#Orions Belte Silhouettes
New Audio: Orions Belte Teams Up with Louien on Bittersweet "When You're Gone I'll Be Gone"
New Audio: Orions Belte Teams Up with Louien on Bittersweet "When You're Gone I'll Be Gone" @belteorions @terrorbirdmedia @jansenrecords
Restlessly prolific Norwegian instrumental tropical funk/pop outfit and JOVM mainstays Orions Belte —Øyind Blomstrøm (guitar), Chris Holm (bass) and Kim Åge Furuhaug (drums) — will be releasing their third full-length album Women on October 6, 2023 through their longtime label home Jansen Records. Much like their previously released work, all the songwriting and production is done by the band…
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slickchickchocolatier · 5 months
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H I S M A R K : H E E T H A N
‘Let me tell you a story…
It is a tale that takes place before God created angels, and the continents spoke in ancient dialect.
Less stars filled the night sky, and the planets lingered in a straight line. Mortals in their youth stared and admired these stars, and drafted tales based on their alignment. Stories of The Big Dipper, and Orions Belt came to life, fulfilling philosophers with ideas and astronomers with hope. Amongst these glittering specters, was the Goddess of the Moon.
Unlike those around her, she laid in lonesome silence, and invisible to all who stared at the sky. Residing in her shadowed kingdom, she cries out of sorrow, for no light emerged from her home. In truth, she was nothing but the queen of a shallow orbit, despaired at the thought of mortals never witnessing her presence.
One day, while traveling in his usual circuit to warmthe earth, the Sun God appeared, crossing paths with the pitiful Moon. Seeing her in distress, he asks her delicately…
“Pretty Moon, why do you cry?”
Tilting her chin up, she bestows a wet, wide-eyed stare, and tells him. “I am invisible…I have no light. I lay amongst the twinkling of stars who shine brightly without effort, and witness tales created in their honor…I cannot make light of my own, therefore man will never witness my glory.”
The Sun God looks down at the dreadful Goddess, sympathizing with her. To provide comfort, he gives her a solution, by telling her to use his own light to generate her own. He shines brightly and warms her gray kingdom. “Shine bright, my beauty. For you will no longer be ignored by anyone. Let me warm you with my rays, and may you glow brighter than anything in the universe.”
Just as the Sun God promised through his aid, the Moon Goddess shined brightly. She glowed brighter than any star in the sky, and was called the “Sun of the night”.
As the hours of the day rotate, the Moon stationed herself in the middle of the darkened sky, only to find that she went back to being an invisible silhouette again. Seeking his help, she pleads to the merciful Sun; his response gave her gratification once more.
“Pretty Moon, don’t you worry. I will always make you shine and glow. Everyone in the world will know of your beauty. They will use your presence as a guide in the darkness…all you need to do is to commit yourself to me. Never leave my side and use my light to make ‘our’ light. Be a part of me forever…”
The Moon, not withstanding the thought of being invisible any longer, did as the Sun bids her…and each night, she shone brightly than the last.
But as time went by, she soon learned, that no matter how glorious she appeared, everyone could see that she was only as beautiful as the Sun would allow her to be. Mortals spoke and philosophically determined her reliance to the Sun, configuring that her existence could only be due to him.
Shamed at the thought of losing her independence as the Queen of the night, and becoming a slave to the Sun God.
Refusing to end the long line of matriarchal reign, the Moon tries to distance herself from the Sun’s grasp, yearning to gain the freedom she once had…but it was too late.
“Pretty Moon you can’t escape. Don’t you see? Without me, you cannot brighten the dark sky…leaving me means to leave the entire world in darkness. Stay with me and never leave again, and I will ensure that you shine brighter than ever.”
For centuries, the Moon rested in the shackles of the suns rays, finding it impossible to leave. Craving his light, she feeds off his hand and thus lived off of him. The Moon accepted her fate; without him, she would cease to exist…
Without him…she cannot produce light….
Without her Sun…she is nothing. And so, by his side she stays…forever holding back tears of regret. With a permanent smile edged on her surface, mortals are fooled by her perfected glow. Just as she had wanted, tales of her glory did emerge, yet always paired with her husband, the Sun.
“I am forever stuck here. I can never leave…I can never go back home….the Sun has his grasp on me and I won’t ever be the same again…for centuries I have been stationed this side….even during the day. They see my hallow form in daylight, not realizing that I am left with no choice…I am left with no say….for thousands of years he has kept me…and for thousands more, he will.”
Oh, to be the Diamond in the Sky….what an eternal price to pay…’
This week had been the worst…followed by the last, and even the one before that. Was it just a twist of fate? Or perhaps it was something in the atmosphere. There was no way in telling, all you could figure was that each time you tried to make up with him, he pushed you further over the edge.
It has been over a year since you and Heeseung started dating. Despite the atrocities that occurred, such as the one with Samuel, or Tiff and Scott, you both lived blissfully in each other’s presence…just you and Heeseung.
It didn’t take long for people to see the rather unusual circumstance of your relationship with him. Just days after you became his, it became well known that you were strictly off limits…and by strictly, you mean that had anyone so much as looked your way, they would meet a very unpleasant meeting. Sometimes, though you have yet to substantiate it yourself, but you were quite certain by the disappearance of some who took interest, that they may even have met with death at his hand.
Of course with his family connections and the corruption they stirred in the city, any case that raised eyebrows always came to an unsolved end without any leads. The last time you inquired about a certain classmate, who miraculously disappeared after he approached and handed you a note that read…
‘I won’t tell if you don’t. ;)’
Of course, had he had enough brains to hand you the note aside and not in front of Heeseung’s car, he might have still been around. Had he any brains at all, he would have refrained from even seeking any prospective relation with you since you were claimed by “Ethan the Heathen”, or so they called him by.
You knew his level of love for you extended past what was considered normal, and sane. But it didn’t mean that innocent people should get hurt, all because of you. You figured that since he placed you above all, even himself, it may have earned you leeway in talking to him, perhaps even bringing the toxicity down a bit. But just as you inquired about the missing male, he accused you of loving him less. He further provoked you by claiming that your inquiry of another man’s whereabouts was unwarranted and that the only one you should ever think about, was him.
How could he ever speak to you in such a manner?
Perhaps you were at fault…since the very beginning, you knew of his crazed obsession with you. Not only were you aware…you liked it.
Many people would think you’re crazy if they ever heard you say it aloud, and rightfully so. Unlike those around you, they will never know this feeling of belonging to one person, who out of their own selfish love for you, suppresses you in isolation. Detaching you from the world, and safekeeping you for their own pleasure, they beat and pass deathly judgement onto those who touch you, those who try and hurt you. It was a sinful feeling of danger and adventure, and despite wanting him to do things right and in a rational sense, you’d be lying if you told others that his malicious insanity didn’t make you feel most loved.
But you knew it was wrong…and you couldn’t live the rest of your life being a death trap for others.
You denied that he had done anything extensive, but at the accidental discovery of bloodied clothes, kerosene, shovels, and potential weapons, all tucked away in a false wall within the closet, you developed the worst of fears.
“I just think that…maybe you could relax a little bit. I am always going to be here with you.” You initiate the conversation…again. Much to his annoyance. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit too crazy? Plus, it would be nice if I could leave the room and go to the store or cafe by myself from time to time. I wouldn’t mind being treated like a human being, and not so much as a dog kept in a cage.”
You knew you were crossing the line, and surely you expected for him to give out one of usual punishments of locking you away for hours, chained or tied to one of the heavy upholsteries inside the room, sometimes nude or barely dressed in undergarments. Then of course, when he was really angered by your abhorrence, he took it up a step further from lessons learned through solitary confinement, and subjected you to derogatory acts that resulted in him demeaning you, physically and mentally, and breaking your spirit.
Strange…how one man could make you feel the most love, and yet at the same time, make you feel most ignored and even hated.
“Whenever you’re good, why can’t you just stay that way?” He’d snap out, hissing his tongue as he corners you, pressing your frame into a cowering stance as you kneel before him. “Why can’t you just fucking see how much I love you…it should be obvious by now.”
You argued back that there was no doubt that his love for you was present, and that you appreciated his gestures and the strength of his desire for you…it’s just…
“It’s just—I just want us to be a normal couple. Sometimes you really scare me, and I don’t know how to live with you when you display that side of you…that side that almost seems murderous.”
Instantly you regretted being so upfront. The moment he took your wrist, you regretted it even more.
“I’m so done fighting, get over here!” He spits out as he drags you away. Immediately, you realize he intended on chaining you up again, locking you away while he would ignore and leave you for God knows how long. It always drove you crazy with how lonely you’d become. He’d take away your phone, silence your screams through whatever gag-suppressing method he intended to use, and would even drug you to sleep by forcing a sleeping pill, or two, or sometimes opted for a natural sedative such as melatonin infused tea. It all depended how angry you got him, and right now, he was up there.
“No—stop! No more!” You yell out. It’s too bad you decided to pick today to argue, as his sorority brothers all left for the weekend. In fact, almost everyone on campus did, except you. He wouldn’t let you leave, and since his own schedule didn’t permit him to take you, he kept you back with him. “I want to go home! I hate you!”
You screamed as loudly as you could, not caring if your words hurt or angered him. “One more fucking word and I swear to God, y/n!”
He throws you on the bed, kneeling as he meandered a strategic grip on your arm, attempting to tie you to the bed frame. He’d do so by tightening the ropes to be just taunting enough so that your hands could not meet, and another attached to a belted choker would be latched onto your neck.
He successfully gets one wrist coiled in, and straddles over you to do the next. “You hate me? Then fucking stay here and rot for all I care.”
Your eyes began to tear up as you watch him reach for the other rope. “Don’t worry, I’ll still love you—I can love you even from afar.” He laconically spits out as he attempts to grab hold of your free hand. Desperate to avoid being alone and tied mercilessly, you reach around his neck and pull him in.
“Don’t! Stop! Please don’t do this!”
He ignores your pleads as he attempts to raise his frame, but your hold on his neck brings you up with him. He reaches up and tries to peel your arm off, and nearly succeeded effortlessly had it not been you regaining a grip on his jacket collar.
“Don’t do this…don’t leave me, I need you.” Your voice calls as you feel yourself on the verge of breaking down. Yes, you took on a tone of defeat, but if it meant that you weren’t facing lonely-induced depression, then you were willing to do anything. The sudden realization that you wanted him near you, to pay attention to you and to hold you was stronger now. “Please, don’t do this…I can’t be without you.” You cry into his neck as you held a python grip, embracing him as hard as you could.
He kept fighting with you, trying to break free from the single-arm embrace you had, but the softness of your voice and the pleading desire of needing him was starting to get to him. After all, he still loved you…and all he wanted, was for you to love him the way he understands it. It is brutal, irrational, non-sensible, and sadistic, but it was true love.
You cried into his throat and rubbed the tips of your fingers on the back of his nape. Feeling his tense body softened, you gained hope that he would be kind again. You truly were sorry…in the breach of his harsh punishment, you were left with no choice but to feel remorse. Through the guilt of spitting such terrible words, you realized more than ever that you couldn’t survive without him. What would have happened had he not been there to stop Samuel? What about Scott, and Tiff?
“Please…” you sobbed. Feeling his body growing dense against you, it encouraged for you to initiate the movements of passion as you waved your hips up and down, grinding against his groin. Nearly instantaneously, his cock hardens above and yearned to break free from the cloth.
“Please…Heeseung. I’m sorry…Im just scared…scared and nervous.”
You weren’t lying, you truly were scared, but the claim of being nervous wasn’t entirely so. You just knew him so well that had you said the right things, you could turn his mood around in a flick of an instant. Quicker than two fingers snapping. “I just don’t want anyone to break us apart…I’m scared of losing you.”
He raises his head, and you loosened your embrace as you felt him creating distance, not out of spite, but to relay sweet words. “You don’t have anything to be afraid of…not even me…” he gently takes your hand, while reaching for the rope. Damn he was so stubborn. Was he really intending on still tying you up? You committed another desperate move as you quickly raise your face to meet his, and there you kiss him. Initially, he wouldn’t let you in, but feeling your breath coating his lips, and the more your hips grinds against him, he falters. Finally…he kisses you.
“What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m sorry? Isn’t there anything I could do than to be locked away?” You breathed against his mouth once more, speaking softly as your tongue gently massages his. “Don’t you want me to be close to you anyhow? Wouldn’t you rather be locked away with me? Just the two of us…away from it all? Heeseung?”
Your hips begin to gyrate as that familiar tingle blisters beneath your pelvic muscles. You pick up the pace just a little more, and wrap a leg around his hips. “Heeseung…please…please touch me.”
You begged. He was staying strong in trying to refuse your advances, but seeing how much you yearned for him…it’s all he’s ever wanted and loved on this earth. Staying silent and stoic, he tries and stays strong, but your tenacity is breaking him piece by piece. God…why did you have to put on your bedroom voice…why did you have to move into him the way you were right now…why did you have to kiss him and tell him that you needed him.
“Heeseung please…please touch me. Fuck me…do everything to me.” You moaned out the last bit and that did it for him. Despite being angry with you, he could never resist your obedient nature.
He squares his face with yours, gripping onto your neck, a little more tighter than usual. “Tell me you need me.” His voice was dark and heavy, a bit husky as he clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth. He as still angry.
“I need you.” You whined, licking his throat with the very tip of your tongue, barely making contact. Had his grip on your throat not pinned you down to the pillow, you would have completely swallowed in skin, lacing his Adams apple with your saliva.
“Tell me you love me—“ his grip snaps tightly, knotting your airway. You slightly gasp as he jerks his grip and squeezes. You choked out the words as you looked pitifully in his eyes. “I-I….l-l-love….you-!”
You coughed up the air flowing back into your lungs as he releases his grip. He comes to a kneeling stance and releases the other rope, but does not untie the one already latched to you. He removes his cap and flings it to the floor, followed by stretching his abdominal muscles while he reaches overhead and peels his shirt off. Your free hand latches onto his belt, attempting to loosen it, only for his hands to slap it away. “No—I’m still pissed off at you.” He hisses as he undoes the buckle and zipper of his trousers. Pulling them a quarter way down, along with his briefs, he slides his pants down just enough for his lengthy cock to poke out freely, testicles included.
He leans back in, hovering on her as he extends an arm and props it next to your head, while the other lines his tip directly at your entrance. You could tell that by his nature, he wasn’t going to be as cementing as he would have been, and this been a punishable act, but not entirely loving. It was going to be a little of both.
“Fuck you…y/n.” Was all he said before leaning his head down and aggressively kissing you. Ramming himself in, he thrusts his cock inside, forcing it past un-prepped tissue and muscle as you felt yourself tearing. You help into his mouth, screaming eternally as he swallows it all. He wouldn’t let your mouth break free, in fact each time you moved your head away, his mouth remained latched on and his face trailed your every movement. You felt the flaring of his nostrils as he chalked harshly against your skin while thrusting deeper and deeper. Once he hit bottom, he strung it out rather fast, before rampaging into you at inhuman speed and momentum. You could feel it…the slight bit of blood and skin ripping apart until finally your body responds, producing a hint of moisture, which allowed him to slide in easily. The subtle curve of his length formed a C-shape, allowing the tip to easily find the soft button deep inside. Each time he thrusted in, his tip poked it, causing it to leak your orgasm little by little.
Squelching, squeezing, and slipping in and out, his movements became faster and more pungent as you kept leaking. From blood and pain comes perfection, and that’s where you were at right now.
“Ah! Ffffffuck! Oh my God—!” You gasp out, screaming and moaning as he kept fucking into you. You spew out your moans into his mouth as he restricted your breathing, by permanently enveloping your lips into a kiss that felt eternal.
Deeper and deeper, he digs in. Grunting and growling against your tongue. He adjust his position by extending both arms, propping his chest up to grant just a bit of space between you two. You gasp and moan, mouth wide open and tongue sticking out as he continued to fuck you senseless and numb. Sticking out his own tongue, he licks the flat surface of your own before swallowing your mouth into another prolonged kiss.
“Please—!!! Oh fuck! Heeseung!!” Your desperate cries only provoked him to keep going, to the point where the stimulation stayed past its welcome, and it became blisteringly painful.
“Sssstop! N-no—no more!” You begged, yearning for mercy. How much longer could this man go? How could he always have so much stamina and vigor in his body?
“Come on y/n…keep screaming…make me fucking cum!” He grunts as he swallows a kiss one final time, before plunging deep inside and filling you. So much, you felt the secretion of his fluids rimming out as his cock pulsed, his balls kissing your soft taint.
Your chest heaves, and you gasp for air as your free hair slaps onto his bicep. Your restrained wrist develops rope burn from all the friction of movement. Suddenly you felt the soft touch of his fingers, gently pinching your chin as he forced you to face him. A small glare from your eye greets the gaze of none other than—
He smirks maliciously. His usual psychotic stare reeks of a sinister intention as he bites down his lip, chuckling as he slurps in the excess saliva. “Miss me?”
You didn’t have the chance to put the moves on him as you did with his softer side…though you could hardly deem him soft to begin with. But compared to Ethan, anything was soft, even hard steel.
“Oh no wait—you could have missed me because….what was it that you said earlier?” He taps his fingertips along the center of your chest, spider crawling them upwards until he establishes a grip around your neck. “You hate me…RIIIIIIGHT? BABYDOLL?”
Your eyes are widen in fear as you attempt to scream but his offensive lips re-engages you to a lengthy kiss…own that contained the loudest of all your screams.
“Please! Stop! I’m sorry! I-I didn’t mean it! You know I don’t hate you, Ethan—“
His dark giggle halts your pleads. “I know…and don’t worry—“ licking a teardrop from your cheek, he whispers into your ear. “By the end of this, you just might hate me. But never to fear…I’m always going to love you…and that’s all that matters right now.”
He lines himself, centered to your soft flesh. “Got a surprise for you after this…”
“W-what….what are you—?”
“Shhh….you’ll see…”
“Y/n! When did you get this?” H/n takes on an exciting tone as she notices the small mark located behind your ear. You tied your hair into a high piney tail, allowing the subtle tattoo to gain some air to help the healing process. “Over the weekend…” you softly spoke. An emotionless expression graces your face as you stare at the blackboard ahead, eyes tracing the white chalked equation your professor drafted. The beating pain from between your thighs sets a reminder of words you could never use against him…ever again.
As per usual, he waits by the curb, already standing outside his car as you walk outside. A part of you happy to see him, while the other half resented him for the pleasure he bestowed you…with pain.
“Hi pretty baby, how was class?”
He cups both sides of your neck, placing a kiss on your forehead. He tilts his head to the side, admiring his mark on you. “It’s healing well. Good.” He smirks against your forehead.
You embrace him in return. You love him…and you can’t live without him. Though you’re not sure if that was by your own willingness or if he has broken you down so many times, rebuilding and training you to rely on him…just him.
You look up and admire the dark look in his eye. Yeah…you do love him.
Reaching up, you delicately tuck some of his shaggy hair away from his cheek, the rest remained pinched against his forehead from the baseball cap adorning his head. In plain sight behind his ear, was the sun. It healed completely.
“My pretty moon loves her sun?” He asked you’d you, gripping your neck subtly as he leans into kiss your lips. “Hmm…yes….”
I must always have…the sun.
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apod · 17 days
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2024 September 10
Horsehead and Orion Nebulas Image Credit & Copyright: Antoine & Dalia Grelin
Explanation: The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long glow of hydrogen -- here shown in gold -- at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star just below and to the left of the Horsehead. To the left of Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent emission region, the Orion Nebula (aka M42), lies at the upper right. Immediately to its left is a prominent reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man. Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240910.html
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kevinjmann · 2 years
UK Independent: Episode 280 is now here on Mixcloud
This episode is featuring:
1. Castion - Desire
2. M'Lynn - Safety Net
3. Jade LeMac - Meet You In Hell
4. Roller Derby - Always On My Mind
5. AIDAN - Reġina
6. Nature TV - Treading Water
7. noelle - Mars
8. Victoria Anthony - Another Regret
9. The Know - Me
10. Disco Lines - Another Chance
11. Virginia to Vegas - casamigos
12. FLØRE - Zombie
13. Bo Milli - Good Kid
14. Orions Belte - Silhouettes
15. Nothing but a Nightmare - Baggage Claim
16. Music by vhskid. - Flying Seas
17. Steven Curtis - Makin' It
18. CaliCronk - Somewhere
Don't forget an Episode of UK Independent is broadcast on
Sword Radio UK - www.swordradiouk.com - Thursday 9pm
KrystalRadio Station - www.krystalradio.net - Friday 7pm
Warmradiouk - http://warmradiouk.wixsite.com/tunein - Sunday 8 am
Pop Radio UK - www.popradiouk.co.uk - Monday 8pm , Tuesday 8pm and Wednesday 8pm
Bunka Radio (Columbia) - https://www.bunkaradio.com/ - Monday 1am
Unsigned-FM - https://www.unsigned-fm.co.uk/ - Tuesday 7pm
Charlie Mason Radio (USA) - www.charliemasonradio.com - Tuesday 10pm
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Saw Transformers One tonight. As far as animated movies go, it was okay. I think I was just expecting way more out of it than I was going to get, for a movie that was aimed at kids.
More under the cut
I feel like Megatron’s arc happened really fast. I understand that once he accepted the truth of the situation he got very angry very quickly, but it still felt like it was a bit too quick.
Mixed feelings about Elita. Her writing was good in some places and really clunky in others. Fell victim to the classic “only girl in the group” writing problems
I don’t know how I feel about Orion and D-16 both being mining bots? Orion as an orator and Megatronus as a gladiator offered a very Professor X vs Magneto dichotomy that I liked, and offered some very interesting ideas about the political and economic climate of Cybertron. Them both being mining bots doesn’t work quite as well
I think Brian Tyree Henry did a very good job as Megatron, but casting a black character as a villain with such a loaded past is…a dubious choice. Especially alongside a lot of white actors who are mainly known for their work in Marvel and have very little voice acting work under their belts.
Bumblebee. Dear god what did they do to my boy. It would have been so easy to have him chatty and awkward and unsocialized without making him such a bumbling mess. He’s still Bee so I can’t hate him but good grief did I want someone to throat-punch him occasionally.
I don’t know how I feel about goofy Optimus? It felt like spotting him into that role only worsened both his characterization and Bumblebee’s.
The fights were so fast I struggled to follow. Slow them down maybe 10-25%, and I’d be able to keep up.
I really liked the elements of the Professor X vs Magneto dichotomy we did get between Orion and D-16. I like that dichotomy, and it can be very compelling if done well. And their friendship was fun to watch
Sentinel was immediately hateable. Look at him with that shiny blue and all that gold, so tacky. He just gets more punches le because he’s so casual about all the terrible things he’s done.
Starscream. Just everything about him. As chaotic as ever, and the homoerotic relationship persists. This man was quite literally asking Megatron to choke him out in front of Primus and everyone.
There is something deeply wrong with Airachnid, she’s absolutely terrifying in the best way for a female villain
A lot of interesting visual elements for the flashbacks
The quintessons were absolutely horrible to look at, excellent villain design. Go for the insect design, then the main villain with the Cthulhu tentacles. They were a mix of metal and flesh that was deeply uncomfortable so kudos for that
Sentinel welding the symbol of Megatronus into D-16’s chest? Dear lord? That was awful to watch but excellent for villainy
Megatron’s eyes doing the light trail like you get with a Gundam sometimes!!
The whole sequence where Orion is given the matrix and becomes Optimus was visually stunning and the music was phenomenal
The silhouette of Optimus with his face in shadow and his eyes glowing. Again, visually stunning.
All in all, it wasn’t a bad movie. I do have some things I think would have made it much better, but it was fun. I also couldn’t help but think every time how the options it presented might have been expanded on for more meaningful commentary. You have the Matrix retreating because people wanted its power, a villain systematically and intentionally disabling his citizens to keep them in line, that same villain selling mass quantities of their most precious commodity to their enemies while his people starve, and a friend-turned-antagonist who is radicalized by the extreme suffering of those around him while the rich live like kings who profit off that same suffering. There was potential for interesting commentary about capitalist greed, the effects of war on the economy, class divisions, and just generally Megatron’s shift from revolutionary to tyrant. But I went into a kids’ movie expecting Gundam IBO storytelling, so that’s partially on me.
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: XCVI Andromeda Jacket In Orion's Belt NWT.
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abductionradiation · 2 years
Oslo, Norway -- Norwegian trio Orions Belte will be releasing their new album Villa Amorini on April 9 via Jansen Records. Last week, the band released their new album “Silhouettes,” a track that spans just under 5 minutes long. The first teeters between lush indie pop layers with heavy psychedelic rock that’ll have you on a rollercoaster of sound. There’s a masterful segue between these two styles in the track - you’ll notice the strings going from cinematic sweep to one of cacophonous frenzy. “Silhouettes” has an air of mysteriousness to it that’ll have you falling deep into its intrigue.
Silhouettes by Orions Belte
You can catch Orions Belte on tour in North America this March. Check out their dates below:
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Connect with Orions Belte:
Facebook | Instagram
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norteenlinea · 2 years
Orions Belte regresa con “Silhouettes”
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New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Share Breezy "Jai Alai"
New Audio: JOVM Mainstays Orions Belte Share Breezy "Jai Alai" @belteorions @terrorbirdmedia @jansenrecords
Norwegian instrumental tropical funk/pop outfit and JOVM mainstays Orions Belte —Øyind Blomstrøm (guitar), Chris Holm (bass) and Kim Åge Furuhaug (drums) — features members who have spent the bulk of their lives and professional careers as touring musicians. Naturally, they’ve been on the road — a lot. When Blomstrøm’s and Holm’s paths crossed for what seemed like the umpteenth time, they bonded…
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eartapas · 2 years
"Silhouettes" by Orions Belte is an instrumental track that showcases the band's distinctive blend of rock, funk, and experimental music. The song is built around a driving rhythm section, with a groovy bass line and punchy drums that give it a sense of urgency and momentum. The guitar work is also noteworthy, with atmospheric riffs that create a sense of mystery and intrigue. The track has a cinematic quality to it, with its evocative soundscapes and dynamic shifts in tone and texture. Despite the absence of lyrics, the music speaks volumes, telling a story through its twists and turns. The song is part of the band's latest EP, "600m per minute," which is a testament to their boundary-pushing approach to instrumental music. Overall, "Silhouettes" is a captivating track that showcases Orions Belte's innovative and unique sound. Fans of instrumental music, rock, and funk will find plenty to appreciate in this dynamic and engaging song.
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ruby-pink · 6 years
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just--space · 3 years
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Horsehead and Orion Nebulas : The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent emission region, the Orion Nebula (aka M42), lies at the upper right. Immediately to its left is a prominent reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man. Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region. via NASA
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
Humans are weird: Suicide
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
Taken from the memoirs of Enforcer Omoria Dana
“I was transferred to the Orion Belt Enforcement branch shortly after I graduated the academy. It wasn’t the most luxurious placement but then again I was not the brightest of my class. I was full of vigor and righteous duty at being an enforcer of the law, and looking back at the situation I think my instructors recommendation at the placement was meant to dull that bright eyed optimism with some real world experience.
After arriving in the belt I was posted to the planet Dra III. It was a temperate world with moderate climate seasons and served as a major trade station for the belt. With it being such a major source of profit for the Madrai government Dra III was marked for higher than normal levels of enforcers. Crime was minimal on the planet, but with it being such a public waylay for merchants the Madari wanted to project a place of security and stability.
The sector station I was assigned bordered along the merchant district and the human quarter of the main city of Dra III. I’d never even heard of a human before I was there and my fellow enforcers were more than welcome to bring me up to speed on these strange aliens.
They said humans were violent, cruel little off-worlder’s whose customs were as confusing as their sense of fashion. One enforcer, Brunt I think his name was, told me that he once was called to break up a bar fight at a local establishment that was started by some inebriated humans. When he arrived and tried to break up the fight one of them smashed their liquor bottle on a nearby table and sliced his face so deep he was bleeding for hours. After several more similar stories from other enforcers I made it a personal note to always have my hand close to my shock maul at all times when in the human quarter.
My first assignment was something I still remember to this very day. I was to patrol the bridges and walkways that linked the human quarter to the star port across the river Zelik. Much like my instructors at the academy the station chief did not feel I was ready for handling the human aliens en masse and so posted me for the night shift when there would be few if any souls walking the darkened roads.
I started my patrol route along the river’s walkways heading south to the Hefen Bridge. There was a soft breeze that night and it carried the cool river air up on to the walkways. Thankfully I had decided to wear my full uniform for my first patrol and the thick overcoat kept the chill at bay.
A fog began rising up off the river as I went from Kempler road across Hefen Bridge. I had yet to see a single soul for the entire first few hours of my patrol. Sometimes I would see a silhouette in the fog bank and hear the pitter patter of footsteps approaching me, but each time their shadowy figure looked like it was about to breach the fog bank and come into full view they’d seemingly vanish further into the bank and I would hear their footsteps fading into the night.
Another two hours passed by uneventfully and I was just crossing the Droconun Bridge when I came upon my first human.
The fog bank was thickest in the middle of the river and were it not for the guard rails and bridge lights I dare say I would have fallen over the side, tumbling down several hundred feet to the cold river below. Reaching just about the half way point on Droconun Bridge I was curious and looked over the guardrails to the river below. A wall of white fog reflecting the bridge lights was all that I saw, shrouding the cold waters below from my sight. I marveled at the natural beauty of the moment when a voice spoke to me.
“It’s strange, isn’t it?”
Startled, I leapt back from the guard rails and turned around thinking someone had snuck up on me. When I saw no one there I looked up and down the bridge length and to my surprise saw a human emerge from the fog. They had been mere inches from where I had leaned over and had they not spoken up I would have never known the human was there to begin with.
A gust of wind came across the bridge and the fog parted slightly to give me a better view of the human beside me. It was safe to say that from the other enforcer’s descriptions humans were brutish, muscular, and simple in stature; yet this one was a complete contrast.
They were male, dressed in a matching black suit and pants giving them the appearance of a business worker. The suit was not buttoned up and I could see the white shirt underneath it was stained in several places and the red tie hung lazily to the side as if the human had tried to remove it but had given up half way through.
They weren’t looking at me as they spoke, their eyes fixed on the thick fog bank still below the bridge.
“You know the river is down there, but right now it looks like we are hovering above the clouds themselves.”
The human’s words continued to baffle me until a more pressing concern made itself known to me. The human was not standing next to the guardrail as I imagined, but rather sitting atop it with their legs swinging off the side childishly.
I had not seen the river in daylight, but I was sure that there was no safety apparatus below the bridge walkway that would catch the human should they fall. I racked my brain trying to remember what the protocol was for this situation, but nothing was coming to mind.
“Citizen,” I calmly spoke, “it is unsafe to be sitting like that.”
Now I know it sounds stupid, but at the time I thought that the human was drunk at not fully aware of their current predicament. That viewpoint did not last long.
“Oh I know.” They replied. Their voice was quiet. Not soft like a child who was unsure of themselves, but more of a person who had become lost in a far flung memory and was unsure how to return.
“What’s your name?” I asked, looking up and down the bridge to see if there was anyone else present, but the fog still obscured much of the bridge and I could only see a few meters in front of me.
“Well, Stanly,” I began as I slowly inched closer to him, “are you feeling well?”
Stanly stopped looking at the fog bank below and for the first time looked over at me. I got a good look at his face and it was not what I expected. His eyes were cracked red and the rest of his features could best be described as being tired, worn out, and exhausted.
He smirked at me as if my question was a joke.
“You know,” he spoke as he looked back at the fog bank, “for the longest time I thought I was.”
I moved another inch closer as Stanly continued. “I was content just to move through my life day by day, week by week in an endless cycle of working and sleep; all the while telling myself it would get better.”
“And then today happened and I finally realized what deep down I always knew.”
His hands tightened around the guardrail and he leaned back childishly and looked at me with a smile that bore no happiness.
“That I am not well at all.”
I was still not close enough to grab him and drag him back over to the walkway and with him now blatantly looking at me I couldn’t inch any closer. So I decided to distract him and wait for a moment I could get the human to safety.
“What happened today that changed?” I asked.
“Well,” Stanly began, his feet kicking out again, “I was on my way home from the trade depot when, another hard day’s work under my belt with saving the company I worked for millions of credits; when I came upon a homeless woman.”
“Did she do something to you?” For a moment I wondered if this strange attitude was the result of some trauma inflicted upon himself by this homeless woman. That assumption didn’t last long though.
“No, if anything it’s what I did to her that brought me here.”
I had not expected this as an answer. “Did you hurt this woman?” I asked, aware that there were stories of human males taking their aggression out on human females for no other reason than to satisfy their need for dominance.
My hand hovered near my shock maul and I debated shocking him and throwing the monster over the bridge myself if he had indeed hurt someone. While I debated that option and how to justify it to my superiors Stanly continued.
“She was this frail thing, and as I walked by her she held out her hands and begged me for spare change.”
Stanly’s eyes began to water up and I was taken aback to see him begin to start crying.
“And I said I had none to give, and she looked at me with such disgust and hatred; like I was the embodiment of evil that you tell your children to be afraid of.”
I admit this answer was not what I expected.
“You are sitting here because a woman looked at you wrong?”
Looking back I should have chosen my words more carefully, but I was not prepared for the fragmented nature of human emotions and how easily certain words could trigger rash reactions.
“You think this is funny!?”
The softness was gone from Stanly’s voice as he shouted at me. “You think I am so thin skinned that I could crack from being looked at wrong!?”
I opened my mouth to respond but Stanly just continued ranting.
“I live day by day balancing on a tight rope, knowing full well that my life is trapped in an cycle going nowhere; telling myself that I am doing the best I can to survive.”
“And here was a woman worse off than I begging for my help, pleading to me on her knees for my assistance however small; and I said no…..”
The softness returned to Stanly’s voice as he continued.
“I dismissed someone in need so easily, like it was…..like it was nothing!” Stanly sobbed. “What kind of person does that make me?”
“Like you said,” I responded as I tried to inch closer again, “a person who is trying to survive the best they can.”
Stanly shook his head at my words. “No, no, no; no, if I was a decent man, if I was half a man my mother wanted me to be I would have given her help and made it work but I chose the easier path and pretended like she wasn’t even there.”
He turned back to the fog bank. “Maybe it would be better if I wasn’t here instead.”
As the words hit me I watched as Stanly leaned forward and let go of the railing. I leapt forward to try and grab him as he fell forward but it was too late. I watched his body fall into the fog bank below and be swallowed whole by its white embrace followed shortly after by a faint splash far below.
I radioed in what had happened and soon enough there were enforcer hover cars combing over the river searching for the body, but with the current and thickness of the fog they turned up nothing. The event wasn’t ever reported outside of the enforcers, not even a missing person’s report was filed, and so to the rest of the city it was as if nothing had happened at all.
In a way I guess Stanly did get his final wish, and that no one remembered he had been there at all.
I still wonder to this day how such a minor interaction could trigger such a distasteful reaction, and even now I don’t have an answer that sounds reasonable enough. What I do know, from years of experience dealing with humans after that fateful day, was that however strong the universe paints them out to be humans no human is immune to their own emotions."
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reidamancy · 3 years
written in the stars || spencer reid
summary: You haven’t truly stargazed until you’ve snuggled with Dr. Spencer Reid under the midnight sky, with him teaching you everything he knows about the stars (spencer reid x gn bau!reader)
category: fluff
warnings: none
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i wasn’t kidding when i said i’m using my classes as fanfic research... my final paper was about the constellations and all i could think about while writing it was this fic playing out lmao. besides, who doesn’t love a little cliche stargazing fic <3
also! this is the extended version of this blurb before i decided to make this entirely fluff :)
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After an especially hard case, Rossi had invited the team over to wind down. You felt the tension slowly leave the team as you ate his signature pasta and watched as your teammates drank their weight in wine. It wasn’t long before everyone had crashed from both the wine and the exhaustion.
You woke up in the middle of the night, mouth dry and in desperate need of water. As you stumbled your way into Rossi’s kitchen in the dark, your steps seemed to echo throughout his mansion. Soft snores from the rest of your team came from the various guest bedrooms as you felt you way through the darkness until you found the kitchen.
As you filled a glass up with water, you looked outside and noticed a figure sitting on the yard. You smiled to yourself; you’d recognize his silhouette anywhere. Bringing your glass with you, you quietly opened the door to join your boyfriend outside.
“Hey you,” you greeted, voice hoarse, as you neared him.
He had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He turned, startled, but smiled once he saw you. “Hey,” he returned.
You took a seat next to him on the grass, hugging your knees over your chest, water still in hand. You rested your cheek on top of your knees as you gazed at him. “Can’t sleep?” You asked.
He shook his head. “It’s hard to sleep without you.” He shyly admitted.
Your heart fluttered in your chest. “Aww,” you cooed. You leaned to give him a peck on the cheek, but before you could pull away he brought the blanket around both of you and pulled you in closer. You took the blanket from his hands and held it against your shoulder, using the other arm to pull him in close.
You smiled as he snuggled into you, his fluffy hair tickling your neck as the warmth of the blanket engulfed both of you. With your hand on one end of the blanket, and his on the other, you both snuggled into each other and held the fabric tightly against your bodies. After a few minutes of enjoying each other’s presence, you then reached out for your glass and offered him a sip of your water, which he gladly accepted.
“Thank you,” he mumbled before handing you back the glass.
You kissed his forehead in response. After taking a quick sip of the water yourself, you placed the glass back on the ground.
“How long have you been out here?” you asked.
“Not long. I just needed to clear my head.”
You nodded in response and started rubbing his back. You wondered if it was the case that made him come out here, but decided it was best not to bring it up. Instead, you comforted him silently, leaning into him and embracing him as closely as you could. He let out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes and basking in your scent. It was calming. You were calming.
Holding him close, your hand found its way into his hair as you began to massage his scalp. You felt Spencer’s smile against your shoulder as the two of you enjoyed each other’s presence in the serene night, quietly observing the halcyon woods in front of you.
You felt Spencer’s gaze shift upwards, and you followed his eyes to the sky. It was a clear night, and the bright stars twinkled against the night sky. Clusters of stars glittered across the sky and you marveled at the beauty. Spencer did the same, and the two of you admired the sight in silence, each in your own worlds.
“Do you ever think about them? The stars?” He asked.
“No,” you admitted. You brought your gaze back to him and stared at him as you said, “Tell me about them.”
A small smile spread on his face as his eyes remained locked on the stars. He sat up to point out a constellation, and you adjusted, placing your hands behind you and leaning back to look at the sky. 
“There’s the Orion,” Spencer stated. You followed his finger to a cluster of bright stars. You watched them twinkle as he explained, “In the Greek myth, he’s a hunter who becomes so successful he declared that he would hunt all the animals on Earth.” Spencer leaned closer to you in order to point out, “See? There’s his sword.” You followed his finger. “And belt. And shield.”
“Hm. I don’t see it.” You replied.
Spencer looked back at you with a smile. “Then what do you see, my love?”
You stared at the constellation once more, trying to interpret the stars as something more than dots in the sky. “Um, I don’t know. I just see a bunch of stars, Spence.”
Spencer laughed. “So you can see the slightest change in behavior during interrogations but not a man in the sky?”
“Hey!” You lightly shoved him. “That’s different,” You laughed.
“You know, in other cultures the Orion represented different things. In South America, it was a wife cheating on her husband. In North America, it was seen as a hand.” He paused to look at it more. “And in Australia, it was a canoe.”
You stared at the constellation as he talked, imagining the things he was describing. “That’s so cool how different cultures saw different things when looking at the same stars.” You commented.
“Isn’t it?” Spencer looked at you excitedly, happy you found it as fascinating as he did.
“Tell me about that one,” you pointed.
“That’s actually a planet. It’s Venus, the brightest planet because it’s the closest.”
“And that one?”
Somehow throughout the night you had changed positions and Spencer was now laying in between your legs with his back against your chest. His arms were hooked under your thighs as he softly ran his large palms up and down your leg. Your fingers found their war back into Spencer’s hair and played with his curls.
“Doesn’t it all just make you feel so small?” He asked.
You crossed your arms over his neck to hug his head as you placed a kiss at the top of his head. Resting your chin on top of his head and pulling him close, you breathed in his scent as you responded, “It really does.”
Before long, the sun began to rise and started to illuminate the sky.
“It’s morning,” Spencer said. “We should head back inside before the team wakes up.”
You sighed against him as you held him tighter. You heard the clanking of glasses from the kitchen and turned around to see Rossi, Morgan, and Prentiss staring at you and Spencer behind the window. You softly giggled and rested your chin on top of Spencer’s head.
You kissed his head again. “I think they already have,” you whispered into his locks.
He quickly turned around and this time the three agents waved. You laughed into his hair as Spencer immediately turned back around, clearly embarrassed.
You felt the heat radiating off his cheeks on your arms and you giggled, only holding him tighter.
“Can we stay out here a little longer, please?” He asked, voice soft. 
“Of course.”
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eveningoftheempires · 3 years
ROs' fashion senses? And what is the fashion like in the world in general?
Oh anon, you have absolutely HIT the mark with this question. I am a giant fashion nerd and fashion of EotE is something I’ve been working on for SO long, thanks for letting me ramble about it!!
So, I’m gonna preface this post with a little general description of the fashion in the world of Uria. A lot of parts of EotE are inspired by the 19th century, which may seem vague, as that is whole 100 years, but hey - it is fantasy, so I am mostly borrowing elements of the real world here and there while leaving out others. Therefore the fashion itself is rooted in the different styles of 19th century, with a heavier focus on the first part of 1800s. I’ve incorporated elements of fashions from all around of our world, because... it would be just weird to focus exclusively on western world’s aestheticism for a whole fantasy universe, especially as big as this one lol. Besides for historical inspirations, I do like to imagine fashion of Uria with a bit of a modern high couture vibe - think Valentino, Guo Pei, Christian Dior, Elie Saab, Zuhair Murad...
So yeah, that is a bit what the general inspirations behind the fashion of EotE are like! Of course not everyone is out there walking in outfits straight out of fashion plates; lower classes tend to wear more toned-down, practical garments, without as much flair. Styles vary from region to region as well. I may one day write a post elaborating more on that, but then this post would be enormously long nvjkfdnvkjnfdknk
So, with this out of the way, let us get into ROs fashion senses!
Laurent: Without a doubt they are the one most up to with different fashion trends, and the one who is in a position to actually dress stylishly. However, their clothing choices are not the most fabulous. They value high quality materials and fashionable silhouettes, but tend to pick out simpler garments, without as many fancy accessories as other nobles prefer. (They do have a weak spot for fancy shoes, though. Buy them nice shoes and you will own their heart.) They are mosty seen wearing deep, toned colours, like bottle green, navy blue or grape purple, with elements such as silk shirts, fitting embroidered vests, straight simple trousers or skirts, and ankle-height shoes on small heels.
Seraphim: Even though personally they do not hold much interest in fashion, given their job as the Royal Spymaster they have to blend in with the crowds. Therefore, their outfits really range depending on what circumstances they are working with at the moment. So basically, you may see them in any and all kinds of garments. They DO however, more often than not, wear different capes (most with weapons, poisons or documents hidden in small pockets inside) and tend to lean more towards practicality over aesthetics. Therefore, you won’t see them in any delicate, flowy fabrics, moreso something sturdy and, preferably, easily washed. Blood on clothes makes people talk too much.
Vael: Oh, Vael’s fashion sense is personally my favourite. Imagine a gay pirate. That’s it, that’s their vibe <3 A lot of open button-downs, high waisted leather pants along with many leather belts, tight-length boots, huge amount of jewelry and piercings, colorful scarfs worn both on the neck and as a hair adornment... There is a lot going on in their outfits for sure! They may not exactly be considered “fashionable” or “proper” by good society, but Vael could not care less about how people perceive them, honestly - they know what they want to look like and, in my humble opinion, they look flawless in their own right.
Min: Their fashion choices are certainly... something. Min doesn’t have much resources to dress according to newest trends given their social standing, but boy, do they leave an impression with their looks wherever they go! They always choose very colorful, bright garments, often contrasting with each other. A range array of patterns and textures can be noticed in their clothes as well. They enjoy mixing and matching items that shouldn’t go well with each other, but... somehow they make it work?
Noor: Although they do not get many occassions to dress up (they can be mostly seen in armor), they do have a deep running love for finery and like to keep up with the trends as much as possible. Their best friend is a talented craftsman, and whenever Noor buys a new garment, they run straight to him to alter it for their tastes and to make it more fashionable. Even their everyday outfits meant for adventuring do have a bit of a flair to them - some handsewn ornaments on the sleeves and collar of their jacket, some frills here and there, perhaps an embroidery of tiny jewels on boots... They strongly enjoy these small details, even if they are the only ones aware of them.
Orion: They have a particular color palette when it comes to all their outfits: particularily white, black and shades of grey. It is only partially a personal preference; it mostly stems from their days in the Ienowan Assassin’s Guild, which uses these specific hues as a way for the members to recognise each other. Other than that, they appreciate straight, precise cuts and simple shapes in their outfits, as well as soft and flexible materials. Orion does have a bit of a liking towards jewelry, although they keep these ornaments simple as well - nothing beyond iron rings or chained necklaces.
Again, thank you so much for the question, and sorry if I went a bit overboard with it! <3
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apod · 3 years
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2021 May 9
Horsehead and Orion Nebulas Image Credit & Copyright: Roberto Colombari & Federico Pelliccia
Explanation: The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic dark dust lanes. The magnificent emission region, the Orion Nebula (aka M42), lies at the upper right. Immediately to its left is a prominent reflection nebula sometimes called the Running Man. Pervasive tendrils of glowing hydrogen gas are easily traced throughout the region.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap210509.html
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