#Outdoor butler services
outdoormakeovers · 1 year
Backyard Renovation tips to create a cozy outdoor living area
Your backyard can be more than just a stretch of grass; it can be your personal haven of relaxation and tranquility. Here are some backyard renovation tips from experts to help you achieve this:
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1. Assessment: Start by evaluating your space and determining your goals. Know your backyard's size, layout, and challenges, and define how you want to use it – whether for entertainment, relaxation, or a bit of both.
2. Design Plan: Create a functional layout and design plan considering your intended activities. Think about seating, lighting, and natural elements like plants and water features. Ensure a seamless flow between spaces.
3. Greenery: Incorporate plants, trees, and water features to connect with nature. A vertical garden or living wall can maximize space and create a stunning visual.
4. Privacy: Enhance your backyard's seclusion by planting tall hedges, installing a fence, or using outdoor curtains. Ensure a peaceful atmosphere by adding soothing water features and the right lighting.
5. Lighting: Lighting sets the mood for your oasis. String lights, pathway lighting, and spotlights create a cozy atmosphere while ensuring safety during nighttime use.
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6. Water Features: The sound of flowing water creates a serene environment perfect for relaxation. So, you can install cascading waterfalls, ponds, and fountains to add a soothing touch to your backyard.
7. Fire Pit or Fireplace: A fire pit or outdoor fireplace provides warmth and serves as a focal point. It's perfect for chilly evenings and adds a cozy ambiance.
With these expert tips, you can transform your backyard into a cozy oasis where you can unwind, recharge, and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Also, you can take the help of professionals for backyard renovations.
Outdoor Makeover & Living Spaces is passionate about helping you turn your backyard into the oasis you've always desired. Not only this, we also offer outdoor butler services to provide a seamless solution for all your outdoor maintenance needs.
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livingdreams97 · 6 months
Eloise Bridgerton - "The Prince" (Part 4)
Eloise Bridgerton x Male reader/oc
Summary: Two people who have never seen each other before, with the same need and desire to be free in different ways. What could come of that when both people meet each other?
Words: 4.581
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Eloise's POV
A couple of hours ago my family arrived at Aubrey Hall and my youngest silings were running around the place like wild animals. My brothers have disappeared and Daphne is with mother, Lady Danbury, Kate and Edwina talking about the season somewhere around the house.
Which left me alone, sitting on an outdoor chair in the mansion's back garden and somewhat bored.
I did not want to participate in the conversation with my sister, mother and others; since the subject does not really interest me. I'd rather be with my brothers, but as soon as we set foot in Aubrey Hall two hours ago they disappeared and have shown no sign of life.
And I'm not going to be running all over the place, like Gregory and Hyacinth were doing.
I just pray that something interesting happens and it can keep me busy at least for a while. Because if this goes on like this, I'll end up cutting myself with the pages of my books and falling apart in the living room floor.
Apparently my prayers are answered, when one of the butlers appears and speaks to me.
XY: Miss Bridgerton, Prince Y/n of Hannover has just arrived and is waiting for you in the hall.- he informed me and I practically jumped out of my seat.
Eloise: That's great. - I comment happily and walking quickly towards the entrance of the mansion.
XY: If you don't need anything else, we'll take the prince's objects to his room assigned by Lady Bridgerton.- he comments when we reach the hall.
Eloise: We don't need anything else, thank you.- I thank him and after a slight bow he takes Y/n's luggage along with another man. -I thought you were never going to get there.- I say amused, crossing my arms and looking at the prince.
Y/n: I had a slight setback.- He informed me without much detail.
Eloise: What kind of setback? - I ask curiously, seeing the amusement in his eyes.
Y/n: One that doesn't concern you.- he answers me with grace and I just look at him badly. -Now, will you grant me the wish to give me a guided tour of the mansion or do I have to ask someone from the service?- he asks amused, raising an eyebrow and looking me straight in the eye.
Eloise: Ask someone from the service.- I answer challengingly, looking for a fun and entertaining reaction from him.
Y/n: I'll do that then.- he assures, leaning over and trying to walk towards the stairs.
Eloise: Where do you think you're going? - I ask amused running towards him and grabbing his arm to stop him.
Y/n: To ask if someone offers to give me a guided tour, since a certain Bridgerton doesn't want to and I don't want to get lost in the place.- he answers humorously and I look at him with narrowed eyes.
Eloise: Idiot.- I muttered hitting his arm. -Now follow me.- I order him and start walking towards the main hall.
I don't turn to see if he's following me or not, but I can hear his hurried footsteps and I smile helplessly, not knowing the reason for said smile.
I don't know when I went from receiving a tour of the mansion to being in the huge back garden playing pall mall, but here I am now.
Daphne: We all know how the pall mall works.- she assures everyone present. - The first to choose the deck and strike first will be our guest Y/n.- she points to me with her hand and I look at her surprised.
Y/n: I guess thanks.- I appreciate it. -Which one does Eloise usually choose?- I asked Benedict in a whisper quickly.
Benedict: Yellow.- he whispers back to me with his hand in front of his mouth so that no one notices.
I nod surreptitiously and walk over to where all the decks are. I look at each deck and once my eyes land on the yellow one, I reach out without hesitation.
As my fingers wrap around the wood, I look up, meeting Eloise's blue gaze. I smile wickedly as I raised the mallet and I see the scowl on her face.
Y/n: Yellow is my favorite color. - I lie with a smile without taking my eyes off Eloise's.
The rest practically fight over the rest of the decks, before we start the game and the fights between the brothers are present.
Benedict: Eloise don't cheat.- he accuses his sister, who is moving her ball subtly and secretly with her foot.
Y/n: So besides being clumsy at dancing, you're a cheater at the game. - I whisper leaning towards her, so that only she can hear me.
Eloise: Shut up.- she growls at me pushing my chest with her hand.
Colin: Observe and learn people.- he says, positioning himself and hitting the ball with his mallet, but it doesn't go through the hoop.
Anthony: Sorry, what were you saying?- he asks his brother with an amused smile.
Kate: Don't you laugh so much.- she tells her husband, causing a bad face in him and laughter in the rest.
Daphne: None of you should laugh.- she assures everyone, preparing to her his ball with the mallet. -Because I plan to win as always.- she says confidently, hitting the ball and getting it through the hoop.
Benedict: Hey, I'm still in the game.- he reminds his sister with an amused smile.
Eloise: And me.- she assures them placing herself in the middle of everyone. -This year I plan to win.- she tells us all with confidence and I can't help but smile at her confidence.
We continue playing for a while longer, until the game ends and I end up winning to the surprise of everyone present. Although there is no surprise on my part, since I am a very good player and I am passionate about sports.
Y/n: And how about your victory Eloise? - I ask her amused while we all have dinner together.
Eloise: Very funny.- she says sarcastically looking at me with narrowed eyes. -But I know you cheated.- she threatens me seriously.
Y/n: And can you explain to me what cheating are you accusing me of? - I ask her amused, taking a sip of my wine.
Elosie: I don't know, yet.- she answered thoughtfully. -But I'm going to find out how you cheated to win and take away my victory.- she asures me and I just smile delighted.
Y/n: I'll be waiting then.- I assure her with a friendly smile.
The rest of dinner is spent talking to Benedict and Colin about minor trivia. We also make sure to taunt Eloise a bit, loud enough for her to hear us so we can tease her a bit.
When dinner is over, I sneak up to Lady Bridgerton and ask to speak to her in private. We entered the main library of the mansion and we both took a seat in the armchairs of the room.
Violet: And tell me my Lord, what is the reason for this conversation? - she asks me with evident interest.
Y/n: I wanted to talk about a serious and more important topic with you.- I answer trying to hide my nervousness.
Violet: Well, you will say.- she nods giving me the floor.
Y/n: As you may have noticed, I've been spending a lot of time with your daughter and it's clear that we've become somewhat close.- I start seeing how she nods with a small smile. -And I don't want to disrespect you or your family at any time.- I say trying to think of how to explain myself.
Violet: And you haven't.- she assures me with a friendly smile.
Y/n: I'm glad to hear that.- I nod with a nervous smile. -That's why I wanted to talk to you first, because you are Eloise's mother and it seemed the most appropriate thing to do in this situation.- I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. -I wanted to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.- I ask directly.
Violet: Oh my god! - she exclaims in surprise, covering her mouth with her hand.
The room remains completely silent for a few moments, where I play with my hands as a sign of nervousness and uncertainty about the response of the woman in front of me.
Y/n: So what do you say? - I ask her a bit uncomfortable by the silence.
Violet: Of course I'll give you my daughter's hand.- she nods energetically. -As long as Eloise agrees to the proposition, I have nothing against it.- she confirms and I can't help but release the air retained inside me.
Y/n: I'm glad to know that your answer is positive. - I smile letting the retained nerves dissipate from my body.
Now I just have to propose to Eloise publicly and organize the wedding. Since thanks to our agreement, I know that Eloise will agree to marry me and there will be no problem with that part.
Violet: And you already have chosen the ring? - She asks me interested, leaning forward in a show of interest.
Y/n: Yes.- I nod, taking the black velvet box out of my pocket. -What do you think?- I ask, opening the box and showing her the object inside.
Violet: Oh my god, it's so precious.- she whispers, taking the small box in her hands and looking at the ring in greater detail.
Y/n: My aunt gave it to me to propose to your daughter.- I comment, seeing the surprise in her eyes.
Violet: Has the queen chosen the ring for my daughter?- she asks surprised.
Y/n: More than that.- I commented with a slight smile. -That ring was one of the first that my uncle, the King, gave to my aunt many years ago. The emerald is my aunt's favorite stone and she thought that the ring had a deep meaning, so it would be the perfect ring for my future wife. - I tell her and I can see a different shine in her eyes.
Violet: And she's right. Rings with meaning are more unique than any recently bought. - she nods, giving me back the box with the ring.
Y/n: So with your permission, tomorrow I'll ask Eloise for her hand. - I nod, putting the velvet box back in my jacket pocket.
Violet: I just hope my daughter says yes, because it would be a pleasure to have you as part of the family.- she tells me and we both get up, ending the conversation.
We left the library, saying goodnight and parting ways. I head towards the bedroom assigned to me and on the way I meet Eloise with her little sister.
In order not to arouse any kind of suspicion, I wish them both a good night and secretly nod to my future fiancée.
I can see her eyes widen slightly as she realizes what my nod means and she gives me a slight nod letting me know she's understood.
Now I just have to think about how to ask for her hand tomorrow and do it in a way so that her family believes that we are really in love. But with how good of an actress Eloise is, I'm sure everyone will believe us right away without any problem.
Eloise's POV
I'm nervous. Why am I nervous? This is simply a trade and there is no reason to be nervous.
I just have to say a simple yes and the rest of my life will be taken care of. I will be completely free and I will stop feeling any kind of pressure to get married or find a husband. It is a simple word that will open all doors for me.
This is a simple transaction, there are no feelings involved and that's why I don't understand the reason for my nerves.
My hands tremble as they caress the soft fabric of my white dress, feeling the softness and delicacy of silk.
Violet: You look beautiful honey.- she whispers looking at my reflection in the mirror over my shoulder.
Eloise: I'm not going out. - I deny energetically.
Violet: And why is that dear? - she asks me interested with a smile on her face.
Eloise: I don't know if I'm ready to get married.- I answer, feeling my heart beat faster.
Violet: Oh dear.- she sighs placing her hands on my arms. -It's the nerves that are speaking.- she assures me caressing my arms with affection.
Eloise: Why would I be nervous? - I ask confused, feeling a certain amount of comfort from her touch.
Violet: Because it's one of the most important days for a woman, darling.- she answers with an understanding look. -The day of my wedding with your father, I was trembling with nerves and anticipation. It is understandable to feel nervous on your wedding day and especially when you love the person you will marry.- she tries to comfort me and I avoid opening my eyes for the last part.
Eloise: How did you know you loved father? - I ask a little scared by her answer.
Violet: I wouldn't know how to explain it.- she sighs with a slight grimace. -What I do know is that every time I thought of him, a smile appeared on my face without even noticing it, my stomach turned when he was near me, my skin quivered every time he touched my hand and every time that I was doing something i liked; immediately I wanted to share it with him.- she tells me and I remain thoughtful.
I think about the times when a smile adorned my face when I thought of Y/n, about how being with him makes me enjoy someone else's company and the long talks we have.
I think about how an essential warmth invades my body when he is near me, when he smiles at me or when he brings me books thinking that I might like them.
I find that every time I read a new book, I think about whether he would like to read it so we can discuss it together.
Finally, I am aware of how in the few times he has touched my hand and kissed it, my body reacts to his touch. I can remember the pleasant tingling that runs through my body at his touch and it is now when I open my eyes in surprise.
Eloise: I love Y/n.- I murmured without really knowing what to do.
I feel my mind go around and around without really knowing how it happened. At what point have I gone from supporting Y/n, accepting his proposal and maintaining a friendly relationship, to loving him.
Violet: Why else would you have agreed to marry him?- she asks with a certain degree of amusement in her tone of voice.
Eloise: I have to talk to Y/n.- I say alarmed.
Violet: You'll see him at the altar in a few minutes and then you can talk to him all you want.- she assures me with a smile.
Eloise: No mom .- I deny turning around and looking around upset. -I need to talk to him now!- I assured him in a hurry trying to dodge her and go looking for him.
Violet: No, no, no.- she denies grabbing my arm and preventing me from leaving the room. -The groom can't see the bride before the wedding.- she immediately denies.
Eloise: You don't understand mom, I have to talk to him.- I beg desperately and a few seconds away from a desperate cry.
Violet: Honey, calm down.- she asks me, caressing my arms again. -Take a deep breath and inhale slowly.- she orders me and I nod trying to regulate my breathing.
Once I am calmer, my mother takes me to the sofa in one of the many rooms in the palace and makes me sit down.
Violet: Are you feeling better?- she asks me and I nod, taking a deep breath once more.
Eloise: Yes.- I murmur directing my gaze to my hands, which are still trembling and apparently my mother notices as she places her hands on mine.
Violet: You don't have to get upset darling, everything will be fine and you don't have to get so nervous.- she assures me. -You're just nervous, just breathe and try to relax.- she tells me and I nod trying to stop my hands from shaking.
We stay in silence for a few minutes, where I manage to calm down enough so that my hands stop shaking.
Some light knocks are heard at the door of the room and Benedict's head appears through it.
Benedict: Everything is ready.- he tells us entering the room. -They are waiting for the bride.- he says with a smile and I take a deep breath.
Violet: Are you ready? - she asks me and I am only able to nod. -Well then, let's get going.- she says getting up from the sofa and helping me to get up too.
I walk to where my brother is, who immediately smiles at me and gives me his arm to intertwine with mine.
With each step I take toward the ceremony room, my heart pounding in my ears and my breathing becoming heavy. I swallow heavily, when my brother stops in front of the closed living room doors and looks at me for approval.
I stay for a few moments watching the big white doors of the room, as soon as they open everything will be real and I'll be walking towards my future husband.
I don't know what to do.
If I go through with the plan and say yes, I'll be marrying the man I love. But he doesn't love me and it doesn't seem fair.
And on the other hand, if I decide to run away and leave the plan behind, everyone will start talking about me and my family again. My family has already suffered a lot with the rumors and above all thanks to me.
Plus it wouldn't be the first time a Bridgerton wedding has been called off and we all know how that ended.
But that is not the worst.
The worst thing is that this time the queen is not only the hostess of the wedding, but she is the aunt of the future husband and that will cause me to be banished from London.
Because what Lady Whistledown wrote about me being a political radical turned her against me and made her have a bad opinion of me. I don't want to imagine the opinion she'll have of me if I leave her heir standing at the altar.
Benedict: Are you okay? - he asks me in a whisper taking me out of my thoughts.
Eloise: I don't know.- I answer honestly.
Benedict: It's not too late, you know right? - he asks me causing me to look at him confused.
Eloise: Late for what? - I ask wanting to understand what my brother tells me.
Benedict: Too late to cancel the wedding.- he answers me with a comforting smile. -Just tell me and we'll run away like no one has ever done before.- he assures me with a small laugh.
I watch him for a few seconds, considering the offer and weighing every possible outcome of my escape. The idea sounds tempting and I'm sure Benedict will defend me and help with everything.
You're POV
I swallow heavily, running my hands through my morning coat and wiping the sweat from my hands. I watch the guests talk to each other in whispers, causing my nervousness to increase and a knot to form in my stomach.
Lady Bridgerton has entered the room almost ten minutes ago, but she has entered alone and no one has entered after her.
She's supposed to be with Eloise, to help her get ready and her presence here assures me that Eloise is ready. But it doesn't show up anywhere, because she is nowhere to be seen.
I look over to where my aunt is sitting for comfort, seeing the impatience and worried look on her face. She seems to notice my look, as she offers me a small smile and a reassuring nod.
But I can't calm down when I feel hundreds of eyes on me and I can hear the murmurs of those present.
My gaze then falls on where the Bridgertons are sitting, muttering and talking a little erratically to each other. That alarms me even more.
What if Eloise regrets the deal and backs out? What if she leaves me standing at the altar?
That would explain the lateness and the stressed look on the face of the Bridgertons family matriarch. Maybe she already knows and is telling the rest of the family.
My breath stops when the doors of the room open and one of my aunt's waiters enters the room.
XY: Miss Eloise Bridgerton by the hands of Mr. Benedict Bridgerton.- he announces and I can feel myself breathing again.
But as soon as I start to breathe, the air gets stuck in my throat and it's because of something else entirely.
My mind goes completely blank as I see Eloise in her wedding dress with her hair up in a high bun. The light that enters through the windows of the room illuminates her dress and she looks like a complete angel.
The train of the dress trails gently across the floor, as does her veil, which rests just in front of the updo on her head and at the beginning of the train of her dress.
I'm not aware of the moment when Eloise has reached my side and Benedict offers me her hand. I'm only aware when my soon-to-be wife's brother clears his throat and the noise snaps me out of my reverie.
Y/n: Sorry.- I whisper embarrassed, feeling the heat flood my cheeks and receiving my fiancée's hand.
Benedict: Take care of her.- he threatens me seriously, before walking away and sitting with the rest of the family.
Priest: We are gathered here to celebrate the union between Prince Y/n of Hannover and Miss Eloise Bridgerton.- he begins to speak, but I only observe Eloise's profile and try to be as discrete as possible. -Love is something... ... ... ....- He speaks but I ignore him, looking only at the woman to my left. -Now I want you to repeat with me, you first prince. With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- he says and I look at the priest paying attention to him again .
Y/n: With this ring, I take you Eloise Bridgerton as my wife, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- I recite while staring at her eyes, receiving the ring from the priest and placing it on her finger.
Priest: Now your tourn Miss Bridgerton.- he says, offering her the other ring and I can see how she takes it with a trembling hand.
Eloise: With this ring, I take you Y/n from Hannover as my husband, to love you and take care of you in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty until death do us part.- she says nervously and shakily placing the ring on my finger.
Priest: With this exchange of rings, this marriage unites and will be consolidated with a kiss.- he says and I look nervously at the woman in front of me. -You can kiss each other.- he tells us.
I take a deep breath, before taking a step forward closing my eyes and leaning down feeling the erratic beating of my heart.
For a moment, my heart stops completely when my lips make contact with hers, and I can feel her breathing stop.
As we break from the kiss, I open my eyes to look at my now wife and see that she's still keeping them closed. I smile at the image and when she opens her eyes, she immediately smiles back at me.
I extend my hand to her, which she immediately entwines with hers and I direct her towards the large backyard where the celebration will take place.
Eloise: I have to talk to you.- she whispers so that only I can hear heron our walk outside.
Y/n: Bad or good? - I ask confused, smiling at the guests.
Eloise: It depends.- she answers me, doing the same action as me.
Y/n: Okay.- I nod almost imperceptibly.
But as soon as we set foot in the garden, people come to greet us and congratulate us on the wedding. Every time we try to get away so we can talk, someone steps up and stops that from happening.
But I take advantage of a moment when everyone is watching the fireworks, to grab Eloise by the hand and pull her behind some tall hedges a bit away from the crowd.
Y/n: What did you wanted to talk about? - I ask her in a whisper, not wanting to speak too loud and be heard.
Eloise: It's about the agreement.- she whispers, looking around making sure there's no one around.
Y/n: What about the agreement? - I ask completely confused.
Eloise: What happens if there is something that alters or changes the agreement? - she answers me with another question.
Y/n: I don't know.- I answer honestly. -I couldn't know if something could alter or change our agreement, if I don't know what it is about.- I clarify and see how she bites her lower lip nervously.
Eloise: Hypothetically speaking.- she clarifies nervously and I nod. -What would happen if one of the two parties ends up falling in love with the other party?- she asks, looking anywhere but at me and my heart races.
Y/n: Hypothetically speaking? - I ask and she nods. -That maybe the other party has also fallen in love.- I admit feeling the heat on my cheeks from shame.
She opens her eyes wide, directing her gaze to me and staring at me. I try to calm my heart; not wanting to have a heart attack.
Eloise: You...? - she asks me uncertainly, pointing to herself and I nod nervously.
Y/n: And you..? - I ask in the same way, pointing to me and she nods, joining her lips in a straight line.
Eloise: And now what? - she asks, avoiding my gaze and I decide to be brave.
I take two steps towards her, moving closer to her body and gently placing my hand on her chin. I force her head up and look at me, before I say what I've wanted to say for a month.
Y/n: Do you want to see the world with me? - I ask with a small nervous smile.
Eloise: Yes.- she nods with a slight redness on her cheeks after a couple of seconds.
I can't stand her closeness anymore, so I finish bringing my face closer to hers and I put our lips together again.
This time, the kiss is longer and lets us release all the feelings we had stored. My hands are placed on her waist, to be able to bring her closer to me and to be able to hug her by the hip against my body.
While her hands go up my arms and intertwine with each other at the nape of my neck.
We kiss until the air becomes necessary and we put our foreheads together to maintain the closeness between our faces.
Y/n: I love you.- I admit for the first time out loud without taking my eyes off hers.
Eloise: I love you.- she whispers and this time she is the one who brings our lips together in a hungry kiss.
If someone had told me that an agreed marriage proposal would have led me to meet the love of my life, I would never have believed it.
But fate is capricious and you never know where it will turn out.
But looking back from the backyard of my mansion with my wife, where I am playing with our four children and my beautiful wife is reading a book in a chair in the sun, that proposition was the wisest choice of my life.
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jasfhercallejo · 23 days
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Located on Tourism Road of General Luna, Siargao Bleu is very much accessible from the airport to the town center. Upon entering the resort, we were welcomed by its iconic 1,600-square-meter man-made lagoon.
There are rooms called terraces, which are on the second floor that have a veranda. Garden rooms are on the ground floor an outdoor lounge area, while the floating cottages are private cottages that are spacious and have an outdoor veranda with direct access to the pool. All rooms are equipped with Wi-Fi access, flat-screen TV, personal safe, air-conditioners, hot & cold shower, toiletries and comfortable beds & pillows.
What left us in awe were the uniquely designed outdoor showers. The shower area was built separately, with natural light, rocks and plants that emanate a strong connection with nature.
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One thing I could never forget about this resort is that we had our personal butler. The staff at The Siargao Bleu were incredibly welcoming and attentive, making sure our every need was met.
The property offers fitness facilities, a business center, restaurant, dry cleaning, laundry service, and free breakfast. Other water activities are also available like kayaking and paddle boarding, enhancing the overall guest experience.
The serene atmosphere and unique experience of being right on the water made our vacation unforgettable. The cottages were beautifully designed and well-maintained, offering a perfect blend of comfort and tranquility.
We had a really filling breakfast, and I must say that the cocktails at the beach bar were really strong that we almost fell asleep during our massage. It was a night to remember!
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Adam Gabbatt at The Guardian:
The US Secret Service will use bulletproof glass to protect Donald Trump at future outdoor campaign rallies, according to reports, after the former president survived an assassination attempt in July. The agency plans to surround Trump’s podium with ballistic glass, multiple news outlets reported, a measure typically reserved for serving presidents and vice-presidents. Trump has held nearly a dozen election campaign events since the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, on 13 July, but all of them have been indoors. At a recent indoor rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Trump lamented the location and said: “We’re not giving up the outdoor rallies.”
ABC News was the first to report on the use of bulletproof glass. It said that Secret Service agents plan to use glass panels to surround Trump on three sides, although it is unclear when the security measure will first be used. A Secret Service official told the Washington Post that the agency has begun to position panels of ballistic glass around the country, making it easier to transport to various Trump events. The official said ballistic glass would be used at events by Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, if warranted. The glass is usually used exclusively for serving presidents and their vice-presidents, although it was used in November 2008 when Barack Obama, then a US Senator, appeared in Chicago to celebrate winning the presidential election.
Donald Trump will have a bulletproof glass surrounding the podium when he has outdoor rallies.
The same can also be issued for Kamala Harris, if she wants to use the option.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
New information is continuing to emerge to shed light on the failings of the Secret Service in the run-up to the failed assassination attempt of President Donald Trump.
Trump’s campaign was forced to cancel events due to Secret Service failures before the assassination attempt on July 13, the Daily Caller reported.
The campaign asked the Biden-Harris administration’s Secret Service for extra protection but was routinely denied it because the agency claimed it didn’t have the resources.
The world was stunned when suspected gunman Thomas Crooks was able to take clear shots at Trump’s head at a Butler, Pennsylvania, outdoor rally.
Trump was wounded in the ear but narrowly avoided death.
The aftermath of the shooting has led to discussions about how the Secret Service and FBI failed to protect the 45th president.
Crooks was able to get off several shots despite being identified as a threat as much as an hour before pulling the trigger.
Former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, who resigned over her failures, said that nobody was on the roof where the gunman set up because it was “sloped.”
Still, it now appears this was part of a larger pattern that sometimes forced Trump to cancel events and rallies.
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dertaglichedan · 3 months
Gunman Identified as 20-Year-Old Thomas Matthew Crooks in Trump Rally Shooting in Butler
Donald Trump shot in the ear. One spectator were killed. Two other spectators critically injured.
The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.
Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.
Sources said Crooks was was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.
Moments before the suspected shooter opened fire at a Donald Trump rally, crowd members can be heard yelling, “He’s got a gun.”
The gunman believed to be behind the assassination attempt on President Donald Trump has been identified as 20-Year-Old Male who was in a sniper position when the shots were fired at the rally.
The alleged gunman, who has since been killed was in a sniper position far from the crowd, Trump campaign sources told the outlet.
“He came within inches of having his face shot open,” a senior law enforcement officer told the outlet. One witness reported seeing the gunman “bear-crawling” on the roof.
The suspected shooter fired an AR-style rifle from an elevated position outside the rally venue.
Here’s what we know about the incident
During Former President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on the evening of July 13 at approximately 6:15 p.m., a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue.
U.S. Secret Service personnel neutralized the shooter, who is now deceased.
U.S. Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and Former President Trump is safe.
Trump said a bullet pierced the upper part of his right ear, causing heavy bleeding during an apparent assassination attempt.
One spectator was killed, and two spectators were critically injured.
This incident is currently under investigation. and the Secret Service has notified the FBI.
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sylvienerevarine · 9 months
Sophrine Aulette's Skyrim Encyclopedia (Part 1)
Ok, an explanation: my brother bought me Philomena Cunk's hilarious reference book for Christmas, and it inspired me to write this goofy semi-fic. It's now Sylvieverse canon that Soph writes a humorous guide to Skyrim and it's a bestseller for years.
Atmora is sometimes called the “old country,” largely because everyone from there had beards, which made them look quite a bit older. It’s also called that because the original Nords came from there thousands of years ago in search of better weather. Why they stopped at Skyrim is anyone’s guess. One of the most famous people from Atmora was Ysgramor, who was fond of killing elves and living in an upturned boat.
No one’s heard anything from the Atmorans in a while, which means they all either froze to death or their postal service is terrible.
Dwemer Automatons are creatures made of metal that run on magic and steam. You can find them lurking around old Dwarven ruins waiting for treasure hunters to show up, and then slicing them to ribbons. This is the only game they seem to know.
There are four main types of automatons: spiders, spheres, ballistas, and centurions. Actually they’re all called centurions, but that’s confusing, so here we are. Spiders are the ones that look like spiders and are sort of cute. Spheres are the ones that look almost human on top, but roll around on a big metal ball, in which they possibly store lightning. Ballistas resemble an angry fish with legs and are horrible. Centurions look like metal giants and use a huge amount of energy, which is why they sleep in big magic arches that don’t look very comfortable.
Dwemer automatons don’t seem to work outside their ruins, which is a relief, because can you imagine running into one at the market? On the other hand, it would be very funny to have a mechanical butler.
Cheese is basically milk, but solid. It’s also the best food to ever be invented, and features in all the best dishes: cheesecakes, cheese souffles, cheese straws, cheese omelets, and fondue. My aunt Sacha, who lives in the Shivering Isles, once taught me how to make a kind of cheese that turns all colors inside-out, but I don’t usually attempt that one.
Most cheese in Skyrim comes from goats or cows. Giants have been known to make mammoth cheese, but they’re not very good about sharing it. I swiped some once and it was remarkably chewy, but very good.
A Dragonborn is a person who, through no fault of their own, was born with the wrong type of soul. Generally speaking, humans have human souls, elves have elf souls, Nords have alcohol, and so on. A Dragonborn, on the other hand, has a normal person-type body with a dragon’s soul stuffed inside.
The main job of a Dragonborn is to slay evil dragons and boss around the less evil ones. For a long time, though, there were very few dragons around, so Dragonborns had to occupy their time by becoming emperors. This lasted right up until the time Martin Septim exploded.
I am currently the only living Dragonborn, which is a very fun position to be in. There was another one hiding out in Oblivion named Miraak, but he tragically perished for reasons that were only partially my fault.
Things Dragonborns Can Do:
Absorb dragon souls
Use aforementioned souls to quickly learn Words of Power
Scream at things
Read dragon language without taking lessons
Get free garlic bread at the Frostfruit Inn in Rorikstead
Kyne is the Nordic goddess of wind, sky, the outdoors, and probably camping. You might know her as Kynareth, Khenarthi, Tava, or Kenny (though I’ve only met one person who called her that, and he was very drunk). 
In Nord tradition, Kyne was married to Shor (aka Lorkhan) and rain is the result of her crying because her husband tragically died from having his heart stuck under a volcano. It follows that the best way to get rain for your crops is to shout things like: “Missus Kyne, remember how much you loved your husband? Wasn’t it tragic how badly he was murdered?” That usually does the trick.
Kyne is also supposedly the one who taught the Dragon Voice to humans, to which I would like to respond “thank you” and also “why.”
Mead is the primary beverage, export, and religion in Skyrim. It’s made out of honey, and is therefore sweet enough that you don’t realize for a while just how strong it is, and then you’re in a bar fight with a racist old man in Windhelm. Not that that’s ever happened to me.
My husband is something of an expert on mead, and it’s his most cherished belief that happy bees make the drink taste better. I’m not quite sure how you can tell a bee’s emotional state, but I’m sure there’s a knack to it.
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bapydemonprincess · 3 months
Lau knew his Master Chef very well. He knew his Former American Soldier very well. He knew his Bardroy.
The man wore most of his true emotions on his sleeve and when something delighted or displeased him he made sure everyone knew.
(Sometimes when they really didn't need to..)
And Lau was very confident in his very good idea that the Phantomhive Chef, Ex Soldier, and American would love seeing a real firework show.
With the kind of beautiful creations directly from Lau's home.
And maybe, seeing as it was a warm Summer evening, they go stay outside under the stars and fireworks and eat some of Lau's favorite home recipes!
So, the Opium den closed early and Lau and his dear sister headed off.
Confidence and good tidings radiating from their entire entorage as they headed out of London and to the Phantomhive Manor out in the countryside.
"Ah, fireworks," the butler repeated the Rising Dragon's explanation as he greeted him at the front door.
"And quite a few of them, you see, Mister Butler! To last as long as a lovely evening outdoor dinner party!"
"Hmm? And I imagine you've brought your own dishes for this dinner party as well?"
"Here they are, all made today before coming by me!"
Lau felt like congratulating himself on putting out such a perfectly docile demeanor this evening in front of the scary, cold stuff upper lip Mister Butler.
After another few agonizing seconds of said Head Servant standing there, practically barricading the entrance as he contemplated this new predicament, finally a softer, higher voice broke the stand-off.
"'Oos that Sebastian? O-Oh! Mister Lau and Ran Mao!!"
Met Rin squeezed her tiny self between the doorway and the suddenly for some reason floundering Mister Butler, smiling as bright to the guests as a full new moon.
"What brings you lot here? Young master 'asnt had need of yer services for a spell, from what I recall, no he hasn't!"
"Well let's just say this attempted visit was for pleasure, Miss Maid! And, if I may, it is so nice to see you again. I'm sure Ran Mao and you have a lot of catching up to do!"
"Ooh, yes that sounds lovely, it does!! Oh, we could even have dinner together, we could, since it's 'round the time us servants eat an' all, right Sebastian??"
Another second passed, Mister Butler now looking less and less intimidating under the big, brown pretty awaiting gaze of Miss Maid.
He finally sighed.
"....Yes, I suppose so, considering Mister Lau appears to have brought special home made dishes to share, as well as some.. fireworks to show."
"All directly brought over from China!" Lau confirmed.
The maid's eyes seemed to grow bigger by the second, as well as her smile seeming to take up the entirety of her lower face.
"Well, let's see if we can carefully get the fireworks out into the back yarded area, I suppose," Mister Butler sighed once again, as if this would actually be a hard task for him.
And halfway getting around the manor with the wagon of fireworks, soon the Gardener Boy joined the group, and then the Snake Boy too.
Soon all the bunch were chattering with delight of the idea of an evening of dining outside and seeing fireworks!
All.. except...
"Beg pardon, Mister Butler, Miss Maid and er you other two.." Lau spoke up as they were all finally out behind the large estate and Mister Butler was taking the fireworks out of the wagon, "where is Master Chef? You would think he'd be just as all over this idea as the rest of you, right??"
Mister Butler paused while setting another firework down.
Miss Maid froze up as she was busy deciding which yummy looking Chinese dish to try first from the basket Ran Mao showed her.
The Gardener and Snake Boys seemed suddenly ready to run back inside where they'd come from.
"I do believe Bardroy will likely not be joining us for this little event, Mister Lau,"
"....O-Oh?" The Rising Dragon certainly felt like he was going to rapidly fall.. if this went in the direction he was already suspecting it would.
"Erm, 'e... 'e probably wouldn't like the fireworks, Mister Lau.. Uh, I mean, well.. the sounds of 'em, I mean... No he wouldn't."
Lau tried to laugh in the face of this information, if a bit forcefully.
"That's quite a silly assumption, given that the man's dealt with explosions far greater than this many times, has he not??"
"Perhaps so, but I believe the rapid, loud bursts and booms of a firework display would still unnerve him after so many long years of similar situations... if deadlier."
"And um, the recent times 'es been able to deal with it, I think it was more controlled, and he set the explosions off 'imself, he did, and um, it wasn't somethin' happenin' overhead like a firework would be, no it wasn't!"
The two head servants and their explanations.. annoyingly made sense, and Lau found his frustration rising over reason in this situation.
"Well, there's only one way to see for ourselves if this is all true, yes? I'm sure it'll be no trouble to see if he'll try coming out and enjoying the show. So, let's go ahead and start! And I'll slip on in and find Master Chef!"
Mister Butler and Miss Maid were sharing looks with each other as Lau marched off right away to head inside and hunt down his actual intended audience.
Just inside Master Chef sat, at a kitchen chair, feet up on the table and crossed half-hazardly, while his bare arms were crossed over his chest and he puffed away at a smoke.
Likely wondering where dinner was.
Where everyone was.
"Good evening, Master Chef," Lau chirped.
And felt his spirit soar once again when the man nearly collapsed out of his seat.
"Uh- Wha- What the 'ell are you doin' 'ere Lau??"
Lau chuckled.
"Looking for you to be specific. You're missing out on a big show that's about to start right outside, you know!"
"A big show?" The chef repeated, utterly confused, "What kinda show are ya talkin' bou-"
The first fireworks went off perfectly, and even if just at the corner of his vision, Lau could tell they were a bright, beautiful sight to behold out there as they lit up the Phantomhive Grounds sky.
But, as Lau proudly absorbed the expected "OOOOs!" and "AAAAHs" of the others getting front row seats out there, what he didn't expect to also hear underneath was a clacking, clacking, clackety noise and rapid panting breaths.
And Master Chef was no long even remotely near his aforementioned seat, but now even further away, near the other exit into the rest of the manor, pressing himself up against the wall, practically.
The clacking being his handgun he'd snapped out and held up close to himself.
Went another set, and this time Lau didn't bother listening or seeing any of it, as he busied himself watching Master Chef flinch at every one, and sink slowly down while still against that wall.
His face the face of a man absolutely haunted.
"M-Master Chef I-" Lau started, lifting his arms and hands.
Bardroy shut his eyes at this point, still flinching.
Lau's arms and hands curled back, uncertainty riddling him over what to do....
Until he decided to risk it.
Diving towards the curled up man.
And setting before him.
Ignoring as this seemed to make him jolt too, and the gun in his head started to point out close to Lau's chest.
Bard's mouth opened and a primal yell of fear escaped him, his eyes popping open again.
But this time all he saw instead of bright flashes out the kitchen window was..
His hands covered up Bardroy's ears firmly.
And he pressed his own face very very close.
He spoke low even if he doubted the man could hear him.
"Duìbuqǐ" He whispered, more than once it seemed.
Over and over, and even when the other man was shaking no longer.
And it seemed the.. fireworks had finished.
The chef hissed out, blinking.
He finally seemed to notice Lau pressing his face close and covering his ears.
"Uh... I couldn't 'ere ya when you do that.."
Lau smiled.
Let out a deep breath of relief.
And kissed his Master Chef on the lips.
This seemed to melt the man before him even more, his hands with the gun lowering entirely.
And yet Lau had never been concerned where that had been pointed.
He pulled back, only to push back in for one, two, three more smaller kisses.
"I was trying to explain the arrangement of an evening out with Home Made Chinese Dining and entertainment on display..."
Lau leaned back further and smiled sheepishly.
"However, I think we just missed the entertainment."
Was all Bardroy could get out, blinking again.
But looking up into Lau's face hopefully with his big clear blue eyes.
"But is the dinin' is still available? I uh, don't mind that stuff one bit, y'know.."
Lau grinned this time.
"I know you don't, and I'm glad for that at least. Let's see then, if there's anything still left, eh?"
And this finally got Master Chef to follow him, with no issue, outside and join the others.
After Note: From what I've looked up to the best of my ability 对不起 (duì bù qǐ) is meant to be a very deep apology for messing up! And I imagine someone like Lau rarely ever says it! Unless they REALLY mean it 😉
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warningsine · 11 days
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump was the target Sunday of “what appears to be an attempted assassination” at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, the FBI said, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. The former president said he was safe and well, and authorities held a man in custody.
U.S. Secret Service agents posted a few holes up from where Trump was playing noticed the muzzle of an AK-style rifle sticking through the shrubbery that lines the course, roughly 400 yards away.
An agent fired and the gunman dropped the rifle and fled in an SUV, leaving the firearm behind along with two backpacks, a scope used for aiming and a GoPro camera, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said. The man was later taken into custody in a neighboring county.
It was the latest jarring moment in a campaign year marked by unprecedented upheaval. On July 13, Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and a bullet grazed his ear. Eight days later, Democratic President Joe Biden withdrew from the race, giving way for Vice President Kamala Harris to become the party’s nominee.
And it was sure to add to the questions about Secret Service protective operations after the agency’s admitted failures in preventing the attempted assassination of Trump this summer.
In an email to supporters, Trump said: “There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL!” He wrote: “Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!”
He returned to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach where he lives, according to a person familiar with Trump’s movements who was not authorized to discuss them publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.
It was not immediately clear whether the incident would affect his campaign schedule. He was set to speak from Florida about cryptocurrency live on Monday night on the social media site X for the launch of his sons’ crypto platform. He planned a town hall Tuesday in Flint, Michigan, with his former press secretary, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, followed by a rally Wednesday on New York’s Long Island.
Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, said in a post online: “I’m glad President Trump is safe. I spoke to him before the news was public and he was, amazingly, in good spirits.”
Biden and Harris were briefed and would be kept updated on the investigation. The White House said they were “relieved” to know Trump is safe.
Harris, in a statement, also said “violence has no place in America.”
In the aftermath, Trump checked in with allies, including Vance, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and several Fox News hosts.
Fox News host Sean Hannity recounted on air his conversation with Trump and the former president’s golf partner, Steve Witkoff.
They told Hannity they had been on the fifth hole and about to go up to putt when they heard a “pop pop, pop pop.” Within seconds, he said Witkoff recounted, Secret Service agents “pounced on” Trump and “covered him” to protect him.
Trump had returned to Florida this weekend from a West Coast swing that included a Friday night rally in Las Vegas and a Utah fundraiser. His campaign had not advised about any public plans for Trump on Sunday. He often spends the morning playing golf, before having lunch at the club, one of three he owns in the state.
He has had a stepped-up security footprint since the assassination attempt in July. When he has been at Trump Tower in New York, parked dump trucks have formed a wall outside the building. At outdoor rallies, he now speaks from behind an enclosure of bulletproof glass.
The Florida golf course was partially shut down for Trump as he played, but there are several areas around the perimeter of the property where golfers are visible from the fence line. Secret Service agents and officers in golf carts and on ATVs generally secure the area several holes ahead and behind Trump when he plays. Agents also usually bring an armored vehicle onto the course to shelter Trump quickly should a threat arise.
The Palm Beach County sheriff said the entire golf course would have been lined with law enforcement if Trump were the president, but because he is not, “security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible.”
“I would imagine that the next time he comes to the golf course, there will probably be a little more people around the perimeter,” Bradshaw said. “But the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done, they provided exactly what the protection should have been and their agent did a fantastic job.”
Former presidents and their spouses have Secret Service protection for life, but the security around former presidents varies according to threat levels and exposure, with the toughest typically being in the immediate aftermath of their leaving office.
Trump’s protective detail has been higher than some other former presidents because of his high visibility and his campaign to seek the White House again.
The man in custody was Ryan Routh, three law enforcement officials told the AP. The officials who identified the suspect spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation.
The FBI was leading the investigation and was working to determine any motive. Attorney General Merrick Garland was receiving regular updates. Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were helping investigate.
“The FBI has responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump,” the bureau said.
News reporters were not with Trump on Sunday. Bucking tradition, Trump’s campaign has not arranged to have a protective pool of reporters travel with him, as is standard for major party nominees and for the president. Harris does not have a protective pool at all times, but does allow reporters to travel with her for public events.
Martin County Sheriff William D. Snyder said the suspect was apprehended within minutes of the FBI, Secret Service and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office putting out a “very urgent BOLO” — or “be on the lookout” alert detailing the specific vehicle sought, license plate number and description of the occupant.
Snyder said his deputies “immediately flooded” northbound I-95, deploying to every exit between the Palm Beach County line to the south and St. Lucie County line to the north.
“One of my road patrol units saw the vehicle, matched the tag and we set up on the vehicle,” Snyder said, “We pinched in on the car, got it safely stopped and got the driver in custody.”
Snyder told WPTV that the suspect “was not armed when we took him out of the car.”
The man had a calm, flat demeanor and showed little emotion when he was stopped by police, Snyder said, saying the suspect did not question why he was being pulled over.
“He never asked, ‘what is this about?’ Obviously, law enforcement with long rifles, blue lights, a lot going on. He never questioned it,” Snyder said.
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tazindrox · 2 years
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*Art by Zoratrix*
The Basics ––– –
Name: Tazindrox
Nickname(s): Taz
Age: Ancient
Birthday: Unknown
Race: Dracthyr
Gender:  Male
Marital Status: Single
Dracthyr Physical Appearance ––– –
Height: 9′0″
Build: Absolute Unit
Eyes:  Bright glowing yellow w/vertical slits
Distinguishing Marks: Various scarring scattered mostly along his forearms and thighs, and one large scar on the left side of his neck. Silver band wrapped around the base of his most prominent right horn with his name inscribed.
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Visage Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Bright red that fades into black, slightly wavy
Eyes:  Same as Dracthyr form
Height: 6′6″
Build: Mesomorph/Athletic
Distinguishing Marks: Black scales are minimal, focused mostly on his shoulders and around his eyes; striped along his sides, forearms, and thighs. Scarring that is present on his Dracthyr form does not show on the Visage form. Silver band wrapped around the base of his right horn with his name inscribed.
Tattoos: None yet
Piercings: Both earlobes just once
Likeness: Austin Butler
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Personal Information––– –
Profession: Fighting alongside the other Dark Talons for the Dracthyr army. Ambassador for the Dark Talons.
Hobbies: Still working on figuring that out! He obviously enjoys sparring, and has recently discovered rock climbing and taken to that. He also finds his eyes often drawn to the sky at night and is starting to learn about the various constellations, and just enjoys being outdoors in general. He’s definitely in the experimental phase of his life, where he is trying to find a new purpose other than just fighting. He also LOVES collecting shiny bits of metal and will often times remove nuts and bolts from various objects to add to his collection.
Common Accessories: Keeps a little notebook on him at all times that he can be seen writing in at random.
Languages: Draconic, Orcish, Common
Residence: A small apartment in Valdrakken
Birthplace: The Forbidden Reach in the Dragon Isles
Religion:  None
Patron Deity:  None
Fears: Being put back into stasis, losing his Visage form (he’s grown oddly attached to it, and it’s just fun to be someone/something different), losing more of his weyrn.
Personality: Friendly and (hopefully) charming when not on the battlefield, maybe a little lost and confused at times - things are all still fairly new and he’s learning so much every day! He’s very curious and isn’t afraid to ask ‘dumb’ questions, there’s A LOT the Dracthyr need to catch up on. Generally he’s quite kind, generous, and extremely protective, especially to those he considers a friend.
Relationships ––– -
Spouse:  None
Children:  None
Parents:  Father - Neltharion, Mother - None
Siblings:  All of his clutch-mates
Pets: None
Sex & Romance ––– -
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch | unknown
Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch | unknown
Turn ons: Muscles, strength in body and in mind, toothy grins, long hair, shiny jewelry
Turn offs: Weakness, whining, unnecessary cruelty, bad nails/claws
Love Language: Acts of Service
Relationship Tendencies: Unknown, he has never been in a relationship before!
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Has yet to try any!
Alcohol: In social settings
RP Hooks ––– –
DRACTHYR: Other Dracthyr are obviously welcome to know him from before, I’m open to pre-established relationships of any kind!
VALDRAKKEN: Currently living in the city, but can often be found in various other capital cities all over the world as an ambassador.
BATTLEFIELD: Likely found following the main storyline of the current events happening in game.
EVENTS: Any events he’s at, you can assume he’s probably either standing around and looking lost, eating all the food, or writing in his little notebook. Feel free to approach at any time!
Looking For ––– –
Friends, lovers, enemies, family. As mentioned above, pre-established relationships with other Dracthyr is welcomed!
I’m open for any type of RP whether it be happy or dark, storyline or slice of lifel ! He is not my main so I won’t be on him all the time, but I love headcanoning and the occasional discord RP for those in-between times.
How to Contact ––– –
OoC: Here on tumblr, my main tumblr I follow from is @turning-through-the-never​, or on Discord at dicenne
IC: Wyrmrest Accord Horde in-game name is Tazindrox. I’ll be bringing him to various events, always feel free to approach me in-game or whisper me and I can approach you!
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f1yogurt · 2 years
Travel guide for the US GP in Austin, TX
Going to the race in ATX and have some downtime during the weekend? Here are some tips from a local about how to enjoy the city on a budget.
So I thought it would be fun to spend a bit of time putting together a brief guide about low cost options of what to do in Austin if you have extra time over the weekend to spend in the city. Even if you're not going to the race, this is just a general guide to Austin so feel free to save this if you plan to travel here in the future.
My goal is to not recommend most of the generic things from travel sites and instead explain my favorite hotspots. I tried to include low cost things that don’t really require any preparation or reservations.
Please ask me you have more questions about places in ATX, I love answering.
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General tips
Avoid driving as much as you possibly can. Traffic here is insane. Public transportation in the city is lacking, so plan to spend extra time traveling. I recommend taking the busses. Yes there are also Lime scooters and bikes that you can ride.
Most restaurants offer live music in the evenings and I would recommend staying if you want to enjoy a bit of the city’s classic charm.
Rainey Street (an area with bars and food trucks) is amazing but if you choose to go, I do warn you that it might be really busy. Same with South Congress.
Parking is a nightmare so prepare for that. Again I recommend taking the bus (or Uber if it fits your budget). Download the CapMetro app on your phone.
Don’t go to Zilker Park unless you’re going for Austin City Limits. The festival is happening all weekend at the park and you need tickets.
Try out as many food trucks as possible. Almost all of them are delicious. They offer BBQ, tacos, Tex-Mex, a huge variety of international dishes, desserts, ice cream, etc.
Touristy things that are worth it (in my opinion)
Lady Bird Lake Hike and Bike Trail - perfect for the outdoors. Fun fact: Bottas went on a bike ride on some trails here during last year’s race, I bet he’ll do it again.
Barton Springs Pool - may be a bit chilly depending on the weather but worth it
SoCo (South Congress) - essentially a strip of shops, restaurants, etc. that are the heart of Austin
Swap the Mount Bonnell hike for the 360 Pennybacker Bridge outlook. Better views.
– Must Do’s –
6th Street - If you love nightlife or want to go clubbing or bar hopping, this is the place to be. I don’t have any specific recommendations because I guarantee you’ll end up having a great time. 
Reminder: Drinking age is 21 here and every bar does check your ID so don’t think you can slip past if you’re not 21+.
Coffee shops and cafes - Similar to the 6th Street advice, you can’t go wrong with any coffee shop here, I promise. But a few of my favorites are:
Hank’s - boho aesthetic, lots of space indoors, also has good food
Easy Tiger - this place is a cafe, bakery, bar, and beer garden all in one
Mozart’s Coffee Roasters - Service isn’t always the best, but you make up for that with the incredible lake view. Worth it. They also offer live music in the evenings.
Cafe Medici - vibes and good drinks, you’ll also probably find lots of students here studying and enjoying a break from classes
Lucky Lab Cafe - There’s a location that’s by the university with an outdoor patio. If the day isn’t too hot, it’s nice to sit outside.
Austin City Limits - If you can find last minute tickets for a day, then I highly recommend it! The festival goes on the entire weekend so you can pick the day(s) you go.
Outdoor favorites. Be active. Take pictures. Enjoy life.
360 Bridge outlook - perfect photo spot, gorgeous view of the lake, preferably at sunrise or sunset
The Oasis - restaurant with the best views, about a 40 minute drive from downtown Austin
Nature Trails - Barton Creek greenbelt, Mount Bonnell (short hike with a view of Lake Austin), Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail (view of downtown Austin skyline)
Rowing Dock - offers paddleboard rentals if you want to glide down Lady Bird Lake see the downtown city skyline from the water
Lake Austin, Lake Travis, Lady Bird Lake
Eat food in beautiful places. Food here consists of mainly tacos, BBQ, and Tex-Mex. Enjoy it.
The County Line - great BBQ with a bonus of being by the lake
But stay away from BBQ places downtown like La Barbecue and Franklin’s which have long wait times.
The Oasis - Expensive/mediocre food, but gorgeous view of the lake at sunset
The Hula Hut - Tex-Mex and a bit of everything on the menu, by the lake. It’s super crowded but they have a bar area outside where you can seat yourself without waiting.
Chuy’s - the best Tex-Mex you’ll ever eat
Torchy’s Tacos - some of the best tacos in Austin
Jet ski or rent a boat on Lake Travis - if you love the water, head down to 360 bridge boat ramp and ask about rentals. This is the one thing that might require prior preparation, but I highly recommend it if you're able.
Mansfield Dam Park - great lake views, areas to hike and swim even if you don't have a boat. 45 minutes from downtown. $5 cash entrance fee per person.
There are so many more as well. Austin is a great city and you can't go wrong with any activity that you do.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Exposure to poverty is deeply intertwined with the deterioration of emotional health. This linkage is often exacerbated by a lack of coordinated social support for individuals and families. To appreciate this connection and how efforts in some communities suggest ways to address it, consider three public health issues and their impact on mental health: homelessness, food insecurity, and hygiene poverty (i.e., a lack of resources to maintain personal hygiene).
There is a close connection between homelessness and mental health. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, homelessness and associated behavioral health issues have increased. While there are widely differing estimates of the prevalence of mental disorders among individuals experiencing homelessness, a review of the research by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) suggests that between 20% and 50% have serious mental illness. Research suggests, moreover, that the experience of being homeless often intensifies the condition of individuals with poor mental health, with factors such as increased stress aggravating previous mental illness through heightened anxiety, fear, substance use, etc.
Some believe that the best course of action for those experiencing homelessness and mental illness is to provide treatment and services first so that homeless individuals are stabilized and “housing ready,” and only then can live successfully in permanent housing. Under this approach, placement in housing would follow initial treatment. However, many jurisdictions now use a Housing First model. In this approach, an individual is placed into permanent supported housing as the first step, followed swiftly with treatment and social service supports to start addressing the individual’s physical and mental health, education, employment, and substance use issues. Studies suggest this is an improvement on “treatment first” approaches.
How communities are addressing the challenge
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Pathways to Housing: Pathways to Housing works with individuals experiencing homelessness to provide housing without treatment preconditions and, once participants are housed, goes on immediately to address underlying issues involving mental health, substance use, medical care, and education. After arranging housing, Pathways manages an integrated care clinic to ensure that “participants have access to a low-barrier, person-centered approach that emphasizes recovery, wellness, trauma-informed care, and the integration of physical and behavioral health care.”
Denver, Colorado – Colorado Coalition for the Homeless: The Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (CCH) operates twenty permanent supportive housing and affordable housing properties and administers housing vouchers nearly 1,300 households in the Denver area. Like Pathways, the Coalition takes steps to ensure that, once housed, residents immediately receive the physical and behavioral health services they need to be able to achieve stability. CCH provides integrated medical and behavioral health care, substance use treatment, dental, vision, and pharmacy services through an on-site Federally Qualified Health Center.
New York City, New York – Breaking Ground: Breaking Ground provides permanent supportive housing for individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness in New York City. Housing is co-located with wraparound services such as on-site medical care, psychiatric care, substance use referrals, and skills-building/employment programs. In addition to a focus on housing, Breaking Ground provides New Yorkers who remain unhoused with Street to Home services, which include 24/7 engagement and outdoor counseling and connections with available medical and social supports. Programs like this are likely to be particularly important in the context of New York City’s new plan to involuntarily hospitalize unhoused individuals with mental health conditions despite a chronic psychiatric bed shortage in city hospitals.
What else could be done to help?
Expand Housing First models to encompass more communities, including those in rural areas. As illustrated in the examples above, Housing First programs show that providing stable housing can improve the efficacy of psychiatric and substance abuse treatment as well as aid in connecting individuals to social services. A 2018 study on the effects of housing stability service use among homeless adults with mental illness found that participants who achieved housing stability had decreased use of inpatient psychiatric hospitals and emergency departments. Currently the severe shortage of affordable housing makes it very difficult in many jurisdictions to provide immediate housing for homeless individuals. Moreover, although the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development distributes emergency Section 8 housing vouchers to jurisdictions for unhoused individuals and people attempting to flee domestic violence, it is common for people to wait years for voucher assistance. Achieving the goal of stable housing for people with mental health conditions will therefore require ramped-up investment in housing as well as health and social service supports for residents.
Utilize mobile crisis intervention teams to address social and behavioral health needs of individuals experiencing homelessness that are at risk for a mental health crisis. Breakthroughs in mental health services are often the result of multi-agency partnerships. One such breakthrough has been the development of local crisis intervention teams, which use a co-response model between law enforcement, emergency medical services, and mental health providers. In a previous publication, we highlighted several successful programs using this model. Since the full launch of the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline in June of 2022, many jurisdictions are working to deploy crisis intervention teams for behavioral health emergencies in a way that is most beneficial to those in need, including those experiencing homelessness. Moreover, states can now receive an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for mental health crisis systems.
Improve the coordination and continuation of services for people experiencing homelessness. Departments at all levels of government often fail people with housing and mental health problems because of administrative obstacles and budget silos. Fortunately, there have been some steps to tackle these challenges. California, Arkansas and other states, for instance, have received federal Medicaid 1115 Waivers that allow them to better coordinate housing, health care, and other services for vulnerable populations. In February 2023, Congresswoman Madeleine Dean reintroduced legislation through The Homelessness and Behavioral Health Care Coordination Act to the House of Representatives, which would authorize a Housing and Urban Development (HUD) grant to enable state/local/tribal entities to coordinate care for individuals simultaneously experiencing homelessness, behavioral health, and substance use disorders.
Food Insecurity
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates that in 2021 over 34 million people—including 9 million children—were living in households that did not have enough to eat. Many of these families do not qualify for federal nutrition programs such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) or the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and are dependent on food banks or community donations.  A national study found that food insecurity was associated with a 257% higher risk of anxiety and a 253% higher risk of depression among low-income families. Mothers and children appear to be at an especially high risk of mental health distress associated with food insecurity. For instance, food insecurity can exacerbate postpartum depression, and food insecurity has been found to be associated with increased behavioral and emotional dysregulation during infancy and adolescence. Food insecurity has also been associated with maternal depression and increased developmental risk in children such as decreased psychosocial function, elevated aggression, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, and difficulties interacting with peers. In another study conducted to analyze the relationship between food insecurity and poor mental health, researchers discovered that food insecurity correlates to depression, anxiety, shame, and acute psychological stress.
What is being done in some communities?
Maryland – Frustrated by the lack of food access and overburdened charity models, the Black Church Food Security Network (BCFSN) created a self-sustaining food system at Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD. Using the community garden at the church, the organization created a pipeline for fresh food from the garden directly to community members experiencing food insecurity. The organization has grown into a partnership of Black churches across the country to provide health-related, environmental, and economic benefits to those most vulnerable.
Connecticut – Recognizing that the quality of a diet can serve as either a risk factor or protective factor to mental health, Mental Health Connecticut (MHC) partnered with the Healing Meals Community Project to deliver nutritious meals to food-insecure individuals experiencing mental illness. A 2020 small-scale pilot study conducted by the University of Hartford examined the partnership. It found the program to be effective and Healthy Meals to be “a highly workable intervention approach,” and recommended expanded community collaboration to promote nutrition education and improve food access.
California – Food Equity Round Table: Los Angeles County’s Food Equity Roundtable is comprised of a coalition of county officials and Los Angeles-area philanthropic organizations dedicated to addressing food insecurity. The goal of the Round Table is to promote cross-sector collaboration to improve access to and affordability of healthy foods, support supply chain/food system resilience, and enhance county-wide nutrition education.
What else could be done to help?
Strengthen government safety net programs to better respond to food insecurity. During the COVID-19 public health emergency, Congress extended flexibility and increased benefit levels of federal nutrition programs such as SNAP. To continue these programs and make them permanent, several bills have been introduced in Congress in the last few years, including the Closing the Meal Gap Act of 2021. Such measures would prevent millions of people from falling into food insecurity and the associated mental and physical health implications by permanently raising the baseline benefits for SNAP households, particularly for families with large medical or housing expenses. Another approach, included in the Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2021, would eliminate time limits on SNAP eligibility. Currently, the time limit restricts many working-age adults to only three months of benefits in a three-year period unless they document sufficient hours of work. But, of course, for those with mental and behavioral health conditions, staying in the workforce can be difficult.
Improve cross-sector coordination to allow for increased support for food insecurity across the public and private sectors as well as nonprofits and philanthropic organizations. In September 2022, the Biden administration released a National Strategy on hunger, nutrition, and health. This included steps to permit Medicaid to include nutrition education and supports and other proposed actions to address hunger, reduce diet-related diseases (including mental illnesses), and nutritional disparities.
Hygiene Poverty
Inequitable access to personal care and hygiene products is an overlooked public health crisis. In the United States, data is limited on the mental health implications of what is widely described as “hygiene poverty.” Most research focuses on what is known as “period poverty,” with a 2021 study finding an association between women struggling to afford menstrual products and depression. In fact, the study found that two-thirds of the 16.9 million low-income women in the U.S. could not afford menstrual products. Meanwhile, in homeless and low-income households, chronic absenteeism in schools has been attributed in part to the mental health impacts of poor hygiene (often involving increased anxiety, bullying, and isolation). More research is certainly needed to fully establish the relationship between hygiene poverty and behavioral health in women, but for young women in low-income households, this added stress in their daily lives is a significant factor in their behavioral health.
As an example of state efforts to help support such students, the Oregon legislature allocated $700,000 to support youth-led projects designed to help tackle factors that affect mental health. One of the funded projects was for “caring closets,” within schools; these are locations with supplies of hygiene products, underwear, and other basic supplies for children from low-income families.
Unlike the public programs available to help families obtain healthcare, food, and housing, there are generally no public supports for families in need of hygiene products. The most commonly used public  benefit programs (Medicaid, SNAP, and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)) do not cover essential hygiene items such as laundry detergent, toilet paper, diapers, feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, shampoo, and deodorant.
What is being done in some communities?
Washington State – Essentials First seeks to fill in a critical gap that food banks, homeless shelters, schools, and refugee resettlement agencies across the state generally do not have the capacity to fill for critical hygiene items.  Recognizing that household and personal care items were among the top tier of items Washingtonians had difficulty paying for during the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization focuses on the procuring large quantities of hygiene supplies that are distributed through existing social service networks across the state.
Massachusetts – Hope & Comfort addresses youth hygiene insecurity by providing supplies to youth-serving community organizations such as schools, Boys & Girls clubs, YMCAs, and food pantries in the greater Boston area. In a published pilot study from year one of the organization’s operations, 46% of surveyed youth said they had less stress, and another 19% said they had more confidence when given consistent and easy access to hygiene products.
What else could be done to help?
While local organizations are working to address hygiene poverty in their communities, they have limited capacity. Thus, it is important for policymakers at the state and federal level to recognize that hygiene poverty remains largely overlooked in health and social service programs and to take steps to include those needs in appropriate federal and state programs. Steps that could be taken include:
Increase flexibility for EBT cards. In late 2021 and early 2022, some states, such as Illinois, passed new laws permitting public benefits to be used to purchase diapers and menstrual hygiene products. This step does not require new programs or a new program infrastructure but is limited in that it does not provide dedicated funds specifically for hygiene products. A more complete solution would be to provide new funds under the existing program to cover essential hygiene needs.
Enable certain federal grant recipients to purchase hygiene products. Federal grant recipients providing services and supports, such as schools and homeless shelters, receive funds for a variety of uses. However, these funds typically come with tight requirements that often do not allow for the coverage of essential hygiene items, even where such coverage might further the objectives of the program. That usually forces organizations to purchase and distribute products using resources from private contributions, state and local grants, or in-kind donations.
There have been efforts in Congress to address these limitations on federal grants. In 2021, for instance, the Menstrual Equity for All Act was introduced in the House. If enacted, this would allow states to have the option to use federal grant dollars to provide students with free menstrual products in schools (currently only 15 states and DC have enacted requirements making it possible for students to access free state-funded menstrual hygiene products in schools). The legislation would, among other things, also fund pilot programs in colleges/universities for free menstrual hygiene products, allow homeless assistance providers to use grant funds that cover shelter necessities (e.g., bedding and toilet paper) to also use that money to purchase menstrual products, and require Medicaid to cover the cost of menstrual products.
Our understanding of behavioral and mental health conditions is gradually improving. This has led to advances in the development of treatment and support for populations experiencing these conditions, as well as the identification of circumstances that cause or exacerbate them. For instance, we have seen progress in dealing with the impact of warfare on many servicemen and servicewomen. There is also a greater understanding that law enforcement officers are not usually the best responders to someone experiencing a mental health crisis. Similarly, there is now greater attention being given to the effects of neighborhood violence and other sources of stress on school-aged children.
With these advances in mind, it is important for the health of individuals and communities that we continue to examine relationships between social conditions, the policies that shape them, and the impacts on behavioral health. The connection—in many cases the two-way connection—between behavioral health and homelessness, food insecurity, hygiene poverty, and other conditions needs to be studied and policies realigned to fit our increasing understanding of these relationships.
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hotelindubai · 2 years
Experience 5 Star Hotel vs 4 Star Hotel in Dubai
Hotels today are available in many ratings and many models, with ratings of 4-star, 5-star, and 3-star high in different parts of the world. 4 stars and 5 stars are the two best ratings in the star rating system used to rank the quality of hotels. However, it is quite problematic to determine the difference between 4-star hotels and 5-star hotels because of the variety of star rating systems in the tourism and hospitality industry.
Although most of these systems have similar ratings, there may be some differences as well. The main and most obvious difference between these two hotels is their comfort level, and 5-star hotels ultimately offer luxury and state-of-the-art accommodations. Large hotels of this type will have a wide variety of on-site restaurants, spas, and other amenities. Similarly, these hotels typically provide more personalised service and staff members who provide the necessary services to guests 24 hours a day.
4- Star Hotel
4 star hotels in Dubai are more luxurious than 1, 2, and 3-star hotels and offer high-quality service. They are usually stylish and sophisticated. It offers high-end accommodations, excellent dining, lounges, bars, and 24-hour room service. They have several room options, including suits. Wi-Fi or another type of internet facility will be available in all bedrooms. High-quality beds, linen, and advanced amenities will also be available in rooms and suites.
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Well-maintained swimming pools, spas, fitness centres, concierge services, facilities for extensive business meetings, multiple restaurants, and wallet parking are also available at the 4-star hotels. These hotels also have high-quality construction, refined furniture, attractive decorations, and highly personalised services.
Guests usually have a 24-hour entry into the hotel. Affordable rates and comfortable spaces are two reasons why 4-star hotels are becoming more popular. A 4-star hotel is a classification as a hotel, which is below a level in the best luxury category. It usually offers higher quality and service than a 3-star hotel.
5-Star Hotel
5-star hotels are hotels that offer maximum comfort, luxury, and service. The 5-star hotels are known for their excellent luxury, excellent architecture, interior design, landscaping, and exquisite taste. These hotels offer delicious food and rooms of renowned chefs, and a beautiful atmosphere across public spaces, outdoor grounds, etc. High-quality beds, linen, flooring, advanced facilities, high-speed internet, 24-hour room service, and butler service. Original wall art and elegant room decoration can be seen in these hotels.
These hotels also offer luxury spa services, gym facilities, fitness centres, tennis courts, business centres, meeting facilities, multiple pools, and other services. The staff-to-guest ratio in 5-star hotels is generally high, with the offering of nuanced and personalised service to guests, and employees address guests by name and anticipate all their needs. 5-star hotels are a type of superclass superior hotel that offers additional services in addition to the basic services provided by a 4-star hotel.
The 5-star hotel has 24-hour multilingual staff available. Its reception is open 24 hours a day at the 5-star hotel, with an internet connection and a PC in each room as well. Shoe polishing and ironing services are all provided to each customer. In short, a 5-star hotel provides luxury accommodation and services to customers.
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Edward Helmore at The Guardian:
Secret Service officials are reported to be encouraging Donald Trump’s campaign to stop holding outdoor rallies in the wake of the 13 July assassination attempt on the former president at a fairground in Butler, Pennsylvania.
The move, reported by the Washington Post, comes as Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle resigned on Tuesday following a combative grilling before a congressional committee by both Democrats and Republicans over apparent security failures before an attempt on Trump’s life by a 20-year-old gunman. [...] The Trump campaign, which may have favored outdoor venues until the shooting because of their larger crowd capacity, is not currently planning further outdoor events and instead is looking to book indoor venues, including basketball arenas, according to the outlet.
During a rally in an arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Saturday, Trump appeared to lament that some supporters had been left outside. The Republican candidate is also known for exaggerating crowd estimates, dating back at least to his inauguration in 2017. Since launching his first presidential bid, Trump has held hundreds of outdoor rallies that have become like festivals for his most ardent supporters, featuring tailgate parties and vendors hawking Trump memorabilia and campaign merchandise. According to the Post, Trump advisers had told the Secret Service the 2024 re-election campaign was planning to hold large events, and would need increased protection and assets. But the agency is believed to have turned down the requests, citing a lack of resources. If Trump now holds rallies in more secure locations, such as sports arenas, they will prove more expensive to the campaign.
The Secret Service has urged Donald Trump to stop holding outdoor rallies in the wake of the assassination attempt against him just outside of Butler, PA on July 13th.
Trump has long preferred outdoor rallies on most occasions, because they can get a larger crowd and are cheaper to obtain and also due to Trump’s history of stiffing venue operators.
With the Secret Service’s recommendations against outdoor rallies, Trump will now hold indoor rallies that will be more costly but more secure for his campaign.
See Also:
NBC News: Trump plans to stop holding outdoor rallies after assassination attempt
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darkmaga-retard · 2 days
Some alarming revelations appear in the bipartisan Senate report on the U.S. Secret Service's handling of the first attempted assassination of former President Trump at his campaign rally in Butler, Pa. in July.
Report on Trump shooting in Butler, Pa.pdf
1 - The full report, released on Wednesday by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, detailed how an inexperienced Secret Service drone detection operator was on the phone with customer service, trying to figure out how to properly operate the C-UAS drone detection system as suspect Thomas Crooks' assassination plot was unfolding. 
"C-UAS system experienced technical problems and was inoperable until 4:33 pm, after Crooks flew his drone near the rally site," the report said. "With no backup system, the USSS agent responsible for overseeing the C-UAS capabilities at the July 13 rally called a toll-free 888 tech support hotline 'to start troubleshooting with the company,' which took several hours. That agent had only three months of experience working with that equipment and lacked knowledge about it."
2 - The report revealed that a USSS Counter Sniper Team Leader warned counter snipers by email, not radio communications or mobile text messaging, about Crooks lurking with a rangefinder and did not urge agents to keep Trump off the rally stage.
The leader received text messages from a local sniper at approximately 5:45 pm "regarding an individual near the AGR building with a rangefinder looking toward the stage." The text messages he received included two photos of Crooks, whose identity was unknown at the time. He forwarded the information to USSS counter snipers in an email, which contained an error. The message said, "Kid learning around the building we are in" instead of, "Kid lurking around the building we are in." 
One of the snipers who saw the email told the committee it was "worded vaguely" but they still tried searching the site for Crooks.
3 - A Secret Service sniper saw local law-enforcement with guns drawn, heading toward the building where Crooks was about to shoot from, but did not alert the agents protecting Trump.
“Shortly before shots were fired, a USSS counter sniper saw local law enforcement running toward the AGR building with their guns drawn, but he did not alert former President Trump’s protective detail to remove him from the stage," the committee reported. “The USSS counter sniper told the Committee that while seeing officers with their guns drawn ‘elevated’ the threat level, the thought to notify someone to get Trump off the stage ‘did not cross [his] mind.’"
4 - A Secret Service official was informed before the outdoor rally that “credible intelligence” of a threat existed prior to the rally, but "still wrote in a security planning document that there was 'no adverse intelligence' concerning the visit to Butler, PA."
5 - The report concluded that USSS "did not give state or local partners specific instructions for covering the AGR building, including the positioning of local snipers." The report points out that prior to events with protectees, "USSS assigns personnel to serve as 'Advance Agents' responsible for planning security, coordinating with state and local law entities, and requesting needed assets to secure the upcoming event, among other tasks." However, USSS "did not adequately consider state and local law enforcement operational plans" and USSS "did not ensure it could share information with local law enforcement partners in real time."
6 - The report also concluded that USSS leaders "failed to provide resources for the July 13 rally that could have enhanced security," including denying "specific requests for additional Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS) capabilities and a Counter Assault Team liaison." The report also found that USSS Advance Agents did not request a USSS Counter Surveillance Unit, which "could have helped patrol the outer perimeter that included the AGR building."
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thecazagroup · 8 days
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