dreamstormdragon · 2 years
Our Game Now Chapter 12: Eyes of Blue
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The mansion was so quiet. He peered around him at the winding marble pillars, walking further down the hall. His shoes clicked against the floor as he gazed up at the paintings…
Portraits that never existed… He recognized himself but he scowled at the smiling confident boy that gazed out at him. One in particular stood out, showing himself, at 9 years of age.
It was a photo of himself and his brother playing chess.
The picture was warped, depicting Mokuba sitting on the lap of a boy who could've been Seto's twin. The chess pieces warped to look monstrous as they laughed at one another.
That never happened.
He turned away from it.
"Hello?" He called. "Mokuba?"
Where was he?
The mansion wasn't THAT big was it?
The mansion usually depicted different paintings… His foster father was quite insistent on his work being displayed. Seto didn't care, all he cared was that he was still going to get his chance to burn the former portraits.
"Seto!" A child's voice called. "Brother!"
Seto stopped short, looking around him.
The hall split into three corridors. Mokuba's voice echoed through only one though.
"Hey, hey, Seto! This way!" Another voice called… one so similar to his own that sent chills down his spine.
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