#Or debate me feel free to debate me I guess if you have better food for thought I will also take that
lawbin-archive · 1 month
Lawbin Dressrosa Analysis 1: Dating while handing over Caesar team
Finally, I finished re-reading dressrosa! It's probably one of my favorite arcs. Maybe top 3 haha The other two are probably Wano and Enies Lobby. The pacing in manga is definitely way better, so I actually enjoyed this arc more. I might missed something because I was too immersed into the story and sometimes I forgot to jot down notes lol But anyways, let's start!
As usual, things highlighted in purple are my delulus.
Warning: It's my personal blog so don't read it if you don't like lawbin, include lots of delulu :D
~LAWBIN ALLIANCE PHASE~ why can't I choose yellow on tumblr anymore?! :(
Chapter 700: Law hates bread
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Robin weird thoughts always live in my head rent free. I also like how most of the crew are complaining or interrupting Law but Robin (and Zoro) just listen to his plan. Of course it's also because their personality is similar (they mostly won't say anything unless something it's wrong), and I think they just trust Luffy hence they trust Law.
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I love the fact that Robin's favorite food is sandwich but Law hates bread!! It's gonna be a funny debate between them about bread!! >< I also find Robin and Zoro just follow their captain and ignore Law's plan are so funny. (Remember this, it's changing in the upcoming plot *wink*)
Chapter 701: Adventure in the land of love, passion and toys [This is the actual title of this chapter] That's kinda obvious is it? That's where all the love starts *smirk*
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Every time they are together is such a beautiful panel, (maybe I shouldn't said that people will say I ship them just for their aesthetic haha it's like that's a problem) The *aggressive* *calm* *calm* *aggressive* combo is also really interesting and entertaining, I can understand why Oda will choose Robin and Usopp to be Law's companion. Or maybe Law chose Robin himself to spend more time with her?! It didn't say how they assign the team but in any way, I'm sure Robin and Law realize they have similar personality. Robin even found Law's plan fun haha. Their mind just sync a lot and I think Law will appreciate to have Robin here because she's the only one that follow his plan without a complain lol. And from this point, Law & Robin started become a "I want to scare Usopp just for fun" team. (and also Caeser but I don't think they give a fk about him lol)
Chapter 705 ~ 711: Let's go to Greenbit
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Again, the aesthetic is just ~amazing~. I'm gonna compliment it regardless, they look good together and that's a part of why they have good chemistry to me. I'm not gonna deny it! And I like it so much that Robin and Law are sitting across each other, they can see each other clearly!
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They really look like they are on a secret date together! >< (minus Usopp and Caesar I'm sorry) I saw a newspaper poster (made by a one piece theme park in Japan, but it's closed now) and this "news" was saying they found out Law and Robin secretly meeting? (I'm just guessing) Literally create my vision of them getting caught dating haha And I like how they share a lot of common knowledge - they know how dangerous CP0 is and recognize them is right away. At least I think most of the straw hats won't recognize and realize who they are.
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The small bickering they have are so cute, Robin isn't scared and she's super calm but she has her little complain that she expected fish to look like a fish (maybe that's the only complaint she has haha) and Law was like "Looks like a fish to me". It’s like she hates gum because she expects food can be swallowed.
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I'm always wondering who's Law talking to here haha because Robin & Usopp are the ones who fight the fish after but from where he's pointing, isn't look like he's talking to Caesar either. So maybe he's telling Robin don't need to worry? If that’s true, that means Law cared about her haha I feel like the whole time, he just want to talk to her and teasing Usopp only
From this point, I think Law and Robin started to trust each other more and treated each other as friends. At least you can see their interactions are more friendlier. I will explain a little bit more later.
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They even sit together on the Caesar hot air balloon!! In my mind, it's probably Usopp scared to sit in the middle because he might fall and Law being a gentleman so he volunteered to sit in the center (less safe). If you think about it, this could be their date lol Going to a cafe, fight some fishes and sitting on a hot air balloon. Law planned the whole thing and Robin was like *I have fun with this* the whole time haha. Robin likes to explore and Law's hobby is wandering around. They just seem to get along so well together!
I think I already explained a few times that how they both get so investigative once they arrived at Greenbit they are so similary in lots of ways!! They both will analyze the situation and environment they are in.
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Robin can see through him so easily. She probably can figure out how he did it anyways And see how Robin changed her attitude so much?! From distrusting him and observing him a lot in Punk Hazard, and now she's teasing him. If she didn't get close with someone, she probably won't say anything and just observe. That's definitely a sign that she got closer with him and a friendly behavior.
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I like how Law already knew what each Straw Hat specialized with and ask them for help. And again, only Robin listened to Law. She looks like she enjoyed the adventure so much and I'm actually surprised Robin just followed Law here. I guess after Punk Hazard, she found he isn't a bad person so she just followed his plan. But also mainly because Luffy trust Law.
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The first thing Robin woke up is to think about how to contact with Law (and also care about Usopp of course) When I was reading the Greenbit part, I actually thought Robin is gonna tell Law where she is and he can use his ability to transfer him and Caesar to underground, so Doflamingo couldn't find them there haha. But my delulu didn't come true ;'(
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I also saw a person said the reason why they ship lawbin it's because Law treat Robin differently than others. And here is one of the evidences, when he was talking to other straw hats, he usually just order them around lol and for Robin, he's like *help me using your intelligence skills* *ok I understand* it's just seems he is so much calmer in front of her, like they can actually communicate without arguing. I wouldn't say he cared about her but at least he is nice enough to say good luck to her too. Robin actually treat him differently than others too. She said "Good luck" to him, something I rarely seen Robin did to other people outside of straw hats and Robin worried about him a lot in this arc (again I'll elaborate later on, there is so much to talk in this arc omg ><!)
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When the whole Greenbit shaking, Robin worried about Law's fighting. Their relationship really change drastically here. Robin seems to care about Law a lot more. To be fair, I think the whole crew started to care about Law's safety in this arc a lot and of course it's natural to care someone that's an ally of you. But also if I really compare, Robin seems like she cared the most about Law maybe after Luffy.
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I actually think Law is so similar to Robin here. He really gave me the Enies Lobby Robin vibe here. In my perspective, I don't think he really meant to use straw hats at this point (definitely yes before tho), I think he told Doflamingo he is using them to try to protect them. So Doflamingo will think it's useless even he threaten Law he is going to kidnap the rest of the straw hats because Law said he won't care about them. (the mind games). Law and pre-time skip Robin are so alike, they always try to take all the responsibility to themselves or sacrifice themselves in order to protect others. Law didn't even bring heart pirates to here is just like when Robin pretend to be betray the straw hats in Enies Lobby sigh :(
If Law is really using the straw hats, he is gonna betray them once Doflamingo is defeated, but he kept his promise to defeat Kaido. That's one of the reasons why Law is one of my favorite characters, even he looks so unbothered and sometimes mean on the outside, his actions always tell the opposite >///<
And it’s cute that during Dressrosa, Robin is the one who cares about Law a lot and once they get into Wano the situation switched haha the feelings are mutual!!!!
That's it for today! Thank you for reading! <3 I think I have talked too much again lol I will probably start writing about the rest of the arc soon! Hopefully I can finish writing the whole arc under 2 parts! (probably not) I actually have something to write about my thoughts on other ships during dressrosa, uhm maybe I will briefly talk about it next one.
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 4
Previous Chapter 
Next Chapter
The reveal
During the day different members of the team tried to get you to come down for food but you always declined. They then started to leave food outside your door. But you never ate. After three days the team had started to get worried. “You know she’s going to be dead by the time Coulson gets back” Tony stated. “Anyone have a plan?” Sam asked. “I do” Bucky confirmed. “Oh sure,  send the robot up that will make her feel so much better: Tony jabbed. “Well I’m the only one whose had experience with hydra so how can we say it won’t work” Bucky argued. After a haughty debate everyone had came to the agreement that Bucky was the best choice to talk to you. Bucky took himself to the kitchen and made a sandwich and poured a glass of milk. He then walked to your room and knocked on the door. “Y/n I’m coming in okay” he stated “Friday open the door please” As soon as the door opened you rushed to the open window. “Hey hey its okay, I’m only bringing food.” Lifting up his hands he showed you the plate and glass. Walking over to the bed he gently sat on the edge and placed the plate in the middle of the bed and the glass on the bed side table. “You need to eat y/n” he said softly. “I’m fine.” “I promise its not poisoned” he joked but when you didn’t laugh. It dawned on them that’s why you weren’t eating. “We are hear to protect, we are not going to hurt you” he took one half of the sandwich from the plate and started to eat, while munching away he started telling you a bit about his life. “I know what it’s like to be afraid. I was with Hydra for a long time and when I escaped I still had to look over my shoulder,  all the time. And on top of that I still had the winter solider programming, all it would take was someone to say those 9 words and I’d be him again. Which is what happened.” You slowly walked to the bed and took the other half of the sandwich and walked backwards to the window again. Your eyes never leaving him. Bucky continued talking as if not to make a big deal about you eating. “But thankfully Steve brought me to Wakanda. And with their help I was able to break free from it. No more words, no more fear. It took a long time for me to trust again but now look at me. An  Avenger” he laughed out loud shaking his head. You couldn’t help but notice the lines around his eyes when he laughed and how blue they were. You had to admit to yourself he was a very handsome man. “Do erm do you think your friends in Wakanda could do it again” you stuttered playing with the sandwich in your hand. “What do you mean,  like take the words away?” he asked confused. “Yea,  if someone else had words like yours,  do you think they could do it again?” you looked up at him tears streaming down your face pulling at your lips. Your sandwich still held tightly in the other. His face dropped “y/n no, how?” You shrugged your shoulders “That’s how I was introduced to John, sitting in a chair being injected with the serum and getting electrocuted. Guess he likes that kind of thing " you laughed disgustingly. “I am so sorry y/n” Bucky wanted nothing more to reach out to you. But knew he couldn’t. " You know” he said trying to sound hopeful " I do think you could get the same help as me. But we will have to tell the rest of the team.” You looked horrified at this. " They won’t judge you and I’ll be there with you” he assured you. As Bucky walked in to the kitchen, the team saw the partially eaten sandwich. “Well what do you you know, he actually did it” Clint exclaimed in surprise. Ignoring them Bucky sat the plate down and walked over to Steve. “We have a problem, can you call a meeting ASAP?”
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writtenjewels · 1 year
Super Massive Party
[This will contain characters from Devil in Me but is spoiler-free on the story. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate and please consider donating to World Center Kitchen for Thankmas!] 
Anthony stood at the door, debating whether or not he was going to knock. He had recently made peace with his past-- finally let go of his family and moved on from the tragedy-- only to get a call from this man claiming to be his younger brother. His living, biological brother. He wasn't sure he was ready to accept anyone else into his life.
On the other hand, a part of him always wondered about his biological family. Who were they? Why did they give him up when he was a baby? He took a breath and knocked.
The door opened and for a moment he stared at the face on the other side. It was like looking at a slimmer version of himself. Their faces were similar and though this version had more hair, it was the same color as Anthony's. Naturally this man didn't have a burned ear, and he wore glasses.
“Anthony. So glad you came,” the slimmer man greeted him. Charlie, Anthony remembered. His brother's name was Charlie Lonnit. The accent still threw Anthony off. Apparently his birth family was British. Maybe some part of him knew that and that was why he imagined the accent whenever he thought of the Little Hope witch trials. “Do come in,” Charlie gestured.
Anthony did so and was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people inside the house. Most of them were clumped together in groups chatting or already in the kitchen making food.
“Let me introduce you to my team,” Charlie offered. Anthony was grateful for the direction. Charlie led him over to one of the chatting groups. One of them turned and Anthony gave a little jerk of surprise. That face reminded him strongly of Vince when he was young. “This is Mark Nestor; he's my photographer.”
“Hi,” Mark nodded with a pleasant smile. “Nice to finally meet some of Charlie's family. Though I guess... the two of you are meeting for the first time too?”  Anthony didn't know what to do so he just nodded. With Mark was Kate Wilder, the host of Charlie’s show. She seemed friendly enough and joked that she hoped Anthony wasn't as big as a pain in the ass as Charlie. Or at least Anthony assumed that was a joke. He was relieved when Charlie steered him to the next guest.
“These two are Jamie Tiergan and Erin Keenan. Lights and sound design, respectively. Jamie helped me find you,” Charlie informed him.
“Wasn't that hard,” Jamie shrugged. “Just plugged some information into Ancestry dot com and just like that--” she snapped her finger-- “I found you.”
“Thank you,” Anthony said quietly. He caught Erin's eye and she gave him an understanding smile. I'm shy and quiet, too, she seemed to be saying, and that made him feel a little better.
Charlie moved them on to his other guests. Anthony was a little surprised Charlie knew so many people, but his brother (still strange to think of Charlie that way) admitted he knew all of them through work. He'd gotten his start doing war documentaries before moving on to true crime.
“That's where I met these fellows,” Charlie concluded. He named them and Anthony nodded to each in turn: Jason and Salim Othman-Kolchek, married for almost twenty years now. They had a little girl with them and Anthony almost blurted out Megan? But no, her skin was darker than Megan's. Her name was actually Alima and Jason and Salim had adopted her.
“I was adopted too,” Anthony told her. She looked about Megan's age, he reflected, but also looked happier than Anthony remembered Megan being. “I had two sisters and a brother.”
“I have a brother too!” Alima chirped. “His name is Zain. We're going to visit him and his family in London.”
“That sounds nice. I hope you have a good time.”
Anthony got another shock when Charlie introduced him to Eric King. Something about Eric's face reminded Anthony of that officer who directed him to Little Hope a few years back. He also met Nick and Rachel Kay and Nick’s two nephews Alex and Brad. Alex’s wife Julia was in the kitchen helping with food.
Anthony was having trouble keeping track of all the names. Finally Charlie left him to his own devices and he wandered into the kitchen. He checked out the stovetop and let out a breath. Relax. This is a modern home. Everything's fine. Two of those in the kitchen were arguing with each other, one speaking in French and the other in Arabic. The French speaker looked a little like Jamie and Anthony wondered if they were related. The Arabic speaker turned and Anthony gasped. The man looked like his father! A different skin tone like Alima and a little heavier-set, but the face...
“Dar.” Eric stepped in, taking the Arabic man by the shoulder. “Did you want to take a break from cooking?” Dar’s expression softened at once (Anthony found it hard to imagine his father looking like that) and followed Eric back out to the party.
“Oh, good,” a voice spoke up. “More help. Could you take these out for us?” Anthony reeled back as yet another familiar face stared back at him. The man gave him a smile. “Don't worry, I get that reaction a lot.”
“Sorry,” Anthony sighed. “You just reminded me of someone.” Now that he could think straight he could see that of course this man wasn't really Dennis-- he was bald and Anthony couldn't imagine Dennis ever getting rid of his hair. This face was familiar for a different reason: this was Jonathan Finn, accused of being the serial killer known as the Trapper. “My brother,” Anthony clarified. “My, uh, adopted brother.”
“Funny,” Jonathan mused. “You remind me of a judge. Speaking of brothers, I work with yours sometimes as an expert consultant. Personally knowing the Trapper has made me quite the hot commodity in true crime shows.”
“That sounds... interesting.” He was a little glad he never told Charlie about his own time in jail. “I'm glad you turned your life around,” Anthony added. “I, ah, know a little something about that.”
“I figured you might.” Jonathan leaned forward and added: “If you wanna get out of here, just let me or Daniela know.” He nodded to a woman helping set up the tables. Anthony gaped yet again as the face reminded him of his sister Tanya.
They were here... they were all here. The only one missing was his mother. But just as that thought came to him, someone turned on the TV so they could watch the parade. And the woman on the screen had Anne Clarke's face. Or at least reminded Anthony of his mother.
Anthony had to take a seat then. He knew his family was gone, but to see so many who reminded him of them, of people he'd known, made him feel strangely safe. It was like they were telling him they would always be with him. That it was okay to welcome the new family of Charlie and all the people that were part of Charlie's life.
He wasn't alone anymore.
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tinyhuman826 · 6 months
Roses from Wyndon - Leon Fluff Imagine
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You were a friend of Leon's family. You and him practically grew up together. He had just reached his dream of becoming Champion, and his family was hosting a barbecue to celebrate, so naturally, you were invited. You knock on the door, greeting his parents and his younger brother Hop. Leon gives you a big hug as you enter.
"Hey! Thanks for coming!" Leon said with a huge smile.
"Of course! Do you really think I'd skip out on celebrating you becoming CHAMPION??" You smile as well, patting him on the back.
"No, not really. But I'm still glad you came. Especially if I'll be moving to Wyndon tonight." He looked like he wanted to say more but was distracted by the smell of the food on the grill. The celebrations were pretty typical; you and his family ate dinner, exchanged praises and funny stories, and had a good time. At the end of the night, Leon pulls you aside and gives you a tight hug.
"I'm gonna miss you." You say sadly.
"Hey now, cheer up, it's not like you won't ever see me again. Besides, even if we can't visit each other as often you have my number." He tries to lighten your mood.
"Yeah, I know. It's just gonna be weird not having you around."
"I get that. It'll be weird for me, too. Charizard will definitely miss you. But hey, every time I have a match, I'll see about getting you some decent tickets, yeah?" He smiled, letting go of you.
"You better." You say half-jokingly. You two say your goodbyes, and you wave him off as he delays for Wyndon. You decide to head home yourself, laying down in bed and going to sleep.
Life is pretty normal over the next week, aside from not hanging out as much with Leon. But one day, you get a delivery. Weird. You didn't order anything. You open the door and see a bouquet of roses with a note attached.
"... Flowers? Who is sending me flowers?" You close the door, putting the flowers in a vase and opening the note.
'Dear (name),
I've been thinking about you a lot. I miss you way more than I thought I would. Life's really busy up here now that I'm the Champion. I really, really wanted to tell you this in person or at least over a call, but I won't have time for a while and it's going to keep eating away at me if I don't tell you. Look, I like you. Like... really, really like you. I think we should totally be together if you're okay with it. If not, that's completely fine, but yeah. Just let me know.
- Your Champion, Leon <;3'
You can't help but blush at the cute letter, squealing a little with joy. You pull out your phone, texting him a brief 'call me' and desperately waiting for his response. During the latest hours of the evening, your phone finally rings.
"Did you get my letter?"
"Yeah, I did. Thanks for the roses, by the way. They're beautiful."
"I thought you would like them. So uh... about the note... how do you feel about.. us?"
"I've been waiting for so long for you to say it! I was seriously debating on telling you myself!"
"So... you like me back? Like really?"
"Of course I do!" You can't see it, but judging by his lack of response, you assume he's smiling too hard to speak. "I guess I should've told you at the party, but I didn't want to do it in front of everyone."
"Nah, nah, it's okay, I get that. Wow...uh- do you want to meet up? Maybe grab a bite or something?"
"Like...a date?" You smile, hoping he'd say it was a date.
"Yeah... like a date."
"I would love to." You throw your free hand in the air, silently celebrating.
"Awesome! Well... I'll text you about it more tomorrow, but I know it's pretty close to the time you normally go to sleep, so I'll leave you be for now. Bye!"
"Bye Leon. Text you tomorrow." You smile and hang up the phone, laying on your bed. You find it hard to sleep now that you're so excited. So you just lay awake daydreaming about all the potential dates you two could go on, wondering what he'll say tomorrow.
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stargazer-sims · 11 months
Journal Entry #51 (part two)
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previously - Journal Entry #51 (part one)
The day after Yuri got out of the hospital, Auntie Keiko dropped Fox off at our house at seven in the morning. That left ample time for Mr. Okamoto to go home and get ready for his work day, but he didn't leave until he'd taken Fox aside for a little chat. I didn't know what my father-in-law might be saying to him, and I was worried that it might be an unnecessary lecture about Yuri's extraordinary needs and some thinly-veiled warning about doing a good job or else. Fox didn't need that on his first day. For his sake and ours, I wanted this arrangement to go well, not to get derailed before it even started.
The urge to spy on them was strong, but I resisted.
I tried to act casual when I heard the dining room door slide open. Fox was smiling when he and Mr. Okamoto exited the room, but I didn't want to read much into it. Some people smile to hide their true feelings, and I wasn't sure if that applied to Fox or not.
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It was only after Mr. Okamoto left the house and Fox and I were in the kitchen making breakfast that I found out his smile had been genuine, and why.
Okay... let me back that up a bit. It was Fox who was making breakfast. I was only helping by explaining to him what types of foods Yuri can and can't eat. Fox definitely knows his way around a kitchen, in case you're interested. His mom's a Red Seal chef, and evidently he's picked up more than a thing or two from her.
Anyway, as he was preparing the fluffiest, most tasty-looking scrambled eggs I'd ever seen in my life for himself and me, he commented, "Your father-in-law is nice."
"Uh..." I stammered. "That's... not exactly a word people regularly use for Mr. Okamoto."
"Really?" Fox seemed surprised. "I think he's nice, and he seems like a great dad. I can tell he really loves Yuri, and you too."
It was my turn to say, "Really? I mean, I know he loves Yuri, but... not so sure about me."
"He made me promise to take good care of you," Fox said. "People don't say that about someone they don't love." He paused, as if he was debating with himself whether or not to go on, but eventually he continued. "My dad... he kinda abandoned me here. He didn't ask Auntie Keiko and Uncle Kin to promise to look after me. In fact, he was so rude to Auntie that I think she's convinced he doesn't love me all that much."
"That's..." I trailed off, at a loss as to how I should respond.
"Anyway," Fox went on, "I'm okay now. I've found my family."
"I'm glad," I said. "Uncle Kin and Auntie Keiko are good people. Everybody's auntie and uncle, I guess you could say. If you needed to find a family, they're the best ones you could've found."
"I know. I'm really lucky," he said. "And you and Yuri are lucky to have his dad. He said he'd do anything for you, and I believe him."
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I was still trying to wrap my head around that revelation while Fox kept on talking. I hadn't pegged him as a particularly chatty person, but maybe he's only quiet in comparison to the people he's usually with. Like, Takahiro and his family aren't the sort of people you'd call shy and retiring. I've met Fox's friend Jin a couple times as well, and that guy... Let's just say his level of energy might even rival mine.
Anyway, somewhere in the midst of his cheerful monologue, Fox told me that Mr. Okamoto offered to pay him for helping us, and Fox said he'd accepted. He said he hoped I wasn't offended by that. I told him no. Far from being offended, I was pleased that Mr. Okamoto wanted to compensate him. We might not need his help for more than a few weeks, but despite it being a short period of time, it was still going to be a tough one. He deserved to get something besides gratitude in return for it.
"I would've done it for free, just so you know," he said.
"We appreciate that," I said, "But it's better this way, and I'm glad Mr. Okamoto offered. Yuri and I wanted to give you something too, but we weren't sure how to approach it. Like, we knew you'd do it for free, but we didn't want to take advantage of you. But, we also didn't know if you'd be offended if we—”
"Victor, don't worry. It’s totally fine.” He interrupted me in the politest way I’ve ever been interrupted. “I wouldn't have been offended. I appreciate it too, but I agree with you. I think it's better like this."
With that awkwardness out of the way, we sat down to the most delicious breakfast I've had in a long time, and pleasantly idled over less weighty subjects. I'm pretty sure Fox has more in common with Yuri than with me, but we were able to find some common ground. We both love food and enjoy being creative in the kitchen. He enjoys the outdoors like I do, and he likes camping, and he knows Granite Falls.
“Maybe we could take Taka and Yuri camping when we get home this summer,” he suggested.
I grinned. “Yuri’s been camping in Granite Falls. It was, um… an experience.”
“So, bad idea, then?”
“No, it’s a great idea. He liked it in the end, and now he knows what to expect. This time, we’ll tell him he’s the expert and he can teach Taka what he learned last time.”
“An experience,” Fox said. “I like it. Taka’s into having adventures, so if you think Yuri would be okay, the four of us should definitely go.”
“There’ll be plenty of time to plan it once you get home,” I said. “There’s lots we can do, actually. I’m excited about showing Yuri and Taka around.”
“Me too,” Fox said. “Imagine, we grew up in the same area at the same time, and never met until we came here. And if our partners weren’t already friends, we probably never would have met at all."
"I like how the world's full of strange coincidences like that," I said.
"So do I, although I do kind of wish we'd gone to the same school and known each other before."
"This was the right time," I said. "Things might've worked out for us in a whole other way if our lives had been different."
"You're probably right. In any case, I'm glad we know each other now, and it feels good to think that I’ll be going home this summer to friends who’ll be waiting for me.”
“We’ll be waiting for sure,” I said. “I think it’s gonna be great.”
We loitered over our empty plates until Fox looked at his phone and announced that it was nearly nine o’clock. Mutually concluding that we’d killed enough time at the breakfast table, Fox set to work tidying up the kitchen while I directed him where to put everything. Then, he went upstairs to check on Yuri.
On that first day, I followed him upstairs and basically became his anxious, annoying shadow because I was concerned about how Yuri might feel about being left entirely alone with him. Not that I don't trust Fox — I would never have allowed him anywhere near Yuri if I didn't trust him — but Yuri is sensitive and I wanted to make sure the two of them would get off to the best start possible.
I needn't have worried. Fox is the least intimidating person I've ever met, and he's a natural at caregiving. He had Yuri up, bathed and dressed without so much as a whisper of protest, and before I knew it, he was calmly feeding him a little bowl of soy yogurt and cut-up peaches as if it was the most ordinary and unremarkable occurrence in the world.
It hasn't been all smooth sailing since then, of course. Yuri is stubborn, as I'm sure you guys all know by now. He's also fond of getting his own way, and he has all kinds of tricks up his sleeve to make that happen, and — not gonna lie — even though I'm perfectly aware he's doing it, I give in to him a lot of the time anyway.
I figured Fox would be completely taken in, since he's such a kind soul and quite frankly gives the impression of being a pushover. But, what I hadn't known in advance was that Fox has the same superpower as Yuri; the one where he can bend people to his will so sweetly and gently that they don't even notice it. Except... two people trying the same tactic on each other do notice.
I probably don't need to tell you, this has led to a few very intense conflicts between the two of them. Quiet, civilized conflicts to be sure, but no less fierce than if they'd been shouting at each other.
Irresistible force, meet immovable object.
Not unpredictably, their biggest disagreements have been around meals. For the first few days Fox was here, he fed Yuri all his meals without questioning it, but around the fourth day, I guess he figured there was no need for that to continue to be part of his job description. Yuri pushed back, and eventually it fell to me to referee the dispute.
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Yuri was furious when I sided with Fox.
I know what you're likely thinking, and yeah, I do feed Yuri when he's sick because it's easier on both of us if I do. I hate seeing him struggle to eat. That stresses me out just as much as the physical act of eating stresses him. But, I had to concede that Fox wasn't wrong when he said Yuri should be perfectly capable of feeding himself. Besides, Fox is already doing enough for us, and I didn't want to complicate his job.
Yuri made a huge scene, but I gotta say I was proud of Fox for handling the whole thing like a pro. He straight-up told Yuri that he was being ridiculous which, as you can imagine, didn't go over well. I left the room at that point 'cause I didn't want to get stuck in the middle of any further wrangling between them.
As I was crossing the hallway to my own bedroom, I overheard Fox say something unexpected. He asked Yuri if the reason why he didn't want to feed himself was because he was scared.
I already knew the answer, but I was shocked when Yuri actually admitted to Fox that's what it was.
Then, Fox did something else I hadn't seen coming. He started telling Yuri about his experience in the hospital back in the autumn, and how he'd been terrified to let anyone give him an injection.
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That seemed odd to me, considering Fox is an insulin-dependent diabetic and gives himself two shots every single day, not to mention the number of times a day he pokes one of his fingers or his forearm to test his blood sugar. By that point, I'd watched him do insulin injections and blood glucose tests, and he'd barely batted an eyelash at sticking tiny, sharp objects into his skin, even with an audience of one curious wannabe nurse.
Intrigued by what he was now recounting to my husband, I temporarily deserted my plan to gather up my laundry, and lurked just out of sight of the doorway of Yuri's bedroom to eavesdrop instead.
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"They're not really allowed to let you give yourself a needle, you know," Fox was saying. "But, I made a big fuss about it until they agreed to let me. I had to do it because it always hurt so much when other people gave me a shot."
Yuri sounded dubious. "That makes no sense."
"I know," Fox said. "That's the thing. I can see now that it was illogical, but at the time it seemed perfectly rational to me. Anyway, I met my friend Jin when I was in the hospital. He was my nurse, and he figured out that it was hurting because I expected it to. And you know what? It turns out he was right."
"Good for him," Yuri said.
"You know what he told me?"
"I couldn't possibly guess," Yuri replied, and his tone practically screamed, I couldn't care less.
Fox was clearly undeterred. He went on, "Jin said that I need to train myself not to expect the worst, because not everything that seems like it’ll be painful or scary turns out to be.”
"Yes, well... sometimes it does."
"That's exactly what I said," Fox told him. "And he agreed with me, but he also said that if I was too afraid to take any chances, then I might miss out on something good."
"I don't see what that has to do with me," Yuri said.
Fox may have missed it, but I didn't fail to catch the nuance in my husband's words. I knew it wasn't that he didn't understand, but more like he didn't want to admit how this could apply to him. It was his way of saying I get it, but I wish I didn't.
"I heard you like strawberries," Fox said. "And I already know you like rice, so I made you something special for breakfast. It's rice pudding, but with protein powder and pureed strawberries in it, and it's sweet like a dessert. And it's pink. See? Don't you want to know what it tastes like?"
"Not particularly."
"I double-checked with Victor. Everything in it is something you've had before. It's all safe for you to eat, if that's what's worrying you. Or is it something else?"
Yuri's answer was mumbled, and I didn't catch it, but I thought it sounded like. "It's too difficult."
"Yeah, doing stuff for yourself can be really hard," Fox said. "I totally get it."
'No, you don't."
"You might be surprised.”
“I doubt that.”
“There was a lot of stuff I couldn't do for myself before I met Jin, and Takahiro and his family,” Fox said. “I had to learn so much just to start being a normal independent person. At first, I was scared and stressed out and tired every day, but everything I've done so far has been worth it, even though it was difficult."
"It's different for me," Yuri said.
"Yeah, it is different for you," Fox acknowledged. "I've been learning to do things over the past little while that you've probably been doing independently for years. I'm not asking you to do something crazy like learning pretty much every adult life skill within a few months, like I did. All I'm asking you to do is try feeding yourself, because I know you can."
"Oh... fine, then. But, if I throw up, it's your fault."
To my astonishment, Fox laughed. It was the same kind of laugh I've heard from other adults when a child says something outrageous, and I'd say it was more an indication of indulgence than of amusement. "Yuri, you're not going to throw up."
"How would you know?"
"Just start with one small bite. If you can't do more than that, you can stop. it's okay. Here..."
I attempted to peek around the edge of the door as sneakily as I could. Fox had his back to me, and probably wouldn't have spotted me anyway, but I was trying to avoid Yuri knowing I was there.
I was just in time to see Fox turning the bowl of rice pudding around so the handle of the spoon that was sticking out of it was facing in Yuri's direction. Hesitantly, Yuri reached out and grasped the spoon as Fox held the bowl for him.
"You can do it," Fox encouraged. "One spoonful. If you can manage that and you decide you want more, I'll feed you the rest, but we're going to keep working on this at every meal from now on until you're doing it all by yourself."
Yuri's expression was an awful combination of fear and lingering irritation, but I was gratified to see him lift the spoon with some pink-tinted rice on it. And then he put it in his mouth, and for one dreadful moment I thought he really might get sick. Most of the colour drained from his face, and he stared at Fox, wide-eyed.
"Take the spoon out of your mouth, Yuri," Fox said gently, and when Yuri did as he asked, he followed up with, "Good. Now, you can swallow."
It was weird, observing that. I'd never heard anyone explain something as simple and instinctual as eating in step-by-step instructions before. Then again, perhaps Yuri had somehow unlearned that instinct and needed to be told what to do.
He's mentioned to me before that he often doesn't want to eat and only consumes food because he has to. He says he doesn’t like eating most foods, not necessarily because he dislikes the taste or texture of the food, but because he’s hyper-focused on every little detail involved in eating, and he gets overwhelmed. I guess it’s like, he could get so fixated on chewing that he’d forget to swallow, and then suddenly swallow in a panic, and then panic even more when he realizes he didn’t consciously decide whether he should swallow or not.
I don’t know, really. I’m certain Yuri could explain it better himself, but that’s basically how I understand it from what he described. And considering his history of anxiety as well as severe digestive system issues, maybe it shouldn't be too surprising.
As for Fox, I was impressed that not only was he able to break down the process for Yuri, but also that he'd recognized the need for it. It made me wonder if someone had needed to explain a basic skill to him in a similar way in the past.
"That was awesome. I knew you could do it," he said, once Yuri returned the spoon to the bowl. "How do you feel? Is your stomach okay?"
"It's fine," Yuri said. His tone was grudging, like he didn't want to admit that feeding himself one spoonful of strawberry-flavoured sweet rice wasn't actually going to be the death of him.
"Think you can do it again?" Fox inquired.
"If I have to."
"You don't have to, but I'd like you to."
Yuri sighed. "Very well."
Two spoonfuls later, I could see how much of a psychological and physical toll the effort had taken. To anyone unfamiliar with the situation it probably looks like he's playing up for attention whenever he wants someone to feed him, but I can tell you in all honesty, it's not like that. The strain that showed in all his body language was real. He gets that way when he's being fed by someone too, but not nearly as quickly and nowhere near as pronounced.
I could see his hand shaking as he gripped the spoon. He was visibly sweating, and his skin had that pale, washed-out appearance some people get when they're about to faint.
I was concerned enough that I almost stepped back into the room, but fortunately, Fox was perceptive enough to see what I saw and to understand what it meant. He said to Yuri, "Give me the spoon."
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Yuri didn't so much hand it to him as push it in his general direction. Fox placed everything on the bedside table, and then helped Yuri settle back on his pillows.
"You did great," Fox told him. He brushed his hand over Yuri’s forehead. It looked like he was checking his temperature, but it was more likely that he was wiping some of the moisture off his face.
I was a little amazed that Yuri didn’t flinch away from Fox’s touch. He asked shakily, “Can… can I have some water, please?”
Fox handed his water bottle to him, and he took a couple of sips before passing it back.
“Done?” Fox inquired.
Yuri nodded. “Done.”
“Everything all right? Is your stomach still okay?"
"Yes, my stomach is all right for now, but I'm tired," Yuri said. "I need to sleep.”
"Understandable," Fox didn't point out that he'd only been awake for an hour or so. He simply acknowledged that Yuri knew best whether he needed more rest or not. "That was an amazing effort. I know it was a lot, but you did really good. I didn't even have to tell you to take that last spoonful."
"It’s good. The rice."
That admission was spoken so quietly that I almost didn't hear it.
"There's more of it left," Fox said. "Victor and I are going to have it for dessert with our lunch, but we'll save some for you. Would you like that?"
"Yes, please."
"You're going to feed yourself at least one spoonful at lunchtime, okay?" It sounded like a request, but I knew it wasn’t.
Yuri didn't reply, so I had no idea if he was agreeing with Fox's new rule, but he didn’t seem to be disagreeing either, which was good. I smiled. It may not have been a victory, exactly, but I felt safe in calling it a step in the right direction at least.
And now we're at the spot where I’m supposed to say some sort of happy ending thing, right? Like how I’m filled with hope or how Fox is a miracle worker or something?
Well, I am hopeful, but I’m not naïve. I don’t think Yuri had some great epiphany or whatever, or that Fox’s wisdom is going to fix everything. Yuri’s got a long way to go, and he’s not going to recover overnight, especially mentally. Disability Is tricky like that. Even when the body is relatively well, the mind can still be troubled. in fact, I’m convinced that the psychological impact of living with a disability can be even more disabling than the illness or disability itself.
What I can say is, I think it’s good for Yuri to have Fox here. It’s good for me as well, and not just for the obvious reasons. Fox doesn’t let Yuri get his way to avoid a confrontation with him, or to alleviate his own discomfort, like I do. As much as I don’t like admitting it, his approach yields better results than mine, even if it starts out a bit rough.
From watching Fox Interact with Yuri, I’ve learned there’s a difference between sympathy and empathy. I let Yuri get away with a lot because I feel bad for him and it’s painful for me to see him suffering, and I just want to make things better for both of us. But, I’m starting to realize that’s not doing either of us much good at the end of the day. He doesn’t need someone to take pity on him. He needs someone to respect how he feels and to try seeing things from his point of view while also showing him safe ways to move forward.
He needs someone to help him get perspective. That’s what my therapist would call it.
After this, I think I should be challenging him more. And I should be challenging myself more, to be firm with him when I need to be, and to recognize when it's okay to give in and when it's not. I need to challenge myself to remember that the easiest way isn't always the best way, and sometimes there has to be a little pain in order to make progress.
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zuluc · 2 years
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It isn’t everyday a new shop like this opens and your bubbly curiosity of friend would always take the opportunity to try something new. After all, it was his style; hopping from place to place to test it out, like the wind you would muse to him to which he would always laugh but never deny.
It’s a quaint little shop on a street corner, not too far from your campus that you are currently considering making it a potential lunch spot for breaks. The atmosphere is cozy when you enter the shop and if it weren’t for Venti’s grandiose waving you would have never guessed there’d be other people joining you.
“I already ordered stuff for us to try,” Venti says when he forces a break in his conversation to inform you, “Okay, but what about city girls meeting country guys? That’s a classic!” Half-listening and snickering along to what they were saying, you skim down the place not looking for anything in particular. It seemed to mainly been a sweets shop with a few savory snacks so you were certain what drew Venti to this place.
“I already ordered stuff for us to try,” Venti says when he forces a break in his conversation to inform you, “Okay, but what about city girls meeting country guys? That’s a classic!” Half-listening and snickering along to what they were saying, you skim down the place not looking for anything in particular. It seemed to mainly been a sweets shop with a few savory snacks so you were certain what drew Venti to this place.
You lean to the left and rest your head on your hand, almost tipping over when Aether shakes your shoulder to get your opinion. “Hm? I like the Christmas one.”
“They’re all in during Christmas!” Is the only thing they seem to agree on saying. You laugh and shrug your shoulders, realizing then that another person had walked up to your table. His eyes are on his phone and don’t leave as he takes a seat. You didn’t consciously do so but your body tenses when you realize who it was.
“The food didn’t come yet?” Xiao asks as he locks and tucks his phone in his back pocket. Aether shakes his head and makes a face.
“You took a long shit, I could smell it from here.” He doesn’t dodge the foot kicking his shin fast enough and barely conceals his yelp of pain. Xiao shakes his head, scoffing when his eyes land on you.
“Oh, hey.” He greets. If he weren’t associated with the other two you would have found this place to be out of character for him. You grin back.
There’s a brief moment of silence, as the other duo finished their debate that they had enough time to share a look that you two hadn’t noticed. Luckily a server comes by with the food before the silence had time to really settle in. She bids you all to enjoy before rushing back to another table.
“Anyway, I know you guys were the only free ones today so that’s why you’re here,” Venti starts, taking a sip of his drink, “and it’s on me.” He smiles but the three of you aren’t so easily swayed. “What? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“It better be.”
“You have a job?”
“Am I dreaming?”
The musician gapes at all of you who return to your own plates when deciding that he’s had enough teasing for the day. In retaliation, the entire time you’re there he picks off food from the sides of your dishes, only managing the least from Xiao’s. It was worth the effort.
Speaking of, you didn’t expect his dish to be so… sweet-looking. It looked similar to the almond tofu that he kept in the fridge only with little balls of green, pink, and white jelly with it. You never knew him to be a picky eater, well with all the food you’ve been making that you are sure he eats everything of (at the expense of your own embarrassment), but you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his face.
You don’t know why you’re suddenly staring but it’s nice to see your roommate in a different light that you feel off for not seeing it sooner. Seeing as you live together, all things considered. But you must have been staring too long that the next time you dart your attention from his dish to his eyes you’re met with them looking right at your own.
There’s a slight raise of a brow on his part and what you absolutely did not expect was the slight push of his plate your way and a gesture from his fork to try it.
“Really?” You ask.
“You’ve been staring at it. Try it.” He gestures once more. You reach over with your utensil and scoop a good amount to taste test. It was a lot sweeter than you anticipated, but this was just a menial surprise on top of what had just happened. “How is it?” He asks you, returning his attention back to his dish.
“Good,” You mutter and you barely catch that slight quirk of his lips again.
Well, that made your next decision much easier to have a motivation for.
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➠ five - well this is awkward
previous - masterlist - next
➠ note: yoyo i’ve been revived with diluc’s new skin and heizou 😀 srry abt the long break but im getting back into genshin again
➠ fun facts:
xiao knew you were going to be there but he wasn’t sure if you were showing up
aether was half sure about the look venti gave him but realized what it was for eventually
venti was offended that xiao, his long term best friend, willingly gave you some of his almond tofu
xiangling really was waiting for your text, everyone and their mother knows about your cooking :/
➠ taglist: i’ll be making a new taglist! so send in a request if you are interested!
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johannstutt413 · 2 years
(requested by calligomiles, continuing from this) Swire/Jackie II – I will give you diabetes
“Hey, Oni-Chan!” Swire, with Jackie in tow as usual, ambushed Hoshiguma in the cafeteria. “You just sat down, right?”
The Oni blinked. “Yeah, I just got through with the line.”
“Great! Stay right there until we get back, okay?” With that, the pair dashed off to order their meals, leaving a very confused Defender in their wake.
“Sure.” Hoshi glanced at Saria, whom she was having lunch with. “I’m expecting to hear something about rings. You?”
The Vouivre shrugged. “Hard to say - I don’t have any context for her request.”
“I never told you the reason I moved into your office?”
“Other than wanting to be able to flirt with me during work hours?” Not even a blush from either of them; honestly, that was the reason she’d picked Saria’s office over another option. “No, I don’t believe you did.”
Hoshi nodded to herself. “Alright, they’ll be gone for a bit, but the short version: Swire got swamped between LGD and RI stuff, and I was working in the same office as her, so I asked the Doctor to put out an ad for an assistant on her behalf. Jackie took the job, and they hit it off like…Honestly, what two substances bond as quickly as those two did? Peanut butter and chocolate?”
“Debatable. Cyanoacrylate, perhaps?” The warden knew epoxies tended to react and bond very quickly.
“I’m not sure what that is,” the Oni admitted, “but I’ll take your word for it.”
Saria smiled. “You know how I feel about lies. Speaking of which, did you ever tell Swire why you left her office?”
“She never asked, so it never came up.” The Perro really ate up a lot of her time and thoughts, after all-
“Nom.” And her food, too, as the very first thing Jackie did on sitting down was stealing one of her girlfriend’s fingerling potatoes. “It’s a good thing Bagpipe gave you extra potatoes.”
The Feline ‘retaliated’ by nabbing a stray piece of broccoli from her assistant’s tray. “What’s mine is yours, and yours is mine. Speaking of: Hoshi, would you be ‘best girl’ at our wedding?”
“Why not maid of honor?” Although ‘best girl’ certainly sounded like- WAIT. WEDDING. She’d guessed correctly, then.
“We don’t know all that many men, and you’re the one who introduced us, so it feels right, you know?” By this point, Swire and Jackie had reoriented their trays so it was easier to mooch off each others’ meals. “You’re invited, too, Saria. Wouldn’t want best girl to have to come without her date.”
Now both Defenders had something to be taken aback about. “‘Date?’” The Vouivre inquired.
“Well, yeah. Jackie and I figured that’s why she picked her office over any other.”
“Gotcha…” The Oni would’ve loved a stein of beer to drain at that moment, but she’d have to settle for her water. “Guess this is as good a chance as I’ll get to ask you out. Feel like going to a wedding as my plus-one?”
Saria needed to check her calendar, but- oh, who was she kidding? “If it means I’ll see you in a dress, then yes.”
“I’ve got one in mind.” Hoshi had been saving it for a special occasion, after all.
“Great!” The Feline made a note to add them to the seating chart for the reception. “We’re still planning some stuff, obviously, so it might be awhile before you get to see it, Saria”
The Defender thought for a moment. “Or, if you’re free, Hoshi, we could go for dinner tonight. My treat.”
“If I wasn’t free before, I am now.” Steak sounded better than a microwave meal for sure.
“Wow.” By this point, the Perro had eaten every potato available to her and thus could focus on her girlfriend’s matchmaking prowess. “Have fun! I’d ask if we could make it a double-date, but you’ve got some talkin’ to do and auditoriums don’t rent themselves. Ch’en’s helping out, but-”
WHAT. “How’d you convince her to do that?” The Lung and weddings didn’t usually mix well.
“Oh, it didn’t take much. I just told her someone else would be putting up with me full-time, and she was more than happy to speed that along…Although you know, I think she might miss be just a little~” The pure amount of smug in Swire’s expression was almost unbearable for Hoshi and absolute joy for Jackie.
“That does sound like her. Everything up to the ‘missing you’ part, at least.” If Hoshi wanted the full story, she knew she could ask the Lung herself. “Alright, I’ve got a training session to get to. See you tonight, Saria. Congrats, you two.”
The Vouivre got up as well. “Likewise, congratulations on the engagement.”
“Engagement?” The happy couple shared a glance.
“Unless you plan to elope,” Saria elaborated, “usually you would make a public announcement that you plan to marry before formalizing it legally and ceremonially.”
The Oni, still holding her tray, simply shook her head with a chuckle. “They probably thought it was too obvious to make a point of it.”
“We posted about it on Bea’s vlog page, so that probably counts, right?”
“Likely, yes.” The warden made a note to look for that later. Considering how long Swire and Hoshiguma had known each other, there might be some…’helpful’ information somewhere in those videos. “Regardless, congratulations, and thank you for the invitation.”
The Perro beamed at her. “Happy to help our matchmaker meet her match!”
“Good turns and all that,” the Feline agreed.
“Certainly.” Which, as Saria left for her office, made her wonder: ‘What good turn did I make to deserve this one?’
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shinygoldstar · 2 years
10 questions and 10 tags game
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 blogs you’d like to get to know better.
tagged by @strawberrycamel
Favorite item: my fountain pens
Dream outfit: one of those fantasy dresses, zuhair’s are close enough I guess (I really want to make my own though because zuhair’s price tag is wayy beyond what I can afford) / or a cool trench coat with lots of hidden pockets mmmmm
Relationship status: no comment :P
Favorite color: white
Three favorite foods: date palms, oranges, castella (don’t really have a fav right now so those were past favs)
Song stuck in my head: none right now but previously one of the 86 OSTs
Most recent song I listened to: 6eighty
Last thing I googled: shazam cape sewing pattern *looks away* they look comfy as heck and I need one of those
Dream trip: Iceland or Salar de Uyuni (although I think it’s too far for me to ever go there)
Anything I really want: I want to be able to wear costumes to work lol. Like make it a normal thing for anyone to wear any type of clothes even if looks like fantasy costumes (laundry cleaning would be such a chore though D:) *debates between wearing elaborate costumes and sticking to simple plain clothes that are easier to wash and dry*  I want to wear trench coats too but the weather here is the worst combination for wearing trench coats..
Tags (you can skip it if you want / or just ignore it if you’ve already been tagged :3) : @kawaiijohn @five-rivers @ecto-stone​ @13thcat​ @princessfanonanona​ @dailu-chill​ @cleanlenins​ @glorious-typo​  @nanomybeloved and anyone not tagged yet feel free to join!
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fawningoveradream · 1 year
IK ITS FROM YESTERDAY but for the ask game: angel, cupcake, cutie :]
angel - what’s one character trait you like about yourself?
I guess a character trait that I like about myself is that I am sweet in a genuine kind of way? This comes from what significant others/friends/co-workers in my life have have told me. Like one of my past acquaintances told me that they started sitting closer to me and hanging out with me after our art class with each other because the first time I met them, they were opening a bottle of sprite and it bubbled over and spilt all over their lap, chair, and on the ground in the lobby we were waiting in (before art class). And I was the only one there with her and I just got up and told her that I'll be back and get some paper towels from the restroom and help them clean up. And I guess it made an impression on them that I would go out of the way for them for a mess they made.
Somedays I end up fighting with myself arguing that I don't quite understand why others have this kind of impression of me, kinda??? Which stems from me dueling with the idea of 'am I a good person'? debate. So when I get told about these kinds of aspects about myself that I don't really think about I get a lil blushy about it all.
cupcake - if you’re treating yourself, what do you do?
Treating myself? Getting some good food, drinks, a sweet treat, and watching a good horror film.
Fave foods when im treating myself out: spicy/hot chicken wings or nachos (just chips and queso; chips with really good meat +veggies + beans + dressings if im feeling extra special)
But really, I feel like im treating myself (the most) out when I'm spending time with my friends/partner at places. I never really got the chance to go out or meet new people that much growing up, so going to places and having fun on my own terms with people that I feel like I can trust/be myself around makes eating good food/experiencing new things 100 times better.
cutie - what’s your favorite fairytale?
Red Riding Hood, cause I was one of those young kids who were obsessed with anything wolf related. That and I found it mystifying that a wolf could talk or eat two human beings whole, or why a tiny girl was even walking the woods all by herself to begin with. Or that the reality was that wolves are rather skittish by nature.
But also I found it interesting cause it did lead me down the rabbit whole of werewolf lore lol. I think in 4 or 5th grade I won the scholastic book lottery award and could pick out up to two free books of my choice from the book faire and I was so excited. My first book was about monster/ghost lore and the second was a adventure novel series about a dark age world living underneath the rule of dragon lords, but nothing is what it seems to be, and the powers that be that rule/control these young dissident protag's societies are lying about how magic/special abilities come from or are born stronger/weaker/or not at all in some people. Like legit there was something about a tracking/magic infused bead being imbedded in the center of (or around) people's elaborate tattoos with their social/power hierarchy numbers.
0 notes
maybe Y/N Stark is a new avenger, Peter see her before in a college party where they had very great sex. When she is introduced to everone. Wanda reading her thoughts finds out what happened between them. and CAOS. I love you xx
Okay see I love this because it plays into my favorite headcannon that (y/n) Stark is just a big party girl. My favorite trope is just like mean x soft, love someone who is just soft for their baby and that is so my favorite way to potray (y/n) Stark, like she’s just kind of brat expect for with Peter. Anyway I’m saying a big fat yes, and here she is. Hope you like it babe! Love you xx
Guys I am still doing requests and promts so please feel free to send some in, or even just hit me up, would love to be your bestie 💖
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark! Reader
Summary: The first post hookup meetup is always a little awkward 
(y/n)’s pov
New York city has to be the most magical place in the world, the lights are brighter, the buildings are taller, and the parties are way more awesome than the little boarding school dorm parties I’m used to. As a Stark it’s really just my social obligation to throw the best parties in the city though, and that’s a lot of pressure. I knew my New York debut would have to be awesome, so I rented out the 404 NYC and filled it to the brim with the best food and liquor money could buy, the most killer DJ I could find, and sent out an invitation to every socialite in the city. 
Then I invited Peter Parker, a boy I’ve only ever met in passing really, but he was important to my dad. Dad always used to tell me he thought we’d really get along, but we never really got the chance to know each other before dad passed away. Now that I’m in New York I want to try to be friends, he’s also the only avenger my age so if I want to carry on my dad’s legacy I think he’ll be a good teammate to have. From what I remember he was just a dorky, quiet kid, he’d hardly said two words to me the handful of times we had met. So you can only imagine my surprise when he walked in and the dorky little boy next door had become possibly the hottest boy in all of NYC. 
“Hey Peter,” I giggled as I waved to him, “I’m so glad you came.”
“Yeah, of course, I was a little surprised you invited me though…” he rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward smile.
“Oh yeah, I just figured a friend of daddy’s is a friend of mine,” I stopped one of the waiters walking by and passed Peter a drink, “Here, have this, it’s crazy good.”
He takes a little sip and nods, “Good. I’m glad you did, I was wondering if you were still gonna go to college out here after everything that happened.”
“Of course! I love New York,” I wink before taking a big swig of my own drink, “Plus I kind of wanted to give the whole Avengers thing a shot.”
“I heard, Fury said you’ve been talking about helping out.”
I nod, “Yeah, I don’t know if I really want to be a superhero per say, but it’s my dad’s legacy and I want to help out in some way.”
“Cool,” he blushed as he glanced down at his drink, “Sorry, parties aren’t really my thing still, I actually kind of just came to see how you were.”
“Aw,” I coo, “That’s so cute, I thought you would be, you seem more confident, you actually look me in the eyes now, mostly.”
He looked back up at me with a smile, “More confident sure, but I still don’t really go to parties.”
“Well you’re like an honorary Stark aren’t you?”
His whole face flushed red at that, “I don’t know about that.”
“Nah, you totally are, which means you’ve got to party like one,” I push the drink to his lips, “Chug that and we’ll get you another, then I’ll teach you how to dance,” I wink, downing my own drink to demonstrate.
He takes a deep breath and down the whole cup in one drink.
The first thing I notice when I wake up is how unusually warm it is, then it’s the arm around my waist. I roll over groggily and rub my eyes, giving myself just a few moments to take everything in. The first thing I spot is Peter, laying in bed besides me, naked. After checking him out for a second, what happened last night comes crashing back to my mind.  I feel my face start to burn, don’t get me wrong, he was great in bed, but I just know I totally corrupted him. Oops. 
It’s a little hard to feel bad when the sex was that good.
Peter’s eyes flutter open, looking over me sleepily before going wide eyed, “H-Hi,” he stutters.
“Hey,” I smile back, “You’re like a little space heater you know?”
“Uh, thanks,” he sits up very suddenly, looking a little frantic as he grabs his phone, “I-I’m sorry I really have to go, I h-have plans.”
I frown, watching him scramble back into his clothes, “No problem, I’m sure I’ll see you around?”
He nods, not meeting my eyes as he pulls his shirt on, “Y-Yeah, see you!” he’s out the door fast enough to give me whiplash.
Did I just get smashed and dashed by Peter Parker?
I feel awkward about what happened with Peter, I mean I had a good time but the more I think about it it just seemed like something was off that morning. I want to apologize or something, but I don’t have his number or anything. I was hoping he’d be at the Avengers tower while I’m in today, but no such luck. I feel really bad, I had a lot of fun with him, I really did want to be friends. He just really doesn’t seem like the type to hit it and quit it so I really feel like I did something wrong…
“Oh hey kid,” Bucky breaks my train of thought and draws my attention away from the papers I was looking over, “What are you up to?” “Looking over some of my dad's old suit plans,” I hum, “What about you?”
“After mission snack,” he smiles as he opens the fridge, “Peter and Wanda were right behind me.”
My eyes widen and I look right to the door, waiting for them to enter and debating what I should do. I guess just ask him to talk?
He meets my eyes as soon as he enters the room, his cheeks flush instantly and he clears his throat, “Oh, hey (y/n).”
“Hey,” I smile back.
Screw that fucking Spiderman suit, he should go to jail for looking like that.
“Hi (y/n)” Wanda smiles as she walks in behind him, “How are you?”
“Good, you?”
“Starving,” she rubs her stomach with a smile, “I need a snack,” she heads right for the kitchen while Peter just stands a few feet away from me. “How was your mission?” I ask.
“Good, nothing special really,” he crosses his arms over his chest, “How have you been?”
How do I bring this up? I mean normally if I hook up with someone I don’t care that much about talking to them after, but I really liked hanging out with Peter at the actual party too. He’s awesome in bed, let’s not pretend he isn’t, but he’s funny too, and wicked smart. Plus he’s a lot nicer than most guys, I don’t know, I just really got along with him. I really hope I didn’t ruin things between us.
“Well I’m just gonna grab a snack too,” Peter pushes his hand through his hair, a light pink color dusting his cheeks and nose, “I’m pretty tired…”
“I bet, you should get some rest,” I cross my legs and turn back to the notes, only to spot Wanda staring at us, “What?”
She smirks, “Nothing, nothing.”
I frown, “Okay, not nothing, what is it?” “You two are just having some interesting thoughts,” she snickers.
Both Peter and I flush red while Bucky cocks his head in confusion, “What are they thinking about?”
She gets ready to speak but I’m quick to interject, “Nothing.”
“The kids were just having a little fun,” she smirks, “Come on Bucky, I think they need a little alone time.”
He went wide eyed, “You two better not try anything in here.”
“Jesus Christ we won’t!” I snap, “You two are gross!”
“Oh I’m gross?” Wanda raises a brow, “I know exactly what’s going on in that little head of yours,” she glances towards Peter, “She’s into the suit Peter.”
“Hey!” I glare at her while he blushes, “Don’t kink shame me.”
“I’m gonna go throw up,” Bucky snatches up his food on his way out. “You better leave to,” I threaten Wanda, pointing my pen at her as threateningly as I can.
She starts laughing, “Yeah I’m getting out of here before you two start getting heated,” she winks to me as she saunters out of the room, “Wrap it up this time!”
“Hey!” I snap, my cheeks flushing once more, “I have an IUD,” I try to assure Peter, who seems to be malfunctioning, “Uh, you good?”
His mouth hangs open for a minute before he speaks, “I’m really sorry about them.”
I shrug, “It’s fine. I really did want to talk to you alone though, I’m really sorry about the party.”
He knits his brow, “Why are you sorry? I had fun at the party.”
“It seemed like you regretted it,” I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.
He purses his lips and shakes his head, “I don’t regret it. I shouldn’t have left like I did though, I promise I’m not normally like that.”
“Oh,” I don’t really know what to say, “So you really just had to go?”
He averts his eyes before shaking his head, “I kinda panicked?”
“Panicked?” I chuckle, some of my nerves starting to ease out, “Why?”
“I just haven’t really done that before…” he blushed.
My jaw falls open, “Oh my God Peter I am so sorry, I had no idea. I should have asked if I was your first th-”
“No, no! Not like that, I’ve slept with people before,” he shakes his head, “It’s just always been with long term girlfriends. I just didn’t really know what to do when we got up and I panicked.”
I can’t help the small laugh that escapes from my lips, “That’s really cute Peter, and I mean what you did was fine, I was just a little disappointed I guess. I mean I had a lot of fun just hanging out too so I was kind of hoping we could have kept hanging out, but if you just wanted a one night stand that’s fine too.”
“W-Well I wanted to keep hanging out too, I guess I should have just asked,” he laughs lightly at himself, “Sorry.”
“You can make it up to me by taking me on a date sometime,” I shrug, “You know, just if you still wanted to hang out sometime.”
He goes wide eyed before clearing his throat, “Oh, um, yeah, I should do that. Do you, uh, have plans tonight?”
I shake my head, “Nope.”
“Cool, uh, would you want to go to the movies then?”
I nod eagerly, “I would love to.”
“O-Okay!” he grins ear to ear, “I’m gonna go shower though, and change! I’ll be back in ten?”
“I’ll be right here,” I smile back, “Can’t wait.”
“Me either,” he begins walking away but spins suddenly loudly declaring, “Oh!” before he spins back around. He presses a quick peck to my lips and bites his lips, “Okay, I’ll be right back.”
I blush, my stomach filling with anxious butterflies, “I’ll be waiting.”
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A tale of two lovers (Part 1)!
INFP tightened her arms around her mother’s waist, Her eyes glazed with salty tears.
“I’ll miss you, mom.” She said between sobs,
“Don’t worry, dear. You got into the top college in the country!”
“Yeah, but, I’m just...scared.”
Her mother looked down at INFP’s face with a gingerly expression, and swayed her back and fourth in an attempt to soothe her.
“Your smart, amazing, and your one of the most bravest people I know. But, most importantly, your my daugther, my beautiful, beloved daughter.”
INFP found it difficult to accept all what her mother said. She didn’t feel pretty herself, let alone beautiful. It just seemed too strong of a statement, especially for something her mom exclaimed so confidently. All the kids used to make fun of INFP at school for her two colored eyes, and her niche interests. She often felt frustrated about her stupid eyes, if she didn’t have them, at least nobody would think she was a creep.
Click here for scene music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD9gfThEjHA read at a normal pace! Feel free to take stuff in!
INFP waved back to her mom as she walked towards the van to her dad and her best friend, ISFJ.
“Ready to go?” ISFJ inquired
“Yeah,” INFP replied
“Come in kids!” The dad called, “It’s getting late and you don’t want to miss your flight INFP!”
INFP nodded and slid into the ventilated car. Following suit, ISFJ slid in with her, as her father got the GPS up and running. The drive to the airport was met with fire and fury, multiple cars were packed in lines adjacent to their lanes. Nevertheless, they managed to make it into the airport on time. Before they knew it, they were at the gate, chatting and hugging each other.
“Passengers on Flight 461, please come to gate 5.” The loudspeaker spoke
INFP walked towards the gate with her father standing by one side, with ISFJ by another.
“I guess your going off then, aren’t you?” INFP’s dad said, “Your growing up so fast.”
INFP smiled, “I know, but you’ll always be with me, no matter what.”
“You will do great!” ISFJ chimed in, “You are always free to talk to me on Whatsapp if you need anything.”
INFP smiled and walked away, she then tilted her head to see her dad and her best friend waving. She felt her legs jerk, and before she knew it, she dashed back and held both of them in a tight embrace.
“I love you, both of you.” She said, “And I won’t let you down.”
Her dad laughed, “You better not, honey! We don’t have much, its a miracle you got that free scholarship!”
INFP nodded and walked once again towards the tall narrow, platform and boarded the plane. She sat in her seat and looked out her small, oval window as the aircraft ascended.
This is it, She thought, as the plane followed with the wind rising, I’m actually leaving.
INFP pulled out her favorite novel and began to read it, with the accompaning sound of cabin noise. Time seemed to soar when she was reading, and it felt weird being lost in her zealous world. She soon fell asleep to the sound of cabin noise, the novel in her lap.
Use this music! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCcclu-gyIo
ENTJ looked up at his friend, ENTP, as he begrudingly carried the cardboard boxes of parts to the yard
“Why do we need these again?” he asked, annoyed
“It’s for the freshman welcome day!” ENTP said, her eyes gleaming, “Dude, do you have any clue that it was today?”
“I did.” ENTJ replied, frustrated, “I don’t understand the point of this, more freshman, nothing much that to sell them like lambs to a slaughter of college with a stupid event.”
A twisted grin spread across ENTP’s face. “hehehe....more people to screw up, and debate with, fine...verrry fine. Don’t you think?”
ENTJ growled in annoyance, “This is boring, when will I actually get real stuff to do?”
“Like what? What could be more real than helping out with this?”
“Like my TF job.” ENTJ said blankly, “I can think of a hundred things better than this shit.”
ENTP gave her friend a knowing look, “Ewww work. Isn’t there anything else, that could be better than work? Anything?”
“Maybe FBI Files, and being president of the MUN team...I guess I could get some fresh meat to join the club.”
The two then dropped the boxes and grabbed two poles and tried to plunge them into the ground before the golden light of the sun greeted them in time for the morning
“I guess it’s morning already!” ENTP exclaimed, “Time for me to go check on the food. ENTJ, print out the papers.”
ENTJ groaned, “Why are you telling me what to do? If anyone has the right to tell people what to do, it should be me.”
“Ugh fine, yes sire, I shall go look after food,” ENTP said in a shrill voice. She then made an attempt to do a curtesy, making ENTJ bite his lip to swallow his laughter.
“Bye then, ENTP. See you later.”
Before long, INFP found herself standing on the neat carpeted surface of the airport as unfamiliar sights and smells followed to get through the building.
Somehow, before she knew it, she was on a bus being transported to her new college. Maybe the fact that she had flew a plane,managed to get out the gate, and walked around, and boarded a bus, all by herself, just started to hit her momentarily. How could she have done it that easily? And as this wave of predicament and the “Great Perhaps” had been following her, she finally got off her last stop and looked up towards the university, fully populated with energetic students. INFP, being the socially awkward person she is, felt her stomach fumble and twitch, “I might need to walk back…” She thought.
Maybe 3, or two and a half steps into her progression she might of had to stop
“Thud!” INFP turned around, The monstrosity of paper flew in different directions, some up, some down, some wet or dry, some fresh and new, some being brown and crppled from the dirt and water puddles, she turned to find ENTJ, sitting a rather awkward position. His legs were out, as one stretched as the other was folded in an upward, triangular position. His hand acted as his only pillar of support
“I’m so sorry!” INFP exclaimed, picking up the papers, “Are you ok?”
ENTJ groaned and stumbled and he got himself up, “Do I look ok?”
“Then why would you ask if I was?”
ENTJ looked straight into INFP’s two-colored eyes. She looked...familiar, for some unknown reason, however, he could pinpoint how. Did they know each other before?
“I'm sorry…” ENTJ replied as he picked up his papers, “Just walk were you’re going instead of spacing out/”
“Ok! Sorry about that,” INFP replied, cringing at herself
“It’s fine”
That brief moment, INFP had no clue how to pinpoint what she felt, what was it about that thirty second gaze? It was left unsettling
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
god- l. laufeyson (part 2)
pairings: loki laufeyson x reader, platonic!tony stark x reader, mentions of nick fury warnings: language and minor angst about: part 2 to god a/n: i apologize for taking so long to post it, i was having trouble coming up with the little details and honestly just writing overall but it’s up!! and another bucky fic will be up tomorrow or saturday!!
loki is suspicious after you leave. in the- admittedly short- time he’s been shoved away and locked in a cage to rot, he had seen you all of two times, and he was enthralled. flabbergasted, too, surprised that a simple mortal managed to stay hidden in the deep parts of his brain and refuse to leave. you were… interesting, just as you had described him: not as a villain, or evil, or horrendous, but captivating; unbelieving that he would do anything for no good reason.
whether that was true or not was still up for debate, so he had yet to decide if you were incredibly intelligent or the simple, stupid mortal he thought you all to be. nevertheless, he found himself slightly disappointed when you left, waving goodbye to him and tucking your book under your arm. while he tried to dissolve the sensation, tony stark came bounding in, standing as close as he could to the glass barrier. stark barked words that loki didn’t care much for, ignoring the man. he could see you wince from inside the elevator, a sliver of your face still available from the closing doors.
“hey, hey!” stark barked, snapping his fingers at loki. the god tilted his head at him, “yes?” he asks, voice dripped in more annoyance than usual. “that girl who just came out of here?” stark started, while loki took a minute to examine his words, “girl,” was she not an accomplished avenger? he thought tony of all people would show the respect that loki thought none of them deserved. “if you even think about doing anything to her, i will bring in the big guy to slam you around some more. you remember him? or do you need a refresher?”
loki nearly scowls at the mention of hulk, body reminding the strange ache that was left after the oaf slammed him into the floor. he only chuckles lowly, though, “how much do you distrust a fellow avenger to believe they cannot handle themselves?” loki muses. tony scoffs, shaking his head, “i really don’t think you’re in a position to question me.”
“i’m a god. i am always in the position i wish to be in,” loki reminds, making tony roll his eyes, “you’ll never see her again if i can help it. and i can,” he says. “oh, but i like her!” loki rebuts, riling tony up, “so sweet, don’t you think?” tony freezes, abruptly turning around and slamming a hand against the glass, “you will not lay a hand on her. i’ll make sure of it.”
“i seem to remember midgardians can usually do as they please,” loki replies smoothly. “and you really think she’ll want to spend time with a monster?” tony questions. loki smirks, “i suppose i simply have a feeling.”
tony is seething when he comes to your lab, having switched with steve to come talk to you. you’re humming along to a song he doesn’t bother to recognize. “you’re in a good mood,” tony observes. at the sound of his voice, you turn, taking your earbuds out and grinning at him. you press what he assumes is the pause button on your phone, “tony! i’ve actually been meaning to ask you something,” you begin. tony raises an eyebrow to tell you to continue. “it’s about loki,” you continue, anxious about his reaction. the man pauses, exhaling softly, “oh. i know what you want to- i’m so sorry for doing that to you, y/n. i promised that i wouldn’t put you with him and we should’ve been more prepared. it won’t happen again.”
the confusion is clear on your face, vocally affirming it with a “huh?”
“that’s what you wanted to talk about, right? babysitting loki?”
“well, yes, but no, it actually wasn’t bad, i wanted to bring up the idea of maybe allowing him books? or maybe music or something, i can’t imagine going from having any book at your fingertips to none at all. also, he’s not getting enough food and i wanted to talk to you abou-” tony stops you with a raised hand, “what?” you recognize the conversation won’t end too well, so you try to phrase your words in a way that tony won’t get too angry at. “i just- when i was watching him, i thought we could be a little less… cruel.”
“with the guy who tried to take over earth?” tony retorts, you sigh softly, already beginning to feel resigned. “he still deserves to eat,” you defend weakly, “come on, tony, please? i’ll watch over him myself when he’s listening to music or reading or eating and i’ll take it back when i have to leave.” tony shakes his head, “someone will always be watching, and it won’t be you.” you frown, “why? don’t you trust me? i’m an avenger, tony. i’m not weak or useless, it’s just watching over someone who is literally in a cage. he can’t even escape.” tony’s about to say no again, so you press, “how come nick fury- man who doesn’t trust- trusts me enough to do that but you don’t?”
tony’s fingers squeeze the space between his eyebrows, eyes closed. he contemplates the effects if he refuses, no doubt ending in the thinning-by-the-minute thread that is your trust in him completely snapping.
“fine,” he finally agrees, and your frustrated frown melts back into a relieved small smile, “but everything you give him has to go through someone else first. i don’t care if it’s fury or hill or romanoff or me, but it has to be approved.” you nod quickly, “yes, of course.” tony raises a finger, “and, you will watch him the whole time. you got yourself into this, kid. i trust you can protect yourself from him if you ever need to.” you agree, “absolutely, and, uh-” you reach into your bag, pulling out the book finnegan’s wake, and your old ipod, equipped with a single downloaded song and earbuds plugged in. “i actually have already chosen a book and a song that i think he would appreciate during the time he tells me himself what he would like and while it gets approved, and um,” you push the objects toward tony, a surprised look lining his features, “since you have time now… the ipod has only that one song and i doubt he can do anything with either of the items, although i’ll be here if he does.”
“you picked these out for him?” tony questions, and you nod again, “i don’t really know him, i doubt anybody does, but i thought james joyce was a good guess considering.” tony looks from the objects in your hand back to you, before sighing and grabbing them. “i want to break free?” he asks, holding up the ipod. you feel your cheeks heat, “music is hard, i went for the obvious.”
tony exhales, looking down at the book, “fine, both are approved.”
“what, you’re not gonna check to see if i carved out a hole into the book and put the tesseract in there so he could escape?” you ask sarcastically, taking back the items while he rolls his eyes. “no, i trust you.” you grin, “you better. there’s no reason for you to not,” tony agrees with you softly, genuinely feeling bad while he kisses your cheek in goodbye. “steve was just called on a mission and needs a replacement, so you better get down there. bowser isn’t in a good mood today.”
you huff out a light laugh at the nickname, cradling your dear books and tangling your fingers in the cords of the earbuds while you walk to the elevator. you catch your bottom lip between your teeth while you watch the numbers blink above the elevator doors, nerves from your choices finally making a home in the pit of your stomach and making your grip tighten on the items. you really don’t know him, and one of the few things that you do know about him is that he isn’t the nicest- although you think it probable that it was warranted- which begins the inkling of regret of your carefully-picked choice to form. you try your best to push past it though, attempting to reassure yourself through the fact that loki’s reading options are limited, and as evil as everyone (including him) claims he is, you suspect (hope) that there is something in him that can’t simply disregard kind gestures. you suppose that theory is from what thor has told you about frigga. you hope it’s correct.
the elevator dings, knocking your thoughts off their destructive railroad and your attention to the shield guard wearily eyeing you and what you carry. “hey, wally,” you greet, shooting him a smile as you walk over to him, pulling your id card from your pocket. “what’cha got there?” he asks, sitting up straighter in his chair to look closer at you. “a- already approved by tony stark- book and song for loki. you know how much he had access to in asgard?” you question. he shakes his head, and you sigh, “me neither. but i imagine it’s a lot, and i don’t think he’s been introduced to our books yet.”
wally stares at you for a few seconds, before pursing his lips, “already approved by stark?” he checks, “already approved by tony,” you repeat. “just no ear things. don’t want him to choke somebody,” he instructs, holding out his hand. you oh quietly, hurriedly pulling off the headphones and putting them in his hand. wally only nods then, trusting you enough to not ask for any more reassurance, and pressing a button next to him to allow you into another elevator. the ride is much shorter, and you bounce on your heels, fidgeting with the edge of the book.
you barely recognize when the doors part, the slick-haired god already examining you. “in asgard, it is strongly discouraged to damage books like you are doing,” loki states. you stop your picking, dropping your hand and walking inside. “hello to you too, loki.” the god ignores you, instead focused on what is in your arms. “i thought any pleasantries for you weren’t allowed down here,” he says, eyes focused on your ipod. “ah, not if you ask nicely,” you reply, standing next to the chair, “and, these aren’t for me.”
you set your own book down on the floor- a very cliche wuthering heights, but it was either that or romeo and juliet, and you’d prefer not get caught reading about a forbidden romance while watching a villain- and hold up the one for him, grinning. “so i don’t know much about asgard or its books because thor hasn’t budged yet on taking me, but from what i can gather, you have little to no media from here, right?” loki ducks his chin suspiciously in response. “so i can imagine you haven’t read shakespeare, or james joyce, which reminds me a lot of you, so…”
you offer no more explanation, putting the book on your chair and showing him the ipod, walking closer to the glass. “this is an ipod. it’s used to play songs offline, and i picked one out for you. i don’t know if you’ll like it because i don’t really know what type of music you like or if you like it at all-” you pause, finally recognizing how long it had been since he’d talked. “but, uh, i hope you do.”
you look up at him then, unsurprised to find him already staring back at you. “you did this for me… why?” he queries skeptically. “i told you before; i imagine it’s difficult to go from everything to nothing in a day. and i think it must be boring to be trapped in there all day with nothing to do.”
loki still looks distrustful, but you grab the book, pulling out the key card to open his food slot. “i can’t leave these in here after i leave, but i’ll stay until you finish both,” you assure, pushing the book through the small gap. your ipod is still in your hands as you walk back near him. he looks at you for a few moments longer before his eyes flick to the book. “and there are no… explosives? poison of some kind in that?”
you shake your head, “no, of course not.”
loki narrows his eyes at the paperback anyways, walking towards it apprehensively. “when you want me to, i can teach you how the ipod works and you can listen to the song. it’s by a rock band called queen,” you babble, watching as he slowly observes the book before picking it up at an even more leisurely pace.
“i’m going to go sit over there now. just let me know if you need something,” you can’t seem to stop talking, so you focus instead on your legs moving you back to your seat, picking up your novel before sitting. you’re about to ramble on about something else again, until you notice the publication in loki’s hands, slightly panicking at the immediate rush of satisfaction and happiness it gives you when he opens the first page.
you try to avoid the sound of turning pages when you stay stuck on the same sentence, too concerned about why your neck decided to warm when the god accepted your favor.
“you can play it,” loki voices suddenly, almost as if reading the loud thoughts about your decision on the song. he looks up at you, “reading is usually accompanied by light music, but i suppose i could listen to rock.”
you nod, pressing a button on the small device that makes the beginning notes bounce off the walls of the room. your fingers gently tap along to the beat on the edge of your page without your noticing, too used to the melody to not react. you try not to look too hard at loki to watch for his reaction, too interested if he’ll like it or not.
after the first minute passes by and he doesn’t object to the sound, you count this as a win, allowing yourself to relax into your chair and actually read the words lined on the page, discovering them to make a lovely combination. you only notice when the song ends when loki speaks up, “it is okay,” he compliments, “i enjoyed it. i think i’d enjoy your so called queen.” you chuckle softly, “i thought you would. do you have any favorites here so i can add them for next time?”
“no,” loki responds, not taking his eyes off the page. “i’ll find some for you, then,” you promise, then press play on the ipod again, not missing the tiny quirk of loki’s lips, making you way too giddy than you should be.
after it has been over six hours and loki has barely finished finnegans wake, you’re completely sure he took extra time to read it; whether it be to absorb it better or simply have more time with it in his hands, you don’t care, pride swelling up in your chest because you did something right for him. he hadn’t complained about the repeated song, and you can’t blame him. the sounds are a lot more entertaining than the cold silence that usually occupies the space where he resides.
you ask loki more about what he thought, attempting to coerce him into telling you his preferences, until tony is calling you up.
you’re about to leave, both books and ipod in hand when you pause.
“y/n,” loki starts, and you realize it is the first time you’d hear your name out of his mouth. you decide you like how it sounds in his voice, not disregarding how you shouldn’t. “yes?” you answer instead, meeting his eyes. “thank you.”
you swallow, surprised at the genuinity in his voice while you nod, “it was no problem.”
loki finds it disturbing how much he dislikes seeing you walk away.
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hqamore · 3 years
boreal star ✵ chapter six
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now, he’s pissed off. general kirigan was going to get his sun summoner and blast all of ravka to hell. he was so close to reaching his goals and no one was going to stop him.
chapter genre: action
series pairing: [past?] aleksander morozova (general kirigan) x reader
word count: 2.2k
author’s babble: surprise! so soon? i know. i cranked this chapter because i finally decided how this series would end. enjoy and tell me your thoughts!
here’s the masterlist
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three days, you and mal agreed on. you procrastinated for the first two. well, not really procrastinated. you purchased some food and extra layers in balakirev the first day. the second day, you made your way to ryevost. to your misfortune, you were almost caught by aleksander and his merry band of misfits. but, his attention was stolen by teenagers? it was certainly entertaining to see the grisha get outwitted by the bunch.
you waited until you couldn’t detect them anymore. swiftly and careful to hide your face, you made your way to tsibeya on the third day. by high noon, the white forest greeted you with light snowfall. about 5km in, two huddled teens came into view. the crisp sounds of your steps alerted them, their eyes darting to you.
“[y/n]?” alina stepped in front of mal in a defensive position, light drawn at the ready. you surrendered your hands as mal lightly pushed away hers.
“alina, i told you they were coming,” he said.
with some reluctance, the sun summoner lowered her hands and eyed her. “why would baghra send you? you arrived at the palace the same time as i did.”
you smiled, ignoring her question, and strode past them, only pausing for them to follow. mal slung his sack over his shoulder and gave alina’s hand a light squeeze before jogging ahead of you. “i’ll look out for the stag. but, it’d be better for all of us if you answered her questions,” he whispered. “she’s naturally curious and very stubborn.”
you sighed and slowed your pace, matching your strides with alina’s. “baghra and i have a mutual understanding, one that precedes the importance of the second army,” you said.
alina glanced at you warily. “which is?”
“the black heretic cannot gain any more power.”
her lips pursed. “but, you arrived at the same time i did,” she quipped, “and i still can’t do much.”
you offered a dry chuckle. “i guess i picked it up that much faster.”
silence fell between you two, the crunching snow and distance chirps of birds filling the air. you took this opportunity to take in alina’s appearance. she wore ill-fitted clothing that couldn’t have been providing any warmth. her profile was worn, sunken eyes accompanied by an angry blush from the cool temperature. you shrugged your coat off, leaving you in your kefta, and draped it over her shoulders. she looked at you in surprise which made you smile softly.
with this small bridge, you spoke. “it must’ve been difficult escaping the palace without help.”
alina sheepishly smiled as she tugged the coat on, shuddering in the extra warmth. “not really. i just snuck into the trunk of a carriage and waited until it stopped.”
“you snuck into a stranger’s carriage?” you raised in an eyebrow, mirth evident in your eyes.
“not my best idea, but i’m safe now!”
you laughed at her embarrassed look, causing mal to look back. you saw as his lips quirked when his eyes met alina’s blushing face. warmth spread in your heart as you witnessed his loving gaze, almost feeling as if you were intruding on a secret conversation. you peered at alina who just returned mal’s stare with a blinding smile native only to one alina starkov. you envied their relationship, wordlessly intimate and completely trusting. sadness stirred at the bottom of your heart, memories of hushed giggles and longing gazes bubbling. 
all lies, it was.
the sun was setting and, luckily, the three of you had already arrived where mal had last seen the stag. mal said he doubted that the stag moved on, leaving you guys to wait around.
brushing some snow off of a log, you sat and hugged your knees closer to conserve some warmth. alina and mal joined you, leaning into each other to share their body heat.
“when we find the stag, i need to be the one to kill it,” alina grimly stated.
mal looked down at her. “you’re a terrible shot. they made you a cartographer for a reason.”
you snickered as alina feigned offense and mal grinned unapologetically. “besides, i thought we weren’t killing it,” the tracker said, glancing at you. alina’s forehead scrunched in confusion when she turned to you.
a puff of fog appeared as you let out a sigh. “we’re not. unless absolutely necessary.”
“if we don’t, kiri—”
“i have a plan, alina,” you interrupted. “all we need to do is guide the stag away. with a combination of your abilities and mine, it’ll be fairly easy.”
“that won’t stop him from finding it,” alina protested.
you gently placed a hand on alina’s head. “that’s why, once we get it out of fjerdan territory, i’m taking it to the wandering isle. the distance will prevent aleksander from coming for it personally and give me more time to work out a permanent solution.”
she stayed silent for a moment, mulling over your plan, before she frowned. “aleksander.”
your head tilted questioningly when her body faced you, a serious look on her face. “how do you know his name?” she asked.
sucking in a deep breath, you realized you had relaxed too soon. her sharp eyes trained on you as you rubbed your face. mal remained confused, leaning forward to observe the two of you.
“it’s difficult not to know the name of your warden,” you replied.
you debated whether or not to tell alina the complete truth, but you threw caution into the wind and exhaled. “my arrival at the palace was not the first time i had been there. some time ago, i actually called that place home. but, one day, i woke up from the false reality and escaped from the place that was, retrospectively, my prison.”
too intelligent, alina connected the dots in record time. “you’re the lover the servants talked about,” she said breathily. “the person baghra thought would change him.”
a bitter smile danced on your lips. “i’m not sure if he loved me as i did him, but i would’ve hung the stars if he asked me to.”
alina clasped your hand in hers, offering a weak smile. you returned it before continuing. “i met him about four-hundred years ago, when he was hiding from the crown. i was young and enchanted. i believed in everything he wanted for grisha and became his willing accomplice.
“when he returned to the palace, i followed. when he locked me in my room, i complied. as naive as i was, i was in love,” you paused to glance at the pair in front of you, reminded of their small moments that paralleled your memories.
“i was in love...” you trailed, staring at your lap as your chest panged dully. you shook yourself out of your daze and cleared your throat. “no matter, i saw him for the crazed tyrant he was and, when i found out you had been discovered, i returned to thwart his plans.”
faint rustling drew mal’s attention away, the tracker slowly stepping towards the source. alina’s eyes followed him as did yours. after a few seconds, he turned. “that way.”
like meerkats, you and alina shot up and crept beside mal. his eyes darted around the clearing you were approaching and, there in all its glory, was the stag. the three of you stopped at a safe distance when it turned to look in your direction.
you started laying out the plan. “okay. alina, you need to—”
“wait,” alina said, stepping forward, with her eyes trained on the stag. “i— i’ve been seeing it in these visions ever since i arrived at the palace. i don’t know why, but i think it’s been trying to reach out to me.”
then, the stag walked towards alina who took several more steps. she gingerly reached her hand out and the stag met her with its snout. light erupted from them and alina let out soft laughs, basking in the warmth of the light. you softly gasped at the sight. it chose—
suddenly, an arrow shot the stag, causing it to lurch away from alina in pain. she tumbled backwards as people rushed in from all sides. mal raised his gun and shot at the bowman, knocking him down. he swiftly notched an arrow in his bow, prepared to shoot the stag, when a strong wind forced it out of his hand. you turned and was faced with a familiar-looking squaller. you loosened gravity’s hold on her and forced her to float. when you were about to fling her away, a grunt sounded behind you.
your focus disappeared; you pivoted to see mal embedded with an arrow, effectively dropping zoya and incapacitating her. you went to help him when an intense pressure hit your chest, your heart beating erratically. it forced you onto your knees next to mal. your heart was pounding in your ear before it stopped.
bright flashes threw off the heartrender and bowman. you greedily breathed in air as alina darted to mal. you could hear the snap of the arrow followed by mal’s agonizing scream. glancing up, your vision slightly blurred, you saw shadows gathering behind you. at the sound of a billowing cloak, you rushed to create a gravitational downforce around you, not allowing anyone to move. you slowly stood up, facing aleksander with a glare.
he let out a haughty laugh. “i should’ve known you would be with her.”
“alina, i need you to get to the stag,” you commanded.
“but, mal! he’s— he’s dying!”
you glanced behind you to see her applying pressure on his wounds. thoughts raced in your mind before settling on one solution. “i promise you he won’t so long as you follow my instructions.”
desperation evident in her eyes, alina could only nod.
“get to the stag and shield us on my count.”
you inhaled deeply. “3, 2, 1!”
alina ran for the stag and created a barrier. you dove under it before it separated you from the others. outside of it, aleksander found himself free to move. creeping closer, he called out. “you can’t save them, alina. you may have the power of light but not the power to heal.”
alina’s resolve wavered as her eyes flicker to mal. “don’t listen to him, alina! i promised you, didn’t i?” you reassured.
alina bit her lip as she kept up the barrier. you made mal float and pulled him closer to the stag. you gently set him down and reached for the stag. it groaned and flailed in protest.
“i know i’m not your chosen, but please. i must heal him and then i can heal you,” you whispered.
the stag quieted and allowed you to touch it. with one hand on the stag, you hovered the other near mal’s wound.
“i’m sorry, mal, but this is gonna hurt like hell.”
you manipulated time on his body. blood slowly returned to the wound whilst the arrow pieced itself together, ripping itself out of him afterwards. mal let out a painful howl before the wound stitches itself back together, like no arrow had been there in the first place. as he recovered, you quickly moved around to the other side of the stag.
“i see you’ve been busy,” aleksander said sharply.
rage gathered in the pit of your stomach when you shot a glare at aleksander. “and you’ve been a complete fool. after all this time, you still can’t get it through your thick skull that morozova’s amplifiers have to choose you,” you spat.
you returned your attention to the stag’s wound. you murmured an apology before you worked on it. it whined through the pain but stilled once you finished. your hands trembled as you shakily pushed yourself off the ground. the stag stirred and stood on its legs, causing alina to follow in suit. you ran your hand through its fur and whispered. “just once more, friend.”
as if it reads your mind, it knelt before alina. you looked at her, mal now standing beside her.
“you two, get on.”
alina gave you a bewildered look. you returned it with a pleading one. without protest, she and mal both mounted the stag. then, it rose, looking towards you. you leaned your forehead against its snout. “take them far from here.”
you stepped to the side and took alina’s hand. “now, i only have so much energy left to keep them here. so, ride fast.”
“what? you’re not coming with us?” alina’s jaw dropped.
you offered her a melancholic smile. “please, if i have to witness anymore of your loving gazes, i’ll become a bitter spinster,” you teased before growing serious. “alina, keep the shield up until you’ve left fjerdan territory. only make it as big as it has to be. mal, you’re going to have to make sure she doesn’t fall off.”
you let go of her hand and gave mal a nod. inching away from them, you approached the center of the field, barely covered by alina’s light. you glanced back and jerked your head, signaling them to leave. you immobilized aleksander and his men once more, allowing alina and mal to slip through and disappear into the winter night. despite your raging headache, you kept your focus until you couldn’t see the light. you collapsed, the snow cushioning your fall. your vision blurred as you heard footsteps approach you.
“we’ll find them eventually.”
you squinted at your former lover. “no, i don’t think you will, aleks.”
aleksander crouched down and whispered in your ear. “i should kill you where you lay.”
“be my guest. you are well within your rights, general kirigan,” you taunted.
he sneered. “out of respect for our past, i won’t. but, you will be my prisoner.”
“what’s new?” you asked before promptly passing out.
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taglist (couldn’t tag the ones in bold): @kykymyeon @shelivesindaydreamswme @blackbirddaredevil23 @amortentiaaaa @safetyhtom @savannah-elliott @deceivedeer @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @sarcastic-and-cool @supersouthy @let-love-bleeds-red @andwhatofthelight @all-art-is-quite-useless​ @mixed-imagination​ @ashdab2611​ @aria-grace-scott​ @multifandom-addict​ @aleksanderwh0r3​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @kirigansgf​ @evyiione​ @theoutsidelandhere​ @wizardwheezes​ @partiesandblurrypolaroids​ @pansysgirlfriend​ @takethee​ @imrann123456 @rachellovesharry
author’s babble pt.2: ohoho! can you believe they did that? now, you may be wondering why [y/n] is able to manipulate time. it has to do with spacetime being 4 dimensional and the complexity that comes with the concept of gravity. a bit wibbly wobbly timey wimey (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
continue to chapter seven? yes
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theninjamouse · 3 years
Sick Day
You're not sure if it's a monster thing or a Grillby thing, but you've always thought that Grillby just doesn't get sick. The closest he even gets is headaches, which you may or may not have caused on a few occasions of reckless activities that landed you at the hospital.
Turns out you were wrong.
Waking up in a sweat is a common occurrence given Grillby's tendency to lock you in a teddy bear hold during the night, but on this particular morning you wake feeling more liquid than person. Gah, gross.
Kicking your feet free from the thin sheet, you swipe at your face, blinking blearily. The light coming in from the window is the dull blue from a sun not yet risen. The room, always warm, is unbearably hot.
The debate of whether to poke Grillby awake or just camp on the couch for a few more hours dies as your eyes fall on your still slumbering partner. It's normal for the edges of his face to get soft and fuzzy when he's sleeping but nearly all definition of his head is gone. The color is weird too; waves of uneasy green and deep red sweep over his face and bits of flame hiss and spit erratically.
"Holy sh- hey, Grillby." Reaching out, you gingerly touch his shoulder, wary of waking him into a panic if he's having a nightmare. "Grillby?"
A deep throated groan rumbles from his chest. He shifts and you think his head turns towards you. He makes a questioning noise and you just barely catch that his eyes have opened to thin slivers.
"Hey," you say gently as you sit up. "Are you okay? You look more like...a regular campfire than usual."
He doesn't answer for a moment, blinking owlishly. Then he lifts a hand, looking down at the fingers that have molded into stubby digits. "Ah," he rasps before a terrible crackling cough shakes his shoulders.
Alarmed, you move to help him sit up, patting his back. The fabric of his shirt is scorching hot. "Holy crap, are you sick?"
Wheezing, he tries to speak, fails and then just nods miserably.
Your mouth drops. He’d been quiet and subdued last night sure, but you thought that he was just tired from a crazy work week. "I thought you didn't get sick!"
It takes him a moment to get the breath to mutter, ".....very...rarely."
"Geez, okay, um. Here." You take your pillow and add it to his, fluffing them up against the headboard. "Lean back here."
He follows your guiding hand with meek compliance, which more than anything tells you he's out of it. What the heck do you do now? None of the human cures for colds or fevers will work here. No point in a glass of water or medicine made for human bodies. Maybe there's monster medicine? Would a monster candy work?
Leaning over, you grab your phone off the nightstand. It's a little after six. Hopefully Toriel is already up and moving since it's a school day.
"Good morning Shore," she greets after just a few rings and you breathe a little sigh of relief. "Is something wrong? You're rarely up this early."
"Yeah, um, Grillby's sick." You look over at him to see he's closed his eyes, head slumped against the wall.
"Oh dear! Is he alright?"
"I don't know, I think so?" You try not to let your voice hitch. "He's burning really hot and his colors are weird and he's got a cough. Do you...have you ever dealt with monster sickness?"
"More than my fair share," she says sympathetically. "Though it has been a very, very long time since the last fire based illness I cared for."
"But you have cared for one? What do I do?"
"He needs to stay fed; the excess heat is his core attempting to burn out the illness."
"Like a human fever."
"Exactly." There's a noise in the background and you hear Toriel respond as if she's placed her fuzzy paw over the phone. "My dear, I'm terribly sorry, there's a bit of a crisis happening this morning, I need to take care of this but I will call you back. For now, keep him comfortable and keep him fed. Oil heavy foods, perhaps sprinkle on some butane-”
Bu-what now.
“Oh dear, there goes Frisk. Call me if you have any other questions, I’ll be by with a pie later!” Click. 
Ah. Great. You sigh and set the phone down. At the slightest shifting of the mattress, you say, “Dear, where do you think you’re going?” 
Grillby freezes, one loosely formed hand gripping the edge of the blanket. “Kitchen,” he rasps. “...I need...”
“To eat, yeah, Toriel told me. I’ll get it so you stay put.” Scooting over, you push him back against the headrest. It’s a fight to quell the urge to put your hand up on his forehead. It’s obvious enough without feeling that he’s literally burning up. 
“Normally this would be the point I’d go get a wet rag or something,” you joke weakly. “But I don’t think that’d be helpful to you.” 
Grillby mumbles something that might be a sassy remark or just another groan. 
“Got any butane?” 
The noise this time is definitely a groan. 
You pat his thigh. “Sorry, queen’s orders.” 
He gestures towards the kitchen and you slip off the bed. Grillby’s kitchen is always stocked so it’s easy to gather together ingredients for a stew. It’s no chicken noodle soup but at least it’s soup like. You do indeed find a canister of butane in one of the cabinets. The large ‘Highly Flammable’ warning on the side has you pausing. How exactly do you add butane to a stew? How much? Eh, probably best to just bring the whole thing and ask Grillby. 
It’s not long before the stew is bubbling and a rather lovely smell fills the kitchen. You’re no Grillby, but you can make a very solid stew. You grab a bowlful, the butane, turn and yelp, nearly dropping them both. 
Grillby has either ignored your orders to stay put or just forgot because there he stands. But the effort of moving seems to have stolen away what energy he had left because now he looks more like a matchstick than a monster. His head is just a simple flame flickering with the same harsh colors and his shirt hangs loosely on his thinned frame. 
“Oh geezum, you scared me,” you wheeze, wincing at the hot stew that splashed on your hand. “Are you okay?” 
He...maybe shrugs? It’s hard to tell with how little mass he has right now. You set the butane down and guide him to sit on the couch. When you offer the bowl and spoon, he forgoes the spoon altogether and cups the bowl in his now fingerless hands and chugs the entire thing down in a matter of seconds. 
You blink. “Oh. More?” 
More you get, bowl after bowl until the pot is empty and then you remember the can of butane still sitting on the counter. When you bring it over, Grillby sparks with a low disgust but takes the can. With a low cough, he gestures for you to back up before taking a deep swig. 
The burst of heat and flame has you wincing, even at a fair distance. Your jaw drops a little at the sight of him chugging down the liquefied gas like it’s an ice cold glass of water on a summer day. By the time the bottle is empty, some of the shape has returned to his head, though the edges of his face remain fuzzy with dark green flames.
You cautiously approach as he sighs heavily and sets the bottle on the floor. “Better?” 
“Hmm.” He certainly looks a bit better, at least a little. He blinks sleepily at you. “Hi.” 
“Hi matchstick.” 
The whine he makes at that is so utterly adorable you can’t help but take his little matchstick flame head in your hands and plant a kiss where you best guess his forehead is. Totally worth the slight singeing of your lips. 
“Do you wanna go back to bed?” you ask as you card your fingers through his headflames. Ow, hot. 
He grunts and shakes his head. “Stay....here,” he mumbles, tugging on your shirt. 
A grin pulls at your mouth. “Fine, but you should get some more sleep. Even an elemental needs rest when sick.” 
You sit and Grillby immediately slumps over so his head rests on your lap. He snuggles his face into your stomach and tucks his arms in close. Oh heavens above, you’re not happy he’s sick but he is unfairly cute like this. 
“Comfy?” you ask gently, rubbing his head again. 
He hums quietly. “Sorry,” he tacks on as a mumble. “It...will pass...quickly.” 
“It’s okay to be sick, it happens to everyone.” 
He mutters something else, but sleep is already claiming him. You stroke your thumb over his cheek. “Just rest,” you whisper, though you’re fairly certain he’s already slipped into slumber. “I’ll take care of you.” 
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
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📣: bestfriend!Jihoon // fluff // kinda f2l-ish i guess :p // 700~ words
A/N: thank you for the request, anon! yet another cute prompt i wouldnt have thought by myself if not for you guys' wonderful minds😖 it is a fact that jihoon has been living rent free in my mind so this was my personal jihoon agenda HAHAH anyway! i hope this jihoon fluff can help you go through your monday a little better <3
find the rest of requested drabble here
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Due to your place getting renovated because you absolutely can’t stand having to fix leaked sink in your kitchen every two months, you’ve been sleeping in Seventeen’s dorm, courtesy of your best friend Lee Jihoon. He has said a lot of them are back in their family houses because they’ve gotten two weeks off and you can sleep in his room while he can just sleep in one of the empty rooms.
You’ve been reluctant at first despite knowing them since a long time ago and are practically close with at least half of them, but Jihoon says they told him they don’t mind and you can just cook for them and help around if you feel bad about staying there for free. So you agree.
It’s been three days since you’ve been staying over and you’ve found that even if the lot of them aren’t in the dorm, it doesn’t mean the dorm is quiet. This very second, Soonyoung and Chan are bickering over which one of them are closer to you when Jihoon, who’s known you for at least a decade, is literally sitting there watching the debate unfold.
“There’s no way she likes you more if she keeps on asking me what kind of food do I feel like eating everyday,” Chan argues, recalling the way you always look for him before deciding what to cook for dinner.
“That’s literally because you’re a baby and are very picky with your food,” Soonyoung rolls his eyes before shaking his head and proposes another reason on why he’s your favorite. Jihoon snorts in amusement, though the sound is small enough that they don’t even hear it. You’re beside him, simply laughing at the scene because you’ve no idea why they’re taking the debate this seriously.
When Jihoon moves to his room (your temporary room now), your eyes follow his movement before you eventually decide to follow him in after telling the boys to calm down because your favorite is Minghao who’s been quietly watching them from the side. The both of them whines at Minghao’s triumphant grin, and you simply wave your hand as you make your way to Jihoon’s room.
He’s rummaging through his drawer when you come in, and you simply sit down on his bed while you watch him from behind. He lets out an ‘aha!’, getting the thing out of the drawer and into his pocket before eventually turning to address you.
“Why is the popular girl here instead of gracing your presence outside?” he asks with a grin, sitting next to you.
You glare at him, though there’s an amused smile on your face. “You know they’re just messing around.”
“Are they, really?” he rises his eyebrow, only stopping the teasing when you threaten to choke him with his blanket in his sleep like you did when you both were in middle school. “Alright, alright. I guess I should be glad they like you this much.”
“They’re probably just trying to get you into it,” you tell him before you throw yourself back to the bed, Jihoon soon following suit to lay beside you.
“Me?” he laughs. “Why me?”
You roll your eyes, absentmindedly saying your next words. “Because they probably know I like you the most.”
“Oh, do you, now?” he turns to the side to face you.
You blink continuously, the realization hits you a little too late and Jihoon’s already laughing his heart out. “No—I, uh, I mean they know you’re the closest to me!”
“Sure, sure. I know that’s what you mean to say,” his tone is calm and collected with a sign of mock resignation, but that’s why it’s all the more annoying to your ears.
“Jihoon!” you hit him with a pillow, which he easily catches and simply hugs to his chest as you continue to be flustered.
After teasing you some more, he finally stops to let your embarrassment die down.
“It’s okay,” Jihoon says, breaking the silence, and you finally meet his eyes with a frown because you’re sure he’s just going to tease you again. But you’re wrong because he’s not, but his words after that are enough to fluster you even more than all of the things he did before combined.
“I like you the most too.”
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
hello bestie! can i request an imagine where you're friends with george and you're both having a sleepover and he suddenly wakes up from a nightmare so u comfort him and he says "i thought u were leaving me" so he needs to explain his feelings the next morning cuz u guys never talked about it and end up kissing? thank u soo much 💓
*ben shapiro voice* let’s say hypothetically there are hs reunions in the UK. also just pretend that George and the reader had the same status as the guys from the Inbetweeners. 
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𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒. ♡ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝
warnings: none :)
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It felt strange to be sleeping in George’s childhood bedroom again. Honestly, the last thing you were expecting for this weekend was a road trip home and having to face your high school class again. It’d been a struggle for you and George to convince each other to go, finally deciding that it would be better to go together than to suffer alone. 
Since you’d moved in next door after turning eight, you and George had been inseparable. From dances to sports to first kiss experimentation, you and George were glued to the hip. Most of your graduating class had associated the two of you together so much that if you were sick, they couldn’t even remember George’s name and vice versa. 
So there you were, fingers curling into George’s sheets as you stared up at a poster from some video game you fondly remembered him fanboying over years prior. Your mom had moved away, which is why the two of you were sharing body heat like you were fourteen again. You honestly didn’t mind, it was almost comforting in a way. 
George stirred beside you, his face twisting into a furrow at whatever he was dreaming. You rolled to your side, watching him seemingly debate something in his head. As his fingers fisted the covers, you realized he was having a nightmare. 
You inched down to his level, slipping your hand into his free one, and whispering his name softly to draw him from his turmoil. His hand wrapped tighter around yours as his eyes fluttered slightly with a groan. He sighed, pressing the back of your hand to his cheek lazily. 
You wet your lips. “Sorry, I thought you were having a nightmare,” you muttered quietly, trying not to wake the rest of the members in the house. 
He smiled softly. “I was, thanks,” he matched your tone. 
You brushed your thumb against his hand, the warmth of his breath on your skin sending a slight blush to your cheeks. “Do you wanna talk about it?” You offered. The darkness of the room was only cut by what could get through his curtains, making his face look almost younger and unidentifiable. Your mind flashed to when the two of you used to stay up for the awful marathons of made-for-tv horror flicks. 
You could almost taste the candy that you’d taken from your siblings, sharing with George as the two of you spread out to commandeer his living room. You’d always make ridiculous forts if you hosted, taking up most of the lower floor of your house. When it was his turn, his mother always ordered a bunch of food for the two of you to get sick on as you stayed up until the early morning hours when his dad would start getting ready for work. 
George sighed again, leaning further against your touch and allowing his eyes to drift shut, his long eyelashes tickling your skin. “I thought you were leaving me, my love,” he whispered, barely audible enough for you to hear. 
You furrowed your brows. Before you could ask him what he meant, he was already dozing off again, leaving you to plunder what he’d meant for the rest of the night. 
You stood in the kitchen, nursing a cup of tea as his mom bustled around, getting ready to leave for work. Since you and George had gotten in later the previous night, this was the first time you were getting to see her since Christmas, so she invested heavily in what you were up to back home and how your mother was. George finally strolled into the kitchen, pouring himself a cup as well as he stood behind you, the pair of you watching his mother zip around like a little bee before wishing you both luck at your reunion. 
George yawned beside you, leaning against the counter. You turned your head to him. “Can we talk about your nightmare?” You asked almost blatantly. 
His eyebrows perked up. “Yeah, what about it?” 
You chewed the inside of your cheek. “What did you mean, I thought you were leaving me?” You questioned, wasting no time pussyfooting around the topic. Pink rushed to the tips of his ears as he chuckled lightly. 
The same look was plastered on his face when you told him he was taking you to prom and that you’d tell his mom if he backed out. 
He kicked the ground with the end of his slipper. “I don’t know…” he sighed. “I had a dream that you were hooking up with one of my friends or something I guess…” he mumbled. 
You scoffed. “And what would be the harm in that?” You hoped to pull out his confession. You knew he liked you. In fact, you had known since the two of you were sitting in a math class when you were sixteen and George always blushed heavily when someone would joke about the two of you dating. 
You’d previously thought he knew you were in love with him as well, and that’s why he’d never denied any of your classmates’ accusations. 
“Well, I like you… I know it’s weird because we’ve known each other for so long, but I think I’ve always been into you and-” you cut off his rambling almost instinctively, grabbing the front of his hoodie and tugging him down to your height. 
A breath was passed between the two of you before you pressed your lips to his, bringing back the feeling of giddiness that used to spark within you at the mention of his name and the love that it’d blossomed into. The taste of mint and tea blurred with your chapstick as his hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to his body. 
That night, the two of you would show up hand and hand, predictably according to your classmate’s standards. 
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