#Outsider Audiobook
noahhawthorneauthor · 6 months
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I loved the audiobooks so much, I acquired trophies. 🎧📚🌈
Or vice versa in the case of The Last Sun (and series), and A Strange and Stubborn Endurance. I borrowed A Strange and Stubborn Endurance from the library, loved it, then listened on audiobook and later acquired a hard copy. I bought The Last Sun and series, and later listened to the audiobooks at least five times each.
Yes, really.
There's a method to my madness, I swear. In case you haven't noticed, I'm big on rereading, and relistening. I love to annotate, and I love the emotion that narrators put into the stories I love. It's a hand in hand experience for me. I've recently listened to Silver Under Nightfall and The Scottish Boy, so the next time I experience them will be in pages and pencil.
The second slide are audiobooks that I love, but haven't collected the print editions yet.
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edwardallenpoe · 2 months
Hullo dearest! Please tell us about your thoughts on the several cowardly versions of Sherlock Holmes?? 💛
Well then. I suppose I have been forced to, woe is me.
Anyways. The ONLY acceptable adaption I will not be shitting on is Granada. I love u Jeremy Brett 😘 as for everyone else, they are COWARDS!!!!
First reason why they're cowards, being the obvious reason:
(pt: Johnlock)
Not letting Sherlock and John get together. COWARDS. So many adaptions and only, like, one that I know of let them be together??? (That being this amazing short film I watch ten times a day) And it would be different if they let their relationship just be and let them be platonic while still letting them have that familiar depth like in Sherlock & co., but NO, shows like Sherlock BBC and The Irregulars tease and queerbait to hell and back, and even make the one of them queer and in LOVE with the other (like in The Irregulars, John is in love with Sherlock but as far as I know, doesn't tell him because he's unstable or smt idfk) but they don't get together for one convoluted reason or another. It's frustrating as hell because it's not like there was no substance between the two in ACD/Original canon, it's not like the TJLC invented it bc of Sherlock BBC or the RDJ Adaption, no, their relationship was so deep and so real and so beautiful in ACD canon and if there is gonna be an adaption where their relationship stays the same, that's fine, perfect even, but NO, they add extra bullshit that make you think there might be something and then give unreasonable reasons why they can't be together, making you feel like YOUR the weird one for seeing something that wasn't there apparently.
Reason number two why I find most of these adaptions cowards:
Irene Adler
(pt: Irene Adler)
For some reason, every single adaption (except for my love, Granada<3) they fuck her up. Like. ACD Irene Adler vs BBC, RDJ, Enola, ect. Irene Adler are not the same Irene Adler. Who is she????? Because the Irene Adler I heard in The Scandal In Bohemia, was an upper class woman who had an affair with the king of [Forgor lol] and kept the photo of them together as collateral when he ditched her and tried to get married to a princess.
The Irene in these adaptions??? She's a trickster, a Dominatrix, an Assassin, the Lover of Moriarty, and INSANELY IN LOVE WITH SHERLOCK HOLMES. what the FUCK
Like. Please please please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but is there another Irene Adler in the ACD canon??? Who is all these things?? Because when I watched Granada, when I read the story, and now listening to the audiobook (which, off-topic, found a playlist of free audiobooks of all the short stories on YouTube with a fantastic narrator here) The Woman described in these stories, yes can be secretive and sneaky, but was NEVER fucking like RDJ or BBC's level of Irene Adler. It kinda feels like they just picked whatever character they wanted to make a Pandora out of (which is doubly weird that BBC made Mary Morstan like that when they had Irene but I barely acknowledged post season two canon outside of @gaylilsherlock 's fantastic fics, plus they almost completely left ACD canon after Reichenbach which I don't really mind, but post-reichenbach is a whole other post) instead of making their own character. So I find them cowardly for a) not making Irene at least semi-accurate to the canon besides a tiny photo (even tho canon photo was a FUCKING CANVAS- okay I'll stop) and b) not making up a new fleshed out character of her own to be a secret spy.
And uhhhh I can't think of anything else rn. Yeah:D I would complain about Sherlock & Co. But because it's not finished yet and I like how they're treating Sherlock and John's relationship and also them as their own individual characters I don't have too much to complain about, and I would complain about Irregulars but I could not get past the first five episodes. I just couldn't get into it. It kinda felt like they made a whole story that just so happened to have Sherlock Holmes characters in it. Idk tho.
Tldr: Johnlock and Irene Adler deserved better.
(pt: tldr: Johnlock and Irene Adler deserved better.)
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citizenerased77 · 5 months
i finally got around to listening to the 1984 audiobook and omgggggg
i'm only like half an hour in but lemme tell you my little autistic brain gobbled up the music like a little gremlin
"thAT's mATT BELLamY!! aND SO iS tHAT!!!"
i swear that i'm listening to it for reasons other than that... i will say the whole immersive listening thing is pretty rad. also tom hardy was born to voice big brother
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corporalmaledict · 4 months
Going from Raising Steam to The Fifth Elephant is absolute whiplash, especially with Albrecht Albrechtson (sp?). He was passed over as the Low King for Rhees, and was basically throwing a giant fucking hissy fit of dwarven traditionalist in Fifth Elephant and then goes on to be much much more open minded, even asking a goblin its name, in Raising Steam
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dailyfigures · 11 months
sorry i haven't been online much the construction workers in my street accidentally cut through the internet cable </3 i will get to asks and dms asap!!!
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stellewriites · 13 days
looking for book recommendations now that i’m coming to the end of my current one!
i’ll literally try anything, fact or fiction and any genre. let me know your faves and i’ll give ‘em a read
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knightotoc · 8 months
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
Interesting thing about Lincoln.
As a person and a politician, he was defined by his way with words. He was a lawyer, which involves speaking in courtrooms and appealing to audiences. He rose to national prominence because of how well he did in a series of public debates. He wrote speeches that have lasted through the ages because of their concise yet vivid phrasing.
He understood the world through the lens of storytelling. He had anecdotes for every situation, and constantly used them to provide metaphors explaining his stances or his strategy or his view of an issue.
As president during a Civil War, a huge part of his job was crafting the narrative explaining what they were fighting for. The Gettysburg Address reframed the national narrative so the founding moment of the country wasn't the ratification of the Constitution--as the South claimed--but the Declaration of Independence that listed the ideals that all the states should be held to. Of course, the South was doing the same thing, so that the conflict was not only a battle of muskets and cannons--it was a war of stories.
And he was killed by an actor.
In a theater.
He was struck down by an opposing storyteller in a palace of artifice. An actress made a point of cradling his dying head in her lap so she could have a part in the drama. He lived by stories and died as the center of one, in a place made for telling such stories.
It's poetic and tragic and so shockingly fitting that the war of stories claimed him as its central victim.
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months
I hit post limit yesterday which was kind of hilarious because 1) I didn't even know you could still do that 2) I have a time limit set for tumblr app on my phone, which means I reblogged 250 posts in less than three hours, and 3) I hit post limit at 2pm, and I had to stew in tumblr jail all freakin day
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bookishfreedom · 9 days
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last, now, next feat. my lovely assistant
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
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2023 reads // twitter thread
Where You See Yourself
YA contemporary coming-of-age
follows a girl with cerebral palsy in her final year of school trying to decide between her dream college and an accessible one
complicated friendships and romance
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disgruntled-lifeform · 10 months
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Spending some time with Liam the Little Acorn
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hold-him-down · 24 days
Hey Holdy
I was wondering if you have any suggestions for dark,romantic and whumpy(male/male) audiobooks that could be found on Storytel
I know it's too specific i just don't know who else to ask🙈🙏
I recently found out about dramatized adaptations and now i need to listen to one badly!😅
A Little Life, The Foxhole Court, just the usuals that I talk about often enough on here. Maybe try Stars in Your Eyes? I have mixed feelings on that but it's dark/romantic/kind of whumpy.
The few on my immediate TBR (if you want to try them out without an actual recommendation):
Icarus (next on my TBR)
We Are Only Ghosts* (holocaust setting, not romantic, but it's on storytel and on deck for me)
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alcego · 1 month
reasons i listen to podcast/audiobook while falling asleep: i am Unconscious before the 15min sleep timer ends
reasons i do not rawdog sleepytime: i can and will toss and turn and stare at a ceiling all night. i have tried all of the methods. i have counted my breaths up to ten thousand, forcing them to be still, and not once did i fall asleep during. get distracted and start over several times, because my brain refuses to settle?? yes. forced myself to stay stock still to encourage my limbs to grow heavy and sleep to come? yes, to no avail
but with podcast: eepy eppy nighttime hours
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oh-katsuki · 11 months
i love reading a good book and feeling rejuvenated going back to my own writing. it's like getting a new perspective on storytelling and the different ways to do it. wonderful feeling.
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teruthecreator · 6 months
and here’s my second audiobook! once again i hope you enjoy listening as much as i did recording :-)
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