#On top of that
heartrender6 · 2 years
im sorry but something needs to be said. the "kanej and helnik are so deep and poetic and wesper is so fun and silly 🤪🤪" joke is SO FUCKING TIRED. its not even TRUE. do i really need to explain the poeticism of wylan and jesper?? they both spent their whole lives thinking a fundamental part of them was wrong. wylan was abused and manipulated by his father into thinking his disability made him worthless. jesper repressed his grisha talent his whole life because his father told him it was dangerous; that he'd be be better off without it. it got his mother killed. but having each other makes them realize that they are worth something. they love and trust each other so much that knowing that the other values them gives them a whole new perspective. they didn't think they deserved love. THEY NEVER THOUGHT THEY WOULD GET TO HAVE THIS!! WITH EACH OTHER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND
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mewkwota · 2 months
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Apparently Lan is a big blusher, he does this a couple of times throughout the series and it's so darn cute every time it happens.
(This was when his dad asked if they wanted to go out for ice cream.)
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oceaneyesinla · 5 months
Okay, I've been having a LOT of thoughts about Sanemi. Partly because of the fic I'm writing and partly because of @/peachdues absolutely god tier writing of him.
I have come to the conclusion that he would just be the absolute BEST friend or partner when you are on your period??
Like, this man is canonically a mama's boy, and he has two sisters. Of course he is educated in these things. Of course he knows enough to look after his family when they're dealing with this.
He is the kind of man who will carry sanitary products. He is the kind of man who will produce painkillers if he sees you wince or thinks you look uncomfortable, or if he's just provided you with aforementioned sanitary products.
This man will be understanding and patient, even if you're a little snappy. He will sympathise if you feel rough. He will go to the shops for you and be not at all embarrassed to get you anything you need. If you want space, you will get it (with him still available should you need something). If you want to be attached to him at all times, he will make it happen. If you feel generally pathetic and gross and disgusting, he will be there to lend a supportive ear and reassuring words. Sometimes a person just needs to vent about how nasty periods can be, and he has got you!
Just Sanemi being a supportive guy because he is a sweet boy under all the trauma 🥹🥺
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cosmics-beings · 5 months
You know, despite the fact that Megatron himself is an ample fighter, one thing that always interests me about him and Starscream is that, Starscream was the one who was built as a weapon, not Megatron. Starscream was the one who was created for war and bloodshed, and created to be used by Cybertron for war. He is a weapon, regardless of what side he is on, Starscream is a weapon by nature. Whereas, Megatron is not. 
When I write post war for these two, it’s always something Starscream comes to terms with. Megatron’s coding at the end of the day, when he sheds his weapons and becomes peaceful, doesn’t designate him to be a fighter or to be violent. Starscream, however, deals with that coding post war time. His weapons are still hot, his mind is still waiting for another war, it’s hard for him to be peaceful because the only reason he ever existed was to fight. 
In a way he needed the war because it gave him a purpose. When megatron is an autobot, his frame has no need for the war. He can finally be quiet and peaceful and go about his writing. Starscream doesn’t know what to do. Even in times of peace, when he’s supposed to be calm, he has anxiety. Anxiety for another war, anxiety for the fact that he’s useless. And he didn’t want this. He didn’t want to be a weapon and to be naturally violent…it just happens.
He tries to tell Megatron but he also knows biologically, Megatron cannot understand. Really, no one can understand. 
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deliciouskeys · 2 months
First day of a vacation I’m not 100% sure I even want to go on: flight canceled. Next option tomorrow afternoon (same time).
If there’s one more day delay it will become a problem.
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(Not actually crying, just irritated)
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oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. KamiJirou | Part Three ->
.•° ✿ 5. "I̥̰̟͈̣̮͑̑͐̓̌z̴͉̙̲̋͗͌u̶̫̝̒̊̐Ocha" ೋღ
Oh look, time to defeat the raid boss of BNHA: IzuOcha. (I wrote this meta in March, and after reading it now, I didn't feel I needed to change anything, but I added a small bonus section at the end. Hope you enjoy!)
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I have a lot of things to say about why Ochaco was never meant to be the one... but I'll try to stay concise and on topic with regards to this meta. Ochaco appears set up as Izuku's love interest from the get-go, but is that really what Hori wanted to do? I'll be taking a dive into their themes and in part three of this meta, I'll be explaining why the answer to that question has been a resounding: NO!
When I compared the feedback Ochaco got from Aoyama, Toga and Mina about her having a crush on Izuku for wanting to be like him, to Izuku, who didn’t get any feedback for all the times he did the exact same thing and copied Kacchan, it felt very unfair.
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See what I mean? It is completely unfair. And this was such a hard topic for me to navigate and answer for the anon at that time. But then I did some thinking.
Compress, Gentle/La Brava, Kamijirou and finally Kirimina (which came as a pleasant surprise, and for me, cemented Hori's intentions with all of this)... all of these characters have been written to highlight various things about BkDk's relationship.
Then, there is Ochaco's admiration of Izuku and she always gets told it's a crush, and it's so weird of a plot to begin with. This very one-sided "crush" also felt out of place with the rest of the themes going on. I eventually realised maybe we had been looking too closely at the admiration issue all along. By attempting to explain the meaning of the tree and why it's different from this other tree, we didn't see the forest it's connected to and that there was actually something bigger going on that Hori had been crafting.
Scale it back and you’ll see: It’s not that Izuku didn’t get his own feedback about his feelings for Kacchan in the various ways he shows he wanted to be like him, but Ochaco’s conversations with Aoyama and Mina and Toga were his feedback!! It was one of the biggest AHHHHHHHHHHH SO THAT'S WHY pin drop moments I've ever had.
No one was calling him out, because they didn't need to! Calling out Ochaco for that behaviour was all Izuku's same behaviour needed!
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Chapter 15 is the first time Izuku displays this behaviour of wanting to be like Kacchan. In Chapter 48 Izuku trains his movement after thinking of "Kacchan and the others". His movement mimicking Katsuki's is first noticed by Iida in Chapter 52.
We spent so much time worrying what the difference is between Izuku and Ochaco’s admiration, but we tackled the problem all wrong! In fact, we didn’t need to tackle it at all.
Because not only did Ochaco’s crush sideplot serve as a red herring to veil the real love story going on from the average reader, it was also used as another tool to highlight it.
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In chapter 58, Izuku showed off his new movement style and everybody, even Katsuki, noticed it was copying the way Katsuki moves. The fact we get another Ochaco shot of her watching Izuku mimic Katsuki really does add credence to the theory that she noticed Izuku's feelings because he's also copying the person he loves. And if their logic was true for her, then why couldn't it be true for Izuku too? Izuku's mimicry being such a non-issue for 1-A was surely done on purpose for us to see this hypocrisy one day: That her mimicry gets called out as love by everyone, but everyone sleeps on Izuku's own mimicry simply because it's between two boys.
Our take away was never meant to be “what’s the difference between their admiration/love”, but simply that Izuku was both wanting to become like and inadvertently becomes like Kacchan because he loves him so much and a way to keep Kacchan close to him was incorporating both his attitude and movement style into his own.
Hori was linking the two concepts of mimicry and romance together with commentary from Mina/Aoyama/Toga while having Izuku do this EXACT THING they were talking about, with Katsuki, right in front of our damn salad!
Because what other characters noted about Ochaco's behaviour... Izuku was also expressing towards Kacchan. (Hori even brought it up again in DvK2 just to remind *everyone* that Izuku is very conscious of doing the exact same thing as Ochaco)
Even if Ochaco later reveals their logic to not be true FOR HER (which I wholeheartedly believe in. BkDk+TogaChaco end game LETS GO), we know for sure this logic has absolutely been true for Izuku. And the feedback Ochaco got also fits Hori’s framework of;
Bkdk -> are the actions
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Other characters -> are the words for their feelings and actions.
Ochaco never was a raid boss to begin with... she only had the appearance of one. All to get BkDK through to the finish line.
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Ochaco talking about "putting the All Might doll away" here used the same verb as "shutting her feelings away" and her scene instantly jumps to Izuku looking at his black whip - a quirk he has also "put away" behind a locked door that represents OFA. Black whip is a quirk which emerged from the feelings he has for Katsuki, that Izuku has also had to "put away" because what happened to him was so traumatic. I think Hori wanted us to see their two stories of "locking something away" were actually the same in essence, and it wasn't just black whip itself that Izuku had to lock away, but also his feelings for Katsuki... because we lost Izuku's POV towards Katsuki after the "I'm too blessed." scene. Most likely to hide the romantic love Izuku feels towards him from the reader.
I realised the same logic of the other couples also applied to Ochaco too a few months ago, while I was putting together this meta about all the ways Hori has indirectly shown readers what Izuku’s feelings for Kacchan are. Hori couldn’t say it outright because of his demographic and the current expectations society has that BL should stay in it's own category and far removed from shounen.
So Hori gave bkdk their moments without a whole lot of context and developed the idea of them simultaneously in another language, by getting other various characters to do the talking. And he used these characters to indirectly spell out bkdk’s love story in conjunction with bkdk’s own behaviour, all for the sake of his big bkdk reveal in the series' finale.
And to think he’s been doing this almost since the beginning blows my mind. (Chapter 15! Chapter 15 was the start of WWKD: What Would Kacchan Do) The man is a genius. A lot of this feels like he had needed to release his feelings about bkdk, so he left these trails of code throughout the manga... and we’ve finally cracked the damn thing.
We did it. We realised Hori’s 2nd language and roundabout method of telling one of the greatest love stories in shounen history. And I’m sure there’s even more examples of it to discover, that all our fandom's talented, keen-eyed bkdks find every day.
If Horikoshi Kohei-Sensei wrote this story because he wanted to cement his mark in jump history, he has deservedly done just that!
Part B - The real ship of dreams
(It felt too good to be true, yet I was quietly hoping...) .•° ✿ 5. TogaChako ೋღ
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Circling back to the first part of this meta, "The Shape of an Eternal Bond" ... Do you remember when I talked about how BkDk couldn't imagine a world without each other, and the sense of an eternity they both exude together? Something that has always been, something that will always be. It seems more themes and feelings we get from bkdk's relationship have now been thrown into the Togachaco fight.
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Ochaco gave Toga what is essentially a marriage proposal to a vampire, and then her wires made the shape of the infinity symbol. Toga expresses to her "I can't stand the thought of you not being in this world anymore." This is 1. so touching 2. bkdk as HELL, and I am certain that Katsuki and Izuku will confess their desires to be together forever before this manga ends.
I mean, this just goes to show you how us bkdks and Hori are literally on the same neural link, and we've been right about his methods of storytelling and how he's leaving trails of love inside these other couples to express concepts that are present in bkdk's own (soon to be) very romantic relationship.
It's a fun thought exercise to look at Togachaco's fight and predict what certain themes of theirs Hori will install into bkdk's talk/feelings they will express to each other... but there is a certain one, other than "forever", I feel very strongly about and will focus on here...
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And that is Izuku's smile.
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Something Katsuki once detested became the thing he most advocated for and longed to protect. His thumbs pointing to himself while talking about smiles... no wonder this had an air of Katsuki, himself, being the biggest reason Izuku smiles. "How could you leave me and choose this for us - a life of no smiling like that?"
At the start of the series, Katsuki couldn't stand Izuku's face or the smile he made at him. Whenever he saw it, he could only think of it as somebody laughing at him, looking down on him... but then DvK2 reframed Izuku's wide smiles at him and turned them into something pure, and genuine, and I think that's when Katsuki started to realise how much he was being loved the whole time.
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And how could Katsuki possibly not reciprocate those earnest feelings from his special person who helped him find his heroic heart?
And this seems to be something Ochaco has noticed about Izuku? Ochaco, somebody who loves when people smile, noticed how big Izuku smiles when he talks about heroes... but especially the besotted faces he makes whenever he's with Katsuki... Of course she did.
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On the Weekly Shounen Jump cover that featured bnha chapter 394, most of the characters on it are happy and smiling. Izuku isn't, however. That's because he's lost the ability to smile because Katsuki is still dead in the manga... Hori used this jump issue to build on this theme in the manga - that if you take Katsuki away, then away goes Izuku's smile, too.
Because Katsuki's very existence gives Izuku his happiness.
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These two panels were supposed to be compared to each other - "Blood" and "Smiles" are two concepts mirroring each other in Togachaco's story. It's their different love languages. Toga felt like she couldn't ask Saito-kun for blood because he'd never accept her, Ochaco felt like she couldn't ask Izuku for his smile... because he'd also never accept her... she knew this was because Izuku already had somebody who gave him his sweetest smile... the same person who knew him more than anyone.
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Chapter 395's title, 'shiawase no ue ni' was an interesting one that feels nuanced with Ochaco's feelings towards Izuku. It can be read as "Above (my) happiness..." I think this title is describing the concept of prioritising something else BEFORE one's own happiness. It's the perfect concept title for self-sacrifice, like Toga putting Ochaco's life above her own, but could ALSO be referencing Ochaco placing Izuku's happiness with Katsuki before her own feelings for him!!
Ochaco's story, at present, appears to be about putting aside unrequited love for a person she didn't quite understand, and instead placing her efforts into an attainable goal - rescuing somebody's heart from despair, and in doing so, becoming each other's important person. And then neither have to journey through life alone anymore. Ochaco knew this is something Izuku and Katsuki found in each other. In the image above, the girls are looking at Izuku and Saito, who won't turn their way, because they are both looking at a blonde boy next to them. Their "Sometimes Saturday." Katsuki.
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The hidden face as Ochaco says she "came to like" Izuku Midoriya is quite suspicious. It belies what she's saying and she seems to either be hiding something negative or she’s not being truly forthcoming about her situation and feelings for Izuku. There are also themes of envy that finally showed up in Togachaco's dialogue which may be foundation Hori has laid down for the reveal of Ochaco's feelings later, as well. Envy about the attention Izuku received from others as a hero. Envy towards Izuku's innate passion for heroes, and the adoring faces he makes for Katsuki, perhaps.
So this smile that Katsuki has always misunderstood as something negative aimed towards him ended up turning into something... very lovely and important to him, as shown in Izuku's panel and how Ochaco described Toga's smile right afterwards.
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And honestly... if we get little snapshots of the many smiles Izuku has made for Katsuki, while Katsuki is thinking about how adorable Izuku looks just for him when they're talking, I don't think I'll make it out of this bkdk reveal alive. Hori is going to obliterate us with whatever he's got cooking for them.
With all the major bkdk-alike couples now finished, the next post of this meta series will be: Part III, and the conclusion of this meta series ->
Back to Part One
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agentc0rn · 6 months
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Below the Surface
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and-i-like-youuu · 1 year
Queerness and You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
I always liked You’ve Got to Hide Hour Love Away but I never really understood it till I understood my own queerness. And I found this article called “Did the Beatles write the first LGBTQIA+ Anthem” and it explores Hide Your Love Away a bit.
The article tries to explain that the song could’ve been a song John wrote for Brian Epstein, it mentions their trip to Spain, and how they may have had a sexual encounter there. But John Lennon himself said that this song was a personal one he wrote based off his own feelings. Two of the quotes I found interesting was when he said that the song, “[is] one of those that you sing a bit sadly to yourself, ‘here I stand head in hand…’ I’d started thinking about my own emotions.” And “instead of projecting myself into a situation, I would try to express what I felt about myself…”
So, I don’t understand why the writer of the article would hypothesize that the song was written about Brian when John very clearly said he based it off his own emotions.
And, finally, there’s this last bit of the article where they try to suggest that the song might’ve been about an affair he had with a woman at the time. Which can make sense based off the lyrics but I think the song is purposefully vague to hide something. The end of the article says, “In truth, it seems unlikely we will ever discover what love Lennon was attempting to hide in plain sight.” However, if we read You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away with a queer lens, I’ve got to say that the person who best fits the bill for the person who holds John’s hidden love is Paul.
Link to the article I was discussing:
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presumeddeaddie · 2 months
guys i’m having the best time on eddiebuddieblr. we’re really kicking our feet and giggling over our crazy men.
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crowblincray · 1 month
I just had a dream I was entering a massive public school. (Note I was primarily home schooled, so I have no idea why I was dreaming of this place)
There were these kids (teenagers) dragging a gigantic pizza on a pan behind them. This pizza was big enough to use as a bed.
I proceed to freaking Naruto run after them (also note I don't watch Naruto and have a general distaste for the fandom)
The speed I was getting up to in this dream was insane. I was determined to catch up to this mythical sized pizza.
I somehow realized sadly that I wasn't going to catch up to them, so I do this looney tunes esque skipping, flapping, half floating like breaking.
Think coyote midair after chasing the roadrunner straight off a cliff, but he hasn't quite looked down yet. But he's realizing his situation.
I will regret that my dream self did not experience what it feels like to lay down on a massive bed sized pizza.
No I'm not on drugs.
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evaiskindaweird · 2 months
I made a new au where another villain adopts Becky,,,GRANNY MAY CUZ YES
The whole au is like since granny may raised Becky, Becky became a little scam artist so she's always up to smth lmao AND YES THE BOTSFORDS ARE INVOLVED UNLIKE WHEN I DONT SEE THEM IN 2BRAINS AUS /hj
Sally is constantly trying to get Becky to stop pickpocketing, and they have like a mother/daughter relationship still but like a really distant one (granny may is, yknow, a grandma figure) Working on Tim and TJ for the au but trust me guys it's gonna be great
Literally the whole reason this au exists is cuz I had an epiphany at 11:30pm
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cosmics-beings · 6 months
i miss writing for predastar. there is something just lovely and poetic about two people who were hurt healing together and escaping violence. and it would be a great redemption story for starscream to understand that even if he himself was hurt, he shouldn't have treated others the way he was treated. and i think that predaking, being someone who was hurt by the decepticons, and megatron and also believed in them, would also learn to heal and accept starscream.
i just have these positive vibes for two broken people who have both only been shown and only use violence seeing a better side of each other and healing.
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crimsonfeatheredraven · 7 months
Why the fuck are there so many Jason Todd fics with Danny Phantom, but absolutely zero with Dana Harlowe? You know, one of Jason's canonical childhood friends???
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spoofthespoofer · 4 months
Small vent. Nothing serious, don't worry about it. Just stressed.
Aghh, our school has a big event tomorrow evening that I'm organising with a small committee and I am SO NERVOUS about it that I feel sick
It's like a graduation for our year. Kinda. Idk it's complicated.
We have to sort our seating arrangements, displays, a PowerPoint, speeches, 3 singing acts , one ballet act, a tribute to our tutors, a timetable, student-voted awards, teacher-voted awards, music, decorations, a kahoot game, a 'memory slideshow', overall layout, setting up a stage, lights, speakers, microphones, etc-
And I am terrified that I'm forgetting something. This is so much pressure, oh my god 😭
I also learned that the rest of the committee is making fun of me behind my back. I'm not surprised. Realistically, I've come to expect it now, but it still kinda hurts. A little.
But yeah :) Small rant over
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roronoa-luffy · 7 months
i truly can't imagine a scenerio in which zoro and sanji remain in character and z*san could happen
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cannibalcaprine · 21 days
afab or amab?
anon, i'm gonna rip your windpipe out of your neck with my teeth
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