#On the bright side I'm extremely familiar with rejection
shortcircuitthegreat · 10 months
Have my 72nd(?) job interview today. It needs to go well and I need to get hired for once because 1) if I have to spend one more day in my parents' house over this blessed winter break I am going to lose my mind and 2) my laptop, which I fixed 2-3 weeks ago with a brand new battery, has decided not to work anymore and needs to be replaced. Something that will run everything I need for school goes for $2000. I do not have $2000. I am going to make a human sacrifice to manifest a job at this rate. (For legal reasons that was not a serious proclamation.) Clearly I pissed off SOME force because my luck is atrocious. I should not be struggling this much to find a job when I have more work history than most other people at this point (ain't specifying), am pursuing two STEM degrees, and am heavily involved in pretty much everything I can be. I do soooo much stuff and I can't get a job anywhere and that's crazy. (But I've heard from others the job market sucks, so this isn't as targeted as it feels...and that does not make me feel better about looking for something post-grad.)
Good things HAVE happened but not the things I NEED (i.e. employment and money and functioning technology so I can do the freelance work that has made me next to nothing but remains the one thing tethering me to this realm).
invoking the power of the gods in the club rn
I also need Loki to stop fucking with me because this stopped being funny 69 rejections ago. I very much take a "whatever's meant to be will be" approach to life but come on.
It's also that I feel awful not working when the rest of my family is. Taking a break and doing nothing all day feels acceptable when you're 18-19 and home for the holidays or whatever, but at my age it does not. I feel like I'm leeching off my parents if I'm at home and not contributing anything.
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ithebookhoarder · 7 months
Marc and Steven with a Murdock? Like Daredevil?? If you want, of course ❤️🖤
The Moon Boys with a Murdock!Reader
A/N: Of course I want to! 😆 I'm only sorry it took me so long to answer this. However, I seem to be on a roll today - I can't believe I've got two requests out?! Like, who even am I?
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As you said with a Murdock, I’m going with a sibling vibe here which would be pretty adorable anyway as Matt would be such a good brother if he’d ever had the chance.
He would be incredibly close with you and take his role as your protector as seriously as he takes his role as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. 
You’re the only one he lets know his true self as you’ve been through everything he has. You’ve shared the happiest and saddest moments of your lives together and the bond it forged is as strong as vibranium.
It holds you both together, not matter what you go through or where you end up - including when you both end up at colleges on opposite sides of the country. 
You’re extremely careful to never let him pull too far away from you, even when he gets in one of his moods. In fact, you’re sure to turn up and let yourself in to his apartment when he goes too quiet and even Foggy can’t seem to pull him out of the darkness that haunts him. 
It’s why you don’t run away when the Moon Boys come crashing in to your lives. The chaos that seems to follow them and their fears that they are too much for you is honestly familiar. Every attempt to push you away only makes you draw nearer - first as a friend, later as something more. 
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You’d probably meet Moon Knight first around New York. I mean, it's kind of hard not to come across him, given what Matt does and how chaos seems to find its way into your lives.
He'd be the latest adoptee into the Defenders / New York 'Avengers reject club' (your name for the gang, not theirs...) so you'd quickly end up involved in each other's lives.
You'd bond pretty quickly, once you get to know one another without the personas and danger. After all, I think Steven would be eager to find friends who aren't necessarily supers and just like to drink coffee, read novels and go to the dog park at the weekend.
He'd be super keen to get to know you. You're one of the only people who get what their life is like, but also have a foot in the real world.
You'd win over Marc later on, wearing him down with your positivity and unwavering optimism (and also Steven will not shut up about you).
You're not afraid of the darker parts of their world, and become a much needed safe space for Marc, once he lets his guard down.
For instance, you'd be great at patching him up - having had enough practise on Matt over the years. You're also used to having someone nocturnal in the house, coming and going at all hours of the night. Plus, you can obviously be trusted to keep a secret or two.
If anything, Marc's only reluctant to let you get close to him as he doesn't want to taint you. To ruin something so bright and wonderful by dragging you into his darkness.
If Matt's ok with putting you in danger, then that's up to him as your brother. You're family. But for Marc and Steven to do that? It's a line they're unwilling to cross... until you prove to them you aren't going anywhere. That you can handle yourself and that you're already in this mess anyway, so why shouldn't you both be happy?
From that moment on, there's no looking back for any of you. You're leaping in to this together head first, and soon enough you can't imagine life any other way.
Matt, however, can.
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Let's be real, he wouldn’t be the biggest fan of Steven and Marc. In fact, he’d be pretty against your relationship the minute he finds out about it. 
One, because he thinks no one is worthy of you.
Two, because he hates the idea of you getting hurt or being in danger and being in a relationship with multiple people who all serve an ancient Egyptian deity as his personal vigilante is the very definition of dangerous. 
"I... I can't even begin to understand how you could possibly think this is a good idea? At all? He - they - are literally the puppets of an Egyptian god - a GOD, Y/N. You don't want to get in the middle of all that?"
You quickly remind him how he gave a similar speech to Karen when he found out about her and Frank Castle seeing each other, and that didn't work. Last time you checked, they're still blissfully in love.
"Besides, Matthew! You're the one who goes running around at night, getting in fights, wearing a glorified halloween costume. Like, I am the SANE sibling here. ALSO! Marc and Steven were forced into their situation. They didn't go looking for it like a crazy nut job. So, yeah. I think if anything, you don't have a leg to stand on here!"
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Matt would be able to sense who was fronting the moment they appeared. He’d be able to recognise them from the way their heart is beating and their mannerisms the second they stepped through the door, which is helpful but also incredibly unsettling. 
Steven would brush it off, seeing it as Matt just being a kind brother to you. However, I think Marc would have more of a problem with Matt’s hostility, and enhanced senses. It puts him on edge to know they are being so closely scrutinised. 
They also have the same temperament so I can imagine there will be more than a few clashes in the beginning, their similar brusque natures making it hard for them to not bump heads. 
However, after Matt learns about Marc’s DID and his childhood trauma I think he’d be more sympathetic. After all, you both didn’t have the easiest childhood either. 
He also knows what it’s like to live with a condition that can make your life harder but also makes you unique. 
According to the comics, both of them are known to be good detectives and also keen boxers. I can totally see them building a reluctant respect for one another after they realise they have more in common than just their love for you. 
In fact, I know you’d have to pull them out of the ring after Marc agrees to a sparring match with the famous ‘Devil’. The pair of them would get a weird pleasure from trying to beat the other to a pulp - they don’t often find someone evenly matched to have a friendly bout or two with. 
At least it would once again prove to Matt that your boys could definitely take care of you if you ever needed it. 
Matt would definitely be sure to offer his legal advice whenever he’s concerned you both might be skating on thin ice with the law. Apparently, ‘I’m being controlled by an Ancient Egyptian God’ hasn’t ever been tried as a legal defence in the American justice system before… and Matt is oddly willing to try it. 
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kzmeru · 2 years
Aha I noticed your reqs were open so um... How would you feel about doing a Kaname/Reader fic where the reader is an idol and was a friend/lover of Kaname before the coma, but Kaname wakes up and they're not sure if Kaname would still love them after such a long time... And they avoid him because they're afraid of being rejected, but he still loves them even if they've changed a lot... And Kaname catches the reader later and re-confesses all his feelings to them, saying he doesn't want them to leave, and the reader accepts it.
HWLP ME THIS JS SO LONG . IM SO EMBARRASSING BYE. but if u happen to write it umm I'm sorry 😭😭😭 ahshahjdjs
- 🦦
i’d rather die than have to cry infront of you
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# character : kaname tojo
— notes ; HI ! this took SO LONG IM SO SORRY but i hope this is what you expected .. i haven’t wrote anything in a hot min so it’s probably bad </3 BUT BRO THIS TURNED OUT TO BE SO LONG HELP (also kaname edit is by dailykaname on ig)
warning(s) : angst to fluff :3, idk tears are forming as i write this
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"Good work, as usual, [Name]." Anzu cheered, handing you a cold glass of water. You could only return a tired smile at the Producer, as you practically chugged the drink down your throat.
Just another performance, is it not? A lump formed in your throat upon the thought of a 'performance'. Perhaps, it was something that you had wanted to stay far away from. Though, in the back of your mind, you knew that you wouldn't be able to, even if you tried.
"[Name]?" You finally heard the Producer's calls after several attempts of trying to grab your attention. Anzu gave you a look of worry, patting your back in hopes of reassurance.
"Ah, sorry… I spaced out. What's wrong?" She shakes her head, guiding you back to your personal dressing room, only to be greeted by a familiar blue-haired man.
That was Anzu's cue to leave. She politely excused herself with a bow and ran off to report the success of your performance.
"HiMERU," You gave the man a small nod. It was difficult to resist — the throbbing pain in your heart whenever you see him. You knew he isn't the person you love, and he knew that you caught on with his 'mission.'
HiMERU played his role as Kaname Tojo, your lover, the one you failed to protect. Though, all this pretending, and tricking your friends into believing that Kaname is well, felt wrong. The guilt was becoming too much to handle.
"Kaname's awake." Was all he said. Nothing else, no other explanation, leaving you in a state of multiple emotions at once.
Were you relieved? Happy? Of course, you had to be happy, right? But… why does it feel like you're more anxious than excited? Is it because it's been so long, that you're starting to doubt Kaname's love for you?
'Right, that has to be it… it has been quite a long time, hasn’t it? There's no way he'd still feel the same.' You thought, words refusing to come out of your mouth while HiMERU stood by the doorframe. He is just as shaken as you are.
"I'm… sorry, I—" Your attempt to leave immediately failed once your gaze locked with those familiar, bright yellow ones. The gaze that made you feel at home.
"[Name]…" Swearing that you heard Kaname's voice crack a little. You were scared, anxious and confused. The look on his face did not help with the extreme anxiety buried in your chest — though, the expression he had was unreadable.
"I have to go…" You simply said, hastily making your way to the other side of the building, in hopes of avoiding Kaname. 'Maybe,' you thought, 'It's for the best.'
Because things can't go back to the way it used to.
Kaname was confused, angry — not at you, but at himself. Why were you avoiding him? Why won't you let him talk? Did you not love him anymore?
He felt heavy. Everytime he tried approaching you, he'd be bombarded with excuses. Avoidance is something that he can't handle, especially when it comes to you.
This time, he isn't letting you get away that easily anymore.
"I'm sorry, Tojo… I can’t today. Huh? W-wait, what are you doing?!"
Kaname didn’t fail to catch the flustered look on your face when he had suddenly pushed you inside an empty room. He surpressed his giggle as your expression turned into a look of distress and panic.
"Hey! Seriously, I have to-.." You slowly gave in, growing silent as Kaname's gaze pierced into your soul. Nervously looking to the side to avoid eye contact, and to save you from the embarrassment, you swallowed the lump in your throat and motioned for the boy to speak.
"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked, with a slight shake in his voice. Was he trying to hold back his tears?
"No! My name isn't Tojo. So, stop calling me that It's Kaname, call me Kaname!" He snapped, holding you in place do that you wouldn't be able to escape.
"I just want to know why… you hate me…" Kaname looked down, hiding his face from you. He didn't want to let you catch a glimpse of the beads of tears forming in the corner of his eyes. He just wanted to know, why?
You were left speechless. Words weren't coming out, even if you attempted to speak by opening your mouth.
"…I still love you, [Name]. We loved each other! What went wrong…? Is it because I’ve been gone for so long that you found someone else?" Kaname finally found the courage to look up, tears that he had been holding back threatening to drop.
"Do you not love me anymore? Am I not 'your Kaname' anymore? Did you fall out of love?"
"I'm not accepting that! I don't want you to leave!"
"What? If you want me gone, just say it!"
There, he grew silent. He anticipated your reponse, yet, he felt scared. Are you going to leave him?
"S—…rry…" You choked out, letting the trapped tears escape. Kaname was taken aback. ‘I knew it’ he thought.
"I'm sorry! I was scared too… I didn’t know what to do! I thought you didn't love me anymore, so I avoided you to ease the pain…" You weren't even aware of how fast you spoke. It was silent for a while, until your shaking hands were comforted by Kaname's warm ones.
He scoffed, as if he was mocking you. "Are you stupid? I never even dreamt of leaving you!" A single teardrop escaped his eye, making him bury his face against the crook of your neck, his breath slightly tickling your neck.
"I love you." Kaname's embrace still felt so natural. He was warm, and made you feel so… safe.
"Nothing's changed,"
"So please, don't leave me…" He choked out a sob, relief washing all over his body when he felt your body relax against his.
"Please come back to me, [Name]…"
You sighed, placing your lips ontop of his head, giving him a quick peck before completely collpasing on the ground with his body draped against yours.
"I love you too, Kaname… I won't leave you, ever."
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h0nkch0c0late · 3 years
Sirius Black
Young Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: a stolen diary and some long-awaited confessions.
"Sirius Orion Black, give me back my diary!" Y/n called out angrily as she chased the boy around the common room.
All she got in response was Sirius' uncontrollable laughter as he ran circles, dodging the bodies of other students around them who were watching the whole ordeal.
Y/n groaned in annoyance as she chased after him, extremely agitated with her best friend's antics, and...well the fact that he has the book that has all her deepest darkest secrets in it.
...and maybe it says something about her having a crush on the tall boy.
"Just give it back!" She called out again as she slowed down, already tired from the constant running.
"Why should I?" He asked as he stopped, turning around to look at her with a huge smirk on his face.
"It's called a diary for a reason, Sirius. No one but me is allowed to read it!" Her eyes narrowed.
Sirius lifted his hand that held the diary, examining it. "Well, too bad. I wonder what secrets your diary holds..." He started to slowly open it.
Y/n's eyes widened as she reached her hands towards it to quickly grab it, but Sirius' reflexes were quicker as he lifted the book higher, way out of the girl's reach.
"Sirius don't!" She whined.
He ignored her, opening the book slowly and reading each page carefully.
Her heart started pounding as she saw him flip to a familiar page, watching in fear as his eyes scanned down it, reading each word carefully.
His expression turned slowly from surprise to shock as he read through it. Sure, he was mean enough to steal and read it, but not enough so say anything out loud.
He finished reading it, a blank expression now on his face as he slowly closed the book and looked at her, handing it back to her.
Her cheeks were a bright red colour, whether it was because she was mad at him for reading it, embarrassed that he saw what she wrote, or nervous, she had no idea. Before she could say anything about it though, he grabbed her arm and dragged her up the stairs to the boys dorms, and all the way into the one he shared with the rest of the Marauders.
"Why did you bri-"
"You have a crush on me?" Sirius interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.
Y/n stayed silent as she nodded her head nervously, her eyes now shifted to the floor.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as she saw his shadow step closer to her.
"Because I didn't want to be rejected." She answered simply, keeping her eyes locked onto the floor.
Sirius was now only nose length away from her. Her brought a hand up to her face, lifting her chin up with two fingers to make her look up at him.
"Me? Reject you? Why would I reject you?" He questioned softly as he looked into her eyes.
"Because you're you and I'm me and there are so many girls here who are so much better than I am." She told him as a strand of hair fell in front of her face.
He scrunched his eyebrows in slight confusion as he frowned, lifting his other hand up and moving the piece of hair behind her ear. "That's where you're wrong, Y/n. No one is better than you."
Y/n scoffed, "yeah, right."
"I'm right. Y/n, all those girls you talk about would leave me in a heartbeat if they ever got to really know me. But you? You've been by my side through everything. Sure, we weren't in together in that way, but it was better than nothing." He explained, moving his hands to cup her cheeks as he looked down at her.
"Where are you going with this?" She instinctively leaned into the touch.
"What I'm trying to say is that I like you too," he admitted, "and I have for a while. At first I was scared because I've never felt so strongly like that for someone before and I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But now that I know you feel the same, I'm not scared anymore." He smiled lightly as he leaned in, "so what do ya say? Wanna kiss me?"
Y/n smiled, "oh, do I ever." She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in closer.
Sirius' small smile turned into a grin as he pulled her closer, their lips colliding into a gentle kiss before getting more intense.
What they hadn't noticed was that their friends Remus, James, and Peter were on the outside of the door, and they had heard everything.
"They really should have done that a lot sooner." James whispered, as to not get any attention drawn to them.
"Well on the bright side, at least we didn't have to do anything." Remus replied.
"Yeah. It was all because he stole her diary, so technically they didn't do it themselves." Peter added.
"Oi! Don't ruin the moment!" James whispered harshly, nudging the boy.
"Sorry!" Peter put up one of his hands in front of him in defence.
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Guys I've gotten back into my Harry Potter phase pls help me oh God.
Anyways it was also kind of a Lil treat for @goodeisntevil because they're also back into Harry Potter so :) hope yall like it 🧍🏼‍♀️💗✍💅
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dwellordream · 4 years
I'm loving all this great discussion you've got going on about Rhaenyra Targaryen. How would you have preferred GRRM to have written her? What could have given her greater nuance and made her less "total hot mess" and more "nuanced and possibly tragic antiheroine"? Thanks for your generosity in answering all of these questions!
Thank you so much! I hope I’m not annoying people with my constant complaints about Fire and Blood haha.  Just as a whole I think Fire & Blood would have benefitted as being a series of interwoven novellas, not a mock-medieval-history of the past 300 years of Westeros. GRRM’s greatest talent as a writer, imo, is in how he develops characters as nuanced and realistic people with understandable ambitions and fears through their own perspectives. That’s lost out on in F&B. Occasionally it breaks into more ‘novel-like’ scene descriptions, but overall it’s supposed to read as a dry historical text, only it’s an often contradictory, absurdly biased, all over the place, relying on shock value dry historical text. I get that part of the whole idea was to present various viewpoints of certain characters and events and ‘leave it up to the reader to decide’ who they were inclined to believe, but really it’s just more of a vehicle for misogyny than anything else, since we exclusively get the viewpoints of a couple of very sexist maesters and... Mushroom. Yay.  Okay for example if I was going to handle Rhaenyra’s character while still hitting the basic plot points of her story (and this is not me saying I think I’m a better writer than GRRM or that I ‘know his characters better’, it’s just my personal interpretation), I think my goal would be to humanize her to the audience of readers while not shying away from her darker moments. She’s supposed to be controversial and provocative. However that doesn’t mean she has to be totally 2-dimensional or such a hot mess. I think I would start by emphasizing Rhaenyra’s position for the first 10 years of her life. She is the coddled, cossetted, and beloved only child of Viserys and his adored wife Aemma. She has never had a sibling, she’s never had to share any attention, her parents dote on her, as does all the court. Of course she is going to be spoilt, high-maintenance, proud, and temperamental when she doesn’t get her way. However, Rhaenyra is not just a bratty princess stereotype (or, she doesn’t have to be). She is also an extremely brave and determined little girl. She is extroverted; she likes socializing and being around people, she’s confident and assertive and used to having her voice heard. At the age of seven, she single-handedly tames and bonds with a young dragon. That is an extremely impressive feat for a child. You can’t argue, bully, or demand your way into riding a dragon, a wild beast. Rhaenyra had to show some serious grit and tenacity to do that at such a young age, so she’s not just this puffed up little fragile flower who wails when she doesn’t get her way. Rhaenyra also has a great relationship with her father. He doesn’t seem to hold the fact that she is his only child and a daughter against her; he praises and shows her off in front of his court, he makes sure she is always by his side. Rhaenyra is used to being honored before everyone. She is her father’s cupbearer, she is present while he holds court, she is exposed to a high level of adult political interactions and basic courtesies. She’s probably pretty bright for her age, and has a keen understanding of who is who and what everyone at court’s relations to one another are. She’s not been kept locked up in a nursery playing with toys, she is seen as an active member of court and her father’s little shadow. She also likely has a very good relationship with her mother Aemma. Rhaenyra is Aemma’s pride and joy, her sole surviving child after the trauma of a very young marriage and multiple miscarriages and stillbirths. Aemma has no close siblings of her own, and never knew her own mother Daella; no doubt she prizes her relationship with Rhaenyra and hopes Rhaenyra does not experience what she did as a little girl, growing up without a mother and only much-older half siblings in the Vale.  Then there is her Uncle Daemon. Daemon is the ‘fun’ relative little kids adore. He doesn’t treat Rhaenyra like a child, he doesn’t condescend to her, he brings her back all sorts of exciting and interesting toys and gifts, he takes time out of his day to spend with her, he takes her on outings and makes her feel special and loved. He’s not always busy with the mundane aspects of ruling that her father likely is, he’s not caught up with his own wife and children, he has all sorts of wild tales of adventure and mystery. It’s easy to see why Rhaenyra loves him so.  Then Aemma dies. No doubt this is a horrible shock to Rhaenyra. She’s a little girl, just eight years old. She’s not necessarily that familiar with the harsh realities of pregnancy and childbirth, she just knew she was getting a little brother or sister, and now her mother is gone, just like that. Aemma died during the birth. Rhaenyra never got to say goodbye, and her little brother dies a day later, compounding the grief and horror. Her father is heartbroken and reeling, and her favorite uncle is out drinking and whoring.  But Rhaenyra is named her father’s heir. Her mom might be gone, but her dad still loves her, and he loves her so much, in her eyes, that he is willing to buck the precedent that set him on the throne (passing over Rhaenys) in order to name her his heir. She’s Princess of Dragonstone; a whole island! Despite her grief and rage over her mother being ripped away from her, this is probably thrilling for a little girl. She’s going to be queen one day. Everyone loves her and wants her to be happy. She’s going to be the first Targaryen queen in her own right. Doesn’t that make her special and chosen? Then a year later her father remarries. Rhaenyra likely isn’t happy about this; her mother has only been dead a year!- but she is willing to try to get along with her new stepmother, Alicent, who probably seems like less of a mother and more of an older sister figure, just a teenaged girl of 18. Alicent is smart and pretty and Rhaenyra remembers her from court as a very small girl. Her father is Rhaenyra’s father’s Hand, someone Rhaenyra probably knows well, maybe even considers almost family, having grown up seeing him all the time, exchanging gifts at holidays and birthdays, attending tourneys with his family, etc. Then Alicent gets pregnant, something 9 year old Rhaenyra probably wasn’t really thinking about. She has a son, and people are saying he will be king, that her claim doesn’t matter. Then Alicent has another son. She doesn’t have time for Rhaenyra anymore. She’s not Rhaenyra’s mother. She has her own sons, and Aegon will be king, even though it’s not fair, even though Father promised she would be queen, even though Mother is dead and never coming back.  These are three major events happening in short succession in the life of a precocious little girl.  Rhaenyra likely feels hurt and confused and angry. Sure, her father hasn’t officially declared Aegon as his heir, but Alicent and her father are pushing it, people Rhaenyra thought she could trust. Who is she supposed to rely on now? Well, there’s Uncle Daemon, who suddenly seems like less of the fun uncle, almost like a big brother, and more of.. something else. He doesn’t treat her like a little girl anymore, he calls her beautiful and encourages her to show off her good looks and charm, assures her that regardless of what her father says or does, he will always care for her. She can count on him! And Ser Criston Cole, her longtime crush- well, he just sees her as that spoilt little girl. She’s growing up! She’s not a child anymore but he just doesn’t get it. She’s certain he feels the same way about her, that he loves her back, but his vows and white cloak are in the way, and he won’t stop seeing her as the little princess, not a girl of sixteen, a woman grown! She doesn’t have a mom to talk to this stuff about, but there is Uncle Daemon, and he knows pretty much everything about love and seduction; that’s why there’s all those wild tales about him. If she asks him to help her show Criston that she’s a woman now and wants to be treated as such, he wouldn’t turn her down, would he? Besides, he treats her like a grownup. He thinks she’d be an amazing queen. Father and him fight all the time, but Father’s blinded by his love for Alicent- she’s manipulating him! Uncle Daemon gives her advice, and she tries to impress Criston, but it backfires. He leaves her feeling humiliated and rejected. It’s not fair, she’s the princess, she’s supposed to be good at everything, but he acted like she was wrong to try to show him how much she cares and wants to be with him! Now he won’t talk to her anymore, and Father is sending Uncle Daemon, who seems like her one true friend, away from court because of some stupid rumors that he ‘deflowered her’. Alicent is saying she should be married to Aegon, her half-brother who she can’t stand; he’s a spoilt little creep, always groping servant girls and kissing up to their father. Dragonstone seems like the escape she needs from all of this, but Father is threatening to strip it from her unless she marries Laenor- Laenor who she knows isn’t even into women! They’re not even close friends. He doesn’t want to marry her anymore than she wants to marry him, only their fathers are insisting on it. Daemon’s gone and she has no idea when he’s coming back, and Harwin is sweet and says he loves her, but he would have never been accepted as her husband. Still, at least he’ll never leave her or turn on her, the way everyone else has. And that is basically how I would cover Rhaenyra’s childhood and adolescence in a way that I think at least gives her some understandable motivations, some nuance, and some real emotion beyond ‘she threw a fit when she didn’t get her way’.
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