aniruddh-saha · 1 year
From Data to Domination
Aniruddh Saha| Digital Marketing Intern
In this digital realm online presence is very much important. Online Presence facilitate businesses to get a wider reach and more sales. Every business owner has the desire to be at the top rank in Google’s SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Here comes the role of Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Google Analytics is free web analytics tool that help to get the data of website’s traffic. And Google Search Console is a powerful web master tool by Google that helps to understand the performance and health of SEO in one’s website.
Let me give one example for better understanding. Suppose a Digital Marketing Institute in India that provides a top-notch courses and training. Now this academy has the desire to be at the top of SERP to get more visibility and a greater number of students. Here Google Analytics plays a vital role. It shows the audience data like demographics, interest and behavior that helps to understand the visitor’s demographics, interest and behavior. Now this academy can create more engaging content that visitor wants, this will drive more traffic in their website. After posting a content, Google Search Console will show whether the page is indexed or not. If not then you can request indexing.
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Understanding Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic and also the mobile app traffic & events, currently as a platform inside the Google Marketing Platform brand. Google launched the service in November 2005 after acquiring Urchin.
Google Analytics can track the number of visitors to your website, where they are coming from, and what pages they are visiting. It can also track how users interact with your website, such as how long they spend on each page, what links they click on, and how they navigate through your site.
Google Analytics can be used to track the performance of your marketing campaigns, such as how many people click on your ads and how many of those people convert into customers. It can also be used to track the effectiveness of your website content, such as which pages are the most popular and which pages are driving the most conversions.
Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you track and analyse your website traffic. This data can be used to improve your website, your marketing campaigns, and your overall business performance.
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Here are some of the benefits of using Google Analytics:
Track website traffic: Google Analytics can track the number of visitors to your website, where they are coming from, and what pages they are visiting. This information can be used to identify which marketing channels are most effective and to optimize your website for better user experience.
Analyses user behaviour: Google Analytics can track how users interact with your website, such as how long they spend on each page, what links they click on, and how they navigate through your site. This information can be used to improve the usability of your website and to create more engaging content.
Track conversions: Google Analytics can track conversions, which are actions that you want users to take on your website, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a white paper. This information can be used to measure the success of your marketing campaigns and to identify areas where you can improve.
Benchmark your performance: Google Analytics can compare your website's traffic and conversion rates to other websites in your industry. This information can be used to benchmark your performance and to identify areas where you can improve.
Create reports: Google Analytics can create reports that summarize your website traffic and conversion data. These reports can be used to share your findings with your team, to track your progress over time, and to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns.
If you are serious about improving your website and your marketing campaigns, then Google Analytics is a tool that you should definitely use. It is a powerful tool that can help you track and analyse your website traffic in a number of ways.
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Leveraging Google Analytics for Online Presence Improvement
Google analytics helps to improve online presence of a business. Now we will see what are the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) metrics that should be consider in Google Analytics to take better decision in your business.
Sessions: This metric measures the number of times people visit your website. It is a good starting point for understanding how many people are interested in your website and what content they are interested in.
Unique Visitors: This metric measures the number of different people who visit your website. It is a good way to track how your website is growing over time and to see if you are reaching new people.
Bounce Rate: This metric measures the percentage of people who visit your website and then leave without viewing any other pages. A high bounce rate can indicate that your website is not engaging or that your content is not relevant to your target audience.
Average Session Duration: This metric measures the average amount of time people spend on your website. A long average session duration can indicate that people are engaged with your content and that they are finding what they are looking for.
Pages per Session: This metric measures the average number of pages people view during a single session. A high pages per session number can indicate that people are finding your content interesting and that they are clicking through to other pages on your website.
Conversion Rate: This metric measures the percentage of people who take a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a white paper. A high conversion rate can indicate that your website is effective at converting visitors into customers or leads.
These are just a few of the KPI metrics that can be used in Google Analytics to take better decisions in your business. The specific metrics that you track will depend on your business goals and objectives. However, by tracking these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into how your website is performing and how you can improve it.
Now let us see one example of how you can use these metrics to make better decisions in your business:
Let's say you own an online store and you want to increase sales. You can track the conversion rate for your website to see how many people are actually making purchases. If you see that the conversion rate is low, you can look for ways to improve your website's usability or your marketing campaigns.
Let's say you are a blog writer and you want to increase traffic to your blog. You can track the number of sessions and unique visitors to your blog to see how many people are visiting your blog. If you see that the number of sessions and unique visitors is low, you can look for ways to improve your blog's content or your promotion efforts.
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By tracking these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into how your website is performing and how you can improve it. This information can help you make better decisions about your business and achieve your goals.
Introduction to Google Search Console
Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is a free service offered by Google that helps website owners monitor and troubleshoot their website's presence in Google Search results.
Google Search Console offers a variety of tools and reports that can help you improve your website's visibility in Google Search. These tools include:
Index Coverage: This report shows you which pages of your website are indexed in Google Search.
Crawl Errors: This report shows you any errors that Googlebot encountered when crawling your website.
Manual Actions: This report shows you if Google has taken any manual actions against your website, such as deindexing it.
Search Appearance: This report shows you how your website appears in Google Search results, including your title tag, meta description, and keywords.
Performance: This report shows you how your website is performing in Google Search, such as the number of impressions, clicks, and average position.
Google Search Console is a valuable tool for any website owner who wants to improve their website's visibility in Google Search. By using the tools and reports offered by Google Search Console, you can identify and fix any issues that may be affecting your website's performance in Google Search.
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Here are some of the benefits of using Google Search Console:
Track your website's performance in Google Search: Google Search Console can track the number of impressions, clicks, and average position for your website in Google Search. This information can be used to see how your website is performing in Google Search and to identify areas where you can improve.
Identify and fix indexing errors: Google Search Console can identify any indexing errors that Googlebot encountered when crawling your website. These errors can prevent your website from being indexed in Google Search, so it is important to fix them as soon as possible.
Get notified of manual actions: Google Search Console can notify you if Google has taken any manual actions against your website, such as deindexing it. This information can help you understand why Google took these actions and how you can fix the problem.
Optimize your website for search: Google Search Console can help you optimize your website for search by providing information about how your website appears in Google Search results. This information can be used to improve your title tag, meta description, and keywords.
If you are serious about improving your website's visibility in Google Search, then Google Search Console is a tool that you should definitely use. It is a powerful tool that can help you track and troubleshoot your website's presence in Google Search results.
Enhancing Online Presence with Google Search Console
Performance: The Performance report in Google Search Console shows you how your website is performing in Google Search. This includes information such as the number of impressions, clicks, and average position for your website in Google Search. You can use this information to see how your website is performing in Google Search and to identify areas where you can improve. For example, if you see that your website is getting a lot of impressions but not many clicks, you may want to improve your title tag or meta description.
Coverage: The Coverage report in Google Search Console shows you which pages of your website are indexed in Google Search. This includes information such as the number of pages indexed, any errors that Googlebot encountered when crawling your website, and any pages that are blocked from being indexed. You can use this information to identify any issues that may be preventing your website from being indexed in Google Search. For example, if you see that a large number of pages on your website are not indexed, you may want to check your robots.txt file to make sure that Googlebot is allowed to crawl those pages.
Enhancement: The Enhancement report in Google Search Console provides information about how your website can be improved for search. This includes information such as your title tag, meta description, and keywords. You can use this information to optimize your website for search and to improve your chances of ranking higher in Google Search results. For example, if you see that your title tag is not very descriptive, you may want to improve it so that it better reflects the content of your page.
Security: The Security report in Google Search Console provides information about any security issues that may affect your website. This includes information such as malware, phishing, and spam. You can use this information to identify and fix any security issues on your website so that your website remains safe and secure. For example, if you see that your website has been infected with malware, you will need to take steps to remove the malware and secure your website.
Manual: The Manual Actions report in Google Search Console shows you if Google has taken any manual actions against your website. This includes actions such as deindexing your website or removing your website from Google's search results. If you see that Google has taken any manual actions against your website, you will need to take steps to fix the problem so that your website can be re-indexed in Google Search. For example, if your website has been deindexed for having thin content, you will need to add more content to your website so that it meets Google's quality guidelines.
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By using the Performance, Coverage, Enhancement, Security, and Manual reports in Google Search Console, you can identify and fix any issues that may be affecting your website's performance in Google Search. This can help to enhance your online presence and improve your chances of ranking higher in Google Search results.
Now we have came to our conclusion. Here are some key take ways that you can consider and  implement in your business:
Google Analytics and Google Search Console are two powerful tools that can help you improve your online presence.
Google Analytics can track your website traffic, analyze user behavior, track conversions, and create reports.
Google Search Console can track your website's performance in Google Search, identify and fix indexing errors, get notified of manual actions, and optimize your website for search.
By using these tools, you can identify and fix any issues that may be affecting your website's performance in Google Search.
This can help to enhance your online presence and improve your chances of ranking higher in Google Search results.
I encourage you to take action and start utilizing these powerful tools for your website. They are a great way to track your website's performance and to improve your online presence.
Here are some additional tips for using Google Analytics and Google Search Console:
Set up goals and objectives: Before you start using Google Analytics, it is important to set up goals and objectives for your website. This will help you track your progress and to see how your website is performing against your goals.
Track the right metrics: There are many different metrics that you can track in Google Analytics. It is important to track the metrics that are most important to you and to your business goals.
Use the reports: Google Analytics offers a variety of reports that can help you understand your website traffic and user behavior. Use these reports to identify areas where you can improve your website.
Stay up-to-date: Google Analytics and Google Search Console are constantly being updated with new features and functionality. It is important to stay up-to-date with these changes so that you can get the most out of these tools.
I hope this blog has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me in comments.
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alisozkesen · 2 years
List of Twitter Accounts
As I mentioned in the post I bet, you follow at least 2 of these professionals on Twitter.. there is a long list that we aim to reach their followers... 
And here is the list as follows:
AlexCattoni alexdesigns aleyda AmyPorterfield AnalyticsNinja aschottmuller avinash Backlinko badams Benioff bhalligan bill_slawski bmassey BrennerMichael brianclark BrianHonigman BritneyMuller CarrieRosePR chimammeje chrija ClaireSuellen cmcphillips copyhackers crestodina CyrusShepard dcancel dharmesh elisedopson FoundationIncCo FX_Digital garicruze GerryMoran ggiiaa halvorson HarrisonAmy heidicohen hnshah iqseo JasonFalls jasonlk jaybaer jeffbullas jenhavice jill_rowley jimsterne JoelKlettke joepulizzi JonLoomer joshgallantco justincutroni kaleighf kat_boogaard Kevin_Indig kimgarst KorayGubur larrykim levie lilachbullock MandyModGirl MarijanaKay MariSmith MarketingProfs markwschaefer mdeziel MicheleJKiss mike_stelzner motoceo nathanojaokomo NealSchaffer nevmed NikkiElizDemere oligardner OneMinuteBriefs onlinemetrics Patticus peeplaja PegFitzpatrick randfish richpage RossHudgens RyanMcCready1 sandikrakowski sanmallya SEO seosmarty SimoAhava soniasimone Steli sujanpatel TaliaGw thatbberg TheCoolestCool TheGrok thejessew thisissethsblog tiadobi tim_ash timsoulo VeryGoodCopy VictorIjidola wilreynolds wordmancopy
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matthewdeanlett · 7 years
Measuring Real Reach
For the past month the Social Media Metrics and ROI course has transformed my perception on the role analytics play in my understanding and creation of online communications strategies. The three goals outlined in my original Mastery Journey Timeline, were successfully met this month.
Being exposed to the world of studying online user statistics for social media and web traffic, added more knowledge under my tool belt. I’ve been a web designer & web developer for over 7 years, but never understood the analytics side to the internet. I understood basic information such as meta tags, title tags, alt tags and writing content to help build on-page SEO. But I never understood the analytics, AdWords and PPC side of the web.
I did however have challenges in really grasping the the technical aspects of metrics, navigating and digesting all the terminology and definitions within the world of Google Analytics. Developing mastery in the concepts of analytics will require dedicating additional time in the coming months to be able to demonstrate my proficiency in the future.
My time in Social Media Metrics and ROI brought forth both academic challenge and growth in my outlook on social media content completely. By understanding who our intended user is, understanding their habits, interests and how they consume online content, helps communications professionals really understand how to produce and distribute authentic content based on data not assumptions.
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techinbiz · 6 years
108 of the Best Online Marketing Blogs to Follow in 2018
Looking for some new online marketing blogs to read this year? We’ve got a big ol’ list to help you out! It’s broken up into a few rough categories to keep it somewhat organized: Blogging, copywriting, social media, graphics and UI and web design, analytics, SEO, WordPress, branding, affiliate marketing and eCommerce, email marketing, hiring and staff, videos and photography, and sales. When you read these blogs you’ll get ideas and inspiration, and sometimes just a little bit of research on a new blog can change your whole career for the better. That’s our hope with this collection. Please consider giving it a share if you enjoy it! The best online marketing blogs to follow in 2018 Putting together one of these lists is both time consuming and confusing because you need to first find the blogs and then have a reason or a system for why you include them. With that in mind, the blogs mentioned below are hopefully a good mix of authority and freshness in no particular order. I didn’t want you to just see a list of popular sites that you already know – but some will definitely be in there. If you know of any newer blogs that are doing great things please drop a note in the comment and I’ll consider adding it to the post. I’m always on the lookout for something great! Blogging Blogs that help you get the most out of your own blogging. Matthew Barby Matthew has worked in marketing for a long time and shares content about growth strategies, SEO and content marketing. Detailed.com Incredible content from Glen Allsopp that gives detailed case studies in to content marketing and SEO success stories. Blog Herald The Blog Herald blog cover blogging related news, interviews, and publishes content that is related to all parts of blogging. The Branded Solopreneur This blog is run by Dre, who shares her tips related to branding and visual content. She also writes about WordPress and content creation in her own unique style. Michelle Shaeffer Michelle’s content is more inclined towards individuals who wish to start a career in blogging, or turn it into a business. A Branch of Holly Holly teaches about blogging, but she has her own style of expression through stories and helping other bloggers who are struggling. Unamo Social media, SEO and conversions are the three main subjects the Unamo blog covers in a detailed way. Its content considers various business cases, and suggests solutions for them. Digital Uncovered The Digital Uncovered team consistently publishes terrific content, and discusses different topics in thoughtful ways. Authority Hacker The long-form articles on the Authority Hacker blog are phenomenal, and capable of solving your doubts all at once. Their content is based on what their experience has been working on the internet for years. Audience Bloom Jayson DeMers provides marketing related services, and has some good knowledge about what works and what doesn’t. He shares his advice on his blog occasionally. Be a Better Blogger Kevin Duncan’s blog has a lot of valuable content related to blogging. You can spend a lot of time just clicking through his archives. ShoutMeLoud The ShoutMeLoud blog by Harsh Agrawal is a great place to find how-tos and tutorials related to various blogging tools and platforms. How to Make My Blog Marko Saric shares a lot of worthy content that provides answers to many questions all bloggers have. It’s all well-structured and easy to digest. Upwork Upwork is a platform to hire freelancers or remote workers. The Upwork blog covers several subjects such as hiring, business, productivity and almost every topic that bloggers need to get content about. Oktopost The Oktopost blog is for businesses, and shares tips for teams to make the best use of blogging, content marketing, and blogging to achieve their goals. Content writing and copywriting If you do any writing online you’ll need some good copywriting lessons. Enchanting Marketing A blog run by Henneke, who is an expert at copywriting. She shares writing advice for small businesses, without any fluff or pretension. The Writer’s Academy This blog is run by Penguin Random House, and is specifically focused on polishing the skills of writers, and simplifying the overall process for them. Lauren Sapala Lauren doesn’t just write, but shares stories that touch you. She inspires you to have the courage to go on as a writer, and creates posts that most writers can relate themselves to. Copywrite Matters An incredibly well written blog that gives you regular tips about how to be a better online writer. Goins, Writer A good friend of this blog, Jeff is a master writer and his blog gives you practical insights for making writing financially viable as well as fulfilling. Kate Toon An Australian-based copywriter that helps you write persuasive copy to ensure that your clients stay engaged and interested Social media Blogs to help you make the most of your hours on social networking sites. Robert Katai Robert has a stunning website with a focus on social media, content marketing and visual marketing. With beautiful, long-form articles, this is definitely a blogger to watch. Dustin W. Stout Dustin shares some specific, practical advice that you can actually carry out. The content on his blog is insightful, and can help you regardless of which stage you’re stuck at. SBZ Sue helps businesses with their social media strategies and has a particularly good focus on Instagram. Peg Fitzpatrick Peg shares some extraordinary, yet easy social media advice. She stresses on using visual content the right way to achieve success with social media. Jon Loomer Jon’s focus is clear. He only talks about Facebook and nothing else. So if Facebook is where your target audience usually hangs out, follow Jon to discover what else you can do. Sprout Social The Sprout Social effectively combines the use of social media and SEO, and presents content that is up-to-date and useful for most businesses. digimind The digimind blog is mostly about social media and analytics. They not only talk about creating content or sharing it, but also about measuring and getting the right outcomes. Social Media Explorer While it’s not a new blog, The Social Media Explorer blog is updated regularly with new posts that explain everything from a broader perspective, and shares advice that works for different platforms. Graphics, UI and website design Sites to help your blog be more beautiful and easy to use. fifteen The fifteen team constantly comes up with new design content, and talks about interesting subjects. They have a nice way of explaining everything, in a casual, friendly tone. Canva Design School The Canva blog is a beautiful resource. It has a stack of well-crafted and relevant content that can help anyone become great at design skills, and also covers topics most audience can relate to. Creative Bloq This blog contains content from all aspects of design, such as typography and illustration, and is a nice place to explore more about design elements. TDB Also called as The Design Blog, it isn’t a typical blog featuring tutorials or design tips. Rather, it posts design examples from places to inspire creativity in others. Smashing Magazine Smashing Magazine’s blog is much like a school because they cover everything design-related through their in-depth articles. It’s a nice place to learn new skills. Format magazine Format magazine is some fun and lightweight content that inspires designer to explore fresh topics and see what others are doing. 99designs Creative design for entrepreneurs is their tagline, and their content reflects the same. 99designs posts are about the budding artists, and designers with an entrepreneurial spirit. Wed Designer Depot As the name suggests, it’s primarily about web design, but not limited to it. The articles posted on the Web Designer Depot blog are for anyone involved in working on the internet, with websites. How Design This blog covers a bunch of topics ranging from design news, design career, along with some business related stuff. Add them to your reading list if you wish to know about how the design industry works. 99u The 99u blog by Adobe Systems is about encouraging creativity in work. The bold and provoking content tells the same story through the opinions of thought leaders, and through some unconventional ways. onextrapixel Onextrapixel (OXP) is a tips and tools kind of blog for web designers, and talks about all things design. They keep sharing useful resources occasionally. Analytics Blogs to help you look at data and make more sense of it. The Signal mixpanel has a business-oriented blog called The Signal that teaches you to make insightful use of data. It prompts you to critically analyze data and use it in the best way possible. online-behavior This blog has a simple objective of understanding how the online customers behave. It posts studies related to data and interprets them so you can properly decide your website and UX. Jeffalytics Jeff Sauer posts outstanding content to measure the growth and success of your blog using analytics. He presents some great points to show how you can use existing data to develop new insights. Loves Data Benjamin Mangold really loves data. He talks a lot about Google Analytics as his main aim is to help people make better use of their own data. OnlineMetrics A blog by Paul Koks where he primarily discusses uses of Google Analytics and Digital Analytics. Follow his blog if you wish to polish your analytics related knowledge. Occamís Razor This blog by Avinash Kaushik is still relevant and is regularly full of insightful ideas that can give you new things to work on with your own analytics. SEO Blog that will show you how to rank higher on Google and stay up to date. Ahrefs Ahrefs is undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools. The Ahrefs blog is equally useful where the contributors share a lot of SEO related practical advice and tips. Webris A content marketing and SEO blog with some really amazing case studies that have pretty incredible results. Lots of practical tips here. Portent Although the Portent blog covers some other topics as well, their SEO related content is strong and useful. It’s a fantastic place to learn more. Backlinko The Backlinko blog by Brian Dean is exceptional. It’s suitable for all kinds of audience and explains technical nuances in an easily understandable manner, while often delving in to amazing detail. Search Engine Watch The SEW blog posts about analysis of search engine industry to increase the discoverability of websites. So the content revolves around ranking better and getting found by new audiences. Ranking By SEO This blog covers a broad range of SEO related topics such as keyword research, optimization, and technical SEO. It’s much like an all-in-one kind of blog. WooRank WooRank blog tries to simplify SEO and digital marketing in order to increase traffic, promote user engagement, and improve conversions. CognitiveSEO The CognitiveSEO blog is about monitoring and improving your search engine rankings. They share workable tips related to the same on their blog. Moz Still the world’s premier SEO blog in our opinion, this is the blog to follow if you want up to date advice on how to make sure you’re getting your Google SEO right. WordPress Helping you to get the most out of the world’s most popular platform. WP Superstars The WP Superstars blog has a motto of simplifying WordPress. Its content includes a lot about plugins, themes, tutorials and hosting. Overall, it helps you resolve your WordPress related problems. WPKube It contains thorough articles to educate you about WordPress, and deal with any issues you’re facing. It’s regularly updated with new resources and easy hacks. WPLift An ideal blog for basic WordPress users who don’t want to deal with code, and need easier solutions for WordPress. The content is useful and new. WPExplorer The WPExplorer blog covers some frequent WordPress issues in a clear and simple way. It provides direct solutions and excludes any unnecessary chaff. WPAll.club This blog shows you the latest tools, deals, or themes, and also covers the problems WordPress users need to deal with on a regular basis. DeveloperDrive The DeveloperDrive team shares a lot of technical details and tutorials about WordPress. It’s focused on making WordPress better for you. It’s ideal for you if you’re a developer yourself. Remi Corson Remi’s blog is all about WooCommerce and related stuff. It can be especially helpful for those seeking a single place to learn all about this eCommerce platform. Branding Blogs to help you build a brand, not just another website. Motto The Motto blog talks about all beautiful things ranging from creativity, design and entrepreneurship, while keeping branding at its heart. Kaye Putnam Kaye explain some definite ways to assist you in growing your brand, and presents some relevant examples from her work. DBD International David Brier’s blog presents some sincere ways to end brand-related confusion. His blog posts have specificity which help give practical insights to common questions. Affiliate Marketing and eCommerce Blogs to help you get better at selling things online. Smart Passive Income Pat Flynn is one of the Internet’s genuinely good human beings. An absolute powerhouse of a website that covers all aspects of online business from blogging to podcasting and digital courses. Mobile Moxie An excellent blog that teaches you how to make sure your mobile user experience and strategy is converting to sales and leads. Inbound Ascension A fantastic blog by Daniel Daines-Hutt that gives actionable tips and case studies for how you can make everything online convert better. eCommerceLift John creates content keeping the eCommerce industry at center, and doesn’t post general content. He only publishes what holds potential for eCommerce businesses, along with some case studies. A Better Lemonade Stand The team dives into various parts and stages of running an eCommerce business such as platforms, apps, branding, or strategy. Overall, the have a stack of high-quality content that’s gold. Bootstrapping Ecommerce If you’re starting an eCommerce business on a small budget, this blog can guide you. They have advice related to starting and growing your business, even you aren’t a big deal. Demac Media The Demac blog comes up with ideas to help commerce businesses prosper in a competitive environment. It informs you with updates about how you can seize various opportunities. BigCommerce This blog features in-depth articles covering various subjects in the eCommerce scene. It shares content that can be useful to eCommerce business owners with a broad range of subjects covered. Acquire Convert Giles Thomas shares some tips to grow your business. He covers all facets or running an eCommerce business and making it successful. Luke PeerFly If you’re aiming to make affiliate marketing a main source of income with your blog then Luke’s blog may help. He shares his experience with various methods and related advice. PartnerCentric The PartnerCentric blog provides some thoughtful answers to affiliate marketing related doubts, and explains new ways to earn using the same. Email marketing Blogs to help you make your email marketing more effective and useful. Phrasee The Phrasee blog breaks down all elements of successful emails, and teaches you how to craft your emails the right way. Litmus The Litmus blog explains all ins and outs related to using subject lines, email analytics and other parts of email marketing. They’ve also got a podcast. Benchmark Benchmark blog is simple, without any flashy elements. But their content is strong enough to help you better your email marketing efforts. Campaign Monitor Along with its blog, Campaign Monitor offers a set of tools, guides and webinars. You would find most of resources you need to enhance your email marketing. Constant Contact Articles published on Constant Contact are brief and clear. They tell you what you can do, and then suggest practical advice for execution. Freshmail The Freshmail blog constantly come up with new and useful ideas to help you create better email campaigns. They’ve got some helpful resources as well. Hiring and Staff Ideas for hiring staff to help your blogging business grow and expand. FreeUp The FreeUp blog is for companies or businesses finding ways to hire remote workers online. It also shares tips about maintaining a healthy workflow and relationship with your team. Glassdoor Glassdoor’s blog is mainly for recruiters, or those who are seeking better ways to polish their hiring skills. It also teaches you about how you can become a better employer. Officevibe It’s an effective blog about building fantastic teams, and working well together. They also talk about keeping employees happy and being a responsible hirer. Chris Ducker For a long time now, Chris has built a blog that shows you how to hire people online in order to take all the day-to-day tasks off your hands so you can focus on building a company. Videos and photography How to use visual content to make your blog more successful and useful. Digital Photography School DPS by Darren Rowse has been around a long time and is still quality. They teach you how to get the most out of your camera (or cellphone) and become a better photographer. Light Stalking It talks about beautiful photography. They keep sharing thoughts on becoming better photographers, and also have a forum where users can ask for feedback about their work. PetaPixel A blog that posts news, camera reviews, related articles, and also has a podcast. It also keeps the audience updated with newest happenings in the photography world. Outdoor Photographer This blog by Madavor Media features contributors who talk about equipment and techniques for mastering the art of landscape and wildlife photography. Vlog Nation Unlike other blogs which cover videography techniques, Vlog Nation shares tips related to the unconventional but emerging trend of vlogging for YouTube enthusiasts. Photography Life The team constantly comes up with content that’s useful to photographers, and share various tips and tricks for capturing better photographs. No Film School This blog presents serious videography content which is equivalent to some conventional course, and can take you to a pro level. It covers almost all required topics such as direction, screenwriting, editing and others. The Beat A blog that covers topics such as video editing, video production and motion graphics. The posts are regularly updated, with tutorials for various video editing tools as well. Fstoppers Fstoppers mainly aims at educating and inspiring the community of photography and videography enthusiasts. They have enough content for different genres. The Blast A blog by Shutterstock which mostly shares tips and tutorials for after effects, motion design and video editing. Sales Blogs that show you better techniques for selling and all things sales. John Barrows John shares a lot of great sales advice that’s based on his experience and stories. He covers almost all sales-related consequences you’d normally face. LinkedIn Sales LinkedIn’s Sales Solutions blog produces a steady stream of content that’s published by various thought leaders and contributors. It’s got a bundle of useful resources, too. No More Cold Calling Joanne Black talks about building relationships and getting referrals to increase sales, instead of the popular way of cold calling. She shares her views about better sales tactics on her blog. MJ Hoffman Jeff has worked as a sales consultant in the past, and shares his lessons on the blog. His advice is often simple and workable, without any complications. Marc Wayshak Marc is a sales strategist who shares his blog posts combined with his YouTube videos. His advice is sensible and focuses on creating better salespeople. LeadFuze The LeadFuze team publishes content about lead generation and sales skills. Their goal is makes sales easier and less time-consuming. Close.io The Close.io blog covers topics related to almost all sales methods such as emailing, cold calling, reporting or automation. Also, their content is entertaining, but to the point. Attach.io Attach.io blog teaches you to communicate better for sales. They have content to help you at every stage of dealing with prospects. Yesware Yesware blog suggests tips to improve soft skills, increase productivity, and organize tools. The team tries to better the abilities of salespeople. Growbots The content addresses several sales concerns such as emails, customer acquisition, communication techniques and automation tools. Ambition Ambition blog is for the salespeople. Its content is about how to make new hires, drive more revenue, or increase efficiency. Spiro The Sipro blog has a fun and casual way of addressing salespeople’s troubles. They’re capable of suggesting solutions without being serious at the same time. What did you think of these blogs? I’d really love to know what you thought of this list and whether or not there was anything new and interesting there for you. As I mentioned at the top of the post, if there is any other amazing online marketing blog out there that I’ve missed please let me know in the comments. Top photo © Daniel Villeneuve.
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peaksandpies · 7 years
Analytics Update
Eine neue Variable für Google Analytics Einstellungen erleichtert euch die Arbeit mit dem Google Tag Manager, OnlineMetrics teilt mit euch die 15 besten Google Analytics und Tag Manager Add-ons, und Benjamin Mangold von Loves Data zeigt euch, was Google Sheets alles kann:
Google Tag Manager: Announcing Centralized Google Analytics Settings
A Google Analytics Settings Variable acts as a central location to configure sets of Google Analytics settings for use across multiple tags.
Darauf haben wir gewartet: Google hat eine Settings Variable eingeführt, die es ermöglicht, eure Google-Analytics-Einstellungen über mehrere Tags hinweg zu setzen. Anstatt die Einstellungen immer wieder in jedem Tag erneut einzugeben, könnt ihr einfach eine Settings-Variable erstellen und diese auf alle Tags anwenden. Großartig!
#GTMTips: Enable And Fire Triggers In Google Tag Manager
The Enable this trigger when… condition is for determining on which pages the trigger should work in the first place. It’s sole purpose is to delimit the trigger itself to listening to events only on pages that you allow it to.
Simo Ahava erklärt euch in seinem neuesten Post zum Google Tag Manager den Unterschied zwischen der Aktivierung (Enable this trigger when) und dem Feuern (Fire this trigger when) von Triggern.
Top 15 Google Analytics Tools to Increase Data Quality and Productivity
Many different applications seamlessly integrate with Google Analytics and there are dozens of useful Add-ons available. It’s a great opportunity for all of us!
Paul Koks von OnlineMetrics zeigt euch in seinem Beitrag 15 Add-ons für Google Analytics und Tag Manager, die euch helfen können, die Qualität eurer Daten zu verbessern und Produktivität zu steigern. Netterweise hat er auch gleich direkt die Links zu allen Add-ons aufgelistet.
Common Problems in GA Reporting
Of course, our favorite analytics tool has the ability to customize reports in the way you need, but with this much variety, sometimes what you get isn’t what you expect.
AnalyticsPros teilt mit euch die häufigsten Probleme, denen sie bei der Arbeit mit Google-Analytics-Reports über den Weg gelaufen sind. Sie decken eine Menge von Aspekten ab, die bei euch möglicherweise auch schon einmal aufgetaucht sind und erklären, warum sie passieren und wie ihr sie lösen könnt.
19 Awesome Things Google Sheets Can Do
It’s really easy to start using Google Sheets, but did you know it offers some great ways to get even more our of your data?
Google Sheets kann mehr, als ihr denkt! Was genau, das erzählt euch Benjamin Mangold von Loves Data. Auch hier gibt es wieder eine praktische Liste mit Links zu jedem Tipp. Wusstet ihr schon, dass man damit auch E-Mail-Adressen überprüfen kann?
Solving the enterprise attribution challenge
You’ll get all your marketing event data in Attribution 360 with no need for retagging and no data loss between systems. You simply link your accounts and reports will usually be available within 48 hours.
Google Attribution ist da! Endlich gibt es ein Tool, das euch ermöglicht, den Einfluss eurer Marketing-Bemühungen über alle Geräte und Kanäle hinweg zu messen. AdWords, Google Analytics und DoubleClick Search lassen sich einfach integrieren, sodass Daten aus allen Marketingkanälen zusammenkommen. Und mit der 360-Version lassen sich sogar externe Datenquellen verwalten und Daten erneut verarbeiten.
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