#Owen cogwright
Owen and his younger self would be funny
Solely because everyone is having these heartfelt moments with their younger selves, meanwhile Owen is trying to kick and smack the shit out of himself like
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
Owen is like “I’m cursed don’t b around me :(“
And the entirety of The Crux is just like “[ points ] group dad.”
Then they become his found family and try to help him with the project he’s forced to work on. Nico, Pandora, and Josiah all help in healing him to ease the pain he gets when he’s not working on it.
Pandora’s magic isn’t really the best for healing (at least at first), so she typically gives him recipient life steal and then they go out and kill things so he gets the life steal from it.
Noah typically hangs around because he wants to learn more about organic people. Also he and Owen are super close and bond immediately after they meet due to their experiences with Alice.
Owen, who had locked himself away for decades and the only time he did open up to someone it… didn’t go well, is surprised to see all these people around him and wanting to be around him.
It’s nice to be wanted y’know?
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Young Owen Cogwright and Young Barbara Monroe :3
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Drew Owen’s Hammer, this is NOT his original hammer (named Last Word), rather this is a new one he made named “Atonement”
It’s a very big hammer for a very big and muscly guy >:)
Anyways, in the mood to talk about Owen, and generally how he feels about Alice, his role in the De La Dáinn massacre, and whatnot <3
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Owen thoughts tonight:
Owen is very much a “jack of all trades” but instead of being a master of none, he’s almost a master of all.
Which is why Alice and the Lockwoods liked him so much. He was useful.
Pandora definitely gets along with him for this reason (as she’s also a jack of all trades)
I think Owen definitely thinks that he doesn’t deserve anything good. That he’s worthless and deserves nothing more than punishment for the things he’s done.
He sees himself as an awful person, not someone who bit off more then they could chew and ended up forced to do something he ultimately really didn’t want to do.
He eventually confides in Pandora and Noah how hurt he was by Alice threatening him to leave.
Because here’s the thing
He genuinely loved and cared about her. Genuinely.
He thought he was going to marry her one day even.
And he’s probably the only person to ever do that for her and she STILL threw it down the drain in favor of her petty self interest
But of course both she and himself gaslit him into thinking that her abuse was normal and perfectly fine.
She was very violent towards him, that night wasn’t the first time she’d threatened him with her gun. But it was the first night that she didn’t let him come back. In fact, she sent her associates to go kill him after the fact because she didn’t want to deal with him anymore.
Dude was so fucking heartbroken when he was forced to leave, because both the one chance he had at ridding himself of this goddamn curse and the love of his life were now gone.
He had nothing anymore.
Alice slowly took everything he had and made him reliant on her.
And he didn’t even realize it until he was in an alleyway, bleeding to death.
Of course, his story doesn’t end there. The tavernkeep at the tavern he would come to work at in Morgana, gets him help and hires him to work as the barkeep at the tavern.
Obviously he realizes that she’s a manipulative, abusive, bitch and starts basically beating himself up over being blind and stupid and having rose tinted glasses on.
Tells The Crux several times not to be as “stupid” as he was when he was with Alice.
The Crux however,
Is having NONE of that absolute BULLSHIT
A lot of them may be fucking hypocrites but by the gods they’re going to make sure this old man takes care of himself
He does not hold back from mentioning the hypocrisy of their actions but deep down he’s thankful.
So deeply thankful.
Because he has something to live for now.
And that something is a group of a bunch of morons who have no idea what they’re doing but have a will to do the right thing.
And maybe doing the right thing is all he needs to do to prove to Alice and her associates that he’s better than them and better without them.
Maybe after a while he’ll feel like he’s atoned for what he did
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How did Alice and Owen start working together?
Ah the tale of how they met
Here’s what I mean when I say that Owen used to be a really horrible person:
Owen started working with Alice because he was hired by her.
Owen is a pretty big guy, and he’s pretty strong too. So she hired him around the time when Alice was planning to carry out the massacre of the De La Dáinn family.
At that point, she didn’t have enough people on her side to get the job done, and Owen, in desperate need of some money and would do anything to get out of his debt with the Morganian mafia and keep his life, was perfect for the job.
Owen was in his late 20’s when Alice hired him. They were around the same age, Alice was pretty, not to mention the fact that she was putting in the effort to try and win him over. So he agreed.
Once he agreed, he couldn’t back out.
He didn’t know what exactly he was getting himself into until Alice explained the plan. And Owen knew that if he left, it wouldn’t be pretty.
So he carried out the murders, being the main attacker in it all with Sergeant Boris Abir, Dion Falls, Lady Matilda Delta, Lorraine Russel, and Jeffery Gilson.
Owen never truly got over what he did to the De La Dáinn’s, in fact the only reason Diana and Elizabeth even survived is because his conscience took over and he told the two to get out of there and get as far away as possible. He lied his ass off to the others about how they managed to escape and how it wasn’t his fault.
So Owen, now thoroughly too deep in this whole mess to get out, gets a good chunk of the De La Dáinn’s fortune, and ends up meeting the Lockwoods, aka, Alice’s employers at the time.
He made plenty of weapons and machinery for the Lockwoods, did a lot of their bidding, and gave them the machines necessary to become absolutely terrifying tyrants.
After the Lockwoods are killed by Diana and Elizabeth’s adventuring party, Owen flees with the rest of the associates and Alice.
Owen and Alice start their plans to make Noah around this time.
Noah was never supposed to have a conscience, he was just supposed to be another murder machine that Owen made.
But Owen found himself caring a lot about this project and getting a lot closer to it than he had before, partially because he realized this could be the cure to his curse. But not only that, he felt it could make up for his sins.
Instead of taking a life, he was going to make it instead. He was going to create an android that purposefully would always go out of his way to help people, even if they didn’t necessarily deserve it.
So he built the kindness into Noah. He built a conscience into him, Which is exactly why Noah started retaining memories and opinions.
Eventually Alice and Owen have a falling out, and they break off their relationship. Alice threatening Owen with his life if he didn’t leave the project with her.
So Owen is back on his own, a fortune he never touches because it’s blood money and the weight it has on his mind, a lost project he expects never to see again, and at a loss for what to do with the rest of his short life.
So, in order to make some money that isn’t from a heinous act, he starts working at a tavern as a barkeep.
Years pass, and eventually a group of rowdy young adults walks in and starts causing some trouble.
One is a young man with a strange line down his face and yellow eyes, there are three triplet siblings, one of which doesn’t seem too inclined to join in causing trouble, there are two halfling siblings, three tieflings, two of which look suspiciously similar to the Lockwoods, three people from the restless borderlands, and lastly, a girl with white hair.
And he recognized who Pandora was the instant he saw her, because she bears a striking resemblance to Diana.
So imagine his surprise when he’s trying to avoid attention, that Pandora walks up to him and begins apologizing profusely for the group’s behavior.
Owen carefully explains his past to her once she strikes up the conversation, leaving out details, and Pandora offers him to join their group and that “they’re not as bad as they act in a tavern…” (they are as bad as they act in a tavern but they get better)
Owen thinks about it and realizes that maybe this is the gods giving him a chance to make up for what he’s done.
And so, he cautiously accepts.
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In the mood for some asks about Noah, Alice, Owen, and Alice’s associates
Feel free to ask about who Alice’s associates are because I haven’t really spoken about them outside of like, one time
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 11 months
Well now I wanna know more about Owen and Barbara 👀
Both Owen and Barbara are in their early 50’s to early 60’s. Owen has completely grey (partially from age, partially from stress), and Barbara has got some obvious grey streaks of her own.
So considering they’re both the oldest of the group, and sometimes feel like they have to parent these young adults around, they develop a pretty good bond.
Both bond over their respective issues with their love lives, such as how Barbara can’t seem to find a man who isn’t a woman beater and how Owen ended up with Alice and anyone before and after that left him either bc A. He didn’t give them the information and/or resources they wanted or B. He tells them about his curse and they don’t wanna deal with it.
So the two are respectfully DONE with romance when they first meet.
Another thing they bond with is the rest of The Crux, the two would regularly discuss their concerns with other members with the other in order to gain some advice or support from them. But of course there’s all sorts of positive talk too, such as antics the youngins get up to or suspicious hand holding between two members in particular 🤨
There’s no one moment when the two are like “ah yes, relationship time” it just sorta happens. One day Noah asks and they both just sorta look at each other and go, “sure I guess”
Queue cheers from the group
One thing that Barbara in particular appreciated about Owen is that he never tried to be too overprotective unless he knew she couldn’t handle something. Women from the Restless Borderlands are taught to take care of themselves and be independent, something that most men from the Restless Borderlands don’t care for.
Owen appreciates Barbara’s honestly and bluntness, it’s nice to have someone who isn’t trying to beat around the bush with how they feel about his curse or his past.
The last thing would be the mutual: “yeah we used to be really shitty people but this party of people made us better and now we would never go back to that”
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 11 months
*bangs hands on table* Tell us about Owen realizing Noah is his son boy boy son!
Funny enough, everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE except Noah and Owen realize it before they do.
The way Owen and Noah realize is via Constance, who has had enough of their bullshit, sitting them down and explaining similarities between their stories
Like yeah sure it’s a complete coincidence that:
- they both know Alice
- Noah was built to look like a mixture of his parents and he just so happens to look a lot like Owen
- Owen was working on an android when he was forced to leave
- Owen suspects said android is out walking around in the realm
- Noah has a similar shit eating grin like Owen does
- They immediately bonded
Like yeah sureeeee
So when Constance points these things out and shoves it in their faces that dude, Noah, he’s basically your dad, Noah genuinely cries a little.
Because like, he thought his dad just hated him, he didn’t realize that yeah no his mom is just somehow an even bigger dick than he thought.
And Owen is happy to see the kind of person Noah’s become despite all the shit that happened to him
So yeah son boy and dad man are chilling with each other and memeing on Alice the rest of the night w/ the rest of the crux
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
What was the final straw for Owen? What made him decide to leave Alice?
When he found out that Alice was murdering people in order to get hard-to-gain parts for Noah.
Alice agreed for him to leave only if he left Noah with her. He originally said no until she threatened him with her gun to get out. Turns out she was waiting for him to leave so that she could work on the project by herself, and also take full credit.
He reluctantly left Noah with her, figuring he could hopefully find him before she could do any real damage to him.
He was unfortunately too late
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mixing-bowl-of-stories · 11 months
How picky is Owen when he eats? What are some of his favorite foods?
Owen will eat most things but he hates seafood.
Any seafood.
No exceptions.
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
What does Owen do for fun? What are his hobbies?
Owen is actually a Morganian man born and raised, which means he’s not just a tinkerer but a Morganian tinkerer.
His hobby is mainly inventing and engineering things, he also works as a engineering professor at the local university. But he’s also got smaller hobbies such as cooking and sculpting.
But he mainly loves to do tinkering
This man works on cars, trolleys, trains, machines, anything mechanical and he fuckin LOVES IT.
Even though (similarly to Noah), he’s kind of a grumpy guy, he does have a soft spot for certain things, and his younger mechanic coworkers are one of those things.
So yea, he just likes to work with things that do other things
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
What does Alice tell Noah about Owen before he runs away?
Not much, but twists a lot of what she does tell Noah.
Mostly about why he left, she’d tell him that Owen didn’t want him and that she so graciously decided to keep Noah and continue to work on him. It was used as a crutch to get Noah to not fight back.
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
Who's Owen Cogwright? 👀
Owen is the other creator of Noah! He had a thing with Alice before realizing she’s got a screw loose and dipping.
He never expected her to finish Noah but when she did, he inevitably heard about it because Alice can’t keep her mouth shut worth shit and was bragging.
He’d been looking for Noah since, never attempting to make another android despite having it in all his knowledge and power to do so.
He sees Noah as his son, as he always wanted one but he’s physically incapable of doing so.
He accidentally finds the group while doing his second job and doesn’t recognize Noah because of how different he looks. He doesn’t look anything like his blueprints (which only had Noah’s 5-10 year old designs) and he dressed and acted completely different from what he expected. He doesn’t even realize when he hears Noah’s name because, well, it’s a common name in Selcouth. It’s not until he hears his last name and starts hearing about what his mom is like that he starts putting the pieces together.
Noah is, understandably, emotional over having a dad.
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Hummingbird by Carly Pearce is such a good song
I always think of Owen and Alice’s relationship with this song because Owen stayed for so long.
Some of the lyrics
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Like bro. It’s such an Owen song
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Who in The Crux is the best at complex puzzles?
All: Noah and Pandora.
Pandora: ???
Constance: Pandora excels in that sort of thing, she’s great at engineering and tinkering, which is basically doing one big puzzle.
Noah is the same way.
Noah: . . . What?
Owen: don’t even give me that Noah, Pandora asked you to organize some books and you sat there and read each one in order to sort them by genre.
Your dumb ass loves sorting shit and doing puzzles.
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