#One of a Kind Mustang
ahbogman · 5 months
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too close to the sun
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smoothshine · 2 years
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Attention everyone, it's fluff alert!! One nice soft young!Royai piece coming right away for @fullmetalscullyy as my @fmasecretsanta gift for you, friend!:)
Happy holidays to you and everyone who is reading this, and I'll see y'all in the next year with more artsy (and other) stuff to come!
PS: separate pictures are under the cut <33
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junosswans · 1 year
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Entry to RoyEd Week 2023 August 2nd Day 2 - Soulmate AU
(Edited: Long fic ahead! Also I posted this on ao3 too :> thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments!! I am all giddy over them)
It was already late when they arrived at the Rockbell’s house, where villagers said they could find the Elric brothers if they were not home. The cottage was dim inside, only allowing the faintest trace of dusk to put shape to the helpless boy in the wheelchair, and the enormous suit of armour towering over him.
In the literal blink of an eye, Roy Mustang’s life was turned upside down.
Despite the darkness, Roy saw the boy in foreign vividness that he had never witnessed; colours exploded in front of his eyes like fireworks, rendering him speechless. The boy’s shade was accentuated by a distinct warmth— Roy would later learn the name of the colour that was gold, a pigment that he would come to associate with justice, passion, and everything that was pure and magnificent.
Before arriving at Resembool, Roy had rehearsed his recruitment speech for five different situations, but none of which took the current one into account. For the first time in a long while, he had no idea what to say.
At that moment, assaulted by colours he had yet to know, he only knew one thing— that destiny had cursed this little boy to be attached to him, Roy Mustang. A man who had far more enemies than allies, more nightmares than sleep— more dead than alive.
The boy did not give any visible reaction to Roy’s loud entry into the house, and his aimless eyes had already betrayed his state to Roy.
He could not afford to have a soulmate. Not when his soulmate sat defencelessly like this, deaf to the entire world. Being his soulmate meant putting a target on their back, meant always sleeping with an eye open, meant never finding peace till the day of his death.
He could not, in good conscience— with what little he had remained of it— put his soulmate through what his life entailed. Anyone sane enough would be able to see him from a distance and turn around immediately. Nobody deserved to be Roy’s soulmate to experience what he would inevitably put them through. No one would be tough and yet foolish enough to stay.
Ignoring the nausea this revelation has caused him, Roy bit his tongue and demanded an explanation for the situation instead. He listened, in slowly freezing horror, to the younger brother of the Elrics– Alphonse Elric– explaining how they ended up in their current bodies.
Roy looked at Edward Elric who was missing two limbs, and reminded himself that this young boy in front of him had committed the greatest taboo in alchemy and survived. Then, as if it was not enough, did it again to bargain his brother’s soul back. An improbable, stupid, and lethal decision—yet it was undeniable that he had done the unthinkable and survived the consequences. At such a young age nonetheless, when most alchemists' apprentices were still struggling with the most basic of elements.
Perhaps given time, this boy could grow into someone beyond Roy’s imagination. Perhaps given time, Roy could grow into someone strong enough to shield his soulmate from harm.
And so Roy told him, in an earnestness that surprised even himself, that when he was ready, he could find Roy in East City and Roy would provide him with resources that could put him back on his feet. That it would be a road filled with thorns and danger, but the rewards were worth the risk.
Against his better judgement, Roy had provided his soulmate a choice. Edward could choose to run after him into the shower of bullets and webs of lies, or he could choose to stay in the quiet countryside and never let their paths cross again.
Secretly, Roy wished that his soulmate would choose the latter, wiser option. But he also knew acutely that the world had a morbid sense of humour, and whoever that was tied with him could never have any good sense in them. If fate had decided that they were meant to be, then his soulmate must have been as much of a stubborn fool as him, if not more.
Roy bid the family goodbye, and walked out of the dark shadows of the cottage. He was greeted with an entirely new world, now coloured in radiant hues he could not put words to.
He examined his palm under the flickering street light. He could see his veins faintly under his skin, pumping blood into every corner of his body. It was purple and flesh and red and human. It was warm and colourful and alive.
Remember it, remember what I’ve said, and catch up to me. Roy thought. Those who cannot keep up with me cannot be my soulmate.
I’m putting my faith in you that, no matter which way you end up choosing, our paths will converge, and we shall meet again at a time when you and I are wiser and stronger and unmovable in the face of danger. I’m putting my faith in you that, regardless of the dangers on my journey, you will find me and stay beside me and not be frightened.
I’m choosing to believe, if fate has decided that I’m still worthy of a soulmate despite my sins, then there must still be something redeemable in me, and you must be someone with enough love to love me for the monster I am.
Please find me soon.
And then Ed surprised him after a year when Roy expected to wait at least 5 more years lmfao
I wanted to play on the idea of “you only begin to see colour once you’ve met your soulmate” and thought VERY hard about how to visualise it without turning it into a long comic. My very stupid, no good brain came up with the idea of putting a colour wheel in the background :> in hindsight it’s very cringe but at that point it was already too late to give up or change it lmaooooo
I also put paint and paint brushes around as decoration which i think is kind of cute ^^ and special thanks to my sister who helped me fix the colouring because my usual way of doing it just… lacks the vibrancy this prompt asks for. She’s a goddess and 192729% better at this drawing business than me.
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hmm. conversely, most ADHD car?
(A dab o' context for y'all, this ask came hot off the heels of my most autistic car post, hence the "conversely".)
Well, when I read this, I had nothing. But then I thought about it a little, and suddenly, I continued to have nothing.
But you already know that, dear asker, because you're in the blog's Discord server which I turned to for suggestions. And in fact, you chipped in yourself with not one but two picks, first of which the fifth generation Ford Mustang!
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So, pray tell, what brings my elementary school self's favorite car ever ever into this list?
uhh from like a cultural view its an unfocused and hyperactive car with a reputation of not going the way people want (see: crowd meme)
Oh, come on, are we really still not over that stereotype whereby late model Mustangs are owned by people both too eager to show off not to leave a car meet flooring it and too inept to actually keep it under control when they do?
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Well, I guess to get over it it'll need to stop being true.
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But also, being so much of an exhibitionist as to cause physical pain is not about ADHD at all!
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Anyone I invite at my house gets bored to tears with a tour of my every possession...
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...but not because I have ADHD!
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Actually, you know what? That may really be it now that I think about it. Well, anyway, your submission is funny enough to earn a pass even if we don't see eye to eye on this anyway.
How about your second, though?
alternatively: late '90s to early 2000s tuner Civic, for the same reasons
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While he included this picture, he advised to use a worse example, so I took the liberty to present you a historical picture.
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I say historical because this picture was the definition of rice, the textbook example. If Wikipedia had a page for "rice (automotive)" it would feature this picture, probably second behind that blue early 90s Civic which in hindsight we were all wrong about and was actually sick.
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Did you know this was made by a teenager out of metal? I'm digressing.
Friend of the blog (well, pillar of the blog at this point) @demoness-one agrees and suggests:
Honestly riced out clapped out honda civics did come to mind also But i feel like the car that most represents adhd is probably one that isn't finished lol Abstract concept of a car
But she wasn't the only one to vote for her own cars, as friend of the blog and Saturn SL1 owner @chevyventure posted a simple but effective contribution:
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zero executive function between those eyes
Not as simple as friend of the blog @brick-enthusiast's, however, who just posted a Suzuki Cappuccino without comment.
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In respect of that approach I will not comment either.
However, it's time to make my pick too, as in the process of writing this post I finally understood the assignment, and thus came up with something.
What's ADHD? As this blog demonstrates, sometimes it's being hyperfocused on something exciting, much to the detriment of things that actually matter in daily life. Sometimes it's said focus earning amazing results that seem disproportionate to one's means. Sometimes it's taking comfort in the routine, in deeply ingrained habits and tradition that still have to constantly be actively enforced as conscious choice. Sometimes it's being darty, shooting from point to point with speed other minds can't even keep up with. Sometimes it's having too much energy to contain. Sometimes it's... being loud? Oh really! I thought I was just being Italian!
And if you've read my 100th post, you'll know a car that fits that description to a T. (And if you haven't, click on here before reading on because you really want to.)
Indeed, what could be a better pick than a car that's stayed the same for nigh on seven decades in its devoted preservation of its ability to dart around like nothing else on the road, a car so perfromance-focused the comfort spec is the one that gets windows, a car not one bit less deafening than legally required? What could be a better pick than the Caterham Seven 620R, the literal world record holder for spinning around in circles?
And also just look at it.
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If you're wondering about the number plate, it was made to celebrate its Lego version - yes indeed!
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And if you can believe it, people still gifted me clothes for Christmas.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question: if you liked this post, you might like those - or the blog’s Discord server, linked in the pinned post!
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cloudzoro · 7 months
ace's dub va also voices knuckles in sonic boom
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honorthysalad · 1 year
Mustang is the kind of guy who would buy a kid alcohol if they asked him to and probably would even if they didn’t
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hisgoodgirl666 · 1 year
god i've been so much more into nice/fast cars lately and i used to mostly hate that stuff and that kind of machismo... but the last like year or so it just hits so different when one passes by and i fight off the urge to make eyes at the men driving them 🥴
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opitaylor · 18 days
saw a flyer for a “rewilding” event or smth with wild mustangs i was like HELL YEAH!!!! costs $350. why are all horse people unrealistically fucking loaded
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inkskinned · 4 months
hello. you left a neon pink post-it with pgs 194-359 due 9/12 in the book, by the way. it is now May 23rd and the library's printer is running out of ink. it jammed and tore my passport application. one of the librarians dutifully blacked out all my information (front and back!) before proceeding to use every unmarred inch as scrap paper.
i think maybe our (plural, inclusive) lives are connected. all of them. i have been thinking a lot about borrowing. about how people move through the world in waves, filling in the same spaces. i have probably stood on the same subway platform as you. we held the same book. all of us stand in the same line at the grocery, at the gas station. how many feet have stood washing dishes in my kitchen?
i hope you are doing well. the pen you used was a nice red, maybe a glitter pen? you have loopy, curling handwriting. i sometimes wonder if it is true that you can tell a personality by the shape of our letters. i'm borrowing my brother's car. he's got scrangly engineer handwriting (you know the one). it's a yellow-orange ford mustang boss. when i got out of the building, some kids were posing with it for a selfie. i felt a little bird grow in me and had to pause and pretend to be busy with my phone to give them more time for their laughing.
i have a habit of asking people what's the last good book you read? the librarian's handwriting on the back of my smeared-and-chewed passport application says the glass house in small undercase. i usually go for fantasy/sci fi, but she was glowing when she suggested it. i found your post-it on page 26, so i really hope you didn't have to read up to 359 in that particular book. i hope you're like me and just have a weird "random piece of trash" "bookmark" that somehow makes it through like, 58 books.
i wish the concept of soul mates was bigger. i wish it was about how my soul and your soul are reading the same work. how i actually put down that book at the same time you did - page 26 was like, all exposition. i wish we were soul mates with every person on the same train. how magical to exist and borrow the same space together. i like the idea that somewhere, someone is using the shirts i donated. i like the idea that every time i see a nice view and say oh gosh look at the view, you (plural, inclusive) said that too.
the kids hollered when i beeped the car. oh dude you set off the alarm, oh shit is she - dude that's her car!! one was extremely polite. "i like your car, Miss. i'm sorry we touched it." i said i wasn't busy, finish up the pictures. i folded your post-it into a paper crane while i waited. i thought about how my brother's a kind person but his handwriting looks angry. i thought about how for an entire year i drove someone to work every day - and i didn't even think to ask for gas money. my handwriting is straight capital letters.
i thought about how i can make a paper crane because i was taught by someone who was taught by someone else.
the kids asked me to rev the engine and you know i did. the way they reacted? you would have thought i brought the sun from the sky and poured it into a waterglass. i went home smiling about it. i later gave your post it-turned-bird to a tiny child on the bus. she put it in her mouth immediately.
how easy, standing in your shadow, casting my own. how our hands pass over each other in the same minor folds. i wonder how many of the same books you and i have read. i wonder how many people have the same favorite six songs or have been in the same restaurant or have attended the same movie premier. the other day i mentioned the Book Mill from a small town in western massachusetts - a lot of people knew of it. i wonder if i've ever passed you - and didn't even notice it.
i hope whatever i leave behind makes you happy. i hope my hands only leave gentle prints. i hope you and i get the same feeling when the sun comes out. soulmates across all of it.
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6kuna · 2 months
Older Neighbour! Nanami 😫🙏🏼 who is probably very kind and considerate guy but he just has a cold and unwelcoming stare when u first caught a glimpse of your neighbour watering his plants. Since the area is quite huge there’s not really many neighbors who live close by within the vicinity the closest one aside from Nanami’s would be a 5 minute walk away so the only closest one you’d have was the man that gave you the stare of a strict and unfeeling father (#arlecchino)
A day after moving in he came by knocking at your door to give you some baked goods as a welcoming gift from there on it was clear as day he doesn’t hate you he just has a bitchy face.
Also any conversation with him would be a nice and endearing one. Mainly because despite the age difference he doesn’t really act like he’s better than you or tries to make you feel stupid just because you’re younger it’s quite the opposite, he’ll ask you for your input on certain things just because you’re younger you might be more knowledgeable on certain areas compared to him.
A really cute trait i think he would also have as a neighbour is that he’d help you with any inherently “manly” thing. You need to carry groceries? He’ll carry them for you, You need some lightbulbs to be fixed, He’s an expert in fixing lightbulbs, You want him to help with mowing the lawn? You didn’t even have to ask him in the first place. It also gives him a bit of a sense of purpose he’s glad or grateful that you decided to build a property next to his some days really seem to be more vibrant with you living next door.
When he had to go on for a business trip that would take over months on end, he’d send you handwritten postcards from the places he visits and writes so eloquently and lovely it’d be such a treat to read it. It almost feels like he’s in love with you or something….Because all he can think about while writing these letters is how you would react to them.
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smoothshine · 2 years
"There's a sorrow in the corners of your mind"
(Some messy evening hugs, while I keep exploring my colouring possibilities)
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littleogreboii · 7 months
ok so just let me cook for a second.
so fma (b and the manga) address that the reason ed is kind of short is that he's essentially been providing nutrients for al's body the entire time al's in the armour. but just think for a moment how whack that actually is.
so when else do people's bodies tend to provide nutrients for another? during pregnancy. but normally during pregnancy your growing a baby, ed was trying to grow a fucking teenager, and this was during his early to mid teens. like pregnancy in itself is fucking risky as shit, but this shit? it's a miracle that ed and al both made it to the end of the series especially when you consider how ed was living.
like ed and al were constantly travelling and sure sometimes they ate good when they stopped with the hughes family or with pinako or winry, but fuck most of the time? ed was definitely living off takeout, which isn't exactly going to provide the most balanced diet. so like nutritionally ed's already shot himself in the foot.
physical exercise is a hard one to judge because some of the reasons pregnant people are told to avoid strenuous exercise as it can lead to the baby overheating or risk causing physical harm to the baby, so there's some factors that probably won't affect al's body as it's not likely to experience the same physical sensations as ed. but exercising while malnourished is probably the bigger issue.
we add in the fact that ed wears heavy automail especially earlier on. to the point that dominic was like "you know these can stunt your growth right." so like ed's body was probably just screaming like 'how the fuck do you expect me to grow under these shitty conditions'
but it's just like no wonder this fucking bitch was so cranky all the time. he's hungry, constantly pushing his body past his physical limits, and he's got the threat of the end of the world hanging over him. god it's amazing that mustang only ever got yelled at by ed because bruhhhhh I would have stabbed mustang on my first day.
yeah I bet that ed has the deepest sleep of his life after the promised day. like he's got one less automail arm, and his brother's no longer stealing all his nutrients. yeah man's gonna be waking up from that sleep so whacked out that he doesn't even know what year it is.
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redcherrykook · 3 months
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College Photography Teacher!Jungkook x Student!Reader
27 year old, stupidly handsome asshole teacher Mr. Jeon has absolutely no human decency, he believes your victim complex is what keeps you from ever achieving anything, letting people use you as a bridge. When something unexpected happens, the ice starts to melt as a foreign word called "empathy" enters his egocentric lense. Maybe he will finally manage to teach you a lesson now, since you keep failing his class.
(Mini series)- Episode five!
Song recommendation: white Mustang- Lana del rey
Content: Cold, mean, distant, unprofessional Jungkook, hurt, stubborn reader, enemies to lovers, lowkey dramatic, accident happens, mutually beneficial relationship (emotionally), Jk learns a lot from her, Jk is mean but has a soft spot for reader (eventually), 6 year age gap, Reader is from a struggling background, Jk kind of rescues her, happy ending, angst at first, fluff, smut, comedy/crack, bickering, college setting, brief hospital setting
Warnings: swearing, name-calling,mentions of an accident involving a biker, mentions of hospital, mentions of injuries, really mean Jungkook, i promise he gets sweet, mentions of trauma and abuse (non detailed), mental health struggles (semi detailed), arguments
Sexual content: (light) praise kink, (light) size kink (lmao next episode bout to go crazy with that one), oral; fem. receiving, chest play, making out
Taglist: @bts-iris @kaeysv @khadeeeeej @rockstryoon
Another day, another night spent on the couch of Jungkook, watching some sort of show with him, munching on dinner he cooked.
He got used to cooking for two.
Its been a week,
A week that turned into a week and a half.
Still no calls, no places, no friends to crash at.
Not even Taehyung, his fraternity house is much worse than just staying with Jungkook.
Not like it bothered you, Jungkook is comfortable, he has a cozy apartment with enough space for two people.
Growing borderline nice from day to day.
His little gestures like buying two of the icetea he drinks, like changing the sheets if you had class the days he hadn't, cooking jjajangmyeon without onions because you hate them.
It was easy to get used to his routine, to bicker with him daily, to sit next to him when he works on his lesson preperation, while you study for your classes.
Sleeping in his shirt, doing your laundry in his bathroom, and accidentally stumbling across his calvin klein's.
It felt intimate at times, like living together was more than just that.
Tonight is different.
Tonight would be your very first party.
After a whole week of persuasion, Taehyung talking your ear off about how fun it was, how many people you could meet, how you could dance your heart away.
You decided, fuck it. One party.
"To be clear, I'm NOT drinking and i swear if you touch me, Taehyung, I will actually strangle you" loud and clear, your boundaries set while you're on call with him. Taehyung called you at 10pm as you were peacefully watching "Running man" with Jungkook, at first you shut off the call.
Until another followed by another call coming through.
"Just come on! once! One single time" he begged, Jungkook's jaw clenching at the voice from the other end of the phone.
He simply can not stand Taehyung, the way he devours you with his eyes, the way he talked you into doing things you don´t normally want to do,
like parties.
In desperate need of social contacts and having some serious fun, a party doesn't sound too bad anymore, Tae would keep his hands off, now that you told him to.
"You're seriously going?" Jungkook asks once you end the call, his eyes stern and burning through you, judging you almost.
"Yeah. You can enjoy a night to yourself again, I won't get back late, I promise" you smile at him, already thinking of what to wear from your very limited selection of clothes.
He scoffs, pressing his lips together.
"What? Got something against it?" your head tilts, a playful smirk on your lips.
His eyes move away from yours and back to the flashy TV screen.
"Just not looking forward to having to pick you up wasted, possibly having to push off some jerk to even get to you" his tongue presses the inside of his cheek, not making eye contact with you. A strong hand is rubbing his thighs that are spread on his couch, while the other one moves through his hair, lifting his arm enough to see his well defined triceps.
A part of you hopes that he was jealous, that he hated the thought of you making out with some college jerk, just like you hated the thought of making out with anyone that wasn't him.
There was nothing left to confront, nothing to deny.
You have a crush on Jungkook, on your photography teacher that you live with.
Maybe it was the intimacy of living with him, but the racing heartbeat in your chest, the pertruding smile on your face whenever he smiled too, even if slight, even if to make fun of you,
The throbbing between your thighs when he speaks in his sultry, low voice. The way his hair is messy most of the time, how his muscles flex when he's working, his groans of frustration, making you wonder just how he could sound if he groaned more. Your thoughts when he drives with his skillful fingers, the way he licks his lip piercing when he's focused. Having to surpress the thoughts of what happened, almost happened, when you were both drunken by the burning alcohol.
All of it is impossible to ignore, to talk yourself into believing it´s nothing.
Every inch of him, of his habits, it made you flaunt for him. Wishing that instead of his shirt, it was him, sleeping next to you peacefully.
Looking at him ever so often, hoping to catch him looking back.
Even taking longer in the shower when your wandering thoughts get accompanied by your wandering hands.
It is wrong, it is so wrong because he's your teacher, because the goodness behind his hard exterior helped you through your own mess in life.
And yet, you find yourself going out to party away the thought of him, only to return back to him the same night.
"Don't worry kook, I'm not drinking. You won't have to pick me up, just enjoy your night alone" you make your way into the guest bedroom to change.
"Am not worried, you're old enough" he grumbles as you walk away.
Of course, he wasn't worried.
Until he's stuck in his living room, pacing around.
He glances at the clock, 2:15 am, still no text, still no doorbell.
Originally, Jungkook wasn't going to do anything special, just watch Tv and cook something nice for a midnight snack.
You had left the house at half past ten, in a pair of black low waisted cargos and a tight fitting crop tee. Black as well, matching your shoes too.
Simple, comfortable, not too revealing.
Not that he would have cared if someone saw you in a revealing outfit,
That's what he likes to believe. In reality, he would have probably come with you if you did, glaring at every guy who dared to look.
The thought of you not answering his text because of being drunk somewhere or being in bed with a guy you had just met made him sick.
"I'm not letting you walk back at this hour. Call me when you need me to pick you up. And don't start arguing over this"
Sent at 11:39, over two hours ago.
Left on delivered.
He sits back down, sighing and deciding to call over his best friend, turn this into a boys night.
You are out partying, probably having fun with other people, why shouldn´t he?
Dialing the familiar number, it rings briefly before a voice deep answers the phone.
"JK! what's up bro?" Mingyu greets
"I'm good. My student left so i thought i'd ask you to come over? Haven't hung out in a while" Jungkook humms while checking the pantry for any snacks.
"Your little girlfriend left? Miss her so much you gotta make your best friend keep you company?" Mingyu laughs loudly from the other side of the phone.
Naturally, being Jungkook's best friend, he knew about the night that you almost kissed. Ever since then, he's been teasing him about it. Pissing him off by insisting on calling you his "little girlfriend".
"Fuck off gyu, could´ve just said no asshole" he scoffs, ready to hang up the phone.
"Don't get so butthurt Jk, she's getting you soft already. I'll be there in 20. Wanna go to a bar?"
He ignores the other comment,
"Nah, I'll go pick her up later. Stop by to get some snacks" he replies casually.
"Alright. Where did she go by the way?" Mingyu just noticed that Jungkook hasn't mentioned why you weren't at his apartment tonight.
His scoff was enough response that could be heard on the other end of the call,
"A fucking frat party"
Mingyu chuckles, thinking up a cheeky reply, but he was too slow.
Jungkook hangs up the phone, waiting patiently for a ring on his doorbell, not sure if he was still waiting for you or Mingyu.
"You'e insane Tae" you shout through the blaring music, barely able to hear the sound of your own words against people screaming and a bass stronger than any drug that was being done around you.
There were many of those, openly at that.
"Is that good?" He shouts back, grinning.
The party is as expected of a frat house party, about sixty college students running around the large apartment, a pool, many couches filled with girls and all of that jock stuff.
Bottles flying around in the kitchen which you found yourself standing in right now, all types of alcohol and cocktail mixes in bowls, what ever is them no one really knows.
Clothes seem basically optional here, most guys are running around shirtless, most girls running to the pool that´s a few feet from the huge glass sliding door around the corner, wearing either underwear or nothing at all.
Taehyung thankfully being clothed.
He did, as usual, have a stupid thought. Thinking it was a great idea trying to outdrink his friend that you had just met,
And already hate.
Jackson, a tall football player who's shoulders are as huge as his ego. He, like the rest of the guys, is shirtless, covered in hickies that wrap all the way around his neck.
Apart from the fact that he's made out with four different girls that all called him some variation of the word 'baby',
he has also been eye fucking you since you first saw him
To which Taehyung is oblivious to, or has been ignoring.
Still, he promised you not to leave your side throughout the entire night, as well as making sure you don't drink, like you had said you wouldn't.
"What? Think I can't win?" He says again when noticing you silently judging him.
You roll your eyes, hands throwing upward to express just how ridiculous he's being "Not about winning, it's a stupid idea. I'm not gonna pick your ass up the floor"
Taehyung laughs in return, throwing back his first shot, to which Jackson follows
"You won't have to"
Jackson smirks, "nine more to go Tae"
"Easy buddy, gonna kick your ass" his voice sounding cocky, already on his way to pour the next shot of vodka.
"Sure you don't want a shot miss goody two shoes?" Jacksons eyes wander to your cleavage,
Eyes are up here, you think.
"Sounding like a broken record at this point. No drinks" you scoff at him, grossed out by his shameless behavior.
In order to distract yourself from the situation, your eyes wander around the apartment, looking for anything interesting.
People making out left and right, no matter if "Va Va Voom" or "Fe!n" played, no one cared who was looking, what lyric was blaring.
It made you cringe inside when you spotted a guy grinding against a girl you knew from Piano lessons, right next to two guys taking molly.
Never going to a frat party again, you think.
Upon first arrival, it was really fun. Tae was dancing his heart out with you, making small talk with some people here and there. You could engage with them as well. Soon enough, he started drinking, making himself tipsy within a couple shots and a beer.
By then you realized you would end up having to look after him at the end of the night, not the other way around.
While you came to make friends, it was practically impossible. Sure, amaybe small talk. Sadly, it always led to the same outcome:
Every girl coming up tried to get it in with Tae and glared at you for being with him or was too drunk.
Meanwhile every guy either tried to get you to drink, tried to touch you, to which Taehyung did push them off immediately, or was also well, way too drunk.
So much for making friends, i guess.
Noticing you have been zoning out for a while, your eyes glance back to the guys in front of you, leaning against the counter.
Wondering how many shots it has been since you last looked.
Both set the small, empty shot glasses on top of the surface.
"Six. Four left to go Tae" Jackson looks relaxed, flushed out a bit but definitely stable, definitely not tipsy yet.
Taehyung on the other hand was slurring his words, a drunkenly hazed smile spread flat across his flushed pink face.
" 'course man. Bring it on"
Shaking your head, you ponder if it was even worth staying still.
Time is truly a weird thing because just when the thought was finished, the words "I´m leaving" at the tip of your tongue,
The guys have already taken another shot, the 7th one back to back.
Tae opens his mouth to speak, presumably about to brag,
" s'easy Jacks-"
but, he can't finish his sentence due to gagging and quickly covering his mouth with his hand.
Of course.
You wince at the sight, Tae stumbles back fast, running and making his way to the bathroom on unstable footing.
That's to not leaving my side tonight, i guess.
A few minutes with Jackson would be fine, you suppose. Tae would be back soon enough.
"Come on princess, take a shot too. Loosen up a bit"
His steps approach you as he talks, his voice sounding like a little devil, waiting to convince you of his foolish plans.
You laugh a small, annoyed laugh,
One hand running through your hair as you talk,
"How many times have i told you I'm not drinking?" unamused, as you look him up and down
But he steps one foot closer, finger grazing your arm maliciously, bringing shivers to your skin at an instant.
"Come on, you need it. Let me give it to you princess, now that Taehyung is gone"
Instinctively tug your arm back, ready to scream in disgust.
But his grip only tightens, a whole palm wrapped around your wirst now, trapping you in his hold as he squeezes.
Angry and scared all at once, you shout at him, the sound coming from the bottom of your throat.
"Fuck off, i told you im not interested"
The pop music playing betrays you, drowning out your screams, reducing it to a hopless yelp.
Filled with rage and mentally cursing at Taehyung for being careless, your eyes flicker to the way which he had left, only to find it filled with everyone but him.
Jacksons arm swiftly moves to grab your hip as he steps closer, his other hand making its way to your waist. He leans down, breath close enough to make every single hair stand up on your neck.
"Fine, if you wanna act so stuck up, hope you know how to swim bitch. Might pull out the stck from your ass"
Before you could process what words had left his mouth, you were lifted up over his shoulders as he ran out the glass door.
no no no no no
A second later you are submerged in the cold water of the pool, splashing loudly,
Not failing to catch everyone´s attention.
The reality of what you had dreaded surrounding you as your mind runs miles.
Muffled you can make out people shouting, the water drowning out the sounds ever so slightly, dimming your lights.
Shutting out any other thoughts.
Helplessly, your arms move, trying to fight your way back up.
Gasping for a breath of air once your face had finally poked out from the greedy water below you,
A laughter breaks,
And another one,
Soon enough it felt like the whole campus was laughing at you, calling you pathetic.
When you manage to climb your way up to the surface completely, holding on to the rim for dear life, you hadn´t yet fully grasped what was going on,.
Everyone else on the other hand had, phones recording your smudged, drenched face and hair, clothes clinging to every nook of your figure, working hard to drag you back down by the heavy weight.
Weakly you pull yourself out of the pool, the sound of laughter still humiliating you, along with Jackson proudly walking off inside the party again.
Probably searching for his next victim.
Absolutely petrified and fucking freezing, you run back to the kitchen were you had left your bag minutes ago. Ready to find Taehyung and get the hell out of this mess.
Minutes before you were thrown in a pool on your first and certainly last frat party, being caught on camera on top of everything.
While pushing through people, you do happen to spot Taehyung,
on the couch,
making out shirtless with a girl that, not surprisingly, Jackson had made out with tonight as well.
That must have been your very last straw, he had not even gone looking for you, not even thinking of why you might be gone.
The dam holding back tears of embarrassment and frustration breaking, evrey single tear you had in you beginning to flow down your face, merging with the chlorinated water that´s already coated along your entirety.
Grabbing your purse and running out, you call the only person you knew to call.
"FUCK YOU GYUUUU IM WINNING" the XBox Controller tightly clutched in his hand, hunched forward to stare at the screen that lights up his dark bedroom, Jungkook's voice rings through his apartment.
Fifa is not for the weak if you play with Jungkook.
"JEON JUNGKOOK YOU FUCKER" Mingyu screams back, slamming the controller down on the teachers bed.
He lost again, 5th time in a row. There is truly nothing that Jungkook can´t do, it seems.
"Mad huh? Mad?" he laughs, punching into his best friends arm jokingly, a wide and proud smile provoking every one of Mingyu´s nerves at once.
The moment is caught off by his phone ringing, interrupting Mingyu in the middle of trying to deck Jungkook straight in the stomach.
He picks it up, reading your name on his bright screen.
Mingyu, as curious as he is, listens for any words he could make out, planing to use it for teasing Jungkook later on.
Only to be met with loud cries and hics,
"Jungkook please come get me, something horrible happend i wanna go home please pick me up, please come get me, ah fuck" you ramble through sobs, not being able to think straight.
Jungkook's eyes soften at the noise, his eyebrows meeting together as worry washes through his body.
He looks at mingyu who seems equally as worried.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay. Just send me your location, it's okay, i'll drive fast" while he says this, his body shoots up, tucking his phone between his shoulder and face to put on a jacket and gather his keys in the meantime.
Mingyu stands up with him, rushing to put on his own shoes and jacket.
"Thank you, thank you" you mumble again, trying to tap your phone through blurry vision, barely managing to hold it together any second more.
The sounds from the other end stop, his phone slipping back in his pocket.
"Fuck gyu i might end up in jail today if someone fucking touched her" he groans, jutting down the stairs with his best friend following.
"I'll bail you out. Want me to tag along? Might need some help" he asks, wondering what could have possibly made you this upset.
So does Jungkook, thinking of the worst possible situations, a pang of guilt running through him.
Should have come with her, he thinks.
Jungkook shakes his head, "No no, thank you tough. I don't want her to feel unsafe, she might not wanna see anyone right now" his thoughts continue running ballistic, from going to hold you and reassure you that it is okay, to strangling who ever made you sob, made you sound so scared.
Mingyu smiles, "Take good care of her. You care about her a lot, that's good" he pats his back, before making his way down to his own car while Jungkook unlocks his.
Sitting down and scrambling to turn the engine on, he drives as fast as he can through the thankfully empty streets, keeping an eye on your live location in anxiety that it would move.
When he finally spots you, crying messily, squatted down next to a random building, his car pulls over.
Having to fight back the urge to cradle you, wipe all your tears.
Sure, he had seen you upset before, seen you hurt after something and usually, he'd be annoyed,
Having to muster up some empathy.
Not this time, not when you were falling apart in the cold, in the middle of the road.
There was nothing put empathy in his system.
Jungkook runs out of the car, crouching down in front of you, his eyes scanning your figure.
He notices your entire body shaking, clothes clinging to you, soaking wet. Once his eyes move up your face, he sees your wet hair sticking to your face with eyeliner running down to your jaw.
Eyes red and lips trembling.
"Y/n what.. what happened" he reaches forward to set a hand on your arm, his thumb stroking your cold skin, hoping to provide any warmth.
Every thought of beating up the person who had brought you to this state leaving him,
All he cares about when seeing you so fragile is wanting to make you feel okay.
Your voice comes out broken, wiping your tears with unstable hands. Even in the dark of the night, you could make up the worried expression on his face.
You felt ashamed, embarrassed to have to call him, to make him see you like this.
The look on his face earsed every trace of feeling pathetic before his eyes,
Knowing you were safe now.
He had never felt so angry and devastated combined, desperately he wants to stop your tears. Longing for anything that would return you to your usual self.
"home please i, i will tell y-you later"
Jungkook nods, standing up as he signals you to stand up as well.
Holding on to the wall behind you, you get up, only to stumble forward. The cold on your wet skin is too much, the wind pushing you back to the ground,
contributing to your already triggered state of mind.
It is all too much.
His strong arms catch you from falling to the floor, wrapping around your own shivering ones.
"It's okay. Can i carry you inside? Don't want you to fall" his eyes scan for any reaction, any indication of you being even slightly uncomfortable.
But you trust Jungkook, you needed him right now.
So you nod, looking back at him with a noticeable look of appreciation.
Gently, one of his hands move to wrap around your shoulders as he crouches down slightly. His other arm wraps around your thighs, delicately swinging you in his arms bridal style.
The water is dripping on to his own clothes, but he doesn´t even feel it at all, he doesn´t notice how your tears trickle down to his shirt when you try to hold up your head.
How your hair was whipping against his chest with every step.
The way he touches you is sweet enough to erase the marks of disgust left on your skin by Jackson's filthy hands.
Slowly he walks to the car, ducking his head and back to open the back door without having to set you down.
The crying has stopped out of pure exhaustion, although the comforting smell of Jungkook's clothes did contribute a fair amount.
He has begun to feel like home.
His arms reach forward to lay you down in the backseats.
"Try to relax okay? Im gonna get us home fast, it's gonna be okay" he mumbles, stroking your arm reassuringly as he let's go of you.
You don't manage to react in any way, even if your heart had swelled up in your chest.
Jungkook jogs to the drivers seat, making his way inside the car again.
The whole ride was completely silent. Not even the usual humming habit of Jungkook sounding in the car.
With your back pressed on the seats in the back your eyes are pried open, red and burning from the make up and salt on your face. You´re thinking of blocking Taehyung and never wasting a word on him ever again.
Almost blaming yourself for giving in and coming to the party in the first place.
The car comes to a hold, the familiar street greeting you when you sit back up to look around.
Jungkooks eyes looking at you from the mirror, releasing a breath he had held for way too long.
Thanking himself internally for keeping your vow of not drinking.
He gets out, walking over to open your door and sticking a hand out to you.
You look up at him with the weakest smile he had ever seen, admiring you for even being able to muster up any smile at all.
grit your teeth sometimes and keep going, he had told you back in the hospital.
Your own hand clasping into his, heart skipping a beat as he pulls you up.
His hand never left your own until he had opened the door to his apartment.
He didn't need to ask this time, knowing you would take his hand.
It made him melt when you did.
"I'm gonna get you clothes okay? Sit down on the couch" the words ring in your ears wonderfully, feeling thankful for his help once again.
As he disappears into the guest bedroom, you run your hands down your face in disbelief.
Being thrown in a pool and called a bitch for rejecting guy was not your bucket list, ever.
Coming back with a hoodie and one of your sweatpants as well as socks, he sets them down next to you.
"Thank you kook" you mumble, looking to the floor in sheer embarrassment.
Jungkook had seen you in situations you didn't even know where possible.
"Don't worry. Im gonna get the hair dryer and make up wipes, just say something when you're done changing" his hands reach down to stroke your shoulders.
At this point you knew,
you knew that Jungkook had fully embraces you into his life.
The way his eyes look at you with no sign of the stern glare he still mingled with until now. The way his voice is rough but reassuring, the way his hands keep touching you in an effort to make up for the hurt on your face.
He locks himself in the bathroom, pulling out make up wipes from your cosmetic bag and gathering up the caple of the dryer while you sit on the couch, slowly changing your clothes into warm and dry ones.
Looking at himself in the mirror startled him.
Not even Jungkook could really recognize himself,
Sharp features of his reflection staring back at him with worry, asking himself if you felt okay on his couch right now.
"Done" you shout out, still choked up from the loud sobbing previously, throat itching slightly from the cold.
The door opens once again, walking to you before plugging in the dryer. He sits down, immediately looking at you.
"Here. Take your time okay?"
"Okay" your fingers reach to the wipes, erasing the traces of the ruined make up that you had put on beautifully hours prior.
A pathetic attempt to trust in people that had let you back down again,
Cruel world.
Turning own the dryer, you start combing through your hair softly, finally filling your freezing head with warmth.
Finally making your entire body as warm as the presence of Jungkook.
Silence returns to the room as the device turns off.
"Can i.. tell you about what happend?" wandering to gaze to his soften features, he nods, smiling briefly.
You take a deep breath before mustering up the courage to tell him about the party.
"Taehyung introduced me to this football player who tried to get me into drinking multiple times. He was shirtless and he was super provocative"
He continues listening as your voice becomes weaker.
"They decided to compete in drinking ten shots but Taehyung was already tipsy. And i- Fuck i told him not to. He didn't listen and at the like, 7th shot? He was gagging, stumbling to the bathroom"
You sigh, nervously recalling the events that felt so surreal now, your eyes finally moving to his. Catching him glint at you with nervousness himself.
"He fucking promised me not to leave me alone and- and and then he did and that asshole he-" by now tears are brimming back at your eyes, unable to let out the words in a straight line.
"He fucking touched me and when i told him to back off he called me a bitch and threw me into the pool. Everybody was laughing fuck, Jungkook people were recording it. It was so fucking- it was so"
You stop, aggressively wiping tears from your face, a scoff pained it's way to the surface,
"So humiliating. Even worse, Taehyung was making out with some chick when i managed to get out the pool" your voice is a bit more stable again, angry at the memory.
Resenment is a stronger emotion than sadness in this moment.
"Motherfucker. Both of them. Motherfuckers" Jungkooks eyes turned dark, glaring at the sound of what you went through.
You laugh a small laugh, "I know"
He inches closer to you,
"I'm gonna get them suspended. What was the friends name?" His expression is serious, determined of making them feel it.
You shake your head slowly,
"No don't- please don't go through all that effort okay? They won't make it long anyways"
He glares at you too now, before catching himself doing so, revoking it and replacing it with a neutral expression.
"Don't let them walk all over you. At least that football guy, im getting his scholarship revoked, what he did was assault. Please let me do this for you"
His voice is stern, he isn't asking.
And you knew he was right.
".. Jackson. Wang, i think"
He huffs, "He can kiss his degree goodbye. I'll find something to make em. Promise you. I might just strangle him myself if I'm being honest" he sighs, his hand rubbing his forehead in an effort to not snap and drive back to party.
A soft giggle can be heard inside the suffocating sphere of the living room.
He looks back up at you,
"What's so funny?" a small smile tugging on the corner of his lips,
You giggle again, focused on the way his lips look when trying to hold back a smile.
"You. Seeing you so worked up. I like it, makes me realize this friendship may not be that one sided after all"
He groans in response, leaning back against the couch and tilting his head to look back into your eyes,
"It took me carrying you to my car to make you understand that i care about you?"
Your heart jumping at the admission,
His eyes widen slightly as he hears himself admit to it, but he tries to conceal it.
Play it off like he isn´t surprised himself.
"Letting you live with me for damn near two weeks wasn't enough, huh?" His elbow digs into your side,
But you can't react, stuck on the fact that his teeth are lightly digging into the side of his lip, biting it softly.
Eyes wandering to his torso that is leaning back on his couch, his lap looking so inviting.
Only now noticing how close he is next to you.
It's his turn to chuckle now,
"Would pay to know what's in that pretty head of yours right now"
Another breath caught in your throat, eyes shooting back up to meet his,
They are ranking over you entirely,
Watching your every feature, studying you as if you were a piece of art in a gallery.
His flirty tone making it hard not to just risk it, crawl into his lap and tell him how you feel about his stupidly handsome face and his annoying way to care for you.
"Shut up, you're saying nonsense" your eyes roll to distract from the fact that you were caught red handed, shyly turning your face away from his form on the couch.
"Answer the question idiot. Did it seriously take this long for you to get it?" his voice is soft, sincerity laced beneath his words.
A long sigh makes it's way out of your mouth as you turn to take the same position that he's in, tilting your head to meet his eyes once more.
The moment is precious in a way, his face is so close you could count the moles on it, but just enough space not to loose any and all control.
"I'm not sure. I mean, i guess i knew you kinda cared, but, i think i mostly tried to gaslight myself into thinking you like me as a person and don't just see me as some sort of charity case" you laugh gently, keeping eye contact with him as you talk.
Although the words you're speaking are truthful, they aren't the full extent.
His heart clenches a bit when he thinks about it,
"Charity case? Fuck no, i mean" he pause, playing with his lip piercing,
"I guess it took me some time to get used to caring about someone else like this, living together and shit but i do like you. I find you annoying and obnoxious at times, and you still suck at photography, but i do like you, you're a good friend" his hand moves through his pretty, dark hair, trying his very best not to look down at your lips.
Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back.
It was now, just now that he became aware too,
Aware that you weren't just a friend, roomate or a student to him,
That his feelings, his thoughts and urges weren't some sort of strange hormonal reaction.
Still, he hoped that saying it out loud would convince him that you are, indeed just a good friend.
He can´t help but notice how bothered he is by it.
You nod, almost disappointed at the way he ruined his lovely speech with three simple words.
a good friend.
"How nice of you.. thank you tho. No really, i, i appreciate you. You're.. a good friend too, Jungkook" you bite your lip softly, wishing for him to just move away or say something mean to lessen the tension.
He allows himself to look once,
Locking his eyes with your lips, noticing the small blush forming around your face.
It makes you look irresistible, naturally beautiful.
"You know I'm a liar, right? That i say a ton of things I don't actuallly mean?" his eyes are focused on your lips now, his voice almost breathless as he feels himself getting lost at the thought of you.
You scoff, chuckling softly right after,
"Absolutely, it's ridiculous, actually. But you know, i learned not to take every you say too seriously" your arm makes it's way to hit his chest playfully.
He laughs briefly, holding your wrist against his chest.
Eyes locked on your lips, just as he had feared they would.
You could practically feel your heart breaking out of your body,
Moving your palm to lay flat against his chest, you allow yourself to touch an inch of what you've been wanting to feel for so long.
"Well i just lied to you again. You're.. fuck. You're not just a friend"
The air in your lungs leaves you hanging completely, a breathless, thoughtless and emotion driven voice answering him
"I swear if you're playing with me right now I'm gonna-"
There was no time to finish your sentence,
In the blink of an eye, his hands are on your face, cupping it,
His soft, dreamy lips on your own.
There wasn't any time to process either as he pulls back briefly, just enough to whisper against your lips,
"You talk too much, and I'm not good with words"
As soon as the last letter leaves his lips, they are back on yours.
The way Jungkook kisses is as you had imagined, possessive and dominant, he needed to guide you.
Needed you to understand that he likes you,
Way more than just a friend.
Finally registering that he's actually kissing you, that this isn't one of your fanatsies, you kiss him back.
Your own lips moving softly against his, earning a small groan from him.
Melting into his kiss even further, the urge to hear his pretty sounds again overtaking you completely.
The strong hands that held your face in place move now, pulling you closer by your hips.
It makes you hum into the kiss,
Allowing him just enough space to lace his tongue in with yours,
Gently but firmly he keeps kissing you.
As infatuated with him as you are, you follow his every lead, moving in sync and savoring every single second.
Lips developing a mind of their own, Jungkook being the only thought.
By now, he is resting his large hands on your hips, shifting to pull you closer once again, sitting you on his lap,
One knee on either side of his hips, both your hands pressed firmly against his chest.
The way he pulled you to straddle him made you gasp lowly.
He smiles into the kiss, clearly affected by the way this conversation had gone,
By the way you react to his touches.
Naturally, your arms wrap around his neck, allowing your hips to rest on his, he hums in approval, gripping your hips and tightly and securing them in place for him.
Before you can wonder what all of this meant or where it was leading, he pulled back again, this time enough to get a full view of your flustered face.
At first, he doesn't say anything, making space for insecurity to creep up into your brain,
Apparently he can look into those too.
"To be clear. This means something to me. I'm not kissing you just because you looked fucking irresistible, but because i like you, i like you way more than I should. And if you don't, then you better tell me now"
Once again, his pretty face doesn't match his stern words, he's nervous.
You could tell by the way he licks his piercing, nibbling on the small metal ring.
If it was even more possible, your heart swelled with affection for him, desperate to tell him what you had felt for so long.
"I like you too. I like you way too much. Wasn't it obvious? I wanted this for so long"
Without wanting to waste any more time on things you could discuss later on, your head leans back down to kiss him.
He groans much softer this time, his hands ranking up to your sides, feeling them up slowly.
He needs to touch you, feel you, kiss you everywhere.
Just like he had imagined for long now, chopping it up to feeling touch starved.
But the words urge out of his mouth,
"I guess that means you're mine now" he mumbles against your lips in a sultry voice, the heat of the moment becoming far too much.
This wasn't just out of hormonal instincts, both of you could feel it.
A smile latches on to your lips, forcing you to stop kissing him for just a second
"Possessive, i see.. but i want to know much more about you first kook" your reply is sheepish, well aware that him calling you his was enough to turn your underwear see through.
He hums again, placing a hand on your cheek, stroking his thumb against it as his eyes move to your lips.
"I'll tell you everything you want later, let me keep kissing you first" his thumb drags down to your bottom lip, stroking it gently as his pretty brown eyes fixate back on your own ones, looking for resistance.
"Kiss me then" was all it took for him to close the gap once again.
Your arms unwrap around him, moving in anticipation when they reach the hem of his shirt.
You tug on it gently, asking for him to remove it.
He groans once more, "so eager" slips past his lips when he makes enough room to take the shirt off,
Revealing what must be the most beautifully, carefully carved person you have ever laid your eyes on.
His tattoos reach up to his shoulder, you've seen it before but it's even better when you get to touch them, carefully trace the lines with your finger tip.
His chest is firm, a broad set of shoulders that make his small and very well-defined abdomen look even more sinched.
The sight is truly breath taking, your hands caressing, touching everywhere they can.
He likes to think that it doesn't phase him, but the way his body shivers makes it undeniable.
"Done staring, doll?" he asks, the nickname sending a wave of pleasure straight through you as he tilts your face back up to look at his.
"Mhm.. you're just really hot" you can't help but giggle, finally being able to touch and kiss him, it makes you giddy.
Finally being able to utter out all your dirty thoughts, even if it embarrasses you.
He rolls his eyes, sneaking his hands teasingly under your hoodie, caressing the soft and bare skin of your stomach.
A low moan follows his movement, you attempt to kiss him but he smirkes, leaning his head back softly.
This time you whine, having already guessed that he's as much of a tease as he normally is too.
"You sound so desperate. Want me too take this off hm?"
You only muster up a small nod, in no time the hoodie is thrown somewhere, forgotten easily by the way his eyes sparkle when landing on your chest.
Roaming over your chest down to your hips, taking in every inch as his hands reach to grab them.
In one swift motion, you're tucked beneath him on the couch, his shirtless figure hovering over yours, veiny hands resting on your stomach, softly touching his way upwards.
"Just tell me to stop if you don't want anything" he's considered, gentle in the same way that he's demanding.
"Will do, but right now i really need you to continue"
He smiles, leaning down to kiss you again before moving to kiss down to your neck, softly burrying himself in it.
Hearing you moan and gasp was enough to make him lose his mind, make him want to give you absolutely everything you could ever ask for.
"Feels.. nice.." your hands play with his hair, holding the back of his head firmly against your neck.
He bites your neck in response, one of his hands moving to cup your chest in it, squeezing and groping firmly.
He keeps kissing, licking and gently sucking at your skin, trying to learn about every spot that made you moan a little louder.
Once he's satisfied with your neck, a short kiss is placed on your lips.
His head trails down to your chest, kissing from collarbone further south.
"You look even prettier than i imagined" he mutters against your skin, lips in the space between your breasts, kissing and sucking carefully.
"I-Imagined?" you manage to say between soft moans, to shy to let out what you really felt.
Your teeth biting down on your lip so hard it could have made an imprint.
He chuckles against your skin,
"Mhm.. many times doll, driving me insane with these pretty sounds, keep making noises" his voice is deep, underlined with desire.
"f-feels so good.." your whines filling is request instantly, feeling his lips wrapped around your breast as the other one is being gently cupped and squeezed, making you feel blissfully satisfied.
He switches sides after a couple more seconds, your eyes focused on his hand that looks so large compared to you.
However the sight of his bare and definitely well toned, broad back peeking out made you feral, needing to touch him too.
So you do, moving to wrap your arms under his, touching his back carefully as sinfully sweet noises come out of both your lips.
His lips move from your chest to your own, both of his hands groping your chest, moving and brushing over your spots carefully, hitting ever sensitivity.
He lets go of your chest just as he lets go of your lips, his hands making their way down to your waist, wrapping around and securing you in place.
Jungkook´s beautiful dark eyes can't seem to leave your body, licking his lips before planting gentle open mouth kisses down your stomach, nibbling at the skin every so slightly.
"Can i take this off?" his tattooed fingers playing with the hem of your pants, teasing and tugging beneath it with a sly smile on his face.
"Yes please" almost pathetically quiet you answer him, desperate for him to touch you, to make you see stars.
He nods, pulling down your pants to reveal white lacy panties beautifully placed over your core.
Jungkook doesn't like to waste time, so he moves his hands up and down your thighs while kissing your hip,
"So soft" purring against your skin, his lips move to kiss your thighs, hooking one arm gently under one leg, spreading them open. His kisses become more passionate which each one, kissing and nibbling the inside of your thighs,
Dangerously close to where you wanted him to be right now.
Your hand wraps around his soft curls once more, gently tugging, making him groan.
"Doing so well doll, i know you're desperate, so needy. Gonna give it to you yeah? Ask nicely" the way he sounds right now, raspy and gentle, the way he uses the nickname that rolls beautifully off of his tongue, it is enough to make you whimper.
Close to being speechless, you stammer out softly, needing him more than anything.
"Please kook.. touch me.. please eat me out, fuck this is so embarrassing" your hand untangles from his hair, both of them meeting to cover your face.
A small laugh can be heard before he moves his own hands up, prying yours from your face by your wrist.
He scans your face, your slightly parted lips inviting him to a kiss once more.
"Don't hide pretty, sound so good when you're this pathetic and desprate. Gonna give you just what you asked for"
He hooks his arm back under your thigh, the other one holding you by the knee. Letting his eyes wander down to your core for just a moment, he takes in the sight of your soaked underwear, basically transparent.
It made him twitch in his pants,
Knowing that he has just about the same effect on you as you do on him.
He presses a kiss your still covered clit, tongue poking out to lick over it, pressing the fabric to your skin.
It doesn't take long for him to move his tongue down to your entrance, licking slow stripes across and using the tip of his tongue to push the fabric into your slit a little bit.
It fills you with excitement and frustration,
"Please stop teasing me.. please" your whines are much louder now, annoyed that you're so close to finally feeling the relief you need.
Finally knowing how it feels to have him touch you.
He groans softly, quickly pulling the panties down to your ankles before latching on to suck on your clit.
The feeling is euphoric, nothing compares to seeing Jungkook's pretty face burried between your thighs, his lips wrapped around your clit as his tongue gently darts across it.
He moves his tongue down, caressing your thighs with his hands, tasting every drop of arousal spilling out from you.
His body is filled with the need to feel your every reaction, touch where ever he can reach.
The tip of his tongue pushing into your hole ever so slightly, before moving to lick back up to your clit.
Ever since he started you haven't stopped moaning, softly rambling about how good he feels.
"Look so pretty.. fuck it feels so- so good.." your voice trails off into a whimper, the knot in your stomach tightening with each lick, his soft groans only intensifying the pleasure.
Helplessly your hips buck into his face,
he takes it gladly, humming in approval.
"You'll take a finger won't you doll?" he says as his pointer finger is already circling your entrance, ghosting over it.
As a response, your hips buck up again slightly, moving both hands to grab his shoulders, nodding furiously at his question.
"Words. Will you take it?´´ he repeats, his tongue returning back to licking your folds once he finished speaking.
"Yes, yes, yes will take it"
"Good, very good" he pushes his single digit in without any further warning, sinking in until his knuckle stops him, immediately pumping in an out.
"So fucking small doll, only my finger and you´re suffocating it, so greedy" the vibration of his low purring only supporting your approaching orgasm.
For a moment Jungkook allows himself to look at you, face fucked out completely, eyes weakly staring down at him,
Your mouth opened softly as gasps and whines leave your mouth.
It keeps him going to see you enjoy it, his finger speeding up as his licks become more firm.
The pleasure built up fast from that point, feeling like you would snap and come on his tongue and finger at any moment, clenching around it.
He moans softly on your skin when he feels it,
"Close? Are you gonna coat my finger with your cum pretty?"
"Jungkook- fuck yes, close. God, the way you talk is driving me insane" your legs pick up shaking again, fingers digging into his shoulders when your whole body shudders against him.
His voice, his hands, lips, face burried between your thighs, it all creats a beautiful picture, unforgettable.
"Come on doll, give it to me, let me taste it" his lips move to wrap around your clit,
Which is all that you needed to come undone under his touch, shaking and whimpering loudly.
He slowly retracts his mouth, stroking your thighs and gently moving his fingers to let you ride out the high, before removing it completely as you still pant from the pleasure.
Naked and slightly bruised chest moving heavily, clit swollen and throbbing.
He places a small kiss against your hip,
"Did so well, sounded so fucking pretty, taste so sweet"
You look at him wide eyed as he licks his finger clean, clearly enjoying every drop of your release he could get.
His hand reach down to your ankles, pulling your panties back up and kissing your newly covered clit one last time.
"Come here, calm down yeah? You on earth doll?" he chuckles in a cocky and low tone, pulling himself up next to you and placing a kiss on to your forehead.
The absolute aftershock and realization hitting you, immediately blushing the darkest shade of red and hiding against his chest.
"Oh.. my..god. what the fuck just.." mumbling against his chest he strokes your back and hair softly. A small effort to reassure you.
"No don't. Don't say it. I know what happened but.. i mean.. what.." you continue, not knowing how to act know, not knowing what to say.
Asking yourself if that meant you were his now, like he had said before.
"Well, you tell me. I said you're mine, you're the one wanting to know things" he puts one hand under your chin, lifting your face to his and pressing a kiss to your lips.
Although his eyes look neutral, his kiss is filled with care.
You smile against his lips,
"Fuck whatever i said, i can learn while being yours, if the offer still stands"
He scoffs, flicking your forehead once he pulls away from the kiss
"You're an idiot. Of course it does"
It was hard not to giggle when he's being so stupid after giving you the best orgasm of your life.
It's your turn to kiss him now, placing a small peck to his cheek and another one to his jaw.
His lips curve into a softy smile, "Come on, let's go to bed hm?"
Your head tilts at his suggestion, knowing full well that he's fully errect,
You can feel him pressed against you after all.
"But.. what about you?" he strokes your hair before holding your cheek in his palm, a cheeky grin on his lips.
"Don't worry, i don't really care for that right now, besides I don't want to tire out miss virgin Mary hm?" his hand moves down to your chin, squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and remaining fingers.
Instead of reacting, your entire body freezes, looking at him with an expressionless face.
"What? Think i couldn't tell? Come on, you were a mess from kissing, so tight around only a single finger doll. Not that hard to miss" he chuckles, kissing your forehead another time, all the while you wish you could disintegrate into the ground.
Sure, it might have been easy to tell, but did have to keep teasing?
"Oh my god you're unbelievable. Do you.. uh, mind that i didn't say anything?"
His hand moves to grab your hoodie that was surprisingly not far gone, tapping your arms to signal you to lift them up,
"No, i don´t. I get it, i mean, I'm not that experienced either and at my age that is kind of embarrassing to admit as well" he speaks carefully while slipping the hoodie back over you, moving some strands of hair out of your face.
You nod, smiling at his delicate gesture.
"I see, you're sure that you're okay?"
He rolls his eyes,
"Yes, I'm sure. Come on, let's go to bed, I´m tired, i know you´re too" he shifts, picking up his tossed shirt and your pants only to throw them on the couch when he stands up.
You´re still sitting, eyes moving down to the very visible bulge in his pants, straining them in a sexy and arousing way.
He snorts, waving a hand in front of your face before he grabs yours, pulling you up and leading you to his bedroom.
"Kook?" you ask him, a million questions running through your mind at once.
Everything that happened after the intimacy is so normal, almost thoughtlessly routine.
His presence being so comforting and complete to you, you did not even need to ask why you should sleep next to him, or if it was okay to do so.
"Yes?" he answers, pulling the covers on his bed back and stepping closer to hold you by your waist and staring you down,
A look of admiration on his face, his eyes practically screaming the words I love you
"So.. we.. uhm.. this is official now?" was somehow the only condensed version of all the thoughts you could gather together.
He smiles, lifting you briefly to lay you on his bed, climbing in to lay beside you, his hand immediately finding your face again.
"What does it look like? How many times do you need me to confess? Damn, im starting to think doll, that this gets you off" he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to his warm body.
Your feelings for him intensifying in that very second,
"No, but i do get off on that nickname. And the way you're so touchy. Kinda cute" you scrunch your nose up, putting your arms on his body as well.
"Shut up. Sleep well yeah?" he says, tucking your head under his to stop you from seeing the shyness spread across his cheeks, accompanied by the smile visible in his voice.
"Sleep well, kook. but.."
"Oh my god what is it?" he groans, squeezing your body to show off his annoyance.
You giggle softly,
"Thank you. For saving my ass today and uh.. for, you know" the last words leave your mouth in a stuttered manner, too shy to speak out what you are referring to.
He scoffs playfully, "21 and can't say the word orgasm. Whatever, get used to it doll, gonna take care of you from now on"
Knowing it didn't matter how annoyed he was, nothing could take away the fact that you're falling asleep in his arms this very second.
It made both of your hearts melt.
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a/n: okayyyy part 2 to save a horse! this one’s a tidbit longer just cause i uhhh may have gotten carried away. there’s also two smut parts in this sooooo enjooooy all that content.
part 1 | part 3
pairing: cowgirl!madison beer x reader
smut warnings: oral (r!receiving), strap riding, praise kink, masturbation.
warnings: parental arguments, criminal activity (super small), mentions of suicide attempt (non-main character), alcoholic drinks.
summary: you find yourself integrating slowly into farm life. yes, it’s a struggle. but madison makes it all worth it.
the farm has not been easy on you.
your first nail chipped last week and the rest simply followed suit. that wasn’t even your biggest issue. you’ve fallen on your ass so many times that someone could make bank if they had a dollar for each time it happened.
you even got shoved off a stool by stanley. you weren’t getting any better with him but you were definitely trying. cleaning his stable and brushing him when you could.
however, you could admit that things would be a lot worse if there wasn’t a beautiful brunette sporting her cowgirl hat to pick you right back up.
you never thought you’d be getting along with a straight-up country girl. all your friends were the same, raised in the city and went to the ever so posh local private school. perhaps, that’s where you went wrong in the first place.
“hey snappy!” madison approached you while you were deep in thought on your grandparents’ front porch— when did she mount a horse?
madison sat atop a gray mustang— who you’ve come to know as ‘travis’— you need to start telling your grandfather to choose better names. she held onto the reigns while the horse trotted closer to the porch, stopping before the stairs.
“come for a ride.”
who were you to say no to that smile?
you carefully approached, not wanting a repeat of stanley. you were still fairly cautious around the animals, they haven’t been very kind to you either. stomping whenever you did something wrong or making you chase them around. travis was a bit more approachable, probably cause madison was there. you stopped in your tracks.
“i don’t know how to get up there.” you sighed, dejected.
“okay.” madison smirked at you, dismounting the horse. she pointed to the saddle’s stirup. “put your foot in there then…” she pointed to the saddle’s horn, “put your hand there to help hoist yourself up.”
you put your foot in the stirup just as she said, grabbing the horn and slowly pulling yourself up. you felt the saddle move, freaking yourself out a bit and losing your footing. you felt a pair of hands grip both sides of your waist— it took you a second to process that madison was touching the skin that was showing from under your tied up flannel.
“c’mon, i’ve got you.” the sight was enough to make you weak to your knees, but those words— oh, those words had you. she pushed upwards, her hands reaching as far as your ribcage, to help you mount the saddle. her fingers, they were so calloused from working on the farm, yet they were so gentle and warm.
go up further, you thought.
“swing your leg over.” she ordered— and you didn’t even hesitate.
you swung your leg over, slowly adjusting yourself on the saddle. you had to catch your breath just then, you wanted her to touch you more.
“good girl!” she said as you got yourself up.
wait— fuck. good girl?!
“can you take your foot out of the stirup so i can get on?” she asked, looking up at you. you nodded and shook your foot a bit to get it off.
she followed suit, taking her place in front of you. “you’d better hold on.” she said, lifting her elbows for you to wrap your arms around her. you hesitantly put your hands on her shirt and bunched the fabric into little balls in your fist. she simply chuckled, holding the reigns and clicking her tongue twice, using the stirup to nudge travis and snapping the reigns softly.
you kept your hands tight around her white shirt. you were nervous, you’d never been on horseback before. the ride was slow, yes, but you had the feeling you could fall at any second.
“i’m surprised you’ve never ridden a horse before.” madison commented, “you never tried as a kid when you lived here?”
“i was too little.” you shrugged, gritting your teeth, you were holding something back. “i would’ve flown off.”
“you can still fly off when you’re grown.” madison pointed out.
“yeah, i know.” you said back.
“wait— what?!”
madison clicked her tongue again, snapping the reigns a bit more forceful this time and moving the stirups against travis.
travis nickered and started running. fast.
“MADISON!” you yelled, being pushed forward by the sudden force. you wrapped your arms around her waist tightly, your cheek against her back. you geniunely felt like you were about to get flung off.
you heard the cowgirl laugh, she was slightly hunched over to keep herself from getting flung backwards. you found her laugh to be endearing on most days, but not right now when she scared the living daylight out of you. how could she be so okay with this? how was she not terrified too?
she directed travis to take you both to the edge of the farm that overlooked a cliff. the scenery was beautiful. rows and rows of trees with a little pond of water in the middle of it. she dismounted first, then offered a hand to you. which, out of spite, you didn’t want to take at first but then realised how high up you were. you grabbed her hand and slowly lowered yourself off the saddle. you then stood beside her as she smacked travis’ behind, causing him to run off towards the farm.
“wait! what was that for? don’t we need him?!” you protested.
“i thought we could walk back, i scared you enough already today. and he’ll find his way back.” madison shrugged. you rolled your eyes at her.
“how considerate of you.” you said, your tone no short of sarcasm.
she waved to travis then turned to you.
“we talk a lot of work. i wanted to actually have a proper conversation with you.” she said, walking towards the cliff’s edge, a beckoning hand asking you to follow. the sun was about to set, and the sky was a color too beautiful to ignore.
“we have proper conversations…” you grumbled a little bit. you were partially terrified to talk about yourself. you prided yourself on a guard you had set up all those years ago when you realised the world was a lot harsher than people make it out to be.
“yes, about how fat the pigs are getting.” she retaliated as she sat down on the edge of the cliff. you hesitated, stepping back a bit. she noticed you, eyes wide in worry.
“you’re scared of heights.” she said, a massive smile growing on her face that you wanted to kiss off— no! punch off.
“i’m not!” you lied through your teeth, stepping forward but then stepping back again when you saw what was below you. hundreds of feet of air to fall through.
“i saw it. you were scared to mount travis earlier. and now, you won’t sit next to me.” she said, scooting over. “c’mon…” she opened her arms over the free spot next to her. “i’ve got you.”
she seems to “got you” a lot.
it was getting on your nerves a little bit how small you felt. you had walls in place to stop you from seeming so helpless, but madison seems to tear them down without even trying.
you inched closer, practically gripping the ground when lowering yourself into the spot next to her. she wrapped her arm around your waist, securing you into place. you tried to ignore the hot pink flush that covered your cheeks.
“why did you move to the city?” she asked you, looking over the horizon.
“my parents got new jobs. they went from working in town to big shot corporate jobs. i think my dad was kind of happy about it, honestly, he isn’t much of a farm guy either. my mom, she was upset though. but i have no idea. i was just a kid when we left.” you said, starting to ramble. you don’t ramble.
“i see.” she nodded.
“have you always lived here, madison?” you asked, you figured it was only fair that she had to answer questions too.
“well, i live in the next town over. it’s about 20 minutes that way.” she pointed in the general direction of her town. “but no. my dad’s in the army so we moved around a lot before finally settling down. but i’ve always lived on farmland.”
“moving around a lot couldn’t have been easy.”
“it wasn’t. but we made do.” she shrugged her shoulders. “and it’s not like i could do anything about it.”
you went quiet again, your eyes unwavering from the sunset in front of you. when it got dark, you broke the silence.
“how did you come to work for my grandparents if you live in the next town over? surely they have farmhands here.” you teased a bit.
“ouch. you sayin’ you’d rather have someone else?” she held a hand to her heart.
“well…” you teased again. “no. but i’m just curious.”
she sighed and stood up, it seems like you’ve hit a nerve. you didn’t mean to. “let’s walk and talk.” she held a hand out for you to take. with her help, you lifted yourself up and she led you away from the cliff.
she tucked her hands into her pocket and started making her way down the trail. “right. so… three years ago, my father was discharged from the army. unfortunately, he didn’t get any help from the trauma that he faced— i’ve noticed it happens to veterans a lot. at one point, he took off in the night and we had no idea where he went. turns out, he crashed his car into your grandparents’ farm.” she shifted a bit, showing slight discomfort.
“oh…” you whispered. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to pry.”
“no, it’s okay. you would have found out from a google search, honey.” you found it irritating how she still managed to make your stomach jump despite the conversation. “they pulled him out of the wreckage and called the ambulance. they stayed with him and kept him alive until they got there. i’ve been indebted to them ever since. they kept refusing my help but—“
“but you can be persistent.” you chimed in, jabbing at her a little bit to lighten the mood. she seemed to take it well.
“yes… actually. i can be persistent.” madison nodded, laughing softly. “so… i know it’s probably a sensitive topic but i’m curious too… why did your parents send you all the way out here?”
you stopped in your tracks for a second. you knew the question would come up, you were just wondering if you would tell her or not. she noticed your sudden freeze.
“you don’t have to—“
“shoplifting.” you cut her off. “i was shoplifting.” you admitted. “they said i’d lost touch with reality too much so they sent me here… which is ironic because the farm is as far away from reality as possible. but i guess they meant that i needed a humbling experience— well, it’s been humbling.” you chuckled dryly.
“you’ve been doing well.” she smiled and put a hand on your shoulder. “and we’re glad to have you here, if anything.”
“thank you, madison.” you just nodded at her and kept walking.
you two started to approach your grandparents’ house again. you walked towards the door but noticed madison stayed back.
“are you not coming in?” you asked.
“nah, i gotta get back for dinner.” she waved her hand in dismissal.
“you’ll be safe?” you asked, unsure where the sudden concern came from.
“i will be.” she tipped her hat at you. you hated when she did that, and that hatred reflected right at your core… your very warm core. she started to walk away but sharply turned back to you.
“oh! my friends and i are going to the rodeo tomorrow. and then we’ll go to the bar next to it. you should come and join us.” she said.
you had been so busy with the farm that you forgot to have a social life. you didn’t have any friends here except madison. you thought it would be a good idea.
“i’d love to.” you nodded, holding the door open for yourself.
“okay, pick you up at 6 tomorrow.”
“i’ll be waiting.” you chuckled, waving her goodbye.
you walked into your grandparents’ house and peeked through the curtains, making sure madison made it out of the driveway safe enough.
you made your way up to your bedroom to wait for dinner to be ready. you closed your eyes for a second, thinking about madison and her family. you wondered how someone could go through that and be as strong as her— it was admirable. you admired her.
as those thoughts ran through your head, you cut yourself off— what were you going to wear to a rodeo?!
madison was at yours at 6pm on the dot the next day. she was excited to take you to your first rodeo, and she was excited to have a new friend. her small town friends were close to her heart but it was nice to have someone that bantered with her as well as you did.
she knocked thrice on your front door and your grandmother answered.
“oh hello there, sweetie. she’ll be down shortly.” your grandmother giggled a little bit, why was she giggling? “come in, come in.”
madison followed after her and took her hat off, holding it close to her chest.
“i’m glad you’re taking her out for once. she’s gonna need some people around her to make it through this.” your grandmother said.
madison smiled warmly at her then heard your footsteps descend from the staircase. her jaw dropped the second she saw you. she knew you were beautiful but seeing you like this— this got her good.
you were in a white floral backless dress, very southern bell of you. you wore new brown boots that matched the dress and your hair was done up with curls.
“oh… you look…” she started.
“different?” you asked, teasing her.
“no… well, yes. but in a good way— the best way.” she smiled at you, taking you in.
“thank you.” you said, approaching her. you two were almost chest to chest then you put your hand on her hat. “get that thing on and let’s get outta here.” you said.
she nodded and put her hat back on her head. opening the door for you, she put her hand on your back to lead you out the door.
the rodeo was something you never thought to attend. it was rowdy and loud and you felt completely out of place. there was alcohol going everywhere and people screaming directly in your ear. you were happy to meet madison’s friends though; triplets named matt, chris, and nick that distinguished themselves by their different colored wardrobes.
you kept your eyes on the event in front of you. this distressed guy getting flung around by an equally distressed bull. he had one arm on the saddle while his other hand was waving his hat in the air. men were waving their fist at him, telling him to hold on.
you found yourself laughing softly when he was flung off into the wall.
“it’s too bad. he lasted a fair bit.” you turned to madison, who was holding a beer in her hand.
“he did. but that bull is relentless.” she said, standing up with the masses as the event came to an end. she offered you a hand.
“that was… definitely something!” you said, taking her hand and standing along with her. “i’d love to come and see it again.”
“really? after all that flinching you did when someone would scream?” she jabbed at you.
“shut it. i had fun watching some poor dude get thrown off a bull.” you laughed.
the crowd started funnelling into the bar next to the showgrounds. it was a massive two-story bar filled with people. the second floor was pretty much one big balcony that overlooked the first floor, which contained a bar and dance floor with a stage & dj booth on the far end.
“care for a drink?” madison asked you, your hands still interlocked. you nodded at her with a smile, “you seem like a non-beer person. a cocktail maybe? for my pretty little southern bell?” she asked, a teasing tone before starting to walk off.
“shut up! i can handle beer!” you protested but then went after her a bit. “wait! you’re right though! no beer!” you called after. you walked off with the triplets to find a table by the dance floor.
you patiently waited for madison to get back, you spotted her making her way across the dance floor with a coke in one hand and a cocktail in the other. she spotted you as well and put your drink on the table in front of you.
“vodka raspberry for the princess.” she said, smirking at you while she took a sip of her beer.
“thanks…” you said, picking it up and examining it. sure, you were surrounded by alcohol all the time. your friends back in the city loved going out and your parents kept a liquor cabinet. however, you weren’t incredibly big on it. you took a sip and raised your eyebrows.
“okay, not bad.” you said, approvingly. “definitely a bit sweet.”
“well, this just means we’ll have to find your poison.” she put her drink down on the table. “you’ll come out more with us then.”
a smile grew on your face when the triplets nodded, all three of them sporting different drinks. your heart felt warm that they all wanted to see you again. you were doubtful that you would all get along at first, being from different upbringings. but you realised that the upbringing didn’t matter, they had a kindness towards you that not even the city itself had.
“what did you get?” you asked her.
“just a coke, i wanna drive you home safe.” she smiled and took gradual sips.
“looks like you’ll have to teach me to drive your truck one of these days then.” you joked with her but madison loved the imagery of you driving her truck.
music started blaring across the shitty speakers that hovered over the dance floor. you recognized the song from ‘footloose’. you heard cheers and suddenly heard stomping from upstairs, everyone was starting to crowd the dance floor. the triplets & madison excitedly got on their feet, madison holding a hand out to you.
“c’mon, ‘bout time you learned a line dance!” she said, you shook your head quickly.
“hell no, i can’t dance to save my live.” you pulled back.
“you’ll do great!”
“no, madison. trust me. you don’t want me on that dance floor with you. i’ll step on your toes.” you stared at her with wide eyes.
“mads! c’mon!” nick called after her with a beckoning hand as the chorus approached.
“okay! okay!” she called after him. she turned back to you. “fine, but you can at least watch.” she raised her brows at you and you nodded. she ran to take her place beside nick and several whoops were heard as the chorus hit.
‘hey mister won't you sell me a fake I.D’
you watched as madison followed the line dance. her footwork was impressive but you had no doubt that it would be. her hips were moving along to the music.
‘there’s a band in the bar that i’m dying to see’
her boots would hit the ground with a ‘clack” when she would do the hops required for the routine. you couldn’t take your eyes off her body. she moved with such a natural flow that you would have thought she was making it all up on the spot. she laughed as the dance went further along, clearly enjoying herself. you wish you had her confidence.
‘i got my money and you got what i need’
oh god. her hips bouncing to the music. the part of the song that required everyone to swing their asses out nearly killed you when she did it. your eyes trailed down her body. the skin of her stomach was starting to show as she moved rigorously. she was toned. toned to all hell. and her legs looked incredibly strong, like they’d be able to take any kind of work. she suddenly caught your eye, licking her upper lip and winking when she got the chance to face you as her ass swung out. your breath hitched, your eyes studying her.
‘hey mister won't you sell me a fake I.D’
the crowd of dancers did their full rotation, ending the routine with four claps. they started breaking off into their own improvisations when the music would keep going. you watched madison jump around, laughing with the brothers and putting her arms around them. the brothers started to deviate, dancing with the rest of the crowd. another girl pulled madison to the side and started dancing with her. they kept their distance for quite a but until madison pulled her in by her waist.
it was no secret that madison could sense the tension between the two of you. she’s caught you staring so many times. but she wasn’t one to just give in easy, she wanted to see what it would be like if your confidence suddenly skyrocketed. she started dancing with this girl during the tail end of the song, she was just having fun at first then she had an idea. she started pulling her closer until they were chest to chest.
a fire burned in your belly… was it jealousy? it couldn’t be. nope— it definitely was. seeing madison dance with that girl, you wish it was you. your instincts were telling you to step in and take your damn chance, but your feet wouldn’t move.
go, go, go.
and before you knew it, you downed your drink in one. standing up quickly, you swallowed your damn pride and practically stomped over to where madison and the girl were. you didn’t know how to interject, she wasn’t even looking at you.
you suddenly cleared your throat, gripping onto madison’s shoulder and spinning her around. she smiled when she saw you behind her.
“hey princess.” she grinned, standing still. the girl waiting to have the attention back on her.
you didn’t give her any time to speak before your arms were around her neck. you’d gone clubbing before, you knew how to keep a beat. the problem was that this wasn’t the club, and this wasn’t a club beat. but you were going to try.
you dipped your hips to the music, swaying side to side. madison caught the hint, her hands flying straight to your hips and her face lowering itself into her neck. she kept her hand on her hat to keep it steady. your hips swayed in unison, fitting together like a puzzle piece.
she knew her plan had worked when you pulled away and started to sway your shoulders too, pulling her closer to you while you stepped to the beat of the song. she was excited to see you building the confidence to put yourself out there.
“i thought you’d never come.” she had a shit-eating grin on her face.
“well, i couldn’t deny you a dance.” you said, putting your hands on her shoulders, still hopping to the beat a little. “you looked like you needed a partner that could keep a beat.” you said, sneering a bit at the girl.
she chuckled at your jealousy. “that i did, darlin’, that i did.” her hands back around your waist, pulling you closer and suddenly dipping you as the song stopped abruptly. “you did good.” she said, lifting you back up.
before you know it, she was taking the hat off her head and placing it on yours. “look at you, baby. you fit right in.”
you stared up at her with a rosy pink blush on your cheeks, a shy smile growing on your face. you… you were wearing madison’s hat. not that other girl. you were glad your efforts were successful. she had chosen you.
you failed to notice the triplets snickering in the background. they were fully aware of the superstition of a cowgirl putting her hat on someone else’s head. madison was aware of it too, but she wasn’t going to give you that satisfaction just yet.
after a couple more drinks, you were all ready to hit the hay. you bid your goodbye to the triplets and madison opened the passenger side door for you.
you settled into shotgun and buckled your seatbelt, waiting for her to get into the driver’s seat. you caught a glimpse of yourself in the side mirror. you were still absolutely, undeniably still wearing her hat and you revelled in the sight. you smiled to yourself as she hopped in.
“what’s on your mind, doll?” she asked, putting the keys in the ignition and starting the engine. you remained silent as she let the car warm up.
“nothing major.” you said, looking over at her. “just… never thought i’d enjoy myself this much at a place like this.”
“you mean a rowdy small town country bar? that’s fair enough. i didn’t think i would at first either.” she chuckled and started driving off. “i’m sure the city has it’s fair share of fun but nothing beats the solidarity you get from a place like this.”
“yeah… i suppose you’re right. we all kind of get to the club and branch out back home. it was nice to see everyone dance together.” you toyed with your hands. “i’ll have to get a hat.”
madison grinned at your statement. “or you can just keep wearing mine.” she would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy the sight of you in her hat. her hat.
“right. it looks better on me anyways.” you joked, running your pointer finger and thumb along the brim. madison glanced over at you, letting her gaze linger.
“it looks better on you. but it also looks right.” she said. you didn’t exactly register what she meant by that, you just met her eyes but then let out a sly smile. using your pointer finger to push her jaw.
“eyes on the road, cowgirl.” you scolded her. she just laughed and turned to look at the road again.
as you pulled into your grandparents’ driveway, you leaned back in the passenger seat.
“thank you for tonight.” you hesitantly took the hat off your head and placed it back on madison’s. while you leaned over, you gave her a kiss on the cheek. “we’ll have to do that again.”
“we will, sweetheart.” she nodded in agreement. she couldn’t hide the smile forming or the red tint that started to cover her cheeks.
“and you promised to let me drive your truck next time so…” you said as you slowly opened the passenger door.
“hey! i didn’t promise anything.” she called after you as you hopped out.
you slowly started to close the door but your gut started to speak to you. you didn’t want the night to end— and it shouldn’t.
you poked your head back into the car. “madison.” you called her name to get her attention.
“mm?” she asked, leaning over to look at you better.
“wanna go for a ride?”
it was madison and her shit-eating grin against the world.
madison drove you two to the barn. when she pulled travis out of his stable, you couldn’t help but find it adorable how the horse had so much of a liking for her, practically leaping in excitement.
when she placed his saddle on him, you noticed how strong she actually was. had that strength developed overtime? would you ever become that strong? you asked yourself these questions, never taking your eyes off her.
“c’mon then.” she said, making space for you to hop on.
you walked over to travis, placing your foot into the stirup just as madison taught you. she held your waist as you hoisted yourself up. you noticed how warm her hands were against your revealed skin, you found it comforting as the breeze hit. she hoisted herself up after you, but she sat behind you instead. her full body warmth made you settle in even further.
“not in front?” you asked, turning your head slightly to see her.
“nope, you’re leading on this one.” she shook her head.
“but… i don’t even know how to make him go.” you said, hesitantly holding onto the reigns.
“you snap the reigns just softly or else he’ll start running. and you nudge him a little with your foot. i usually click my tongue but that should be enough to get him going.” she said.
you followed her instructions, snapping the reigns. however, you think you overdid it as travis started to run instead.
“fuck!” you exclaimed, trying to get a better grip on the saddle as madison leaned over, holding your hands on the reigns. her hands covered yours as you felt her weight on your back. it was nice, comforting, your worry practically disappeared when she did that.
“that’s okay, you got him to go.” she whispered into your ear, slightly tugging on the reigns to slow him down. her voice sent shivers down your spine, the cold air made it worse.
you carefully led travis for just a few minutes around the farmland, stopping at the fenced off area and turning back around.
madison’s hands never left yours while you completed the ride. her warmth never left your back either, keeping you safe from the cold. she even moved your hair to the side so she could rest her chin on your shoulder, she chalked it up to being watchful as it was dark and you two might run into something.
she was totally lying.
as you both arrived back to the barn, she dismounted before you. you shifted your body and took your foot out of the stirup and hopped down, using madison’s shoulders for support.
the tension was incredibly hard to ignore at this point. you felt like you could cut it with only a butter knife. you felt your stomach do backflips whenever she’d say something to you. you were going soft for her— and not only that, you were weak for her. you had to do something or else you’d be left wondering forever.
“madison.” you said, calling after her.
“that’s me.” she snickered, looking over at you.
you were walking over to where she was standing, just outside travis’ stable. you stood nearly chest to chest with her.
“before we left, matt told me about the supertition about a cowboy— or cowgirl putting their hat on a woman’s head.” you cheekily smiled at her, teeth showing. she froze up, eyes widening. “and not only that but they told me what happens when a woman does the opposite.” you said, reaching up towards her hat and taking it off, putting it on your head.
she stared at you for a second, eyeing you up and down. she licked her lips slowly. the sight of you in that dress, wearing her hat. she hoped you wouldn’t find out about that but she should’ve known better since the triplets were around. it was all too much for her head to bear, she thought she was going to explode. you fit right into her entire livelihood, it turned her right on.
she stepped forward, her mind losing full control of her body. she captured your lips in a head-reeling kiss, nearly knocking her hat off your head. you wrapped your arms around her shoulders, butterflies immediately forming in your stomach as heat rushed to your core. she wrapped her arms around your waist, quickly pulling you in closer. her tongue swiped your bottom lip, you found yourself letting go, opening your mouth ever so slightly.
she slipped her tongue in your mouth, finding herself exploring it. you let out a soft whimper at the feeling. you started to feel yourself get pushed back gently, until your back hit a barrel of hay. she lifted you up on top of it, you slightly matched her height now. the hay was a tad bit scratchy but that was on you for making your move in a barn. she pulled away, you whined softly at the loss of her touch.
“the things you and your pretty little dress do to me, baby.” she said, reaching behind you to undo the bow that kept your dress up behind your neck. the top half of your dress fell down, revealing your chest. madison smirked. “and not even a bra? jesus, darlin’, what are you tryna do?” she asked, yanking you closer to her so she was directly in between your legs. she took one of your breasts into her mouth while the other hands started to ride up your thighs.
you let out a soft gasp at the sudden contact. she was sucking on your tit like she was a woman starved. your hand resting behind madison’s head started to grip onto her hair when she bit down on your nipple, coaxing a moan out of you. she was only working at your top half but you already started to see stars. she moved onto your other breast, stopping right before the nipple and started sucking on the soft skin around it.
she was marking you. marking her territory. you knew farmers were protective of their land, madison was just as protective over you. she wanted to stake her claim on you— her pretty little wild city girl that she wanted to tame.
while her mouth worked your top half, her hands were multitasking on your bottom half. they moved further up your thighs and her thumbs tucked themselves onto the loops of your underwear. she made contact with your other nipple as she pulled them down slowly, you pulled her head closer, wanting more. she felt some resistance from your panties and realised that when she took them off, the crotch part was dripping— it had stuck to you before she pulled them off.
“christ, baby. you’re already so wet. do i turn you on?” she smirked at you, holding your panties between her fingers and holding them up. you blushed and looked away from them, trying not to look so ashamed.
“baby.” she said, more firm this time. you hadn’t heard that tone from her before. her strict persona made you even wetter, you loved that she took control. “answer me.” she ordered.
“you turn me on.” you whispered, still not looking at her. she chucked your panties over somewhere, you were sure they landed on the work bench. she leaned closer again, placing soft kisses on your cheek as she pushed you onto your back. you saw her take off her flannel, leaving her in a gray tank top, she rolled her flannel up and put it under your head as a pillow. you made sure to keep her hat on while she did that.
she hiked your dress up, bunching it around your waist to reveal your bottom half. you watched her as she unbuckled her pants, lowering them ever so slightly and you caught sight of her underwear. she raised her tank top a bit, revealing her abdomen. you saw her put a hand down her pants as she kneeled down on the ground in front of the hay barrel.
she positioned your legs to have one be over her shoulders and the other was pushed back a bit more, spreading you open for her. she peppered kisses on your thighs, you felt yourself practically almost finish from just seeing her head between your thighs. your arousal was hard to miss, more wetness rushing down, practically dripping onto the hay.
she paused for a moment before licking a stripe up your core, you gasped and gripped onto her hair. your legs shook already with the contact.
“fuck! madison!” you exclaimed out of shock.
“my name sounds good on your lips, baby.” you felt that god forsaken grin form on her lips, you didn’t even have to see it.
without warning, her lips latched around your clit, her tongue circling it. your eyes squeezed shut, your heel digging into her back, emitting a groan from her that sent vibrations through your core. you watched as her arm started moving while she ate you out. she was touching herself to your noises, her fingers circling her own clit. she was so turned on by you that she couldn’t help herself.
you moaned loudly, finding it hard to hold back. she sucked harder on your clit, one of her fingers finding its way to your hole, simply teasing it.
“oh my god, don’t stop!” you said, gripping your own breast for support. your hips were rutting against her mouth, trying to push yourself closer to release. she stuck her tongue out and stopped its movements, letting you practically get yourself off on her mouth. she eventually shook her head, her tongue flicking your clit multiple times.
“doin’ so good, baby. riding my face. you just can’t help yourself, can you?” she quickly went back to latching her lips around your clit, her finger finding its way into your hole properly. she inserted her fingers into herself as well, wanting to be as one with you as possible, wanting to feel the same things you were feeling.
“fuck’s sake, mads!” you said as she pumped her finger in and out of you, mouth still working wonders. the nickname spurred her on, starting to bite down on your clit just a bit. “just like that! oh my god! just like that!” she curled her fingers inside of you, making your back arch as she hit that most sensitive spot of your body. she started letting out soft moans from her own self-pleasure, sending more shivers up your entire body.
you felt that knot build in your stomach, your legs started to shake as your grip on her hair got stronger. she knew you were close to finishing, and who was she to stop you?
“cum f’me, baby. you can do it.” she mumbled, loud enough for you to hear. “cum on my mouth.”
“mads! i’m cumming!” you said, releasing straight into her mouth. you heard her grunt softly, her movements stalling for only a split second as she lapped at your release like it was her last meal ever, holding your shaking legs in place as she did. you were so sensitive and this wasn’t making it any easier. “mmph, mads… sensitive.” you said but she didn’t pull away, she wanted every last drop of you.
you let out a relieved sigh as she pulled away. the arch of your back lowered as you were panting, still laying on this damned hay barrel. she stood up, taking in the sight of you. sprawled out in front of her with your tits out and legs still slightly open.
“my pretty girl… someone ‘oughta teach you that if you rile up a cowgirl, you’re gonna get your money’s worth.” she said, licking her fingers clean and wiping her glossy lips with the back of her hand.
you let out a breathless chuckle.
“oh… i think i learned that.” you laughed, sitting up from your position. while you did, you caught a wet spot on madison’s jeans, laughing to yourself.
“someone enjoyed herself too.” you said, trailing your finger down her abdomen and down to the wet spot. you felt her inhale sharply when you did.
“hmm… well, i had to take advantage of the sight in front of me. makes for wonderful jerk-off material.” she teased.
you shoved her backwards lightly, laughing at her joke. she leaned down to kiss you after stabilising herself. you tasted yourself on her.
you wanted more of her, you wanted all of her. all of her in her southern glory. and she wanted you just as bad.
“well then, pretty girl.” she said, tipping her hat down onto your face, covering your eyes. you whined and raised it back up. “if you do all your chorin’ well tomorrow, you might just get a prize.”
the next day, it was straight back to work for the two of you. you spent half the day shovelling dirt with a 6am start, then you and madison decided to start helping your grandfather out with fencing. he warned you to be careful as the fencing was delicate and could snap, it’s caused serious injury in the past. he tasked you and madison to work closely together to avoid that— not that you were complaining. you got your fair bit of teasing in.
when your grandfather wasn’t looking, you would turn around and run a hand down madison’s toned body. it caused her to shudder a few times. you even sneaked in a little neck kiss, causing her to turn you around and force you back to working.
it made your head reel whenever she would take control of you, finding it harder and harder to resist her.
you complained and complained. you talked about how hot it was, how dirty it was getting. you could feel madison shoot you a dirty look but you couldn’t help but make several comments about the state of the farm. you knew you were in for it when madison pulled you into a forceful kiss, shoving you backwards to shut you up. you never said a word after that.
after a long day, you both were covered in dirt. your grandfather said he could drive you back but madison cut him off, making a fake excuse how you wanted to see the animals. you had no idea what she was up to.
when you both arrived at the barn, you waltzed right in, walking over to travis and petting his head while only giving stanley a short wave. you walked over to the sheep, peeking into their pen.
“their coats are getting larger, pop says it’ll be time to sheer them soon. i wanna see what they look like without all their hair.” you said, distracted while madison was checking on stanley.
“they look like freshly peeled potatoes.” she chuckled. “you’ll be the one sheering them, y’know?” she patted stanley’s back. “your grandfather told me yesterday how he can’t wait to teach you.”
“i find myself learning a lot nowadays…” you sighed a bit. “doesn’t seem like there’s any time for a break.”
“no… the farm is harsh.” she shook her head, walking back over to you. “it’s always needing something. but that’s nature. nature needs humans just as much as humans need nature.” she said, reaching down to hold your hands and pulling you to where the workbench was.
“wow… who knew you were such a poet, mads?” you giggled at her, following where she led you.
“you seem to inspire me, baby.” she moved to sit down on the bench, pulling you closer. she kissed down your chest as she lowered herself down. she undid the flannel that you had tied up to keep it from flying everywhere while you guys worked.
“mads… what’re you doing?” you whined, running your hands through the hair that was hanging out of her hat.
“remember when i said you’d get a reward for working hard today?” she asked, untucking your top from the denim shorts you were wearing. “i intend to keep my word.” she mumbled while kissing your stomach.
“oh? is this your idea of a reward?” you asked, heat rushing straight down to your core when she left kisses on you.
“mmhm… you were being a brat today, you should be thankful i’m still giving it to you.” she said, muffled. she pulled away suddenly and you watched her with curious eyes.
“do you know that saying about saving a horse?” she asked, unbucking her belt and unbuttoning her own jeans. she raised her eyebrows at you as she lowered them down, revealing a purple and pink strap on. your eyes widened at the sight of her leaning back, her strap on full display for you. “ride a cowboy— cowgirl, in our case.” she said, a smirk on her face.
“mads… i don’t think i can take it all.” you said, playing with your hands.
“you can, darlin’. i know you can. but you’ll have to get it lubed up first.” she eyed you up and down, her pointer finger pointing to the ground. “get on your knees and suck my cock, baby.” she said, a hint of dominance in her eyes. you loved how comfortable she was with ordering you around. it made you feel less weak, less like you were fragile.
you obeyed, getting on your knees and looking up at madison through your lashes. she bit her lip looking at you, feeling her own arousal as she saw you on the ground. you took her cock in your mouth and started bobbing your head, your hands wrapping around the base. she groaned softly, the sight of you had her wishing that it was her actual cock. she loved seeing you submissive for her after you were being a brat today.
she leaned her head backwards, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. she looked back up and made direct eye contact with you.
“fuck… darlin’, you look so fucking good on your knees for me, using that pretty little mouth of yours.” she said, leaning her head back again but not too far, making sure her hat stayed on. “that’s it baby, get it nice and wet for your pretty pussy.”
you loved the way she talked to you. the words were filthy but you couldn’t help but notice that she used ‘pretty’ to describe you. it made you feel good about yourself, like you were doing something right.
you felt her hips start to move slightly, thrusting upwards into your mouth. it hit the back of your throat and you gagged softly, pulling away and coughing.
“sorry baby, was that too much for you? i just couldn’t help myself. i wanted to be as far in you as possible.” she said, leaning forward to grab your arms and pull you up. she helped you take off your shorts and pulled the back of your thighs forward until you were kneeling on the bench, straddling her. “let me make it up to you.”
she put two fingers in between your thighs, the pad of her middle finger circling your clit. you felt youself get unstable for a second, the sudden contact making you already weak.
“does that feel good, baby?” she cooed at you, looking up at you with a grin on her face. you nodded in response. “yeah, i bet it does.” she said, a cocky tone in her voice. her fingers moved away from your clit, mocking up and down your slit. “so wet.”
“mads, please.” you whimpered, your hands holding onto her shoulders.
“okay, okay. you’re right. what princess wants, princess gets. and i have to stretch you out a bit anyway.” she said, slipping two fingers into you. you gasped softly. you felt madison press kisses into your chest, her other hand pulling your shirt down to release one of your breasts, taking it into her mouth. she only pumped her fingers in and out a few times before pulling them away.
she scooted around a bit until her strap was aligned with your hole. “ready, baby?” she asked, gently running her hands up and down your waist. you nodded, your bottom lip in between your teeth. “okay.” she muttered.
she pulled your hips down slowly, watching you swallow her cock whole. “fuck!” you cried out in pain at first, never having experienced anything as big as this. you just sat down on madison’s lap until you adjusted to her size, your face buried in her neck as you tried to catch your breath. when she felt you loosen up a bit, she lifted you slowly, pulling you straight back down. the cry of pain turned into a cry of pleasure.
she pulled away slowly, trying to see your face. “you can do it baby, ride my cock. ride my cock like a good girl.” she said. you sat straight back up and started to bounce on her cock, your hands still on her shoulders as your eyes fluttered shut.
“madison, it feels so fucking good.” you said, moans leaving your mouth every single time you sank back down, taking it whole. you started to arch your back into her, wanting more stimulation. she caught the memo placing both her hands on your back and pulling you down even harder. she started to kneed one of your breasts with her hand.
“look at you. riding me like a real cowgirl. you’re so fucking sexy.” she said, you could practically hear the grin on her face. “you’re not so tough now when my cock is in you, huh?” you shook your head, holding back a whimper as she took your nipple between her fingers, toying with it.
“want you to fuck me harder.” you muttered. “i want more of you.”
she started to buck her hips up, the noises of your skin smacking against each other filling the barn. she started to grunt softly as well, her head leaning down on your shoulder. with the remaining strength you had left, you picked up her hat off her head and placed it on yours.
she couldn’t help but pull away again, just to look at you wearing her hat, riding her cock. the state of you was enough to make her cum right on the spot.
“you look so good in my hat, doll.” she said, keeping her pace of bucking her hips. “lookin’ like a real cowgirl.”
you started to feel that tension build up in your belly again. you were starting to get close to sweet, sweet relief.
“mmph, getting close.” you said, beads of sweat starting to form on your forehead. your pace was starting to get sloppy, your thighs trembling with each descent onto madison’s cock.
“yeah?” she asked, one of her hands moving to rub your clit at a quick pace. “that’s it, cum for me baby. cum on my fucking cock. you know you want to.” she coaxed it out of you. “good girls cum.” she said.
with that, you completely came undone in front of her, that knot in your belly snapping as you came down hard. you leaned forward, face tucking into madison’s neck as the two of you panted, practically in sync. your eyes opened again after being squeezed shut. you saw stars as they opened back up, pulling away from madison’s neck to kiss her.
“we need to get you a hat of your own soon, sweetheart. you look too damn good in that.” madison chuckled through pants.
“i like wearing yours though.” you whispered, still trying to catch your breath.
“yeah? i like you wearing mine too.” she smiled at you, pushing the wet strands of hair that stuck to your neck back so she could place soft kisses down.
she slowly helped you stand back up, pulling her pants up and pushing the strap back into her underwear.
“that horse better be feeling really saved right now.” you giggled.
madison drove you back to your grandparents’ place. she walked you to the front door where your grandparents were sitting on the porch swing to your right.
you were still reeling from your earlier orgasm that you didn’t see them right away, stumbling as you made it to the last step.
“oh! careful darling! are you alright?” your grandma asked.
“yeah! just a bit sore from today.” you quickly defended yourself while madison stood behind you holding a laugh. she decided to chime in too.
“yeah! with those legs, she’ll be a cowgirl in no time!”
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dvchvnde · 2 months
excerpt; best friend's dad | John Price x Reader infidelity. age gap.
He breaks your heart in Greece. Cuts a jagged line down your middle. Spills your wet, sticky blood over the Naxian marble outside of the Temple of Apollo with just a handful of words.
(fitting, you find: you've always considered your aimless pursuit to his heart some bastardised delusion akin to Icarus chasing the immovable sun—)
And you suppose it's kind. Or as gentle as a man like him could ever let himself be. Still gruff, surly. But you've always loved the sound of his voice, haven't you? That sarky growl reminding you of classic muscle cars, American-made; the low, gritty purr of an old Mustang. Enough to make you shiver, even as he's shaping it around these awful, cutting words. It makes you heart flutter, enraptured as he speaks like he's ripping a bandaid off.
Except that now that wound is being filled with salt. Acid. Cauterising itself from the friction burn when the gauze is wrenched off your skin. A permanent scar right in your sternum. A gaping hole spilling all the ugliness out. You wonder if he cares that it's being slashed across his shoes—no sandals, he griped when you teased him in the airport; I hate the feelin' of sand between my toes—that this madness inside of you is finding a home on the hot pavement, rotting under the summer's sun.
"m'thinkin' about marryin' her."
The her in question is ten years older than him. Pettily, you wonder if this is to compensate for the fact that he's nearly two decades older than you. An obscene age gap, you know. But—
It's Price.
Your best friend's dad. The man you've been in love with since you were sixteen. Falling all over yourself after a dumb boy broke your heart, and he offered to drive you home, silent the whole way there before he stopped, a block away from your house, and told you that boys weren't worth your time. Boys. Boys—
Not men.
Foolishly, you let yourself hope. Let yourself become the very thing they talk about in TikTok videos lambasting age gaps and silly little girls who let older men run them into the ground. Why would a man his age have any reason to be interested in a girl yours? Sickening. Disgusting. You're being lead stray, groomed. But you clung to it still, even as you thumbed through the comments on those videos and found pieces of yourself lying among the rubble.
You've always known what they say about girls like that. And you were just delusional enough to believe that you were different somehow.
And now—
"Gettin' older," he grouses out, and you wonder if she finds the ornery lilt to his cadence as comforting as you do. Or if it rubs her all the wrong ways. "Might be time to settle down."
Shamefully, you wish he'd say, but maybe you can convince me otherwise, climb into my lap, and eat this decision from between my teeth until all I see when I open my eyes is you.
But that's not the John Price you know. Mr Price. Single dad. Widower. Untouchable.
Mr Price who sees you for what you are—smarter than them, he'd said when you broke down in his Bronco after a softball game where everyone, your best friend included, went to an afterparty that no one invited you to.
Quiet, thoughtful, even when you spent the evening afterwards (the fight hashed out between your best friend and you; i'm so sorry and me too) thumbing through old vinyl records he kept in his basement, listening to the classics that kids your age just didn't understand, so why the fuck do you?
Weekends spent bonding over golden cinema (movies just ain't what they used to be; there's no romance anymore, it's all so—vapid; you don't talk like a kid; i've never considered myself one, do you? he didn't answer. you didn't expect him to). Listening to music older than your dad. Niche jokes and texts that read like I saw this and thought of you.
Your fault, of course, for thinking you could trick him into loving you if you played your feelings through Johnny Cash, Vashti Bunyan, Fleetwood Mac, and Smokey Robinson. An impossibility you know now.
Mr Price who knows you. Who sees through the thin skin you wear and into the heart, the core of you. Who must have known since you called him in the pouring rain to pick you up when you got too drunk to drive home. A house party in the suburbs. Waterlogged flats he told you to toss.
Said nothing at all when you apologised with your head pressed against the foggy glass. You never told him that your sorry, Mr Price was for kissing a boy and wishing it was him.
But he must have known.
open book. pages spilling out. silly little girl with your heart cupped in your palm—
So he knows. Has known. Hindsight says this is him letting you down gently before you get any ideas about forever with your diploma tucked into your chest like a shield. A trip to Greece with your best friend and her dad to celebrate the rest of your life looming over you like a thundercloud. Your eye slanting sideways, glancing yearningly back at him.
sorry, but no. look the other way—
And you think fine, fine, whatever, so long as this doesn't hurt anymore—but what comes out is, "oh."
What follows is this:
He says he's thinking about marrying her with his hands tucked tight under his arms. He tells you he wants to settle down with his chin tucked against his chest, four lines rucked across the pinch of his brow. An emphasis, perhaps, on just how serious he is.
You taste salt in your throat. Sand between your toes. The sun blisters against the thin straps of this pretty blue dress that match the melting sapphire of his burning gaze. It's heatsickness, maybe. Or just all the years of want building and building, festering and growing, until it can't climb any higher—forever reaching for god that won't spare you a glance—and—
falling down around you. wings of beeswax and bird feathers.
Solemn, he says, "it's what I should do."
(i saw this and thought of you—)
Your fingers knot into the soft cotton of his dress shirt, pulling the fabric taut between your knuckles until it peels back from the seams, curling between buttons.
You've had too much to drink. Whiskey sour. Scotch neat. Somewhere along the walk to the temple, you snatched a puff of his cigar, the nicotine blooming between your teeth. Head full of cotton too thick for you to think. To retreat.
In the morning, when he refuses to look at you, you'll blame it on the drinks. On the sun. On being young and dumb and untouchable under the Greecian sky.
Daddy issues, you can shrug. You have the diagnoses from every single TikTok psychologist embedded between your teeth. See, mine never loved me and now I'm taking it out on you—
But right now, you kiss him.
Or maybe—
Maybe he kisses you.
It's a mess in your head. Everything turned upside down, all askew because when your lips touch his, he shudders. His chest rumbles under your fingers, expanding with the sudden inhale as he breathes you in. Deep. Takes you into his lungs—all salt-slick, and sunburnt—and groans low in his throat, all want. All heat.
He should push you away. He's your best friend's father. Two decades older than you. Dating another woman who's so far removed from the person you are that she might as well be a different species. Mature. Stoic. Poised. Graceful.
The perfect antithesis to you.
Everything about this must be ringing shrill in his ears: abort, abort, do not engage. He should push you off.
And he does.
After a moment of your greedy, unpractised kisses pepper along the bristles hanging low over his lips, he makes another sound. Angry. Whitehot. His hands slip free from the damp prison of his armpits and latch tight onto you. Thick, hirsute fingers curling over your upper arms, and pushing, shoving—
Your back hits the marble pillar. The air in your lungs punched out.
But when you try to siphon more balmy air into them again, you find an obstacle in your way.
His mouth.
Searing, blistering. Slanting hungrily across yours, devouring. Intense, dizzying. Your head cracks against the wall when he shoves his thigh between the silken softness of your inner thighs, blanketed by the dress that made him swallow when he first saw you in it, eyes darkening like a storm.
(bit short, ain't it? he'd groused, and your friend slipped her hand into yours with a huff. stop being such a dad, dad—)
It slots there now like it's owed the right. Thick thigh spreading yours apart on a gasp, a groan. Corded muscle pressed taut to the seam of you that burns hot. Melted wax. Dripping against his leg. He must feel the way he liquifies you, turns you into putty. It drags a sound his chest. The misfire of an engine.
"Fuck," he breathes, all teeth. Salt. He should be saying, no, stop. go back to your hotel room, and we'll pretend this never happened, silly girl. But he pulls you closer instead, his hand looping around to cradle the back of your tender head in the cup of his palm. A small comfort as he delves his tongue between your teeth. "Makin' me lose my goddamn mind—"
The words are growled against your mouth. You taste the tobacco-smoked fury between his teeth when they sink into your lower lip. Angry, maybe, that you're making him do this. That you had to be who you are, and despite that, he kisses you like you're not.
"Price," you whine, arching into his chest when he pulls at your bottom lip still caught between his teeth. Skin tender, bruised. He ruts into you at the sound, nearly purring. You feel it then. The hard press of his thickening cock against you. Mindlessly gyrating against your hip. The turgid length proof of his desire. His want for you. All you. "Please—"
He folds himself over you. Tucks you into the bracket of his chest, his arms. His fingers are iron bars on your skin, holding you tight to him. Unwilling to let go. His hand on your crown; his fingers gripping your thigh, hiking it up his waist. It's good. Better than all of your meagre fantasies combined. You've wanted this since you knew what want was. When he wandered into the kitchen the morning after a sleepover with a towel slung loose around his hips, his hand scrubbing the damness from the wet tangle of his hair, spilling them down his neck where they disappeared into the thick bed of hair on his chest, his belly.
He paused in the doorway when he saw you sitting at the island, eyes wide and drilling holes into his chest.
"Shit," he'd cussed, gruff and mean with sleep. "Didn't think—"
But you did. Over and over again. With your face pressed against your pillow, fingers shoved into the sticky wetness leaking out of your cunt. Thinking of him. Wrong. Wrong. Terrible—
Dad bod, your friend said with a cluck of her tongue that afternoon. And you feel it under your fists as he heaves. As he eats you alive, whole. Because kissing John Price, Mr Price, is a whirlwind. A maelstrom.
He devours. He conquers. He owns.
He licks into your mouth, petting over your tongue, your teeth, until you can't remember anything else except the tobacco and whiskey tang of him. Heady. An elixir you want to sip from for the rest of your life. Damn him—
He tells you he's thinking about marrying someone else. Then whispers, ash-soft, against your chin that he can't get enough of you.
Grunts, "you need to go," as he sinks his teeth down, hard, into the throbbing skin of your pulse. Laying claim as he slowly comes to.
The coarse hair of his beard rubs your flesh raw when he buries his face into your neck. You can feel the thunder of his heart against the knob of your wrist. The heat of his skin burning through you.
"Fuck," he rumbles again, and you know this time it's for good. Ironclad. But the remorse is paperthin. "Shouldn't have done that, should have—"
"I want you," you whisper through bruised, kiss-bitten lips. "I want you so bad. I loved you since I was—"
The sweat beading along his hairline smears across the naked arch of your shoulder and neck when he moves; a shallow shake of his head. Muted and small. Heavy with reluctance.
The man who meets you when he pulls back is frowning with wet, red-stained lips. His eyes are hardened sapphire reinforced with unbreakable obsidian. There's no inch to move. No cracks to squeeze through.
"This—" he swallows. You hope he tastes you still. Whiskey sour. Scotch neat. The drag of his cigar, the one he coached you through, scoffing when you choked, when you cough. You hope he runs his tongue over his teeth and tastes nothing but you. "This shouldn't have happened."
You don't say anything. Can't. The words are staining his lips.
You nod, slow. Cautious. He tells you he's marrying someone else. Thinking about it. Says this shouldn't have happened—
But he holds you like he can't bring himself to let go. Fingers clutching, clenching tight around you. Possessive. Greedy, even he as he slowly unspools from around you. As he pulls away, scouring his hand down his face with a deep, ragged inhale. Rough, worn fingers digging into his jaw until the knuckles under a dense cropping of umber hair turn white, nails pinking under the strain.
"This isn't—"
You nod again. Soft and slow, but you let your tongue flicker out, chasing the smoke drying on your swollen lips. It stings. The burn makes you think of him. Of his hot, heavy hands on your skin.
His eyes drop down to follow the slip of red that teases out between your teeth, blackening as they trace the new wetness left behind. You can feel him twitch against your thigh.
Your name is a broken snarl trapped in the thick of his throat. You've never heard it like that. Never. It does something. Lights you up from the inside out. Supernova in his arms. Icarus burning, crashing down to earth—
Catch me, Apollo—
He pulls away instead. Detaches from you with a heavy groan, as if the distance that now sits between you hurts him just as much.
The silence is broken by the sound of the crowd just beyond the pillar. You can see the moment it settles over him in the flattening of his eyes, the erasure of all affection that bloomed bright in blue. The terse set to his shoulders. The distance, the space, that grows and grows and grows—
He clears his throat. Mr Price once more. Untouchable. Off-limits.
"You should go," he says, and there's not an ounce of give in the rough flatline of his voice. Fixed. Firm. "You should go back to your hotel room. Come on. I'll call you a taxi."
"And you?"
He sucks in a breath through his nose, nostrils flaring. "Don't worry about me. Just—go back to the hotel room. We can—we'll talk in the morning."
"Where'd you?" She asks when you crawl into bed, the starchy sheets rubbing against your sunbitten skin.
There is a deluge of things you want to say. Things like—
I'm sorry. I love him. I—
can't let go.
"I think I just got my heart broken," you say instead, and wonder when the tears are supposed to come. At the wedding, maybe. But right now, you just feel numb. Empty.
The bed creaks when she rolls over, facing you in the dark. "Really? Didn't know you were, you know, foolin' around with anyone."
"I wasn't. It's—" your dad. But you can't say that, can you?
There's something painfully nostalgic about loving a man you're not supposed to want. A man who cannot, should not, want you back. An unrequited love in a foreign land. Unconsummated in the summer's heart. Sticky, bittersweet heartbreak.
Or, that's what it's supposed to be.
They are not John Price, though. Your best friend's dad. And they didn't kiss you back—
But he did.
And you think it's the worst thing he could have ever done.
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