#Oruko Saki/Shredder
tmnt-reptile-rampage · 5 months
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What's this??? Extremely rough concept sketches of my iteration's Saki and Karai???
I'll post more about them once i have a proper drawing of them done, but for now, just be aware that for this AU, they're siblings, Karai is older, and they're both actually The Worst™ <3
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Yes yes, we all know that physically Rise Boys could wipe the floor with 2012 Shredder, but here's the catch: He's technically family to the 2012 Boys. And we all know how Rise Mikey feels about Technical Family Who Are Villains.
Cue Rise Mikey, who convices his brothers to help him, trying very hard to convince 2012 Shredder to stop being evil.
Like, he hears the story of how Oruko Saki and Hamato Yoshi were raised as brothers but a bitter feud grew between them, especially when Saki learned that his blood family was slaughtered by the Hamatos and he was taken by the very people who orphaned him. He learns that Oruko Saki and Hamato Yoshi loved the same woman and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. He learns that Oruko Saki accidentally killed that very woman while trying to kill the brother he now saw as a traitor to him and how it left him permanently disfigured and he's deluded himself into believing it was Yoshi's fault.
And he hasn't met Shredder yet. But he immediately assumes "Well, that's because he feels guilty and doesn't know how to process it! I bet I can get him to realize he's hurting his family and should stop!" After all he did it with Draxum, and their Shreddy was a loving father and noble man who was consumed by a demonic armor who was good again when the armor was destroyed, so he can probably fix this more human Shredder, right?
Cue Rise Mikey, and his brothers joining in to protect him and because he used his Little Brother Adorableness to convince them, trying to force 2012 Shredder into being redeemed. And this is one where they all have their powers still in the 2012 universe. So it's like some God just breaking into Shredder's throne room sometimes to pester him about "talking it out" with "his brother" for the "sake of his nephews and daughter" and he can't even DO anything about it because when he tried the FIRST time it happened he got THROWN INTO THE OCEAN AS HIGH SPEEDS AND BROKE MOST OF HIS BONES
2012 are begging Rise to stop. Rise are only more fueled in their quest by the pleading. Splinter keeps trying to explain that there is no good left in Saki, if there ever was any to begin with, and Rise Mikey simply Will Not Hear It. Even Tang Shen's spirit shows up, SHOCKING the entire 2012 family including Splinter, to tell Rise to knock it off. They still won't.
At this point Rise Leo and Rise Donnie are just in it because they hate 2012 Shredder and enjoy irritating him and beating him up when they get him to break and attack them. Rise Raph is there to make sure his brothers are okay because 2012's stories about Shredder HORRIFY HIM. And Rise Mikey is just more and more determined the more Shredder pushes back against him.
This DOES prevent 2012 Splinter's death (not because Shredder doesn't want to kill him anymore but because BEINGS OF GODLIKE POWER ARE PROTECTING HIM NOW AND THEY KNOW WHERE SHREDDER LIVES) however I can't say it prevents Shredder's.
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wingstobetorn · 4 months
Oruko Saki (better known as The Shredder) has been discovered to be wearing a Hatsune Miku binder! When we asked him what his favorite Vocaloid song was he answered in earnest “I don't even know what that is”
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ruizpizzaria · 1 year
Mutant Mayhem theory regarding shredder ( spoilers sort of ? )
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Just a quick speculation of mine when i watched the mid credit scene : That the shredder could potentially be a krang / utrom
While it could just be that the krang and shredder are separate entities and are in kahoots like always, the way Cynthia introduced shredder ( to me IMO ) treated him almost like a weapon / method to capturing the turtles
She objectifies shredder when talking about him "Bring me the shredder" almost as if the shredder already serves under the utrom and can be utilized whenever
This isn't that far of a possibility seeing that TMNT 2003 did this with their shredder -> ends up being a rogue utrom who inhabits the body of shredder/oruko saki
All be it this could've been just to hype up shredder and to emphasize on how much of a threat he'll be so I could totally be off about this scene
i lowkey wanna see it go this direction yet this idea might be redundant seeing as mutant mayhem seems to be changing the formula a lot ( in the best way )
what do u guys think??
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justmaiidraws · 2 months
LOTB! Oruko Saki is a definition of a coin…
He can be the most ruthless leader with nothing standing in his way, and have barely anything to lose
But when Karai sends lotus to him he becomes the energized fun grandpa who you go stay over the weekends, and he takes you fishing.
(he thinks he’s immortal from the shredder spirit but it’s actually eating him slowly)
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waterstar2016 · 2 years
This is for @tmnt-tychou Valentine’s Day prompt.
Immogene and Raphael
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1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Bayverse, but years later. The turtles are now a Spec Ops unit of the NYPD. They are in they early 40’s and late 30’s. Mutants are more common but tend to keep a very low profile.
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Immogene (pronounced Imogen) or Gen Waters - She is 42 years old (in this universe), although her age varies depending on the RP or story I have her in. 5’11” and curvy (Ashley Graham is who I use for her body type). Long wavy curly red mahogany hair, tattoos that cover more than half of the left hand side of her body disguise the scarring she has. Her eyes are emerald green and she has fair skin. Within her genes is the blood of an ancient race, known as the Amazons.
Immogene is known for her wit and sometimes sharp tongue. Her skill with a bow and arrow is unparalleled. She is an artist and likes to work on her motorcycle. Kind and softhearted, though she guards her heart fiercely, Immogene has few that are close. Her personality is a mix of class and sass. Some nick names that she’s earned over the years (from various Raphael’s) are: Firecracker, Tiger, Princess (Raphael is the only one to call her that), Iron Butterfly and Candy Apple Vixen. She can be fierce when pushed or when needed. She’s not necessarily empathetic but she picks up on feelings easily. Immogene is often referred to as a badass, feisty and a sweetheart.
*Side Note - I have been often asked if I created an OC that would match Raphael. This question, rather than irritate me, makes me smile. Immogene is me, with very few differences. I choose to have her as an OC to keep my fantasies separate from my reality. In truth, when I first wrote my story, I was attracted to both Leo’s and Raph’s personalities. But, the more I played with them, the more I started leaning towards Raphael. I’ve RP’d with many ‘Raph’s’ over the years and I honestly feel the greatest connection with the Brute. So, rather than me ‘creating’ someone for him, he is actually…the perfect match for me (I’d like to add I support all ships). When this question pops up…I honestly take it as the highest compliment.
Raphael Hamato - He is 40 years old. 6’9, extremely muscular and large with it. His left arm is covered in a sleeve which depicts traditional Japanese imagery. Although he still has his famous temper, he’s learned to use it and fine tuned himself. Raphael is the rogue of the four. He occasionally takes missions with his brothers, but often seeks the ones that no one else wants to do. His brothers never know when he’ll show up for family dinners. He was the last of his brothers to take a mate.
3. How did they meet?
Oruko Saki in this universe is a billionaire tycoon. His alter ego (The Shredder), reigns in terror over the citizens of NYC. He is a collector of fine arts and priceless artifacts.
Seeing the art of Immogene Waters, he decided he had to have it…and the artist herself. Saki arranged to be an anonymous benefactor of her art to get her to NYC.
On the night of the attempted kidnapping Raphael happened to be in the neighbourhood and rescued her. At the time he had been impressed with the fight the woman had put up against the fiend. Although, she hadn’t left the scene unscathed.
Raphael made the decision to bring her back to the ‘lair’, which was now an entire apartment building complex where all the brothers lived. His decision had surprised everyone, including himself. There was something about those green eyes of hers.
Of course, the first time she saw him she startled, but reasoning took over and she realized this behemoth had rescued her.
Through happenstance and an unusual like for each others company, they got to know each other. Raphael discovered she somehow had a calming influence on him. All she had to do was walk into the room and his shoulders would visibly relax. She also had a tendency to challenge him with that tongue of hers. There was also the no end to his amusement with how she stood up to him.
Immogene found someone who accepted her. Who naturally understood her. His actions speaking louder than words. Underneath this brutish figure was a large heart. She, bit by bit softened towards him, letting him past the protection she had around her heart.
4. How is the relationship now?
Immogene and Raphael have an unbreakable bond. They banter together and get so much enjoyment out of it. She’s soft where he’s hard. They have similar dispositions but in ways that balance each other. Nothing soothes him like the way she says his name or when she caresses his jaw.
She’s never felt as safe as she does in his arms. A look from across the room between them speaks volumes. Raphael has always teetered on the edge of going one step too far. It’s what makes him so effective. Immogene keeps him on the side of good. With him, she has found her home. He his her home for a piece of her heart lives within his and vice versa for him. It’s the reason why I chose the image I did. Water and fire. When they meet it’s a blending of the two elements, unless it’s in the bedroom. Then the reaction more…explosive.
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
For the first part of the question, yes, they do eventually get married. It’s a private ceremony between the two of them. For the second part, I will say no, but will not reveal the reason why. There is the chance that this answer could come out in an RP I have, and I’m saving it for that.
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? Gush as much as you want!!!
Oh boy. Gushing. Here it comes. I love every single damn thing about this pairing. The way they fit together, the love they have for each other. How they crave each others touch. The way each says the others name. The passion they share. Good grief. *fans self*
The way they tease each other *grins*. They both get so much enjoyment out of it. In a way…it’s a subtle, or not so subtle (depending on who else is in the room), of flirting or even foreplay.
The both of them are unabashedly themselves, with each other they’ve found that one that gets and accepts them exactly the way they are. To this day, it still surprises Raphael that no matter what level of rage he’s in, a look, a touch or her even just softly saying his name can remove that red haze.
Raphael removed the shadows from her eyes. And the thing was, he did without really trying. He was being himself. It just happened to be everything she needed, Brute and all.
Raphael and Immogene. Two souls collided and did not become one, but a blend of the two. Although they are separate…it can be seen that they are intertwined so thoroughly, it would be impossible to untangle them.
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abundantchewtoys · 8 years
TMNT S4E26 “Ogami“
I just saw the season finale.
If you’d sold it to me as the series ending, I would’ve bought it.
I like how this CGI series succeeds in combining traditional TMNT silliness with classic horror movie tropes and graphics and other serious subjects.
Seriously, for a bloodless show aimed at children, there’s sure a lot of transformation gore and nightmarish scenes in this show.
And for an outsider, and someone whose prime knowledge about the franchise is faded memories from watching the 80s show as a kid, it seems like they also went and put in a lot more references to Japanese culture.
That includes super robot fighting scenes, kaiju episodes (Tokka!), spirit quests ...
And in the first half of this season they unabashedly went the “Recycled, In Space!” route and nailed it.
Then in the second half, they dealt with the aftermath as well as concluding one of the series long standing plotlines.
The feud between Oruko Saki and Hamato Yoshi is one of those things that, when you learn about the source material, you just can’t picture TMNT as without.
Originally, in the first comic book series (or the Turtles Prime universe, if you know what I mean), Shredder is this throwaway villain.
He sets off the series by killing Splinter and causing the Turtles to go out looking for revenge.
Now how can you translate him to a capable recurring villain?
It turns out, by having him near-kill Splinter on a few occasions, and even use a time travel mechanic to rewrite history in the case of a successful assassination. (As we learn at the start of Season Four, this coincides with the “Recycled, In Space!” angle.)
Shredder is continuously portrayed as unhinged even before his transformation. He hides behind a stoic mask (literally), but he’s actually a mess inside.
He cannot comprehend that anything bad that happens to him could be his own fault.
Splinter’s (near-)deaths have coincided with the Turtles growing in their own roles as heroes.
When the Kraang took over New York, they fleed to the northern woods, where April learned more about her powers and the Turtles went on spirit quests, coming back with those kickass white outfits.
When Shredder purposefully doomed Earth by going after Splinter above all else, the Turtles learned to fight on unfamiliar terrain (outer space), and April got her power boost annex “dark side temptation”, the Eon crystal. Also, Mona Lisa.
(Sidenote - reintroducing a teenaged April and Casey to have them become the fifth and sixth turtles? And having Norma turn out to be a Kraang sleeper agent? Pure awesomeness.)
And in this season finale, the final death of Splinter cements the Turtles on their path as New York’s finest heroes.
(Splinter died in the same way as in the original timeline, and at the start of the episode, we saw evidence of Splinter starting to feel the aches of old age, suggesting that not only is his death final, it was also becoming inevitable.)
The turtles then don those black avenger outfits - Raph with a bandana mask like in the Michael Bay movie - and set out to confront Shredder in his last refuge, the villa in the woods not unlike Rose Lalonde’s house, which actually exists.
They confront and take out Shredder henchmen first - with the exception of Bradford/Dogpound/Rahzar, which seems to suggest Leatherhead drowned the mutt for real in the previous episode!
Their final confrontation with Shredder is prefixed by demutating Baxter Stockman - which served to prove Donnie’s anti-mutagen still worked, and it wasn’t just bad product causing Shredder not to demutate - the super mutagen is just too powerful! (They should totally inject themselves with a solution like it, because I didn’t like the idea of Donnie walking around with the stuff in fragile lightbulbs like that!)
Then Leonardo confirmed his role as the new sensei by taking on Shredder head on and going toe to toe.
(It’s great to see how, even as their rogues becoming more powerful, the Turtles have come a long way too, as evidenced by how quickly they made short work of the original-flavour Footbots.)
The most poignant, perhaps, was Leonardo even going as far as to address Shredder directly as Saki and calling him out for his errs, just like Splinter always did.
And then he finally croaks. I like how they made it so final - decapitation means no coming back from this. Apparently it’s also how Shredder Prime kicked it originally.
The series ends with a promise - the Turtles and their allies will continue to protect New York from harm - and they’re sure capable of doing it.
I’ve had Blaperile look up whether additional series are in the work, and it seems there’s a fifth season in play right now, and even a 2D spinoff called Rise of the Turtles planned!
I wonder who it could focus on? I’m kind of curious seeing as how the turtles are still in the title, but how could they be in a spinoff of their own show?
Unless it’s about their training days before they went aboveground. That could be... cute.
In any case, I know the series would look good in 2D.
The ending panels of each episode have taught me as much, as have the many stylized dramatizations. (So much good wallpaper material, I should go hunting in fact!)
In closing, did you notice the reference to the Hamato clan symbol + the cheese phone in the final panel of the series?
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ao3feed-tmnt2k12 · 5 years
And Breathe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NpTWlz
by boldofyoutoassume
Shaafi doesn't know what a home is. He's spent his whole life running. From his abilities. From his past. From the man who claims to be his father. But when he meets the turtles, with their innocence and what he percieves as naivety, he wonders if running is still the best option.
Takashi is the son of Shredder. Said to be as ruthless as his father, his reputation is further enforced by the dragon spirit blood coursing through his veins. But he doesn't want to be feared. He wants to be understood.
//in other words the turtles meet a troubled umbrakinetic and an alcoholic dragon spirit tmnt belongs to nickelodeon ((tmnt 2k12))
Words: 1750, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Original Male Characters, Shaafi Ali, Oruko Takashi, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michaelangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Splinter | Hamato Yoshi, Shredder | Oruko Saki, Rahzar | Chris Bradford, Fishface | Xever, Tiger Claw, Bebop | Anton Zeck, Rocksteady | Ivan Steranko, Shinigami (mentioned)
Relationships: Original Male Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Shaafi Ali/Oruko Takashi, April O'Neil/Dontello, Oruko Karai | Hamato Miwa/Shinigami (implied)
Additional Tags: Gay, I love my problematic bois, Daddy Issues, but splinter is the only v good dad, Umbrakinesis, pyrokinesis, dragon spirit, a lot of fluff, and body insecurities, some smut, April is pure, Mikey is pure, everybody is pure, except Takashi bc he's a nasty, tmnt oc - Freeform, tmnt male oc, poc characters, Muslim Character, interracial poc relationship, Comfort Sex, Takashi is the gayest of the gays, nicotine addiction, Alcohol Addiction
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NpTWlz
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My TMNT OC Sacha
My other OC now.
Name: Sacha Oruko (Fake name is Hideo Hamato)
Age: 21-22
Birthday: 17/11
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: Japanese/Russian
Religion: Follows some Shinto and Russian Orthodox traditions.
Species: Human-snow owl mutant
Physical appearance: Sasha is taller than Hani at 6′3. He’s better built too as Shredder enjoyed pushing him to his limits during training. Before mutation, his hair and eyes were brown. After his mutation, his hair became mainly white and had only a few streaks of brown. His eyes became a sharp yellow. Like Karai, he can switch between different stages of his mutant form. In his neutral form, his white wings are masked by his jacket and he has white feathers on his arms and chest. His body is practically painted in tattoos.
Clothes: Has this kind of vibe but there’s no waist coat. His entire outfit is black. His jacket is longer and has more space for his wings. 
Abilities: Flight, enhanced strength, enhanced sight, enhanced hearing.
Personality: Sacha has spent most of his life trying to impress Shredder and in doing this he has adopted some pretty horrible traits. He walks all over people and he has no consideration for others. He’s constantly a smug asshole who is exceptionally cruel. A part of his knows this is wrong but that part is drowned by alcohol. It’s only when he meets Hani that he begins his journey to redemption. He’s fuelled by self loathing and has a complicated balance between self deprecation and hubris. 
Likes: Tea, action movies, lie-ins, whisky.
Dislikes: Spicy food, complete silence, spiders, butterflies. 
Background and in-universe information (bullet points because it’s long):
Sacha was born after a fling between Saki and the daughter of a Russian oligarch
He was dumped at the Hamato Clan dojo
Saki didn’t want to look after him so Yoshi and Shen ended up looking after him
Saki hoped that Sacha would perish in the fire but when this plan failed he raised  Sacha in a very brutal way
Saki also blamed Sacha for his failure with Shen and made this very obvious
He renamed Sacha Hideo and told him that his father was a man called Hamato Yoshi, who cheated on his wife with a Russian woman
Sacha gets mutated midway through season two when Shredder finds out about his suspicious relationship with Hani
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Rise/2012 crossover in either universe, but it'd be a lot funnier taking place in the Rise universe, where the boys who share voice actors with other characters across the shows have dream about what their shared VA characters are doing.
2012 Donnie wakes up every morning knowing what dumb shit Skinny Foot Guy is gonna pull and what that one rat/mouse guy is up to from Raph's Ride Along. Mikey always knows when Shelldon snuck out or secretly messed with stuff he was told not to, and also knows what that electric eel guy is up to. Leo only knows the- what was that guy, lizard?
If any villains came over too that means Tigercaw is plagued with dreams of Splints rewatching Lou Jitsu movies and it's driving him insane. He mumbled Hot Soup to himself once and almost cut his own tongue out in horror of it.
2012 Splinter has dreams about whatever Oruko Saki is doing as a freed spirit now, so probably just chilling with his daughter, and he finds these dreams both bittersweet and comforting. He finds the Senior Hueso dreams confusing however because they're filled with Restaurant Running and he doesn't know a single thing about that but suddenly he can recite Run of the Mill Pizza prices from memory.
Sometimes Donnie has a dream from that random Shoe Salesguy who showed up just to say Splints Teen Disguise worked in the Shoe Shack episode and all of them are just like "Dude why do so many people have your voice yet sound nothing like you, what's happening."
YES they use this to stop crimes sometimes and YES it also goes the other way around however the villains never dream any of the useful parts, because it's funnier this way, they only dream the annoying things.
"Hey, what's wrong." "I dreamt about being that weird turtle again, the new purple one." "What was it this time?" "Just more things exploding on me. As if I don't get enough of that!"
"Hey, New Blue. That uh Tiger Guy really hates you." "Yeah, I know." "He has a photo of you four that he throws darts at." "Okay." "He rants to your Shredder a lot while sitting in his lap." "Whate- WHAT"
2012 Splinter keeps trying to use this to see if he can make Hueso into a ninja. Not for any real reason, he just thinks it'd be funny and wants to be able to say "Ah, the pupil of my dreams."
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wingstobetorn · 7 months
I can't stop putting The Shredder/Oruko Saki in cat ears and maid outfits or I will die you see
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
The Algae Is Always Greener On The Other Side (Part 2)
"Now that was some good pizza," Mikey sighs.
"Your pizza was kinda horrifying, actually," Angelo says, "But mine was amazing! Truffle oil, mushrooms, and white sauce? My compliments to the strange unseen entity that's trapped us here!"
"We should be more worried about that fact than we are, right?" Donnie whispers to Leo.
"Eh, happens," Leon says before Leo can answer. "We may as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? Before it comes to the fighting?"
"If it does at all." Raphie kicks his feet up and puts his hands behind his head. "I mean, this is pretty cush! We've got food, no bad guys, we're meetin' our alternate selves..."
"Yeah, but our luck usually doesn't last long in the 'peace' arena." Donnie looks around. "And we're stuck in some kind of bubble dimension, which seems to be controlled by at the very least a united collective, if not one person!"
"Good analysis, however, Other me, you've left out one thing."
"The TV." Donald points at it. "It's entirely possible that to whatever beings controlling this place, we're a form of entertainment. Which means they probably don't want us dead."
"... Yeah, but it also means they'll probably make us fight either other people or each other."
"Another good analysis! Finally, you're impressing me!"
The screen flickers back to life with a pop!
"Previously on..."
"Was that Karai's voice?" Mikey says, leaning closer to the screen. "But we don't even know her yet! Why's she opening the recap?"
"You guys have Gram-Gram too?" Leon looks almost... hopefully, at them. "How is she?"
"... She's our sister?" Leo makes a face and turns to Raph, who's smirking and opening his mouth. "Don't say it, I could feel you about to say it, it was a bad phase!"
"Sister?" Splints looks at Splinter. "Our lives are very different, it seems. For us, Karai was our great-great-great-great-"
"She's Gram-Gram," Angelo cuts his dad off with. "And wait! Does that mean she's Splinter's daughter? Here she was Shredder's! Or, the guy the Shredder suit swallowed and made evil."
"In our world, Oruko Saki stole Miwa away," Splinter says, sighing wearily. "He renamed her Karai, and raised her to hate me. She knows the truth now, and rejected him as her father. But it is still not the same as if I had been able to raise her alongside my sons."
The recap ends with the theme song, but after the somber tone, all anyone can muster is some light bopping in their seats. No-one stays still, though. Because it's too good to sit still to.
The song ends and screen turtles all ooh and ahh over the ooze, and Mikey says to drink some. Raph scolds him, and Donnie says it'll turn them to goo. "Either way, it's an improvement."
"Whoa!" Raphie looks at Raph in horror. "Why would you say that?!"
"I was joking."
"He calls me ugly a lot, I think he's just jealous because I'm the cute one."
"Green is not a good color on you, mi amigo," Leon says with a slow shake of his head.
"... I'm a turtle."
"I meant the green of jealousy."
"One other question," April O'Neil cuts in. "Why're you calling the ooze mutagen? Because it... mutates genes?"
"What else would we call it?" Donnie looks a little offended.
"Um, ooze? Because it is ooze."
"If we called every strange, glowing, possible dangerous and definitely gross substance we find ooze, we'd never stop using that word."
"Alright, fair enough."
Screen Leo realizes that the kidnappers are connected to their mutation origins somehow, and Mikey mentions their being alien robots again. Donnie scolds him, "There's no such thing as alien robots!"
Donald scoffs. "We are LITERALLY mutant ninja turtles, but yes, draw your line at alien robots."
"Hey, I thought we'd been mutated by some kind of military substance someone was trading on the black market, alien robots didn't even begin to cross my mind back then!"
"Well, they should have, that'd be one of my first thoughts. ... I actually did think that's how we were made for a while, actually. I'm not jealous of your much more sci-fi origins, no I am not."
Screen Mikey begins trying to pull the "mask" off of the van man's face, only for it to be his real face and Mikey is jsut harming him. Leo stops Mikey, but Mikey insists he's right. Raph stalks forward and grabs the man, Snake, and begins interrogating him. Snake resists, so Raph throws him across the ground. Mikey and Donnie grab both of his arms to restrain him without any hesitation.
"Oh, okay. So you guys are torturing people now." Raphie raises a not-eyebrow at them.
"Not quite yet." Raph is smirking. "Keep watching, I'm still proud of this."
Screen Raph said they used to be regular guys, and then begins threatening to pour Mutagen onto Snake while smirking and insulting Mikey. It pours out slowly, hanging over Snake's face, and he breaks. Leo praises the tactic, and Raph insults Mikey again.
"Leonardo, Raphael!" Splinter looks at both of his sons with narrowed eyes. "That was extremely dangerous! What if he had kicked the canister and splashed you all with the mutagen?"
"Um, we're not scolding the lowkey torture threats?" Leon shrugs. "Okayyy, if that's how you guys do things."
"It is," Mikey confirms brightly.
Screen Leo continues the interrogation, and Snake tells them the Kraang's plans. Donnie takes this as a good sign, claiming that if the girl's dad is a scientist, she's gonna like him. Snake expresses his doubts.
"Donnie... you do know that's not how people liking other people works, right?" April checks in.
"Well now I do! You were the first person I wasn't raised with that I ever even thought about being friends with, I-I didn't know how it worked back then!"
The scene changes to the turtles staking out a building from a rooftop, Mikey in charge of guarding Snake, who's oddly calm about all of this and seems as most A Little Annoyed. They counts 20 guards, and Leo says they need to plan. Raph disagrees, and Donnie disagrees with the disagreement.
"Shellbrain! Oh-ho, I am so using that from now on." Leon grins at his brothers. "Donnie, you'll be first."
"You are pre-planning your insults?"
"Absolutely, it's too good to waste on improv."
Screen Mikey breaks up the serious moment by craving pizza.
Angelo laughs, going over to fistbump Mikey. "I did the same thing when we thought Casey Jr was stalking us! it's the Michelangelo priority totem, baby!"
"Heck yeah, dude!" Mikey returns the bump enthusiastically. He looks smugly at his brothers. "See, someone gets it."
Screen Leo asks where Snake is. The answer is Escaping. Easily. They give chase, and Donnie tosses Mikey voer a wall to check is Snake went that way. The shot stays on Donnie looking over the wall while Mikey makes sounds of pain on the other side, confirming Snake did not scale the wall. Leo and Raph realize Snake is listening in on them, and begin a charade of a fake plan to make Snake give bad information to The Kraang.
"You are a terrible actor," Leon says, voice low and laden with disappointment. "How can a version of me even be that bad at it?"
"I can give you some lessons later, Second Blue," Splints offers. "Just like with Purple! He is a terrible liar."
"Most fathers would appriciate that about their children."
"And I do! When you are lying to me. When you're lying for me..."
"Okay, okay, I get it."
Somehow, Snake is fooled by the bad acting. It cuts to Donnie using a blowtorch, making some kind of metal grips for climbing.
"Those are you goggles?" Donald is unimpressed. "Mine see mystic energy."
"We don't have that. All mine need to do is keep my eyes safe, which they do."
It cuts to Raph emotionally saying goodbye and promising to return to someone, a squishy sound even being use to imply tears. It shows he is speaking to... a pet snapping turtle.
Raph smiles softly, but there's a sadness to it. He misses Spike, all of the time.
Raphie takes notice. "Oh, no, don't tell me the little guy doesn't make it!"
"He's not dead, just mutated. We're friends now, but... it was a bad time getting back to that. ... And I still miss him. You kind of look like he does now, actually. A little less spikey, but just as huge."
"I do?" Raphie looks down at himself. "Huh. I'm not even the same kind of snapping turtle as him, so that's cool. Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, fine." Raph watches as Screen Raph chases Mikey around for cooing over Raph and Spike's moment. "I guess I didn't think about how we'll see a lot of things we don't have anymore."
Donnie suddenly looks sick. "Oh yeah. And people we... failed."
April takes his hand in her. "Hey, we'll find a way to safely unfreeze him," she assures. "Timothy won't be stuck like that forever."
Donnie doesn't say anything. The colorful clan share looks with each other, wondering how they might be able to smooth the vibe over.
"I admit I'm curious about your world's form of ooze," Donald says slowly. "And I'm not the biggest biology fan. However, unfreezing someone sounds right up my alley. So how about when we escape here, I unfreeze your friend and you teach me a little about this Mutagen you have?"
Donnie blinks at him in surprise. "You-you'd do that?"
"It sounds like a fun challenge anyway, I've never experimented with cryogenics before."
"S-sure. Yeah! I can absolutely teach you about mutagen! I uh, gotta warn you, you might not like Timothy much when we unfreeze him. He... may or may not try to kill us."
"What doesn't." It's truly a statement more than a question.
Screen Leo and Splinter talk about the plan, and Leo asks if he's truly ready for this. Splinter says he made Leo a leader for a reason, but Leo continues to have doubts. Splinter says failure is just something Leo will have to face as a possibility, as all Leaders do, and begins to speak of his old enemy, The Shredder. As he lays out the backstory, the colorful clan's jaws drop.
"He's just a guy?!" Angelo has his hands on his head. "And his armor is just normal metal?!"
"He's also an incel," April O'Neil gags. "And a kidnapper!"
"He's incredibly dangerous, despite being 'just a guy'," Leo says, gripping the edge of the couch cushion. "Sometimes, he truly seems inhuman, not just in spirit but in what his cruelty makes him capable of physically."
"We weren't implying he's not bad," Raphie says quickly. "We're just surprised! Ours was a demon, kind of!"
"Yeah, a huge demon who completely destroyed our home! Excuse us for thinking it's weird seeing the same guy as just, just a guy!" Leon puts his hands on his hips. "Your Krang are smaller and less dangerous, your Shredder is smaller and less dangerous, and it's a little unfair!"
"Now who's green with jealousy?" Raph smirks at Leon.
"Oh-ho, do not test me, Tiny Raph."
"Boys!" Both Splinters shout at the same time. Leon slumps back into hsi seat with an angry pout, and Raph scowls while trying to hide his shame at the scolding.
On screen, Leo is still doubtful. Splinter says that while he lost everything he had, he gained much, including his four sons. Leo finally has confidence in their ability to do the mission, though it fades a little when Mikey and Raph run through. The scene cuts to show April, locked up in the Kraang base, banging on the door and trying to get out.
"Finally, we get to see you in action!" April O'Neil leans forward in anticipation.
"Yeah, not much action here," April admits. "It's a long time before I start training with Splinter to be a kunoichi, and longer before I get a handle on my powers. This just ends up kind of pathetic."
"Hey girl, it's not the skills, it's the spirit! I wanna see how much you've got!"
Screen April teels her dad they have to try to escape, and begins faking sick. A Kraang opens the door and her father goes to attack, but it turns and her father gasps. April immedietely jump up and tries to pull the Kraang down by it's shoulders. It doesn't budge. She even tries biting it, and nothing.
"Why is biting enemies an April O'Neil universal constant?" Leon asks.
"I was about to praise her for it." April O'Neil grins at April. "I did the same thing when we first met Draxum! Except, I was biting a mystic vine cage, not a robot body. Are your teeth okay?"
"I didn't bite that hard."
"Good, because I know that I'd break my teeth tryin' that."
They do the fistbump now.
On the TV, Snake is boiling in rage over the long-winded and confusing way that The Kraang speak, something every single person in the void relates to. The Kraang point out that the van is on it's way, and Snake aims a gun at it. The whole squad opens fire, but it does nothing and the van crashes right into the facility! Snake is thrown by the blast, and when he looks up and behind him, a broken canister of mutagen falls onto him.
"Uh-oh. He's gonna blame you for that, isn't he?" Raphie asks.
"Big time," Mikey confirms.
Snake goes through the horrifying and painful mutation process, the visuals and guttural sounds making the whole colorful clan tense up in exaggerated poses of horror. The next scene shows The Turtles climbing the wall using what Donnie had been welding earlier, and Mikey comments about how it's lucky the van showed up. Donnie is so annoyed that he accidentally hits himself in the head with his spiked hand thing, and Leo reminds Mikey that it was on purpose.
"I forgot, that's all!" Mikey crosses his arms. "It's easy to forget stuff and hard to listen!"
"Yeah, ADHD tends to do that. Just ask Nardo."
"What's ADHD?"
"WHAT?! Other Michael doesn't know what ADHD even is?! Other Donnie how do you know you're on the Au-"
"DAH! ZIP IT!" Donnie panics and whacks Donald on the head with his bo.
Donald squishes like an old fruit.
Now the duller clan all scream, hands on their heads and eyes turned into white discs as the tails of their masks stick straight up!
"He's finneeee," Leon says, picking Donnie up and shaking him a little. Indeed, he returns to his normal shape just fine, rubbing his head and scowling. "Are you guys fine, though? Because your masks are kind of defying gravity."
"They're like bunny ears!" Angelo coos, reaching up to touch one. But it falls flat again before he can, and he tears up.
"Well, your faces do that." Raph points at Angelo's exaggerated sad face. "What's with that? Faces shouldn't move that much."
"It's called being expressive," Donald says. "Even I, the most chilled-out bad boy of all us, am more expressive than all of you combined."
"Okay, okay!" Leo holds his hands out. "Let's all just agree that our worlds have different ways emotions are shown, and that's not better or worse than the other."
Everyone seems grumpy about it, except for The Splinters, who both chuckle.
The Screen Turtles continue their plan and break into the Kraang base through the vent. Leo and Raph absolutely put the beat-down on the Kraangdroids they come across.
"Did you just punch robots with your bare fits and win?" Donald asks.
"And... how did you knock them out? Because the brain guys are in their stomachs and you went for the faces."
"It just works like that sometimes," Raph says with a shrug. "Don't ask us."
Screen Donnie begins to wonder about the origin of the metal in the walls, and Screen Raph mocks him for it. They almost get into a fight, but Leo breaks it up by reminding them they're behind enemy lines. They come across more Kraangdroids, and Donnie is shown to be making a very odd shocked expression.
"Oh, god, why did my face do that? Why did no-one tell me my face does that?!"
"It was one time, D," Leo assures. "Usually your face doesn't have... that, happen."
"Oh, phew. The faces are weird enough to look at as-is," Raphie says.
"We just settled that argument, guys, don't start it again," Leo groans.
Screen Mikey exclaims in frustration that he's been saying it's robots for hours, which unfortunately draws the attention and fire of the Kraangdroids. A fight breaks out.
"Seriously, how are you defeating alien robots with a non-mystic fully wooden stick?!" Donald shouts, waving his arms in rage and confusion.
"Kraang metal is actually pretty weak," Donnie explains, "Even Leo's katanas can slice through it no problem. But their glass tends to be extremely tough. I assume the properties are different in their dimension, but I've never been able to prove the theory."
True to form, Screen Leo cuts a Kraagdroid in half, making a Kraang pop out. Everyone else screams while Mikey just hits it and begins waving it around as he scolds his brothers for dismissing his statements. It bites him and he flings it away, accidentally setting off an alarm. His brother scold him, and Mikey defends that he was still right bout the aliens.
"I think those are power conduits." "Oh, that's really interesting, thanks for sharing Donnie!" "Meathead, the conduits are all converging that way, which means that whatever is going on in that direction is IMPORTANT!"
Leon bursts out laughing. "He said 'Meathead' so casually, like it was your name! He didn't even sound angry!"
"Why's 'meathead' an insult anyway?" Raph grumbles, scowling. "We've all got meat in our heads, that's what a brain is."
"It's actually more like a loosely-set gelatin in texture."
"Can it, Donnie."
"I thought jelly came in jars, not cans."
"You too, Mikey."
The Screen Turtles follow Donnie, not without teasing Raph and Raph lashing out. They find The O'Neils, and another fight breaks out as Donnie is left to try and open the door to the cell. He assures the humans he'll have them out soon, and corrects April when she calls him a lizard. They introduce themselves, and Donnie begins to compliment her name when Leo reminds him they're on a mission.
Donnie sits on the couch, blushing furiously and slowly curling into his shell again.
Donald is shaking his head. "I'm with Screen nardo, not the time for flirting attempts."
"But hey, he's right, our name is a really nice one." April O'Neil gives Donnie an encouraging smile. "Who isn't a little awkward around their first crush, huh?"
"I uh." Donnie keeps sinking into his shell. "Yeah, well, I'm, mostly, thinking about... later on..."
"He had some... issues with boundaries, for a while," April explains. "We worked it out, but it was..."
"Creepy," Raph says bluntly.
"... Yeah. That."
"In what- oh, god. You didn't... stalk her?" Leon ventures tentitively.
Donnie pops fully into his shell as the colorful clan collectively yank April closer to their side of the couch.
"Hey!" April pushes them all back gently with her powers and sits by Donnie again. She wishes Casey were here to back her up. Maybe he'll show up later, once they meet on the screen. "Like I said, we worked it out! He's one of my best friends, he just needed to be taught how to act around someone he had feelings for!"
"I was really bad," Donnie says weakly from his shell.
"And now you aren't," April soothes.
"... He stalked you!" Leon shouts.
"Now now Leo," Angelo pipes up, "Maybe he did change! Like Draxum! he went from throwing you off the roof, to helping us in all kinds of mystic issues! People grow and change!"
"Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on him now," Leon says, squinting distrustfully at Donnie while his lips seem to turn into some kind of downturned beak-like situation.
On screen, Donnie is working on the door system while the fight continues. April asks him to hurry, and he points out that it's not easy 'trying to pick a lock with these hands'.
Donnie, still in shell, looks at his hands and sighs. Angelo glances over, some part of him knowing the not-his-brother Donnie is feeling insecure about his being a mutant again. Looking at the other group, though, they don't react at all. Do they not know? Is it common knowledge among them and they've just given up? Do they not realize how clearly deeply it bothers their brother?
Clearly, they all need a meeting with Dr. Feelings about this.
Screen Raph finally has enough and just stabs the panel Donnie had been working on. The wrong side of the door opens first, and April and her father are carried away by Kraang.
"Was a good plan though, boss," Raphie praises. "Smashing solves almost everything."
"Boy, do I want to visit your universe if that's the case."
Screen Turtles run out onto the rooftop, and a Kraangdroids pops out of the door to try and grab them. Raph rips it's arm off, smashes it back through, and puts the arm through the door handles to keep it shut. He turns, and his brother stare at him in mild shock and horror.
"What?" "You, are seriously twisted." "Thanks!"
"Ha!" Mikey crosses his legs and holds his knees, rocking back and forth. "Remember when that was our idea of twisted? We were like little babies, dudes!"
"Oh, phew! I was about to say, our version might be a little much for you guys if that's twisted!" Angelo says brightly.
"Well, now I'm actually looking forward to it." Raph puts his hands behind his head and smiles.
Screen Turtles see The O'Neils being taken to a helicopter and move in to help, only to be foiled by Snake. He's now a giant weed-mutant, with his exposed beating heart open on his chest.
The colorful clan explode with disgust and horror!
"That is MESSED UP, MAN!" Raphie throws a slice of pizza at the TV to try and cover the image.
Snake screeches and blames The Turtles, saying they're going to pay. Mikey comments that you'd think he's turn into a snake, which prompts Raph to call him an idiot, which launches another argument. Mikey calls it 'science' that he should have become a snake.
"Other Mikey," Raphie says, using his mystic power to make his arm reach over to the other turtle and wrap comfortingly around his shoulders, "I think you'll be happy to know that one of our enemies is called Ghostbear, and he was a human wrestler, and when he mutated, he became a bear that can turn into a ghost."
Mike's eyes widen and twinkle as he gaps delightedly. He hops up and jabs a finger at Raph. "In your face, bro! I was right!"
"Whatever. That's their universe, not ours!"
"Then theirs makes more sense!"
On screen, Snake rips his single leg in half, leaving bones and muscles visible.
Once again, the colorful clan cry out in disgust and horror.
"Turn it off!" Splints searches for a remote. "I hate gorey movies!"
"You guys are gonna hate the dumpster guy," Mikey warns.
Snakeweed threatens to crush them, and Donnie tries for a 'Would it help if we said it was an accident?" It does not help, and Snakeweed laches out with one of his "arms"- really just a stem with a bud-like snapping claw on the end. Leo leaps up and cuts it off, and Snakeweed screeches in pain as pink "blood" spurts everywhere, including by Mikey, who begs for it not to touch him.
"Your world..." April O'Neil turns her head slowly to the other group. "... Is seriously, messed up."
"You don't cut off limbs in yours?" Leo seems genuinely confused.
"Uh, maybe sometimes, to this one specific worm guy who can grow himself back, but he doesn't bleed everywhere like that."
"He doesn't bleed? That's more messed up than him not bleeding."
Some of the "blood" gets on Screen Mikey anyway, and Snakeweed regrows the arm. Donnie says it's not fair, and then they see the helicopter begin to take off with April and her father inside. Leo tells Donnie to go, and then helps boost him up to he can get to the landing pad. Meanwhile, Mikey goes one-on-one with Snakeweed until Leo and Raph butt in, chopping and stabbing and slashing. Raph uses the palm-claws and drags them alone the meaty insides of Snakeweed's legs, coming out with pink meat-goo al over the weapons.
"While I admire the dedication to stopping the villain and the ruthlessness of the strategy OWWWWW I FELT THAT IN MY OWN LEGS!" Donald begins rubbing the insides oh his lower legs furiously. "Bad sensory feel, bad sensory feel! Battleshell, compression cuffs for my legs!"
His shell pops out two compression cuffs that wrap around his legs, and he sighs. "Much better."
Donnie watches with wide eyes, drooling a little at the display of the tech.
Scren Turtles keep fighting, Snakeweed refusing to stay down for long. Mikey finally names him as such, and more Kraang come out to make things even harder. Donnie meanwhile reaches the helicopter just as it lifts into the air. He pauses for only a moment, and then uses his bo staff to help launch himself into the air and grabs onto the bottom of the copter!
"Whoa-ho-ho! Look at other Donnie, being a badass!" Leon claps a little.
"Heheh." Donnie flushes. "It was pretty cool wasn't it?"
Fighting continues, with random fart noises involves when Snakeweed is cut up. For some reason. Everyone is confused by it. Donnie continues holding onto the helicopter for dear life above them, and a Kraang pops out and aims a gun at him.
"Oh good! For a second there I thought this was gonna be TOO EASY!"
"It's obviously not easy, why would you- ooooh, sarcasm. Right. I'm not used to hearing it out of anyone other than Nardo."
The Kraang opens fire, and Donnie swing around to avoid the shots. He switches which way he's holding onto the landing bar of the helicopter and swings himself up, grabbing the Kraangdroid between his feet and tossing it out of the copter.
"WHOA!" Mikey springs to his feet again, whirling around to Donnie. "DUDE, THAT WAS A TOTAL ACTION HERO MOVE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU CAN DO THAT?!"
"Yeah mean, that was super impressive!" Raph is leaning over to stare at Donnie in shock. "I didn't even know you had that much upper body strength, are you just not trying in sparring or something?"
That was like a Lou Jistu movie!" Angelo cries out happily. "It's not just our universe, we've all got awesome action hero potential!"
"You're good enough to have been one of my stuntmen," Splints praises.
Donnie basks and blushes under all of the attention. He hadn't registered how awesome that move was at the time, a bit more focused on not dying, but seeing it now he feels very proud of himself.
On screen, April almost falls out of the copter, grabbing onto the same bar Donnie is holding. He tells her to hold on and that he's coming over to her, but she slips off! Donnie drops, catching her just before she hits the rooftop, and jumps them to a safer spot as the momentum keeps him moving before being able to stop. He asks if she's okay, and she looks up to see the helicopter getting away with her father inside.
"YOU ARE AN ACTION HERO!" Leon grins at Donnie. "You hung from a helicopter, still beat the guys on it, and saved the girl! Why didn't anyone mention that this version of Donnie is a complete badass?!"
"We didn't know he did all that!" Leo exclaims. "Look, we're still fighting Snakeweed and the Kraang! His thing was solo- he does that a lot, actually, now that I think about it..."
Screen Donnie exclaims in frustration as he sees his brothers leading Snakeweed to a power conduit. Leo pulls out a couple of Shurikens, and Donnie seems to understand the idea behind the actions. He debates with himself on if it's stupid, brilliant, or both, while April mostly looks confused. Leo taunts "Stinkweed", causing the villain to hit the power conduit, and then hops onto the villain's head and taunts The Kraang. They open fire again, hitting the conduit and electrocuting Snakeweed as he screams in pain. The conduit explodes, and bits of Snakeweed splatter everywhere. They all escape in the chaos.
"Oh... ew." Leon shudders. "That is... so gross."
"Please tell me y'all have a shower you used after this?" April O'Neil begs.
"Dude, I've never scrubbed harder in my life," Mikey assure solemnly.
On screen, The Kraang discuss how The Turtles have escaped. They decide that The Turtles must die, and the Kraang inside of the suit opens it's eyes and grins.
The colorful clan all shudder.
The camera then pans over the gray corpse of Snakeweed, his mouth still open in a silent scream. It zooms in on his heart, which gives a single beat.
"Seriously... he has to be your nastiest villain," Leon says, almost pleading.
Leo laughs. "Not even close."
"This is gonna be a bad watch," Raphie mutters.
On screen, April is sitting on a windowsill with The Turtles. Donnie asks if she'll be okay, and she says her aunt will let her stay as long as she needs, but she won't truly be okay until they track down the creeps who took her dad. Leo asks if the police will help, and April says they didn't take her seriously.
"Police are useless," Raphie declares. "They kept mistakin' me for all kinds of criminals who didn't even look like me!"
"Yeah, and they threw me in jail with no evidence once just because I was bald!" Leon shakes his head. "This is why we have to handle the big bads!"
"I hear that," Raph scoffs, raising a pizza slice like a toast of agreement.
Screen Donnie swears they won't rest until they find Mr. O'Neil, which Raph seems to not have realized was the consensus. Leo nudges him and agrees with Donnie. April says it's not their fight, and Donnie says it is. She smiles at him, making him instantly blush and back away awkwardly. The four leave, Donnie lingering a moment to look down and wave goodbye. She wave back, and watches as Donnie leaps away before going inside.
"So... is Donnie the main character in yours guy's universe, then? Because that felt very main-character," Leon says.
"I don't think I am." Donnie looks at himself like there could be some physical indication of Main Characterness. "That would probably be Leo, right?"
"Why not me?" Raph seems offended.
"Or me!" Mikey puts his hand on his chest.
"Well, Leo's the leader! Usually the leader is the main character!"
"I think we're probably all the main ones, like Super Robo Megaforce 5."
The screen shows Splinter praises Leonardo's leadership, and Leo saying he knows why Splinter made him leader. Leo speaks of warrior spirit and destiny, and Splinter denies it. He says it's because Leo asked, and that it's about choices, and there are no right or wrong in the heat of battle. Leo says that means he could have picked any of them, and Splinter agrees.
"Even Mikey?!" "Ha-ha, no. That would have been wrong."
"Heeeeyyy." Mikey deflates in his spot. "I could be leader."
"I did not mean you're fully incapable, my son," Spinter assures. "But you would not be able to handle the burden of it. You would need to stay extremely focused at all times, and be very aware of the locations and states of your brothers. You would also need to be able to handle the guilt, and the shame, of battles fought and lost. If it were simply an ability to adapt, and a willing spirit, you would be a fine leader. But it is not."
"... Alright, I guess," Mikey mumbles. "I don't wanna have to make all kinds of boring plans, anyway. I'm better at wingin' it."
"That you are." Splinter smiles at him. "I always admire your ability to change and flow with the shifting of circumstances."
Mikey perks up a little, giving a pleased hum at the praise.
On screen, Mikey calls out that they made the new. Sure enough, a news report shows one of Leo's Shirikens. Mikey is excited, while Splinter says it's a dangerous development. Raph says to relax, what's the worst that can happen?
Everyone from both groups groans.
"I can't believe I said that!" Raph exclaims, throwing his hands up at his own stupidity.
Indeed, the next shot shows a city, with the words "Tokyo, Japan" captioning the bottom. Suddenly the blood drains from the faces of the duller colored clan. The scene within the building shows a man on a throne with two guards watching the news, examining the star. He's bald, his face mostly obscured in shadows, but still visibly scarred.
"So, my old enemy is in New York, and training his own army."
"WHOA!" Leon jumps up, pointing at the screen. "That's the voice of your Shredder?! That is him right, with the shoulder spikes and everything?! Ours sounded like your dad, yours sounds- like-"
"Why doesn't he have an accent?" Donald wonders aloud.
"Okay yes, but also he's super intimidating sounding! Are we sure he's not also a demon?"
"We aren't," Leo says.
"We are." Splinter looks... sad. "He is not a demon. Just a man, who allowed himself to be consumed by his anger and his hate. Someone who was once my brother, and now... my enemy."
"Your brother?" Splints whistles. "Oy, you have a weird family tree. How many of your family wants to kill you?"
Splinter lowers his head. "There are... not many left to wish me well, or ill. Only Oruko Saki, and my daughter Miwa. And it is... impossible, to know how Miwa feels about me right now."
The episode ends with Shredder putting on his helmet and declaring his intentions to go to New York.
"Whoa." Angelo slumps against the back of the couch. "That was intense! Kidnapping and blowing people up!"
"Pretty big first adventure, huh?" Leo says, a little proud. He can think of better ways they could have gone about things now, but for a first time, he still thinks they did pretty well.
"No kidding!" Angelo beams at him. "Ours was too, but we had a pet kidnapping instead of a person one! Well, I guess a pizza guy got kinda-kidnapped."
"Uh guys?" April O'Neil points at the screen. "I think they'll get to see it themselves soon enough."
There, on the screen, shows the colorful clan posing beneath the words Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mystic Mayhem.
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wingstobetorn · 3 months
hmmm you should tell me about THONYS Casey :3
(pretty please I enjoy Casey an abnormal amount and I would love to see your take on them!)
Send asks about THONYS | open!
hmmm, Casey Jones, where do I start with him? He's very much so a work in progress but so is every other character here. (Basically: I'm still not 100% sure on things so this is prone to change)
Well, his backstory all starts as an orphan kid, likely abandoned by his parents, forced to live in a corrupt system, who then proceeded to run away... at some point. Krang wander the earth in this iteration looking for a way to control it and its people as it did once before.
Casey just happened to have an encounter with one when he was a wee lad; just a few days after his escape from the orphanage.
In a surprising turn of events, he was saved by a tall adult man, Oruko Saki. When you're a wee lad, witnessing a weird alien thing (who just tried to possess and/or kill you) get ripped to shreds by a stranger would normally be a traumatic event, but it honestly inspired Casey to become the person he was now. He would spend all of his time researching the Krang, their weaknesses, the dangers they pose to humanity, and even going as far as to become a vigilante himself. Cut to 18-21 years old and Casey Jones is a fear-mongering mask-wearing weirdo warning all of New York about danger yet to come.
I haven't fully decided Shredder and Casey's dynamic with each other yet. Casey was initially gonna be Saki's adoptive son, but now I'm still figuring that kinda stuff out with them. Saki and Casey are very similar and pretty much have the same motivations tho: Get rid of the Krang once and for all.
Casey starts off very antagonistic towards April and the turtles. I think him and Raph's first encounter would be very similar to 90s Raph and Casey's, with the addition of April also being there to fight him off, and his development with the entire main gang would be a bit of a slow burn until he inevitably comes to be on their side.
Casey is serious, intense, but also has a sense of justice and honor he's willing to put above all else. He has a good heart but he's quick to become irrational unless you held him back and explained everything to him calmly. Because of his abandonment issues, he's pretty much a lone wolf with trouble connecting with others.
He's opened up more by the final arc and would do anything for his loved ones against the Krang.
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wingstobetorn · 3 months
Working through Casey's backstory
a homeless child likely abandoned by his parents. landed in an orphanage, but rebelled and escaped, not wanting to be trapped in an establishment like that. his first encounter with a Krang was when he was 12; it had him backed into a corner and was just about to attack him (would'a killed him) until a tall adult man (oruko saki cough cough the shredder) stepped in and sliced it in half.
Cut to 21 years old and Casey Jones is a krang-killing fanatic with a clock constantly ticking for the end of the world. Thanks for showing him the light, Saki!
This is prone to change. Casey was initially gonna be Shredder's adoptive son, but I'm gonna have to see what his backstory leads into and how that would fit in.
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wingstobetorn · 11 months
I need to write a fic for my au so badly, mainly for
Shredder angst and lore
Leonardo and her little lesbian crush on Lotus Blossom
Raphael and his crush on Mona Lisa
Oruko Saki
Soul-crushing angst
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Tale of the Yokai Liveblog
I'm sleep deprived this morning, lets hope I'm coherent.
Okay they're still in the past and fighting ninjas, oh hey Splinter's Guys.
"The Hamato Clan don't exist anymore" Shut up Raph you're TIME TRAVELLING
Oh okay. I don't know much about Yokai but like, are they evil? Why're the Hamatos instantly thi- HOLY SHIT YOUNG SHREDDER
Why would Saki know? He's like. 20 here?
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY they're out of the stupid costumes
Oh okay it's only 16 years ago, so he's probably more round his 30's. But still why did they one guy think Saki would know?
Raph is right, Renet did this.
Pfffff "They were small green men in strange costumes" "Saki did you find that mushroom patch again"
Oh god... was Young Splinter... a smarmy punk? Whoa, dude.
Whoa whoa whoa, wait- Yoshi's instant dismissal of Saki... kinda reminds me of how the others treat Mikey?
Yeah listen to your dad, There's Lots Of Shit Out There.
Yoshi is kinda a turd, actually.
Oooooh okay interesting, so Saki thinks Yoshi's marriage to Tang Shen is for practicality over love? Interesting layer to this, I enjoy it. Also, the fact that he says Yoshi always dismisses him is again giving me How They Treat Mikey vibes.
I enjoy seeing this Pre Fire dynamic to be sure, and I'm sure this episode's purpose is to introduce us to Tang Shen as a person and not just A Fridged Character, but I kind of wish this had been further back and we could have seen Yoshi and Saki in their days of being close to each other. Maybe even being the same age as The Turtles. I think it would add a lot of depth to what's going on in their present times, freshen up the dynamic a little. The Turtles could meet an Oruko Saki who could have been their Uncle, if he just hadn't let jealousy and rage blind him and control him so badly. And then they have to go back and face Shredder again, now with knowledge of what stupid jokes he enjoyed as a teen.
It's true though, Just Berries is bad for anyone, not just turtles.
I like that Donnie isn't dismissive of the idea of destiny.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW BABY KARAI man that picture Splinter has in his room does Baby Karai dirty, she's actually pretty cute
Tang Shen said "Fuck Tokyo, I want Diseases and Rats and Bad Healthcare. Better than Ninja shit."
Dudes this is totally a Scrooge and his girlfriend from Muppet's Christmas Carole moment. Tang Shen is about to start singing about how The Love Is Gone
I see both points, Splinter wants to uphold a dying tradition that he was raised in his whole life, but Tang Shen is right that it seems like a bad environment to grow up in. We saw clear evidence that The Hamato Clan don't hold back in sparring, something Splinter obviously continued to embrace when it comes to training The Turtles, which implies that the sparring for children is just as ruthless. Which as we all know, uh... isn't the best for their development.
She's always taken care of herself? That's so interesting. I wonder what Karai, and even The Turtles, would have been like if Tang Shen had lived. Like, she wanted to move to America, so what if she and Yoshi were both out getting the turtles when The Kraang showed up? What if Yoshi followed them and she followed him trying to convince him to stop because he promised to stop with the Ninja stuff? What if they were both mutated, and had to raise Karai alongside The Turtles? It'd cause a massive rift in their marriage for sure, I feel like it'd be sort of like Toriel and Asgore. Splinter would still love her and want to keep trying, but she's kind of given up hope with him, especially when he decides to start training the kids.
Maybe she balances them out a bit more. She values independence, clearly, so I guess it's possible she'd take Miwa and leave, but where else would she go as a mutant? And would she feel comfortable leaving The Turtles to be raised just by Yoshi, knowing he has many very Traditional Values and will be training them The Hamato Way? If she stayed, would she take on the role of their mother as well, or reserve that part of her life just for Miwa and only try to mitigate what Yoshi trains them in out of a sense of duty to these children her daughter is growing up to love and see as siblings?
If she did stay as their mom, how would that affect the way the boys grow up? Would she be more understanding of their mental health struggles, and have more modern and informed advice about it than Splinter does? Would she make it a goal of hers to make sure the boys are more independent than they are in the show, and know that there's many solutions to problems and paths of wisdom in the world, not just the ones known by The Hamato Clan?
It's a fascinating concept but I need to cut it off there because I'm only 7 minutes through the episode.
Well you guys ate worms for years so that parts fine but, the mud sauce? Mikey no.
OH TANG SHEN MEETS TURTLES oh noooo Miwa is crying already
Okay a little intense Saki
Donnie is right, messing with time is bad, but... at least give him an extra scar.
Oh shit, Saki and Shen already dated once?!?!?!?!?! And he ruined it somehow... I mean I can guess how, he was probably one of those "Abuses in an angry outburst and then makes excuses after" kinda guys.
Whoa whoa, convince her that he's evil? Guys, I don't like this. He doesn't seem evil yet, just... on the path. Are they the ones that cause him to take the final step down that path?
Ohhhhh he almost grabbed the sword, okay so yeah he is already kinda a bitch.
Oooooh "You are brothers, act like brothers!" Oh geez... ow...
THIS WAS A TERRIBLE PLANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Mikey the '87 song won't help- oh okay nevermind, I stand corrected
Ooooh wait that's cool, I mean I thought her name sounded Chinese so it's cool that she is. AWWWW BABY MIWA PULLING ON LEO'S MASH STRINGS AWWWWWWWWW
Mikey stop biting the table
Boys, um... you're kind of stripping her agency away... like I know, I know, but you can't say "Stay with Yoshi," just say "Look, Oruko Saki is bad news, even if he's kind now there's a darkness in his heart that has the great potential to blind him. We've seen fire, all-consuming, and great loss of life and light of the spirit. The path he's on bodes poorly for all involved in this situation, and we see him making a choice that will lead to misery."
Shen did you not- did you not hear them say they're gonna kill someone?
Yeah see, just warn Shen that Saki has a darkness, a deep need for vengeance, and that it will destroy him and all he loves, including her.
Hey wait Oruko Saki has the same backstory as Loki in the MCU.
OH SHIT THE FIRE- OH SHIT OH SHIT does this mean his name should be Foot Saki now?
Oh whoa, three prongs on the Shredder Claws? Cool!
Oh? Yoshi making up for it? YEAH YOSHI YOU HAVE A WIFE AND DAUGHTER not to say that like wanting to uphold your dying father's legacy is bad but YOU HAVE MORE THAN JUST THAT
Yeah dude Oruko Saki is like. Loki.
Oh okay so the boys are being creepy on purpose, okay got it. This is fun, they should do this "Unhinged Spirits" thing more often.
Hey why can Donnie climb his staff like that
Steal their souls through their butt? Leo... honey...
This episode should have seen them in their Vison Quest gear, right? Yeah I'm right.
Oh good Raph called out the Butt thi- wait does it actually come from real Japanese legend?
Wait but how will Tang Shen be caught in this?
Oh wow, burn resistant boys?
Holy... I can't believe this. It wasn't the fire, it was directly Saki. Whoa... oh and the boys had to see that... see their father cradling the dead body of a woman who's haunted them their whole lives, the woman their father loved, knowing that even if they had been in time to save her... it would have lead to more doom... fuck this episode is dark...
Raph calm down, Donnie's clearly wrestling with some guilt next to you about how securing the future hurt their father.
I'd be mad too Leo
Sheesh... so they're paradoxes now. That- fine. Okay. Whatever. I won't rant about it. I won't. ... In Space With Markiplier-ass timeloop-
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