#Orions Belte Mint
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Share Breezy "Jai Alai"
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Share Breezy "Jai Alai" @belteorions @terrorbirdmedia @jansenrecords
Norwegian instrumental tropical funk/pop outfit and JOVM mainstays Orions Belte —Øyind Blomstrøm (guitar), Chris Holm (bass) and Kim Åge Furuhaug (drums) — features members who have spent the bulk of their lives and professional careers as touring musicians. Naturally, they’ve been on the road — a lot. When Blomstrøm’s and Holm’s paths crossed for what seemed like the umpteenth time, they bonded…
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mintakablue · 26 days
whenever i dont see you for a bit im happy to see that shark avatar again <3
although confession: all this time i thought your name was closer to 'minkatable' or something, got letters jumbled around...
where does it come from
aw this is so sweet! i feel really flattered that you like seeing my blogging habits.
my username is mintaka blue! some people have thought of it as mint aka blue, but mint is green, not blue. just a point to make.
mintaka is the third star (if you read from left to right haha) of orion's belt, which is the constellation my siblings and i really love since there's three of us! it's actually really surprising to me that so many people latched onto orion as a constellation, i always thought of it as me and my siblings.
blue of course is just my favorite color, as it is statistically for lots of people. put those together and that's my username!
(random piece of eli lore, i'm planning on getting an orion tattoo on my spine later this year from my sibling! they are a tattoo artist)
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skinnerhousebooks · 9 months
Christmas Evensong
"It’s the deepest part of the night now. Many mothers give birth this night in Mexico, in New York City, in Kuala Lumpur; in Sinkiang, China, and Talinn, Estonia. Some are poor, some well to do. Some call this time Christmas, some do not. The midnight in Punta Arenas, Chile, is scented with summer roses, and groups of friends in Hobart, Tasmania, gather for mint tea on the patio, commenting on the beauty of Christmas sunsets. . . . Over Montevideo, the Southern Cross rises bright among the constellations as midnight yields its ancient Spanish carols. Over Montreal, Orion hovers, it’s belt a comforting sash across the icy-cold sky. A new mother sees the stars from her hospital bed and smiles. The world is great, the world is glorious and this wondrous night tells only one small part of its story. Yet I say even this part of the story is great. And each word in the story is great. And the breath of silence between each word, and the silence found at both the beginning and the end of this story is an emblem of a greatness and glory yet to be discovered."
—Mark Belletini Sonata for Voice and Silence
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Exploring the Unique Experience at Orion Bar 7500: A Fusion of Cocktails and Vaping
In the ever-evolving landscape of Chicago’s nightlife, Orion Bar 7500 stands out not just for its expertly crafted cocktails but also for its innovative approach to vaping. This trendy establishment has successfully blended the worlds of mixology and vaping, creating a distinctive atmosphere that caters to a diverse crowd.
A Celestial Vibe
Located in the heart of Chicago, Orion Bar 7500 offers a modern, stylish ambiance that draws in both cocktail connoisseurs and vaping enthusiasts. The decor features celestial themes, with starry murals and soft, atmospheric lighting that sets the perfect backdrop for a night out. Whether you’re unwinding with friends or looking for a vibrant night on the town, the bar’s inviting atmosphere makes it an ideal spot.
Signature Cocktails and Vaping Options
At Orion Bar 7500, the cocktail menu is a testament to the art of mixology. Guests can indulge in a variety of creative drinks, from classic concoctions to unique signature cocktails. Highlights include the "Galactic Mule," a refreshing take on the Moscow Mule, and the "Orion's Belt," a visually stunning drink that combines vibrant colors and bold flavors.
But what truly sets Orion Bar 7500 apart is its integration of vaping into the experience. The bar offers a selection of premium vape products, including e-liquids in a range of flavors. Vaping is encouraged as a complementary activity to the cocktail experience, allowing guests to explore different sensations while enjoying their drinks. This unique approach creates an interactive and engaging environment, perfect for socializing.
Pairing Cocktails with Vapes
Orion Bar 7500 goes a step further by offering pairing suggestions that enhance the overall experience. Bartenders are knowledgeable about both cocktails and vape flavors, providing recommendations for combinations that elevate your palate. For instance, the fruity notes of a tropical cocktail might pair perfectly with a refreshing mint vape, creating a harmonious blend of tastes.
Community and Events
Orion Bar 7500 isn’t just a bar; it’s a community hub. The establishment hosts a variety of events that encourage interaction and engagement among patrons. From cocktail tasting nights to vaping workshops, there’s always something happening at Orion Bar 7500. These events not only showcase the bar's offerings but also foster a sense of camaraderie among guests.
Orion Bar 7500 is redefining the cocktail and vaping experience in Chicago. With its celestial-inspired ambiance, expertly crafted cocktails, and thoughtful integration of vaping, it offers a unique and immersive nightlife option. Whether you’re a cocktail lover, a vaping enthusiast, or someone simply looking for a great night out, Orion Bar 7500 promises a stellar experience that’s truly out of this world.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 years
✨Witchcraft and Weaving✨
Good morning loves! In so many religions - new and old - handcrafts are used as a devotional act or magical process. In particular, weaving and braiding are meditative exercises, making it easy to add magical workings to the process. Fibers, in one form or another, have been around for thousands of years, so it makes sense that they've would've been used in ritual work as well. Deities and spirits have also been depicted as weavers and sewers. For example Frigg, in Norse Mythology, is depicted as a weaving goddess; in Sweden and some parts of Germany, the asterism of Orion's Belt is known as her distaff or spindle. 
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Color! This is probably the most recommended thing you’ll read online and that’s because it’s easy to do and to the point. Consider what you’re weaving and why. Is it a rug to protect your home? A wall hanging to bring in prosperity? Once you know why you’re weaving you’ll be able to narrow down to the colors you need to use. I made a basic list for reference! You can also combine colors for your set purpose. For instance, I have a wall hanging I made that’s a variation of greens and browns in honor ofJörð and to help bring good health to my plants.
Red: passion, love, creative energy, heat, fire, aggression, warmth, comfort, boldness, power, Yellow: joy, summer, the sun, fertility, harmony, hospitality, optimism, improve concentration and communication White: cleansing, inviting in good energies, repels negativity, peace, spirituality Green: prosperity, good health, healing, abundance, fertility, freedom, nature, renewal, reassurance, safety Orange: vitality, innovation, energy, fun, friendliness, attract positivity, welcoming Blue: calmness, clear mind, intellect, good for studying, tranquility, refreshing, can also be cheerful like a clear summer sky Purple: divination, magic, peace, intuition, luxury, calming, knowledge, intuition Black: protection, shielding, repelling negative energy, honoring the dead, stability, magic Brown: grounding, evoke nature, relaxation, stability, protective, comfort, fertility, ancient wisdom, centering, warmth, comfort Pink: love, refreshing, self care, youth, compassion, peace, playfulness, harmony Grey: neutrality, balance, calm, empathy, quiet, cleansing
Devotional Work! You can create pieces to hang in your home, car, altar, to honor a god you work with. You can also spend the time weaving as a devotional act. Every time I weave I do it in devotion to Frigg, it’s a way to show her my love and appreciation for the things she’s taught me. You can also make it part of ritual if you’re choosing to weave something small that’s only going to a minimal amount of time(aka not days).
Patterns! This accounts for a variety of things, for one you can weave sigils, runes, or staves into your piece for a direct magical purpose. You could weave circles to amplify energy, half circles to bring in energy, and lines to move energy. Weaving images that correspond to your intention is another option. For example, if you want to bring in prosperity you could weave images of barley, wheat, mint, or calendula.
Incantations! These don’t have to be complicated or long it can be a simple word for each line you make, or “knot” you weave. I usually think of a small spell to say in the beginning and at the end depending on the works purpose. You could sing a song! Be creative with this but honestly you don’t have to do it at all if that’s not your not craft.
Witches Ladder! Its intent is similar to that of a rosary – it's more or less a tool for meditation, prayer, and ritual, in which different colors and items are used to show one's intent. It can also used as a counting tool, for in some spell work there is a need to repeat the process a particular number of times or to keep count of something. It's also popularly used for knot magic. Also, if you have a strong connection to the moon, you can create a Moon Braid to honor the three different phases of the moon.
You can weave in other materials. This can be a variety of things; a birch twig for fertility, a pine cone for protection, amethyst for divination, the options are infinite! I personally enjoy weaving with twigs and dried herbs the best as they can make your home smell wonderful and they tend to be easier to work with!
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mendesblurb · 3 years
Hi, I’m such a fan of your writing and honestly a little in love with coffee lol
so I was wondering if you’d be okay to write Shawn x reader where they just enjoy some morning coffee together (Fluff).
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Morning Coffee
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Word Count: ~2.8k
Warning ⚠️: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
A/N: oof so sorry for the sudden disappearance, but irl things got busy and messy lol. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this story! Love you all ♥️
There’s just something about coffee that made Shawn fall in love with it. Maybe it was the smell of it brewing in the bright sunny morning or the bitterness yet slightly addictive flavour.
It was his part of routine, even the fact that today was a Sunday and he could actually sleep in a little longer, and make that cup of coffee later.
The Coffee shop was a bustle of color, sound, and smells. The place was new, but it was able to give off a homey feeling, the one that made you feel instantly welcomed.
The lights were dimmed, so it would ensure an easy adjustment on one’s eyes after walking in the blinding sun's beams.
The sound of the soft jazz piano consistently playing in the background. Shawn felt glad he took Aaliyah’s advice about giving this new shop a chance. The smell of roasted coffee beans and sugar made Shawn inhaled all deeply before a familiar voice cutting through, interrupting his sensory bliss.
He spun in place to come face to face with the person.
“Y/N? Oh my god.” Shawn greeted you into a hug, his arms enveloping you into his chest, “How long has it been?”
“Basically since high school graduation.” You giggle, voice muffled in his sweater.
Shawn smiled to himself as he patiently watched how the steam from the boiling water started to rise above the kettle, swirling in the air.
You and Shawn lay there for a while, appreciating how the sky slipped from indigo to a rich, deep purple. For once, it was a clear and cloudy night and you could see almost every star in the sky.
“There’s the Big Dipper....” he said while laying down in the blanket and began pointing his finger up to the sky. Meanwhile, you began to move closer to him and lift your gaze up at the constellations he’s pointing out.
“That one’s Orion’s Belt..” pointing his finger up again.
“I know the constellations Shawn.” You said while giggling.
“Good. Because I only know those two.”
“Hey look! That's a shooting star. Make a wish Shawn!” you squealed, immediately squeezing your eyes shut.
Shawn chuckled at your adorable act for only a brief moment before letting his eyes close too.
Then after the high pitched 'ding' emitting from the machine, interrupting him from his thoughts. His hands were quick to work effortlessly, gently pouring the black liquid into two cups, and adding a splash of milk to only one of it.
“Thank you for walking me home,” You grabbed his hand and pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, brushing your thumb over his cheek, “I had a really good time tonight, Shawn.”
Shawn’s eyes could only widen by your sudden act, and cheeks reddening even further.
“Me too,” he said, nodding, and unable to contain his giddy smile, “Would you maybe..” tilting his head, eyeing you with curiosity. “Go on another date with me?” He asked.
“I’ll, uhm”-,” you said, trying to ignore that your face probably also brightens with color as well.
You both stayed silent for several moments, slight awkwardness filling the space between you.
“Oh goodness was I too blunt? I didn’t make you uncomfortable, did I? I just assume, I– “
You interrupted him with another soft, chaste kiss on his cheek. Just a second, just enough to smell the mint on his breath. You pulled away and smiled at him, lacing your fingers with his. “I’d love to.”
Absolutely perfect, he thought, leaning in for a sip. There really was just something satisfying about this that brought him so much warmth and happiness at just one sip.
It was a rather slow day for Shawn. He was just in bed, reading one of his favourite Harry Potter books, attached to his lap, was you who stubbornly decided that today was a clingy and cuddly day.
He loved slow days like this one, since it meant he could spend time with you without having to worry about writing new lyrics or attending interviews anytime soon. He wiggled slightly to get into a more comfortable position, effectively stirring you from your short nap.
Soon enough, the book he was reading disappears from his grasp, held in your arm before being transferred over the nightstand next to the bed, and Shawn is pulled down a little further into the bed.
“Cuddle now, read later,” You commanded, trapping him to the bed with your entire body weight and legs.
“If you say so, baby.” Shawn sighed, happily settling into your embrace.
His lips quivered into a smile as he brought the warm cup to his nose again, inhaling the pleasant tanginess of the coffee before bringing the cup back up to his lips, humming delightfully at its strong odor, continued wrapping his fingers around the heated mug and relaxed his shoulders at the pleasant bitterness coming from the warm beverage.
"I have to tell you something," Shawn mutters as your face is still mashed against his chest.
"What is it?" You ask, barely above a whisper, his hand still stroking slowly over your back.
"You're gorgeous," he says quietly, muffled a little as he speaks, "I love your smile, your dimples, your face, I love your scars and your arms and your cute butt and your legs and basically your everything."
You smile, looking up at him. "You think I have a cute butt?"
"Don't push it," Shawn yawns. "But I do love all of you. Now go to sleep."
”I think you have a cute butt too.” You giggled as you continued nuzzling your head on his chest, and pressing a light kiss on the spot just above where you could hear the rapid thud-thud sound, “I love every part of you too, Shawn.”
The feeling of joy continues engulfing his body, like the warmest hug, transporting him out of this world.
Shawn woke up lying on his back with a weight on his chest. One arm was slung around his shoulders as you used his chest as a pillow and tangled your legs with his.
“Y/N,” Shawn spoke softly, rubbing a hand up and down the arm he had wrapped around your waist. The only answer he received was a low grunt. “Babyyy,” he tried again, a little louder this time. “It's already morning.”
“So?” You asked, voice rough as you otherwise remained unmoving.
“Maybe we should get up?”
“No thank you,” Shaking your head, you tighten your arm around his middle and legs, locking him in place. Shawn wasn’t going anywhere without a struggle. “Come on,” He wheedled as he poked at your shoulder and ran a finger down to trace little patterns across your back. “Don’t you want breakfast?”
“Nope,” You said again, trying to get him to settle back down into his previous position. “And please stop wiggling, you’re a terrible pillow.”
“Just use one of your actual pillows!”
“It’s not as comfortable,” You smiled, before lifting your head to kiss the top of his head, “So please for now,” You grumbled, taking one of his hands that you could reach and locking your fingers together, “We should just stay here.”
“Okay fine,” Shawn sighed, giving in, lightly squeezing your hand. “Okay you were right, this is relaxing, peaceful and cozy. And I like that we are together. I like this. Just laying here with you even if we are so hungover right now.”
“Told you this could be nice.” You laughed
Shawn smiled hearing your response, and proceeded to settle back into a more comfortable position and pulled you even closer.
So much so that he didn’t feel that moment of tranquility was interrupted by a pair of arms enveloping him into an embrace. A smile forming on his lips to a familiar slight sigh that escaped his accompaniment.
“Shouldn't you be asleep? It's late.” Shawn said, barely looking up from the screens hoping for some type of progress, or any progress had been made. He rubbed his temples and sighed in mild frustration.
“I could ask you the same thing you know...but that's why I got you this..”
Shawn looked up to see what you had brought. It was a steaming mug of what smelled to be coffee. You handed the cup to him, ushering a brief warning of how hot it was. “It's nowhere as good as your coffee, but I tried…”
“Thank you, baby.” Shawn smiled, taking a sip and went back to work, feeling slightly more awake.
“Don’t overwork yourself too much, okay?” You said, leaving a light kiss on his forehead before moving across the room.
“Hey now, what are you doing?” Shawn asked when he heard the slight creak of a couch, “You should be sleeping.”
“I'm staying here with you.”
“You have two early meetings tomorrow, don’t stay up with me.”
“I took a day off. Don't worry, I promise not to disturb you. I'm just here if you want a refill on coffee.” You said picking up one of the books lying around.
It was your favorite sight in the morning. Shawn had gotten up before you and was in the kitchen, making some coffee.
You lean against the doorframe of the kitchen, head slightly tilted as watching him, your eyes travelling down his body. A smile spread across your lips as you stood there and stared at him for a second longer before slowly walking towards him.
There he was, his back to you, wearing only his black boxers. Your eyes danced across his broad shoulders, to the tight muscles of his back and down to his butt, god he was a vision like this.
"Thank you for the food." You said, sitting down at the table and started eating the piece of the chicken, “Didn’t expect to have a home cooked meal made by my lovely boyfriend after a long day at work.”
"Is... Is the chicken... alright?"
He actually knew it wasn't, and you probably knew too.
"It’s alright," You muttered, but clearly trying to shove down a glass of water right after taking a bite.
Shawn reached his own fork towards the dish. "You don’t have to finish it."
As if in defiance, You took another piece of the burnt chicken. "It’s okay," you said, choosing not to look at him, "It's... actually not bad, for a first try."
Shawn couldn't help it, he chuckled, “You must really love me.”
“That I do.” You smirked, “Because I truly never thought a chicken could possibly die twice.”
"Oh dear god." Shawn said, embarrassingly hid his red face behind a hand, but couldn't quite smother the smile on his lips. ”We are so ordering that pizza."
"Morning sleepy-head," he said, his voice cheerful but low.
"Morning," you responded, planting a kiss on the back of his head.
He loosened your hold on his waist and spun around, pulling you into an embrace and clutching you by your waist and lifting you effortlessly onto the counter as he stepped between your legs. His hands gently caressing your thighs, lips curved up into a smile.
“Hey, Y/N?” He says, voice quiet as both of you stand on the front porch of his childhood house, to watch the snowfall for a bit.
You glanced up at him with a questioning look,“Yeah?”
Without another word, he grabs your scarf and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. You were a little stunned, but eventually melting into the kiss anyway.
“What did you do that for?,” you whisper when you break the kiss, “Not that I didn’t love that.”
“Oh you know I just love kissing you,” he laughed, before pulling you back in for another kiss, “And maybe being close to you too.”
He held you like that for a moment, both of you savouring the contact, listening to each other breathe.
The warmth of the shower water flowed over your body and you hummed happily at the sensation. Your eyes closed as you allowed this moment to just relax before the beginning of your always hectic day.
Your hands were caught in his hair, combing the suds from it. Shawn was pressed up against your body, his body slick with water from the shower, his lips nudging at your neck, “Oh my god!” You pull away slightly, rubbing some water from your eyes with your hand, and glanced up at him, “I don’t have clothes for work.”
“Just wore what you wore yesterday,” His chuckles, lips choosing to stay from your mouth, before making its way down your neck, licking, biting and sucking the skin.
“I can’t,” You gasped for breath, chest rising and falling rapidly as his hands slid up your body, “I have to go,” You said, while you unwrapped your arms around his neck, trying to move away but Shawn was instead pulling you closer, restricting your movements.
“No, no, please don’t go yet,” Shawn pleaded, nibbling at your sweet spot. “Two more minutes maybe?” He tried to convince you, pressing into your skin before a calloused hand reached around and grabbed your butt while another grabbed your thigh and pulled you up, “Or you know maybe it’s time for you to move in?”
You pulled him away from your body, forcing him to look into your eyes. He was grinning widely, and had this slight blush covering his cheeks. “Are you…. serious?,” You asked, while placing a finger on his lips to stop him from distracting you with his kisses, “Ummm, that.. is a huge next step..”
“Yes I’m sure!” Shawn nodded before carefully setting you back on the ground. He reached out his hand, cradling your face in it, rubbing small, tender circles on your cheek, “So, what do you say?”
“I don’t know..” you purse your lips and put a finger to your chin as if you were contemplating and then you shake your head with a grin splitting your face, “I have mixed feelings about your sleep talking or you can be a messy person sometimes.”
“Please,” he responded, wrapping his arms around your middle and holding you tight, peppering kisses on whatever skin he could, “Please.” Kiss. “Please” kiss. “Please.”
“Hmm..” You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, and captured his mouth with your own again, “Okay, I’ll move in with you.”
"I made coffee," he said, pulling away to look at your face and giving you the cup.
“Thank you,” you said, taking a sip of the coffee before signing deeply, surely enjoying the heavenly taste that slowly woke you up, “Uhmm it tastes a little bitter,” you said, arm wrapped around his shoulder, nose brushing against his. Your hand cupping his cheek, lips lingering on his soft skin, “I think I need a little sweetener.”
“Bitter huh?” He mumbled against your cheek before looking down at the cup of coffee in your hand, “Let me make it taste sweeter for you.” He smiles, carefully taking the cup out of your hand.
You were expecting him to add some sugar and taste to make it less bitter. Instead, he placed it on the counter, turning to face with your soft warm hand, noses brushing, and lips sharing the coffee filled air.
His lips parted, moving closer to your lips. His tongue peeked out of his mouth brushing along his bottom lip before disappearing and connected with yours, molding effortlessly.
His bottom lip tucked between yours as your heads titled in opposite directions, moving in the familiar rhythm. Your tongue pressed oh his, tasting the bitterness of the coffee. He then planted your lips on his once more before pulling away. Hand still resting on his cheek, slowly caressing.
“Shawn, what are you doing?” You call up from the bed, from where you had been watching some Netflix, “You are missing out on the movie.”
“Have you seen my blue hoodie?”
You immediately wince, not knowing that this was what all the fuss was about. You scrub a hand down your face and bite at your lip, feeling bad for having stolen the soft pullover, but it fit you so comfortably, the one that was so cozy and warm and it was just filled with your favourite cologne of his.
He’s waiting for an answer, you know, and your face crinkles up apologetically, “…No.”
“You’re wearing it, aren’t you?” He walks out of the closet, as you chew your lip.
“It’s literally snowing outside and your clothes are so soft, it also smells like you and – ” You start to explain yourself, but he only huffs out a little laugh, a small chuckle, “You’re so lucky I love you.” He says.
“There it should taste sweeter now,” he whispered, brushing his thumb on your cheek.
“Uhmm.” Your eyes were still closed, lips curved up into a smile and continued learning into his touch.
God, he could get used to this. Sharing a home, coming home to you, sleeping beside you, staying up all night with you and waking up beside you.
He wanted nothing more than It to be a forever kind of thing.
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes @mendeslol @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy​ @chocochipcookie305
Story code: 120322103
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lizzisimss · 3 years
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Vatore Sibling Makeover Sim CC List: Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/COIu8lgzOPc Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRoqlOzjOwW/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Skin/Body: 4w25 - CutenessIntensifiesBlush, [ d r e a m g i r l ] 3 D_l a s h e s_V5, [ajduckie] Honey Skinblend, Pralinesims_Nails_Female_N27_SugarMilk, [NorthernSiberiaWinds] Eyelids N5, heihu-niunai_cleavageoverlay_mouthcrease, nesurii_lightitup-highlight, GPME - Nose Blush, Pralinesims - UltimateEyebrowCollection_MaxisMatch (N101 Odette), [Kijiko] - eyelash_version2, Pralinesims - UltimateLipstickCollection (N144 Malfore, N185 Eden, N186 Lilith, N195 Alicien, N205 Gothic Kiss), [crypticsim] - aeson eyeshadow, [crypticsim] - carli bybel eyeshadow, GPME - GOLD Eyeshadow CC 02, PS - BlushN29
Everyday Outfit: greenllamas - BRATZ Jade Hair, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Hotty Top, Aladdin x Aretha - Allegra Jeans, llazyneiph - Gutter Cruiser Boots
Formal Outfit: miiko-flora-hair, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] - Long Gown Dress, Madlen Juliana Shoes
Sports Outfit: okuree - Leah Hair, LittleDoxy - Summer Jacket, CSxDSxOxT_Trillyke_Suri_Shorts, Madlen Tess Shoes
Sleep Outfit: greenllamas - BRATZ Jade Hair, [AxA]-BreeBlouse_Updated, {busra-tr} Clothes SET-92 (JOGGER) BD349 +HQ , [Jius-] - HouseSlippers01
Party Outfit: greenllamas - BRATZ Jade Hair, NitroPanic_Osaka Sheer,  MarigoldFShoesChunkyCombatBoots, Darte77_f_LeatherPantsHQ
Swimwear Outfit: okruee-hestia-hair, Aladdin x Aretha - Macie Top, kumikya lilac set (bottoms)
Warm Weather Outfit: simarillion - Mint Tea Hair, dreamgirl - Knit Top, elleb096 - SilkBeltedSkirt, [greenllamas] BRATZ_Hip_Heels
Cold Weather Outfit: greenllamas - BRATZ Jade Hair, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Belted Fur Dress, DarkNighTt Sims-Patreon - Koi Trinity Boots, CASTERU_Jimin Backwards Beret Cap, RidgeportMynxTights
Skin/Body: [ajduckie] Honey Skinblend, [NorthernSiberiaWinds] Eyelids N5, lamatisse_fresco_mouthcrease, nesurii_lightitup-highlight, Simbience_HauteSkinblend, Pralinesims - UltimateEyebrowCollection_MaxisMatch (N126 Tessa),
Everyday Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, [PLUSH] Layered Turtleneck, [RONA] M-65 Field Pants, [RONA] Dr.Martens Wincox
Formal Outfit: okruee - Hermes Hair, [RONA] pattern silk shirt, [MER]EricoSquaredPants.tsr, Madlen Orlando Shoes (Male)
Sports Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, [PLUSH] T-Shirt 03, [RONA] Summer Activewear Shorts Ver1, Darte77_VansOldSkool
Sleep Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, plbsims – kai top,
Party Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Cropped Shirt, [PLUSH] Dad Jeans 02, deelitefulsimmer_mmsims - af_basic_slip-ons, [PLUSH] BELT02, [PLUSH]Chain V1
Swimwear Outfit: okruee-igor-hair , [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] - Split Tank Top, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] Layered Swim Shorts, [englishrosesims] SimlishHat
Warm Weather Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, NitroPanic – Ripped Tee, CLUMSYALIEN [ORION TROUSERS], [amelylina] - Tenya shoes
Cold Weather Outfit: okruee-igor-hair, [Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla] - Fur Coat, [MER]CasualCorduroyPants.tsr, llazyneiph - Gutter Cruiser Boots
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
All OC's Personas
I'm mostly just making this post so I can keep better track of them because I discovered that there were some repeats and I had to quickly change them because I am an idiot.
Group 1:
Persona: Persephone
Persona Weakness: Nuclear
Persona Strength: Psy
Persona Can Nullify: Psy
Persona Description: Pure white skin with some cracks on her face (Similar to porcelain), hands covering her face, a sunset coloured dress covered with dying leaves, pale orange hair with some petals
Persona: Thor
Persona Weakness: Wind
Persona Strength: Electricity
Persona Can Nullify: Electricity
Persona Description: Bronze skin, Silver helmet, Golden armour, extremely muscular, wields a giant silver hammer
Persona: Artemis
Persona Weakness: Fire
Persona Strength: Ice
Persona Can Nullify: Ice
Persona Description: Mint green skin, red eyes, bronze and amber chest armour, brown sandals, ornaments on the helmet that resemble rabbit ears, carries a bow and arrow
Persona: Venus
Persona Weakness: Ice
Persona Strength: Fire
Persona Can Nullify: Fire
Persona Description: Pink skin, long flowing dark purple hair, white dress with lilac belt, lilac blindfold
Persona: Medusa
Persona Weakness: Psy
Persona Strength: Nuclear
Persona Can Nullify: Nuclear
Persona Description: Navy blue skin, green snakes as her hair, one hand covering her eyes, other hand holding a dagger, emerald green dress
Persona: Izanami
Persona Weakness: Lightning
Persona Strength: Wind
Persona Can Nullify: Wind
Persona Description: Dark grey skin with light grey marks on its cheeks resembling tear stains, a ripped blue, purple and pink kimono, chains wrapped around its arms, waist and legs, green eyes, white hair
Persona: Eudaemon
Persona Weakness: N/A
Persona Strength: Navigation, support
Persona Can Nullify: Fatal attacks
Persona Description: Pure black skin, glowing green clothing, glowing cyan hair and eyes, sits cross legged while floating (Susumu sits in it's lap), two sets of arms, one holds a visor, one outstretched above its head, it's free right hand casts healing spells while it's free left hands casts buffs, it uses both hands when protecting the party from fatal attacks.
Persona: Hesediel
Persona Weakness: Curse
Persona Strength: Bless
Persona Can Nullify: Bless
Persona Description: Baby pink skin, rose gold chest armour, silver arm and leg armour, snow white angel wings, peach hair, dark pink eyes, silver and bronze shield in left hand, silver and gold sword in right hand
Persona: Flora
Persona Weakness: Water
Persona Strength: Earth
Persona Can Nullify: Earth
Persona Description: Pale green skin, bright blue eyes, frilly pink and purple with blue, peach and orange decorations, flowing hair made of flowers
Persona: Mazu
Persona Weakness: Earth
Persona Strength: Water
Persona Can Nullify: Water
Persona Description: Merman, large dragon-like tail made of up of sharp light blue, dark blue, seafoam, teal and cyan scales, wavy flowing green hair, cunning smirk, fangs, yellow eyes, claws
Persona: Ares
Persona Weakness: Bless
Persona Strength: Curse
Persona Can Nullify: Curse
Persona Description: Red skin, yellow eyes, very muscular, black, silver and white armour, white hair, silver and red spear in right hand
Persona: Nyx
Persona Weakness: Physical
Persona Strength: Almighty
Persona Can Nullify: Almighty
Persona Description: Midnight blue skin, flowing black hair, black dress, white shoes, closed eyes, gentle smile, hands covering her ears
Group 2:
Persona: Hathor
Persona Weakness: Fire
Persona Strength: Ice
Persona Can Nullify: Ice
Persona Description: Teal skin, bright red eyes and flowing hair, black sparkly ballroom gown, bright red ballet pumps, holding a black flute
Persona: Luna
Persona Weakness: Wind
Persona Strength: Electricity
Persona Can Nullify: Electricity
Persona Description: Black skin with crescent moon markings, bright green eyes, flowing white hair, a galaxy patterned cape (the pattern constantly moves)
Persona: Barbarossa
Persona Weakness: Electricity
Persona Strength: Wind
Persona Can Nullify: Wind
Persona Description: Orange skin, black and yellow pirate captain's outfit, bright red hair and eyes, holds a gold pistol
Persona: Chiyome
Persona Weakness: Bless
Persona Strength: Curse
Persona Can Nullify: Curse
Persona Description: Indigo skin, face hidden by mask aside from bright orange eyes, wearing a ripped black and lilac kimono, a kunai strapped to her left leg, wielding a dagger in each hand
Persona: Dolos
Persona Weakness: N/A
Persona Strength: Navigation, support
Persona Can Nullify: Fatal attacks
Persona Description: Grey skin, no facial features, wears a black one-piece robe with rainbow coding fading in and out, holds a computer like screen in front of Sora when scanning targets
Persona: Aramis
Persona Weakness: Psy
Persona Strength: Nuclear
Persona Can Nullify: Nuclear
Persona Description: Pastel pink skin, long flowing white hair, face hidden by large dark pink hat, fancy dark pink coat covered in silver ornaments, black trousers, white thigh high boots with guns in the heels
Persona: Parvati
Persona Weakness: Nuclear
Persona Strength: Psy
Persona Can Nullify: Psy
Persona Description: Turquoise skin, yellow eyes, blonde hair in a bun and a green and blue flower crown, deep green flowing ballgown, gold sandals, gold lance in hand
Persona: Aurora
Persona Weakness: Curse
Persona Strength: Bless
Persona Can Nullify: Bless
Persona Description: Pure white skin, wearing a dark blue and black suit of armour, large sword in right hand, cape with the colours of a sunrise
Persona: Hypnos/Thanatos
Persona Weakness: Ice
Persona Strength: Fire
Persona Can Nullify: Fire
Persona Description: Hypnos - Pure white skin, black cloak, left side of face hidden by red skull mask, black armour, red scythe in right hand. Thanatos - Pure black skin, white cloak, right side of face hidden by red skull mask, white armour, red scythe in left hand
Group 3:
Persona: Loki
Persona Weakness: Electricity
Persona Strength: Wind
Persona Can Nullify: Wind
Persona Description: Pure black skin, deep blue and purple galaxy patterned waistcoat, pure white trousers, barefoot, golden shackles around wrists and ankles, hooded cape with galaxy patterned inside and pure white outside, golden liquid staining top half of their head and slowly dripping down, no visible eyes, blue lips, purple nails
Persona: Mercury
Persona Weakness: Wind
Persona Strength: Electricity
Persona Can Nullify: Electricity
Persona Description:
Persona: Hera
Persona Weakness: Psychic
Persona Strength: Nuclear
Persona Can Nullify: Nuclear
Persona Description:
Persona: Hestia
Persona Weakness: Nuclear
Persona Strength: Psychic
Persona Can Nullify: Psychic
Persona Description:
Persona: Kratos
Persona Weakness: Fire
Persona Strength: Ice
Persona Can Nullify: Ice
Persona Description:
Persona: Athena
Persona Weakness: Ice
Persona Strength: Fire
Persona Can Nullify: Fire
Persona Description:
Persona: Pandora
Persona Weakness: Bless
Persona Strength: Curse
Persona Can Nullify: Curse
Persona Description:
Persona: Ameterasu
Persona Weakness: Curse
Persona Strength: Bless
Persona Can Nullify: Bless
Persona Description:
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rsbry-beret · 4 years
Let’s See What a Fire Feels Like
find it on ao3 here :
Tobin and Leif go stargazing. Tobin listens to Leif talk about constellations. Tobin tries not to kiss him. Tobin almost succeeds.
- - - - -
It was a warm summer night, air cloying even through Tobin’s shirt, hoodie long abandoned on the blanket spread against damp grass.
“There’s the Summer Triangle, Tobes. Straight up.” Leif craned his head back, hands falling behind him to hold himself up. His left one landed on Tobin’s right, and he flipped his palm over to clasp Leif tighter.
“I see it, yeah.”
Leif glanced over his shoulder to Tobin, lips spreading into a thin smile. “The star on the lower left, that’s Deneb. It’s the tail of Cygnus, the swan constellation.” He turned his head back to the sky and Tobin leaned in, eyes following as Leif lifted his right hand to point.
Leif’s hand glided down slightly. “Cygnus flies south along the Milky Way. It’s right by Aquila… there, there it is. The eagle constellation.”
Tobin grinned to himself, gaze flickering between the stars and Leif’s face, open and expressive in a way it never was under harsh fluorescent lights. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. It used to be right next to the Antinous constellation, but they got merged together a long time ago. Kinda sad…” Leif turned his head again, a few inches from Tobin’s face. Tobin grinned and made a vaguely inquisitive noise.
“Antinous… he was this guy who either drowned or was sacrificed.” Leif’s voice was quieter, eyes glancing at Tobin, the sky, Tobin again. “His lover, emperor Hadrian, was so devasted he named a city after him, Antinoöpolis,” Leif said.
Tobin swayed forward a little. “Oh.”
“And he made a statue of him. He minted coins with his face on him across the empire, and said he was a God, and he, uh, named a constellation after him.”
“So he could always be with him?”
“Yeah.” Leif’s voice rasped. He cleared his throat. “Yeah.”
Tobin squeezed Leif’s hand. “That’s pretty gay, Leif.”
Leif let out a big laugh and leaned back, hand leaving Tobin’s to push his hair off his forehead. “Yeah! Yeah, uh, they were pretty gay, Tobin.”
Tobin tried not to miss the warmth. It was warm enough, anyway. Summer. He fell onto his back with a sigh. “Hadrian, huh?”
“Yeah,” Leif said, still sitting up. “He, like, focused less on imperialism and more on unification within Rome? So that’s cool I guess. He started a cult, though.”
“Gay rights.”
He laughed and tilted his head up to look at Leif, who was trying to look scandalized but was failing.
“Nah, but really, Hadrian sucked. For a lot of reasons. Like, slavery, dude.”
“Shit, yeah.” Tobin sat up again to face Leif. “Antinous, though. He was cool?”
Leif shook his head, still smiling. “I dunno, Tobin. It was a long time ago. I only read so much of the Wikipedia article.”
They fell into a comfortable silence again. Tobin watched a mosquito flit around the edges of the frayed quilt they were sat on. “Hey, look,” he said, wrapping one arm around Leif’s waist and gesturing upwards with the other. “Orion’s Belt.”
Leif turned up, then to Tobin, eyes soft.
“See, I can be smart for you, too.”
Leif melted against his side. His hand came up to cup Tobin’s cheek. “Everyone knows Orion’s Belt, idiot.”
Tobin’s eyelids fluttered, and he swayed forward half an inch, leg jolting slightly closer. “Admit it, you were impressed.”
Leif pressed his face against Tobins shoulder and slid his hand back from his cheek to against his neck. “Was not.”
“Was too,” Tobin whispered, and tilted down to press his lips against Leif’s hair. Leif lifted his head at the action and stared.
“...Was not,” Leif repeated dumbly, and Tobin smiled, and kissed him, and kissed him, and kissed him.
title from Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles
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pinepickled · 3 years
Hello Pine! I hope things are going well. May I ask about 2, 4, 5, 18, and 25 for the newest ask game? (The favorites one)
Tysm for the ask Shy! I hope you're well too~
2. Favorite classic film?
ah, the classics... I hate the majority of them, but Ferris Beuler's Day Off? Unmatched. Superior. Timeless.
4. Favorite shade of green?
Haha, I love them all. Neon green, mint green, and baby green are my favorite's though.
5. Favorite gemstone?
I don't care for them in general, but gun to head it's probably amber.
18. Favorite constellation?
Orion's belt. It's always the one I've been able to point out in the night sky, regardless of age or how polluted the air.
25. Favorite Kind of candy?
ew... I'mnot fond of sweets. I like caramel hard candies, I guess, but it's a very small preference.
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New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Shares Trippy and Driving "Silhouettes"
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Shares Trippy and Driving "Silhouettes" @belteorions @terrorbirdmedia @jansenrecords
Norwegian instrumental tropical funk/pop outfit Orions Belte —Øyind Blomstrøm (guitar), Chris Holm (bass) and Kim Åge Furuhaug (drums) — features members who have spent the bulk of their lives and professional careers as touring musicians. Naturally, they’ve been on the road — a lot. When Blomstrøm’s and Holm’s paths crossed for what seemed like the umpteenth time, they bonded over a mutual…
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subukunojess · 4 years
Mintaka “Pepper”
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With new OCs coming up and the reveal of one of my characters for “On The Edge of Living” coming soon, I took the liberty of drawing out my version of a deadborn demon named Mintaka. I’m still developing them and some of the stuff for them will be saved for later because spoilers, but I can tell you a couple of things about them:
- Non Binary. Pansexual. Demiromantic
- Has many nicknames, but refers to themselves as “Pepper”
- Father is an Incubus from the Lust district of Hell
- Not only are they a dead born demon, but they are also a desire demon. Desire demons are rumored to be watered-down versions of incubus/succubus/concubus. As the name implies, Desire Demons are demons who feed and handle the deep desires of humans. Although most of them follow the ruler of Lust, Mintaka in particular works for Asmodeus (Lust), Mammon (Greed), and Beelzebub (Gluttony) mainly. 
- Because of this, their summoning is a bit more complex. The summoner must say their name three times while having a strong desire as well. Without it, they would not come. 
- They have a mirror/reflection curse. To anyone living/breathing, Mintaka either takes on the form of the person who summoned them, the one who has the strongest desire in the room, or the object/being of the person’s desire. 
- Their true form is only visible to the dead or a demon under normal circumstances. 
- Ice powers! Whenever they are nearby, you will feel a bit cold and something nipping at your left hip. 
- Likes speaking in threes sometimes and they have an echo when they speak as if three of them are speaking at once. 
- Can’t make clones by themselves.
- Loves skirts and candy.
- Hair streaks and eyes change color with mood. Normally they have purple streaks and icy blue eyes. 
- Part of the Belt Trio. Don’t know whether they are cousins or just good friends. They all wear the same belt though. 
- Loves to tease and cause some mischief every now and then.
- Swirls and mints are their thing.
- They are considered an “assassin”.
I’ll think of some more headcannons as I write later on, but I just want to jot some ideas down. Until then, here’s a bonus picture of my Mintaka and another Mintaka from the recent Orion AU going around! Minty’s design is by @cirilee​ and @esmeblaise​ :
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I need to practice drawing more, ugh. 
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skinnerhousebooks · 2 years
Christmas Evensong
"It’s the deepest part of the night now. Many mothers give birth this night in Mexico, in New York City, in Kuala Lumpur; in Sinkiang, China, and Talinn, Estonia. Some are poor, some well to do. Some call this time Christmas, some do not. The midnight in Punta Arenas, Chile, is scented with summer roses, and groups of friends in Hobart, Tasmania, gather for mint tea on the patio, commenting on the beauty of Christmas sunsets. . . . Over Montevideo, the Southern Cross rises bright among the constellations as midnight yields its ancient Spanish carols. Over Montreal, Orion hovers, it’s belt a comforting sash across the icy-cold sky. A new mother sees the stars from her hospital bed and smiles. The world is great, the world is glorious and this wondrous night tells only one small part of its story. Yet I say even this part of the story is great. And each word in the story is great. And the breath of silence between each word, and the silence found at both the beginning and the end of this story is an emblem of a greatness and glory yet to be discovered."
—Mark Belletini Sonata for Voice and Silence
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wknc881 · 4 years
Album Art Gems: Part 2
This is a continuation of a series on my all-time favorite album art!
There’s so much really bad cover design out there, so when I find one that catches my eye it’s a great feeling. It’s hard to make a good album cover; to be able to capture the feel of an album and an artist through visuals is a real talent. There’s no doubt that music and design fit well together, but to find the sweet spot that encapsulates an artist’s vision while staying tasteful is difficult.
Here are this week’s albums that do just that:
1.     JACKBOYS – JACKBOYS & Travis Scott
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The everlasting king Travis Scott has done it again. He is honestly one of my biggest guilty pleasures, but his stuff is always so fire, including the JACKBOYS cover. This short album, with Don Toliver, Sheck Wes, and other guests came out around Christmas in 2019 and has to be one of my favorites from Travis. The grainy film texture and colors on this cover are amazing.
2.     Still Striving – A$AP Ferg
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I really adore the simplicity of this cover art. To me, the best covers are the ones that completely leave out all the information about the album and opt to provide a visual that speaks for the music itself. A$AP Ferg accomplished this beautifully with “Still Striving,” his 2017 release.
3.     Chinese Fountain – The Growlers
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Not the biggest fan of the Growlers right now if I’m being honest with myself, but the “Chinese Fountain” cover is a really stand out piece. The colors of the neon sign, the fog, and how it all mimics a restaurant you’d find in China Town really complements the album nicely. 
4.     Thickfreakness – The Black Keys
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I love how the all the album info is worked into this cover. This is from one of the Black Keys’ older albums, but it continues to be one of my favorites now. All around, I just love the colors and composition.
5.     Mint – Orions Belte
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Recently, Orions Belte has been at the top of my listening cue. If you’re into any sort of psychedelic surf rock, you’d be into them too. The way the lines and figures all blend together is so fantastic and trippy.
Stay tuned for next week’s rendition of Album Art Gems!
- DJ butter
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obcreru · 5 years
Persona Explanations
Minthe-- The thot nymph who thought she could get with Hades.  Not on Persephone’s watch.  Spoiler Alert: She was turned into a mint tree.
Styx-- The goddess of the river Styx, river of hatred, within her waters allows mortals to become near-invulnerable if they survive her depths.  She is responsible for making Achilles near invulnerable.  She is the hated river that all oaths are sworn upon.  She is one of the daughters of Tethys and Oceanus.
Artemis-- Maiden Goddess of the moon, the hunt, and guardian over child birth.  She refused to marry after the death of her favorite mortal, Orion, after Apollo sent Scorpius after him out of jealousy.  Artemis has never forgotten this and she sure has not let Apollo forget about it either...  Just look up in the sky during the fall/winter.  You can see the stars that make Orion’s belt...
Selene--The primordial goddess of the moon, who fell in love with a mortal named Endymion.  Zeus put him to sleep when he caught the goddess refusing to leave his side.  She gazes upon Endymion from the sky, as she moves the moon across it.  She longs for the day he wakes up or when she could see him again.
Takeko-- Is a samurai in her own right who led an army of other bugeisha to protect their homes.  When she realized she would lose the battle, she asked her sister, Yuko, to aid her in the samurai’s ritual suicide.  Her head was buried and a school was founded near the site.
Benten--The goddess of music, water, beauty and love.
Tsukuyomi--God of the moon.  Amaterasu’s brother who humiliated his sister by insulting and killing her friend, the goddess of food.  Amaterasu banished her brother, and remained inconsolable for days until she was coaxed out by a dance.
Izanami--One of the two progenitor gods, Izanami died after giving birth to Kagutsuchi.  In her death, she became the goddess of the Underworld.  Izanagi tried to revive her after killing the child, but he was scared of his wife’s form and ran.  She chased him from the Underworld out of anger, promising to kill 1,500 people a day to his bringing 1,000 people in the world.  :| TBH, a real badass...
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untitled5071 · 5 years
Tag 17!
I was tagged by both @blossem12 and @blind-band-geek, two very lovely ladies! Here goes!
1. Nickname: Laney, Lane, La, Linus, DHR
2. Zodiac: Leo
3. Height: 5'3"
4. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff all the way!
5. Favorite musician: Queen
6. Last thing I googled: 'Steel Defender D&D'
7. Song stuck in my head: 'Me and The Sky' from Come From Away
8. Following: 313
9. Followers: 196
10. Amount of sleep: I've been getting about 6 to 7 hours a night recently.
11. Lucky Number: 7 or 10:04. I know it's not a number technically but I always look at the clock at that time so maybe 1004 is lucky??? Or I'll die a that time idk)
12. Dream Job: Bestselling Author/Screenwriter
13. Wearing: A black t-shirt under my boyfriend's hoodie and Syracuse University pyjama pants
14. Favorite songs: '39 by Queen, This Girl by the Punch Brothers, Julep by the Punch Brothers, Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers (lotta brothers), Always by Panic! at the Disco, Young Volcanoes by Fall Out Boy, King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men, and Envy Green by Arcadian Wild
15. Instruments: I play violin and I sing, but if we're talking about favorites I have a soft spot for the piano, the double bass and the guitar.
16. Random Facts:
-I have three freckles in the shape of Orion's Belt on my left arm
-I just got accepted into all 6 colleges I applied for
-I still have my blankets from when I was a baby and I still cuddle them daily
-My favorite colors are emerald green and peony pink
-My three favorite movies have either been made into musicals already or are in the process of being made into musicals
-I don't like the taste of mint
17. Aesthetic:
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Tag List: @antisocial-wings @quietw0rld @pennate-marauder @moscow5 
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