#Orange Cassidy x Hook
whysamwhy123 · 2 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All Elite Wrestling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Orange Cassidy/Hook Characters: Orange Cassidy, Hook (Professional Wrestling) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Domestic, a little bit of fluff eventually, attempts at humor, Arguing, Hook is such a little shit in this Summary:
Yeah, yeah, guess what, Sam went back to the OrangeHook well, shock of shocks. My days of writing actually popular pairings are very much behind me. If this still interests any of y’all, then be my guest!
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
ok this might sound weird but… how would aew men react to having a partner who acts like Chelsea Green so she is a karen on screen hopefully that makes sense😭..
AEW Stars React to: You Being A Karen (on-screen)
Pairings: Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 910
Supreme Speaks: hey yall sorry for being MIA, my life has changed so much so please keep me in good thoughts. anyways, i'm back and thanks to @cassie0sstuff requesting and sorry for not responding. Imma try my best to upload as much as possible this week. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: none i think
Taglist: @cassie0sstuff @wwenhlimagines @hooks-martin @hookerforhook @sheinthatfandom @eddie-kingstons-wifey
Okay for this I can only imagine yall doing the whole Karen thing if the other person was truly in the wrong…not when someone is literally just doing their job
Orange Cassidy
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He’s just going with the flow man
This is the face before you start yellin 😐
And this is the face after you start yellin 😐
He literally would let you go on a rant and finally, when you walk away he’ll say
“What she said”
Will tell you to chill out if you’re going overboard
Cassidy literally doesn’t have the energy to be playing with you or feeding into your antics
Because of this, Kris, Trent, and Chuck have to pull you off of the other person He loves it when you scream at his opponents; he starts chuckling in their faces
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Tries to calm you down….sometimes
Like Cassidy, Hook is not with the yelling and screamin (unless its in other ways wink wink)
He’s a very quiet and stoic person if you didn’t know
Will shut you down before you even get started
Like I’m talking will pick you up and remove you from the room
However, if it’s a time when you really can’t be stopped, Hook will sit back and observe
With a huge ass smirk as you’re mouthing off at his opponent
After it’s all said and done, he says, “Fuck around and find out”
Only will allow you to do it once he can’t be bothered to yell or complain
Eddie Kingston
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Man either loves it or he’s not phased
Like it has become a part of his routine; wake up, get ready, hear you yell, kick-ass, sleep, repeat
He loves to see you go off the handles every once in a while, especially when confronting Claudio or Jericho
You: You keep getting involved with business that’s not yours! You are not the authority here! I’ll sue you!
Other times you fade into the background
Fenix: Do you hear her?
Eddie: Not really, at this point it’s white noise…or maybe I’m going deaf
I also think he would just place you in front of him when he's finished talking so you can scream the rest of his thoughts
Kenny Omega
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Your character is primarily on BTE
He feeds into it
Will tattletale on Nick and Matt to you
“You two are in big trouble when Y/N gets here! Ooooooooo!”
Will hide behind you and stick his tongue out at Nick and Matt
I think he would also just tell Kota (who can do no wrong) to let you angry translate for him
Kenny would be the significant other who 100% percent supports their partner
Even if they are in the wrong…he won’t let you know when you’re wrong
If you really went in on someone, he would quietly apologize after you leave
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Feeds into it x5000
A smirk would be on his face as he states that you are his secret weapon
Will lie to people just for a chance to see you yell at people
Brings you to his matches so you can yell at referees about their “mistakes”
Will act like a Karen when you get ejected from a match
He might leave the match since you’re not there
Sits back stage and sulks while you scream at everyone in sight
Tbh, you are both Karens with the way he acts
You both have to drag each other away
Christian Cage
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Hehe, this man is the biggest Karen
Don’t hit me, but this man would use you as a shield and scapegoat (character speaking wise)
He would hide behind you and tell you to tell off his opponent
Will send you to do interviews for him, loves it when you get feisty and start yelling
He would also send you off to let Tony his list of demands (of what he wants in his locker room and wish)
If he said anything outta pocket and gets confronted, he’ll say it was you
“I didn’t say your mom is hot…Y/N said it! Wait-“
Hear me out…he has several voice messages saved with you screaming your head off
Uses it when you’re not there to get his point across
God forbid anyone starts yelling back at you…he would unleash hellfire upon them
Ricky Starks
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Okay at first…he was annoyed
Like he didn’t understand why your character goes around yelling at people and how it got over
But once he turned heel, he understood
It was hella funny yet justified…especially when one of you got disrespected
Ricky tries his best not to laugh on screen when you’re screaming
Will join in and verbally jump the person
You: You are so horrible at your job! Like how did you-
He is quick to get merchandise made with your Karen slogans
Cuts people off and threats to get you...which makes them instantly shut up
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I missed doing doodles. Have a lot of Hooks
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chaos-chloe · 8 months
A helping Southern Hand
Summary: Kris Statlander isn't available? Don't worry AEW's Southern Belle is always available to help.
OC: Dixie Fae/ Scarlette Price
TW: Descriptions of wrestling, country drawl, possible cursing (I don't remember) hook x oc {if I'm missing anything lmk}
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I’m rushing, running my way to the curtain after Kris texted me that she got stuck in traffic, and needs a cover in the match. She definitely owes me a good dinner for working my night off. I catch my breath as I signal the sound guy to play my music to cut off Anna.
“Aw, did Orange and Hook not find a pretty enough partner?” Anna Jay teases while Angelo and Matt laughed.
“I guess it a handi-” Anna jay gets caught off by music
“I’m a Buckle Bunny
Drive my own truck, got my own money
Bangin' with the chaw, so I talk funny
Rhinestone hat says, "Kentucky"
I'm a buckle bunny.”
I come out around the corner with my hands holding my big buckle that is a floral background with a ribbon in pink text saying “COWGIRL UP”. I stopped at the top of the ramp, to tip my hat to the crowd while they were cheering. I sauntered my way down the ramp, slapping some fans' hands, to the ring. I started to climb the steel stairs, but Hook stuck out his hand to help me up the stairs gracefully, I grabbed his hand winking at him.
“Thank ya, Darlin’.” I greeted him and Orange with a small nod, Orange nodded back
“Well, Well, looky there Taz, your boy has some manners with our Southern Belle Beauty here.” Excalibur claims
“He knows how to treat the women roster.” Taz agrees.
I got behind the ropes, taking off my show buckle as Hook wanted to start the match with Matt. As they are circling around the ring Matt decides to scream in Hook's face.
“LOOK AT THIS IDIOT, HUH!? WHAT YOU GOT HUH?! WHAT YOU GOT? YOU WANT A SHOT? I DON'T THINK SO!” Matt has his arms raised taunting Hook, but he looks confused about where this little speech is coming from. Matt backs up to let Angelo tag himself in the match.  Angelo hops in to start circling around Hook, like a hunter scaring its prey. 
“He’s got this, doesn't he?” I inquired about Orange, he just nodded with a little smile.
“Alrighty darlin’, let's get this match started then.” I commented a little cockily.
Then, Angelo steps back to his corner and reaches his arm back towards Matt to tag in. Anna just stands there clapping to the crowd as Angelo tries to mess with Hook, but he turns things around with a hip toss to get Angelo off of him. Hook looks up to see Matt in the corner waiting to charge at him. Matt rushes him but Hook turns it to a drop sayanagi. Matt ends up with his back turned to Hook, redrum is in place but it's too weak to hold Matt up. Matt scrambles to his corner to tag in Anna, Hook backs off of Matt as Anna enters the ring. Hook starts walking backwards as Anna starts walking towards me. I sat on the second rope with my hand held out to Hook with a smile, he slapped my hand and now it’s time for some Cowgirl Chaos.
“Oh here comes our Southern Belle, entering the ring with Anna Jay.” Tony describes.
“Look at the wicked smile on her face, she is ready for something.” Excalibur wearily says.
As I got into the ring, Anna and I started circling each other waiting for something to happen.
“So you’re the pretty belle in the back, who's gonna get her ass kicked by me.” Anna taunted with a sneer.
“Oh, really now hun?” I questioned her.
Anna then kicks me in the stomach with her left leg, I bent down to play as that kick hurt. She grabs my right arm to try to launch me to the corner, I countered it by slamming my feet to the ground in a squatting position. I shake my head with a smile and then toss her in the corner behind me away from her corner accompanied by a yell of “NO!”. 
I show off my non-show buckle with my hip popped out to the side taunting Anna, I try to go for an elbow strike to her face but she moves out of the way. The funny bone part of my elbow ends up hitting the top turnbuckle, with that static fuzzy feeling going up and down my arm. Anna rushes at me hitting me with a spinning high heel kick to the chest over my breast. I winced and tried to leave that corner, from further damage happening. Anna grabs my right arm again looking for her Jay kick, but I grab her leg to reverse the move. I slightly panicked, reversed into a suplex, but without a struggle I held Anna for 6 seconds then let us drop hitting the mat in the middle of the ring. I got back up to my feet, looking out to the crowd waving my invisible lasso; I darted my eyes over to our corner seeing Hook and Orange clapping for me. The referee runs in front of me to the other corner, realizing that Angelo was getting in the ring, causing a distraction letting Jack Hager come out of nowhere and hit Orange in the face. 
I rush over to see if Orange is okay, grabbing the top rope and observing Orange on the floor holding his head. I turned around to Anna superkicking me to the face, I rolled over to our side trying to gain back awareness. I see that Orange is still down and Hook is walking threateningly over to Jack, who is walking backwards around the ring and Anna ends up getting a tag to Angelo. 
Matt jumps off the apron running towards Hook hitting him with a mean clothesline. I slump down off and out of the ring by steel steps. I watch in pain as Matt picks up Hook and throws him into the barricade. Hooks falls down to the ground only to get picked back up and thrown into the ring to Angelo. Angelo grabs his hair forcing Hook to get up, Angelo pulls Hook into a suplex. He tries to cover Hook, thankfully Hook kicks out at 2. 
I finally collected myself and had my arms on the apron watching Hook getting beat by Angelo with some forearms to the head. Parker then hits another suplex on a dazed Hook, holding his back in pain moving away from danger. Parker follows Hook and grabs his hair again with his right hand, dragging him over to their corner, slapping his left hand with Matt. Matt jumps in and hits a back breaker to Hook, letting Angelo rebound off the ropes running drive by to Hooks head with a god awful sound. 
Orange and I jump up on the apron watching this all go down wincing in sympathy for Hook. Matt goes for the cover, Orange preemptively getting in the ring, but Hook kicks out at 2 again. I cheer and whoop that Hook is still alive with us in this match. I see that Hook looked over to us, I reached my hand out to give him a little bit of encouragement to tag one of us in to save him from this onslaught. Matt slaps the back of Hooks head/ neck, he stumbles over to the ropes to gather himself. Matt then grabs Hook, but Hook is fired up now, he delivers a big knife chop to Matt's chest three times. Matt is tumbling backwards but he kicks Hook in the abdomen to throw him to the turnbuckles. Hook’s back smacks the middle turnbuckle so hard that he falls to the ground. 
“Come on Hook darlin! Let's go!” I yelled over Matt's “Yeah!”
Hook hears me and starts crawling over to Orange and I with help of the bottom rope, yet Matt kicks him down. Hook keeps crawling, but Matt decides to hit Orange with an elbow. 
Matt continues his annoying onslaught to Hook, keeping him away from me. I turned half of my attention to Orange to get a good look at him.  I turned my full attention to Anna Jay, and the ring.
“You ain't nothin’ darlin’, bless your heart!” I yelled over the ring to her with my full southern drawl. 
“STOP!” Anna banshees a response to me as Hook gets whiplashed into their corner.
“We are getting a whole new view of our Southern Belle tonight guys.” Tony Comments on my scream.
“I think we are just seeing her natural response to her new friends getting beat down.” Excalibur responds
Hook falls back down to the mat, as Menard slaps his left hand to Parker's right hand. Matt places his foot on Hook's neck and grabs his left wrist to keep him still , as Angelo gets in the ring. Angelo enters and kicks his left hip hard, I walk over to the left side of the ring trying to rally Hook to give him energy to get to our corner. I walk back to our corner and see that Orange is back, I give him a nod to greet him back. We watch as Hook holds on the bottom rope trying to gather some energy. Angelo then copies Orange’s kicks with his hands in his pockets. 
Orange and I try to start rallying the crowd with slaps to the turnbuckle and claps, most definitely out of beat. I tune back into the match as Hook gets thrown into the ropes, rebounding into a dropkick. We wince and cover our face in slight shock. Parker goes for the cover, I stand on the bottom rope looking over the referees shoulder as Hook kicks out for a count of 2. 
“GET DOWN!” I look up to Anna Jay giving me a look.
“Honey, I think you need to fix your face!” I clapped back and Anna made a noise of frustration. 
I step down off the ropes seeing Hook is in some type of trouble, he ends up doing a back body drop on Angelo Parker. It sends Hook to the ground holding his back in pain. Parker grabs his ankle dragging his whole body to their corner and tagging Matt back in, again. Matt starts delivering kicks to Hooks head, Hook is covering his head trying not to get injured from their vicious attack. Matt again throws into a corner and falls to the ground in pain after trying to get away. 
“COME ON DARLIN’! BRING IT ON HOME!” I try to scream encouragement to Hook. 
I start slapping my right hand to the top turnbuckle, rallying energy from the crowd for Hook to make his escape. Matt has a different idea and keeps his nasty attack going on Hook with Jack Hagers watching proudly from the floor. Hook delivers a surprise left hook to Matt's jaw, giving him some breathing room. Hook starts hitting Matt with out-of-nowhere forearms. Matt found a brief pause in Hook's attack to strike back with his own forearm, sending Hook back to the corner.
Hook ends up finding energy as Matt and Angelo are tag-teaming him in the ring, he takes both of them down with a lariat after rebounding off the ropes. Hook uses his last bit of energy tagging Orange in the match, while falling to the mat away from the match. I crouch down with a hand on his back, checking up on his well being after that awful onslaught. I caress his back till he is out of the ring, either on the apron or on the floor. 
“You gonna be okay, darlin’?” I check on his health 
“Yeah, I'll be okay in a few” Hook groans in pain.
I am slightly shocked that he spoke to me, knowing he has a reputation of being silent, not caring, and eating chips. I smile down at him letting him recover in peace while Orange is in the match. 
Orange takes control real easily of Angelo grabbing his arm then moving his hand to his neck and slamming his head to the top turnbuckle causing him to become slightly dazed. Matt tries to attack Orange as Angelo stumbles away but ends up with the same fate. Just like clockwork, they kept coming back for more and more like they were stuck in a loop. Orange climbs to the top rope ready to deliver a dropkick, but Angelo and Matt cowered away. Orange jumped down and the boys turned around to watch him put his hands up and stuff them in his pockets. Matt and Angelo rush him with a double clothesline but Orange dodges them with a ninja roll. 
Orange turns around to meet them both with a dropkick, to the upper body. I stand back up in our corner just as a caution or escape route for Orange. I see that Hook is struggling to get back up, using the ropes for leverage, I came over and grabbed his free arm to walk him over to post to lean on. 
“Thanks Belle.” I heard Hook whisper, I nodded back to him with a smile and an innocent wink. 
As Orange gets back up to his feet, Angelo rolls out of the ring, Matt is struggling to get back up to his feet; Orange makes a decision to rebound off the ropes and run to hit Suicide dive on Jack Hager. Orange, rushed back into the ring meets with Matt, tries for a tornado ddt but gets blocked by Matt as Angelo rushes back in and attacks Orange's left shoulder. Angelo and Matt go for a double suplex but Hook rushes in and pushes Orange's feet back down to the mat. Hook attacks both Matt and Angelos shoulders, to weaken them for a double suplex of their own. Anna tried to be smart and block Hook’s and Orange’s suplex. I rushed in with a hand on both Orange and Hook to find Anna, I wrapped my arm around her and counted to 3, delivering a suplex to all three of them. 
Hook and I hurried out of the ring with each other, I noticed that his hand was on his abc again. My mom-like instincts came over me and I wrapped my arm around his back, letting him lean on me until we got back to our corner. As I helped Hook back to our corner, I watched Orange take off his sleeve going for an Orange Punch. Angelo sidestepped and snaked his arm around Orange's abdomen letting Matt come over and take him down with a leg sweep. Angelo ran from the corner, stepped up on Matt's back delivering an elbow to Orange's back. 
Orange rolls out of the ring, as Hook runs in and carries through a T-bone suplex to Angelo, catching him off guard. Hook turns and launches Matt through a T-bone suplex as well. He then sees Angelo holding on the top rope in our corner, he inflicts another t-bone suplex, but he throws Angelo onto Matt. They both roll out of the way, out of the ring, just as Anna gets in the ring yelling nonsense towards Hook. 
This causes the referee to get distracted again, so Jack Hager hits Hook with a running clothesline over the top rope. Orange pops back up to hit Jack with his famous Orange punch, knocking him down to the ground with a nasty fall. I clap and holler “yee-haw” to my boys for taking control of the ring again.
“Now you know, think of your actions, hun.” I said menacingly to Jack.
Anna then jumps on Orange Cassidys back trying to lock in the queen slayer, but I come in behind Orange to get her legs behind my head and I hold onto her arms to keep her from hitting me. Matt tries to rush at orange but he side steps sending him to Hook, locking him in redrum. I planted Anna down with a new move called “Muck em”, Matt started fading in Hooks redrum. I pushed Anna and myself out of the ring as Angelo rushed in but was hit with the Orange Punch. Orange rushes to cover Parker and counts 3 as the bell rung.
Orange, Hook, and I all gathered ourselves in the middle of the ring, Hook getting his title. Orange reaches for my hand, I let him grab my hand, bring it to his mouth, kissing the back of my hand and pulling me into a hug. 
“Thank you Southern Belle, for coming to our aid.” Orange thanked me as if I was a princess. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders stating that it was no problem. Hook walked over and grabbed my other hand doing the same gesture as Orange but kissing my hand twice. The crowd is going absolutely wild for both vacant emotion wrestlers thanking me in a very emotion based way. Hook pulls me in a hug that lasts way longer than Orange’s hug did.
“Thank you so much for covering Kris and coming to help us. Meet me in the back, in 30 minutes?” Hook asked as we were pulling apart looking into each other's eyes while I was smiling brightly at him. 
“Of course Darlin’, just come by my locker room then.” i invited hook with a wink
Hook and I pull apart so we can raise our hands together with Orange Cassidy, to celebrate our win.
“Look at what a celebration from a very surprising team that came together very easily.” Tony stating the obvious.
“The boys are just showing our Southern Belle the proper amount of gratitude and respect for her to come out and help them.” Taz explains to the world
“Will we see more romance in the future from them? Is the question, look at how Hook looks at her.” Excalibur points out too
“We don't know, but we will see how this builds in front of us.” Taz commented back. 
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Would y'all like a Part 2? Y'all have idea? Let me know!! <3
I don't own AEW, the wrestlers, the music nor the pictures.
I own Dixie/Scarlette and my work of writing.
Re-blog, like. comment and etc.! No Hate please!
Do Not copy my work and repost it as your own.
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madamejustice527 · 9 months
Danhausen: It’s too loud. Does Hook want to get out of here?
Hook: Way ahead of ya.
Orange: Uh, guys…my match?
Both: Oh. Good luck! *Both proceed to leave*
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thephoenixreaper · 1 year
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
Hoodie comfort
Pairing: Hook x Fem reader
Description: You find solace cuddling with Hook tucked inside his hoodie while he wears it
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Hook was playing video games when you walked in changing upstairs before walking back down to the couch making him smile when he sees you as you lean towards him lifting his hoodie smiling when you see he didn't have a shirt underneath the hoodie. You tuck yourself against him making him look down to see your head slightly peeking from the top of his hoodie chuckling as he turns a movie on after playing some overwatch with Hausen and a few of the other boys on the roster rubbing your back under his hoodie and your shirt "You okay baby?" you hum with your head in the crook of his neck knowing that being close to him like this helped ground and calm you when you were having a rough day "Tiring day?" you nod as you feel his calm heartbeat which eased your drained mind confused when he grabs your legs before standing up with you in his arms raising a brow until you watch him grab soda and popsicles from the fridge smiling as the two of you snuggle on the couch with random comedies playing. The two of you watch episodes of Better call Saul with chips and other snacks on the table until you both begin to feel sleep wash over you and you still being under his hoodie only makes it faster and easier for both of you plus the extra warmth from the blanket. The two of you talk to Orange Cassidy and hausen in a FaceTime call for the next half hour until you both could barely even stay awake swaying slightly until you both changed and laid under the covers with repeat episodes of Narcos playing in the background as you both slip into sleep.
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wrestlersownmyheart · 11 months
Freshly Made (Orange Cassidy Ficlet)
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@blueblazezz I’ve never written for Orange Cassidy before and I haven’t watched him very much so bear with me through this one. I hope I do him justice. Shout out to @lookalivesunshine-x for helping me out by providing a plot line and title! You’re so awesome! 
Also, this will be more of a ficlet. I would love for it to be longer, but I’m not super comfortable writing about someone I’m so unfamiliar with, so I’m gonna keep it a bit on the short side.
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Freshly Made
“But, Orange… I’m cooooold.”
“I know, babe, but the jacket is part of my persona. I can’t go out there without it again. This is the third time you’ve taken it in a month.”
You tried in vain to keep Orange’s jacket wrapped around you for warmth but Orange wasn’t having it. He gently took the jacket and put it on himself. And just at that moment his music hit.
He smiled softly at you and kissed you on the mouth–a quick kiss. “If you’re not too pissed at me, I have a surprise for you after my match.”
Only slightly bummed, you smiled and nodded. Then he was going through the curtain to face Rey Fenix for the AEW International Championship.
You watched the match on one of the monitors and gazed lovingly at your boyfriend through every kick, punch and kip up. Whether he was the one doing the hitting or being hit, you were proud of him. 
Finally the match reached its close when Orange hit Rey with the Mouse Trap and pinned him to the canvas, getting the 1…2…3! 
Your boyfriend was the first ever 2-time AEW International Champion!
You watched the screen as Orange bumped fists with Rocky and Hook. Then he slowly headed back up the ramp, holding his jaw.
You were there at Gorilla to greet him with a soft kiss to his sore jaw. “Congrats, babe! I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he smiled despite the pain in his jaw and put his arm around your shoulders, leading you back to his dressing room. “I promised you a surprise, didn’t I?”
You nodded and let him lead you.
Once you reached the room, you immediately noticed a big, white gift box complete with pink ribbons, sitting on the sofa. 
“Aww, is this my surprise,” you asked. 
He nodded with a lazy grin. “Yep. Open it.”
You picked the gift box up and sat down on the sofa with it, and then lifted the lid. After moving aside a bunch of pink tissue paper, you saw some folded up denim in the box.
“Is this what I think it is??”
“Only one way to find out darlin’.” 
You lifted the denim up and unfolded it to find out indeed it was a denim jacket just like Orange’s only in your size.
“Oh, my gosh, I love it!”
“I’m glad,” Orange said, moving the gift box aside and sitting on the sofa beside you. “This way you can stay warm, and I don’t have to read about the fans wondering where my jacket is! Plus, when we go out to the ring together, we’ll match.”
“I love you,” you said out of the blue. You flushed, seeing as it was the first time either of you had said the L word.
“Don’t get shy on me,” Orange chuckled, “I love you too, ya know?”
He reached over and kissed you softly. “Go ahead. Try it on.”
You immediately stood to your feet and pulled the jacket on. It fit perfectly. 
“Oh wow, it couldn’t fit any better than this.”
“I had it made specifically for you. I took in one of your jackets to use as a pattern and this is what the seamstress came up with.
“It’s perfect! Thank you so much!”
“You’re welcome, babe. One jacket, freshly made and ready to wear,” he said teasingly.
You sat back down, this time on his lap, and kissed him. “You’re absolutely something else, you know that?”
“Don’t you forget it either,” he smiled, returning your kiss.
If you want on my tag list, just ask! 😃
@oreillystolemyheart @lookalivesunshine-x @shortyiceheart @vebner37 @claymorexpunisher @kalliravenne @swamptrashwithasideofsass @beardedbarba @emisrose @sweetpea-1970 @sassymox @pikapuff-316 @heavymetalgirl420 @bigpsychicbagelauthor @darktammy @waywardwrestlewritingwaif @sultryfandoms @blondekel77 @demonqueen29 @amariemoore @letsgivethisonemoreshot @thelastemzy @springgirlwaiting4fall @vampirepixi @wwenhlimagines @louisianalady @swthrt890 @librathepheonix13 @justanerdwholikestoread @kiwiedge @ironshamelessyouth @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore @moonwolfdemonprincess21 @moxkindagirl @jstarr86 @oliviasinematic @southerngirl41 @claymoresofinfamy23
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delilahcalicocat · 7 months
My Fics-
Darling~ parts 2/2 done!
Part 1-
Part 2-
Oneshots / Drabbles:
"Stay Back Dear, it's bad" - Darby Allin
"Don't leave" - Hangman Page
"Are you ok?" - Kenny omega
~Halloween Party~ -Hangman Page
{I've got you} -Darby Allin
《Got Your Back》 - Hangman Page
[What makes you think you can do that?] - MJF -
☆| We're night owls.. |☆ -Hook-
[Should've never said the word love] - MJF
[Do I have to remind him?] -Hook ♡
◇- What's Wrong?-◇ OC 🍊
(ONESHOTS WRITTEN WITH Original Characters <3)
I currently take requests! (Ask ur <3 away)
I do Wrestling (Aew or WWE) Fics
[RoH is included!! <3]
I have certain limits, please read in the list area for that!
I am a massive Orange Cassidy and Chuckie T and Hook fan 😭
I write smut, fluff or angst!
Will write anything. (I will sometimes limit it, sorry!)
Multi-Fandom, mainly wrestling
Will write for any wrestler (including girls!)
I write for any kink (Except for what's noted below-)
Will not write Ab*se or Drinking fics!
With that all said: I will not write for Scat/Urine Kinks, Murder Kinks, R#pe Kinks, Ab*se Kinks.
Please understand, I will not write for Cody's actual child. I have made one exception. If you want a child introduced. Include a name.
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whysamwhy123 · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: All Elite Wrestling Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Orange Cassidy/Hook Characters: Orange Cassidy, Hook (Professional Wrestling) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Recreational Drug Use, In Vino Veritas, Drunken Confessions, Older Man/Younger Man
I wrote a fic (well, repurposed an old fic tbh) for 4/20! It’s about Hook, because of course it is.
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
Aew reacts to you falling asleep in most random places or falling asleep on them
You can choose either one
Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader nick Wayne x fem
AEW STARS React to: You Falling Asleep in Random Places/On Them
Pairings: Orange Cassidy x Fem!Reader, MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader, Nick Wayne x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 937
Supreme Speaks: hey yall, i'm keeping my promise. Hopefully this is the start of making up for lost time, sorry for being away. I miss writing tbh. But antiways, thanks for being patient. NOW BACK TO MY SCHEMES. Plz remember that you are loved and appriecated.
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Warnings: slightly proofread, failed comedy, GIFS AINT MINE AGAIN GIFS AINT MINE (rights are to the original creators)
Orange Cassidy (Random place):
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He’s not fazed
Homeboy is impressed that you can fall asleep anywhere
In fact, he joins you
He has seen you in every random place in the house
Bathroom, linen closet, the kitchen, and how you fell asleep on the steps of the porch??
He’ll never know
It’s a regular occurrence to play “Where’s Y/N?”
One time Trent and Kris came over and saw the two of you sleeping on the porch steps
He just left a sign beside y’all that said “come back later”
After your neighbor called the police for a wellness check
MJF (Random Place/On them):
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He thought you were joking when you said you can sleep anywhere
But was genuinely concerned about how you fell asleep in the laundry room
Makes fun of you on Twitter and uses your pictures to describe other people’s matches
If you fell asleep on him, he would melt
I think he would show off that his S/O is sleeping on him with a smirk
Would yell at someone for disturbing you and would blame the other person for you waking up
“No babe, it was Adam’s dumbass voice that woke you up, not me.”
Will bring you closer if you move in your sleep
But make no mistake, if his cat falls asleep on him, you’re sleeping on the floor
Hook (On them):
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I can see this man being stiff as a log when you fall asleep on him
Strokes your hair to keep you calm
Doesn’t eat chips for fear that they will awake you
He woke you up once…and that was enough for him
Only answer his friends if they’re asking yes or no questions (will only nod)
Drapes a blanket over you if you don’t have his hoodie on
Eventually, he will fall asleep with you
But he quickly moves to sleep next to you cause you a wild sleeper
One time you were boxing him in your sleep…and won…
Eddie Kingston (Random Place/On them):
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Mans would try out your random sleeping places before waking up and crawling back in the bed
“I don’t know how lil mama does it…that shit hurt.”
However, he made a ranking list and the best place is the dining room floor
Finds it funny yet very disciplining, might use it as a punishment for when he misses workout sessions
Will carry you to bed with him cause again….he aint doin that shit
When you fall asleep on him, he just becomes a big ole teddy bear
If he needs to argue or tell someone off, he’ll whisper yell
Will make sure that you are warm by wrapping his hoodie over you
Once you’re asleep, Eddie will never move you or himself
Ricky Starks (On them):
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I feel like as long as you don’t drool you’re fine
Or leave makeup on his shirt
If you do, you won’t hear anything about it until you wake up
“I love you babe, but next time, there will be a paper towel barrier.”
Tbh, depending on how tired he is, Ricky will fall asleep on top of you
I can see him just talking you to sleep per your request
Even after you fall asleep, Ricky still be talking cause why not
Like those above, he will scold people if they disturb you
Will put your phone on dnd
Kenny Omega (Random place/weird positions):
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At first, cause he couldn’t find you, he would be in distress
He would look in every single bedroom or cushion-based location
Would feel better once he finds you in the bathroom tub (cause he heard your snoring)
I think Kenny would catch on to your locations very quickly
But if you find a new one, he’ll add it to your location list
Knowing Kenny, he would make this into a bit on Being The Elite (BTE)
Like every time there is a fight or argument, you are seen sleeping in a weird position (like back twisting or somethin)
“Y/N sleeping so we have to fight in slo-mo”
Christian Cage (On them):
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He would feel so happy that you feel comfortable enough for you to fall asleep on him
Anytime you get sleepy, it doesn’t matter where you are, he will offer his shoulder or chest as a pillow
Places kisses on your forehead while your sleep
He moves a lot tho, not on purpose
But you quickly got use to it and would snuggle closer to him
Would use you sleeping as an excuse not to fight
“You better be lucky that Y/N is sleeping or I- wait, I don’t need to fight anyways. Luchasuarus, get him.”
Nick Wayne (Random place):
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I am 100 percent certain that this man is easily influenced
He will follow suit with your weird sleeping habits
If he sees you sleeping, he sleeping too so move over
Like Cassidy, he would actually like the random sleeping places
He would fall asleep anywhere
I feel like when’s he stressed, he would just sleep in a random place…even if he’s at work
Christian and Luchasuarus would be like where is Nick
And Nick would be asleep on a ladder
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catch-needed-hobbies · 2 months
Little AEW x Pokémon thingy feat. Hook and Orange Cassidy
Orange Cassidy was not an energetic guy; a lot of people confused it with apathy but that implied he didn’t care about things. He cared about things but he just couldn’t be bothered to show his excitement most times. Right now as he watches what is in his opinion the most adorable exchange he’s bore witness to, he thinks about how other people probably think he doesn’t care at all. They’d be wrong.
“They’re still at it?” For the first time in the ten minutes it took his tag-partner to return from the vending machine, Orange looks away from the scene in front of him to address Hook, who has a bag of Doritos in his hands now.
“Yeah. They have not stopped. It’s very cute.” Just from the tone, you wouldn’t guess that Orange had already taken about a hundred pictures so he can look back at them later.
In that moment, Hook’s Pokémon partner finished his little lap around the locker room once again, capping it off by jumping up high enough to kick the berry laying on top of Snorlax’s head perfectly and into the painted target behind.
As the little Raboot began another lap, running past his trainer and his tag-partner as he did, Snorlax grabbed two berries from the bowl, eating one then placing the other on his head.
Their trainers meanwhile, watched in silence. It was a good exercise for Raboot; Snorlax was very tall for the little Fire type, even when sitting down, so he was getting some good high kick practice.
As another berry hit the bullseye perfectly and Raboot began to run again, Snorlax reached toward the bowl only to show the first bit of emotion of the day as he realized they were out of berries.
Well you did eat about half of them bud. Orange thought seeing his companion shake the bowl as if that would magically make more berries appear.
Raboot reached the larger ‘Mon and jumped up high only to stop in his tracks mid kick, noticing the lack of a target on his buddy’s head.
Gracefully, he let himself fall back down and kick at the floor a little in frustration. But soon enough, he put his little paws back in the pouch on his belly—Taz would always laugh at how “Of course you’d have a Pokémon with built in hoodie pockets Hook”—and walked back to his trainer, putting out a single paw in the air.
Hook in return, lowered the Doritos bag to his partner and let the little guy grab a singular chip that he began munching on like a piece of lettuce.
Orange just stared curiously. “Should he be eating that?” It was a genuine concern; he knew certain Pokémon couldn’t eat chocolate for example, what would a Dorito do to one of them?
“Yeah, I’ve seen him eat coal out of fireplaces so, I think he’ll be fine. Not the first time he’s had one anyway.” And with that silence befell the locker room again. Raboot began playing with one of the rocks he kept in his pockets and Snorlax—surprising no one—fell asleep on the floor.
It didn’t matter; their tag match wasn’t for another 20 minutes. They could just rest for now.
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ur-fav-alien · 2 months
No one find out.
Orange Cassidy x Danhausen fic! mentions of hookhausen, cheating and kissing woah!! Danhausen finds himself alone with Orange, which is perhaps the worst thing he could've let happen, especially with Hook nowhere near.
The hotel door closed, Danhausen and Orange were now left alone. Chuck and Trent had left to go get their food from some Italian restaurant, and Kris was in the room over. 
They were alone. 
This shouldn’t have been as nerve-wracking as it was for Danhausen. They were on opposite beds, looking in every other direction, no words were even falling from their lips. There was nothing Danhausen had to be worried about. 
But of course he was. 
Danhausen felt awful for being nervous. He always knew that if he thought he was going to cheat on a partner; he shouldn’t have been with that partner. 
Hook wasn’t here, he never stayed with the Best Friends. Danhausen could’ve gone to stay with him in some luxury suite, have robes wrapped around his body, and get fed grapes, but Danhausen stuck with his friends. This was probably a terrible decision, especially since a gaze in Orange Cassidy’s eyes influenced it. 
Danhausen was sure that being in some hotel suite definitely gave you an advantage when you wanted to ignore the tension between you and your best friend. 
It’s not like he would ever know. It’s not like he did know. 
It was one time, when they were on a break, and Danhausen was feeling especially low on his luck. In his defense, Hook had done it too—with Jack Perry, of all people. And! At least Danhausen waited a while; the day that they started their break, Hook was off with Jack in some seedy club down the street. Danhausen only knew that because a friend of theirs had seen. 
Danhausen found out officially a couple of days later when he saw the two of them kissing in the locker room. He couldn’t get mad. They were on a break. 
Now they weren’t, and Hook could get mad if he wanted to. 
But god… it’s not like he would know, right? 
There was always something between him and Orange. The two of them had met years before at a wrestling event that surely every wrestling fan had forgotten about by now—neither of them had forgotten it, though. Danhausen had reunited back with Orange when he entered AEW. Since then, they had been inseparable. They slept in the same hotel beds, still did sometimes. They’d save each other from people who wanted to do them harm. Orange had been the one advocating for Danhausen to be in the best friends’ group. Orange was his wingman when he started crushing on Hook, and he was also the one to make him feel better when Hook had broken his heart. 
Had he been a little weird and Hook and him got back together? Yeah, but he was also dealing with every wrestler in every promotion, wanting his title. Danhausen was sure he was looking too deep into things. He shouldn’t have been worried about anything, considering Orange and Hook were teaming up on some matches.
Orange’s lips were then on his. 
Danhausen hadn’t even felt the man get onto the bed he was on, but his lips were on his and he could feel the soft press of his beard against Danhausen’s paint-less face. His body was immediately a million degrees. 
Danhausen pushed him back, both of them breathing hard for very different reasons. 
“What?” was all that Danhausen could let out. He wanted to curl into the back of his skull and never think about this again. 
Orange straddled him, with his legs pressing against Danhausen’s thighs, and his hands pressed against the headboard of the bed they were on. Their faces were so close together Danhausen couldn’t think straight—it wasn’t like he could ever think near Orange. 
“What?” Orange repeated for a different reason. 
Danhausen couldn’t get any of the words out. He could feel their outlines pressing against his throat. “We can’t.” He whimpered out as Orange’s hands caressed his face. 
“Why not?” 
His hands had found Orange’s thighs. It all felt so right—but it was all so wrong. Danhausen was aware of this. There were alarms ringing off in his brain—He could see Hook. 
He felt the air get pulled out of his lungs as his hands traced the outline of Orange’s body, moving up his torso. He couldn’t believe how this was happening—how Orange had chosen him before anyone else. His hands settled on the man’s forearms, squeezing ever so gently to feel the muscle around his fingertips. 
Orange’s face looked so gorgeous in this warm hotel lighting. The parted lips, red face—Danhausen couldn’t help but pull him in. 
Their kiss lasted forever. Danhausen kept wanting more—but he forced himself to stay put. If they did anything more, it would’ve crossed the line, not that they hadn’t already crossed the line months ago. 
Kissing was fine. It meant nothing really—people kiss all the time and nothing happens. That’s what was going on: nothing. 
Danhausen continued to press against Orange’s face, hoping that neither of them would need air because all they needed was each other. It was awful; it was evil; it was the worst thing that Danhausen had done and he just needed more. 
There were a million thoughts swimming through his mind, all of them convincing him that they really needed to do this more. Maybe Hook wouldn’t be so heartbroken if Danhausen left, he was sure he’d understand—especially if he never found out. 
The click of their door opening interrupted Danhausen’s thoughts, and his heartbeat began beating at a million miles per second. Hiding the fact that they were making out was no difficult feat, as Orange was sitting next to Danhausen on his phone in a second. 
Danhausen could only stare at the wall in front of him in shock, not understanding how quickly the man had moved to his side. He was sure that it was just some illusion and several minutes had passed to cope with the fact that the two of them had just gotten caught. 
That theory of his dismantled right before his eyes when Trent and Chuck walked through the door with a couple of brown bags of takeout food. Danhausen could not process what had happened. 
Trent smiled at the two as he put the food down. “Orange, you gonna sleep with him tonight?” 
The demon sat frozen in shock, unable to even imagine the dumbfounded expression on his face. He looked over at Orange, who appeared as unamused as usual. 
He shrugged his shoulders carelessly. “Sure.” he replied, as if it was the most mundane thing in the world. 
Danhausen’s heart was pounding in his head. 
God, he just hoped no one would find out.
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piratewithvigor · 2 years
Bryan Danielson - Monty Python's Life Of Bryan
Chris Jericho - The 13 Stages Of Grief With Y2J
Danhausen - Danhausen In Exactly As Much Context As He Requires
Danhausen - Feed My Evilhausen
“Hangman” Adam Page -  Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
"Hangman" Adam Page - Country Girl 🤠
"Hangman" Adam Page - La Folie Temporaire
Jack Perry - Jungle Boy - I Wanna Be Evil
Jon Moxley - Livewire
Marko Stunt - The Very Best
Marq Lynch - Hurt
MJF - Everybody Loves Me ;3
MJF - blah blah blah...
MJF - The Biggest Balls Of Them All
MJF - Long Island V Connecticut
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 1: Jul-Nov 2019
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 2: Nov 2019-Jan 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 3: Jan-March 2020
MJF - MJF Being Completely Insufferable Part 4: April - August 2020
Nick Jackson - Magic Girl
Orange Cassidy -  BASIC 🍊🕶️NOMICS
Pac - If Weird Al Did Pac's Theme
Sting - What Goes On In Surfer Sting's Head
Wheeler Yuta - Yu Make My Dreams Come True 💕
William Regal - Sharp Dressed Man’s Man
William Regal - Ra Ra Regal
William Regal - What A Lucky Man (He Was)
Gunn Club Assboys - Billy Ass And The Assboys
Blackpool Combat Club - BCC Golden Girls
Dustin Rhodes VS Willie Mack - Kissin Willie
Eddie Kingston & CM Punk - WRESTLING SILENT FILMS: Was The Truth Too Much For CM Punk To Handle When Kingston Put Him On Blast?
The Elite - When I See You Dance With Another
The Elite - Best 15 Seconds Of Each BTE (1-23)
The Elite - Runnin On Empty
The Elite - What If Carly Rae Jepsen Sang Like 4 Middle Aged Men Having A Sexually Charged Karaoke Battle On A Japanese Train?
"Hangman" Adam Page VS Lance Archer - Blood In The Texas Death Match
The Hardys - The Hardy Show: Rednecks On The Loose
House Of Black - Du Rieschst So Gut~
Jurassic Express - KINGS OF THE JUNGLE
Jurassic Express - Happier Days
Pinnacle & Inner Circle - Pinnacle VS. Inner Circle: Ballroom Fucking Blitz
The Hardys VS Private Party - Poor Bones
Young Bucks VS Lucha Bros - The Match, But As Clowns
AEW Moments That Have Probably Changed Me As A Person
Ranking Hey!(EW) Guests Based On How Angry They Get Being There
Once In A Lifetime: An AEW Retrospective
Oh, You Missed The First 3 Years Of AEW? Let Me Catch You Up Real Quick
Hookhausen (Hook X Danhausen) - curses~
William Regal X Tony Schiavone - Out Of Touch Thursday
Hangmox (Hangman X Mox) - ⛓️HANGMOX: THE CHAIN⛓️
AdaMJF (Adam Cole X MJF) - You're My Best Friend
Chuck Taylor X Orange Cassidy - I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire
What if Dynamite was 2004 Raw?
What if Collision was 2009 Hockey Night In Canada?
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
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Note: All works on this masterlist belong to and are written by me, debbiechanclub, and are not permitted to be reposted on any other website by anyone other than myself.
― One-Shots
AEW Brutalizer (Orange Cassidy x Reader) Cold Hands, Warm Heart (Kenny Omega x Reader) First Winter (Wheeler Yuta x OFC) Least Favorite Day of the Week (Wardlow x Reader) Mercury Retrograde (Trent x Reader) Personal Snow Globe (Brandon Cutler x OFC) So You’ve Chosen Death (Luchasaurus x Reader) Still with You (PAC x Reader) The Ghost of Christmas Present (Best Friends) The Worst Thing in the World (Matt Jackson x OFC) Worth Trying (Brandon Cutler x Reader) You’re Welcome (Wardlow x OFC)
WWE/NXT “Chipped Tooth” (Timothy Thatcher x OFC) “Or Something” (Pete Dunne x Reader)
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― Headcanons
AEW Adam Page ⇁ One | Two | Three Best Friends  Chuck Taylor ⇁ One | Two Eddie Kingston Ethan Page Joey Janela Hook Matt Jackson  MJF ⇁ One | Two Orange Cassidy Wardlow
NJPW Bullet Club
WWE/NXT Pete Dunne Tyler Breeze
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I feel like someone recently said they wanted to go for the FTW title, I just can't remember who or how it was done(promo, online exclusive, Twitter/X) but I'm guessing that would be Hook's next feud. I have no idea where Jack Perry goes from here. Maybe heelishly wins a shot at Orange Cassidy.
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