#Or heard of Body Snatchers! Lol
snarlesofthesewers · 5 months
a taste of poison
snarles x reader part 1 - if there's enough demand maybe ill make a part 2 lol idk i hate writing so it would probably take just as long as this one
a while after landing on this strange planet, finding yourself in the dark and haunting forest known as Subcon a spirit known as snatcher steals your soul and forces you to do his bidding unfortunately for you while working to complete one of snatcher's tasks you end up far deeper in the forest then you should have been and end up in someone else's hunting grounds
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after searching for nearly two hours you find yourself running into a small clearing leaves rustling and twigs snapping underfoot as you ran towards the rare flower snatcher had asked you to gather for a certain potion he needed to make what kind of potion? you had no idea but what you did know is that snatcher would probably kill you if you came back empty handed you should have been paying better attention to your surroundings while running you weren't exactly paying attention to anything other then the flower leading to you tripping over a fallen tree and planting your face directly in the cold and wet soil of the forest which definitely woke you up but when you realized just how much noise you had made on the way here you could feel nothing but dread something probably heard you no.. something definitely heard you you quickly wipe the mud from your face and come to your knees scanning the tree line and tuning in your hearing as you slowly get up but you see and hear... nothing nothing but the sound of wind howling between the cracks of broken trees the coast is clear and you are alone so you begin to stand and reproach the flower pulling it from the ground with the roots intact and stashing it somewhere safe for the journey back to snatcher's house but just as you pick it up the smell of something absolutely awful fills your nose its hard to stop yourself from puking and you probably would have if you weren't already so used to the constant smell of death that lays thick in Subcon's air... but this wasn't the usual smell of old decaying bodies this smelled far more ripe where the hell was that smell even coming from? "right behind you that's where~" a small crack and snap can be heard in the treetops above with the faint sound of hissing that transitioned into a shrill and wet sounding cackle that followed soon after you run but you didn't get far before you are promptly pinned to the ground by something far larger then yourself with its claws digging into your shoulders causing fresh blood to trickle down the side of your back and onto the cold wet ground and it was at this very moment that you realized YOU BLEW IT YOU TOTALLY SCREWED YOURSELF!~ you feel the smooth and slimy skin of whatever creature had you pressed against the ground began to coil itself around you like a snake ready to suffocate its prey your mind and body had already started to go numb but before you could pass out you were quickly snapped out of it by a voice... and maybe also the claws still stuck in your shoulders like knives but mostly just the voice
"finally.. fresh meat its been days with not a single soul... I was starting to worry that people had finally gotten smart and started to avoid this wrenched forest~"
"...now then.. how about we get started my lost little mouse~ it would be a real shame if I let fresh meat like you go to waste"
you struggle and struggle and struggle some more attempting to worm your way out of its firm grasp but its no use but if you were going to die you at least wanted to get a good look at whatever was about to kill you so you continued to struggle until you could get a good look at its face even if that meant completely exhausting yourself you catch a glimpse of its soulless yellow eyes flickering
"oh how cute the prey thinks it can escape~? you keep making this easier for me I almost feel bad... maybe the hunger is finally starting to get to me or maybe its just that scent.... wait hold on that scent" they lean in close to your face and just stare at you for what felt like an eternity before uncoiling you and towering above your sore body "is... this some kind of cruel joke?" they hissed in frustration before grabbing you by the leg and pulling you close to their face "no this cant be the case... did his previous contractor kick the bucket already? its only been a week there's no way he's dead already" they drool at the thought of eating the remains of snatchers previous victim even if there's no guarantee he was even dead...yet "well well well~ ...might you be snatcher's newest pet? oh ...don't worry about trying to speak.. I have other ways of finding out~" "my little mouse"
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Thank you @darkmedolie for coming up with this prompt for the 4th day!! ..Even though I got a little creative lol. Either way, here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
Snatcher x Reader - The... Purple Guy?
A variety of decorations were scattered about Subcon, hanging with the nooses in the trees, plastered on fences, and stuck into the ground. The atmosphere in Subcon was thick with an otherworldly energy, a blend of mystery and ancient power that seemed to emanate from every carefully placed decoration. If an alien stumbled across the forest, they’d likely think some kind of ritual is happening. 
Two little minions sat by a pumpkin, one carving out a triangle eye with a scarily large knife. 
“Are you ready for Halloween, John?” The minion with the knife said almost teasingly, “I bet you don’t even have a costume for tonight!”
“I do!” John pouted, crossing his arms. “I do, Vick. I have a costume.”
“Oh yeah?” He popped out the triangle piece from the pumpkin, tossing it to the side. “Then what’re you gunna dress as? A princess?”
“I’m going as a demon.” John eyed him. 
Vick let out a mischievous cackle. "A demon, huh? Well, that's a step up from a princess, I'll give you that!"
John scowled playfully. "It's going to be a really scary demon, you'll see. With big, gnarly horns and everything! You’ll see!"
Vick's eyes gleamed with amusement. "I'd love to see that… buuut ya better not chicken out and wear a bedsheet with eyeholes like last year, though. We look like ghosts already!"
“We are ghosts.”
“Are we?” He looked down at himself with a snort. “I don’t feel too ghostly.”
They both burst into giggles, the sounds echoing through the magical forest. Around them, the decorations seemed to pulse with life, responding to the minions' laughter.
Vick released a pleased sigh, standing back and observing his creation. “Alllright… I think I’m done carving into this thing. We just need to put a light in it.”
“It’s not the worst pumpkin you’ve ever done,” John hummed, inspecting it closely. 
“It’s based on a guy from a true story,” Vick began in a low tone. “He turned purple, and before he knew it, his body began to melt and morph– and he turned into a monster! The purple guy!”
“Is that why it’s ugly?”
Vick made a loud “hmph!” sound. “You’re just jealous!”
“I am most certainly not,” he laughed. 
The banter between John and Vick filled the air, their attention solely focused on the conversation. So, when a gloopy, shadowy figure came up to them, it was too late.
“So, I think that…” Vick trailed off, noticing John’s expression. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Th-There’s… There… There’s a…”
“There’s a what?” Vick pouted.
“Purple guy!”
Vick… blinked slowly, thinking that he was talking about the King of the forest or someone else– before screaming when a wet, gloopy hand landed on his shoulder. He darted away, running down the gravel path with John. 
“I-I didn’t think the purple guy was real!” Vick cried out.
“I didn’t think so eitheeer!”
Snatcher shot up from the ground, appearing quickly. He must’ve heard them scream. “Who’s real?” 
John sniffled, pointing down the path. “Th-The purple guuuy…”
Snatcher seemed very confused, squinting down the path before his expression fell. For whatever reason, he called out your name. “Why are you covered in… goo?”
After a long pause, a whine came from the goopy person. “I fell into the lake…”
Snatcher couldn’t help but snort. “You did? You fool.”
“Wait…” John paused. “So… it’s not the purple guy…?”
The Subcon King reached down to pat both of their heads as you waddled up to them. “It’s nobody that’ll hurt you two.” He straightened his posture when you stopped in front of them. “How’d you fall into the lake?”
“...Part of my costume came off and I tried to get it,” you mumbled meekly, seeming embarrassed. Now that you were a lot closer, it was obvious that you were, well, not the purple guy.
Snatcher hummed thoughtfully. “Is that so? Hmm…” He flicked his wrist, and the goo disappeared off of you. However, one thing was very much noticeable; you were wearing a costume that was just a liiittle short. It was one of those ‘sexy’ versions of the typical Halloween costumes. 
“I, um.” You seemed even more embarrassed. “I wanted to surprise you with a costume I found.”
“...Well. I can’t say that I’m NOT surprised right now.”
You covered your face, very much mortified. “C-Can we just go back to the tree-home?”
“Why? I thought you wanted to surprise me?” He was definitely fucking with you. “Can’t you stay out in the open a bit more?” You gave him such a sad look, and he relented with a laugh. “Oh, you’re so cute.” 
“...You think I’m cute?”
The end of his tail flicked across the ground. “W-Well, yes! Your outfit is supposed to be cute, right? You’re not scary, so y-you’re… cute!”
John and Vick glanced between you and Snatcher, an odd look on their faces. They eventually looked at each other, giving a certain look that conveyed; ‘is this really happening right now?’
Meanwhile, you stood there, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of red. “Snaaatcher,” you groaned. “Pleeease…”
“Fine, fine,” he mumbled, pressing a hand to your back. “Let’s head to my place, dear…”
You and him walked off down the path, with you giving John and Vick a meek wave before walking quickly beside snatcher.
…After a pause, Vick pouted. “Man. Our King has it so bad for them.”
For once, John agreed. “Yeah…”
They both stood there for a moment, mulling over the unexpected turn of events.
"...Guess love knows no bounds, not even for the Subcon King," Vick mused with a grin.
John couldn’t help but chuckle. "Well, it's certainly a surprise that he’d act like that towards ‘em. But hey, if they’re both happy, who are we to judge?"
With that, they turned back to the pumpkin, walking down the path together. The night continued on, filled with laughter, chatter, aaand the occasional pleasurable scream coming from the tree Snatcher lived in. Nobody dared to come close to the tree for the rest of Halloween.
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ninjadeathblade · 10 months
Frozen Heart (a Snatcher fanfic)
Summary: When Vanessa tries to take over the Subcon, Snatcher has to stop her.
Word count: 4,956
Warnings: Vanessa (once again deserves her own warning), blood, injury description, trauma, memory manipulation, Vanessa kidnaps Snatcher a couple times, violence
Author's notes: I did not give this guy much time to fix things lol (apparently there's only ten days between his disappearance and reappearance, hence the numbered dividers to show when it's a new day). Does tie into this AU's timeline but can be read as a stand alone. Anyway, I wrote this in three days (oh god I wrote this in three days). Shorter than I expected but here! Take this morsel!
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Snatcher stared at the eerily dark forest, hovering above it as he inspected the damage from Vanessa's rampage.
It didn't resemble his home, not any longer.
Ice cloaked acres of trees and land, only a faint couple of lights flickering in the dark.
Snatcher snapped his attention over to a light that was blinking in a pattern.
Snatcher snapped his fingers, teleporting to the location of the light.
“Mr Snatcher! You've returned!”
The ghost turned around, crouching down to be level with one of his minions.
“What. Happened?” Snatcher whispered.
“I- I don't know! Everything was fine and normal and then suddenly Vanessa was in the village and everyone was freezing,” they replied. “It's so cold, sir. I might lie down, just for a short nap.”
“No. Don't do that. You'll fall prey to the curse again,” Snatcher instructed. “You've got to stay awake. Everyone needs to stay awake.”
“But they all fell asleep and they're just fine,” the minion argued, pointing past Snatcher's shoulder.
The ghost turned and watched the shuffling forms of other spirits in the distance.
One's head looked over at that and Snatcher's blood ran cold at the piercing red stare.
“They're not fine. Kid, whatever you do, don't fall asleep.” Snatcher's words were a garbled mess as he spun back to the minion.
But it was too late.
Their body was covered in frost as they lay on the floor.
Snatcher let out a swear, floating up to the branches of a nearby tree.
“Let's get facts straight,” he said to himself. “Vanessa escaped. She's trying to take over the forest. Barely anyone is left. If you fall asleep, you become a mindless puppet of hers. Oh, and I'm probably all there is to stop her!”
He looked back down at the mass of spirits now trying to make a tower to climb up and reach him.
“Yay.” The words came out through gritted teeth.
He snapped his fingers, teleporting his phone to a hidden spot within the Subcon.
"Just have to survive."
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He'd made it through the night.
Admittedly, without sleep and the constant movement of his body through the treetops to avoid Vanessa's mind controlled slaves.
But he'd made it through the night.
“Okay, let's be reasonable,” Snatcher spoke to himself, legs swinging as he sat on a branch. “I need supplies. Power! I need power. And to get power I need to have souls. And to get souls I have to go to my home.”
He let out a groan of frustration as he eyed the tree.
“But if she's looking for me anywhere, it'd be there! The place is probably swarming with guards!” Snatcher let out an annoyed huff, standing up.
“But I'm out of options and will be out of time if I'm not quick enough.”
The ghost jumped, climbed, and swung from tree to tree, trying to conserve his energy for when things may take a turn for the worse.
Finally he arrived, dropping down behind one of the glowing mushrooms that populated what could be considered as his garden.
No guards were in sight. But there was someone there.
A record played scratchily from inside the giant tree. An eerie, almost lullaby-like tune floated through the air, different to the usual music that Snatcher would listen to.
He crept forward slowly, ducking and weaving behind bits of cover.
“I know you're there. You can't hide from me.”
Snatcher froze in place, alarms going off in his mind.
Thousands of years had passed since he last heard her.
He scrambled to his feet, immediately running away as fast as he could.
He couldn't do this.
Not now, not ever.
Not again.
He stumbled, dropping into a ditch.
Snatcher pressed himself up against the muddy bank, chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to control his breathing.
“You can run but you can't hide.”
Too close.
The voice was too close.
Snatcher pushed off the bank, weaving through the trees towards the usually flaming part of the forest.
The ashen trees looked like upright sticks of charcoal but didn't burn.
He clambered up a tree, clasping a hand over his mouth to stifle his short, sharp breaths.
“Where are you? I know you're hiding.”
Still too close.
Somewhere below him, traipsing through the ash covered floor.
He stayed there, curled up as tightly as he could, staying as quiet as possible.
Wishing that this nightmare would go away.
It might have been seconds. Minutes. Even hours.
He didn't know how long before he let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.
Snatcher let out a shriek as an ice cold hand grabbed his wrist.
“Found you.”
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Snatcher blinked his eyes open, slowly adjusting to his dim surroundings.
A thin layer of water covered floor tiles.
The dank walls and ceiling that seeped coldness into him.
He tried to move.
Shackles clanked around his wrists and ankles.
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.
Not back here, never back here.
Snatcher used the last of his powers, shifting to a smaller form.
It had a striking resemblance to a certain young girl he'd once contracted, one who had a taste for hats and timepieces.
“I've got to get out.” The words came out in a string of rushed fear as he crossed to the stairs that led outside.
He pushed at the doors but they merely rattled, not opening to the no-doubt freezing outdoors.
The ghost moved as quietly as he could to the only other set of stairs in the basement.
He swallowed nervously, pushing lightly against the door.
It swung open.
Snatcher let out a shaky breath.
He didn't want to be here.
He didn't want to be trapped.
He wanted to be with his family.
But he had an obligation to the Subcon.
Snatcher tiptoed up the stairs, turning right once he reached the hallway.
He pushed open the door at the end of the hall, looking at the piano.
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He hummed to himself as he played a melody, wishing he was better at singing.
“My prince, that was beautiful!” Vanessa praised, not even waiting for him to finish. “However, why don't we spend some time together before you have to leave again?”
“But, we are spending time together,” he protested, hands still hovering over the keys.
Vanessa giggled before kissing him on the lips. “Don't be silly! The piano is getting all your attention, not me!”
He dragged his gaze from the piano back to her.
“You're- you're right. I suppose it is,” he mumbled, trailing his fingers over the keys before shutting the lid.
“Now, how about I catch you up on what's been happening in the kingdom, hm?”
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Snatcher blinked, swallowing the nausea that came with the memory.
A shadow flitted outside the door and Snatcher hid under the piano, clasping a hand over his mouth.
The door creaked open and Vanessa shuffled across the room.
“He's mine, mine, mine, mine!” She muttered to herself, grabbing something off the shelf before leaving the room again.
Snatcher slowly crawled out from under the piano, reaching up one small hand to touch its side.
“One day…”
He shook his head, forcing himself to concentrate again.
A single slip up could lead to his doom.
As he snuck around the rest of the house, Snatcher picked up torn pages scattered around the rooms, reading Vanessa's elegant-as-ever handwriting.
Why? What have I done wrong? In his letters he talks about her. A ‘tutor’. He says he loves me. But SHE sees him. I get his letters, and SHE gets his time. He is MINE. Once his studies are finished, I will have him back.
Today my prince left to begin his studies. He will be so far away, and for so long. He has promised to write. He won't forget me, will he? His beloved princess?
He is coming back. Just one weekend. A short holiday, away from HER. I will convince him to stay. I CANNOT let my love leave again.
Mother had a bit of an accident last week, so today I got crowned as queen. Now the prince can't call me his princess! Life isn't fair!
My prince enjoys his breakfast far too much. I'm jealous of that darn bacon! He loves it! No more bacon in this house!
Oh, I wish I could just keep him always! Locked up and in chains in the cellar! But you can't chain a man…can you?
I'm sorry about your hair, my prince. I just wanted our lengths to match!... and colour… and curl… you look wonderful!
He shivered, glancing back towards the doorway of the room.
“You were such a creep, how didn't I see that sooner?”
He paused over one of the pieces of paper he'd picked up.
My Dearest Vanessa,
It has been many days since I saw you last, but it feels like months. My time at the Academy is hard, but I am progressing quickly. There is so much to study when it comes to law, but the library here is well-stocked. Our tutors are the finest in the land, and I am thankful for their help. I have been attending private study with one, an experienced practitioner by the name of Lady-
The rest of the letter was ruined and torn.
He tried to congure memories of whoever this mysterious tutor might have been.
But nothing came, only hazy, fear-blurred memories from when the curse first took place.
He tried opening another window to get outside.
This one opened and Snatcher looked at the drop into the powdery snow outside.
The door handle of the room creaked.
He stuffed the papers into his pocket, launching himself over the sill and outside.
The cold seeped into his body, clinging to him, as he began to head away from the land of nightmares.
Snatcher looked nervously at the statues outside the front of the manor as he scurried past.
One twitched slightly, almost as if listening for him.
Snatcher froze, waiting for the danger to pass.
He darted back into motion at the blood curdling scream that came from the house.
He was nearly out of the clearing the manor was in when something struck him.
Long, sharp, piercing.
From behind and up, thrown with force.
Snatcher was flung to the ground with the force of the attack.
He stood as soon as he could, not bothering to deal with the icicle lodged in his side.
Pain could wait.
Escaping from this nightmare could not.
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Snatcher flinched as snow crunked on the ground beneath him, body pressing further into the branches of the tree.
He had managed to find his supply of souls and absorb them, giving him a power boost of sorts.
He hadn't been able to dislodge the sharp icicle from his side. Instead a slow stream of blood trickled out of where it came from and he felt even colder than usual.
Another noise from the bottom of the tree.
Not again.
I'll do anything.
Just don't make me go back.
It wasn't Vanessa.
Snatcher stifled a sob, peering down at the ground below him.
A Subconite, not controlled by Vanessa, squinted up at him.
“Boss! You're back!” They cried.
Snatcher slowly slithered down from the treetop, body shifting back to his usual form instead of the one that imitated Hat Kid.
“You need to leave. She'll find you,” Snatcher pleaded, ice still lodged in his side.
“Who, Vanessa?”
Another pang of pain struck through his body, beginning at the icicle then creeping up his spine, out through the rest of his body.
“Just go. She'll find me again soon. You need to leave. Run away and try and find somewhere safe to hide. How about Nyakuza Metro? I hear that place is lovely this time of year.” Snatcher's words bumped into one another as he desperately tried to convince the spirit to leave.
“Haha, you're being funny,” the spirit chuckled. “Hey, the others would be overjoyed to see you escaped! Come with me, I'll take you to them!”
“Others…others escaped?” Snatcher asked, a couple amber drops falling from his eyes and melting the snow.
The spirit nodded. “Yep! There's only a couple others and me but we got out!”
“Which number are you?” Snatcher inquired as the spirit led him further through the forest, towards the massive well that took up part of the Subcon.
“Oh, me? I'm Nine!” They chirped, hopping onto the wooden bridges closest to the last bank of land. “Subconite One-Forty and Dweller Thirty-Seven are still free as well. But we haven't found anyone else.”
Snatcher floated out over the murky purple waters as Nine set about moving the bridge closest to the land further away.
“How have you survived so long?” Snatcher's breath hitched as Nine wobbled on the edge of one bridge.
“I've always lived on this side of Subcon. And my bridge defence system is flawless! These waters can't freeze over - Vanessa already tried before eventually giving up,” Nine explained, stopping moving the bridges. They looked slowly up at him. “It's going to be like this for a while, won't it?”
Snatcher's mouth pursed briefly before he sighed.
“I will fix it. But I don't know how long it will take.”
“Don't rush yourself. You're trying, and that's more than most of us.”
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Snatcher sat curled up as the two Subconites rushed around.
Thirty-Seven stared pensively at him, green orbs blankly illuminating the room from behind their fox mask.
“Tea?” One-Forty offered, holding up a misshapen clay mug filled with purple goop.
“I'm good kiddo, you have it.” Snatcher pushed the mug back towards One-Forty’s chest.
One-Forty did the equivalent of a grin and lifted the mug to their cloaked face as they sat down beside Thirty-Seven.
“Why don't most of the Subconites like Dwellers?” One-Forty asked.
“Maybe it's ‘cause they're cooler than us,” Nine suggested, shrugging as they walked back into the room, a small lantern in one hand.
It brightened the inside of the tree a bit more, allowing Snatcher a better look at the trio of spirits.
They looked tired, like they haven't rested in a while.
“I have a plan. To save here.”
“I'll need your help though.”
Snatcher directed the few surviving spirits, letting them know his plan.
“I'll get there. And then maybe some dramatic monologue or diatribe thing will happen. But when I snap my fingers, I need you guys to bring the frame out behind her, okay? Do you all understand the plan?” Snatcher confirmed.
The three of them nodded.
“Find a frame, get to the clearing as soon as you can. Hide. Wait until my signal,” Snatcher repeated his instructions. “Stay hidden until the very end, okay? I don't know how soon we'll get there.”
The trio of spirits nodded again.
“Stay safe, alright?”
“I’ll look after us, sir,” Nine said, puffing their chest out like they were the image of bravery.
“Good. Wish me luck.”
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Snatcher tried to banish his fear as he crossed the bridge back to what was originally Vanessa's part of the forest.
How had she even escaped?
“Vanessa! You wanted me, right?! Well I'm right here!” Snatcher yelled as he floated over the snow.
“You've been after me all this time! Let everyone else go, and you can have me.”
As if in a flash, the queen appeared on the horizon, crawling like an animal along the walls of the icy tunnel that led to her manor.
“You'll stay? Forever?”
“As long as you let the rest of them go. They didn't do anything wrong.”
The queen walked across the snow, body morphing as she approached him.
Her back straightened, her hair curled and became golden. Black, shadowy robes turned to an emerald ball gown.
“Do you promise?” She whispered, red eyes staring, unblinking, full of hope and full of malice.
“Just let them go. Please,” Snatcher begged.
The queen, tipped her head to the side, a smile full of knives consuming her otherwise beautiful features.
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Snatcher blinked, looking around him.
He was in the metro’s main station.
How had he gotten back there?
Why couldn't he remember?
An explosion of ice shattered lights and windows, sending shards flying everywhere.
“Why did you have to bring her here?” Empress snarled, running past him.
“Deal with your own messes! And stop coming here! You're not welcome!” The cat yelled over one shoulder as she darted away from her shop.
Snatcher turned around, looking at the shop.
Police tape covered the exterior, barricades up around it on the street.
And instead of jewellery in one window, a yellow haired girl waved at him.
“Having fun yet?”
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Snatcher stared around the arena in the Subcon Forest.
The smell of magic filled the air as green flames flickered around the outside wall.
Hat Kid jumped up and down, dodging attacks from shadow versions of herself.
“Kiddo?! No, hold on, I can help!” Snatcher shouted, one hand reaching out to try and pick up the small girl.
She leaped away from him, fear creasing her features.
Something was off, something was missing.
“She's annoying.”
Snatcher looked over at where Vanessa pouted, turning a purple top hat over in her hands.
“Nice hat though. I might just keep it.”
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“Where am I?” He blinked, sitting up.
He raised his hands, staring at them in abject horror.
No, he couldn't be, he wasn't-
“Hurry up, you'll be late to studies!”
That voice.
It wasn't human.
He spun around, staring up at the entity perched on top of a bookshelf.
They grinned, smile stretching across their oddly shaped grey face, their mismatching eyes closing.
“Me! You've got to go though, the library closes soon and you've got private tutoring,” they reminded, looking at him with their yellow and red eyes.
His fists balled at his side as his heart rammed at his ribcage.
It wasn't real.
It wasn't real.
It wasn't real!
“You never told me about that.”
He spun back around, expression morphing with anger.
At her. At this memory.
“Get out my head!”
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He took the bouquet from the flower seller, looking down the alleyway nearby as someone sobbed.
A flash of golden locks and an emerald coloured dress.
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“I saw you two! You're cheating on me!” Vanessa screamed, tears streaming down her usually rosy cheeks.
“No! Vanessa, I bought these flowers for you-” he tried to protest.
“I don't want to hear your excuses!” Vanessa cut him off, eyes glowing.
Her body hunched over, shadows streaming out of every pore.
He struggled as two suits of armour detached from their stands, walking over and restraining him.
“Vanessa! Please! I love you!”
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Years passed.
He grew used to the cold, to the almost consuming darkness, that was the cellar.
Shackles had weathered his skin.
His tear ducts seemed dry some days but like he couldn't stop crying the next.
His body had mostly decayed, becoming one with the darkness a different way than Vanessa's had.
She never came down here.
He tried slipping one hand out of his shackles.
It didn't budge.
He looked forlornly at the crown on the floor.
Another golden tear seeped out, splashing into the layer of water that coated the floor.
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Snatcher jerked awake, staring at Vanessa.
“You kept so many secrets from me. But now you'll never have to keep secrets again,” she whispered.
He thrashed in his chains, squirming as he tried to escape.
“Oh no, I wouldn't do that. It would only cause more pain.”
As if the mention of the word activated it, pain lanced through him from where the icicle stuck through him.
“You will never have me,” Snatcher replied, breathing ragged as he went still.
“Oh?” Her eyes glowed red as she brushed a clump of hair back over one shoulder. “And why not?”
“Because I'm more powerful than you'll ever be.”
He shifted his size, changing to look like a Dweller.
Vanessa shrieked as he raced away through the house.
He made it up to the attic, cowering in a corner behind some boxes.
“Come out my prince… I know you're hiding. Don't you want to be together again?”
The eerie whispers floated through the house, the sound of nails dragging along a wall accompanying it.
Snatcher shifted his size again, grinning at the knife his new form conjured.
“You’d probably laugh if you found out,” Snatcher murmured as he looked at his version of Conductor.
He charged towards the window at the end of the room, barreling into it with the blade fracturing the glass.
Cold brisk air chilled him as he spun around, digging the knife into the woodwork of the house, slowing his descent.
Vanessa burst out the front doors and Snatcher shifted again, to the form he finally felt comfortable in.
The knife elongated to a sword and he smirked.
“My prince.”
She snapped a hanging icicle off its place, the end sharpening as she held it.
“So this is what it's come to?” Snatcher asked, slowly walking backwards, facing Vanessa.
If there was one thing he remembered about sword fighting, it was not turning your back to your opponent.
“You are the reason it's come to this,” Vanessa hissed, body reforming its more queenly image.
She raised the icicle, holding it in two hands.
Snatcher's hand tightened around his own weapon.
“And I'm so glad it has.”
Weapons clashed. Metal met ice.
Ice met flesh. Metal met flesh.
Blood spattered purple and red across the snow.
Snatcher panted as he pulled away from the fight, smearing more of the purple liquid across his face as he tried to get it out of his vision.
Vanessa let out a chilling, deep breath, her wounds stitching themselves up almost as soon as they were dealt.
“Ready to give up?” Snatcher asked, a bitter laugh tinting his question.
“Not a chance.”
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Over the course of the fight, they'd gradually travelled through the forest.
To the clearing where he'd finally get rid of her.
Snatcher stumbled slightly, blood filling his vision once more.
He gestured quickly and the cut on his forehead disappeared.
“You know, you've got a terrible form,” Snatcher said, wiping away the blood in his face.
Vanessa staggered slightly but planted the icicle she wielded in the ground, supporting her.
“I don't know why you're going through all this trouble. You could just come back. Be my prince again.”
“I will never be your prince. Never have been, never will be,” Snatcher said quietly, one hand clutching his side as he reverted to his original form.
The sword poofed into thin air as a ring of blue fire surrounded the clearing.
“We were in love!” Vanessa protested, forcing herself more upright.
“That person wasn't me. Whoever ‘your prince’ was, they sure weren't The Snatcher,” Snatcher growled, reaching out with one hand and snapping her weapon into pieces.
“And now, I'm going to make sure you can never harm anyone again.”
“And how are you going to do that? You may be powerful but even you couldn't stop me,” Vanessa hissed, body hunching back over and resuming its form of shadows.
“You're right, I can't. But this can.” Snatcher shrugged and grinned, snapping the fingers of his raised hand.
Nine, One-Forty, and Thirty-Seven carried one of the enchanted picture frames up behind Vanessa.
The queen let out a vicious scream of rage as it began to suck her into it.
“This isn't over! It will never be over!” Vanessa screeched, extending one clawed hand and grabbing the shard of ice that still pierced his side. “You'll never be rid of the curse.”
A freezing chill spread across Snatcher's body, like being plunged into arctic waters.
Everything suddenly seemed so much colder than it had seconds ago.
“I don't need to be rid of the curse,” Snatcher responded, tearing her hand off of the shard. “I just need my home to be rid of you.”
Vanessa seemed to be about to speak again before the frame finished its binding, trapping her inside of it.
The spirits quickly dropped the object, scattering back towards the shadows of the trees.
Snatcher picked it up, looking at it.
Tilted to one side, it showed what she had become, the monster that had terrorised the Subcon.
Tilted to the other it showed her from before. The queen with golden curls and emerald dress.
One thing that carried across the two pictures were Vanessa's deep red eyes.
“I did it,” Snatcher breathed softly, the reality of the situation seeping into him.
He felt curls of the curse spread further through his body, reaching sub-zero temperatures as he changed back to his more humanoid form.
He reached one hand up, dragging the shard in his side out of his body.
It slowly eased out of him, drawing bubbling, black blood at the same time.
He dropped it onto the floor, setting Vanessa down beside it.
“Sir! You're okay!”
Snatcher spun around, mind still on high alert. But it wasn't a threat headed for him.
Instead, a swarm of Dwellers and Subconites, seemingly now free of the curse.
“You- you're all free…?” Snatcher questioned, a couple amber drops leaking out his eyes onto the floor.
He crumpled to his knees, sobbing as the spirits surrounded him, a few even offering hugs.
Relief flooded him - this was what he had been fighting for, tirelessly, for days on end.
“Your new look is great!”
“Thanks a lot sir!”
“How's the movie going?”
“Okay, slow down,” Snatcher laughed, one hand smudging the tears against his face. 
Snatcher waited for the spirits to quieten before he addressed them. “I am thinking of changing the look. And you're welcome.”
“And I haven't been in the studio for days, I'm not that sure what's going on. But… it's been fun, honestly. I really like it there,” Snatcher answered.
“You're a great ruler sir!”
“Thanks. But there's one more thing I have to do. If I want to be a truly great ruler,” Snatcher stated, dragging himself back to stand.
The spirits all backed off a bit, staring at the ruler of the Subcon.
“Does anyone here want to pass on?” Snatcher asked, throat scratchy and raw with emotion.
Dozens of hands shot up in the swarm of spirits.
“Okay. Line up, orderly fashion please.”
The spirits scrambled into line, only a couple Dwellers in the queue. Everyone else backed off to the edges of the clearing.
Snatcher knelt down to the spirit at the front of the line. He recognised this one; Nine. Who had helped him so much recently.
Despite his claims of not caring for his minions, he recognised the signature that each of their souls gave off.
“This I really what you want?” Snatcher confirmed, waiting for the spirit to nod.
“I've wanted this ever since Vanessa first put the curse in place,” Nine admitted.
Snatcher bowed his head, holding Nine’s shoulder with his right hand.
He felt more of the curse seep into him, another chill surging through his body.
He toughed it out.
He had been through worse.
He could make it through this.
Snatcher watched as Nine became a small orb of warm coloured light.
The ghost held the orb to his chest before releasing it to the sky.
Away to freedom.
To the peace they deserved so long ago.
A cheer went up once it had drifted away.
Snatcher smiled softly, aware of how the curse was building up inside of him.
Aware of how it might consume him if he helped too many pass on.
It was a risk he was willing to take.
For them.
For all of them.
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Snatcher sighed, staggering to one knee as the last spirit passed on.
In the end, even the spirits who had lurked to the sides decided to pass on.
Snatcher couldn't feel any warmth from the air around him, the ground beneath him.
He snapped his fingers, summoning his phone.
He pocketed it, waiting until he was closer to home to ask about his friend's whereabouts.
The forest was near silent, only a few noises penetrating the night air.
“How am I meant to be a great ruler without subjects?” Snatcher laughed bitterly.
A few trees rustled in the branches above him and the ghost looked back down at the picture of Vanessa.
“I'll dispose of you. Then I want to go to my real family,” Snatcher stated, voice cold.
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Hours had passed.
A ghost trudged through the dawn, across a desert, back to the closest thing he had to family.
And miles away, in a frozen corner of a forest, was a manor.
The manor had stayed the same for years within its icy nook.
But now, something was different.
A painting hung along in the attic, against a beam, facing the window.
White and light blue light shone upon the painting of a queen. Upon the painting of a monster.
Further still across the world, a penguin said goodnight to his companion.
And in an alleyway in the depths of the earth, a cat surveyed the graffiti she had done.
Art of a ghost, who had a glowing yellow smile that shone like the sun.
Above the earth, in a spaceship, a small girl lit a purple candle with that same golden smile.
And back in that desert, even with the pain that clung to his form, the ghost smiled.
Because he was finally free.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s14e2 gods and monsters (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
updated my post on 14x01 with my kind of derpy revelation:
!! omg lol i just reread my 13x23 with my whole “can’t kill michael now that he’s wearing dean” is that the whole reason we get pellegrino back as nick, so we can find out that archangel blades don’t kill the vessel?? 😂
the very fancy apron and a knife that reminded me of the linoleum knife in hannibal mizumono for a hot second 🥴 (his is a karambit, i think) he looks good, again. and without the flat cap he doesn't look so much like he's cosplaying the 20s.
CAS And, you need me to stay here and babysit Nick and Jack. SAM It’s not babysitting, Cas. CAS Only in the sense that they’re not infants, but they both have to be supervised. Jack is lost without his grace, Nick is…he’s just a mess. SAM Well, it-it’s not his fault. Cas, Nick was housing, you know. He-he deserves a shot at rebuilding his life. CAS And yet every time I look at him, all I can see is the supreme agent of evil.
sam thinkin (what with the presumed cage torture while wearing that face) if i can do it, you can give it the old college try too
NICK I just don’t know what kind of pain would make me allow Lucifer to possess me.
it's like therapy for cas too. but this is the part where you tell him how luci exploited your desire to fix the problem of amara (??) at any risk or whatever and let him possess you too
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BOBBY I’ve been fighting a friggin’ apocalypse for 15 years, my, FBI might be a little rusty.
cute. i never quite connected with bobby but it is kind of nice to have jim beaver around (even if i think the whole reunion tour of the past couple seasons is kind of ridiculous). and appreciate the confirmation of the timeline, 15 years is a lot but also not a lot. did mary get the ice caps are melting speech too because she probably needed it more than those guys -_-
can i also take a moment to say how the longer it goes on, the more goofy castiel wearing an outdoor coat indoors at all times is to me? lol. and i've heard actors talk about how it can be tiring to always be in the same costume. years and years of a trench coat...
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CAS Yes, I do - a little. At the time of the Great Fall, when angels were banished from heaven, I lost what I thought was everything. I had no grace, I had no wings. I felt hopeless and useless. JACK What did you have left? CAS Well, uh..well, I had Sam and Dean. But I had something else that was extremely helpful. I had myself. Just the basic me, as, uh…as Dean would say, without all the bells and whistles. You know, Sam and Dean, they weren’t born with their expertise. They’ve been at it since they were children. Failing, winning, developing over the years. Patience, persistence - those are skills too. The past, where you come from, that’s important, but it is not as important as the future and where you’re going.
cas is on a roll. therapize it up, my guy! and i kind of like this pointing out how sam and dean got to where they are
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oh so now dean gets to have a moment in the mirror with michael like sam did with lucifer in 5x22 (glad it didn't last long)
DEAN (in mirror) GET…OUT. MICHAEL I don’t think so. DEAN You can’t. MICHAEL Oh, but I can. Because, see… I own you. So hang on, and enjoy the ride.
i guess archangels don't have to follow the rules of possession. i'm not sure it's even a rule? who knows. but i know at least specifically with gadreel there was the whole, if sam knows about him, he can eject him. oh right, no one could dump lucifer either, duh. lol
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well that was genuinely startling and creepy, nick trying to snap castiel out of existence
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those are some truly unfortunate monster teeth
NICK Castiel, you’re just a stone cold body snatcher. You’re no different than Lucifer.
again singing the praises of mark pellegrino, he totally sells this. bringing some of the creeping dread of lucifer into this character too
CAS You know, in all my thousands of years, what happened to Jimmy Novak and his family are my greatest regret.
i recall when they finally decided to have some moral quandary over the jimmy novak situation, it felt too little too late to me. and for a second i was like right, jimmy dead. jimmy's wife dead. what about claire... oh right! we know what claire (and her glorious hair) are up to, and not dead
MICHAEL I admire you. Eating on the run, surviving, despite being stalked by those venal humans, who think of you as nothing but vermin.
this is the most ridiculous explanation. just say you hate humans, lucifer 2.0
similar to how they finally addressed the trauma of cas taking jimmy away from his family in whatever, s10, jack visiting kelly's parents and addressing how she just disappeared and they don't even know she's dead (which is just heartbreaking as a parent, to consider.) the show, past the first couple seasons, rarely takes the time to follow that thread through. this was well done but it's hard for me not to see it as a play for emotion and give jack something human connection-y to do
two things. 1) there's a little hint of the like. cliche film noir jazzy saxophone or whatever in the score when michael is standing up saying the "why do you think i let you escape" line and i find it just. well. it's something. what era are we going for here exactly. i mean, matches her apartment vibe too but not with michael in his 20s-ish getup :p b) i'm glad jackles is laying off the funky speech cadence he had for michael in 14x01, it's a little different in spots but not So Much
(this is a christopher lennertz and philip white for music episode)
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laughing at this framing. let us gaze upon the defunct telescope while they sit on the edges of the weird step things
JACK Cas, Michael has to be stopped. CAS I know, and he will be - after Dean is- JACK No, Dean doesn’t matter. You’re all so focused on trying to save Dean and I get it, I understand, but - if he can’t be saved, if it comes down to him or Michael - Michael has to be stopped. Caged, or killed- CAS And if that means that Dean dies too? JACK Then Dean dies. I know this Michael. I’ve seen what he’s done to an entire world, and so have you. If stopping that from happening here means that Dean has to die, then …. Do you think he’d want it any other way?
LOL what! wow. jack doesn't subscribe to the winchester let the world burn if it means i get to save my brother worldview. which, very reasonable. but i'm not sure why jack of all people is bringing this up to cas right now. sounds more like... something bobby should be saying? not like jack knows them all that much better than au bobby does
even if i think this nick plotline is unnecessary and silly, pellegrino is killin it. he's so good at being creepy!
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objectively very pretty shot but i still laughed
do they have any sort of angel detection system? dial a friend (angel) to take a look at him?
nick going full darkside and bashing the neighbor's skull in was a choice.
trying to sum up my viewing experience of the later seasons, i'm gonna borrow from our friend will graham: "You delight. I tolerate." i'm trying not to be an asshole and complain all the time, i want to enjoy it when i can. but i find it pretty challenging.
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m95theliveblogger · 1 year
Gunnerkrigg Liveblog #0C: The Plot Thickens
Originally posted on TV Tropes (27 Nov. 2022)
Hello! Here is my third Gunnerkrigg Court liveblog. Today's chapter of the comic is titled "Reynardine" (3.33). Now, I avoided all fan wikis for this thing, but I heard the name "Reynardine" or something like it thrown around here on TV Tropes as that of a major character. So I guess the plot is moving along now?
The chapter starts (3.34) with Annie and Kat playing basketball in gym, with a blonde kid from last chapter being a douche. Annie kicks his ass. Apparently the kid's name is Winsbury (3.35). The gym teacher, Mr. Eglamore, publicly tells Annie off but also privately compliments what she did (3.36).
Kat and Annie hang out in their dorms (3.37) when we learn that the necklace Annie wears is tied to alchemy. Why do I feel this will be important? Because this feels like the exact sort of thing that will be important.
Suddenly, an attack of some sort on the school! Annie is missing (3.39) ... except she's not (3.40) and she's climbing up from the wreckage. Suddenly we see this HUGE white beastie (3.41) who introduces himself as the titular Reynardine (3.42). He was looking for one Surma, and suspects Annie was Surma's daughter (3.45).
Annie\'s in the hospital and confirms her mom is named Surma (3.47). She sneaks out of bed to find Reynardine. She finds a train (3.49) to some large animal holding cells - "Very Hush Hush, You know" (LOL). She finds Reynardine (3.50) and learns (3.50) the dragon hunter who keeps him imprisoned is Mr. Elgamore, her gym teacher! Annie walks up to Reynardine, who (3.52-53) turns into what seems like fire and tries to possess her body! But he's beaten by Elgamore and gets stuck in Annie's toy fox-thingie instead (3.54). Elgamore explains thar Reynardine is a demonic body-snatcher (3.55) who can't be trusted and that the body Annie just saw was one he was possessing. Oh, and possession will kill the host (3.56). Lovely!
Annie is helped back to her bedroom, and the chapter ends (3.57) with Reynardine seemingly still in her plushie. Dun-dun-dun!! There's yet another loredump (3.58) about a sort of dragon creature called an Orjak. It seems to be the creature that Reynardine possessed.
Well, I was right. This is where the plot of Gunnerkrigg Court starts being more apparent ... I think. I noticed that Reynardine focused his gaze specifically on Annie's alchemist necklace throughout the chapter. I suppose that I was right in that the necklace is important. Can't wait to see what that's about!
Wait a minute. Young girl protagonist, important necklace-thingy given by her parents, family with a secret, bad guy who possesses people ... I think I know why the Foglios recommended this comic. Or maybe I just have the "Guy who has only seen Boss Baby" syndrome.
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sysig · 5 years
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It was Taurtis’ episode so obviously I drew mostly Grian again
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risottoneroo · 4 years
a/n: aizawa is a thigh man, u cannot change my mind. thank u. i had trouble w his character at first but it got a lot easier as i went on lol
warnings: daddy kink, SMUT 18+ Please, d/s dynamics, thighfucking, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, fingering
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You hummed softly, stretching out your legs on your couch and selecting “next episode” on Netflix. Your boyfriend would be home from his teaching job soon. You were dressed in one of his long-sleeved shirts and panties. Your job as a sidekick had shorter hours than his, so you were always home in time to shower and relax before he came home. 
You’d opened a bottle of wine, and took a sip from your glass as you absently watched the TV. Aizawa opened the door and took off his shoes and coat. He closed the door behind himself and walked over to you, kissing the top of your head. “Anything new happen today?”
You shrugged, offering him your wine glass. “Just a few purse snatchers. How were the kids?”
He took a sip and shrugged. “They were the same. Annoying.”
You chuckled a bit and took your glass back, nodding to the table. “Take some for yourself.”
He sat on the couch and poured himself a glass of wine. You slid your legs into his lap and kept watching your show. His fingers traced over your smooth thigh gently. “You shaved today.”
You chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, I did.”
He hummed, gripping your thigh gently. “Feels nice.”
You hummed. “You’re such a leg man.”
He chuckled, and you felt his cock swelling under your thigh. You shifted a little, teasing him. “What, too excited?”
He rolled his eyes. “Come on.”
He pulled you into his lap, hands sliding down your sides. He kissed you, slow and heavy, and you kissed back. Your legs settled on either side of him as you slid your tongue against his. He groaned, hips shifting up to grind on your pussy. You could feel yourself getting wet. 
You hummed and pulled back, standing and starting to walk away. Aizawa tried to pull you back, but you slipped away with a giggle. “You can have me if you can get me.”
He clicked his tongue, grabbing for your wrist again. “Someone feels like a brat today.”  
You licked your lips. “Maybe.”
Suddenly, you were pinned to the floor, your ass in the air and Aizawa holding your head down. You gasped, and he chuckled. “I’m still a pro, babydoll.”
He leaned down, hot breath washing over your ear. “Don’t fuck with me.”
You nodded, and he chuckled. “Good. But I think you deserve some punishment.”
His free hand slid between your legs. He rubbed your cunt through your panties and chuckled. “I can feel how soaked you are. Little tease.”
He straightened up, still holding down your head, and pulled his hand away. You heard his belt unbuckling, and whimpered. He chuckled. “Relax. Daddy’s just gonna use your cute thighs.”
The warm, slick head of his cock nudged at your thighs, and you heard him gasp a bit. “Good girl.”
He pushed between your smooth legs. You could feel his precum dripping all over your skin, and clenched your thighs together. “Daddy-“
He growled. “You’ll take what I give you.”
The warning was enough to keep you quiet until he started to thrust. The head of his cock nudged your clit just enough to spark through your body, and you whined. “Daddy, please-“
His hand came down on your ass with a loud slap and a sharp pain. “Shut the fuck up.”
You mewled, your body trembling. “Daddy-“
His hand fisted itself in your hair and yanked you up to press against his chest. “What the fuck did I just say?”
His thrusts between your thighs were getting rough, the sound of skin on skin echoing through the apartment. You whimpered, “I want your cock-“
His hand closed around your throat. “Now the little slut wants to cum. Huh? Now you want my cock?”
You nodded, gasping. He groaned softly. “Your little pussy is leaking all over my cock. I can feel it through your panties.”
The hand in your hair let go and slid down your stomach to dip into your panties. He swirled his fingers around your cunt. “So fucking soaked.”
He began to rub tight, slick circles around your clit, and you mewled. “Daddy, yes- Thank you-“
He purred. “You’re welcome.”
He was still thrusting between your thighs, and you could feel his cock throbbing against your skin. He kept rubbing your clit, and you could feel yourself getting closer to cumming. “D-Daddy-“
He growled, “Gonna cum?”
You nodded, and he snarled. “Then cum for me.”
You trembled, then you felt your orgasm slam into you hard. You saw stars, and your toes curled. “Daddy- I’m cumming!”
Aizawa let out a moan, burying his face into your shoulder. Your pussy pulsed and gushed all over his fingers as you shook and bucked in his arms. You felt warmth pulsing over your thighs, and realized hazily that he was cumming too. 
He worked you through your orgasm, both of you breathing heavily. You finally shuddered and pulled away. He kissed your cheek. “I liked that.”
You nodded, leaning into him. “You made a mess, though.”
He smirked. “I can fix that.”
You hummed softly. “Still horny?”
He pressed his still-hard cock against your ass. “You tell me.”
You giggled softly. “I think you should just fuck me and worry about cleanup later.”
He purred in your ear. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
He scooped you up, carrying you into the bedroom. You kissed his cheek. “I love you.”
He brushed your noses together. “I love you too.”
He laid you down on the bed, surveying the damage he’d done. “You look damn good with cum on your thighs.”
You laughed softly. “Perv.”
He shook his head. “You like it.”
He tied his hair back into a messy knot, some strands falling into his face. You smiled up at him. “Come here.”
He leaned down and kissed you, his hands sliding up your thighs. He pushed his shirt up and off you, leaving you in cum-stained panties. You sat up, breaking the kiss and tugging at his shirt. “Come on. Off.”
He chuckled and pulled off his shirt, then pushed his pants down and off. “So impatient.”
He leaned back in, kissing and nibbling your tits and sucking a nipple into his mouth. You moaned softly. “Daddy-”
You pulled him back into a kiss, wrapping your legs around his waist. “Come here.”
He shifted a bit and slid inside you with a soft groan, nipping at your lip. “Damn, you feel good.”
You moaned softly and leaned your head back, pulling him in close. “I love it when you fuck me.”
He started to fuck you slowly, his cock dragging deliciously against your sensitive cunt. “Yeah, you love it when Daddy fucks you?”
You nodded, biting your lip. “I love your cock, Daddy-”
He growled and started to kiss your neck, his tongue slipping over your skin. You whined, dragging your nails down his back. “Daddy- Shouta-!”
He moaned, his hips moving faster. You cried out, clenching down on him. He gasped. “Fuck, baby- You feel so good- Gonna-”
You whimpered, “Cum inside me-” He buried himself deep into you with a growl, and you could feel him pulsing inside you. You held him tight as he mumbled sweet nothings, kissing your neck and cheeks. 
He relaxed slowly, letting his weight down on you. You smiled and closed your eyes. He shifted and looked up. “Did you get to cum?”
You shook your head, stroking his hair. “It’s okay.”
He chuckled. “You know it’s not.”
Aizawa sat up and scooted down the bed, pulling your thighs over his shoulders. “Just relax, baby.”
You nodded and laid back, sighing softly. He licked up your pussy slowly, his tongue dragging over your sensitive clit. He pulled back a little and smirked. “You taste good with my cum dripping from your cunt.”
You pushed at his head gently. “Get back to licking.”
He shook his head and kept lapping at your clit, little kitten licks sending sparks through your body. They built fast. After a few minutes, you were shuddering and whimpering with every lick, and Aizawa was growling into you. You gripped his hair. “Daddy- Gonna-”
He grunted, and you curled around his head as you came hard. Pleasure washed through you as your orgasm wracked your body. “Daddy- Fuck-”
He kept licking until you were shuddering with overstimulation and pulled him away. He grinned at you. “Told you it mattered.”
You nodded, panting softly. “That was good.”
He collapsed on the bed next to you and kissed you. He tasted like cum. You moaned softly and pulled him close. “I love you.”
He hummed and laid his head on your chest. “Love you too.”
You stroked his hair, feeling peaceful.
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the-slushie-monster · 3 years
The Masquerade
DISCLAIMER: this is super LONGGG (it was supposed to have pics but i looked at my art today, hated how it looked and the direction it was goin, and simply stopped~) (this was written in 3 days so its gonna be a lil bit more armature than how i usually write lol)
Spruce had brought Snatcher out to the deeper parts of the Subcon forest to talk. Out there they wouldn't be disturbed by any subconites or any antics that would usually distract them both from this conversation. Spruce had been wanting to tell this to Snatcher for a while, to stop this weight in his chest and wild feelings he only had for the prince. Snatcher, who was oblivious to his feelings in general, was bored and kept asking what was there to talk about and when will this be over. Spruce, who was at the literal struggle of even talking, kept dragging him deeper into the forest, surprised Snatcher had not flown away back to his comfortable chair and books waiting for him. After some time, he finally got the words correct in mind and was ready to speak them. Once he turns to Snatcher to talk to him face to face, Spruce finds him being distracted and obliviously impatient with him. Snatcher was trying to contract a rabbit for its labor and soul in a matter of minutes.
This had made Spruce upset, he didn’t actually want to listen, or that is how he saw it. He started to have a bunch of the pent up feelings control him in his anger, making him awfully angry, even more than the usually lightly aggravated, enough to have his horns grow, his claws to become gnarled and preparing for battle, and his vines come out of their comfortable bushes. He screams at snatcher in his anger, unable to control his tone.
“This is why we never get along!” He clenches his fist and stomps his foot. “You don’t ever take the time to think about anyone but yourself and YOUR needs and wants!!”
Snatcher saw his anger, which struck the slight feeling of fear into him. He knew Spruce’s power and was scared of it, which he kept hidden the best way he could. After their first fight and seeing Spruce like that reminded him of the fear that was struck in his heart when he was alive of his love long ago. He tenses up to see his claws out, and he feels the tips sink into his body from just looking at them.
Seeing Snatcher’s face made him Notice his tone, and how angered he was getting. He looks down to his hand and sees the gnarled claws Snatcher seemed to be focusing on intensely. He slowly hides his claws from him and takes a breath.
“.....You know what, you can go back, I’m just gonna go-” He said as he walked away, aggravated and no longer in the mood for talking to him. He felt his stare, and he didn’t want to scare Snatcher into listening to him. He decided it was best to just leave now, it would be impossible to talk to see him spooked.
Snatcher takes a moment to respond and watched him walk away, which made him jump a little and follow him.
“And where do you think your going stick boy-?” Snatch lets out as he catches up with Spruce.
“Home-” Spruce said as he avoided looking at Snatcher.
“Oh no you’re not…..You’re coming back to Subcon, you still have those contracts to get off of your head-”
“No I don’t, I finished them this morning-”
“That’s a lie and you know it! Stop being a fool and come back here right-”
“Snatch-” Spruce turns to him, a little of a glassy and watered look to his amber eyes. “Just leave me alone! I don’t want to deal with you right now!”
“........Are you…..crying-?” Snatcher lets out. He then Fakely laughs at him. “HAHAHAHAHA! You’re crying-?! At what?!” He said loudly, trying to play off that he was amused, but he was actually curious about why he was crying.
They begin to bicker back and forth, getting louder and louder as they went on, subconsciously walking in deeper and drifting deeper into unknown territory in the forest. They continue to fight and argue, and soon, their quarrel brought them to a tower ruin. They did not notice until they heard a loose stone from the wall drop and hit the cobble floor inside, which made them both turn suddenly and get quiet as they looked to the strange tower.
“.........Is this your place-?” Snatcher asked as he felt an unfamiliar chill run down his mane.
“.........No-” Spruce lets out. “But it feels like something that needs to be checked out-” He said as he eased toward the worn stone structure.
“No it doesn’t-” Snatcher said quickly, wanting to get as far away from this place as fast as possible. The tower made him feel the sudden unease and reminded him of his days back when. He couldn’t explain it, this tower, or whatever was left of it, brought up memories, but he had never seen it before. Was it an aura the withered tower had? Or was it something more?
“Well you don’t have to stay ya know, you’re free to leave and sit your higher self on that old couch in that stump of yours.” Spruce snapped, he was still mad at Snatcher, and some tower wasn’t going to change that.
Snatcher gets offended at the tone and tries to come up with a comeback, but couldn’t think of one. He follows Spruce with a growl of frustration into the tower. Unsure why, but at the same time shared the curiousness Spruce had on the place, even though it made him feel on edge at the sight of it.
“You really think I’m gonna leave you here-? You’re more of a fool than a stick man-” Snatcher lets out.
“Ha! What was that-? A really bad attempt on an insult-? God, you talk so old-” He jokes with a little of a hasty froth to his voice. He was feeling snarky and woody, he knew that always got on Snatcher’s nerves the most so he continued just to get under his skin and to get him away from him.
Snatcher does get angered, but still continues to follow. “I guarantee you, you're older than me after-life wise...you died before me-!”
“Yeah? At least I still don’t talk like I’m from the dark ages. I know how to move on, ya old man~”
“Why you little-”
Snatcher instantly gets cut off as the stone floor crumbled before him. As soon as it does, he feels himself slowly being pulled into the hole left in the floor, he struggles to try to get out of the hole and grabs onto the floor and edges of the hole. Spruce turns around slyly, thinking he won but instantly gasps to see Snatcher being sucked into the crumbled floor.
“SNATCHER-!” Spruces gasps as he grabs onto his claws.
“Get off of me-! I can do this myself-!” He yelled as he pushed Spruce’s hands away.
Snatcher fights with him until he couldn’t hold on anymore. He loses his grip and gets sucked in. Spruce Quickly grabbed onto Snatcher’s claws, but this wild pull was no match for him. He fell along with snatcher inside the hole.
They only fall for a short time, the hole wasn’t that deep, but once they regained their vision that seemingly got dark from the impact of the hard bottom they felt, they find themselves in a…..ballroom? How could this be? Weren’t just falling into a hole-? This was at least how Spruce was going about it in his mind. Snatcher, on the other hand, realized they must have fallen into a pocket dimension.
They look down at their hands, then at each other. They looked more human, with costumes designed to look like their ghostly forms, but they both still felt each other’s paranormal aura. Snatcher looked as if he was about to panic and start making a scene. Spruce takes a quick look at the room and saw shadows and ghosts in costumes, it was a masquerade party, and there were these strange creatures that walked around and looked at every zombified guest. When one looks their way, it stares for a solid minute and started to march over to them across the ballroom.
Spruce immediately picks Snatcher off of the floor and holds his trembling hands. He pulls him close to his chest and starts to make a box with his feet, but it took a while for Snatcher to catch on.
“Snatch-” He whispers in his ear.
“We gotta dance, it’s the only way to make sure we won’t be beaten or something by those things and we can get outta here-” His voice seemingly got more masculine and softer compared to his normally loud and more feminine voice.
“I-I can’t dance! I haven’t used legs in such a long time I-”
“Just follow my lead, I can dance really good-”
“Just….Go slow-”
“You betcha.”
Spruce takes a breath and closes his eyes gently. He leads Snatcher to a more crowded side of the floor. Snatcher noticed everyone was looking at them dance, which instantly made him stiffen and trip.
“Snatch, you have to just focus on me, the music, and feeling the music guide you as it does for me, you gotta trust me and connect to my moves-” Spruce said gently as he led him through the crowd, opening one eye to see him stiff. “Relax, I’ll get us outta this, okay-?” He gave a nervous smile as he looked at Snatcher gently.
Snatcher started to calm down, and for once, he trusted him. He had no choice to do so. He sees the strange beings, inspecting every dancer on the floor, and they would slowly look to them. He would turn away and look directly and Spruce, who was feeling himself to the music, but then look at them more, he quints to see one off in the distance steal a duet from the floor and throw them into the strange doors that surrounded the ballroom.
He continues to look around, a little frightened of what was behind the doors and what happened to the duets that were quietly pushed in them. He eventually looks up and finds a throne on a post, some sort of ruler was looking at each duet closely and would signal the strange beings on the floor to escort and push the duets who weren’t dancing correctly into the rooms. He noticed that each time a duet was pushed inside the orchestra of shadows would play louder.
Snatcher thought to himself a bit about this and finally figured it out. As he did, though, he felt his stomach sink and his neck feel the chill that suddenly took the room.
“H-Hey-” Snatcher calls to Spruce with a whisper.
“Yeah-?” He opens an eye, seeing that Snatcher was keeping up with his pattern that was perfectly in sync with the music.
“Try not to be noticeable when you look around, but look at those weird things walking around the floor. They’re taking the duets into the rooms, and usually, the ones that guy on his post signals out or the ones who lose the rhythm of the music….And I think they don’t make it out when they enter those doors-”
Spruce takes a moment to observe and notice what Snatcher was talking about, he saw the orchestra would play louder to mute the doors closing and the people who were being taken into the rooms. He suddenly shudders and looks to Snatcher with fear sparking in his stare.
“.....We gotta keep this perfect…..I’m not letting you end up in there-” Spruce whispers with a little shake in his voice.
“Yeah I don’t wanna end up in one of those either, so don’t mess us up…..I’m counting on you-” Snatcher said, a little reluctant, even though it was the truth.
Spruce acts surprised for a moment, but then nods with determination and starts to shift them through the floor.
The ruler on their throne started to watch them intently as they danced with such grace across the clearing floor.
They both eventually noticed the numbers on the floor became less and less as the dancing when on, and they finally found out what was going on.
They both looked at each other and with a strain, tried not to loudly whisper “ITS A COMPETITION-”
They stayed quiet for a moment but then started to scheme how to go about this.
“So what are we gonna do now-?” Spruce asked Snatcher.
“Well not lose obviously-” Snatcher replies
“We have to be the last ones standing.”
“Yeah, I know that much thanks mister smart guy…..But how are we gonna stay up the longest-? I dunno how long I can keep this up-”
“Don’t worry, you know what you’re doing, and everyone is dropping like flies, in no time we’ll be the only ones on the floor. Should be easy, right-?”
As soon as Snatcher said that, the ruler signals the orchestra to play another song. It takes a moment, but then they started playing a wild tune, their music sounded like panic and their instruments were loud and crazed.
They both look around to see that there were only about six more duets on the floor. All of them staring at them, they all started to catch up to the music with their pacing. Spruce looks at Snatcher, a determined smile and a burning passion in his eye.
“Time to boost the game up! You ready?”
“To win this? Peck yeah!”
They become invincible on the floor. They had something that the others didn’t have, and the ruler could see that. They glided across the floor with the utmost confidence and their moves were completely in sync.
Duets were taken off of the floor left and right until it was two left, Snatcher and spruce, and a shadow duet. The music stops and the two of them catch their breath.
“When we get outta here, I’m not dancing for a week.” Spruce laughed between his huffs.
“I’m gonna pray I won’t have to dace ever again-” Snatcher pants as he holds his back.
The ruler claps their hands and stands up from their throne, they give a feminine laugh and gave out the words “Guards, my sweet dears, allow the duets left on the floor the space they desire…” And as she did they moved away and to her perch.
“My music gentlemen, play it to its ultimate, for the sake of these souls~” She orders with a firm but excited tone.
The orchestra soon started a song, and this one was lively to the extreme. The two had to really move their feet to it and even threw in spins and dips to beat the competition. Little did they know, their competition was slowly turning into monsters.
Eventually, the duet started to lash out at them, crashing into them and clawing their backs. Spruce was not going to allow them to hurt Snatcher, so every time they swung a claw he’d block it. He blocked almost every hit, and he was getting severely hurt.
“Hey-! Stop! Just get away from them, you're getting your back messed up!” Snatcher lets out.
“I'm not letting them take the floor, this is a fight and I'm gonna win it. I'm gonna win with your pretty little outfit not getting messed up, which by the way, looks really nice on you~” Spruce said with a breaking smile, trying to keep this and his dance up as long as he could.
The two danced amazingly, leaping and influencing a lot of elegant dancing into each step. Spruce was growing weak as they kept attacking them, and Snatcher saw this. He decided to fight back too, he found he could faintly do his magic somehow here and started to throw small fireballs at them.
Eventually, the duet started to lose their stamina and was escorted off of the floor. The two didn't notice due to them being into their own dance and small conversation.
“Look at you snatchie, you're dancing!” He giggles weakly.
“I said don't call me that-” Snatch pants.
“And I don't need to be treated like a child, I’ve danced before-”
“Yeah, but it's been a while, and look at ya! You led the dance so many times and you made beautiful additions to the dancing! You're pretty good-”
“......Thanks-” He murmurs.
“But I don't need your ‘compliments’ or any of your sappy heartfelt speeches-”
“Oh I know, but I give them anyway. Any guesses why-?”
“Errr, no, well besides the obvious, you're a fool and believe compliments will make me take it easy on you-”
“Wrong, I tell you these things because, well…… I think you should hear them. You’re a ghost who works to make a living in your afterlife, and you don't hear the simple things enough. Even if it’s just a compliment on your hair or something, I think you should hear it for the sake of hearing it…..And hopefully feeling good after hearing it-” Spruce said with a smile.
“I just want to know these little things, that's all there is to it-”
Snatcher looked at him quietly for a bit, he saw he was serious about it, and actually meant what he was saying.
“.....You're still a sappy stump-'' Snatcher lets out after a few moments of staring at him.
“Yeah I know, but hey, makes it more fun to stick around~”
“Was that a sorry excuse of a pun-?”
“Why yes it was~”
“Never do that again-”
“Mmm, okay, ill agree with you on this one. That was horrible-”
They soon end the dance with a final dip, both out of breath and their eyes still in a completely locked stare, one that was tired, but full of a sparking passion between them. They look up as the music suddenly went to silence and the whole room was silent. They look back to each other, they won and they knew it. They started to laugh at their achievement from the heaving breaths.
The ruler catches their attention with long, loud, and exaggerated claps as she climbs down from her perch.
“Congratulations, I must say I have not had many champions on this floor, nor any as skilled as yourselves.” She said as she approached them, they slowly got off the ground to look at the ruler who kept her face hidden.
“.....Since we won, can we leave-?” Snatcher suggests.
“Oh of course!” She replies with a jolly lean into their faces.
“But you cannot leave without your prize, my knight and prince-” She giggled.
Snatcher wrinkled his nose to hear her call him that, but Spruce saw it as she knew who he was before death.
“.....What is it-?” Spruce asked.
“I read your palm and find your purpose my boy! Goodness, when did you two come to the dance? Most who entered the floor knew what was given at the end of the competition, that's why most fought fairly hard against you two~” She said as she took a gentle breath and straightened her dress out.
“Now, allow me to read your purposes out to you my darlings, so you can be on your way to complete them!”
Snatcher refused and even takes a step back from the woman, but Spruce was drawn in and had no sign of fighting against it. He slowly gave her his palm, and she took a deep breath before getting a hold of it.
Once she cups his hand into hers, his memories of the knight projected on all the walls of the ballroom, each was so accurate and almost like recorded motion pictures on each wall, revealing each and every memory the knight had of the prince. This startles snatcher and makes him turn slowly but at a constant to view every memory of that face he once had.
“.....My dear, with the Past of Holland Marigold, and the past of a knight for a queen of your birth land, you have unfinished business from your past to take care of.” She started, her voice a whisp echoed through the room, but with a silky tone that was easy on the ears to listen.
“This one who you have fallen in love with has made you a spirit, full of wild emotion, and want to confront this past love. This person was unknowing of your intense feelings and your gestures, and you were aware of this. The reason you held this bounded feeling for this man was that you were frightened of who would find out your “sin” of the century, the soon to be the wife of the man’s reaction to your confession, and most importantly, him not feeling the same way about you and reacting with the utmost anger to the confession.” She continued.
“To be finally free of this burden you carried to your gory death, you must tell this man your feelings, so you can have the response and finally move onto better, and possibly but not limited to, passing.”
She slowly shakes and gives a cough. She fell into his arms with a small tremble and her feet grew weak. Spruce catches her, but they both make eyes on Snatcher, them both knowing it was him, the man he fell for long ago in his livelihood.
Snatcher was still in shock, once he realized Spruce was in love with him back then, and still had those feelings for him now, he was unsure of how to react. He stood there and watched one of Spruce’s projected memories in particular, the one of them under the stars having a midnight picnic. He was drunk and was talking nonsense, which was gladly muted, as the knight was a cherry red the whole time.
“I see the lover you fell for…...isn't the brightest of the bunch.” She giggled as she regained balance. As soon as she said that, Snatcher snapped out of his shock in defense.
“Hahahaha! Well, he’s very charming, and a character, and talented. I remember when he played the violin in the manor when he couldn't sleep at night, and when we would go out into the village to pull pranks on friends and play games with the kids-” Spruce said with a small yet gentle passion to his voice, sharing the case of the giggles.
“Those were the best times of my life…..” He said gently as he looked at Snatcher.
Snatcher’s already purple face grew another darker shade as he grew a heated face at them both. He bit his tongue though, unsure of how to respond, how to react to this finding, and just the overall situation. He emotionally drifts away and looks back to the projections. His angered face faded back into the shocked, but more in thought face.
The ruler looks up to him and gently touches his cheek.
“Well my dear, I'm sure once you confess, they’ll immediately fall for you. It’s not every day you meet such an intriguing and attractive soul such as yourself on a daily~” She lightly teases, he could hear the smile in her voice as she slowly removed his mask from his face.
“Th-thank you-” Spruce stutters.
“For the words, and the reading-”
“Oh, you won this fair and square my dear! Now, I suppose it's time for you both to return home,” She said as she snapped her fingers, immediately making the projections disappear and dimming the room.
“Now if you both could kindly follow me to this exit over here, you will end up back from where you fell in.”
Spruce grabs onto the still distracted snatcher’s sleeve to tug him into existence and motion him to follow. He does so as they follow the little woman’s heels clicking on the floor, the heels echoing throughout the room as they follow.
She opens the french doors with a little force and holds it open for them to enter a pitch-black room.
“Please, my lovely, if you ever want to come back for a visit, please do! I’d love the company!” She said as she lightly tilted her head, hearing the cheering smile again in her voice.
“I will try to come back, let's call it a date!” Spruce said as he took her hand and gave her a sincere kiss on her royal knuckles. She giggles and allows them to pass.
They both enter with reluctance, but they both walk through. They were instantly thrown back up by the hole in the crumbled tower and landed flat on their faces.
They both sit up from the ground and hear the chirping of crickets. It always looked like night in Subcon, but once you hear the nightly frogs and crickets you know it is actually night. Spruce shyly smiled at Snatcher as he realized they were back, but snatcher was still in shock from what he heard and saw.
Snatcher slowly turns to him after a while, then tries to slither to a wall to regain balance.
“......I think that’s enough adventure for one day-” He said quietly and distant.
“Yeah,” Spruce nods.
“I’ll actually go home this time, I’ll see ya next week~,” He said as he gently helped him get back to floating, then started his way back home.
Snatcher did the same and made it back to the more familiar side of Subcon, going to sit and think about the night that he went through with Spruce.
Spruce was thinking about it too. As he bandaged his wounds, he thought about Snatcher and his reaction when he makes it back to Subcon again. He was nervous but ready to face him. Finally, he had got it off of his chest, and it didn't have to be off in the forest like his plan earlier.
And so, they both went on with their nights, their minds trying to wrap around the eventful night they had, with the woman and her Masquerade.
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paperclipninja · 3 years
Younger post-ep ramble 7x01
I joked in my finale ramble at the end of season 6 that the episode was called ‘Forever’ because that’s how long it would feel between seasons...well joke's on me because now, after 587 days, we are FINALLY here. The Younger drought has been a tough one, but we have been generously compensated by getting the first four episodes all at once, which is both exciting and also, turns out, incredibly overwhelming. As usual the thoughts and feelings are many, mostly feelings (read: I am NOT ok) but let’s start off with a delve into the premiere episode, ‘A Decent Proposal’.
The episode picks up within minutes of where the season 6 finale left off, with Diana and Enzo not wasting any time to hot foot it out of their wedding reception and into their happily ever after (Arrivederci bitches!). Of course I’m very happy for Diana and her happiness but there’s only one couple’s happiness that I am on tenterhooks about now that Diva is sorted and that is Charles and Liza, as they watch their sprinklers fizzle out in some sort of awkward, symbolic, anti-climax. 
You may recall that mere moments earlier, Charles had popped the question on the dancefloor before the two were separated by an obligatory conga line, and Charles quickly assumes that Liza’s lack of enthusiasm to shout her answer across the reception of another person’s wedding is an answer in itself. As anyone who has read my rambles before knows, I unapologetically fly the Team Charles flag, and let me tell you, despite her supreme stalling techniques (you’re not divorced yet, we should probably speak to the children blah blah), hearing Liza say, ‘my answer is, I love you’, my jaw hit the floor. I’m sorry, did Liza Miller just declare her feelings openly and directly and with absolute certainty??? We’re 33 seconds into the new season and I AM SHOOKETH DARREN. 
Speaking of declaring feelings openly and directly, I love absolutely everything about this opening scene. The music choice was perfect and really helped build the moment, as Charles told Liza he understands her hesitation before un-asking her to marry him (so that when the she’s made her mind she can pop the question - I kid you not, this has always been my dream...). The music cutting out and just hearing the crickets as Liza asks if he’s really withdrawing the proposal, his quip about her having to make the next move, assuming he’s still on the market (I love/hate this foreshadowing btw), it is Charles/Liza banter at its best and my sappy heart was soaking up every morsel. Throw in some CGI fireworks and the observation that they are sign (which may or may not play out at a later date) and you have yourself a pretty darn near perfect start to Younger’s final season.
Speaking of talking openly and directly, one of the staples of the Youngerverse, the Maggie morning debrief, is back as our way to gain insight into the thoughts, feelings and ponderings of Liza. Straight off the bat I am very pleased that Maggie has fully committed to ‘Chaz’ for Charles and I’m even happier that we actually hear these two talking about what’s going on because honestly, the last couple of seasons the Maggie/Liza convos, which we traditionally rely on heavily to know where Liza is at and to hear Maggie’s sage/sometimes terrible advice, have been skimmed over or felt rushed. We are also reminded that Liza has indeed seen Charles’ goods (the Empiriconda, she’s meaning the Empiriconda) and that the sex is hot, because we need to have all the information on top of the declarations of love to highlight how their relationship is pretty much perfect so that what transpires is even more painful.
Other things that are painful include the fact that Diana will be decidedly absent for most of the season (to be fair scheduling/covid are pretty legit reasons and in ep 1 we can chalk that up to her honeymoon, so more lamenting on that later), but early on it provides some pretty fab Lauren Diva-worshiping. Donning a baroque print Moschino suit that would’ve made Fran Fine jealous, Lauren is clearly distracted by the responsibility of her interim role at Empirical, as her mother frets about the theme for her 30th birthday party over face-time.
Keeping up the chaotic energy, we also discover that Kelsey has to go and let Quinn know she no longer needs her money (these characters’ ongoing relationship with the woman who has tried to ruin all of them at some point really needs unpacking with a good therapist at this stage) and Josh is in full frantic dad mode because he thinks Clare is trying to kidnap Gemma (lol that Lauren straight up calls her out on it later). Two quick points here:1) love seeing this side of Josh and 2) love Kelsey’s calm, measured reassurance that of course Clare would want her family to meet Gemma. I will say though, Josh meeting Rob for the first time when he’s about to go with Clare and Gemma to Ireland and hearing this guy he doesn’t know from a bar of soap exclaim, ‘I’m just in love with your daughter’ was super unfair. Not cool Clare, not cool. 
Kelsey keeps her cool as she breaks the news of her change of heart to our fave resident villain, who comes complete with a bowl of fortune cookies she ominously encourages Kelsey to consult while also enjoying her own fortune, ‘a new love will come into your life’. It’s all very OTT and ridiculous in it’s obvious foreshadowing and I am here for every minute of it because I sincerely love to hate Quinn very much.
My love of all things over the top is further fed by Lauren entering Diana’s office and making her way to the desk - the music, the way Lauren looks at the framed picture of Diana and Enzo before relegating it to the drawer, any moment I was expecting her to utter ‘my precious’ as she became more and more entranced by the power of the neckwear, before Liza abruptly broke the spell by asking what she was doing and warned her off her consideration of claiming Diana’s office as her own. Very much appreciated the continuity later in the episode when Liza is very distressed that Lauren has gone full-Trout with the chunky baubled ornament around her neck, though Lauren is less Invasion of the Body Snatchers and more Nancy Drew at this point, as she has caught wind of Charles’ proposal while reviewing video footage from Diana’s wedding which she decided, for some reason, to show Josh, who was ‘still not interested’ (we hear your words Josh but your face says otherwise). I am very on board the Liza/Lauren dynamic and their ‘circle of trust’ as Liza asks that Lauren keep the proposal to herself (we really haven’t seen the friendship between these two much) and Liza’s gratitude, ‘Thank you...Di-va’, is hilarious, as is the response, ‘my pleasure, Queen’.
We get many fine moments in the office this ep, the first meeting when there are formal announcements and speeches made welcoming Kelsey back...to a conference room of Charles, Liza, Lauren and a random guy we’ve never seen or heard from before and never will again it seems. It makes me laugh that every person in the room except the dude we’ll never know already knows everything but hey, formality is important I guess? The pitch for ‘Little Women in Space’ by an author played by an actress who is friends IRL with Sutton Foster and they were in the musical Little Women together is honestly too much but also just the right amount and this show does meta so well (not to mention Lauren’s excited outburst upon realising her party theme plus her making sure Liza knows that she knows about the proposal. Subtle as a sledgehammer is our Lauren). 
One not-so-fine moment is the extremely out of left field resignation of Zane followed by the completely douchey moment of him breaking up with Kelsey via face-time with the line, ‘I love you Kelsey, take care’. I’m sorry, what?? On the one hand, I get it that CMD wasn’t available for the season so in some respects better to deal with it swiftly and move on, but it was very abrupt and strange. I had zero investment in the pairing so it doesn’t overly affect my viewing, but any fans out there shipping those two, are you ok? Because that was a brutal way for a pairing to simply cease to exist.
So we have I love yous being thrown around by Kelsey and Zane as they break up because that makes sense (in retrospect I should’ve seen what was coming because these words clearly mean NOTHING *breathes deeply, exhales slowly*) but thank goodness Liza is there to comfort Kelsey, whose statement that she really doesn’t care would be a lot more convincing if she wasn’t crying inconsolably. We get a beautiful transition from Kelsey’s office to Charles’ with a sweeping aerial shot across the autumnal canopy of Central Park along with the gentle music adding to the relaxed pacing of the episode. Liza doesn’t want it to be weird between her and Charles now that the proposal is out there (well actually, its 100% in her court but yes), so he reassures her it’s not weird at all by planting a kiss on her that almost triggers the sprinklers because friends, it is HOTTT. Cue super cute exchange about pro and cons lists, lovingly looking into one another’s eyes and then, another ‘ I love you’ from Liza to Charles followed by Charles responding, ‘I love you too’, and despite my deceased status at this point, it was magical. But also WHAT. IS. HAPPENING. 
These two are so enamoured with one another and it’s as though it’s something they just say to each other all the time, but this is literally the first episode we’ve heard any kind of expression of feelings to one another since the season 6 premiere and even then it wasn’t this direct; Liza ran away and Charles told her he didn’t mind not being at the office because he did it for the woman he loves followed by a cute story about how he can do maths because he’s had feelings for her for 16 years. Don’t get me wrong, the entire scene this episode was perfect and it was SO well done in the way it captured the best parts of their dynamic (damn you Darren Star for being so good at what you do), but it also felt like we were being shown the dream version of what could have been before it’s all snatched away.
Not unlike Millennial, which is like naming a business Boomer Print according to the table of boomers at the investor meeting who blindside Kelsey and Charles by voting to restore the name Empirical (head boomer has clearly had it with millennials, indicated by his statement, ‘who gives a shit about millennials any more?’) and so it is done and Kelsey is officially having a very bad week. It is while enjoying a quiet bourbon in the bar that evening that Charles is joined by Quinn, who is allegedly on her apology tour to explain to investors why she dropped out of the Senate race, but also offers Charles what seems to be a sincere apology for treating his company like a toy (prediction: nothing is ever as it seems with Quinn). I have a confession to make and believe me, I don't like it any more than you do - they absolutely nailed the set up of tension and a little bit of a spark between Charles and Quinn in this scene IMO and I...I *whispers* I liked it.
What I liked even more was Lauren’s completely in character entrance to her own birthday party, omg it’s so ridiculous and perfectly her and Denise telling her daughter, ‘fix your crotch, good girl’ had me chuckling. I feel like we’re getting Kelsey’s set up for the season at this party too, as she’s feeling unsure of what defines her now, and the conversation about defining things carries over into Josh and Liza’s chat when he asks her if congratulations are in order. This exchange between the two of them is just lovely, with Liza clearly feeling a little awkward talking to Josh about Charles, but Josh reassures her that he does like him, for her, and that it brings him joy to know she’s happy. They agree that their relationship doesn’t need to be defined, and that they'll always be in each others’ lives no matter who they’re with. It feels very final for their romantic relationship and I would be celebrating the end of the triangle had I not clocked Josh’s fallen expression as Liza walks away. I really do hope that Josh finds someone he loves and who loves him the way he wants to be loved this season. Josh’s words gave Liza some clarity of her own and so we find ourselves at the magnificent Seaglass Carousel, home of Liza and Charles’ first proper date, once more.
Charles is clearly full of hope and expectation as he meets Liza and they remember the time he and the beard we try to forget about brought her there and it’s all amazing and beautiful and...*collects self*...Liza tells him that she just wants to keep riding the perfect ride. She once again tells him she loves him (we’re up to three times in one ep now for those of you playing at home), that all she wants is his heart and that she wants to be happily unmarried to him every day. To say this does not go down the way she is expecting is an understatement; we learn that Charles doesn’t want a ride, he wants to get off the carousel and not live in a fantasy. He believes in marriage whereas she believes they are now finally free and folks, this is why you talk about your stance on marriage in a relationship BEFORE you pop the question out of nowhere at someone’s wedding. 
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You can see on his face, as Liza says she doesn’t want to define their relationship by the rules and obligations of marriage, that he’s hearing that she is not all in (whether that’s true or not) and he thanks her for letting him know what’s in her heart. You know the bit that actually plunges the knife into my heart? Charles shaking his head as Liza says his name, clearly overcome with emotion, before he kisses her on the head looking as though his world has just come crumbling down around him. That knife just gets twisted even further as Liza is left there in disbelief, (we are all Liza in that moment honestly), trying to process how her own declaration could be so easily rejected. You know, I knew it was coming, but it didn’t make it any less painful. I can see it from both perspectives and I have no doubt that these two characters have a lot they need to address and work through as a result of their own failed marriages if they’re going to have healthy relationships moving forward. 
I tell you what, after so long with no new episodes, this first episode of the season was concurrently beautiful and heart-breaking and one thing’s for certain - this final ride ain’t gonna be smooth. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to go and regain some composure so we can start on ep 2...
Season 6 ramble collection can be found here
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melloian · 3 years
Character Bio 7
Lila Rossi 
Real name:  Mazoku Chinen
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Age: 15
Gender: F
Race: half middle eastern Asian half Italian 
Relatives: Elettra (mother), Kimiaki (father),  Aya (sister), unnamed great great grandfather Species: Human (formerly), Hybrid (currently)(mixed between human and nogsitune)
Alignment: bad
Status: Alive
Occupation: Student (Françoise Dupont Lycée), Supervillain, Daroness
Love interest: Adrien
Friends: Gabriel, Adrien, the workers at Daroness, yongina
Enemies: Miraculous heroes, Marinette (arch enemy), Felix (arch enemy), Chloe(arch enemy), Mime (because of betrayal of gabriel), the guardians
Personality: Deceptive, confident, aggressive, cruel,  apathy, Arrogant, Irritable, envious, rude
Bio: Lila is a teenage girl who intends at Françoise Dupont Lycée. She almost never pay attention or care for anyone at the school. She usually start stuff and spread rumors. She pretty much lie all the time. Outside of school, she works with Gabriel/Hawkmoth in the meantime. She also known villain name Arachne
Many people think she weird and strange due to her wordings and never taking off her hat in any situations.
As villain: Her goal is to find a way for her father to be saved. She also needs the Fox miraculous for the step of curing herself. Her plan is to drain and gain her father’s powers so she can trap everyone in a forever illusionary terror. She’ll use anyone just to achieve her goal.
She sometimes works at Daroness (faraway villain tower) if necessary. 
Common Era, 520
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Lila was born in small village. Witch doctor viewed Lila, and saw a Corruption in the child. The witch doctor mentions she akuma not like akumazation) and needed to be cured. However, the father didn’t like the child because the child didn’t have his powers.  Her father cursed her into becoming a fox like hybrid for the rest of her life. Her mother disliked this and argued with her husband.
year 539
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When lila became a teen, Lila was trying to find her parents with her younger sister. Until when she found them, she saw both of her parents arguing with each other. Right before her eyes, a beam of light strike both of them, freezing them into crystals. She was shocked what happened. Afterwards she saw a note on the ground and a strange small wand. The note said “both of your parents became crystals due to your curse. Your job is to use this wand next to you for to time travel to present times. The cure is somewhere in these eras. But once you gather the cure, you must get a the Fox miraculous afterwards. You can only cure one of your parents, good luck.” When she read the note, she took the note in a different way. She sees this as a chance to get her father powers. She soon used the wand she started to time travel.
She went to each era from Greek, Roman, Egypt, and others and got some of the cure. 
However, when she entered present time, she was having a hard time, especially that now its more heroes then ever. 
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She can summon purple spirits for lighting or contacting to the dead. 
She can shape shift into a fox
She can possess some one, however she can’t do this all the time or everyday or she’ll drain herself and become unconscious.
She can do purple linkage which can link to someone feelings, thoughts and etc. This is so that she can learn how to manipulate them and sense what they feelings.
She have the ability to time travel to different time periods/era since she have a wand.
She can hide her tail with magic, but she can’t do the same with her ears.
She can hear from far away and smell certain smells that humans can’t smell.
As Arachne
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Altered personality: its a dark kwami form so no alternations. 
low durability 
Feet and legs stick to things
Night vision
Silky - creates a cobweb of any size
Silk string - produce a stick string as a rope or grapple hook (spiderman inspired lol). It can also be used a rope to climb on.
Cobtrap - make a ball of spider webs and trap a person
Bodarno - turn the legs into 6 spider legs and become more faster
Venom - spits poison 
Creepy Crawler - transforms to a beast spider
Main ability
Trickster - creates a illusion or object that tricks the person. (similar to fox miraculous)
Weapon: yo-yo
As Volpina (akumatized form)
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Altered personality: determined, (the rest stands the same)
cause of akumanzation: Everyone started looking at Ladybug instead of her listening to her
Akumantized object: necklace
Goal: want revenge on ladybug
Have the exact powers as fox miraculous wielder
As Body Snatcher (volunteered akumantized form)
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Altered personality: its the same
cause of akumanzation: she forced the butterfly to come to her earrings
Akumantized object: earrings
Goal: want to get revenge on Chloe and Marinette 
She can transmit her body in some one by being near them and staring at them.
(basically chameleon but little different) 
Relationships(main ones) 
Lila & Marinette 
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Lila sees Marinette an enemy every since she met her. She pretty much sees her as a puppet she can play. She spreads rumors and start things with her. She gets angry when Marinette do something back to her.
As Ladybug
She doesn’t like ladybug because of her pointless popularity. When she Arachne she sees her as her arch enemy. She try to ruin her reputation as possible as well.
Lila & Adrien
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Lila started to have a crush on Adrien on the mid-school years. She stalks him and become obsessive over him. She thinks she own him and he’s a perfect match for herself. She also becomes very aggressive when she sees another girl with him and tries to hurt them in every possible way.
As Chat noir
She thinks he’s annoying other then that she really doesn’t dislike him.
Lila & Chloe
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Lila started to hate Chloe when she stopped her from ruining Marinette reputation. She wanted to ruin her life completely and make sure her family toss her to the streets and neglect her completely.
As Queen bee
She thinks she’ll never be like Ladybug or any other heroes.
Lila & Felix
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When Lila heard about Felix being Adrien’s brother, she attacked him. She feel like he will be in the way if he is Adrien’s brother.
Lila & Gabriel
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She met Gabriel in the park. She became allies with him when she heard more about him. She usually do his missions and task no matter how dangerous and ridiculous it is. She also helps with akumanzating people for him. She also become aggressive towards anyone if anyone betrays him. However, she doesn’t care about Gabriel. She pretty much using him for her goals instead.
Lila & Chiffon 
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Lila don’t like Chiffon. She pretty annoyed by her and just difficult to convince her to transform to Arachne. Lila pretty much don’t understand why she even made like this. 
Full body:
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Alternative outfit (old times):
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Fox form:
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Hat off and Hair down:
(i didn’t make a mistake on the wording, the blue symbols on her face is naturally there)
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Other Information:
She’s unaware that her sister is also time travelling and saving her mother instead
She changed her name and skin tone (by potion) because she heard about they made a folktale about her. She also lied about she was fully Italian.
At first when she was using the wand, she ended up teleporting everywhere until she eventually got the hand of it.
She had to settle down in the present time because she thinks it was too hard for her.
She thinks miraculous heroes are just fake witches/wizards. 
She thinks its strange how present era time moves way to fast.
Everytime she sees Ms mendeleiev, it reminds her of some one she knows
There’s no data in the government about her information.
She hates history lessons
I change her from Italian to half so it can fit the storyline i made. Same with her father. 
Anyways they should bring back Lila as antagonist then making chloe worse.
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bittybattybunny · 4 years
So, Snatcher can shift between leviathan and human. May I ask how that happens? Like, he touch water and poof. Or can you actually see him shrink/grow when conditions are met? Because right now I am imagining something like H2o. Just curiosity. :) You're doing an amazing job btw! Totally in love with this.
He only wishes I was nice enough to give him a poof and gentle transition :3c
Oh man h2o it’s been a hot moment since i’ve seen that show (tho it defs was behind the idea of using water to transform him ngl)
But naw; I’ve explained a few times tho, it’s a process that occurs in about 1-5 minutes of fast stretching and bone breaking, transforming him and it’s incredibly painful :’3c
Like there’s a description here of when he was first cursed
This talks about the amount of water needed
Here’s a snippet of his first time transforming back to a leviathan (he took out the kitchen) (my sister loves to make fun of this scene because he was so stupid just getting water all over him but he had no idea at this point)
Heading back to the sink, he began to scrub at the plates, arms in the water. Occasionally water splashed up from his motions and would hit his shirt, soaking his front. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with a wet hand. He felt a shock run through him. An almost gut wrenching sensation. He furrowed his brow, wet hand to his chin. That was weird. He set his hand back to the water and froze. His fingertips had begun turning purple.
“Oh no.” He mumbled, that sensation of sinking filling him with dread. Holding his hand up to look closer, his eyes widened. He backed from the sink in a panic, “Oh no. Oh no.” he repeated looking at both his hands, a pain from his middle and ring fingers as they stuck together like glue, the tips sharpening into claws. He felt his clothing get tighter as he struggled to breath. He gasped as he leaned on the counter, grabbing his chest as he felt like he was burning up. His vision tinged in yellow as he felt his mouth stretching. Teeth Sharpening, fangs extending. He felt the corners of his mouth rip as his smile extended up his face. He felt his nose getting crushed, shoved into his face. He could barely hear the ripping of his clothing as the ceiling grew closer. He felt his bones in his lower half begin to break and held firm to the counter trying not to lose balance. His feet went out from under as his pants fully ripped, dark purple scales peeking through. He felt the back of his neck and spine burning as the fin began to poke through his skin.
He growled as he landed on the ground, Pressed against the sink, water overflowing on top of him. His hair grew longer and began to darken as he felt the counter begin to give against his increasing size.
“What’s going on?!” Eclipse gasped holding onto Hattie as they heard the commotion.
“Ah!” Both Gasped seeing the growing leviathan. Eclipse held Hattie close to her, shielding her eyes.
“Get back!” he snapped snarling as his fangs fully extended down. He reached down, slamming a hand through the sink, “Peck!” he shouted as the next crashing was the window as he found himself outside, at least partially in the sunlight. The burning and twisting pain slowly subsiding as he laid there. Half in the destroyed kitchen, half outside on the lawn. Breathing heavily he squinted to the sky, rolling over with a groan. He looked back to the startled mother and daughter.
“Whoa…” Hattie gasped, her eyes sparkling, “Again!” She beamed, “Do it again!”
“Hattie!” Eclipse gasped in pure shock. She looked to snatcher, setting her daughter down, running over her destroyed kitchen, “Are you okay?!” she asked him, her voice shaking. She began walking to his head and knelt down. She brushed his messy hair from his face. Her eyes were filled with worry.
“Peachy. Pecking peachy.” he responded tiredly, flicking his tongue, “Glad to see how short lived being human again was..” He grimaced, still sore from the stretch out. He flexed a clawed hand and closed his eyes with the heaviest of sighs.
I actually have this midway picture of him from the time h
Um doing the whole under a read more thing just cuz i really just don’t people’s level when it comes to body horror. like to me idc but i know some do
also it’s super sketchy as it was gonna be part of a comic but i dont think im gonna finish it lol
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broadwait · 6 years
spooky scary newsies hc’s
This is just hc’s about what kinds of horror movies the newsies like/dislike lol
jack: likes things with a really big twist at the end, likes being surprised, lowkey kinda loves jump scares, loves suspense, doesn’t mind gore but doesn’t like a lot of it at once. really liked the belko experiment, the first saw movie, that kind of stuff
davey: psychological thrillers, babadook, would you rather, the circle, get out, watches stephen king but also has read every stephen king novel that exists. knows a lot of horror movie trivia
crutchie: he’s not super big into modern horror but he looooovvveess that old shit, like cheesy horror and stuff. house on haunted hill? he can quote every line. invasion of the body snatchers? he’s seen it more times than he can count. the twilight zone original series? he owns that shit on box set. he’s very into like 50s-60s kind of stuff bc it’s not intense and can be very silly but sometimes leaves you incredibly unsettled
race: is actually surprisingly squeamish around gore but is 100% chill with supernatural/paranormal horror. he closes his eyes when people get like cut open and stuff but can watch demons and ghosts with absolutely no problem. went through a phase where all he could talk about was IT (2017)
spot: scared af of horror movies, will start to watch but peace’s out as soon as anything spooky happens. hates suspense. HATES. DOLLS. (he was scared by the episode of the twilight zone “the living doll” when he was younger and hasn’t trusted a doll since. can’t even watch coraline) someone somehow got him to see annabelle creation in theaters and he literally was shaking so hard he couldn’t walk out bc his legs would not support him
finch: he’s allllllll about that 70s-80s horror. nightmare on elm street, the shining, jaws, night of the living dead, halloween, all that kind of stuff. the special effects aren’t the best and sometimes it’s cheesy but he still loves it
elmer: watches horror movies when other people put them on but doesn’t seek them out, hates jump scares, likes comedic horror/horror parodies because it’s breaks the tension and makes things less genuinely scary, stuff like tucker and dale vs evil, final destination bc it’s so ridiculous, scary movie, is the most likely to put on buzzfeed unsolved
buttons: hates horror movies but tries to pretend they don’t bother him. lowkey spends the whole movie with his eyes closed and/or with his head buried in someone’s chest. he’s jumpy and gets paranoid easily so he prefers not to watch them
albert: has seen every saw movie, watches them religiously, thinks the first saw was the pinnacle of all horror ever as a genre. gets really annoyed when people are misinformed ab the movies like “the puppet’s name wasn’t jigsaw his name was BILLY, jigsaw was the guy who made the TRAPS, get it RIGHT”
specs: okay literally “i hope its really bloody with a nice clear picture,” this guy loves GORE, watches anything and everything gross and bloody, even if there’s no real plot beyond that. hostel, american guinea pig, any of the saw movies, will watch movies that are banned in america/a lot of other countries bc he heard they had good special effects
tommy boy: likes found footage/stalking horror, lowkey likes home invasion/kidnapping movies. him and specs could eat a whole meal while watching something super gory and not bat an eye.
jojo: doesn’t like horror very much but will watch it occasionally, HATES DEMONS AND GHOSTS AND SHIT, very superstitious, will not FUCK with a ouija board, someone brought one as a joke when they were all hanging out and he deadass stood up and left, got halfway down the hall before someone ran to get him
romeo: american horror story all the way. went through a donnie darko phase, has 4 different theories on what the movie was actually ab bc it’s kinda hard to understand
katherine: loves horror musicals, like sweeney todd, little shop, american psycho the musical, they’re all her shit. watched all of stranger things in one sitting
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
I don't know if its already been requested, but I would really love to read a snatcher x reader from you. Fluff or nsfw how you feel (I will enjoy both >\\<) I would prefer female reader if possible.
Thank you for submitting this request— this was very fun for me to write! Though, I maaay have taken a few creative liberties, aaand— whoops, my hand slipped; reader is a female vampire lol. I came up with the idea due to Subcon being pretty much permanently dark/night, and I figured it would make sense for the reader to like it there (and there's like... zero fics of vampire readers x Snatcher :c)... Still, regardless, I managed to stay away from the more Gothic clichés associated with vampires, and ended up with something quite... interesting. Here's the link for this fic on ao3. And, I also managed to have a sturdy mix of fluff, a little smut, and general shenanigans, so... I hope you enjoy!
Snatcher x Reader - Marking (Semi-Smut)
“Can you mark me?”
Snatcher, who just sat down on his maroon recliner not even five seconds ago, sputtered at the sudden question. “Mark you? What does that even mean?!”
You fiddled with the edge of the footstool you were sitting on, trying to ignore the heat coming from your face. “You know what it means!” He gave you a flat, blank stare, and you groaned. “It, um... it’s a part of my... my culture, and we typically do it when in a romantic relationship with someone,” you said, giving a brief explanation.  
Snatcher huffed, folding his arms. “That still doesn’t explain what that means! How exactly would I mark you? Would I STAB you?”
“No, you wouldn’t stab me,” you said with a huff of your own... before pausing, now thinking about it. “Actually, you kinda would be stabbing me, but with your teeth.”
Snatcher slowly squinted at you. “Stabbing you, but with my teeth,” he said slowly, making sure he heard you correctly. You nodded, and he scoffed. “That’s one of the DUMBEST things I’ve ever heard! Why would I ever want to stab you with my teeth?”
“It’s like... a symbol, I guess! It shows that you love me,” you explained further.  
“How would a set of bite marks show that I love you? Don’t you bite people for a living?”
You pouted, getting a little frustrated that he wasn’t understanding the concept of ‘marking.’ “Yes, but I kill those people. Letting someone mark you shows how much you trust them, and how much they trust you.”
Snatcher rubbed his forehead, lightly groaning. “So, let me get this straight— you want ME to mark YOU because we both have a mutual trust of each other?”
You… nodded. “Pretty much.”
“…Why don’t you mark me instead?”
Immediately, you flushed pink. “M-M-Mark you? But… you’re a ghost! How would I possibly be able to mark you?”
“Well, I have a corporeal form, don’t I?” He began slowly. “I never had anyone bite me before, but it’s worth a shot, right?”
You chewed at your bottom lip anxiously. “Are you sure? Th-There’s a certain spot I have to bite down on, a-and it might not even work! And… yes, you do have a form I can touch,” you said, poking the lower part of his purple noodle-like body. “But...”
Snatcher huffed, before lifting you up by your armpits to place you on his lap. “Welp, you brought up the idea! So now you’re going to test it.”
“I-I thought you said that it was dumb, or something!” You said quickly, now not too sure about all this.  
“I’ve changed my mind!” He said, resting his large claws on your hip and lower back. You could practically feel the rumble in his chest as he talked. “So, go ahead— don’t be shy!”
You gulped, before adjusting yourself on his lap to where you were straddling his lower body. “Are... Are you sure about this...?”
“If I wasn’t sure, then I wouldn’t have offered!”
You... sighed, before leaning up towards where you assumed his neck was. He hummed, and slowly leaned down towards you so you could reach him better.  
There was a... lot of fluff in the way, needless to say, so you had to bury your face in it in order to reach his skin. You felt him stiffen, before relaxing against you. You knew about the whole ordeal with his... previous lover, so you were hesitant to even bring up the term ‘marking...’ But, to your surprise, he wasn’t against the idea. A bit confused and bewildered by the concept, sure, but not against it.  
Gently, you parted his fluff with your hands, searching for an acceptable spot to mark. Since you’d be placing it within his fluff, you doubt anyone would see it, but it was the thought of it being there that counted. After finding a spot, your canines sharpened to a lethal degree as your irises flashed red, preparing to bite down.  
Snatcher must’ve felt you tense up, because he became tense as well. You lightly frowned, but didn’t mention it. Slowly, carefully, you pressed your mouth against his ghostly flesh, and softly bit down... before grunting when your teeth didn’t pierce through his skin. With a deep exhale, you tilted your head at a different angle, before biting down again... Still, your fangs weren’t able to puncture him. You bit down harder, but to no avail.  
You pulled away with a loud huff, and your teeth and irises returned to normal. “I can’t pierce through your skin! It’s like... trying to bite down on rubber, or... or silicone!”
Snatcher hummed, slightly rubbing at his chin. “Is that so? Hm... seems like you can’t mark me after all, unless we come up with a different solution for that...”
You sighed in defeat, and was about to get off his lap, but he suddenly tightened his grip on you.
“However, I’m almost one hundred percent certain that I can sink my teeth into you!”
You squeaked when he grabbed a claw-full of your hair, tilting your head back to reveal your own neck. Snatcher didn’t really have teeth, just two points that make up his mouth, but they were close enough to teeth that it didn’t really matter.  
A hot, somewhat needy whine escaped you, and you willingly tilted you head back further. “Snaaatcher... please be careful...”
“Oh, I’ll be careful alright,” he chuckled, before pressing a kiss to your throat. “I’ll be careful...”
You relaxed at his words, and slowly closed your eyes, expecting him to sink his teeth into you right then and there... but what you weren’t expecting, was for him to tear your shirt off!  
“Snatcher!” You gasped.  
He cackled, and threw the remains of your torn shirt to the floor. He proceeded to run his claws up and down your sides, sending a pleasant chill down your spine. “Ohohoho, you’ve made a graaave mistake in trusting me, little vampire! Now, you shall pay the price...”
First, Snatcher started with little kisses across your upper body... Though, since he was in a larger form, his ‘little kisses’ weren’t so little at all. It left you breathless, and it didn’t seem like he was going to stop anytime soon... not that you minded, of course.
Then, not too long after, his kisses transitioned into hickeys. He sucked and nibbled at your flesh, leaving spots all over you for you to discover later. He started off slow, and soft, but as time went on, he began to get a little... rough.
A few moans escaped you, and you grinded yourself against his lap, taking advantage of the fact that you were still straddling him. “A-Ah... Snatcher...”
Snatcher lightly growled, seemingly frustrated with the only article of clothing that was still covering your chest— your bra. You quickly realized why he was getting frustrated, and before he could say anything, you took off your bra, tossing it by your torn shirt.  
“D-Don’t want you ruining that, too,” you lightly joked, and— and squealed when he nibbled at the side of your breast.  
“Oh, you poor little fool,” Snatcher cackled, tightening his hold on you. “This is all your fault, you know. You never should have told me to mark you!”
You suddenly pouted at that, and lightly pushed against him so you could look at his face. “Well, I want you to mark me, Snatcher! I want you to take your teeth, and stab me in the neck with them!”
Snatcher let out a sudden hearty laugh at your demand, dropping his evil act in an instant. “Y-You, you want me to... you’re cute.”
...Slowly, a smile appeared on your face. You opened your mouth to say something, but... paused, and… glanced around as an odd feeling settled in your gut. “Hey, Snatcher?”  
He hummed while rubbing your naked back, letting you know that he was listening.
“Um... do you think you could invest in some curtains?” You said, leaning forwards to where your breasts were pressed against him, effectively covering your nipples. “I don’t want anyone to see that I’m, uh... half naked.”
Snatcher paused as well, and looked at the two large open holes that made up his house... “I suppose it wouldn’t be a horrible idea to make such an investment,” he chuckled a little sheepishly, which was surprising that he was capable of such an emotion.  
You groaned, burying your face into his neck fluff. “I really hope your minions haven’t peeked into here...”
Snatcher cackled, patting your back. “Embarrassed, are we? I assure you that none of my minions have looked into my abode... probably.”
“Snaaatcher,” you whined, feeling your face heat up.
“Whaaat?” Snatcher said, somewhat mockingly. “Are you really that embarrassed? My minions couldn’t care less about what we’re doing!”  
“That’s a lie, and you know it!” You hissed out, feeling your face turn redder. “They have a whole shipping-thingy with us! Fanfics, fanart— the works!”
“...Th-They do?”  
“Yes!” You said, leaning closer to him. “And, if they see us doing our thing...”
Snatcher was silent for a long moment, but eventually waved a hand. “Bah, it’ll be fine. So what if they make a few of these, uh, fanarts of us? It’ll be fine!” He tried to say without making a face.
“You’re blushing.”
“Hm.” Snatcher’s face turned a deeper shade of yellow when you pointed it out, and he glanced off to the side while his tail tapped against the wooden floor... “I’ll see about investing in those curtains, dear...”
You let out a short huff, and leaned further against him. “Good...” You were about to ask him what you were going to do about your torn shirt, but yelped when he suddenly slammed you against the floor with a wicked grin.
“But FIRST, I believe there’s a few things we have to do!” Snatcher cackled, slowly wrapping the bottom half of his body around your legs. With a claw, he pinned your hands above your head, and leaned in reeeal close to your face.
You gasped, and tried your best to ignore the fluttery feeling coming from your lower regions. “B-But Snatcher! What if someone sees, a-and—”
“Let them see,” he snarled lowly, groping one of your breasts with his free claw.  
You chewed your bottom lip as your eyes widened, feeling a surge of arousal pulse down below. “O-Okay,” you whispered breathlessly, feeling almost lightheaded due to the abundance of emotions you were currently feeling. At this point, you really didn’t care if anyone saw. You might care later, sure, but right now...
Slowly, Snatcher leaned down towards your neck, starting off with a few kisses. He rubbed the hardened nipples on your breasts, and a hot whimper escaped you. He settled his lower body between your legs, and you couldn’t help but grind against him.
“So needy,” he mumbled against your neck. “So, so needy...”
You panted, and grinded against him a bit rougher. “Sn-Snatcher... mmh... please...”
“Please what, dear? Just what can I do for you?” He said, and you felt him grin against your flesh.
“Pl-Please... mark me,” you whispered.
A shrill cry escaped you when Snatcher sunk his teeth into your neck, and you knew when the wound scarred over, it would leave a wonderful mark on your skin...
“Hey Finley, Finley! We’ve got a code purple!” A little person in a dark cloak yelled, running down the gravel path towards the village where the rest of Snatcher’s minions lived.
Finley, another little cloaked person who was sitting on a tree stump, gasped loudly. “A-A-A code purple?! But... But that’s impossible! Boss wouldn’t... he couldn’t! Oh, oh my goodness— HEY EVERYONE, WE’VE GOT A CODE PURPLE!” He shouted out towards the village.
As soon as Finley said that, the minions in the village immediately got to work, hurriedly dashing between buildings, passing papers.
“Code purple, purple!” One minion shouted out.  
“Roger that, we’ve got a code purple, over. Repeat, code purple. Over.”
“Alex, get working on those papers! Alex!”
“I’m already on it— I’ve got a quarter of a page written already!”  
“Jen-Jen, you got those sketches ready?!”
“I-I’m almost done with the outline!”
“Hey, does anyone have a maroon marker?”
“Just use red, it’s the same color!”
“It is NOT the same color, you swine! I canNOT believe you just said that to me. If I didn’t have my hands full, I would’ve punched you!”
“So, which one sounds better; ghost slash vampire, or vampire slash ghost?”
“You use slashes? I thought exes were the norm?”
“Exes?! There’s no way they’ve broken up that quickly— ow, who hit me?”
“They’re not breaking up, you dummy! And pay attention— your lines are crooked!”
Nearly half of Subcon’s residents got to work as soon as the term ‘code purple’ spread throughout the forest, sending the place into a flurry of creativity...
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ok with 0115 being so old, the trick to unlocking host memories figured out, and what we’ve heard about trevor’s personal problem this season (that he’s deteriorating in some capacity) I think it’d be fair if the lines start to break down between host!trevor and 0115!trevor in a major way
repackaging data causes losses and even if traveler to host the difference is negligible, with 0115 being involved in the process so long I’m sure that data is skewed to hell and back at this point, and while it may have been holding together, that might not be possible if there’s further conflict with the host’s consciousness and memories
and fragility on 0115′s part would make it way easier to understand why the director really doesn’t factor his well-being into the grand plan (I mean, objectively speaking, if 0115 is already teetering on the edge, why would an AI waste resources on him)
we know that Trevor Holden was a big bundle of emotions and the memories 0115 can experience from him are going to be extremely overwhelming, so it could easily swallow 0115 up if there are issues with his consciousness holding up
if the team undergoes the process of experiencing their host’s memories (like, you know, how it would make sense to do if you’re doubling down on convincing people you aren’t time traveling body-snatchers) that’s probably going to be where Trevor’s age and ‘deterioration’ comes into play
and if that’s not what’s going to happen the writers are wrong lol
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youremyonlyhope · 6 years
Children of Earth: Day Two
AKA Lois is the most competent person to ever work with Torchwood.
OR: Torchwood somehow finds a new way to torture Jack.
OR: Deadpool 2. No spoilers, but Deadpool 2.
God why the Hub? Why the Hub? I loved the Hub. I miss the Hub. And I added this later on to my post for Day One when I remembered, but I’m gonna say it again here: WHAT HAPPENED TO JANET AND MYFANWY??? ARE THEY OK??? PLEASE TELL ME THEY SOMEHOW MADE IT OUT. These snipers all suck. How do you miss that many times? God I can’t even look at Frobisher and his family without thinking they only have a couple more days to live... Wow this show’s so messed up. I mean, a stolen ambulance is probably the worst get away vehicle if you don’t want to be followed. Andy my baby!! My girl Gwen’s so smart. Shooting the tires. Can’t these SWAT people search Rhiannon’s house without traumatizing her children?? Ok wait do teachers still take away phones like they did in 2009? Because these days, kids are just only on their phones and they take notes with them sometimes so like... teacher’s probably can’t do much. I got my phone taken away in 2009 just because I was trying to turn it off because I forgot to turn it off before school started. “The Prime Minister’s office has refused to speculate until more details are known.” That’s because the details show the government ordered the explosion. I love how snoopy my girl Lois is. Ok wait I paused and read what was written and it says “There are still some private acquisitions which Queen Victoria herself made that are unbeknownst to us.” meaning they’re leaving the door open for more Torchwood-like spin-offs. “As you know, Harkness is a difficult man to kill” UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY. “I’ve just put you on the frontline. That’s what the frontline’s for John. First to fall.” Well fuck you too, Mr. Prime Minister. I nearly did not notice the significance of her having a touchscreen phone in 2009. How much money does Alice makes? It’s not an iPhone, but still. There were not that many touchscreen phones in 2009. See, I know that in the comics, when Deadpool was chopped up in a certain way, I think hotdog style not hamburger (LOL Commander Up in Starship), it resulted in two Deadpools reforming from the parts instead of one. So in at least one comic universe there’s a second Deadpool running around. So it makes me wonder if Jack could reform into two Jacks... But I guess the whole fixed point in time thing probably only allows one Jack to exist. Or at least, one Jack to come out of the parts of Jack. Basically Jack’s immortality and invincibility isn’t like a starfish’s the way Deadpool’s is. “Does that mean whoever’s behind the bomb is behind the children thing? Like they wanted him out of the way or something?” My girl Lois. She’s right, the government is partially behind it. LOL Ianto’s just watching. He’s taken over for Jack since he cant stand on any roofs right now. “Shh... we’re probably bugged.” SOMEONE GIVE IANTO’S NEPHEW A JOB AT TORCHWOOD IN 10 YEARS. Ugh my poor baby Jack. Having to regrow himself. Ugh. Ughhhh yep this is the part that’s grossly gorey. Seeing his body as it’s growing back. Ew. I’d hate to be the person who had to make that. Ew he has to cuff the body to the wall. I love that this guard doesn’t care that Lois is peeking in anyway. Even though he just heard her get told to not go in. Johnny’s pretty great. That was such a smart way to cause a diversion. And I forgot to mention it earlier, but I loved him saying “We’re the only family he’s got.” when Rhiannon was upset over Ianto’s note. “He’d have been better off staying dead.” Oh believe me, Jack already knows that. Wow I made myself sad. “What kind of civil servants are you?” “Underappreciated ones.” Now that’s an understatement too. Yeah, Ianto, touching a random girl is not ok. Not even if you’re a civil servant and alien expert. I love that Frobisher wanted to check in on his daughters before talking to the Prime Minister. Wow. This makes everything painful. Remembering them saying his children will be the first ones picked. He loves his daughters more than anything. Oh god. God I love Lois. She’s a little innocent and trusting since she’s like “Why would the government do that?” but also suspicious and nosy since she saw the order to kill Jack in the first place, so she’s trusting Gwen. “Can we trust this guy?” “He’s our guy in the government. If we can’t, we really are in trouble.” OH GIRL. OOOOOH GWEN MY GIRL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. “Show yourself! Face me like a man!” “I’m not a man” OOOOH I want to love her so much but why must she be evil and trying to kill my babies? I think I remember her becoming good at the end, but I don’t know. It’s been almost 5 years. “I’ve got a floor plan in my bag” GOD MY GIRL LOIS IS SO GOOD. “*Spewing off instructions and plans.* Sugar?” I LOVE HER SO MUCH. “When this is all over, and you want a job, come see me.” SERIOUSLY GIVE LOIS ALL THE MEDALS ALL THE JOBS EVERYTHING. I can’t remember if she survives or not. Also, they should have brought her back for season 4. Though, for all I know they did and I just never watched past episode 1 of that season so I don’t know. Dude, be thankful they didn’t close the coffin. I would have died of claustrophobia if I was put in the coffin tied up, and then they closed the lid. Just knowing I was trapped would be enough to kill me, not even lack of oxygen or starvation. Gwen and Rhys were nice enough to keep it open. Ok but also, why doesn’t he just sit up straight? Even with arms and legs bound, you can sit up. Come on dude, use your ab muscles. This guard’s a complete idiot. Also, you’d think they’d give the guards Gwen and Ianto’s pictures and say “Hey, if you see these people, don’t let them in.”  Ok, this guy thinks Gwen looks familiar, so they did send the pictures, these guards are all just dumb. Wow. At first I was like “LOL body snatchers. What a cute code word for them.” and then just now my brain goes “Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It’s an alien joke.” and I feel dumb. Oh Rhys being overprotective. I love the way Gwen signals Rhys to shut up after the guard goes “You’re a couple, aren’t you?” The little wave of the chattering hand. I love her. Oh poor Rupesh. Why did you pick the wrong side? Yeah, Gwen should have done the clicky thing out of view of that last camera. Oh good old Ianto. I mean. A giant explosion is one way to ensure they don’t follow you. Oh how I love Jack’s dramatic resurrection gasps. Also all I can think about is how John Barrowman had to wear sanitary pads on his feet to protect them from the rocks while filming. “I’d hold onto your nose, Bridget. Though come to think of it, you’ve been doing that for years.” Ooooooh. I like Dekker. I think I said it last episode, but I like him. The framing of each of them standing in line with one of the panels. Nice. “Why are they coming to Britain?” “Why is that, Mr. Frobisher?” I love Dekker. Dekker’s creepy but in kind of a good way. He seems... intrigued by aliens... but also is the only one who seems to realize how bad all of this is. Saying it could be a slaughterhouse, hinting at the fact he hated when they came the first time around, and of course him tracking the 456 frequency for 40 years in the first place. He’s like “Oh, I’ll do what they say, but this is all your faults. I’ve been warning you forever. I’ll do it. But I’m not gonna do it quietly.”
****Deadpool 2 SPOILERS****
Not a major spoiler. Happens in the first like... 10 minutes. The fact that both Deadpool and Jack end up blown up and having their bits and pieces put into a body bag to reform is hilarious to me.
Yeah so I love Lois. This episode is so great if only for the scene where Lois shows us how awesome she is. It’s a great episode in general, but I LOVE that scene. So much.
Oh god the promo. “John Frobisher’s a good man.” Literally that sentence just hurts my heart no matter who says it.
And it’s crazy that literally the alien’s don’t show up until halfway through the season yet it’s still so good.
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