#Out there right now... caving a snack's skull in...
woodland-gremlin · 4 months
Summoning Your Secret Boyfriend Pt. 6
First Previously AU Summary
“‘Even’ nothing. Now we are going to drop this, summon the new King, beg them for forgiveness and for them to deal with Trigon, and fix those disastrous laws!” Constantine declared while pulling out a book with a strange aura out of his coat pocket.
Red Robin internally sighed in relief. They were finally getting somewhere. He had been worried that they would be stuck getting integrated until Trigon was right on top of them. Not that it would stop them from getting questioned after the whole fiasco was over, but, small mercies.
From the way Batman was glaring at Supernova and Red Robin it was even more obvious that the Bat wouldn’t let it go. The only thing stopping him being the pressing matter with Trigon and the occult magician being very willing to yell at him if he kept poking. Though it did make Red Robin wonder how he planned to do so, it wasn’t like he lived at the manor anymore. No one but Alfred noticed that the only time they saw him was at the cave, and even that was rare. Really makes one question about the ‘World’s Greatest Detective’ title that Batman held. Danny certainly doesn’t think so with all his nicknames for him, and after the last few years he was inclined to agree. You really shouldn’t meet your heroes.
The Laughing Magician worked and while watching him make the summoning circle Red Robin and Supernova were suddenly glad that neither offered to make it. If they did they might have never stopped getting questioned. Even Constantine would have probably joined them with how differently their summoning circle would be. While the con man made an intricate circle with the title of Ghost King being the main factor, with candles placed at significant points and fancy offerings, the two boyfriends had a much simpler approach. The biggest differences being name and title. They call Danny by name, which makes it significantly easier than a broad title to summon him. Add on to the fact that most of the titles that Constantine are using are only Danny’s by default the ease in summons is a lot easier. Though them being his boyfriends and offering snacks plays a big factor in it too.
The occult magician then began to chant in Esperanto. Candles began to flicker, changing to Relam’s green. The room’s temperature began to drop, frost creeping across the floor and walls. Wind that shouldn’t be possible in a space station whipped around, flipping Batman and Superman’s capes over their heads. A neon green crack appeared in the air above the summoning circle. Claws clutching the tear in reality before ripping it further.
Out from the tear in reality stepped out an ethereal being. White hair that moved like it was underwater. Lavender skin with freckles spaced out like constellations. Bright green lighting birch scars crawling over their body, cutting all the up to their brow. Eyes glowing the same erie color with the one the scar cut through being that singular color, sclera and all. A crown seemingly made of aurora lights and ice, radiating power. A fur lined coat seemingly made from space only added to the otherworldliness, A ring shaped like a skull, signaling the being as one of death. Armor with small dents here and there showing that it isn’t just for decoration. That this being that they summoned was a fighter, a King forged in battle.
 Everyone but Red Robin and Supernova froze. They thought that they were prepared. They knew that they would be powerful, enough that they could rule over beings like Trigon. But no words could have prepared them for the aura bearing down on them. All their bravo was drained out of the minute they were subjected to the King’s presence. Aquaman was especially shaken. He was a King as well but he felt like nothing compared to the one in front of him. Like a big fish in a small pond thrust to face the ruler of the ocean.
“Were you the ones that summoned me, freeing from the bane that is paperwork?” the being asked.
To be continued . . .
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dexlexia · 1 year
still with you - keigo (hawks) x reader
pairing: keigo takami (hawks) x reader rating: 18+ summary: Keigo was home, he was the safe place you stored all your love in.  When he came home battered and bruised after fighting the villain of the week you took care of him. When he needed his wings brushed, you helped him. You never asked for anything in return because the number two hero needed help once in a while.
It was why when you woke up with a throbbing headache, you didn't call him for anything. tags: pwp, smut, gentle sex, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), migraines, fluff, sick fic w smut
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Keigo was home, he was the safe place you stored all your love in.  When he came home battered and bruised after fighting the villain of the week you took care of him. When he needed his wings brushed, you helped him. You never asked for anything in return because the number two hero needed help once in a while.
It was why when you woke up with a throbbing headache, you didn't call him for anything. 
The throbbing started as soon as you got up, the heavy rain against the window and the pressure left an ache in your skull. You tried medicine and a hot shower to soothe the ache, but it only made it feel like it was spreading into further parts of your head. A quick email to your boss and you slinked back into bed with achy knees. From the floor you picked up Keigo's hoodie that you snuggled with every night. It didn't smell like him anymore but the softness of the worn material made you feel content.
You rolled over in bed so the bit of light between the heavy clouds didn't irritate your sore eyes. You wished you had the energy to close the curtains. Your body felt achy, bones felt heavier. You curled up with the hoodie more and exhaled deeply into the fabric. It wasn't long before your body sank into the old mattress and you fell back asleep with the rain being background noise for your slumber. 
You weren't too sure how long you were asleep when you heard knocking on the glass door that led to your balcony. You rolled over and cracked open your eyes to see Keigo on the other side, concern was marked on his face as he held a plastic bag filled with items. 
  “Keigo?” You instantly got up and went over to the door. You opened it and he quickly got in. He was drenched to his core as he now looked relieved to see you, “Are you okay?” You asked. 
He nodded and pulled you in for a kiss, keeping your body away from his wet on as he laid his kiss on you. He spread out his wings and gave a slight flap which caused the water to go everywhere. He blushed, “Sorry about that, I hate when they're soaked.” 
  “Don't worry.” You replied as you reached out to him and cupped his cheek, “Shouldn't you be out patrolling?”
  “Too rainy, dove. Plus you weren't answering my texts so I got worried.” He leaned into your touch and his wings partially spreaded out before coming back closer to his back, “So why are you still at home and not at work?”
You exhaled and went back to sit on the edge of the bed, “Really bad migraine. It feels like my head is caving in. I decided to stay home.” You laid back in bed, “This is taking so much out of me.”
Keigo came over and rubbed the back of his hand against your forehead, “Well, as the number two hero I must help every civilian I can! Even the most beautiful.” 
You smiled gently, “Oh shush.” You closed your eyes to relieve the pain, “But thank you.” 
Keigo leaned down and kissed you on the forehead, “Of course, dove. Anything for my girl.“ He smiled at you, ”Well I got you some greasy food and snacks from the Seven-Eleven. I cleared the shelves of all the medicine they had and I have a can of ginger ale in my pocket that I'll put in the fridge.“
You chuckled, ”Ginger Ale, the solver of everything. Thank you, Keigo. I'm glad it's not anything worse. Just stupid rain.”
He gave you another kiss before he pulled away, “Well I guess I'm on dinner duty tonight. But don't worry, dove, I'll make sure everything goes right as rain.” Then beamed at you before he went to the kitchen. 
You could almost cry from how sweet Keigo, not that he was never this sweet to you. But the above and beyond nature of his actions plus the pain in your body made you a little emotional. You exhaled deeply and laid spread out on the bed, under the blanket as you heard him move about the rest of the apartment. 
You relaxed deeper into your bed as you let the comfort of it lull you back to sleep, but it wasn't long before you heard footsteps coming towards the bedroom. You cracked open an eye and looked over to see Keigo. He was approaching you with two plates in hand. 
  “Hey, sleepy head.' He said softly, ”I assumed you hadn't eaten yet so I threw all the food onto a plate for you.“ He sat on the edge of the bed as you sat up and placed both plates in your lap, ”If you ask nicely I'll even hand feed you, dove.“ Then winked at you. 
You chuckled, ”Such a sweet talker.“ You opened your mouth partially, then burst into a loud laughter. For a moment all the pain was gone as you felt flustered by his words, ”But if the great number two hero is offering then I accept it.“ 
You swore Keigo had little hearts in his eyes as he picked up the take-out chopsticks that came with the food and started to feed you pieces of chicken. You made a small noise with each piece. He started with the fried chicken followed by hand feeding you the two onigiris he got you, then the egg sandwiches then followed it off with feeding you every last chip from a small bag. The carbs made you feel a lot better, it was like the itch had been scratched. 
You smiled as he wiped your mouth before he placed a kiss on your head, ”That's my girl. I'm happy you got some food for you.“ Then leaned further down to kiss you on the lips, getting the taste of grease on his lips. 
He then moved the plates away and crawled into bed with you. He wrapped his arms around you and his wings provided a block from the light shining between the clouds. Rain continued to hit the windows as he visibly relaxed next to you, his strong arms wrapped around you. 
It was so tender, Keigo was just the best. Being with him felt like a dream so it wasn't hard that you fell back asleep. But thanks to the light being blocked out by Keigo's wings and the medicine finally kicking in, when you woke up closer to the evening, the pain had dissipated. 
You yawned loudly and rolled back onto your back. The first thing you became aware of was that Keigo was staring at you. His wings flapped a little at the sight of you. From the haziness of his eyes, you could tell he had just woken up from a nap as well. 
  ”Hey, dove.“
  ”Hi, Keigo.“
He leaned in for a gentle kiss and you felt your heart flutter as his lips pressed against yours. You got closer to him and the kiss deepened for a moment. When he pulled away he looked at you with a glint in his eye, ”Someone is happy to see me.“ 
Your smile was large as you looked at him, ”I'm always happy to see you.“ You kissed him again. 
He smiled back at you once he broke the kiss and said, ”I'm guessing your migraine is gone too.“ He pulled you in as close as he could get you and pressed his forehead up against yours. 
  ”I feel a lot better now, thank you. You're my hero.“ 
He flexed his arm and grinned at you, ”Well I'm not the number two pro hero for nothing.“ Then developed into laughter as you pulled him for a kiss that soon became hot and heavy. 
He climbed on top of you and fluttered his wings as he deepened the kiss. His hands on your face as he passionately made out with you. It was very hot, your felt heat rush to your cheeks. You felt like a new woman with the migraine gone!
He started to kiss down your body over your clothes, his heart raced in his chest as he got to your sweatpants. He licked his lips in lust and then looked up at you. He smiled broadly, ”May I?“
You combed your fingers through his blond hair and relaxed against the best with your chin pointed towards the ceiling, “I'll never say no to that tongue of yours.” You smiled to yourself as you felt Keigo start to pull down the sweatpants down your ass, which exposed your sweet pussy to him.
He chuckled and kissed your inner thigh as he looked up at you, “Well of course.” He beamed, “I could never get tired of you either.” Before his wings flapped once more before he started to go down on you. Your hands gripped onto his head tighter as he began to pleasure you. 
  “That's it, Keigo.” You moaned, “That feels so good.” 
You moaned once more as you felt your cheeks grow warmer as he licked at your sweet sex. Your toes curled as you felt the rush of pleasure thanks to Keigo's tongue. He smiled to himself before he kissed your pussy lips and went back to lapping at your clit. The sensation made you moan louder as you felt the sense of pleasure race up your spine. The euphoric feeling of his tongue against you. 
He loved making you feel good, it was a purpose of his to make you feel good. To make that  back arch, those moans loud, everything. He wanted to make you feel so euphoric and deep in pleasure. 
You held on tightly as his tongue swirled around your sex, you tried to roll your hips to get more pleasure out of him but he stopped you with his hands and started to really put his back into it. He kept your legs open with his hands and he worked your pussy until you were seeing stars.
Your noises made his heart race as he moved his tongue. The air in the room got heavier as moans filled it. Keiog was in deep, even his nose was buried in your pussy as you held onto him. Pleasure began to feel overwhelming as you felt your heart race. Long gone was the migraine and all you could focus on was the immense pleasure that Keigo was giving you. 
Keigo moaned a little as he rubbed himself up against the mattress to relieve part of his hard-on. He too was feeling the spark between you two. He breathed deeply onto your pussy as he played with your clit with his thumb in an effort to bring you to climax.
  “That's it, that's it, dove.” He panted as he gazed lovingly at your soaked pussy. His fingers continued to work your pussy along with his tongue. It wasn't long before your noises became louder as you neared climax. 
  “Please, Keigo.” You moaned, “Oh please.” Your breathing was practically panting as the swell of pleasure bloomed in your stomach. Your legs tensed up as you felt the climax hit its peak and you gripped onto your boyfriend's head as tightly as possible and with one last lap of your sex from him, you came on his mouth. Your eyes rolled back from the sheer force of the pleasure. Your moan almost got stuck in your throat as you came. 
As you started to come down, Keigo pulled his mouth away from you and wiped it with the back of his hand. He smiled down at you with flushed cheeks. His cock hard in his pants. His smile turned into a groan as he watched you start to come back to your senses. He was proud of himself for what he did to you, he made you feel so good. 
He reached to you and cupped your face before he went in for a soft kiss on the lips, “Now.” He said as he pulled away, “What can we do about this?” 
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What if women??? What if??? Stephbit content pls!!!! (Also if you include Fembit my head will literally explode and it will kill me instantly)
Girls Night
Features: Fembit, Stephbit, Northstar Warnings: None
A girls night with Stephbit includes lots of things. Snacks, movies, caving in skulls, giggling over cat videos, but the best part is very clear;
Doing Northstar’s nails!
“We should do em’ red.” Stephbit mused, holding one of his hands. “It’ll look real nice… Actually, how about we do ours red too, let’s match.” She grinned.
“Oooh, That sounds fun!” Fembit sang out, picking up the little nail polish bottle.
Northstar wasn’t exactly there by choice, but he allowed this bullshit. If nothing else, it did bring a little amusement to the banal nature of the Skull when Loathesome was prancing about. “Do I have any say in this?”
“Nope!” “Absolutely not darling~”
“Mmh, figured as much. Well, if you insist on painting my nails red, then I am going to do your eyeshadow red.”
Fembit blinked, laughing lightly. “Pardon?”
“I have a daughter, I know how to do eyeshadow.”
“Well well, then by all means darling!”
Stephbit snickered, deciding to paint Fembit’s nails while Northstar did her eyeshadow. “Stay still, alright? I don’t wanna accidently spill this on the carpet, Loathesome will throw a hissy fit. Like he totally doesn’t drag corpses in here and smear god knows what on it or anything. No no, we must keep it pristine!”
The pair got to share a laugh, with Northstar doing his damn best not to fuck up Fembit’s eyeshadow. He doesn’t exactly want to meet the business end of whatever weapon she’s packing right now, be it a knife or otherwise. “Stop moving.”
“Make me!”
Northstar fell into what is commonly known as the ‘Dad deadpan’.
Fembit on the other hand, burst into another fit of giggles with Stephbit. “You’re making yourself look so old!” “Awww look at his frown lines!” “Did we upset you?” “Peepaw is mad!”
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
Seeing the Beauty (Piper McLean x Fem!Jackson!Reader) - Chapter 13
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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"Wolves," Piper says. "They sound close."
Jason and (Y/n) rise, drawing their swords. Leo and the Coach get to their feet too. Piper tries, but black spots dance before her eyes.
"Stay there," (Y/n) tells her. "We've got you."
Piper grits her teeth, hating feeling helpless. She doesn't want anyone to protect her. First her stupid ankle, and then stupid hypothermia. She wants to be on her feet, with her dagger in her hand.
Then, just outside the firelight, at the entrance of the cave, she sees a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark.
Okay, she thinks. Maybe a little protection is fine.
More wolves edge into the firelight — black beasts bigger than Great Danes, with ice and snow caked on their fur. Their fangs gleam, and their glowing red eyes look disturbingly intelligent. The wolf in front is almost as tall as a horse, his mouth stained as if he'd just made a fresh kill.
Piper pulls her dagger out of its sheath.
Then Jason steps forward and says something in Latin.
Piper doesn't think a dead language would have much effect on wild animals, but the alpha wolf curls his lip. The fur stands up along his spine. One of his lieutenants tries to advance, but the alpha wolf snaps at his ear. Then all of the wolves back into the dark.
"Dude, I gotta study Latin." Leo's hammer shakes in his hand. "What'd you say, Jason?"
Hedge curses. "Whatever it was, it wasn't enough. Look."
The wolves are coming back, but the alpha wolf isn't with them. They don't attack. They wait — at least a dozen now, in a rough semicircle just outside the firelight, blocking the cave exit.
The coach hefts his club. "Here's the plan. I'll kill them all, and you guys escape."
"Coach, they'll rip you apart," Piper says.
"Nah, I'm good."
Then Piper sees the silhouette of a man coming through the storm, wading through the wolf pack.
"Stick together," Jason advises. "They respect a pack. And Hedge, no crazy stuff. We're not leaving you or anyone else behind."
Piper gets a lump in her throat. She's the weak link in their "pack" right now. No doubt the wolves can smell her fear. She might as well be wearing a sign that says free lunch.
The wolves part, and the man steps into the firelight. His hair is greasy and ragged, the color of fireplace soot, topped with a crown of what looks like finger bones. His robes are tattered fur — wolf, rabbit, raccoon, deer, and several others Piper can't identify. The furs don't look cured, and from the smell, they aren't very fresh. His frame is lithe and muscular, like a distance runner's. But the most horrible thing is his face. His thin pale skin is pulled tight over his skull. His teeth are sharpened like fangs. His eyes glow bright red like his wolves' — and they fix on Jason with absolute hatred.
"Ecce,"he said, "filli Romani."
"Speak English, wolf man!" Hedge bellow.
The wolf man snarls. "Tell your faun to mind his tongue, son of Rome. Or he'll be my first snack."
Piper remembers that faun is the Roman name for satyr. Not exactly helpful information. Now, if she can remember who this wolf guy is in Greek mythology, and how to defeat him, that she can use.
The wolf man studies their little group. His nostrils twitch. "So it's true," he muses. "A child of Aphrodite. A son of Hephaestus. The Jackson girl. A faun. And a child of Rome, of Lord Jupiter, no less. All together, without killing each other. How interesting."
You were told about us?" Jason asks. "By whom?"
The man snarls — perhaps a laugh, perhaps a challenge. "Oh, we've been patrolling for you all across the west, demigod, hoping we'd be the first to find you. The giant king will reward me well when he rises. I am Lycaon, king of the wolves. And my pack is hungry."
The wolves snarl in the darkness.
Out of the corner of her eye, Piper sees Leo put up his hammer and slip something else from his tool belt — a glass bottle full of clear liquid.
Piper racks her brain trying to place the wolf guy's name. She knows she'd heard it before, but she can't remember details.
Lycaon glares at Jason's sword. He moves to each side as if looking for an opening, but Jason's blade moves with him.
"Leave," Jason orders. "There's no food for you here."
"Unless you want tofu burgers," (Y/n) offers.
Lycaon bares his fangs. Apparently he isn't a tofu fan.
"If I had my way," Lycaon says with regret, "I'd kill you first, son of Jupiter. Your father made me what I am. I was the powerful mortal king of Arcadia, with fifty fine sons, and Zeus slew them all with his lightning bolts."
"Ha," Coach Hedge says. "For good reason!"
Jason glances over his shoulder. "Coach, you know this clown?"
"I do," Piper answers. The details of the myth come back to her — a short, horrible story she and her father had laughed at over breakfast. She isn't laughing now.
"Lycaon invited Zeus to dinner," she says. "But the king wasn't sure it was really Zeus. So to test his powers, Lycaon tried to feed him human flesh. Zeus got outraged —"
"And killed my sons!" Lycaon howls. The wolves behind him howl too.
"So Zeus turned him into a wolf," Piper continues. "They call . . . they call werewolves lycanthropes, named after him, the first werewolf."
"The king of wolves," Coach Hedge finishes. "An immortal, smelly, vicious mutt."
Lycaon growls. "I will tear you apart, faun!"
"Oh, you want some goat, buddy? 'Cause I'll give you goat."
"Stop it," Jason says. "Lycaon, you said you wanted to kill me first, but . . .?
"Sadly, Child of Lightning, you two" – he nods to (Y/n) – "are spoken for. Since this one" – he waggles his claws at Piper – "has failed to kill you, you are destined to be delivered alive to the Wolf House. One of my compatriots has asked for the honor of killing you herself."
The wolf king snickers. "Oh, a great admirer of yours. Apparently, you two made quite an impression on her. She will take care of you soon enough, and really I cannot complain. Spilling your blood at the Wolf House should mark my new territory quite well. Lupa will think twice about challenging my pack."
Piper's heart tries to jump out of her chest. She doesn't understand everything Lycaon had said, but a woman who wants to kill Jason and (Y/n)? Medea, she thought. Somehow, she must've survived the explosion.
Piper struggles to her feet. Spots dance before her eyes again. The cave seems to spin. "You're going to leave now," Piper says, "before we destroy you." She tries to put power into the words, but she is too weak. Shivering in her blankets, pale and sweaty and barely able to hold a knife, she can't have looked very threatening.
Lycaon's red eyes crinkle with humor. "A brave try, girl. I admire that. Perhaps I'll make your end quick. Only the son of Jupiter and daughter of Poseidon are needed alive. The rest of you, I'm afraid, are dinner."
At that moment, Piper knows she is going to die. But at least she'd die on her feet, fighting next to (Y/n).
(Y/n) takes a step forward. "You're not killing anyone, wolf man. Not without going through me."
Lycaon howls and extends his claws. (Y/n) slashes at him, but her bronze sword passes straight through as if the wolf king isn't there.
Lycaon laughs. "Gold, bronze, steel — none of these are any good against my wolves, child of the Sea."
"Silver!" Piper cries. "Aren't werewolves hurt by silver?"
"We don't have any silver!" Jason replies.
Wolves leaps into the firelight. Hedge charges forward with an elated "Woot!"
But Leo strikes first. He throws his glass bottle and it shatters on the ground, splattering liquid all over the wolves — the unmistakable smell of gasoline. He shoots burst of fire at the puddle, and a wall of flames erupts.
Wolves yelp and retreat. Several catch fire and have to run back into the snow. Even Lycaon looks uneasily at the barrier of flames now separating his wolves from the demigods.
"Aw, c'mon," Coach Hedge complains. "I can't hit them if they're way over there."
Every time a wolf comes closer, Leo shoots a new wave of fire from his hands, but each effort seems to make him a little more tired, and the gasoline is already dying down. "I can't summon any more gas!" Leo warns. Then his face turns red. "Wow, that came out wrong. I mean the burning kind. Gonna take the tool belt a while to recharge. What you got, man?"
"Nothing," Jason replies. "Not even a weapon that works."
"Nothin,'" (Y/n) says. "Unless we're gonna fuckin' box some wolves."
"Lightning?" Piper asks, glancing at (Y/n) with amusement.
Jason concentrates, but nothing happens. "I think the snowstorm is interfering, or something."
"Unleash the venti!" Piper offers.
"Then we'll have nothing to give Aeolus," Jason replies. "We'll have come all this way for nothing."
Lycaon laughs. "I can smell your fear. A few more minutes of life, heroes. Pray to whatever gods you wish. Zeus did not grant me mercy, and you will have none from me."
The flames begin to sputter out. Jason curses and drops his sword. He crouches like he is ready to go hand-to-hand. Leo pulls his hammer out of his pack. Piper raises her dagger — not much, but it is all she has. Coach Hedge hefts his club, and he is the only one who looks excited about dying.
Then a ripping sound cuts through the wind — like a piece of tearing cardboard. A long stick sprouts from the neck of the nearest wolf — the shaft of a silver arrow. The wolf writhes and falls, melting into a puddle of shadow.
More arrows. More wolves fall. The pack breaks in confusion. An arrow flashes towards Lycaon, but the wolf king catches it in midair. Then he yells in pain. When he drops the arrow, it leaves a charred, smoking gash across his palm. Another arrow catches him in the shoulder, and the wolf king staggers.
"Curse them!" Lycaon yells. He growls at his pack, and the wolves turned and ran. Lycaon fixed Jason with those glowing red eyes. "This isn't over, boy."
The wolf king disappears into the night.
Seconds later, Piper hear more wolves baying, but the sound is different — less threatening, more like hunting dogs on the scent. A smaller white wolf bursts into the cave, followed by two more.
Hedge says, "Kill it?"
"No!" Piper replies. "Wait."
The wolves tilt their heads and study the campers with huge golden eyes. One of the wolves steps forward, sniffing around (Y/n), and (Y/n) kneels down, stroking the wolf's ears. Piper watches as (Y/n)'s expression softens as she talks quietly to the wolf, as though missing her own dog.
A heartbeat later, their masters appear: a troop of hunters in white-and-gray winter camouflage, at least half a dozen. All of them carry bows, with quivers of glowing silver arrows on their backs.
Their faces are covered with parka hoods, but clearly they are all girls. One, a little taller than the rest, crouches in the firelight and snatches up the arrow that had wounded Lycaon's hand.
"So close." She turns to her companions. "Phoebe, stay with me. Watch the entrance. The rest of you, follow Lycaon. We can't lose him now. I'll catch up with you." (Y/n)'s head snaps up, and she watches the girl, as though she recognized the voice. A possible girlfriend, Piper wonders, feeling a little disappointed.
The other hunters mumble agreement and disappear, heading after Lycaon's pack.
The girl in white turns toward them, her face still hidden in her parka hood. "We've been following that demon's trail for over a week. Is everyone alright? No one got bit?"
Jason stands frozen, staring at the girl. Piper realizes that something about her voice sounds familiar. It's hard to pin down, but the way she speaks, the way she forms her words, reminds her of Jason.
"You're her," Piper guesses. "You're Thalia."
The girl tenses. Piper is afraid she might draw her bow, but instead she pulls down her parka hood. Her hair is spiky black, with a silver tiara across her brow. Her face has a super-healthy glow to it, as if she's a little more than human, and her eyes are brilliant blue. She is the girl from Jason's photograph.
"Do I know you?" Thalia asks.
Piper takes a breath. "This might be a shock, but —"
"Thalia." Jason steps forward, his voice trembling. "I'm Jason, your brother."
For a minute, Jason and Thalia face each other, stunned. Then Thalia rushes forward and hugs him.
"My gods! She told me you were dead!" She grips Jason's face and seems to be examining everything about it. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip — you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"
Leo laughs. "Seriously?"
Hedge nods like he approved of Jason's taste. "Staplers — excellent source of iron."
"W-wait," Jason stammers. "Who told you I was dead? What happened?"
At the cave entrance, one of the white wolves barks. Thalia looks back at the wolf and nods, but she keeps her hands on Jason's face, like she's afraid he might vanish. "My wolf is telling me I don't have much time, and she's right. But we have to talk. Let's sit."
Piper does better than that. She collapses. She would've cracked her head on the cave floor if (Y/n) hadn't caught her.
Thalia rushes over. "What's wrong with her? Ah — never mind. I see. Hypothermia. Ankle." She frowns at the satyr. "Don't you know nature healing?"
Hedge scoffs. "Why do you think she looks this good? Can't you smell the Gatorade?"
The wolf at (Y/n)'s feet lifts her front paws after she helps Piper back onto the ground.
"You always were good with dogs, Jackson," Thalia's eyes twinkle with mischief. She parts with Jason, and wraps (Y/n) in a bear hug. Then her gaze turns slightly angry. "Where've you been?"
The wolf at (Y/n)'s feet barks, staring at Piper.
Thalia looks at Leo. "You and the satyr," Thalia orders, "take this girl to my friend at the entrance. Phoebe's an excellent healer."
It's cold out there!" Hedge retorts. "I'll freeze my horns off."
But Leo knows when they weren't wanted. "Come on, Hedge. These three need time to talk."
"Humph. Fine," the satyr mutters. "Didn't even get to brain anybody."
Hedge carries Piper towards the entrance. Leo is about to follow when Jason calls, "Actually, Leo, could you, urn, stick around?"
Leo sees something in Jason's eyes he doesn't expect: Jason is asking for support. He wants somebody else there. He's scared.
Leo grins. "Sticking around is my specialty."
Thalia doesn't look too happy about it, but the four of them sat at the fire – (Y/n) in between Leo and Jason. For a few minutes, nobody speaks. Jason studies his sister like she is a scary device — one that might explode if handled incorrectly. Thalia seems more at ease, as if she's used to stumbling across stranger things than long-lost relatives. But still she regards Jason in a kind of amazed trance, maybe remembering a little two-year-old who tried to eat a stapler. Leo takes a few pieces of copper wire out of his pockets and twists them together.
Finally Leo can't stand the silence. "So . . . the Hunters of Artemis. This whole 'not dating' thing — is that like always, or more of a seasonal thing, or what?" (Y/n) lets out a snort of laughter, stroking the wolf's snout – the wolf had put her head in (Y/n)'s lap.
Thalia stares at Leo as if he'd just evolved from pond scum. Yeah, definitely liking this girl.
Jason kicks him in the shin. "Don't mind Leo. He's just trying to break the ice. But, Thalia . . . what happened to our family? Who told you I was dead?"
Thalia tugs at a silver bracelet on her wrist. In the firelight, in her winter camouflage, she almost looks like Khione the snow princess — just as cold and beautiful.
"Do you remember anything?" Thalia finally asks.
Jason shakes his head. "(Y/n) and I woke up three days ago on a bus with Leo and Piper."
"Which wasn't our fault," Leo adds hastily. "Hera stole their memories."
Thalia tenses. "Hera? How do you know that?"
Jason explains about their quest — the prophecy at camp, Hera getting imprisoned, the giant taking Piper's dad, and the winter solstice deadline. Leo chimed in to add the important stuff: how he'd fixed the bronze dragon, could throw fireballs, and made excellent tacos.
Thalia's a good listener. Nothing seems to surprise her — the monsters, the prophecies, the dead rising. But when Jason mentions King Midas, she curses in Ancient Greek.
"I knew we should've burned down his mansion," she says. "That man's a menace. But we were so intent on following Lycaon — Well, I'm glad you got away. So Hera's been . . . what, hiding you all these years?"
"I don't know." Jason brings out the photo from his pocket. "She left me just enough memory to recognize your face."
Thalia looks at the picture, and her expression softens. "I'd forgotten about that. I left it in Cabin One, didn't I?"
Jason nods. "I think Hera wanted for us to meet. When we landed here, at this cave . . . I had a feeling it was important. Like I knew you were close by. Is that crazy?"
Nah," Leo assures him. "We were absolutely destined to meet your hot sister."
Thalia ignores him. Probably she just didn't want to let on how much I impress her.
"Jason," she begins, "when you're dealing with the gods, nothing is too crazy. But you can't trust Hera, especially since we're children of Zeus. She hates all children of Zeus."
"But she said something about Zeus giving her my life as a peace offering. Does that make any sense?"
The color drains from Thalia's face. "Oh, gods. Mother wouldn't have . . . You don't remember — No, of course you don't."
"What?" Jason asks.
Thalia's features seem to grow older in the firelight, like her immortality isn't working so well. "Jason . . . I'm not sure how to say this. Our mom wasn't exactly stable. She caught Zeus's eye because she was a television actress, and she was beautiful, but she didn't handle the fame well. She drank, pulled stupid stunts. She was always in the tabloids. She could never get enough attention. Even before you were born, she and I argued all the time. She . . . she knew Dad was Zeus, and I think that was too much for her to take. It was like the ultimate achievement for her to attract the lord of the sky, and she couldn't accept it when he left. The thing about the gods . . . well, they don't hang around."
Leo remembers his own mom, the way she'd assured him over and over that his dad would be back someday. But she'd never acted mad about it. She didn't seem to want Hephaestus for herself — only so Leo could know his father. She'd dealt with working a dead-end job, living in a tiny apartment, never having enough money — and she'd seemed fine with it. As long as she had Leo, she always said, life would be okay.
Leo watches Jason's face — looking more and more devastated as Thalia describes their mom — and for once, Leo doesn't feel jealous of his friend. Leo might have lost his mom. He might have had some hard times. But at least he remembers her. He finds himself tapping out a Morse code message on his knee: Love you. (Y/n), who had seen the movement of Leo's fingers, smiles gently at him, also decoding the message – one of the cons of being best friends with the smartest girl at Camp Half-Blood, you learned stuff, like Morse Code.
Leo feels bad for Jason, not having memories like that — not having anything to fall back on.
"So . . . " Jason doesn't seem able to finish the question.
"Jason, you got friends," (Y/n) tells him gently, reaching out to squeeze his hand in a sisterly fashion. "Now you have a sister. You're not alone."
Thalia offers her hand, and Jason takes it in his free one. The wolf in (Y/n)'s lap nudges her hand again, and (Y/n) takes her hand from Jason's, and starts petting the white canine's ears again.
"When I was about seven," Thalia begins, "Zeus started visiting Mom again. I think he felt bad about wrecking her life, and he seemed — different somehow. A little older and sterner, more fatherly toward me. For a while, Mom improved. She loved having Zeus around, bringing her presents, causing the sky to rumble. She always wanted more attention. That's the year you were born. Mom . . . well, I never got along with her, but you gave me a reason to hang around. You were so cute. And I didn't trust Mom to look after you. Of course, Zeus eventually stopped coming by again. He probably couldn't stand Mom's demands anymore, always pestering him to let her visit Olympus, or to make her immortal or eternally beautiful. When he left for good, Mom got more and more unstable. That was about the time the monsters started attacking me. Mom blamed Hera. She claimed the goddess was coming after you too — that Hera had barely tolerated my birth, but more demigod children from the same family was too big an insult. Mom even said she hadn't wanted to name you Jason, but Zeus insisted, as a way to appease Hera because the goddess liked that name. I didn't know what to believe."
Leo fiddles with his copper wires. He feels like an intruder. He shouldn't be listening to this, but it also makes him feel like he's getting to know Jason for the first time — like maybe being here now made up for those four months at Wilderness School, when Leo had just imagined they'd had a friendship.
"How did you guys get separated?" Leo asks.
Thalia squeezes her brother's hand. "If I'd known you were alive . . . gods, things would've been so different. But when you were two, Mom packed us in the car for a family vacation. We drove up north, toward the wine country, to this park she wanted to show us. I remember thinking it was strange because Mom never took us anywhere, and she was acting super nervous. I was holding your hand, walking you toward this big building in the middle of the park, and . . ." She takes a shaky breath. "Mom told me to go back to the car and get the picnic basket. I didn't want to leave you alone with her, but it was only for a few minutes. When I came back . . . Mom was kneeling on the stone steps, hugging herself and crying. She said — she said you were gone. She said Hera claimed you and you were as good as dead. I didn't know what she'd done. I was afraid she'd completely lost her mind. I ran all over the place looking for you, but you'd just vanished. She had to drag me away, kicking and screaming. For the next few days I was hysterical. I don't remember everything, but I called the police on Mom and they questioned her for a long time. Afterward, we fought. She told me I'd betrayed her, that I should support her, like she was the only one who mattered. Finally I couldn't stand it. Your disappearance was the last straw. I ran away from home, and I never went back, not even when Mom died a few years ago. I thought you were gone forever. I never told anyone about you—not even Annabeth or Luke, my two best friends. It was just too painful."
"Chiron knew." Jason's voice sounds far away. "When I got to camp, he took one look at me and said, 'You should be dead."'
"That doesn't make sense," Thalia insists. "I never told him."
"Hey," Leo says. "Important thing is you've got each other now, right? You two are lucky."
Thalia nods. "Leo's right. Look at you. You're my age. You've grown up."
"But where have I been?" Jason says. "How could I be missing all that time? And the Roman stuff . . ."
Thalia frowns. "The Roman stuff?"
"Your brother speaks Latin," Leo says. "He calls gods by their Roman names, and he's got tattoos." Leo points out the marks on Jason's arm. Then he gives Thalia the rundown about the other weird stuff that had happened: Boreas turning into Aquilon, Lycaon calling Jason a "child of Rome," and the wolves backing off when Jason spoke Latin to them.
Thalia plucks her bowstring. "Latin. Zeus sometimes spoke Latin, the second time he stayed with Mom. Like I said, he seemed different, more formal."
"You think he was in his Roman aspect?" Jason asks. "And that's why I think of myself as a child of Jupiter?"
"Possibly," Thalia replies. "I've never heard of something like that happening, but it might explain why you think in Roman terms, why you can speak Latin rather than Ancient Greek. That would make you unique. Still, it doesn't explain how you've survived without Camp Half-Blood. A child of Zeus, or Jupiter, or whatever you want to call him — you would've been hounded by monsters. If you were on your own, you should've died years ago. I know I wouldn't have been able to survive without friends. You would've needed training, a safe haven —"
"He wasn't alone," Leo blurts out. "We've heard about others like him."
Thalia looks at him strangely. "What do you mean?"
(Y/n) tells her about the slashed-up purple shirt in Medea's department store, and the story the Cyclopes told about the child of Mercury who spoke Latin.
"Isn't there anywhere else for demigods?" Leo asks. "I mean besides Camp Half-Blood? Maybe some crazy Latin teacher has been abducting children of the gods or something, making them think like Romans."
As soon as he says it, Leo realizes how stupid the idea sounds. Thalia's dazzling blue eyes study him intently, making him feel like a suspect in a lineup. "I've been all over the country," Thalia muses. "I've never seen evidence of a crazy Latin teacher, or demigods in purple shirts. Still . . ." Her voice trailed off, like she'd just had a troubling thought.
"What?" Jason asks.
Thalia shakes her head. "I'll have to talk to the goddess. Maybe Artemis will guide us."
"She's still talking to you?" Jason asks. "Most of the gods have gone silent."
"Artemis follows her own rules," Thalia says. "She has to be careful not to let Zeus know, but she thinks Zeus is being ridiculous closing Olympus. She's the one who set us on the trail of Lycaon. She said we'd find a lead to a missing friend of ours."
"Percy," (Y/n) finishes; Thalia nods, her face full of concern.
Leo wonders if anyone had ever looked that worried all the times he'd disappeared. He kind of doubts it.
"So what would Lycaon have to do with it?" Leo asks. "And how does it connect to us?"
"We need to find out soon," Thalia admits. "If your deadline is tomorrow, we're wasting time. Aeolus could tell you —"
A white wolf appears again at the doorway and yips insistently.
"I have to get moving." Thalia stands. "Otherwise I'll lose the other Hunters' trail. First, though, I'll take you to Aeolus's palace."
"If you can't, it's okay," Jason says, though he sounds kind of distressed.
"Oh, please." Thalia smiles and helps him up. "I haven't had a brother in years. I think I can stand a few minutes with you before you get annoying. Now, let's go!"
When Leo sees how well Piper and Hedge are being treated, he is thoroughly offended. He'd imagined them freezing their hindquarters off in the snow, but the Hunter, Phoebe, had set up this silver pavilion right outside the cave. How she'd done it so fast, Leo has no idea, but inside is a kerosene heater keeping them toasty warm and a bunch of comfy throw pillows. Piper looks back to normal, decked out in a new parka, gloves, and camo pants like a Hunter. She and Hedge and Phoebe are kicking back, drinking hot chocolate, but when Phoebe catches sight of (Y/n), she stands up and comes over to give her a quick hug.
"Jackson," Phoebe says.
"Phoebe," (Y/n) replies, smiling slightly.
"Oh, no way," Leo says. "We've been sitting in a cave and you get the luxury tent? Somebody give me hypothermia. I want hot chocolate and a parka!"
Phoebe sniffs. "Boys," she says, like it's the worst insult she can think of.
"It's all right, Phoebe," Thalia smiles slightly. "They'll need extra coats. And I think we can spare some chocolate."
Phoebe grumbles, but soon Leo, (Y/n), and Jason are also dressed in silvery winter clothes that are incredibly lightweight and warm. The hot chocolate is first-rate.
"Cheers!" says Coach Hedge. He crunches down his plastic thermos cup.
"That cannot be good for your intestines," (Y/n) jokes.
Thalia pats Piper on the back. "You up for moving?"
Piper nods. "Thanks to Phoebe, yeah. You guys are really good at this wilderness survival thing. I feel like I can run ten miles.
Thalia winks at (Y/n). "She's tough for a child of Aphrodite. I like this one."
Piper can see (Y/n)'s cheeks redden, but she can't tell whether she's flustered or just warm.
"Hey, I could run ten miles too," Leo volunteers. "Tough Hephaestus kid here. Let's hit it." Naturally, Thalia ignores him.
It takes Phoebe exactly six seconds to break camp, which Leo cannot believe. The tent self-collapses into a square the size of a pack of chewing gum. Leo wants to ask her for the blueprints, but they don't have time.
Thalia runs uphill through the snow, hugging a tiny little path on the side of the mountain, and soon Leo is regretting trying to look macho, because the Hunters leave him in the dust.
Coach Hedge leaps around like a happy mountain goat, coaxing them on like he used to do on track days at school. "Come on, Valdez! Pick up the pace! Let's chant. I've got a girl in Kalamazoo —"
"Let's not," Thalia snaps.
So they run in silence.
Leo falls in next to Jason at the back of the group. "How you doing, man?"
Jason's expression is enough of an answer: Not good.
"Thalia takes it so calmly," Jason says. "Like it's no big deal that I appeared. I didn't know what I was expecting, but . . . she's not like me. She seems so much more together."
"Hey, she's not fighting amnesia," Leo says. "Plus, she's had more time to get used to this whole demigod thing. You fight monsters and talk to gods for a while, you probably get used to surprises."
"Maybe," Jason says. "I just wish I understood what happened when I was two, why my mom got rid of me. Thalia ran away because of me."
"Hey, whatever's happened, it wasn't your fault. And your sister is pretty cool. She's a lot like you."
Jason takes that in silence. Leo wonders if he'd said the right things. He wants to make Jason feel better, but this is way outside his comfort zone.
Leo wishes he can reach inside his tool belt and pick just the right wrench to fix Jason's memory — maybe a little hammer — bonk the sticking spot and make everything run right. That would be a lot easier than trying to talk it through. Not good with organic life forms. Thanks for those inherited traits, Dad.
He is so lost in thought, he didn't realize the others had stopped. He slams into (Y/n), who slams into Thalia, and nearly sends the three of them down the side of the mountain the hard way. Fortunately, the Hunter is light on her feet. She steadies them, then points up.
"That," Leo chokes, "is a really large rock."
They stand near the summit of Pikes Peak. Below them the world is blanketed in clouds. The air is so thin, Leo can hardly breathe. Night had set in, but a full moon shone and the stars are incredible. Stretching out to the north and south, peaks of other mountains rises from the clouds like islands — or teeth.
But the real show is above them. Hovering in the sky, about a quarter mile away, is a massive free-floating island of glowing purple stone. It is hard to judge in size, but (Y/n) figures it's about half the length of a football stadium, and just as tall. The sides are rugged cliffs, riddled with caves, and every once in a while a gust of wind bursts out with a sound like an organ blast. At the top of the rock, brass walls ring the fortress.
Piper leans over, her mouth next to (Y/n)'s ear, "It's really pretty."
"Just like you," slips out of (Y/n)'s mouth.
Piper pulls away, raising an eyebrow. "That was smooth, Jackson."
(Y/n) flushes, looking at the only thing connecting Pikes Peak to the floating island – a narrow bridge of ice that glistens in the moonlight.
Then (Y/n) realizes the bridge isn't exactly ice, because it isn't solid. As the winds changed direction, the bridge snakes around — blurring and thinning, in some places even breaking into a dotted line like the vapor trail of a plane.
"We're not seriously crossing that," Leo says.
Thalia shrugs. "I'm not a big fan of heights, I'll admit. But if you want to get to Aeolus's fortress, this is the only way."
"Is the fortress always hanging there?" Piper asks. "How can people not notice it sitting on top of Pikes Peak?"
"The Mist," Thalia says. "Still, mortals do notice it indirectly. Some days, Pikes Peak looks purple. People say it's a trick of the light, but actually it's the color of Aeolus's palace, reflecting off the mountain face."
"It's enormous," Jason says.
Thalia laughs. "You should see Olympus, little brother."
"You're serious? You've been there?"
Thalia grimaces, exchanging a look with (Y/n) – as if it isn't a good memory. "We should go across in two different groups. The bridge is fragile."
"That's reassuring," Leo says. "Jason, can't you just fly us up there?"
Thalia laughs. Then she seems to realize Leo's question isn't a joke. "Wait . . . Jason, you can fly?"
Jason gazes up at the floating fortress. "Well, sort of. More like I can control the winds. But the winds up here are so strong, I'm not sure I'd want to try. Thalia you mean . . . you can't fly?
For a second, Thalia looks genuinely afraid. Then she gets her expression under control. Leo realizes she is a lot more scared of heights than she is letting on. "Truthfully," she says, "I've never tried. Might be better if we stuck to the bridge."
Coach Hedge taps the ice vapor trail with his hoof, then jumps onto the bridge. Amazingly, it holds his weight. "Easy! I'll go first. Piper, (Y/n), come on, girls. I'll give you a hand."
"No, that's okay," Piper starts to say, but the coach grabs her's and (Y/n)'s hands and drags them up the bridge.
When they are about halfway, the bridge still seems to be holding them just fine.
Thalia turns to her Hunter friend. "Phoebe, I'll be back soon. Go find the others. Tell them I'm on my way."
"You sure?" Phoebe narrows her eyes at Leo and Jason, like they might kidnap Thalia.
"It's fine," Thalia promises.
Phoebe nods reluctantly, then races down the mountain path, the white wolves at her heels.
"Jason, Leo, just be careful where you step," Thalia says. "It hardly ever breaks."
"It hasn't met me yet," Leo muttered, but he and Jason lead the way up the bridge.
Halfway up, things start going wrong. Piper, (Y/n), and Coach Hedge had already made it safely to the top, and are waving at them, encouraging them to keep climbing, but Leo gets distracted. He is thinking about bridges – how he would design something way more stable than this shifting ice vapor business if this was his palace. He is pondering braces and support columns. Then a sudden revelation stops him in his tracks.
"Why do they have a bridge?" he asks.
Thalia frowns. "Leo, this isn't a good place to stop. What do you mean?"
"They're wind spirits," Leo says. "Can't they fly?"
"Yes, but sometimes they need a way to connect to the world below."
"So the bridge isn't always here?" Leo asks.
Thalia shakes her head. "The wind spirits don't like to anchor to the earth, but sometimes it's necessary. Like now. They know you're coming."
Leo's mind is racing. He is so excited he can almost feel his body's temperature rising. He can't quite put his thoughts into words, but he
knows he's onto something important.
"Leo?" Jason says. "What are you thinking?"
"Oh, gods," Thalia says. "Keep moving. Look at your feet."
Leo shuffles backwards. With horror, he realizes his body temperature really is rising, just as it had years ago at that picnic table under the pecan tree, when his anger had gotten away from him. Now, excitement is causing the reaction. His pants steam in the cold air. His shoes are literally smoking, and the bridge doesn't like it. The ice is thinning.
"Leo, stop it," Jason warned. "You're going to melt it."
"I'll try," Leo says. But his body is overheating on its own, running as fast as his thoughts. "Listen, Jason, what did Hera call you in that dream? She called you a bridge."
"Leo, seriously, cool down," Thalia says. "I don't what you're talking about, but the bridge is —''
"Just listen," Leo insists. "If Jason is a bridge, what's he connecting? Maybe two different places that normally don't get along—like the air palace and the ground. You had to be somewhere before this, right? And Hera said you were an exchange."
"An exchange." Thalia's eyes widen. "Oh, gods."
Jason frowns. "What are you two talking about?"
Thalia mutters something like a prayer. "I understand now why Artemis sent me here. Jason—she told me to hunt for Lycaon and I would find a clue about Percy. You are the clue. Artemis wanted us to meet so I could hear your story."
"I don't understand," he protests. "I don't have a story. I don't remember anything."
"But Leo's right," Thalia said. "It's all connected. If we just knew where—"
Leo snaps his fingers. "Jason, what did you call that place in your dream? That ruined house. The Wolf House?"
Thalia nearly chokes. "The Wolf House? Jason, why didn't you tell me that! That's where they're keeping Hera?"
"You know where it is?" Jason asked.
"Something's wrong," (Y/n) realizes, watching as Jason grabs Leo's coat. (Y/n) goes to step back onto the bridge to help, but Piper pulls her back.
"Don't," she says. "You might make it worse."
Then Jason and Leo start scrambling up the bridge. (Y/n) grabs the boys' hands, pulling them onto the floating island. When they turn, they see Thalia backing down the bridge as it crumbles.
"Find out where the giant is keeping Piper's dad! Save him!" she shouts. "I'll take the Hunters to the Wolf House and hold it until you can get there. We can do both!"
"But where is the Wolf House?" Jason shouts.
"You know where it is, little brother!" She is so far away now that they can barely hear her voice over the wind. Leo is pretty sure she says: "I'll see you there. I promise."
Then she turns and races down the dissolving bridge.
Leo looks back down. The top of Pikes Peak floats below them in a sea of clouds, but there is no sign of Thalia. And Leo had just burned their only exit.
"What happened?" Piper demands. "Leo, why are your clothes smoking?"
"I got a little heated," Leo gasps. "Sorry, Jason. Honest. I didn't —''
"It's all right," Jason says, but his expression is grim. "We've got less than twenty-four hours to rescue a goddess and Piper's dad. Let's go see the king of the winds."
. . .
I found my sister and lost her in less than an hour, Jason thinks miserably. As they climb the cliffs of the floating island, he keeps looking back, but Thalia is gone.
Despite what she'd said about meeting again, Jason wonders; she's found a new family with the Hunters, and a new mother in Artemis. She had seemed so confident and comfortable with her life, Jason isn't sure if he'd ever be a part of it. And she'd seemed so happy when she'd found (Y/n), and so set on finding Percy. Did she ever search for me like that?
Not fair, Jason retorts. She thought you were dead.
He could also barely tolerate what Thalia had said about their mom. It was like she'd handed him a baby – a really loud, ugly baby – and said, Here, this is yours. Carry it. He doesn't want to carry it. He doesn't want to look at it or claim it. He hadn't wanted to know she had an unstable mother who'd gotten rid of him to appease a goddess. No wonder Thalia ran away.
And then he remembers the Zeus cabin at camp – the tiny little alcove Thalia had used as a bunk, out of sight from the glowering statue of the sky god. Dad isn't much of a bargain either, Jason thinks, understanding why Thalia had renounced that part of her life, though he's still resentful. I can't be so lucky. I get stuck holding the bag – literally.
The golden backpack of winds is strapped over his shoulders, and the closer they get to Aeolus's palace, the heavier they get. The winds keep struggling, rumbling and bumping around.
The only one who seems to be in a good mood is Coach Hedge. He keeps bouncing up the slippery staircase and trotting back down. "Come on, cupcakes! Only a few thousand steps."
As they climb, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper leave Jason in his silence. Maybe they can sense my bad mood. Piper keeps glancing back, worried, as if he were the one who'd almost died of hypothermia rather than she. Or maybe she is thinking about Thalia's idea. Jason doens't really understand how they were going to save Piper's dad and Hera, and he isn't sure if the possibility had made Piper more hopeful or just more anxious.
Leo keeps swatting his own legs, checking for signs that his pants are on fire. He wasn't steaming anymore, but the incident on the ice bridge had really freaked Jason out. Leo hadn't seemed to realize that he had smoke coming out his ears and flames dancing through his hair. If Leo started spontaneously combusting every time he got excited, they were going to have a tough time taking him anywhere. Jason imagines trying to get food at a restaurant. I'll have a cheeseburger and—Ahhh! My friend's on fire! Get me a bucket!
Mostly, though, Jason worries about what Leo had said. Jason doesn't want to be a bridge, or an exchange, or anything else. He just wants to know where he'd come from. And Thalia had looked so unnerved when Leo mentioned the burned-out house in his dreams — the place the wolf Lupa had told him was his starting point. How did Thalia know that place, and why did she assume I could find it?
The answer seems close. But the nearer Jason gets to it, the less it cooperated, like the winds on his back.
Jason keeps catching (Y/n) glancing back at him, as though trying to find something to say.
They arrive at the top of the island. Bronze walls march all the way around the fortress grounds, though Jason can't imagine who would possibly attack this place. Twenty-foot-high gates open for them, and a road of polished purple stone leads up to the main citadel — a white-columned rotunda, Greek style, like one of the monuments in Washington, D.C. — except for the cluster of satellite dishes and radio towers on the roof.
"That's bizarre," Piper mutters.
"Guess you can't get cable on a floating island," Leo says. "Dang, check this guy's front yard."
The rotunda sits in the center of a quarter-mile circle. The grounds are amazing in a scary way. They are divided into four sections like big pizza slices, each one representing a season.
The section on their right is an icy waste, with bare trees and a frozen lake. Snowmen roll across the landscape as the wind blows, so Jason isn't sure if they were decorations or alive.
To their left is an autumn park with gold and red trees. Mounds of leaves blew into patterns — gods, people, animals that run after each other before scattering back into leaves.
In the distance, Jason can see two more areas behind the rotunda. One looks like a green pasture with sheep made out of clouds. The last section is a desert where tumbleweeds scratch strange patterns in the sand like Greek letters, smiley faces, and a huge advertisement that read: watch aeolus nightly!
"One section for each of the four wind gods," Jason guesses. "Four cardinal directions."
I'm loving that pasture." Coach licks licked his lips. "You guys mind —"
"Go ahead," Jason says. He is actually relieved to send the satyr off. It would be hard enough getting on Aeolus's good side without Coach Hedge waving his club and screaming, "Die!"
While the satyr runs off to attack springtime, Jason, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper walk down the road to the steps of the palace. They pass through the front doors into a white marble foyer decorated with purple banners that read olympian weather channel, and some that just read ow!
"Hello!" A woman floats up to them. Literally floated. She is pretty in that elfish way Jason associates with nature spirits at Camp Half-Blood — petite, slightly pointy ears, and an ageless face that could've been sixteen or thirty. Her brown eyes twinkle cheerfully. Even though there is no wind, her dark hair blows in slow motion, shampoo-commercial style. Her white gown billows around her like parachute material. Jason can't tell if she has feet, but if so, they don't touch the floor. She has a white tablet computer in her hand. "Are you from Lord Zeus?" she asks. "We've been expecting you."
Jason tries to respond, but it is a little hard to think straight, because he'd realizes the woman was see-through. Her shape fades in and out like she is made of fog. "Are you a ghost?" he asks.
Right away he knows he'd insulted her. The smile turns into a pout. "I'm an aura, sir. A wind nymph, as you might expect, working for the lord of the winds. My name is Mellie. We don't have ghosts."
Piper comes to the rescue. "No, of course you don't! My friend simply mistook you for Helen of Troy, the most beautiful mortal of all time. It's an easy mistake."
Wow, she's good, (Y/n) thinks.
The complement seems a little over top, but Mellie blushes. "Oh . . . well, then. So you are from Zeus?"
"Er," Jason starts. "I'm the son of Zeus, yeah."
"Excellent! Please, right this way," she leads them through some security doors into another lobby, consulting her tablet as she floats. She doesn't look where she is going, but apparently it doesn't matter as she drifts straight through a marble column with no problem. "We're out of prime time now, so that's good," she muses. "I can fit you in right before his 11:12 spot."
"Urn, okay," Jason says.
The lobby is a pretty distracting place. Winds blast around them, so Jason feels like he is pushing through an invisible crowd. Doors blow open and slam by themselves.
The things Jason can see are just as bizarre. Paper airplanes of all different sizes and shapes speed around, and other wind nymphs, aurai, would occasionally pluck them out of the air, unfold and read them, then toss them back into the air, where the planes would refold themselves and keep flying.
A creature flutters past. She looks like a mix between an old lady and a chicken on steroids. She has a wrinkled face with black hair tied in a hairnet, arms like a human plus wings like a chicken, and a fat, feathered body with talons for feet. It's amazing she could fly at all. She keeps drifting around and bumping into things like a parade balloon.
"Not an aura?" Jason asks Mellie as the creature wobbles by.
Mellie laughs. "That's a harpy, of course. Our, ah, ugly stepsisters, I suppose you would say. Don't you have harpies on Olympus? They're spirits of violent gusts, unlike us aurai. We're all gentle breezes." She bats her eyes at Jason.
"'Course you are," he replies.
"So," Piper prompts, "you were taking us to see Aeolus?"
Mellie leads them through a set of doors like an airlock. Above the interior door, a green light blinks.
"We have a few minutes before he starts," Mellie says cheerfully. "He probably won't kill you if we go in now. Come along!"
. . .
(Y/n)'s jaw drops. The central section of Aelous's fortress is as big as a cathedral, with a soaring domed roof covered in silver. Television equipment floats randomly through the air – camera, spotlights, set pieces, potted plants. And there's no floor. Leo almost falls into the chasm before Jason pulls him back."
"Holy —!" Leo gulps. "Hey, Mellie. A little warning next time!"
An enormous circular pit plunges into the heart of the mountain. It is probably half a mile deep, honeycombed with caves. Some of the tunnels probably led straight outside. (Y/n) remembers seeing winds blast out of them when they'd been on Pikes Peak. Other caves is sealed with some glistening material like glass or wax. The whole cavern bustles with harpies, aurai, and paper airplanes, but for someone who couldn't fly, it would be a very long, very fatal fall.
"Oh, my," Mellie gasps. "I'm so sorry." She unclips a walkie-talkie from somewhere inside her robes and speaks into it: "Hello, sets? Is that Nuggets? Hi, Nuggets. Could we get a floor in the main studio, please? Yes, a solid one. Thanks."
A few seconds later, an army of harpies rises from the pit — three dozen or so demon chicken ladies, all carrying squares of various building material. They go to work hammering and gluing – and using large quantities of duct tape, which doesn't reassure (Y/n). In no time there is a makeshift floor snaking out over the chasm. It was is of plywood, marble blocks, carpet squares, wedges of grass sod — just about anything.
"That can't be safe," Jason comments.
"Oh, it is!" Mellie assures him. "The harpies are very good."
Easy for her to say. She just drifts across without touching the floor, but Jason decides he has the best chance at surviving, since he can fly, so he steps out first. Amazingly, the floor holds.
Piper follows, then (Y/n), and then Leo.
Mellie leads them towards the middle of the chamber, where a loose sphere of flat-panel video screens floats around a kind of control center. A man hovers inside, checking monitors and reading paper airplane messages.
The man pays them no attention as Mellie brings them forward. She pushes a forty-two-inch Sony out of their way and leads them into the control area.
Leo whistles. "I got to get a room like this."
The floating screens show all sorts of television programs. Some Jason recognizes — news broadcasts, mostly — but some programs look a little strange: gladiators fighting, demigods battling monsters. Maybe they're movies, but they look more like reality shows.
At the far end of the sphere is a silky blue backdrop like a cinema screen, with cameras and studio lights floating around it.
The man in the center is talking into an earpiece phone. He has a remote control in each hand and is pointing them at various screens, seemingly at random.
He is wearing a business suit that looks like the sky — blue mostly, but dappled with clouds that change, darken, and move across the fabric. He looks like he's in his sixties, with a shock of white hair, but he has a ton of stage makeup on, and that smooth plastic-surgery look to his face, so he appears not really young, not really old, just wrong — like a Ken doll someone had halfway melted in a microwave. His eyes dart back and forth from screen to screen, like he's trying to absorb everything at once. He mutts things into his phone, and his mouth keeps twitching. He is either amused, or crazy, or both.
Mellie floats towards him. "Ah, sir, Mr. Aeolus, these demigods —"
"Hold it!" He holds up a hand to silence her, then points at one of the screens. "Watch!"
It's one of those storm-chaser programs, where insane thrill-seekers drive after tornados. As Jason watches, a Jeep plows straight into a funnel cloud and gets tossed into the sky.
Aeolus shrieks with delight. "The Disaster Channel. People do that on purpose !" He turned toward Jason with a mad grin. "Isn't that amazing? Let's watch it again."
"Urn, sir," Mellie says, "this is Jason, son of—"
"Yes, yes, I remember," Aeolus interupts. "You're back. How did it go?"
Jason hesitates. "Sorry? I think you've mistaken me —"
"No, no, Jason Grace, aren't you? It was — what — last year? You were on your way to fight a sea monster, I believe."
"I — I don't remember."
Aelous laughs. "Must not have been a very good sea monster! No, I remember every hero who's ever come to me for aid. Odysseus — gods, he docked at my island for a month! At least you only stayed a few days. Now, watch this video. These ducks get sucked straight into —"
"Sir," Mellie interrupts. "Two minutes to air."
"Air!" Aeolus exclaims. "I love air. How do I look? Makeup!"
Immediately a small tornado of brushes, blotters, and cotton balls descend on Aeolus. They blur across his face in a cloud of flesh-tone smoke until his coloration is even more gruesome than before. Wind swirl through his hair and left it sticking up like a frosted Christmas tree.
"Mr. Aeolus." Jason slips off the golden backpack. "We brought you these rogue storm spirits."
"Did you!" Aeolus looks at the bag like it's a gift from a fan — something he really doesn't want. "Well, how nice."
Leo nudges him, and Jason offers the bag. "Boreas sent us to capture them for you. We hope you'll accept them and stop — you know — ordering demigods to be killed."
Aeolus laughs, and looks incredulously at Mellie. "Demigods be killed — did I order that?"
Mellie checks her computer tablet. "Yes, sir, fifteenth of September. 'Storm spirits released by the death of Typhon, demigods to be held responsible,' etc . . . yes, a general order for them all to be killed."
"Oh, pish," Aeolus says. "I was just grumpy. Rescind that order, Mellie, and urn, who's on guard duty — Teriyaki? — Teri, take these storm spirits down to cell block Fourteen E, will you?"
A harpy swoops out of nowhere, snatches the golden bag, and spirals into the abyss.
Aeolus grins at Jason. "Now, sorry about that kill-on-sight business. But gods, I really was mad, wasn't I?" His face suddenly darkens, and his suit does the same, the lapels flashing with lightning. "You know . . . I remember now. Almost seemed like a voice was telling me to give that order. A little cold tingle on the back of my neck."
Jason tenses. A cold tingle on the back of his neck . . . Why does that sound so familiar? "A . . . um, voice in your head, sir?"
"Yes. How odd. Mellie, should we kill them?"
"No, sir," she says patiently. "They just brought us the storm spirits, which makes everything all right."
"Of course." Aeolus laughs. "Sorry. Mellie, let's send the demigods something nice. A box of chocolates, perhaps."
"A box of chocolates to every demigod in the world, sir?"
"No, too expensive. Never mind. Wait, it's time! I'm on!"
Aeolus flies off towards the blue screen as newscast music starts to play.
Jason looks at Piper, (Y/n), and Leo, who seem just as confused as he is.
"Mellie," he says , "is he . . . always like that?"
She smiles sheepishly. "Well, you know what they say. If you don't like his mood, wait five minutes. That expression 'whichever way the wind blows' — that was based on him."
"And that thing about the sea monster," Jason says. "Was I here before?"
Mellie blushes. "I'm sorry, I don't remember. I'm Mr. Aeolus's new assistant. I've been with him longer than most, but still — not that long."
"How long do his assistants usually last?" Piper asks curiously.
"Oh . . ." Mellie thinks for a moment. "I've been doing this for . . . twelve hours?"
A voice blares from floating speakers: "And now, weather every twelve minutes! Here's your forecaster for Olympian Weather — the OW! channel — Aeolus!"
Lights blaze on Aeolus, who is now standing in front of the blue screen. His smile is unnaturally white, and he looks like he'd had so much caffeine his face is about to explode.
"Hello, Olympus! Aeolus, master of the winds here, with weather every twelve! We'll have a low-pressure system moving over Florida today so expect milder temperatures since Demeter wishes to spare the citrus farmers!" He gestures at the blue screen, but when (Y/n0 checks the monitors, she sees that a digital image is being projected behind Aeolus, so it looks like he's standing in front of a U.S. map with animated smiley suns and frowny storm clouds. "Along the eastern seaboard — oh, hold on." He taps his earpiece. "Sorry, folks! Poseidon is angry with Miami today so it looks like that Florida freeze is back on! Sorry, Demeter. Over in the Midwest, I'm not sure what St. Louis did to offend Zeus, but you can expect winter storms! Boreas himself is being called down to punish the area with ice. Bad news, Missouri! No, wait. Hephaestus feels sorry for central Missouri, so you all will have much more moderate temperatures and sunny skies."
Aeolus keeps going like that — forecasting each area of the country and changing his prediction two or three times as he gets messages over his earpiece — the gods apparently putting in orders for various winds and weather.
"This can't be right," Jason whispers. "Weather isn't this random."
Mellie smirks. "And how often are the mortal weathermen right? They talk about fronts and air pressure and moisture, but the weather surprises them all the time. At least Aeolus tells us why it's so unpredictable. Very hard job, trying to appease all the gods at once. It's enough to drive anyone . . ."
She trails off, but Jason knows what she meant. Mad. Aeolus is completely mad.
"And that's the weather," Aeolus concludes. "See you in twelve minutes, because I'm sure it'll change!"
The lights shut off, the video monitors go back to random coverage, and just for a moment, Aeolus's face sags with weariness. Then he seems to remember he has guests, and he puts a smile back on.
"So, you brought me some rogue storm spirits," Aeolus says. "I suppose . . . thanks! And did you want something else? I assume so. Demigods always do."
Mellie says, "Urn, sir, this is Zeus's son."
"Yes, yes. I know that. I said I remembered him from before."
"But, sir, they're here from Olympus."
Aeolus looks stunned. Then he laughs so abruptly, Jason almost jumps into the chasm. "You mean you're here on behalf of your father this time? Finally! I knew they would send someone to renegotiate my contract!"
"Urn, what?" Jason asks.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Aeolus sighs with relief. "It's been what, three thousand years since Zeus made me master of the winds. Not that I'm ungrateful, of course! But really, my contract is so vague. Obviously I'm immortal, but 'master of the winds.' What does that mean? Am I a nature spirit? A demigod? A god? I want to be god of the winds, because the benefits are so much better. Can we start with that?"
Jason looks at his friends, mystified.
"Dude," Leo says, "you think we're here to promote you?"
"You are, then?" Aeolus grins. His business suit turns completely blue — not a cloud in the fabric. "Marvelous! I mean, I think I've shown quite a bit of initiative with the weather channel, eh? And of course I'm in the press all the time. So many books have been written about me: Into Thin Air, Up in the Air, Gone with the Wind —"
"Er, I don't think those are about you," Jason says, before he notices Mellie shaking her head.
"Nonsense," Aeolus says. "Mellie, they're biographies of me, aren't they?"
"Absolutely, sir," she squeaks.
"There, you see? I don't read. Who has time? But obviously the mortals love me. So, we'll change my official title to god of the winds. Then, about salary and staff —"
"Sir," Jason says, "we're not from Olympus."
Aeolus blinks. "But —"
"I'm the son of Zeus, yes," Jason says, "but we're not here to negotiate your contract. We're on a quest and we need your help."
Aeolus's expression hardens. "Like last time? Like every hero who comes here? Demigods! It's always about you, isn't it?"
"Sir, please, I don't remember last time, but if you helped me once before —"
"I'm always helping! Well, sometimes I'm destroying, but mostly I'm helping, and sometimes I'm asked to do both at the same time! Why Aeneas, the first of your kind —"
"My kind?" Jason asks. "You mean, demigods?"
"Oh, please!" Aeolus says. "I mean your line of demigods. You know, Aeneas, son of Venus — the only surviving hero of Troy. When the Greeks burned down his city, he escaped to Italy, where he founded the kingdom that would eventually become Rome, blah, blah, blah. That's what I meant."
"I don't get it," Jason admits.
Aeolus rolls his eyes. "The point being, I was thrown in the middle of that conflict, too! Juno calls up: 'Oh, Aeolus, destroy Aeneas's ships for me. I don't like him.' Then Neptune says, 'No, you don't! That's my territory. Calm the winds.' Then Juno is like, 'No, wreck his ships, or I'll tell Jupiter you're uncooperative!' Do you think it's easy juggling requests like that?"
"No," Jason said. "I guess not."
"And don't get me started on Amelia Earhart! I'm still getting angry calls from Olympus about knocking her out of the sky!"
"We just want information," Piper says in her most calming voice. "We hear you know everything."
Aeolus straightens his lapels and looks slightly mollified. "Well . . . that's true, of course. For instance, I know that this business here" — he waggles his fingers at the four of them — "this harebrained scheme of Juno's to bring you all together is likely to end in bloodshed. As for you, Piper McLean, I know your father is in serious trouble." He holds out his hand, and a scrap of paper flutters into his grasp. It's a photo of Piper with a guy who must've been her dad. His face does look familiar. Jason is pretty sure he'd seen him in some movies.
Piper takes the photo. Her hands are shaking. "This — this is from his wallet."
"Yes ," Aeolus says. "All things lost in the wind eventually come to me. The photo blew away when the Earthborn captured him."
"The what?" Piper asks.
Aeolus waves aside the question and narrows his eyes at Leo. "Now, you, son of Hephaestus . . . Yes, I see your future." Another paper falls into the wind god's hands — an old tattered drawing done in crayons.
Leo takes it as if it might be coated in poison. He staggers backwards.
"Leo?" Jason says. "What is it?"
"Something I — I drew when I was a kid." He folds it quickly and put it in his coat. "It's . . . yeah, it's nothing."
Aeolus laughs. "Really? Just the key to your success!" Aeolus then looks at (Y/n). He waves his hand, and a photograph flies down, falling into the daughter of Poseidon's hands.
(Y/n) chokes back a sob as she studies the photo. It was a picture of herself, Percy, and their parents, Sally and Paul, and Percy's arm is wrapped around Annabeth's waist – and everyone looked happy.
(Y/n) clears her throat, and shoves the picture into her pocket, she aggressively wipes at her eyes and Leo, Jason, and Piper avoid her gaze.
Aeolus shrugs it aside, "Now, where were we? Ah, yes, you wanted information. Are you sure about that? Sometimes information can be dangerous." He smiles at Jason like he's issuing a challenge. Behind him, Mellie shakes her head in warning.
"Yeah," Jason says. "We need to find the lair of Enceladus."
Aeolus's smile melts, "The giant? Why would you want to go there? He's horrible! He doesn't even watch my program!"
Piper holds up the photo. "Aeolus, he's got my father. We need to rescue him and find out where Hera is being held captive."
"Now, that's impossible," Aeolus says. "Even I can't see that, and believe me, I've tried. There's a veil of magic over Hera's location—very strong, impossible to locate."
"She's at a place called the Wolf House," Jason says.
"Hold on!" Aelous puts a hand to his forehead and closes his eyes. "I'm getting something! Yes, she's at a place called the Wolf House! Sadly, I don't know where that is."
"Enceladus does," Piper persists. "If you help us find him, we could get the location of the goddess —"
"Yeah," Leo adds, catching on. "And if we save her, she'd be really grateful to you —"
"And Zeus might promote you," (Y/n) finishes.
Aeolus's eyebrows creep up. "A promotion — and all you want from me is the giant's location?"
"Well, if you could get us there, too," Jason amends, "that would be great."
Mellie claps her hands in excitement. "Oh, he could do that! He often sends helpful winds —"
Mellie, quiet!" Aeolus snaps. "I have half a mind to fire you for letting these people in under false pretenses."
Her face pales. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."
"It wasn't her fault," Jason says, "But about that help . . ."
Aelous tilted his head as if thinking. Then Jason realized the wind lord was listening to voices in his earpiece.
"Well . . . Zeus approves," Aeolus mutters. "He says . . . he says it would be better if you could avoid saving her until after the weekend, because he has a big party planned — Ow! That's Aphrodite yelling at him, reminding him that the solstice starts at dawn. She says I should help you. And Hephaestus . . . yes. Hmm. Very rare they agree on anything. Poseidon agrees . . . Hold on . . ."
Jason smiled at his friends. Finally, they were having some good luck. Their godly parents were standing up for them.
Back towards the entrance, Jason hears a loud belch. Coach Hedge waddles in from the lobby, grass all over his face. Mellie sees him coming across the makeshift floor and catches her breath. "Who is that?"
Jason stifles a cough. "That? That's just Coach Hedge. Uh, Gleeson Hedge. He's our . . ." Jason wasn't sure what to call him: teacher, friend, problem? "Our guide."
"He's so goatly," Mellie murmurs.
Behind her, Piper poofs out her cheeks, pretending to vomit.
"What's up, guys?" Hedge trots over. "Wow, nice place. Oh! Sod squares."
"Coach, you just ate," Jason says. "And we're using the sod as a floor. This is, ah, Mellie —"
"An aura." Hedge smiles winningly. "Beautiful as a summer breeze."
Mellie blushes.
"And Aeolus here was just about to help us," Jason explains.
"Yes," the wind lord mutters. "It seems so. You'll find Enceladus on Mount Diablo."
"Devil Mountain?" Leo questions. "That doesn't sound good."
"I remember that place!" Piper says. "I went there once with my dad. It's just east of San Francisco Bay."
The Bay Area again?" The coach shakes his head. "Not good. Not good at all."
"Now . . .''Aeolus began to smile. "As to getting you there —"
Suddenly his face goes slack. He bends over and taps his earpiece as if it were malfunctioning. When he straightened again, his eyes are wild. Despite the makeup, he looks like an old man — an old, very frightened man. "She hasn't spoke to me for centuries. I can't — yes, yes I understand."
He swallows, regarding Jason as if he had suddenly turned into a giant cockroach. "I'm sorry, son of Jupiter. New orders. You all have to die."
Mellie squeaks. "But — but, sir! Zeus said to help them. Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hephaestus —"
"Mellie!" Aeolus snaps. "Your job is already on the line. Besides, there are some orders that transcend even the wishes of the gods, especially when it comes to the forces of nature."
"Whose orders?" Jason says. "Zeus will fire you if you don't help us!"
"I doubt it." Aeolus flicks his wrist, and far below them, a cell door opens in the pit. Jason could hear storm spirits screaming out of it, spiraling up towards them, howling for blood.
"Even Zeus understands the order of things," Aeolus said. "And if she is waking — by all the gods — she cannot be denied. Good-bye, heroes. I'm terribly sorry, but I'll have to make this quick. I'm back on the air in four minutes."
Jason summons his sword. Coach Hedge pulls out his club. Mellie the aura screams, "No!"
She dives at their feet just as the storm spirits hit with hurricane force, blasting the floor to pieces, shredding the carpet samples and marble and linoleum into what should've been lethal projectiles, had Mellie's robes not spread out like a shield and absorbed the brunt of the impact. The six of them fall into the pit, and Aeolus screams above them, "Mellie, you are so fired!"
"Quick," Mellie yells. "Son of Zeus, do you have any power over the air?"
"A little!"
"Then help me, or you're all dead!" Mellie grabs his hand, and an electric charge goes through Jason's arm. He understands what she needs. They have to control their fall and head for one of the open tunnels. The storm spirits are following them down, closing rapidly, bringing with them a cloud of deadly shrapnel.
(Y/n) grabs Piper's hand. "Group hug!"
Hedge, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper tried to huddle together, hanging onto Jason and Mellie as they fall.
"This is NOT GOOD!" Leo yells.
"Bring it on, gas bags!" Hedge screams up at the storm spirits. "I'll pulverize you!"
"He's magnificent," Mellie sighs.
"Concentrate?" Jason prompts.
"Right!" she says.
They channel the wind so their fall becomes more of a tumble into the nearest open chute. Still, they slam into the tunnel at painful speed and go rolling over each other down a steep vent that is not designed for people. There's no way they can stop.
Mellie's robes billow around her. Jason and the others cling to her desperately, and they begin to slow down, but the storm spirits are screaming into the tunnel behind them.
"Can't — hold — long," Mellie warns. "Stay together! When the winds hit —"
"You're doing great, Mellie," Hedge says. "My own mama was an aura, you know. She couldn't have done better herself."
"Iris-message me?" Mellie pleads.
Hedge winks.
"Could you guys plan your date later?" Piper screams. "Look!"
Behind them, the tunnel is turning dark. Jason can feel his ears pop as the pressure builds.
"Can't hold them," Mellie warns. "But I'll try to shield you, do you one more favor."
"Thanks, Mellie," Jason says. "I hope you get a new job."
The aurai smiles, and then dissolves, wrapping them in a warm, gentle breeze. Then the real winds hit, shooting them into the sky so fast, Jason blacks out. 
Word Count: 12090 words
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theacedragon0w0 · 3 months
Coming Back to Bite You, FINAL
Hazel belongs to @puffymucher
Orion belongs to @imapuppy5000
Iris belongs to @helluvadyke
Sydney belongs to @tamberwoof
Warning, depiction of a panic attack
“Shame ya didn’t want to go to that party Bluebell.” Hazel shoulder-bumped Sage. It had been a week since the fiasco and Sage still couldn’t come clean as the real reason for why they “changed” their mind. They were at one of the Overlords’ meetings, with the two having a bathroom break before returning to their posts.
Sage shrugged, “It lost its sparkle when I realized that I was just the cook for hire, and that I wasn’t getting paid for it.”
“But you don’t have a problem making these snacks for us and the others.”
“Because I like cooking for you guys, Vlk and Angel Dust are like the only two there that don't make me want to stick my tail in a blender.”
“I guess, I also wish I was there to cave that skull in to the punk that got your leg there.”
Sage knew this, Hazel and the others would have their back even for something small as someone throwing an insult their way. 
Hazel and Sage returned to the group, seeing Iris and Orion already digging into the large container of food that Sage packed.
Hazel huffed, “Hey! Save some for me guys!”
Iris stuck out her tongue, “You had like six of these cookies because of your dumb wife privileges!”
Sage chuckled, “I made sure everyone can get at least five, please help yourselves.”
The meeting went somewhat smooth, given the routine of Velvette throwing insults and Carmilla trying to keep the meeting from derailing. 
“If I can continue, just because the extermination was canceled, we cannot assume that they won't return. As such, we must be vigilant and prepare for the next attack.”
Carmilla turned on the projector, showing multiple slides of exorcists, each one made Sage heart race faster and their chest tightening.
“Bluebell? You alright?”
“I, I'll be right back!” Booking it out of the room, and they didn't stop until they were outside the building. 
Sage struggled to catch their breath, their mouth dry and their throat felt like sandpaper. Their tail was the one body part that kept them upright as their legs were shaking just as bad as their hands.
They whipped their head when they suddenly felt something touch their back.
“You ok?”
Words were stuck in their lungs, Sage can only wheeze out a response. 
Thankfully Sydney knew Sign just as well as Sage, keeping her hands in Sage’s view.
What happened?
Sage’s breathing began to slow down, and their hands finally stopped shaking enough to respond back
Nothing, it's fine.
Bullshit! You dashed out of there like it was on fire and you look like you are about to pass out!
I just needed some air.
I have known you for a while Sage, and you never ‘needed some air’
Sage thought long for a response. Finally taking a deep breath.
Have you ever tasted Angelic blood?
Angelic blood, some would say that it tastes like honey but it's not. It's foul, it's as if someone coated a metal pipe with a glaze of sugar. And it sticks into your gums.
They continued,
And those feathers, fuck, the way that they brush against your skin.
Sydney pulled Sage into a hug, letting Sage rest their chin on her shoulder 
“I don't get why now I'm getting upset about it.”
Sydney pulled Sage by their shoulders so that they were eye-to-eye, “You almost died! And this is your brain actually processing that fact.”
“I only lost an arm,” Sage scoffed, to which Sydney flicked Sage's forehead.
“That is the dumbest fucking thing you have ever said, listen, I know what we are signed up for as guards for these overlords but that doesn't mean that you can just disregard yourself like you are a piece of trash.”
“But I-”
“No buts! You are an awesome person! And no one, not even you are going to say otherwise!”
“Sydney,” Sage started, but was quickly lifted off the ground. It took them to realize that it was Hazel that scooped them up.
“Bluebell you ok? Boss and I were worried when ya high tailed it.”
Sage sighed in relief as they pet Hazel's ears, “I will eventually, how does pork chops sound for dinner?”
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 2 years
Let's just say, ve are really taken with hunting. Like, a lot more than I think either of you, plus the starlets, plus a few others could possibly eat, and still be that driven to hunt more.
😍 I bet ve are gorgeous.
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@radpunch​ thank you sm for commissioning this 🥺 soft siren Skull... bein sweet and cuddly with a dumbo octopus siren mc.... two of them bonding over both being octopi.... literally what could be cuter??? nothing, the answer is nothing. 
Hope you like it!
... The first thing you noticed was that the water smelled like chemicals. Sharp, fake, unpleasant, itching your nose and eyes- but even despite that, it was a relief to be back in liquid again. 
You felt... disoriented. The world was still spinning, but it was gradually getting easier to see what was around you. You suspected the humans had used drugs to keep you quiet during the transportation process; you remembered being pulled out of the ocean and placed in a walled tank for a day or so, but you could barely recall anything past the moment when you’d seen more humans approaching that tank. 
Vague, blurry sensations of being carried... a tarp over your body, the sound of vehicles, gravity weighing down on you as icy air pricked at your skin.
... You started focusing on the tank you were in now. After blinking a few times and scrunching your nose, coming to your senses a bit more, you could see it was decently sized; much bigger than the one you’d been in before, big enough to house several sirens. Glass walls, a textured pebbled floor, some fake plants and...
A... cave. 
A big one, right in the corner. Dark, ominous. For a moment, your mind attempted to be helpful and lessen the panic, offering the conclusion that it might be for you... but it was a doomed attempt. It only took you a few moments to see that there was something else inside that cave. A slowly writhing shadow...
... And a huge, glowing, crimson eye. Staring right at you.
When it saw that you’d noticed it, the eye twitched ever-so-slightly, shrinking in size like it was zeroing in. Your skin began to prickle, and you backed away; you couldn’t smell whatever it was, thanks to the overwhelming fake stench in the water. What even was it? Was it going to eat you? Was that why you were here- as food? As a fancy, live snack? Oh no... your heart was pounding faster. You desperately wanted to start looking around the cage, but you couldn’t... instead of your eyes darting like fish in a barrel looking for a way to escape, you were completely frozen, unable to break eye contact with the red iris.
Something moved out of the cave. Inky black, it was...
... A tentacle. Curling, slowly. Another, and a third... huge appendages, each one longer than you were tall, thick and obviously strong enough to wrap you up and crush you like coral in a parrotfish beak.
That’s it. I’m food, aren’t I? That’s why I’m here. I’m done for.
... The creature emerged from the den, into the light.
The first thing that struck you about the skeleton beast was how massive he was. You barely noticed the crack in his head (the ocean was full of creatures with injuries and anything of his size would’ve been in its fair share of vicious fights), you were too focused on the mouth full of razor blade teeth. He was, indeed, another octopus siren... but he was nothing like you, an entirely different species- your tentacles were short and stubby, lower body soft and rounded and brightly coloured. He, on the other hand, was completely midnight black, not a speck of colour in sight aside from the bloody red of the eye trained on you.
You’d frozen solid. Your prey drive was screaming at you... but there was nowhere to go. You were boxed in with him, all you could do was float there, completely still in terror. You felt a few stray bubbles slipping out of your slack-jawed mouth... leftover air from your time in transit. 
... He cocked his skull. He moved closer, but you still couldn’t budge, your gaze didn’t leave his teeth. The nearer he got, the clearer the size difference between the two of you became; the more your mind blared that your reason for being here was obvious.
... Before you could process what to do, he’d closed the gap. Looming over you, a shadowy beast... was this really how you died? Locked in a glass box as food for a monster? All you could see was his eye.
I don’t want to die.
... You didn’t realise you were trembling... until you felt suckers brushing over your upper arm. You almost flinched- almost.
He was touching you. You couldn’t look. Don’t hurt me.
... The tentacle travelled down, to your forearm, pressing and pushing with surprising control and care... it curled loosely around your wrist for a moment, before retreating again to ghost over your palm. You felt another one come up to touch your shoulder, and another on your collarbone- you were tense like a coiled spring, anticipating the attack that was doubtless only seconds away.
... But... no violence. 
The massive appendages were deliberately only applying the barest possible pressure, tracing your skin like you were venomous... his eye, which you’d expected to have become an excited slit or shrink down in excitement, was instead vibrant and oddly fuzzy; pointing toward your nose instead of the typically more ‘delicious’ parts you thought he’d be watching, like your stomach.
... Wasn’t eating you.
For some reason, the realisation that he didn’t intend to just immediately clamp his teeth on your squishy body and shake you like a ragdoll seemed to... melt some of the invisible ice around you. Perhaps it was the fact that he was clearly touching you cautiously, taking care not to bump or break anything? 
He’s deliberately trying to NOT harm me.
He appeared to be, very gently, examining you. In the same way you’d examine a pretty stone you’d picked up on the beach- the fear melted away even further, and you started to feel a bit silly. He was just brushing the dark limbs over your skin, your back, while one massive finger on his scarred skeletal hand traced your cheek with undeniable... 
... Curiosity. That was the emotion you couldn’t read- he was curious.
You had a sudden thought, as you looked up at him. He seemed engrossed in the way your hair floated.
How long had he been here? 
How long had he been in this stifling, chemical-filled glass cage? Sure, it was large to you, but to a monster of his size it could never be enough. His body had the telltale signs of open-ocean wear, you could only assume he was caught and placed in this enclosure. But how long ago? When was the last time he saw the sun, or another siren? No wonder he was examining you. When did he last have company he understood?
You allowed yourself to, very cautiously, start examining him too. While a few of your own tentacles poked at his inky skin (you’d never gotten this close to such a large predator before) you reached out a hand and touched his sternum. Warm, and solid... it was painfully clear now that he had absolutely no intention of hurting you.
The bones of his chest were covered in nicks and bumps. You wondered what his hands would feel like...
... He took a moment. Like he was processing. 
... But once he’d apparently realised you were willingly touching him back, the floodgates opened. His eyelight blew to almost fill his entire socket, and suddenly he didn’t look nearly as frightening- in fact, he maybe even looked a little goofy. He apparently decided that the tiny distance between the two of you was far too great; his giant tentacles dragged you in until you were flush against his huge chest. 
You squeaked, pretty loudly, even as his skeleton AND octopus arms wrapped around you with a mixture of impatience and obvious carefulness- you weren’t expecting to be cuddled, you braced your hands against his ribs in surprise but he didn’t seem to care at all. He let out a noise you’d never heard before... a soft, low, warbling note emerging from within the chest you were being eagerly squished to.
He pushed his face against your hair. And, incredibly... spoke. You felt his voice in your bones.
“someone... for me.”
You couldn’t get another word out of him for the rest of the day. He was too occupied with showing you just how comfy his cave could be.
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bokutoskitten · 3 years
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ready, aim, fire
𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴- Your long term boyfriend Ushijima is living a double life, you learned this the hard way.
𝘤𝘸- Ushijima Wakatoshi x f!reader, all characters are 18+, mafia au, smut, established relationship, kinda dumb reader, bit or fluff, violence, guns, slight angst, mention of blood and & death (no major characters)
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At just 23 years old you lived an extremely lavish lifestyle- without even having to work. It wasn’t always like that though. Belive it or not only 2 years prior you were a broke college student working at local cafe, that’s where you met Ushijima.
He came in one day ordering a coffee, then requested your phone number, which you denied at first. After that he came in every single day ordering a coffee and for your number. Eventually you caved, and Ushijima took you out on a date.
You could tell he was rich, he always wore designer suites and left you way too generous tips. Your relationship progressed over time and now the two of you had been dating for almost 2 years.
Ushijima hated seeing you all tired from work so he convinced you to quite and move in with him. I mean who in their right mind would say no! Now you lived in a giant penthouse with a view of the entire city skyline.
You didn’t really know how Ushijima was so rich, all you knew is that he owned a lot of businesses that were very profitable.
It didn’t really make sense when Ushijima would come home late after work with little splatters of blood on his dress shirts, whenever you asked he just replied “don’t worry your pretty little head princess- just business stuff.”
He was right it wasn’t any of your business, so after a couple more times asking you decided to give up.
Ushijima was gone on a business trip, meaning you were home alone in the penthouse, it was quite lonely without him. You loved him so much, you can’t bare him being gone. All you wanted to do was call him, but you knew you shouldn’t- it was late, he would probably be in a meeting and call would be disruptive.
You walked out of the bedroom leaving your phone on the bedside table. You made your way to the kitchen grabbing strawberries and whipped cream for a midnight snack.
Everything was going fine until you were startled by a large crashing sound. The door had been thrown off its hinges, 5 men in black suites paraded into the penthouse all holding semi automatic weapons.
“Someone grab her!” A man yelled pointing at you as you shook in fear, “pl-please n- no!” You cry as fat tears dripped down your cheeks.
“Wakatoshi sure picked a cute one” one of the men said bluntly to the other with their guns still pointing at you, your brain couldn’t comprehend what they were saying as you frantically begged for your life.
At this point you thought that was it, dying alone you the hands of 5 dangerous men without even getting to say goodbye to your beloved boyfriend.
As one of the men grabbed you the sound of rapid gun fire went off, the men quickly turned around seeing a group of around ten men with guns, one by one they dropped to the floor blood spilling out of them.
The only man left was holding onto you, gun to your side. “Step any closer and I’ll fucking do it- I’ll kill this whore” he spat shoving the gun into your waist causing you to wince in pain.
The other group of men looked at each other, all but one set their gun down. Raising his gun he got ready, aimed and *BAM!* he fired. The man next to you collapsed to the ground, his gun falling out of his hand. A bullet pierced his skull as you watched red liquid ooze out of him staining the floor below you.
All you could do was cry, tears spilled from your eyes as you shook- confused on what was going on. “Y/n- you need to come with us” the man said, “no! Please! I don’t want to die” you cried.
“Please y/n, we work for Ushijima- he sent us here to save you” the man said, “really? Ushijima sent you guys” you ask sniffling, “yes he did, I’m Semi, I work closely with Ushijima” he replied slowly walking towards you.
“And who are they...” you ask pointing to the 9 other men, “they also work for Ushijima, I promise you we are only here to help” said Semi.
You nodded following them out of the penthouse and into the black Escalade. Your black mascara ran down your cheeks staining your puffy face, all you wanted was to be with Ushijima.
You arrived at an airport, where a private jet was awaiting you. Opening the door for you, Semi helped you get out of the car. “Where are we going?” you ask as you get onto the plane.
“Ushijima is in Hong Kong right now, that’s where we are flying” he replied as the pilot began preparing for take off.
You grabbed a water bottle and immediately chugged the liquid as it hydrated your dry throat, exhausted from screaming and crying.
“Why did those men try and take me?” You ask, “I don’t want to get too much into detail but Ushijima is a very powerful man, probably the most powerful in Japan.”
Your eyes widened, “I didn’t know owning businesses could make you so important!” you reply, “yes... about that, Ushijima does own very important and valuable companies... but most of it is a front for illegal business” he said calmly.
“I- I don’t understand” you say, “to put it shortly, Ushijima is the leader of a mafia organization.”
Semi talked more about it to you, but explained it would be best if Ushijima explained it to you in person. You wanted to call Ushi and tell him you were okay, but your phone was left in the bedroom. Semi said he texted Ushijima that you were fine, but you still wanted to be the one to tell him.
Semi told you it would be best if you rested a bit on flight, agreeing you laid down quickly falling asleep. Your mind replayed the events that took place earlier. Gun fire, people dropping to the floor and screaming.
“Y/n, get up the plane is about to land” Semi said lightly shaking you awake.
Your eyes fluttered open, a bit confused on where you were. Then the memories flooded back from earlier, unfortunately it wasn’t a terrible dream.
You finally arrived at the Hotel were Ushi was staying, it was grand, looked like one of the tallest buildings in the city.
You followed semi into the elevator as he pressed the highest button at the top after swiping a card. The elevator door opened into a a giant penthouse suiet.
“Y/n!” Yelled a familiar voice, “Ushi!” You cried running towards him, his large hands embraced you in a hug, pulling you so tight to his chest you could barley breathe. But that didn’t matter, all that mattered is that you were with him again.
“I was so fucking worried about you princess- my heart dropped when I heard what Karasuno had planned” he said cupping your cheeks whipping away the stray tears.
“I missed you too, it was so scary Ushi- I thought I’d never see you again” you say holding back your tears once again. “No no- don’t say that, I’ll always be here for you princess I promise” he cooed bringing you into a kiss.
Later that evening after you took another nap Ushijima explained everything. He was the leader of the Shiratorizawa mafia organization, and a rival group, Karasuno tried to hurt you to hurt him.
“Im so sorry Ushi, I never meant to cause you any trouble” you say sorrow filling your body once again, “don’t be sorry, it’s those terrible mens fault for putting you through that. And my fault as well, for dragging you into all of this. That’s why I never told you my real job, I just wanted to protect you” he said petting your hair as you laid on his chest.
“You could never hurt me” you reply drawing little circles on his chest with your finger. Ushijimas heart ached, you meant so much to him, the most important part of his life. And he failed to protect you.
“I had some new clothes delivered here for you since you didn’t have time to bring anything here. Why don’t you take a nice shower and change into something else” Ushi said changing the subject.
“Okay!” You replied getting up and placing a little kiss on Ushijima’s cheek. You walked into the bathroom stepping into the large glass shower letting the hot water soothe your skin.
As you lathered your body with soap you noticed a bruise forming on your side where the man had shoved his gun. You shuttered at the thought and quickly finished your shower.
You picked up pair of matching pink silk pajama set that Ushi must of picked out slipping it onto your body and heading to the bedroom.
Ushi was laying out on the bed looking at his phone when you entered the bedroom. Looking up he looked at you, god he missed you so much. “Do you like the set I got you?” Ushijima asked referring to the pajamas.
“Yes! Thank you!” You replied crawling into bed moving close to Ushijima. You were laid out on your side facing your boyfriend, the tiny top you were wearing exposed your cleavage.
“You look so pretty princess” Ushijima said gently petting your hair and bringing his hand to your chin. Moving his mouth closer to your he brought you into a sweet passionate kiss as your tongue danced with his.
After pulling a way from the kiss you could already feel your body heating up craving for Ushijima, “I missed you so much- I’ll never let anything like that happen again. Your mine, ok?” He said, “yes I’m all yours Ushi” you replied moving yourself closer to him.
You feel as his large hands roam your body as he made his way to your little silk shorts. Your heart rate shot up just form him lingering touches, you craved him so much.
“Ushi please” you begged pouting your lips, “want what? Gotta be specific” he replied with a grin, he loved seeing you like this, all needy for him.
“Want you to touch me” you reply heat spreading to your face, “see, that wasn’t difficult at all” he hummed lightly tugging at your shorts to remove them.
Pullling your shorts off Ushijima threw them to a random corner of the room a he gently rubbed your clit through your clothed cunt. Seeing a wet spot form he pulled your underwear off exposing your dripping core.
“Need your fingers” you whined wanting you satisfy your needs. “Hmm you must of really missed me” he said chuckling gathering your slick on his fingers as he gently massaged your clit.
“Pleaseee” you asked once again, “since you asked politely this time I will” he responded adding two fingers to your needy cunt.
“Yes! Right there!” You cried as his fingers curved up hitting your sweet spot. “Feels s’ good” you whimpered clenching around him.
Sooner than you expected your body unraveled as pleasure traveled through your body with no warning cumming all over his fingers.
Pulling his fingers out Ushijima brought them to his mouth licking everything off before pulling your lips to his as you could taste yourself all over his tongue.
“Want more” you whined rubbing Ushijima’s hardened cock through his boxers. “I would tease you more but since I missed you so much I’ll allow it” he sighed removing his undergarment letting his cock spring free hitting his abdomen.
Aligning his red flushed tip to folds he dragged himself up and down teasing your puffy clit. Your eyes widened as he began pushing himself in.
“Fuck- your cunt is always so tight” he said finally bottoming out. “It’s t- too big” you say feeling him begin to thrust into you.
His hips met with your each he slid his dick into you. Your back was already arching as your g spot was repeatedly hit. You were babbling incoherent words already feeling your second orgasm approaching.
“Your clenching around me again- shit” he crursed watching you cream all over his cock, but Ushijima wasn’t done yet.
“I know you can take another one princess” he said, “I want you to ride me now, okay?”
“Okay” you responded as he removed himself from you. Getting up you straddled yourself over him positioning yourself over his length. Gently sitting down you engulfed his cock pressing your hand on his chest that was glistening with a thin layer of sweat.
You began moving up and down, the new position was already making you dizzy.
Ushijima loved watching you like this, eyes rolled to the back of your head, tongue lolling out and your tits bouncing up and down to the rhythm of skin slapping.
“Cant take it anymore!” You cried, “gonna cum Ushi!” “I know, you can do it- be a good girl and cum for me” he responded watching your face scrunch as he thrusted up.
Letting out a high pitch moan with your head thrown back your third and final orgasm hit sending stars straight to you head.
Ushijima couldn’t take it anymore as he let out his thick white ropes into your cunt as you rode out your orgasm.
After catching his breath he pulled out of your overstimulated pussy watching his cum drip out of you. Walking over to the bathroom you could hear water running, shortly after Ushi came back into the room picking you up bridal style bringing you to the bathroom setting you down into a warm bath.
As he massaged shampoo into your scalp he said “I’ll always be there for you- I promise, I’ll never leave you in one of those situations again.”
“I know, your my knight in shining armor” you reply smiling as Ushi began planting kitten kisses all over you as you began giggling.
No matter what happened you decided you will always stay by Ushijimas side, you loved him more than anything, and he felt the exact same way.
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slasherboyos · 3 years
Different World | Chapter Nine
Word count: 3300+ (adsgf there is a reason for why I split chapter eight)
Date posted: August 6, 2021
Warning: Cursing
“Different World” masterlist: Link
Fanfic Playlist: Link
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Note: A nice chapter, but an important one! Also, there is some dialogue that seems incorrect, but it’s like that for a reason; just giving a heads up just in case! As always, feedback is appreciated!
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Marko’s boots stomped down the dirt steps that led into the hotel. The plastic utensils in the Coca-Cola box of Chinese takeout were heard clashing with each other when he jumped down that final ledge.
“Feeding time,” He loudly called, announcing his return with dinner. “Come and get it!” You grumbled as you sat up; you were this close to falling asleep during this small pocket of calm, but, of course, proper sleep continued to elude you. That Walkman you have been thinking about buying was starting to become all the more enticing. In your tired state, you stayed put at the far left side of the couch as Marko distributed the food with a pair of chopsticks in his mouth. Dwayne sat on the other side with Laddie sitting between you two. You put your elbow on the armrest, resting your chin on your palm.
“Tired of me already,” Paul jested, gesturing to the empty spot beside him where you usually sat during meal times. You rolled your eyes and lazily stuck your middle finger at him with the same hand that held your head. David placed himself in his shirt-covered wheelchair. 
“I’m not getting up,” you flippantly grumbled, leaning in further into the armrest. Your strained eyes watered as you yawned. 
“Your grace, the finest of meals,” Marko chirped. You gave Marko a sleepy amused look at his exaggerated bow and horrible attempt at a posh British accent as he handed you a carton with a pair of chopsticks. You propped yourself up and leaned comfortably against the backrest, bringing your legs up to lay on their sides. You opened the flaps, stomach tightened from hunger, mildly excited to see what he brought you. He, indeed, did know what you liked. You offered some to Star, which she declined as per usual, before you dug in, starved without the help of your usual early-evening snack.
David offered some food, a carton of rice, to Michael, which was refused at first. However, through the power of peer pressure, Michael accepted the carton and a clear, plastic fork. While you may not have approved David’s methods, you were glad to see Michael eating something. You chewed your food and swallowed it. You closed your eyes in complete bliss, finally being able to get your food intake for the night. There was a chance that Laddie may not finish all of his food, so you silently plotted to take it when he was full. It would be a pity for that delicious takeout to go to waste, after all. Plus, it would help decrease the amount of food waste amongst you. 
“How are those maggots,” David asked quickly and nonchalantly, which had a very casual tone compared to the substance of his question. The boys laughed and you groaned. You leaned back against the backrest, watching, knowing the direction that this was taking. Of course, they were not going to let Michael enjoy his first meal with them without a little bit of hazing. 
“What,” Michael inquired, not comprehending the bizarre statement he heard. 
“Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots. How do they taste?” Paul had no shame in continuing to chuckle. You hid your growing smile behind your hand. Given the countless times that David had pulled this trick on you, it was strange seeing him do it to someone else. 
Michael gave David an incredulous smile before looking down to come face to face with a carton of what you could assume were squirming maggots in his eyes. Almost immediately, Michael dropped the carton and spit out the rice in his mouth and the cave erupted in howling laughter. Even David was almost doubling over with how hard he was laughing. You, much to your shame, also quietly chuckled, trying to stay quiet as if you were not finding this a little entertaining. He was so unsuspecting unlike you. While you knew from the start that they were vampires—though, you did not realize their mind-based abilities at first—Michael was oblivious, so he did not catch on as quickly as you did. Well, he did not catch on at all.
Star did not find this heckling as enjoyable. 
“Leave him alone,” she begged, unhappy with the boys’ treatment of Michael, not that anyone listened to what she had to say. Michael realized that the rice was not a pile of maggots, but just plain old white rice. He looked up before looking back down at the mess, really trying to process that it was just rice. 
“Sorry ‘bout that,” David gave an empty apology and you rolled your eyes. “No hard feelings, huh?” Michael swallowed his pride and answered,
“No.” Wow, this guy really wants to get on David’s good side. Michael was, at least, tame enough to take it in stride, unlike you. While his initial reaction was worse than yours, at least he did not immediately yell out profanities. David stuck his chopsticks in his noodles. 
“Why don’t you try some noodles?” The boys started laughing again. You waited patiently to see what trick David was pulling out of his sleeve. 
“They’re worms,” Michael deadpanned and you exhaled. They had an obsession with squirmy bugs, it seemed. 
“What do you mean they’re worms?” David dug through the carton, playing dumb to Michael’s concerns. 
“You’re still doing this,” you uttered. You sighed, “the joke’s over, guys!” Michael tried to warn him to not eat the so-called worms, but David used the chopsticks to shove more noodles in his mouth. He chewed on them obnoxiously before grinning, content with how he got under Michael’s skin.
“They’re only noodles, Michael.” Michael snatched the carton and looked through it, only to find just noodles. He must have thought he was losing his mind! To your surprise, he did not ask any questions and took it all at face value. You were a little worried about how easily he was absorbing this. 
“You’re an ass, David.” He ignored your insult, which was probably in your best interest. 
“Nice worms,” Dwayne mocked amongst the snickering. You reached over Laddie and swatted Dwayne’s chest with the back of your right hand, which he hissed at, though he was not in any pain from your back-handed attack. “(Y/N) is being mean again,” he tattled on you to nobody in particular. You raised your hands, physically expressing your annoyance.
“Are you tattling on—what are you, a child?”
“That’s enough,” Star asserted, which Paul responded to with, 
“Aw, chill out, girl,” While Star had not liked this from the start, you were drawing the line here. While the prank was harmless, they did not need to be ridiculing Michael this much. 
And you were not a fan of Paul brushing Star off like that.
You picked a small pebble and aimed for him, landing on his neck. “Hey,” he whined, but you could not care less about it.
“You’re all a bunch of asswipes!” You complained, swallowing what you had been chewing. “I am so sorry, Michael.” Michael appreciated your apology, though he was still embarrassed and very confused by what just happened. “They did the same thing to me, you know. Made me think I was eating caterpillars instead of french fries. And then Paul ate the fries that I dropped.” You threw your head back to get more food in your mouth as Paul chuckled, still clearly proud of himself for getting that reaction out of you when he had picked up the soiled french fry and popped it in his mouth. “They still pull shit like this with me all the time.” 
Your gaze had drifted to Paul, who had his hand in the carton. Your warm smile—which appeared from reminiscing—dropped and your expression morphed into a disgusted one. You knew for sure that he did not wash his hands before deciding to use one as an eating utensil. With a disappointed sigh, you pinched between your eyebrows, exasperated, and expressed,
“Are you kidding—are you eating Chinese takeout with your bare hands?” He put the carton to his mouth as if he was drinking out of a cup.
“Why am I in trouble?” He spoke with a mouth full of fried rice and gestured to Dwayne, who was sitting beside you. Dwayne, now the one being put on the spot, froze, caught red-handed with his hand in his carton, and picked up some noodles. You scrunched up your nose and furrowed your brow. How you did not notice that happening right beside you was a mystery.
“Really? I expected this from Paul—”
“This is bullying!”
“—but not you!” As if to spite you, Dwayne picked up some of his noodles and shoved it into his mouth with a cheeky smile. “Marko is using a pair of chopsticks! Marko! And he’s...” You vaguely gestured to him. “Marko!”
“What’s that supposed to mean,” Marko yapped. You pointed at him accusingly. 
“You know exactly what that means.” You were alluding to how much of an instinctual person he was. You were surprised with how he did not immediately stick his hand in his food without taking off his gloves when he opened his carton. “Michael, you know what he did the first night I was here?” Michael shook his head, almost smiling at the sight of you putting them in their place. “He threw a pigeon at me. A pigeon!” Everyone, including you, laughed at the fond memory, Marko being the loudest as he caught himself by putting a hand on his knee. When David calmed down, recalling the shocked expression you had when the bird was tossed at the back of your skull, he gave you a seemingly genuine smile. Seemingly.
You intentionally tried to make him feel more comfortable with your story of the pigeon attack. There was a part of you that did not like how he was to become a vampire against his will. While you could not do anything to change that, you could at least be a friend and hold out an olive branch.
Besides Star, Michael noticed how you were showing legitimate consideration towards him while the boys were messing with him with no restraints. You, while taking part in all of this heckling, had the decency to apologize and had your limits. He was still intimidated by your presence but realized that you may not be as menacing as you may appear. In contrast to your piercing stare, your smile lit up the room and you were a fun person to be around.
Of course, he was unaware as to just how doomed to stay with this group of misfits he was. He may have to deal with this taunting for the rest of eternity.
You picked up another pebble. It hit Marko's left temple and somehow landed in his food.
“Get fucked, pigeon-thrower,” you slandered.
“Ow! Dwayne’s right, you are bein’ a bitch!” 
“Oh, you’ll get over it.” You picked up a third small rock and leaned forward to get a clearer shot. You harshly threw it onto Dwayne's bare chest. 
“What was that for,” he complained, mouth full of noodles. 
“Talkin’ shit about me.” 
“I never called you a bitch!” Okay, maybe it was fun just being a general nuisance towards them, but that was not going to be something you said out loud. To keep things even between them all, you picked up one more for David. As you aimed, he put up a finger to make you pause. 
“Do you really want to do that,” he challenged. Unluckily for him, you found entertainment in doing things out of spite. However, Unluckily for you, he caught the rock with a gloved hand and threw it back at you with force. You laughed with a mild shriek as you tried to shield yourself, but it hit your left shoulder. 
“Ow,” you exclaimed and rubbed the ambushed area of your arm.
“You’ll get over it,” he mocked, repeating what you had said to Marko. 
“You see what I have to deal with, Michael,” you joked. Paul threw the remaining fried rice in his carton at you. “Don’t throw food, dipshit! You'll get it in the cushions!”
“It’s maggots, (Y/N),” Paul teased. You took hold of a small display pillow, one that you have been sleeping with, and threw it at Paul. Too bad you missed. Paul mockingly said, 
“Try again!”
David was lost in thought before he called out to Marko and whispered something in his ear as the excitement died down, the tone of the night changing drastically as silence engulfed the cave. You could decipher what was said. Marko nodded enthusiastically, giving a quick once-over towards everyone, before leaving and coming back with an ornate wine bottle. 
Star became visibly concerned, quickly making her way to Michael’s side. Her reaction was enough for you to mirror that worry. There was no way they were going to turn him tonight, right? Getting Michael drunk to make the process easier hardly seems like the best strategy, if that was what they were doing. Plus, he did not seem like a wine guy.
David, with as much flair as he could muster, popped the cork and drank from the bottle. He opened his eyes, his gaze on Michael intense. He’s dramatic; I’ll give him that. You thought.
“Drink some of this, Michael,” David pressured, offering him the bottle. He quieted and harshly whispered, “be one of us.” You could almost see the ellipses that appeared in Michael's head. You were glad you were not the only one who found the dramatic nature David was talking with anticlimactic. Michael stood from the fountain and gingerly took the bottle from David by the neck. As Dwayne and Paul began to chant Michael’s name, Laddie stood and ran away, granting you another reason to be concerned. Marko joined in. Star moved closer to Michael; you swear that she was just about ready to jump out of her skin with how skittish she was being. 
“Michael,” David called, egging him on. 
“Yeah, sure,” Michael responded before putting it up to his mouth and taking quite a few large gulps of it. The boys cheered with David yelling, “Bravo!” Star took a step back, shielding Laddie with her left hand. You could not understand why she was so nervous, so afraid. It was just a little bit of wine! Are they seriously trying to get him drunk? Maybe you have overestimated the boys’ planning skills.
Or, this was just a part of their initiation. They could be building up to the actual turning, but all you can do for now is speculate. Hopefully, you will remember to ask one of them about it later.
“Your turn, (Y/N).” You swiftly turned your head to face David, not expecting the spotlight to turn to you.
“Me?” Why did they want you to drink from the bottle? It was not as if you were the one who was going to start walking amongst the undead as one of them; Michael was the one who was joining the clique. 
“It's like an initiation,” Paul explained. “Drink it and you're officially one of us, sugar!”
“And don’t think that you’re done, Michael,” David warned as he handed you the bottle. He made brief eye contact with you before returning to look at Michael. “(Y/N) has already gone through it all; you’ve still got to show us that you’ve got what it takes.” Michael took a glimpse at you. 
“What it takes,” Michael pressed.
“To be one of us, Michael.”
“And I have what it takes,” you asked. No one denied the statement. You were not sure what specific qualities they saw in you and what they may have considered a test of your worth, but you apparently fit the bill.
“Why else would we be having such a special dinner, (Y/N),” David stated. You chortled. It was not as if they served you a five-star meal from some fancy restaurant that only takes patrons that are dressed to the nines. Well, it was in such a fancy hotel, though collapsed, so maybe you could let it slide.
“All this is for me,” you entertained his statement. 
“It is if you drink from the bottle,” Marko answered, sitting on the armrest and leaning towards you, giving you a prying look with raised eyebrows. You let out a hefty chuckle before looking down at the bottle in your hand, swishing the liquid in a clockwise motion, feeling the weight of it as it moved. With it in your hand, you got a closer inspection.
Though tacky, it was a beautiful vessel. It was a clear, glass bottle that was covered in gold plating. Over that, red and white gems decorated it. The red drink inside of the bottle was a vibrant red, bright and alluring. It made sense that they would choose such a drink. 
Beginning with Dwayne, the boys chanted, growing louder with each one,
“One of us! One of us! One of us!” An involuntary smile grew on your face. In a way, you guess that you were one of them and a part of their social circle. You had grown to care for them and it warmed your heart that they thought the same of you. 
It was just some wine, right? In a fancy sunken hotel like this, it would make sense to find such a fancy bottle among the rubble. And it made sense that this group of vampires would have some weird initiation rituals.
You brought the bottle to your lips and took a sip; you did not drink as much as Michael did, but just enough to get a small taste. That sample was enough given how the boys cheered as you felt it go down your throat. You did a double-take, not expecting it to taste like that.
It did not taste like wine, but it was nothing like you had ever drank before. It was strong, but it was from something other than the alcohol content. It was sweet with a bit of a spicy kick to it as it went down. You made a face, still trying to decide if you liked it or not.
“What is that?” You brought the opening to your eye before taking another sip. “Wow, that does not taste like wine.” One more time, you brought the bottle to your lips before concluding that you enjoyed the flavor; they chose a good initiation drink. 
You gave the bottle back to David as you licked your lips clean. You sat comfortably with a bashful smile that you tried to hide with the side of your hand. It was as if they were happier with you drinking the wine than they were with Michael drinking it with how they cheered. They clapped to a rhythm and excitedly chanted again,
“One of us! One of us!” You brought your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
"You guys are way too excited for a little bit of wine," you dismissed, a laugh escaping you as you tried to seem unmoved. Paul hopped onto the box he was sitting on and jumped off to the other side. He raised the volume on his stereo, which was playing some rock song you vaguely recognized. 
"Now, we really celebrate," David instructed as Paul jogged back and pulled you up. 
"You're one of us now, (Y/N)," Marko cheered as he patted you hard on the back, stepping in front of you and facing you with a wide smile, which you mirrored when you recovered. He took notice of how your eyes completely softened while you smiled at him. Your expression was so real, so sincere. 
Those high walls of yours had crumbled down to mere dust, allowing them to step in with ease, which was what you were afraid of, but you could not bring yourself to care in the moment. 
You felt a hand gently stroke your upper back and you turned to see Dwayne, who was grinning boyishly down at you. As they left you, you could not deny how good you felt when they chanted your name,
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"
➳ ➳ ➳
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a different kind of song
(A/N: no one ever asked for this, but there isn't enough merman!Bucky/reader fics out there, lol. Also, her song is basically "Siren Song" by Margaret Atwood)
Warning- allusions to sexual assault. Do NOT read if that bothers you!
Summary: The sea swallowed her whole, and she was reborn with saltwater on her tongue and webs between her fingers.
She did not remember her life as a human. All she remembered was the war, and the hunger, and the men raiding her village. She remembered the sweat-soaked skin of a warrior snatching her up as she cried out for help. She felt the slide of his body, his blade against her throat. Then when he had finished, she remembered being thrown away into the deepest part of the sea, left to die. But she was blessed by the primordial sea god Phorcys, a child of Artemis, and was allowed to live again. Her new body was formed from misery and blood, and the reward for her suffering was eternal life with the chance to kill as many humans as she wished with no divine interference. The killing of human men, for men were the chosen victims of any siren. Women were not drawn in by their song, and if, by chance, a woman stumbled across a siren, that siren would leave her alone.
Slowly, she began to forget the trappings of humanity, the sound of her mother's voice, and the taste of human food. She aged with the world, hidden deep beneath the waves. Countless men fell prey to her beautiful song, and she learned how to kill quickly. She grew to love the taste of flesh, the sound of someone drowning. She forgot what it was like to be lonely. 
Now, she only knew starvation.
An all-encompassing hunger clawing at her belly made her whine with pain. Humans had avoided this part of the sea for a few years, and she last ate three months ago. She'd had to survive solely on fish, which, while technically food, were not filling nor even tasty. She was beginning to hate fish.
There were no boats; she checked three times in the past hour. It was dangerous for her to be so close to the surface because the air outside was toxic. There was also a very likely chance that she would be spotted by anyone who could harm her. But she was so hungry that she forgot herself. She floated just beneath the surface and sang, letting her voice ring out through the water, enticing any man into approaching. The setting sun shined down on the outcrop of rocks above her.
And there! A flash of something!
She sang louder, opening her eyes underwater. There was a man with darker hair than she had ever seen lying on a gigantic rock. He was acceptable, she guessed. She barely knew what that meant.
He had yet to notice her, dumb as he was. She could see her song was affecting him as his eyes started to close, and his hand inched unconsciously closer to the water. His finger just barely skimmed the surface before she lunged, yanking him into the sea with her. He began to fight back as she dragged him down to the sandy bottom. Thrashing against her hold, he scrabbled to gain purchase on her body, but to no avail. Her skin was as hard as stony coral and difficult to cut. She sang her trumph, mocking him as she brought him up to break the surface, only to bring him right back down.
But this man had a tail, and she did not realize it until it hit her in the face. She squawked in surprise, her song cutting off. The merman twisted out of her slackened grip. She snarled, baring her teeth as she swam at him. Sirens were stronger than mer, especially in deeper waters, so it did not take much to grab him again. They wrestled, flipping over each other. She sliced his side with one of her nails; his tail knocked the wind out of her. He pulled her lure too hard, and she made a pained sound, biting at his hand. He cried out as she ate clean through one of his webs. Blood leaked into the water, making her ravenous.
"This is the one song everyone would like to learn: the song that is irresistible," she began, "The song that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons, even though they see the beached skulls!"
The merman ceased struggling. He stared at her, his eyes growing vast and dreamy. She grinned toothily. She had only had mer meat once before. It was harder to draw in mermen than human men, so because of that, she was only able to entice a single merman. But that was years ago, and he wasn't nearly as delicious to look at as this mer.
She dropped the tone of her voice to a seductive curl. "This is the song that nobody knows because anyone who has heard it is dead, and others can't remember. Shall I tell you a secret? And if I promise to, will you come nearer? I will tell my secret to you, to you, only to you. Come closer, closer to me."
She lifted her finger, tempting him to come over so that she could take a bite. The merman swam closer until their chests were pressed together. He said something in a language that she had never heard before.
"This song is a cry for help, my dear. Help me! Only you, only you can, for you are unique!" she cried sadly.
His tail curled around hers, and she frightened at the gentle touch broken out of her song. She spat and gnashed her teeth, but still, his tail stayed where it was. He opened his mouth and said something, but she still could not understand. She went to bite his nose off, but he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers so plainly that she stilled. She was not sure what was happening. She was not sure what she was supposed to be doing. She floated there, letting him mash his mouth against hers. His mouth tasted bizarre.
Finally, the merman stopped. He pulled away only minutely, still looking spellbound. Strange. Her song had ended. Why did he continue to look at her like that? He reached out and lifted her chin to meet his eyes. His own were darting back and forth across her face, searching for something. He spoke more things that she didn't understand.
"Uhh-h- hello," the merman said in a language she could understand. "Hi."
"Why were you crushing your mouth onto mine?" she asked.
"What, never heard of kissin' before?"
His smile was much too pleasant. That was unacceptable. Food was never supposed to look nice. She wanted to claw the smile right off of his face.
"Yeah, touchin' lips. Usually done as a sign of love or, you know, desire."
"Sweet Thetis, you're fuckin' gorgeous," said the merman, ignoring her confusion.
His hand shot out to touch her lure, but he thought better of it and withdrew.
"What does that mean?" she asked.
His smile grew bigger, how funny: "Beautiful. Pretty."
"Pretty? What's that?"
"You know, like when you find a shiny thing, an' you wanna keep it forever?"
"I do not know," she grumbled (How dare this mer make her feel unintelligent!). "I have never had shiny things."
"Never had… Hold on, my pretty one."
Mystified, she waited just as he'd asked as he ruffled through a pouch that she had not noticed before. She had never seen anything like it and wondered where she could acquire one. Of course, she never had a reason to have a bag since she had no use for possessions. Perhaps it could hold weapons! Or bones to snack on!
"Ah-ha!" the merman said, thrusting something in her direction.
She stared at the thing in his hand.
"Looks even prettier underneath your lights," he said, avoiding her eyes.
"What is it?" she replied, her hand darting out nervously to touch it.
She pulled back almost instantly, but the merman grabbed her wrist.
"It's called gold," he explained, tipping it into her hands. "The humans use it to get other shiny things. D'you like it?"
"I am not sure. I do not know what I like."
"You can keep it."
"What kind of trickery is this?"
"No tricks. As I said, you're beautiful, and beautiful things should have beautiful things."
"No tricks, certainly, but what do you want in exchange?"
For the first time tonight, he looked sheepish. She noticed that his stomach was turning pink, but for what reason, she was unsure. She wondered what he was trying to work up the nerve to say.
"Well, er, matin' season is comin' up," he began.
"Not yet."
"Right, it isn't for a few months yet, but I was taught to woo the mer, er, the creature that I choose with shiny things. It's my first matin' season, you see."
"An' the wooin' part takes a while. An' then there's the courtin' stage, which takes even longer."
"If you need a mate, there are mer all around this area during this time."
"Well- heh." The merman rubbed the back of his neck. "I-I'd like it to be you."
"Because you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"I have more shiny things if you want 'em," the mer said, reaching for his pouch.
She shrugged. "I have no use for them."
"You don't gotta have a use for 'em. Where's your home cave? I can bring 'em there."
"I do not have a home cave," she said.
"Oh, right, where is your family's cave, then?"
"I have no family."
"No family? You mean, you're out here all by yourself?"
"Aren't you lonely?"
"What is lonely?" she asked.
"Sad, because you have no one with ya."
"What is sad?"
"Whaddya mean, 'what is sad?' It's sad! Don't you know what that is?" the merman twisted his face up like he was in distress, though what kind she was not sure.
"I only know hunger," she told him.
His eyes lost some of their shine. "Oh, yeah, right. How long's it been since you ate properly anyway? You don't look so good."
"I have not caught a human in months."
"D'you need help huntin'?"
"Can you ensnare a human with your singing?"
"No, but I know some good spots for fish."
"I am not in the mood for fish," she said.
"You just haven't found the right kind," the merman replied, closing his left eye.
He turned tail, swimming away from her before glancing back to see if she would follow him. The hunger in her belly was making her act quite strange in that she was willing to go along with this merman. She felt, oh, what's the word, she knew this, like mer, she was curious. She decided to follow him, keeping a bit of distance between them until the merman flipped around in an impressive display of tailfins and long dark hair, and decided they would swim side by side. His hand kept brushing hers, trying to grab onto her fingers for some reason. She tugged away, unsure of what he was trying to do. She still had not yet decided if she wanted to mate with him anyway. Sirens did not mate in the same way that mer did, that much she knew. They called it breeding, and it was over in a frenzy of teeth and claws. There were no gifts of shiny things or "kisses."
"What's yer name?" the merman asked.
The question stunned her. She could not remember her name before the sea took her in, and she had no use for a name now. No one else called to her. Her name was simply another memory, another casualty to add to her list.
"I do not know," she said.
"You know what a name is, right? Like, I'm Bucky, for example."
Her fingers drifted up to her lips, searching for her name. If she remembered the shape of her mouth as she spoke it aloud, perhaps she could remember the correct sounds. She thought back as far as she could, to the feeling of water filling her lungs, to the sounds of screams, to the smell of a fire burning down her village, to her blood staining her tongue. She wanted to remember her name. She had not even realized this was something she had lost until she needed it.
Then there was a flash of memory, jagged and cutting. Her heart began to race. In her mind, she heard it. Her mother had been crying. Her mother had been screaming at the men to stop. Her mother had been shrieking to let go of her, let go of my daughter. Her mother yelling at her to be brave, hold her breath, be strong, my love, my dear. Her mother. She remembered her mother.
Her lips parted, and she whispered the name into the water. The merman, Bucky, repeated it.
"Again," she said.
He did, and oh, she felt something new, something besides hunger. A hole opened in her chest. Her lower lip wobbled, and then she was singing a new song, never before heard from a siren. It echoed around her and Bucky, reaching out to the farthest depths of the sea. It was filled with desperation, isolation, and salvation, but it was hope and home too.
"Is this what sad is?" she asked Bucky once her song was over.
"Yeah, it is," he answered, curling his tail around hers.
When he went to wrap her up in his arms, she let him, falling into his embrace.
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yinyanchan · 3 years
What would be the ZSR boys reaction be if MC got drunk and got overly flirty with them? Like pressing up on them, playing with their tie, endless complements...
So apparently this ask was saved in my drafts for a long time and I thought it had been accidentally deleted. So sorry for the wait! Please enjoy!
Sans: nervous at first and attempts to be a gentleman about it but he can't help but cave to MC's affections. Especially when they begin to pull him by his tie to lure him in close... he has to remind himself over and over that a drunk mind doesn't mean consent.
Papyrus: He will play along and though MC is being a bit of a tease he will enjoy it for now... but keep it from getting too out of hand. He won't take advantage of MC being drunk. He will be playful and teasing.
Lucky: MC has whisked him away with their drunken attempts. Is his eye lights shaped like hearts? Yes they are and with every compliment is ending them in Dangerous territory. Lucky has no qualms of MC being inebriated to stake his claim. It was meant to be.
Strike: color him surprised... literally. A little wink and a little flirt doesn't take much. MC is his soulmate. His soul is hammering as MC gets closer and walks their fingers up his chest... he's going to find it really hard to keep his hands off MC. If MC compliments him to much he'll be to flustered to do anything.
Swisher: Doesn't want to be stern with his soulmate but he will if their flirting becomes to much. He might have dedicated his life to the sinful nature of his business... but he won't go further than what he deems appropriate... even though it feels so right. MC will find that they have "misplaced" their choice beverage... even the replacements. Swisher just wants to make sure every bit of attention from MC is not from a drunken haze but an actual sober want.
Sweets: Oh Hell Yeah!!! Might even convince MC to dance with him a little just to dip them and hear them titter as he moves in for a kiss. He's going all out and nothing or no one is going to interfere. He's eating up everything MC is willing to give him. The pull was so strong and his urge to satisfy not only his desires but MCs is fueling the fire. Only one way to put this one out.
Black: oh he wants it. He wants it bad.... but seeing MC going for him so teasingly. How they play with his tie and pull him flush against them... it's overwhelming him. If he doesn't calm down he's going to Black out. His mind is trained to work algorithms and situational theories at lightning speed... emotions throw a wrench in all that and overload him. Especially as they chant sweet praises next to his skull in soft dulcet tones with a little hum of lust... he might just cave and give in to his sweetest temptation. HIS soulmate.
Mild: surprised? More like confused. His soul mate actually flirting with him smacks him harder into reality more than he'd care for. Yet he can't deny the pull of his soul. The consequences are great, and as MC chokes up on his loose tie...he can have just this one little moment... right?
Kentucky: he will chuckle and play along. He will keep MC from getting more drinks or switch them out with something nonalcoholic. Pushes snacks to help them sober up and switches to full glasses of water by the end of the night. He's going to enjoy his time but he won't let his soulmate get a hangover. MC will be teased when they wake up in his arms fully dressed the next morning.
Twist: He’s very excited for MCs company and will definitely keep them entertained. Though he won't go all the way with his sweet peach he will test his boundaries that is for sure. Keeping in mind that MC is his soulmate and will one day recognize the pull that has them both in its snare... and lovingly approach him everyday is something he often cherishes.
American and Spirit though? We will have to wait on those bad boys lol.
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Sneak Peek! Chapter 15: Roman Profile
Daniel Ricciardo x Reader
Chapter One + Chapter Two + Chapter Three + Chapter Four + Chapter Five + Chapter Six + Chapter Seven + Chapter Eight + Chapter Nine + Chapter 10, Part 1 + Chapter 10, Part 2 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14
A small snack to tide you over until the entirety of chapter 15 is out! It should be hot and ready for you tomorrow, June 27th! Thank you for your patience, my loves!
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It’ll be a small miracle for the two of you to make it through the restaurant and then out into the brisk night air entirely unscathed. The simple task of getting from one side of the crowded dining room alone would have proven to be a daunting enough feat in it’s own right, even if it wasn’t currently being exacerbated to herculean scale. 
This escalation in difficulty isn’t thanks to any untoward behavior or wrongdoing on your part but rather because Daniel was insistent upon keeping his head on a swivel, alternating back and forth between looking over one shoulder at you and sweeping the room, his watchful and distrustful eye practically daring anyone to say anything. 
He hadn’t listened to your reassurances and hadn’t been tempted by the light but distinctly friendly note in your voice. Normally that playful lilt at the end of a sentence could coax him into whatever direction you wanted him to go, whether that be into banter or just into a more casual, at ease demeanor, but at present it was doing just as much good as staying silent could have accomplished. 
“Dan, can you turn around and focus on walking? I promise I’m going to look the same once we actually make it outside so let’s at least give that a try, okay?”
Since he’d clearly chosen to ignore the first placating nudge you’d tried to give him, you back off a touch, hoping that maybe in his current overwhelmed state of mind, it was just going to take a few seconds longer than usual for your words to get through his incredibly thick skull and be process by his brain. 
Yet, that hope proved to be dead in the water, and after he nearly walked straight into the second waiter, it became clear he needed to be told again, just in another manner. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me, I’m right here.” 
Your voice isn’t so loud that the bevy of diners around you could have any real confidence in what you had just said but it's sufficient, the words floating just above the general cacophony of the restaurant like a leaf catching a ride on a good autumn breeze. 
You’re certain that Daniel could hear you, that he had heard you the first time around but, when all you get is a steely, silent rebuttal, you finally cave to what your thoughts have been begging of you since you’d risen from your seat just moments ago. 
Apparently, your traitorous mind was willing to forgive his transgressions, if only temporarily. For as simple and clean cut as his current behavior might appear to an outsider, you knew better. You knew with the same certainty as one has that the sun will rise, the sun will set and all the other celestial bodies will trudge on in the same manner as they have for millennia, that Daniel had been treading water for far too long and was near to drowning inside his own head. 
It’s simple really, to the point of being nothing short of blissfully, blatantly obvious, that he’s in desperate need of something, of anything for him to cling to right now because he isn’t going to succeed in keeping his head above the rising tide for much longer without help, without something to buoy him up. So, you take a deliberate, half step closer to his back and slip your hand into his, neatly lacing your fingers through his before he even has a chance to react. 
One moment there’s a healthy, carefully maintained step and a half distance between your body and his retreating back, where it feels almost as if the gulf of what lays between the two of you isn’t just a stride across the expanse of aged, worn wooden floor beneath your feet and it is instead an sheer, unscalable wall that has been built stone by stone of everything that still remains to be said. 
Then in the next, that cold, isolating degree of separation vanishes, the battle for command of what lies beyond fortress defenses, of what waits on the other side of the barricaded castle gate, is won and the enemy is vanquished by nothing more than the brush of skin against skin. 
“Really, Dan, I mean it. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. I’m right here, I’m perfectly fine, I promise you.”
“No, because it’s not you I’m worried about.” 
This is just a flat out, clear as day lie, something you’re both painfully aware of. But you choose to let it slip, permitting it to float dead in the water unquestioned, unchallenged, and unacknowledged when Daniel continues. 
“I’m worried because it’s been made abundantly clear,  it has been proven, in ink and in photos, that I’ve failed entirely to protect you from prying eyes and camera lenses this entire trip. The very, very least I can do is to just get you out of the restaurant without someone invading your privacy again.”
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retvenkos · 4 years
“this place feels like home”
A/N: someone mentioned it, so here i am
gryffindor common room
i’m no interior decorator, and i’m betting godric gryffindor wasn’t either, so it looks like a glorified man cave
lots of designated areas for just hanging out, a huge, central fireplace, lots of open places perfect for pulling your wand on someone to duel, but very cluttered in other areas where you are meant to be close for house bonding!
secondly, there are a total of like, 4 desks you can use to work on, and they’re pushed to the walls, the chairs constantly stolen for something or another.
the main focus of the gryffindor common room is the couches and chairs
there’s a recliner that some muggle-born student brought in, and when they first kicked it out the purebloods went absolutely feral
they don’t know how it works, but they love it
there are so many radios... gryffindor has the best sound system for any kind of party. the other houses have to use charms to get the sound evenly distributed, but gryffindors just use their like, 10 different radios
there are a lot of spare pillows and blankets, but they don’t exactly have a place to go - they’re usually just thrown on the back of the couches or cast to the floor.
sometimes the 1st years will play “the ground is lava” and it’s vvv sweet
the ceiling has constellations mapped onto it, and they’re actually accurate. using your wand, you can “shift” the sky and it’s a really effective way to get your astronomy homework done
harry didn’t notice it because he’s as observant as a doorknob
the most chaotic thing about the gryffindor common room is the fact that there are real swords and battle axes on the wall, all of which belonged to godric gryffindor himself
students will 100% try to use them as jokes, but they can never manage to actually grab them? their hands just go right through them like they aren’t real
but if you approach them with nothing but wonder and reverence, when you reach out, you can most definitely feel them, and they are real
i really just want someone to have picked up a battle axe during the battle at hogwarts, now
there are a couple of portraits that give life advice, but most of them are #tired and leave their portraits to go visit others because the common room can get so crazy
the amount of animals this common room has,,,, i sure do hope you’re not allergic
there are lizards, rats, toads, cats, tarantulas...
if you’re afraid of any of them, tell your classmates when you’re still a first or second year and the whole of gryffindor tower will rally behind you to make the other person put their animal in their dormitory
there always seems to be leftover food from a party, so you’re well fed. 
and if you’re from another house, this is the easiest house to steal food from.
oh, and the carpet (because YEAH, someone put in carpet with some kind of magic) does not match the furnishings at all.
minimalists cry at the sight of this common room 
slytherin common room
first of all!!!! this common room has a glass ceiling because someone else came up with this idea and it is legendary
they mentioned the merfolk help with classes! they know sign language! i am very here for it.
then,,, there is an entire section of the common room that is dedicated to games - checkers, chess, poker, solitaire, even some muggle board games
it’s how they foster community. friendly competition is everything to slytherins and slytherins can actually do friendly competition, unlike ravenclaws
at lot of purebloods are still trying to win risk. it confuses them so much.
there’s probably a cat or two in this common room
they actually get along fairly well with the owls, but every so often snape has to come in and stop then from attacking each other and it would be hilarious if he weren’t so intimidating
there’s a lot more space in this common room, or maybe it’s just set up as to give the illusion of more space. either way, the slytherins are more spread out.
they don’t like breathing on each other
the gothic aesthetic does exist, but it’s not all gloomy because some intelligent slytherin’s know that’s bad for mental health.
they probably have a fourth of the room (maybe in a corner) that’s a little more lighted and cozy, with the most supportive portraits in that area
the slytherin common room has bean bags
this was a later addition, ofc, seeing as there is no way in hell salazar slytherin would ever allow that to happen
but everyone loves them a whole lot. 1st years always beeline for them
and slytherin was a good interior decorator, so we have the perfect ratio of portraits to wall space and the amount of lamps is actually palatable.
and there might be a dramatic hamlet skull on a table or two, but they’re not real - just decor. sometimes slytherin’s use them for pranks.
there’s actually a fair bit of communal property, too? like, there’s a lot of blankets, a bookshelf, and a table that always has food on it because the dungeons are hella far away from the kitchens and many slytherins like a good midnight snack
the slytherins actually talk more to ghosts than the other houses - ghosts like to hang out in the dungeons, and the amount of ghost jokes that the slytherins know is incredible
a group of hufflepuffs swear they once heard professor binns laugh at a ghost joke one of the slytherin’s retold
the snake iconography of this room is so high - it would honestly be a little unnerving if everyone wasn’t just used to it.
there’s probably a game going around where someone will conjure up an extra snake decoration and every week the first and second years are trying to find out which one it is
sometimes a very tired 5th year will give you a hint
there’s not a space that’s specifically designated for studying, but you can often find space in a few different places.
the desks are always being used for games, like i mentioned above, but someone had introduced the idea of lap desks and slytherins love that so much.
ravenclaw common room
this is the most minimalist of the common rooms in decor and style, but there’s so much happening at all times that it never looks bare
and a fair few ravenclaws are BIG about organization, so this is one of the more compartmentalized common rooms
it’s also formatted this way because the studious ravenclaw has threatened the musically inclined ravenclaw, saying that they will not hesitate to sabotage the other’s saxophone if they ever hear careless whisper while trying to study for n.e.w.t.s again.
also, i just want to say that ravenclaw house is probably one of the most diverse houses because creativity is so broad, and that combined with their individualistic streak means that community is a little less strong in this house, but there’s a place for everyone
i have no doubt that someone has enchanted the common room to expand on the inside, so it has much more room than say gryffindor common room or hufflepuff common room. 
they’re also big about making boundaries - there’s probably actual walls and doors between different areas. 
like, one for studying, one for art (like drawing and painting), one for music, etc.
also, you would think this is a quiet common room but you would be wrong.
the quiet ones are slytherin and hufflepuff. gryffindor and ravenclaw are both p chaotic.
except for the quiet room, which is as silent as they come. if you need quiet inspiration, you go there. it’s also the study room, though, so when you’re struck with inspiration, you have to keep quiet.
now, ravenclaws like to keep what is theirs, but they do have some communal property, mostly in the form of books and materials like typewriters and art supplies (although some people are very territorial about their brushes. it’s a toss up.)
there’s a floor to ceiling window that can actually be opened up - kind of like doors. the ravenclaws have it instead of the gryffindors because they have self control and won’t jump out the window without a sure plan of survival.
there’s also statues and busts! rowena ravenclaw was decent at interior design, and she loved sculpture - maybe she had a sculptor lover at one point? who knows? there’s just a lot of busts in ravenclaw tower
no doubt they’re enchanted to give advice or tbh just to gossip. i imagine there’s a lot of gossip in ravenclaw tower
the walls are painted in some places. it’s a rule that you don’t paint over other people’s art, but the paint is also enchanted so that if you look closely, you can see the name of who has painted what, and ravenclaws are too proud to do idiotic things like drawing crude doodles on the walls.
the only person to ever paint on the ceiling is luna lovegood, and she was commissioned to do so after her time at hogwarts.
there’s also a chalkboard wall for when you’re studying and need to write things down to think. beware, though, because your work can and will be erased.
you can also write on the large window i talked about! muggle students have brought dry erase markers and they are much needed.
oh, and ravenclaws have a lot of owl access - they owls like to stop at ravenclaw tower for treats and whatnot, and ravenclaws definitely use this to their advantage. they have priority for mail service and it’s a win tbh.
hufflepuff common room
now helga hufflepuff was no interior decorator either, but she was a homemaker, so we all know that this common room is the most home-like of the bunch
first of all, there are potted plants everywhere. hufflepuffs are known to be good at herbology, and that tradition means there are a whole lot of life in this common room
there’s also a curious amount of sunlight, too, despite being in the basement. i’m not exactly sure how it’s done, but the common room has actual sunlight - it’s important for the plants.
i also imagine there’s one wall that is a long mirror. you can use it for whatever you like, introspection, self affirmations, or reflecting light or whatever, but helga thought it was important to always be aware of yourself.
muggle students have brought sticky notes and now the mirror if full of them - little reminders, little motivations, fun quotes, jokes, etc.
there’s also a lot of couches and desks. the desks are usually very cluttered, but you can always find space for your stuff, somehow. and the couches are the softest at hogwarts, gryffindors have been trying to steal them for years.
also, the marauders were incredibly presumptuous, thinking they had found all of the secret passageways in the castle - there are at least 3 secret passages that only hufflepuffs know about and it’s one of the best kept secrets at hogwarts. they all connect to the common room.
and as initiation, on their first night as hufflepuffs, first years traverse secret passageways in the dark trying to figure out where they lead, all of them having to work together to figure out the lumos spell for some light.
and one of those passageways leads to the kitchens. it’s how they get the best food for parties. hufflepuffs often put in requests for what they want at breakfast or dinner.
this is also the warmest common room. i’m not exactly sure how it’s done, but the common room is never cold - maybe a little chilly, but not cold enough that you need a sweater.
the flooring is carpet, but parts of it are hard wood - it’s clear it used to be carpet, but was stained beyond repair from a broken pot or two.
there is toad supremacy in the hufflepuff common room. there’s probably one or two toads that don’t have real owners but are treated as the house pets.
there’s also a few paintings - all of them are smaller because there’s so much going on in this common room already, the walls have to be mellow to account for everything else, but there’s a couple and all of them like to tell jokes and give really good advice. 
two of the newer (and favorite) additions include cedric diggory and tonks. they both get along quite well, although tonks is more mischievous and cedric is more down to earth.
cedric will often tell you how to charm a professor, if you ask, and he might give answers to homework questions to favorite students.
similar to gryffindor common room, there’s a lot of cozy areas that encourage students to chat with each other and spend time together.
but similar to slytherin, there is a lot of games about - they involve less strategy and more fun (like hide and go seek or charades) - but games is a bonding strategy that hufflepuffs utilize.
-- taglist: @musicallisto, @theletterhart, @locke-writes, @randomfandomimagine, @brokenandheadoverheels, @timeofmadness, @writerdream22, @lotsoffandomrecs, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena, @coffee--writes, @lenalxvegood, @cooloaflandhero, @swanimagines, @noesapphic​, @amortensie // message me if you want to be added!
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whirlybirbs · 4 years
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MOONLIT DUNES.    ;    boba fett / reader     ;     1 / ?
summary: you’ve found many things in the dunes. a gravely injured mandalorian is a new thing to add to the ever growing list. set directly after return of the jedi. 
word count: 3.5k
pairing: boba fett / scavenger!reader
tags: some body horror, injury mention, boba loses his leg, reader does first aid,  the great pit of carkoon really did one on our man
a/n: my hand slipped i swear.............. (this has been in the works since may)
In all your years spent drifting about the land of Tatooine, you’ve found many things in the dunes.
Rare racing pod parts that had been discontinued after years of upgrades... Discarded weaponry, no doubt used for something more nefarious than Bantha hunting... and many, many skulls, sentient and otherwise.
Such comes with the life of a scavenger — live off the land and the things buried deep; harvest trinkets of lives long since forgotten in the ever changing tides of glittering sand.
However, never in your life —  in all the days spent beneath the twin brother suns —  have you ever found someone alive in the dunes.
Until today, that is.
You should have known venturing North of Mos Eisley was a bad idea. After all, the plains beyond the space port were ridden with starved sarlacc pits. But, with Tanto — the resident Junk Boss — down your throat about catching up on your few owed debts, you’d decided to weigh the risk and trek on towards the looming beast on the horizon: the Great Pit of Carkoon. With any luck, you’d be able to scavenge what little undigested pieces the massive creature had belched back up — maybe some Gamorian armor, or a blaster or two — after one of Jabba’s usual disposal runs.
Ah, Jabba.
Rumor had it that Jabba Desilijic Tiure was dead.
You knew better than to ask about mere rumors being tossed around the clock-out lines as you turned in your hauls for the day. Like you did every evening, you kept your head down. But, you did listen. You always listen — and from what you could gather, there’d already been a few scavenging parties dispatched to the Northern region.
Something about a jedi, a princess and a hell of a mess.
Not that any of that mattered — because dwelling on some fantastical retelling of a lie by Frokop Golp, the resident drunk swindler, wasn’t going to keep you fed. You were hoping that at the least, the part about one of Jabba’s sail barges going down by the Great Pit of Carkoon wasn’t a lie. Then, you could maybe find a few transistor coolant coils...
The dawning realization that you were betting another day’s ration portion on a spun half-truth embellished by the local drunkard hits you as your dewback, a kindly older male you’d named Scud, finally reaches the crest of the highest dune overlooking the Carkoon wastes. For a moment, as you squint into the setting sun, you wonder if this is even going to be worth it.
You sigh, adjusting the light linen face covering over your nose and mouth, and gently urge Scud forward.
No use in dwelling. You’re already here.
As you near, the wreckage seems to have been picked over completely. Scud plods slowly towards the wreck, tail swatting cautiously as the sarlacc a few meters ahead gives a low hiss at the vibrations riling it awake through the sand. You rock with the slow canter, one hand on the horn of the saddle and the other moving to reach behind you to your pack.
There rests a longspear — the top is crowned with the head of a gaderffii. You’d made it ages ago, well before your fifteen birthday, and it had become as much as a steadfast companion as Scud himself. With a flick and a satisfying click, the longspear extends from it’s compacted state. Resting the butt end against your forearm as Scud continues his meandering pace, you run the spear tip through the sand to your left.
No give.
The dunes creating a wall around the beast’s mouth stand strong. Over the large ridge, and a handful of meters away, tentacles swing eagerly through the air like malicious little whips, hungry for their next meal. The hulking beast, well over 10,000 years old, knows you’re here now — the desperate moan from it’s gaping maw is enough of an indication of that fact.
For now, keeping your distance and guiding Scud towards the barge, you’re safe.
The party barge had certainly seen better days — seems like a bolt from the main gun had ruptured a fuel line below the deck. Half submerged in an encroaching dune, you’re not surprised to be greeted by the foul stench of sun-rotting corpses as you hop down from Scud. Your boots, made of stretched and tanned Bantha hide, kick up a cloud of dust when you land.
Even with the twin suns beginning to set, the sand is hot.
There are footpaths leading to the barge, partially washed away by the wind pulling the sand closer to the mangled helm of the ship. Patting Scud’s neck as you pass, you grip your staff tightly — one tap of the durasteel spear to the twisted hole in the starboard side sends a scattering hiss of a pack of womp rats caught lounging in the evening shade. Carefully, you duck beneath the warped siding and over the lip of metal, eyes flicking around the cavernous sail barge.
The engine room is where you find yourself… or, well, what’s left of it. The engine has since bottomed out of the barge, no doubt laying in the dunes a few meters away. The smell of propulsion liquid burns in your nostrils, even with your white linen head-covering wrapped tight across your face.
You move on, hauling yourself towards the engine and grabbing two of the smaller propulsion pistons from the transmission. You swing your staff across your shoulder. The strap digs into your neck as you lean into the engine and try to disconnect the main hydraulic line from the engine part.
There’s a part of you, small and girlish, that remembers being scared of dark wreckages like this when you were younger. The terrifying scenario of stumbling into a krayt dragon’s nest used to play over and over in your head; and even now, the irrational little thought nags the back of your mind like a bite from a sand flea. What was rumbling beneath the sand, ready to make you its next meal?
In reality, the most likely scenario would be Tusken scouts roughing you up over encroaching on their territory.
Scud, though, you trusted enough to give holler at the sight of another being — skittish was one of his best traits, especially when sometimes the biggest danger out here in the dunes (aside from sarlaccs) was other sentients.
If the Kiqan tribe spotted you this far out? At worst, you’d lose some of the scavenged parts from earlier in the day as a barter. The Kiqan, the tribe local to this region, knew well enough that the majority of scavengers meant well. Unlike some of the tribes native to the Western lands, the Kiqans have come to terms with the traffic coming in and out of Mos Eisley.
Their chief, a broad and strong woman called Rhaza’hoq, led a clan of twenty Tusken men and women. On more than one occasion, you’d crossed paths with her — you’d come to recognize the womp rat jaw as a part of her head covering and a pelt of bantha donning her shoulders. Though their native tongue felt wrong to you, like prying dry sounds right from your throat, you’d tried to apologize for your trespass.  
That seemed to have been enough respect garnered for the chief to allow you to pass through the Bo’mar Flats in peace. You’d even offered up an armful of rifle components as a gesture of good faith — one you haven’t regretted since.
If they were to catch you here, you’d lose a good lump sum of money. The two battered sheets of durasteel strapped to the side of Scud, each four feet by four feet, would catch a fair price at the Junkyard in Mos Eisley. So, you quietly resign your attempt to dislodge the third propulsion piston and shoulder the two others. Your sack swings heavily against your hip as you plant your boot on the lip of the engine and reach through the hole the ignition blast caused in the floor.
Almost as immediately as you haul yourself up do you regret it.
The smell is wretched, and as you cough and gag you can’t help but recoil in disgust.
Your arrival on the main floor of the sail barge brings with it the cacophonous sound of cave beetles wings; the insects scatter as you press your forearm to your face — you’re left only to stare in horror at the sight before you.
Jabba Desilijic Tiure was very dead.
The infamous Hutt is little more than a snack for the various animals who have come and gone from the wreckage, now. Reduced only to a rotting mess of flesh and bones, you feel the swell of bile creep up into your throat as you tear your gaze away.
“Gods above,” you heave, coughing loudly.
That’s when you hear it.
A weak sound.
A strangled moan.
Small, quiet, and nearly nothing but a whimper.
For a moment, your muscles seize up so tightly that you're left holding your breath — was that you? Had that sound slipped from your throat the moment you’d let your eyes slip to the open windows along the starboard side of the ship, overlooking the Great Pit beyond the dune ridge?
Then, you see him.
It’s the single weak raise of a gloved hand in the dirt that spurs you into motion.
Scud, too, in that moment must have realized you both weren’t alone — he gives a great baying moan as you scramble, slipping through the whole and back down the engine. You scale it with ease, staff swung over your shoulder at the ready the moment your boots hit the ground.
You dart out into the sun, escaping the festering wreck, and bolt towards what you had previously thought was just a mangled, twisted piece of a rear booster. Making your way up the rising dune, you groan and push your muscles to reach what you now recognized as a destroyed jetpack — and beneath it, a man.
Your spear greets his body first, rounded butt end planting itself beneath his side and with one good nudge, rolling him over.
That’s when you realize he is very much alive and he is very much missing a leg.
Almost immediately, you sink to the dirt.
He’s big. His chest bears a cracked and scathed piece of armor. One arm, with a tattered sleeve and no glove, bears a shoulder pauldron with an insignia long since charred away. It seems like the entire left side of his body had been scorched by some sort of blast. His jetpack, mangled and shredded, is the first to go. You unbuckle the straps along his arms with an utterance of apology.
You’re greeted with a low groan. Slight protest.
His eyes do not open. Swollen eyelids stay shut.
Clicking your tongue and hollering in Huttese, your lumbering dewback trods closer.
His face is sunburnt, the plains of his sharp cheekbones blistering from the exposure to the sun and sand — though, something ticks in the back of your mind. These burns are fresh. From the last day at least. Suddenly, you’re wondering if he’s a fellow scavenger who’d fallen into the pit.
The jetpack would explain the escape.
You toss the pack down the hill.
You follow it, tripping down the sand towards the side of Scud as you scramble for one of the durasteel sheets. Laying it flat on the hot sand, you wonder how on earth this man had survived this long…. A day at least, judging by the sand swept around him and the burns along his arms and face. How long had he been in The Pit?
Gods above.
The Bo’mar Flats were not a kind place when left to the elements.
You land beside the man once more, this time speaking loudly.
“I am going to help you.”
You’re not sure if you’re saying it more for yourself or him.
There’s a part of you, as your eyes flick down to the stump of his left leg, that would give anything to turn away. Ride off, forget the gorish scene. Yet, the better part of you knows you’d simply come back come morning and do the same thing you’re doing now.
And then, come daybreak, he may not even be alive.
You tell yourself, as you squat and try and get a good grip, that you’re doing exactly what anyone else would do. But the reality is that’s far from the truth. Out here, it’s eat or be eaten.
With your luck, you’re stumbling into a metaphorical krayt dragon’s nest helping this man.
If only you knew.
You root both your fists in the material around his shoulders, worn enough to show the outline of where armor used to sit. And you pull.
It’s no easy feat. Even with gravity working in your favor, you’re struggling to haul the large man down the dune. The sand simply drags along, digging him into the dune as you curse in Huttese and spit out profanities sharp enough to make Scud shift on his peds. Your knuckles ache, fingernails having dug half moons into your palms through the material of his under-armor tunic. Landing backwards, you curse. But, you get back up again, and you pull.
It takes ten minutes to move him two meters to the durasteel sled downhill — and even longer to maneuver him onto the steel piece of scavenged material. By the end of it, you’re prying your scarf from your mouth to breath. Sweat tickles the back of your neck as your hands hit your knees and you groan.
“Koochoo,” you hiss at yourself in Huttese. Idiot is right. This is stupid.
Throughout this, the wounded man has offered nothing, not a single peep — you wonder if his last ditch hail of his hand was the only bit of energy he had left.
With him now on the makeshift sled, you move towards Scud’s left pack. Inside, you dig out your canteen and a spare bacta pack. The water sloshes around the hollow metal sphere. Once cold from your early hour of embarking, it’s warm to the touch.
It’s been a hot day.
Overhead, the twin suns have melted into a hazy coral color. They hang low across the horizon, suspended in a flickering bob of heat that dances across the clouds.
You fall to your knees in the sand. You need to move quickly. Soon, the sun will set and getting back to your hut just north of Mos Eisley is an hour’s ride at best.
The lower part of his left leg, from the knee down, is gone. The bleeding had long since stopped, clotted up from the sand and what looks like corrosive burns… Sure enough, the same patterning around his wrists tell you he sure as all kriff has been in the belly of the Great Pit of Carkoon. It’s the stomach acid that has melted the skin together just enough to halt the bleeding along his knee.
You exhale. Short and quick. Then, you pour your water across the limb.
That earns a loud groan of protest. Good to know he’s still alive.
The bacta is next, squeezed from the age old tube in a glob that lands above the wound. With an iron gut and quick sense of criticality, you rinse your own hands with water, all before holding your breath and pushing the palm sized amount across the mangled flesh and muscle. You try not to think about the way your own knee twitches, and instead, focus on planting your hand on the man’s chest — for the first time, he gives a true indication he feels it. The man writhes, contorting himself as a painful series of expletives fly from his mouth.
The chest plate buckles slightly, and when you lift your palm, the dirt smeared away shows a small emblem… Tan and green and red. What looks like wheat and a drop of blood…
It’s familiar, but you can’t remember why. You’ve seen it somewhere. Chewing the inside of your lip, you tear your eyes away and you move on. In a flash, you’ve hauled the linen head wrap from your hair. With the sun setting, you won’t need it as much as he will — keeping the sand out of the clean-enough wound will make a difference once you get him back to your home.
A part of you wonders if this man has any credits at all — truth be told you certainly don’t have enough to cover a visit to the local doctor. As you finish tying off his thigh, you reason that conversation is a bridge you can cross when you get there. For now, let’s just hope you can get him back to your dwelling alive.
Away from this wretched wreck.
By the time you’re mounted back up on Scud’s back, the suns have begun to dip below the dunes on the farthest horizon — the stars melt as they disappear, casting the shadows of the dunes in inky blacks. Behind Scud, the stranger is dragged, rigged to the saddle by two extending cables originally scavenged off an abandoned pod-racing setup, out by Bestine. The plating he rests on glides across the sand, leaving patterns in the dunes. You crane your neck, turning in the saddle, and frown.
There was certainly a first for everything.
⋆   ⋆   ⋆
Boba Fett wakes to the sight of a dirt ceiling.
The stirring confusion of unconsciousness subsides and almost immediately he is roused by pain — then comes the startling panic.
Is he dead?
Where is he?
What in the hell happened?
This is not the barge; there is no Luke Skywalker here, nor Solo nor the Wookie... The Pit… He’d fallen in. Yea, yea, he remembers that. But, he got out. Jetpack punctured. Flew him straight into the air. Burns. That’s the pain he feels. Burns? Yes. His back.
His leg. Something feels different. An ache. He tries to move his feet.
Boba groans, angled features contorting into a pained look as he tries to sit up on the cot; but suddenly, there’s a hand on the center of his chest. Gently, the hand pushes him down to the pillows.
Slowly, dark brown eyes follow the hand. Wrist, arm, shoulder, face.
The first thing he realizes is that your eyes are beautiful, but soft. There’s kohl lining your eyes, making your stare piercing. Your brows are knotted in concern, and though he cannot make out the words that fall from your lips, he can understand the tone to be gentle. You’re speaking Huttese.
… Gods damn it all.
The Hutts.
Son of bitch was probably dead. He’s sure that the Desilijic Clan will have something to say about that.
Boba’s eyes slip shut as he exhales.
Sleep takes him easily.
⋆   ⋆   ⋆
When he wakes again, it’s evening. There are candles burning in the room, and once his eyes adjust he can make out your figure through a blanket covering the doorway at the end of the room — through the crack, he can see that you’re cooking over a small stove-top. He is laid up in the bedroom, he realizes, and on the floor across from the cot he lays upon is a pile of pillows.
You must have been watching over him.
Instantly, he’s looking for his blaster.
Call it a habit.
The mere act of bending sends pain shooting up his spine; and Boba finds himself gritting his jaw tightly as his knuckles tense and he tries to see any remnants of his armor or pack or weapons.
The commotion summons you in a flash.
This time, you have no headscarf on; Boba can now see the swell of your lips and the kind slope of your nose. You’re beautiful — his bruised and bloodshot eyes follow you as you glide into the room and duck beneath the patterned blanket separating the bedroom from the kitchenette.
There’s a plate of food in your hand. A fork and a knife rest on the edge of the painted plate.
“Careful,” comes a gentle utterance as you place the food beside his head on the table there, “Take it easy.”
Your basic is dashed with the light accent of Huttese. The syllables are melodic and gentle. You reach to help him into a sitting position, keen on making sure he’s comfortable —
Like a sand viper, the man before you has snatched the knife from the plate, swinging his hand quickly with a lethal sense of precision that stuns you silent. The coolness of the durasteel utensil is pressed right to your throat.
You can see the muscles in his arms tense, the sharp rise and fall of his bare chest. The blanket across his lap has slipped to his waist. Your jaw tilts upward, expression souring quickly. The kindness in your eyes quickly turns to ice.
When you raise your eyes to meet his, all Boba can see is defiance.
“Who are you?” he grits out hoarsely, “And how did I get here?”
“I found you,” you hiss, words scathing and hot as you raise both hands. There’s a wrinkle forming on the bridge of your nose, giving way to the angered expression flooding your face, “I’m beginning to see why The Great Pit of Carkoon spat you back up.”
The tension that builds settles heavily between you both.
And then, Boba Fett lowers the knife.
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yuckydraws · 4 years
A writing prompt, hmm? Why don't you try writing some fluff with horror sans? (he's one of your favorites right?) Maybe going on a picnic?
He very much is one of my faves<3 thanks for the prompt bro!!
Okay so this is mostly fluff but I threw the tiniest bit of angst in there, but it’s very mild (tbh I’m not sure I could even call it angst). Just to give it some plot;)
Also sorry for the awkward spacing I pasted this from Google docs and tumblr is being difficult >:(
“Hey, how willing would you be to put on this blindfold and come with me?” You ask your skeleton boyfriend as you lounge on the couch, blindfold in hand.
“.... huh?” Sans blinks at you in confusion. He was on his way to sit on the couch when you spring the question on him. It stops him in his tracks, leaving him to stand awkwardly in the middle of the living room.
“I said, how willing are you to put on this blindfold and come with me?” You repeat yourself, holding up the blindfold excitedly. Yeah that might not be the best way to phrase it, but hey, you’ve made it this far - might as well commit. He stares at the offending object, squinting a bit with his one eyelight.
“... no.”
“C'mon, please?”
“Why not?” You pout and he gets a twinge of maroon on his cheekbones.
“... why do i need… to wear a blindfold?” He asks while averting his gaze from your pout. You take it in stride and instead shift your position on the couch to meet his gaze again, smiling up at him.
“Because it’s a surprise!”
“don’t like surprises…” Despite his words, it’s obvious you’re wearing him down.
“It’s a good surprise!”
Sans doesn’t look entirely convinced. You stand up and grab one of his large hands in both of your small ones (at least small compared to his), and give him a reassuring squeeze.
“I promise.” You both don’t use this word lightly.
Sans stares down at you.
You stare back.
“... ok.” He caves.
“Yay! Now lean down big guy, I need to be able to tie this.” He complies, staring at you until his sockets are eventually covered. You’re careful of the gaping hole in his skull and make sure not to tie it too tight - to avoid potentially irritating his dead socket. When you finish you take advantage of his close face and kiss him on the cheek, causing him to purr and lean into the kiss.
“Pfft- you dork! C’mon, you’re gonna love it!” You say as you pull away and grab his hand to start leading him out of the front door. He was wearing his slippers, so thankfully you didn’t have to awkwardly attempt to put shoes on him. You hold back a snort at the mental image of yourself sliding shoes onto his gargantuan feet like a princess. Though you are quickly sobered when you almost trip on a porch step, leaving you to focus on helping Sans down the porch steps and leading him to your shared vehicle.
You help him get situated in the seat. In hindsight, perhaps the blindfold could’ve waited until your huge skeleton boyfriend was already in the car? Ah well, guess you both could be scatterbrained sometimes.
You smile, amused, as you remember how you both had to buy this huge van just so Sans could sit comfortably.
It’s a struggle but he’s eventually in his seat, buckled and relaxed, while you start the van and back out of the driveway. As your drive begins you turn the radio on low - hoping to ease any nerves he may still have by giving him something to focus on, while not being loud enough to give him a headache. You glance at him, feeling a bit nervous.
You guys have been dating for about four years now, and you couldn’t be happier! After three years of dating (and Papyrus going off to medical school) you both bought a small little house in the outskirts of Ebott city, and the past year had been domestic bliss for the two of you. Of course, you’ve had your ups and downs, but overall Sans has been the sweetest boyfriend you’ve ever had. He may not be much of a conversationalist, but he makes up for that with his actions. That one game you had mentioned you wanted to play once? It was on your shared nightstand a few days later. That snack he knows you like? The house is always stocked with them. Having a bad day? He will not hesitate to draw you a nice bath, pamper you, and/or initiate cuddles and kisses.
No matter what, he always finds a way to express his love for you, and lately you’ve been feeling undeserving of this almost? No that’s not the right word. You just felt like you could be doing more. Because you, on the other hand, are amazing with your words. You enjoy watching his face turn that beautiful deep maroon and hearing his purrs stutter the more he’s flustered by your words. You love to see him relax in your arms as you give him words of affirmation and assurance on bad days. You remind him of your love for him everyday and you give him all the sweet nothings he could ever want, but acts of service has always been a struggle for you. Of course, Sans never seems bothered and he’s never given you the impression that he wants more from you, but you want to try because he absolutely deserves it.
You also may have found his little pocketbook full of notes he takes throughout the day full of notes about you, your jokes, your stories, and little things you had mentioned. Due to his unfortunate head injury, he wasn’t always the best at remembering certain little things. You knew he was working on getting better, but you never pressured him to tell you how - it seemed like he didn’t want to share. You honestly felt bad you had found the book and snooped, but seeing just how much he writes about you in the notes more than anything else was just too sweet. It almost made you cry. Almost.
Ah who are you kidding? You definitely teared up.
So, you planned a little surprise date, full of his favorite things combined. The outdoors, food, and you - a picnic by the lake a little bit away from your home. After the hell monsters went through underground, most of them have a deep appreciation for the sky and full bellies (or what would be akin to a belly for them). Sans is no different, so you were hoping he’d take a liking to it.
“... how long... will the surprise take?” The question surprised you a bit, not only because it pulled you out of your musings, but because he’s usually very patient. That is, until you take in his stiff posture and realize the issue. Dinnertime is soon and he doesn’t quite know when you both will be eating.
“Don’t worry hon, we’ll have food soon,” You feel okay letting that bit of the surprise known. Despite being on the surface for almost seven years, Sans tends to get very nervous when you guys don’t stick to a schedule with meals. No need to keep him anxious. Especially considering you were pulling into the clearing of the lakeside. “In fact, we’re here!”
You put the van in park and tell Sans to wait for a second. Hopping out, you walk to the back of the van and open the back doors to grab the picnic basket you had packed. Once you make your way closer to the lakeside you quickly lay out the picnic blanket as well as place a folded blanket nearby in case it got a bit chilly. You then set up the food for a cute presentation, leaving the last part of the surprise you had for Sans in the basket. Jogging back to the van, you open Sans’ door to see he had already unbuckled himself. Guess he’s a bit more excited for the surprise than he let on earlier.
“Come on big guy, you’ve waited long enough” You grab his hand, help him out of the van and start leading him to the blacket set up.
“Can you lean down again?” You ask when you get to it. He does so and you gently take off his blindfold, making sure the fabric doesn’t catch on his skull injury or the rough bone near his dead socket. Once it’s off you gesture dramatically to the blanket. “Ta da!”
Sans stands straight up again and blinks a bit, overlooking the blanket at first, expecting something more near his sightline. Following where you're gesturing however, his eyelight eventually lands on the picnic blanket below. He still looks a bit confused. You were prepared for this type of reaction, many human activities such as picnics can be completely foreign to monsters - same for some monster activities being completely foreign to humans. You guys have had your fair share of these moments where you both have had to do a bit of explaining.
“what…?” He looks at you for an answer.
“It’s called a picnic. You pack food, take it to a scenic area, lay down a blanket, sit down, and eat. It’s sort of considered a cheesy romantic date idea, but I like them and I thought you would too... in fact I should’ve thought to take you on one of these sooner in our relationship! I actually had this idea last month, but it was too cold… also, most of the time picnics are a lunchtime date, but I like them during the sunset. It’s been awhile since our last date, huh?” You look up at him after your question to see him looking at the blanket with his face slightly red.
“... yeah i guess it has.” He has a small smile on his face and he stares down at the food.
You remember him getting very flustered when you would give him or buy him food at the beginning of your relationship. Since it was a scarcity down below, being willing to share food had a deeper intimate meaning for monsters. It meant that you loved them enough to offer a lifeline - food - that they so desperately clung to in its rarity. He still gets a little flustered now, but he’s been exposed to food sharing and he’s even come to enjoy it as a normal gesture. Though he seems a bit flustered now? Maybe because of the romantic undertone? Hmmmm, or maybe it’s because-
Your stomach decided to make itself known, growling loudly. You laugh, but Sans gives you an anxious look of concern, leading you to say:
“Well come on! Let’s eat!”
You don’t have to tell him twice, you’re both quickly seated and indulging on the yummy food you had made earlier today.
Sans makes sure you eat a good few bites before he digs in. There was a lot of it because, unsurprisingly, your mate has quite the appetite. But he still likes to wait for you to eat first no matter how much food there is. You didn’t even notice when he did that at the beginning of your relationship and when you finally did question him, he just said it was polite to wait for your mate to eat first. He didn’t elaborate more than that. When you researched into the topic you found that when there was a significant appetite difference and on the off chance there was access to food, it was polite for those with the bigger appetites to wait for the ones with smaller appetites to eat a bit first. Then it went into monster rankings, common folk monsters, boss monsters, different magic levels, etc. to which you got confused and pretty much gave up on the issue with a simple “fine, keep your secrets then” to your computer screen. You figured if Sans thought it was important for you to know he would have told you.
You both quickly fall into your normal dinner routine of you talking Sans’ nonexistent ears off about anything and everything and him listening closely, chuckling at your jokes and stories. You ended up telling him a story from highschool about your babysitting experiences.
“- and I mean she was freaking out. I was too. We were both responsible for this kid we were babysitting and we lost him. It was also super stressful because we had taken the kid all over town doing fun stuff like going to the zoo, the park, getting lunch - this kid could be anywhere! So we both decided after searching all over the house that we would drive and retrace our steps, starting at the last place we were.” You were telling your story with animated hand gestures, and Sans follows the movements with his eyelight. The sun was setting at this point, all the food was eaten, and you both were just enjoying each other's company.
“So, we get in the car - still freaking out mind you - and I asked my friend ‘should we just call his mom?’ and before my friend could answer I heard a little voice say, ‘why would you call my mom?’ I whipped my head around to see the kid just chilling in his carseat. Turns out we just forgot to unbuckle him and he had fallen asleep during the car ride! We were flipping the house upside down trying to find him and we hadn’t even taken him inside!” Sans broke out laughing at your dumb story, leaving you to grin.
“Oh sure it’s funny in hindsight, but I about peed my pants when we thought we lost him! I was so scared, what was I gonna tell his mom? ‘Hey Lisa, um it’s going great! Uh just thought you should know, we can’t find your kid and we may have lost him?’” Sans couldn’t stop laughing. You egged him on.
“Oh yeah, and wanna know the worst part? The little shit was old enough and clever enough to figure out what happened and we had to bribe him with ice cream to keep him quiet.” Sans let out boisterous laughter and fell back so that he was laying on the ground. You couldn’t help but join in at that point. You didn’t particularly think the story was all that funny but when Sans laughs like this, it’s infectious.
After you both calm down a bit, you look at Sans to see him gazing at you lovingly. You love this content expression he makes, when his eyelight gets all fuzzy and dilated, it makes you feel so special and loved. It’s his expression reserved only for you (and maybe that stew you made last week, he seemed to be pretty taken with that as well).
“... thank you, for tonight.”
“Dawww you big softie! Of course! It was the least I could do for you, you always make sure I’m happy and content. I wanted to give you something like that.” He blushes, but he also furrows his brows a bit.
“you don’t need to feel… like you owe me more, i do it because… i love you.” Of course, you knew this, but hearing him say it? It had you tearing up a bit. He reaches for you and you lean into his embrace, leaving you both cuddling on the ground. You sniff a bit, trying to stop the crying before it really starts.
“I know, I’ve been trying to drill that into my head, but you deserved tonight and I’m glad I went through with this. It was fun! I might plan more dates in the future. In fact I think I’m pretty good at it!” You jokingly say with all the unearned confidence in the world. Sans chuckles and pulls you closer and despite your efforts, a few happy tears do fall, leaving him to make a concerned noise.
“you okay?” He asks, and you wave away his concern.
“I’m fine, I just love you too.”
“heh… now who’s the softie?” He gently teases, pointedly ignoring the fact that he’s blushing again.
“Pfft- I guess you’re right. Literally too, I’m the one with the flesh and skin!” He erupts into laughter again.
“Easy crowd tonight.” You joke, causing him to laugh harder and you chuckle with him.
Once he calms down, you both lay in comfortable silence, before you remember your last surprise. You shoot up into a sitting position, making Sans - who was resting his eyes comfortably - let out a surprised growl. You laugh at his reaction, reassuring him that everything is fine.
“I just have one more surprise that I thought would be fun.” You dig into the picnic basket, pulling out the surprise and grabbing that extra blanket. You lay back down with Sans and pull the blanket over you guys.
“I think it should be dark enough for this,” You hand him the surprise - a handheld telescope. “It’s not as nice as the big one you have at home, but it’s a lot easier and lighter to carry around, plue we don’t have to stand.”
Sans smiles at you.
“... do you want to learn some more… constellations?”
“Absolutely I do!”
He begins to show you the visible constellations, and you proceed to make him laugh with the made up stories for them that you swear are the true origin stories. Just relaxing and goofing off, it’s moments like these where you remember just how lucky you were to be with your gentle giant, Sans.
114 notes · View notes
valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
How do the boys take the ‘I think I’m pregnant’ scare? And how do they react and feel if it’s true versus just that-a scare.
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[How would the bois treat their pregnant significant other?]
This is the behemoth I mentioned before! It’s so big that I kept having issues trying to save it while I was working on mobile. Included is first reaction, if it’s a scare, if it’s not a scare, through the pregnancy, and as a bonus, during labor (you can thank my hubby for that one)!
Classic- He's freaking out. that's- that's not how babies work- that's not how- He's hyperventilating. He's going to pass out... When he gets ahold of himself and realizes that he doesn't know about how having kids between monsters and humans works... It... might be possible...
If it's a scare- he's pretty relieved. Not because he didn't want kids- it's just that it was so sudden! He didn't even think it was possible! You can bet he's doing more research into this so they can take precautions. Next time, if there's a question about pregnancy, it'll be when they're ready.
Not a scare- he- he'll be ok- really he will- just... in a minute... After he gets over the shock, he takes another moment to himself before he goes to his S/o and a bit awkwardly apologizes for the freak out. He asks how she's doing and what she wants to do.
Through pregnancy- He tries to make sure that his S/o is comfortable, that she has everything that she needs, and at the beginning, he is super frazzled. He’s keeping it together- but just barely! Look just a little closely and you’ll see that he’s about to start falling apart at the seams. His brother helps the best he can, but the best part of it, as far as he’s concerned is when they’re in bed, arms wrapped around each other, nothing to worry about but letting the peacefulness wash over them and sleep. When he finally relaxes back into the fact that they’re going to have a baby, he manages to be much more chill. Even the worst day at work doesn’t stand a chance to keep him upset when he gets home and his S/o is there, waiting for him, her round belly ready to be stroked as he grins goofily at it, their little soulling starting to make movements inside... This really is the life.
During labor- Oh- oh stars- he has to do something! What?! What is he supposed to do?! He has to get her to the hospital- has to- now! How does he- Oh- duh! Wait- can he take her through a shortcut while she’s in labor?! Is it safe?! She ends up leading the boys both to Creampuff’s car, and Creampuff drives them, showing off his driving skills and how quickly he can get them there, while Classic is in the back yelling for him to slow down, observe the speed limit- for the love of everything nice and happy, please show him mercy!
Creampuff- Uh... He understands that people often see him as child like, but he does know how babies are made... And he didn't do anything physical, or take his soul out...
If it's a scare or not- Not likely to happen with him; it would have to be on purpose.
Through pregnancy- Since this was planned, he is very prepared! It’s adorable just how ready he thinks he is, and how all of his plans fail. “YOU MEAN... WE WON’T EVEN NEED THIS FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS...?” But his big watery sockets make his S/o pull him close, comforting him, and he’s happy again- as long as he has them, everything is all right. He mother hens his S/o quite a bit, only letting her do things that are “safe for the baby”, as dictated by “authorities” on websites. And he takes it upon himself to premake her meals for when he’s gone, so that he can make sure she’s getting everything she needs, also banning his brother from taking her to Grillby’s... but, when the cravings hit, he caves ridiculously easily to her. But, his S/o's life isn’t all laying around and premade heath snacks! He makes sure that she does her baby yoga and prenatal exercises, too. Have to stay healthy for the baby!
During labor- He’s running around trying to find the go bag and everything the websites said they need- he knows it was here just the other day...! His S/o is either going to have to get him to calm down (a tall order) or call for an ambulance to get them to the hospital.
Red- Uh- uh- wait- but- how...?! He- he- ...he feels like he should be panicking more... Outwardly, he's tense, snapping at everyone else, keeping everyone away from his S/o, sweating and watching her a lot... Inside? He's nervous; it's her decision what happens... He knows he's got the whole dad thing down; how awesome his brother turned out shows that! But... He's not worthy of his S/o, and those are his genetics... How does his S/o feel about that? What if this is the thing that makes her figure out that she deserves better?! He won't say anything, though, his S/o will have to ask him what's going on with all the almost touches and switching from holding her close to distancing himself.
If it's a scare- He's a bit... disappointed... he'd just started thinking that his S/o would accept, and maybe even like, the forever of being bound to him with a child...
Not a scare- He's still a bit tense, waiting for the other shoe to drop; he knows that humans don't always want to have kids, and they can do something about it... When his S/o tells him that, of course they want to keep the baby, he's so relieved- it feels like the suitcase of anxiety he'd been lugging around all this time has disappeared.
Through pregnancy- Red is the ultimate provider and protector. He makes a nest the softest his S/o has ever felt, he puts all sorts of barriers and traps and gizmos all over the place! His S/o has never felt safer- as long as she doesn’t try to go outside alone... There’s nothing that she wants for more than a few moments- usually. Even on the days he’s knock down, drag out tired, he sees her cravings and pregnant moods as his little hellion influencing her, and... he wants to feed and spoil them more... It’s rare that he’s ever actually pissy with her, but when he is, he leaves to get what she wants, bitches and gripes the whole way there and back, and feels better by the time he gets back- and makes her bribe him with affection. He’s rigged it so that anyone who tries to get in that doesn’t have an approved magical signature... well, they won’t be getting in. ... possibly anywhere- ever. He may have held back in the Underground, hating what his world had become, but this is his mate and his child. He’s not holding back. He doesn’t know anything about gardening, but he can rig a setup so that a plot of garden can be perfectly watered at all times, and his brother takes care of the rest, so they’ll never run out of resources. He has threatened to maul others if they look like they’ve got aggressive plans for his S/o, but he waits until she’s gone; he doesn’t want to upset her. Somehow, while he’s done all of this, he always seems to be there when it’s nap time, or when it’s being lazy around the house time, cuddling, nuzzling, and letting it be known how happy he is. Edge gives him shit for purring so much, but he’s actually very proud of how active and motivated he is. Red does get anxious whenever she wants to leave the perfectly protected den he’s made her, though...
During labor- He freezes. What the hell- what is happening?! It’s such strange behavior that it takes him a few moments to figure out what was going on. When he does, He has his brother get his car, getting his S/o in the back and being on hyper alert for danger- that is, if he doesn’t manage to convince her of a home birth. it’s jus’ so much safer! in here- where no one he doesn’t want to get in can get in! Edge guards the door while Red glares at the midwife and birthing team to make sure nothing hinky is going on.
Edge- That... can't happen... He knows how baby bones are made! Oh- but his S/o is a human... Maybe that is how it works for his S/o...? The whole time he's not outwardly reacting, standing stiff, looking like he's waiting for orders or something. His S/o will have trouble telling for certain if he's angry, or it's just his normal emotionless mask.
If it's a scare- He's relieved! That was something he didn't think could happen, and too many questions leading to too much information were piling up in his mind at one time. He's also a bit... let down. While it was too much info and overwhelming to try to think about it all in that one moment, it could have been nice...
Not a scare- He leaves. Not to abandon his S/o! He tells Red to stay there and that he needs to run an errand- the errand is trying to wrap his skull around his new reality. He just needs a bit to process this! It's so many things he thought were impossible all happening at once! Once he gets his skull together, he comes back and immediately holds his S/o close against him. He knows that the two of them are smart enough to get through this, and despite all the shit he gives his brother, Red is also very smart, and he knows he'd do anything for him.
Through pregnancy- He’s hot and cold more than usual. He- has- some... feelings for her that... may be love like... And he’s going to keep both his S/o and their child safe. No matter if he has to intimidate everyone from here to the moon! He’s not used to being able to show emotions other than anger and toughness... Good thing his S/o is so fiery! He regularly engages in verbal battles with her to help her get rid of some of her stress and irritation from all the things that are going on with her body. It does backfire a bit, though, sometimes... When they’re both making their points and she’s yelling at him, her rage twisting her features- uh... well... He can’t stop thinking of taking her right there, or putting her to her knees and twisting his phalanges in her hair and feeling her throat around him- He... he’s never been so sexually driven before... and it’s not like it’s going to change soon; neither of them can help it- Pregnancy looks so fucking sexy on her... it makes her seem like a goddess of fertility and war. His soul beats for her with every breath.
During labor- Once he gets his S/o to the hospital and set, his internal mini panic ends. Now he's yelling at her, reminding her about the proper breathing technique and working her through the contractions. The staff feels like maybe they should worry about abuse, but then... His S/o is ruling the room- she's glowing, ordering everyone around, looking like she's about ready to punch anyone who gets too close, shouting and demanding the nurses give her the DAMN DRUGS! He's so in love, so- turned on... Is it wrong that he's thinking about putting another one in her right that moment...?
Blue- He's silent. The words "I think I'm pregnant" echo around in his skull, which looks devoid of emotion. Is his S/o teasing him because she thinks he doesn't know how babies are made? But... she doesn't look like she's joking... A sudden look of shock hits his face as he realizes that- he was with her during his heat! Oh! Oh... Well... That could explain it! He smiles and pulls his S/o close, nuzzling against her and scenting the heck out of her.
If it's a scare- Oh... Well! Maybe there is a chance that can happen, but... not yet! This will give them time to figure out how it can happen and what to do about it so they can decide on a better time when they’re more ready for this!
Not a scare- His S/o is going to have his baby... He’s the proudest skeleton around! He walks around with his skull held high, chest puffed out, huge grin, and nothing short of a strut. All of his coworkers wonder what’s going on with him, but they don’t have to for long, because he’s so happy he’s not even trying to keep it a secret.  
Through pregnancy- You know those over the top cutesy couples where one insists on getting the one carrying the baby anything they want? That’s Blue. His S/o is going to have to be careful, because he will over indulge her cravings and with anything it even looks like she’s interested in. His S/o will protest that he’s doting on her too much, but he’s convinced that he’s the happiest damn man ever in existence, and she’s giving him this, so she deserves to have anything that he can give her- and he can give her a lot. They now have the nicest and best feeling nest that’s probably ever existed. She has more of anything than she could ever hope to use or need, but he’s always happy to give her more and make sure she’s taken care of in every way possible. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind who the father of the baby is when they walk around; he’s so full of pride that he’d dislocate a rib if his chest puffed out any more, and his skull barely has room on it for how big his grin is.
During labor- He's running around, yelling for his brother and trying to find the go bag and everything they had ready- he swears it was right there just that morning! Until Stretch wanders over, twirling the keys on a phalange, ushering the two of them to the car. When Blue sees the stuff in the back seat, he remembers that he'd moved it there to be even more ready... He'll be happy when this part is over and he can just hold his S/o and child safely in his arms! He's not a fan of them being in pain, so he's going to be asking the staff to have every kind of pain meds on hand, just in case...
Stretch- Stretch.exe has crashed and needs to be reboot to make any changes. He- didn't just hear what he thought he did... did he? See, there's no way that- except, unless there was... He slowly regains feeling in his extremities, and stares at the empty space in front of his sockets a bit longer before fully coming to. that's... *he can't decide whether he's supposed to be happy or horrified, his S/o's expression isn't telling him* wow... that's something, huh? science. *shakes skull in amazement*
If it's a scare- He needs to be more careful. Maybe someday, in the future, he'll want kids- but right now- he messes around too much; he's not serious enough to take this on. He spent so long raising Blue, his whole childhood and teen years, really, he wants some time to just have fun. He doesn't want to ruin life for everyone involved by getting in that situation and blaming them.
Not a scare- Oh shit- oh shit! Oh, god of motherfuck! He's zoned out staring off at nothing. Panicking internally. After trying to get his attention for long enough, his S/o just slaps him, yelling at him in frustration and leaves. The slap brought him back to the real world, but it's Blue yelling at him that makes him realize just how bad that had been. "HOW CAN YOU JUST STAND THERE LIKE A SAND SCULPTURE?! THEY'RE AFRAID, TOO! IF YOU WEREN'T SO BUSY THINKING OF ONLY YOURSELF, YOU WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT! AT LEAST YOU HAVE SOME EXPERIENCE RAISING A BABY BONES! THEY HAVE NONE! THEY NEED YOU NOW MORE THAN EVER! ... AND IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR LAZY COXXYS AFTER THEM RIGHT NOW, I'LL INFORM MUFFET OF WHAT HAPPENED, AND CELEBRATE WHEN YOU'RE BANNED!"
Through pregnancy- It’s... it’s not as bad as he made it out to be in his mind. He’d felt like someone had been about to hand them a baby any second, and then their lives would have been over. Instead they had nine and a half months to figure their shit out and get ready for what was coming. With many times set aside to talk everything out, and Blue there to mediate (make sure that Stretch was actually saying what he thought and wanted instead of trying to please by going with the flow) they managed to to work it out so that by they time it reached the third trimester, he’s pretty happy with the warm little life they’ve gotten all set up for themselves, and is a very cuddly skeleton. Also, a little secret he’s found out about pregnancy is that it makes his S/o’s pussy taste so much more delicious.
During labor- Stretch freezes, then his brother's loud voice pulls him back, and he puts the fluctuating panic to the back of his skull and shortcuts away. They think he's running off, but by the time Blue, who's very pissed at him, gets Stretch's S/o to the car, they see him stuffing the bags of supplies in the back.
Black- Oh- stars- he- he didn’t actually mean that- goddamn it! Ok... maybe he had... but-! He’s worried; worried about keeping them all safe, and worried that if he reacts in a way to keep them safe, his S/o will be angry with him and leave him forever! He- he can’t live with that!!! He growls and takes his S/o home, somewhere safe where he can hold them close against him. “Tell Me Again?” He asks softly. “I think I’m pregnant.” It’s said more levelly than it was before, more believing that he’s going to say something stupid. “Oh, Love... I’m The Happiest Monster In The World...” He pulls back to meet her gaze. “I’m Going To Make Sure That You Are The Most Well Taken Care Of Mate In All The Land.”
If it’s a scare- Oh... Well... That’s too bad... But... Now they can see how they’d react to the real news. And... now that it’s gotten them thinking about it... he kind of wants to actually try... hopefully his S/o will want to soon, too.
Not a scare- He’s so happy. Others speculate why he’s so happy, but they can never get him to reveal the truth, though they’ve all heard outlandish, crazy things by now, all said with a straight face, as though they were the truth. He never lets his S/o be without him or his brother- protection precautions. They will be a happy little family... and even though this little one was on accident- the next little one will be completely on purpose... and not too long after.
Through pregnancy- He is great at noticing things, and what he notices, is anything his S/o wants. Anything their eyes stay on for longer than a moment, anything they mention wanting or wondering about in passing. And, the strange thing about his observations is- they seem to just manifest out of nowhere! Right when they really wanted them the most! Those cookies from Muffet’s- somehow ended up on the kitchen counter... The soft fuzzy blanket they’d forced themselves to put back, draped over the couch. The relief they need that just hovers around the edges, tormenting them with an unscratchable itch they just can’t scratch- Black is there, holding them close, finding just the right angle, and sliding against it at just the right speed, and just the right strength to make his S/o's mind melt, their body doing the same in his arms. They are spoiled rotten by the end, and that’s just how he likes it; no one can do for them what he can, and they’ll never leave. Also hidden under the surface that is his joy of giving his S/o everything they could ever want, is his happiness and pride of the show of their bonding. Let no one doubt who his S/o belongs with.
During labor- The sudden cry of pain makes his skull snap to his S/o and search the area. What happened?! Who hurt them?! Who does he need to kill?! When he realizes that it's time, he yells for his brother to get the car, (softly and lovingly) telling his S/o to sit back and relax while he runs around and gathers everything, then stops where she is and helps her to the car. He only allows staff that he has personally vetted into the room, and only after he or Mutt have checked every form of ID available. No one will hurt his mate, or his heir. The moment he feels like any of the staff has messed up, he'll yell at them and push them out of the way- He'll Do It His Damn Self, Thank You!
Mutt- uuuuuuhhh... huh... um... hm. that’s... um... a thing, now, isn’t it... crazy how... humans reproduce... all run by chemicals, you know... Oh, damn it, look, he’s really... not sure how to behave! Is his S/o excited or pissed?! What is he supposed to do?! Does she want him to- no. No, he doesn’t think he wants to do that... He’s going to say no. If she asks, his answer is that he can’t do that. He realizes that she’s panicking, too, and is glad that his stony exterior made it so that none of his thoughts came through. He pulls her close and stands there, holding her, until she calms down. Even though he’s silent, he gives her what comfort he can, even if it’s just from his presence of being there. He’s not sure what else he could do... Except what he’s always done; take control of the situation. Their relationship is based on them both getting what they want from each other, and that what they want is the same thing... but... if he can’t convince her... if he tries to force her... she’ll just dig her heels in harder.
If it’s a scare- Oh, well... ok, then. He supposes... that it was just a mistake... something confusing... but... It brought up his memories of raising Black, and... he kinda liked remembering the way Black used to look up at him like he was the most amazing monster to ever have lived... made him think that... he probably... wouldn’t say no if there was the chance to do that again...
Not a scare- This situation sucks. The way that it happened sucks. He hopes that his S/o doesn’t end up hating him over this. He really loves them, and... that’s his kid. He’s not going anywhere. God and stars help the person who looks at his S/o the wrong way... and they’d have to help her if she ever tried to leave him, now...
Through pregnancy- His inner yandere shows itself very obviously. He’s always there, no matter where she goes. At the store? He’s lurking in the aisles. Taking a walk around? He’s silently shadowing her, keeping a socket out for anyone looking even remotely like they’d start something. Riding a bus to work? He’s somewhere... though you’d have to have a really good eye to pick him out. If they weren’t dating, he would probably get hit with stalking charges. Instead, he gets hit with, “why don’t you just ask to come with me instead of creeping the shadows like a freaking weirdo?”
During labor- Mutt internally freaks out for a moment, but gets ahold of himself while his brother guides his S/o to the car. Everyone around him is going to be glad for Black in this time. Mutt is looking like a murderous, protective bodyguard, standing just on the edge of the shadows, growling at anyone who even gets too close. No one except previously approved staff are allowed in the room. Everyone who is human thinks this is bizarre, but all the monsters there take it in stride as the norm. Black orders everyone around, which saves them all from having Mutt growling at them and seeming to stand over them, about to attack, even if he does sound like he's micromanaging.
Axe- He... uh... oops... He feels kinda guilty; there had to be intent involved, and... well, his S/o is pregnant, isn’t she? So... obviously he meant it... He’s half excited for a baby, and half really nervous because his brain keeps going back to; more mouths to feed, need more food- food! He hopes his S/o isn’t mad at him...  
If it’s a scare- He’s a bit relieved, since he was worried about his S/o finding out and being mad at him... but, maybe they could open the conversation about it...?
Not a scare- He breaks down and admits that he caused this, asking his S/o to stay with him and love him even though he was so reckless- but he fully intends to stay with them, even if they say no, it will just be from the shadows... but he can’t just let her take their baby and go! It’s dangerous out there! It’s not- ... oh... they were trying for a baby...? oh yeah... wait- no they weren’t! But he appreciates her telling him that they were to make him feel better...
Through pregnancy- He’s not leaving their side. He’s going to protect them through everything- like being around other people, or not having space to sit on a bench at the park... He gets a bit underfoot, honestly... But, he’s doing it for the most thoughtful reasons! He loves his S/o, and isn’t going to let anything happen to her, or their baby.
During labor- He's panicking hardcore! What's he supposed to do? What's he supposed to do?! Did he ever know what to do? He'd ask his S/o, but they're too busy screaming! Wait- Paps! Paps'll know what to do! He's good at remembering the stuff his mind shuts out! They all get to the hospital, and his S/o is in a room. All of the noise and commotion is messing with his mind, making that problem that makes him block access to his memories act up... He's kicked out of the hospital in approximately six minutes. He's also not allowed back until the baby is born.
Crooks/Bun- He’s not likely to start up these activities on his own, so it would either be a huge surprise, with him being pretty quiet and just blinking for a few moments. Axe will probably come over and see if someone needs to get smacked, honestly, or, he'd expect it and be excited!
If it’s a scare or not-  Yeah, this would 8/10 have to be on purpose. Those other 2/10, would be 1 oh wow, so it can happen after only one time... and 1 oh... wow...
Through pregnancy- He’s so happy, going everywhere with his S/o, talking about everything they plan to do, going on many parenting websites and doing research in his spare time, and babyproofing everything. He’s delighted to find out that the baby proofing helps with Axe, too, since he can’t trip and injure himself on everything when he’s not paying attention, now.
During labor- Oh- Ohh- Oh My! What To Do! Oh, Yes, To The Hospital! At the hospital, he's there as the amazing birthing coach he is, encouraging and rooting for his S/o!
Dusty- uhhhhhhhhhhh... um... what the fuck did his S/o just say? She thinks she’s what? ...! He’s freaking out, not only because he apparently was so reckless, but also because now he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. There’s going to be a kid- it’s going to be his kid- what if- what if there’s a reset- what if that demonic hellspawn comes back- oh fuck- what if it tries to take over his kid?!
If it’s a scare- He’s still severely rattled, and needs lots of time alone. Why isn’t Papyrus talking to him? Is he mad at him? It’s so quiet in his head now... at least, thank the stars, there’s not a chance of that stuff happening...
Not a scare- panic- panic- no disco, lots of panic! Where’s Papyrus?! He’d know what to do! Fuck- fuck fuck fuck- he’s going to be a dad- fuckfuckfuck!  
Through pregnancy- He’s very nervous. He needs a support animal or something. He’s so sorry that his S/o has to go through this with him dragging her down- he- he has feelings for her, though, and he’s sorry, but- if anyone else tried to step in and take her off his hands, they wouldn’t be a problem very long. A puddle of blood? Yes. A problem? No. And no one better fucking touch her! Ok, he’s calm, he promises- backthefuckupbuddy! His S/o will have to be patient with him as he adjusts and fights his way through the clouds of LV and psychological torture induced madness...
During labor- He blanks. He panics. He freaks out. His service dog nudges his hand and positions the handle of the vest under his hand, and he holds on out of habit. The dog leads him to a spot away from the noise as his S/o calls an ambulance. She gives the dog the command that tells them there's going to be a loud noise, because they probably won't remember to turn the sirens off when they get closer. She drops the note for Dusty in the spot they'd trained the dog to bring him notes from, and is on the porch, leaning against the wall, waiting for the ambulance. When Dust comes back to himself, his dog brings him a note that says "I'm at the hospital, I went into labor. Call me, love you! S/o." He's so glad to hear her voice when he calls.
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