#One in particular has so much trouble staying hydrated
strange-august · 2 years
Tag Yourself based off Me and My Siblings
The Oldest Sibling:
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Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
Seems mature but is a child at heart.
Feels self conscious about it most of the time.
Can be serious when they need to though, especially when it comes to the well-being and safety of their siblings.
Would kill and/or die for their siblings. They mean everything to them.
Always give their siblings first choice of everything.
Tends to wander off without telling anyone. Seriously. Keep a close eye on them in any public space.
Expressive, talks with their whole body, especially with their hands and arms.
Loves to tease and poke fun at their friends and siblings alike. All in good fun though. They would never do so maliciously.
Never hesitates to give you a hug or hold your hand. They might even kiss you on the cheek or the hand, if you're comfortable.
Always a shoulder to cry on and an ear to vent to. They might cry with you too.
Always kinda tired but gets particularly sleepy when it's cold or rainy. Will drag you into a cuddle session every time.
Tries to give their siblings good advice but it occasionally flops.
Drags their siblings on adventures constantly. Dislikes staying inside.
Amateur gardener. Plants mostly tomatoes and herbs, plus catnip to lure stray cats.
"Let's go down this route today! I wanna see what we can find!"
Aesthetic: String lights, exploring abandoned spaces, head in the clouds, fluffy comforters, rain on airplane windows, urban areas, burning leaves, baggy hoodies, ocean waves clouded with sand, milk tea, translucent curtains, open fields, sketchbooks and grided paper, bay windows, polished crystals, old cars, scented candles, essential oils, museums, combat boots, neon colored bandaids on fingers, plants in glass bottles, dancing in the forest with you, making shrines to the spirits of nature, grass stained jeans, animal themed onesies, mini cacti, flower blossoms in shoe holes
The Middle Sibling:
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Probably the most mature one out of the bunch really.
A bit of a broken soul because of how many times they have been hurt in the past but still a kind, sweet person to hang out with.
Makes sure you're hydrated, fed, getting enough sleep, etc.
Not much of a touchy-feely person but when they are, it's sweet and genuine.
On another note, when they are in the mood to be playful, their teasing can even rival that of the oldest.
Loves to bake and wants to do it professionally someday.
Tries to keep the other two out of trouble.
Non confrontational and strives to keep the peace.
Lives by three rules: stay positive, let go of the past and never be afraid to ask for help.
Particular about their clothing.
Tends to wear a lot of solid dark and neutral tones but is actually the biggest sucker for bright colors and patterns.
Just a big sucker for soft things in general.
"Hey, I baked you your favorite treat as thanks for the new plushie. I loved it! It's gonna stay on my bed."
Aesthetic: Rubber bracelets, aluminum pins, buttercream frosting, sugar cookies, icing stained shirts and flour streaked face, pastel flowy sundresses, flower crowns, round rimmed glasses, experimenting with colors and patterns, wooden floors, silk ribbons, knit sweaters and cardigans, heart shaped barrettes, clouds illuminated by the sunset, long walks to nowhere, puddles on the sidewalk, berry lemonade, apple scented dish soap, stuffed animals, tear stained cheeks
The Youngest Sibling:
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The most withdrawn of the three. Even has trouble being open and honest with their siblings.
Still a sweet person. They just need an occasional boost of confidence.
Hugest fan of video games ever, especially the ones from the 80s and 90s.
Actually dislikes going outside. Would prefer to stay indoors but still tags along with their siblings.
Basically lives in sweatpants.
Has the quirkiest little habits like how they sit in chairs or put on their jacket.
Has a huge collection of posters and replica weapons from their favorite video games.
Has the worst sleep schedule known to mankind.
Probably doesn't know what a hairbrush is.
Terrible at keeping their room clean but takes good care of their chores.
Often makes themselves a second dinner late in the night.
Knows the history of their favorite games front to back.
"I know you might not get it but thanks for letting me knowledge dump on you."
Aesthetic: Secrets behind closed doors, sleeping in late, lone wolf, inside voice, headphones, old photos, loud music, night owl, noisy keyboards, caffeine addiction, hooded jackets, worn out slip-ons, pet hair on clothes, thunderstorms, tired eyes, messy bedhead, late night snacking, retro game cartridges, neon lights, replica swords
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ramshacklefey · 2 months
Hey I saw your latest post and I wanted to ask if you have any resources about eating vegan! (recipes, getting started, etc.) I'm honestly so tired of the "vegans are annoying and obnoxious" stereotype too
The first thing to know is that you'll want to ease into it. This is a big change to your diet, and that can affect you in lots of different ways while you're adjusting. One good idea is to adopt a vegetarian diet first, and then switch to vegan once you're used to that.
The only supplements you definitely want to make sure you're getting are Vitamin D and a Vitamin B complex (just make sure it has B12 in it specifically).
Everything after this comes with the caveat that I don't know your particular living situation, dietary habits, or overall health, so this advice is pretty general. Take or leave it as it works for you.
(Long post under cut)
General Tips
Focus on seeking out ways to eat more plants, not on avoiding things. Focusing on the positive side of things makes the whole situation a lot easier, because you won't be thinking about stuff you're missing out on. If you're deliberately filling your pantry with plant-based foods that you enjoy, you'll find that you don't miss the things you used to eat so much. After a while, you'll stop craving things like meat and dairy.
Cutting cheese out of your diet is the hardest part. Turns out that cheese contains a protein called casein which, when you digest it, breaks down into chemicals that have a similar effect on your brain to microdosing cocaine. Be prepared to go through a week or two of bizarrely strong cheese craving when you stop eating it.
You don't have to be a fancy cook to be vegan. Obviously, there's a lot of fresh fruit and veg that you can just eat raw. But there's a lot of other stuff that's super easy that requires almost no prep. I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to my food, and I have no problems. Some of my go-to meals include: spaghetti (I use cheap jarred sauce most of the time), simple curries, rice and beans (plus whatever the fuck spices I feel like), potatoes in every form imaginable, peanut butter and jelly, chips and salsa, chips and bean dip, and oatmeal.
You don't have to pay exorbitant prices to get vegan snacks. There are a lot of companies nowadays producing vegan versions of common snack foods, and they are fucking expensive. However, lots of favorite, cheap snacks are already vegan! Off the top of my head: Oreos and many other cheap packaged cookies, most flavors of Pop-Tarts, almost any candy that isn't chocolate, a lot of chips, dark chocolate (70% cacao or higher), french fries, and popcorn are all good ones.
Fruits and veggies will get tastier the more you eat them. At this point, I'm as happy sitting and eating grapes, cherries, fresh green-beans, or frozen peas as I ever was eating candy. And I don't feel wretched afterwards.
Learn what produce is seasonal in your area. Fresh produce is absurdly expensive, but if you know what's in season at any time, you can take advantage of sales. This has the added benefit of putting some variety in your diet throughout the year.
Preserved produce is just as good as fresh. Frozen, dried, or canned fruit and vegetables are all delicious, often cheaper than fresh, and don't have any nutritional deficiency to speak of. If you're eating canned things, don't throw out the juice though! A lot of the good stuffs in the plants end up in the juice (basically it gets steeped out), so it's best to use that in your dish. Pickled foods are not only tasty, but they have great probiotics in them, and they're a lifesaver in hot weather if you're having trouble staying hydrated.
Add oil and salt! People get a lot of oil and salts from animal products, and if you don't replace those somehow, you may find yourself feeling hungry all the time. Also, adding oil and salt to veggies makes it easier for your body to digest them efficiently.
Roast those veggies! Pretty much any fresh vegetable can be roasted with oil and seasonings to turn it into a delicious meal. If you have an air-fryer, that's also a fucking excellent option.
Legumes are life. Beans and lentils are top notch friends for the vegan, and they can be added to almost any dish.
Peanut butter. If you can eat peanut butter, it's got soooo much fucking good stuff in it.
Tofu is bullshit most of the time. Ok, it's not, but I usually find it to be more of a pain in the ass than it's worth.
Fake meat is overrated. Some of it's definitely tasty, and if you're still feeling very emotionally attached to certain meat-based dishes, it's really helpful. But it's also not necessary. And honestly, it's been long enough since I ate meat that I find the stuff that really tries to mimic meat deeply unsettling and kinda gross. Speaking of which:
You'll start being grossed out by meat and dairy after a while. It's not a performative moral thing, your body just starts being grossed out by it.
Once you stop eating animal products, you will eventually stop being able to digest them. At this point, I am incredibly lactose intolerant, and even tiny amounts of meat or animal fat in my food will make me sick as fuck. Turns out, a significant amount of your digestion is actually done by your gut flora, and there are specific species of microbes in your guts that help you digest different foods. If you go long enough without animal products, the microbes you need to digest those will all die, and you can't actually digest them at all any more.
Things to keep on hand:
Spice blends! Try out a bunch of different ones and then just keep a few bottles of your favs around the house. They can be sprinkled on veggies, tossed into pasta dishes or soups, added to stir-fries, etc. They're especially great if you don't generally cook much and don't have a huge knowledge base for what spices go well together.
Nutritional yeast. This can be a bit expensive, but it's so worth it if you can swing it. It's a kind of yeast that's been dried into flakes, and it's great for putting on some things in place of cheese. I mostly use it for spaghetti and popcorn. It's got a very nice savory flavor.
(Personal) Plant milk. You don't need this by any stretch, but I like having it for oatmeal, smoothies, and baking. Almond milk is usually the cheapest, which I'm not super happy about. Oat milk is my favorite, but for some reason it's way more expensive (making your own oat milk is actually super easy, but I wouldn't expect most people to go to that much trouble).
Like I said earlier, you really don't have to be a fancy cook to eat vegan. However, learning a few recipes that you can pull out as stock meals will make life way easier. If there's a specific dish you want to learn how to make vegan, the easiest thing is to just go online and search for "vegan [dish] recipe."
One thing I cannot recommend highly enough is the cookbook Supermarket Vegan by Donna Klein. It's a simple, affordable cookbook that's focused on recipes that can be made of ordinary ingredients. It has a huge variety of different sorts of dishes from all around the world. They range from super easy snacks to main dishes that you could use as the centerpiece for a fancy meal. And the instructions are clear and concise, easy for even a beginner cook to follow. If you get a copy of this book and start basing your meals off the recipes here, it'll probably be a lot easier to make the switch, because you'll have a plethora of tasty foods to make!
Honestly, the most difficult adjustment to cooking vegan is baking. Most things can be adapted, but it takes a bit more know-how and understanding of what roles various ingredients are playing in a dish. And by various ingredients I mostly mean eggs.
Eating Out
This is generally the biggest pain in the ass for vegans. For one thing, it's amazing how many people just. Don't get what being vegan means. Be prepared for some awkward family dinners or parties where there's not a lot available to you.
When it comes to actual restaurants, your best bets are generally going to be Indian, Eastern Mediterranean, Ethiopian, Thai, and higher-end Central/South American. These places are the most likely to serve a variety of dishes that don't have any animal products in them by default.
If you like coffee drinks, ask for soy or oat milk when you order. They steam better than almond milk, which tends to curdle because of the acidity of the coffee.
Lastly, and this is definitely localized to where I live, Taco Bell is my absolute go-to for fast food. Almost none of their default items are vegan, but they're good about customizing things. My usual order is: Cheesy bean and rice burrito, no cheese sauce, no creamy jalapeño sauce, add black beans, add potatoes, add red sauce, and grilled.
Last Thoughts
Despite what a lot of people think, being vegan is easy once you adapt to it. It's suitable to any food budget, allows for a wide variety of different foods, and is just as healthy as any other decent diet. You might go through a couple months at the beginning that feel a bit rough, but dietary changes are a big deal and always take some adjustment. If you stick with it, you're likely to discover that you actually start feeling a lot better and more energetic than you did before.
Most importantly, be yourself and have fun! It's not a contest, and any benefit you want to see from adopting a vegan diet is still going to happen if you only manage to partly change how you eat.
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lifewithoutmeds · 1 year
September 8, 2023
5:33 p.m.
today is friday afternoon. it was a working friday and i was at home, where i worked til a bit after 4.
recap of the last few days: tuesday, 9/5/2023: work, then facetime with kelda. i think i forced myself to eat a carrot and some cauliflower. if i recollect, i think i was feeling pretty bad this day. definitely cried on the phone with kelda. i also had a really bad stomachache since the morning, likely from eating so much Gouda and flaming hot cheetos. i was having trouble discerning between heartache or stomachache. wednesday, 9/6/2023: work in the office. i was very productive, took a few walks, and ate a discounted Ralph's salad for lunch. not sure what i did when i came home but was surprised by an unexpected knock on my door around 7 and it turned out to be none other than AT! i was so so glad to see him. i welcomed him in, we chatted a bit, drank a few beers, i rinsed and cut up some cauliflower and carrots for him, and then we went on a walk around the neighborhood where he admired the beautiful houses and one tree in particular that was quite grandiose i suppose. *NO CRYING.
thursday, 9/7/2023: this was a pretty nothing day. i woke up very tired and for some reason decided to eat a bunch of flaming hot cheetos instead of my usual water/hydration, then coffee, then intermittent fasting until about 10 or 11 a.m. so instead i just was very sleepy all day and was barely able to stay awake and finally knocked out a lunch nap, read a bunch of terrible articles on facebook, then knocked out again around 5, then still managed to sleep around 7/8pm, falling asleep to true crime youtube videos (specifically the channel Coffeehouse Crime.) *NO CRYING.
friday, 9/8/2023 (today): i laid in bed a bit longer than usual, but finally dragged myself out and told myself to make the bed to get this day started right. i'm not sure if it was the making of the bed per se, or if it was whatever mentality i had that pushed me to make the bed in the first place, but for whatever the reason, i was ultra-productive today. i did some work, took out the trash and recycling, washed a few loads of dishes, ran the vacuum a couple times, and spent 50 minutes just generally picking up around the condo. i also reached out to lorena and she ended up swinging by with some delicious chirashi and we caught up for a few minutes, which was really nice. resolved to watch the office, read, walk, and journal after work.
SIGNS OF PROGRESS: ENTERTAINMENT: i started watching "The Office" DVD. i was pretty disappointed with the cringey nature of the first couple episodes of the first season, but it's slowly picking up some momentum. i think i've watched maybe 4 episodes now? i try to watch 1-2 a day. as "therapy" per kelda's suggestion. REFRIGERATOR: this has been gross for some time. i had an old can of black beans that spilled at some point that i only half wiped up then it dried up so there's like this weird dry caked dust on one of the shelves. actually it's still there, but i did go through the fridge for a few minutes and took out some pyrex/tupperware containers that have held long-expired foods like a breakfast sausage, some sort of spinach-like banchan, and really gnarly dduk (rice ovalettes.) this left a lot of extra room so i was able to put in all my costco water bottles and consequently, take them off of the floor.
CAMPBOX: this has effectively been right by my door since late May, but i finally opened it up, and went through it a bit. i took out the dishes and things that could benefit from a wash so that i can wash/dry and put back in the bin, so i can actually put the bin away! i will also have to shake out and refold the tent, but then i can put that away too and there will be a clear space by my door.
BEDROOM: i haven't picked up anything from the floor since late may, and so it hasn't been vacuumed at all. so it's pretty gross. everything is covered with dust and the floor has a lot of my hair. again, i can't run the vacuum because there's just so much stuff still in there like random clothing and camping things, so i finally scooped up an armful of clothes that i figured, clean or not, were probably in need of a clean just from lying on the floor for three months. the floor is not 100% clear but is maybe 20% clearER which is PROGRESS.
DESIRE TO PURCHASE THINGS: i bought a bunch of books on amazon earlier this week. most were recommended reading for breakups/heartache, and one was highly recommended by oppah. i also realized that i was running out of writing paper, so i've spent some time looking for 8.5x11 notebook paper and spiral notebooks, and am shocked to find that they're extremely expensive, that is, like $3-$4, whereas an 8x10 notebook literally costs $0.35. very strange. it's such a shame that i would likely prefer to spend 10x more just to get the size paper that i'm used to, but here we are. lastly, i looked into whether there were any concerts i might enjoy from my favorite musicians, namely lana del rey, the xx, and tegan and sara. surprisingly, tegan and sara had just announced that they were going on a short tour around Ontario (Canada) to play one of their older albums in their entirety and i started wondering whether i should go check them out. i hadn't seen them in years, and could make a trip out of it. it'll take a lot of planning and prepping, as they're playing a bunch of shows in neighborhoods that i'm not familiar with, so i'll have to check out each and see capacity, seating arrangements, proximity to airport, etc. but i hope i will go. i remember in 2009 i went to vancouver to see tegan and sara for the first time and i'll sort of be like that again. a person willing to go see things and travel on my own. a person curious about the world.
LOOKING INTO VOLUNTEERING Places I'm considering: Burbank Animal Shelter Los Angeles LGBT Center Downtown Women's Shelter Various Glendale opportunities - senior centers, trail maintenance. On the one hand, i want to review all in terms of schedules, commitment, proximity, etc., but maybe i should just try them all (but one at a time.) like, commit 6 months to one. then 6 months to another. cycle through them within 2 years and then land on something.
i think that since meeting jadai, so much of my energies went into us, our trips, our hobbies, our life with cooper, our social network, date nights, exploring the neighborhood, and of course a lot of her stuff: her family, her social justice causes, etc. there was definitely growth and self-reflection etc., as we worked out our differences, as we learned to be in relationship with each other. and also to be fair we really facilitated each other's interests. i took more interest in composting and gardening and we attended some Smart Gardening or Composting workshop together. i got into boating briefly. and i supported her rock climbing and bicycling. and i loved it all. no regrets. but i think so much of me got lost in us. i was glad, at the time. i was so sick of me. i loved being us. but i think i also have to remember, that i existed before us, and that i could exist again. it had for 36 years. granted, very unhappily most of the time. but. there were moments. few and far between, and seemingly barely worth it most of the time, but apparently enough to get me through.
as she and everyone else has repeatedly told me: i cannot expect to be made happy because of someone else, or for someone else, or just with someone else. somehow, SOMEHOW i need to be enough. somehow, whatever this world offers, and whatever i am, somehow this has to be enough. i've been hoping for some magic pill: an antidepressant, an activity, a relationship, etc., and all have failed. i feel like i need to work 10x as hard to get half as far as someone else, but, i mean, i guess that's just my lot in life? it could be worse. i'm about half way through my life, as i near my 40th birthday. i really should try to curb the constant complaining, the constant comparisons, the always-falling-short.
looking ahead: saturday, 9/9/2023: glendale open house with my mom. she'll be picking me up at 1:15 p.m. she might want to get lunch. anjali will be coming around 5 or 6 and then we'll go get shabu shabu or something afterward. i think the last time we hung out we walked by joon shabu shabu and i mentioned it was good and that we should try it. seems she's remembered that. it'll be good to see my mom and anjali. also i feel there will be enough down time to either nap as needed or get in a few rounds of dishes/vacuum/tidying.
sunday, 9/10/2023: church with my mom in the morning. possibly lunch. then over to the west side. it's rhiannon's bday 9/11 and she's been pretty depressed lately and not wanting to celebrate, which i totally get, but i figured we should try to do something. i think we've landed on a movie in playa vista at 4:45 (Bottoms), and then dinner or dessert afterward. i was just there earlier this week, but hey, a birthday only comes once a year yhea?
now off for a walk, a couple episodes of the office, and hopefully i can get started on a new book. fingers crossed.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Laverne and Shirley Opening Credits and Theme Song" on YouTube
They got the idea and they have a recipe and they know what it is it's for one of our beer companies and can see the cat the big barrels out front and that's some of the ingredients and it's for the show it has a beer name on it that's just this particular beer and it is what we came up with for adding to a beer line and I'm going to see first beer is a decent one and it's a higher end beer and the bottle is nice it's an older style and it's for like a pilsner and it tastes like root beer cuz it has a root in it but it's really an anti-inflammatory and it's because you get inflamed when you drink beer it's not massively healthy to do but it helps keep it from getting other problems you simply hydrate and it flushes bad stuff out it's pretty good so they are going to have partial ownership and we are opening the plants soon and we're opening it all over the world and it's going to be one way they are and they really love it everything and it's fun because they do that kind of thing just to stay healthy you know to avoid being angry all day and the women get it this is our beer cuz it really is they're going to use ginger but the dehydrates you a lot but if you drink too much of this you'll be a little big trouble but they always get inflamed women are constantly inflamed I'm drinking anything too alcohol
Thor Freya
0 notes
whumpmatsus · 3 years
aaaa are you still taking the sickfic requests?? maybe "don't speak" with choro as the sickie pls?
SickFic Prompts / ACCEPTING!
Don’t Speak - (character) has a horribly sore throat and is reduced to barely talking while they load up on hot drinks and soup to recover.
yesssss always!!! I had so much fun with this, it hit me right in the Honey Nut Feelios and I hope it does the same for u, sunshine 😩
After still feeling like total crap for several days while his brothers were almost completely recovered from the cold they’d all caught, Choromatsu finally breaks down and goes to the doctor.
He doesn’t really want to. Being sick is something they all hate, and continuing to suffer after everyone else felt better is just astronomically unfair. Sometimes he thinks he can will himself back to health if only he sleeps and takes medicine and does everything a sick person is supposed to do.
The others prod at him to get checked out, though, considering the fact that lately every time he’s tried to speak, it’s set off a cough and is painful even to those just listening.
When he comes back home with a pharmacy bag and an informational sheet proclaiming that he’s been diagnosed with laryngitis, it explains a lot.
He has little choice but to hand the sheet over to Osomatsu as Karamatsu comes over to help remove his scarf and coat and walk him over to the kotatsu. The eldest of them doesn’t necessarily know best all the time, but usually when one of them is sick or hurt with more than a cold or a tiny scrape, Osomatsu often slides into big brother mode and shows a surprising amount of maturity.
For once, Choromatsu is actually glad his oldest brother is taking charge of the situation.
“Okaaaay, guys,” he calls as Choromatsu settles in at the table. “So this thing says Choromatsu has… acute laryngitis. The doctor thinks it’s because he had a cold, I guess, since it says ‘viral cause’. Huh.”
Everyone else is already seated around the kotatsu since it’s the middle of winter and freezing. Jyushimatsu’s arm shoots up right away. “Oh! What’s laryngitis? That’s a funny word. Are we gonna get it too?”
Choromatsu opens his mouth to try and explain, like usual. Instead, he manages to get out a weak, “Probably not,” before he starts to cough.
“Hey,” Osomatsu pouts as Karamatsu pats the third eldest on the back, “this thing says you’re not supposed to talk if you can help it, Fappymatsu. So, y’know… shut up.”
What he gets in return for his efforts is an unimpressed glare.
Osomatsu grins, running a finger under his nose before looking back at the information sheet. “Well, I’m not wrong! Okay, so… the cold was contagious, but it says the actual laryngitis isn’t. It’s just some kind of throat thing that happened because of the cold. So it might happen for the rest of us, but I doubt it since we’re all feeling better already. Choromatsu just has bad luck, I guess.”
Karamatsu hums in thought and continues to rub his brother’s back. “Hmph, we’re probably safe then. Which means we just have to focus on taking care of our dear brother. How do we do that?”
Choromatsu holds the bag from the pharmacy up, allowing Ichimatsu to snatch it and dump the contents out on the table. He points toward the things he picked up at the doctor’s recommendation ― over-the-counter painkillers, lozenges, a throat spray, and cough syrup. There’s other stuff mixed in too, like tissues and a jar of yuzu-cha and a magazine. Though he could have lived without everyone seeing that, it’s not a huge deal.
Osomatsu waves the paper before picking through everything on the table. “Well, it says they don’t have any kind of prescription to give him. No antibiotics since it’s viral. Looks like it says the cough medicines and painkillers might help. ‘Home remedies may also provide temporary relief’… like tea and soup, huh? So we should probably try to keep the bastard hydrated with warm stuff.”
Karamatsu gets to his feet, grabbing the jar of yuzu-cha on his way. “In that case, why don’t I go mix up some of this for you right now? After being out in the cold air, your throat could probably use something warm. Want me to add a little honey?”
Choromatsu nods eagerly, mouthing, “Yes, please.”
Karamatsu’s face brightens at being useful, and he gives an exaggerated pose before heading into the kitchen. “What a good patient! Your big brother will be back with something soothing before you know it!”
“Hold on,” Totty comments as he scoots the lozenges, spray, and syrup toward him, “did you get all this stuff to take for your throat?”
His eyes scan over the labels, then roll back in his head when he’s finished. “Ah, Choromatsu-nii-san! You can’t take all of these at the same time. See, look. They all say ‘do not use with other medications containing’ ― uh ― well ― w-well, I can’t pronounce the word, but it’s the same one! They must all contain this ingredient, so you can’t take them all in the same day.”
Ichimatsu makes a gesture for Totty to hand them over, then nods after reading them. “Yeah, he’s right. If you take all these in the same day, even if you use each one like the directions say, you’ll be basically overdosing on this shit. Your mouth’ll go numb. Be drooling all over the place and maybe having trouble breathing.”
All the medicine is plucked from his hands by Osomatsu. “Okay, so we’ll rotate ‘em, and I’ll take care of giving it to you whenever you need medicine. Y’know, so that fever doesn’t fry your brain and make you forget which one you’re taking for the day. Which one do you wanna use today?”
Choromatsu lets out a soft groan which only serves to irritate his throat further. He could seriously just kick his own ass for not checking that before he bought all of those. The only excuse he has is that he’s in a lot of pain and not thinking like he normally does. He points to the spray, thinking maybe it’ll feel kind of like sour spray candy; once it gets sprayed on, it melts and lingers for a minute, which might be a nice quality in a medicine for sore throats.
“Alright, open up.” Osomatsu tears off the plastic packaging. “Totty, Ichimatsu, did either of you see how many times I’m supposed to spray this?”
“Two sprays every two hours as needed. But it’s only supposed to stay for fifteen seconds, then he has to spit it out. He’s not supposed to swallow it or it might give him a stomachache. Totty, you wanna go get an empty cup for him to spit in and a glass of water to wash the taste out of his mouth afterwards?”
“What?? Why can’t you do it? Your legs aren’t broken!”
“Yeah, but I’m busy.”
“Are you kidding me? Doing what?!”
Ichimatsu shuffles himself closer to Choromatsu and puts an arm around his big brother. “I’m his emotional support Ichimatsu.”
Choromatsu chuckles a bit, though it turns into coughing pretty quickly.
“Oh, my God. Now you know why you’re not first in my brother rankings, right?” Totty grumbles, but gets up anyway. “Fiiiiine, I’ll be right back.”
The idea of an emotional support anything is nice, though, so Choromatsu leans into the contact, resting his head on Ichimatsu’s shoulder. As it is, the fourth eldest is almost like a cat, warm and cuddly when he feels like it.
His fever must be getting to him, because he could even swear he hears Ichimatsu purring.
The next three days in the Matsuno household are, predictably, a little wild.
Although Choromatsu sleeps on the couch in the other room so that his coughing doesn’t wake his brothers, it’s pretty much all for naught. At least one of them ends up missing him in the night and coming to camp out with him anyway; he just counts his lucky stars that when he needs them most, they show themselves to be pretty great brothers.
He also practically lives on soup and tea. Mom and the others try to switch it up a little, because otherwise eating and drinking the same things every day would drive him nuts. Plain miso and zosui were fine for the first day, but after he could breathe through his nose and smell things again, they started offering him other stuff.
Honestly, shogayu and negi-miso-yu have never tasted so good. Now that he can taste the yuzu-cha, too, and Karamatsu prepares some for him at least once in the afternoon, it’s like a small slice of heaven. He’s pretty sure Karamatsu can tell how grateful he is even without words, if the stupidly proud look on his older brother’s face whenever Choromatsu drinks it is any indication.
His throat still hurts like hell for a while. It’s difficult to speak, so Osomatsu, in his infinite wisdom, has relegated his brother to using a mini dry erase board and marker if he needs to say anything. That doesn’t mean Choromatsu doesn’t try to talk. He does his best not to if he doesn’t absolutely need to, however, since he wants to be rid of this thing more than anyone.
Thankfully, everyone is apparently using this as an excuse to treat him nicely. He gets to sit in front of the TV watching Nyaa-chan concerts almost nonstop, while nestling in against his emotional support Ichimatsu. Karamatsu in particular keeps checking every twenty minutes or so to see if there’s anything he can get for his little brother, and whatever Choromatsu asks for, he gets. Hell, at one point he’s craving ice cream, even though milky things aren’t a good idea for someone who’s coughing, and Karamatsu comes back with a melon ice pop, which is almost as good.
Totty even manages to do something nice while typing away on his phone. He says he’s got Choromatsu a date. With a girl. Who likes pop idols. Who’s really excited to meet him as soon as he’s better. He says he texted her a picture of Choromatsu and she thinks he’s really cute. It’s perhaps a good thing that he can’t say much right now, because he’s sure he’d scream loud enough to lose his voice a second time.
Jyushimatsu even sits there on Choromatsu’s other side, and reads magazine articles to him whenever they’re not watching TV. Of course, he doesn’t read the dirty articles… well, he doesn’t read those out loud after the first time he tried and everybody ended up crying with laughter. They all joked that even when he was sick that would be Choromatsu’s main priority, and for once, he laughed along with them despite the fact that it made him cough.
The one who surprises him the most is Osomatsu. Maybe that shouldn’t actually be a surprise, though. He fills the role of diligent oldest brother with a lot more ease than one might expect; he breaks out the thermometer every few hours to make sure Choromatsu’s fever isn’t getting higher, he keeps track of which medicines Choromatsu is supposed to take and when, he helps Mom cook things that will help Choromatsu feel better, and if he’s not doing any of that other stuff, he’s positioned with Choromatsu sitting on his lap, with Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu on either side, running his fingers through his little brother’s hair. It almost feels like the way things were when they were all kids.
Choromatsu is easily tired out when he’s sick, and he’s 99.99999% sure that it’s Osomatsu who carries him to bed every night when he inevitably falls asleep.
Despite the fact that he gives them a lot of shit, and none of them are perfect people, he knows he’s got some pretty amazing brothers.
Today he’s feeling nearly back to his old self, and his throat is less sore than it’s been in over a week. He knows it’s partially thanks to rest and partially thanks to how well his family has been taking care of him. Despite that he’s starting to recover, the others are still treating him much the same as they have been. Tea whenever he wants it ― as well as Karamatsu shoving it in his direction, urging him to drink with that pathetic puppy dog face of his, even when he doesn’t quite want it ― and lots of head pats and the TV turned to whatever he’s in the mood for.
He’s not quite as tired as he’s been lately, so it would be all too effortless to just take advantage of all this. Instead, his thoughts have just kept turning to how grateful he is to have so many people he can count on.
There’s some small part of him that has to admit he can be just as bad as they all are sometimes. He can be selfish and rude and lazy. But when one of his brothers is sick or hurt, he knows he steps up to the plate to try and take care of them. To know that they’re all willing to do the same for him when he’s the one in need makes him happier than he thinks he’s been in a long time.
He’s still got the dumb little whiteboard Osomatsu gave him, because his voice isn’t back to normal just yet. For a moment, he scribbles on it, then he holds it up for Osomatsu who’s sitting behind him. “Hey, Oso,” he speaks up in a quiet, breathy, raspy voice.
“Uh…! Hey, dumbass, you’re not supposed to be talking yet,” Osomatsu laughs, then lifts his head to look at the board. “… Huh? Choromatsu… hey…”
He laughs in a way that makes it sound like he’s about to cry, then takes the board and waves it to get everyone else’s attention. “Hey, guys! Haha… look! Look at this shit!”
Four other pairs of eyes turn in their direction. Practically as soon as everyone has processed what Choromatsu has written, he’s buried in a pile of brothers. He gets arms put around him, and kisses on his forehead, and everyone nuzzling against his face. They’re all laughing in that same way Osomatsu did…
… Well, until they all start actually crying. Including Choromatsu himself.
The whiteboard falls to the ground, mostly forgotten, but the words written on it hanging over the sextuplets like a rainbow.
Thanks for everything. I love you guys. 💚
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lilspidermonkey · 4 years
Obey me brothers x MC shorts
My first time writting about the demon boi’s, and hopefully not my last! I hope whoever is curious enough to read enjoys these short stories!
A/n: Obey Me shorts with the bros.
Basically, the bois are up late or wake up and have the urge for water (Stay hydrated my dudes!) but are distracted by MC who is awake and not feeling too great!
Hope thy enjoy!
 Warnings!: Ahhh not really any? There’s maybe some implied things and a bit of groping, kissing and possibly hickies.
We have the fluff gloves on with this one!
  Lucifer: Clearing his throat, Luci got up from his desk where he finally completed a mountain of paperwork, stretching his arms and feeling the urge for some water.
Leaving his room, he headed down the hall to see you sitting on the staircase, back up against the wall, knees to your chest and a sad expression.
Blinking in slight confusion, Lucifer walked over to you, gently clearing his throat to get your attention.
Slightly startled you blinked and looked up at the towering oldest brother, his expression soft and curious.
You smiled, “Lucifer.” You acknowledge him.
He hummed with a smile, “MC, what’re you doing on the staircase at this time at night?” he asked.
Giving a teasing grin you chuckled, “I could ask you the same thing.” You said.
Lucifer raised his eyebrow, making it known that he was not going to fall for your teasing antics.
Heaving a sigh, you clutched your knees more into your chest, “Sorry, I was just having trouble sleeping, and I didn’t want to annoy anyone, but also didn’t want to be in my room.” Your cheeks flushed slightly. “And I wanted to kinda be as close to you as possible without disturbing you.”
Lucifer smiled, stepping down to the step you were on, “May I?” he asked.
You looked up at him and gave a smile with a smile.
The tall man took a seat on the step you were also on, smiling at you, “If you are ever having any troubles, whatsoever, you are more than welcome to come to me. No matter the time or day.” He reached out to grab your hand warmly. “In fact, next time you are having any troubles, I expect you to come to me, and I’ll help you however I can.”
You felt yourself blush more as you nodded.
Lucifer gave a charming smile, standing up and holding his hand out to you.
Returning the smile, you gently slid you hand into his, and he effortlessly pulled you to your feet.
Gently pulling you along with him, he took you back into his room, pressing you up against his desk, he caged you in between his arms and smirking down at you.
You blushed but reached up to cup his face, giving gentle touches to his face.
Approving of the affection, he pushed into the touches.
You chuckled, and he smiled gently at you, as he leaned more to you, connecting his lips with yours, his hands moving to clutch onto your waist, pressing himself more against you, as you moved your hands from his face to neck and into his hair.
“I’ll make sure to be there for you, whenever you need.”
  Mammon: Yawning, the greedy demon stretched his arms into the air as he mumbled complaints to himself about needing water so late at night.
Hearing a small sniffle, his ears perked up and, in his curiosity, he followed the sounds.
Turning the corner of the lounge, he saw the fire going as a small figure curled up into the corner of the couch.
Raising an eyebrow, he moved behind the couch, slouching over the couch, “What’re you doing?”
In completely shock a high-pitched squeak of surprised left you as you turn to meet Mammon’s blue eyes.
Seeing that your eyes were teary and red, his own eyes widened in shock, “W-what’s wrong with you!? What happened, huh!?” he asked in genuine worry.
Blinking and wiping your tears away, you cleared your throat, “Ah, sorry, I didn’t think anyone else was awake.” You said, sniffling and covering up your face.
Mammon growled and came around the couch, taking your hands away from your face and staring into your eyes, “What happened? Why are you sitting here alone and crying, huh?” he asked.
You looked down, “It’s silly.” You mumbled under your breath.
Mammon growled again, “Spit it out already! I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong.” He said.
You kept your eyes avoided, “I just had a nightmare, it’s fine, so you don’t have to worry or anything.” You said.
Mammon huffed, “Who said I was worried? Huh? I-I wasn’t worried!” he released your hands and scratched his cheek sheepishly. “But you should know by now that you should come to me whenever and whatever, especially when you’re upset like this!”
Chuckling, you gave a small smile, “Thank you Mammon.” You said.
Mammon chocked on a response but settled on clicking his tongue and grabbing your hand again, “Come with me, dumbass.” He said, pulling you along with him.
Eventually pulling you into his room, but not having much time to say anything, Mammon instantly brought you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
Surprised, you froze at first, but you soon gave into the warmth and returned the hug, snuggling into him.
Mammon cleared his throat, “So, ah, do you want to talk about it? Or maybe you need a distraction or something?”
You could tell from his speech that he was trying his hardest to hide that he was not exactly sure on how to help, and he was failing.
Appreciating the gesture, you shook your head against him, “That’s okay, being with you has already made me instantly so much better, thank you Mammon.” You said.
Mammon turned red, his hold on you tightening as he picked you up, walked over to his pool table, and sitting you down on it.
His beautiful blue eyes glared into yours, “You’re lucky you have The Great Mammon to help you out.” His eyes softened a bit. “But you know, I’ll always be here, so you better come straight to me for anything, you hear me?”
Your heart squeezed as you cupped his face, smiling down at him as you brought your foreheads together, “Thank you, Mammon.” You whispered. “You’re the best.”
Pressing together, you both brought your lips together, sharing a sweet kiss, your hands warming his cheeks and his stroking your thighs.
“You’re my human, I’ll always be here for you.”
  Leviathan: Gaming late into the night and forgetting normal bodily needs, Levi remembered how thirsty he was.
Reaching for his fourth water bottle, the bottle emptied out three drops, resulting in a scowl from the sleep gaming otaku.
Pausing his game, he got up and went to set off onto a mission to get more water.
Opening his door, the boy almost shrieked at the top of his lungs at seeing you sitting beside his bedroom door.
Noticing the demon, you flushed in embarrassment, “Ah, I’m sorry! I didn’t think you would come out!” you said shyly.
The boy cleared his throat as he looked up and down the hallway and back at you, “What’re you doing sitting there this late at night?” he asked, confusion clear on his facial features.
You pushed some hair behind your ear, “I, ah, haha, I kinda was having some troubles sleeping, and I didn’t want to interrupt you, but I really enjoy listening to you play your games, so I was just going to stay here until I got sleepy and head back to bed…or something.” You explained embarrassedly.
The demon of Envy flushed red, “W-well, you really wanted to, you could’ve come inside, I wouldn’t ever mind if you came to see me, for any reason…you still can if you want?” he asked awkwardly, his face red.
You smiled up at him, “Are you sure?” you asked.
Levi groaned and held his hand out to you, “C-common, lets go.” He said.
You held his hand and he pulled you up and into his room, sitting on the ground up against his bathtub bed, he gestured for you to join him.
Smiling and blushing, you made yourself comfortable by sitting into his lap, curling up against him.
Levi turned a bright shade of red as he seemed to be struggling to be functioning.
You chuckled, “Are you uncomfortable?” you asked him.
The boys’ eyes darted to you, “N-no, that’s not i-it.” He relaxed a little. “Sorry.”
You chuckled and cuddled into him as he continued to play his games.
Watching the boy play you glanced up to see his face concentrating but still with slightly flushed cheeks.
You smiled and reached up to cup his cheek and bring yourself up to land a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
Levi froze and shot to you with widened eyes, but you just smiled at him, “Thank you, Levi, you made me feel better.” You said.
Levi’s seemed to calm down as he leaned into you, catching your lips with his.
“Come to me for anything forever.”
  Satan: Reading the ending of a book he had read for the twenty fourths time, Satan realized he was lost in his reading and had not noticed the time.
Deciding to return the book to the library, have some water and finally turn in, the blonde set off.
Turning into the library, Satan walked in to see you curled up in one of the chairs, book in your lap as you read silently.
Satan smiled and walked in, catching your attention, his smile growing at your own.
He looked you up and down, “Caught up in a book to realize the time?” he asked, ready to admit that he had also made the same mistake.
You hummed, “Actually, I was struggling to sleep, and I got a little frustrated. So, I thought that I would come here and just lose myself in a good book.” You showed the cover to him. “Almost finished your recommendation.”
The Demon of Wrath came towards you, “I’m sorry you were struggling to sleep.” He said.
You shrugged with a smile, “It’s okay, happens every now and then to everyone. Plus,” you beamed up at him, “I got to see you, so it’s not all bad.”
Satan brought his hand to his face in an attempt to cover his blush, how could you be so cute?
Snapping out of id embarrassment, he leaned down and rest on the arm of the chair, “Is there any particular reason why you were struggling to sleep so badly?” he asked.
You gave a weak smile as a response, “Can’t get anything passed you, huh?” you asked him.
He tilted his head, “I just know you. Want to talk about it?” he offered.
Heaving a sigh, you lowered your head, “I was just feeling…kinda low. Like,” you heaved another sigh. “It’s kinda hard to bring up.”
Satan reached for you hands, clasping them in his, “You don’t need to force yourself, take your time.” He comforted you.
You gave another smile, “Thank you.” You shrugged, “I just kinda felt…not enough? I’ve been getting along with everyone, but I just feel…unworthy.” You said, eyes glued to Satan’s hands holing yours.
Satan reached up and cupped your face, making you look into his eyes, “You are honestly such an amazing person. I highly doubt anyone is brave enough to put up or put yourself into the situations you do, just to be able to protect the people you care about, or even just met.” He gave your hand a kiss. “If you ever feel like this ever again, I want you to know, that you are so amazing, in my eyes.”
You smiled at him, leaning into his warm touch on your cheek, “Thank you Satan.” You said, blushing in his hold.
Satan grinned, taking the book out of your lap, putting it to the side, Satan pulled you up and into his arms.
The two of you embraced as he walked you back into the bookshelf, smiling down at you as he put his hand back onto your cheek, leaning down, meeting you halfway as you reached up on your toes, lips locking together.
“The best thing to happen to me is you.”
  Asmodeus: Annoyed at having his beauty sleep interrupted by needing to have a drink of water, Asmo went downstairs, the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, and went into the dining room. And that is where he spotted you, sitting in one of the chairs at the dining table, your head resting on the table with your arms stretched out next to your head. With a slight delight going through his body at seeing your form, he walked ever to you, but soon saw the heavy sobs that silently left you that stopped him in his tracks. His delight turning into concern, Asmodeus walked over to you slowly as to not alarm you.
gently placing a hand on your back, you still slightly jolted with surprise, but soon looked up at his concerned loving eyes with sad ones.
The man tilted his head, “My dear, MC, what happened, are you alright?” he asked with concern.
You gave a little sniffle, “I'm fine, I'm sorry did I disturb you?” you asked quietly.
Asmo Gave a little smile, “My dear, if you need to talk about anything, I am here for you. You don't have to put on an act.” he said as he began to rub your back with the hand that was already there.
You gave another sniffle as your face slowly began to break, but you still didn't want to show or talk about anything related to why you will like this.
Sing miss the boy didn't try to press you anymore, but instead, grabbed your hand and ushered out of your chair, enter follow him.
Following along with him, you were soon dragged into his bedroom, where he sat you down on his bed and reached over for his skin treatment basket, that he had away in his closet.
Coming back to join you on the bed he pulled out some playing time and looked at you with a smile, “understand if you don't want to talk about it, but I still want to help in some way, so I'm going to distract you by pampering you!” He cheerfully exclaims.
As you smiled and went along with him and his distractions, you began to calm down and Siri open up just the caring demon.
You curled your legs to your chest, “I ended up staying awake all night because started having really bad thoughts, and I was trying to run away from them by getting out of my room, but they just followed, and I ended up getting really sad. So, I'm sorry and keeping you up so late to be with me.” You admitted.
Asmo reached his hand out to cup your face bringing you forward to kiss him.
Pulled back, the beautiful man only smiled at you, “As important as my beauty sleep is, you should always know that I’ll always be willing to help you, my dear.” He giggled while giving a mischievous smile, as he slowly pushed you down onto the bed and lean over you. “I’ll be more than willing to give you all the distractions you need.”
You blushed, put kept your eyes contact with him, “I wish I was as perfect as you are.” You said.
Asmo blushed also, but his smile grew as he planted kisses along your collarbone and up your neck to you ear.
“You’re my definition of perfect.”
 Beelzebub: Waking up and going on his second midnight snack run, Beel walked into the kitchen, seeing you sitting on top of the countertop, back against the wall and knees tucked up to your chest as you hid your face away in them.
Blinking in confusion and concern, the boy walked over to you with worry, “MC?” he called.
You noticeably jolted in surprise and looked up to meet Beel’s concerned face.
You blinked, “Beel, I thought you already came by for your snack run?” you asked, voice cracking a little.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck, “I sometimes come back for a second one, most of the time I can settle with just one, but sometimes I can’t resist going for a second one.” He explained.
You gave a chuckle, “That makes sense.” You said.
Noticing that your laugh didn’t match the look in your eyes, he tried to catch your attention, “What’s wrong?” he asked, turning it back onto you.
You met his eyes and gave a small smile, “Don’t worry about it, I’m okay.” You said, not wanting to worry him.
Though that didn’t really work.
Beel lowered his head, “I understand if you don’t want to talk about it.” He said, his demeanour turning into the sad puppy Beel.
Having this look clutch at your heartstrings, you gave a sigh.
You lowered your legs from the bench, “I’m sorry, it’s just, I kinda went to sleep having bad thoughts, and in turn had a bad dream, so I came here to kinda escape.” You explained.
Beel perked up and walked over to you, “You could always come to me, especially since you helped me with my nightmares.” He said.
You chuckled, “Thank you, Beel, but I didn’t want to disturb you after you had already had your midnight snack.” You said.
Beel blinked, “Did you look for me and find out I already had it?” he asked with curiosity.
You blushed and fiddled with some of your hair, “Well, not exactly, I sometimes come here because…” you bit your lip, hoping down from the countertop and blushing harder. “Because sometimes when I’m in the kitchen, I somehow feel closer to you. Which sounds beyond weird, but it’s like a comfort to come here, since I can kinda sense that you come here so often.”
Beel walked over to you, looking down at you with a blush hiding away in his cheeks, “I get what you mean, the senses are like memories, since me and you do actually come here a lot together too.” He said.
You nodded up at him with a giggle, “You’re right.” You agreed.
Reaching his hands down, he grabbed your smaller ones, entangling your fingers together, “Do you want to talk about your bad thoughts and nightmare?” he asked.
You relaxed into his touch, leaning against his chest as you watched your fingers play together, “I guess I was kinda scared, somehow coming up with scenarios in my head about not being able to come back to the devildom, not being able to be in contact with everyone…with you…and I got scared.” You shook your head against him. “I don’t want to stop making more and more memories with you.”
Beel nodded, reaching his hand free to cup your face and look up at him, “If we ever get separated, I’ll always find a way to get back to you.” He said.
You blushed again, “Me too.” You said.
Beel smiled and leaned down to catch your lips with his.
Reaching your arms up to wrap around his neck, he reached his own down to wrap around your waist, lifting you up with ease and putting you back on the countertop.
He pulled back to give your collarbone and neck some love bites and kissing you more.
“Making memories with you is my favourite thing to do.”
 Belphegor: Since Belphie sleeps most of the time during the day, he’s a little more active at night. Even though he could sleep more, he finds it easier to just not sometimes.
Going into the living room to sit by the fire, he saw that it was already lit and there was another body by it.
He blinked in confusion and walked over to you, “Why aren’t you asleep?” he asked.
You jumped, “Ah! Jeez! Don’t scare me like that!” you exclaimed.
The sloth demon gave a shrug, “It’s crazy late, how are you still awake, you’re usually dead asleep by now.” He said.
You sighed, “Guess tonight just isn’t my night. I tried to sleep, but even though I’m crazy tired, I just couldn’t manage to get to sleep.” You explained.
Belphie thought for a moment, but soon smiled as he grabbed your hand, pulling you up from the ground and ushering you to follow him, “Come with me.” He said.
You followed after him, and once you got dragged to a particular staircase, you knew exactly where he was taking you.
Once arriving at the attic, the boy closed the door behind you, took a seat on the floor that was cushioned by pillows and blankets, and smiled up at you, “Common, let’s sleep here.” He said.
You smiled and joined him, “I should’ve known to come to you about sleep, since you’re the master and all that.” You joked.
Belphie chuckled, throwing a blanked over the both of you as you cuddled close together, “I always know what’s most comfortable for a sleep.” He said.
You blushed, “I don’t always sleep well, but I somehow always manage to sleep well while with you.” You said.
the boy smiled and ushered your chin with his fingers, landing a kiss to your lips, I always have the best dreams when I’m with you.” He grinned. “Because you always seem to make your way into my dreams every time.”
You blushed and smiled, “I hope that doesn’t get too bothersome.” You said.
“Nah.” He gave you another kiss.
“You’re my favourite dream.”
   A/n: Wow! Okay this lowkey took me a little longer than I would’ve hoped, I apologise for any spelling and/or any grammar mistakes!
I hope you liked it!
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
LoV with a Depressive! Reader, like, the Reader is always sad and cries alone, and the LoV is trying to cheer up them. I love your writings, they are beautiful! 💕 (I apologize for my english, it's not my language) thank you 💙
Aw thank you so much!! But sweetheart, please don’t apologize for your English. it is perfect!! 🥰💕
LoV with a depressive!reader!
I think Tomura can be like that too sometimes, honestly! The world has not been very kind to him, and he hurts because of it.
But while he understands how you feel, comforting you isn’t going to be something that is easy for him. It’s hard for him to comfort himself, let alone someone else.
He will often try, though. He knows how awful it is, and he doesn’t want you feeling that way.
Mostly he’ll lend you a shoulder to cry on and let you vent your troubles to him if you like. It’s a good opportunity for him to help you feel better without Tomura saying anything. He really doesn’t know what to say in that situation.
Or if you just want to hold onto him and cry it out, he’s okay with that, too. He’ll offer tissues and water, only because he remembers his mother once told him to drink lots of water after crying to prevent dehydration.
He might push snacks on you if he knows it’ll help, whether you really want to eat or not, because he’s worried that you haven’t eaten.
Really won’t leave you alone. Even if it’s just staying in the same room as you, he’ll want to be near you and make sure you’re okay.
He’ll keep his distance so as to not crowd you, because he knows personal space can be much appreciated in your situation. But he’ll get close if you tell him to.
Mr. Compress
He will do whatever he can to make you laugh or enjoy yourself, be it a trick involving a little bunny, or a trick that annoys Dabi and has him chasing the poor entertainer as a show of comedy.
Mr. will find new tricks if the ones he knows don’t work, looking anywhere and everywhere for something that could cheer you up.
He’ll let you talk it out as much as you need to, but unlike Tomura, he’ll say something. And he’ll know exactly what to say.
Most of the time, it’s words of encouragement. But when he can, he’ll try to help you work out whatever problem(s) is bothering you. He’s full of advice, so if you let him, he loves to share it with you.
He’ll make sure you’re hydrated, but honestly he does that all the time anyway!
Mr. knows crying and feeling/being depressed can be exhausting, so he’s also going to make sure you rest and get on a good sleep schedule.
He will deadass buy you a ridiculously expensive pillow if that means you’ll sleep better. He’ll make sure you eat properly, too. It might feel smothering, but he’s going to look out for you.
He won’t actually smother you. If he feels you need personal space, he’ll give you some space and let you alone for a bit. If he feels you need someone in the moment, he’ll be there.
Twice is, in my opinion, super empathetic and sympathetic. He’ll know quickly when you’re upset, and he’ll be upset for you.
No joke. He’ll be crying alongside you and damning whatever made/makes you feel so bad. He’ll take what you’re feeling to heart, and do and say what he can to cheer you up.
He’ll smother you in snacks - or offer cigarrettes - mostly comfort food that you enjoy, tears gushing from his eyes almost comically all the while.
He might not be a great listener, as he has a habit of interjecting with questions or empathetic rants, but he’s a good listener because of that.
It’s because he’ll ask how you felt in the moment if something happened, or what someone made you feel. He’ll get you talking about your feelings and understanding them, whether an episode triggered your depressive feelings or if it’s regular.
Twice will give you a shoulder to cry on whenever you need it, although advice isn’t going to be his strong suit.
If nothing out of the ordinary is bothering you, he’ll try to help you figure it out. Sometimes things bother us and stress us out and we don’t even realize it.
If none of that seems to work, he’ll sit you down and watch movies with you - mostly happy movies, of course. It doesn’t matter if he’s seen it before, or if you’ve seen it before, if there’s a even a slight chance it’ll make you happy, he’ll put it on.
Oddly enough, Himiko is pretty good at comforting people. She has a protectiveness to her.
She’ll mother the living hell out of you, hugging you close and cuddling you while planting kisses to the crown of your head. Himiko will try to utter anything soothing that she can.
She’ll be happy to let you talk, and while she can’t solve your problem(s) or offer advice, she’ll offer affirmations to lift your mood.
She’ll offer to “do away” with anyone that you want her to, but obviously you won’t let her do that! Unless...?
Himiko can be hyperactive at times, so just sitting and listening won’t do for her. She’ll want to drag you on a walk with you while she listens, or in silence if you don’t want to talk. Even if you don’t talk, walking is good for your health, and so is the company.
One of her biggest fears is that you won’t come to her and let her be there for you. She cares about you, after all.
She’ll go on a bloodthirsty, rage-filled rampage if someone makes fun of you for being down. She’s protective like that.
Water water water! Himiko will be sure to give you lots of water, whether you want it or not. She’ll flavor it with something if she has to.
By far the worst at knowing how to comfort someone. Anything he does that is successful is purely him shooting a random shot and hoping for the best. But he’s not actually horrible at it.
He’ll sit you down and wrap an arm around you, which the closest thing to a hug you can get from him usually, and let you cry it out beside him.
He won’t really know what to say if you talk to him about it, but that just means he’s a damn good listener. He’ll nod and hum, maybe muttering, “yeah, that’s shit” or something along those lines every once in a while. But not often.
Dabi will probably offer liquor or any kind of booze before he offers you water, which isn’t the best thing to do. Hey, that’s how he works his shit out - why not?
He’ll want to keep his distance and hope that you want him to, as well. He can’t help you fix it; what’s he gonna do? And the worst part, he feels a bit helpless because he can’t think of anything to say.
Might offer to run a bath for you if one is available and he’s run out of ideas.
If he genuinely cares about you, he’ll let you cuddle up to him if that would make you feel better. Without complaint! Doesn’t matter if you cling onto him like a monkey, he knows when to complain and when not to.
Besides, it’s not like he enjoys seeing you so upset. Even if he teases you or pisses you off enough that steam is coming out of your ears, he doesn’t want you feeling down.
I think Spinner has a big heart, so when he sees you crying and sniffling, he’s going to feel awful.
He might not know immediately what to do or say to help you, if you want him to help, but he’ll ask lots of questions.
Do you want space? Do you need someone? Should I listen, or should I distract you? Should I get anything? - lots of questions.
He’ll often try to distract you with something he knows you care about, or maybe he’ll ramble on and on about a video game he knows you don’t like until you jab him in the ribs for it jokingly.
Sometimes he’ll even offer to take you out somewhere; not as a date necessarily, but it can be. He’ll first ask you where you’d want to go, but if you can’t think of anything, he’s not short on ideas.
He won’t always take you anywhere in particular. As long as he gets you out of your home for a bit to get some fresh air and change of scenery, he’s happy.
He’ll lightheartedly tease you and crack jokes until he can get you smiling again - that’s his favorite way of comforting you.
Any food or drink he offers isn’t going to be for your health. It’s mostly sugary junk food that’s only for comfort. Although he does have sports drinks, which have potassium and electrolytes in them that will help prevent dehydration from crying.
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lloydskywalkers · 4 years
Hey, I sent this ask once already but I don't think it went through??? (If it did I apologize for bugging you!) I read this fic you wrote a while ago about Lloyd and Ronin talking during season 5 after that part where Morro sends that fake message, and I'd like to read it again but I can't find it? Could you link it please? Sorry again for bothering you.
Hey no don’t worry about it, I’m glad you asked!! One, because I’m almost positive Tumblr ate your other ask; and two, because I am a hundred percent positive Tumblr also ate that particular fic :’) I was going to just repurpose it for a later season 5 fic, but I’ll go ahead and post it below the cut in case you’d like to read it a whole lot sooner XD
If Lloyd was any less exhausted right now, he’d have some choice words for Morro about shoving him in a cage, of all things. 
Because really, of all things, a cage? Again? Morro’s so proud of himself and his precious plan, he could at least get creative while he’s at it. Spice Lloyd’s life up a little every once in a while, instead of sticking with the same stupid routine every other person who’s ever gone after his powers has. 
But unfortunately, Lloyd is so bone-tired right now he doesn’t even know if he could manage a glare hot enough for Morro, and if he’s going to pick a fight with him, he’d like to be able to finish it without passing out from sheer exhaustion in the middle. He’s been humiliated enough, and he’s clinging to the meager shreds of his pride he has left with a stubbornness.  
A stubbornness that’s fading faster than he’d like, so when it takes Ronin three tries before Lloyd realizes he’s saying something to him, it feels a bit like rubbing salt in a wound. 
“Huh?” he manages, scrubbing at his eye and wincing as the bruise behind it throbs. His vision clears a bit, at least, enough to where Ronin stops looking as much like a brown blob on the floor and more like…well, Ronin, tied up on the floor. 
Right, he remembers, with a sinking pit of ice in his stomach. They’d used Ronin to send a message to the others. The thought of his team heading into a trap makes his stomach writhe into painful knots, and he struggles to sit up, as much as he can in the cramped cage. 
“I asked if you were alive up there,” Ronin’s saying. He still looks pale and shaken from when Morro possessed him earlier, but his voice sounds firmer than it did, less like the trembling rasp he’d tried to curse Morro out with before he’d left them both alone. 
Save your strength. I’ll be needing it. 
Morro’s words float through Lloyd’s head like particularly unwelcome knives, and he shoves the thought of what’s coming away.
“I’m—” his attempt at a reply cuts off in harsh coughing, his throat dry and scratchy from hosting Morro’s voice as much as he has. And probably from the lack of hydration. That might have something to do with it. “Yeah, m’alive,” he finally manages, his voice thin. 
“Figured that, with all the racket up there,” Ronin says, but there’s a note of relief in his voice. 
Lloyd doesn’t know what to say back to that, so he shuts his mouth, staring hazily at the bars of the cage as they blur and swim in his vision. Ronin doesn’t say anything either, save for an occasional huff as he twists his arms in his bonds, rubbing his hands together as if to quell the small tremors that still run through them. Lloyd studies him closer, how unnaturally grey his color still is, and his stomach twists again. He knows too well how that feels.  
Maybe he should have picked that fight. 
Lloyd bites his lip, slumping back against the cage bars. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs, and he hates how young he sounds.
Ronin tilts his head up at him, the corners of his eyes creasing. “What are you sorry for?” he says. “You’ve got it a lot worse than me, kid.”
“Well— maybe, but—” Lloyd stutters. “It’s my…if I hadn’t…I should’ve fought back. When he possessed you, and…everything else.”
“In your shape?” Ronin eyes him, and Lloyd shrinks under his scrutiny. “You look like death warmed over. In a busted microwave. Nice sentiment, kid, but there’s no sense in gettin’ yourself trashed for me.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten trashed,” Lloyd mutters, crossing his arms tighter around himself.
“Yeah, you would’ve, already have,” Ronin scoffs. “You’re just like the rest of ‘em, suicidal hero kids, all of you.”
“I’m the Green Ninja,” Lloyd snaps, hoping desperately that Ronin doesn’t catch the waver in his voice. “I’m not — I should be able to take him. I shouldn’t be here, I should—“
“Please,” Ronin cuts over him, sounding tired. “You’re what, ten?”
Lloyd blinks rapidly, before scowling. “I’m fourteen.”
“—fourteen, FSM help me.” Ronin runs a hand over his forehead, trailing it down to pinch the bridge of his nose. He shakes his head, going silent for a beat.
“Fourteen,” he repeats, voice quieter. “FSM.”
Lloyd doesn’t know what to say back to that, either. He feels very small and a bit stupid, which is kind of how he’s been feeling all the time lately, and he’s not a fan. 
“Still should’ve stopped him,” he finally mumbles, wrapping his arms around his legs so he can rest his chin on his knees. 
“You couldn’t’ve stopped him,” Ronin says, bluntly. “Morro’s crazy, kid. He’s hellbent on that Green Ninja thing, and he’s the kinda hellbent that gets people killed.”
Lloyd frowns. “It’s my title. It’s my job, I want to be able to keep it—“
“Could you kill someone for it?”
Lloyd flinches back, eyes going wide. “Wha— no! No, I couldn’t — wouldn’t, I’m not — I don’t—“
“There you go, kid,” Ronin sighs, cutting over Lloyd’s floundering. “Morro doesn’t care how many people he has to get rid of, so long as he gets that gi. He’s always gonna have that upper hand on you. Different playing fields.”
Lloyd stares at him, taken aback. He’s never thought about it like that before, and he doesn’t think he’d like to. Just because Morro’s more — more bloodthirsty, or whatever, doesn’t mean he’s stronger. It doesn’t mean Lloyd won’t fight for the green gi.
Lloyd presses his lips together. “That doesn’t mean — I’d still fight for it. I-I’d die for it, if I had to.”
“I bet you would,” Ronin snorts, without humor. “But you won’t kill anyone else. Death is only on the board if it’s yours. You’re the worst kind of selfless type, I’ve seen it before.”
Lloyd chews on his lip, at a loss. Talking with Ronin is confusing, he decides, too confusing for the headache that’s building behind his eyes, at least. He keeps ending up lost for words, and he doesn’t like that. Doesn’t like feeling wrong-footed, though that’s definitely nothing new—
“You shouldn’t,” Ronin suddenly says. 
“Die for it,” he continues, sounding insistent now. “You shouldn’t. Don’t. Your life’s worth a lot more than some scrap of green, kid.”
Lloyd tilts his head, momentarily thrown by the direction the conversation’s turned. “I…I don’t want to,” he admits, weakly. “I just—“
“Then don’t,” Ronin interrupts, bluntly. “Stay alive. Fight dirty if you have to, you’re Garmadon’s kid. Don’t let your family’s never-ending fling with destiny take you down with ‘em.”
“That’s not — I’m not trying to die,” Lloyd insists, irritated now. 
“And you got people waiting for you,” Ronin continues, ignoring him. “Your team, y’know, they’re real anxious to get you back.” A flicker of emotion crosses his face, almost like regret. “They’re uh. Puttin’ up a real fight for ya, kid.”
Lloyd squeezes his eyes shut tightly, fighting back the sudden burn. “I know they are.” 
“Good thing, then. So just, uh. Don’t give up on ‘em, okay? Be a real shame if they gave me this much trouble for nothing.”
Yeah, I’ll bet they gave you trouble, Lloyd thinks, his throat tightening. He shakes his head, blinking back the burn in his eyes. Enough. His family’s out there, fighting for him, and that’s enough for him. 
“I’m not gonna die,” he says fiercely, dragging the fire that’s left in him from the smoldering embers in his chest. “I’m gonna beat him. And then I’m going to end the Cursed Realm, before it ever gets here. And I am not. Going to die.”
Ronin’s eyes flash with an emotion Lloyd can’t name, but he nods, seemingly satisfied. He turns away, the scars on his cheek standing out as he stares through the clouded window. 
“You know what’s in the Cursed Realm, right, kid?”
Ronin’s voice is gravely, rough in ways that makes Lloyd think of the hardened kind of people he’d run into on the streets occasionally. People who were used to life going the worst way possible, and were ready for it. He used to want to be one of those people. Now he thinks he might be scared he’s going to get his wish. 
But there’s an undercurrent of what could be sympathy in Ronin’s voice, if Lloyd looks for it. He swallows.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “Yeah, I know.”
“You good with ending that, too?”
Lloyd swallows again, and this time it gets stuck in his throat.
“I have to be, I guess,” he whispers.
Ronin closes his eyes, leaning his head back against the wooden wall, and Lloyd feels kind of like he used to when he’d turn a test in at Darkley’s, and had no idea whether he’d passed or failed. “S’what I thought.”
Lloyd turns his head away, biting his lip hard enough to taste metal. 
He doesn’t know what to say to that, either, so he doesn’t say anything more. 
He’s supposed to be saving his strength, after all. 
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Guilty. (Part 1.)
Part One.
Steve Rogers (Lawyer AU) x Reader Insert. 
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: Work place romance, smoking, self destructive habits, language, adult themes. (No smut just yet lol.) 
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Part One: 
Your cell phone rings, a sound that pulls a loud groan from the back of your throat, the sandwich in your hand thrown down onto your desk as you blindly dig through your purse for it, eyes sharp as you stare at the girl sitting across from you, Wanda. "It's my boss," Your tone is clipped as you look down, "Stay quiet."
You sigh, push your hair from your face as if he could see how relaxed you were moments ago, muster up a second wind of energy, and rise to your feet as you take the call. "Steve, finished so soon?"
"Cut the shit, Y/n." He's speaking over the plastic straw between his teeth, sipping on an iced coffee no doubt. "I know you're goofing off with that stupid assistant of yours."
You're lucky he isn't on speaker, and you walk quickly out of Wanda's ear shot. "Be nice! She's new, just like I was."
He hums, the sound of his dress shoes clicking against pavement and cars driving past tells you he's walking. "But you were never dull, never as dense. You wouldn't still work for me otherwise."
You, an assistant, were gifted your own assistant. The work load you take on under Rogers overwhelms the responsibility you still have at the firm, and so they decided to assign someone under you, unheard of and argued among the people above you, but Steve thought it was a good idea. All he saw was dollar signs, you moving up with your reputation and gifting him a chance to charge more for both of your services in the court room.
But Wanda was young, too young to understand the importance of the work she does here, too hung up on boys and partying to see her job as anything other than a job.
"You didn't call me to talk about this." You push open the doors to the balcony in his office, stepping outside for fresh air.
"No, I didn't. I'm done with my client, I'm sending you my location."
He doesn't give you a chance to protest, hanging up the call, a text message coming through seconds later. You groan, heeled foot tapping on the pavement as you weigh your options. You had expected to have at least another two hours free to train Wanda, but that had just been stolen from right under your nose.
You count your steps back to your desk, a nervous tick you picked up in law school, plopping back down to finish your sandwich, roasted turkey breast with all the trimming.
"Wanda," You speak over half chewed food, manners gone out the window in your rush to find an excuse to slip away. "I've been called out, something important has come up with a new client." Her eyes snap up to you from the stack of papers in front of her. "I'll be back as soon as I can, just stay by your phone and I'll let you know what's going on."
She looks nervous, never left here in your office alone before, and you feel bad, remembering how it felt to be new in such a large place. This was a building full of people with their heads in their asses, established lawyers with years of experience under their belts. She was prey among wolves, protected only by your presence, and now you were leaving her.
"Don't leave this office unless it's to use the bathroom." You say. "Don't be loud, don't speak to anyone, keep your head down and stay out of trouble."
All things you wish Steve had told you, all things you had to learn on your own. It's hard being a woman studying law, you're automatically ruled out simply for being a woman.
You offer her a gentle smile, reaching into your wallet and pulling out a twenty dollar bill. "Door Dash some food if you want, or waste it in the vending machine, just remember to take a break and hydrate yourself."
She looks doe eyed, "Thank you." She says, and you're tempted to just bring her along and shove her into the back seat of your car, tell her to stay quiet and to not repeat anything she might hear.
But Steve would throw a fit, you can see it now, a ghost of a smile coats your lips as you leave her behind, stuffing the last of your sandwich into your mouth as you scoop up your purse.
You're tired, Steve called you in early this morning to get some work done before your assistant was scheduled to come in. A new case was dropped on his desk, and you made arrangements for him to meet with his new client immediately. He took a cab, slightly annoyed that you weren't free to take him there, but there was no excuse now, not with your assistant busy at work, you could slip away for a little while to do the second part of your job, assist big shot lawyer Steve Rogers.
The address he gave you was a coffee shop, but naturally he's walked a good block away from it by now, bored and restless in the city of New York waiting around for you, and you honk your horn when you see him walking, phone pressed to his ear.
He gets in, tossing his brief case in the back seat, pressing his phone to his chest. "Find some food? I could go for a burger."
Steve is very particular about what he eats, especially all American classics. He's craving something greasy probably, a nice greasy sloppy burger with salty fries and a thick shake. You're slightly pissed that you ate already, because eating again will ruin your appetite for dinner, but you wouldn't turn down the opportunity for good food, especially if Steve is going to be paying.
He wraps up his phone call just as you swing by Five Guys, parallel parking across the street from the diner. He stares at you for a moment, eyes squinted and glaring until you pull a face at him. "What?" You ask, shifting in your seat.
"This case is being paid for by the state, our client has no money." He says, "He's suing because of wage violations."
You shrug, settling back into your seat, not understanding his tone or expression. "So? This is easy for you."
"It's against Stark Industries."
You frown, eyebrows knit. "Oh shit."
"Yeah," His chuckle is almost nervous, pushing the car door open to get out. "Shit."
You walk across the street together, and you make a show of clinging to his arm for support. He glares down at you, but let's you, baby blue's almost welcoming your touch as he helps you across the street. Then he's shrugging you off and ushering you inside the diner.
"I'll pay," He says. "But the next one is on you."
You kiss his cheek in thanks, whispering your order in his ear and then ducking off into the ladies room, running wet fingers through your hair and swiping on a new coat of smudge proof lipstick.
Your relationship with Steve Rogers is a complicated one. There's chemistry, obvious chemistry that often leaves you flustered, just like this, but he refuses to do anything about it. In fact, you've talked about it before, the backs of your thighs pressed to his desk top as he kissed you, telling you that he couldn't, wouldn't go any farther because if his career has taught him anything at all it's that you don't shit where you eat. If word got out that you two were an item, you would be torn to shreds in the court room, all credibility out of the window, and he would be forced to fire you to save his reputation.
But it's still there, lingering in the way he looks at you and talks to you. That fire is still there, and one day it was going to consume you both.
You undo a couple buttons on your shirt and untuck it from your skirt, rolling up your sleeves and letting go for a moment, the heels you wear suffocate your feet, so you slip out of them, carrying them back out into the seating area to find Steve. He's sitting in a booth next to the window, glaring sharply at you as you walk over, your food waiting for you.
"You look like a slut."
You laugh, snatching up your milkshake as you sit, sucking the thick liquid through a straw. "No, I look like I'm not stressed out for once." You nod to him him for emphasis, his forehead wrinkled. "You should try it."
He's wearing his suit jacket still, which he quickly shrugs off and places beside him. He rolls up his sleeves as well, plucking a fry from his plate as he alternates sleeves, eyes never leaving you as he copies your current state, reaching up to undo his tie and unbutton the top of his shirt.
"Better?" He sweeps a hand through his hair, reaching for his own shake, and it makes you smile.
The sun hits his face just right, lashes looking elongated against his cheeks each time he blinks, the direct sunlight revealing a hint of green hidden in his eyes.
"Much," You reach for your burger, needing to distract yourself. "Now tell me about this guy."
"Barnes." He says, clearing his throat, talking around a mouth full of chocolate shake. "James Barnes. He's owed two weeks of pay and Stark Industries is refusing to pay it, something about the prosthetic he wears being a violation of his working contract."
"That's bullshit."
"Sure, but Stark has good lawyers." He says, fingers pinching up a bunch of fries. "He'll find a loop hole."
"So what are we going to do?" You ask, juice from your burger coats your fingers, and your chin, hands too full to wipe the mess away.
Steve regards you for a moment, takes you in as the mess you are, and his touch is gentle as he reaches over with a napkin to wipe your face. "You are going to sit in your office and dig up everything you can on Stark Industries and James Barnes. I'm going to do a bit of field work, find out who his lawyers are and how dirty they're willing to play it."
You hum, mouth full. "This is good."
He rolls his eyes, dropping the napkin and going for his own food. "I can tell, you've made a mess of yourself." There's a husk to his voice that's far too suggestive, and you do all you can to ignore it.
A part of you is worried about the case. You're never seen Steve so worked up about one before. Tony Stark is known for burning lawyers to get his way, and he pays much more than the state could ever afford to pay you to take a case. But you're determined to help out as much as you can, the case is a simple one and will go in your favor on it's own, but these kinds of people don't play far, which is why it's important to figure out what tactics they will use in the court room.
You sit there for about an hour, eating until you can't, bickering and tossing an occasional fry to get your point across. All in all Steve Rogers is good company. Some people will never get to know that, his reputation precedes him, scaring away anyone who dares to get close. But you know better. You know that there's some kind of gentleness in his hard glares, you know that he cares even despite the cold tone of his voice, his eyes warm and kind even if his jaw is set in anger.
He cares about you, more than he would ever say out loud, and you're lucky to be good at reading him. You would never know otherwise.
When you get back to the firm, Wanda is where you left her, fresh Subway on the corner of your desk, and Steve grumbles as he makes his way back into his own office, which you glare at him for. She's done a majority of her work, filing, and you feel bad to add another task to her list, but you're on a case after all, and there is urgency.
"Wanda, be a dear on fax me everything we have recorded on Stark Industries." You say, dropping your bag and once again slipping out of your heels. "Check all records, I want everything, no matter how minor."
She nods, tapping the stack of papers in front of her. "What about this?"
You shrug. "It will be there. Save it for tomorrow, you can go home after you do this last thing for me."
You can see the way her eyes light up, and you smile to yourself as she gets up to do as you asked. You settle at your desk and power on your computer, waiting for her to send the information over. In the mean time you straighten up, adding to your pile of items to shred, something else you can have Wanda do tomorrow, collecting spoiled food from the mini fridge in the corner, tossing out piling up take out trash and organizing your desk.
Steve hears the commotion, pulling open the dividing doors between your offices, and pokes his head in. "Sent her home?"
"Soon." You say, "Need me for something?"
"Not really, I just don't care to babysit."
His attitude about your assistant is understandable. Steve works in a particular way, and you've since been accustomed to making things work. Wanda only slows him down. Well, at least that's how he sees it, because she slows you down, which then slows him down. But you were new once too, just as slow an annoying as he finds Wanda, and you understand how it feels to be the new girl. She's young and a bit naive, but helpful, and you won't let Steve Rogers scare her away.
"Stop being rude," You snap. "She's trying, and she hasn't made a single mistake yet." You sigh, exhaustion setting in as you pinch your eyes. "I'm going to pull an all nighter, dig up some dirt for you."
He drums his fingers on the door, pushing it open wider. "I have some dirt to dig up on my own as well. I also need to schedule a meeting with someone, I'll be here a while."
It reminds you of when you were newer, eager to please, you would sprawl out on the floor of his office with your cheap laptop and notepad, the two of you fueled up on garbage coffee and staying up all night to prep for a case. It doesn't feel that way anymore, there is no enthusiasm because there are no risks. Steve is one of the best in the country, he's never lost a case, and you've proven yourself by being at his side for so long. But this is different. You're going up against someone with power, someone loved by the people. The risk is mild, but very much there, and it has you both anxious and on the edge of your seats again.
“I'll fish out my laptop and we can work together?" You offer, unsure of what he'll say. But his subtle nod back into his office is answer enough for you, and you watch as he spins on his heels.
"Dinner is on you."
You huff, rubbing your face, mentally preparing you for the night ahead. "Of course it is."
You send Wanda home, double checking the faxes she's sent up from records, every case Stark Industries has ever had displayed before your eyes, and you tell her to come in as soon as she can tomorrow morning.
You won't be getting any sleep tonight, so you do all you can to make yourself comfortable, fishing a pair of leggings out of the trunk of your car to change into, and ordering takeout for you and Steve to eat while you work. You power up your laptop, pushing your desk through the dividing doors to line with his, working across from each other to put together some counter argument for any bullshit Stark and his people manage to come up with.
The hidden elements you find are shocking, police officers paid to go on trial and lie, lawyers who were burned for trying to go up against Stark, judges fired and discredited for being tipped off, all real cases that the media hasn't covered. Stark has his toes dipped into every industry there is, including the media, any and all press about either him or his company is filtered through his payroll. You greedily take notes, writing down names and dates, and a few details and citations to type up later into official statements.
Steve seems to be having a hard time though, his coffee cup once again empty, his fingers laced together in his hair, eyes staring blankly at the computer screen in front of him. He's trying to get dirt on Stark's lawyers, find out who is working with who, and who he can trust to get information from. But everyone has been sworn to secrecy, tipped off and paid to stay quiet. If Steve dives down the wrong path, it can trigger a chain reaction that will make it's way back to Stark, and all the work done to build a solid case against him will be for nothing.
"Steve?" Your pen taps as you wait for his eyes to meet yours. "Smoke break?"
He nods, rising far too quickly from his seat, and you follow after him, fishing a pack of cigarettes from your purse and a lighter for him.
Smoking isn't something you condone. In fact, you find it disgusting. But the nicotine rush does help you concentrate, it helps him far more than it helps you. The coffee has been enough, especially since you've had three cups of it. But after living this way for so long, after wiring your brain to work under extreme conditions, sometimes it takes the extreme to get the gears turning. For Steve, smoking is considered and extreme.
He takes it from you with a gentle thank you, fingertips brushing yours as you both step out onto the balcony. He lights a cigarette quickly, taking it between his lips, and the way he visibly relaxes scares you a bit.
You can't help it, fingers reaching to grab the collar of his shirt. The moon hits his skin just right, his eyes seeming to twinkle as he glances down at you, cigarette tucked between his fingers as he reaches up to grab your chin, pulling you into a sweet kiss.
He tastes like sugar, his lips warm as they press against your own, and your eyes flutter close at the sensation. It's scandalous, two coworkers sneaking a kiss on the balcony of the law firm they work out, concealed in darkness, but still not safe from the consequences of getting caught. It drives you further, makes you moan in his mouth as his grip adjusts to your throat, holding you in place, drawing it out of you.
Then just like that he's pulling away, forehead wresting against yours as he takes a deep breath to control himself. It's unspoken, but understood. You can't.
"Maybe we should wrap up in a few hours." You suggest, eyeing his wrist watch. "A bit of sleep will do you good."
He snorts, and you have your answer. "Leave if you want."
You both know you won't, so you share a cigarette on the balcony at three in the morning, lips tingling with the ghost feeling of his lips on yours, waiting for the sun to rise and the caffeine to leave your system so that you can refuel.
The smoke break works, Steve is lively as ever for the next couple of hours, putting together his to do list for the day, and you type up your findings for him. When the sun comes up, you go your separate ways. You go home to freshen up, and he heads out on his long trail of hunting. You text Wanda, asking when she'll be able to come in. She tells you that the metro won't be at her stop for a couple of hours, and you offer to pick her up instead. She doesn't refuse.
You shower, change clothes, style your hair, skipping out on breakfast in hopes that Wanda will want to grab something on the way.
The address she gives you is near the college campus, no doubt a dorm she shares with other people. Her hair is a little frizzy, her dress wrinkled, you notice immediately that she hadn't been prepared to come in, but you don't mention it. Instead you ask her where she wants to get breakfast, and in true college kid fashion, "Starbucks" is what she requests.
You both get muffins and coffee, and she thanks you, once again for treating her to a meal. She's starting to warm up to you, smiling more, unafraid to speak her mind. "Can I ask you something?" Her lips are wrapped around the green straw, plush and pink, and you realize how pretty she actually is, even with no effort really put into her appearance today.
"Sure." You shrug, eyes on the road ahead of you as you drive to the law firm.
"Are you and Steve dating?"
The question nearly makes you crash, you sputter for a response, cheeks flushing and breath leaving your lungs. She smiles. "It's just that the way he acts when I'm around-"
"Don't worry about him." You cut her off. "He's just old and cranky."
She smiles, but shakes her head. "I don't mind it, I've had worse. But I've noticed how protective he is over you and over his work. It seems to be the only thing he cares about."
Her words surprise you a bit, because you didn't think about it that way. You saw his mistreatment of her to be simply that, another big guy picking on a little guy. You didn't think for a second that he was just trying to protect you.
"That doesn't make it right." Is all you can say.
"I can handle myself, Y/n." She says, reminding you of a younger version on yourself. "It's the case you're taking on that you need to worry about."
For once, you see Wanda for who she really is. Not a shy timid girl who hides behind good behavior, but a law student, smart and witty, knowing when to hide behind a facade and when to actually speak her mind.
She knows something, if not about the case, then about Steve Rogers, and given the far away look in her eyes, she isn't a girl you should underestimate.
Guilty masterlist. 
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yetremains · 3 years
♡ + Yang and Ryou, both canon and MK verses :^)
ANOTHER LONG ONE Oh boy this will be interesting *Entirely on the maybes of when they stop being dummy himbos* I tried
Who is the most affectionate? At first they would probably be very slow and gentle with the affection, considering there are already plenty of soft moments between them. Ryou is naturally affectionate towards his friends and loved ones, while Yang enjoys letting those she cares for know she does. But once the option is here, they would probably be very touch starved indulgence. Lots of tight holds, leaning into each other, soft whispers late into the night. Calling each other by their real names when alone.
Who initiates the handholding? Given the chance, Yang would absolutely go for hand holding first, as a grounding reminder. That it's real, Ryou is real, this is still reality. However I can see it being him that would in the quiet moments reach out to thread their fingers together, take solace in the warmth and grip.
Who worries more for the other? Ryou, without a doubt. While she worries over him and always has over the time they have known each other, Yang is the more feral. 'She protecc, she attacc, but also YANG YOU HAVE TO HOLD BACK'. After all these years, there has been the constant that Yang will willingly enter a fight if there is no other option. A combination of being a product of the world she's lived in, and the traumatic fear of loss.
Who is more likely to ask for help? Neither of them want to burden the other, or anyone really, with any of their troubles or endanger them, stubborn idiots. However they are extremely close, and if there was a deep need for help with something, or presence, and ear, then Ryou and Yang truly can depend on each other in times of need. And after a bit, probably more than willing to reach out. Breaking old habits is hard and never done in one night.
Who is the one always losing the keys? I feel like not one or the other would loose their keys all that often. Having been around in this world a god damn long time, they have learned to keep important objects close and on hand. But in Jack's case, maybe forgetting anything higher tech related would be more common.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? Being so tied with music, Yang would probably be leaving poems or small lyrics for Ryou now and then, while he'd leave behind heart felt notes of few lines.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Sleep? These two? Less likely than you think! A combination of stubborn, trauma, PTSD, and the refusal to fall prey too the internal minds. But all the same, Yang wants to help him sleep more. But I feel that knowing they both have someone dependable there, they can't sleep well at all without each other.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Two dummy thicc stubborn idiots managing this far? Your guess is as good as mine! This is much like a wild card, and it depends entirely on the thought processes. But if a lot of time goes by, it would be Yang, with a simple gold ring with writing around the inside of it. If she doesn't internalize it and let the thoughts spiral forever. Otherwise Ryou just might get the chance first.
Who introduced the other to their family first? Jack/Ryou, since he has adopted Ashi as a dottir. Yang doesn't really have any family left, considering her age and the wars of the past. And Scottsman is absolutely the wild uncle.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? I've said this before, but Yang does love playing with her partners hair, and Jack is going to be spoiled like this. Running her fingers through his long hair, enjoying how soft it is. And amazed he can tie all of it up so easily and quick. Talent.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? It would possibly switch depending on the day and the others moods, the highs and lows. Yang will absolutely spoil him with salmon items, green teas, and peach anything, especially peach mochi.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? A long time ago it would have absolutely been Yang immediately ready to throw down. But now, they are far more on par, and Ryou would absolutely be protective if he knows something would be too much or too dangerous for Yang to handle. He's the holder of most braincells and also arguably the more dangerous out of the two of them.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Yang loves spoiling and surprising those she cares about. Be it small hand made items, food, silly gifts, it's just nice. So most often she might surprise him with something. But Jack is also the type to take great consideration and time to return such acts of affection.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Jack/Ryou. While the two of them no longer age, he is well aware Yang is much older and has crossed a lot of lines in the past. Long ago when he was more bright eyed, it was him that had Yang not be so merciless in a fight with someone, more willing to give second chances in a world that was so twisted already. He would most likely make her promise not to take unneeded risks. But on the flip side of that coin, Yang would make Ryou pinky swear to not let himself spiral so far down in himself and his thoughts.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Sleeping on the couch? It's a miracle! In all seriousness though, the most likely scenario would be Ryou coming across Yang slumped on the couch at some point and putting a blanket on her. Since she will go quite a long time without sleep naturally, but further than should be done. But this doesn't mean that Yang wouldn't find him once in a rare blue moon instead, and put her vest over him with a blanket. Potentially going to slip closer to let his head lay in her lap.
Who is the most affectionate? It would take a while for them to get here, but as close and trusting as the two are, if one wants affection then it will be given. Touch starved old souls want their cuddles, and they want them now. In this particular case I feel it might be Ryou sunshine boy that is just a little more. Yang will eventually melt into it, if she's not being the big spoon, or letting him lay on her chest to hear the heartbeat.
Who initiates the handholding? Depending on the where and when, it could be one or the other. But feel Yang might be the one to reach out and hold, but Ryou's grip might be just a little tighter when the thread their fingers together.
Who worries more for the other? When is there not worry for the other? Both of them are dangerous warriors in their own right and have been through hell and high water, improved their fighting skills and talents over the years, thus seen each other messed up in more ways than one. It's natural. But does not mean the fear or worry goes away. But I feel like in certain scenarios, it might be Yang that worries more about him, and gets herself ready for the worst- which in turn makes him worry harder. It's an infinity loop!
Who is more likely to ask for help? For something smaller, it's left unsure. Potentially willing to bring one or another in for help. It's not often that the need for it might arise if it's something more difficult, but if it does, it might just be Yang to ask first. Stubbornly.
Who is the one always losing the keys? Potentially these two, who carefully keep track of such things, would rarely loose anything. For ease of sue as well, Yang might just label what keys of hers go where for Ryou, because Yang does travel.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? I can see Ryou leaving more simple notes, but Yang will leave origami folded flowers for him in return, to unfold and read himself. They may even use different languages to convey things better, seeing as some are lacking in words.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Both of them no doubt, considering they've been through way too much. But having a warm body there to hold can help. However... The meaning of proper sleep is lost on Yang, as her schedule is often stay up 48 hours, sleep for 9 or so after, rinse and repeat. It means more likely to watch over and protect. Waking from nightmares and memories is a common event. But with Ryou there she can manage to sleep more regularly and not be so tense. The nightmares don't stop of course, but it does help.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Oddly enough, while Yang had been the one who proposed too her old fiance many years ago, in this particular instance she might not. Would just be content and happy with what they have here, not daring push it. So it probably in the end would be the half edenian if it went that far. Unless Yang uses music to do so.
Who introduced the other to their family first? If very close friends and ally's count as family, or adopted ones, then I feel like it doesn't matter who does it first. This would just come into happening with lost of smiles and gleeful joy. Have you seen the adopted kids? Here they are on both sides, aren't they fantastic!
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Yang would adore playing with Ryou's hair, brushing it and braiding or such things, massaging his scalp. Her hands are surprisingly soft, thanks to wearing gloves all the time. But if he were to do the same for her, she would be weak for it.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Eating hearty and staying hydrated is something Yang always needs to do, and knows how horrible it is to not do so. So while she may sometimes neglect herself, this woman will make sure to feed Ryou as well as keep his favorite tea on hand as often as possible. She wants to make sure he is healthy as well as happy.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? Considering how powerful these two can get I don't think there is an either one here. Ryou's own grandmother gave Yang the blessing to fist fight an Elder God, and Ryou himself is ready to throw down if he has too, as well as having fought a god himself too. In the end though, it is the calm and collected ones you need to watch out for more. If the culprit in question is truly beyond redemption and a blight on life, Ryou will take someone out and no one will find the body.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Remember how Yang enjoys showing her affection in various ways? This is another one of those, and yes, she will get small surprised for Ryou. Be it wood carvings of certain places, people, or items, or personalized object of some sort, even a keychain perhaps, Yang will surprise him with such things. But I feel he would do the same with Yang, and possibly be something that would entirely catch her off guard.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? They both do, making the other promise not to run headlong into things, or get them selves hurt. After having been through so damn much on either side, they know what each other is capable of, as well as the dangers that don't scare them no matter what. So a pinky promise is something I can see happening easily between them, and trying to uphold it.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Here it might be a toss up. But more than likely it would be Ryou coming across Yang having succumb to sleep or exhaustion on the couch or in a chair, maybe even a desk. Woman tries too much at once and tries to keep notes and information, and will end up dropping things. So it would most likely be him to pull a blanket up and over her. But he's no exempt from experiencing the same thing, because if Yang were too find him asleep somewhere as well, then he'd be softly tucked in, and her staying close to reassure with her presence and warmth.
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strangcrdoctor · 4 years
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∞So here’s a headcanon that I’ve been meaning to put into words for a long while but have never taken the time to. But I’m going to put it under a cut because it has to do with the details of Stephen’s accident and the medical trauma he survived therein.
This is specifically based off of the 2016 film (which I also think did a spectacular job of justifying the crash, btw - road conditions, model of car, impact points and all), but I’ll toss in a few cents about how comic iterations in previous generations might be different just for shits ad giggles and because I love shit like this. 
First and foremost, especially working from the earliest DS comic canon, the cars were of the age and variety of “screaming metal death-trap.” Seatbelts weren’t required by law in the 1960s, and in fact many cars didn’t even come with them from the manufacturers because they weren’t considered a safety requirement. Granted they were made of hard body steel and could take impacts well by virtue of being fucking tanks, but the tire quality and torque ratios were... not made for the speeds they could suddenly get to, which did top out at 80-110 mph (in luxury models) with suspensions that were not clement for sustaining speed and road grip at the same time. It was statistically common that even non-reckless driving could result in horrible injuries under the wrong circumstances, therefore. Add in a 1960s inflated male ego, and frankly it’s amazing Stephen didn’t just die. Which is the entire plot point, I’ll grant. I also headcanon that in that era (and even regarding modern Stephen’s collector’s dream cars) Stephen would likely have been in a Rolls Royce Phantom or a Cadillac Coupe de Ville. He would definitely have his eye on a Jaguar E-Type (still does), but back in the 1960s maintaining one would have been more trouble than it was worth even by his standards and budget.
All that aside, let’s talk about the crash in the 2016 Doctor Strange movie. First and foremost, the overall accident itself is totally feasible for the model of car Stephen was driving. Lamborghini and other luxury super-car manufacturers have exceedingly specific impact testing, which is focused - unfortunately - more for track condition impacts than civilian driving conditions. In essence, super cars are built to handle rolling and lateral shear impacts to frankly insane degrees. They are not, however, well built for head-on collisions by nature of the priority of aerodynamics in the design. This feeds into why the Lamborghini in particular was undoubtedly an active choice on behalf of the producers. What’s notable about the crash is that in spite of the glance off of the side of the other car, the Lamborghini stays relatively solidly on the road surface which is design accurate. (There’s actually an entire other tangent I could get off on about this, but I will refrain.) Where things go haywire, however, is where that glancing blow hit on the vehicle. Now with many super-car companies, they mount the engine in the “trunk” of the vehicle, which improves traction and opens up space for the frankly insanely large engine blocks that, oh, I don’t know, V12s require. This pushes the cabin toward the front of the vehicle, and leaves the “trunk” space on the front end where most standard cars keep the engine. This makes the front light, but because of air intake and drag it maintains traction via the aerodynamics of the front grille. The back also has improved traction from the weight of the engine sitting over the rear axel, which is a big additive benefit because most sports cars are rear-wheel drive, and in front-engine vehicles this makes the back axel lighter and prone to fish-tailing on tight corners. Not so with Stephen’s Lamborghini. In essence, the weight of the vehicle sits on the axel that bears the drivetrain.
That rear traction is precisely what makes everything go wrong for this particular crash. Because the weight of the vehicle and the wheel drive are all centered in the back, having that portion of the vehicle get bumped is like flicking a coin to get it spinning. The front end of the vehicle, which is substantially lighter and only has the steering column and brakes to counter the inertia of that rear engine, is abjectly disadvantaged for regaining control of the vehicle. Even the most experienced racer doesn’t have the reaction time to regain control on a two-lane mountain highway, in the rain, at night, from an accident that realistically takes less than 10 seconds from impact to exit through the guard rail. In essence, there was zero chance of Stephen being able to recover as soon as the front end of the vehicle impacted the rock wall and put the car’s trajectory onto “death frisbee” instead of “manageable swerve.” 
This is also the second instance where the super-car design seals Stephen’s fate. So because Lamborghinis have an empty front end - again the “trunk” is where the engine is on most other cars, so essentially empty, un-structured, un-reinforced space - head on collisions absolutely crush the front ends. This also explains and in fact makes viable why Stephen’s hands go through the dash in the compound impacts: the front end is getting folded in like a tin can.
Now we get to the dark and scary medical part of the accident. Obviously the accident was catastrophically bad considering the car careened off of a steep mountain slope and impacted all the way down until it reached the river at the bottom of the ravine. But as we saw from the post-accident scenes, Stephen’s injuries weren’t isolated to his hands only. As was made clear from the state of his face, he definitely had cranial trauma - to the point that it seems very lucky he didn’t lose his left eye - which involved contusions at least to the orbit of his left eye and very probably a concussion, and it seems all but impossible that he didn’t also have thoracic and potentially leg trauma as well. Thoracic either from directly impacting the steering column (which I find very likely), or impacting the door (feasible, and does feed into why I think his left hand is worse off than his right, given from the production stills his left hand has eight - five pins and three plates - of the eleven in his hands). He definitely would have had broken ribs and internal bruising or bleeding from those impacts. The leg injuries are also probable for drivers especially because of impact against the dash and steering column.
Now we start getting to the painful part. Yes, just now. So as Christine mentions after Stephen regains consciousness (probably not for the first time but probably the first time cogently), the “Golden Hours” passed while he was in the car waiting for the mercy flight crew to find him. Now, the Golden Hours is actually the Golden Hour - it’s the span of 60 minutes immediately following intense trauma and injury. So not only was Stephen upside down, in and out of consciousness, alone, half-submerged in a river, in a car that could blow at any moment, for more than an hour, it surpassed the hour that was most vital to his potential for nerve recovery. It’s also frankly astounding that Stephen didn’t die from shock, hypovolemia, or hypothermia during the hours it took for them to find him. I will also just mention in passing that jaws of life situations are touchy enough as is with cars, but with someone as injured as Stephen was, in the exceedingly precarious position his car was in, the emergency responders would have had a hard fucking time getting him out alive at all.
But wait, there’s more! So after all of this, he has to get flown back to New York where the actual work of saving his ass begins. And again, I will emphasize that it’s unavoidable that Stephen - who was canonically on the table for ELEVEN HOURS - was not only in surgery for his hands. As a matter of fact, medically his hands would have been the lesser of many priorities. They would have spent some preliminary time trying to make sure his circulation was intact, but to be frank, amputation is a safer, viable option for hands, and they would have openly made that choice on his behalf and prioritized any cranial or thoracic injury. Hell, even prioritize saving his eye, because the trauma of eye removal/optic nerve disruption has a greater chance for fatality than amputation. So Stephen’s hands didn’t just lose the Golden Hour, but would not have gotten operated on for up to three to five additional hours, and that’s under-estimating the complexity his other, higher priority traumas.
Put it all together and what do you get? A man that, by rights, shouldn’t be alive at all. And who, rather than valuing the life that he got to still have, held it against himself that he could no longer inhabit the life he’d had. 
Secondarily, in light of all of the above and the seven consecutive surgeries that Stephen put himself through, you can absolutely bet your lunch money that this man developed an addiction to pain medication. It takes the body up to six months to filter out anesthetic, and given Stephen surely pushed his surgery scheduling to be more quick than advisable for recovery, his endocrine system would have been in free fall. To say nothing of the fact that the only way to deal with that much invasive surgery isn’t just eating healthy and hydrating...
Also please never forget that Stephen’s intern, Billy, was on the phone with him when the crash happened. So Billy was absolutely the one that made the call, and was undoubtedly sitting there, watching the clock as the Golden Hour slipped by and Stephen’s chances of survival dwindled by the second.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.∞
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Hey Yuvon, Jake.
I am sorry if this letter becomes shorter than the last one, I am on my way to work for..yeah probably the last time for now. At least till it is safe to go.
I am a bit nervous, but I can go through it. Everything is done, my clothes, tickets, motel (for the moment, I have the feeling that staying in one place wouldn't be good. Dangerous.). Only the afternoon has to come...And that means I have to somehow get home without anxiety when I see a guy in mask near the street I live in. But that's fine. I have Jake and Max this time. It won't repeat itself.
As for the deciphering, I would say I'd love to try and help...But if you can't do it then I don't exactly know if I could either.
Yes, I imagine Yuvons behaviour could be because of Jessicas last letter. I really can empathise her actions if it is because of that. I'd love to do that, too, but then everyone who gets a look at my flat thinks I'd be kidnapped. Yah, no thanks.
You're right, I didn't think of that yet.
[A mini paper is taped above that, as if the sentence was just added later] (It seems Jake already did! But didn't get the chance to test it yet.)
No problem about the word association :) Even though I needed to stop, I got a bit dizzy again. Maybe I really need to live a bit healthier in the moment. Cannot say I ate and slept enough in the TSB timeline.
Yeah, I know you understand Yu. If it gets to bad, tell me, yeah? Then we can write a bit 'alone'. Like...Detective Inc. talk, okay? [A small girl giving a hug to another girl is scribbled, but far less detailed and sketchier than normal]
You never mentioned those two words? Are you completely sure, Yuvon?
(Jakes, if anyone except for my counterparts would kindly stop reading here as long as I write in purple)
Yuvon, are you really okay? What do you mean with 'You have no plan'. I am worried about you.
Dang, I don't have much more time. But Jake wanted to adress you again real quick :)
[Again the screenshot of Jakes message is glued to the back of the letter]
The 'part of who you are since birth' is something I completely understand. Social anxiety made my life much more difficult, but without it I wouldn't be where and who I am today. It is always interesting to figure out things in which we are similar to each other.
I am not overly concerned either, thanks to you I got some advantages. Also that we, thanks to 'Goldie' and the TSB timeline, know that the Man without a Face is possibly a hacker, too.
I am honestly not completely sure what to think of the word association. You also noticed how Liskas writing changed, right? And that she suddenly stopped.
How did you get the idea to give her this word association? And what did you intend on figuring out?
As for your last part...I don't think we should be that surprised about defying the laws of physics anymore. It becomes far too normal.
~ Jake
(There are eraser marks in the margins again.)
You'll make it, I know you will. Just one day, and you can get out of there. Stay safe, stay alert, and stick to crowds where possible, and you'll be just fine.
Yeah, I took a glance at the cipher over Jake's shoulder and I've got nothing. It's just scribbles to me. I might get something on a closer look, but I sort of doubt it.
That letter thing would be cool to test sometime, but like Jake said earlier. Priorities.
Make sure you're drinking enough, okay? Especially if you end up going someplace sunny. But I'm sure the dizziness isn't going to be anything too important for the moment. We can address it later, when you're safer.
Thank you, Lis. I might take you up on that offer to talk later. But I can't now. And I never said those two words. Nor do I have a plan. Gur ragvgvrf znl or noyr gb ernq zvaqf, naq gurl qrsvavgryl pna ernq gurfr yrggref.
(The handwriting changes to Jake's.) Hello, Lis.
As Yuvon said, exercise caution when returning to your workplace, but if all goes as expected and as planned you should have no issues. Once you are done, if you bring your phone on your vacation, do not answer calls from numbers you do not know, and especially do not answer the kidnapper's calls and messages.
Thank you for the offer of help :) However, I will manage alone eventually. It will simply take time. A lot of time.
At least I know the cause of her behavior now. I am somewhat at a loss for what to do about it, though. I will do my best to lighten her mood, but given that I am a living reminder of the issue, that may prove difficult.
I second Yuvon's suggestion of hydration. Dehydration has been proven to have several negative effects on the body.
That is all for now, Lis. I will speak to you later.
As Yuvon was the one to come up with the idea, I will let her explain her thought process behind the word association.
(The handwriting changes to Yuvon's.) Lis said something a bit weird in the last letter. She was talking about how Goldie had likely helped things settle in the TSB timeline and mused that Goldie probably did all they could. Then Lis' writing grew neater (hope Jake showed you the word association thing so you know what I'm talking about) and she wrote "Like they always did..." before mentioning being dizzy, and seemingly forgetting she wrote that entirely.
I've known for a while that Lis had some memories relating to Goldie she couldn't access for one reason or another, but I hadn't seen the block waver until then. I theorized that I might be able to bypass the block at least partially if I approached it indirectly, and it seems I was right to an extent. It's only too bad I can't do anything with scents, scents are heavily tied to memories.
I didn't have anything particular in mind to uncover at the time, but I figured that if Lis let slip characteristics of Goldie or snatches of memories, those could be useful later. I hadn't expected to nearly get a name, though— see how the first letter is capitalized? Definitely a name. I think I have an idea what the name is, but I don't want to say or write it until we want Goldie's attention. It's probably Latin, though, and you might want to check the root of the alchemical symbol for gold on the periodic table.
I think the words we can safely associate with Goldie, however, are: best friend, past, safety, familiarity. Silver is another possibility, but that may just be an association with gold.
...I wonder when Goldie's going to send me the pissed-off letter yelling at me for meddling in the secrecy of their identity XD
Because I have such a good track record for respecting privacy and secret identities.
(The writing changes to Jake's.) I am back.
The similarities and differences are quite fascinating, yes. If only we could conduct some sort of study where we could learn how Jakes differ and how they remain the same from universe to universe. But that would require that they trust we are who we say we are, and that their Detectives actually open the letters we've been sending. So it seems unlikely that will ever happen.
Yes. The news about the kidnapper being a hacker is still troubling to me, even all this time later. He must be quite skilled, for the likes of us to only realize from his own mockery that he is one. We will need to remain on guard. I will also need to begin monitoring the situation in Duskwood again. If the kidnapper has been freed from the stasis, I will need to work rather hard to keep that group safe, especially now that I do not have all my equipment. And very limited Internet access.
I really should not be shocked at this point, especially given the experiences Yuvon has recounted to me and the fact that I have not needed to eat nor drink since coming to this place. I suppose that was simply the first time I directly saw the lack of logic, other than in Yuvon sending the letters.
I have little more to say. Goodbye for now,
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Meet The Squad?
Contemplating posting this for such a long time now, I am pretty private when it comes to selfship, OCs (be it self insert ones or nah) and OC ships and such. But you all have been pretty supportive, and I wanted to share a little bit.  ╰(*´︶`*)╯Still a little self conscious cause these are nowhere as fleshed out or cool as some of the OCs I see pass by, so please bear with me as I carefully tiptoe back into properly creating OCs, something I haven’t even done properly since I was 16 or so UwU. 
Anyhowwwww... heres my 4 One Piece Ocs, some half worked out, some actually getting super fleshed out. Eventually I want all 4 of them to be 100% fleshed out with their own story. Most of these were born out of RP Ideas or something similar. (Or I just wanted a certain DF, oops) All these visuals were made with the Missangest Avatar Creator (in the google app store). 
Click keep reading for a short introduction of my 4 girls and a kawaii a/f picrew I did today UwU. See this as a teeny introduction to their general looks and stories, and Im pretty sure you will get to know them all better soon! (but one in particular). 
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Top Left: Tae 
Fox Zoan user (I wanted a Kitsune actually, but then that was taken in series, I’ll probably die mad about it) - she is blind, and an absolute brat. Lives for mischief, and loves small time crimes. Is attracted to the pirate life for the freedom (and the crime). 
She has a big mouth that gets her in trouble often, usually cause she does not know when to shut up exactly. She likes playing pranks on the wrong people, is a master at thievery, and prefers snacks over dinner. Playfighting > actual fighting, but no worries, she will rip your throat out if needed. Actions over words, and 20/20 hindsight. oops. 
Top Right: Mayu 
Mayu is an ex-slave Doctor. She’s never been treated horribly since she and her medical knowledge were always useful to the troops occupying her island, but she has definitely seen enough death and misery to last her a lifetime. 
Her story definitely involves some revolutionary freedom fighters and she’s going to join them as a medic for the Revolutionary Army. 
More of a strategist and a thinker than a fighter. Only way she can fight is with a scalpel, knowledge of where the arteries are and enough luck to actually launch an attack because if she’s overpowered, which is 100% easy, she’s helpless. She’s not meant to be fighting anyway. Calm and generally quiet, definitely a pessimist, but how would you be after a good few years living oppressed? 
Bottom Left: Charlotte -  call her “Lott”  
Okay I have a love-hate relationship with this OC, cause much like Tae, she’s born out of a Devil Fruit Idea more than a character idea, but Lott’s DF idea is a bit more complicated. It’s a paramecia temperature type of fruit and I have yet to figure out the exact uses and limits for it. 
Even though she’s a devil fruit user, she’s not much of a fighter, and has very little interest in becoming one. She’s the mom (tm) on board of a pirate ship. Initial thought was getting her to be part of the Spade pirates, I’ll hopefully be reading the novel to make sure that is even possible. (or make it possible lmao). 
She’s a little naïve, but it’s mostly because of young age. Other than that she’s a little ball of sunshine. Which is why I am very inclined to throw a big bucket of angst on there, nothing like some trauma to give your OC more character. Who knows, she’s the least worked out I’d say out of all these 4. 
Bottom Right: Layla ‘backstabber’ Thornes 
Saving the best for last, Layla is actually my most fleshed out character so far, and simultaneously the one I am most eager to write about. She has that full on backstory, as well as half of a huge a/f character sheet filled in. She was born for a DnD campaign tryout and well, for that you already gotta give them more specific skills and such, and thus, the train of thoughts started and never really stopped.
Layla is an ex-marine, who was trained from a very young age to become at the very least a marine captain, hopefully even a Vice-admiral. It was all fun and games until she started thinking more and more about the cover-ups the marines did for the world government and vice versa and how the whole justice system may not be as full of justice as it seemed. I’ll spare you the details (for now) but one day, she rather dramatically made her exit and has been on the run ever since. 
From there on out, Layla’s story is still open, there’s a few directions I’ve got in mind for her, but she can go many a way. One thing is for sure. She’s not going back to the marines. 
She was raised to be polite, soft spoken, well mannered while being ruthless yet feminine on the battlefield. Needless to say, she went the ENTIRE other direction the minute she ‘left’ home. A foul mouth that gets her into trouble and manners that only manifest out of habit than her own volition. Like hell she’s going to be polite in a world where pirates distrust you and marines chase you. Quite confident in her abilities, even though she is not a devil fruit user. Very proficient in haki and sword fighting though. She is also rather small, especially for One Piece standards, which helps in dodging attacks. speed over power, but don’t think shes weak, hecc she’ll punch you in the face and break your nose for a cornchip. Oh, and a random fun fact, she’s a terrible drunk. It’s hilarious. 
Once I get the time to properly write, Ill be spending a good few hours filling in those xxl OC sheets and maybe do some OC ask game... If y’all would be interested in that, that is? Most I have for all ‘cept layla is looks, personalities and a vague sense of powers and I’ll be working that out soon! 
Oh! And before you ask, they all do have potential love interests to go into their stories, but I am not sure if I want them all to have a love interest in the end? So there’s some ideas floating around, but nothing set in stone? This will probably come as I write and think about it more? yall can try and guess though lol
For now, enjoy this picrew that I made this morning of these lovely ladies!  (its cut off but Layla is definitely giving yall the finger, Im sorry she’s rude)  https://picrew.me/image_maker/321535 
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Hope y’all liked this teeny tiny introduction a bit? Expect more content with Layla for sure! And I know myself, once I write out the backstories for the other three I will fall in love as well, as I do with all my DnD characters now, and Ill have a whole collection of fictional characters living in my head that I am needlessly emotionally attached to. *sighs dramatically* such is life... 
Stay safe, healthy and hydrated my loves!  Sending you all much love, and kisses and all the good vibes you may need!!  Hazel out! 
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bugaboosandbees · 5 years
Reine Ruse AU
Reine Ruse AU
Welp, hello all. I’ve been a wallflower in the Miraculous fandom since it got started. I haven’t really written fanfic or published AUs or head-cannons online since middle school, but things this season have finally pushed me to the point where I guess I’m writing again. I’ve been so inspired by @imthepunchlord , @apex-primus, @gale-of-the-nomads  , @zoe-oneesama, @lenoreofraven and @miraculouscontent that I guess I’m here with my own post-chameleon salt au.
Buckle up kiddos, here we go.
So I’m calling this the Reine Ruse AU. I’ve started writing a fic, but finals are coming up so I might not really get to sink my teeth into it for another month or so. Basically, here’s what goes down.
-During Chameleon, Chloe makes it clear that she doesn’t trust Lila and attempts to call the class out for being hypocritical. It obviously doesn’t go well, but Marinette hears and it surprises her.
-Chameleon follows pretty closely after the Queen’s Battle arc and Heroes’ Day, so perhaps Chloe has been noticeably trying to be a better person and Marinette/Ladybug has been keeping an eye on this and can see her trying.
-A few weeks have passed since Chameleon and Lila keeps escalating. The seats never got switched back, so Marinette is still stuck alone in the back of the room. She’s having a miserable time and she really needs to talk to somebody about things. She doesn’t want to bother her parents because they’re really busy with things in the bakery and she doesn’t want to trouble them. She obviously can’t talk to Alya about things right now as she’s still firmly on Lila’s side. Tikki is wonderful support, but she’s a tiny god and despite her many years of life and experiences she just doesn’t really understand. Frozer happened pretty recently in this AU, maybe even after Heroes’ Day. In any case, Frozer and Glaciator are pretty fresh in Marinette’s mind and she really loves her partner as a friend, but she’s getting a bit concerned about looking to Chat for support as Ladybug. She really doesn’t want to believe it, but some of his past behavior is making her question if he’ll think she owes him something if she relies on him like that.
-She’s not getting enough sleep and is spending a lot of time running over the rooftops with no particular destination in mind as Ladybug, just trying to forget what’s going on. She’d never admit it, but sometimes Tikki’s reassurances can get to be too much when it’s plain that no one else is there for her and she needs support but not that kind and she just wants to be alone.
-One night her feet bring her to the rooftop of the Grand Paris Hotel. It’s raining and she’s been running around for hours and she’s crying and tired and she doesn’t know why she’s here, but she starts thinking of how much better Chloe has gotten and even if she doesn’t like Marinette, she adores Ladybug and goddammit she just really needs somebody right now.
-Before she can second guess herself, she’s knocked on Chloe’s balcony door.
*snippet from what is already written*
The last thing Chloe Bourgeois would have expected when she woke up that morning was for Ladybug to knock on her balcony door in the middle of the night. Nonetheless, she was nothing if not adaptable, especially for her idol. She adjusted her silk pajama robe and ran for the door to let Ladybug in.
“Ladybug! It’s so good to see you? Is there an akuma? Do you need my help? Did you stop by to say hello to your favorite civili---” Chloe cut herself off. The darkness had prevented her from noticing it, but the light that spilled out of her suite made it abundantly clear -- Ladybug was crying.
“Can I come in?” the heroine’s voice was unusually small.
Wordlessly Chole moved out of the way. Ladybug took short, sad steps past her, pausing listlessly when she reached the middle of the room.
Oh god, what was she supposed to do?! As far as Chloe knew, there was no established protocol for dealing with crying superheroes bursting in on one in one’s pajamas. And that didn’t even touch the fact that Ladybug’s eyes were so much more blue this close and Chloe was in her very short and very thin pajamas. She shook her head. It was apparent that Ladybug needed her, and if Queen Bee couldn’t help, then Chloe Bourgeois would have to do. She hesitantly walked over to Ladybug.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The words were uncharacteristically quiet and soft. Chloe rifled through her memories, desperately trying to remember how Adrien’s mother had consoled her after so many tears in her childhood. It hurt, to think back to then, but if anyone was worth it, Ladybug was. Ladybug believed in her when no one else did and she’d never admit just how good that made her feel inside.
Ladybug turned towards her, tears still leaking out of her large, bluebell eyes. Without warning, she shot forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Chloe, breaking into incoherent sobs. It felt like forever before the spotted heroine stopped shaking like a leaf, tears drying to sniffles. Chloe awkwardly kept rubbing circles onto her back the whole time, hugging Ladybug as best as she could even as her mind whirled at a hundred miles an hour. What in the ever-loving-fuck was happening? Who could have made Ladybug so upset? It was a good thing she didn’t have her miraculous or she’d venom whatever bastard did this to her… Then again, she could probably still claw someone’s eyes out outside of the suit as well… No, Ladybug needed a shoulder to cry on, not a homicidal sometimes-superhero on the warpath.
Chloe took a deep breath in and maneuvered them so that they were sitting down on one of the plush sofas in her suite. She moved to extricate herself from Ladybug and dammit if the way she tried to cling to Chloe with a small whimper didn’t give her feelings.
She awkwardly cleared her throat. “You need to stay hydrated. You’ve been -- I’m going to call for some refreshments. Did you want anything in particular?”
Ladybug wiped her eyes on the back of a spotted glove. “Cookies, if you have them,” she said quietly. “I’ve been out for hours, I need to recharge.”
Chloe nodded, not quite thinking of the magnitude of that statement and picked up the phone at the side of her bed. She didn’t even wait for whoever was on the other end to say hello. “Yes, I need a mug of warm milk and a plate of cookies as quickly as possible. Understood?” She hung up as soon as it was clear that someone had heard her and went back over to Ladybug. “It should be here in a few minutes.” Ladybug nodded silently.
Chloe sighed and braced herself. Clearly, Ladybug needed someone to talk to and for some unknown reason, she’d come to her of all people, so she was going to have to do her best. This really wasn’t her strong suit. “Alright,” she said briskly, breaking the silence. “As many lovely qualities as I have, I have to admit that I’m wondering why you came here tonight. Clearly, you’re upset. Why not talk to that mangy alley cat about it? Or a friend from the other side of the mask? As much as it pains me to admit, I haven’t been… the best person in the past. It seems like there’s someone out there who could give you a hell of a lot better advice about whatever it is that’s bothering you.”
Chloe didn’t miss the way Ladybug flinched, first when she brought up Chat Noir and then civilian friends. Oh, something was definitely going on and somebody was sooooo going to pay for this.
Ladybug twisted her hands together. “I…. I can’t,” she said. “I… I don’t think I have any friends outside of the suit anymore.”
“What happened?” Chloe questioned, trying to make her voice as quiet and reassuring as possible. It felt like squeezing into a too-small shirt, but it must have worked because Ladybug continued.
“They betrayed me.” Her voice broke. “Rena Rouge, Carapace, I knew them both as civilians… I trusted them with the miraculous because they were my best friends. But they took the word of someone they barely know over me and they hate me.” She paused. “They were all I had. Before this year, I didn’t have any friends at all. They were my very first.” A watery smile broke over her face and vanished. “I tried so hard to be a good friend -- I didn’t want them to leave me alone again. I was just trying to protect them from being deceived and manipulated… Oh god, it hurts. It hurts so much.”
Fat tears rolled down Ladybug’s cheeks and Chloe’s heart about broke in her chest. If there was one thing that she understood so very well… She scooted closer to Ladybug and wrapped the heroine in as tight a hug as she could manage. She could feel as the shoulder of her robe was dampened by Ladybug’s tears.
-Needless to say, Chloe really comes through as a friend and confidant to Ladybug that night. Marinette doesn’t really plan to go back, but it felt so good to be listened to and seen for the first time in a long time that she just keeps dropping by Chloe’s balcony.
-Ladybug and Chloe get closer and Marinette is able to hold herself together better now that she has someone. Not that anybody really notices because she’s a bit of a social pariah, but she’s much nicer to Chloe at school.
-I can’t decide if this AU is gonna be romantic or platonic Chloenette, but maybe Chloe has been a (somewhat repressed) gay mess for Ladybug the whole time and shit her school nemesis is also kind of cute now that they’re not constantly fighting oh no. Alternatively, we get some A+ female friendships.
-Either way, Ladybug is a pretty much nightly visitor to Chloe’s house at this point. They paint each other's nails and watch TV and there is some altogether wholesome interaction. Chloe is proud that she’s managed to bring Ladybug’s smiles back and starts to gain confidence in what she’s able to do to make things better by herself, on her own power and without a miraculous.
-Things are kind of improving. Lila is still being awful, but it’s much easier for Marinette to deal with her now. Ladybug and Chat Noir’s partnership is still kind of strained with his flirting, but they’ve been managing. Ladybug has kind of just been ignoring the problem and Chat Noir because she doesn’t know how to handle it and she really does care about him and doesn’t enjoy breaking his heart. She just needs to find some way of communicating to him that she feels like he’s disrespecting her, but the akumas have been getting more intense and she can’t risk another repeat of Frozer if she confronts him, so she doesn’t really know what to do.
-Eventually, the Lucky Charm says that they need back up. The fox makes the most sense to take, but Marinette just can’t trust Alya anymore. There’s really only one person that comes to mind.
-“Chloe Bourgeois, this the miraculous of the fox. It grants the power of illusions. You will use it for the greater good and return it to me when the battle is finished.”
-And finally, we get to the point of this entire rambling mess as fox!Chloe, or Reine Ruse appears. I think that her suit would use brown as an accent rather than black like Rena Rouge’s so it could incorporate some gold piping as sort of a subtle shout out to her past as Queen Bee. Chloe is a sleek, sleek fox. I also totally have an image of her having like 9 real fox tails that spread out behind her like the skirt of a ball gown or something (she is both regal and dramatic as fuck). She can also move them and as she becomes more involved with the miraculous squad she likes to wrap them around Ladybug especially when she gets cold in the winter.
-Reine Ruse absolutely kills it as a hero her first time out. Chat’s like “wow, it’s like you’ve done this before!” Chloe, who has listened to how much grief and indecision that this cat is causing Ladybug is 100% not happy with Chat Noir and pretty much straight up ignores him. If she speaks, she’s probably passive-aggressively sassing him.
-Hawkmoth is sending out progressively more akumas and they’re stronger too. It gets to the point where the lucky charm calls for help during every fight and it’s getting really hard to escape to get the backup Miraculous. Marinette has a talk with Master Fu about Chloe and the fox, sticking up for Chloe and how much she’s grown and making a case for her to be a permanent member of the team. It takes a bit of convincing, but Master Fu eventually comes around.
-“Chloe, you can’t be Queen Bee anymore… But you’ve come such a long way since we met and I would be honored if you would fight by my side as Reine Ruse, permanently.”
-Chat is grateful for the help but has no idea what he’s apparently done to get on the new heroine’s shit list. The first time they patrol alone together, she gives him a thorough verbal lashing about how he’s been treating Ladybug and doesn’t leave until she’s sure he understands.
-Adrien begins to rethink his life choices. Plagg attempts to help as best he can.
-Maybe Chloe rescues Marinette as Reine Ruse or she decides to try to get closer to her in her superhero form because she thinks that she’s totally blown it in her civilian form. Marinette who knows what is going on is just so happy and proud of her best friend/maybe-future-girlfriend.
-Give me a Chloenette love square pls
-Obviously, Alya isn’t happy when there’s a new fox hero. She probably gets akumatized over it, let’s be honest. At least it’s a better reason than getting mad because some middle schooler says he could outrun a panther.
-Lila is probably able to manipulate this situation somehow. She might not even know she’s doing it. Alya asks why Ladybug didn’t pick Rena Rouge and Lila says that Ladybug was just being a bitch or something, idk.
-Chloe thinks it's weird that Alya is so up in arms about this. Maybe this is the start of her figuring Marinette out.
Gosh, this post got so freaking long. I might add more later if anyone is actually interested, lol. I was thinking that the miracusquad in this AU would eventually include bee!Kagami and turtle!Luka as I don’t think Alya or Nino would reach the point that Marinette could trust them with miraculouses again. She might forgive them, but trust is a fragile thing.
Thank you all for listening to my ranting. I hope that this was somewhat coherent. I’m sorry that it’s so long and so rambling, but I really haven’t been involved in fandom for a while. I’ll try my best and I hope to improve in the future!
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burstsquid40 · 4 years
Peptides - What Are They?
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Collagen is too large for the skin to take in, whereas, in contrast, peptides are the ideal size for topical application. Once they have actually been absorbed, the body can after that harness their protein-producing capabilities. In 2019 Vapourtec formed a collaboration towards peptide synthesis with Professor Peter Seeberger and also his Group at Max Slab Institute, Berlin. This work has actually been released in the paper shown promptly below. The side-chain of proline is covalently bound to the N of the amino group, so in polyproline, there will be much less flexibility of turning concerning the Cα-- N bond than with various other amino acids.
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Life threatening reactions, including liver toxicity, have occurred in people taking products containing SARMs. SARMs also have the potential to increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, and the long-term effects on the body are unknown.
Whether you're fighting with wrinkles, loss of firmness, discolouration, dehydration, monotony, and so forth, there specify peptides that can make a distinction for each one. Nevertheless, it actually takes a range of peptides to assist combat multiple skin problems, there isn't one that does whatever. A terrific method when you've been melting the candle at both ends, is to utilize Patchology FlashPatch Restoring Night Eye Gels. These over night hydrogel mini sheet masks are unbelievably comfortable and supply a powerful hit of collagen improving peptides together with hyaluronic acid and also dark circle combating arnica for noticeable enhancements come early morning. In the quest for perfect skin, peptides are a pressure to be considered.
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Peptides alone are mostly too tiny to evoke an immune reaction adequate to produce antibodies. Consequently, choose a Shop Uk sarms post cycle therapy supplement Sarms of passion is conjugated to provider healthy proteins having numerous epitopes to boost T-helper cells, which induce the B-cell reaction that produces the antibodies.
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These chemical frameworks separate peptides from tags and dyes and can be hydrophobic or hydrophilic to customize the all-natural hydropathy of the peptide to which it is conjugated. Spacers of various sizes are typically offered for variable distances between peptides and the color or tags. A typical hydrophobic spacer is aminohexanoic acid, and also a common hydrophilic spacer is poly glycol. Requirement peptide synthesis is carried out utilizing L-amino acids, but a typical choice is to manufacture the peptide making use of D-isomers, which are the enantiomers, or mirror photos, of chiral L-amino acids. While the chemical formula is identical, D-amino acids might change the feature of the peptide. Methylation of histone healthy proteins is an usual technique of epigenetic law, and mono-, di- as well as trimethylated lysine residues can be added to peptides to imitate this post-translational modification. The thiol team on cysteine can likewise be methylated through an acetamidomethyl team to selectively form disulfide bridges.
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Health and wellness Bars with added CollagenThe benefits of collagen peptides for wellness and also beauty has actually been validated and recognised for many years. highgrade-labs offers a UK bulking stack Sarms have actually shown that 10 grams a day or even less have a favorable result on joint, bone and also skin wellness. PoGoGUI uses transcript translations as well as recommendation genetics comments along with peptide identification data in 4 column tab separated format, mzid, mzIdentML, and also mzTab formats to pass on to the defined PoGo executable. Added parameters to pick outputformats, enable mapping with amino acid replacements or combining output of several peptide recognition files can be selected through checkboxes and also buttons. Extra details concerning parameters, PoGo input as well as outcome formats can be found on top of the 'Find out and Assistance' area.
We are also offering expedited shipment times for Covid-19 related jobs. Whilst the generation as well as distribution of peptide rehabs represent substantial obstacles, the simple storage space of peptides can be bothersome. Hao Luo from Merck described the trouble of peptide fibrillation and also approaches for reducing the risks of fibrillation. It turns out that a super-fast heat and also high pH treatment utilizing flow chemistry can dramatically postpone the start of fibrillation with no considerable degradation of the peptide. Professor David Craik offered an interesting discussion on cyclotides - cyclic peptides produced by a selection of plants. These peptides, consisting of three disulphide bonds that develop a "knot", are both diverse as well as durable. Prof. Craik supplied a summary of these peptides and their energy as a foundation for the delivery of healing peptide epitopes.
The peptides are capable of enduring the digestion system, making oral delivery of peptide medications an authentic possibility, although currently the bioavailability of such orally-administered peptides is reduced. Food is the primary stimulus of glucagon-like peptide 1 launch, with increased hormone degrees obvious after 10 mins of starting to eat and staying raised in the blood circulation for numerous hrs after that. The hormonal agent somatostatin holds back the production of glucagon-like peptide 1. Glucagon-like peptide 1 belongs to a household of hormonal agents called the incretins, supposed due to the fact that they boost the secretion of insulin. Glucagon-like peptide 1 is an item of a molecule called pre-proglucagon, a polypeptide which is split to create numerous hormones, including glucagon. Because they originate from the exact same source, these hormones share some similarities, so are called 'glucagon-like'.
Tiny pieces of healthy protein with the ability to inform our skin to fix as well as renew itself, we reveal why you need to integrate them right into your anti-ageing regimen. While the advantages of copper peptide are verified, in researches it is hardly ever compared with other peptides or various other ingredients such as powerful antioxidants. With a lot of components shown to benefit skin, it is very important not to focus on a single ingredient. Surprisingly, there is additionally research study which shows that copper is potentially toxic. Nonetheless, the research study focuses primarily on the application of pure copper to the skin, and also not as a peptide. We are continuing to offer full support to our customers and also are ready to help with any Covid-19 research. We have actually currently dealt with a number of clients on this and also are creating a complete variety of Sars-Cov-2 overlapping peptides in addition to particular ACE2 analogues.
For over 20 years, countless researchers have been investigating the favorable effects of collagen. In 2011, the McAlindon research study group was able to show that the consummation of collagen hydrolysate with short-chain collagen peptides can not just inhibit the deterioration of articular cartilage, however additionally stimulate its regeneration. A number of medical research studies have actually confirmed the performance of collagen hydrolysate with short-chain oligopeptides on skin regrowth, skin hydration and skin flexibility. The depth of creases can be substantially and also sustainably minimized. The skin complexion of the participants improved visibly and lastingly. Taken frequently, it can support the health and wellness of joints as well as bones as well as likewise accomplish a quicker regrowth of the cells. To name a few things, it advertises a normally radiant and also moisturized skin.
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This web page highlights the vital aspects of peptide synthesis, one of the most usual methods of synthesis and filtration and also the strengths and also limitations of the particular strategies. In behalf of the Harley Medical Team, specialist skin specialist Dr. Justine Hextall told me that peptides can have a great deal of various applications. A combination of peptides which "trick" the skin into generating even more collagen, assisting to company, plump and minimise the appearance of great lines and wrinkles. A collagen stimulating copper peptide enveloped in a polymer system which dives via the layers of the skin to especially target collagen-producing cells. Peptides may be in the spotlight for their amazing collagen-boosting powers, yet actually, peptides are way greater than just a one-trick pony.
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Consequently, permitted ɸ worths will certainly be fairly restricted compared with other amino acids. The peptide bonds that connect amino acid deposits in a polypeptide are created in a condensation reaction between the acidic carboxyl group of one amino acid as well as the fundamental amino group of another amino acid. In the context of a peptide, the amide group (CO-- NH) is referred to as the peptide team. Truly punctual distribution as well as very responsive to queries regarding the items. Very delighted i was recommended to make use of MM Components contrasted to every other hydrolised collagen site becoming utter rip offs.
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Cell Signaling Innovation uses off-the-shelf and also custom-synthesized blocking peptides that can be used to review the uniqueness of antibody sensitivity in your assay. We also focus on synthesis of high-quality custom-made AQUA peptides, consisting of difficult sequences and uncommon post-translational alterations. When deposit X was an uncharged polar deposit, the polar zipper mechanism caused more stiff second structures, which subsequently set up right into nanori bbons.
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Posted: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
The factor for the extensive use of Peptides in skin care items is that, contrasted to collagen particles, Peptides are actually tiny adequate to pass through the skin. Peptides are a gentle yet reliable choice for all skin types and also ages. Skin treatment products that contain this active ingredient are a fantastic selection for sensitive skin, as Peptides can be much less irritating than some anti-ageing ingredients also on fragile areas, like the skin around the eyes. While peptides are an all-natural part of skin, in their all-natural kind they are very delicate, unsteady ingredients. To secure as well as develop peptides that can really be absorbed right into skin, continue to be intact, as well as for that reason be able to favorably influence skin, they are lab-engineered. When scientific research figured out just how to do this, the opportunities as well as variety of peptides offered exploded. Peptides are a definitely interesting group of components that ongoing research has shown can benefit several age associated skin problems.
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Chemically synthesized peptides lug favorably and negatively billed amino and carboxy termini, respectively. Due to the fact that these termini are not charged in vivo, they can be changed by N-terminal acetylation and also C-terminal amidation, which eliminate the respective costs to mimic all-natural peptides and boost cell leaks in the structure. N-terminal asparagineshould be prevented, due to the fact that the asparagine N-terminal shielding group can be difficult to remove throughout bosom. Therefore, either remove or substitute the N-terminal amino acid. N-terminal glutamineis unpredictable, since it creates cyclic pyroglutamate under acidic conditions throughout safeguarding group cleavage. This can be avoided by acetylating the N-terminal glutamine or by replacing glutamine with pre-formed pyroglutamic acid or a conservative amino acid.
Peptides shorter than 5 residues are normally soluble in aqueous solutions, other than if the entire series contains hydrophobic amino acids. and McGregor A. C. T-butyloxycarbonylamino acids and also their use in peptide synthesis. Artificial peptide combining needs the activation of the C-terminal carboxylic acid on the incoming amino acid using carbodiimides such as dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or diisopropylcarbodiimide. These protecting plans also incorporate each of the steps of synthesis and also bosom, as defined in the table and in later areas of this page.
Cells found in the lining of the small intestinal tract (called L-cells) are the major source of glucagon-like peptide 1, although it is additionally produced in smaller sized amounts by the pancreatic and the main nerve system. Glucagon-like peptide 1 encourages the release of insulin from the pancreas, raises the volume of cells in the pancreas that generate insulin and holds back glucagon launch. Glucagon-like peptide 1 likewise boosts the sensation of fullness during and between dishes by acting on cravings centres in the mind and by slowing down the draining of the belly.
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Blackstone Labs face indictment for selling illegal compounds.
Posted: Thu, 14 Mar 2019 07:00:00 GMT [source]
e.g. verification of a detoxified protein, recognizing protein interactors from a pull-down experiment, or determining hundreds proteins existing in cell line/tissue. This soothing moisturiser consists of 2% royal epigen, a peptide protein found in imperial jelly which is proven to increase the rate of cell turnover for noticeably smoother and also much more even skin in simply 28 days. The worldwide peptide therapeutics market is anticipated to be worth $24 billion by 2020. BrisSynBio's initial spin-out business, Zentraxa, has actually developed a peptide layout, production as well as examination platform that will certainly fulfill the existing, unmet needs of the vast and also financially rewarding market for restorative peptides as well as especially 'Biobetters'. Peptide-protein conjugates are utilized to generate antibodies that target the specific peptide.
Sadly, the human skin is everyday affected by variables such as ultraviolet radiation, environmental contamination, hormonal agents and nutrition. Thanks to a targeted intake of our collagen peptides, it is feasible to successfully counteract the effect of these outside and also internal variables on the skin.
Not just for skin ageing, but likewise for dealing with skin monotony, hyperpigmentation, anti-glycation, moisturising the skin as well as more! We wanted to harness the broad series of different peptide powers in our new Peptide Household. The ideal addition to your CSA regimen, our full variety of innovative peptide mixes can aid to sustain various skin worries. Once they are past your epidermis layer, Peptides send out a signal to your skin to start fixing itself by causing an increase in collagen manufacturing, leading to a healthier-looking skin.
A lot of companies that create peptides, healthy proteins or antibodies will certainly function either as distributors to other organisations or in bespoke, or agreement production i.e . A beta sheet types as a result of hydrogen bonding interactions between peptide backbones of parallel or antiparallel beta strands, which as the name suggests are mostly linear. On the other hand, the 'polar zipper' device refers to hydrogen bonding communications between the amino acid side chains on adjacent beta hairs. Peptides are fairly a stylish skincare ingredient currently. best UK s4 andarine Sarms for might place them in products where they're inadequate simply to have an extra marketing factor on the tag.
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