#Organic Head Massage oil in India
shuddhi-77 · 18 days
Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Naturally: Shuddhi’s Ayurvedic Treatments
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IBS stands for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is a group of symptoms that affect your gut health such as bloating, abdominal pain, and changes in bowel movements, which may be diarrhea, constipation, or both. Also, IBS is an uncomfortable gastrointestinal condition that affects your intestines.  Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicines in India, views health as a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda provides a comprehensive approach to managing IBS naturally. In this blog, we will discuss how Shuddhi’s Ayurvedic treatments can help in healing IBS naturally by providing the best Ayurvedic treatments and herbs that can support digestive health.
Understanding IBS  through Ayurveda
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a Gastrointestinal Disorder. It is a common long-term disorder of the digestive system characterised by altered bowel movements and abdominal pain. The primary IBS  symptoms are stomach cramps, bloating, acid reflux, sticky stools, diarrhoea, and constipation. Some patients also experience migraine headaches, lethargy, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression. In Ayurveda, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), arises from imbalances in dosha, particularly in vata dosha. Each dosha contributes uniquely to the symptoms experienced by individuals with IBS:
Vata Imbalance: Imbalance in vata dosha leads to abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel movements. Some factors such as stress, irregular routines, and cold, dry foods contribute to aggravating Vata dosha.
Pitta Imbalance: When pitta dosha is aggravated can lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to diarrhoea or acidic sensations. Spicy, hot, and acidic foods can lead to Pitta imbalance.
Kapha Imbalance: When your Kapha dosha is imbalanced leading to constipation. A sedentary lifestyle and excess consumption of heavy or oily foods can worsen Kapha imbalance.
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Managing IBS through Ayurveda
IBS is a medical condition that affects the large intestine, causing symptoms including cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhoea or constipation. Shuddhi Ayurveda offers the Best Ayurvedic treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Management. 
Ayurvedic treatments are good in healing IBS naturally, and address the root cause of the imbalance within the individual’s unique constitution. By addressing the root cause, Ayurveda aims to restore harmony to the whole system, promoting long-term well-being.
Panchakarma Therapy
Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy. This therapy is helpful for cleansing and detoxification – removing the toxins build-up. For IBS, Panchakarma therapy focuses primarily on ‘Basti’ which helps to cleanse the colon. It works properly to eliminate toxins and alleviate the aggravated doshas.
Self-massage of the full body with warm herbal oils such as sesame and coconut, promoting relaxation, improved blood flow, and lymphatic drainage for detoxification. Abhyanga focuses on nerve endings of essential organs and energetic points to release blockages and reduce the problem of IBS. 
Watch this video to manage IBS: IBS क्या है? | जानें IBS के Symptoms और Treatment| Shuddhi Ayurveda | ACHARYA MANISH JI
Shirodhara is the best Ayurvedic treatment that is often combined with a scalp, head, or body massage.  Shirodhara is an excellent treatment for calming the nervous system stress relief and promoting overall health. 
Chakra Basti
In Chakra Basti, where warmed medicated oil can be poured to be absorbed by the skin. For IBS, this treatment can be used to stimulate the Marma around the naval area.
Which Ayurvedic herbs help with Healing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?.
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Some specific herbs play a vital role in relieving abdominal pain and bloating, and general symptoms of IBS:
Peppermint Oil: It is one of the most effective ayurvedic herbs for treating IBS. Peppermint oil helps to relax the muscles of the gut to improve motility. 
Ginger: Ginger is well-known for its antibacterial, antiemetic, and sedative properties. These properties help to reduce gas, pain, and bloating and restore gut function. 
Aloe vera: Including aloe vera in your daily routine helps to reduce the symptoms of diarrhoea and constipation. Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in the gut. 
Triphala: Triphala is the mixture of three ayurvedic herbs namely Amala,  Bibhitaki, and Haritaki that help to reduce constipation, abdominal pain, and bloating.
All above mentioned Ayurvedic herbs are used in Healing IBS Naturally. Shuddhi HiiMS provides these effective herbs to their patients to manage IBS.
Dietary Adjustments: 
If you are facing a problem with IBS, it is crucial to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner at Shuddhi HiiMS Who provides dietary guidelines to manage IBS.
Fiber: Incorporating fiber into your routine can help to manage symptoms of IBS. Consuming foods that are rich in fiber including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps to reduce gas and bloating.
Probiotics: Consuming probiotics helps to improve your gut health. 
Avoid Trigger Foods: Always try to avoid foods that trigger your IBS symptoms, including dairy products, fatty foods, and sweetener drinks.
Hydration: Drinking enough water throughout the day helps maintain digestive health and can alleviate constipation.
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nimbanaturecure · 1 month
Easy Ayurvedic Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Step By Step Guide
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science originated in India and has lot to tell about managing our health and being fit in life. Another concept is Dinacharya, which means daily hygiene schedule that serves as a guideline on how to synchronise the human organism with natural cycles. Lifestyle management through Ayurveda offers the opportunity to improve one’s Personal Daily Routine. In this blog I will be describing an easily-followed process of how to incorporate Ayurvedic daily practice into a person’s life.
The Importance of Dinacharya
Collectively, Ayurveda also aims at having elderly people’s routines and schedules in harmony with particular natural cycles. Dinacharya maintains the rhythm of the body, sharpens the brain faculties, and keeps the passions under control. It is designed to cleanse the body of toxins, prevent disease, and maintain balance among the body’s doshas: Hypothetically, the three energies are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Steps on How to Create an Ayurvedic Daily Schedule
1.  Wake Up Early
Timing: In the morning specifically, it is preferred that it is done before sunrise that is from 5 am – 6 am.
Performing a routine during the morning parts the human body with a natural body clock. This time is regarded as untainted, void and appropriate for meditating or reflecting on one’s conscience.
2.  Oral Hygiene
Tongue Scraping: Scrape the tongue with a scraper in order to dislodge toxins and bacteria that accumulate there and worsen digestion and breath. Oil Pulling: Chew a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in the mouth for 10-15 mins to help to detoxify teeth as well as gums. Brushing: Clean your teeth with natural toothpaste to finish up the dental care.
3. Hydrate
Drink Warm Water: Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water. This helps flush out toxins and stimulates digestion.
4. Elimination
Regular Bowel Movements: According to ayurveda, daily regular bowel movements is part of the ayurvedic routine. Warm water and certain kinds of activities involving the muscles can also facilitate movement of bowels.
5.  Self-Massage (Abhyanga)
Oil Massage: Massage the body with warm sesame or coconut oil, start it from your hands going up to the head. Abhyanga strengthens and softens the skin, the oil improves blood circulation and brings relaxation to the nervous system. Rub the oil from your head to toe where the circular movements should be performed on the joints while the long strokes on the limbs.
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6.  Bathing
Warm Shower: Bath the body using warm water to wash – rinse off the skin after the massage to eliminate any remainder of the oil. This helps in rejuvenating the body and the brain gets a break or a booster from being overworked.
7.  Yoga and Meditation
Practice Yoga: Take some time to do some light yoga to help elongate the muscles and work on building some muscle. Stress and arthritis are also reduced because yoga enhances the flexibility, balance and sharpness of one’s mind. Meditate: Take time to meditate; the time should range between 10-15 minutes to help in calming the mind.
Nutritious Meal: That is why you should take a light but healthy meal in the morning that would not harm your dosha. Add fruits, also whole grain products and Dairy products if you are in a position to maintain your constitution.
9. Work and Daily Activities
Stay Mindful: In your job and throughout the day wear mindfulness to your actions. Ensure you take regular intervals to rest and make it a point to drink water and or any other healthy beverage at intervals.
10.  Lunch
Main Meal: Lunch should be the biggest meal because consumption of food is best in the middle of the day due to best digestion. Ensure that you take carbohydrates in the form of grains, green vegetables, proteins and healthy fats.
11.  Afternoon Routine
Light Activity: Take a short jog or go for a walk to help in digestion and prevent the feeling of tiredness in the afternoon.
12. Dinner
Early and Light Dinner: Have an early and light dinner, ideally before 7:00 PM. Choose easy-to-digest foods and avoid heavy, rich meals.
13. Evening Routine
Wind Down: Spend the evening relaxing and winding down. Engage in calming activities such as reading or spending time with loved ones.
14. Bedtime
Sleep Routine: Establish a regular bedtime routine. Aim to go to bed by 10:00 PM to ensure you get adequate rest. Prepare for Sleep: Avoid screens and stimulating activities before bed. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching.
Incorporating an Ayurvedic Daily Routine into your life can bring numerous benefits, including improved physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. At Nimba Nature Cure, we advocate for holistic wellness approaches that align with natural rhythms and ancient wisdom. By following this step-by-step guide, you can start your journey towards a balanced and harmonious life.
Remember, the key to successfully adopting an Ayurvedic daily routine is consistency. Start with small changes and gradually integrate more practices into your daily life. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and experience the profound transformation it can bring to your overall well-being.
Read also:  How to choose the right and best wellness retreat in India
Read More: Easy Ayurvedic Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Step By Step Guide
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maryrichard251023 · 9 months
Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall & Dandruff - Best Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss
Find Best Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall & Dandruff from SCHIER.
An ideal blend of homoeopathic and natural components that not only cleanses and strengthens the scalp as well as the hair, but also addresses diseases such as dry scalp, loss of hair, textured of the hair, and greying prematurely of the hair.
Let’s combine it up with our newly designed revolutionary product, SCHIER Best Homeopathic revitalizing Hair Oil for Hair Loss Control & Hair Growth, for more effective benefits.
Ingredients of Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall:
It Contains Lauryl Glucoside, Lauryl Sarcosinate, CAPB, CDEA, PQ -7, Sorbithix L100, Euxyl k120, Aloe Powder, EDTA, Silicone, Jaborandi, Arnica Montana, Thuja Occidentalis, Calendula Officinalis, Cantharis, Lycopodium Clavatum, Psoralia Corylifolia, Sulphur, Allium Cepa, Fragrance Blue Freeze and Water
Nowadays, many people are bothered by itchy scalp and hair loss. However, with the correct shampoo/conditioner, such as this Homoeopathic Hair Shampoo & Conditioner for Hair Fall & Dandruff Control, you may obtain a more nutritious scalp and thicker hair. Schier moisturising shampoo is the greatest hair treatment product for both female and male in India.
In order to properly avoid dandruff as well as hair loss, Use these guidelines to get the best effects from homoeopathic conditioning shampoo. You can use shampoo for problems such as tangles in the hair, rough hair, and waves in hair, curly hair, dry scalp, thin hair, greying hair, oily hair, greasy hair, and many more.
Direction to use Homeopathic Shampoo for Dandruff:
Get water into your hair prior to using shampoo.
Massage the cleanser into your head with the tips of your fingers, concentrating on the base of the hair.
Allow the shampoo to sit for the prescribed amount of time before completely washing it off.
Rinse with cool water to prevent stripping your head of its natural oils.
For the most effective results, use the herbal conditioner shampoo as suggested on a regular basis.
Homoeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall is an excellent option for individuals seeking natural hair care treatments. Natural Homeopathic Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is formulated with organic ingredients that nourish the hair and scalp, restoring, balancing and healthiness.
Homoeopathic shampoos for Dandruff are extremely efficient in treating dandruff, particularly when sticking secretions are present. Organic cleanser not only cures dandruff but also supports healthy hair, lowering the possibility of reappearance. On a regular basis, it also controls irritation and flaking.
The Advantages of Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss:
It is not contaminated with harmful substances that might destroy peoples scalp's oil content from hair, which causes extreme dehydration and injury.
Provides scalp hygiene by treating the root causes of dandruff and Hair Fall.
Strengthen the area around the scalp, minimize damage, and prevent additional loss of hair.
Improve the health of the scalp by nourishing the hair roots and scalp.
It is suitable for all kinds of hair and has no negative outcomes.
An herbal and mild cure to loss of hair is the best homoeopathic hair loss shampoo. Homoeopathy hair growth shampoo is both trustworthy and efficient in terms of lowering hair loss and increasing the development of hair. Furthermore, homoeopathic shampoo for hair loss contains no harmful substances, sulphur compounds, or Paraben.
There should be some precautions you should take before purchase or before use it. You Must Read the label carefully before use, like date of packaging, date of expiry, price, weight etc. Keep out of the reach of children because it is harmful for kids the can swallow it easily or causes of eye irritation and Store in a cool and dry place.
Dandruff is one of among the most frequent scalp problems. The condition is an overgrowth of skin cells that have died on the head. It is not communicable, yet it is a dangerous disorder. It can be treated with sanitary measures, either internal or external medications, or both. The dead skin builds up as white flakes in the hair, causing irritation.
Our goal is to provide homoeopathic hair loss/Dandruff treatment to a large number of patients who suffer from a wide range of hair issues or hair fall problems and accomplish excellence in helping patients via the use of standard homoeopathy Shampoo.
The best homoeopathic hair shampoo is an excellent choice if you are seeking for an alternative to experiencing hair loss or just need an affordable yet powerful shampoo. SCHIER’s Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss is a amazing combine of natural ingredients designed to soothe and nourish your hair development.
You will find here a Best Homeopathic Hair Shampoo & Conditioner for Dandruff & Hair Fall Control...
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the-healthiest · 1 year
10 Ayurvedic Rituals To Start Right Away
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By Thealthiest Web Desk: Ayurvedic Rituals To Start Right Away: The rituals and practises of yoga's "sister science," Ayurveda, may be of interest to those who wish to delve more deeply into the health benefits of yoga as a whole. Both play separate but essential roles in maintaining our health and harmony by promoting the incorporation of daily routines designed to promote balance and optimal health.
Oftentimes, the responsibilities and expectations that accompany our modern lifestyles leave us feeling fatigued and off-balance. Our bodies are persistently worn out and in urgent need of restoration, which is why so many of us regularly practice yoga. Yoga and the ancient practice Ayurveda help us become better versions of ourselves by incorporating appropriate nutrition, a healthy diet, self-care and hygienic practices, beneficial physical activity, and much more. Here are given ten Ayurvedic Rituals To Start Right Away:
10 Ayurvedic Rituals To Start Right Away
According to Ayurveda, one of the best methods to maintain good health is by retiring to bed early. According to popular belief, the body detoxifies and regenerates between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. Turn off your electronic devices one hour before bedtime, and don't carry them to bed.
Similarly to how it is recommended to go to bed early, you should wake up with the sun. After a good night's sleep, waking up early should not be difficult. According to Ayurveda, sleeping past sunrise causes our communication channels to become clogged with impurities, resulting in a sluggish mind, despondent mood, and lethargic body throughout the day.
Stretch your body and drink water (at least one 8-ounce glass) upon awakening. Try to consume tepid water, as it stimulates appropriate organ function throughout the day and facilitates gastrointestinal movement.
Regarding this, make it a habit to use the loo first thing in the morning. The longer we go without appropriate bowel movements throughout the day, the more time contaminants have to accumulate in the body, causing discomfort and eventual chronic conditions. When it comes to being healthy and feeling our best, our digestive system is a crucial factor.
Oral hygiene is one of the most essential Ayurvedic health practises to maintain. By using a tongue scraper, you eliminate the impurities that accumulate in your mouth throughout the day, thereby promoting healthy digestion. Then, cleanse your teeth with herbal toothpaste and a high-quality toothbrush. Gargle with salt water containing garlic to cleanse the throat.
The majority of us sprinkle water on our faces to awaken and feel revitalised, which is an Ayurvedic practice called Shat Kriya. Then, it is advised to perform Neti Kriya to purge the nostrils; in other words, it's time to break out the Neti Pot! If you have never used a Neti Pot before, you should have someone familiar with the practise instruct you on how to do so. Those interested in learning more about the Shat and Neti Kriya, as well as other Ayurvedic practices and remedies, can participate in programmes such as Ayurveda India Kerala in the birthplace of yoga.
Abhyanga is a tepid oil massage that tones the muscles, hydrates the epidermis, calms the body and mind, and calms the nervous system. It can be readily self-applied by massaging the body for 15 to 20 minutes with herbal or medicinal oil (Dosha-specific oil is preferable). Utilise nasal and ear drops in addition to massaging the outer ear, neck, upper spine, limbs, joints, abdomen, legs, and feet. If you want to immerse yourself in a retreat-like environment where Ayurvedic self-care practises like Abhyanga are the emphasis, Panchakarma Treatment in Kerala, India is renowned for revitalising you from head to toe.
According to Ayurveda, the optimal sequence for performing these practises is to begin with yoga, then perform a breathing or "pranayama" exercise, and finish with meditation. Beginners should focus on the fundamental yoga poses when beginning their practise. Check here for sequence examples. Then, perform pranayama breathing exercises before concluding with a peaceful meditation practice.
According to Ayurveda, taking a bath is not only beneficial for your overall health, but it can also serve as a time to decompress and engage in much-needed self-care!
Also read: The Benefits of Practicing Ayurveda
According to Ayurveda, one should consume three meals per day, with supper being the largest. The ideal breakfast should be light, satisfying, and well-balanced. This could include apple compote or muesli. If you are interested in Ayurvedic recipes, there are an abundance of Ayurveda culinary classes available to get you started!
By incorporating these Ayurvedic rituals into your Dincharya, you will feel more energised, alert, revitalised, and complete. Why not start now?
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Experience Tranquility and Restoration with Shirodhara Massage
As we navigate the ever-increasing pace of life, finding ways to achieve relaxation and holistic wellbeing has become more important than ever. One such avenue gaining momentum for its profound restorative and soothing properties is the ancient practice of Shirodhara massage. Nestled in the heart of Plano, Texas, you will find exceptional venues where this therapeutic massage is expertly administered.
Shirodhara, a Sanskrit word translating to "head flow," is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy hailing from India and is renowned for its ability to reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve overall wellbeing. It involves the continuous and methodical pouring of warm oil or other therapeutic liquids over the forehead, specifically targeting the 'third eye' - the chakra point just above and between the eyebrows.
Stepping into one of Plano's specialized wellness centers, you will immediately sense the soothing ambiance conducive to relaxation and tranquility. Shirodhara practitioners in Plano are renowned for their dedication to the authenticity of this therapy, adhering to traditional techniques while ensuring each client's comfort and safety.
Under the capable hands of these skilled practitioners, a typical Shirodhara session begins with a gentle body massage to prepare your mind and body for deep relaxation. Then, as you lie on your back, the therapist will position a specially designed copper vessel above your forehead. This vessel, known as a 'Shirodhara pot', holds the warm oil which will be meticulously dripped onto your forehead, initiating the transformative Shirodhara experience.
The steady stream of warm oil is incredibly soothing, penetrating deep into the subconscious, creating a state of meditation and tranquility. Many who experience Shirodhara describe it as a blissful and transformative journey, often resulting in improved mental clarity and emotional balance.
Several Shirodhara massage locations in Plano have incorporated modern touches into their sessions. For instance, some places might infuse their oils with locally sourced herbs or essential oils known for their additional therapeutic properties, such as lavender for relaxation or rosemary for mental stimulation.
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In addition to promoting deep relaxation and relieving stress, Shirodhara therapy is known to alleviate various conditions, including migraines, insomnia, anxiety, and certain neurological disorders. Research suggests that it can help normalize blood pressure, improve memory, and promote better sleep.
Choosing a Shirodhara massage venue in Plano ensures not only a captivating session of this ancient therapy but also an opportunity to explore the area's other wellness-focused amenities. Whether it's an organic café, a yoga studio, or a nature trail for a peaceful walk, Plano's commitment to holistic wellbeing is beautifully mirrored throughout the city.
In conclusion, Plano, Texas, with its array of wellness centers offering Shirodhara massage, is undoubtedly a destination to explore for those seeking to experience the profound relaxation and transformative power of this ancient Ayurvedic practice. As you embark on this soothing journey, be prepared to experience a state of serenity and a renewed sense of balance that you'll carry with you long after your session ends. Let the warm oil flow, let your worries go, and immerse yourself in the tranquility that Shirodhara offers right here in Plano, Texas.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Eating by the Ayurveda s testaments.
 This Indian medical practise are 50000 years, and words means life knowledge or long life.
And by Ayurveda in human not sick individual taking organ or body part, disease is harmony destroy, mental, physical, and soul, and all of these are not proved.
Ayurveda says, that remote for managing of our body lies in our condition, and in right his using we are  containing  our organism in right, not allowing diseases entering. If we are of stress attacking or bad habits, thus poisoning are harmful substances, slags and toxins.And on this case Ayurveda formed a system for cleaning and in list of which a miracle massage, aromatic therapy and flower curing.
A wisdom Hindus using are herbs and minerals, but Ayurveda is a not grandma s recipes, and today in India her studying in 2000 university in which of having an own Clinique.
A body for human is a whole, and her importance principle cure for human, not a body, thus an importance Ayurveda methods are rejuvenation, as preventing methods against troubles, for which ageing using. A modern word Psychosomatic  came out  from Ayurveda .
All what is worries , is finding in our head as calm an own mind  and you are fighting lots of diseases. And calming minds with Ayurveda are with different drinks, massages and diets. And one importance rules here ,that meal is must be your remedy, and Hippocrates also shares.
And by the Ayurveda in right meal and normal function digestion  in  organism not filling slags.But who is from us having right meal? And everybody having sins to fried meal, sweet or fast food , and not often you are not eat favourite meal, when a need eat salad of celery , nuts, carrot. Thus  our organism filled with slags, as winter is more, when we are needing in hard, calorie meal, that to warm on cold. But when with a spring need to begin clean your body, as on ideal use Ayurveda course from 3-7 days, doctors are prescribing special diet and especial oil ghee ,that helping toxic slags and special massage alternating with warm baths and sauna.And very good here if you're doing easy exercises and walk and to meditate, thus you will see a how mood change, you  want to live, love and  blossom.
And importance in Ayurveda diet are meal s methods on a same time, who not having or not enjoying breakfast are destroying rhythm  for life. And these are stresses reasons, nervousness, not balanced, and importance eat breakfast, add habit to do it, a son small portions, puree carrot or apple as baked, drink on a morning vegetable or fruit juice as warmer slightly, second breakfast is on noon with cereals as buckwheat porridge.
A potato by Ayurveda is hard meal, not eat it, starch are bad absorbing by organism, not mix milk products with citric, and milk products with proteins, not warm honey, he is staying poison, so as hot milk with honey, as popular cold, Ayurveda calls it dead poison. For improving metabolism add spices in meal. A try rare eat fried, salted, sweet meal, they are poisoning for human. Eating cheese, banana and curd not good. A most benefit meal here are bean, rice, soups , salads of vegetables and green, apples, grape.
Avoid eat in bad mood, thus eating negative emotions with meal. Rest between eating time are three hours. Ending eating avoid faster to work, keep calm to sit for table are 5-10 min. Avoiding eating yesterday dishes, meal is needing fresh and right cooked.Any  dish warm to eat, better eat products from a refrigerator.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/65aiQUC via https://ift.tt/4k2e8CH
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paramanaturals001 · 2 years
Importance Of An Ayurvedic Oil Massage During Pregnancy - Why & How?
Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting phase in a woman's life. Looking forward to the new life blossoming within brings a natural smile and glow to the mom-to-be. 
But it's also a time when a woman may go through a lot of physical and emotional upheaval, and this often leads to stress and anxiety. As you look forward to the exciting roller-coaster ride called motherhood, it is necessary to prepare your body and mind accordingly. It is a well-known fact that a good diet is pivotal to prenatal care of a woman. Mild exercise like yoga takes care of your physical fitness while meditation, breathing exercises, positive self-affirmations and some 'Me-time' can help you stay emotionally balanced. Another traditional practice in Indian culture, recommended by Ayurveda, is an oil massage with a nurturing oil followed by a warm shower/bath. 
Benefits Of Oil Massage During Pregnancy
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Most of us are familiar with the custom of an elderly female member of the family or a dai/maushi coming in to give an oil massage to a woman who has just delivered and to the new-born baby in our families. It is quite a common practice in almost all parts of India. But did you know that oil massage during pregnancy is as important and beneficial? Ayurveda has a comprehensive section of Garbhini Paricharya or a regimen for pre-and ante-natal care which recommends the right kind of food, activities, behaviour and therapies for a woman who undergoes child birth. According to this Garbhini Parcharya, an oil massage during pregnancy is essential for not just physical but for mental and emotional well-being of a woman as well. A pre-natal oil massage has many benefits, some of which are listed below:
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: A head massage relaxes the body and mind, lowers cortisol levels, releases endorphins and thus reduces stress and anxiety.
Improves Sleep Quality and regulates mood swings: Massage therapy is known to improve sleep quality by increasing blood flow to the brain, which in turn increases serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate moods such as happiness, sadness, anger, and anxiety.
Strengthens Muscles: Pregnancy causes your muscles to change in many different ways to prepare you for childbirth. As the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby, your muscles become loose and less toned. This is a normal biological process that helps you deliver a baby safely. However, it can also make you feel tired or sore during this time. Prenatal massage helps strengthen and tone the muscles of a pregnant women which is also conducive to an easier and shorter labor.
Pain Relief: The abdominal muscles are responsible for supporting the uterus and other organs of the body. During pregnancy, these muscles become very tight and painful as they try to support the weight of the baby. An oil massage eases this tension and improves circulation thus giving relief from pain. The sudden increase in the body weight and change in posture adds stress and strain to the lower back and also makes the feet tired. A massage with a foetus-friendly natural pain support oil will help relieve lower back pain and soothe tired feet. 
Prevents and Minimizes Stretch marks caused due to pregnancy:  As your skin stretches along with your increasing abdomen, the collagen and elastin fibres present in the skin rupture, leaving behind white marks known as Striae Gravidarum or stretch marks. Massaging the abdomen, hips and thighs, which typically gain rapidly to bear the weight of the foetus, is important from the second trimester onwards. This helps to improve the skin elasticity, prevents the formation of stretch marks and reduces their intensity.
Helps with weight loss: During pregnancy, you will gain a lot of weight due to the growing baby inside you. This is good because it means more milk production for your baby. However, if you are not careful about what you eat, you can put on too much weight. Massage therapy helps burn calories and keep your metabolism up throughout pregnancy.
Prevents and relieves cramps: Massage can help relieve muscle spasms, and it also helps relax tense muscles. You need to focus only on the areas where you feel the most pain and massage the belly only lightly.  
Soothes itchy skin: The itching that occurs in pregnant mothers is a common problem. Hormonal changes cause irritation and dryness of the skin, and sometimes there are some other causes as well like a particular medication that your skin is allergic to. The best solution to this problem is an oil massage that will soothe your skin and keep it hydrated.
Improves Circulation and Prevents Swelling: A body massage not only helps promote circulation of blood throughout the body, especially the uterus, but also aids lymphatic drainage thus preventing build-up of toxins. This also prevents and corrects any swelling in the body, particularly the feet. 
Provides nourishment to the growing foetus: Improved blood circulation due to oil massage helps in providing oxygenated blood essential for its growth to the growing foetus. 
Balancing of doshas: According to Ayurveda, the Vata dosha needs to be kept in balance during pregnancy. A nutritious diet and a warm oil massage help balance Vata and maintain a relaxed and healthy pregnancy.
Prevents Hairfall: Stress, anxiety, certain medication and fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can all result in an undernourished scalp, brittle hair and hairfall. A head massage with a good Ayurvedic oil infused with natural and beneficial ingredients like  Amla, Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Hibiscus (Japa) etc. provide nutrition to the scalp and make hair stronger  
Choosing The Right Products
Choosing the right skin/body or hair care product is as important as the process of self-care itself. And even more so during pregnancy when anything that affects the mother is bound to affect the baby as well. 
Remember that the skin absorbs everything that you apply topically and, therefore, it is very important to avoid any harmful chemicals, especially during pregnancy. It is best to stick to natural and organic products that are safe as well as effective.
The Parama Naturals Turmeric-based oils are suitable for all types of skin, are hypoallergenic and are 100% pure and natural with zero additives in the form of fragrance, preservatives or any other chemicals whatsoever. These oils are replete with the goodness of Coconut, Almond and Sesame oils, Zingiber and Turmeric, the golden spice that has a zillion health benefits.
Coconut oil helps keep skin hydrated. It helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks by providing moisture for skin cells.
Almond oil contains oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and myristic acid which help in nourishing the skin and hair roots. It also improves the elasticity of the skin thus preventing stretch marks and pigmentation during pregnancy.
Sesame oil also known as Til ka tel is used in massages in many regions in India. It is considered to be good for controlling stress and blood pressure and it also has cooling properties.
Turmeric and Ginger are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and rich in antioxidants. They soothe and  protect the skin against any infections as well. The pleasant natural aroma of the Parama Natural oils provides an experience similar to aromatherapy. and has a calming effect.
How To Practice Oil Massage During Pregnancy
Always consult your doctor before starting with an oil massage routine during pregnancy. Under certain medical conditions like high blood pressure, varicose veins or a recent surgery etc., the doctor may not allow any massage and this advice should be strictly adhered to. Also, the first trimester is usually avoided as the foetus is still very young and delicate at this stage. When you do start your oil massage routine in the fourth month of pregnancy (with permission from your doctor, of course), keep the following things in mind:
If possible, consult an accomplished Ayurvedic practitioner for the correct way and the precautions to be taken before starting the massage routine.
Use an Ayurvedic massage oil made of natural and pure ingredients that are safe for you and the baby. We highly recommend Parama Naturals Moisturising Turmeric Face and Body OIl or Zingiber oil for a safe and effective pre-natal body massage.  These oils are the safest and best alternative to the chemical-laden stretch-marks creams available in the market. 
Find a comfortable position to lie while getting a massage but avoid lying flat on your back.
Use light, long, open-palmed strokes all over your arms, legs and back and circular strokes over the joints and your abdomen. Avoid a deep-tissue, hard or vigorous abhyanga or massage.
Focus on the breasts to prepare them for breast-feeding especially during the third trimester. 
Warm some oil and massage your scalp with your fingertips. You may leave it in as a serum or if you are going to follow up with a shampoo, oil your hair from roots to tips. 
Close your eyes, relax and unwind for 30 minutes while your skin soaks up the oil. 
if you feel discomfort or pain at any time, discontinue with the massage and consult your doctor immediately.
If you are hard-pressed for time. you may self-massage just 10-15 minutes before a warm shower and still get benefits of a ritualistic abhyanga.
If you have used oil to massage the soles of your feet, wipe them first with a towel dipped in warm water before proceeding for your bath, This will prevent you from slipping. 
Skincare With Parama Naturals During Pregnancy
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause serious skin concerns like acne and melasma or pigmentation for many women, especially during the first trimester. The so-called pregnancy glow is possible only with proper diet, hydration, mild exercise, remaining stress-free and of course, the right skin care.
Stay away from chemical-based skincare products and stick to natural and organic ones during pregnancy. Many chemicals like Retinoids and Isotretinoin, which are usually used for the treatment of skin issues like acne and pigmentation, are known to cause birth defects and are, therefore, discouraged by doctors. Hence, it is advisable to go for 100% natural, organic and effective skincare products like Parama Naturals. 
However lethargic you may feel, especially as you grow bigger, do not skip your regular Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine to keep your skin clean and healthy. In fact, Parama Naturals skin care products are formulated to be versatile and are perfect for quick skincare routines that can be followed anytime, anywhere. So, there is absolutely no excuse for you to neglect your skincare during pregnancy!
Use non-chemical natural cleansers or an organic, cold-processed soap like Parama Naturals Neem-Turmeric or Haldi Ubtan soaps to deep-cleanse your skin without drying it out. You could also use Parama Naturals Enriching Exfoliator scrub for mild exfoliation or as a face pack once a week. This will help unclog your skin pores and prevent hormonal acne caused during pregnancy. Check out the Parama Naturals range of Cleansers and Soaps here.
With powerful, !00% natural ingredients like Turmeric, Lavender and oils of Coconut, Almond and Sesame, Parama Naturals Turmeric / Lavender-Turmeric Face and Body oils are not only safe but also effective treatments for your sensitive skin during pregnancy. Use them daily as part of your CTM routine twice a day to keep your skin beautifully moisturized and glowing.
For prevention and treatment of acne and pigmentation, we recommend you also use Parama Naturals Turmeric Essential oil, which is rich in antioxidant-rich tumerones, as a toner. Use this as a spot treatment for your acne and for lightening pigmentation. You could also use a few drops of this essential oil while steaming your face once a week to unclog pores, soften your skin and to clear blemishes.  
Pregnancy makes your skin more sensitive and hence, more prone to sum burn as well. It is extremely important to use a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful radiations of the sun. Protective Turmeric in Parama Naturals' moisturizing oils provide natural, yet effective protection against the sun. The Enriching Exfoliator Scrub, when used as a haldi-ubtan pack, helps in de-tanning the skin naturally and gently. 
If you have been looking for the best oil for prevention and lightening of stretch marks caused due to pregnancy, look no further. Regular body massage with Parama Naturals' Moisturizing Turmeric Face and Body Oil during pregnancy prevents and minimizes stretch marks. 
Hair Care With Parama Naturals During Pregnancy
Massage your scalp with Parama Naturals' Nourishing Hair Oil for long, strong and healthy hair. Completely natural, this oil is fragrance-, SLS- Paraben-, Aluminium- and Zinc-free and is suitable for all hair types. Made of virgin, cold-pressed oils of Coconut and Sesame infused with Bhringraj, Brahmi, Hibiscus (Japa), Fenugreek (Methi) and Curry leaves, it can be used to nourish your hair and scalp as an oil or as a leave-in serum for deeper penetration.
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bestdieticianindia · 2 years
Top 10 Dietitians in Mumbai to keep you Fit and Healthy
Finding the right dietitian is a very important step in keeping yourself fit and healthy. The list below contains some of the top 10 dietitians in Mumbai, who will provide you with the best health tips and help you achieve your fitness goals.
Best health tips by dietitians
A good dietitian will help you lose weight in a healthy way and make sure that you don't feel deprived. A good dietitian will also teach you how to make smart food choices, so that your new lifestyle becomes sustainable and enjoyable.
Here are some of the basic principles of healthy eating:
Eat a variety of foods. It's     important to eat a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other     healthy foods. A balanced diet includes all the necessary vitamins and     minerals for optimal health.
Eat more fruits and     vegetables (preferably organic). It's essential to eat five servings of     fruits or vegetables each day! Studies have shown that people who eat     plenty of produce experience less disease than those who don't eat much at     all - so go ahead! Be generous with yourself when it comes to     fruit/vegetable intake each day - it'll do wonders for both physical AND     mental well-being :)
Dietitian Sheela Seharawat
Sheela Seharawat is a well-known dietitian in Mumbai. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, which she received from the University of Mumbai. She then went on to gain certification as a Nutritionist and Registered Dietician by completing courses that were conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS).
She further pursued her education to become an Accredited Practicing Dietitian, with additional studies at Columbia University in New York City. Her work experience includes working with NIMHANS where she served as Head of Nutrition Services for over 16 years until recently moving back to Mumbai after her husband was relocated here for his job.
Dietitian Naini Setalvad
Naini Setalvad is known for     her expertise in diabetes, obesity and hypertension. She has a degree in     nutrition and dietetics from the University of Mumbai. She is a registered     dietitian who has been practicing for more than 15 years.
Her mission is to make     people aware about the importance of healthy eating habits through     workshops, lectures and seminars conducted by her team of experts at     Naturopathy Health Club located at Wadala East Mumbai.
The club offers an array of services including diagnosis and treatment through naturopathy with special focus on geriatrics and women’s health issues like prenatals, infertility treatments etc., yoga classes for all ages (yoga therapy), naturopathy massages using various natural oils like almond oil infused with various herbs like hibiscus flower etc., ayurvedic massages using different herbs which are prepared freshly according to each patient’s needs; shirodhara
Dietitian Kavita Devgan
Kavita Devgan is a registered dietitian with a Master of Science degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. She also has a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy, a Diploma in Clinical Nutrition and a Certification in Food, Nutrition and Wellness.
She has done her food science research on the functional properties of native Indian spices such as turmeric, ginger and chilies to treat cancer patients. She has also worked with Dr Robert Lustig who has written several books on obesity.
Dietitian Mita Desai
Mita Desai has a degree in dietetics from the University of Mumbai and is a member of the Dietitians Association of India. She’s also the author of several books on nutrition and health, including “The Complete Book of Vegetarianism: How to Become and Stay Vegan,” “What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause: A Leading Surgeon Explains How to Stay Younger Longer”and “The Complete Book of Health & Wellness.
She has been featured in many magazines and newspapers as well as appearing on television shows such as "Aaj Ki Baat" (CNN-IBN), "Investors Chronicle," "Doordarshan News", "Khabar Yeh Meri Baatein" (DD News)
Dietitian  Ryan Fernando
Dr. Ryan Fernando is a nutritionist and dietitian in Mumbai, India. He is also a diabetes specialist and consultant. Ryan Fernando has extensive training in all aspects of nutrition, including weight management and weight loss programs, sports nutrition, diabetes management, dietary supplements and pharmacological therapy for obesity-related conditions such as hypertension or insulin resistance. He has a passion for helping people achieve their health and wellness goals. Dr. Fernando’s goal is to educate his clients about the importance of nutrition and lifestyle modifications in preventing or managing chronic diseases, such as diabetes and obesity. Ryan Fernando believes that when you eat well, exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle you can live a full healthy life!
Visit Us At Qua Nutrition
Contact Number: 9743430000
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Dietitian Rujuta Diwekar
Rujuta Diwekar is a dietitian and nutritionist who has been in the field for over two decades. She works with celebs, has authored several books and her blog is one of the most read ones around. With thousands of followers on social media and an active YouTube channel, she’s quite well-known these days. Her TV appearances have only helped her popularity grow further.
Dietitian Siddhant Bhargava
Siddhant Bhargava is a dietitian who has been practicing in Mumbai for over seven years. He specializes in treating obesity and diabetes through diet, exercise, and medication. Dr. Bhargava has also assisted several celebrities on their weight loss journeys, including Kunal Kemmu, who recently appeared on “Bigg Boss” Season 12 as a contestant.
Dr. Bhargava offers both one-on-one sessions with individuals or groups of people via Skype if you're living outside Mumbai. The cost of an individual session is Rs 3200 (or about $46 USD) for 60 minutes; group sessions are priced at Rs 1000 per person per hour (or about $14 USD). You can contact him by emailing [email protected] or calling +91 98199 23888
Dietitian Kshama Gupta
Kshama Gupta is a dietitian, nutritionist and author. She has written several articles on nutrition and health in various publications like the Times of India, Mumbai Mirror and more. She has also worked with celebrities including Priyanka Chopra, Karisma Kapoor and Juhi Chawla to help them lose weight by following a healthy diet plan.
She is the author of The Low FODMAP Diet which has gained popularity all over India since it was first published in 2012.
Dietitian Asha Thorat
Asha Thorat is a dietitian, nutritionist and author who has been practicing for over 20 years. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University Of Mumbai, India.
Asha has worked with the state government’s health department where she trained medical professionals to manage epidemics like dengue fever and chikungunya virus outbreak. She was also a member of the task force on cancer prevention and control formed by Indian Council Of Medical Research (ICMR).
Asha has provided training sessions on various topics related to obesity management, diabetes prevention, lifestyle modification etc., at national conferences held across India such as ‘National Conference On Obesity Management’ organized by Indian Association Of Preventive & Social Medicine (IAPSM) at Mumbai; ‘2nd International Conference On Health & Lifestyle’ organized by Dr NTR University Of Health Sciences Hyderabad; ‘9th Indian Conference On Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism’ organized by National Institute For Research In Tuberculosis New Delhi etc.
Dietitian Niyati Likhite
Niyati Likhite is a dietitian and nutritionist in Mumbai. She has been practicing as a consultant dietitian at the Fortis Hospital in Mulund since 2017. Niyati’s expertise lies in weight loss and weight management, but she also has experience working with patients who suffer from diabetes or hypertension. A member of both the Indian Dietetic Association (IDA) and the Nutrition Society of India (NSI), Niyati has attended several courses at leading universities across India and abroad to further her education in this field.
Make sure to research dietitians before trusting them.
If you’re looking for a dietitian, make sure to research their credentials before trusting them. Don’t trust anyone blindly, no matter how qualified they seem to be or how much experience they claim to have.
Always do your own research and follow up with other sources (and beware of fake reviews). Don’t trust any single source of information as gospel truth—even if it comes from a reputable source! Instead, read multiple articles from different magazines and websites that feature reviews on dietitians in your area. Check out their Yelp page too; sometimes patients will leave honest reviews there about their experience with that particular healthcare professional.
Lastly but most importantly: don't let someone tell you what foods are healthy for you without giving you reasons why those foods might be bad for your body. It's important to remember why certain foods work well together so that we can make informed decisions about our diets without having someone else tell us what's right or wrong!
You can find best dietician in mumbai who will help you lose weight, but the most important thing is to research them before trusting them. Make sure they have a lot of experience with their work and are qualified enough to help you.
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yogpura · 2 years
At yogpura, we offer the best ayurvedic products in India that are made with natural ingredients. Buy Organic & Herbal Products Online at Lowest Price in India.
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mindwavemedia · 3 years
How social activation worked for Dabur in UP & Bihar
Mindwave Media launched two activation campaigns for Dabur India brands in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar during the Covid-19 phase, which effectively combined social cause with brand visibility. Here’s a look.
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Mumbai-based integrated digital marketing agency Mindwave Media organised two purpose-driven campaigns in the midst of the pandemic for two brands from the Dabur India stables in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar respectively. By combining social cause with brand activation, the campaign helped the brand strike the right chord and resonate better with the audience.
Dabur India has always been a health centric brand and for the first campaign, Mindwave conceptualised and executed a purpose-driven health awareness campaign, ‘Ashokarishta - Rakhe Khayal Apna Bhi’ for Ashakorishta, a health tonic for women manufactured by Dabur India.
The whole campaign stemmed from the observation that women never prioritise their health and that there was a huge gap in male vs female vaccination ratio. Dabur organized free health camps in 100 Pink Police Stations across Lucknow, Gorakhpur, Allahabad and Varanasi, where renowned Gynaecologists from the city advised the Pink Brigade team on various health issues related to women. The campaign touched more than 50,000 women and the activation idea was a small step towards bridging the gap of vaccination ratio.
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Says Rajat Mathur, AGM, Consumer Marketing and Innovation of Dabur India, talking  about it, “We thank Mindwave Media to support this noble cause. Dabur is committed to its motto of ‘Being dedicated to the Health and Well-Being of every household’ and this initiative has enhanced our mission. Through our ‘Rakhe Khayal Apna Bhi’ campaign, we are seeking to boost the health of women who selflessly serve their family and the society.”
“Our concept of the campaign was designed keeping the Covid-19 situation at the centre. Experiential marketing is a great way to hit the right chord, but an activation in the face of good deed makes a lot more difference to the brand image and most importantly, the society,” says Rajesh Radhakrishnan, Director - Sales and Marketing, Mindwave Media.
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The second campaign all about honouring the role played by ambulance drivers. Dabur Rheumatil Oil in association with Mindwave Media took a step forward to thank the ambulance drivers of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, who were serving the public during the dark phase of second wave. The campaign was named  "Rheumatil Ke Saath Har Pal Taiyaar Hum".
The campaign involved collaborating with Dial 108 and Dial 102 to get free foot massages on makeshift stages to those ambulance drivers in 10 Government Hospitals in the severely impacted cities of Meerut, Lucknow, Kanpur, Agra, Prayagraj, Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna, Muzzafarpur and Purnia. The campaign was conducted in the campus of the hospitals, touching the hearts of around 50 drivers.
Dr. Durga Prasad , Marketing Head-Ethicals, Dabur India Ltd, says, sharing his views on the campaign, “First of all on behalf of Dabur Family, we would like to thank the Ambulance Drivers for their 24/7 services for us. In spite of several problems, they leave no stone unturned to bring the patients at the hospitals on time. Apart from the emotional pain of looking at people losing their loved once, they also go through immense physical pain in the legs, ankles, joints and back. Keeping this in mind and to honour the Ambulance Drivers for their dedicated service for us, we have launched ‘Rheumatil Ke Saath Har Pal Taiyaar Hum’ campaign to provide free Massage to Ambulance Drivers.”
“Combining activations and noble deeds turns the tables for promotion. After all, an excellent marketing tactic is that you don’t let your audience know that it is marketing,” sums up Rajesh Radhakrishnan.
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maryrichard251023 · 9 months
Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall & Dandruff - Best Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss
Find Best Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall & Dandruff from SCHIER.
An ideal blend of homoeopathic and natural components that not only cleanses and strengthens the scalp as well as the hair, but also addresses diseases such as dry scalp, loss of hair, textured of the hair, and greying prematurely of the hair.
Let’s combine it up with our newly designed revolutionary product, SCHIER Best Homeopathic revitalizing Hair Oil for Hair Loss Control & Hair Growth, for more effective benefits.
Ingredients of Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall:
It Contains Lauryl Glucoside, Lauryl Sarcosinate, CAPB, CDEA, PQ -7, Sorbithix L100, Euxyl k120, Aloe Powder, EDTA, Silicone, Jaborandi, Arnica Montana, Thuja Occidentalis, Calendula Officinalis, Cantharis, Lycopodium Clavatum, Psoralia Corylifolia, Sulphur, Allium Cepa, Fragrance Blue Freeze and Water
Nowadays, many people are bothered by itchy scalp and hair loss. However, with the correct shampoo/conditioner, such as this Homoeopathic Hair Shampoo & Conditioner for Hair Fall & Dandruff Control, you may obtain a more nutritious scalp and thicker hair. Schier moisturising shampoo is the greatest hair treatment product for both female and male in India.
In order to properly avoid dandruff as well as hair loss, Use these guidelines to get the best effects from homoeopathic conditioning shampoo. You can use shampoo for problems such as tangles in the hair, rough hair, and waves in hair, curly hair, dry scalp, thin hair, greying hair, oily hair, greasy hair, and many more.
Direction to use Homeopathic Shampoo for Dandruff:
Get water into your hair prior to using shampoo.
Massage the cleanser into your head with the tips of your fingers, concentrating on the base of the hair.
Allow the shampoo to sit for the prescribed amount of time before completely washing it off.
Rinse with cool water to prevent stripping your head of its natural oils.
For the most effective results, use the herbal conditioner shampoo as suggested on a regular basis.
Homoeopathic Shampoo for Hair Fall is an excellent option for individuals seeking natural hair care treatments. Natural Homeopathic Anti-Dandruff Shampoo is formulated with organic ingredients that nourish the hair and scalp, restoring, balancing and healthiness.
Homoeopathic shampoos for Dandruff are extremely efficient in treating dandruff, particularly when sticking secretions are present. Organic cleanser not only cures dandruff but also supports healthy hair, lowering the possibility of reappearance. On a regular basis, it also controls irritation and flaking.
The Advantages of Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss:
It is not contaminated with harmful substances that might destroy peoples scalp's oil content from hair, which causes extreme dehydration and injury.
Provides scalp hygiene by treating the root causes of dandruff and Hair Fall.
Strengthen the area around the scalp, minimize damage, and prevent additional loss of hair.
Improve the health of the scalp by nourishing the hair roots and scalp.
It is suitable for all kinds of hair and has no negative outcomes.
An herbal and mild cure to loss of hair is the best homoeopathic hair loss shampoo. Homoeopathy hair growth shampoo is both trustworthy and efficient in terms of lowering hair loss and increasing the development of hair. Furthermore, homoeopathic shampoo for hair loss contains no harmful substances, sulphur compounds, or Paraben.
There should be some precautions you should take before purchase or before use it. You Must Read the label carefully before use, like date of packaging, date of expiry, price, weight etc. Keep out of the reach of children because it is harmful for kids the can swallow it easily or causes of eye irritation and Store in a cool and dry place.
Dandruff is one of among the most frequent scalp problems. The condition is an overgrowth of skin cells that have died on the head. It is not communicable, yet it is a dangerous disorder. It can be treated with sanitary measures, either internal or external medications, or both. The dead skin builds up as white flakes in the hair, causing irritation.
Our goal is to provide homoeopathic hair loss/Dandruff treatment to a large number of patients who suffer from a wide range of hair issues or hair fall problems and accomplish excellence in helping patients via the use of standard homoeopathy Shampoo.
The best homoeopathic hair shampoo is an excellent choice if you are seeking for an alternative to experiencing hair loss or just need an affordable yet powerful shampoo. SCHIER’s Homeopathic Shampoo for Hair Loss is a amazing combine of natural ingredients designed to soothe and nourish your hair development.
You will find here a Best Homeopathic Hair Shampoo & Conditioner for Dandruff & Hair Fall Control...
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Chapter 4. The Boutique Robillard, my GWTW fanfiction
Atlanta, May 1876
Scarlett stood on the pavement, checking the wrought-iron sign that had just been installed above the freshly painted storefront. "The Boutique Robillard", a simple name, a French touch, easy for the customer to remember. She had set her sights on this building, whose vast spaces had just been vacated. With its large display windows, ist Corinthian columns separating the exhibition areas, and four small private fitting rooms, the shop was reminiscent of the splendour of a plantation reception hall of the past. The lighting was provided by beautiful gilt bronze wall lights with cut crystal tulips. Three large, finely chiselled bronze and brass arms with gas spouts hidden under crystal cups, surrounded an impressive white milk glass lampshade. They enlightened the cream burlap-covered walls and made the flamed mahogany veneer of the shop furniture glisten. Elegance and femininity, that's the atmosphere Scarlett wanted to create in her new business. Clearly, the gamble paid off. "Mrs O'Hara, could you tell me where the fans should be placed?  "Emma Whising interrupted Scarlett in her contemplation. This dynamic young widow was delighted to have been hired. Another saleswoman, a seamstress, a retoucher and a delivery man completed the staff brigade. "The three glass cabinets are for fashion accessories. Place fans, umbrellas and parasols in the first cabinet. Highlight silk gloves and mittens. Hair accessories, brushes, silver combs, hairpins should also be displayed there. Devote an entire display case to leather purses, pearl reticules, and embroidered ball pouches. The largest glass cabinet is for hats, bonnets and capelines." Scarlett sighed with contentment. What a rebirth in her life since that fateful day in November 1873! She had decided to stop dwelling on the past. A few minutes of introspection would be enough for her to sweep away almost three years.     First the shock of the divorce. The clean and frank break with Rhett, the love of her life, well, of her old life. It is true that he had greatly facilitated her task to turn the page: by crudely mocking her physical appearance deteriorated by lack of appetite, alcohol abuse and the absence of her husband, Rhett had brilliantly succeeded in making her feel ashamed. She, Scarlett O'Hara, had become uglier than the least of the whores, he had made her understand. "What the hell !" The affront had to be addressed. Solange Robillard's little girl was going to straighten her head, and quickly!     The day after Rhett left, she ordered Dilcey to throw out all the liquor bottles in the house, the wine cellar and the kitchen. A strict schedule of meal times in the dining room with her children was put in place. Breakfasts, lunches and dinners were calibrated to ensure balanced meals with fresh vegetables and fruits. As in Tara during the war, there was no question of leaving the table before finishing one's plate. This had always been the rule for Ella and Wade. To the surprise of her children, this was now also the rule for their mother.
Thanks to this diet cooking, her graceful curves started to be restored and her figure slowly sculpted. To gain back her skin's elasticity, Scarlett took a daily walk with her children. Ella Lorena was reluctant the first few days, not being used to long walks. But soon the outing was a time of discovery, play and laughter. The O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy family was coming back to life. The two children's faces were slightly tanned by the sun. Scarlett took care to bring an umbrella to preserve her pearly complexion. Her cheeks were flushed with physical exertion and fresh air.     How sweet it was to take care of one's body again! The relaxing scented baths were followed by the application of regenerating creams and ointments. The texture of her skin became softer and smoother. The beautiful hair that Rhett used to like to wrap around his neck at night at the beginning of their marriage had become dull, the tips brittle. It took Prissy's careful handling to untangle the long tresses and massage them with castor oil. Her nails were treated in the same way to strengthen them. The physical discipline she had been practising for many months was eventually rewarded when, on a sunny morning, Scarlett gazed at her reflection in the large mirror in her bedroom. The young woman in front of her radiated health and beauty. Her first battle was won!
"Mrs O'Hara, should I sort the clothes by colour or size? "Emma asked. "Choose one of each item from the display shelves. You will carefully arrange the other sizes inside the drawers of the counters. Above all, don't forget to protect each piece with tissue paper. » Emma set about her task, marvelling at the quality of the interior design of the furniture, which was covered in bird's eye maple veneer. The rich purple hues of the sideboards and wardrobes contrasted beautifully with the golden sheen of the wood inside. At first glance, the clientele was assured of the presence of luxury in every detail. Scarlett resumed her rambling. Her biggest battle, of course, had been to fight the infamy of divorce. News of the Butler couple's scandalous separation had spread like wildfire through the good society of Atlanta and the surrounding counties. How could they not be offended? It was the first divorce to occur in this Georgia city. Two camps were facing each other: the ladies of the Sewing Circle - headed by Mrs Merriweather, Mrs Meade and Mrs India Wilkes - had welcomed Captain Butler's decision. „The good man had loved his little Bonnie so much! For years he had endured his wife's disgusting attitude towards Ashley Wilkes without flinching.“  "Serves her right," said Mrs. Easling. "This will bring the arrogant, pretentious Scarlett down from her pedestal. » These well-born ladies agreed that, sadly, her offspring could no longer be invited to their grandchildren's parties and birthdays. "It's a shame about poor Wade Hampton Hamilton and Elena Lorena Kennedy, but it's all about the goodwill of our society. » Yet a minority had sided with Scarlett O'Hara Hamilton Kennedy. How could such a boor as Butler dare to abandon his wife and children? All of Atlanta knew of this vermin's degrading association with Belle Watling, the most notorious brothel keeper in the state of Georgia. If Ellen and Gerald O'Hara had been alive, they would never have accepted the misalliance of a Robillard with a banished man from his native Charleston. The first to be scandalised by the news was, of course, Scarlett's solicitor who had to deal with the formalities of the divorce. Henry Hamilton, Wade Hampton's great uncle, was incensed that this Scalawag could jeopardise the future of Charles Hamilton's heir by damaging his mother's reputation. A divorcee's son! How was this brave little boy going to endure the offence? "Butler gone? Good riddance! "Ashley Wilkes was the first to think so, and to say so loudly. He had taken the time to analyse his cowardly behaviour when India had created the scandal on his birthday. Instead of defending Scarlett and assuring everyone that nothing had happened between them two at the sawmill, he had taken refuge, as usual, behind the fragile figure of his wife. Melanie had proudly protected her dear sister until her last breath. Since the war, Scarlett had bravely helped the Wilkes family. When his beloved Melly died, she took charge, as she had in the past. She organized a funeral worthy of the greatest lady Atlanta had ever known. Today, it was up to him to protect 'his' delightful Scarlett who had had the misfortune to meet this sad sire at Twelve Oaks. Scarlett, so full of passion, whom this Butler had broken. Ashley's support warmed his childhood friend's heart. She had been delighted to find that he had defended her against her sister India at a meeting of the ladies of the sewing room in his house. "This is my home, India. In my presence and under my roof, I forbid anyone to criticise the sister my Melly loved so deeply. "His unexpected tirade and determined tone had stunned those present at the meeting. His words were widely reported among their friends and acquaintances. What had hurt the former Mrs Butler most was the disastrous impact of the divorce on Wade and Ella.  „Divorce". It was a word Wade had already heard spoken in hushed tones around him, like a threat hanging over Peachtree Street. More than once, the young boy had had to raise his voice at a classmate who had made fun of his mother. He had even come to blows, much to Scarlett's dismay. For Ella Lorena, the word 'divorce' meant nothing. She just noticed that her friends Bridget and Karen had not invited her to their birthday parties. Above all, they missed Uncle Rhett. He had always told them that he considered them his children. Finally, he had abandoned them, without any explanation, simply by bringing them presents in November. As if the two children were no more valuable than two packages. This drama brought the mother and the two children together. A valve had fallen off. The little girl with the red curls was no longer afraid to tell her mother about her daily activities and games, without her mother scolding her for being too noisy. As for Wade, he tried to anticipate his mother's every wish. He would bring her a glass of water before she asked for it. He would carry her parasol when she didn't need it in the street. And above all, he would hug her tenderly. In gratitude, his mother would stroke his hair gently, sometimes slipping a kiss in. Yes, the divorce was finally good for their family. For her children's sake, and because Scarlett O'Hara had never given up in the face of adversity, she put all her newfound energy into her "redemption" with the Old Guard. Oh, how hard it has been! The Merriweather ladies and other paragons of virtue blocked her first gestures of peace. Scarlett pretended not to notice. Remembering her past experience in Bonnie's time, she was aware that her money would not be enough to secure their good graces. She volunteered to buy and transport the raw materials needed to distribute meals to the needy affected by the financial collapse of 1873 which was beginning to distress the middle classes. She made a point of sharing the Old Guard Ladies’ long embroidery sessions to supply the charity stall at Christmas. Magically, some debts pending at Kennedy's shop disappeared from the shelves, 'through accounting errors'. At other times, prices of items coveted by the ladies were abruptly lowered, 'due to end of stock'. This was never openly mentioned.
Scarlett's good deeds combined with an apparent less stormy behavor slowly began to bear fruit. Until one day, a blue hand-decorated cardboard card invited Ella Lorena Kennedy to share the Merriweather grandson's birthday cake. The child was overjoyed. Her mother had tears in her eyes. Her biggest battle was won!
With a clearing of her throat, Emma allowed herself to interrupt her boss's reverie once again. "Peter arranged the rolls of fabric on the scroll racks. He placed the most precious silk textures high up to protect them from soiling. He did well, didn't he? On the other hand, I arranged the lace rolls, ribbons, buttons and thread spools in the beautiful haberdashery cabinet, as you asked me to. I love its little drawers with glass knobs!" Scarlett smiled at the enthusiasm of her young saleswoman. "Let's hope that she will show the same smiling look to the most reluctant customers!" said the new owner of "The Boutique Robillard". She had been dreaming about this shop for three months. When her body regained its beauty, when her reputation was restored, she finally took the time to think about her future. How could she continue to live without passion? Her bank account was now well filled. Thanks to the terms of the divorce settlement. As soon as the funds were transferred from Charleston, she opened two savings accounts for Wade and Ella. This would come in handy when they decided to embark on life's adventure. „"Uncle Rhett," who always boasted that he considered my children his own, will ultimately leave only a trace in Ella and Wade's lives, dollars to make them forget his abandonment." With her children's financial security assured, she could now move on from the Kennedy shop. It no longer gave her any excitement. Hugh Easling bought it. After many years, and thanks to the constant supervision of his boss Mrs Butler, he had finally learned to manage it properly. To please the Old Guard, she gave him her "first child" with easy payment terms. The land belonging to her first husband Charles Hamilton, including the houses she had built, was also sold at a comfortable price for Scarlett. She also sold the second sawmill. Her first sawmill, Ashley now owned it. It had hurt so much that she had given it up on Rhett's advice. It was her baby, the one that had allowed her to support her family. How long would it take Ashley to destroy what she had worked so hard to build? Poor Ashley, she would always have to be a protective and discreet support. She had promised Melly that. As for Beau, a third savings account was already reserved for him. Scarlett was amused that Rhett would finally contribute to the cost of raising his former rival's son. This money would be managed by Ashley, providing Melly's child with all the comforts a member of Southern society had a right to expect - a pony, Melly had made him promise on his deathbed - payment for his education, his future Grand Tour in Europe. Melly, from Heaven where she was watching her together with her dear Bonnie, could be satisfied. "Of course, theoretically I would not need to work anymore. But will I become a matron devoted to her good works? What a horror! I have to find a new passion that makes me want to fight every morning. » ********************** Fate was waiting for her in Savannah. Savannah, February 1876 In February 1876, she made an emergency visit to her mother's hometown upon learning of the sudden death of her grandfather Robillard. The same man who had broken young Ellen's heart by preventing her from marrying her cousin and only love Philip. Scarlett had no reason to mourn the death of the cantankerous old man who had refused to help her financially during the war, when they were struggling not to starve in Tara. She had visited him several times, accompanied by two of her children - not Bonnie, Rhett wouldn't have wanted her to deprive her of his father, even if only for a week. The meetings between the French aristocrat and the Franco-Irish descendant were... interesting. Two beasts gauging their strengths: Pierre Robillard, full of himself, a master of pithy phrases, scornful of those around him, and amusing himself by persecuting the two daughters he had left, Aunts Eulalie and Pauline. Opposite him was his granddaughter, Scarlett, the eldest daughter of his beloved child, Ellen. Ellen who had betrayed him by marrying an Irish peasant. Indomitable and fierce Scarlett, whose beauty and temperament reminded him with a twinge of his only love, his wife Solange Robillard. After several explosive confrontations, Scarlett had become convinced that her grandfather hated her. In a final "thumbing of the nose", he ended up leaving her his entire fortune - an opulent one - simply by giving his two daughters a comfortable monthly pension that would protect them until their death. This was fair, because until now it had been Scarlett who had supported her ungrateful aunts, even during the war, while she had struggled to keep everyone in Tara alive. Family had always been sacred to this Irish descendant. Pierre Robillard rewarded her for this. This unexpected generosity allowed her to reject Rhett's money out of hand. Her departing husband had carelessly boasted that he would 'generously' give her a pension for five years to thank her for getting rid of her. As soon as the Robillard estate was settled, Scarlett informed Rhett Butler's solicitor of her decision to refuse the pension. The money that had already been paid since the day of the divorce was returned to him in full. "Free, I am free, Rhett, and I don't need you!" The last link between the two former friends - spouses - lovers - was definitely cut.         On the last day of her stay in Savannah, she treated herself to a visit to the city's fine shops. The coquettish Scarlett suddenly stopped in front of an ocher painted antebellum shop, with the sign  "La Mode Duncan". In the display windows, wooden mannequins wore the prettiest dresses the elegant Atlanta woman had ever seen. She pushed open the sandblasted glass door, engraved with the sign "Duncan Vayton". The manager of the establishment greeted the beautiful young lady with respect, quickly understanding that she was not going to be satisfied with buying a single item. He explained that the owner was a young fashion designer based in Paris, Rue de la Paix. Back in his native South, he had decided to give the Ladies of Savannah the benefit of his best creations. "I am a business owner myself, back home in Atlanta. I have a hunch that the rich people of Atlanta would quickly fall in love with such quality clothing. Would it be possible for me to meet with your landlord to discuss my project? » "With great pleasure, Ms. O'Hara. Mr. Duncan Vayton will be delighted to meet you. » That day Scarlett knew that, eventually, she had found her new 'baby' - a fashion shop. It also marked the beginning of a the relationship between two enthusiasts, Scarlett O'Hara and Duncan Vayton.
"Yes, it has taken courage to get through the past 31 months. There have been many shocks, disappointments, pain and tears too. « I, Scarlett, had to show humility - Rhett would have laughed about it, in another time - courage and resilience. But it was worth it. Almost three years later, I have survived. Rhett, you didn't get me down! Scarlett O'Hara is up and ready to fight! »
#GWTW fanfiction, #GWTW, #Gone with the Wind, #romance, #Savannah, #Scarlett O'Hara, #Atlanta, #roman historique, #écriture, #littérature
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Eating by the Ayurveda s testaments.
 This Indian medical practise are 50000 years, and words means life knowledge or long life.
And by Ayurveda in human not sick individual taking organ or body part, disease is harmony destroy, mental, physical, and soul, and all of these are not proved.
Ayurveda says, that remote for managing of our body lies in our condition, and in right his using we are  containing  our organism in right, not allowing diseases entering. If we are of stress attacking or bad habits, thus poisoning are harmful substances, slags and toxins.And on this case Ayurveda formed a system for cleaning and in list of which a miracle massage, aromatic therapy and flower curing.
A wisdom Hindus using are herbs and minerals, but Ayurveda is a not grandma s recipes, and today in India her studying in 2000 university in which of having an own Clinique.
A body for human is a whole, and her importance principle cure for human, not a body, thus an importance Ayurveda methods are rejuvenation, as preventing methods against troubles, for which ageing using. A modern word Psychosomatic  came out  from Ayurveda .
All what is worries , is finding in our head as calm an own mind  and you are fighting lots of diseases. And calming minds with Ayurveda are with different drinks, massages and diets. And one importance rules here ,that meal is must be your remedy, and Hippocrates also shares.
And by the Ayurveda in right meal and normal function digestion  in  organism not filling slags.But who is from us having right meal? And everybody having sins to fried meal, sweet or fast food , and not often you are not eat favourite meal, when a need eat salad of celery , nuts, carrot. Thus  our organism filled with slags, as winter is more, when we are needing in hard, calorie meal, that to warm on cold. But when with a spring need to begin clean your body, as on ideal use Ayurveda course from 3-7 days, doctors are prescribing special diet and especial oil ghee ,that helping toxic slags and special massage alternating with warm baths and sauna.And very good here if you're doing easy exercises and walk and to meditate, thus you will see a how mood change, you  want to live, love and  blossom.
And importance in Ayurveda diet are meal s methods on a same time, who not having or not enjoying breakfast are destroying rhythm  for life. And these are stresses reasons, nervousness, not balanced, and importance eat breakfast, add habit to do it, a son small portions, puree carrot or apple as baked, drink on a morning vegetable or fruit juice as warmer slightly, second breakfast is on noon with cereals as buckwheat porridge.
A potato by Ayurveda is hard meal, not eat it, starch are bad absorbing by organism, not mix milk products with citric, and milk products with proteins, not warm honey, he is staying poison, so as hot milk with honey, as popular cold, Ayurveda calls it dead poison. For improving metabolism add spices in meal. A try rare eat fried, salted, sweet meal, they are poisoning for human. Eating cheese, banana and curd not good. A most benefit meal here are bean, rice, soups , salads of vegetables and green, apples, grape.
Avoid eat in bad mood, thus eating negative emotions with meal. Rest between eating time are three hours. Ending eating avoid faster to work, keep calm to sit for table are 5-10 min. Avoiding eating yesterday dishes, meal is needing fresh and right cooked.Any  dish warm to eat, better eat products from a refrigerator.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/gfWHTtZ via https://ift.tt/B73TVhl
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paramanaturals001 · 2 years
Importance Of An Ayurvedic Oil Massage During Pregnancy - Why & How?
Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting phase in a woman's life. Looking forward to the new life blossoming within brings a natural smile and glow to the mom-to-be. 
But it's also a time when a woman may go through a lot of physical and emotional upheaval, and this often leads to stress and anxiety. As you look forward to the exciting roller-coaster ride called motherhood, it is necessary to prepare your body and mind accordingly. It is a well-known fact that a good diet is pivotal to prenatal care of a woman. Mild exercise like yoga takes care of your physical fitness while meditation, breathing exercises, positive self-affirmations and some 'Me-time' can help you stay emotionally balanced. Another traditional practice in Indian culture, recommended by Ayurveda, is an oil massage with a nurturing oil followed by a warm shower/bath. 
Benefits Of Oil Massage During Pregnancy
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Most of us are familiar with the custom of an elderly female member of the family or a dai/maushi coming in to give an oil massage to a woman who has just delivered and to the new-born baby in our families. It is quite a common practice in almost all parts of India. But did you know that oil massage during pregnancy is as important and beneficial? Ayurveda has a comprehensive section of Garbhini Paricharya or a regimen for pre-and ante-natal care which recommends the right kind of food, activities, behaviour and therapies for a woman who undergoes child birth. According to this Garbhini Parcharya, an oil massage during pregnancy is essential for not just physical but for mental and emotional well-being of a woman as well. A pre-natal oil massage has many benefits, some of which are listed below:
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: A head massage relaxes the body and mind, lowers cortisol levels, releases endorphins and thus reduces stress and anxiety.
Improves Sleep Quality and regulates mood swings: Massage therapy is known to improve sleep quality by increasing blood flow to the brain, which in turn increases serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate moods such as happiness, sadness, anger, and anxiety.
Strengthens Muscles: Pregnancy causes your muscles to change in many different ways to prepare you for childbirth. As the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby, your muscles become loose and less toned. This is a normal biological process that helps you deliver a baby safely. However, it can also make you feel tired or sore during this time. Prenatal massage helps strengthen and tone the muscles of a pregnant women which is also conducive to an easier and shorter labor.
Pain Relief: The abdominal muscles are responsible for supporting the uterus and other organs of the body. During pregnancy, these muscles become very tight and painful as they try to support the weight of the baby. An oil massage eases this tension and improves circulation thus giving relief from pain. The sudden increase in the body weight and change in posture adds stress and strain to the lower back and also makes the feet tired. A massage with a foetus-friendly natural pain support oil will help relieve lower back pain and soothe tired feet. 
Prevents and Minimizes Stretch marks caused due to pregnancy:  As your skin stretches along with your increasing abdomen, the collagen and elastin fibres present in the skin rupture, leaving behind white marks known as Striae Gravidarum or stretch marks. Massaging the abdomen, hips and thighs, which typically gain rapidly to bear the weight of the foetus, is important from the second trimester onwards. This helps to improve the skin elasticity, prevents the formation of stretch marks and reduces their intensity.
Helps with weight loss: During pregnancy, you will gain a lot of weight due to the growing baby inside you. This is good because it means more milk production for your baby. However, if you are not careful about what you eat, you can put on too much weight. Massage therapy helps burn calories and keep your metabolism up throughout pregnancy.
Prevents and relieves cramps: Massage can help relieve muscle spasms, and it also helps relax tense muscles. You need to focus only on the areas where you feel the most pain and massage the belly only lightly.  
Soothes itchy skin: The itching that occurs in pregnant mothers is a common problem. Hormonal changes cause irritation and dryness of the skin, and sometimes there are some other causes as well like a particular medication that your skin is allergic to. The best solution to this problem is an oil massage that will soothe your skin and keep it hydrated.
Improves Circulation and Prevents Swelling: A body massage not only helps promote circulation of blood throughout the body, especially the uterus, but also aids lymphatic drainage thus preventing build-up of toxins. This also prevents and corrects any swelling in the body, particularly the feet. 
Provides nourishment to the growing foetus: Improved blood circulation due to oil massage helps in providing oxygenated blood essential for its growth to the growing foetus. 
Balancing of doshas: According to Ayurveda, the Vata dosha needs to be kept in balance during pregnancy. A nutritious diet and a warm oil massage help balance Vata and maintain a relaxed and healthy pregnancy.
Prevents Hairfall: Stress, anxiety, certain medication and fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can all result in an undernourished scalp, brittle hair and hairfall. A head massage with a good Ayurvedic oil infused with natural and beneficial ingredients like  Amla, Brahmi, Bhringaraj, Hibiscus (Japa) etc. provide nutrition to the scalp and make hair stronger  
Choosing The Right Products
Choosing the right skin/body or hair care product is as important as the process of self-care itself. And even more so during pregnancy when anything that affects the mother is bound to affect the baby as well. 
Remember that the skin absorbs everything that you apply topically and, therefore, it is very important to avoid any harmful chemicals, especially during pregnancy. It is best to stick to natural and organic products that are safe as well as effective.
The Parama Naturals Turmeric-based oils are suitable for all types of skin, are hypoallergenic and are 100% pure and natural with zero additives in the form of fragrance, preservatives or any other chemicals whatsoever. These oils are replete with the goodness of Coconut, Almond and Sesame oils, Zingiber and Turmeric, the golden spice that has a zillion health benefits.
Coconut oil helps keep skin hydrated. It helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks by providing moisture for skin cells.
Almond oil contains oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and myristic acid which help in nourishing the skin and hair roots. It also improves the elasticity of the skin thus preventing stretch marks and pigmentation during pregnancy.
Sesame oil also known as Til ka tel is used in massages in many regions in India. It is considered to be good for controlling stress and blood pressure and it also has cooling properties.
Turmeric and Ginger are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and rich in antioxidants. They soothe and  protect the skin against any infections as well. The pleasant natural aroma of the Parama Natural oils provides an experience similar to aromatherapy. and has a calming effect.
How To Practice Oil Massage During Pregnancy
Always consult your doctor before starting with an oil massage routine during pregnancy. Under certain medical conditions like high blood pressure, varicose veins or a recent surgery etc., the doctor may not allow any massage and this advice should be strictly adhered to. Also, the first trimester is usually avoided as the foetus is still very young and delicate at this stage. When you do start your oil massage routine in the fourth month of pregnancy (with permission from your doctor, of course), keep the following things in mind:
If possible, consult an accomplished Ayurvedic practitioner for the correct way and the precautions to be taken before starting the massage routine.
Use an Ayurvedic massage oil made of natural and pure ingredients that are safe for you and the baby. We highly recommend Parama Naturals Moisturising Turmeric Face and Body OIl or Zingiber oil for a safe and effective pre-natal body massage.  These oils are the safest and best alternative to the chemical-laden stretch-marks creams available in the market. 
Find a comfortable position to lie while getting a massage but avoid lying flat on your back.
Use light, long, open-palmed strokes all over your arms, legs and back and circular strokes over the joints and your abdomen. Avoid a deep-tissue, hard or vigorous abhyanga or massage.
Focus on the breasts to prepare them for breast-feeding especially during the third trimester. 
Warm some oil and massage your scalp with your fingertips. You may leave it in as a serum or if you are going to follow up with a shampoo, oil your hair from roots to tips. 
Close your eyes, relax and unwind for 30 minutes while your skin soaks up the oil. 
if you feel discomfort or pain at any time, discontinue with the massage and consult your doctor immediately.
If you are hard-pressed for time. you may self-massage just 10-15 minutes before a warm shower and still get benefits of a ritualistic abhyanga.
If you have used oil to massage the soles of your feet, wipe them first with a towel dipped in warm water before proceeding for your bath, This will prevent you from slipping. 
Skincare With Parama Naturals During Pregnancy
Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause serious skin concerns like acne and melasma or pigmentation for many women, especially during the first trimester. The so-called pregnancy glow is possible only with proper diet, hydration, mild exercise, remaining stress-free and of course, the right skin care.
Stay away from chemical-based skincare products and stick to natural and organic ones during pregnancy. Many chemicals like Retinoids and Isotretinoin, which are usually used for the treatment of skin issues like acne and pigmentation, are known to cause birth defects and are, therefore, discouraged by doctors. Hence, it is advisable to go for 100% natural, organic and effective skincare products like Parama Naturals. 
However lethargic you may feel, especially as you grow bigger, do not skip your regular Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine to keep your skin clean and healthy. In fact, Parama Naturals skin care products are formulated to be versatile and are perfect for quick skincare routines that can be followed anytime, anywhere. So, there is absolutely no excuse for you to neglect your skincare during pregnancy!
Use non-chemical natural cleansers or an organic, cold-processed soap like Parama Naturals Neem-Turmeric or Haldi Ubtan soaps to deep-cleanse your skin without drying it out. You could also use Parama Naturals Enriching Exfoliator scrub for mild exfoliation or as a face pack once a week. This will help unclog your skin pores and prevent hormonal acne caused during pregnancy. Check out the Parama Naturals range of Cleansers and Soaps here.
With powerful, !00% natural ingredients like Turmeric, Lavender and oils of Coconut, Almond and Sesame, Parama Naturals Turmeric / Lavender-Turmeric Face and Body oils are not only safe but also effective treatments for your sensitive skin during pregnancy. Use them daily as part of your CTM routine twice a day to keep your skin beautifully moisturized and glowing.
For prevention and treatment of acne and pigmentation, we recommend you also use Parama Naturals Turmeric Essential oil, which is rich in antioxidant-rich tumerones, as a toner. Use this as a spot treatment for your acne and for lightening pigmentation. You could also use a few drops of this essential oil while steaming your face once a week to unclog pores, soften your skin and to clear blemishes.  
Pregnancy makes your skin more sensitive and hence, more prone to sum burn as well. It is extremely important to use a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful radiations of the sun. Protective Turmeric in Parama Naturals' moisturizing oils provide natural, yet effective protection against the sun. The Enriching Exfoliator Scrub, when used as a haldi-ubtan pack, helps in de-tanning the skin naturally and gently. 
If you have been looking for the best oil for prevention and lightening of stretch marks caused due to pregnancy, look no further. Regular body massage with Parama Naturals' Moisturizing Turmeric Face and Body Oil during pregnancy prevents and minimizes stretch marks. 
Hair Care With Parama Naturals During Pregnancy
Massage your scalp with Parama Naturals' Nourishing Hair Oil for long, strong and healthy hair. Completely natural, this oil is fragrance-, SLS- Paraben-, Aluminium- and Zinc-free and is suitable for all hair types. Made of virgin, cold-pressed oils of Coconut and Sesame infused with Bhringraj, Brahmi, Hibiscus (Japa), Fenugreek (Methi) and Curry leaves, it can be used to nourish your hair and scalp as an oil or as a leave-in serum for deeper penetration.
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maateproducts · 4 years
The Rejuvenating Power of Massage
Massage in an Indian home is a daily ritual, which we start right from infancy. The history of massage can be traced back 5000 years, to the beginnings of Ayurveda.  Considered a gift of the Gods, Ayur means life and Veda is knowledge. The beauty of this practice is linked to the essence of Ayurveda – to maintain the body’s natural harmony in the world. When our internal ecosystem is disrupted there is an imbalance, and doshas (energies) get aggravated leading to disease and distress.
Massage has the proven potency to aid cure, relieve aches and pains, and prevent ailments. More so, it is a natural way to keep the body rejuvenated and healthy and builds immunity. In the Ayurvedic system, massage with specific oils aims to restore your mental and physical balance, by clearing these blocks and liberating your energy channels.
Benefits of massage for infants
In infants, massage aids blood circulation, stimulates the nerve pathways, encourages muscle tone and helps in overall growth and development. In Ayurveda this is related to Vatadosha. Aside of these overall benefits, you will find that a lot of uneasy discomforts of an infant are relieved such as colic pain. This is connected to Pitta dosha. A baby’s body is still evolving and cannot deal with changing temperatures. They are prone to colds and coughs and this relates to Kaphadosha. Best Baby Massage Oil helps to control the skin temperature better and gives baby neuromuscular wellness. With the use of special oils, head massage nourishes the scalp and supports the growth of hair, while application on the body brings luster to the skin. Massage is also therapeutic – it improves sleep, relaxes the body and strengthens the bond between mother and child.
The Maaté Way for infants
India’s science of massage first went to other parts of Asia, then the Middle East and the West. When a practice leaves us and travels and returns, it brings back rich learning. Today, we can combine the best types of ingredients and techniques from across the world, with a firm grounding in our own heritage.
At Maaté, Baby Massage Oil is central to our philosophy, drawing from our own Indian practices. We look to Ayurveda for inspiration as it is a holistic medical practice, not just superficial feel-good therapy. Best Baby Oil is of essence going beyond a method of application as deep penetration into the porous skin gives wonderful benefits. The skin being the largest organ, the systematic application of oils is also a fantastic way of detoxification, removing the build-up of unwanted substances.
Shishu Abhyanga
Ayurveda has a special place for infants. The traditional oil massage, following the Abhyanga routine of Ayurveda, is termed ‘Shishu Abhyanga’. In this method, oil is applied over the entire body, from head to feet. After an oil massage, the baby can be bathed in lukewarm water, carefully patted dry, then dressed in soft clothing to retain the effects.
What is special about Maaté’s Nourish range
Maaté’s Nourish range of products is inspired by the way a mother nourishes her child, and how nature inspires nourishment. Our Best Baby Oil For Newborn promote overall wellbeing by bringing exclusive ingredients for your baby’s nutrition and growth. And we do it naturally, using handpicked ingredients in the formulations. It takes a year for a baby’s skin to develop to a hardier protective layer. Till then, their skin is susceptible and is not able to reject many toxins. Many products in the market contain ingredients that are harmful in the long term.
Our products have all-natural ingredients curated to bring special benefits for your baby. In our Baby Body Massage Oil, Sesame Oil is combined with MorindaCitrifolia Leaf Extract – both have high calcium and magnesium content. Our in vitro tests performed at an international lab, shows that 54 percent of calcium can be absorbed.
Wheatgerm, Coconut and Avocado oil provide nutrients as well as enhance absorption of nutrients into the bones and body cells.
 A baby’s skin is delicate and sensitive, and can easily get dry when exposed. Keeping the skin optimally moisturized is of essence. Newborns are unable to control temperature also because the skin is still developing. Pomegranate Seed Oil, another vital ingredient along with Rosemary Oil improves blood circulation.
Maaté’s Baby Hair Growth Oil has been prepared for your baby’s healthy hair growth. We clearly distinguish the Best Baby Hair Oil, as our products are all designed to give specific benefits. Your baby’s hair follicles get nourished with the Hibiscus and Eclipta Alba and vitamin-rich Almond Oil. These also condition the tender scalp. MurrayaKoenigii, a rich source of beta-carotene and proteins, prevents hair thinning.
A bond of love and trust
There are also scientific reasons why your bond with baby is formed when you massage. Gentle massage and touch releases ‘oxytocin’ colloquially known as the ‘love hormone’ which reassures the infant and makes them feel good. This is the secret of bringing you closer to your baby.
How to Massage the Baby’s Body
Set a time in your routine with baby, preferably in the morning before their bath, or in the evening. Massage should be done on an empty stomach.
Sit your baby comfortably on a platform or make them lie down. Use a clean sheet on the surface and maintain hygiene.
Start with the legs and make your way upwards, using gentle but firm strokes. Pour a small quantity of oil and hold their leg in your hands and gently pull downwards.
Stroke the feet from the ankle to the toes. With your thumbs trace circles on the base of their feet. Gently stroke your baby’s toes.
Next, massage your baby’s hands, applying soft strokes from the armpits to the palms. Attend to each finger with care, using a light touch.
Massage the baby’s abdomen, using your hands to make a swiveling motion.
When you are comfortable, you can also turn the baby around on their belly and massage the back with long strokes. Use circular strokes on the baby’s buttocks.
When you are done, bathe the baby in lukewarm water and then pat them dry and dress them in soft clothing.
How to massage your baby’s head
Choose a surface that is safe and broad – the floor with a massage sheet or protective mat, for instance.
A baby’s head has to be well supported. They will not be able to hold their head up till 18 months.
Lay the baby down on their back on a padded surface and ensure their head is well-supported.
Gently massage their head using a circular motion.
The baby’s head is very soft and is being formed, so do not apply pressure when you massage.
Do’s and Don’ts
Every mother has questions, such as – How long should I massage my baby?
Is there a good time to massage? When should I start massaging my baby? Here we have compiled a list of do’s and don’ts, which address many of these common concerns.
Ideally begin massage when your baby is a month old – before this, an infant’s body is not strong enough to handle pressure.
Give special attention to the back, neck, spine, hands and feet, to strengthen them as they will support the body.
Massage should be planned into the baby’s routine fifteen minutes to half hour before their bath.
You can also massage baby every day or even other day if you prefer.
Choose to massage your baby in the mornings if you want to get them rejuvenated for the day
You can also massage at bedtime if you would rather opt for relaxing baby to sleep better.
Massage should be done on an empty stomach, or a minimum of one hour after baby’s feed.
Never apply excess pressure on the baby’s body especially their head
Avoid pressing on the soft spot at the center called the fontanelle.
Avoid applying oil near the eyes.
Never massage your baby just before or after meals.
Skip massage if your baby shows signs of a flu, cold or cough, or if they are unwell with indigestion.
Do not massage your baby if they are premature or low-weight.
Never perform any technique if you see your baby showing discomfort.
Our blog brings you varied opinions and latest developments in baby care and products, as well as precautions in baby care. However, articles presented do not in any way supplement a doctor’s or medical practitioner’s advice and should not be taken as a substitute for medical intervention. The information presented in our blogs is made to be accurate to the best of our knowledge, but errors and variances may occur based on changing knowledge in related fields. Readers must consult with a medical professional for their specific problems and not rely on the articles presented in our blogs, which are meant to be informative in nature only.
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