makeitmingi · 11 days
When Flowers Bloom In The Dark [Chapter 2]
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Genre: Romance, Mafia!AU, Violence, Angst, Slow burn
Pairing: Hongjoong x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Florist!Reader, Mafioso!Hongjoong, Mafioso!Seonghwa, Mafioso!Yunho, Mafioso!Yeosang, Mafioso!San, Mafioso!Mingi, Mafioso!Wooyoung, Mafioso!Jongho
Summary: When you appeared and wept at his mother's funeral, Hongjoong found himself wanting to find out more about you. A regular girl, who owns a flower shop in his territory and has a relationship with the mother that he hasn't spoken to in years, why hasn't he ever noticed you before?
[Warning(s): 18+ for violence, use of weapons, smoking, alcohol consumption, slight gore, gang affiliation, tattoos and character deaths. Minors DNI. This is a work of fiction and does not represent the Ateez members in real life.]
Word count: 3.2K
With an iced tea in hand, you unlocked the glass doors of your shop and entered. You turned on the lights, placing your tea on the counter and your bag in your locker. Since you were the only worker here, there was no one else to use the lockers but you.
"Roses, tulips, carnations..." You grabbed your notepad to check the incoming deliveries today. The first thing you did was check on your plants and water them.
"You're growing well." You smiled softly, seeing the plant that you sprout, moving the pot away from the direct sunlight.
"(y/n)?" You heard the familiar voice of your supplier at the back door and went over.
"Good morning, Mr Lee. Do you have any surprises for me?" You giggled. You had a good relationship with all your suppliers, they always helped you bring in quality products.
"Well, besides your usual orders, I have some hydrangeas if you would like." He climbed into his truck.
"Here." He pushed the bucket to show you.
"Oh, they're absolutely beautiful. I'll take them." You smiled. He nodded and helped you bring everything in, he usually knew where everything went.
"Sunflowers aren't selling too well." You shook your head in disappointment, seeing your sunflowers there.
"Sunflowers aren't trendy anymore. Have you seen what's on the internet? My daughter told me that girls are content with just bouquets of baby's breaths now. How times have truly changed, right?" He chuckled with a click of his tongue. You nodded and moved the roses into the refrigerated area.
"It's a minimalist thing, no? Bigger isn't better anymore. No one comes in for traditional bouquets anymore." You sighed, going to the cash register to get the money.
"Tell me about it... And this should be everything." Mr Lee said, glancing over the flowers that he brought in.
"Thank you, this is the payment." You handed the money to him. He nodded and placed it in his pouch.
"Also, Mr Lee. I remember you mentioning that Mrs Lee keep getting her hands burnt when she's working at her restaurant. I made her an aloe balm. This should help soothe the burns." You held the tin out.
"Oh, you're too kind, (y/n). Thank you so much for making this." He patted your shoulder.
"Have a nice day. See you next week." You walked him out.
"See you." The both of you bowed to each other and he jumped into his van before driving off. You returned to your counter and began your work for the day.
"Let's see..." You checked the online orders that you had and printed it out for reference.
Moving to your work bench, you began to prepare the flower preparations for each other. You trimmed the stems, removed the excess leaves and cut thorns away before wrapping them up with either cellophane or tissue paper.
"Hello? Are you open?" The bell above the door jingled. A girl walked into store, carrying a pot with her. You cleaned your hands and walked out to the front.
"Yes, we're open. How can I help you?" You smiled.
"My fern seems to be wilting and I can't seem to revive it. Can you help?" She asked.
"Let's see what's the issue." You escorted in. She placed the pot on your work table and you inspected it. The girl patiently waited, watching you as you checked it.
"From what I see, the soil isn't draining water properly. It's retaining too much water and suffocating the roots of the plant." You said.
"What? Can that happen?" She blinked.
"Yes, so that suffocation prevents the roots from absorbing the vitamins and minerals. You should mix a well drainage soil of this ratio and move your fern in." You wrote the ingredients down.
"And I can find this at the plant store?" She asked, reading through what you wrote down.
"You should be able to find the components. But if you don't mind waiting, I can mix some for you to take home." You offered. Hearing that, she let out a sigh of relief and nodded her head excitedly. You went to your storage area to grab the different soil components that you need.
"Peat moss, sand and potting soil." You mixed the components into a bag, adding some fertiliser as well since the fern currently lacked essential nutrients.
"For two weeks, put two drops of this plant reviver into the soil even if you are not watering it." You handed her a small vial.
"Thank you. Actually, do you mind repotting it into the new soil for me? I'll pay you." She requested.
"Alright." You took the fern out and got rid of the old soil. You poured the new soil in, creating a well to put the fern in. After that, you loosely covered the roots with the soil.
"Done." You smiled, removing your gloves.
"Thank you. This is actually my mum's plant and I'm helping her take care of it. I know nothing about plants." She said in embarrassment.
"No worries, the plant should be fine from here. If there are anymore issues, you can come back." You chuckled and rang up her bill. She nodded and paid.
"Thanks again." She bowed and walked out of the shop. After that, you went back to preparing your orders. There were some pick ups today so you wanted to make sure that everything was in order for a smoother pick up.
"Hi, I'm here for a pick up?" A guy walked into the store.
"Sure, can I see your order number?" You asked. He showed you the confirmation email and went to retrieve his order. It was a flower box instead of a bouquet.
"Just make sure everything is okay for you before paying." You said, rounding the counter to the cashier.
"Do you mind changing the ribbons to pink too? She really likes pink." He requested.
"Of course." You grabbed the ribbon. With pink flowers, you wanted to add contrast with a different coloured bow but since he wants it to be pink, there was no issue with changing it.
"That's better. Thanks." He handed you his card.
"I wrote the congratulatory message as you stated in request email but if you'd like to write your own message. This is a spare card, on the house." You handed him the blank card.
"Thank you, I don't know what else to write but if I come up with something I'll add it." He rubbed the back of his neck with a sheepish smile. You hummed and rang up his bill, writing the invoice and handing him a copy, along with his credit card. With a grateful bow of his head, he left the shop.
Before you knew it, the clock hit 1pm, with customers coming in to buy, place advance orders or collect orders they've placed.
'Closed for lunch.'
You sat behind the counter with a tired sigh, taking out your lunch box. Your meals usually consisted of sandwiches or leftovers from dinner the night before.
Which was why Mrs Kim would usually come with food for you, always disapproving of how your eating habits.
"Sorry, we're closed at the moment." You said from behind the counter, not looking at the door. But you didn't hear the second ring of the door opening again so you stood up.
"Oh!" Your eyes widened in surprised as Hongjoong stood there, looking around the shop.
"Hongjoong sshi..." You blinked, maybe you were dreaming. Maybe your guilt was too much that the male was appearing in your dreams.
"Good afternoon, (y/n) sshi. Is this a bad time? Should I come back at another time?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head, fingers resting on the buttons of his blazer. You shook your head, reaching to get a tissue to wipe your mouth.
"It's fine. What can I help you with?" You came out from behind the counter to properly greet him. He patiently waited as you pulled a chair for him to sit.
"Please, would you like something to drink?" You offered.
"No, I'm fine. Actually, (y/n) sshi, I came to apologise for my reaction during my mother's funeral." He stood back up.
"What? There's nothing for you to apologise for, Hongjoong sshi. I should be the one apologising, I overstepped and said too much. It wasn't appropriate of me." You bowed deeply.
"You didn't overstep at all. Your intentions were good, I reacted poorly." He bowed back.
"No, you're grieving, it's normal." You smiled softly.
"Thank you for understanding." Hongjoong held his hand out but remembered that it was bandaged and cursed under his breath, hiding it and putting his other hand out for you to shake. If you were phased by his injury, you didn't show it. You smiled and slipped your hand into his to shake.
"I should go and let you carry on with your meal." He said once you both let go.
"No, it's fine. You can stay if you'd like." You smiled softly. He let out a small hum and continued to look around your shop, observing all the plants around.
"So, this is where my mother hung out?" He asked, picking up a stalk of rose from your work bench and twirling it.
"Sometimes... She would come for lunch or tea. We would just chat over food." You replied awkwardly.
How much were you supposed to say about Mrs Kim to her own son? You didn't want to sound like you were boasting about your time with her either, that wouldn't do any good.
"I see." He said, placing the flower back down.
"Hongjoong sshi..." You rubbed your arm, unsure of how to continue this conversation.
"Sorry for making you uncomfortable. Just... The truth is, you know a lot about my mother that I don't. You've spent time with her while I didn't so I can't help but feel curious. My relationship with her wasn't as good as she made it out of be." He informed.
"Oh. Hongjoong sshi, it's not my place to judge you or your relationship with Mrs Kim. Whatever relationship I had with her is vastly different from your own." You said.
"You're very kind, (y/n) sshi." He complimented. Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment.
"I should go." He stood up.
"Wait before you go. Your bandage, do you want me to help you replace it?" You pointed. Hongjoong looked down and saw the blood beginning to seep through.
"It's fine, I shouldn't take up more of your time." He shook his head.
"Not at all. I can help if you'd like." You offered. With a soft sigh, Hongjoong sat back down.
"I'll go get my medical kit. Be right back." You told him and went to the back room to get what you needed. You also took a salve that you usually used for wound care.
"I'm not a doctor but I am first aid certified and I study medical plants in botany so you don't have to worry." You smiled and took a pair of cutters to cut away the bandages that Yeosang had wrapped around Hongjoong's hand. Hongjoong quietly observed you, not saying anything else while you focussed.
"I made this salve for wounds. It should help with soothing the wounds and healing." You explained, cleaning the blood.
"Do you always make your own medicine?" He asked.
"No, I just make simple stuff. I'm still learning." You giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear before applying a thin layer of the salve over the cuts and wounds.
"Does it hurt?" You looked up at him. He shook his head and you sighed in relief.
"You can bring that home with you to apply when you change bandages. I have some more." You explained.
"You do a better job than my brother." Hongjoong said after observing how you properly wrapped a new bandage around his hand and secured it in place.
"You should remove the bandage after 3 days to let the wounds breathe and dry." You said.
The entire time, you never once asked Hongjoong about how he got injured or acted differently. You treated it like any other scrapped knee and healed him. Usually, people would be scared or ask him how he got injured like that.
"Thanks." He looked at his newly bandaged hand.
"You're very welcome. If you see signs of infection or get a fever, go to a doctor." You advised. He nodded and took the small pot of salve, putting it into his pocket.
Will he use it? Probably not. But he saw how dedicated you were and for some reason, didn't want to disappoint you by not taking it.
"Bye, Hongjoong sshi. I'll see you around?" You blinked at your own words, uncertainty in your voice.
"Have a nice day, (y/n) sshi." He didn't address it, merely bowing his head and leaving your shop. You let out a long exhale, feeling like you've been holding your breath the entire time.
"Ah!" You suddenly remembered the silk handkerchief that you had washed and in your bag.
"Too distracted." You scratched your head and went to the counter to eat a few more bites of your lunch before you had to reopen.
You were not too bothered that you hadn't returned the handkerchief to Hongjoong. Even if you did feel guilty, you had an inkling that you would be seeing Hongjoong again soon. What ate at you more was how foreign Hongjoong spoke about his mother, like she was a stranger that he didn't know.
"Hongjoong, where are you?"
"I went out to run an errand, Seonghwa. Don't worry, I didn't drive. I got the driver." Hongjoong sighed, sinking into the backseat of the Rolls Royce he was in.
"I'm not worried about that. I just wanted to make sure you didn't do something dumb like blow up a building."
"Geez that happened ONCE, let it go... And I'm going to work, I have to go to my club." Hongjoong said, looking at his bandaged hand.
"You don't have to go back to work right away, Hongjoong. The boys and I can take over while you take a few days. You've needed to take a break for a while."
"I'm the leader of Ateez, Seonghwa. I don't need all of you to take over my work." Hongjoong replied.
"Yes, my mother died. But sitting around isn't going to bring her back to life. I still have roles to fulfill, I'm not going to let anyone strike us just because I'm down. There are people counting on us, relying on us." He continued.
"Alright. Stay safe then, Hongjoong. I'll see you at the docks meeting at 5pm?"
"Yeah, thanks Seonghwa. I'll see you later." Hongjoong hummed and hung up. The car stopped before Hongjoong's club and the manager came out, opening the door for him.
"Good afternoon, Mr Kim." The manager bowed. The club wasn't open yet so Hongjoong could get some administrative work done.
"Get me a drink and come up to the office." Hongjoong said, walking into the club.
"Yes, sir." He bowed. Upon his entrance, all the workers stopped and bowed down to greet their boss This was the main club Hongjoong worked out of so they were used to seeing him around.
"Give me 10 minutes. No one is to enter." Hongjoong told the guard who stood by his office door.
"Yes, sir." The guard bowed.
Hongjoong entered his office and sat down in his chair. There were some things he needed to do and catch up on privately, without any interruptions. As the leader of Ateez, he had to keep track of the other Ateez members and their work, on top of his own. But the boys always did their work so it wasn't hard on him.
"S-Sir?" Hongjoong heard the timid voice of the club manager outside his door, making him look up from his phone where he was sending messages to Yunho.
"Has it been 10 minutes?" Hongjoong asked back, tucking his phone into his blazer pocket.
"Yes, sir." The male on the other side replied.
"Come in." Hongjoong said. The door opened and the male came in with his iPad and Hongjoong's whiskey in hand. Hongjoong nodded over to the chair and the manager bowed, taking a seat opposite him.
"Update me." Hongjoong took a sip of his drink. The manager began to update Hongjoong on the business.
"We have been thinking of letting our bartending apprentice go. He had been drinking on the job and getting drunk." He informed.
"Who?" Hongjoong leaned forward.
"This is his profile. The next page has some employee complaints and customer complaints that were logged." The manager informed, pulling up the ex employee's profile and handing it over to Hongjoong to look it over.
"I won't read this, let him go. I won't let anyone be caught lacking in my business. One complaint is as good as ten. Make him compensate for what alcohol he took." Hongjoong instructed.
"Of course, sir." The manager nodded, taking back the iPad and going through the other updates.
"Continue to manage necessary manpower and suppliers to the club. Revenue is still good." Hongjoong told him.
"I will. Thank you for giving me this responsibility, sir." The manager bowed from his seat.
"This is the list of VIPs coming. As usual, make sure they are well taken care of." Hongjoong slid over the list of VIP names and the dates that they would be coming.
"Of course." The manager folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
"You can go." With that, Hongjoong waved him off and he left. Hongjoong may seem cold and merciless but he treats his employees right, at least those that do their job well. He is a perfectionist and always wants the best, there shouldn't be anything that's lacking when it came to his business.
"Send Wooyoung and San for that private poker game. That's wheret they'll meet our informant." Hongjoong said to those that were in the group call.
"Oooh, I can get a new suit done." Wooyoung's focus and excitement was obviously on other things.
"What about the governor meeting that's coming up, hyung? Are you going with Seonghwa hyung?" Jongho asked.
"Seonghwa should go with Yunho. They know how to work the charm. Plus the governor's wife seems to favour Yunho." Hongjoong thought out loud, making the other laugh.
"No one can resist that face." Seonghwa chuckled.
"Yunho's ears just turned bright red." Yeosang informed and the others could hear Yunho's yell of protest in the background.
"Wait, what time is Seonghwa hyung and Hongjoong hyung settling the issue at the docks? I want to tag along, I could use some action. It'll be fun." Mingi asked.
"Oh! Me too! If Mingi's going, I want to go!" San agreed. Hongjoong could hear Seonghwa wanting to interject but it was ignored. Hongjoong and Seonghwa could never fight the younger ones, they were simply outnumbered.
"You guys always make a mess when you get involved... This time, call your own clean up crew." Seonghwa hissed.
"You gave in way too easily, Seonghwa ah." Hongjoong laughed and leaned back into his seat.
"I already have enough to think about. I have to pick my battles. Plus, if they can handle it for us, I won't risk getting blood on my new coat." Seonghwa said.
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allllium · 2 months
Master Plan Pt.1
Jason x Reader Fake Dating
~ This is a lot deeper than it was meant to be but the future chapters will be much lighter.
~ Talk of Jason's death. Kinda asshole Bruce.
~ WC: 1,224 [Fluffy friendship, Hurt/Comfort?]
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~ You help Jason get everyone off his back
The door in front of your face whips open before you even knock, as if he's been expecting you.
“You're earlier than I thought you'd be.” Jason states as you push your way into his small apartment. All the curtains are shut and all the lights are off. If you didn't know any better you'd think he'd been sleeping.
“Alfred and Bruce are in one of their childish arguments again. No one stays long when Bruce has to cook.” He follows you into his living room, shutting the heavy door and watching you plop down on his couch.
“Definitely not one of his specialties.” You pat the spot on the couch next to you, urging him to sit. Instead, he stands intimidatingly in front of you, his arms crossed in clear annoyment. “Why are you here?”
“Food. Got any?” Jason is one of the best cooks you know, he has always preferred to eat in rather than out and picked up the habit very quickly.
He looks you up and down, not quite believing your answer. “Yeah, let's eat.”
“Let's.” You stand from the couch and head to his kitchen, his apartment is too small for an actual dining room or table.
You both sit at his counter eating in silence. You look around at his bland decor and spend a lot of focus on your food instead of making conversation. You want to talk to him but not offend him. For a while now he's been acting very strange, like somethings been on his mind.
“Are you gonna come to dinner next week?” You decide to finally ask. He hasn't come to one of Bruce's weekly dinners since they started. You get it. Bruce is only holding these dinners every week as a way to try and check in with Jason without actually checking in. They haven't had one proper conversation since Jason died.
“No, I'm good.”
“Can I ask why?” You drop your fork onto your plate and finally focus your gaze towards him.
“You know why.” He keeps his eyes on his food.
“No, I know the version you told everyone to keep them from bugging you about it but not the real one.”
“That is the real one.”
“Jason c'mon. You think I can't tell when you're lying to me.”
“Ever think I'm lying for a reason? I have no interest in talking to you.”
“Don't be a dick. I haven't done anything wrong.” You gather the dishes off the counter and put them in the sink to wash.
“You're here aren't you.”
“Oh is that what I've done wrong? If you want me to leave Jason, grow up and say it.”
You both stay silent, engaging in a tension filled staring contest.
“You want a drink?” He asks. Of course he doesn't want you to leave.
“And chips.” You walk back to the couch. A moment later Jason is at your side, sitting closer than needed. He hands you your chips and drinks, not saying anything.
“You're gonna have to talk eventually.” You start again.
“To you or him?”
“Me. If you don't wanna talk to Bruce that's your own right, but I have actually been trying and I haven't done anything wrong.”
Jason puts on some random comedy movie, the first thing he saw to hopefully put an end to your nagging.
“I haven't asked you to try.”
“You don't have to. You only have so long to act like this before everyone decides it's not worth it.”
“I'm not acting like anything.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see him roll his eyes.
“You're being an asshole. I get you were hurt, in a way none of us will ever know. But you're never gonna stop feeling like this until you put in the effort.”
“And how do you suggest I do that?”
“I don't know Jason. Go to dinner, show them that you're okay, leave your house for once, or maybe just open the damn curtains and stop pretending the outside world doesn't exist.”
“Maybe if I hope enough it won't.”
“See that! You really want to live the rest of your life thinking like that? All you have to do is try a little bit and you will get so much better.”
“You don't know that.” He shrugs, still watching the stupid movie he put on.
“I do know that because I know you and I know what you're thinking. You don't want to try because everyone will see it, you're scared you'll fail and everyone will know.”
“I'm not scared of anything.” You burst out laughing. He stares at you, very unamused. “You're not funny.”
“Everyone is scared of something and that's okay. And it's okay to not be okay. No one expects you to be okay right now, they just want to know that eventually you will be. They're not trying to pressure you.”
“I don't want to act okay because they'll see right through it. I don't want to not act okay because I'll never hear the end of it. I just want to be okay.” You smile widely at him finally opening up.
“Hate to break it to you but you can't be yet, gotta get through all the other phases first. But you can be okay in front of them.”
“How would I do that?” He immediately retracts his question when he sees the smirk on your face. He even scoots away from you on the couch. “Whatever it is, no. I'd rather deal with them.”
“We fake date.”
“No, that's a terrible idea and the only reason you want to do that is to see if you can fool them.” You laugh again at how easy he reads your mind.
“Okay that's totally why I wanna do it but..”
“No buts. You get no buts. Don't you remember the last time you had an idea like this?” He exclaims.
You try to remember when that was but nothing comes to mind. “No I don't.”
“C'mon Jay, don't you want them off your back? Don't you wanna get better and not worry about them? And most of all don't you wanna trick everyone and prove I'm the smartest?” You half-joke.
“It's nice to see where your loyalties lie.” He holds back his smile.
“Don't lie, you wanna do it too. I know you like the back of my hand.”
“You don't even know the back of your hand.”
“Shut up. That's not the point.”
“Fine. Let's fake date, but when it goes horribly you’ll be the one to blame.”
“No I won't. I'd be the most amazing fake girlfriend ever. You're the one with no skills in this.”
“Who the fuck have you fake dated before” He rubs his hands over his face, already thinking of every way this could go wrong.
“Again not the point. We have to think of a backstory.”
“A backstory? It's not that serious.”
“Oh it definitely is. Bruce we can fool no problem but no way is Alfred or Damien falling for this without any planning.”
“Okay you might be right. Alfred knows everything.” He gets off the couch to grab a piece of paper. On his way back to you, he pauses. “Aren't you worried this might fuck up or friendship?”
“Oh please, nothing could do that.” You laugh.
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mphoenix-7 · 4 months
Bitter Allies [Soap x Reader]
Chapter 3: The Debrief
Summary: You finally get back to base but that doesn’t mean you’re free from MacTavish. You attend the post mission debrief and Price finally hits his breaking point with the arguing.
Word Count: 5,581
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Soap is still mean, swearing, upset Price, angst, mentions of sex
A/N: Enjoy this one!
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Bitter Allies • Part 3
It was a relief when you finally pulled up to the rendezvous site. Medics were already on standby outside of the helo with a stretcher and supplies. Ghost, in his classic white skull mask, stood among them, watching as your transport rolled in.
Soap was the first one out, giving information to the medical team as they rushed up to take General Azamat away. You slipped out the other side, walking around the vehicle and straight to the waiting helicopter. The General's blood still stained your hands, and you wanted desperately to wash them. Before you can board though, you pass by Ghost, who stops you by grabbing your arm.
"You look like shit. He give you trouble?" Ghost asks, his voice gruff. Ghost wasn't a man of many words, but there always was an odd comfort in the way he spoke. Though to anyone outside of the military, he probably just seemed intimidating and rude.
"Doesn't he always?" You answer your lieutenant, glancing back over to your shoulder as you watched Soap help the medics lift General Azamat onto the stretcher. Ghost follows your gaze and lets go of your arm.
"Go get cleaned up. You did good today." His words gave you a little reassurance, but you aren't too accepting of them at the moment.
"Johnny would disagree." You grumble to Ghost before stepping up into the helo.
The entire mission seemed like a reck from the very beginning. Nothing seemed to go smoothly. Maybe it was just because you were working with Soap. Or maybe it was because you felt like you'd made too many mistakes, ones that Soap was more than happy to point out constantly. Then again, why should you care what he thought? Maybe things did go fairly well, and you just couldn't see that right now. All you knew was that you were exhausted, and your hands were dirty.
You only had access to wet wipes and rubbing alcohol until you got back to base but that was far better than just sitting with someone else's blood staining your hands. Pulling them from a small metal cabinet attached to the side of the helo, you sit down and get to work on scrubbing away at your hands. Slowly the white pristine cloths turn pink. 
Shortly after you get to scrubbing your hands, the General is loaded up next to you. The medics are a mass of chaotic movement as they tend to him, and you find yourself getting up to move to a different spot.
Right as you find a calmer place to sit on the other side of the helicopter, there's a single muddy boot stepping into your line of sight. Looking up, you see Soap is trying to board, and you lock eyes with him for a long tense moment. Him mid-step up onto the helo, and you staying firmly planted where you'd sat down. Before anything can start, Ghost steps in.
"Problem?" He asks, breaking Soap out of his frozen state. Soap steps back down then so both of his feet are firmly planted on the ground.
"With her? Several." He mutters, eyes staying locked onto yours. You roll your eyes at him, clenching your jaw.
"That's enough, Soap." Ghost scolds, his voice firm. "You're going to have to wait for the next bird anyway. This one's full." He continues, which was the best news you'd heard all day. "See you on base, States." Ghost adds.
With that, Ghost gives two rough pats to the side of the metal helo, and the blades start to whirl faster. Before you can fully leave though, you can't help but make one more jab at your annoying field partner.
"Hope next time it doesn't hit the plate!" You shout over the loud sounds of the chopper taking off. You didn't really mean that, but exhaustion and stress were getting the better of you, and you were annoyed.
"Oh, thanks for the parting wish, States! You're a real charmer!!" He shouts back, trying to take a step closer, but Ghost puts an arm in front of him to keep him back.
You roll your eyes and slide the helo door shut. Through the little window, you watch as Soap and Ghost back further away from the helicopter. Ghost gives a thumbs up to the pilot, signaling they were all clear, and then it starts to lift off the ground. Peace until you land back on base and inevitably run into Soap again.
Ghost and Soap watch as the bird takes off, carrying their target and teammate away. The next transport would be arriving shortly to take the remaining men and women back. For now, they just needed to sit tight.
As soon as the loud sounds of the helo were fading into the distance, Soap lets out a long groan and rolls his neck and shoulders. Typically, Ghost preferred to stay away from their drama, but his brother-in-arms and close friend seemed a little more tense than usual.
"What was that all about?" He ventures, watching Soap cross his arms tightly across his chest.
"Ah, just fucking stateside bonnie boakin'," he mutters under his breath. "I swear she purposely acts like a brat just to piss me off. Well, she's doing a bloody good job at that, ain't she?" He continues on, letting out a stressed laugh as Ghost continues to listen silently. "Never thought I'd ever meet someone who just grates on my nerves as much as she does."
"I think she'd say the same about you." Ghost replies, getting more exasperated expressions from the Scot.
"Are you really siding with her?! I tell her fucking no, and she does the opposite, I tell her what to do, and she rolls her eyes at me like a fucking child! Whenever she's around, I can just feel my shoulders get tense, and I just had to do an entire mission like that with her!"
Ghost huffs as he listens to Soap. "You two just need to fuck and get it out of your system."
Soap nearly choked on his own spit at Ghost's remark. Ghost was pretty blunt at times, but this was a whole new level. He ran a hand over his face, his cheeks coloring slightly at the thought of even sleeping with States. He'd rather die than ever sleep with her. 
"Go fuck yourself, Ghost." He retorted, thinking the man must have been joking. This was just one of Ghost's dry humored jokes. "If you really think sex is going to fix anything, you're as delusional as her." Annoyance was beginning to creep back into his tone.
Ghost rolls his eyes at the Sergeant, though doesn't let him see that. "You never heard of hate-fucking? Sex is a great way to let off steam. Releases tension. And you and States got so much damn tension." Ghost took that moment to light a cigarette then, putting his mask up just enough to light it and take a drag. "Gives me fucking headache," he continues, exhaling slowly. "Watching you two fight all the damn time."
"Well you're just full of great advice, aren't you then?" He rolls his eyes sarcastically, still a bit stunned at his lieutenant's words. "As thrilling as that sounds," Ghost raises a brow at him, making Soap's tone change to a more harsh one. "I prefer my sex not to come with a big ol'side of hostility. What, do you like her or something and want to live vicariously through me?"
Ghost lets out a laugh, which for him was just a light huff of air. Either way, it was very rare for Ghost to laugh at anything. "I'm not the relationship type, Johnny." He says simply, taking another short puff of his cigarette. "Besides," he exhales the smoke. "If she means nothing, then why are you getting all testy about it?"
"I'm not testy!" He retorts defensively, his tone somewhat contradictory to what he was trying to prove. He realizes this and takes a deep breath to calm down. "I just... I don't like her. That's all. There isn't anything deeper than that." There couldn't be anything deeper. He refused to even venture down that path. "Let's just drop it. I don't want to talk about her anymore, and I don't want to fuck her either. End of story."
Ghost had a slight smirk on his face. Whether or not Soap did have deeper feelings beyond hate for the 141 girl, it was just a little amusing to see him so worked up. He didn't really care too much if he was right or wrong. "Whatever you say, Johnny." He muses, finishing off his cigarette and flicking it to the ground to stomp it out.
In the distance, he could hear the spinning blades of the second helo. He hears Soap grumble at his response, clearly not happy that Ghost was acting like he didn't believe him.
As soon as the big metal bird landed, Soap was rushing to board it. Ghost doesn't push the subject of him and States any further though. It was fun to tease the Sergeant and get him worked up, but Ghost knew when to stop too. Still, that doesn't stop Ghost from smirking as he follows him to the helicopter.
By the time you arrive on base, you just want to collapse in your room and sleep. First you need to shower though. Blood, sweat, and dirt stuck to your skin, weighting down your tired body even more. You hope that the showers aren't full and that you'll be able to grab one rather quickly. You want to get in some sleep before the mission debrief.
The helicopter doors slide open, and you jump out, feet hitting the tarmac. A dull ache shoots up your legs, a familiar feeling post mission.
Up ahead, you can see Captain Price is waiting. He always touches base with each squad member upon their return from a mission if he's around. It's a rather sweet gesture.
He's standing with his arms behind his back, feet spread shoulder length apart, and spine straight as a board. The bucket hat he never goes anywhere without is atop his head, threatening to blow off due to the wind caused by the helicopter and of course a cigar between his lips. Despite the tiredness, you're happy to see him.
"States, glad you see you've returned to us in one piece." He teases. His eyes crinkle up at the sides, yet they still remain hardened from all the time he's served.
You give him a smile, allowing yourself to stop and enjoy his company. "I don't feel like I'm in one piece. This was a rough one." You admit easily. Despite only knowing him for six months, Price was a man you trusted deeply.
Price raises his brow at your response, looking a little surprised by your answer. "I heard the update from Ghost. Sounds like some unexpected challenges came up. Nothing I didn't think you couldn't handle."
"Just... beating myself up about it. I don't like deviating from the plan." It wasn't a lie, but not the whole truth either.
"Important lesson to be learned there, States. No matter how much you plan for something, never count on it being final. You will never be able to plan for everything. This life will always take you by surprise. You can either let it get you down, or you can run with it."
You can't help but smile at the old man. "Thanks Price. You and your old man wisdom. I'll file that one away."
Price chuckles softly, though you can tell he's trying to read you right now. He's very subtle about it, but you've learned how to detect it. His eyes give him away.
"I might be old, but I'm not blind. What else is buggin' you?"
Of course he'd notice. Nothing gets past the Captain. "What do you think?" You injury, watching as he shifts his weight and crosses his arms.
"Hmm..." He mocks like he needs to think about it. "Wouldn't be MacTavish would it?"
"Wow, that's insane. How'd you know?" You banter, watching as he rolled his eyes at your jesting.
"Lucky guess." He says simply.
"You put us together on a mission," you state, getting a nod from your Captain.
"I did." He confirms.
"Why?" You frown. Price knew you didn't get along. He knew nothing good came from you two being in the same room. Yet for some reason, he sent you out with him anyway.
Price sighs softly, looking away from you for a moment as if he needed to think out what he wanted to say. After a moment, he answers you.
"I don't think you realize the potential of just how good of a team you and Soap could be." He starts. You open your mouth to disagree, but Price holds up a hand to silence you before continuing.
"This mission required someone who can move quick and clean out a building fast. I've never seen someone able to clear out a building like Soap can. And he can do that regardless on if it's stealth or chaos. But when he doesn't know what to do, he slows down. You can think quick under pressure. No matter how stressful things get, you always deliver. You always know how to continue the mission. That combination of skill was perfect for this mission."
You look away from the Captain, not wanting to believe him, but the mission today proved how right Price was. It may have taken a life or death situation, but you and Soap worked together for the first time today, and it was rather incredible. Even you were shocked at how well and quick you moved together, even with a few hiccups. If you just didn't hate each other that combination could be practiced and refined even more.
"But he hates me, Price."
"I don't think he does." Price counters, but you don't believe him. Just like how he said Soap would warm up to you.
"He absolutely does."
"Well the mission was more than less a success. Seems like you've at least had a break through."
You laugh at that, though you can't blame Price for that assumption. You also thought so until Soap reverted back to being a dick.
"Respectfully, Captain, I think you're wrong. Nothing has changed. And I don't know if it ever will."
Before your conversation can continue, the sound of the second helicopter flying in draws your attention to the sky. Soap was on that helo. Unless you'd miraculously gotten your wish, and he'd fallen out on the way over.
"That's my cue to head out, Cap. I'll see you at the debrief." You tell him, getting a nod from your Captain. You give his arm a pat as you pass by him, catching his parting words.
"You better be heading to the showers! You show up to debrief smelling like shit, and I'll have you cleaning bathrooms for a week!"
Soap is both relieved to be back on base as well as dreading it. Relieved because this is his home, a place where he is safe and can rest, and dreading it because the biggest thorn in his side was also here. Where, he wasn't sure, but she was here.
He was currently giving Ghost the silent treatment, childish as it may be. Though he hadn't really gotten the chance to ignore him either. Ghost was fairly silent on the trip back to base, though Soap should have known better than to think he'd be super talkative. Maybe the things Ghost said earlier was just a way to shut him up so he could enjoy a peaceful ride back, but Soap knew Ghost would never lie to him either.
Soap really just wanted to be alone for a bit. Take a nice hot shower to clear his head, maybe get something to eat. He still had the mission debrief he needed to go to later, and he knew he'd run into States there. So really all he needed to do was survive another few hours in her presence and then he can be free of her for a little bit.
As he jumps off the helo, he's already looking around for Price. If he wasn't off on a mission himself or too busy there was usually a 50/50 chance he'd be there post mission. And sure enough, it doesn't take Soap long to spot the Brit. Unfortunately, he really didn't feel up to talking. There was no way to avoid Price though. He stood right where Soap needed to go to leave.
He approaches his Captain, giving him a nod in greeting and hoping he could just slip by. "Captain." He mutters as he attempts to just walk past him.
"Got somewhere you need to be?" Price asks him, turning to look at Soap as he stops by the ramp that leads down to the ground.
"Just wanting to hit the showers." Soap grumbles, unable to keep his irritation from his voice.
Sensing the Sergeant was on edge, Price simply nods, allowing Soap to leave. "Just be on time for the mission debrief." He tells the solider. Soap gives a nod and is off. Price watches him leave, a frown pulling at his lips.
Ghost slowly makes his way over to Price, having watched the encounter between the Sergeant and the Captain. Price was still watching where Soap had just made his exit. "Was it really that bad?" He asks the Lieutenant.
Ghost's voice was steady, a hint of fatigue underlying his words. "It was pretty rough," he replied. "They're like oil and water. Fought the whole way. Thought they might've killed each other at one point—I guess States just got into some trouble. Not really sure."
He paused a moment before continuing. "When it got serious, they managed to get it done. First time I've ever really seen them do a half decent job together. It was still sloppy. States and Soap need to sort their shit out.”
Price lets out a long sigh. "Sucks that the only thing that makes them work together is when their life depends on it."
"I don't think today was a total failure for them." Ghost reassures Price. "At least we know when it matters they'll have each other's backs. They might just need more time."
"I've given them six months. I thought for sure Soap would come around by now."
"Just give them time, old man. Let things settle. I think Johnny'll come around yet."
The one thing you hated most about the base you currently resided on was that you were not given your own showers. Your room didn't even have a bathroom to get ready in. There was a communal bathroom in both the men's and women's barracks, equipped with toilets, sinks, and mirrors, but the shower house was a completely different building.
The men's and women's shower houses were separate but they were still right next to each other. The odd design choice could be explained by the fact that the base was older. Back in the day, they didn't have many females in the armed forces, so the shower house was only designed for one gender. When more and more women began to sign up, they simply just modified the current shower house instead of building a new one.
This design meant that the showers were always fairly crowded. And this was unfortunately the reality you faced as you approached the building. There was a line out the door for both the men's and women's section. Sighing, you had no choice but to join the back of the line. Not only were you desperate for a shower, but you also headed Price's warming that if you stank at the mission debrief, there'd be consequences. You really had no choice.
You'd only been waiting for about five minutes before the universe decided to bless you once again. Right as your line was beginning to move up, right as you thought you'd be able to make it into the shower house without running into your field mate, you hear his voice.
"Oh you are fucking with me." You hear him say as he realizes you were also in line. You turn to look towards Soap, watching as he stepped into the men's line, right alongside the women's. You scowl him, folding your arms across your chest as you look him over.
He was covered in a layer of dirt from the mission, and he stank. As you look at the items he was carrying, you can help but raise your brows in surprise.
"How the hell are you taking a shower with only body wash and a wash cloth?" You had a whole set of shampoo, conditioner, soap, face wash, body scrub, a razor, a loofa, deodorant, and a moisturizer. Given this wasn't your everyday routine. Just the one you did after missions to get the blood off you and help you destress. All he had though was a single tiny bottle of body wash. It wasn't even good body wash. It was the crappy stuff they issued to everyone in the military for free. 
Soap looks over the shower bag you carried, rolling his eyes as he viewed all the products you had with you. "This is more than enough to get clean. You don't need all that fancy shite." He claims. "This is the military, not a five star hotel or a spa."
"Just cause we're in the military doesn't mean we can't have good hygiene." You grumble back.
"My hygiene is fine."
"Says the man about to only wash his armpits."
"I can wash my whole body with this."
"What about your hair? Just cause you don't have a lot of it doesn't mean you shouldn't wash that too. Oh God..." you realize it then, your face scrunching up. "Please don't tell me you wash your hair with fucking body wash."
"It's an all-in-one wash, princess. It's meant to be used for everything." Soap growls out, getting annoyed very fast.
"Don't you dare call me, princess, John." You knew he hated it when you called him by his first name. But if he was going to be calling you names, then two could play at that game. And boy did he hate that. His face got red as he glared at you.
"Why don't you just worry about your own damn self?! Like figuring out what you're going to tell Price at the mission debrief when it comes up you almost fucked up our cover! Worry about not getting kicked off the team. Or don't, cause I'd love to watch your bonnie little ass walk off this base!" He snaps, his raised voice getting the attention of the officer standing guard near the front of the line at the shower house's entrance.
"Hey! Break it up!" He yells at you both. "If you're going to cause problems then you don't get to shower!"
You and Soap both clench your jaws, glaring daggers at each other and throwing silent threats back and forth with your eyes. "See you at the debrief, States." Soap whispers lowly before turning his gaze forward.
"Get some damn shampoo." You whisper back, mirroring his action and also looking forward.
You can't say that taking a shower made you feel much better. You blamed that on Soap. Maybe the shower would have been a lot better had it not been for his awful company.
Now you found yourself standing outside of the debrief room. Normally you weren't too nervous about post mission debriefs, but this one felt different. Soap was in your head, and you worried you really had messed up.
Off in your own little world, staring at the door, you jump hearing a voice.
"You having a staring contest with that door? I hate it say it, but I think it's probably gonna win." It was Gaz. You're not sure how long he'd been standing there. His warm chocolate eyes met yours, and they go from amused to slightly concerned.
"You alright, States?" He asks softly, and you give him a smile.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just been a long day." You reassure him, finally grabbed the door handle and pushing it open, not giving him a chance to ask anything further.
"Just take it easy, yeah? We've all had tough missions." He smiles, giving your back a gentle pat before taking a seat.
Soap was already inside, chatting away with Ghost. They were sitting next to each other, while Price was standing in the front with Kate Laswell on a screen. Normally she joined you this way. It was rare she was ever in the area to be in-person.
Gaz takes a seat across from Ghost, leaving you to sit across from Soap. It was a rather large table, so there was a sizable distance between you. That doesn't keep Soap from eyeing you as you take a seat though.
"What?" You inquire defensively when he won't stop.
"Oh, nothing. Just want to make sure my poor hygiene isn't bothering your sensitive nose." He throws back, getting an elbow to the ribs from Ghost. A warning.
"Alright," Price says, making everyone in the room turn their focus to him. He was looking right at you and Soap. "Now that everyone is here, let's get started. Let's try to stay on task too, yeah?"
A mixture of "yes sir" or "aye sir" filled the room, and the debrief started.
It began as all debriefs did, with an overview of the mission objectives. Then discussion began on if each one was met. This part of the debrief had actually gone fairly smoothly. All main objectives had been met in one way or another. It wasn't until you got to the part where you'd needed to deviate from the plan that it started going south.
"So as we all know," Price began. "A Russian convoy began to approach the base within 0800. This resulted in our Bravo team having to stray from our original plan."
"Thanks to States, we got back on track quickly." Ghost fills in. "It was her idea to have Alpha team move in so her and Soap could infiltrate the West building."
Price nods towards you. "Good call on that, States. Your plan worked well."
That brings a smile to your face for a moment until you hear Soap huff a little and mutter, "give me a break," under his breath. You turn your gaze to him, jaw tight. He's sitting slouched in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, and still looking towards.
"As solid a plan as it was though, it seems it took Bravo team a long time to reach the West building. Who's to say a back up plan would have been needed if this objective was met sooner." Laswell adds. "It looks like comms went silent for a while. Soap care to weight on what happened during that time?"
Soap was smiling, but he just shakes his head. "Nah, States can probably fill you in better since it was her doing." He says, making you glare harshly at him.
"Laswell asked-" Price starts, but is cut off by you.
"There was a group of four men, and I wanted to take them out so we could continue on the faster route to the building. Soap didn't want to be a team player and wouldn't help me." You start in, making Soap instantly glare at you for, what he believed to be, twisting the story.
"Don't you dare twist this like it was my fault!" He exclaims, before looking back to Price and continuing. "I said it was too risky and opted to go around. But she just had to prove a point and went in to take on four men all by herself!" He points a finger at you.
"It wasn't too risky! You just didn't want to do it cause it was my idea!"
"Who the fuck cares!? You don't do that and put your partner and the entire mission at risk!"
"It was fine! I took out three and you got the last one! Nothing bad happened!"
"Yeah, I took him out right as he was about to call for back up! It's a bloody good thing I got there in time! And just cause nothing bad happened doesn't mean-"
"Enough! Stop!" Price yells. "You were asked a bloody question, fucking answer it and stop addressing each other!" He growls before repeating Laswell's question. "Now, why didn't you make it to your objective in a timely manner?"
"Cause States got a big ego and took on four men herself, and we had to take time to clean up the mess." Soap answers, making you slam a fist to the table.
"That took thirty seconds at most! We were late cause Soap had to lecture me for five minutes about it!" You counter.
"Cause you almost bloody got us killed!" Soap shouts back.
"You're being so fucking dramatic, MacTavish!"
"ENOUGH!!" Price yells, slamming both fists to the table. "Bloody hell! This," he motions between you and Soap. "I've had enough of this! The bickering, the glaring, the dirty looks. I've had enough!" He berated you.
"You two are going to like each other, or at the very least tolerate each other. Pack your shit tonight. I'm sending you both away for team bonding. One week. You two, by yourselves, in the middle of fucking nowhere."
Soap's jaw clenched as Captain Price's words echoed around the debriefing room. His blue eyes narrowed at you before looking back to Price. He didn't want this anymore than you did.
"Sir, with all due respect..." he began, managing to keep his voice steady despite the absolute shitstorm brewing inside of him. But Price raised a hand, cutting him off.
"No, Soap. This is final. I don't want to hear another word."
Soap was furious A week. A week in the middle of nowhere with you. The thought alone was enough to make him want to throw something.
His fists clenched as he glared at the women across from him. This was your fault. All of it. He felt the anger rise up in him as he met your eyes and held your gaze.
"Hope you're fucking happy," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.
You growl at him, about to make a nasty retort, but Price stops you.
"No! No more fighting on this base. One of you opens your mouth again, and I'm making it two weeks." He threatens, making you swallow the words you had for Soap.
"Price..." You address carefully. "I don't see how-"
"Is that 2 weeks I'm hearing, States?" He raises his voice again, showing how serious he was. It makes you clamp your mouth shut.
"No sir." You answers shortly.
"Good. You two are dismissed. Pack. You're leaving at 0400 hours." When you and Soap didn't make a move to get up, Price reiterated. "Right now! Go!"
Nothing more was said. You and Soap both got up and went to the door. Even in the hallway as you both headed towards the barracks, Soap didn't say a word, and you weren't about to break the silence either. You could practically feel the anger radiating off him though.
A whole fucking week together. This was going to be hell.
You parted ways shortly after, Soap's pace a lot faster than yours. You did see him make the turn for his barracks though before you went to yours.
Soap entered his room and slammed the door, his hand scraped over his stubble, frustration gnawing at his insides. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his whirring mind. The thought of being stuck with you for an entire week was enough to make his blood boil.
"Calm down, MacTavish," he muttered to himself, his Scottish accent thick with irritation. "You've survived worse." He tries to tell himself, though a week with you seemed like hell to him.
He growls and kicks his dresser. This was all your fault. He'd been looking forward to his next mission without you, or maybe even a little time off. But no. He got to spend a week alone with you.
All he could hope was that you'd make it through the week without killing each other. Shaking his head, he starts to pack furiously.
This was going to be a long week...
When you got to your barracks, you leaned back against the door and buried your face in your hands. You tried to come to terms with the fact that you were about to spend a week with Soap MacTavish. Alone. In the middle of nowhere.
This was your nightmare.
You stayed where you were a good five minutes while you let yourself calm down. Your heart was hammering in your chest.
"A week could go by fast though, right? You didn't even need to speak to him during those seven days... you can do this..." You mutter to yourself, as if saying it out loud would somehow make it true.
Sighing softly, you start to pack, pulling out your military duffle bag from under your bed. Despite you trying to convince yourself otherwise, you knew deep down this was going to be a long week.
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jaegerbby · 1 year
➳ company
a (chapter two)
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--͙[satoru gojo x female! reader]-͙-
╰┈➤ word count; 5687
╰┈➤ caution; fingering, dry humping, (some) choking, unprotected sex, creampie, riding (sort of), marking.
not proofread!
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any time you are around satoru, the last thing on your mind is how wrong this all is.
his apartment is covered with traces of you. your products are neatly packed on his bathroom counter, some of your clothes are in his drawers, he has hair ties scattered almost everywhere. it is another line you never should have crossed. it is too intimate, it means there is something between you.
it is something that should not exist.
you are sitting on his couch, dressed in his shirt while you flip through movies on the wide screened tv.
satoru comes into your view, his pale, blemish free skin slightly blushed from the heat of the shower. water drips from the strands of his hair as he drapes a towel over it. your eyes trail along the prominent muscles on his physique. they drift down his broad chest to his chiseled abs and his deep v line framed by the shorts hanging loosely on his hips.
the fabric does little to conceal his bulge and you find yourself clenching your thighs together the longer you fawn over him.
it is by no means a new sight, not at all but he always has an effect on you. his full lips tug up as he sends you a knowing look. you shyly avoid his eyes while he sinks into the cushion beside you. his arm settles on the back rest, the other resting on his thigh. satoru spreads his legs and you shift when his knee bumps yours.
your head tilts to look over his defined shoulders and biceps. liquid drips from wet strands and leaks onto his exposes skin. your gaze follows them as they trail down the contours of his body. you straighten up, willing away the vulgar thoughts that fill your head.
satoru is grinning, despite knowing where your mind is he does not say a word.
"aren't you going to dry your hair?" you attempt to change the topic.
"you can do it for me." satoru is too spoilt for his own good. you are just as bad because you always encourage him. his fingers find your waist, caressing your side as he pats his lap. you breathe softly, climbing over him with your legs on either side.
satoru leans in to peck the corner of your mouth, it makes your head all dizzy.
you grip the towel, gently coaxing it over the strands of his hair. this is too intimate. you should not be this comfortable with him but you are already too far gone.
he sighs in contentment at the feeling of your touch. his palms trail from your waist to your hips before they settle on your thighs. he lightly runs his hands along the flesh. his touch is warm, it is as warm as he is, it is as comforting as his presence.
you are rubbing the towel over his hair while satoru looks at you fondly. it is hard to focus when he is at this proximity and his eyes do not leave you for a second.
the period where you would glower at satoru in disdain seems like a completely different lifetime.
now it is drastically disparate. he fingers tease the edge of the shirt covering you before they slip under it, heated palms meet your flesh.
"you're such a perv." you shift on his lap, tugging the fabric off his head to unveil white tuffs that stick up wildly.
"not my fault." he flashes you a perfect smile. you brush the messy hair out of his forehead.
"whose fault is it then?"
"yours, you look too cute" satoru's lips pout. could he be any more endearing?
he draws you closer, until your head is tucked beneath his chin and your face is pressed against where his heart pounds on his chest. you feel safe here. he is the only one to make you feel that way. his biceps flex as he wraps you up in the sweetest hug.
"why do you have me in the recharging station?" you softly question. that is how you refer to his hugs. you press yourself further into him, completely melting. you swear you could die happy in his arms.
he hums, the sound rumbling across his chest. his large palm strokes your back. "i'm the one that needs recharging." it tugs at your heart.
your satoru deserves all the love in the world, your satoru deserves hugs and kisses to his heart's content. but he is not yours in the first place.
regardless, you think this is peace. it is the closest thing to it you have ever felt. being with him is the only thing that feels right even though you know it is wrong.
it is all in your head and you should have expected the reality check. an annoying ringtone interrupts the moment and satoru releases you. you wish he did not. you straighten up to grasp it.
when the device is in your hand, everything comes crashing down. here you are, perched in satoru's lap with his hands all over you and aya is calling. you stare at the phone with mortification written on your face.
satoru does not have to ask to know who it is. a million thoughts run through your head, what if she found out? there is always the possibility and you worry for the day to come.
he takes it without question. you do not even attempt to stop him as he turns the device off and places it to the side. his eyes soften more when he looks at you. you did not realise tears were streaming down your face until his gentle hands swipe them away.
"don't cry, baby." it only makes you cry harder. why did he have to call you that?
"she'll hate me." your voice cracks.
"no one knows. no one will tell her." he tries to comfort you though he wishes things were different. he wants to hold your hand and kiss you for everyone to see. you deserve that. you deserve so much more than the situation allows. truthfully, aya is the last thing satoru wants to talk about. but you are hurting and he wants to make it all stop.
your arms wrap around his broad shoulders, face nestling into the crook of his neck. he is the only one that can comfort you. you inhale the clean scent clinging to his skin and it only makes you press against him more. you want to sink into him. you want to be closer than this.
his face nuzzles your hair and all you need is him to hold you like this forever.
you are sniffling while satoru coos words of consolation into your ear. that 'it will be okay,' but how could it ever be okay when you cannot truly have him?
in a perfect world, satoru is yours. like he always should have been.
you lean back, his arms loosening around you to allow it. you are close enough to share the same air, somehow, you find the space too vast.
"you done crying?" he dries your cheeks before softly stroking them. "you know i don't like it when my baby cries." why does satoru talk like that? it makes you forget about everything, you abandon any consideration of decency.
you want to be his baby. his, always and forever. despite the fact that you are not supposed to be anything to him.
you stubbornly shake your head, eyes fluttering and your lips pursued. tears spill from your eyes but satoru is there to catch every one. "no? what should i do to make it all better?" you practically whine when he speaks.
"kiss me." you softly say, your dismayed expression begs to be wiped away by the feeling of his lips on yours. lithe touches dust along your lashes and cheeks before they stroke your jaw.
satoru leans in with hooded eyes, he carefully looks over your features while your lips brush. you squeeze your eyes shut as he softly pecks your mouth.
it is so little and somehow it feels infinitely bewitching. you grip his wrists, the tip of his nose skimming yours as he tilts his head to kiss you the way you desire.
you fall back into satoru on an endless loop. while you should be losing your mind over the possibility of aya being privy to your disloyalty, the male below you is the only one in your thoughts.
his lips languidly move, he kisses with as much vigor as you do. it grows deeper and more desperate as the wet muscle of his tongue slips inside your mouth. you do not want to stop. you lose track of time when you are with him like this.
satoru groans, it sends goosebumps along your body. it makes your heart beat faster and the ache between your legs is almost overwhelming. you are not even aware but you are shifting your hips to hump his growing erection and it makes satoru crazy.
you breathlessly part from him, his forehead meets yours. you move against him and he finds his hands stroking either side of your neck. "pretty girl, my girl is so fucking pretty." cerulean eyes akin to the brightest sky are filled with affection. "we don't have to do anything tonight." he speaks delicately.
you know he says it because you were crying. you know it is because he cares. sometimes you wish satoru was not so good, that he did not do all the things he did because it only made you fall deeper.
you breathe slowly, you tilt your hips down with intent. you are so wet you can feel it and your fervor is certainly reciprocated. the stiff bulge pressing into you is more than enough proof.
your nimble fingers glide from his pronounced collar bones to the broad expanse of his chest, skimming over the grooves of his defined abs until you tease the waistband of his shorts.
every bit of him you have already touched.
"i want to."
he stills for a moment, tongue slipping out to wet his kiss swollen lips. "yeah?" his voice is all breathy and deep. he grinds you down on him, his stiffened cock meeting your cunt. there is hardly anything separating you but you wish every bit of clothing was gone. "then ask for it, sweet girl."
he cups your waist, your jaw dropping to moan erotically the more you feel him. the hardness of his cock rubbing along your pulsing slit as you grow wetter and wetter has you brainless. it is satoru's fault, it always is.
your arms rest on his shoulders, whining as you quicken your movements. you are distracted by too many things, all involving him. you are overtaken by satoru, by the weight of his hands on your skin, the heat of his length between your legs, the composure he has despite the way you are falling apart on him.
his cock is rut up into you, aching and throbbing. the pressure on your leaky slit has you mewling. satoru only grins in amusement. he is hot, he burns you up, you swear being this close dwindles your brain to mush.
"want you, toru." you whine before you lean forward to mouth at his angular jaw. your nails dig into his skin, satoru wants them drawing pretty crimson lines on his back. he wants you clawing at the muscles while he has his way with you.
"gotta be specific. you're a good girl, right?" his eyes are dark as he holds your jaw. his digits press into the flesh of your cheeks, you can hardly breathe. saliva pools in your mouth, a sticky web forming when his grips forces your lips to part. "my mouth, my fingers or my cock. which one is it?"
"everything." you somehow manage to speak although, you are overwhelmed with desire. you want him inside of you.
you wreck satoru as much as he wrecks you. yet you are so oblivious to the fact. his pants feel unbearably tight, with you fucking yourself against him, it makes his mind blank.
"so spoilt. you don't even say please." there is a shakiness to his voice. you have long soaked through your panties, your dripping cunt has left a wet patch on his shorts. but you do not stop for a second, you seem to rub along him more.
"please, toru." you say it so sweetly. satoru swears he would go to the ends of the earth for you as long as you spoke to him this way. for as long as you give him an ounce of your attention, he would do anything for you.
in fact, you do not have to spare him a glance for him to be at your beck and call. you possess him, mind, body and soul. he feels like he exists solely to be with you.
sometimes he thinks you know it all too well. satoru gazes at you with anticipation but everything you do drives him insane. your fingers encircle his wrist, guiding it to your cheek. you bat your eye lashes at him like the most precious thing he has ever witnessed. light kisses meet his palm before your lips press against the tip of his thumb.
he breathes hard, cock pulsing as your spit sodden mouth slowly sinks down on it. he feels the warmness of your mouth, spit and your heated tongue surrounding him. it is enough to make his teeth grit, your lips enclose around the base, sucking down as your muscle laves along it.
you hear the hitch in satoru's breathe and you are so close you feel it as you bob your head.
"you drive me insane." the words are gravelly. he squeezes your hip and you continue to rock along him. the feeling of his heady erection while you grind on him has your insides clenching down with need. you meet his eyes and satoru's pupils are blown so wide they almost appear black.
you look too pretty like this. it is moments like this where he knows without a doubt you are too good for him. you are like a gorgeous doll he should not have the honor of even seeing but here you are, in his lap, saying you want him. you are akin to an angel but with his thumb in your mouth, you are temptation incarnate.
he presses down on the wriggling muscle and your lips part. beads of saliva slowly trickle down his arm. satoru needs to touch you everywhere, he needs to be inside you. satoru needs you like he needs air.
he traces spit over the seam of your mouth, he is painfully hard. you etch away at any self control he has. his brows furrow, long white lashes fluttering before he cups the back of your head and brings you into a desperate kiss. your breasts press to his bare chest, there is no space between you.
satoru has no resolve, not when he can feel your cunt rubbing over him. not when he can feel how wet and soaking you are.
the kiss grows sloppier by the second. your teeth knock, it is all open mouthed and hungry. satoru kisses like he never wants to let you go, like he needs to memorise your mouth and make it his own.
satoru kisses like he loves you to the moon and back.
you whine. you wish he did not kiss this way. you wish he did not take hold of your heart and make you crave him as infinitely as you do.
your hands find purchase in his hair, gliding through the tresses and making them more disheveled. his tongue coaxes over yours, it is a messy exchange of spit while you crave to be closer. you want to be closer than his tongue greedily moving against yours and his hands on your skin.
you get so caught up in him, in how much bigger he is than you, every groove and curve of his built body, his pretty smiles and his stupid jokes. when he kisses you, all you think about is how perfect you fit together.
satoru nips your bottom lip as you separate. he enraptures you so effectively that you throw caution to the wind. you do not care how wrong this is. right now, he is yours to have.
"you like rubbing your little cunt all over me? feels good doesn't it?" his calloused hand slips beneath your shirt to caress your body. you dumbly nod your head, satoru tugs the edge of the fabric up, he raises it to your mouth and you bite down like this is what you were made for. "but i know you want more." he speaks gruffly.
his takes in the sight of your bare breasts exposed for his prying eyes. throbbing into your slick cunt because you humping his bulge makes him see black. his digits grip your flesh, he wants to leave marks over every inch of you. his tongue flicks out to lick your lips as he trails them up your ribcage and clutches the mounds of your breasts.
you mewl, your lashes fluttering and lips swollen from kissing. you roll down on his aching erection with intensified vigor.
"got such pretty tits, babe." he puffs, his breath meets your skin and you shiver. there appears to be nothing between your ears beyond satoru. he pinches your perked nipples, rolling them under his pad before he leans in, glimpsing up at you because he knows the way your face will contort. satoru could never tire at the sight of you moaning with barely opened eyes as his mouth encloses your nipple.
you are too turned on to think. his hand gropes your other breast while his tongue rolls your nipple. he messily sucks with a wet smack before his lips meet the flesh. he leaves marks all along your chest, licking and biting while his large palms fondle your tits.
satoru has a nasty habit of leaving marks regardless of how much you tell him not to. although, you never protest in the moment, you never stop him when he is committing the act despite the way you complain later. you are a hypocrite.
you thread your fingers in his white locks, sighing in contentment as his mouth makes their way across your skin. his cock provides delicious friction on your stiffened clit.
he leans back, his abs straining and his muscles flexing. you have him on the edge of his withering self control. "you're too fucking sexy. can't get enough of you." he caresses every inch of your body, pleased with the marks left.
he flashes you a smile though it is overtaken by the throes of concupiscence. "think you're wet enough to take my cock?" truthfully, you want him filling you to the brim and you have no patience. you want your satoru, you want him inside you where he belongs. 
you jolt as he brushes the edge of your panties. "we should find out." you pause your movements, gripping his bicep while his large palm slips under the fabric. the wet material pulls away as he cups your cunt. he lowly whistles, "who is this slutty hole leaking so much for?"
you are short circuiting. his fingers collect the stick liquid from your slit, sliding between your lips before he presses down on your clit. your eyes slightly roll. it is when he starts rubbing circles on it do you tremble.
the shirt falls from your lips in favor of moaning. "for you, toru. always for you." your hips chase after the caress of his dexterous fingers. you swear you almost cry when he removes them.
his eyes find your glassy ones, your insides practically leak more liquid as he makes a show of taking his digits into his mouth and lewdly licking them.
"tastes like heaven." he tuts, he looks too pretty to be real. he draws closer to wetly kiss you, the slick muscle of his tongue licking into your mouth. you are sharing the same air as he wetly parts from you. "i wanted to fuck you in my shirt cause you make it look so good but nothing looks better than you naked." he pulls it over your head.
you do not have time to react before his mouth meets yours and his hand slips beneath your panties once more. his proficient fingers slide between your folds, completely drenched by you. he prods your entrance and your back arches as he slowly presses a digit inside your gummy walls.
you whimper into his mouth, his grip on you more voracious. he wants to keep you with him always. he leans down to lave his tongue over your neck, his teeth nipping the skin. your breathing is uneven, he pulls out of you, another finger swiping along your pussy before he thrusts them in.
he does not stop even as you writhe, he shoves in to his knuckle, your cunt leaking all over him.
his lips press to your ear, he sends you spiralling in delirium. "you're so tight, fuck, how am i supposed to fuck you properly when your little hole won't let me in?"
he pumps into your slit, your insides vice and clamping down on his uncontrollably. wet squelching sounds meet your ear, it feels too good. he sinks in so deep and messes with your head. he strokes every mind muddling spot inside you.
he is already well acquainted with your body and he uses it to his advantage. he uses it to fill your thoughts with only him. "holy shit, baby. can't keep this pussy from me." as if you ever could. he pounds his fingers into you until drool is dripping down your jaw and all you can say is his name.
it falls from your lips like the only scripture you believe in. your nails knot in his hair, shifting your hips to meet his deliberate movements. it is all messy and sticky between your legs where he thrusts into your hole enough to have you shaking.
"you're fucking yourself on my fingers. love it, don't you?" you want to cry, from the sound of his voice to the debauched look in his eyes.
you dumbly nod your head, looking down to see him pumping inside you beneath your panties. his palm grinds into your stilted bundle of nerves. he touches you with expertise, he fucks your hole open with prowess.
he only fucks into you harder and faster. until your body is tensing and your thighs flex. "i'll give you my cock after." your chest heaves, satoru is yours. he has to be. you kiss him, messy and desperate.
you touch every inch of his skin that you can reach. you need more, you need to be closer to him.
"now, give me it now, toru." you whine in his face before your head hangs. breathy moans escaping you as his fingers are endlessly stuffed inside you.
your cunt aches to be filled. you ache to have him again and again.
"i'd give you everything, baby." his fingers slowly exit you. it is unbearable how empty you feel. your hips roll against him instinctively, his fingers find your lips coating them in your slick. you eyes are all watery as you take them so far in your mouth you wetly gag.
he slowly takes them away instead grasping your throat to pull you into him. his hand is so big he practically engulfs your neck completely. his tongue fills your mouth, a deep rumble in his throat as he grips your ass.
satoru wonders what you get out of being like this besides making him obsessed with you. how much more do you want? he would give you it all, he would rip out his heart and drop it in your lap if it meant being yours forever.
"toru." satoru wants to hear you say it always. he wants to hear your pretty voice and have you look only at him.
he reaches down to free his cock from the confines of his shorts. his teeth grit, he is so hard it hurts.
your hand wraps around him and his body tenses. he swears he could cum from the softness of your hand. from how little it looks around him.
his cock is hot to the touch, the mushroom tip is blushed and dripping pre cum. you collect it with your thumb before stroking down the thickness of his girth. you feel every vein under your palm. all that you have already licked and touched.
"m'going to lose it when i get in that tight pussy." he rasps.
you look up at him with the most innocuous expression but your words are not. "i want you to lose it." you tempt him, you shred every bit of sanity he ever possessed.
surely he does lose it.
his thumb pulls your panties to the side, his hand replaces yours. you jolt when he taps his leaking tip on your sensitive clit. all the air seems to leave you, it is hard to swallow the saliva in your mouth as his head drags along your slit.
your gummy walls are craving it. your body shakes when it breaches your cunt. satoru curses at the heat that engulfs him, he curses at how your liquids coat him.
"pretty baby, doing so good." he rolls your clit as he shifts his hips up to shove into you more.
your walls are pulled apart because of him, they clamp down at the intrusion but your slick covers him the more he enters you. you are shaking.
it feels too good, the pressure in your stomach, the length of him opening you up to take every inch. his cock pulses, your toes curl. he is too much for you but you would do anything to keep him.
your pussy slurps on him, it is a complete mess. almost as much of a mess as he reduces you to.
he rubs quickened circles on your buzzing clit, leaving wet kisses to your skin. it burns with every inch of his thick girth being shoved into you.
when your pelvis meets his with a drenched smack, your lips part in a whine.
"you gonna ride me or do you want me to fuck you?" he sucks on your skin. you already know there are too many marks to count.
"fuck me, fuck me." you do not have any strength in your body, not when he took it all.
"such a spoilt girl." he coos, he flashes you the prettiest smile. you have no coherency. satoru is perfection incarnate and he is inside you. he has your pussy filled to the brim and soaking him completely. his cock warms you from the inside out.
you lean back to rest your palms on his knees, your eyes focused on where his cock is in you. your insides squeeze down uncontrollably, you feel every inch of him.
satoru's eyes are dark, he touches over your sternum and breasts. every bit of your skin he skims over feels heated. his fingers find your waist, squeezing the flesh as he slowly slips out.
strands of liquid cover his cock, you are a mess and it is all his fault. you cry when he slams back inside and every ridge of his veiny member impresses on your walls.
when he starts pounding his swollen cock into you, your nails dig into his skin. you swear you feel him in your stomach. it is so nasty, the way your cunt wraps around him, the way your liquids splatter every time he slams back into you.
it feels too good, you gasp. tears leak down your cheeks and your body jolts with the weight of his thrusts. your breasts bounce, your thighs trembling.
the muscles of his forearms jump, the veins more visible. his palms are so rough but the way satoru touches you it is like you are made of glass. it is one big juxtaposition, he fucks into your cunt with no regard but his hands caress you like you are precious.
"c'mere." he cannot take any space right now. he tugs you into him, he is too big compared to you. he holds your body to him, a thin layer of perspiration has coated his skin.
your arms wrap around his shoulders to keep him close, you are grasping for something to keep you lucid.
"it's too big for you, huh? but you take my cock so well. you let me stretch you out until you're crying. it's okay, it's yours. you have to take it cause it's yours." you are drooling and your nose is all snotty but satoru finds it so adorable.
he covers your mouth, satoru kisses are different when he has you like this. they are borderline obsessive. like he needs your lips to know his and no one else's.
he ruts up into you, he has learnt your body so well he knows exactly how to leave you moaning and writhing against him. his cock head prods deep inside you, sliding along every spot that makes you brainless.
satoru smiles into the kiss, all while his hands lay claim on your body and he kisses you intensely because he only ever wants you to think of him.
"look so fucking gorgeous when you're getting fucked." you cannot find it in yourself to care that this is wrong. your moral compass is disoriented once satoru is near you.
satoru groans as he pumps his hips, your pussy is too good. too tight, too wet. you fit around him like you were only ever made for him.
consequences be damned, satoru wants you.
your sweet moans fill his ear and he is high off of everything associated with you. he plunges into hot silky walls over and over, creamy liquid collecting around his base and dripping down his balls.
your pussy splatters slick as he thrusts his heady cock. it throbs and pulses along your walls.
your scent, your smile but mostly the way you make him feel has satoru's heart belonging to you. it belonged to you a long time coming.
he grips the flesh of your thighs, mesmerised by the sight of your cunt getting pulled apart by his length. you writhe and tremble. you make crying look exquisite.
his strokes are hard and calculated. he has already ruined you for anyone else.
"you're mine, you're mine. all fucking mine." it has the tears streaming more. you are not. but you want to be.
having your vice pussy wrapped around him and you in his space. you in his apartment that only feels like home when you are here.
he ruts into you steadily, the way you constantly squeeze around him has his eyes threatening to close.
"s' too much. going too deep." you brokenly speak, drooling as your hands press to his stiff chest and your hips shift.
"don't run from it. you wanted it, remember? was practically begging me to fuck you." his arms wind on your waist, tugging you flush to him. your breasts mushed to his chest and your pussy gushing on his cock. he fills you over and over, you lose it the longer he does.
he pecks the corner of your mouth before your nuzzling your nose. satoru wants more, more of you because he can never get enough.
"baby, baby. fuck, what are you doing to me?" you are crying, you are falling apart right on his cock but satoru is there to put you back together. he always is.
he anchors his hold on your body, bringing you down on his cock every time he fucks into your weeping slit with reckless abandon. your nails claw down the ripples of his back muscles as it grows more intense. it is sinful, the wet squelching that comes from you getting filled.
your body trembles, moaning continuously. the knot in your stomach grows more intense, your gummy insides tightening up enough to make satoru groan.
"c'mon cum for me. want to feel it." and you do. you cream along his cock, you tighten and cum so hard your vision blurs. satoru does not stop fucking you.
he shoves his thick length into you while you cry, while you shake and desperately hold him.
his fingers dig into the flesh of your ass, his forehead pressing to your shoulder. the thick strands of hair are damp with sweat. his cock head twitches inside you, aching for release. the rhythm of his hips is lost, he slams up into you with sloppy movements. his breathing is ragged.
he holds you so tight you feel it stinging your skin, he holds you like he never wants to let you go. "gonna cum, m'gonna cum." his voice is pitched up and airy.
every single defined muscle on his frame flexes. every single one of them contort. "need to fill you up." he sounds perverse. your eyes tightly shut when he slams hard into you, his stuttering hips flush to yours and heated strands of viscous cum flood your insides.
he only grips you harder. "you're too good." he curses, his hips pumping shallowly as the onslaught of cum pools from his tip along your walls.
you are both breathing heavily, your body limply melds onto him. desperately hugging him. his mouth leaves a flurry of kisses to your skin before he nuzzles his nose to your cheek. "baby." you want to cry, you already are.
your vision is blurred by tears but satoru swipes them away. you find him, him with messy hair and blushed cheeks. him with the most comforting smile and eyes you always lose yourself in.
"i adore you." he pecks your lips, you find yourself leaning closer when he pulls back.
"i adore you too." you brokenly whisper. it sounds an awful lot like love.
i love you.
you absolutely cannot say it.
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did you guys see satoru in the jjk trailer ??? i'm losing my mind
AND i'm sooo happy that you guys liked the first chapter, i hope this one was enjoyable !!
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serxinns · 2 months
The Hero awaits but With a deadly fate: Chapter 3
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A/n:finally its been done I hope you enjoy it whatndo you thimk happens next tell me in the comments! Also f for reader for going through this shit lol
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"Hey....mina!" You awkwardly hugged her, slowly patting her on the back. "We've missed you so much! It's been years!" She sniffles, trying to hold back tears. "Look how much you grown!" Laughed Kirishima as he patted you hard you glared as he gave you a shark tooth grin
"And look at those muscles you've been working out baby?~" Denki said as he poked and played with your muscular arms. "I can't believe your dumbass thought running away was an option" "Oh, cut them some slack. They were probably scared and confused right, y/n?" You ignored Jiro's comments slowly looking around to try and find a way to escape
I gotta find a way outta here and away from these psychos!
You thought to yourself, trying to think of a way out of this; there, you spotted a door that read exit. "Wait, why are you all dressed up in that.." Mina narrowed her eyes at your clothing. You gulped, trying to build up some sort of excuse. "I just wanted to play dress up!" "You never wanted to wear these types of clothes back in high school. You even said you hated that style," Sero glared at you. "Well, I like it NOW! You know people change over the years"
Denki noticed something on your left arm and grabbed it,and pulled up the ssleeve. "What the fuck!?" Denki said as the other catch glanced at what he was aiming at and everyone stood silent "Who the fuck did this" Bakugo glared as the others looked concerned
Cmon y/n think of something ANYTHING
"I....got this a while ago" (...WHAT KIND OF REASONING IS THAT!? ) Your thoughts degraded you for your choice of words as you wanted to slap yourself in the face so bad "Really y/n We aren't 1st graders.." sero said rolling his eyes "and this cut wasn't a while ago cause the womb is still fresh and bleeding" Kirishima added, you were very concern and a bit tense the way he said it so casually, jirou the grabbed your arm and observed the craved wording slowly
"Himiko got you didn't they" Jirou bluntly said as she stared at you with a stern look "That stupid blond bitch got to you 1st!?" Denki's words were laced with shock and venom as the others started crowding around you, waiting for you to respond "No, really, it was-" "Cut the shit, y/n. Who else has HT in their name!?" You slowly backed away from the raging blonde. "I...i"
They all started cornering you blocking your way to escape while you stood back in fear not uttering a simple word until a horrifying familiar voice called out
"Kacchan? Why are you at the abandoned parking lot damnit! I told you to meet us at the abounded agency down the street"
They all turned toward the green-freckled boy... Izuku Midoriya behind him were Iida, momo, Ochako, tsuyu, and Todoroki all glaring at them looking impatient Mina quickly hid you behind Denki and Sero while Sero covered your mouth shut you tried struggling out of their grip but it was useless despising your lack of energy
"Ugh fuck off, shitty nerd, it's none of your business," Bakugo barked; izuku then turned his gaze onto yours as you quickly hid behind the 2 males praying he didn't recognize you. "Say, who's that person you're hiding?" Izuku's grin widened maliciously
Denki and Sero gulped sweat pouring down their face "Just a nobody thats all" Denki quickly replied iida rolled his eyes "Oh please do you idiots think we'll believe that" Just when they were about to protest a hand touched their chest as they started to float up
"HEY, PUT US DOWN, OCHAKO!" the 2 boys yelled, squirming around. Ochako scoffed as she set her gaze on you. She was stunned as you awkwardly waved at her. "Um, hi..."
Jesus Christ, I just wanna go home...I hope Eris safe
"Y/NNNNN!!" She then jumped and tackled you, almost making your trip as Tsuyu, momo, and Iida joined in the hug, checking for injuries as the others glared at each other "Hey, why didn't you inform us you found y/n the fuck happened to the deal?" He narrowed his eyes
Can someone just pull a trigger and kill me already..
"Oh shut up we found them 1st! And there's no way we would let you keep them, especially with YOU." The green hair then laughed humorlessly at his rival. "HA! I should say the same to you! You are just as bad, and you know it, and you want them just as much as I do!" Everyone then started fighting and arguing about who gets to claim you while you stared in horror
Keep me what am I a toy!? Fuck this!
You tried to run the opposite side until bumped into someone from behind "Little listener is that you?~ your body stiffed as you slowly raised your head to the voice directly praying that it wasn't who you think it was but luck said "fuck you your on your own at that point", you were met with your former teacher present mic with a crazed look in his face "yes it has..." a dark chuckled escaped from a deep voice
...no.AIZAWA!? Please God anything but him
"Moonbean! My little star student oh how I missed you~" Your other teacher midnight appeared behind him cooing as if you were 15 again You slowly backed away cautiously as you tried to activate your quirk "Oh SUNSHINEEEEEE~" you yelped quickly turning around to see the once beloved top hero's mirio, Tamaki and neijire.. all looking with a psychotic look oh their face "p-please don't be afraid your gonna be safe with us" Tamaki added as neijire tried lunching at you but you dodged it barely
"You hooligans must be mistaken if you think they're coming with you" you groaned "You gotta be kidding me" You slowly turned to see Monoma, Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Komori, and Kuroiro all appeared out of the shadows as well "My little mushroom~ it's been forever~," Komori said as she stared dreamily in your eyes
"Now, komori San, we shouldn't scare the sweeti,e," Kendo sternly sa, id, "especially when we are gonna be the ones taking them home!" "back off, you freak. We saw them 1st!" Mina slapped her hand away "Watch your tone you alien" Shiozaki threw a few vines at her which Mina dodged and threw her acid at them
everyone else was in an uproar, activating their quirks and attacking them while you struggled to get yourself up and tried limping towards the exit until Sero stopped you. "Where do you think you're going, darling?" Sero sickly smiled at you, you glared backing up while he was slowly walking towards you
You turned to see a security room you quickly activated your hyno quirk, and before Sero could react he stood there expression blank "Go to the security room and open the door" Sero obeyed slowly walking towards the security room The others not caring were busy fighting with each other
Serp then burst down the door, you quickly dashed towards the security camera making sure nobody noticed, and inside was a small dusty room with old snack wrappers, and bag, and an empty coffee mug you looked around carefully not trying to make any sound until you saw the light switch
Izuku noticed this and his smile widened maniacally "Where do you think you going!?" he used his quirk to dash toward you everyone else noticed and turned towards you two you panicked and started spamming buttons praying one of them was connected to the light, just when izuku got close you managed to press the light button and everything turned dark
That's when you ran for it. You activated your quirk to turn invisible and ran for it. You didn't care how aching and burning your legs were you were you ran and ran until you knew you were safe...
you looked around in the empty dark parking lot desperately trying to find a good place to hide, you quickly saw a bunch of cars on the 2nd floor of the parking lot and quickly jumped into one locking all doors, and slumped down catching your breath for a moment until you heard a fade radio static on your earpiece "Hello y/n hello can you hear me!?"
"Hmm, there escaped. What a shame.." izuku calmly said as he stared. "Ugh, if we would've been quicker, we would've gotten them!" Hakagure whined waving her arms around "Guess we gonna have to play a little game then.." izuku turned to look at Momo with a question waiting for her to say something "A game of hide and seek~" Izuku and the other villains' faces turned into excitement and manic gleefulness "a hide and seek game count me in!" Midnight joined in as the other villains joined and cackled with glee
"Whoever catches them will keep them fair and square!" Neijire announced as everyone agreed on the terms and service bakugo smirk grew deviously his eyes filled with hunger, desire, and pure determination he was gonna make sure he got ahold of you, and when he did he'd never let you go...you needed him and he needed you...with a crazed smile he utters the word
"is everyone ready...?" As everyone was about to head off they heard a giggle "Such a shame for leaving us out~" A dark chuckle rang out there standing at the entrance was the Lov themselves walking past the former heroes as they glared at them "Such a shame indeed how rude not to invite us izuku" the green hair glared at the mention of his name as the dry skin man smiling widely at him "yea especially when our naughty darling ran away like that! especially after I I care of her and even marked them as mine~"
"Wait, YOU craved the H.T. on their skin?!" Ochako said as she glared at Toga she smiled in return "Of course who wouldn't especially if their blood tasted yummy~" she teased "Oh you-" "OK are we gonna start this game or not" Aizawa coldly said interrupting Kirishima's outburst izuku the clapped his hands and said what everyone needed to hear "OK then! Everyone the game starts in"
Hide and seek!
"Cmon cmon! Mirko, can you hear me?" You muttered curses to yourself, trying to get a single from the bunny hero. "C'mon, please, please!" You were trying to get the earpieces to work for what felt like forever, and you weren't backing down, not now, not ever. You want to escape those psychopaths.
"Hello, y/n!? Can you hear me? Where are you?" "YES, YES!!" You silently as you heard Mirko's voice again. "Yes, I can! I'm at the abandoned parking lot at"###### ######" Please help. I'm being hunted down!" Mirko smiled. After 3 weeks, they finally found you. "ok we'll be there, cops and all. Just hang tight and keep talking to me!" You smiled feeling a bit safe after all this
You were actually going to escape and once you did younwere gonna move locations with eri making sure the two of you will be safe-
"Oh bunny~ where have you hidden?"
You froze clutching the earpiece tightly causing it to muffle out something you couldn't understand, you then saw a tentacle hovering over the cars by you, you covered your mouth tightly with tears in your eyes as you watched in fear and with a swoop the strong tentacle wrapped its arm around the car by you crushing it in one squeeze your eyes widen at the strength and speed that tentacles have
You spotted the craze version of Tamaki, a once timid boy who always was behind the smiling boy mirror, now smiling like a psychopath. He isn't the man he was before. He was broken beyond repair...
But you weren't gonna give up especially if escape is your goal to true freedom from these hellish psychopaths it was like a little game for them but for you
A nightmare...
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faeryarchives · 2 years
Hug Me!
gn!reader x malleus draconia
your lover wants to drown you with their affection but doesn't know how, until you beat them to it.
note: ok so it's been a while since i last wrote something i am sorry if it is a bit rusty 😔 and i tried writing in a 2nd point of view let me know what you guys think abt it ^^
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Walking down the trail back to the Ramshackle Dorm feels nostalgic after being stuck in the training camp for a while. Finally going back to your own dorm after a week of chaos is such a great feeling. Stretching your arms up in the air, you let the warm breeze welcome you back home.
"Never thought there would be a day that I would miss our precious dorm." While you seemed to be happy being back, Grim on the other hand is on a whole new level of joy, feeling free from everything - eyes sparkling and the fire of his ears start to go brighter.
"My sweet soft bed! No more errands from those professors and students finally I can sleep in peace."
"Grim wait- and there he goes." Before saying another word, the cat monster immediately speed towards their dorm leaving you alone on the trail. '
Silly Grim, I'll make sure that he gets his favorite tuna later.'
The prefect continue walking down the trail enjoying the scenery - birds chirping, tree leaves dancing in the air and a certain dorm leader standing in front of their garden.
Such a wonderful sight brought a smile to your face as you quietly walked behind the person - trying to give them a scare by covering their eyes but then unexpectedly your surprised (eye color) eyes met excited bright green ones.
"Child of man, you are back. You were gone for some time." Malleus muttered, his hands holding your hands together gently as if anytime you are going away for another long time. Seeing how your lover looks like a sad dragon, you find your hand patting his head and gave him a kiss on his hand.
"I missed you too, Mal! Let me tell you what happened during the camp, I wished you were there." The two of you sat together under the tree near the garden, Malleus laying comfortably on your lap as you continuously run your fingers through his hair and horns. From morning till noon, the ravenette listen to all of your story with an unknowing pout on his face.
'It's been a while since I last saw you.' Being away from you for some time made the dragon yearn for your affection and wants to drown you with his own love. 'But you look so happy talking about other humans.'
Hearing stories of you having fun without him makes him a little sad. A sigh escaped his lips making you sneak a glance at Malleus' face. Noticing how his mood changed, you poke his forehead with a finger and let out a giggle when he somehow looked confused with your actions.
"(Nickname) why did you stop?" He sat up and look at you curiously. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and puff your cheeks out - looking the other way with a huff.
"Aren't you forgetting something? I am really hurt." Although you said it as a joke, there are so many thoughts running to the Draconia's mind at the moment. Did you get offended in some way? Or did you read his mind? Did you not like his hair condition?
A laugh cut his brainstorming in a halt and all of his problems were solved the moment you opened your arms wide with a grin.
"You goofy dragon. Hug me!"
Ah, it was so easy. How can he be so foolish? Malleus chuckled at his own dilemma, looking directly to your eyes before engulfing you into a warm hug - burying his head to your neck and let out a soft sigh as if he is in the safest place in this wonderland.
"I am really back home, Mal."
"Welcome home, my love."
and little did they know something will happened in the future *ahem* chapter 7 *ahem* anyways i can't wait for diasomnia's ssr dorm cards like SEBEK'S CARD IS SAUR PRETTY IM SO GLAD I GOT HIM 🥹
as always i hope u guys enjoyed and hopefully i am not shadowbanned?? if i got shadowban i will reblog this over andd over again i need everyone to know abt my malleus fluff before angst agenda 👹
recent fics: adore you & so this is heartache
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messedupfan · 6 months
Chapter 16
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Summary: After finding out about your possible attendance at Tommy and Billy's big day, Vision decides to pay you a visit.
A/n: Hello! This one is short haha Also did any of y'all get to see the eclipse? Crazy!! Enjoy!
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You and Pietro are staring at the blueprints for the building that the company has been working on. There was a measurement off on an area which has made the work halt until someone can figure out what went wrong. The two of you are trying to decipher where the issue is and what the best solution would be when Vision storms onto the job site. 
“Vision, you're not allowed to be here. You're an unauthorized civilian in a construction zone,” Pietro says as he steps around the table to prevent his former brother-in-law from moving further into the unpredictable space. 
“I'm here to speak with Y/n. I'm not leaving until I do,” he states and you aren't sure what he could possibly want with you. 
“We are trying to work,” Pietro glares at Vision. “Actual life threatening work, not standing pretty in a room full of hungover college students.” 
Vision looks at Pietro for a moment then looks back at you. “Do you have a minute?” 
Pietro is about to say something when you decide to cut in. “Just this once, Vision,” you grab a spare hard hat and plop it on his head. “Regulations, I’m sure you’ve taught your students about them.” You pat him on the back before guiding him out of the construction zone. He takes the hard hat off and roughly returns it to you as he fixes his hair. “What is so important, Vision? I’m needed inside.”
“I want you to stay away from the tournament,” he states. 
You lick your lips in thought and look past him to the job site. The concrete mixing machine is spinning and you fantasize for a moment about pushing Vision into a space and burying him in the concrete. You shake the thought away and look back at Vision. “Why would I do that? Tommy and Billy invited me.” 
“That doesn’t matter, I’m uninviting you. They are my boys and if anyone is going to be there to support them, it’s going to be me!” Vision says as he tries to intimidate you. His reasoning for keeping you away confuses you. Why does he really not want you there?
“Vision, no one is saying you can’t be there. Why are you making this a ‘it’s me or you’ thing? This isn’t about either of us, it’s about your sons. I have been helping them practice and they want to show me that our hard work has paid off. Why is that such a bad thing?” You ask, instead of agreeing to stay away. You knew that he was going to make this into a thing, but you don’t understand why it has to be. It’s not like you are dating Wanda or trying to replace him as his kids parent. You don’t understand why he has such a problem with you. 
“I know that you have been helping them. You know how I know? Because they don’t stop talking about it. I have friends and colleagues that have children in their class. What kind of father will people think I am if Tommy and Billy give you all of the credit? I don’t want them to run to you when they win. They will be running to me because you won’t be there. Understood? You are to stay away,” he says bitterly and now you understand what’s happening. He doesn’t want his image of being an involved father to be affected. It upsets you that he could easily earn that credit and praise by spending time with his kids. But he relies on everyone else doing the heavy lifting and keeping their mouths shut. You find it ridiculous. “The tournament is happening on my weekend. So I have to be there. They aren’t your kids, you can make up some excuse and not show up. Or else,” he threatens. 
“Do you have something to support your ‘or else’ or were you hoping that was enough for me to agree to cancel?” You ask, bored of this conversation. 
“Just, leave my kids alone. Okay?” Vision walks away and you sigh. You knew when you accepted the twins invitation two weeks ago, you were going to upset Vision. You didn’t realize that you were making him feel insecure as a parent. You return to work to try and push the encounter out of your mind. 
The issue turned out to be a simple adjustment. Everyone cheered because it could have been much worse. It could have taken weeks to fix. There could have been a fatal accident. It could have cost materials that would have taken weeks to replace. It could have been missed until inspection and that would have had the building demolished. The list of scenarios could go on and on. You and Pietro are more than happy about the results of an easy fix. 
You forget all about Vision's visit until during your lunch break when Pietro asks what the man wanted. “For me to stay away from Tommy and Billy’s tournament,” you shrugged. It was something you were expecting but you didn't think he would cause a scene at your place of work. 
Pietro nods and takes a bite of his food as he looks at the other crew members around the two of you. “Did he say why he doesn't want you there?” 
“Kind of? The gist of it was he's an absent father and he doesn't want the rest of the world to know that,” you shake your head and laugh a little as you think back on the conversation. “I tried to threaten me but there's nothing he can do. I'm still going.” 
Pietro makes a face, “Threaten you? How so?” 
“Well, he just said,” you clear your throat as you get ready to imitate the British man. “Stay away or else!” You roll your eyes. “It's ridiculous, he didn't have anything to say when I asked him what he would do. Because he can't do anything to me.”
“Maybe not to you, but he could do something to my sister. Or worse, he could pull the boys out of that class or make sure they don't show up to the event. I don't know.” Pietro pushes his food around his plate. “All I'm saying is that he can't do anything to you but he can do something to them. So maybe, don't go.” 
You frown as you consider Pietro's advice. He was right. Vision might not be able to touch you but he can hurt Wanda and her kids. 
Later that night, when you're picking up Rachel from Wanda's house, you feel terrible as you think of the ways Vision can hurt them and the only thing that you can do is comply and hurt them in a different way. “What's on your mind? You've been more quiet than usual,” Wanda asks as she hands you a clean plate to dry. 
“I um,” you aren't sure if you should tell her about the encounter earlier. But I'd you're considering canceling on her boys, you can't lie to her. “Vision came to see me today. He doesn't want me there to support the boys next Saturday.” 
“What?” Wanda stops scrubbing the pan she was cleaning. “Are fucking kidding me?” She scoffs as she shakes her head. She figured that Vision would come to her when he found out about you attending the event. She can't believe he dislikes you so much. She truly doesn't understand it. “What did you tell him?” 
“What I told him and what I’m considering are conflicting,” you truthfully tell her. “I don’t want Vision to do something to the boys or even become a bigger headache for you.” 
Wanda nods, she knew that whatever Vision threw at her, she could handle it. However, she agreed that the boys shouldn’t get affected by their father's tantrums. She takes a deep breath. “What are we going to tell them?” 
You are a little touched when she includes herself in this conflict. That this isn't something you have to deal with on your own. “I haven’t figured that part out yet. I wasn't sure if I should fight him or not.” 
“I know how much the boys would love to have you there but,” she sighs as she hands you the last dish. “Vision can't hurt either of us and he knows that. I don't want to believe that he would do something to hurt his kids but, let's face it. His priorities aren't exactly where they should be.” You dry the plate and set it aside as you nod. “So, we're just going to have to tell them that something came up and that you won't be able to attend. But we'll wait until the end of the week to tell them. Make it seem more urgent.” 
You nod with a deep frown. It hurts that you had to cancel on the boys. They've been so excited during the practices that you've done with them since that first night. You don't want to disappoint them but it's better that it's you and not Vision. 
On the day that you do have to break the news, Tommy called you a stupid head and said that he didn't want you there in the first place before he stormed up to his room. Billy just cried. Rachel asks you a million questions on the way home. It makes you feel terrible. Nothing could have prepared you for the heartache you felt when you said that you couldn't be there for them. 
In the middle of the week, Vision had a basket sent to your apartment with a thank you note. You tossed it in the trash. You couldn't believe that you let him win. All you could do was hope that they'd forgive you or at least forget about the let down. 
You tried to forget about it the rest of the week. On Friday, your friends want to go out so you join them. You don't drink as much as you have in the past when hanging out with them but you, Bucky, Steve, and Darcy end up staying out until close to three in the morning. The four of you had a lot of fun. The night started out at a simple bar with a few drinks then it led to one of those modern arcades with a bar. At a certain point, you noticed that  Steve and Bucky had gone missing. Darcy claimed that it happens every time she hangs out with them so you didn't question the disappearance. And when they reappeared, you were having too much fun to realize that they had switched shirts. 
Everyone ended up crashing at your place instead of going to their homes. You chose to sleep in Rachel's room to give Darcy your bed while Steve and Bucky crashed in the living room. You plugged your phone in and slipped into a dreamless sleep. 
In the next afternoon Darcy is shoving you awake. “Answer your damn phone! Some of us weren't made to sleep through natural disaster!” She grouchs as she continues to shake you. 
Groggy and discombobulated you squinted through your eyes as the bright sun shone through the blinds. You stretch and yawn as your phone starts ringing again. It's louder than you remember it ever being. You quickly answer the call before checking who it is. “Hello?” 
“Y/n, thank goodness!” Wanda says urgently. You spring up in bed, alarmed by her tone.
“What happened? What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it the boys?” You say as you get out of bed. 
“Woah, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I mean, it's an emergency but it's not a life threatening one,” she says, a little calmer this time. 
Your body relaxes instantly. “Sorry, I'm just waking up. I had um quite a night. Anyway… What's the emergency?” Darcy shouts that you're being too loud so you step out onto the balcony. 
“Hold on, are you with someone?” Wanda asks instead.
“No, that's just Darcy,” you say. “She spent the night because we were out late. Bucky and Steve are here as well. But ignore all of that, why are you calling?” You check the time and frown. “Shouldn't you be cheering the boys on soon?” 
“Vision dropped the boys off and disappeared,” she says. “I can't get a hold of him. Every time I call it goes straight to voicemail. I asked Tommy and Billy what he said when he dropped them off but their answer wasn't helpful. They're devastated,” she continues and it seems like she's going to say more but instead she says. “Sorry, I don't know why I called I-” 
“I'm on my way. I'll be there as soon as I can,” you interrupt before she says that she shouldn't have called you. It makes you happy that she called you for this. “I've got to get ready, I'll see you in a bit. Bye,” you hang up the phone before she can protest. 
You quickly inform Darcy that you have to leave and why. She stops you from grabbing your keys. “Not so fast boo boo the fool. You smell like sweat and booze. Shower first, I'll put together some clean clothes and then you can go play superhero.” You don't think you have time but you do have an odor and you don't look very presentable. In fact, you'd hope that they'd refuse entry to someone in your state. 
You quickly rinse off the previous night and throw on the clothes that Darcy laid out for you. Steve and Bucky are sitting at the kitchen table and Darcy is making them coffee as you pass them. “Darcy, you have my spare right? Please lock up before you leave.” 
“What? Why does Darcy have a spare and I don't?” Steve asks, offended. “We've been friends longer.” 
Darcy taps his head, “Hush, they’re on a mission.” She looks up at you with an innocent smile as Steve scratches his head. “Don't worry, I'll be sure to lock up. Now go, go!” 
You thank her before racing out of the building. When you arrive, you find Wanda consoling her boys with their Sensei. Someone steps out of the gym and when the door opens you can hear that the event has already started. You jog over to Wanda. “Hey, I'm sorry I'm late. Traffic was just,” you don't get to finish your excuse because Billy crashes against you and greets you with a tight hug. You wrap your arms around him. “Hey buddy, it's alright,” you say gently as you carefully pry him off of you. “What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you be in there kicking butt?” You ask as you level with him. 
Billy wipes his tears, “I couldn't because I was sad.” 
You frown, “Sad? Why were you sad?” You move some of his hair out of his face and pull a bandana out of your pocket to help wipe his tears out of his prescription goggles. 
“Because my daddy didn't want to be here and neither did you,” he admits and your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. 
You shake your head. “That’s not,” you sigh and look behind him to Wanda standing beside Tommy, he is giving you his best death glare that reminds you a lot of Vision. “I’m sorry that I made you think that, Billy. I thought that there was something more important but I was wrong. Nothing is more important than seeing you and your brother compete today.”
“Really?” Billy squeaks as his eyes start to brighten up a bit. You can see so much of Wanda in him. You grin as you nod. 
“Billy, sometimes we are given two choices and I don't always pick the right one. But you are smarter than me. So I'm going to give you,” you point to his chest as you speak, “two choices. Number one, you can quit now and we can all go home. We might watch a movie but there will be nothing to show for it. Or number two, you can show everyone in that room what your Sensei has taught you and what we have worked on together. You and your brother could win trophies and get new belts and then we can go out to celebrate. Which one do you think you should pick?” You try to make one option seem a little more appealing than the other to try and get him inside. 
Billy looks at you then to his mom, then to his instructor, and lastly, he looks to his brother. “Do you want to?” Tommy had his arms crossed over his chest with an angry frown and a deep scowl. You could tell that between the two, he was the one that refused to perform. His way of having control over the situation. Something that he was learning from his father. If you don't give him what he wants, he tries to take something away. In this case, he's not getting his father's approval so he's making it so that they don't participate. It hurts Vision’s image, which isn't something that Tommy knows much about. He can't stop playing his father's words over and over in his head, don't embarrass me. 
Tommy steps forward, “If we go in there, are you going to stay?” 
“I'm going to stay,” you promise. His features soften and he grabs his brother's hand and takes him over to their Sensei. The three walk through the double doors and run to their corner. Wanda walks over and gives you a tight hug, much like Billy had. 
“Thank you so much,” she says into your chest. 
“Wanda, as much as I love being in your arms, you're holding me back from keeping my promise,” you say as you give her a quick squeeze in return. 
“Just a second longer,” she says before she finally releases you. “You are incredible,” she says as she leads you inside. A volunteer stops you from walking further. 
“Do you have a ticket?” She asks with a bright smile. You quickly pull your wallet out of your pocket. 
“No, I don't actually,” you say but Wanda stops you. 
“Nonsense, after what you did for my kids, I've got you covered,” Wanda hands the woman her debit card despite your protests.
“Okay, you two are good to go,” she says then she pulls out a clipboard with a sheet of names and contact information. “I'm also supposed to ask if you would like to sign this petition to get more funding for programs like these. Is that something that you would be interested in?” The woman is a little more flirtatious in her approach and you are thrown off. You size her up as she is clearly eyeing you and you smile at her politely. She bites her lip as she leans a little forward to expose a bit of cleavage. 
“Sure, I love to support a good cause,” you say as you take the clipboard and pen to write down your name and phone number. She asks you a couple of more questions before you and Wanda are able to walk away. 
“That girl wants a date with you,” Wanda mutters once the two of you are sitting in the stands. “I’m assuming one without any clothes.” You shake your head with a laugh.
“Please, it was just a tactic to get my signature,” you say as you lean in close so she can hear you. 
“Oh. So I should judge you because it worked on you?” Wanda asks in a playful tone but there is a layer of truth. 
“No, I just thought the cause was worth supporting. What you should be concerned about right now is that Billy is up next,” you say as you point to the floor where Billy is stepping onto the mat. Wanda reaches for your hand and holds it in a tight grip. You don’t pull away, more than happy to give her some sort of comfort. You felt just as nervous watching Billy out there. You record as much of the match as possible. Something for Wanda to send to Vision or people in her family that couldn’t be there. 
In the middle of the tournament, your stomach starts to growl and ache painfully. You excuse yourself to buy some snacks at the concession stand. Because neither of her boys are on the mat, Wanda watches you from her seat. On your way back to the stands, the woman stops you for what looks like a quick chat. She cleanches her jaw when the woman touches your arm as she laughs at something you said. She tries to ignore the pang of jealousy she feels as you continue to talk to the woman. You come back to her side when Tommy stands up to enter the mat. When you return, Wanda pulls you close to her and her eyes search for the red haired woman. As soon as she makes eye contact with her, Wanda wraps her arm around your waist and steals some of your popcorn. You laugh because you notice her odd behavior but you don’t question it. Not as much as Wanda is. 
When the event is over, Tommy and Billy run to you to show off their awards. You give them high fives and tell them how proud you are. Wanda gives them hugs as she tells them the same. Then they take your hand and race you over to their friends. She puts their prizes in her tote bag as she gets ready to leave. Tommy and Billy have other plans. They have you show each of them how to do the moves you managed to teach them in the past few weeks. Wanda stands back and watches with a wide smile. She snaps a few pictures as she watches but she doesn’t want to view the moment from her phone screen.
“Excuse me,” the volunteer from earlier says quietly to Wanda. “Hi, my name is Nebula and I just wanted to apologize for flirting with your partner earlier. I consider myself to be a girls girl and I didn’t realize that you two were together,” she rambles and Wanda holds her hands up to stop the girl. 
“Slow down, we’re just friends,” Wanda corrects her. The words feel wrong coming out of her mouth but she couldn’t stop them. It was like an automatic response every time someone implied that you and her are a couple. 
“Oh,” Nebula fails to stop the smile from growing on her face. “Is Y/n seeing someone?” She turns to watch you playing with the kids. 
“No. No, they are single,” Wanda knew this girl was being friendlier to you than just getting another signature for a petition. She didn’t want to be the one giving Nebula this information. But no matter what she was feeling, she wasn’t going to sabotage you. 
Nebula nods as she continues to watch you. “Do you think they will be creeped out if I use their information from the petition to contact them?”
Wanda watches the girl for a moment and thinks about telling her to back off. That if anyone should be asking you out, it should be her. But was Wanda ready for a relationship beyond physical pleasures? She doesn’t know. And because she doesn’t know, she wasn’t going to gatekeep you. Just in case she isn’t ready for a long time. “I think maybe that’s exactly how you should do that. I’ll get to win a bet if you do,” Wanda says jokingly. 
Nebula nods and nudges Wanda with her shoulder, “I’ve got you. Make it a good bet.” She winks, “Thank you. I hope to see you around soon.” 
“I’ll give the toast at the wedding,” Wanda jokes again and Nebula walks away laughing. 
“Oh, would you look at that, I think she had her eyes on you this whole time,” you say as you walk up to Wanda with both boys wrapped around and hanging onto each of your legs. Wanda shakes her head. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” She steps closer to you and puts her hand on your shoulder. “Let’s get these two some ice cream,” she says loudly and the boys let go of your legs to jump up and down as they cheer. She messes with their hair and tells them to go wait by her car. They start to shove each other on their way out of the building as they race each other. 
“Still no word from Vision?” You ask as you scrape the sides of your cup to get every last bit of chocolate ice cream out of the cup. Wanda checks her phone and continues to shake her head to see the lack of responses from Vision. She eats her ice cream and gets some of it on her nose. You wipe it off with your thumb and smile. “Mmm, maybe I should have gotten that flavor instead,” you say as you lick the ice cream off of your thumb. She smiles back at you.
Tommy and Billy are running around the playground while you and Wanda sit on a bench and watch them play. “I don't know if I should take them home with me or drop them off at Vision’s house. I don't know how Vision will react because I'm not even sure why he didn't show up.” 
Your smile drops and you look away from her as you shake your head. “I can't believe after the tantrum he threw that he wasn't there for them. He sent me a thank you basket. Which, I don't want to know how he got my address to begin with-” 
“He is unbelievable and I am going to be tied to that man for the rest of my life,” she shakes her head again. 
“They're pretty great reasons to be tied to him though,” you compliment the boys, making Wanda smile as she watches them chase each other around. 
“They are,” she says and then she looks at you. “Will you join us for dinner? I'm thinking that we should go somewhere nice.” 
You look at her and when your eyes meet, you want to kiss her. The only thing keeping you from doing that is the fact that her kids could witness it and ask questions that you're not prepared to answer. “Um, yeah, I’d love to. As long as we split the bill.” 
Wanda considers insisting on paying for everything but that's not what will catch your interest. It's not a collection of times she has done something for you and you have done things for her. Leaving an imbalance of power between the two of you always. No, you are someone that seeks equal partnership. “Fine by me,” she says. 
Your phone goes off and Wanda's heart jumps in her throat from the anticipation. She hoped that the Nebula girl hadn't decided to reach out so soon. “It's a grocery list from Darcy,” you say as another message comes through. “And she and the guys have finally vacated the premise,” you laugh as you respond to the messages. She didn't realize she was holding in her breath until you spoke. Wanda relaxes as she continues eating her ice cream. 
“They’ve been at your apartment this entire time?” Wanda asks with a light laugh of her own. 
“Apparently, and now I'm all out of food,” you shake your head.
During dinner, Wanda has to excuse herself to take a call from Vision. You distract the boys by being silly to make them laugh, then you ask each of them to tell you about their week since you haven't seen them since last Friday. They go on and on about assignments that they enjoyed or hated. Like how Tommy is bummed about a book report but that Billy is ecstatic about it. He’s already read every book on the list, which he conveniently avoided telling the teacher. In gym class, there is a push up challenge that Billy isn’t thrilled about at all but Tommy is more than ready for. They talk about some playground drama where you find out that your daughter has been married and divorced three times throughout the week. You laugh when you find out that she's currently married to a girl named Kate in their class. 
You fondly remember your days in primary school when you were officiating weddings for Jean. She married half the class by the end of the school year. But she never married you back then. She told you that one day she would and then she kissed you on your tear stained cheeks. 
When Wanda returns she looks frustrated and you feel for her in her situation. “That was your dad,” she starts as she sits down. “He will be by the house tomorrow with your school bags but you're staying with me tonight.” She can't look at her boys as she stabs her food with her fork. She was still very worked up over the conversation. Billy puts his hand on her arm and she nearly breaks. 
“Wanda, do you want to know a trick I use to make water taste really good?” You ask her as you hold your glass up. She looks at you with a fragile expression before she takes your cue. She grabs her cup and you show her the trick you've learned over the years of how to drink something in order to avoid crying. It seems to work and she compliments that the water does taste better. The boys don't believe it so they try it and their brains trick them into believing the technique did anything to change the flavor. 
“Thank you,” Wanda mouths when she has calmed down. You shrug in response as the meal continues on. 
After dinner, you follow Wanda to her house with Tommy in your car and Billy in hers. He wanted to make sure that you came to their house to play video games and because you wanted to earn their trust, you agreed to drive with Tommy in the car. Wanda thought it was sweet that you cared this much about her boys. 
The four of you play three different multiplayer games together. Some rounds were kids versus adults and others you and Wanda would team up with one of the twins. The games went on until nine at night and that's when the kids wanted to watch a movie. You and Wanda sat at opposite ends of the couch with both boys sitting in the middle. When they both went quiet Wanda recruited you to help her take them to their beds. 
Once the two were settled in their beds you helped Wanda with cleaning up the mess in the living room by taking care of the cups while she reset the gaming setup. Putting controllers to charge and setting game cases on the game shelf in the cabinet. When all is said and done Wanda walks you to your car. 
“Thank you for today,” she says as she stands close to you with her hands in her back pockets. “You'll have to let me know if that girl messages you. I have a lot riding on that bet,” she jokes but her eyes look at both of yours and then land on your mouth. You've heard about this tactic, it's a signal to let you know she wants to kiss you. Suddenly you feel a little nervous. Any kiss the two of you shared could be dismissed with being under the influence or having heightened emotions. But right now, there wouldn't be any excuse. There would just be. 
It was a terrifying thought. 
“I’m sure you'd be devastated to lose the chance to choose my next haircut,” you retort as you lean in closer to her. Even when you're talking about a potential relationship with another woman, the only person on your mind is Wanda. The two of you gravitate towards each other until your lips meet. The kiss is short but meaningful. She smiles at you when the both of you break away before she bites her lower lip. You smile back at her as she steps away from you. “I'll see you later?” You ask as you open the door to your truck. 
Wanda nods, “Yeah, I'll um, I'll see you later.” 
“Okay,” you say softly. “Goodnight, Wanda. Sweet dreams.” 
“Sweet dreams, Y/n” she repeats and waves goodbye as you climb into your truck. She watches you drive away from the front door. She decides then that she doesn't need to be exploring her sexuality anymore. None of the people she sleeps with make her feel nearly as alive as that simple kiss did. As she lies in her bed, she goes through all of her dating apps and deletes every single one of them. She doesn't need them anymore.
Chapter 17
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles @the-ox-fan20
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mezzy303 · 10 months
So I've been rereading skip beat from the beginning for the first time in uhhhhh almost 10 years and I'm going inSaNE over characterizations and development that I have to write it down
At this point I'm only at the Heel siblings arc so I haven't gotten to the Guam or Saena arcs which are very big for Kyoko and Ren's character development and healing which I haven't reread since those chapters came out
Can we just take a moment to appreciate Nakamura for basing Kyoko and Ren's childhood struggles and trauma on very real things that aren't often, if at all, dealt with in anime/manga and also writing them with utmost care (Not only do the traumas inform their personalities, but their healing arcs aren't just a one and done thing!! It's a very slow process) Like starting with Kyoko, her single mother neglected her so much that she was raised by a family friend. On top of that, nothing Kyoko did was ever good enough for her mother, and both of these things are so apparent in Kyoko's character. She attaches herself to fairytales and magic as an escapism and because she relates to stories like Cinderella. She literally cannot function if she messes up and no one criticizes her. She can't properly acknowledge her own talents and beauty without it being attached somehow to fairytales; she never quite believes shes good enough. Similarly, she didn't want to bother anyone with her troubles, so she always dealt with them alone/in private spaces. Pretty sure she also has lowkey abandonment issues. And this is all parental trauma!! Things she already has before the series starts and she gets so utterly heartbroken she swears off romantic love entirely so she can never get hurt the same way again.
(I don't think I'll ever get over how Kyoko told all this to Kuu and he was literally like I'm adopting you. Your mine now. Sorry I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And Kuu going home to his wife like hey we got a new kid 😂 Like Kyoko freezing up when she made mistakes and then Kuu showing her love instead of reprimanding her makes me go 🥹😩💖✨😭💝 Kyoko getting all fluffy from head pats🥹🥹 But on the downside she literally can't bring herself to call him dad unless she's in acting mode sjdfhsf)
When I really consider it, I wonder if Kyoko really loved Sho as a person or like.... the idea of him. Like he was just a convenient guy via proximity bc Kyoko needed someone to be her "prince". We haven't been shown exactly why she fell in love, but it would explain why she stuck with dedicating herself to him despite his terrible personality and knowing he never saw her the same way. It's portrayed like the concept of hatsukoi in anime where its ✨pure✨and innocent✨It seems very idealistic. Whereas Kyoko's love for Ren is more mature. She sees every aspect of Ren and doesn't sugarcoat it, she sees him as he is (she does him up on a pedestal but partially bc she admires him but also as an extreme measure to protect her heart and hide her feelings imo)
And REN. trauma to the max. He had to deal with the hardships of making a name for himself when his parents are already famous, extreme racism from being biracial, his friend/mentor dying from an accident he unintentionally caused???? Like boy hates himself so much he's literally disassociating 24/7 he needs a fucking therapist. I get how being Ren has helped him in some capacity but he needs a professional asap. Though deep diving into this is so interesting because Ren/Kuon compartmentalized his issues and the parts that he hates about himself so much he created its own persona ("Dark Kuon"), to the point he's rarely ever just himself. And he buried it so deep that as soon as he cracked the lid open, those emotions just spilled out. He can't even allow himself to be happy, and when he does feel truly happy, his automatic response is acting nonchalant,,,,,,,,,,,, he didn't even realize he was doing it at first 😢
Also the symbolism with Ren's watch makes me go a little feral. I don't remember if it's originally his or Rick's but it obviously stopped when the latter died and Ren keeps it as a reminder of what happened and why he went to Japan. It's a weird item since it grounds him but also represents his heavy trauma, and I think having those two things in one kinda showcases Ren's unhealthy coping mechanisms (like grounding himself to something traumatic isn't... great...). But that scene where he realizes he took it off and he has a moment of whether it to keep it on as Cain Heel or not??? *clenches fist* it was so good. (To recap it, he had his watch so he wouldn't lose himself in the role of BJ and then forgot it in the bathroom after an unexpected trauma response) Ren narrates his thoughts as choosing between Rick or Kyoko but interpreting this, he's choosing whether to keep himself stuck in his past trauma or move forward and let himself be happy AKA stick with unhealthy coping mechanisms vs try something healthy and rely on people he trusts. Kyoko essentially becomes someone Ren grounds himself to 🥺 He still needs therapy though lmao. He's so mentally unstable in this arc,,,
As I'm writing this I'm seeing a parallel between Kyoko and Ren and how they both had an experience that completely and utterly broke them, and it was this that pushed them onto their current paths in showbiz. And they likely would never have met each other again if those things never happened (they had to lose themselves to find each other?? 😭). It's so funny to me that Ren is all like ThEiR fAtEs ArE iNtErTwInEd with Kyoko and Sho when you have to consider the fact that him and Kyoko meeting again was like. a chance in a billion. It was fate 😂
KyoRen is such a poetic ship to me. The fact that they're different people when they meet and don't recognize the other. How Ren starts falling in love AS SOON AS HE REALIZES KYOKO IS THE SAME GIRL HE MET (Ren being gray/demiromantic.... more at 5). Kyoko lowkey starting to crush on Ren when she witnesses a bit of his real personality. These two things happening around the same time??????? And Ren being SO afraid of being Kuon, his true self, because of his bad qualities, but Kyoko pulling out the good qualities without him fully realizing it?? (I'm 100% referring to Kuon being a mischievous little shit and I live for how he teases Kyoko) tbh they treat each other differently from other people without even realizing it lol. And Kyoko being surrounded by toxic and possessive men pursuing her, and Ren being anything BUT. Like my man is a gigantic green flag. He recognizes that he can't seriously pursue Kyoko bc she's a minor and he really tries his best to only be a friend and mentor in her life and keeping her trust and never crossing her boundaries despite the stereotypes of men being "unable to control themselves." Y'all take point this should be the standard at minimum☝️
I have to talk about Sho bc this boy is so fucking toxic but he makes such a fascinating character. As much as I hate how Kyoko got heartbroken in the way she did, I think it was necessary so that she could leave Sho's sorry ass and cut him out of her life. Seriously,,,, he took advantage of her and used her as a servant. she literally dropped out of school, moved to a different city, and took on two jobs for the sole purpose of helping his career and then he threw her away like a used rag (JUST THROW THE WHOLE MAN AWAY). And then he has the audacity to fall in love with her smh. Anyway the fascinating part about him to analyze is how he's so possessive of Kyoko. Like she was a mere fly in his life, but she was always his. Until she wasn't. And I think those twisted thoughts kinda morphed into feelings for Kyoko. Ig in a way he still cares about her, but it could never hide how toxic he is. Anyone who's like I don't care how this person thinks of me as long as I take up the biggest space in their heart is egotistical and narcissistic. BUT he and Kyoko bickering like siblings will always be funny. Like epitome of two people who've lived with each other for way too long so they know how the other ticks and also get on each other's nerves 😂😂Sho does makes a good foil for Ren though. Like he's basically everything Ren is not: immature, temperamental, possessive, vain, the list goes on. His only redeeming qualities as a character is providing good drama and humor and being an example of what Ren isn't.
Skip Beat is really a story about healing and learning to love yourself and letting others love you and Nakamura is such a good story teller 🥺
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httpiastri · 4 months
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genre: angst, fluff, comfort, etc.
word count: 6k
warnings: hmmm nothing except heartbreak in several scenes lol
author's note: guys im really sorry but im pretty mean to paul here..... like it got to the point where i rewatched jeddah videos of him and physically felt ill because i was mad at him LMAO 😭 but we'll get through this together!! this was supposed to include some other scenes but it was long enough as it was sooo 😶 summary for this chapter ig is yn feels very torn between her boys, and so do i. hope everyone has a good week (it's finally race week again aaaaa) !! 💗
also i think the next chapter might be shorter because i just wanna get it out already and i don't have a lot to write about in it hehe, fingers crossed that i can finish it soon<3
(alsoooo i proofread this a few days ago but i just cant find the energy or time to do it rn, praying that there are no big issues…. if there are, i would be so thankful if you could send me an ask or message etc 🙏)
series masterlist
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"i still can't believe i missed out on the top ten again. and by just three hundredths, even..."
pepe shakes his head as you both make your way out of the campos truck, dragging a frustrated hand through his hair before pulling on his red bull cap. you can't help but chuckle – he's been like this all day, and all evening yesterday. you understand it, though; finishing just outside the reverse grid pole once again must feel frustrating.
not that you can relate. with a much better qualifying session yesterday in your second-ever qualifying in formula 2, you managed to snatch an eight-place finish. in other words, you will be starting third in today's sprint race, and just the thought of the probability of getting some big points sends tingles through your entire body.
"you'll get it next time," you say with a pat on your friend's back. "i mean, look at ollie. from p-nowhere last week to pole yesterday. that can be you next time around."
you've just come out of your morning meeting – morning meaning starting at ten and ending around noon – and now you're finally getting some lunch in the red bull hospitality. even during a race weekend like this, with mostly evening and night sessions, you still managed to oversleep and almost didn't make it in time for your meeting. you didn't get to have any breakfast, you had to run all the way from the shuttle to the truck, and you even forgot one of your racing boots as well as your phone in your hotel room. thankfully, you'll still have time to go back to the hotel before the sprint race, but walking around without your phone feels like being naked.
"speaking of ollie," pepe starts as you turn left and head into the formula one paddock. "are things between you two... alright?"
your eyebrows furrow together at the pause in the middle of his sentence. "why wouldn't they be?"
"well, i..." he stops again, and it makes you want to shake him. "i heard something. but it doesn't matter."
"who are you to decide that it doesn't matter?" you scoff. "tell me."
pepe sighs – he knows fighting you over this is a losing battle. you're way too stubborn to let go of this. "i heard that you were having issues. that you aren't happy, or something along those lines..."
you stop in your tracks, brain working in overdrive to comprehend what your friend is telling you. not happy with ollie? why would you not be happy with him? "who told you this?"
pepe stops in front of you. "i heard it from kimi, who heard it from... paul."
"what?" your eyes squeeze shut as your hands interlace on top of your head. "why would kimi come to you? instead of asking ollie himself?"
"you know kimi," pepe starts instantly. "he's young and gullible. i think he wanted to go for the see-if-the-best-friend-knows-anything strategy instead of asking ollie straight out." his hands squeeze your shoulders softly and you look up at him, a hint of a pout on your lips. "i guess he was scared that ollie would get mad at him or something."
"it's just-" you sigh. "it doesn't make any sense, does it?" pepe is just about to say something more when you cut him off with a dismissive swat of your hand in the air, stepping away from him and continuing your walk down the paddock. "let's just forget about it. i need lunch."
pepe stands frozen for a few moments before hurrying up to you again. he can't quite read your mood – you look unbothered, but he can't help but notice the slight touch of redness of your ears and the way your eyes seemingly can't focus on one thing for long enough. there's no way you can be over it already.
with pepe shutting up for a little while for the first time ever, you're left all alone with your thoughts as you continue your stroll. you know you should've asked for more information; you should've asked for details, for exactly what kimi said and how he worded it. you probably should also ask kimi himself for what paul told him. but right now, it's like a shadow is clouding your vision.
how dare paul say something like that? he must've known that the rumors he made up would spread like wildfire, as they always do in the formula paddocks. the snowball effect can make something tiny become huge, which is why you're always cautious about rumors. but apparently, paul doesn't care about that.
you're far too enraged to think even straight, and that's why it takes pepe pulling your arm to make you stop walking. you frown – to be fair, your frown hasn't left since it appeared a few minutes ago – but when you realize what it is that he's pointing at, both your frown and your jaw drop.
there's a swarm of journalists and fans following a ferrari driver down the road in front of you, which isn't all that uncommon. both charles and carlos are always incredibly popular. but what blows your mind is the fact that when you finally catch a glimpse of the driver's face, it's neither of the team's main drivers.
it's ollie.
"ollie! mate!" pepe yells, his arm waving erratically over his head. it takes a moment for the brit to find the owner of the voice, but he's tall enough to look over everyone else, and he's soon making his way over to you both. "i know you're popular, but this all seems a little excessive, don't you think?"
"i don't know what happened, as soon as the news came out..." ollie lets out a chuckle before turning to you, eyebrows raised at your expression. "i've called you like a hundred times, what have you been up to?"
"i left my phone at the hotel-" you begin but cut yourself off and shake your head. "wait, what news?"
when ollie starts speaking, time slows down. the entire world around you goes dark, the only thing you can hear being ollie's explanation of how carlos needs surgery and the call he got as he was having lunch. you feel lightheaded, almost like you could faint, when he speaks his final words. "...and they said i will be the one to replace him. i'm driving the formula one grand prix tomorrow."
you don't waste any time before throwing yourself into his arms, a loud squeal passing through your lips. "are you kidding me?" you exclaim, hugging him even tighter. "this is incredible, ollie! oh my god, i..."
"i can't really believe it myself, to be honest," ollie says, shaking his head as you part from the hug. pepe slaps his shoulder, congratulating his friend. "i would love to stay and chat, but i need to be in the car for the last practice, and i have a lot to get done-"
"go! go!" you usher, softly shoving him away back towards the journalists and fans who are still waiting just a few meters away. "we will talk later, okay?"
"of course."
and then you watch him leave – your boyfriend, the soon-to-be formula one driver – with a much lighter heart. this definitely helps you forget about all of the things regarding paul.
at least for a little while.
but of course, pepe stops your train of thought. "does that mean i get the reverse grid pole?"
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you've never ever been to the ferrari garage before, so as you stand in the middle of it, you have no idea where to go or what to do; this is completely new territory. thankfully, you got a vip-pass from ollie before he ran off for his pre-practice duties, so at least you have the privilege of looking like a fool inside of the garage instead of right outside the doors.
a fool dressed in a red bull race suit, even. great.
you were in the middle of preparations for your sprint race when ollie texted you, and since you still had some time before the race started, you made it over to the other side of the paddock as quickly as you could. but unfortunately, that meant that you didn't have time to change your outfit into something more discreet.
"you don't look like you belong here, miss," a voice rumbles from behind you. your heart stops in your chest, and you're ready to improvise an excuse or find an escape route when you turn around – but luckily, you're met with chris, ollie's manager, standing there.
"thank god you're here," you say, letting out a sigh of relief. "do you happen to know where ollie is?"
"he's borrowing carlos's room. it's right down the hall and to the left."
you quickly thank him, turning again and making your way down said hallway. the room is easy to find, the two big, red fives on the door sticking out among the white walls. you're glad to find it unlocked, but you still knock a few times before sticking your head inside.
"sweetheart? can i come in?"
ollie is sitting on a massaging table, elbows on top of his legs and head resting in his hands. his eyes are stuck on the floor, but you take his silence as a yes.
"i got your text," you say, tiptoeing inside and shutting the door behind you, careful to not make any loud sounds to scare him. "how are you doing?"
when he still doesn't answer, your heat rate picks up. is something really wrong?
you make your way over to him, hands finding his cheeks and softly tilting him up to look at you – and you swear you've never seen him look this wrecked before.
not after his worst crashes, not when he lost the rookie championship last year. once again, you've entered completely new territory, and your heart breaks at the sight of him.
"ollie, talk to me," you plead, biting back the pout that starts to form on your lips. it's so painful to look into his eyes, but you can't back down. not now, not when he needs you this much.
"i'm-" his voice cracks but he shakes his head, clearing his throat. "i'm so nervous, i don't know what to do."
it's like he's oozing anxiety, and his heavy sigh is like a stab in your chest. ollie, your usually so calm and collected boyfriend, is probably going crazy over this – you know him well enough by now to understand that he's definitely freaking out even more on the inside than what he shows or tells. "i get that. one hundred percent. but," your thumbs begin to stroke over the skin of his cheeks, along his jaw, and then finally across his eyebrows, to which his eyes flutter closed. "this is your dream. it's been your dream since forever, and now you finally have the chance."
ollie sighs, but nods. you're getting to him.
"and it's not just any car, it's a ferrari. do you realize how cool that is? do you realize how many people would kill for an opportunity like this?" you smile at the sight of him with his eyes still shut, eyelashes resting atop his cheeks, messy fringe covering his forehead. even like this, at his most stressed state, he's completely gorgeous. "you would've killed for an opportunity like this just 24 hours ago."
"but what if i ruin it?" his voice is barely above a whisper when he speaks, shoulders slumping forward. "what if i go out there and i'm shit, and then they realize what a big mistake they've done by even putting me in the academy? what if-"
"it won't happen." his eyelids slowly open and he looks up at you, seemingly not even the slightest upset that you cut him off. "you're too good to do that. you'll get in that car and it will feel like your second home, just like it always does."
finally, a small smile makes its way onto his lips. it's only been a few minutes since you came in, but he seems much more relaxed now, leaning into your touch completely. "i'll try my best to make you proud."
you pout. "i'll be proud even if you end up with a slower lap than your pole lap from yesterday."
a laugh bubbles from his chest and he stands up from the table, opening his arms wide and pulling you in for a tight hug. his heart is still beating louder than a drum in his chest when your ear is pressed up against it, and you're almost worried it will jump out any second. but his breaths are much more controlled now, and his mind seems much lighter.
he presses a long kiss to the crown of your head, arms squeezing you tight. "i really need to go, because the sprint starts in..." you shoot a quick glance to the clock on the wall. "forty-five minutes. my team is going to kill me. but go out there and show them, baby."
and that's exactly what he did.
though, that's not the only thing you were correct about; your team was indeed furious when you finally made it back to the campos garage. your main engineer, who was supposed to help you get strapped in and fix all of the last details with the car over fifteen minutes ago, was apparently so angry he left you to do everything yourself. it's not that you didn't know about your schedule; you just needed to be there for ollie before his big debut.
everything works out in the end, at least according to you, and you're soon settled in your car on the grid, waiting to go on your formation lap. however, you've barely gotten as much as a glance from anyone on your team. you can't help but press the button to activate your radio. "i'm really sorry, guys. i just... had to do something."
"hope it was worth it." the voice of one of your engineers booms through your earpieces instantly, the sternness in his tone sending a shiver down your spine. "we got a huge fine because you were so late to get into the car, so..."
another of your engineers speaks up. "let's focus on the race instead now. no need to fight."
maybe it was because you got to visit ollie right before the race, or maybe it was just starting third and having a good car. either way, the sprint race was one of your best races in a long time. not only did you pass richard verschoor starting one place ahead of you into turn one; you also overtook paul, who started from pole, before the end of the first lap and got to lead your first laps in formula two ever.
dennis came around to steal the lead from you, but just landing yourself a spot on the podium was enough for you to celebrate. when you scored a second-place finish where the guy in first place was one of your former academy members, it didn't really matter that the guy on the third step of the podium was your ex-boyfriend.
going through all media duties is always exhausting, but it's usually never as dreadful as it is today. sitting in that press conference, knowing that your boyfriend is starting his first ever formula one qualifying in just a few moments. you have to literally bite your tongue not to pull a valtteri bottas and ask the journalists how q1 is going.
when you're this busy, you don't really have any time to think about paul's rumors. though, something about it continues to loom in the back of your mind all evening. especially when he speaks in the press conference, despite how hard you try to not even look at him, and especially when he's asked about ollie.
as the press conference finally comes to an end, you're not the only one who wants to hurry out of there to watch the rest of the qualifying session. you and the rest of the podium trio find a big screen that's showcasing the session, and you all insist that you should stay and watch, despite the f2 staff members' continuous attempts to squeeze the last drops of content from you.
they keep stuffing their phones and cameras in your face, throwing all kinds of questions about ollie your way, but you refuse to budge. you won't let them ruin this moment for you.
you're sure they've gotten quite a lot of embarrassing pictures of you teary-eyed while admiring your boyfriend's results, though.
you follow the timing board like a hawk, but something breaks you out of your trance. "who are you watching?" your head snaps to the direction of the voice – the f2 instagram admin with her phone pointed to paul.
as if you all haven't been watching and chatting about ollie for the last ten minutes.
you try not to, you really do, but you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of paul. he's trying to look all innocent, hugging his trophy to his chest as his big, blue eyes blink up at the screen in the distance. a year ago, you would've just thought he was adorable – but today, this frustrates you more than anything. "i'm watching my dear friend ollie," he starts, eyes finding the camera so easily.
dear friend, huh? a dear friend is someone you spread rumors about?
the next time he speaks up, you have to physically bite your tongue to not yell at him. "the guy who gave me one position on tomorrow's grid."
you turn your head away in pure disgust. how could he say something like that? is that the only thing he cares about, places in his starting grid for tomorrow's feature race? is he serious?
you want to escape, to just storm off and never speak to him again. but instead, you force yourself to take a deep breath and focus back on the thing you're here for. ollie is doing so well; when q2 ends and he has driven his last lap, he misses out on q3 by just over a hundredth of a second. he almost even manages to knock out the legendary lewis hamilton, his fellow countryman whom he's been following for as long as he can remember, in his first-ever qualifying session.
you've never been prouder.
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"honestly, as long as i can just bring the car home without wrecking it completely, i'm satisfied."
you give ollie's hand a soft squeeze at his words, fingers intertwining as your hands rest on top of the hotel cafeteria table. your other hand lifts your sandwich to your mouth and you take a bite, chewing it down quickly before giving him a nod.
you know his statement is meant as a joke, but you know it's just as much of a truth as a lie. driving an actual ferrari f1 car is his biggest dream, and even just making an alright race probably is enough to make him happy. there's no pressure on him, no one is expecting him to perform a miracle or even score some points.
but at the same time, you know he would never be satisfied with himself if he "just" brought it home safely. ollie isn't like that; he's way too stubborn, too determined, too much of a sore loser. it's what makes him. no matter what he says, there's always going to be something inside of him telling him that he needs to do better.
"i think you'll score your first points today," you tell him with a shrug. "i can feel it."
"don't say that, we don't know anything yet."
a shake of your head in combination with that smile of yours is enough to make some hope spark in him. "well, you have the car for it," you start. "and you have the skills."
ollie stays silent, letting the distant chatter of the other hotel guests having their breakfast fill the air. the cafeteria is emptying out by now, but new faces have been dropping in for a long time now, most of them walking by to give ollie a pat on his shoulder or a quick "good luck, mate".
you put down the last of your sandwich, leaving it behind with the fruit rinds and other scraps on your plate. "but don't think too much," you hum, eyes softening as they land on his. he's trying to contain his worries and anxiety as much as he can, but the slight tilt of his eyebrows and the way his gaze tends to dart away every once in a while tells a different story. "it's just driving. it's just what you always do, no problem."
you hold your glass of orange juice up to him and he gets the hint, clinging his own glass to yours before downing the last of its contents.
you're just about to speak up again with new words of affection, but an icy feeling spreads through your body at the sight of paul entering the cafeteria. the feeling soon turns into real nausea, and you can't even remember what you were supposed to say when you realize that he's making his way towards the two of you.
you want nothing more than to stay and keep encouraging ollie, but you can't take it at this moment. you stand up from your seat, giving ollie's fingers one last squeeze. "i forgot that i have a meeting soon," you make up. "so i need to go. i'll come see you before the race, okay?"
he doesn't even get to say bye before you've stormed off.
unfortunately, you have to pass paul in order to make it to the exit, but you make no effort to even recognize that he exists. you keep your gaze straight ahead.
karl, paul's physio, does a quick greeting from you though – as well as a confused look at the candle pressed into a pastry in one of the hotel's yogurt bowls – but then, you're off to hide in your hotel room until you're needed at the track for race preparations.
of course paul had to come by and ruin everything yet again.
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with a good race from yesterday in the bag, you thought you could keep the momentum into today. however, that didn't turn out to be the case.
when a trident driver hit you from behind in the first lap, you lost a few positions instantly and after that, it was a bit too tough to recover. you had opportunities for overtakes, and the car was good enough to go through with them, but you never could. you kept slipping up, making rookie mistakes, and falling back even further. it even got to the point where your team came on the radio to remind you to focus on the road.
but no matter how hard you tried, it wouldn't work. the entire race, something else clouded your mind.
or, more specifically, someone.
every time you even caught a glimpse of paul's silver car, it was like something in your mind short-circuited. the memory of your conversation with pepe, the thought about paul running around and spreading rumors about you in the paddock… you couldn't push the thoughts, or the anger, away.
other times, back in the day, you were always good at turning your anger into something positive for your races. if you were upset with your father for something he said about red bull or the junior program, you went out there and proved him wrong. if you heard that another driver had complained about how you just got your seat because you were a girl, you made sure to dominate the race.
your stubbornness was always your biggest strength. but today, it was like your tank had run out. as much as you wanted to completely crush paul, you didn't have the capability.
at least paul didn't have that good of a race, either.
the second you get out of your car, you storm off towards your garage. you know you'll probably get a lot of shit for your performance your entire debrief, but if you can at least get over with it sooner, then you can forget about it and refocus on the next race weekend. plus, you really want to catch ollie before he's away for his f1 debut.
thankfully, you're not the only one getting criticized during the debrief; the team is not very happy with pepe's start, nor his DNF. after they've gone on and on about how costly this weekend has been for the team for an hour, you're finally released, but not without one last reminder to "think about what you're doing here and whose time you're wasting".
it's natural to lose all energy and confidence after a race like this. but the second you're back in ollie's arms, it's like the world around you just disappears. he's always been the best at keeping you grounded.
you've probably never hugged him this tightly before, but you can't help it. the second your arms wrap around his neck, you pour everything you have into the embrace.
he looks so good, so handsome and professional dressed up in his ferrari race suit. not just his prema suit with the ferrari logo on it, but an actual ferrari outfit. he looks like a real f1 driver – and the realization that he indeed is a formula one driver now brings tears to your eyes.
"hey," he says around a chuckle. "don't cry on me, woman."
"i won't..." you reach up to wipe away a drop from the corner of your eye as you pull away slightly from his embrace, shaking your head. "i won't. i'm just so proud of you."
"why are you so sappy?" the scene in front of him brings a huge grin to ollie's lips – he finds you equal parts adorable and hilarious. "i'm just going out there to drive a car. no biggie."
"no biggie," you repeat with a scoff, dabbing your other eye quickly before doing your best to blink down your other tears. earlier today, you were the one saying all of this was no problem. and yet, now he is the one who has to convince you of it. "right. it's just your passion, the thing you love. but i'm still proud."
an engineer catches ollie's attention above your head, sending him a certain look that has your boyfriend nodding before giving you one last squeeze. "i think i should-"
"of course, go," you usher him, retracting from his arms. "i'll be here after, no matter what happens." he nods, and he's about to leave when you speak up one last time. "have fun, okay?"
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who would've imagined that ollie would not only score points in his first ever f1 race, but also win driver of the day, have the most overtakes, and score a seventh place as the second best british driver of the race?
well, you had imagined everything from him coming last to winning the race by horse lengths. and yet, this was all so unexpected. if someone had told you on wednesday that ollie would score six f1 points three days later, you would've laughed in their face. but now, it feels like it's been a long time coming.
you weren't allowed to stay in the ferrari garage for the actual race – it would've been a pr nightmare for everyone involved – so your nerves were all over the place since you weren't able to hear ollie's radio messages, info about the strategies, and so on. at least you get to wait right outside the garage with jamie, chris and his dad david, being the first to congratulate him after such a good debut race.
he looks completely worn out when he finally walks out through the door, but you can almost feel the pride and happiness radiating from him. his sweaty hair rests messily on top of his head, and an ice vest is draped over his body already to cool him down from the insane heat. and, most importantly, the smile on his lips is bigger than it's been all week.
ollie looks like he doesn't ever want to let go of his dad's hug, his face nuzzled in the crook of david's neck for a long time. you can only guess what things the father is whispering in his son's ear, but when the result is ollie pulling him even closer, your heart expands in your chest.
when they part, it's jamie's and chris's times to congratulate the point-scorer, and when he pulls away from his manager's arms, his eyes land on you. you're pulled into his embrace in just a second, a giggle slipping past your lips when he lifts you up into the air and spins you both around. his strong grip around you never eases, not when he sets you down on your feet again and not when he starts speaking.
"i knew it would be hard, but..." he shakes his head, a sweaty fringe brushing against the side of your head. "my entire body is ruined. like, it doesn't hurt because i have so much adrenaline, but i'm going to be in so much pain later. my neck and my shoulders and-"
another one of your waves of laughter cut off his ramblings, and he joins in once he realizes what he's been doing. when you finally pull apart slightly and your hands come up to cup his cheeks, you're just staring into his eyes for what feels like forever.
your boy, the f1 driver.
"this is from your mum," you whisper to him, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "and this is from your sister." a kiss to his other cheek. "and... this is from me."
ollie has to crouch down slightly because even when you get onto your tippy toes, you can't reach all the way up to his forehead. but once you press your lips against his skin, all of the hidden tension in his eyebrows disappears. he's like putty under your touch.
"i'm so proud."
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ollie's groans are muffled by the pillow his face is pressed into, head twitching when your thumbs press into some tense areas of his neck. you shush him jokingly, like a mother comforting a crying baby, but your movements never halt.
ever since he got out of that car, he's been complaining about how sore he is. especially his neck and shoulders, and all of the muscles that were most affected by the g forces. you don't blame him, however – he's got a free pass for pretty much everything for the next week, you think – but you decided to be a nice girlfriend and help him out. the strings of whines and swearwords he keeps letting out don't seem to be stopping anytime soon, though.
the lotion on your hands is enough for you to be able to glide your fingers across his upper back, along his shoulder blades, all over his freckled skin. as you're straddling his lower back, you can reach pretty much all angles of his upper body, and the knots in his muscles seem to be disappearing despite how painful your massage seems to be.
eventually, ollie tilts his head to the side, his blushed cheeks decorated with lines from the pillow underneath him. his slight pout is on full display and his tired eyes flutter closed as he speaks. "hey, y/n?"
"yes, ollie?" you reply, your thumb pressing into one especially stubborn knot in his right shoulder. ollie stays quiet for a few moments and takes a deep breath, almost as if he's gathering courage for something.
"you know that i love you right?"
the world around you stops.
everything freezes.
he loves me?
your breath hitches in your throat at the words. it's the first time he's ever said them, and though it's not the most uncommon thing for someone to tell their girlfriend of over six months, they make your head spin.
a mishmash of thoughts clouds your mind. they won't shut up for even a second. but the loudest thought is the only one you shouldn't have; it's about the only person you can't be thinking about right now.
the way that your mind instantly wanders off to paul is frankly embarrassing, but you can't help it. he's the first boy you've ever loved, the first person you've ever uttered those three words to. the only one. and no matter how badly you wish you could just forget about that and move on, he's still a part of you. he's your only real experience of love.
and this just isn't the same.
you want to say it back to ollie, you truly do. but at the same time, you don't want to say it if it isn't true – it's not fair to him.
ollie senses that something is up. your signs aren't exactly subtle, anyway; your movements have stopped completely and he can't even hear you breathing anymore. "hey, i'm sorry-"
"don't apologize," you interject instantly, shaking your head as you start to climb off his body. "you did nothing wrong. i'm the one who's sorry."
"stop that, you shouldn't be." he turns around, staring up at you with those big, brown eyes of his. "i don't expect you to say it back if you don't want to. i just..." he lets out a low sigh. "i wanted you to know, i guess."
you sit still for a few moments, before leaning down to place a kiss on his rosy cheek. "thank you." another pause. "it means a lot, you know?"
"well, you mean a lot to me."
and he does to you, too.
but is that enough?
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ollie loves me.
he actually loves me.
he told me today after the race, and... i didn't say anything. i just sat there like a complete moron.
i couldn't say it back. i just don't feel what i felt for paul yet.
what's wrong with me?
why don't i race like i used to? why can't i control my emotions? was the sprint race yesterday just luck? did i really deserve that podium?
why does paul still affect me this much? why is he always there in my thoughts – when i'm racing, when i'm with ollie, when i try to sleep...
i have a perfect boyfriend and a great car, so why do i feel like everything is falling apart?
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yourusername just posted!
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yourusername p2 in the sprint 🥈 big thanks to the team for the hard work!! and i got to witness the rb p1-2 up close, congrats redbullracing 💙 also check slide 4 for an appearance from me and my former family on f1tv <3
show all 96 comments
user y/n and the prema staff during the driver's parade 😭 they're so cute
→ user her referring to them as her family, byeeee
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user why is no one talking about the last slide???
→ user because i can't talk while i'm crying, sorry
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user great job this weekend y/n !!! thank you for signing my cap 🥺
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user loved to see her celebrate the red bull double podium even after a hard feature race ❤️
→ user she had to balance out the post with that max and checo pic 😭 would've been just ollie & prema otherwise
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user ollie looks like a baby in the second pic 🥲
→ user just a little boy playing with his toy cars
→ yourusername i had to hold his little teddy bear during the race to make sure it wouldn't get dirty
→ user stopppp you're so real for sharing that
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moonlightndaydreams · 5 months
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Limbo - part 2
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader x Han Jisung
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9
Synopsis: Lee Minho is the mysterious new accountant at your workplace, and he seems to have his sights set on you. But things aren't so simple when your ex boyfriend Han comes back into the picture. Can you and Minho make it work, or will you get back with Han?
Spoiler: Happy ending, eventual poly minsung.
MDNI / smut
Taglist: open.
A/n: this story may be familiar to some. It’s a rework of one of my older stories where I’ve now changed my fem lead to be reader.
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CW: this chapter - workplace flirting, potentially inappropriate behaviour.
It was time for another staff meeting and you were dreading it. How much did Minho see of you dancing the other night? Would he say something to you about it? Would he tell other people? You were hit with a wave of anxiety as you wondered whether or not everyone in this room knew about it.
You tried to gauge his body language, but every time you glanced over at him, he was already watching you. His expression had a hint of a knowing smirk, but maybe you were imagining it. Maybe that’s just his face? Until he winked at you. Your cheeks must have turned bright red because Felix poked you in the arm and said “Hey are you feeling okay?” God no, you weren't feeling okay. The man across the room was sending you a message, he was indicating that he saw something that he shouldn’t have, and that he was highly amused by it. You gulped. Who the fuck was this Minho? And why does he have his sights set on you?
“Ugh.. Finally.” groaned Hyunjin, when Chris eventually dismissed the meeting. He got up from his chair and stretched his arms above his head. “God, I need to go to yoga I think.”
“Do you need a massage, love?" Felix offered, stroking the taller man’s back.
“I thought you said you weren’t going back to yoga?” Binnie piped up, collecting his half drank protein shake and headed out the door.
The other staff started to stream out of the meeting room too, you close on their heels.
“Oh y/n!” Chris called from the front of the room. You turned back to find him ushering you up to the front of the room. To your disappointment, Minho was still sat next to him flicking through paperwork. You bit your lip and strode over to where your boss was seated. You could feel Minho’s energy emanating from him and it made your stomach flip.
“y/n, I need you to go through with Minho your list of podcast clients. Names, contracts, agreements. Who’s paid, who is a pain in the arse… all that. Kay?”
“Oh?” you choked and you started to sit down in a chair. “No, no not right now.” Chris smiled at you, stopping you from sitting down. Minho glanced up from his paperwork and raised an eyebrow.
“Do you have time this afternoon?” Chris inquired.
You thought for a moment. “Ummm… yep… yes.” you squeaked, embarrassment suffocating you. What the hell was wrong with your voice? You saw Minho chuckle out the side of your eye and you turned and glared at him. His laugh disappeared quickly and he cleared his throat “Two is good for me if that works.” He offered.
“Okay. Two works fine for me too.” you turned to leave.
Fuck. “Um…” you turned back to the men who were both still watching you. “So, where do you want to do it? I mean…go through it?” you stumbled on your words. Fuck. You shook head. “I mean do you want to do it at your place… I mean office… or mine?” What the hell?
“I think Minho’s office would be best, he doesn’t share with anyone so...”
“Right, well okay. I’ll see you at two. Your place. Office. Your office.”
You couldn’t get out of there quick enough. How were you going to compose yourself and get your shit together for your meeting with Minho?
You knocked on Minho’s office door at two o’clock on the dot, laptop in hand.
“Come in.” Minho looked up from his desk. Patting some loose strands of hair down nervously, you made your way to the chair on the other side of his large, sturdy timber desk.
“Why don’t we sit on the sofa? It’s easier to look at the same thing if we’re side by side.” He suggested. You raised your eyebrow suspiciously, but followed Minho to the two seater sofa that was situated at the other end of his office.
“Okay.” you settled herself on the seat beside Minho. Your mini skirt slid up to an embarrassingly inappropriate length, catching his eye. Great, why did you have to wear your shortest skirt? As if you weren't nervous enough, your bare thighs then became a desk for your laptop, allowing Minho to cop a view even if he didn’t want to.
“Okay, so I have compiled a file for you, outlining everything Chris was asking for.” you began, trying to remain cool. “Let me just log into the laptop.” The screen sprang to life revealing your desktop background picture. A photo of kpop boy group Exo. “Fuck!” You scrambled to log in and get as far away from your beloved Exo as quickly as possible. Minho flashed you an entertained glance, the corner of his mouth turning upward in a silent chuckle.
“Shit.” you mumbled.
“You like this whole Korean boy band thing, hmm?” he smirked. Your face felt like it was on fire. “Are these the fellas you were dancing to the other night?” His smirk grew even bigger.
You quickly found the file you were looking for, bringing it up onto the screen and thankfully hiding Exo. “Look, Minho. The question I have is why were you even watching me dance? It wouldn’t be unreasonable for me to think you were ogling me.”
Minho laughed boisterously. “Ha! Kitten! I was only investigating a noise disturbance in the office. How was I to know what I’d find?”
Kitten? Did he just call you kitten? “Do you want me to go through this file or not?” you needed to get this conversation back on track.
“Okay, continue.” He conceded, looking back to the screen. But you could feel Minho’s eyes burning into your upper thighs as she explained her podcast accounts. He nodded and agreed in all the right places, but you could sense his mind was somewhere else.
You quickly glanced up at him, and for a second you caught his eyes where they shouldn’t be, right on your legs. He recovered quickly, blinking rapidly and returning his gaze to laptop screen.
“And that’s how you pretend you’re busy working when really you’re reading smut.” you said as a means of testing if he was listening to you or not.
“Hmm… good. Yes, makes sense.” He answered mindlessly. Ha! He wasn’t paying attention at all.
You pressed the ‘x’ on the file, revealing your Exo boys. “You weren’t even listening to me Mister!” you cried, and closed the laptop.
Minho looked indignant. “I was listening.”
“Look, I’ll just email you the file and if you have questions, just let me know.” you started to get up to leave.
Minho’s hand landed on your bare thigh making your body tense up and your heart race. You looked at him in shock, and he quickly retracted his hand once he realised what he’d done. “Sorry, y/n.” He said sheepishly. “You’re right. I was distracted. I’m sorry.”
“Were you checking me out when I was dancing?” you asked calmly even though nothing inside of you felt calm.
“Wait. What? No. Why? That would be… wrong of me.” He rushed to get the words out. Then a revelation hit him. “Ha! What about you? I saw you eating me for breakfast with your eyes in the meeting this morning?” he countered.
“Nope. You’re wrong.” you poked your chin up defiantly.
“I don’t think so, kitten.” He leaned in towards you.
Why does he keep calling you kitten? Surely, it’s not appropriate? But if you were honest, you kind of liked it. This flirting, him calling you ‘kitten’, it was stirring something in you that you had forgotten existed. It was making you feel a way you hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“I know desire when I see it.” He added, whispering right in her ear.
“I have to go!” you said shrilly. You needed to get out of there. Minho’s energy, his presence, his fucking words, they were making your body react - respond - and you didn’t know how to handle it. Kitten? Oh God. You covered your face with your hand, then shook your head and stood up.
“Like I said, I’ll email you everything.” you headed to the door.
“Will it include ‘how to look like you’re busy so you can read smut?’” he called after you.
Fuck! The bastard was actually listening.
Over the next few days you didn’t have to see Minho. Thank fuck. You weren't sure if you'd be able to handle being alone with him again. But you did pass him in the hallway a few times. He’d glance at you as he passed you by, an eyebrow slightly raised, and that now familiar look of amusement on his face. When he could, he’d mumble a “Good Morning, Kitten” to you, making you turn crimson red.
Then on another occasion, you spotted him in the cafe downstairs where you ordered her coffee. He was sitting at table watching you. He didn’t even look away when you looked straight at him. Everyone else didn’t seem to see it. The gossip was that he kept to himself, was polite and reserved, and maybe a little scary.
All you saw was a cocky shit that seemed to want to make you either squirm or turn bright red. Or both. He wasn’t rude, or mean, he just seemed to know how to make you feel something with the way he spoke to you and the way he looked at you. You were nervous and giddy, but you were also appalled at yourself for letting him get to you. But it had been so long since you felt these kind of nerves about a guy. Actually, you'd only been on a handful of dates since leaving your boyfriend Han, some twelve months ago, and none of them eventuated into anything more than a few dinners and really boring sex.
“Come on y/n, who says this guy is actually into you? Maybe he is just a tease, stringing you along ‘cos it’s fun.” you told yourself after you left to go back to your office.
“OOOOhhhh, Felix! That’s the spot. Yes… don’t stop.” Hyunjin moaned. Felix stopped his massage and turned to you.
“Are you coming tonight?” he asked brightly. Felix was in their office again, making plans for the evening, as well as delivering his “signature” massage to Hyunjin.
“Nah! I want to record some podcast episodes.” you hadn’t recorded this week’s episode for your own personal podcast, and you felt behind.
“Who are you talking about this week?” Binnie asked.
“Ateez.” you replied.
“You know, what?” Hyunjin piped up. “We should do a collab episode. Kpop idols in Kdrama!” he looked at you wide eyed and excited.
“Aren’t you due to put out and episode, Hyunjin?” Binnie poked.
Hyunjin sighed dramatically. “Stop harassing me, Binnie. It takes time to watch a drama. I haven’t finished this one yet.”
Binnie rolled his eyes. “Oh look. It’s five o’clock. Time to go.” He said changing the subject, and meticulously packed his stationery away and turned off his computer.
The other two men followed suit, leaving you alone to prepare for your podcast.
It took all of five minutes before Minho crept back into your thoughts. Kitten? His voice kept repeating in your head. Kitten? Why does he use such a word? Oh God you couldn’t get it out of her head.
You remembered him whispering it to you under his breath as he passed you in the hall. But then you imagined him saying it in other situations too. Ones that haven’t even happened. You imagined him saying it while you leaned over his desk to give him a spreadsheet, your blouse falling open just enough to see your lace bra. Or as he instructs you to kneel on the floor in front him while he sits on the sofa “I want you to take it all in your mouth, kitten” he’d say. Or as he bends you over his desk “you’re such a bad girl, kitten.” You shook your head. No. Stop it.
Tag-list is open.
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@channieandhisgoonsquad @noellllslut @itsseohannbin @chansbabyg @kangnina @weareapackofstrays @xxkissesforchanniexx @enjaken @queenmea604 @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @queen-in-the-shadows @bethanysnow @newhope8 @chuuchuu1224 @vanillacupcakefrosting @3rachasdomesticbanana @fun-fanfics @palindrome969 @wolfennracha @rhonnie23 @jisunglyricist @strayywayy
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yawneneteyam · 2 years
gorgeous (10) — think about the consequence.
— GORGEOUS, an avatar smau ( by yawneneteyam ) masterlist
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— gorgeous, think about the consequence !
"okay, so it's kiri's birthday this weekend and lo'ak and I were going to take her out if you and tsireya want to come?" neteyam tried to not make it obvious how much he wanted her there, but he found himself enjoying y/n's presence more and more, missing it when she wasn't around.
y/n and neteyam were sitting in neteyam's car in the parking lot of an in n' out. he had gotten them lunch, paid for them both again, much to y/n's dismay. instead of driving anywhere to eat, they were both content watching the sunset on the day together in park.
"it's her birthday?" y/n said covering her mouth, trying to not seem too disgusting in front of neteyam. however, she had come to realise how little neteyam cared about what she looked like, sounded like or wore- he was just happy for her to simply exist. so y/n found herself letting go of her insecurities when around him, happy to just be.
"yeah, she likes to keep it pretty quiet," neteyam nodded, eating a few more fries, "not sure why, because whenever we throw her a party, she has a great time,"
"maybe she just wants you to keep throwing parties for her," y/n shrugged, "might be special to her,"
"I think so," neteyam agreed.
"guess who messaged me the other day," y/n raised her eyebrows at neteyam before taking a long sip of her soda. neteyam licked his bottom lip before responding, y/n gazed at them for too long.
"who?" Netayem's eyebrows knitted together as y/n offered him a sip of her drink, he gladly accepted.
"towa'an," y/n scoffed.
neteyam stopped sipping from the straw in between his teeth, "you're kidding," his voice muffled by the paper.
"nope," y/n popped the 'p' on her word before taking another bite of her food.
"what did he want?" neteyam realised how angry he sounded when he spoke, he surprised himself. neteyam could tell that he surprised y/n with his tone too.
"was just asking how I am and stuff like that," y/n shrugged, "trying to talk to me like we're friends kinda,"
"well you're not," Neteyam told her, "he knows that, so he can fuck off,"
y/n's heart began to race faster with the intensity of Neteyam's voice. he sounded pissed off, jealous maybe. neteyam was trying to think about why he was speaking the way he was, but it was like the words fell from his mouth before he could even think. neteyam knew he was jealous.
y/n laughed off his seriousness, "yeah I know that, he knows that" she sighed. "he's just being himself, wanting the attention once he can't have it," she explained. neteyam was trying to listen, he really was- but he couldn't shake what lo'ak had said to him earlier on in the day.
"come on, let me take you back home," neteyam pat her thigh twice before turning the ignition. y/n felt her stomach and thigh tingle from his touch. a soft 'thanks' fell from her lips before netayem reversed out of the parking lot.
his head was now racing with thoughts, he was overthinking the fact that he had touched her leg like that- so high up on her thigh. neteyam wasn't sure if she was comfortable with him doing that, he shouldn't have done it... but he liked it. he liked it a lot.
maybe he did like y/n.
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— gorgeous, think about the consequence ! finally back!! I've already made some of the graphics for the next chapter which is good and it will hopefully be up soon, this week is just/has been so crazy for me!!!!!! I know this chapter is a little short and you're all probably like why the fuck did it take so long??? but I haven't had the time to sit down and put it all together which is sad, but I hope you guys like it and aren't too upset that I took so long with it <3 so much love
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makeitmingi · 7 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 24]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word counter: 3.2K
You let out a long sigh as you stepped out of the building. Looking up at the bright sky, you paused for a bit before heading to your car. You drove home, feeling the weariness start to settle in your bones. It was no surprise to see a pair of shoes at your entrance way when you entered your house.
"Hwa? I'm back." You called out, putting your own shoes away. Seonghwa let out an acknowledgement and poked his head out from the bathroom.
"Welcome back." He wrapped his arms around you. You melted into his touch.
"Are you hungry? I made some potato waffles and bacon." He offered. You let out a hum, standing straight to go to your room.
"After I eat, I need a nap before meeting Yunho later." You informed, putting your bag aside and changing into more comfortable home clothes. Seonghwa fixed a plate for you.
"Sure you're good to go out with him?" He asked.
"Yeah, just need to rest for a bit and I'll be fine." You assured, leaning your elbows on the counter and rubbing your temples.
"He doesn't know?"
"No, not yet. He did offer to pick me up but I told him I'll end late or at least after noon, just to give myself some time." You said, looking at the clock that only showed 10:30am. Seonghwa nodded and put the plate on the counter, alongside the cutlery.
"Have you eaten?" You asked, taking a bite of the potato waffle with some bacon. Seonghwa shook his head, making his own plate and sitting beside you.
"You know I will always wait for you." He patted your head before digging into his own food.
"Aren't you going to ask me why I haven't told him yet?" You ask, nibbling on the edge of a strip of the bacon.
"You know I won't ask... Plus, I know you well enough to know the reason without having to ask you." Seonghwa replied with a feigned scoff of offense, drinking his juice.
"Some times you knowing me too well makes you very unfun." You rolled your eyes.
"That's the point." He chuckled.
"I'm going to do the dishes and go to bed." You yawned, bringing your plate to the sink to wash, silently hoping Seonghwa wouldn't offer to wash them.
But like Seonghwa said, he knew you. He purposely didn't offer to do the dishes because he knew you didn't want to be babied or treated like you were fragile. When Seonghwa was done, you did his dishes too and he waited for you at the counter. After you finished all the dishes, you both headed to your room.
"Set an alarm for me, I don't want to oversleep." You murmured, burying your cheek against the pillow.
"Yes, ma'am." Seonghwa set the alarm and placed his phone on the nightstand. You let out a soft sigh as Seonghwa tucked you in under the blanket. He made sure you were comfortable.
"Thanks, Hwa." You said.
"Get some sleep before you become a grump monster with Yunho." Seonghwa teased.
"And there it goes. You know, I was trying to be nice and appreciative but you just had to ruin it." You glared at him before turning away so he faced your back instead.
"Hmph, I'm going to sleep and ignore you." You said like a little kid and drifted off the sleep almost immediately.
"You act all tough but deep down, you're like a baby." Seonghwa said softly, a small smile on his face. When you were kids, you always protected Seonghwa, being the outwardly tougher one of the two. Taking care of you is how he repays you.
"Sweetheart, wake up. You got to get ready." Seonghwa shook you lightly to wake you. Your mumbled something incoherant and slid under the blanket.
"I can still see you." He laughed.
"No... You can't." You drowned out. Grabbing the ends, Seonghwa pulled the covers back.
"You're going to be late. Don't keep Yunho waiting." He patted your butt, coaxing you to get up. Holding your elbows, he gently tugged you into a sitting position, combing your hair back.
"Alright, I'm going." You yawned and stretched your arms over your head before getting out of bed to go shower.
"Be useful and help me decide what you wear to a carnival!" You said and entered the bathroom.
Any other person would have thought you were being rude to Seonghwa but he knew you were just joking. Rolling his eyes, he opened your closet door to put together an outfit for you to wear. He picked some wide legged pants and a light purple button up crop blouse that had a chinese collar.
"Outfit's laid out on the bed!" Seonghwa knocked on the bathroom door.
"Okay, thank you!" You replied. He went to use the other bathroom outside as you stepped out of the shower. You looked at the outfit that he laid out on the bed, happy with it.
"Too girly?" Seonghwa chuckled as he walked back into the room.
"Nope. It looks good." You smiled. You kept your robe on to dry your hair first. Once your hair was dried, you changed into the outfit.
"You sure you good? I'm sure Yunho will be fine if you postpone." Seonghwa leaned against the wall, sipping his tea that he made and watching you put on makeup.
"I'm fine, Hwa. Don't worry." You smiled. Choosing some jewellery, you put them on and checked your reflection.
"Beautiful." Seonghwa cupped your cheeks.
"Stop~" You whined, going to retrieve your bag and shoes. You wore purple air force 1s to match your top. Yunho sent you a text to let you know that he was on the way. Seonghwa gathered his things too, he'll go home when you leave.
"Some coffee will do the trick." You headed to the fridge. Seonghwa watched you with a raised eyebrow while you poured cold brew into your cup and drank it before pouring more.
"Hey, enough." Seonghwa chided. You pouted, like a little kid that was denied candy.
"Fine." You put the container back. When Yunho texted you that he was downstairs, you and Seonghwa put on your shoes.
"Have fun, love. I'll see you tomorrow." Seonghwa wrapped an arm around you, kissing your temple. You wrapped your arms around him, leaning against his chest.
"Thanks, Hwa. I'll see you tomorrow." You said. While you got off the lift on the first floor, Seonghwa got off at the basement to get to his car.
"Hey, Yunho." You smiled.
"Hi, (y/n). You look nice." Yunho smiled back, opening the door for you to enter. You bowed your head as you sat down and put on your seatbelt. Yunho came back to the driver's seat. Opening your bag, you took a small plastic pack out and handed it to him. He blinked in surprised, not expecting a gift from you.
"What is this?" He asked, eyes lighting up in excitement as he studied the pack of treats that you handed him.
"You've been giving me flowers and gifts so I wanted to make something for you as a gift from me. It's peanut butter chocolate chip cookies." You explained.
"I love peanut butter! Thank you." He grinned and suddenly hugged you. You laughed, slowly reaching up to pat his back.
"You're very welcome." You giggled.
"Let's go." Yunho put the cookies in his best seat before beginning the drive to where the carnival was located. You were excited to be spending time with Yunho at a carnival, it seemed romantic.
"Have you been to a carnival before?" You asked, fingers drumming against your thighs.
"Yeah. But the last time I went, I was in high school with Mingi. So it's been a while. What about you?" He asked back.
"I went to some when I was little, my mother liked to go and play the games there, win all the prizes for me. But we stopped going as I got older. I guess it's been a while for me too." You chuckled. You missed going to the carnival with your mother and father.
"Sorry the parking is a little far. I guess they blocked the usual carparks for the booths. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes." Yunho apologised as he pulled up into the parking lot.
"Nothing to apologise for. Besides, it'll be nice to walk along the beach." You smiled. You both got out of the car.
"It's this way... I think..." He said, checking the map on his phone.
"I trust you." You giggled. Yunho's cheeks turned red at your admittance. He cleared his throat and gestured for you to start walking with him.
"The weather is nice and cool, thankfully." You let out a content sigh, feeling the light breeze from the beach shore below.
"Let me know if you're cold." Yunho smiled softly. You nodded, looking away shyly.
While the both of you walked along the path, there was a nice silence in the air. Whatever awkwardness had dissipated, you both just quietly enjoyed being in each other's presence. And somewhere along the way, the both of you mustered the courage to hold the other person's hand.
"Tickets, please." The person at the entry booth asked. Yunho handed the two tickets and the attendant put wristbands around each of your wrists.
"Enjoy the carnival." He bowed. You grabbed a map of the carnival to see what booths there were.
"Shall we go for these rides first?" You asked.
Seeing that you were the one that suggested going on the rides first, Yunho was silently relieved. Somewhere along the way, Hongjoong had asked Yunho if he knew whether you were afraid of heights.
"Are you okay with heights and rollercoasters?" You looked up at him when you noticed the look on his face.
"I'm okay. I was worried that you weren't and realised that I had forgotten to ask you before suggesting coming here." He said.
"Don't worry. Even if I was, there are many other things to do here together." You laughed. Yunho nodded in agreement, reaching out to laced your fingers again before you set out to find the different rides the carnival had to offer.
"I think I felt my heart drop to my stomach." Yunho rubbed his tummy as you got off the swinging viking ship.
"Shall we go to the disco pang pang before moving to the carnival snacks?" You asked.
"Is it safe? I've seen people fall from the lack of seatbelts." Yunho frowned slightly. Also, he was secretly worried the operator would throw you onto the lap of someone else.
"I'm sure it's safe." You patted his arm. As you stood in the line, you watched the other people have their turn.
"Time for matchmaking!" The operator announced excitedly. Yunho watched in horror as girls were thrown around for guys to catch.
"Yunho, are you okay?" When you placed a hand on Yunho's bicep, he turned to you with a tight smile. He wrapped an arm around you to hug you, surprising you.
"I'm fine. I just want to hug you." He said.
"We don't have to if you don't want to." You assured. Yunho shook his head and waited with his arm holding you close to him. When the previous goers stepped off, you and Yunho stepped on, finding an empty space to sit together. Yunho eyed the other guys that filled up the other seats.
"Are you ready to roll?!" The operator yelled. Yunho put an arm over your lap securely, his arm becoming a makeshift seatbelt for you. Thinking he was scared, you draped an arm over his shoulders.
"Hold on tight." Yunho warned. You nodded, pulling yourself until your side was pressed to his.
"Woohoo!" You let out happy laughs as your body was thrown around from the ride. Yunho laughed, seeing how happy you were.
"Matchmaking time!" The operator began to point at different patrons, both boys and girls, asking if they were single or taken before throwing them around.
"Yes! Protect her! Introduce yourselves to each other!" The operator encouraged as he threw a girl into a boy's lap.
"You, girl in the purple blouse! Are you single?" The operator asked you. You were about to open your mouth to reply when Yunho cut you off.
"SHE'S TAKEN BY ME AND ME ONLY! MOVE ON TO SOMEONE ELSE!" Yunho barked, a frown on his face. With his arm over you and your arms around his shoulders, was it not blatantly obvious that you were not single? He was annoyed that the operator still dare ask you.
"Yunho..." Your hand stroked the back of his head. He turned to you, his frown becoming a charming smile. The operator didn't care and just moved on to the other patrons.
"Hold on!" You were all thrown for another round. Yunho loved how you were genuinely enjoying yourself, laughing loudly.
"Be careful." He held your hand to escort you down the steps.
"Did you hear what he said? That's so romantic. I would want a protective boyfriend like that." Yunho heard some girls whispering to each other behind him.
"So, I'm yours?" You raised an eyebrow at him. Yunho's jaw slacked, suddenly flustered.
"I'm just teasing." You giggled.
"I'm hungry, let's go get some food." He mumbled, holding your hand properly and leading you to the food stands. There was very typical carnival food, a lot of fried food and sweet treats.
"You sit here to keep our seat. I'll go get the slushies, what flavour would you like?" He asked as you both put the trays of food down on the table. Turning your head, you squinted your eyes to see what flavours the vendor had. After giving Yunho your order, he trotted off to purchase them.
"Mom! It's time for the spring carnival, shall we go this weekend?" You asked with a big, excited grin, jumping onto the couch where your mother sat, sipping her tea.
"(y/n), your mother is sick. You should know better than to ask her to go to the carnival." Your father scolded.
"Mom...?" You turned to your mother.
"I already said no. Do you want her to collapse and get more sick?" Your father asked with a deep, angry frown. Your bottom lip quivered as tears formed.
"I'm sorry, mom. I don't want you to get more sick." You hugged her, crying softly as guilt consumed you. She stroked your head.
"No, there's nothing for you to be sorry about. I'm the one that should be sorry, angel. I promise we'll go next time, okay?" She said apologetically, continuing to comfort you. You nodded, that was the first spring carnival that you missed.
Little did you know, you would never go to another carnival again. Your mother just got sicker and it was impossible for her to go with you.
"(y/n)?" Someone calling your name made your memory break. You shook your head to focus again.
"Are you okay?" You met Yunho's eyes of concern. There was a lump in your throat that you struggled to swallow. Not trusting your words, you merely nodded.
"Here." He handed you the strawberry slushie.
"Thanks." You whispered and took a sip. You knew you needed to push aside your feelings and not worry Yunho even further.
"Eat up before the food gets colder." You said to him. Yunho nodded, he was still worried about your sudden change in demeanour but he didn't press the issue. You seemed distraught enough.
After the food was done and you were both full, you and Yunho strolled along all the different game stalls. Unknowingly, you were holding Yunho's hand a lot tighter, not that he minded. He just really wished to know why you were sad or upset. He wanted to make you feel better and cheer you up.
"Young man! Would you like to win this cute plush for your pretty girlfriend?" A stall owner beckoned Yunho over.
"You don't have to." You said.
"Let me prove my sniper skills. All those gaming hours should have some payoffs right?" He laughed. You giggled and nodded, cheering him on as he grabbed the toy rifle.
"Just hit the target down and you win. Easy." The stall owner said, tucking Yunho's money into his pouch.
"I'll win whatever prize you want." Yunho winked.
"Good luck." You shot him a double thumbs up. However, as Yunho aimed and shot out the 3 soft bullets that he had, the target wasn't knocked down.
"Oh, sorry. Young man, maybe next time!" The stall owner said. But Yunho wasn't going to give up. He slammed the money down.
"Again." He stared at the man. But even after going for a second time, the target was still standing and Yunho was defeated. That didn't stop the man. Taking his wallet out, he took out more money and handed it to the man.
"Yunho, it's okay. You know these things are mostly rigged anyway. We can try the other stalls." You said softly.
"No, I'm going to beat it. I'm winning you that toy." He said with determination and frowned, showing just how serious he was. Finally, after a few more tries, Yunho knocked it down.
"I did it!" He hugged you, jumping up and down. You laughed and followed along with his actions.
"Here you go, young man." The stall owner handed Yunho the stuffed golden retriever. He held it out to you with a smile.
"Wait, I want to take a picture of this. Hang on." You leaned back slightly to take a picture of Yunho holding the plush with a proud smile. You giggled at his smile.
"A golden retriever with a golden retriever." You snickered. He had a flat look on his face, thrusting the plush into your arms.
"So what are you naming this one?" He asked, stroking the dog's head as if it were a real animal.
"I'll name it Yuyu!" You looked up at him with sparkling eyes and a big smile. Yunho smiled fondly at you, letting out a laugh of adoration. He was touched that you named both of your new plushes after him. Handing the stall owner his phone, Yunho wrapped an arm around you and posed together with Yuyu in the middle.
"Thank you." You both bowed and went along to the other stalls. You and Yunho took turns paying for the games, focussed more on having fun rather than winning more prizes.
"Shall I win something for you now?" You teased.
"I'd much rather continue to beat you at games." Yunho shook his head with a mocking smile.
"You practically spend all your free time gaming! Of course you will beat me at all these." You glared at him while he just gave you a cheeky expression.
"I'll let you win some, okay?" He wrapped an arm around you as you continued walking.
"Don't patronise me." You rolled your eyes but made no move to get out of his hold. You felt secure and safe with Yunho's arm around you, almost like you could feel how he protected you.
And for some reason, you just never wanted him to ever let you go.
Series masterlist
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tessa-liam · 1 month
Turning the Page
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Choices, The Royal Romance, The Royal Heir AU 
Series Premise: As Riley Brooks journeys through life as a single parent in New York City, an epiphany strikes as she contemplates the future for herself and her two-year-old son. 
Turning the Page Series Masterlist, My Complete Masterlist 
Main pairing: Liam Rys x F!OC Riley Brooks 
All characters belong to Pixelberry Studios, except William Brooks (Rys) and Matteo Magro, who both belong to this series. 
Category: On-going series, contains angst/fluff/depression. Cross-over fic with Choices, Perfect Match. 
Rating: M 🔞 - Warnings – Series will have crude language, weapons, NSFW material – not Beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
Words: 4816 
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Make You Mine - Chapter 14 
Chapter Summary: Daniel & Matteo get married in Greece 
Music Inspiration:
Unchained Melody, Righteous Brothers 
A/N1: In this alternate universe, after King Constantine orchestrates two individual scandals to humiliate and entrap Riley Brooks and Olivia Nevrakis in shame, Madeleine Amaranth secures her position as the Queen of Cordonia. Riley, as the King’s mistress and Olivia, in self-imposed exile. Tariq is never found.  
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A/N2: Damien Nazario has been assigned as William’s personal bodyguard. (Series cross-over with ‘Perfect Match’) 
A/N3: My submission for @choicesaugustchallenge , prompt "Summer Wedding"
"What an amazing wedding venue!" Riley gushed as she and Liam leisurely strolled, hand-in hand along the pristine beach with William. "This white sand ... the turquoise water ... it's absolutely breathtaking!"  
Liam smiled tenderly as he admired her elation and innocent amazement of the seaside in front of the hotel. Arriving on the island of Santorini, the weeklong pre wedding festivities began as wedding guests arrived to join the celebration. 
“It truly is," Liam agreed as he also took in the beauty of the scenery." I can definitely see why Daniel and Matteo chose this location. However, I must say that Cordonian bea --" 
Interrupting his father, William tugged his hand and pulled, "Daddy, I wanna play in the water. Pleeaaase?!" 
“Is that so?”
William squealed when Liam at once picked him up and twirled him around, giggling and clapping his hands in delight.
"He's getting so big!" Riley cooed, reaching out to tickle William's belly. "You're such a big boy now, aren't you?" 
William grinned and nodded. "I'm three now, mama!" Grinning and patting his chest proudly. 
"That's right, Will," Liam chuckled, giving him a high-five. "You're growing up so fast!" 
They continued their walk along the beach, taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean waves crashing against the shore. Riley slipped her arm through Liam's and leaned her head against his shoulder. William began to pull away from them to follow a seagull that flew up from the water's edge. 
"William, don't run too far ahead," Riley called after him. 
"I won't mama," William called back, slowing his pace. Damien, who followed close behind, kept an eye on the prince. As they continued their walk along the beach, Riley and Liam enjoyed the feeling of the warm sun on their skin and the gentle breeze blowing through their hair. 
"What a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon," Liam smiled joyfully. "This is what I have always dreamed of -- you by my side, with children underfoot ...enjoying life with my family." 
"I couldn't imagine being anywhere else," Riley said, returning his smile. 
"Nor I, Riley," Liam said, placing his arm around her waist pulling her closer. 
"I'm so happy for Daniel and Matteo," she sighed. "They're perfect for each other." 
"And so are we." 
"We are," Riley murmured, tilting her head as she leaned up and captured his lips. The kiss was slow and deep; savoring the taste of him.  
Liam's tongue brushed against hers, sending a thrill of desire throughout her body. He pulled her even closer, his hand splayed on the small of her back. She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, tugging gently as she kissed him harder. 
They were so caught up in each other that they did not even notice when Maxwell, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie strolled alongside. 
"Hey, lovebirds," Savannah called, breaking them out of their passionate embrace quickly. 
"Sorry," Riley giggled, her cheeks flushing. 
"It's okay, you're just young and in love," Savannah smiled, giving her a knowing wink. "But don't forget, there are little eyes around, too." 
"Yes, save some of that for later, you two," Bertrand chimed in, indignantly.  
"You're one to talk, Bertrand," Maxwell guffawed. "I've seen the way you and Savannah can't keep your hands off of each other." 
"I suppose you have a point," Bertrand conceded, looking pleased with himself. Liam acknowledged, "Duke Beaumont, you are correct. It is good to relax and spend time with the people we care about. It's what we all need." 
"Indeed," Bertrand said, his eyes sparkling. 
"We'll try to keep our hands off each other, just for you," Riley laughed, teasing the elder Beaumont. 
"Good, thank you," Bertrand huffed. 
Maxwell chuckled, "Yeah, I'll make sure Bertrand behaves himself in public, too. For Bartie's sake, of course."
"What are you talking about?" Savannah asked, her brows furrowing. 
Bertrand’s eyebrows shot up in annoyance. "Nothing," Maxwell and Bertrand said in unison. 
Bartie, seeing William up ahead, tugs his mother's hand wanting to join his friend. 
"Bartie, don't go too far," Savannah called as he sped off to join William.  
"Please excuse me, your majesty," Bertrand quickly followed the chase. 
Liam and Riley exchanged an amused look and continued their stroll along the beach, hand in hand. “Hey, Max, how did you convince your brother to come to the beach, anyway?" Riley grinned mischievously. 
“Ha,” I had to bribe him,” Maxwell shook his head, chuckling. “I told him if he would come out here that I would look after Bartie during the wedding. He was reluctant at first, but eventually, he caved.” 
"That's sweet of you, Maxwell," Riley said. 
"Yes, Maxwell, that's noble of you. It is good that you are looking after your nephew. You're a great uncle." 
"Thanks, Liam. I appreciate that." 
"Of course," Liam smiled. "What on Earth--"
Up ahead, as Bertrand pursued his son, the chase ended when he tripped and landed face first, with a splash, into the water. 
"Bert!" Savannah called out, "Bartie, what did I tell you?" 
"Sorry, mommy," Bartie said sheepishly. 
"Bertrand, are you okay?" Maxwell asked, rushing to his brother's side. 
Bertrand grunted, pulling himself up and wiping his face. "I think that's enough for today," he said, looking annoyed. 
Savannah giggled, "It's okay, Bertrand. Accidents happen." 
"Right," he nodded, with a look of disgust at his wet clothing. 
"Let's get out of here before something else happens." Maxwell chimed in, trying, but failing not to laugh. 
"I think that's a good idea," Liam said, suppressing his amusement. 
"Yes, I'm fine," Bertrand grunted as he stood up, soaking wet. 
"Let me help you with that, Bert," Savannah offered, handing him a towel. 
"Thank you, Savannah," Bertrand said, taking the towel. 
Maxwell helped his brother dry off while Bartie looked on, a look of concern on his face. "Father, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you fall into the water." 
"It's alright, Bartie. Accidents happen," Bertrand replied, giving the boy a small smile. 
"Come on, let's get you back to the hotel so you can change into some dry clothes," Savannah said, taking Bartie's hand. 
"Yes, good idea. Let's go," Maxwell followed behind, shaking his head with a smirk. 
As they walked, Bertrand turned his head back to Maxwell. "Did you see what happened? I could have sworn that there was a shark fin in the water. It looked like it was heading straight for Bartie!" 
"A shark? Really?" Maxwell burst out laughing uncontrollably. 
Damien, overhearing their conversation, grinned as he turned with William and walked towards Liam and Riley. 
"That was quite the scene, huh?" Damien quietly commented and snickered. 
"It was something," Liam nodded, as he bit the inside of his cheek, successfully holding his laughter. 
"It was quite entertaining," Riley chuckled. "Bertrand needs to come out here more often, especially with Bartie. He is so sweet." 
"Having his son and Savannah with him at House Beaumont has been a positive influence on him." Liam replied. "Bartie is just curious and adventurous. He's a good kid." 
"He's a little rascal," Damien laughed. 
"Maybe, but he's a cute one," Riley added. 
Damien stopped walking as he noticed Olivia and Drake up ahead at the hotel entrance. 
"I'll be right back," Damien said, making his way towards the entrance. 
Riley watched him leave; her brow furrowed in question. "What's going on?" 
"Well, I think Duchess Olivia has an admirer." 
"Is that so?" Riley asked, her interest piqued. 
"It would appear that way," Liam said, his lips curving into a knowing smile. 
As Damien approached closer, he saw Olivia and Drake locked in an intense discussion. He could not make out what they were saying, but he had a feeling that things were getting heated. 
"We should keep walking," Riley said, smiling coyly at Liam. "Yes, let's get out of here." Liam agreed, taking her hand and leading her further down the beach. 
"This is the perfect place for a honeymoon," Riley mused. "Greece is so romantic." 
"Do you see that temple over there, Riley?" Liam asked, motioning to a magnificent structure that rose up from the shore of the main island. 
"That's the Temple of Apollo," he continued. "It's one of the most famous monuments in Greece." 
"Wow, it's gorgeous," Riley breathed, awestruck. "It looks like something out of a movie." 
"The ancient Greeks were known for their exquisite architecture," Liam explained. "They used materials like marble and limestone to create these stunning monuments." 
"It's incredible to think that something so beautiful has lasted for thousands of years," Riley pondered. "I wish I could have seen the world back then, when these temples were still new." 
"Me too," Liam chuckled. "Although I'm not sure how I would have adjusted to a time without modern technology." 
"True," Riley laughed. "I can barely manage going without my phone for a few hours, let alone a lifetime." 
As they continued to walk along the beach, Liam regaled her with stories about the Greek gods and goddesses, and how their myths had inspired the Greeks to create some of the most iconic art and literature in the world. Riley listened with rapt attention, enthralled by the stories of love, betrayal, and heroism. 
"So, which god do you think would be the best fit for you, Liam?" she asked teasingly. 
"Hmm, that's a tough question," he chuckled. "But I think I would have to say, Hermes, the god of travel and trade." 
"A good choice," Riley nodded. "What about me?" 
"Definitely Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty," he replied without hesitation. 
"Wow, high praise indeed," she blushed. 
"It's no less than you deserve, my love," he murmured, kissing her cheek softly. 
The sun was beginning to set over the sea, casting a warm, golden glow over the beach. The breeze ruffled Riley's hair as she leaned against Liam's chest, her heart filled with joy and contentment. 
"Thank you for coming here with me, Liam," she whispered. "This means so much to me." 
"It is my pleasure, Riley," he murmured, holding her close. "I'll never get tired of seeing the world with you." 
He leaned in and moved a lock of hair behind her ear, and kissed her lips, as she melted into his arms. 
Daniel and Matteo’s wedding day... 
The setting was stunning, with the Aegean Sea providing a breathtaking backdrop. The guests were greeted with glasses of champagne, and Riley and Liam mingled with their friends and Matteo's family.  
 As the sun started to set, Riley noticed that Daniel and Matteo had not arrived yet. She began to wonder if there had been any delays, but as she was about to text them, the guests heard a motorboat approaching the shore.  
 Riley gasped as she saw the two grooms arrive on the boat, looking dashing in their tuxedos. The guests cheered as the two men disembarked and made their way towards the ceremony venue. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song as Daniel and Matteo walked down the aisle, arm in arm. 
"Welcome, family and friends, to the wedding of Daniel and Matteo," the officiant began. "We are gathered here today to witness the union of these two wonderful people in marriage. 
“Daniel and Matteo have chosen to write their own vows, which they will now recite to each other." 
Matteo nodded and took Daniel’s hand. 
"Daniel, when I first met you, I knew you were someone special. You are intelligent, kind, and incredibly generous. You have brought so much joy into my life, and I am so grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." 
Matteo paused and took a deep breath, his eyes glistening with tears. "Danny, I promise to love and support you, to be by your side through good times and bad, and to share in your dreams and ambitions. I will love you and cherish you for all the days of my life." 
With tears in his eyes, Daniel takes a deep, shuddered breath. 
 "Matteo, When I first met you, I never imagined that we would end up together. But every moment we have shared since that day has made me realize that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are kind, funny, and so very dear to me. Thank you for making me a better person and for loving me unconditionally. I vow to be your partner in all things, to stand by your side through the ups and downs of life and to love you forever and always.” 
After the exchange of rings, the officiant asks, "Matteo, do you take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 
"I do," Matteo replied, his voice thick with emotion. 
“And Daniel, do you take Matteo as your lawfully wedded husband?” 
“Yes, yes, I do.” Daniel smiled through his tears. 
"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom!" 
Daniel and Matteo wasted no time embracing and kissing each other passionately. The guests applauded and cheered. 
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo!" the officiant announced. 
"I love you, husband," Matteo said, cupping Daniel's face. 
"And I love you, husband," Daniel replied, kissing him again. 
The newlyweds made their way down the aisle, surrounded by their friends and family. As they walked, they could hear the guests chanting "kiss, kiss, kiss!" 
Finally, Daniel and Matteo obliged, stopping to give each other a long, loving kiss. Matteo lifted Daniel's hand in thew air and with the other he lifted a glass. Grinning, he smashed it down and yelled, "Opa!" 
Matteo chuckled. "I can't wait for our honeymoon." 
"Same," Daniel grinned. 
Riley smiled as she watched the two men walk off hand in hand. She turned to Liam, her eyes sparkling with happiness. 
"That was so beautiful," she said, her voice full of emotion. "They are truly in love." 
"They are," Liam agreed, his voice tinged with sadness. 
Riley turned to him; a questioning look in her eyes. "Are you okay, Liam?" 
Liam nodded; his expression somber. "I'm just thinking about the past. How could my life have been different if I had chosen you from the start." 
"But you did choose me," Riley reminded him, her tone gentle. 
"Yes, but at my coronation --," Liam began, his tone regretful. "If I had given you that ring, things would be so different." 
Riley placing her hand on his cheek, “we're together now, and that's all that matters. I'm so glad you came with me here," she said softly. 
"There's nowhere else I'd rather be," he replied, his voice low and husky. 
He leaned in and captured her lips, and she happily responded. 
Amidst the cheers and applause, the guests were gathering for the traditional Greek wedding dance. Riley and Liam were swept up in the moment, as Maxwell and Savannah linked arms with them as they joined in the dance. 
The music changed to a slower, more romantic song, and the guests formed a circle around the newlyweds. 
"This is called a Syrtos," the band leader explained. "It's a traditional Greek dance that symbolizes the union of two souls. Daniel and Matteo, if you will please take the center of the circle." 
"Now, everyone, join hands and begin the Kalamatianos," the band leader instructed. 
The guests joined hands and began to dance, circling around the newlyweds. 
"Great! Now, the bride and groom will walk around the inside of the circle, holding hands. Opa!!!" 
Daniel and Matteo danced around the inside of the circle, their arms linked. As they passed their friends and family, they shared smiles and hugs. 
"This is a wonderful tradition," Liam whispered in Riley's ear. 
"I know, it's beautiful," she agreed, smiling. 
The dance came to an end, and the guests broke into applause. 
"Thank you all for joining us on this special day," Matteo called out, his smile beaming. "We are so happy that you could share in our celebration. We hope you have a wonderful time and that you will join us for the reception." The reception was a beautiful blend of traditional and modern, with delicious Greek cuisine and a lively dance floor.  
"Congratulations, Daniel and Matteo," Riley said, giving them both hugs. 
"Thank you, Riley," Matteo replied, smiling. 
"We're so happy for you both," Liam added, shaking Daniel's hand. 
"Thanks, Liam," Daniel said. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we have a reception to get to!" 
With that, Daniel and Matteo made their way to the wedding feast, hand in hand. The guests followed, ready to continue the celebration. 
The newlyweds were soon swept away by the joy and excitement of their reception, and the party began in earnest. Loud music played and the guests danced and celebrated well into the night. 
Riley and Liam spent the evening talking and laughing with their friends, and when it was time to cut the cake, the couple fed each other a slice, much to the delight of the guests and then snuck off to take some photos. 
William pointed to the wedding cake displayed on a nearby table. "Look, Mama! Big cake." 
"That's right, sweetie. That’s a wedding cake."  
“Mama, you and daddy married, too?" Riley’s eyes snapped up to meet Liam’s gaze as he smiled tenderly, raising his eyebrows.
"Maybe someday," she said, winking at Liam. 
"Can I have cake now, pleeaase?" 
"Of course," Riley smiled. 
"Come on," William said, getting up from his chair, grabbing Liam's hand. 
"Okay," Liam chuckled, as he started to stand up to follow his son. “Oh Liam, no worries. I can take him.” 
As Riley started to rise from her chair, Liam tenderly put his hand on her shoulder, urging her to still be seated. Liam bent down and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek.  
William led his father over to the wedding cake, where they were greeted by an older woman. 
"Ah, King Liam." The woman bowed her head and dropped down to curtsy. "How can I help you, Your Majesty?" 
Liam graciously bowed his head in respect and placed his hands on William's shoulders. “My son would love to try some of the wedding cake, thank you." 
"Of course, Your Majesty. Would you like a small or large piece?" 
"Wait ... is the cake made of baklava?" Astounded by his favorite dessert in the world made into a wedding cake. He was ecstatic. 
Matteo overheard his question and leaned over, a grin on his face. "It is, actually. It’s my favorite." 
"Wow," Liam breathed. "This is amazing." 
"My yia yia [grandmother] made it herself." Matteo said. 
"So, would you like a slice, Your Majesty? She smiled warmly. 
"Please," Liam nodded, his eyes sparkled happily. 
Matteo 's grandmother first cut a slice for William and then cut a generous slice and placed it on a plate for Liam. 
"Here you go." She smiled proudly.
"Thank you," he said, his tone sincere. 
"You're welcome, Your Majesty." 
Liam took a bite of the cake and sighed contentedly. "αυτό είναι απίστευτο" ["This is incredible"].
"Χαίρομαι που σου αρέσει" ["I'm glad you like it"], Matteo smiled. 
"ο Βασιλιάς είναι ένας σοφός άνθρωπος" ["The King is a wise man!"] Matteo's grandmother exclaimed. 
"μιλάς ελληνικά;" ["You speak Greek?"]
"Έκανα μερικά μαθήματα" ["I took a few lessons," Liam admitted.
"Λοιπόν, τότε είναι διπλή τιμή που σας έχω εδώ! [""Well, then I'm doubly honored to have you here."]
"παρακαλώ η τιμή είναι δική μου!" ["Please, the honor is all mine."]
After the desserts were served, the band began playing a lively tune. Maxwell grabbed Savannah's hand and dragged her to the dance floor. Bertrand contentedly remained seated with Bartie. 
"Come on, Daddy," William said, pulling at Liam's sleeve. 
The woman's eyes went wide as she realized the little boy was his son.
"Θεέ μου ο Μάτι ο βασιλιάς έχει έναν γιο!" ["Oh, my goodness, Matty ... the king has a son?"]
Later in the evening, Matteo's grandmother approached Liam, as he enjoyed a drink with Drake and Olivia.
"Your Majesty, please give this to your bride. It's a family heirloom, and I want her to have it," the elderly woman said, pressing a small, ornate necklace into Liam's hands. 
"Yia yia, With respect, I can't accept this. It's too much," Liam protested, but the old woman was adamant. 
"Nonsense," she insisted. "It's a gift from me to your bride, for more healthy babies. 
Liam felt his face flush at her words and the thought of having more children with Riley. He swallowed hard and nodded. "Thank you, Yia yia. But I must ask why." 
The old woman smiled, her eyes twinkling. "Because I see the love between you two, and it reminds me of my late husband and me. You are a lucky man, Your Majesty. I hope you cherish each other always." 
Touched by her words, Liam gave her a hug and thanked her again. 
As Liam sat back down, he could feel the intense gazes of his friends look straight through him.
Laughing, and out of breath, Riley and Maxwell sat down from dancing at the table. "This was so much fun. I am so thirsty ..."
"Say no more, Ri. I'll be right back with refreshments," Maxwell stood up and saluted, in jest, and went to the bar.
"It's lovely to see you celebrate Daniel and Matteo's wedding." Liam squeezed her hand.
"They are so happy together." 
"They are," Liam said, a slight wistfulness in his tone. 
Riley caught his gaze and held it for a moment, reading the look in his eyes. 
"We're going to get our happy ending too, you know," she lowered her voice, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. 
"I know," Liam replied, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 
"And even if we have to wait a little longer, it'll be worth it," Riley continued, her tone firm and confident. 
"I couldn't agree more," Liam said, his expression softening, making a mental note to send Olivia a 'thank you so much' gift for helping Riley find her spark again.
"Besides," Riley added, a mischievous glint in her eye, "I can think of a few ways to pass the time until then." 
Liam laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're incorrigible," he said, his tone playful. 
"You know you love it," Riley teased, leaning in closer. 
"I do," Liam said, his gaze fixed intently on hers. 
Their faces were only inches apart, and Riley could feel her heart racing. She knew she could pull away, but she couldn't seem to make herself do it. 
Liam leaned in and kissed her soundly, the taste of scotch lingering on his lips. Riley closed her eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment. 
When they finally broke apart, their faces were flushed, and their breathing was ragged. 
"Come on," Riley said, her voice low and husky. "Let's go back to our room." 
"Gladly," Liam replied, his voice matching hers. 
They slipped out of the reception, their hands intertwined. As they walked back to the hotel, they knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other. 
Later that night, Liam and Riley were getting ready for bed in their hotel room. Riley had just finished washing her face and was brushing her teeth when she noticed Liam staring at her from across the bedroom. 
"What?" she asked, toothbrush still in her mouth. 
"Nothing," he chuckled. "You're just so beautiful." 
She grinned, her cheeks turning pink. "Charmer," she mumbled. 
Liam walked over to her and gently took the toothbrush from her. "Matteo's grandmother gave me something for you," he said, pulling the necklace from his pocket. 
Riley's eyes widened as she saw the beautiful piece of jewelry. "Liam, it's gorgeous," she breathed. 
"Here, let me put it on you," he said, his voice soft and husky. 
He reached around her neck and fastened the clasp, his fingers brushing against her skin. Riley shivered at his touch, her body responding to his closeness once again.
"Thank you," she whispered, her heart fluttering. "But I don't understand why--" 
"She told me it was for more healthy babies," he interrupted, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
"Oh," Riley said, her blush deepening. 
"Well, we should probably get started then," Liam said, his eyes darkening with desire. 
He pulled her close and kissed her, his tongue brushing against hers. Riley melted into his arms, her body pressed against his. 
"Yes, Your Majesty," she murmured, her lips curving into a smile. "We should definitely get started." 
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Thank you for reading, tags are in the comments. Please let me know if you would like to be added or removed.
@choicesficwriterscreations @thosehallowedhalls
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evewasheretoday · 6 months
Accidents Happen: Chapter 1 - Midnight Encounters
As usual, a new maid arrives to the castle and replaces the former maid who'd died.
This time, however, the maid is younger. Not even seventeen or eighteen years old yet. She seems lost, scared and afraid.
Which is understandable considering the place she's currently residing does not take kindly to anyone. Especially the staff.
But she seems to be doing alright despite the predicament she's currently in.
Green eyes wander around the dining hall as she eats her meal. It isn't long before she spots you staring at her that she looks over and raises an eyebrow at you.
“That's Eugenia” Maria, one of the few maids you've made friends with during your stay, whispers to you. “I've heard she hasn't even turned seventeen and yet she's here, working under Lady Dimitrescu” Maria shook her head with a frown. “I pity the poor girl” She says.
“So do I” You tell her. “But what can we do about it?” You ask her. “The moment we entered this castle and signed a contract with house Dimitrescu, we are trapped here” You sighed.
“We make due of what we have during our times of desperation, Reeda” Maria told you.
“Desperation” You scoffed. “Do you think all of us came here out of that?”
“No,” She shook her head. “But we all came here for a reason, no?”
There wasn't anything you could say to that because Maria was right. All of you, whom work here in Castle Dimitrescu, came here for a reason.
You shook her head before sighing again. “I suppose” You mutter.
Maria gives you a soft smile before patting your shoulder. “Don't be so downhearted” She tells you softly. “It is better to focus on the positive things than on the negative ones”
“You are starting to be very much like my older sister, Camelia” You muttered under your breath. “Thank you for reminding me of her existence”
“Do not speak of it” Maria grinned. “Because I may as well be her twin then” She teased.
You waved a hand dismissively at her. “I need not for another one of her,” You replied.
Maria just chuckled at the comment.
Surely things would be better sooner or later.
You never had troubles sleeping but the sound of pure silence except for the whistling of leaves outside the window was unnerving.
And the lack of lamps in your room did not help either.
You sighed before climbing out of your bed and going out of your room.
Maybe a walk in the halls would help you sleep, you thought to yourself.
“My my,” A voice behind you says. “Aren't you a bad girl, sneaking out at night?”
Turning around quickly, you stare wide eyed at the woman dressed in black silk standing before you.
“L-Lady Cassandra..!” You yelped, immediately bowing your head low.
“What were you planning to do?” She asked you, raising an eyebrow as she crosses her arms to her chest.
“I...was going out to for a small walk in the halls” You answered quietly.
“In the middle of the night?” She asks.
“Y… Yes, my lady” You nodded your head. “I was having troubles sleeping and I thought a walk in the halls might help me to sleep” You explained.
“Hmm” Cassandra hummed. “Is it helping you?” She asked after a while.
“Not quite,” You told her. “I am still wide awake as an owl in the night”
“I see,” She hums once more. “Would you like me to accompany you then?”
“That is very kind of you, my lady” You smiled gratefully at her. “But I'm afraid I must dec—”
“If you do not accept my offer, I may as well send you on your way with nothing but broken legs,” Cassandra threatened you.
You gulped as you slowly met her gaze with yours. “I d-don't see why I should refuse,” You stuttered out.
“Good,” She nodded. “Come then” She spoke, turning around on her heel.
All your head was screaming to you at that moment was to run away and hide.
But to where? You didn't know where you could possibly go. Any place you'll be in, they will find you. They knew this castle better than anyone else.
“Are you coming or not?” Cassandra questioned, turning around to look at you.
“O-Of course, my lady” You stammered out, momentarily biting your lip before you followed behind her.
Prey following its predator.
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The Taming of Man: chapter three - Dragon Shifting!Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
I'm pretty sure I'm starting to burn out a little, so while these chapters are only a couple days a part, the next ones might have a bigger gap. Still loving this so far, the plot is plotting, and I hope you love it too!
This is incredibly based on the song The Willow Maid by Erutan, I highly recommend giving it a listen for the best experience.
Warnings: Cursing, reader is She/Her and will be AFAB in later chapters, Shirtless Katsuki, hints at a toxic relationship between reader and her mother, slight misogyny
Words: 2,513
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The walk home was different than the walk back for Katsuki. First of all, it was nightfall, so he had to rely on his limited, albeit better than human, night vision.
Leaving Nebel was easy enough, all he had to do was walk in any direction and it seemed to teleport him right to the border between it and Leben, which was a lot quieter than before.
Schatz wasn't so glittery in the moonlight as the sunlight, making it easier to ignore (Despite his stupid lizard brain wanting nothing more than to build the shiniest nest), and no animals seemed to live in it, meaning less danger.
Eisen was a little taxing, because he had to climb up the sturdy and unmoving orange trees, walk on it's branches above, and then climb back down, but at least it didn't feel so eerie and liminal as the last three.
And lastly, there was Böse, the forest he knew well, as alive and bitter as ever. Home. He made his way past the clusters of Portobello mushrooms and thickets of thistles (the one he beat still withered on the ground), over the Acrimony tree roots, and around the rocks covered in Magma Moss. He could see the exit, the clearing of trees, leading to the back of his Palace.
He knew everyone would probably be asleep, or at least resting in bed, so as he made his way through the courtyard and to the royal kitchen door he tried his best not to raise any red flags. He crept through the halls, climbing lengths of stairs all the way to his chambers. He walked past his study, stopped at the bathroom to piss and replace his substitute shirt bandages with actual gauze, crept into his bedroom, and quietly shut the door behind him.
His room was dark and warm, if that made sense, his bedframe made of rich oak, his linen sheets parylene red, his shelves lined with books, a mirror framed in gold hanging above his mahogany desk, and the entire area being lit by yellow flames resting on candles. He sighed with relief, glad he didn't wake anyone who might have questions. Since he told everyone he was going camping, he'd have to explain why he was back so soon.
"Dude, why do you smell weird?"
Katsuki jumped, spinning around to see his personal servant Kirishima standing in his room preparing his clothes for the next day. Katsuki huffed and shook his head, gritting his teeth. "None of your damn business..." he grumbled, beginning to undress. Kirishima grabbed him his pajamas, which he changed into without another word. "Weren't you supposed to be camping," he asks, to which Katsuki borderline shouts, "Weren't you supposed to be minding your damn business?"
Kiri just laughs a little and finishes with Katsuki's clothes, coming over and patting his shoulder. "Fine, don't tell me, but I know a pretty girl when I smell one" he taunts, singsonging "Pretty girl" and making his way to the door. Katsuki tensed, his teeth gritting a little. "What the hell are you talking about," he mutters, trying not to give away the fact that he was right.
Ejiro turns around, an amused grin on his face. "Last I checked, honey and roses aren't a part of your natural scent," he laughs. Katsuki pursed his lips, face turning red and eye twitching a little. "...Don't you have more important things to do," he barked, evading the situation with all the grace of an elephant in skates.
Ejiro sighed, shaking his head with a smile and leaving. Katsuki relaxed a little once he left, settling into bed and getting ready to sleep. Damn it...he did smell like honey and roses. It was probably that stupid hug she gave him, all soft and close and relaxing...
He pushed his face into his red silk pillow, groaning loudly into it and squeezing his eyes shut.
Going home for you was easy, all you had to do was grab your things, go through the portal, and walk through the forest until you reached the palace. It was late, but not as late as it could have been, so you had to pay closer attention to the little rocks and roots that might trip you, even if they always seemed to move out of the way.
you knew from first glance that everyone was settling in, the courtyard lacking the busy and energetic sounds it usually had, and so you felt safe enough to climb back up the wall and waltz in to the palace like nothing happened.
"Where have you been," Ururaka whisper-shouted, standing in the middle of the courtyard and apparently looking for you. She had her hands on her hips, her brows creased as she stared you down sternly. "..." you turned around, moving to climb back up the wall. "Get over here," she ordered, making you wonder who the servant really was here, and you begrudgingly obliged. "You're lucky you got back when you did, your mother is looking for you! Do you realize how long you've "Been in the bath?" A very long time, (Y/n)!" You smiled, giggling a little as Ochako led you to your chambers and helped you strip to put on your pajamas. "What," she whined, clearly this who thing stressed her out. "You lied for me," you said blithely, putting your arms up as she slipped the silk nightdress over your head. Ururaka was silent for a moment, before relaxing a bit. "Well, yeah, what was I supposed to do? Now come on!" She yanked you out of your bedroom, the two of you dashing to the throne room to meet with your mother. You both slowed once you neared it, walking gracefully in and curtsying at where your mother sat on the center throne. She looked just like you, or rather you looked like her, with the same hair color and eye shape, the same grace surrounding you turned to regality surrounding her.
She glided down to you, taking you by the arm and beginning to walk you away from your maid and to the gardens. "is...something the matter," you asked, hiding your fear of the fact that she might have found out about your near-daily escapades to the other realm. The two of you stepped out, now walking among the rows and rows of roses in all colors. You loved these roses, how elegant they were, you even had them made into perfume, along with some sweet fruit blossoms that grew locally in the gardens.
"Not at all...actually, I have something to run by you."
Crap. When she wanted to "run something by you," she really just meant that she would tell you something, and then you'd agree. "What is it," you asked brightly, hoping not to let on that you in fact were not enthusiastic about this. "Well, you're getting to the age where...you see, when I was twenty I already had you and..." she was struggling to put things lightly for you, so she just came out with it. "Some suitors are coming by this week to...chat with you." Double crap. A suitor? Wasn't all this a little early? You supposed they must be eager, after all your kingdom was the only kingdom around. Any man put before you would be a grand duke at best, and the way things worked in your country, he would be brought up to be prince instead of you being brought down to be duchess.
"Lovely," you sighed, smiling at your mother to show how "happy" you were. She smiled back, taking your face in her hands and kissing your forehead. "My perfect princess...you always do the right thing," she said contentedly. "Yep..." you responded, nodding. what were you going to do?
"I think you'll find my manor to be quite satisfying to your needs, princess, although of course we have no female wait staff, so we may need to blah blah blah blah bladi blah..."
You smiled and nodded along, listening to a sales pitch as to who you should sleep with for the rest of your life. This was going to be a rough week. You might have responded, if the corset around your waist weren't so breathtaking. You remember being squeezed in to it, Ochako's foot on the wall you faced for support as she pulled the laces tightly.
You didn't mind the dress, a soft pink and cream colored gown with floral lace detailing and pink heels to match, your hair fixed in yet another bun, but it was uncomfortable as hell. Besides, you had plans! Your basket was currently sitting in your room on the vanity, containing the health elixir you would give to Katsuki. It was stupidly easy to make, using few and abundant ingredients, the hardest part being sneaking into the palace Enchantment Room and waiting for it to brew.
All that was left to go and give it to him, you'd finally be able to learn about the world beyond your realm! It'd be great, you could just feel- oh shit, wait, this guy's walking up to you now.
He took your hand and kissed it, looking up at you flirtatiously. You smiled with all the grace you could muster, taking your hand away as quickly as possible without alarming suspicion. "well, this was lovely, but I must go..." you looked over at Ururaka, who screamed "don't you dare," with her eyes, before looking back at the man and continuing to smile. "and attend to womanly things." He just nodded absent mindedly, it was the perfect trump card over any ignorant man, and watched as you stood and walked off to your chambers, practically gliding. The second you were up the first flight of stairs, you kicked off your heels and booked it to your room. No way in hell you'd be late, even if you didn't necessarily plan a time you knew this was an hour or two past when you left yesterday, and therefore around the time Katsuki would be there.
You had no time to change, so you just grabbed your basket, double checked for the potion, and began to run out the door. You slid to a stop though, pausing for a second. Quickly, you grabbed a little piece of paper, a pen, and quickly scribbled. "In the forest, don't wait up!" You didn't want Ururaka to worry.
You ran back out, out the window, up the wall, through the forest, to the creek, and into the water. You swam up, tossing your basket out first, and then hoisting yourself up. Once again, you were immediately dry, and you breathed in the fresh air of the ever-alive forest.
Looking around, you noticed Katsuki wasn't here yet, so you just took a seat on the stump. Bored for the first time ever in this place, knowing you could be interacting with a real life Dragonborne, you began singing. It was the same song you always sang, the song your countrymen knew so well. You never stopped singing, even when you ended the song, something inside you just compelled you to do it.
After about 10 minutes, Katsuki pushed his way through the brush, this time wearing a shirt and carrying a satchel. You turned to him with a smile, waving at him from your seat. "Heyyy Katsuki! I brought you the potion!" Katsuki made his way over, sitting down beside you. "Why're you so excited, 's not like we're doing anything fun," he huffed. You laughed a little, taking out the bottle out of your basket. It was cylindrical and sealed with a cork, the liquid inside golden and glittering in the sun.
"Oh but we are, you don't know how much I've been looking forward to this." You were that excited? For some reason, he found that a little endearing. He knew you weren't excited to spend time with him specifically, anyone could have walked through and you surely would have been equally happy, but it still did something to his cold little heart.
"whatever...So how does this thing work?" He took the bottle from you, surprisingly gentle, his calloused and scarred hands grazing yours. The sensation on your hand lingered a little, making your heart beat just a little faster. Why did he make you feel like this? He was rude at best, and yet something about his brutish nature made your cheeks heat.
"Well, you apply it to whatever wound you want, unless you're healing a sickness, then you drink it." You took the bottle back and popped open the top, the thick scent of vanilla and mint pouring out. His nose wrinkled at the strength a little, which was adorable, and wordlessly took his shirt off. He planned on putting it on those thistle punctures, and he needed to have his shirt off to do that.
"Do you always do that," you asked with amusement, this being the second time you've seen him shirtless and the second time you've seen him period. "Shut up," he grumbled, tossing his shirt aside. "Yeah yeah, what are you gonna use it for?"
Katsuki sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes to you. "What do you think? Look at my arm," he scoffed. It was true, the little holes were pretty gross looking, so you shrugged. "Well, hold still, it might sting," You said, to which he replied, "huh," before you applied it to his wounds with your fingers. "Hey," he barked out, pulling away from you. You frowned, pulling back ever so slightly.
"Relax, Ok? It's not gonna kill you," you said, gently coaxing him with your voice. He stared at you hesitantly, before sitting in a little closer and holding still. You smiled at him and got a little more of the potion on your fingers, gently rubbing it in to each of his wounds. He was wincing a little, so little you could hardly notice, but the punctures disappeared almost immediately as you healed him.
"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" You corked the bottle, putting it back in your basket. "Shut up! I was just surprised, because... because your hands are so damn cold!" He was clearly making that up, the sting definitely startled him a little. "ok, I get it, you're super strong and tough, now what are you teaching me today?"
"Just shut up already...and you're learning about the countries today." He opened his satchel, pulling out a rolled up map. There was one big circular mass in the center of it, with scraggly lines separating the borders inside it. There were perfect rings surrounding the very center, each one labeled with the names of the forest rings. You could see where he scribbled the words, "YOU ARE HERE," with an arrow pointing to the very center ring.
"Wow," you whispered, the way your eyes lit up tugged at Katsuki's heart strings. You really found this interesting, didn't you? He was silent for a moment, staring at your side profile, before quickly getting a grip.
"Right, So this is the Atlantic ocean..."
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Gosh, I hope reader doesn't sound stupid 😅 If she does, I hope you'll see in later chapters that she's really not. Anyways, please comment what you thought, I love hearing it! If you have any questions, please direct them to my Ask Me box :)
Taglist: @sky-angel101 @the-galaxy-fiend
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collinrobinsonsglasses · 11 months
Too Soft to Be a Pirate
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
Chapter 2: A Damned Man
Summary: Following the events of Season 1 Episode 2 of Our Flag Means Death. You've been on Blackbeard's crew for a year. You and Edward are secretly great friends. Izzy gets bested by Stede Fucking Bonnet and you try to cheer him up.
{Previous Chapter}
{Next Chapter}
With his spyglass in hand, Izzy fixed his gaze upon the ship Ivan had spotted, now stranded on the shore. “Fucking idiots” he muttered to himself lowering the telescope from his eye. Standing on the quarterdeck, he surveyed the crew, and his eyes locked onto you. You were helping Ivan prepare the dinghy for the trip ashore.
Izzy was surprised you had lasted a year on Queen Anne’s Revenge. You proved to be a hardworking deckhand, effortlessly completing your tasks around the ship. However, what set you apart from the rest of the little shits on the crew was your respectfulness. Unlike the pirates Izzy was accustomed to leading, you never talked back, obediently followed orders and treated him with kindness. That was the problem. You were too fucking soft to be a pirate and you made the rest of the crew weak. 
Izzy had observed that during raids, Ivan always positioned himself closer to you, acting as a protective shield against the stray swipe of an enemy's sword should they get too close. You returned the favor by assisting him in collecting gold teeth from the fallen enemies. On shore leave, if the crew went out together and you drank too much, Fang would carry you on his back to the ship. You were constantly doing favors for the rest of the crew, and even Izzy himself. The crew loved you, and were protective of you. There was no room for love on a pirate ship. Even though Izzy consistently recommended dropping you off at the nearest port, Blackbeard insisted on keeping you on the crew.
Blackbeard joined Izzy on the quarterdeck, his eyes following the same direction as Izzy's — towards you. "How's our little mouse doing, Iz?" Blackbeard asked with a smug grin.
Izzy’s demeanor hardened, feeling embarrassed that he had been caught staring at you. He grimaced at the nickname he had inadvertently given you the first day he discovered you aboard the Queen Anne. Ed now used the nickname fondly whenever asking about your progress. Surprisingly, it turned out to be an appropriate nickname for you. You were quiet and quick, very challenging to catch in a swordfight. Most of the time, you were relatively gentle unless the situation demanded you to be aggressive. 
"They're doing fine, Edward," Izzy grumbled to his Captain, rolling his eyes. "I don't know why you insist on keeping them on this crew. They aren't a pirate."
"They look like a pirate to me," Edward insisted, gazing down at you, dressed in all black. "They’ve made it this long, which I think is pretty impressive."
"They’ve made it this long because you ordered me to keep them alive, Captain," Izzy shot back, glaring at Blackbeard.
"You're right, and that's a standing order, Iz," Blackbeard whispered with a smirk, inches away from Izzy. He condescendingly patted Izzy's face before giving the order, "Go get us some hostages," and then headed back to his cabin.
You watched the dinghy as Izzy, Ivan, and Fang drifted farther away from your ship toward the shore. Then you began making your way to the Captain’s quarters — a routine you were accustomed to when Izzy wasn’t on the ship or when he was attending to other matters. 
In the initial few months of your time on the Queen Anne’s Revenge, your conversations with Blackbeard were infrequent, typically happening on deck during the quiet nights when you were on watch and no one else was around. You felt at ease around him, and it was evident that he was comfortable in your presence as well. As your interactions became more frequent, he invited you to drop by his cabin whenever you had the time to talk. You kept your interactions with Ed between the two of you, recognizing that this level of kindness wasn't extended to the rest of the crew. 
You knocked before letting yourself in. "Hey, Cap," you said sweetly, then settled cross-legged on your usual chair across from Blackbeard’s desk. He lounged with his legs up on his desk, occupied with the task of sharpening his knife. 
"Whose ship is that stuck on shore?" you asked curiously. "They have like four different pirate flags, and I don’t recognize a single one. I actually like their cat flag. We should consider stealing it.”, you said with a grin. 
"You would like that flag, wouldn't you?" Edward chuckled, rolling his eyes. "I actually don't know who they are. They have English hostages though, which wouldn't be a bad profit for us."
You observed as Ed’s eyebrows furrowed, deep in thought. You watched him fondly, and tried to guess the thought that was on his mind. “They have English hostages, but they also ran their ship aground?”, you asked, raising your eyebrows.  
"Pretty fucking intriguing, don't you think?" he exclaimed, excitement gleaming in his eyes. He stuck his knife sharply into his desk, leaving it standing upright, before continuing. "What kind of pirate has four different flags flying on their ship? That’s insane. It makes no sense."
You offered a nonchalant shrug, finding amusement in your Captain’s curiosity in this other ship. Over the past year, it was very rare to see Blackbeard captivated by anything. It was clear to you that the pirate lifestyle was growing stale for him. “Pretty fucking intriguing” you echoed with a smile. “I reckon that’s worth a closer look”. 
“See”, Blackbeard remarked with a grin, playfully wagging his finger at you, “This is why I like having you here. You don’t have all these irritating opinions about what a pirate should be. Pirates have no fucking imagination” he finished harshly. He got lost in thought again before mumbling “Izzy should take a page from your book.” 
“He’s just doing what he thinks is right”, you countered gently, “He’s only looking out for you and the rest of the crew... Mostly you.”
A mischievous glint appeared in your Captain's eye, a look typically reserved for moments when you stood up for Izzy. "How's it going with you and our first mate?" he mocked playfully, leaning forward in his chair. This was Edward’s favorite topic of conversation. 
After spending about six months on the Queen Anne's Revenge, against your better judgment, you found yourself harboring an undeniable crush on Izzy Hands. You were terrible at hiding your feelings, a trait that Blackbeard, Ivan, and Fang took great pleasure in teasing you about. Thankfully, Izzy seemed oblivious, likely preoccupied with the challenging task of navigating Ed’s ever-changing moods. 
After Edward discovered your feelings for his first mate, he seemed to find every excuse to force you and Izzy to spend time together. He ordered Izzy to teach you sword fighting and wouldn't accept no for an answer. While you appreciated the lessons, given that Izzy was an exceptional fighter, you couldn't shake the feeling that Ed was relishing in the chaos. You imagined these frequent lessons were only serving to increase Izzy's annoyance with your presence on the ship.
You playfully glared at Blackbeard, the lack of real anger evident in your eyes. "You're well aware of how it’s going," you muttered, "He hates me. And even if he didn't, he only has eyes for one person on this ship”. 
He rolled his eyes at your statement before playfully continuing with his teasing, “You've got weird taste in men. To be fair though, I shouldn't be surprised. The last guy you liked threw you off a ship.”
You shot him the middle finger, accompanied by a sarcastic smile. Deciding to leave before the teasing could intensify, you stood up to go. “I’m going to sneak back later to hear more about this mysterious ship stuck on the beach.” you declared. You left his cabin quickly, but popped your head back in. "I think we really should consider flying a flag with a cat on it," you suggested.
"Fuck off," he responded with a playful shake of his head.
When your three crew mates returned later that afternoon with an English hostage in their custody, you noticed Ivan with a hand over his nose, blood staining his fingers. Fang escorted the English officer into the brig, while Izzy headed straight to the Captain’s quarters. 
You rushed toward Ivan, concern painted across your face. "What happened?" you exclaimed.
"Some bastard hurled a massive rock at my nose," Ivan growled with anger.
You guided him below deck to help assess the damage. Ivan leaned his head on your lap, recounting the events of his afternoon as you cleaned the blood from his face with a rag and warm water. You listened attentively, as you always did when Ivan talked with you about his day. "Think it's broken?" Ivan asked after recounting his story.
“I don’t think so,” you replied, examining Ivan's face, “but I am not an expert in medicine or noses.” 
"That's fair," Ivan mumbled, appreciating your honesty. "I'll survive. It's not the first time I've taken a hit, and it won't be the last."
You and Ivan returned to the deck to join Fang. The three of you watched the distant ship slowly move off the beach.
“Well there go those fancy boys”, Fang huffed. 
“Shame we couldn’t murder ‘em”, Ivan grumbled, “Even a little bit of murder would’ve been nice.” 
You squeezed Ivan’s arm gently and offered him an apologetic smile.
Izzy walked up to join the three of you, eyeing the distant vessel. “Captain says follow that ship”, Izzy stated with a hint of exasperation.
“Oh, really, why?” Fang whined. 
“How should I know, the man’s half insane. Just do it”, Izzy snapped, yanking Fang’s beard closer to his face. “No one asked you to fuckin’ think”. 
“I hate it when he does that. It really hurts”, Fang complained, quickly moving away from Izzy. 
“You should say something about it”, Ivan whispered as the three of you headed to the opposite side of the ship, away from the seething first mate.
“Ah, What’s the point? I can’t believe that Blackbeard wants to meet that ponce”, Fang muttered angrily. 
“What a knob”, Ivan replied. 
You subtly smiled to yourself, fully aware of why Edward wanted to meet the man who had gotten the upper hand on his first mate. You playfully reached up to scratch Fang's beard gently, mimicking Izzy’s previous action but with a loving touch. “I’m sorry you all had a shit day”, you expressed sympathetically. 
You watched Izzy silently fume, glaring into the ocean, and cast a concerned glance his way. "What if I asked him to practice sword fighting tonight?" you suggested quietly, directing your question to Ivan and Fang.
“He might just decide to skewer you,” Ivan remarked with certainty.
"Oh very nice," you replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes. "Maybe a sword fight is just what he needs to blow off some steam. He’ll knock me on my ass like he always does and it’ll take his mind off of today". 
"It's your funeral," Fang added with a sly grin.
"Well, if Izzy turns me into a human pin cushion, I demand a burial at sea,” you joked, sealing the comment with a kiss on Fang's cheek. Then, you walked toward Izzy apprehensively. 
"Izzy, sir?" you asked in a calm tone, positioning yourself next to him against the ship's railing. His expression stiffened as he turned to face you upon hearing your voice. 
"Did those twats send you to mock me for losing to that fancy fucker at swordplay?" Izzy spat with venom in his voice. "I won't tolerate insults from a second-rate pirate like yourself, especially one who's shit with a sword."
“No,” you replied quietly. It was clear why Izzy would be defensive; you had witnessed the satisfaction Edward and the rest of the crew took in teasing him. “Considering what Ivan told me, It sounded more like an ambush, very unprofessional of them. If it was a real fight, I know you would have won”, you offered with a genuine but shy smile in response. 
For a brief moment, before catching himself, it appeared as if Izzy might return the smile. Izzy examined you curiously, attempting to figure out the game you were playing. "What do you want, then?" he asked, his tone softer than before. 
"Well, speaking of me being a second-rate pirate who's shit at swordplay… I was wondering if you'd be up for another lesson," you asked, your tone a mix of nervousness and humor.
“Fine”, Izzy responded curtly. 
As Izzy and you sparred with your swords, the scene was charged with intensity and focus. Izzy, confident and skilled, moved with precision and control. His eyes gleamed with sharpness, and every motion carried the fluidity of someone well-versed in the art of combat. In contrast, you were determined but less polished. You met Izzy’s moves with a mix of nervousness and eagerness. The rhythmic clashing of swords echoed through the air, the sound of steel on steel resonating across the ship’s deck. 
As you headed below deck to meet Ivan and Fang after the lesson, Izzy's voice called out to you, "You're improving." You felt your heart skip a beat. Turning around, you offered him a grateful smile before rushing off to join your mates.
Izzy watched you departing, a smile unintentionally forming on his face before he quickly composed himself. “Fuck,” he muttered, his thoughts circling back to what had been on his mind earlier that morning. While Izzy would never admit it, he had begun growing quite fond of your company. You seemed to possess the ability to see through people’s facades and give them what they needed in the moment. He had long understood why Ivan and Fang were so protective of you and why they treated you differently from everyone else on the crew. You could break down people’s defenses and make them feel safe. That’s why he knew he needed you off this ship as soon as possible – you were a liability.
{Next Chapter}
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