#Operation Lionheart
Rescue dogs from Asia helping to sniff out survivors after Turkey quake
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The Straits Times / Asia News Network
14 February 2023
SINGAPORE – As search and rescue teams continue to seek out survivors among the rubble in the aftermath of last Monday’s earthquake in Turkey and Syria, rescue dogs from Singapore and its South-east Asian neighbors Malaysia and Thailand have emerged as key members of these operations.
These trained canines and their keen sense of smell are able to work in tandem with the human members of the rescue teams and access areas that humanitarian aid officers find difficult to reach.
Their senses are especially useful in the two countries, where hundreds of buildings have collapsed due to the 7.8-magnitude earthquake, leaving more than 37,000 dead and thousands more missing so far.
The Singapore Civil Defense Force team sent four canines along with their 68-man Operation Lionheart contingent to the south-eastern Turkish town of Kahramanmaras, near the quake’s epicenter.
The dogs, including two labrador retrievers Frenchy and Rizzo, have been deployed to sniff out areas that could become potential rescue sites, helping the teams assess the need to use search equipment to home in on victim locations, said the SCDF on Facebook.
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Thailand’s search and rescue team in Turkey, including its two sniffer dogs Sierra and Sahara, has also drawn attention on social media, according to Thai daily The Nation.
The female golden retrievers in the team from the country’s urban search and rescue team have raised awareness of the role sniffer dogs play in these missions.
Photos of seven-year-old Sierra and six-year-old Sahara have been shared widely on social media, along with an outpouring of concern for those affected by the catastrophe.
Both dogs had passed training certified by the International Rescue Dog Organisation and have been tasked to search for earthquake victims in the rubble.
The Thai team started work on Saturday in Hatay, a southern Turkish province on the Mediterranean coast that borders Syria, where wintry conditions have seen temperatures plunge to 2 deg C.
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From Malaysia, tracker dogs Denti and Frankie have been sent on their first mission abroad, less than two months after their high-profile search and rescue job during the landslide at Batang Kali near Genting Highlands that killed 31 campers.
Both Denti, a labrador retriever, and English springer spaniel Frankie were put on an 11-hour flight to Istanbul, before being dispatched to southern Turkey for their mission to locate casualties of the earthquake in 12-hour shifts, The Star newspaper reported.
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On Saturday, they discovered and rescued five family members who had been trapped under the rubble of their residential building for six days, Bernama reported.
A Malaysian tactical operations official said the dogs were trained to find victims, alive or dead.
They were accompanied by their handlers, said unit chief Donny Chap.
He told The Star that the two canines, who received “Hero Malaysia” medals following their efforts during December’s landslide, had been given sufficient rest before their latest deployment.
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📷 https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40024812
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greenerteacups · 6 months
Is Harry a horocrux/ parselmouth ?
What, in canon?
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bestworstcase · 1 month
Salem isn't really the "evil" fairy godmother in my opinion.
I think it'd be more accurate to say that she's the fairy godmother who just gives you EXACTLY what you asked for, but the consequences of that desire are always still there good, bad and everything in between.
You want revenge for your sister? Okay, Salem'll let you beat her to death, but she's still immortal and will come back eventually.
You want to destroy your former home? Okay she'll help you do that, but it's your problem if you end up pissing off someone else and they decide to kill you because of your decisions.
Basically, she'd do exactly as the contract asks of her so long as you're handling it in good faith, but it's your job to read the fine print.
i mean
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just because salem doesn’t operate like the villainous archetype she presents as (i.e. malevolently making promises she has no intention of honoring, stabbing her people in the back for no reason once they’ve "outlived their usefulness," generally having no understanding of human motivations aside from fear, etc) doesn’t mean she doesn’t actively hurt people.
she keeps her word unless the other party breaks their end of the bargain first (this is true even of lionheart; she asks him a question, waits for his answer, doesn’t turn to violence until he attacks the seer and tries to make a break for it) – and she deliberately, consistently utilizes fear and pain as tools of control. these things can coexist.
and with regard to cinder specifically, salem is in no way just sitting on her hands and allowing cinder to experience the natural consequences of getting what she asks for; she doesn’t want to keep her promise to cinder and she’s been throwing everything at a wall since v4 to see what will stick to wean cinder off wanting the other maidens – and when that fails she brings the hammer down and that’s the impetuous for the power struggle in v8. salem only budges on this because cinder demonstrates with terrifying effectiveness that she IS willing to literally die on this hill, and afterward falls over herself to praise cinder for showing a smidge of restraint in choosing not to obsessively pursue winter.
the whole multivolume conflict between cinder and salem is predicated on salem trying to wriggle out of the deal, by means that include intimidation and violence.
and like yeah she doesn’t lift a finger to spare people the natural consequences of their choices unless your name is cinder fall. but that’s. pretty secondary to the part where she hurts people if they don’t do as she says – whether physically (hazel, lionheart) or emotionally (tyrian). she is cruel. it’s evil to treat people the way salem treats her own followers. that she is, broadly, right about the gods, and correct in her condemnation of the huntsmen system as a vehicle for enacting the divine plan, does not and should not negate her abusing her associates.
that’s one of the central conceits of the story, that someone can be right and also do horrifically evil things in service of a just cause. rwby is far more unflinching in its commitment to this idea than most stories but it’s not like this is a novel concept. let’s not defang the narrative by ignoring salem’s literal on-screen actions.
like. the reason i argue that 1. salem hasn’t ever gone to war like this before and has in fact mostly not dignified ozma’s shadow war with her participation, and 2. has not made a systematic effort to wipe out silver-eyes as opposed to taking out a single very high-profile target who went around calling herself ‘the grimm reaper’ fifty or so years ago, is because both of these ideas—that salem has been warring with oz all this time and that silver eyes are rare because salem hunts them down—are unsubstantiated beliefs asserted by characters who expressly do not have all the facts, and do not really hold up to close examination.
(ozpin was at the highest point ozma has ever achieved when salem utterly, completely thrashed him, and she’s wiped two kingdoms off the map in less than two years, and she made it look effortless. ozma hasn’t been successful in fending her off for thousands of years; she simply hasn’t been trying. likewise, silver-eyed warriors are culturally expected to devote their lives to fighting grimm until they die, of course the trait is rare, and there is zero indication so far that salem made any attempts on summer’s life—you know, the silver-eyed warrior who worked for ozpin?—prior to summer deliberately seeking her out. it makes far more sense to conclude that salem is indifferent to silver-eyes as a class and picks off specific individual silver-eyed warriors who threaten her interests. also they’re supposed to be VANISHINGLY RARE, i promise salem does not have a cellar full of dozens of silver-eyed victims floating in vats of grimm goo, where would she even find them all.)
arguing that she Doesn’t Do things we literally see her do on screen numerous times is just flatly countertextual. we can acknowledge that her evil actions are in fact evil. it’s fine
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howlingday · 4 months
can you do that part in the World’s End when Gary and the gang confront the Network, but with the Gods instead please?
The World's End - The Network
???: RUBY... ROSE...
Ruby: ...Yeah?
Brother of Light: (As a bright light) Ruby Rose... of the humans?
Ruby: Yeah? Wha- What do you want?
Brother of Darkness: We are here to enable your full potential, just as we have across countless worlds across countless galaxies across countless universes.
Ruby: Uh-huh, and how... How'd you do that?
BoL: (Looking like Ironwood) We appropriate a small percentage of the population at 200 or so penetration points across the planet.
BoD: (Looking like Watts) This ensures maximum coverage. From there, we create simulants to spread our ideologies through peaceful indoctrination.
BoL: (Looking like Ozpin) Our goal is simple. To ready the population for participation in our cross-dimensional community.
BoD: (Looking like Lionheart) This method requires a small sacrifice.
BoL: (Looking like Clover) But the fewer replacements we make, the more successful we consider our operation.
BoD: (Looking like Tyrian) Of course, we welcome those who volunteer themselves.
BoL: (Looking like a hunk) We can offer... attractive incentives for those who willing combine.
BoD: (Looking like a teenager) The chance to be young again, and yet retain selective memories.
BoL: Isn't that something you'd like?
BoD: Something you've always wanted?
"Ruby": (V1, Smiles at 25 Ruby)
Ruby: Oh... Oh my god... I'm... I'm so cute~!
"Ruby": (Speaking as both Brothers) The true beauty of our system is... we all win. There are no losers. (Walks up to Ruby) Let me carry on your legacy and let the woman you've become change into the girl you were.
Ruby: (Smiles, Grabs "Ruby") ...NAH. (Decapitates) THERE'S ONLY ONE RUBY ROSE! (Tosses head)
Ruby: Yeah, I have! And, even though I'm a little drunk, I have to ask... WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU to come down here and tell us what to do?!
BoL: In the last forty-two years, have you not marveled as informational technology has surged forward?
Ruby: ...No?
BoD: Remnant has grown smaller yet greater as connectivity has grown! THIS IS OUR DOING, AND IT IS JUST THE BEGINNING!
Ruby: Oh, FUCK OFF, you fucking tree babies!
Ruby: Hey, Remnant isn't perfect, and humans aren't perfect, and Faunus aren't perfect, and guess what? I AIN'T PERFECT!
BoD: And therein lies the necessity of this intervention. Must the multiverse be subjected to an entire race of people like you?
Jaune: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa! Who put you in charge?! Huh?! Who are you to criticize anyone?! Now, you might think Ruby's a bit of a fuck-up, and she is a bit of a fuck-up, but she's MY fuck-up!
Ruby: Aw, thanks, Jaune~.
BoL: But she is a detriment to Remnant the same as Remnant is a detriment to it's own galaxy!
Jaune: ...Excuse me?
BoD: You act out the same cycles of self-destruction again and again! At this point, Remnant is the LEAST CIVILIZED of the multiverse!
Ruby: Wait, what did he just say?
Jaune: He's saying we're a bunch of shitheads.
Jaune: AND ME!
Ruby: What is it they say? To err is...
Jaune: ...human. To err is human.
Ruby: TOERRISHUMAN! So... Uh... Yeah...
BoL: We do not believe you speak for all of Remnant! You are but two humans! TWO DRUNK HUMANS!
Blake: (Rappels down)
Ruby/Jaune: BLAKE! (Hug and cheer)
Ruby/Jaune/Blake: (Continue to celebrate)
Blake: FUCK YOU!
Ruby: Oh, you are in trouble now! You're 'bout to go toe-to-toe-to-toe-to- You're about to fight the Three Musketeers!
Ruby: Yeah, we are revolting!
Jaune: Wait, I just thought of something. You said you're not here to conquer. But how many people did you replace in Shade?
Jaune: Is it?
Ruby: Hands up! Who here isn't infected by an alien little pissant light show?! (Raises hand)
Jaune: (Raises hand)
Blake: ...
Jaune: ...Blake.
Blake: Oh, shit, right, right. (Raises hand)
Jaune: Yeah, three people NOT taken over out of, what, an ENTIRE KINGDOM?!
BoD: Not an ENTIRE Kingdom.
Blake: What even happens to them, anyways?
BoL: Redundant vessels are broken down into basic biological components to be better used as fertilizing mulch.
Ruby: MULCH?!
BoD: It is a relevant few to ensure maximum productivity and a healthy ecosystem.
Ruby: "A relevant few" turned to FUCKING COMPOST!
Blake: And what about the other Kingdoms? Vale? Mistral? I don't think we're the only ones pulling this off, are we? Any other "glitches" in your system?
BoL: It is... true. Our system hasn't been 100% efficient with Remnant just yet.
Ruby: Yuh- You mean you bit off more than you could chew! Ha ha ha!
Jaune: Yeah, because we are more belligerent, more stupid, and more idiotic than you could possibly imagine! And I am NOT just talking about Ruby!
Ruby: Yeah, there's more than one Ruby Rose!
BoD: But you just said-
Ruby: Why don't you two just get in your rocket and fuck off back to the wherever the fuck you ran off to the last time humanity sent you off crying, you CUNTS!
Blake: YEAH! Stop SDC-ing us, man!
Jaune: Just leave us to our own devices, you intergalactic assholes!
Ruby: Shut up~!
BoD: ...And what is it you want to do?
Ruby: ...We want to be free!
Jaune: Yeah!
Ruby: We want to be free to do what we want to do!
Jaune: Yeah!
Ruby: We wanna get sauced!
Blake: YEAH!
Ruby: And we wanna have a good time! And that's what we're gonna do!
BoL: ...
BoD: ...It's pointless arguing with you. You will be left to your own devices.
Ruby: ...Really?
BoL: ...Yeah.
BoD: Fuck it. (Gone in a flash)
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lesbicosmos · 10 months
masterlist of all my fics i have on ao3!!!
(you guys will never guess who my favourite music artist is based on all my fic titles)
complete works
◻️dead poets society:
so in awe there i stood (anderperry, side chrisginny and mittsie)
oh, your love is sunlight (chrisginny)
she gives me toothaches just from kissin' me (chrisginny)
chrisginny week 2023 fics:
i've got some colour back, she thinks so, too
fell in love with the fire long ago
we'd sit back and watch the world go by
we lay here for years or for hours
something so precious about this
no grave can hold my body down
i'll crawl home to her
chrisginny week 2024 fics:
the one with violets in her lap
◻️good omens:
i'd like for you and i to go romancing (aziracrow, s2 fix it)
we should just kiss like real people do (aziracrow, minor vinylatte, s2 ep5 rewrite)
i'd be home with you (morgwen)
you're the king and i'm your lionheart (merthur, post-canon modern day)
the future's so bright, it's burnin' (morgana&merlin, s2 ep3 rewrite, magic reveal)
◻️doctor who:
there's something tragic about you, something so magic about you (thasmin)
hope that you're good to me, baby (supercorp)
◻️dead boy detectives:
it feels real to me now, it felt real to me then (payneland)
just a mirror away (edwiniko being platonic soulmates)
the case of the dead boy daughter (gen, referenced payneland)
the great petname debacle of '24 (payneland)
'cause it was always you, alright (payneland)
where did i go wrong? i lost a friend (edwin & crystal post-niko's death)
73 years (payneland, future fic)
hold me like water or christ, hold me like a knife (payneland)
payneland week 2024 fics:
i could break beneath the weight of the goodness, love, i still carry for you (prompt: language of love/sickfic)
eurydice, darling, just give him your hand (prompt: myths/legends)
nothing in the world belongs to me but my love mine all mine (prompt: love confession/first kiss)
you know the galaxies of my heart (prompt: domestic au)
fear is the heart of love (prompt: canon divergence)
through your eyes i see a smile you bring to me (prompt: free day)
i could find you darlin', in any life (prompt: soulmate au)
ongoing works
◻️good omens:
ineffable slice of life - ongoing oneshot series:
the one with the cold christmas (aziracrow)
the one with the halloween party (brief aziracrow, vinylatte and anathema/newt)
everything you've done... i know now. (merthur, arthur in avalon, arthur returns)
◻️dead boy detectives:
operation sapphic detectives (palasaki, sequel to cause it was always you, alright)
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superthatguy62 · 7 days
Final Fantasy III Fun Facts of the Whenever: Lionhearted Edition
(Translations via Google Translate and DeepL)
In the Final Fantasy III Perfect Analysis book (volume 1), Saronia's backstory is elaborated upon. It is described that Saronia used to have two orders of Knights: Knights and Magic Swordsmen/Dark Knights/Warmages/whatever. However, the Dark Knights would be exhiled due to the king of the era's fears over the power of their dark swords. Of particular note is the Dark Knight implied to be the first banished, as he is named "Leonhart" after the character from Final Fantasy II:
通常兵器を使いこ なせるキャラクター と言えば戦士系であ る。ただ、同じ系列 でもナイトと魔剣士 の剣に対する考え方 には大きな違いがあ る。剣が持つ力の二 せい 面性のうち、正の力 い を活かした剣士がナ イトであるとすれば、 負の力を活かした剣 い 士が魔剣士なのであ る。ともにサロニア 王室直属の優秀な剣 士だったが、力の源 りょうきょく フォース みなしと ふういん はその両極にあった のだ。負の力をおそ れた時の王は、魔剣 士レオンハルトを追 放、暗黒剣を封印し てしまった。追放さ れたレオンハルトは サロニアの南西に居 を移し、暗黒剣の道 を極めていった。こ の地が後のファルガ バードである。
Characters who can use normal weapons are warriors. However, even within the same type, there is a big difference in the way that knights and magic swordsmen think about swords. If a knight is a swordsman who uses the positive power of the sword, then a magic swordsman is a swordsman who uses the negative power. Both were excellent swordsmen directly under the royal family of Salonia, but their sources of power were at opposite ends of the spectrum. The king at the time, fearing the negative power, banished the magic swordsman Leonhardt and sealed away the dark sword. After being banished, Leonhardt moved to the southwest of Salonia and mastered the path of the dark sword. This place is what would later become Falgabard.
ちょう しょう 世界最大の都市サロニアは、文化の象 徴の図書館がある街、ナイト系民族の 街、魔剣士系民族の街の、3つに分かれ ていた。しかし、年々魔剣士一族は追放 により減少し、ナイト系の人だけが住み つくようになった。その中の1つ、 その中の1つ、南西 の街は工業都市。工場で働く人々のため に、酒場も経営されている。
Saronia, the largest city in the world, was divided into three parts: a city with a library of cultural symbols, a city of the knightly race, and a city of the mage race. However, over the years, the number of mage clans has dwindled due to exile, and only those of knightly descent have settled in the city. One of them, the city in the southwest, is an industrial city. A tavern is also operated for the factory workers.
魔剣士の隠れ里、ファルガバード。サ ロニアから移り住んだ、暗黒剣を使う一 族の村である。しかし、負の力を使いこ なせる者は少なく、特に魔剣士と呼ばれ る者は、わずか数名しか存在していない。 しかも、そのうちの大部分が高齢である ため、その使い手として後を継ぐことが できる者をひたすら待ち続けている。
A village of dark sword wielders who migrated from Saronia
Falgabard, a hidden village of magic sword wielders. A village of dark sword wielders who migrated from Saronia. However, there are few who can use negative powers, and there are only a few people who are called magic sword wielders. Moreover, most of them are elderly, so they are waiting for someone who can succeed them as wielders.
ファルガバードには、その昔、 サロニアから移り住んだ暗黒剣 を使う一族が住んでいる。暗黒 剣は、暗闇の持つ恐怖を克服し た者だけが扱える剣で、魔剣士 にしか使いこなせない。ここで は、暗黒剣を極めようとするも のが修業をしているわけだが、 魔剣士と呼ばれる者は今ではご 〈少数しか存在しない。
Long ago, a clan that used the Dark Sword lived in Falgabard, who had migrated from Saronia. The Dark Sword is a sword that can only be used by those who have overcome the fear of darkness, and only magic swordsmen can use it. Those who wish to master the Dark Sword train here, but there are now very few people who can be called magic swordsmen.
Additionally, this would not be the last time a classic Final Fantasy guidebook made a reference to Leon. The Final Fantasy IV Settings Document guidebook would also reference him. Specifically, it explains that the Deathbringer sword given to Cecil by the king of Fabul was left by a Dark Knight named Leonhart after he renounced the Dark Sword (Credit to SceneryRecalled, which is where the translation is hosted):
The Dark Knight Leonhart asks Fabul for lodging. There, through Abbot Fabul's teachings, he renounces his Dark Sword and enters the priesthood. Taking this as a sign, priests head for the temple in droves.
On an incidental note, a single Dark Sword rests within the walls of Fabul Temple. It is this very sword that led Fabul to its current state of prosperity. During the wars of a few hundred years ago, a lone Dark Knight, covered in wounds and at death's door, found his way to Fabul Temple. In the course of receiving treatment for his wounds, this knight experienced a spiritual awakening under the instruction and teachings of the High Abbot and ended up entering into the Fabul Temple faith. The sword enshrined within Fabul Temple is the Dark Sword that Dark Knight abandoned. The story of the Dark Knight soon spread throughout the world, and stalwart souls in search of spiritual training began one after another to flock to Fabul.
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ironclark · 11 days
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Time for the next Weapon Waifu! This time is the KH1 Keyblade Lionheart! She is Agent Lyones, a secret agent that infiltrates and takes down different operations!
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housewifemd · 15 days
do it
Well. If you insist
1:A song you like with a color in the title
blue lips - regina spektor
2:A song you like with a number in the title
in order to not answer '39 - queen, i will say 25 or 6 to 4 - chicago. or 10538 - ELO
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
in pensacola florida the radio used to overplay the hell out of freewill - rush, which made me associate it with the beach. so thats one. superbass - nicki minaj, also
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
the less i know the better - tame impala
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
nuclear fusion - king gizzard & the lizard wizard
6:A song that makes you want to dance
7:A song to drive to
the dripping tap - king gizzard
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
addict - adventure galley. Except not really but close enough
9:A song that makes you happy
10:A song that makes you sad
a pearl - mitski
11:A song that you never get tired of
fucking. many of these. we're all alone - crx is what i'm listening to right this actual second
12:A song from your preteen years
king & lionheart - of monsters and men
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
bizarre love triangle - new order
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
SIGH sister golden hair - america -_-
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
16:One of your favorite classical songs
i.. sorry
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
don't you want me - the human league
18:A song from the year that you were born
one more time - daft punk
19:A song that makes you think about life
me & michael - mgmt
20:A song that has many meanings to you
dead of night - orville peck
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
hannah hunt - vampire weekend OR chelsea dagger - the fratellis
22:A song that moves you forward
gold on the ceiling - the black keys
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
once again.. most of these. ill pick: operator (that's not the way it feels) - jim croce
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
i cannot think of one i wish was still together. like they ran their course
25:A song by an artist no longer living
Can i pick operator again
gimme three steps - lynyrd skynyrd
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
i am in love. electric love - borns
27:A song that breaks your heart
two - the antlers
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
gospel for a new century - yves tumor
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
do wah diddy diddy - manfredd mann
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
barnacle goose - born ruffians
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baublecoded · 9 months
“Henry II never solved satisfactorily the problem of disposition of his inheritance, and it led to his downfall. […] Like many feudal fathers, Henry could not accept strict linear succession that would have left younger sons landless. He clearly had a soft spot in his heart for John, his youngest, and sought a larger legacy for him than the lastborn son in a feudal family could reasonably expect. Yet the price of providing for John was his elder brothers’ resentment and rebellion. Apparently Henry believed, despite evidence to the contrary, that his sons could co-operate. […] Perhaps nothing could have held the Plantagenet possessions together. Henry II had joined them together in a personal union; and he intended, even after partitioning among his sons, to preserve some connection as a family entity, just as his Angevin predecessors had earlier for their smaller fiefs. Mutual mistrust among father and mother, sons and siblings, exacerbated by Capetian meddling, however, would have doomed Henry’s hope for permanence and at least loose family unity for his domains. The fierce hostility within his immediate family, probably fanned by his wife Eleanor’s bitterness toward him, only failed to tear apart the Angevin empire because Young Henry and Richard Lionheart died without direct heirs. The pattern of parage, which provided a model for Henry to apportion his domains among his sons, depended upon feelings of family solidarity that his offspring lacked. A ‘family firm’ could not prosper amid family members’ constant quarrels.”
— Ralph V. Turner, King John: England’s Evil King?
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moonjongyeup instagram post 230410
"Hello, this is Moon Jong-up.
I want to first begin by saying just how deeply gratefull am to all the fans and your sincere concern.
The main reason I decided to do the project with Lionheart was because I thought it was the best choice had at the time to better reach out to fans in diverse ways.
I was told about various activities such as albums, music videos, YouTube and video content, live showcases, online fan meetings, CDs and posters, and many more. Since I didn't have an agency at the time, I thought I would be able to show and provide various events for fans through this project - which I was not able to do on my own.
As the specifics of the contract were not finalized at all and the negotiations had not been proceeded, I received some advice from experts regarding this matter and I learned that the discussed content could be legally problematic. So, as a result of listening to Lionheart's side today, we have decided not to proceed with anything related in the contract.
We plan to finally carry out the various activities mentioned above and I hope to deliver them with more freedom and much better quality. Additionally, we are in the process of transferring the fan site management to my new agency with aims to it being fully operational as soon as possible.
I was surprised by how so many people asked for my bank account and I am truly touched by all your sincere concern. I will do my absolute best to work harder and repay your love and support. I promise to deliver many activities that you'd like to see in the coming future and all that I ask is for your continued love and support."
So we got a response from jongup, degarding the situation thats good!! But according to screenshots from jongups moonw4lk fancafe L*onheart....
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Fuck L*onheart. From the bottom of my heart. I loathe and detest you and your shady ass company
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loafbud-wc · 1 year
How do the clans work in your universe? I mean, it seems more humanized/anime-esque (not that it's a bad thing!) and I'm curious
I've been meaning to write out how the Clans are in my AU but never got around to, so I'm happy that you asked this!!
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Warriors AU: A Superhero society of cats!
Each cat is born with their own superpower with a unique title that is said to be StarClan-given; not every superpower is unique tho, since multiple cats can have similar powers (e.g. lightning, super speed). So if two cats had the same superpower (e.g. fire power) the titles for their superpower will be different (like "Fire Blaster" & "Rage Flame"). For the powers regarding The Three, I'll talk more about them later on!
The ranks in this AU go like this:
Kits -> Kits
Apprentice -> Intern
Warrior -> Hero
Medicine Cats -> Medics
Deputy -> #2 Hero
Leader -> #1 Hero OR Superhero
Elder -> Retiree
(this AU is heavily inspired off of My Hero Academia btw!)
Some examples of Heroes & their powers: Longtail's Tailwhip / Lionheart's Mighty Roar / Sunbeam's Sunburst
Instead of being known as "warrior" cats they refer to themselves as "hero" cats, and the Clan cats live in more of a superhero society. Most often rivalry amongst Clans are about which Clan is the most heroic, etc
All the cats in the AU have humanlike capabilities/knowledge, like operate machines & occasionally walk on two legs
The Three (aka Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovewing)
Every Clanborn cat has superpowers in this AU, so what does that make The Three (who have StarClan-given powers in canon)???
In this AU, The Three still have their powers like in the books. But the difference with them is that they are known as The Superstars!! They can take their superpowers and reach it to maximum heights by briefly evolving into a Superstar Form! <- I'LL MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT THIS CONCEPT LATER
When Firestar got revealed to be the Fourth cat in the prophecy, his Superstar Form is literally just him going Super Saiyan mode LOL!!!
By the end of the Great Battle, they've fulfilled the prophecy and can no longer take on their Superstar Forms. Just like in the books, they also lose their own superpowers altogether in this AU.
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BloodClan in the AU!
BloodClan in this AU are a squad of punks that reside in Radioscream City, an abandoned city that was once sprawled & bustling with many people. All-over town are cardboard forts and LOOOTS graffiti. The members in BloodClan are referred to as grunts; their vibes have inspirations taken from Pokemon rival teams, specifically Team Yell!!!! Much like Team Yell, BloodClan grunts are HUUUGE FANS of Scourge & also have like,, posters they draw fanart on to show support for him. Even after Scourge is gone, BloodClan basically lives on as a Scourge fanbase haha
BloodClan cats do have superpowers, but they all share the same kind: Graffiti Saliva, where their saliva has become toxic paint they use to graffiti anywhere they go (i created this concept years before pokemon came up with grafaiai who's literally just my bloodclan concept- im p sure the concepts used elsewhere too but man lol)
A VERY TL;DR (NOT REALLY) BLOODCLAN LORE: growing up, Scourge (as Tiny) grew up being obsessed with video games, vampires & loved dark-colored aesthetics & graffiti-styled stuff (got it from one of their owner's kid who he liked to watch while they're gaming). When he ran away to Radioscream City after the Tigerclaw incident, it was overrun with cats without a name for themselves.
When Tiny called himself Scourge, he created BloodClan out of the stray cats & introduced them to graffiti painting. His otaku, vampire-loving side never changed & he references video games in life a lot. Scourge'd also say something like "LAWL" or "WE ARE TEH HAWTNESS o3o" or "GET REKT". After Scourge obtained Graffiti Saliva, he found a discarded painting mask that he wears 24/7.
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I'll talk more about my interpretation of warrior cats in the future as different posts so I can go more in-depth + draw pics for those!
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greenerteacups · 5 months
Re: your recent response about Draco wearing blue - fashion is not something I tend to pick up on (or understand very well generally), so I’m always curious to hear more about it! Do you have any other fashion thoughts you want to elaborate on? You’ve talked a bit about Draco and Hermione’s fashion, what about Harry or Ron?
Aw, yeah! I'll preface this by saying that the following is a combination of canon and headcanon; some of this is evidenced in the text of the fic, but some of it probably isn't, it's just something that's in my head when describing them.
Harry's pretty small in Lionheart, as a consequence of chronic malnutrition in childhood mixed with a genetic predisposition to it (James is canonically a short king, cf. "Hairy Little Christmas.") That means a lot of his muggle clothes don't fit well, being hand-me-downs from Dudley; in contrast, his school robes, which we know he got tailored at Malkin's, seem to fit normally (i.e., Harry fits better in the magical world, it's his home, it suits him). In general, Harry's fashion is "adequate, but not great," which makes sense; he never had the chance to choose his own clothes growing up, and then he went to boarding school with a uniform, so when would he develop a sense of style? Honestly, it's a relief for him to have one fewer decisions to make.
Like Ron, Harry's uniform isn't super meticulous, but he seems to make an effort. He does his tie and keeps his shirt clean, etc. (which makes sense; Harry cares about belonging here). When we see Harry out of uniform, he's usually wearing baggy t-shirts and jeans, which are the least nice clothes you could give to someone while still expecting them to last; they're also clothes that fit loose and hang long on his body (very late-80's + early 90's).
Ron, on the other hand, doesn't have any qualms about belonging in the magical world; he was born to it. This manifests as a laziness with his robes. He doesn't bother with his tie as much, if at all, and when he does it's not the right knot (Draco points it out in Book 3); since he's the brother of not one but two Head Boys, we have to assume that's deliberate, or that at some extent his lack of attention is a deliberate manifestation of something. Ron is youngest boy, he has self-esteem issues, and the way this manifests is by Ron never asking for anything and then getting sour when nothing goes his way. He doesn't try, so he can't feel bad when he fails. Besides which, when Ron does try to dress nice, it backfires; it's either an uncomfortable costume, like in "Operation Prewett," or it's a horrible hand-me-down, e.g. the Yule Ball outfit. Contrast him with the other Weasley boys, many of whom — especially the three oldest — have their own cultivated aesthetics, because they all know who they are. Ron is figuring that out, and it manifests in stylistically messy ways.
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bestworstcase · 2 months
Suddenly reminded of your remark in one of your essays about Lionheart being the token Faunus headmaster in the academy system, and something about… idk the irony of him being in Mistral, which you indicate is one of the most racist places for Faunus aside from Atlas. Just amusing cuz I never saw that take before.
not just irony, imo, i think it does a lot of thematic work for the faunus subplot
regarding the question of whether atlas or mistral is worse for faunus: while faunus are systemically disadvantaged in all four human kingdoms (and menagerie is politically marginalized on the international stage)…
in atlas/mantle:
jacques schnee, a virulent bigot behind closed doors, is at pains to present himself as a tolerant benefactor to the faunus in public; one of his conversational partners during the charity party in v4 is another businessman who pushes back on jacques’ covertly bigoted rhetoric by specifically citing class disparities between atlas and mantle and the reality that faunus in particular face a lack of opportunity that can’t be overcome by just being employed. this bit character isn’t an activist—he’s a businessman. that means these are mainstream, normative viewpoints in atlas.
mantle news media and law enforcement are apathetic to the disappearance of several faunus in arrowfell, but when it turns out that the man responsible is a political figure beloved by mantle’s human working class, his support evaporates. (there’s further nuance in that he acted under duress, but even his most enthusiastic supporters react to the news that he hurt faunus miners with horror)
robyn—also a beloved political figure to the mantelian working class—explicitly includes faunus and this does not diminish her support with humans in mantle whatsoever.
when racist grandma goes off in v8, her daughter tries anxiously to get her to stop and, importantly, nobody else in the crowd of scared / stressed out / angry people in mantle speak up in agreement with her.
when weiss slams a drunk guy into a dumpster for making a racist remark to blake, the drunk guy’s buddy more or less just goes “woah!” and then double-takes because is that weiss schnee—what he doesn’t do is react like he thinks weiss or blake was the one out of line.
in the CFVY novels, it’s revealed that velvet’s dad works for the atlas military and she’s spent at least some time in atlas with him, but she doesn’t feel any particular wariness toward people from atlas or assume that they’ll be racist to her until they prove otherwise.
ilia remembers her classmates at an atlesian prep school being very openly racist, which tracks with how weiss is when she arrives at beacon; these were, in all likelihood, largely the children of covert bigots like jacques—kids who picked up rancid attitudes at home and lived in a sheltered bubble where these attitudes were allowed.
SDC operates globally, so we don’t know where adam suffered that hate crime or what happened to the perpetrator
so, while atlas/mantle do have systemic racism against faunus and some individuals are quite bigoted on an interpersonal level, it plainly isn’t socially acceptable in atlas or mantle to be openly racist, because a strong majority of the populace in both cities seems to fall somewhere between neutral to supportive of faunus rights. given the “no faunus” sign the madame had in her swanky hotel a decade ago, this may be a fairly recent swing in public opinion.
in mistral:
the white fang is headquartered in mistral and the bulk of its operations seem to be focused there, suggesting that this is where the pain is sharpest; sun, who attended haven academy and isn’t exactly a deep thinker, scorns the group as a “cult” and “a bunch of creeps who use force to get whatever they want,” which is less an objective statement of fact than it is an expression of what the dominant cultural narrative in mistral probably is
mistral has sundown towns.
qrow is from mistral; his narration of the world of remnant faunus episode is laced with very clear unexamined biases even though his stance is generally pro-faunus—very much what you’d expect from a guy who grew up in a very racist environment (there are no faunus in the branwen tribe) and then learned better but never really did the work to unpack his subconscious aversion to faunus
lionheart is politically marginalized to such an extent that he’s able to plausibly use his impotence with the council as cover for his deliberate sabotage
during mistral’s prewar occupation of vacuo, faunus were enslaved in mistrali dust mines in vacuo as per the CFVY novels
in stark contrast to velvet’s indifference to atlas, she is terrified of mistralis and associates the kingdom with, specifically, sexually charged racist harassment; so while in atlas she undoubtedly dealt with microaggressions and the occasional open racist, her experience with people from mistral has led her to presume “virulent bigot” as the default.
at least some businesses are segregated even in the present. (and at least one of qrow’s informants is a regular at a segregated noodle shop, underscoring the previous point about his attitudes)
now obviously there are mistralis who aren’t aggressively racist and others who support faunus rights, the kingdom isn’t a monolith, but the details were given suggest that open bigotry is normative and socially acceptable; there are certain places in mistral where faunus risk being murdered just for setting foot there. mistrali faunus may not face such quite sharp economic pain as in atlas (because the systemic issues mantelian faunus deal with intersects with the rampant classism which harms everyone in mantle), although mistral also has steep class divides that would likewise fall harder on faunus than on humans; but it seems to me that mistral is, culturally, a lot more hostile to faunus than atlas/mistral with bigotry allowed to flourish out in the open.
and, a pit stop before bringing this around to lionheart: ozpin offers lukewarm vocal support to the cause of faunus rights and vague platitudes about “taking strides” to close the divide (which blake calls him on in remarkably sharp terms given the sheer amount of power he holds over her as her headmaster), but… he shames blake for hiding her cat ears rather than do anything about the racist bullying that goes on at his school; he singles out blake, clearly suspects her of being salem’s spy and makes implicit threats when she doesn’t cooperate; he jumps to the worst possible conclusion about lionheart but trusted ironwood without hesitation in v5 despite ironwood’s objectively much more alarming behavior; he gifted lionheart salem’s old tea-set. so ozpin is not… especially a good ally to the faunus even though he notionally is on their side.
which brings us to lionheart. why did salem choose HIM, out of all the headmasters or teachers she could have tried to convert into a spy?
she picked the one faunus—not just headmaster, lionheart is the only faunus faculty-member we’ve met so far. the faunus appointed by the ruling council of a notoriously racist council to be the headmaster of the school where a faunus student absorbed the message that the faunus civil rights movement is a violent cult.
in other words, the most vulnerable member of the inner circle, someone who would have been walking a precarious political tightrope under extreme pressure to be absolutely beyond reproach because anything less would have gotten him torn to shreds, figuratively speaking, by a hostile public; and as if that isn’t bad enough, ozpin didn’t trust him either. ozpin is extremely quick to jump to the conclusion that lionheart is a traitor, in contrast to his blithe certainty that taking the lamp to atlas after ironwood closed the borders and withdrew his troops from mistral right before salem attacked haven!!
raven asks lionheart what salem has on him. it’s this. it’s him being the token faunus headmaster with his hands tied by the council in front of a racist public that he knows will rip him apart if he screws up even a little, and allies he can’t count on to have his back because ozpin is weird about faunus too.
is it any wonder that he folded like wet cardboard when salem threatened him. ozpin thinks she was just so scary that she sank her claws into lionheart and deleted his courage but the reality is the man was working under enough pressure to turn anyone into a nervous wreck with or without salem putting her thumb on the scales, and she just… recognized that and took advantage.
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aroacesigma · 1 year
ok anyway izuleo. there is so much to go thru here. pls be aware that i am looping fineknights starlight parade rn so im like 500x more insane. this is so much lore bear with me
okay so. leo and izumi met a bit before the war when leo just kinda. burst into a classroom izumi was practicing in and was like "ur singing sucks lmao" and izumi was like "what the hell" and then they got in a small scuffle or some shit and then leo basically just didn't leave izumi alone and called izumi his muse and composed a bunch of songs for him so they're besties.
so like. izuleo are just kinda chilling. and then the old leader of the mega-unit.... Othello? or Backgammon? I think it was called at the time? has smth happen and can't be the leader anymore (it's heavily implied that Eichi was why the previous leader stepped down) so Leo is left to fill in the slot and he becomes the new leader and renames the unit back to its og name before the name changes to Othello and Backgammon - Chess. but most of the people in the unit (bc at this time units were GIANT and encompassed like hundreds of students) didn't actually care abt being idols and were just kinda in the unit for the sake of the name they could ride off of that looks good on their resumes and shit. Eichi did not like that. so eichi does his eichi things and pulls strings with the student council (thanks keito) and makes it so units cannot be bigger than 5 people and can't really be smaller than 2 due to prohibitive costs and whatnot. (madara is an exception. they let him stay a solo unit bc it kept him out of everyone's hair) so. the mega-units splinter!
Leo and Izumi go to form their own unit out of the splinter units and Leo originally suggests them being named Knight, but Izumi tells him that that name was already taken, and suggests Knights instead. (yes. izumi named their unit.) and so ! Knights is born ! Izumi and Leo are the only real members at this time so they go. recruit people i guess idk. Arashi gets roped in despite not actually caring abt idol-ing at the time and i think Ritsu just kinda comes along bc it's the easiest course of action? idk man it's been so long since i read Checkmate. ANYWAY.
Eichi uses this early Knights to destroy units he sees as threats and to test the DreamLive system (which is the current system operating in Enstars for lives and shit. i cannot explain it) or maybe it's DreamFes? idk. one of the two. anyway. at one point Leo goes to a bunch of the other splinter units and asks if they had to choose between never using his music again (leo is a genius composer btw and is largely attributed to being a reason knights is so popular) and being his friend; or using his music. Every single person he goes to chooses his music over him. Strike one on the Leo Downfall Arc! ALSO ENGSTARS RETCONS THIS. DON'T TRUST THEM. In Engstars Izumi says that Leo once asked him that question too, but that's a fucken LIE Izumi was never asked to choose between Leo and his music bc his choice was always Leo and Leo KNEW that.
The two are disgustingly codependent at this point btw. so like. Leo uses his music to destroy these splinter units of the mega units and everyone Eichi considers a threat and this does. A LOT to his mental state. He's kind of disgustingly codependent with Izumi to the point where he basically tells Izumi that he'll do anything Izumi asks of him and that all he wants is for Izumi to smile (and praise him i think?) bc like. at this point Izumi has gotten super harsh on Leo and like. Izumi is normally prickly but this is way worse. Strike Two on the Leo Downfall Arc!
Sometime after this (I do not know exactly when. again. been awhile) Leo realizes what he's done and the fact that he's stepped on so many people and that his music is little more than a weapon and just fucking. breaks. he becomes a shut-in and basically disappears from Yumenosaki. Izumi visits him a few times - most notably in the short story Lionheart where he visits and Ruka (leo's younger sister) ends up crying and begging Izumi to help Leo, which leads to Leo coming out of his room (and Izumi describes him as being super gaunt and barely able to stand) and tells Izumi off for making Ruka cry. (he didn't make ruka cry btw she's just really worried abt her brother) After that Izumi leaves the house and goes and sits on the beach and is all emo while listening to the MP3 player full of music Leo's made for him. one of the tracks is just a recording of their first meeting too and izumi does not have a good time listening to that. I think at the end of Lionheart Izumi promises to keep fighting in Leo's name until he's strong enough.
Anyway. While Leo's a shut-in he basically stops composing entirely bc he stops hearing music in his head and thinks everything he composes is worthless which leads to him hurting himself (i still hc that he has scars on his hands from biting himself and izumi always gets a little sad when he sees them) which eventually leads to Madara taking Leo to travel the world so he can get his groove back. This is during IzuLeo's second year i think. The war was during their first year i think. timeline is fuzzy ngl. So Leo is basically missing for the entirety of his second year. Knights at that time is Izumi, Ritsu, and Arashi with Leo missing. Leo was their leader (dubbed "ousama" (king) - also the name of my leo fictive. unrelated.) but he's just kinda. gone. so I think during this time Knights just stops performing and slips out of the limelight. Mama and Leo's World Tour happens, which is also kinda sad bc once Leo comes back and is asked abt it he says he was "abducted by aliens" and doesn't remember it. Also when Leo comes back he doesn't go straight back to Yumenosaki, he remains away from Knights and everyone for awhile. Madara is able to coax Leo into performing with him during the story Concerto and that's where Leo finally decides to go back to the stage with his Knights. except oopsie ! all judgement !
So. Leo goes back to Yumenosaki. By jumping in through a window. He does that a lot in the early stories btw idk if he knows what a door is /j BUT. I digress. So he meets Tsukasa at that point and i feel like just kinda brushes him off? and challenges Knights to a duel ! Judgement ! Where he claims that if Knights cannot defeat him then Knights doesn't deserve to exist anymore bc they've grown too weak in his absence. So Izumi is like "Leo-kun what the fuck" and Leo is just like ":3" and peaces out thru the window. Knights are unsurprisingly like "wtf are we meant to do we don't have Leo's songs" and Leo goes and gets his little temporary unit Knights Killers up and running with Eichi, Kuro, and Nazuna. eichi bc they're kinda friends despite everything that happened (and also leo knows that he's strong), and kuro and nazuna bc they're literally the closest people. good work leokun. So ! Knights Killers and Knights go to battle ! Knights begins losing bc Leo can compose on the spot and Eichi is noted to be a powerhouse, and with Leo and Eichi together they're basically unstoppable. During that story we also get this really soft moment of Ritsu (who's Knights strategist) apologizing to... Tsukasa? I think? maybe Izumi? for his strategies not being enough. but as Knights Killers wins, Leo has an "oh shit" moment and realizes that he can't just do whatever the hell he wants with Knights, bc Knights also belongs to the others :3 so Leo is like "yeah no we're not dissolving Knights" and rejoins as their ousama ! (also Knights Killers has a song called Crush of Judgement and its a BANGER go listen to it)
at this point Izumi and Leo have a very kinda. tense? relationship? they're not as disgustingly codependent anyhow. they're kinda distant. but they work on repairing their relationship over time ! izumi is less harsh on Leo and keeps a pretty close eye on him actually (they live together in Italy !) as a sort of way of making up for everything he did. and leo's just a silly goofy guy but is still a little haunted by his past. but the two are working on it.
anyway once they graduate and tsukasa becomes the new ousama, izumi goes to live in italy for. modelling things? i think? i don't really know tbh. and leo goes with bc where izumi goes leo follows and vice versa in most cases. sometime in the modern !! timeline leo is like. doing stuff for GFK (gatekeeper? godfather? idk. one of those dudes. don't ask me abt them i don't get it) and overworking himself and izumi is like "leokun PLEASE" and takes over his scheduling so he doesn't keep working himself to the bone. also leo does like a requiem or something? to see if kasa is worthy of being the leader? or something? gonna be real i do not really remember that story much.
so yeah izuleo were disgustingly codependent and now are more normal and also got gay married in florence. they told me themselves.
theyre absolutely sickening (/pos) i LOVE that omfg . congratulations to them on their italy wedding i fully believe you im sure thats canon . also feeling very sorry for this leo guy i want to hug him . also i listened to that song while reading this and its an absolute banger
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tiredassmage · 2 years
dot’s oc masterpost
By popular demand!! Reorganized to give you just the basics here, you can visit my individual character pages on the desktop view of Tumblr for a more in-depth view of what I’ve individually developed for them! Or feel free to browse their linked tags below!
Asks and whatnot are always open about any of my beloved gremlins! I’m also definitely opening to playing around with verses/storylines with others if you want to chuck them into a playpen together and see what happens, lol. What is included on their profiles, for the sake of my sanity, is their main version of events and any relevant alternate universes/editions of events I have developed for them solo/based on game events.
Listing below the cut because I have too many blorbo. >.>
Main Crew - Imperial
TYR DECKARD ;; Cipher Nine / Imperial Agent. Saboteur. Blorboly beloved. Tagged ch: tyr ;; character page
SAVOSTA ;; Formerly the Empire’s Wrath / Sith Warrior. Alliance Co-Commander alongside Rhystyl Delavast. Emotionally struggling blueberry son. Tagged ch: savosta ;; character page
LENSAN RYALDAR ;; Grand Champion / Bounty Hunter. All around jackass pretty boy. Tagged ch: lensan ;; character page
OLTIYO KALLIG ;; Darth Nox / Sith Inquisitor. Heiress of rebellion and haver of class but also violence. Tagged ch: oltiyo ;; character page
HELEDA LOSWYND ;; Shared Legacy Empire’s Wrath / Sith Warrior. Beast tamer. Tagged ch: heleda
Alternatives / Background - Imperial
NIKIHLUS DARKMOUNT ;; Ex-Cipher, “Snakebite” / Imperial Agent. Freelance underworld assassin & enforcer. Tagged: ch nikihlus ;; character page
ALUCREN ELLERY ;; Cipher Eleven / Imperial Agent. Former delegate of Imperial Ministry of Propaganda turned field operative. Tagged: ch: alucren
Main Crew - Republic
RHYSTYL DELAVAST ;; The Hero of Tython / Jedi Knight. Alliance Co-Commander alongside Savosta. Tagged: ch: rhystyl ;; character page
SATIA LERANN ;; Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order / Jedi Consular. Dedicated, studious, playful teacher. Tagged ch: satia
CALISTE “CEE” NIGHTSPAN ;; The Voidhound / Smuggler. Republic privateer - gold heart, spunky words. Tagged ch: cee, vs: king and lionheart
OLIVER DAXTON ;; Defected Cipher turned SIS operative / Smuggler. AU for Tyr Deckard. Tagged vs: king and lionheart
LEO ASHOLD ;; Shared Legacy Voidhound / Smuggler. Ex-Imperial medic turned Republic smuggler. Tagged ch: leo ashold
Alternatives / Background - Republic
BARRETH MAUDE ;; Jedi Diplomat / Jedi Consular. The gentle firecracker. Tagged ch: barreth
MALTAF ORATHUSE ;; Jedi Shadow & Battlemaster of the Order / Jedi Knight. Mentor to Rhystyl Delavast. Tagged: ch: maltaf ;; character page
ASTSERSES ;; Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order / Jedi Consular. Healer with his heart on his sleeve. Tagged ch: astserses
Main Cast
ASTOR CAULFIELD ;; Main. Sage. Midlander Hyur. Tagged ch: astor caulfield ;; character page
SHAY DELACROIX ;; Dark Knight & Reaper. Wildwood Elezen. Tagged ch: shay delacroix ;; character page
Additional Cast
BAS SILVERBLADE ;; Reaper & Samurai. Veena Viera. Tagged ch: bas silverblade ;; character page
CINAED DOYLE ;; Red Mage. Wildwood Elezen. Tagged ch: cinaed doyle
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isolalionheart · 1 year
Hmm, it seems two forms have been submitted at the same time! / [Both are in this submission for convenience; answers on the second one will be in brackets and separated by a / ]
(PREFERRED) NAME: Mizuki Date / [Aiba]
AGE: 18 / [12 years, though, as an AI, chronological age is immaterial to my programming, which is more closely based on that of someone in their mid-twenties]
HOUSING: Golden Ward, Apartment 311 / [AI-Ball, Mizuki Date’s left eye socket]
POSITION DESIRED: Offense / [Defense - Tech Support]
QUALIFICATIONS: I’ve worked as a police officer and investigator, which I had to undergo months of training in combat, weapons, and high-pressure situations to achieve. I also have pretty amazing physical capabilities that make me even more useful in a fight and rescue situations…though I’m still working on recovering most of that. / [I am a highly advanced artificial intelligence, able to fully process information at speeds far beyond standard human capacity. I have experience in hacking and operating within state-of-the-art machinery, as well as aiding Mizuki Date and a previous partner in police investigations and combat situations.]
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE?: Even if I have something I need to get back to at home, I’m not willing to just stand idly by when people are suffering here too. If I can help even one person out of a tough spot or stop anyone who wants to make victims out of innocent people, then my time in this city will be worth it! / [As this organization is similar to the one I operated within prior to arriving in Spirale, it is only natural I would wish to use my time here as part of it. Also, I want to help Mizuki and anyone she wishes to aid.]
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Two forms at the same time? That was the first, but nonetheless Corvus wastes no time in reviewing the forms carefully.
"Interesting. I've never met anyone like you." Them. But again, she's never met so many people like the ones in Spirale AND in Lionheart.
"Welcome to Lionheart Mizuki Date and Aiba. Ricket will show you around when you come in the next time."
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