that’s when Quinn Hughes realizes Olivia isn’t a baby anymore, and that he doesn’t have to speak for her anymore. Olivia Hughes was intelligent, well spoken, and even though Quinn would hate to admit it, his baby sister was truly growing up.
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gghostwriter · 4 months
Yours Truly, Romeo
Chapter 1 __ Case File No 576
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Washington, DC - A string of grizzly murders and obsessive love letters causes Olivia and Spencer’s paths to intertwine. With a serial killer proclaiming his undying devotion to her and the thick tension surrounding her and her agent turned bodyguard, Olivia’s life is writing out like a contemporary love story that she, as a successful writer, could see herself publishing.
Previous chapter || series masterlist || next chapter
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“The healthy man does not torture others. Generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers.” - Carl Jung
Doctor Spencer Reid knew the next case would be a harsh one based on how pale and squeamish Penelope Garcia looked entering the conference room. He knew she had little to no tolerance on for any carnage that each case brings but her attempt to make the atmosphere light or lack of attempt signaled that this was a rough one. 
“Baby girl, what do you have for us?” Morgan asked, situating himself between Reid and Rossi at the round table.
“Sadly my chocolate thunder, not good,” Garcia replied then pressed the remote to showcase three different bodies with different types of crime done to them. “These are pictures that would haunt my nightmares.” 
“Maryland PD has reached out for help on a string of murders. Three men, possibly between the ages of 27-35. The bodies were found within three weeks from each other, all in a different state of decomposition, floating by the Potomac River. Each had blunt force trauma to the head but the forensic pathologist ruled that out as the cause of death.”
“If blunt force trauma wasn’t the cause of death and there were no signs of bullet or knife wounds, the unsub must be using some type of drug to kill them,” Prentiss suggested, flipping through the case file.
Garcia presented the next slide. “Yes and they’re all missing a different body part. The first body found was Kennedy Hale, 28, skin missing from his upper arm to his hands. The second body found was Adam Smith, 30, skin and bones missing from his nose. And the third body found was Ian Cromwell, 32, skin missing from his upper torso.”
“The unsub must be removing the parts post mortem. The cut around the wounds show no sign of blood still being pumped out by the heart and they’re too clean to be done to an alive victim,” Reid pointed out. “Any connections between the victims?”
JJ shook her head. “None that the Maryland PD could find and they also mentioned that the victims aren’t from Maryland. There wasn’t even a missing report filed on any of the victims.” 
"So our unsub is kidnapping and crossing state lines with the victims,” Rossi pointed out. “But why take the risk? And why Maryland?”
“Were there any evidence left on the bodies or nearby the river where the bodies were found?” Morgan asked.
Prentiss flipped the pages before answering. “None. No ID, no belongings, no clothes on the victims.”
Reid stared at the crime scene images once again, wondering if there was any detail his eye had missed. This case screamed personal for the unsub but based on the lack of additional information, there was no rhyme or reason between the choice of victims. 
“The river washed away all possible evidences and without them and a possible connection between the victims,” Hotch stated, standing up and collecting the case file as he went. “All we have is the profile. Wheels up in thirty.”
“Hey Reid, you have a statistic for us on poison used as a weapon of choice in homicides?” Morgan asked on the flight to Maryland.
“Based on national statistics collected from 13,922 homicides, only 11.4% of those were committed with the use of other weapons such as explosives, fire, narcotics and more. That’s only 1,591 out of the database. Out of the total homicides, Maryland contributed 551 and only 34 of those were with the use of other weapons. Also based on statistics, female serial killers are more often to use poison rather than a male serial killer.” Reid rambled on. “Female serial killers are also know to have a longer cooling off period and kill more often for money, revenge, or attention.”
“So highly likely, our unsub is a female,” JJ summarized, looking up from her case notes.
“Not necessarily. The unsub could still be a male perpetrator,” Rossi countered. “Crossing state lines for a female unsub is highly risky.”
“That’s true,” Prentiss added on. “Having to subdue male victims and having the power to haul them to and from a vehicle seems like to much work for a female.”
Morgan interjected. “What bothers me is the skinning post mortem like we’re in Silence of the Lambs. Why bother doing that when the victim is already dead? It’s not a form of torture, that’s for sure. There’s no pleasure in torturing an already dead victim.”
“There are 14 recorded killers who skinned their victims. Dahmer, Gein, Nelson, Bell, to name a few. Maybe this unsub is keeping the items as his trophy.” Reid answered. “It could also provide a sense of gratification for the unsub. Made them feel powerful and God-like.” 
“He couldn’t have started killing randomly,” JJ added on. “There must have been a recent stressor that caused him to kill. Loss of job, family problems, and such.” 
“Let’s not disregard any possibilities due to the statistic. Look at the case with an open mind and approach from there,” Hotch cleared his throat, effectively ending any conversation. “Morgan and Prentiss, visit the dump site and see if we can get any more clues from there. Reid, JJ, Rossi, and I will head on over to the precinct to coordinate with Maryland PD. And Garcia—“
“Yes sir, what can I help you with?”
“—I need you to dig up any information regarding our victims. No information is too small, there must be some sort of connection there.”
“Got it, I will search high and low and will leave no stone unturned. Garcia, out.” She said before cutting of the call.
Olivia Hill was having an ordinary week day. Emphasis on was. There was no indication that anything out of the ordinary would happen at any hour of the day. She  went for her usual run around her neighborhood in Spring Valley, Washington DC. Her eggs on toast were cooked to perfection and her coffee tasted excellent. She had the regular video call with her publishing agent regarding the launch of her fifth romance book, Book Lovers. Overall, everything was going well. Nothing out of the ordinary.
It all went down just after lunch when she was taking a small break from writing her next idea that was still untitled.
“Hey Olivia,” her editor and friend, Hollie, called out from her foyer as she locked the door after her.
“I’m at the office,” she called out to her friend. 
Hollie rounded the corner to the office with a stack of letters on hand. “How’s the book idea coming along?”
“Rough,” she sighed. “It’s turning out very different from what I usually write and my publishing agent has already expressed her concerns about the change of writing style and pace.”
Hollie sat beside her and gave her a pat at the back. “Oh sweetheart, you know how Amanda is. Scared of change, how typical of a Virgo of her.” 
“Hey, I’m a Virgo too you know,” she jested back, finally noticing the stack of mail Hollie placed on her desk. “Thanks for picking up my mail, by the way.”
Hollie hummed nonchalantly, already busy reading the rough draft she had opened on her laptop. She had been her number one fan ever since they were assigned as roommates in the university, 7 years ago from now and Olivia was forever grateful to her as she was there for it all, through her ups and downs, failures and successes. She flipped through the stack of letters, mostly noting that most were junk mail. Except for one ordinary white letter envelope, unsigned and with no postage stamp anywhere.
Curious, she grabbed her letter opener and carefully sliced it open. A number of Polaroid images fell on her lap upside down. She opened the letter and a chill went down her spine. 
Dear Juliet, 
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.
You must look no further than I for I am your equal and perfect companion.
Look upon these images and you shall see that I am made for you as you are made for me.
Yours truly, Romeo
The letter was made with a collage of letters cut from magazine. Hands shaking ever so slightly, she gathered the flipped Polaroids and found close up images of a pair of eyes, a set of hands, and more. The images gave off a stench of creep and horror, no matter how much she looked at it.
“Oh god,” she breathed out before dropping the Polaroids all over her wooden floor like it burned her skin to touch.
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sotwk · 8 months
I was wondering who are your fancasts for your headcanon world?
Hiiii Quickie! @quickslvxrr
Am I right in guessing that your question was prompted by my reblog of your reblog of Charlie Hunnam's gif set? XD
Because if so, I will just say that I am very excited to have selected Charlie as my fancast for Théodred of Rohan! (Excited because I hope to start writing chapters of my Eomer x OC fic soon, which actually co-stars dear Théodred.)
I have a growing fancast list for the SotWK AU! I still need to get around to making an official and complete list, but since you seem curious, here is majority of what I have so far.
Apart from Reader Insert stories I write in response to requests, all fics and characters I create are grounded in the SotWK AU, so these characters exist consistently across and crossover between my stories.
SotWK AU Fancast List (a work in progress)
The Royal Family of the Woodland Realm
Elvenking Thranduil - Lee Pace
Elvenqueen Maereth - Jennifer Connelly
Crown Prince Mirion - Henry Cavill
Prince Turhir - Sam Heughan
Prince Arvellas - Rupert Friend 
Prince Gelir - Sam Claflin
Prince Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Crown Princess Itarildë  - Teresa Palmer
(later Crown) Prince Aranion - Bradley James
Princess Anariel- Gabriella Wilde 
Elvenking Oropher - Jason Isaacs
Greenwood Elves
Darthol (Gelir's birth-mate) - Dan Stevens
Olondir (cousin of the Thranduilions) - Jake Gyllenhaal
Rivendell Elves
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Celebrían - Connie Nielsen 
Nimeithel (oc cousin of Celebrían & mother of Itarildë) - Rebecca Ferguson
Elladan - Richard Madden
Elrohir - Sebastian Stan
Silmarillion / First Age Ancestors
Glorfindel - ???? -still searching!-
Elemírë (oc wife of Glorfindel & sister of Elenwë) - Vanessa Kirby
Maglor/Kanafinwë - Ben Barnes
Velcálë (oc wife of Maglor) - Zendaya Coleman
Círdan the Shipwright - Iain Glen
Eäriel (oc wife of Círdan) - Olivia Hussey
Eärondir (oc son of Círdan & father of Maereth) - Alexander Skarsgard  
Laurinwen (oc mother of Maereth) - Lily Collins
Dwarves / Line of Durin
Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm- Hugh Jackman 
Frerin, son of Thrain - Gerard Butler
Aerdis (oc love interest of Boromir) - Freida Pinto 
Anarlas (brother of Aerdis) - Oscar Isaac
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth - Eric Bana
Ivriniel - Isabella Rossellini
Finduilas - Monica Bellucci
Erchirion - Adam Driver
Lothíriel - Gal Gadot
Théodred - Charlie Hunnam
Signyr (oc shield-maiden & Éomer's love interest) - Katheryn Winnick
Léodor (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Chris Hemsworth
Héothain (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Will Poulter
to be revealed OC - Pedro Pascal
YUP. I almost didn't want to insert that little spoiler of my upcoming fic, but I'm just too excited about fancasting the widely adored Pedro Pascal in my AU. It will be one heck of a character, too! I am SO VERY excited to create Harad OCs (Pedro's will be the main one)!
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Thank you for the Ask! Although this list is still messy and incomplete, answering it puts me one step closer to getting an official fancast list done! :)
Just tagging people whom I think/hope might be interested in this:
@hobbitwrangler @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @konartiste @hippodameia @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @entishramblings @heilith @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @quillofspirit @stormchaser819 @g-m-kaye @mirra-kan @alwayssevvy @marsharmonicorchestra @laurfilijames @coopsgirl @jane0error @jezzibee @lathalea @cuarthol
Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
SotWK HC Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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unladyboss · 23 days
It's serendipity
Adam Shapiro is good friends with Fitzgerald Grant
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Fitzgerald who himself is in a complicated relationship with Olivia Pope
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With one degree of separation from Shonda Rhimes, who would write TF out of the SYDCARMY love story while staying true to the essence of the characters and the slow burn
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Plus the IRL actors PR could benefit from a few OLITZ PR lessons
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deadgirlwalking91 · 2 months
sneak peak - 'thank you for the venom', chapter 15: 'it don't matter what i do, no, i can't keep my hands off you'
It's been a hot minute since I posted one of these.
New chapter should be out in the next few days. Be warned - it's a monster at over 9K (but a fun one!)
Lute’s eyes almost flew open in horror as she felt Adam lean over her once again.
The book. He was going to look at her novel. The same one where the main characters were starting to get absolutely filthy with each other, and he was going to read it.
“No!” she gasped, almost tearing her arms away from her chest to grab the book off him before remembering that it was in her best interest to keep herself covered. “Sir, please, I am—”
But what she was, she soon realised in horror, Adam would never know.
Because not only was he fucking reading the novel.
He was reading out loud.
“Olivia’s hands trailed down his chest, fingers raking through the forest of hair that lined his torso, all the while his lips hungrily sucked at her neck, without a doubt leaving a physical mark of his love over her tanned skin,” Adam read, sniggering, and Lute wanted nothing more than to promptly drown herself in the bathtub.
“Please don’t,” she whispered, sinking deeper into the water. Her entire body felt like it was aflame, embarrassment tearing through her like a ferocious wildfire. She was positive that her face and chest were practically fluorescent with mortification.
“No fucking way, I gotta keep going – plus this guy sounds like me, with the chest hair and—”
“Oh my god,” Lute whimpered pathetically, beyond thankful that her eyes were closed. Now that he’d pointed it out, she’d never be able to devour the book the same way she had done hundreds of times before. No, now that Adam had drawn that parallel, she wouldn’t be able to read it without imagining his hand on hers, trailing it through his coarse hair as–
“The sensation left her breathless, desperate, and hungry for so much more. Her fingers fumbled with the button of his pants, and she quickly slid them off his waist. They fell to the ground with an unceremonious plop as she pulled herself away from Nathan’s lips. She lowered onto her knees, and her hands gripped tightly to his hips where she allowed her fingers to toy with the elastic of his boxers.”
“Sir, I mean it, stop—”
“No fucking way Lute! This shit’s good – hang on, lemme skip ahead a bit…” A ridiculously HUGE thank-you to @a-dose-of-comatose for writing Nathan and Olivia's story. I can't wait for you to read the rest once the new chapter drops! <3
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boilingpotfrog · 3 months
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So I just go to finally watch this and I know I'm kinda late to this situation but I do have my own thoughts on this crossover.
To be honest it's 50/50 for me. Not the best but also not the worst, I do feel like it was kinds rush and semi with holes. I don't know if it's a big issue or not but I kinda don't like how it left in a cliffhanger, like in this case it feels like this was going to be a one time thing and just add to the collection of kengan and baki content. I don't think a one hour special crossover is enough for all the characters to be there. also why so many characters? Like I'm happy that they add some of my favorite but just listen to the list:
Baki Hamma
Tokita Ouma
Akiyans Kaede
Akoya Seishuu
Biscuit Oliva
Adam Dudley
Gensai Kuroki
Muteba Gizenga
Hanafusa Hamjime
Hanayama Kaoru
Jack Hammer
Yuujirou Hamma
Sen Hatsumi
Cosmo Imai
Kaiou Jyaku
Kaiou Kaku
Kaiou Retsu
Kanou Agito
Katahara Metsudou
Katahara Sayaka
Katou kiyosumi
Kura Raian
Orochi Doppo
Orochi Katsumi
Reinhard Julius
Sekibayashi Jun
Shiba Chiharu
Shibukawa Gouki
Shinogi Kureha
Tokugawa Mitsunari
Tyson Jerry
Yamashita Kazuo
Yoroizuka Saw Paing
Yoshizawa Kokomi
Also the death row convicts I ain't writing more names
And you think that they would all get a reasonable amount of screen time, right? No Olivia gets only like two or three voices lines before getting knocked out by shibukawa and even him has small amount of voice lines.
I fell like they try to hype it up by adding multiple characters but just expecting to be happy that their favorite characters is just there like kaiou Jyaku was just there basically saying the same darn line "I wanna teach them" what's the fucking point of him being there if he ain't going to do anything else? That's the main problem I have with it. Too many characters but just sitting there like a cardboard cutout and don't get me wrong, I loved that some of my favorites were there but they were just sitting there also I don't know if it's just me or what but where the fuck was Pickle? Like his name of in the introduction and they brought him up one time but that was it, did I somehow skip him somewhere or what?
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Was I fucking high during this moment? Can I get the time this happened?
I feel like it should be more like a crossover series, with one or two seasons, with it being at its own pace. It would give more time for other characters to shine and interact while getting more screen time and less leaving things on cliffhangers. Each episode would be Baki and Ouma training for the big day and the same with the other four for their fights against each other with one of the episode is about being able to go into more detail about the fight that Doppo and Saw Paing dad had, maybe even showing all of it. It would give put more time for it to world build better and not feel like a rush project.
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letters2fiction · 7 months
Welcome to Letters2fiction!
The concept here is to send in a question or a letter request, and you’ll get a response from your fictional character of choice, from the list below. Please stick to the list I’ve made, but of course, you can ask if there’s some other characters I write for, I don’t always remember all the shows, movies or books I’ve consumed over the years and I’m sure I’m missing a lot 😅
Status: New Characters added - Thursday March 21st, 2024
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A Discovery of Witches:
Matthew Clairmont
Baldwin Montclair
Gallowglass de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Philippe de Clermont
Jack Blackfriars
Sarah Bishop
Emily Mather
Diana Bishop
Ysabeau de Clermont
Miriam Shepard
Phoebe Taylor
Gerbert D’Aurillac
Peter Knox
Father Andrew Hubbard
Benjamin Fuchs
Satu Järvinen
Law and Order:
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Peter Stone
Hasim Khaldun
Nick Amaro NEW!
Mike Dodds
Grace Muncy
Kat Tamin
Toni Churlish
Amanda Rollins
Olivia Benson
Rita Calhoun
Casey Novak
Melinda Warner
George Huang
Sam Maroun
Nolan Price
Jamie Whelan
Bobby Reyes
Jet Slootmaekers
Ayanna Bell
Jack McCoy
Elliot Stabler
One Chicago:
Jay Halstead (Could also be Will if you want)
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz
Dante Torres
Vanessa Rojas
Kevin Atwater
Sean Roman
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Joe Cruz
Sylvie Brett
Blake Gallo
Christopher Hermann
Violet Mikami
Evan Hawkins
Mayans MC:
Angel Reyes
911 verse:
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Howie "Chimney" Han
Ravi Panikkar
T.K. Strand
Owen Strand
Carlos Reyes
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Tommy Vega
Judson "Judd" Ryder
Grace Ryder
Nancy Gillian
Mateo Chavez
The Rookie:
Lucy Chen
Tim Bradford
Celina Juarez
Aaron Thorsen
Nyla Harper
Angela Lopez
Wesley Evers
BBC Sherlock:
Greg Lestrade
Mycroft Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Simon Basset
Daphne Bridgerton
Eloise Bridgerton
Kate Sharma
Edwina Sharma
Marina Thompson/Crane
Jamie Fraser
Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser
Frank Randall
Black Jack Randall
Brianna Fraser
Roger MacKenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser Murray
Ian Murray Sr.
Ian Fraser Murray
Murtagh Mackenzie
Call The Midwife:
Shelagh Turner / Sister Bernadette
Dr. Patrick Turner
Nurse Trixie Franklin
Nurse Phyllis Crane
Lucille Anderson
Nurse Barbara Gilbert
Sister Hilda
Miss Higgins
PC Peter Noakes
Reverend Tom Hereward NEW!
Horacio Carrillo
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby
Downton Abbey:
Robert Crawley, Earl of Grantham
Cora Crawley, Countess of Grantham
Lady Mary Crawley
Lady Edith Crawley
Lady Sybil Crawley
Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham
Isobel Crawley
Matthew Crawley
Lady Rose MacClare
Lady Rosamund Painswick
Henry Talbot
Tom Branson
Mr. Charles Carson
Mrs. Hughes / Elsie May Carson
John Bates
Anna Bates
Daisy Mason
Thomas Barrow
Joseph Molesley
Land Girl:
Connie Carter
Reverend Henry Jameson (Gwilym Lee's version)
Midsomer Murder:
DCI Tom Barnaby
Joyce Barnaby
Dr. George Bullard
DCI John Barnaby
Sarah Barnaby
DS Ben Jones
DS Jamie Winter
Sgt. Gavin Troy
Fleur Perkins
WPC Gail Stephens
Kate Wilding
DS Charlie Nelson
Sergeant Dan Scott
NEW! Once Upon A Time
Regina / The Evil Queen
Mary Margaret Blanchard / Snow White
David Nolan / Prince Charming
Emma Swan
Killian Jones / Captain Hook
Mr. Gold / Rumplestiltskin
Neal Cassidy / Baelfire
Peter Pan
Sheriff Graham Humbert / The Huntsman
Jefferson / The Mad Hatter
Robin of Locksley / Robin Hood
Will Scarlet
Zelena / Wicked Witch
Alice (Once in Wonderland)
Cyrus (Once in Wonderland)
Jafar (Once in Wonderland)
Tiger Lily
Prince Eric
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Tinker Bell
Red Riding Hood
Aurora / Sleeping Beauty
Prince Phillip
Prince Thomas
NEW! The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Elena Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Enzo St. John
Niklaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
The Pirates of the Caribbean:
Captain Jack Sparrow
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann
James Norrington
Harry Hart
Eggsy Unwin
James Spencer / Lancelot
Alastair / Percival
Roxy Morton / Lancelot
Maximillian Morton / The Shepherd
Orlando Oxford
Jack Daniels / Whiskey
Dreamland Billionaire series - Lauren Asher:
Dirty Air series - Lauren Asher:
Ladies in Stem - Ali Hazelwood books:
Fourth Wing - Rebecca Yarros:
Xaden Riorson
Dain Aetos
Jack Barlowe
Rhiannan Matthias
Violet Sorrengail
Mira Sorrengail
Lillith Sorrengail
Bodhi Durran
Liam Mairi
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luke-hughes43 · 10 months
hello hello!
so my name is meg, I'm 20 and I'm from the Boston area! I'm a massive hockey fan and I'll write for most players if you ask!
I have a variety of aus and mostly everything for each au is under the tag for the girls!!!
I'm always open to write stand alone fics outside of my AUs as long as you send the request of what your looking for and who want it about!
*disclaimer: any and all pics for the AUs and insta edit I got from pinterest and instagram and are not my own*
Stella's World
Stella Zegras and Luke Hughes
Bella Murphy and Ethan Edwards
Avery Johnson and Dylan Duke
Paige Greene and Mackie Samoskevich
Fiona Swanson and Mark Estapa
Trevor Zegras and Mackenzie Boldy
Seamus Casey and Ella Woods
Dad!Jack with daughter Alyssa Hughes and Sarah Hunt
Gavin Brindley and Emma Woods
Matt Boldy and Abby Jackson
Quinn Hughes and Claudia Larkin
Cole Caufield and Caroline Campbell
Cutter Gauthier and Rebecca McGroarty
Pat Moynihan and Cassie Hughes
Will Smith and Kathryn Donato
Eden's World
Cutter Gauthier and Eden Hughes
Will Smith and Danielle Duke
Ryan Leonard and Isla Gauthier
Gabe Perreault and Kelsey White
General Knowledge
Luke Hughes and Melissa Moynihan
Johnny Beecher and Kaitlyn Granowicz
Jeremy Swayman and Olivia Brown
Steve Holtz and Haley Cameron
Seth Jarvis and Elizabeth Davis
Adam Fantilli and Lauren Grant
Luca Fantilli and Sophia Kelly
Rutger McGroarty and Francesca Fantilli
Macklin Celebrini and Allison Carter
Gabby's World
Gabby Perreault and Will Smith and Ryan Leonard
Riley's World
Riley Leonard and Will Smith and Gabe Perreault
48 notes · View notes
caplanbuckybarnes · 1 year
Songs4Caplan Challenge
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(I located an older song fic challenge from a deleted blog I had that had this graphic on it. LOL)
Tag me in the authors notes & send me a message with yuor fic once it's posted! (along with the hashtag so I know which Masterlist to place the fic when I post it)
Please tag the proper warnings before the fic
More than one person can write for the same prompts
RPFs are allowed
If you’d like to write for more than one song, please make them separate fics
the songs are randomly picked from my playlist, so don't judge lol.
Can be however long you’d like the fic to be, however, please be considerate to the folks using the app and place the 'keep reading' feature on your posts!!
PLEASE tag the fic as #songs4caplan so i can easily find your fics!!!
Addicted to you simple plan
Africa Toto 
All downhill from here new found glory 
All for you sister hazel 
All summer long kid Rock 
Alone together fall out boy
Amnesia 5 seconds of summer
Animals maroon 5
As it was Harry styles 
as the world caves in Sarah cothran
Ashes of Eden breaking Benjamin 
Attention Charlie put 
Bad guy Billie eillish 
Bad things jace Everett
Beautiful mistakes maroon 5
Beautiful soul Jesse McCartney 
Before he cheats carrie underwood 
Before you go Lewis capaldi 
Beggin maneskin 
Better than me hinder
Blue ain’t your color Keith urban 
Burn usher 
Car radio twenty one pilots 
Church fall out boy
Climax usher 
Come & get it Selena Gomez 
Count on me Bruno mars 
Criminal Fiona Apple 
Deja vu Olivia rodrigo 
Delicate Taylor swift 
Diary Tino Coury 
Dirty laundry Carrie underwood 
Dirty thoughts Chloe adams 
Don’t call me up Mabel 
Downtown lady a 
Drivers license Olivia rodrigo 
Easy on Adele 
End of me a day to remember 
Every breath you take the police 
Every morning sugar ray 
Everybody hurts r.e.m. 
Fall for you secondhand serenade
Fallin Alicia keys 
Fast car Tracy Chapman 
Flowers Miley Cyrus 
For the first time the script
Forever young alphaville
Forever and ever amen randy Travis
Fuck it Eamon 
Fuck you bitch wheeler walker jr
Ghost of you Justin beiber
Glimpse of us Joji
God gave me you Blake Shelton 
Hate (I really don’t like you) plain white tees
Havana Camilla cabello 
Heart attack Demi lovato 
Heartbreak anniversary giveon 
Heaven Kane brown 
Hello darlin Conway twitty 
Hold on, we’re going on drake 
How do you sleep Jesse McCartney 
Hurt Johnny cash 
I fall apart post Malone 
I miss you blink 182
I see red everybody loves an outlaw 
I wanna be your slave maneskin 
I’m not the only one Sam smith 
I’m the only one Melissa Ethridge 
I’m yours Alessia Cara 
In my blood Shawn Mendes 
It ain’t me baby me Johnny cash 
Jealous nick Jonas 
Just one yesterday fall out boy 
Just the way you are Bruno mars 
Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne 
Killer queen Queen 
The last of the real ones 
Leave  the door open Bruno mars 
Leavin’ Jesse McCartney 
Let her go passenger
Like I can Sam smith
Lips of an angel hinder
Little do you know Alex & sierra 
Little Talks Mumfords & sons
Mama's broken heart Miranda lambert
Man down Rihanna
Misery Maroon 5
My Boo usher & Alicia keys 
Needed Me Rihanna 
Never gonna be alone Nickelback
New Rules Dua Lipa 
Not Over You Gavin DeGraw
Obsessed Mariah Carey
One Call Away Charlie Puth
One More Night Maroon 5
Our Song Taylor Swift
Picture KidRock & Sherry Crow 
PillowTalk Zayn Malik 
Please Don’t Leave Me Pink
Red Taylor Swift 
Remember the time Michael Jackson
Rolling in the deep Adele 
Say My Name Destiny’s Child
Say So Doja Cat 
She’s Got You Patsy Cline
Shower Becky G
Smokin out the Window Bruno Mars 
Someone You Loved Lewis Capaldi
Stay With Me Sam Smith
Take a Bow Rihanna
Take Me to Church Hozier
Take You Dancing Jason Derulo
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back Shawn Mendes
Title Meghan Trainor
Too Good at Goodbyes Sam Smith
Too Little Too LAte JoJo
Trip Ella Mae
Trouble P!Nk
True Love P!NK
Unfaithful RIhanna
Unholy Sam smith
Unsteady X Ambassadors
Uptown Girl Billy Joel
Wait For You Elliot Yamin
Walk Me Home P!NK
Walkin After Midnight Patsy Cline
Want U Back Cher Lloyd
What a Man Gotta Do Jonas Brothers
What Ifs Kane Brown
Wolves Selena Gomez
Would You Go With Me? Josh Turner
You Found Me The Fray
You Had Me @ Hello A Day to Remember
You Need to Calm Down, Taylor Swift
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aconites · 1 year
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hello!  i’m loving all the threads i have going on right now and i would love to add more to the mix so this is a plotting call for those who might be interested in writing with me!  if you want to do threads with someone who will literally message you at 3am with random headcanons, musings and create graphics (manips, gifs manips, crackships, etc​ )  for our characters — look no further. i also have no triggers, am sm.ut friendly and i love to do multiple plots with the same partner. bellow the cut you’ll find a list of wanted faceclaims, opposites, ships and plots that i would love to do and if anything catches your interest please give this post a like and i’ll message you. this is for mutuals & non mutuals, so feel free to like this even if we have threads/plots happening already!
faceclaims i’d love to play!
* ana de armas** * greta onieogou* * melissa barrera* * phoebe tonkin* * margot robbie* * camila queiroz* * sydney sweeney* * ayca aysin turan * hande ercel * alycia debnam-carey * zoey deutch* * simone ashley * melisa pamuk* * adria arjona * anya chalotra * olivia cooke * kristine froseth * grace van dien * grace van patten * jessica alexander* * madelyn cline* * madison bailey * priscilla quintana* * meghann fahy * benedetta porcaroli * camila morrone * riley keough * suki waterhouse* * adelaide kane* * florence pugh* * crystal reed * sophia bush * ester exposito * lily james * lily collins * gabriella wilde* * sofia carson * josephine langford * danielle rose russell * danielle campbell * abigail cowen* * halston sage * camila mendes * brianne howey * gemma chan * eiza gonzalez * lindsey morgan * zendaya * sabrina carpenter * candice swanepoel * elsa hosk * jasmine tookes * emily ratajkowski
faceclaims i’d love to play against!
* all the ladies above * pedro pascal** * ben barnes* * joseph quinn* * joe keery* *christopher briney* * henry cavill * ricky whittle * casey deidrick* * jd pardo * jamie dornan * adam demos * richard madden * sam clafflin * scott eastwood * garrett hedlund * drew starkey * clayton cardenas * jonathan bailey * jeffrey dean morgan * rudy pankow * felix mallard * dj cotrona* * charlie hunnam* * sebastian stan* * alex fitzalan * dylan o’brien* * nick robinson * manny montana  * chris evans* * harry styles * jacob elordi * boyd holbrook
some ships i’d love to do!
* any of the above fcs combined tbh. ( m/f or f/f ) * pedro pascal & ana de armas* * pedro pascal & phoebe tonkin* ( bonus points for an apocalypse plot ) * pedro pascal & alycia debnam-carey ( bonus points for an apocalypse plot ) * pedro pascal & adria arjona * pedro pascal & melisa pamuk * pedro pascal & margot robbie * ben barnes & phoebe tonkin* * ben barnes & ana de armas* * ben barnes & camila queiroz* * ben barnes & adelaide kane * ben barnes & margot robbie * ben barnes & alicia vikander * ben barnes & sydney sweeney* * christopher briney & josephine langford* * christopher briney & madelyn cline* * christopher briney & kristine froseth * christopher briney & sydney sweeney* * manny montana & camila queiroz  ( especially in a crime based plot ) * manny montana & ester exposito * manny montana & camila mendes * manny montana & eiza gonzalez * dylan o’brien & danielle rose russell * dylan o’brien & camila queiroz ( especially in a crime based plot ) * dylan o'brien & kristine froseth * dylan o'brien & alycia debnam-carey * ana de armas & margot robbie* * suki waterhouse & camila morrone* * casey deidrick & danielle campbell* * casey deidrick & priscilla quintana * casey deidrick & ana de armas * casey deidrick & phoebe tonkin* * casey deidrick & sydney sweeney* * camila mendes & jessica alexander * charlie hunnam & margot robbie * charlie hunnam & lily james * charlie hunnam & sophia bush * charlie hunnam & ana de armas * charlie hunnam & phoebe tonkin* * charlie hunnam & sydney sweeney * ben barnes & adelaide kane ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * ben barnes & bruna marquezine  ( royal/bridgerton era plot ) * ben barnes & anya chalotra  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * rege jean-page  & anya taylor joy  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * rege jean-page  & lily james ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * jonathan bailey & lily james  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * henry cavil & florence pugh ( royal/bridgerton era plot ) * * henry cavill & adelaide kane  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * henry cavill & lily james  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * daniel charman & adelaide kane  ( royal/bridgerton era plot )* * daniel sharman & jodie comer  ( royal/bridgerton era plot ) plots id love to do! * single dad/nanny plots! give me something cute and angsty. * * escort/client plot where she breaks the most important rule… don’t fall for your client* * this unhappily married dad/babysitter plot. * * grumpy ceo/soft assistant plots.* * royal plots! bridgerton esqued plots! * * f/f socialites plot… blair/selena/upper east side inspired muses but make it gay* * college professor/teacher’s assistant plot.  ( everyone 23+ tho ) * * college professor/student plot. ( everyone 23+ tho ) * * this zombie apocalypse/last of us inspired plot* but also any za plot. * celeb plots! especially this one. something like two super famous actors hiding their relationship or famous person/non famous plots?* * crimey plots? sons of anarchy inspired? or maybe m.afia/m.ob/gang stuff?* * bodyguard/client plots bc i’m a sucker for them* * soulmates plot. i have a whole lore i’ve been wanting to write out for ages so * sugar b.aby / sugar d.addy plots ( everyone 23+ tho ) *  * best friends to lovers plots ( gimme angst) CLICK HERE FOR MORE BC TUMBLR HAS A TEXT LIMIT.
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years
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|Masterlist|Update Log|Update Log 2|Progress Page|
Requests status: Closed
1. I write for male/gender neutral readers only!!!!!
2. Please Do Not Spam Request
3. Please Do Not Request For Something When My Requests Are Closed
4. if Your Request Has Not Been Made Yet, Please Do Not Spam Me When It Will Be Done
5. When Requesting, Please give a plot
6. Enjoy Yourself And Relax
How to request
You can either message me your request or submit your request in my request box
Who I write for:
• Dc Universe 🔵
- Barry Allen (The Flash)
- Bart Allen (Impulse)
- Batfamily
- Bruce Wayne (Batman)
- Clark Kent (Superman)
- Conner Kent (Superboy)
- Damian Wayne (Robin)
- Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)
- Jason Todd (Red Hood)
- John Constantine
- Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
- Roy Harper (Speedy/Arsenal/Red Arrow)
- Tim Drake (Red Robin)
- Wally West (Kid-Flash)
• Descendants 🍎
- Ben Florian
- Chad Charming
- Jay
• Fear Street 🧙‍♀️
- Kurt
- Nick Goode
- Tommy Slater
• Marvel Universe 🔴
- Adam Warlock
- Billy Maximoff (Wiccan)
- Bucky Barnes (Winter Solider)
- Chase Stein
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
- Druig
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk)
- Ikaris
- Johnny Storm (Human Torch)
- Kingo
- Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
- Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099)
- Peter Parker (Andrew’s Spider-Man)
- Peter Parker (Tom’s Spider-Man)
- Pietro Maximoff (QuickSilver)
- Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic)
- Stephan Strange (Dr. Strange)
- Steve Rogers (Captain America)
- T’Challa (Black Panther)
- Thor Oddinson
- Tony Stark (Ironman)
• Mortal Kombat 🐉
- Bi-Han (Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero)
- Erron Black
- Fujin
- Geras
- Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
- Havik
- Jax Briggs
- Johnny Cage
- Kabal
- Kano
- Kenshi Takahashi
- Kuai Liang (Sub-Zero/Scorpion)
- Kung Jin
- Kung Lao
- Liu Kang
- Radien
- Reiko
- Syzoth (Reptile)
- Takeda
- Tomas Vrbada (Smoke)
• Percy Jackson 🔱
- Grover Underwood
- Leo Valdez
- Luke Castellen
- Percy Jackson
• Scream 🔪😱
- Billy Loomis
- Chad Meeks Martian
- Danny Brackett
- Wes Hicks
- Mickey Alteri
• Wolf Pack 🐺
- Everett Ross
- Harlan Briggs
What I feel comfortable writing for:
• Bondage
• Overstim/Edging
Stuff I feel if-y to write for:
• Age Gap
• Cheating
• Daddy Kinks
• Poly relationships
• Spit Kinks
• Threesome
What I will not write for:
• Any female characters
• Any Irl celebrities
• Piss/shit kinks etc
• Rape/Non-consensual
• Sex slave type of stuff
Common Questions
Are F!Readers allowed to read my stories?
- Absolutely! Just don’t fetishize it!
Can ppl reblog my stories
- Yes!
Can I request more than once?
- of course!
Why Don’t you write for FTM/MTF?
- I personally do not know how that feels like so I don't think I can really do your request justice and I don’t really feel comfortable writing for that
(If you have any more questions you want to ask me, feel free to message me!)
Get to know me!
• I am Asian
• I am a kpop Stan, and most of my stories are named after a kpop song or a line in a kpop song (don’t judge me)
• I usually take a really long time to make fics so don’t be concerned if I haven’t made you’re request
• Artists I listen to: Aespa, AleXa, Ariana Grande, Baby Monster, Beabadoobee, Bibi, Blackpink, Conan Gray, Dream Catcher, (G) I-dle, GOT The Beat, Itzy, Ive, Jini, K/DA, Kiss Of Life, Lana Del Rey, Laufey, Lee Chaeyeon, Le Sserafim, Little Mix, Lyn Lapid, Madison Beer, Mad Tsai, Mamamoo, Mave, Melanie Martinez, New Jeans, Nmixx, Olivia Rodrigo, Poppy, Red Velvet, Sarah Cothran, Soojin, Stayc, Taeyon, Taylor Swift, Twice, and XG
• I change my pfp every 5 seconds💀
• I watched scream, Fear street, wolf pack, lab rats, literally any marvel movies/shows, some dc movies/shows, and a lot more!
221 notes · View notes
trashywritestrash · 1 year
Pairing: Avengers x Singer-Songwriter!Stark!Reader (platonic/family)
Word Count: 1,220
Warnings: Swearing, no specific age is given for reader, but she's between 18 and 21. Probably bad writing, heavy dialogue, song lyrics… Idk if half of those are warnings, but that’s what I’ve got.
A/N: This isn’t going to be the best thing I’ve written by a long shot. This whole thing is just like a daydream I have sometimes and I was encouraged to just write it out because maybe that would help me unclog the writers block. Honestly, I’ve just been drained lately and I don’t have the energy to be creative, so I’m cranking this thing out in the hopes that it’ll spark something. I’d call this a crack fic but I don’t know if it’s unhinged enough to qualify.
Song Reference: Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
gif by jameschildress
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As the daughter of Tony Stark, you had been in the spotlight your entire life. So when you announced that you would be releasing your debut album as a musician, the internet was hyped up immediately. You didn’t need to promote it at all, but you still released small clips on social media and dropped a single before the release of the album.
The Avengers are close to you, they’re your big found family… But when they asked to listen to the album before the official release, you still said no. Obviously, they continued to ask and even attempted to bribe you, but you were adamant that they would have to wait like everyone else.
Finally, the album dropped. To celebrate, everyone gathered in the common area while you set up a camera to record their reactions as you all listened. In the living room sat your father, Pepper, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Clint, and Wanda. The “extended” team members like Peter Parker, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Carol, and Dr. Strange were listening on their own and simply texting you their thoughts.
“Okay, guys. Get your snacks and stuff now because I’m not going to wait ten minutes in between songs for you to grab something,” Tony bosses, completely impatient.
You chuckle, “You do know that I’m controlling the music, right?”
“Doesn’t matter. I’ll have Friday override the speakers if I have to.”
“Alright, are we ready yet? Yelena is already trying to text me about it and I don’t want spoilers,” Natasha complains from her spot on one of the couches, bowl of popcorn in hand.
“Yeah, yeah, settle down.” Once everyone is sat, you take your spot on a stool by the camera, “Okay, if you need me to pause or rewind, raise your hand or something. Or listen to it again later on your own. I’ll pause between songs so you can get your comments and questions out. Sound good?”
Sam waves his hand, “We got it, just play it already, we’re tired of waiting.”
“Patience, Samuel. Alright, the first song is called ‘Brutal’.” You press play on your phone, which is bluetooth connected to the speakers in the room.
The song opens with classical instrumental music, surprising the group. They’ve heard the clips released on your social media, and this doesn’t seem to fit at all.
I want it to be, like, messy.
Suddenly the music is louder and faster paced, taking on a more punk rock sound. Tony grins wide, “That’s my kid!”
I’m so insecure, I think
That I’ll die before I drink
And I’m so caught up in the news
Of who likes me, and who hates you
And I’m so tired that I might
Quit my job, start a new life
And they’d all be so disappointed
‘Cause who am I, if not exploited?
Reactions across the room are mixed. Bucky and Steve look a little thrown off, not used to this type of music. Tony looks prouder than ever. Pepper and Sam look proud, but you can tell they’re not sure what to think about the tone of it. Natasha and Clint have “I told you so” written all over their faces. Thor is enthusiastic and smiling wide. And Bruce and Wanda seem to be trying to dissect and analyze the lyrics as they listen.
And I’m so sick of seventeen
Where’s my fucking teenage dream?
“Language,” slips from Steve before he can stop himself. “Also, you’re not seventeen anymore?”
“I wrote it a while ago and I decided to leave it like that. I wanted it to be truthful to where I was in my life when I wrote it.” The group nods as the song continues.
If someone tells me one more time
“Enjoy your youth,” I’m gonna cry
And I don’t stick up for myself
I’m anxious and nothing can help
And I wish I’d done this before
And I wish people liked me more
“Awe, sweetheart,” Wanda frowns. Everyone seems conflicted. Like they’re unsure whether they should be banging their heads or offering you hugs.
All I did was try my best
This the kind of thanks I get?
Unrelentlessly upset (ah, ah, ah)
They say these are the golden years
But I wish I could disappear
Ego crush is so severe
God, it’s brutal out here
You frown at how the mood was brought down by the lyrics. Quickly, you pause. “Guys, stop that. This is supposed to be a fun song.”
“It is fun, but you’re my daughter, of course I’m going to be concerned,” Tony pouts. “Why didn’t you talk to me about this stuff?”
“Because I didn’t feel like I needed to. I get these feelings out in therapy and in my songs, so it’s not like I’m bottling it in. I have some healthy coping mechanisms.”
Bruce takes the opportunity to speak up. “Some?”
“Nobody’s perfect, Bruce. You guys don’t need to know everything.” You chuckle to diffuse the tension, but resume the music before anyone can argue.
I feel like no one wants me
And I hate the way I’m perceived
I only have two real friends
And lately, I’m a nervous wreck
‘Cause I love people I don’t like
And I hate every song I write
And I’m not cool and I’m not smart
And I can’t even parallel park
“Are we not your friends?” Thor pouts, genuinely sad.
“You guys don’t count. You’re family.” That answer seems to appease them, but they’re clearly still concerned. The chorus plays once more before the music starts to wind down.
Got a broken ego, broken heart
God, I don’t even know where to start
The song ends, so you pause before the next one automatically starts. “What did you guys think?” You wait nervously for their response. They mean a lot to you, so you want them to like your music.
“I loved it, but the lyrics are kinda sad when I think about them…” Pepper admits cautiously, not wanting you to think she didn’t like it.
You give her a nervous smile, “I’m gonna be honest. Some of the stuff on here is sad. Some of it is probably gonna upset you… I don’t tell you guys everything, and there are some things in here that you guys don’t know about. I’m sorry about that; but the last thing I want is for you guys to pity me or anything like that.” Chuckling, you attempt to lighten the mood. “I’m an angsty girl. In this album I get a little sad, a little angry, a little petty, but try not to get too heartbroken over it. Please?”
“No promises, kid. We’re your family. We’re absolutely going to get protective.” Sam grins, keeping his comment lighthearted, even though he means every word.
“Fine, I’ll take it.”
Steve raises his hand patiently, “Are all of the songs this… upbeat?” He asks, unsure of what to call the sound.
“No, some of them slow down. But some of them are more punk like this. I won’t give you a heart attack.” He laughs at your joke, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, I think we’re ready for the next one,” Clint says, causing the others to nod. “Hit us with it!”
You laugh, pulling up your music app. “Okay, okay. Here we go…”
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Books of 2022
In 2022, I read fewer books overall (143, down from last year’s ridiculous 303) but I did manage to cut down on my romance novel reading---a respectable 52% instead of last year’s 78%. The consequence of this is that I did actually read more good books this year, books I could talk about with other people and inspired feelings and thoughts that rattled around my head afterwards. Plus some actual nonfiction!
Going through all of them, what I liked about them, why they made such an impression, would take a while---plus I’ve already talked about most of these in my books tag. So I’m just going to invite everyone to ask about anything that catches their eye!
BEST FICTION (IN THE ORDER I READ THEM) ** indicates a particular favorite
The House of Small Shadows, Adam Nevill
**The Cipher, Kathe Koja
Eartheater, Dolores Reyes
Hadriana in All My Dreams, René Depestre
**Tender is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica 
You've Lost a Lot of Blood, Eric LaRocca
The Beautiful Ones, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle
War for the Oaks, Emma Bull
Girl A, Abigail Dean
This Might Hurt, Stephanie Wrobel
**Burning Girls and Other Stories, Veronica Schanoes
Eva Ibbotson’s A Countess Below Stairs, A Company of Swans, & Magic Flutes
Deerskin, Robin McKinley
An Iliad, Lisa Peterson and Denis O’Hare
**Capitalist Realism, Mark Fisher
Urban Folklore in the Paperwork Empire, Alan Dundes & Carl R. Pagter
**Fun Home, Alison Bechdel
**Men, Women & Chainsaws, Carol J. Clover
[romance novels and most disliked books under the cut---I did give these a bit of an explanation, because being asked about romance novels makes me itchy. We shall never speak of these again.]
Vivienne Lorret (How to Forget a Duke, Ten Kisses to Scandal, The Rogue to Ruin, When a Marquess Loves a Woman, How to Steal a Scoundrel's Hear) Admittedly, nothing particularly unique about these---however, they are more traditional romance and a pretty decent attempt at actual regency-style manners, so I enjoyed myself reading them.
Olivia Atwater (Half a Soul, Ten Thousand Stitches, Longshadow) I actually sincerely loved these! Supernatural historical romance from a solid writer. Plus, the series has angrier, more class-conscious sensibilities than all the romance novels I've read---and is less hypocritical about it too, since the characters are largely not nobility, and there's no marrying dukes involved.
Alice Coldwater (His Forsaken Bride, An Ill-Made Match, The Unlovely Bride, Wed By Proxy) So admittedly, I don’t recommend reading all four of these together---it becomes increasingly clear that Coldwater can only write one and a half heroines, and both of them are excessively weepy. Nevertheless, I took a total leap of faith on this (historical fantasy romance isn't typically my genre) and was rewarded by a lot of delightful pining, some court politics, and the 1.5 heroines she can write are fun to follow around.
C.L. Wilson (The Winter King, The Sea King) If last year was about reading every romance novel about dukes I could find, this year was about finding all the fantasy romance novels. (Shout out to Stephanie Garber who also helped feed this inexplicable urge!) Anyway, this series was fun, similar to the above in that it’s fake fantasy politics and some romance, and that’s a combination that works for me.
Redshirts, John Scalzi I have never despised a book quite like this one! I still can't tell if it's the smirkingly obvious Star Trek meta of it all, or the hat on a hat that is the last chapter/coda 1. I did like coda 3, but only because it felt like the only quietly, emotionally sincere part of the whole stupid book.
High Times in the Low Parliament, Kelly Robinson Novellas must be tricky to write---I’ve read a fistful or so, and find them to be wildly variable in quality and effectiveness. That said....the author’s attempt to resolve entrenched political problems via dance made me roll my eyes so hard I strained a muscle. It ruined what might have otherwise been a fun time, since I did like the narrator's charmingly disaffected perspective
Always Be My Duchess, Amalie Howard Emotional honesty and vulnerability has no place in romance novels. I read historical romance specifically so people won’t talk about their feelings, and the fact that romancelandia keeps shoehorning therapy-speak into my regency may in fact be my villain origin story. However, even worse than that is this book’s use of “totally” and "patriarchy" in a completely ahistorical way, betraying a nauseating disinterest in the time period being written about. Worse than even that: the total fucking coward's move it is to write a Pretty Woman fic but then have the heroine be a virgin and not a sex worker at all. God knows we can't be interesting.
Death, Laura Thelassa This one is my own fault. I did think "hey isn't that the romance series with the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse? I read one of those a long time ago; I should give it another shot." (I promise, I regretted it instantly.) However, it is another excellent entry in the long list of cowardly books that refuse to actually lean into enemies to lovers as a trope. Also, if you have undying protagonists? they should kill each other more.
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swayhere · 3 months
canon starter call - open to anyone !
i have a strong urge to write some canon muses, so if you would be interested in writing against any of the canon muses listed under the READ MORE below, please comment/IM me and i can send a starter your way or reply to one of your starters.
i do not require you to know anything about my muse's canon, but i'm more than happy to tell you about it if you ask. i'd be happy to write canon muses against your ocs! also, mixing fandoms is 100% ok with me unless your canon muse is problematic and makes me uncomfy. my canon muses do not have all their memories or relationships from their life unless we plot it, but they will have the same general personality/ambitions.
if you are willing to write against my canon muses but don't care which, just like this post, and i'll take a look at your open starters and/or send you a closed starter at random with a muse i think fits the vibe.
*please don't agree to write against my canon muses if you're one of those picky weirdos that will be up in arms if i don't write a cannon muse exactly how you would.
( if you'd prefer to write against an oc muse only, check this post. )
canon muses i'd like to write: bold = extra big muse rn. strikethrough = exclusive, so not rn.
muses from tv shows: 
911 — eddie diaz , evan buckley , athena grant , bobby nash , karen wilson
911: lonestar — carlos reyes , grace ryder , judson ryder , t.k. strand , owen strand
as the world turns — dr. reid oliver , luke snyder
boy meets world — shawn hunter , jack hunter , angela moore , topanga lawrence
chuck — sarah walker , chuck bartowski , bryce larkin 
degrassi — jimmy brooks , sean cameron , ellie nash , marco del rossi , sav bhandari , drew torres , zoe rivas , miles hollingsworth iii , tiny bell , esme song , 
gilmore girls — jess , luke
good trouble — gael martinez , jamie hunter , callie adams foster , mariana adams foster , evan speck , joaquin perez , dennis cooper 
how i met your father — sid , ian , sophie , jesse
how i met your mother — marshall eriksen , lily aldrin , victoria
how to get away with murder — laurel castillo , connor walsh , oliver hampton , michaela pratt , frank delfino 
jessica jones — jessica jones
lost — kate austen , juliet burke , daniel faraday , desmond hume , sayid jarrah , sun-hwa kwon , claire littleton , walter ‘walt’ lloyd , charlie pace , hugo ‘hurley’ reyes , shannon rutherford , miles straume 
new amsterdam — lauren bloom , elizabeth wilder , casey acosta
new girl — nick miller , winston bishop , cece parekh
one tree hill — nathan scott , lucas scott , keith scott , chase adams , brooke davis 
outer banks (obx) — jj maybank , kiara carrera
please like me — arnold 
rosewell, new mexico — michael guerin , maria deluca , isobel evans
scandal — olivia pope , prezzy fitz
scooby doo — daphne blake
stranger things — robin buckley , steve harrington , jim hopper , chrissy cunningham , eddie munson , max mayfield , eleven , mike wheeler 
superstore — jonah simms
the 100 — finn collins
the bear — richie jerimovich, carmy berzatto , marcus , sydney adamu  
the mindy project — danny castellano 
the office — ryan howard , jim halpert , pam halpert , kelly kapoor , holly flax
the politician — river barkley , astrid sloan 
the young & the restless — sally spectra , adam newman , chelsea lawson , phyllis summers , lily winters , sharon newman , chance chancellor , victoria newman , tessa porter , amanda sinclair , cole howard
younger — josh , kelsey peters
muses from books: 
along for the ride ( book version only ) — eli stock , auden west , maggie  
one of us is lying ( book version only ) — cooper clay , nate
red white & royal blue — alex claremont-diaz , prince henry , zahra bankston
we were liars — gatwick ‘gat’ matthew patil
muses from movies: 
dead poets society — neil perry , charlie dalton , todd anderson
harry potter — lee jordan
les mis — enjolras , grantaire 
super 8 — joe lamb , martin , preston
twilight — irina denali , jasper cullen
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